Zapier Automation For Beginners | Jerry Banfield | Skillshare

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Zapier For Beginners — Automate All Your Tasks Without Coding!


    • 2.

      Zapier Class Project


    • 3.

      Top 5 Time Saving Zaps on Zapier


    • 4.

      Zapier vs IFTTT 2020 — Best Automation Tools for Entrepreneurs Online?


    • 5.

      Zapier's Most Popular Zaps — What Can You Automate?


    • 6.

      Build Your First Zap with Zapier — How To Publish New YouTube Videos to Twitter


    • 7.

      Understanding Zapier Pricing and Task Usage — Which Zapier


    • 8.

      Zapier Task History and Zap Status Explained — Success, Delayed, Didn't Pass Filter, and Errors!


    • 9.

      Zapier Default Apps Overview and Filter Example


    • 10.

      Zapier Delay Tutorial — Wait For, Until, Or Queue Zap Workflows!


    • 11.

      Filter by Zapier Tutorial — Stop Zaps From Running and Continue If Successful!


    • 12.

      SMS by Zapier for Sending Text Message Notifications!


    • 13.

      Zapier Paths for Conditional Logic Processing and Advanced Workflows!


    • 14.

      Share New Wordpress Posts Automatically with Zapier to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest


    • 15.

      Send An Email Sequence With Gmail Via Zapier Without Using Email Marketing Software


    • 16.

      How To Publish Instagram Posts Automatically To Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Pinterest!


    • 17.

      Gmail Automatic Forwarding or SMS Notifications for Emails Matching Search with Zapier!


    • 18.

      Best Appointment Scheduling Apps and Workflows with Zapier!


    • 19.

      When to Automate vs When to Do Manually?


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About This Class

What if you could automatically publish new YouTube videos to your Facebook page, Twitter feed, LinkedIn profile, and Pinterest board? How much time would you save if you could automatically add new subscribers and customers into any email marketing service or sales funnel? You can do all of this and much more with Zapier. If you want to make amazing workflows with web apps such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Gmail, Google Sheets, MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, PayPal, SMS, and thousands more, you will love learning how to get started with Zapier!

In this course, we begin with an introduction of what Zapier is and how you can use it followed by tutorials showing how to automate specific tasks!

Meet Your Teacher

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Jerry Banfield

I create music videos and teach crypto!


YouTuber, Twitch streamer, crypto investor (100% $ICP), music producer, father, husband, gamer, and yogi sober in AA since 2014 as seen at

