Your Neat Space: A Room-by-Room Guide to Clean & Tidy | Caroline Solomon | Skillshare

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Your Neat Space: A Room-by-Room Guide to Clean & Tidy

teacher avatar Caroline Solomon, Neat home, neat mind.

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Course Intro


    • 2.

      How to Declutter Your Bathroom


    • 3.

      How to Organize Your Bathroom 1


    • 4.

      How to Clean Your Bathroom


    • 5.

      How to Declutter Your Bedroom


    • 6.

      How to Organize Your Bedroom


    • 7.

      How to Clean Your Bedroom


    • 8.

      How to Declutter Your Kitchen


    • 9.

      How to Organize Your Kitchen


    • 10.

      How to Clean Your Kitchen


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About This Class

Hello everyone and welcome back! In this class, I'm excited to share a room-by-room plan on how to clean and tidy the most important areas of your home. We will focus on the bathroom, bedroom and kitchen, which are often the most frequented areas of one's space.

For each room, I will provide specific action items centered on decluttering, organizing and cleaning. I will steer you towards "clutter hotspots" and key items to focus on when paring things down. I will equip you with straightforward cleaning plans featuring natural ingredients and simple tools. And finally, I will offer up simple organizing tips, featuring both practical and more product-based suggestions. 

After taking this course, you'll be well-equipped to: 

  • Declutter your closet with less guilt and more confidence
  • Transform your bedroom into a more relaxing and peaceful environment
  • Keep your kitchen well-maintained and organized, so you can cook and bake with ease
  • Clean your bathroom using a simple routine that inspires confidence
  • Feel more in control of your tidying routines and your space!

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Caroline Solomon

Neat home, neat mind.


Hi! I'm Caroline Solomon, a Home Organizing Expert based in NYC. My mission is to help you become the best version of yourself through your home.

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Level: Beginner

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1. Course Intro: Hello everyone and welcome. My name is Caroline Solomon and I'm a home organizing expert here in New York City. I work with clients to declutter and reorganize their spaces so that they can feel like the best version of themselves at home and beyond. If you caught my previous course, I really offered a more macro overview of how to declutter, organized, and clean any space in your home. And in this course we're going more micro and I'm sharing a more in-depth guide on how to declutter organized, and clean the most important areas of your home, those are the kitchen, the Bedroom slash closet, and the bathroom. So let's dive in. 2. How to Declutter Your Bathroom: Okay. So we're starting with the bathroom because it's an obvious place to start. We spent a lot of time in the bathroom and it has a tendency to get kind of icky over time. If we've got a lot of toiletries in there that we're not using before you grab the garbage bag and start tossing, I really recommend asking yourself, why am I declaring my bathroom? Am I doing it so that I can more efficiently get from point a to point B in the morning, have a faster morning routine, have an easier, more relaxing night-time routine. This is going to guide the process and just make it a lot more deliberate also is helpful to go into the bathroom and just take stock of what's working. Take a mental note of what you like and what you don't like. And this is again, going to guide the process and just make it more deliberate. So once you have accomplished these things, It's now time to grab a garbage bag and start tossing those clearly identifiable expired items, things that are trashed, pull everything out and look for expiration dates. If items don't have expiration dates, then use an educated guess. Use your sense of sight, smell, touch. If the self tanner smells off, if the login is gunky and it's separating them, these are good indicators that it's time to throw them out. And if you have cosmetics that maybe the foundation is separating or the nail polishes separating. These again are good indicators that they have probably gone bad. And if you have used these cosmetics, maybe that glittery eye shadow is just not for you. You can pass them along to family and friends and they will actually be used. Same goes for unused beauty products. If you have unused beauty products, bath products, hair care products that are just not for you. Maybe you don't like the scent. You can consider donating those to your local homeless shelter. And they will actually really go a long way and make someone else's day. And same goes for freebies. We have a tendency to just collect a lot of free stuff because we're like, Wow, Of course it's free. I'm going to use this. But sometimes what ends up happening is that these freebies accumulate and they just end up taking up space. I recommend using them for travel. Or you can give them to family or friends or donate to a homeless shelter. You have options. They don't need to sit there if you're not using them. Now we're heading on over to expired medications and supplements. Open up that medicine cabinet and take a look at what has expired. If it's Ginseng supplement that you used once and it expired in 2010, toss that the prescription medications have to be disposed responsibly. So I actually recommend bringing them to your local pharmacy, at least that's what you can do in the US. Double-check what the protocol is in your country. We're going to move on to the shower or the bath tub. If you have a lot of loofah is that are hanging out or kind of gunky razors that have seen better days. It might be time to toss those and maybe swap them out for more sustainable options that just last longer. I recommend using a dry brush because these last couple of years, now we're talking towels. Just take a look at what you love, what you use a lot and what you just haven't really been using. We have a tendency to hold onto extra towels. But what happens is that those towels can be gunky. They are afraid, maybe they're bleached. Consider dropping those off at your local animal shelter. They will take them there or you can cut them up and turn them into cleaning rags. Okay. So we've come to the end of de-cluttering your bathroom. We've tackled the products. Hopefully your space feels a lot roomier. You feel like you can breathe a little bit better when you have fewer products. You don't have to worry as much about maintaining them and cleaning them and tending to them. In the next episode, we're going to talk about how to make sense of this space and how to organize it according to your needs. 3. How to Organize Your Bathroom 1: Okay, so you've declared your bathroom, you feel amazing. You have all of this space and now it's time to dive into organization. So before you rush over to the container store to stock up on a lot of organizing products. It's really more important that you create a map for yourself where you're putting things back in the same place every time. And more importantly, you're putting things back in a way that makes sense to your organizing style and your routine. So let's start with a medicine cabinet. I'm a huge fan of the medicine cabinet for storing your everyday essentials. All you have to do is just pretty straightforward. Open it and put your everyday skincare essentials at eye level and put them also in the order that you use them. So your serum, your moisturizer, your sunscreen, and that's just going to make a very big difference in your morning. It's going to run on autopilot. And the same is true for your makeup. You just want to put your capsule collection really the essentials that you use on an everyday basis at eye level on the bottom shelf, mid shelf. And this is just going to make your life a lot easier for the top shelf. So you can use those for backup products, duplicates, less frequently used prescription medications or supplements. And if you don't have a medicine cabinet, then it makes sense to store your everyday skincare and makeup on your bathroom sink. But keep in mind here that clutter has a tendency to attract other clutter. So you really want to contain those essentials and some kind of tray or some kind of lazy Susan so that they don't spread out and just make your sink and bathroom look messy underneath the bathroom sink. So again, this is a great place to store backups, but you wanna make sure that this area is as open and roomy as possible. Hopefully, you did cluttered and you had a chance to just create a lot more space here. And so it's good to keep it that way. There's no need to stock up on tons of extra shampoos and conditioners. When