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Level: Beginner

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1. Zapier For Beginners — Automate All Your Tasks Without Coding!: What if you could save hours of time and energy automatically doing the key tests you need to online? That's exactly what I'm able to do today with zap here. Which is why I want to show you exactly how you conduce. Oh, it as well. Zap your dot com allows me to do, uh, tasks such as automatically sharing my YouTube video out onto my other social media like Facebook and Twitter. As soon as the video goes live. Imagine how much time I've saved because I've had that task automated. Instead of doing it myself, you can become absolutely superhuman looking to, ah followers. Subscribers online by having smart automation set up UN's Appier, you can save a lot of time and energy by automatically moving, for example, customers from your website over to your email list. With that beer, you can even have emails automatically trigger with sappier. For example, when I get a certain kind of email that matches the certain kind of words I put in the filter, I'm able to get text message notifications about that email, and I can even send another email immediately without having to write it manually. As a result, the possibilities are limitless as there's thousands of applications that integrate was Appier. The best thing is, you can do all of this without coding. You don't need to know how to write. Scripts are programs. You can do all this easily and zap here. I'll give you a basic demo of house. Appier looks today directly inside my count here, the actual zaps, as they're called running in my count. Now, if I get money on coin base, I get an email. I used the Gmail zap toe automatically get a text message notification. If somebody has sent me any kind of crypto currency on coin base, I have a call scheduling set up with Callen Lee. If I get a call scheduled, I immediately add they person to my email list and have text message notifications set up. As soon as that happens, Whenever I publish a new audio file on Soundcloud, it automatically goes out to Facebook and Twitter. Initially, it might not seem like the effort to go figure out how to automate tasks like thes. I remember thinking lots of times it's no big deal to just copy and paste a link from my new soundcloud file over to Facebook every time. Sure, it might only take one minute. What if it takes one minute and you do that action every day for something like me? I publish on YouTube every day. If it takes one or two minutes every day to share it on social media manually, how much time am I spending doing that? This one zap I have here for publishing it to YouTube, Twitter and Pinterest saves me a lot of time. Every year. It would take me just a minute or two to share that every time. Manually. If I add that up times 365 I'm saving hours of time by using this one little zap that automatically takes a YouTube video puts it over to my other social media accounts with tasks like this, where as soon as I get a new order on my website, I get a text message. I don't have to compulsively check my orders and see if anyone's ordered. That saves me a lot of time and leaves me excited to check my phone and see the new orders coming in consistently 2. Zapier Class Project: thank you for starting this course on skill share. The skills were focusing on in this course are both planning and noticing where you can automate in your business or your work online, and that creating the actual automation is themselves ins. Appier, for the class project where you please join us in is showing us what you've created in by taking a screenshot of a zap that you make after doing this class because you will be helping other students toe learn along with you. From what you've done, I will show you different ways to create zaps in this class show you popular zaps and you can expand that by taking a picture viewer zap that you've created and also explaining your creation process. Why did you need that? That What is it doing for you? That's valuable. How much time are you saving with it? Were there any difficulties you came into while you were trying to make that zap? How is it working for you now? This way we can give you feedback and learn from what you were doing. I appreciate the chance to serve you in this skill share class and I invite you to join us in the class project as soon as you've published your next app. 3. Top 5 Time Saving Zaps on Zapier: Are you ready to save hundreds of hours of your time by automating these five tasks that take up a lot of time and energy from digital markers and online entrepreneurs like me? I've been using zap here for years. I'm grateful for the chance to show you my top five time saving zaps because these will allow you to automate tasks that you're doing manually and to do one's you might already have automated, even better Number one automatic social media sharing from YouTube, WordPress and more. Wherever you're publishing content online, you should never be having to manually share when you write a new block. Post published a new YouTube video, etcetera. You can set up with sappier and I'll show you my work flows after I go through these. Five. The ability to have a soon as a new WordPress post comes out published that straight on all your social media accounts. That saves me a ton of time and energy, and I'm so grateful for, because for years when I first created content online, I just shared it manually. You might not think a minute or two or three or five minutes sharing your post manually takes much time when you publish a post every day like I do, That's hours. Every year I'm spending doing something that could be don't automatically number two SMS or text notifications at key success points. A lot of us set up online stores. We set up email funnels, we set up things that we want to succeed, and then we check them every day. Do I have a new order? Do I have a new lead? What you can do instead is use as app to set it up that when you get the action you're looking for, for example, on somebody buys a course on my website, I get a text message saying this person just persons, of course in your website that eliminates a ton of my time manually checking and trying to find orders. It also gives me that nice, positive reinforcement throughout the day, As I see this person bought that course, this person bought that course. This person scheduled a call with me. This also eliminates the need for me to check email, which we'll talk about in a minute. Number three Welcome and follow up emails for leads and orders. I've seen the value of having a follow up with people. Rather, I meet them in person, a networking event, whether they've just purchased a course of my website. That initial follow up is one of the best opportunities to deep in a relationship. A lot of us try and do this manually, and we often forget to do it or it takes a lot of time. You can totally automate the process of sending your initial welcome emails, which many commerce Softwares will do. What you really want to automate is that follow up process the day after someone bought your course. You can do this with email marketing software. However, with Zap here, you'll find you get a lot higher open right because you can make it look like you actually wrote it yourself. You don't have to have an unsubscribe button on the bottom of the footer, and Gmail will consistently put this in the primary inbox, which means those follow up emails we'll have a lot higher open rate and the welcome emails can have a lot higher open rate. If you send them directly via sappier, it looks like a message you just typed out and sent and Gmail yourself instead of having it automated and sent with an email provider. Number four forward emails to text messages and remove email from your phone. One of the biggest things you can dio to save a lot of time. It's your avoid being distracted when you're doing your most important work. Like right now, this is my most important work filming a new video course Every time I get distracted, it not only takes the time out of the distraction, but it also takes time to refocus. Remember what I was doing? It's like a computer if you switch windows, especially if you were doing something like playing a video game that's very intensive on the computer, it takes time to switch back to another window, and it takes time. Is the operator to remember exactly what you were doing and get back into high performance ? One huge performance tip that works for me and then I have been doing for years. I do not get email on my phone. It's too easy for so many people to send me an email. I don't want those emails popping up on my phone and then having 1000 unready emails that I look at as my wall of shame that I haven't read all these emails. What you can do is set up to get text messages for your most critical emails that you do want to check right away. For example, somebody just ordered. Or if a certain person send you an email, or if there's a certain wording in an email, then you can get a text message notification that, oh, I need to check that email right away. That saves a ton of time and energy, especially when you put all these together. Number five is you can set up an automation toe, watch prices and data online. I used to be big into investing, and I watched all these prices online every day. It took up so much time and energy. What I found is I could set up an automation to say if the price goes over, the point at which I decided I was going to sell just sent me a text message. I don't need to worry about what the price is moment to moment. I just want to know when the prices say over $2 I wanted text message because then I'll immediately go place to sell order or when it goes below a certain point, I want to buy it. This saves a ton of time and energy. Let me show you how I actually set these up. Here's the 1st 1 Why not you do this? INS Appier. Here's the basic workflow. To share your post automatically, you need a trigger action. You need something that happens in order for everything to follow that when I've got a new post and WordPress or new video on YouTube that automatically gets shared to my Facebook to my Twitter account into my Pinterest. Currently, there's not zaps for Instagram and for linked in. I prefer to publish manually on there because that can get a lot of additional reach. Give me some good back links as well. In articles, you can set this up with many different platforms. The key thing is to get this set up so it automatically goes out to your social media every time you post next thing order messages. What I've got is I use woo commerce on my WordPress website. Every time somebody places an order on my website, I have it filtered. If somebody uses a free coupon to take a course. I give out a lot of coupons to take the first course free. I don't need to know about that. And if that's the case, those have filtered. What I want to know about is every time somebody actually spends money on my website, I want to know the name of the person who bought whatever they bought and I want to know how much they spent and what they bought That way, I'm prepared to serve them to provide outstanding customer service. I'm prepared to check my email finding to to see if they have any questions. I'm prepared to ah, update the course based on what course they bought. This eliminates me having to check email and getting any notifications if there's somebody who just took a course for free. I also have my follow up set up this way when I get a new customer, when a person first joins on my website, I delay for 24 hours because when you first joined my website, you'll get three different emails from thank you for creating an account, your orders, processing your orders completed. What I do is I send an email 24 hours later that says, Hey, thank you for joining you, Teoh. Want to schedule call with me to get the very best experience? Because if I was in their position and I bought a course I'd like to get is close to the instructor as possible and to know that there's an option to schedule call if I send this via an email marketing provider. It often gets stuck in the promotions folder, and the re great is often 10 or 20% when I send it like this. The read rate is much higher, I estimate, because I can't see it this way. I estimate it's at least 30 or 40% when I'm doing the follow up like this. The last example I've got to show you is one of Rye gets sent money via this one service. I've got an email that will come and then I'll get a text messages. This way, I don't have to check my email and look and see if anybody sent me money. I just get a text messages say you just received this much money. It saved me a ton of time and energy versus checking manually For the last zap, I had a service called Watchett w a c h e t e. I would set that up and then I would configure that to notify when ah Price would change on something I had invested in then. Same thing here. Send a text message when the price hits a certain range. I'm grateful for the chance to share my top five time savings apse with you because the information I've just shared with you might be able to save you hundreds of hours for you up to do your most important work and give you the opportunity to spend more time with your family. Relax. Enjoy yourself. This is how I use that beer to save hundreds of hours of my time every year. 4. Zapier vs IFTTT 2020 — Best Automation Tools for Entrepreneurs Online?: Let's compares Appier versus if this, then that for 2000 and 20 and beyond. Zap e er and if this, then that or I f t t t. These both allow you to automate key functions of your business and your life online as an entrepreneur, Both of these can dio powerful things to save you a lot of time in energy, like share your post automatically to social media, send emails and a lot more. The question is, which one is right for you? Let's compare the two of these. Help you decide which one's right for you. If this then that is available almost totally for free is whiles appear, has a free plan. If this then that you could do a lot more with it, totally for free. That said, I f T T t is much more simple than sappier. You'll find ah, lot more limited options. You will find a lot fewer choices of what you conduce you and integrate. Still, if you just want to do something simple, for example, send an email or go share something on Facebook pages. For example, if we click on Facebook pages, we can see what you can do if you want to automatically share your new videos to a Facebook page posted an RSS feed. There's all these applications that you can use very quickly and easily on I f t t t. It's much easier to get started using I f T t t. Because off the simplicity. If you want mawr than doings, one really simple thing that you'll find the over 2000 apse that are available on sappier will help you to make the very best. Automation is for your business online. I use Appier for almost everything, and the only time I use I f t t t is. If there's something I can't do on Zap, you're There are still some applications that don't have the exact task that I want to do directly on zap ear. However zap you're generally has way more possibilities, and you can customize them a lot more If you look around, let's say I search for woo comma rece on i f t t t. Then they don't even have a woo comma rece app that will help me do what I want to you see , that means when someone buys on my website they don't even give me the possibility of starting an email sequence triggering notifications, adding to an email list. And that's the big limitation when using, I'll say if this, then that ons Appier. The big limitation is the learning curve and how much it costs. While Zap Ear is totally for free to get started, you will very quickly end up needing to upgrade and start spending money. I think the money is very well spent on happier, which is why I pay $49 a month to have thousands off different tasks that can be successfully automated with up to 50 different automation work flows. I don't actually use anything now on if this than that, because I find I have everything I need ons. Appier. The ideal formula is to take a look at exactly what you need and what you'd like and see if it's available on if this than that, because it's very easy to sign upping it started automating on if this than that, and you'll never need to pay any money in 99% of cases or for the long term, I would suggest zap ear offers a better long term solution. If you want to have a business that saves you a lot of time and energy with doing key tasks and follow up emails, get notifications. Then you want to put the time and energy and money into learning and using zap ear, and you might not want to even bother with using I f t t t. Because it could potentially just be a distraction for you. That said, both of these extremely valuable services, you can use toe automate different parts of your life, and there's a place for using both of them, depending on exactly who you are and what you're doing online. 5. Zapier's Most Popular Zaps — What Can You Automate?: Are you ready to see the most popular applications on sappier? Because this will give you a good idea off what you can automate. You will need an application to be available to actually automated. If the application is not on sappier than it will be difficult to automate it. For example, there's no application for Tic Tac, which means you currently can't do anything with TIC tac directly in zap here. Thus, the first place to consider in planning your automation is what applications can I use? Here's what people are currently using this says one out of 10 of the 2000 plus APS by most popular Google sheets. Gmail, Twitter, Slack Mail, Chimp, Google Calendar Trail, Oh, Google Drive, Active Campaign and Facebook lead ads. These are all applications that are popular right now on Zap ear because there's a lot of functionality and needed to automate thes tasks. For example, you can automate Gmail. You can take certain emails you get and put them in Google sheets. You can take certain tweets and record them in Google sheets. You can forward information from one platform like Twitter over to slack. You can take your mail chimp campaigns and publish them over to Twitter or record them in Google sheets. You can take Gmail activities certain emails you get and put them automatically in Google calendar or trigger calendar updates to email you at certain times based on what's on your calendar, you can use Google Drive active campaign and fees. It Facebook lead adds to do some amazing things. When you put all these together, for example, you can do Facebook lead adds to fill your active campaign list and then toe automatically send a file via email over from Google Drive to your new email subscribers. Here's a a lot more popular applications that you can get an idea of what's possible to automate ons. Appier. What I love. Automating our social media sharing tasks. I use the Facebook pages to automate. Whenever I've got a new YouTube video that comes out, I publish it straight to Facebook pages. I also publish it to Twitter. I have the ability to publish it to a discord server. I have the ability to publish it on Pinterest to send out an email when I've got a new video. When you've got applications like click funnels, you can forward any data you get over from click funnels toe other APS. I have application processes, for example, on youth E nowhere people apply to put their private label, writes courses there. These air recorded an air table and then send automatically via a text message notification toe. Let us know that there's a new application. You can put notes in Evernote and send that over the automation. WordPress has some great automation I use on WordPress. When I published a new post, I had an app set up before that would automatically put it out to my Facebook page. Now I actually have a direct integration with WordPress that publishes All my Block post out automatically, and that's so much nicer than manually sharing it. You can do automation that with things like QuickBooks online, Microsoft Excel, Zendesk, pa Dio un Bounce, surveymonkey zoom I have automation is with Zoom that are really helpful. You can connect some maps without even using zap. You're like callin Lee and Zoom will integrate directly Sumas, a popular meeting scheduling application. You can do things like create a new meeting and zoom automatically and then send an email with it. For example, if you wanted to, you could do something like when a customer places a new order. You could create a meeting and Zuma and automatically email them the link to join you and a call whenever they wanted to. Or you could use an application like Callin Lee. Whenever a customer places an order, you can add them to your email list and set up in automation with many different kinds of software to send the customer and email with the zoom link. That would be scheduled through Callin Lee, where they could schedule on Callie and generate an automatic zoom link. And then it will go directly to your calendar. These kinds of automation zehr absolute lifesavers and allow you to do a lot more when you set them up. You've got automation is with things like PayPal, where you can directly bring in and record information. If you need to. In any of these other APS, Google analytics, you can have triggers. The key thing to know is all of these APS can be used, either, depending on how they're set up as a trigger. For example, when something happens in Google analytics, that can be a trigger or Afghan and or act can be set up that you put something into them with a different app. You'll notice if you keep clicking, load more. There's an incredible amount of services here. Many I've never even heard off or used before. This can actually be a good place if you want to just browse and figure out what different applications exist to get to know all these applications. Many of these could be very good to make tutorials and try using, and I may be doing some more of this myself. You even have applications like Patri on that are included in here, which I've used before to take people from Patron and then bring them into over the rest of my business with the Patri on automation. These APS do not actually include the sappier. AP's Appier APS help you process what happens into these APS with automation. You have to use the data as it is or modify it based on what you want it to do. For example, you might get data in one format and need to change it into a different format. These don't include this Appier applications, which I will do in another video here. What I've done now is show you a idea of how many applications there are that you can use ons appear, while also, you will need to know that if it's not on there and may be difficult to use, there's also if your application is not ons. Appier. There are things like Web books that your application might provide that even though it doesn't have a nap, let's see if there's a teachable app on here. There is a teachable app. There is a think of a gap. If you're teaching online courses, is there a good job? Be app. There is a k a job. Be app. Ah, lot of services are on here, which is good. However, you can use things that aren't even on here. If you want to look at recently added, These also are brand new APS that on here that could be a good place to find new services that are just launching that you could do a video about if you're me or if you're wanting to try something new. I hope this is helpful to look at the most popular APS on Zap here to give you an idea of what's possible for you today, 6. Build Your First Zap with Zapier — How To Publish New YouTube Videos to Twitter: Are you ready to make a zap on zap here? What will do here is create a zap which will one finished produce automation. That gives us the ability to save a lot of time and energy according to how we set it up. It's a good idea to just play around with this and get to know how zaps work before even signing up and then toe look at your whole business and plan what you're doing. Where automation could help. Automation is a powerful tool. However, it is a powerful tool for both good and bad. It can create unnecessary work or problems. Thus you want to look at your task, especially that you're doing manual and see what you can automate to make this before I make his app. I have an idea in my mind. What I want to do when I used to do is just manually copy and paste all my YouTube videos or what actually happened. I wouldn't take the time to manually copy and paste them a lot, and at one point I said, I want my YouTube videos to automatically go out to Facebook and YouTube and Twitter wherever they need to go to help people see when I've got a new video immediately. What I do now is I've got a zap that automatically. When a new YouTube video comes out, it puts it straight out to my social media accounts. I'll show you how to make that zap now and in the process, explain the basics of creating a zap. We click first on make a zap zap ear dot com To begin, we choose an app and an event. The first thing you want to understand about automation on Zap here is that you need a trigger. You need some kind of action in a particular app to begin the zap. That's house. Appier knows that it's time to do something. In this case, we will search for the YouTube app. You need a particular app and you need a particular action within the app. To start the Adam Mation, we'll click on YouTube. I want the YouTube app when a new video comes out, that's the trigger. I want to begin this particular automation. We first pick the APP. Then we picked the trigger event right here. Click on the app these air the options. You may be frustrated sometimes that the app you have doesn't have the exact action you want. You do your best toe automate with what you've got on YouTube. These are the only four options village you can put in a trigger of a new video. When a new video comes out to a specific channel, then that action will be taken. If you want it by a specific user name versus the channel I d. These air basically the same thing. It's just how you enter it. You can also do something like a new video by search. You could put in a specific search string and then send that over on a tweet. You could put it in a spreadsheet if you want to keep track. This has new video by search. You can also put new video by playlist. Know that these are the only options if you want to do an automation with YouTube currently , what I do I click new video in channel because when I published a new video, I want the automation to share it. I click continue, then it will move me down to the next part off this creative process. The first part is I need to choose my count. You need to sink any accounts you want toe work with this. I've got my YouTube account already sink, which is pretty easy to do. You click on continue, then I need to put the actual channel and that I want it to pull from. I've already got my unique channel I d. And this is where I'm actually able to tell zap ear which YouTube channel it should look for. I need all of this just to get started. I click on Continue now. What I do is I test and review to make sure this is working. I click on test and review. Sometimes this can hang up or take a while. If everything's working smoothly, it should just pull it up like this. What is done now is it looked at what would have previously triggered zaps if this had already been set up, its pulled the data. It's got on what we can see. Here are different videos that I've recently published on my YouTube channel in the order that they've been published. This is an indication that the zap is working and the data we can use with it. I'll pick this first video on here and click done editing. What I'll do now is actually make the action I want. Take it right now. All my zap does is look, when there's a new video, it doesn't actually do anything. I wanted to now do something we click on. Do this and we pick what APP. We want to do something with all of the following steps in a zap are working with the initial data that was pulled from the trigger. Two. You'll see how this works in just a minute. I click on Twitter as my application because I want to put out a tweet with the new YouTube video every time a new videos published on my channel, I've picked the APN I need to pick the action event. This is the action that will be taken when the trigger happens. You can set up things like filters, toe control when it takes certain actions. The basic idea with this is what do you want it to do every time that particular action above happens, what I wanted to do. These are the only options for Twitter. I can create a tweet. I can add a user to a list I can update a profile image right concert users. What I want is to create a tweet I click on, create a Tweet click. Continue next. I need to do a select a Twitter account. Same basic process as above with connect whatever account you want to use it. Continue now. Here's where the real magic happens. I put in what I want the tweet to be using the data that I pulled from the YouTube video above. I know that you won't have anything else you can use to this without having some kind of filter or formatting in place. You have to use the data exactly as you get it, which can be frustrating. Sometimes it's automation. What I do is I do the following after you click on type er insert note. The I could type out whatever text I wanted, but that will be the exact same every time. What I want to do is insert data that is unique to each video and click on show. All options thes air, all the options I have to publish to Twitter. All of these. If it's not in here, then I don't get to use it. What I want to do is pick out the exact text. I want to come out on Twitter, and I do that by first. I start with the video. I like to just use the video title, and then I put a space in because note that right now, if I finish this tweet, all it would do is put the title of the YouTube video up. That's not very interesting. What I need also is the YouTube you are L. I put a space in there because as you'll see when you do your zaps, you have to put every single thing you want in the exact format. If I don't put a space, it would put the URL immediately at the end of the previous text. When I click on you are all Now what it does. It will put in the title of the video and the URL to the video, which is what I want. The final thing I want is an image. I want an image to come out whenever I've got the new video I click on in here type er insert, and this actually needs to be an image Video or Jeff, What I do with this click on show options and for YouTube, I want the Max Rez. You are l. That gives me the highest quality thumbnail. Then I've got the ability to take my thumbnail from the video. Put that in the tweet on. Then I have the title in the u. R. L. That is a nice automation because every tweet comes out different and matches exactly what's on YouTube. Once I've got that selected now, I'm finished setting this up. All. I have the option to shorten Buehrle's. I like to not shorten the girls because then it shows directly that is to YouTube. When I click on continue, I then have the chance to see what this will look like. The message that will be sent is the exact title. Then there's just a space with the YouTube Ural and the exact image. When I click on test and review, this will run the zap once with whatever data it already had input to show you if it's working or not. For example, on my twitter with the last video I put out, This is how it looked happier for beginners, automate all your tests when I wrote the tap's that before I had it say at with the YouTube , your l and I'm thinking I want to change that because I often put exclamation points then in my videos, then that doesn't look very good. I also dealt with the Max Rez you are l breaking It was not available for a while on YouTube. If any part of your zap any part of the data doesn't pull the exact same every time these apple stop working. Once you know that you can go through. If the SAP stops working and figure out what part of the data made it not work, the Max residue Earl is back up. Thankfully, as you'll notice the previous photo was coming out like this, it wasn't being sized correctly. It was putting these black bars on it, which looks absolutely horrible. And I need the Max rez you are l to get those black bars off your frequently encounter little details like this with your automation. And I'm letting you know now that with persistence, when you check it and figure out each one of these little aspects, for example on YouTube that you need the Max rez default. J. Peg, you are all to get a full image. You can always just test each different aspect of your zap until you get it looking just right. Sometimes you may have to accept less than perfection and just go with your zap running in a way that is functional because it's a lot better than trying to do so many different things manually. Once you're finished with it, then you click on testing Review or you can skip test. Now I'm ready to turn the zap on. If I turn this sap on, it will run in my account. And since I've already got another zap running, it would do it twice, and we don't want to to have duplicate tweets on Twitter, you also keep in mind some applications have a P I limits, For example, on Twitter. If I put a bunch of duplicate tweets out that could cause problems with my count, therefore, consider and test and monitor how your zap is performing after you've set it up to make sure there's no issues like that happening. The final step after you turned to your sap on is to name your zap. That way, when you go in your dashboard, you can clearly find it. I like to name my zapped by the applications used and the task, for example, I say YouTube video to Twitter, Facebook, etcetera. That way I know all the different steps in the zap. You also want to put your zaps in whatever orders most important, sometimes a specific part of his Apple break. For example, when I did this with linked in the linked in sharing would break, it would break because I would need to go re authenticate linked in if it put linked in at the beginning of this happen it broke, then it wouldn't share the tweet on Twitter or the post on Facebook. If I put linked in is the last step of this out. The zap would continue running and putting tweets out on Twitter and post out on Facebook even if the linked in step of it broke. You can just do this with individual platforms in order to avoid that. Or you can just understand that if any part of the zap stops working, everything after that will also stop working. I hope this has been helpful and showing you exactly how you can make your first step and sharing some lessons I've learned in using zap ear for years to automate my most critical or mundane tasks online. 7. Understanding Zapier Pricing and Task Usage — Which Zapier: Here's how plans and pricing work On sappier dot com, The free plan allows you to do up to five zaps for ah 100 tasks a month. Zap is the process you used to automate its where you put app together. For example, when I send out a new YouTube video, I use one zap to put my video out to Facebook, to Twitter, to Pinterest and anywhere else. A task is what you use when you actually do something productive ons Appier, for example. Every time you add a new user to an email list, that's one task. If I share a post from YouTube over onto Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest automatically, that's actually three tasks because it successfully published on Facebook, on Twitter and on Pinterest. The free plan is probably a good spot for you to start at ons Appier, because you can give it a try automating something basic and see how it works. When you're ready to move up from that, you will find the next plan at $24 a month, billed annually or it's billed monthly at the same right. It gives you 20 zaps and it gives you a lot mawr tasks per month. I'm sappier. You sometimes will have overlap. Where your email marketing software might be able to do the same thing is happier and to keep your zap your plan at the lowest cost. You always want to make sure there's not some other application that could do the exact same thing. Zap your does to minimize the amount of tasks you use every month. When you're planning your tasks out and you're zaps, you want to consider how many tasks each of these APs will use and how fast you need it to run. What I like and I'm using is the professional plan. This is $61 a month, or $49 billed annually. It gives up to 2000 tasks a month. It has Onley two minute update times, meaning these 1st 2 plans go a bit longer. They the only check for something happening to trigger the zap every 15 minutes. That means if I published a new to YouTube video on either these first saps plans, it would result in taking up to 15 minutes between when I've actually published it and when it actually is shared. This free plan also only gives you access to free zaps, whereas once you pay, there's a lot more options available on premium. What you really need is this professional plan to be able to do all all of the things that allow you to automate with style. If you want to just do something basic, like share posts from social media over, that can be good to do for free and can save you a lot of time for free. And I highly encourage that if you are doing ah lot with your business online, you'll definitely want this professional plan because you can use things like filters to reduce the amount of tasks that are used up in your zaps. For example, when I'm doing my new orders on my website, I don't need to know if somebody's used a free coupon and created an order. I don't need a text message every single time somebody signs up for any of my courses for free. I just want to know when somebody's actually paid, and I use a filter to ah, screen out that would be tasked the second time and to give me a lot more control. Sometimes the data you'll need is not in the format you want it in, and the four matters allow changing the data format. You get it in into a different format. For example, if you need something in a specific text format with no spaces, you could use a four matter to get rid of any spaces that are in the data you've got, or to put the data in something smaller. If it's longer, you could use it to parse through the data and give you ah, smaller, shorter text version of that, which can be helpful for things like text messages. If you need to do more advanced things, you want the four matters. And there's also custom integrations on this plan For Web books. This is essential if you want to connect with an application that uses Web Oaks but does not have an actual application ons. Appier. The custom logic is very helpful also on professional plans, because that you can tell your zaps to do different things based on the data you're getting . For example, if you have an application that brings you into customers email address and you want to send a customer who's purchased a $10 product, one email and a customer's purchased $100 product. A different email with custom logic. You could do this, given that that would take a zap. You could potentially do that in your email marketing software as well. However, if you're wanting like me to have specific outcomes, I love being able to say, for example, on a zap. If this person bought this, then I want a text message notification. But if they bought that, I don't want a text message notification. These custom pass allow for, ah, lot more detail and creating encoding the zaps. If you've got a team or a group of people and you want toe, have everybody be able to use the same Zap your account. I tried the team plan before. It was nice for having different users be able to create zaps, manage permissions. The team's plan has outstanding features. If you've got a group of people who all need to work together on zaps, it also has a lot more tasks. At one point, I had my business system set up so that it was using up a lot of tasks because of the way I was enrolling students on one of my websites. It was taking a bunch of tasks up every single time they enrolled in a course for free. It was using up a task, and that was part of what motivated me to try the team plant. However, I did downgrade from that because, as you can see, there's a big difference in price and it's better toe work mawr efficiently when possible. I have it now. If I need to give a team member access to a zap, I just have them signed straight into my account, which is not ideal in some respects, since you've got potentially personal information and customer information in there and you can control that in the team's environment, however, it is very functional. And if you want the ability to control certain zaps and have things be very easy and connect different APS among different team members, resource is you definitely want the team's plan on this plan. I have not used this plan before. It is just like the God level. I guess you can just do about anything on the company plan. Maybe I will need that someday. The purpose of explaining this to you has been help you see what the costs are was happier and how the billing works for it. You also can have more tasks each month. For example, if I want 20,000 tests without having upgrade to the team, I can have that on the professional plan. However, it's a lot more cost effective to simply upgrade, depending on how many tests you need to. The next plan on this one is $39 a month for 1500. Task went on this one. It's just another $10 a month to have all these extra features and then 500 more tests as well. Zap, you're the pricing has been difficult at various points for me to understand and to plan around it. And I hope this has been helpful for you to see how much happier costs and to consider in your planning, which you won't want to subscribe at 8. Zapier Task History and Zap Status Explained — Success, Delayed, Didn't Pass Filter, and Errors!: Are you ready to learn about task history in zap here, Ines Appier. Once you set up your zaps and get your automation running, your task history will show you what actually happened. With each zap that ran, it will show you the data that it got in the data that it put out at each step. It will show you if things have been filtered on it and we'll show you if it was successful or not. I'll show you inside of the zaps in my account to give you an idea of what your task history will look like and what you can learn from your task history. In order to find it, you need to go to the clock icon over here that says task history. If you want to understand that for your billing, what, you're actually using your tasks on going, the task history will be very helpful. You can also see the things they're working, how you think they are or how you don't think they are by checking in your task history. What will look at here is a few of the task that I have in progress when it says success that means it works. Every part of it successfully went through. Let's take a look at examples that I have a zap that takes my new WordPress pros on my website Blawg and publishes them automatically to my Facebook to Twitter to Pinterest. What it starts with is finding a new post in WordPress. You see the data in it says post status and post type published. Then, for the data out, it puts all of the information it gathered when it automatically triggered, including the title date, post I. D. Name the entire body of the post and lots of other data that we're not actually using in the Zap. It shows things like the thumbnail, etcetera. When you want to click back over the data in to minimize it, it's easier to go to the next step at the next step. We can see what happened after that, and each one of these check marks counts as a task that I'm using in my account. Well, not every single one. However, if it does something like successfully published then that does and it will show you which one of how many tasks were used at the bottom as we can see in the lower right. There were three tasks used for this sap, and that's because the trigger does not count the trigger. When it shows a green check. Mark shows that it works successfully. However, each time you do something like published a page, post or tweet, that will count as a task. Therefore, this one zap actually used three different tasks, which is important to understand for how many tasks you need for billing in this Facebook page. Post one, we can see the data we pulled in. It took the Facebook page. The link you are l and the message and the data it put out was a specific post I d. With Twitter. You've got the data in that I set in the zap that it should shorten the u. R l know and it has the message. Then it has the data out. It gives you the exact tweet you are, l it created and the date it was created. And the text Pinterest, You've got the link, the note and the image you are l and the data out you can see the exact link to the pin to make sure everything's working That's an example of everything going successfully in a zap . Let's look at a scenario where we've got a zap that's filtered. Ah, filtered zap means that we set up a filter that we don't want it to continue under certain conditions in this one, I got a new order on my woo Commerce website for one of my courses, and it was a free coupon. Therefore, I don't want text message notifications with those. The status says didn't pass filter because I set up a filter that I don't want a text message notification when someone uses a free coupon. When we look at the data for this, it says data in order created. If we click on data out, I would see all the customer information that was a part of that order. Next, all I see is this filter with a yellow check mark that says this filter successfully stopped your task. This means that I, while I had to trigger the task itself, didn't run because the fill tried set up. It shows me the filter number criteria on here, which is that the number was not greater than zero. The criteria have set up to continue is that the number must be greater and zero the amount spent must be zero. It was not, therefore didn't continue and therefore I did not use any tasks on this zap, which is good. That's what makes this automation valuable. Even though there's a new order. My filter blocked it from actually using a task when there isn't order that successful and then it will use a task and it will pass the filter Things like filters don't count for your task. Here is an example of another action from an order. I've got this woo commerce new order. Every time somebody creates an account on my website by placing their first order, the zap triggers for a new customer created. What I do next is I delay before the sap runs. When you first place an order on my website, you will get three different emails. One confirming your account with a password to with your orders processing three that your order complete it. I have an additional information that I want to send after that beyond what I've already included in the initial emails. However, I don't need to send that immediately. What I do is as soon as I see a new customers created I weight one day. Then this task has not sent yet because it hasn't been a day since the new customer actually joined my account. Once the one day is up, this task will proceed and it hasn't used the task yet. I could still cancel it if I wanted to. Once the 24 hours since the customer created, their count has passed, which will be in a few hours. Then it will go through and do the final step of this zap which is to send an email saying hi. Thank you for joining my website. Why don't you schedule a call for me? That'll come 24 hours after someone signs up. That's an example. Off awaiting task We've looked at success filtered and waiting. These are the main status is you're going to see unless you're zaps, have errors if you have an error which I don't have any Zeps for quite a while. That have errors because I've make sure toe work all the errors out of my zaps. You can check your zaps by specific status, for example, You can look over here. I could pick stopped error. I don't have any task that have stopped and mirrored for quite a while. If you look at the default filters, I I don't have any that have done that. You can search everything here. You can search for success on Lee. You can search for filtered on Lee. You can search for stopped. You can search for waiting. You can see all the task that you do have in progress. You can see waiting schedule. Don't have any that you can see waiting delayed. The idea of this is to see each step. Now, if you've got some zaps that are having errors, what you do is you click on and read the error message at which step. For example, if you're putting in a zap toe, add somebody to your email list and they put in an email that doesn't look like it's a valid email address. Rogan Error and the error will say invalid email address. If one of your accounts disconnects, for example, my linked in account used to frequently disconnect before I have my friend Michelle manually published post to it the linked in account, one error and say that the count needed to be reconnected. I would get an error in my status and they'd say the account connection is no longer active . Please reconnect account when you get in there. ARer just go check the error. Read the status meshes. Most of the time it's self explanatory, and you can fix it. If it's not, you can contact zap your support. There's a button right next to the error message. You can contact support and ask, Hey, what's going on with this error message? You've got a good look at the task history now, which I imagine will be helpful for you to dive into what's actually going on when you're zaps, are running to see what your zaps air actually doing and did to be successful building the best automation in happier 9. Zapier Default Apps Overview and Filter Example: Are you ready to learn how to use these Appier APs to enhance the functionality of your automation in zap here? What will look at is how to use applications that are already built into sappier in order to greatly expand the functionality you have by using third party applications, such as bringing data in from the YouTube AB, Facebook app, Twitter app and email marketing up etcetera. These applications on zap ear are about half of what I use in my own automation. For example, several of my zaps are using the SMS buys Appier. I use that to send myself a text message. When I get things like a new order, you can use things like the filter application to help you process the data you get and turn it into something more useful. For example, if you have a question for mature doing, you can include a question on it that says, Do you want to join my email list? And if someone says yes on that, then you can filter out everybody that says no and just put the people who say yes onto your email list. You also have absolute like past buys Appier, where you can split your automation based on what is happening in the data, for example, you could say if somebody says no, you could take a different action and send them a follow up email And if they say yes, you could just add them onto your email list. This is accessible by searching for zap ear in the apse, or to see the different APS buys Appier. Or you can just search for what you need and the absolute come up while you're making a automation. Let's show you how to use this in real time. As we make a zap, I'll start off with the idea of what I want to accomplish. In my mind. Let's say, for example, I want to find YouTube videos that come out on a specific subject and put those into, ah, spreadsheet that I then can track what people are making on this certain subject. Let's click on Make Zap with this to begin, we will pick an app and an event. In order to do this, I will type my app. Here's YouTube. I'll click on YouTube and I'll click on the trigger event. I will put in a new video by search here that will allow me to find the exact search result I want. I will put my YouTube channel in here. Click on. Continue now when I need to do is put in What exactly am I going to search for? Let's say that I want to know every single thing that comes out about Zapp here to help me make the very best course I put Zap e er in. Now I hit. Continue. I can test and review this to see what it looks like. I'll hit test and review to see if it gives me any kind of data for this. It will show me here the exact video. Now I can look and see the exact kind of data I could expect to get out of this zap. You'll notice this is all the information I have toe work with. I can also narrow it down to specific channels if I want to. I'm already getting automatic searches right here. This is great. What I'm ready to do next is click on done editing. Now I want to filter this by certain channels. I could filter it by anything else. I can come up with that, I can filter out of the data. This is very important to consider beforehand. If you want to be able to really filter the data effectively, you need to know exactly what data you've got toe work with in that particular zap for this , let's say I just want videos longer than 10 minutes that I want in depth tutorials. I don't want, for example, this video's 52 seconds. That's probably not going to show me something I don't know. I can scroll down here this video seven minutes. That might be good, but let's I just want to keep an eye on people who are putting out in depth videos that I might be able to learn from. And then I can see who's doing the most detailed Zap your tutorials. What I will do to do this as click on the choose app and I'll do filter buys Appier as I'm setting up the filter Now, I need to pull in the exact right data, and this is all the data I've got to work with. This is the exact data I need in order to do this. Details, duration. That's what YouTube gives me that shows me how long the video is. Now I've got these different options and this you want to learn about how each of these works, which is why I'll explain it to you know you've got data has to be in certain formats. It can be in text, format numbers or date time. If your data is not in the exact format you need, you may find it difficult to set up the automation, which is why you want to make sure that it has what you want in it. What I can see is I've got a date time. This is not necessarily looking like it's going to do what I want, because this has date time after or before. I'm not sure if that is exactly what I'm going to be ableto work with effectively to see if the video is longer than 10 minutes because it's just date time before after, If I click on daytime after and let's say I want to do 01 minute so I'll do 01 minute here . What you can do is test this out to see if it actually works and check on the sample data that is good because it is working. Sometimes the only thinking do to be sure if it'll work is just try it now. This one has this details duration here. At three minutes, you can see it's matching it correctly. Let's change this to four minutes to make sure it's working. How I think, Ah, click on. Continue now. This one did not match. That is very good. That is showing me that my filter is working the way I think it should work. It shows longer than four minutes. Good. Now I can put this into 10 minutes. I want videos longer than 10 minutes. I click on Continue. It shows me the details duration, and I'm checking. It says it would not have continued, and I verified it would have continued if I put it down, which means the filter is operating correctly. I click on done editing. Now I have the chance to put this into something else I might find useful. What I can do is put this into I could put it into an air table spreadsheet. I could put it into a an Excel spreadsheet. I could put it into Google sheets. I could put it into Google Drive. There's I could put in a word document. There's lots of different options. Let's say for this one. I want to do air table because I've already got that set up. I've got the air table app. Now What I need to do is click on Create Record that will make me a new entry and whatever spreadsheet I've got, I click on. Continue now. I need to pick my account. I've already got the air table account here. I click on Continue again. Now I need to pick exactly which one and exactly which table. Let's say, for example, I've already got this videos spreadsheet that I want to put it in, which is what I actually use to fill my new videos. Then what I can do is then put it into I've got this base for videos. I've then got this video's here. I put it into each of these. Now I could add a new entry every time automatically into my spreadsheet. I used this spreadsheet when I need some ideas or some inspiration for what kind of video to make today, and I can literally set up in automation to just put videos. Other people are already doing automatically when they come out that are longer than 10 minutes to give me a list of what other people are already doing and to inspire me. Imagine if you put this on a certain hot search term or the exact right phrase you wanted. You could see exactly what other people were making and have a spreadsheet toe look in every day that would have a complete list of those as they came out. What you need to do to get this toe work, as you need to match every field up to what you wanted in your spreadsheet, for example, I would take on this one. I would take the title from the YouTube video and put it in the name folder than in the notes. I really to do this would set this up with a specific girl field, and here I can just put the notes field with the U. R. L. Then for the count, I can put something like the exact length of time if I want to. I can click on show all options. I can see the details it's using, even though the filter wouldn't have continued its still using the sample data that it's got. As I continue through this, I could just each of these fields to exactly how I wanted it to. I could click on, continue and tested to see if it actually adds a record into my spreadsheet. I've got this set up in air Table to allow me then to click done on it, which means I could look through all the new video ideas very easily, hit the check mark for done on the APP idea that each single video that got put in here I could review it and click on done or reviewed, and then it would filter it out of the table in air table. That way it could have a running list of videos on a certain subject. Click on Don every time I looked over him, for example, if there were videos and other languages that I didn't speak, I could just click done and remove those. There's probably some way to set up automation to do that, However, for this, the way I've done it, it doesn't have the language. YouTube does not give you the language. The video is in, unfortunately, and for something like that. I could just, really easily click the ones in different languages. Click on Done. Or it could revise my search query to try and get something that might have more specific searches. For example, I could put something up here in the search terms. I could call it Zap Ear tutorial. Then when I call it sappier tutorial and I click on continue, then I get much different videos in Click on Test and Review. Then I'm likely to get zapped here to Troy's. Here we go. This is integrating Zap here, that's in English. We scroll down here English. Now I'm getting videos that air specifically zap ear tutorials. Even though this one doesn't say tutorial in it and is not saying it in the title, I guess it is saying it's somewhere in the description because it is pulling it just off of search data. What you can do as you're planning out your automation and you start working with it is you can just see what happens. Notice the data and then adjust your zap to give you the exact right information you're looking for. This will allow you to make powerful automation with almost any data that's coming out online, and this is a great example of how you use the built in applications like a filter as a part of creating a workflow like this. 10. Zapier Delay Tutorial — Wait For, Until, Or Queue Zap Workflows!: Are you ready to learn how to use the delay? Buys Appier App in the Zepp ear. What will do here is show an example workflow, where you can delay the zap from running. This would be really helpful for email automation, especially where you don't want the email to send immediately. As soon as you begin, however, you might want to wait for the email to send and then send it the next day. What we'll do is look at that right now. I'm starting off in zap here, setting up an example zap with you here to show how to do this, you can trigger this off of many different start points I usually triggered on my website off of a new order in woo commerce. However, you can put your orders into a spreadsheet, which I've done as an example to keep my customer data private. You can also do this from any kind of email. Sign up any workflow where you've got a trigger where something is coming in that needs to be delayed. To do this, I picked the Google sheets app. I used the new spreadsheet row trigger Click Continue put my Google sheets account in Click Continue to pick the spreadsheet. I Go here. Pigs. Appier Examples picked the worksheet orders here. This an example off the data. I will get out of an order on my website. I hit test in review. I see this data I put in just specifically for examples. Next, in zap ear, I click on Do this. I search for DeLay. I get the delay by zap your app. I click on DeLay buys Appier. Now what I have. I have the following options. I can delay four Aiken DeLay until I can delay after Q. What I'm able to do and this is pick how long I wanted to wait for. Based on different conditions. I can have a delay until if, for example, I haven't event coming up and people are signing up in advance. I can wait until, let's say, a day before the event to send the specific message. If you've got something like an email sign up for a new order, I just want to delay four, based on however long it was since the order was done. Delay after Q. You can get some more options with that that I haven't used so far. You click on DeLay four for an email funnel or something like an order where you might want to wait 24 hours or an hour or whatever it is to follow up with someone I like following up the next day. Because when someone orders they already get a slew of e mails, then I send one the next day to say, Hey, how you doing? Here's how to get some help. You got any questions, etcetera? What you do next After you've clicked on the delay four, you'll pick a time to delay form. You can pick it from the data you've got and you can put the value you want delayed in here . I will type in. Ah, you need the unit to figure out what value you want first. Therefore, you pick the time delay unit down here. I like to pick one day. I pick one day. I just put one day in here That gives me when somebody's ordered. I follow up with them the next day. I click on Continue now I've got it set up where the zap will be delayed for one day. That means if someone orders today. Then it will wait to do anything else for 24 hours. Any step I add in after this, for example, let's say I want to add somebody to my mail chimp list. What I do is I had people directly and send emails straight from Gmail so they avoid the promo folder, and I don't have to have an unsubscribe link. Then I just use Gmail like that and send an email. This means whenever there's a new order or whatever condition. If you manually put leads into a spreadsheet as soon as that is triggered it away. 24 hours. Dental. Execute this next option. When you've got that delay built in, you can do this repeatedly. For example, I have a new order. Come in. DeLay for a day. Send an email. Gmail go over here again. Hit DeLay buys. Appier Weaken. Do the exact same thing over again. DeLay. Four. Continue DeLay for one. I just want one. Don't need any more data in there. Time delay. Four day. I can even delay. Let's say I want to do it. A week after the last email, I could delay for seven days. Now I click continue, and then we can move forward from here. It says Step three needs some attention so it won't let you actually build this out until you've built this step out completely before. What you can do is set up a whole email funnel or experience for your customer based on one thing. DeLay, email, delay, email, delay, whatever you need to do, you can have a series. You can even send text messages, for example, for your customers give you text messages you could send out, for example, initial confirmation text Right afterwards. Delay, email delay, text. You can make some amazing work flows with this. I appreciate the chance to show you how delay works in zap here, and I hope Zell form building amazing automation. 11. Filter by Zapier Tutorial — Stop Zaps From Running and Continue If Successful!: Are you ready to learn how to use the filter function ins Appier To control your automation Work flows when you've got data where sometimes you want to take action and sometimes you don't. Here's a real life example for me. When somebody orders a new course on my website, I want to send them a message if they've actually paid, that may be different or that I don't want to send if I gave them a free coupon and they enrolled for free, and this scenario will do an example where I filter out people whose order is zero or greater than zero. I keep that going. I do this with text message notifications where I don't need a text message notification if somebody just took a course for free. But I do want one if they've actually paid, and I've got a paying customer service. Let's show you how to set this up and use filter buys. Appier. I started doing this with a new spreadsheet, Wrong Google Sheets for your trigger. If you've got an online store and you're wanting to make something similar, it might be a new order on your website. You can do this with Leeds, for example, if you get an email, you can filter out certain kinds of emails. There's all kinds of things you can filter. The key is you need to start with a trigger. What I've done as I've used Google Sheets with a new spreadsheet row. If I was doing rue commerce, I do woo commerce with a new order. Instead, for this workflow, I put my account in a customized spreadsheet row with my zap, your Examples spreadsheet and my orders. I get a sample. Look at the data. Here's an example of what my data contains. It's got the name of the course first and last name, an example, email address and the amount paid. What I want to do is filter it to prevent my zap or automation from continuing. If the amount is zero, because other spreadsheets, other entries on here will have, for example, 1998 and that scenario. I'd like to get a text message when there's an order for that much, but I don't want to get one if it's zero. What we do is go use our initial order data or whatever data we want to pull in. Then we filter, we type in filter pick out filter buys Appier. The key thing is in this first row to put what we want to filter on, you can only use the data you've already brought into your existing workflow. In my case, I've used an example Order spreadsheet. I pull in the total. The total is a number, A dollar amount. And what I want to do is put in number greater than zero. I have number greater than zero, and that's what I want to filter on. If the numbers greater than zero, I want to continue in this example where I would send myself a text message notification if there's a new order, If you've got other data, you can filter it. For example, somebody's given you, ah, phone number you could filter out if the fields not blank. You could then continue their work. I had continue on here and zap would have continued. I use the sample data and since it is greater than zero, it will continue in this field. I can test it out with different data if I want to, I can scroll up here and switch the data that I'm going to use for this. Click back up. Click on spreadsheet row F. Click. Done. Now this one has a zero Mt. Let's see if this one would work successfully. It's got filter buys. Appier Filter set up in testing. Let's had continue. Perfect. This one would not have continued because it was zero. I now verified that this filter is working the way I wanted to. And I'm ready to make a workflow going forward where it on Lee has the successful entries. Oh, it Onley will continue with ones where it has a value greater than zero if the first action is triggered and the values not greater than zero, if the value is zero or negative, then it will stop right here. And whatever actions I put after this, it will not do those that will only do them for the successful entries. 12. SMS by Zapier for Sending Text Message Notifications!: Are you ready? Learned how to set up text message notifications with's Appier. You will find this extremely helpful if you want to avoid compulsively checking things and instead just get notifications when something needs your attention. For example, what I do with the text message notifications on Happier. I send myself a message automatically whenever I get a new order on my website. That way, I don't need to go check my dashboard old time. I just get a little text message whenever someone pays for an order you can set filters up if you need to screen the text messages you get if you're finding their certain things you don't need to know about, but there are some you do. In order to set this up, you need a trigger for new order notifications you can put in whatever. For example, will commerce for using that is re commerce solution on WordPress. If you've got another source where you're getting new orders like PayPal or stripe, you can connect those in. If you're putting your new orders in a spreadsheet, for example, Google Sheets, you can pull those in what you do if you need a filter or something else to process the data and not send every single thing is a notification. For example, if you give free coupons out, you can filter those out so that you only get notifications when you've got a paying customer, which is what I do. The last step on this workflow is to send an SMS. You pick the SMS, buys Appier app and pick the action to send a message. You sink your phone number up, put your phone number in, get the message from Zap ear to verify your account. Then you pick what number you want. The zap notification to come from. I just picked random, and then I add all of those numbers that zap your sends from into my contacts. That way, I know it's a message from Zap ear when it comes to a non of random number. The key thing to do once you have the SMS set up is to write your message out in a way that makes sense to you. What I like to do is start out with something like, I write my messages like success. There was this video game I used to play online where if you successfully whacked someone ended. It said, Success that bum swimming with the fishes And I still like that. I start my messages out with something to get myself excited, I write success. Then I used the data from my new order, which I've gotten as an example for you. Here I put in the first name now known on this. You'll need to completely control every part of the message, including spaces. I put success than whatever the first name of the customer is last name of the customer hit space. Then I put what they ordered first success Mr Man bought. Then I go in and put the name of what was ordered email marketing course four. Then I put in the exact dollar amount they paid that way. I know what I'm expecting now, the way this zap is set up, technically, this notification wouldn't come through because it's for $0. However, if I change the data on it, if I go up to find data in this step, pick a different spreadsheet row. We now have Steve Gates with his 19 dollar 98 cents order. This comes back through and the message is empty on this one because it would have been filtered. So we customize the SMS here. Now this would be successful and go through it. Say success. Steve Gates bought the YouTube course. Zap your course for 1998. How cool is that? You can see how it looks. If I changed the data again, you'll see that it customizes exactly what you want to know about this one. Avery shower. $9.99 on this order. Go down here. The text message will say this success. Avery shower with the space in between, each word bought YouTube course for total 9 99 I can add any other information I want in there. I get little text messages like this all day when people are ordering. I find it's great for just being grateful for each one of my customers and enjoying the process of my business. I look forward to getting those text. You can also set SMS notifications upto watch prices of things online. You can set it up when the customers take certain actions like sign up for your email list . You can get very creative with the text message notifications using the basic system you've got right here and you can have a lot of fun with this, I hope. Wish you success in getting text messages with exciting information about what's happening with you and your business online. 13. Zapier Paths for Conditional Logic Processing and Advanced Workflows!: Are you ready to learn how to use paths in zap ear to conditionally run zaps in different directions based on conditions you've set? This is very powerful automation because you can do some actions when Akins addition exists , and then you could do something else. When there's a different condition, let me show you an example here, off a scenario where I can send different emails based on what customers do on my website. I'm using this zap to start with by having an example Google sheet that is, containing orders. Sample orders from my website. I click on Choose App. I've got the Google Sheets new spreadsheet row, which samples the effect of having someone place an order on my website that I would get with blue commerce without having the share actual customer data. I've got that set up. Then I'm able to send different email messages, text messages, whatever I can automate based on what the customer's order in this example, I'm going to show you splitting my workflow based on how much a customer paid. Let's look at Path A. You can actually add mawr than one path. You can add three different pats. What I can do with this is I can have a zero path. I can have a path that's greater than zero and less than 200 then I can have an over 200 path essentially for the superstar to place the highest orders on my website. Let's take a look at each of these pass and see the different steps on path. They will call this the free path. This is for people who use a free coupon on my website and that I want to send the email based on they didn't buy anything. And now I want to start selling them something. I look at this one and the rule for this. The rule is where I'm going to decide how people get on this path. Let's take the total the total from my order. This is what decides whether you're on this path or not. The total as a number is greater than actually for this one. It should be. Since this is a free path, I want the number to be less than one. I have no orders on my website that air between one cent and 99 cent, which means this will effectively be zero. I could also technically do a text that exactly matches 0.0 Either of those would work. This one would not have continued with this sample data. Because it's 1998. I can simulate this. If I click on done editing here, I can then close back this pass. I can come up here and test this data by going back up to the top, picking my zero entry in here and seeing if it would add it, go forward. In that sinner, I click on the free path to edit the free path. We go back here to rule, set up and testing. We continue to see if this works now. This works perfectly because it exactly matches zero. It would continue, which is great. Now I click on done editing. What I'm free to do now is Onley. Choose what I want to do with people who have specifically used a free coupon to place an order where they didn't actually pay anything in my website. What I could do with this is send a specific email Say Hey, thanks for using ah free coupon to take a course on my website if you want to. For example, I could send a custom coupon out and say OK, that that is what you can do next. You can, for example, buy one. Get one free to encourage people to make that first paid order on my website. I can then go forward and send additional emails based on if they've bought something, if they enter a different path and go through this sap again. Now that we've done this first zap, we can click up here on the upper left and choose the different pad. Let's go look at path. Be what we want path be to do first Let's call this one. We want this one under 200. We want this one to be under 200. I could simplify this by just having a paid option and a greater than zero option. I have the under 200 option on this and I click on continue. What I can do in here is make multiple rules. I will say in this one. The total exactly I can say does not exactly match zero. This will eliminate free orders from going through this workflow and click on this one and I can run this again. I can actually run this as a number. And as a text, I'll put this text is great Less than I want this less than number less than 200. This way, I'm taking out the free orders. But I'm also including the ones that are less than 200. Which means this will not trigger if someone didn't spend any money. But it will trigger if they spent less than 200. Now I'll click. Continue. This one will not work because this one is zero. We can go back and test this by click on done editing. We can close this out. Go back up here. Switch the data on it. Spreadsheet Row E has Steve Gates here who ordered for 1998. Go back and edit on this path Now will run this and see if it works. This one does work now because it's not zero and it's less than 200 now. On this step, I can set up a specific Gmail message. Say, Hey, thank you very much for ordering. I could even customize it based on course if I wanted to. I guess Thank you very much. for ordering on my website. Then on this level, I could try and do an up sell. Why don't you try ordering a one on one call with me for $297? Since I know they spend between zero and 200 they're in a good spot to sell the next level . That way, I've got an email that can potentially convert a customer paying less than 200 too much over 200. I also could give a different bonus to customers who've actually bought something. Hey, I'm so grateful you bought something. Here's an additional course for free, for example, as a thank you, I've got that workflow once I build that out. Now this last workflow path. See, we can call this greater than 200 mawr than 200. These are my top customers, who most people are redeeming free coupons, probably 80% than next. There's 20% or maybe 15% who are ordering less than 200. Then the people above 200 deserve the very best attention these air my elite customers to people spending the most money with me. Thus, I want to give these customers a different experience from those spending smaller amounts. I can use one rule on this one. I can just say total greater than 200 now. Technically, the other one. If you looked at this logic carefully, technically, since the other ones less than 200 this is greater than 200 it could have someone somehow spent exactly 200 my website mess up and not do anything at all. Thus, well, we want to do with this is put greater than 1 99 in this field because technically, there would be no possibility to mess this up if it was exactly 200 since the other one was less than 200 this will be greater than 2 99 and money only goes by one cent. This will make sure that the ZAP always runs based on what somebody spent. This would not have continued. Now it's time for me to put a higher example in here. It would not have continued in this example, but let's assume that there's a scenario where it would then I can go in here. Let's say for this order, if I get order greater than 200 I want an instant text message Notification. So let me know. Hey, somebody just ordered over $200 of stuff in my website. This is a customer I need to personally be paying attention to on this workflow. I might send a text message and then send them an email as the best I could do with my customer service. What I've got now I have these three pathways. If I click on close, I've got these three pathways now that do a different automation based on exactly what the customer did. If they're free, it does one thing If they spent less than 200 but not free, it does something else and then more than 200. It does something else. That is some very cool technology. I'm so grateful. Toe have this level of control over what I can automate today to give each customer the most relevant experience. And I'm grateful you've learned how to use pass in sappier. This is the basics with past. Obviously you can get fancy on pass and do even more than what I've shown. However, you cannot do anything after paths. Once your sheet hat, once your workflow has got a path in it, then that's the last step in the zap. You can't do something after all the past of run. You have to build each individual step in the zap with a path, and it looks like you can actually do path within a path. How cool is that? Which means you can actually add ah, path into a path. For example, if I wanted to go inside the path on under 200 I could even make additional paths within the 200 path that would determine, for example, I could do if you spent between $1.10 dollars, $10.50 dollars and then 50 and $199 you can do paths nested within past to give you some really crazy automation possibilities. If you want to keep doing this and it keeps letting you do it, you can have an entire high archy off automation pass in here, which you can edit like this. If you click the menu in the upper left, you've got each of your paths within their If I go over, you can switch back to each path this way and be looking at each path down within that us. There's a lot you can do within these past. However, you can't add anything that applies globally after the past. Start running. That must be before that. I think you've got a good look at how past work now, and I'm grateful for the chance to share this with you. 14. Share New Wordpress Posts Automatically with Zapier to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest: Are you ready to see how to get your WordPress blogged posts automatically shared out to social media? This is such a valuable time saver that you're going toe love it because it will save you hours every year sharing. And if you're like me, you might not even take the time to actually post your own. Blawg boasts over to social media every time you do them, and this will ensure they always consistently go out there in the same format. I musings Appier. Right now to automate this, I'll show you how to create this in real time. The first key thing is toe picture the workflow you want. You want your blawg post taken automatically as soon as it's published. And you want that put out in the best format on all the social media accounts you have for me. I have Twitter. I have Facebook, I have Pinterest. There are also other accounts you can use with this. I trust your judgment to get all the ones connected that you want to use. I actually publish manually to linked in and I have my friend Michelle, who publishes two linked in and publishes on Medium, thus I don't have those set up on here. I had those previously set up. This workflow will get you out to these social media accounts, which is very helpful for getting your post ranked higher in search engine search engines. Consider what links back are happening from social media. How much things are being mentioned in social media. That way, if something is going viral on social media, Google figures that is probably worth putting higher in search results as well. The key to set this up is to first get your WORDPRESS website connected in step number one of the zap, then at each particular social media account in the format. You want it to go out in? Let's do this now in real time. In zap here, I will start out by going back toe all my zaps here. We're going to make a news app. When we begin, we will pick the WordPress sap. The trigger event is when we want a new post. You can do this with other options. You can do new post type status author users lots of different options. With WordPress you could use to build an automation. What we're doing specifically here is starting with a new post. A new post is the main thing most of us will want to do. That's the trigger event in zap ear. It all begins when something happens with a trigger. Then that's where the data is pulled in and all the other steps take place. We click. Continue, Teoh, push on with Zap. I have my WordPress account that I need to adhere. I select my WordPress account that I've already sync up. You just do this by providing the signing information that they give you. If this step does not work for you, as it did not work for me, I was getting various errors for this. What you can do it toe work around those errors is to talk directly for me with my Web hosting provider. Some Web hosting providers will have the security set up where you can't use Appier to sign indirectly to WordPress, which is what zap your needs to do. In order to get the data, I was able to message my WordPress host Kinston and in a few minutes they allowed the poor to be open that this uses and now it's working for years I just tried to do it manually or use other workarounds, which were terrible, and I'm so grateful. I've got this zap set up Now. If you get any errors here, the first step is to talk to your Web host. Assuming your log in pages open. If you've used some kind of log in security solution toe, hide your log in page. You will need to take that off in order for this to work because it uses a default log in page once you've got that open. If it gives you some kind of gateway error or some kind of sign in error and you're sure your password and your user name are correct, then talk to your Web host. Once you've got the WordPress account successfully connected, you hit. Continue. What you'll notice in here is in order to have the new post, you'll need to customize each of these aspects you can click on choose value in here you will need to pick rather you want a draft pending review, private or published. I'm imagining since you want this got on your social media accounts, this should be super easy. You just hit published then that you can choose your post type down here, I imagine again. Since you want this for social media, you will want to pick post. However, you can pick pages you can pick media. You can even pick forums topics you could publish every time somebody posted a forum. A new forum post. You could put that out automatically on your social media. Maybe How to do that? You can even do things like If you've got other plug ins, they will have more options. For example, when I published a new woo commerce product on my website, I could automatically share that as a post. It's nice to know these options are so deep, however practically you'll just want to use the published post in this, whichever these you pick will be the only data you get going forward. Therefore, choose what you want to do, such as published post click. Continue now, In order to make sure this is working, you will want to test it to make sure that you're getting the kind of data you think you should be getting. I'll hit test in review, and this will give me a list of my recent post. I click on this post here. It shows me woo commerce Direct check out. This was just published today on my WORDPRESS website a few hours ago. I know from seeing this data that it is working correctly. I can see the actual post content in here, which is really good, because I can use that if I wanted to. I could set up a more complicated zap, for example, to filter if there's any certain thing in the poster in the category. What's important now is that I verify this is working. How I think it should be working. I've got proof that my new poster showing up here one after another, that's great. I click on done editing. Now I'm ready to start publishing these out to social Media. The question is what social media accounts do I want to use? And what formats am I going to put these in? Step one. Pick a social media account to begin with one at a time. You can look at the options in all the different APS you've got Facebook. You I do not currently have a way I know of to publish to YouTube. You've got Facebook. You just can use either Facebook pages or Facebook groups. Unfortunately, you cannot use your own profile. Currently through any method I see to share directly to your Facebook profile. You still need to manually do that. However, with Facebook pages and Facebook groups you can share out there. Facebook groups are an outstanding way to share your post. If you've got a group, you could share them automatically. There I use the Facebook page is up to share to mind. You've got Twitter you can use. You've got linked in that you can post directly to. I believe you have Tumblr. You've got Pinterest. There's tons of different applications on here you can use. What I want to start with is to go over to Facebook pages. I want to make a Facebook page post every time I've got a new WordPress post us. I choose the application first. Then I picked the option. There's a few different options you can do. You can either do a page, post or page photo. If you do a page post, it will just share it with the link. Sometimes that will do a good job of getting the attachment correctly shared out there other times it won't. The page photo will make a bigger impression in the news feed. However, it will have less of a chance for someone to click on the actual link. I like using the page photo because it takes up a lot more room in the news feed. And then if the attachment isn't working correctly for some reason, when I share a post with the if you go over here to just the page post often. When I did that in the past, it did not work. It just shared this little text blurb and it didn't have any image or attachment on it and didn't look very good. Nobody was engaging with it. I use the page photo. However, the best thing to do is to test and see which one you like better. Thus, I can test this right now as a page post to see how it comes out on my Facebook profile and decide Brother, I like it or not. What I will do, though, for this is we'll just create it through a photo. If you decide you want to change the format, just go up like I did to the previous step. Click on that and go back and change it to what you wanted. I click on page photo now I need to pick my Facebook pages account. I've already sink that and connected it. Click on continue now for the page. If you need to sink that, just go through a log in, give the appropriate pages permission that you want to use in the zaps. Then you'll be ready to proceed. When you customize you first need to pick the page. I've got Jerry Banfield is where I want to publish to that page. Now I need to pull the photo directly from the WordPress post than I need to pull some kind of a description directly from the WordPress Post as well. To begin with, I pick where the photo is in these all options. So I go through and show all options in here. What I can see is I've got all of this data and when I need to do is find the specific image for this. What I've got. I look for anything that says image in its scroll through I've got post them. They'll tighter thumbnail image metadata. We need this one post thumbnail. Now I can also use post thumbnail meta data. I don't think these are actually work. I just want to grab right here. Post thumb Now. Now it says no data right now so I can go back and look through and see which data it is. Sometimes you just need to play around with these to make sure you get the exact correct field in. And if you dont just test it, make sure it comes out correctly. You can see all these different options on here. Sometimes it can be difficult to find it. Just keep scrolling through. Look for make sure you get the right link. Here's what I want right here. Post thumbnail link that will give me the correct image. This gives me the actual thumbnail. I can also check to see if there's anything that might work better. If there's a full size file, for example, that I can use, I can do the post thumbs. I don't want the metadata on here, since I just want the actual itself. This one is on here. That's on Lee, an 80 by 80 image, though, As you can see from the text, this says 80 by 80. That will be a bit too small. I don't want something that small with it. I want the largest size that I can get to post the best looking image on Facebook. I've got the file over here. Therefore, I want the biggest possible image for it if I scroll back up here. Ideally, the biggest possible image shouldn't have any sizes on the data field. If I scroll up, back up and you can also search, I can say thumbnail. I can. This didn't have any data when I did that. So I'll scroll down and find the other thumbnail one. This is generally the most in place you've got to put the most work in to doing. These is grabbing the exact correct length. This one is what I want right here. Because this as the raw up loads, it doesn't have anything else added. So that is the correct link I want. Right there. You just find post thumbnail link Andy or anything else that's appropriate based on how your data set up. Now, the second thing I want to do I need to add a description. A description, since this is a photo the description must include the link to it. The description also needs to talk about what the photos about. Therefore, I need to keep pieces. What I like to do is I put the post title in here, and then I just typed the word add or don't even need the word at. But make sure you've got a space because if you don't put a space, it'll come out What I do. I just usually put the post title and then the link that way. And as the title of the Post, it has the link to my blogging as a picture from the thumbnail. Then I've got that done. I hit click on Continue. Now we can get an idea of exactly what this will look like. It will have this photo and it'll have this description woo commerce, strike check out and a link to my website. I can click on testing review to see how it comes out on the Facebook page, and this is a very important step to make sure everything is working correctly as you expect it toe work. What I will do now is I will hit test and review on this to see how it actually comes out on my Facebook page. And I do my teaching in real time, which makes it fun to see if I actually did it correctly. Here. Two will go over to my Facebook page. See what this post actually looks like. You always test one thing at a time. And don't worry about posting something that doesn't come out right. Just immediately go delete it. If it doesn't come out how you want. What we can see is this came out correctly. This you can see the photo is posted up on my website here, and it's this is exactly what it looks like. You've got the photo here. You've got the link to it. Now that worked correctly. Now isn't that nice when it comes out just like that? That's so easy to use. It's very functional. We've got the link here. We've got the picture here. We've got the text here. We've got all these centuries. Now let's say this came out horrible. All I do is just go over to this. Click on delete from page, click on Delete Photo. No big deal. Now, what you may want to do is try and see different formats. Let's say I think I would prefer to have this come out as something else will go back up to choose app and event. We'll click on page post. Let's do a page post instead of a page photo and see what this looks like. We'll continue else. Go do this one faster. Pick my page now will pick the link. You are all in here. We just put the link. You are L. And we'll put the message in as the post title. Now let's see how this comes out. We click on continue, we'll click this on test in review, and we'll see how this looks differently on the Facebook page vs that photo and we can decide what format we actually want to put these in. It's well worth it to invest your time in taking a deep look at how each of these will work because you're going to be doing this automatically every day. You want to make sure you're really happy with it now I'm actually happier now that Facebook has updated how these shared. I'm much happier putting out a direct link like this because this is one huge clickable image now, instead of just being Ah, photo. This is what I am changing my format to because this works a lot better than photos. Now it it makes it very clear it's on my website that has a huge clickable link. This is ideal in terms of linking my website. Now. If I hadn't went through and tested each of those, how would I know which format I like better? Once you've got a format you're very happy with, you can just click done. You can put each of these individual tasks in tow. One zap doing each of them in one zap is a good way to do it. Because if anything breaks with one particular zap, for example, for your Facebook connection breaks and your Facebook is in the first party or workflow, it'll actually stop it from getting shared out to all the rest on social media. Therefore, doing one of these individually and one singled zap is ideal. However, if you want to make sure these are all in one workflow, it is easier to build all of these into one workflow instead of having them on all different zaps, because then you've got to track each specific zap. I will show you how to do the rest of this Click on back to set up here. I will show you how to do the rest of this For Twitter and for Pinterest. What we'll do next is we'll continue this same zap on Twitter. We find the Twitter app. Here we go over choose the Twitter app again. Then we need to create. Decide what we want to put in the tweet. Dewey, you can also update a profile image search uses. But what we want to do is just click on, create tweet. We'll go pick the Twitter account, just sink and sign in with your Twitter and it'll work. Great. Now what we've got the chance to do is to put in a message on Twitter. I currently have been doing mine as pictures on Twitter. I'm interested to see what it looks like if I don't use an image on Twitter and I just put the link. What we've got here is the new post and WordPress. We've got each step in the zap. Once you've done your first zap, you will also be able to pull data from the next step in the zap if you'd like to, which sellable, if you're filtering, however you're not filtering in this step, you want to actually pull directly from the first part of the Zap, which is the WordPress part. When I'll do here is pulled the title and then I click on a space. Then I'll go pull the link over here about the post title and the link to my website. If I don't put an image video or Jif in here and I turn off shortened you RL's, I don't want to shorten the URL. I just want to, and that actually clicked and took me back all the way into a different window. So what we'll do here will open up Twitter so we can see what this looks like. After I do it, I will turn off shortened URLs because I want my actual website to be out there, not some Twitter shortened you, Earl. We click on now, continue and we will see exactly what this looks like. It's just going to put this message will click on test and review. Tweet was sent. Let's tab over to Twitter. Refresh my Twitter feed, see how this looks will go over, and I like how this is coming out on Twitter. Also, this is coming out in a much better format, with the card automatically being shared. You can even check your mobile device to make sure it's coming out. How you think it should come out on your mobile device? I will check my phone here and see if the tweet is coming out in the exact same way on my mobile device. I'll click on my profile very quickly and the tweet looks beautiful. It looks much better than the image tweets I've been doing. Thus, what I will do is I will keep this in the exact same format as well. Instead of manually putting the image in myself there, I've got this second part done. I click on editing while technically second social media account. Third part of this out next step will go over the Pinterest and do the exact same thing. The process is almost the same for other social media accounts. If you want to, the next thing we want to do. We've got Pinterest app. We want to create a pin. That's the only thing you can do on this step Anyway, we'll click on Continue now we need the Pinterest account. I've got my Pinterest account. Just sign in on your pinchers to count to get that added. Now I want to put these on the right board. What I like to do as I have specific boards for my automatic pins. That way, if somebody's following me on Pinterest you follow. The jury may feel block posts. You know what you're going to get every single time. It's going to be a blawg post on that pin board every time. What I can do on this now, I need an image to post a note and a link on this. You will need an actual image. First, I'll put the Lincoln. The link is right here. Next for the note, I will put the new post and WordPress. We'll just put the post title on this in the note. And for this for Pinterest. We do need an image because of how Pinterest works. I can search new post and WordPress concerts. Thumbnail, just like I did before. Scroll down and find exact thumbnail link. Grab that post thumbnail link it. Continue now. I can test and review This on Pinterest will hit test and review on Pinterest and I have done this enough times. I can't even be bothered to go look for it. I'm sure it'll work great. So we just hit done editing on this. Turn this on. I can do the exact same process with linked in. I prefer to manually publish toe linked in to put the article directly on linked in dot com , Then back link. My own website linked in seems to share those better. The last step is to turn this into a named Zapf. We're gonna call this WordPress posts to Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest This way, instead of saying social media this way, I know exactly which posts are being shared where I know that the new post from or presser going out Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest that way. No, it's not going out toe linked in or any other social media accounts. This zap is now finished. It will automatically every time I post a new WordPress Blawg post, it will automatically share instantly over to Facebook, twitter and Pinterest or thin five minutes off the post going live on my website. This gives me consistent engagement on social media, consistent for search engine optimization, consistent link sharing and sending people back to my website. Now it's awfully automated. I don't even have to think about it anymore, which makes things so super easy. I appreciate you learning how to do this entire process with me. I hope this is extremely helpful for you to set up your own social media publishing zapped with a wordpress website. If you're not using wordpress it, you've washed all this. They're similar zaps you can use for different blogging platforms that will give you the same functionality. 15. Send An Email Sequence With Gmail Via Zapier Without Using Email Marketing Software: you are about to learn how to make an email sequence using zap ear via Gmail. Or you can use other email APS to do this without having to sign up for any email marketing software. The first question you might have is, Well, why would I want to do this? You would want to do this to get your emails. The very highest deliver ability. When you use email marketing software, they have these required footers. They put things like little pixels, your images and headers. It's a lot of additional complexity, and what this often results in is the email you've worked so hard to craft perfectly goes in the promo box on Gmail, and the open rate is really low. The person you want to read it doesn't even actually read it. When I will show you. How to do is to replicate the feeling that you actually wrote an email by hand incentive to somebody giving the very highest quality, personalized experience. Instead of having a email marketing software, send something out to a list. This strategy will give you the very same experiences. If you wrote the email yourself and it'll give you the very highest probability of getting a response and getting into the primary folder where people actually read emails. This allows you to use a personal Gmail account as well, whereas if you use email marketing software, you will usually need to have your own domain, and you will need to have your own website or something. At least a landing pages support it. This is perfect if you just want to start out and making our responder, and you don't even have a website or anything else, and this allows you to do things like affiliate marketing, which a lot of email marketing Softwares will not allow you to do. Thus, this a very handy skill for you. Toe have to begin your email list of you don't have one, or if you've already got a few people that you are willing to do this with, then this will be very valuable for you to learn if you want to get better at automation ons. Appier This is a very helpful way toe. Learn to use appear to build automation is and to expand your digital marketing skills. Note that doing this process is a little bit in the gray area in terms of rather, it would be considered email that someone who have to sign up for and consent with because you're simulating a manual process, which means you don't have to have consent to send an individual email to somebody. However, if you're sending out a lot of emails, you do need tohave consent. Thus, this I do not recommend using this on a large scale to send, say, thousands of emails. This would be best used for a smaller group of people that you could essentially do this manually if you wanted to. If you send too many emails doing this, you potentially risk getting in Google Spam folder if you send it to a bunch of people who don't want it and are flagging it as spam. Thus, this convey used very effectively on a small scale with a high quality lead that you're putting in there and would not be used on a large scale. Let's take a look at exactly how to do this. You'll be surprised at how easy this is to set up. First, you need to zap your come and then you need some kind of entry way to put this information in there, you need some kind of email account. Also, what I'm going to use for this is the following. I'm going to use Air Table Air Table is an online spreadsheet software that allows me to put in a entry in any device I've got. For example, if I got somebody's email in person using this strategy, I could easily put their name and email into a new record in air table, which would then trigger the rest of the emails to be sent from there. Air Table. I can also enter things in manually. I've put in a simulated name and email here to get this started to show you how it works. You could use this with Google Sheets totally for free. You could use this with Microsoft Excel. You could use this with any other spreadsheet software you're already using. You can also do a different email provider besides Gmail. If you want to imagine, the process is very similar to do this. If you're using a different provider, these three things will allow you to run this automated system, which you can build with as much depth as you want. This is all done on Zach beer dot com. With the Zap, you can run this totally for free as long as there's 100 or less tasks per month. If you want more than that per month, then you'll need to scale up. Let's show you how this system works. The first thing you need to set up before you even do anything else. You need a spreadsheet where you can put in somebody's name and email in order to get this started. I like doing some kind of online spreadsheet software for this. There's lots of different ways to do that. I have been using air Table for years. This allows me to have the air table app. Then, when say, I'm at a networking event and I'm talking to somebody in person, which doesn't happen that often get somebody's email and name and say, Ideally, the way to do this is to ask somebody and say, Hey, are you cool with me? Is sending you a follow up email or something like that toe. Let them, though they should be expecting some emails to you, something like, Hey, I'll send you an email tomorrow or something like that. You then put their name and their email into the spreadsheet to get this process started. Once you do that, the zap that you've set up will send all the rest of the emails for you. You don't have to do anything. How cool is that? You could see how powerful this processes, which is why I'm so excited to share it with you. And I'm going to make this in real time. That way you get to see exactly what you need to do it. Once you've got the spreadsheet set up, now you can go into sappier and click on make a zap in your account. On the desktop, it'll be over on the left side, cooked a big black button that says Make a zap. The first thing you need to do is pick your spread sheet software. In Here is your app. If you're using air table, it'll look like that. If you're using Google sheets and will look very similar, what you need to do is pick your app here, then choose your trigger event. What you want for your trigger event is a new record. That means when I go put a second email in here that will trigger the automation to run, and it will run the entire automation. Based on what I've put in there. You can also add 1/3 field in here. I've just got name and email, but I could add a field even to stop the automation if I wanted to. You can get very fancy with this. Thus, you need to begin by having a application, some kind of spreadsheet app, the triggers with a new record. Once you've got that, you click. Continue. Get your account clicked in there for air table or for any other spreadsheet software where you're going to have basically the spreadsheet and then different worksheets. What you need to do on air table specifically is pick the base and then the table. If it's on something like Microsoft Excel, it has one main spreadsheet and then you have individual workbooks in there. You'd pick the file and then the individual worksheet within that file, you get these set up click. Continue Now, what you do is you'll find data to make sure this works, which is why you need to start this with at least one already in there. If you've got one already in there then that you can easily get this started and go forward . I click on test in review. Now I see that there's it Has an I D in here and is created. How will the since I only have one record in here? It there it gave me in record. B I If you want to get the best test day to make sure you've got at least three records in your spreadsheet that way it will pull all three of those for mine. I only have one. I got the name and email that's verifying that it is working. How I think it is working. It is pulling the records out ofhere. Table. I click done editing on this now that I've got the first part set up the trigger. Now all I need to do is write all my emails going forward from here. That, of course, is the majority of the work. I'll show you how to get started with picking your account. First, you need to choose your app, any app that is supported in Zappa here, you can use this process with you've got Gmail, and it's beautiful because you can use a personal Gmail email to do this. Whereas you can't do that with email marketing software, then you need to choose the action event. There's different action events. You can create drafts. One thing you could dio is just create email drafts using this strategy. That way you could actually approve the email essentially before you send it. You could just create these drafts in your in box, and then you could manually hit send off of the created drafts. That way you would have minimized anything happening without you approving it. That could be a very good strategy to use. If you are brand new to this. If you're just trying it for the first time, you could just create drafts. Then you could go through manually. Check those drafts, make sure it came out how you thought it should come out. Then you can manually hit Send. This would also allow you to essentially approve any messages. For example, if you've got an auto responder email sequence set up that is going for days or weeks, if somebody said, please don't send any more emails or you already converted them as a customer and you didn't want to send them anymore. Creating drafts would allow you to just delete the messages instead of potentially sending somebody messages they didn't want. Therefore, with this sequence, it might be ideal to keep a sequence like this a little bit shorter. You could even just do one single automatic follow up email, especially if you go the same networking event. You could just set this up so that it could say, Hey, enjoyed seeing you. You could create a template with your draft that would allow you to add in any personal details without having to write the whole rest of the email every time. There's lots of ways you could do this to save yourself a ton of time and energy and to make it the best experience for everybody involved for this. I've just clicked on Send email because I figure I'm going to do it right and get it out there and delivered, and I'll keep it simple when I put somebody new on there. I just want to send them one email with perhaps my website and full number, whatever. Something simple to make sure I follow up with someone that's a lot easier than manually writing this out that I can immediately put them in and send it. One thing you can do as well is toe. Add some delay in here. Let's say, although I've seen statistics that indicate following up with somebody immediately is better still, you could add a little bit of delay if you want to. For example, let's say you don't. I want to add somebody immediately after you put them in a list you can add. This DeLay buys Appier App. Choose your trigger. You can delay until a certain date or time. You could delay for a certain amount, click continue and then you could put in. You could put in the exact unit you want it delayed for. For example. Let's say I want to send this the next day after I see somebody at a networking event. Then I can set this up. I immediately put them into the networking event. Then it'll delay 24 hours later at essentially the exact same time I entered them into this . It will send it one day later. You can use this functionality to build out an entire auto wrist sequence US email sequence . If you wanted to buy, for example, have email. One. Go on immediately. The second email could go out two days later. Third email could go out a week later. You can set it up however you think is best for everyone. I encourage you to make sure you consider the other person and their experience. You want to use this toe. Work your own workflow smarter. You don't want to use it Teoh spam or annoy somebody else. Thus, you can use this powerful technology here for good, or he could use it for something else. If you want to, you've got this delay set up here. If you want that and I don't want any delay. I'm as will follow up with somebody right away. As soon as I put them in a spreadsheet, I'll send them the first email. But what I would do is send something after that. I would put in a delay after that, something like this. Then send somebody in email, say the next week. Seven days later, I would put it in, Say time delay for this in two days, then say hails Great meeting you last week. You can even do something like this. You could put the second email into a draft format. Let's say you could send the first email automatically as soon as you met. Someone hails. Great meeting you at that entrepreneur social last night. ID love, Teoh, Blah Baba. You send that out, then you send that immediately is an email the 2nd 1 you could do? You could send the 2nd 1 out as a draft. That way, you could easily just confirm on your in box that you want to send that 2nd 1 Let's say they didn't reply to that first email you gets at the 2nd 1 up as another follow pales Great meeting you last week. I would love to get together and talk to you sometime or check out my website. Whatever it is that you think is the most useful thing you could send them, you could essentially assume on that second email they didn't reply. Put that in as a draft instead of sending an email. Then you'd only send that if they didn't actually reply to you. This automation is just is amazing. What you can do it. Let's look at crafting the email itself. Here's how you get the email ready to go in Gmail now in Gmail, you need to set up your account in here. You'll need to sync all of that. You'll need to pick the exact email, the account you want to use with it, and sink that once you've got that done. Here's how you write the email. I highly encourage you to write a plain text email because these have a lot better deliver ability. These are the kind of emails you would expect to receive someone. What you want is this email to go in a person's primary inbox? Just a Ziff. You wrote it from Gmail itself and sent it to them. Thus, you probably wouldn't write an HTML email and send that to somebody you mind will use an email marketing software. If you want to use that. Therefore, make sure you use plain text on here. Let's back up a little bit. First, you need to put an email address in here. What you do is take the email address you've gotten out of your spreadsheet software, and you put that in the two field. Next what you want. You could send this to multiple people of possible. I think this would be best run with an individual, you can then choose your exact email account. You want it sent from in the from field. You can then put your from name and here you type your own name in the from name. Then you have your subject and you can even put their exact name in the body of the bodies . Were you write the actual email message that you're going to send. You can even put an attachment in If you'd like to. What you do here in the body, you can put their actual name in. You could split this in your spreadsheet software. The first and last name. If you'd like to to give you something like you could just say first name here if you wanted to. You could also if you needed to, you could use go back up here and use a filter ins Appier to just take the first name and split that into a new field. If you wanted. What you could do is say something like Bill Jobs. I enjoyed meeting you yesterday at the entrepreneur networking event or whatever it is where you will customarily meet people. You need something that is very personal right here. I like starting with people's names. Then why are you sending this email? Something like you. You Ah, you can take us on. You need an offer at this point if you want to make this really worthwhile. For example, For me, what I like to do is just offer people a free coupon to my course is what I would do from here. Is writing email out saying I enjoyed meeting you at the networking event last night. I would love for you to try one of my courses for free or something like that. Or if you want to level up your digital marketing skills, go to my website and here's a free coupon to take one of my courses. Now, I've got a very personal email message with free coupon on my website and wants somebody comes on my website. Then they will get added to my really email marketing lists There. This way, I don't have to take that extra time to go manually. Write that email When I meet somebody in person and they give me their business card. I just automatically throw that in. Add that on there, get them over into my main funnel without having to go do that work myself and and then I can get back something unique from there. I encourage you take the time to write out a great message, something that is thoughtful and the offer some value. I would not suggest trying to sell something immediately right in the first message. Give somebody something for free. That's a great way to build a relationship. And if you want to just write this in a draft, you'll have the ability toe edit it. For example, if you can personalize it a bit more, that will be ideal on if you, instead of choosing, send email up on here, you choose to save it as a draft. Then you could look at your draft and edit various parts of it. For example, you could say I go back and edit the draft and say, I enjoyed meeting you yesterday at the You could use this for all your networking events or all the place you meet people and just manually edit the draft in the one little spot before you send it, then have the rest off your email set up in the same template that where you don't have to write that every time and that you could have automatic follow ups after that as well. I realize you could just set up a template in Gmail to do this. The difference is you can actually send multiple emails with this Siri's, which you would not be able to do as easily in Gmail. You could make a whole workflow here and send out emails for months if you wanted to. Hey, I enjoyed meeting you last month at the networking event. What's new, etcetera? The key in the body is to write the kind of message you would like to receive. Write a message where you are offering some real value where you're honoring what you did to get here. For example, meeting someone talking to someone, however you got here with them, simulate what you would write in a manual message. Then, when you've got the everything else written, you're ready. You just click on continue and you can test it out. You contest it out, I recommend test this out several times to make sure it works on your own. Email addresses air on your friend's email address to make sure this process is working exactly how you think it should work. Once you've got that done, you're ready. Every time somebody hand you a business card, Bam. Put their name and email in your spreadsheet and voila! Sends them any automatic email. Follow up. Then you've got the ability to build on this over time, especially if use the delay I recommend. Think long term as much as you can. You probably don't want to hit somebody with the email every single day using this. That probably be really obnoxious, however, and might be nice to send them an email lots of times when you meet someone at a networking event. If you don't follow up right away, you totally forget the person. If you did a follow up, say the day after the event, and then maybe a week later and then maybe a month later and especially the second to if you save those second to his drafts or you send them as additional value ads, for example, you could think if you typically meet with people in person, the first email you could just give somebody free course or video the one next week. You could try and set up an in person meeting or provide a link to schedule on your calendar. You can build this up in whatever way you're already doing, and I trust you can make something amazing out of that. I've given you, ah, lot of guidance based on my experience setting up automatic emails like this in zap here so that you know how to build out your own email marketing automation without having to use email marketing software, which give you a lot higher deliver ability. You can even do things in this by filtering and doing. If this past, if somebody actually responds to this, you can even send out another email. You could forward the email to somebody else. I've said emails up where If I get an email with a certain set of words in it than I forward it to somebody else to handle, there's an incredible amount you can do with this to save yourself time and energy. Just make sure it's all working right, and you test everything before you put a live subject into your automation. Thank you very much for learning how to do this with me. It was a pleasure teaching you this, and I hope this is helpful for showing you how to build a Gmail or any other kind of similar email marketing software email sequence without having to use a specific email marketing software. 16. How To Publish Instagram Posts Automatically To Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Pinterest!: Are you ready to learn how to automatically publish your instagram posts to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest? Using zap e er you will find this integration extremely helpful to save you time and energy and to give you a lot better workflow. You can omit any of these. For example, if you just want to share a Facebook or just Twitter or just linked in or just Pinterest or just two or three of these, you can set it all up Exactly how you want to with sappier. Let's take a look at how to automate this whole process. I will show you the entire workflow I've got here. The first thing you need to do insides, Appier. Once you've got an account as that your dot com, of course, is to sign your instagram account in and trigger it when new media is posted In my account on instagram that looks like this you picked the instagram app pick new media posted in my account sign in fine data to make sure it pulls a post from your account. For example, I pulled this. Gardening is a hobby post from my instagram account. The first thing you need to understand about this data is how you can use it in each automation going forward. Number one. The caption is what you wrote on the photo on instagram number to the media. You are Oh, this is going to be where you put the image in on all the other platforms. Finally, the Perma link is where you can link back to your instagram account when you have the chance to share a link. Once you've got that, you click Done editing. I set this up as follows. First created Tweet and Twitter. Second created page photo on Facebook pages third created pin and Pinterest fourth, which is technically number five cents. Instagram starts of it share an update on linked in I put linked in last because the linked in connection breaks the most often if any of your connections break everything after it will not work. However, what's before it will continue to work. The twitter of Facebook and Pinterest are pretty reliable. However, if the Twitter connection broke, for example, if I change my password, the rest of this would not work either. Keep that in mind as you are publishing, make sure you contest it I have shown you I just published this and creating this zap. All of these are in fact working. And they came out on my Facebook page, came out on my linked in and came out on Pinterest. What we do is first create a tweet in Twitter. If you want to use Twitter, you pick the app I pick create a tweet, choose my Twitter account, customize the tweet in the message. I put the caption in here You find the caption Put that in the message. If you want to customize it, you can use four matter. You can take any kind of other action like truncated. Make sure you only put the 1st 280 characters in. You can stick your own website link in after it. You can have lots of ability to customize this If you go right here and use a four matter and take the four matter to process the caption you wrote on Instagram. You can also write the instagram caption with sharing it in mind from the beginning on Twitter. If you want to tweet, just keep your instagram caption shorter. I understand this doesn't work with hashtag. Sometimes you can. If you need to put all this Hashtags and Instagram, you can just set up a four matter to cut off any characters after 280 if you'd like to. Or so it may do it by itself and just Onley put out the beginning of it as well. What I do, I pick my caption for the message is the message. It'll pop up on Twitter now it's essential to pick the media. You are l here as what you want to put in the image video or Jif section. That's how you actually get it to look like this on Twitter. You will have it come out with this media filing here. Know that on my twitter it actually turned a square post in tow. Landscape on Twitter, You put the meaty your Ellen. Then you can say if you want to short new URLs or not, depending on if they are actually in your your message that was originally an instagram. And then if you want the girl shortened in your message on Twitter, I like to click no on that because it puts it in the exact you are l. For example, if I put my website. I don't want that shortened. When you have send data, you will then do a test and you'll make sure this working you get an exact tweet. You are all you can use to immediately find what that looks like on Twitter. Once you've got that done, you click Done editing. Next, we're going to do a Facebook page photo and Facebook pages. Click on the APP. Select Facebook pages Create page photo, Choose your account, customized the Poteau photo. Put your page right here. Then put your photo. You are all again the media. Your l goes in the photo Finally for the description, just stick the caption in the description hit Send data. You'll get an exact a post I d that you can go to on Facebook to see where that went next. You can create a pin and Pinterest You pick Pinterest, choose the action, Create a pin click your count Sign your Pinterest account in on Pinterest You'll need to pick a board to put your pin to I just stick mine on the for motivation and learning. I stick my image in the media You Earl stick my caption in the note. Then I put the Perma link in the links section to go back to my instagram. When that's done, you send data. It'll give you an exact you are all to the pin. Finally, you're ready to do linked in Choose the linked an app click create share update. You can also post this to your company page If you want to choose your account linked in consistently breaks. I think they make you refresh it every 30 to 60 days. Which is why I'm on LinkedIn. Account number six. Customize your share update. Make it visible to anyone unless you want it less visible. Put your image. You are all here. Put your content. You are l If you want it back to your instagram, their caption goes in the comment. Send data, test it, make sure it works. You'll get an exact link you can use on linked in right here. Sometimes linked in feeds are hard to find. Use that you are all right in the bottom. Done editing. Turn your zap on. You've now got automatic sharing toe all your social media. This is something's very valuable for me because what I've been doing so far. Unbelievably is posting separately to my instagram, which was shared automatically to Facebook, then posting separately to Twitter and linked in not even using Pinterest. This one automation will save me hours every single year. You can see how these come out like this. This is what it looks like. If you go ahead and write the description on Instagram with 240 characters or less, you'll get it. Maybe it's 280. You can get it to come out just like this. Have the hashtags nice right here. Just write short of descriptions on Instagram. It'll come out great on Twitter. You've got the picture now. This originally came out as a square photo. You'll see it cropped it a lot, but it still ends up looking good. How it came out in the Twitter feed like this and I even got a heart on it already. Which is that's great. If you want to look at it on linked in the solid comes out on LinkedIn did not crop the photo. How I wanted it there. That's OK. It'll have a link to go to Instagram. If you click this, it will take you over to my instagram account where you can see the whole photo. Help me get followers off of Lincoln over the Instagram. If you go over the Facebook, it shows it just perfectly in Facebook. It's got a nice full length post. It's got the description appear. If I'd put my website in, that could send people on my website. And now I've got this one post that only takes me a few minutes to share on Instagram goes out on all my other social media, saving the valuable time and energy. I appreciate you learning how to do this with me today. Toe Automate your instagram to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and or Pinterest. I'm grateful for the chance to serve you not see in the next video. 17. Gmail Automatic Forwarding or SMS Notifications for Emails Matching Search with Zapier!: do you get a lot of emails sometimes that you need to forward to other people or that you'd like a notification about what I'm going to show you now is how to automatically forwarded emails based on whatever search criteria you set and or how to set up text message notifications based on certainty. Emails. If you're like me, you get a lot of emails, and most of them are not things that need your immediate attention or that you want to know about right away. I've adapted a policy of no email on my phone because this helps me to focus a lot. Then I can just check my email much less frequently. That said, there are some things I do want to know about right away. If I get an email, for example, Bill Gates just sent you a $1,000,000. I'd like to know about that right away. Don't need to wait till next Tuesday to see that Seriously, I have text message notifications of people send me crypto currency to pay for courses or in other certain conditions where I want to know if I get a specific email right away. I also have emails that come to me that should be forwarded to other people. And that way I don't need to wait for that email to be forward. I can just instantly and automatically forward that email without having to manually look at it once I understand what I need to look for. We're using Zap Ear to set this up. I will show you the zap I've set up that can both find and send notifications and or forward an email. What we do here is we get our Gmail account ons. Appier, we need to just go to the APP, pick Gmail, then our trigger event needs to be a new email matching search. For this to work, you need to know exactly who the email is going to be from and or what words it will exactly have. If you don't have it exact, you can get some notifications or email forwards that aren't what you intended, which could be problematic or just cause you unnecessary notifications to the point where why bother with it? Anyway, I have very specific criteria set up for mine. I have my Gmail account picked. Then I customized my email, for example. I use coin base. I've got a very specific search string here that allows me to just get emails from coin base that say you just received, and then whatever crypto currency I got as a result of that, the downside of this is or the place that could go wrong is if, for some reason, coined based changes their email notification address or if they change their email wording . If they start saying you just got or you are receiving if any little thing changes in this equation, my automation will not work correctly. If I was forwarding this, for example, if I wanted somebody else to know if I immediately got crypto currency, the same things are liable to happen there. You can set your search criteria more broadly. For example, I could just say from coin Base, and then all emails from coin based would automatically either be forwarded or sent as text message notifications. Downside of that would be if they start sending me things besides what I want to hear about , for example, weekly updates or important changes. Then I'll get notifications for those when I just want to know about crypto currency. You can set this as broad or is focused, and I encourage. If you want to make sure it works great, look back through whatever you want to forward or email, Find any little variations in it and isolate exactly who it will be from and or what the subject is. And or you can pick out certain things in the body text. For example, if you want a forward, all of one person's emails and they always use the same signature line, you could use that as your fording criteria. I've used this to forward questions on courses that I've produced with others to the instructor directly in the course, and then I'll show you how we set that up. Now, once you've got the exact search string you want, you test the date out. Then what you can do is send notifications. You can literally trigger an SMS notification to, say the exact subject line, for example, with coin based, I know exactly how much crypto I received in the text message notifications. When you want to forward an email, you will need to set it up. As to who the email should go to. You. Just type the email address you want to send the email that you're going to forward. You can even copy yourself with Sisi. Or you can blind copy yourself to make sure that this is working as you think it should work. You can then pick a specific email address of yours you want it to come from and put your from name in there. You can put the appropriate reply to then for your subject. You can take the exact subject from the email. For example, on this coin based one, you can take the exact if you take it. If you put the whole body in, you don't want to do that. You'll notice there's different lines on here. What you want to do is make sure you take the exact right part of the email for this one subject you just received 10.15 BTC, then for the body type you can choose. Rather, it's an HTML email or plain text email, then for the body I can forward. If I want to the entire body text, for example. I can literally forward the whole email, which is great if, in the example where I've got students asking questions, I want the instructor To know the whole question and to see the whole email for something like coined based, you might not need to forward the whole email. You could go back in a zap like this and put a four matter step in where you Onley forward the first half or take out the 1st 200 characters. You could customise the exact format of the body text If you did that instead of putting in the body here straight from the email. What you would do instead is take the four matter, take whatever you formatted and put that in the body. I'll just put the coin based body text in here for this example. Then I've got the ability to add a signature of Put a label on it if I want to, or even to add an attachment. Once I click, continue and assuming I've got my to email filled in my from email filled in. I've got everything else I need to ford an email and or send text message notifications when I get an email matching a specific search criteria. This process allows me to not use my phone at all for email, which is really nice when I'm hang out, my friends or my family, or I'm taking time to walk my dog that I'm not constantly looking at and checking emails. It also allows me to have anything that is truly urgent. That needs to go to somebody else right away that I get systematically to notify me or to go straight to someone else. I appreciate the chance to show you this system I use to forward emails and to send text message notifications based on exact emails I get in Gmail. I imagine you could use this for other email marketing programs that are supported in happier if you're not using Gmail. 18. Best Appointment Scheduling Apps and Workflows with Zapier!: if you want to accept calls and appointments that could be scheduled with you using zap e er to go through and automate what happens when someone schedules an appointment with you is extremely helpful. What we're going to do is look at some of the options available, ends Appier and give you ideas for how you can do workflow. Insides. Appier. When someone schedules an appointment, you can do appointments completely online with Zoom using applications like acuity, scheduling and Callen Lee. I find acuity. Scheduling is my number one choice, and it works very well with sappier because there's lots of different trigger events. I can trigger events when appointments start when appointments are cancelled, rescheduled when I get a new appointment or a new product order. I like acuity scheduling because it allows people to pay with both stripe and PayPal or square and PayPal giving customers globally who want to schedule calls with me the option to pay in either a credit card or PayPal. Customers often have strong preferences as to which of these they prefer globally. Acuity scheduling also makes it easy to sell packages. For example, I sell a 10 call coaching package for $2000 on the same page where I offer to take group calls for $20 I'm able with sappier toe automate what happens in all these cases, bringing the data in from acuity, scheduling acuity, scheduling cost $34 a month away. I'm using it and can be used for multiple calendars, multiple staff and is very good for using zoom calls because it will automatically put the link into Zoom when you do that. Callin Lee is also very effective, and I was using Count Lee before. When you create an event based on somebody scheduling a call, it works well, and it integrates directly, very easily, assume sending a unique link. I'm callin Lee, you can Onley pay with striper PayPal, which is why I've switched to acuity on a happier. They went through their blawg and made some mawr APS all of these that you can automate tasks with ins Appier and provided some additional looks at what scheduling APS you might want to use. The first key step is to pick a scheduling app that is right for you and your unique business security. Scheduling works really well from me because I want to allow people to schedule online and to buy packages and to pay with both striping PayPal. Since so many of those scheduling calls with me are not in the USA, and they're often in countries where there could be a 30% surcharge using a credit card or where they don't want to use PayPal or were they only use PayPal. Therefore, you want those different payment methods. These are recommended to research research. Which one do you want to use first before you go bother trying? One. I recommend this blood post on zap here because they give you different options. You can see acuity. Scheduling, they say, is best for ab customization, which I totally agree with it. That's why I use it with the ability to take different payment methods. They recommend a point. Let if you want a totally free scheduling app. Callin Lee also works good for a free scheduling app. It's also cheaper than acuity. For the paid version, they recommend a gig, a book. If you have complex bookings that you want to do, which might be appropriate. If you've got an in person business to do this with, they say that package booking schedule once works the best for that. And if you want to do off line access set Mawr is great. All of these workings happier, and you just need to pick the app you want to use. What you want to know is what can trigger APS. I like acuity, has the ability to send out a message before the appointment start, which is really helpful. This also allows me to send a follow up very easily and acuity, whereas Callen Lee has. This would be much more complex to doing Count Lee because it only does created or cancelled an order to send, for example, a follow up message and Count Lee. I would actually need to pull the data from the appointment to set that up, and that's much more complex to automate. What you want to think through is what you want to do with your customers of via automation . I personally have a few things I really want to know about when I'm using when I've got my zaps created. I want a text message whenever I get a new appointment or product order. An appointment is when someone actually schedules a certain time on my calendar, which can be done either directly by scheduling. And if they've got a coupon that could potentially be for free if they've paid somewhere else and got a coupon for that, or they could pay for a specific slot or they could have bought a package already and then just using the credit they've got from that package, the new appointment lets me know when I need to show up and is a good reminder. Oh, I've got a call tomorrow at 4 p.m. Make sure to consider that, in my mind, the new product orders whenever someone orders a package something that's not specifically an appointment. For example, ah coaching call package, a group called Package. This gives me the ability to send different emails and or text messages based on the exact event that happens when you go into acuity, you can do things like a new appointment schedule. Click. Continue click your acuity scheduling account. Then you can pick which calendar you want to use, and you can pick the specific appointment type. I can go in and say if someone schedules a group, call with me. I want them to go through one specific workflow, for example. I want to send them a certain email, and I want to send them a certain text message. And if someone scheduled a one on one call with me, I want them to get a different email in a different text message. That way, I've got the best experience for my customers based on what they are going to Ah, have when they show up for the call, I could get my one on one customers. Hey, here's my email address. If you got any questions before the call, you want some your links for the $20 group. Call ones. Then I tell them. Look, you're going to get based on how many people show up in the call this much to share. I can help prepare people better for what they're going to go through using the different automation ins. Appier. In order to do this, you need tohave the right trigger in your scheduling software. I like acuity because I can do a trigger based on appointment start, which is really nice. If it can trigger a specified time before the appointment starts. I can send custom notifications with that for example, if I wanted to be, say, one hour before the appointment starts, I can pick hours. I can pick the appointment. Let's say for the one our group call, I can pick a calendar to trigger the sap, and I then put the time before Now this Zapf will start working one hour before the appointment is scheduled to begin. This allows me to send reminders and whatever in of roles I want and however many I want. Here's what's also awesome. I can schedule it to say Start one hour before the appointment. However, I can then go into sappier and sketch do things like delay and I can put in a delay buys happier now. Aiken, delay this delay. Four. Continue. If I know all my calls, for example, are one hour, then Aiken, do a nice little zap like this. I go in here. Time delayed four. Put in number two. Right here. Time unit delayed two hours. Now what I've got set up is I've got a zap that automatically runs two hours after it's actually an hour after the appointment is over. You can technically set this up and count Lee. You'd have to pull the number from the appointment scheduled and then do it that way with acuity, scheduling and some of the other scheduling APS, depending on the trigger. You conduce this to send follow up emails and or text messages, which is a really good idea. Someone's paid to schedule called me. I want to be right there with a follow up email afterwards. And what's awesome With this workflow, I can just put in something directly via Gmail. I can send it straight from my Gmail email account. I don't have to worry about using any email marketing software where there's an unsubscribe link. I can just have it be the appearance of a manually sent email after that goes one hour after call. Hey, thanks very much for doing that. Call with me today. Here's how you can schedule another call. Here's a coupon to whatever percent off your next call. Here's what I recommend Going forward. You can customize thes and get his creative as you want. Teoh. It's really nice to be ableto automate things like follow up e mails, if desired. You can also do each of your follow up emails manually, which is a good way to start. What you may notice when you're taking appointments is that people consistently end up getting sent the same kind of information afterwards. You can completely automate that. Was that here you can put in text message notifications, for example, to send yourself a text message, a reminder one hour before the calls. You don't forget. I have totally forgot calls before you can automate this to your heart's desire. What's important to knows that there's a lot of different call scheduling APS that work well within. Is that beer to help you automate your process? You workflow in. A lot of these call applications do not have that deep of an ability to give you those features directly. For example, callin Lee does do some email follow ups. Acuity. Scheduling does have the ability to do some email follow ups. What's really nice is you can go far beyond that. You can even add somebody directly to your email list. For example, if you're using mail, chimp or active campaign or email octopus or send pulsar sending blue you. Can you add somebody when they schedule a call directly to your email? A list in this workflow you might even start your workflow with adding them to your email list, and then you've got a world of possibilities open. I appreciate your learning about different call scheduling APS. You can use within zap ear to take calls that you get and make the most out of them with automatic follow ups with text message reminders to yourself and to go beyond with automation, whatever these call scheduling programs allow you to do by themselves. 19. When to Automate vs When to Do Manually?: what to automate with that beer versus what to do manually. My view is to automate everything I can as long as it comes out looking pretty good. If I automate something and it looks terrible. For example, when I used to automate my posts on social media, they often would come out with no image or it just be really small text. And that encouraged me to just do it manually for a while. I'm grateful the automation has gotten better in the years since I've started using zap ear . And now the automation is almost as good, if not equal to what I can do just by doing it manually, without having to take all the time and energy to do it. You want to automate anything that you're going to need to do consistently. For example, if you are publishing blawg post, you should always share those blawg posts on all your social media accounts. That is something that's ideal to do with automation because it's a regular activity. Ideally, you're doing publishing new blood posts for me. I'm publishing new videos that should absolutely be automated because I'm putting a new video out every day. There's no reason for me to copy and paste my video every single time to my Facebook page, my Twitter, Pinterest LinkedIn when zap here could do that for me. Some areas cannot be automated very easily. Things like posting directly to my Facebook profile must be done manually, whereas I can automate to my page. What I noticed is that I'm not actually taking the time most of the time to manually paste my video over on to Facebook. That means it's a very big opportunity for automation. If there's any task you're already doing that you can automate. That's ideal if you can also automate something that you would love to do. But you keep forgetting to do or don't have the time to do, like share to a Facebook page share to your Twitter profile. That is something that is outstanding toe automate that you definitely want to take the time and plan out and automation for that. What kinds of things don't you want to automate? There are some things you can automate that will cause you additional work, and that is what is under desirable. For example, you can do automation Xas I've done in the past to watch, ah, certain price or certain number on a chart somewhere that can be valuable to save time instead of manually checking it. However, I s set up in automation to do that before and a better question to ask. Is that something you should be checking all the time anyway? Then I get disappointed when I'm not getting messages on my phone that the price of something I set up to track and automation with hasn't went over. That I spend all this time is setting up an automation that then I later turn off and didn't need in the first place. If you're automating tasks like grabbing a certain information online, for example, every time there's a new video that pops up in a YouTube search and you're putting that in the spreadsheet, if you're taking new tweets and putting them in a spreadsheet and you're trying to build all of this data lots of times, setting all that up can be a activity that does not produce much of a return. I once assembled a list of thousands of Facebook pages, and I put a ton of time and energy into getting those pages assembled all for the purpose of direct messaging, the people in trying to sell them on my services. I then stopped selling the services. I spent all this time and energy to build up this massive database, which I didn't even need. I was happier to get the best results. I encourage to question everything you want. Toe automate. Consider. Is this really adding value? For example, sharing posts automatically. Social media is a great idea from a blawg. If you got a podcast, sharing your episodes automatically is a very good idea. If you've got a YouTube channel, if you've got somewhere you're regularly creating content. Sharing that to social media is a very good idea. Often other tasks can be questionable and should be researched and considered, as I've spent a lot of time and energy, setting up automation and setting up systems that then I stopped using. I hope this experience is helpful for you today as you continue your journey, automating with sappier and figuring out what are the best opportunities for you to save time, expand your marketing efforts and also to avoid wasting time or avoid creating a mess with automation.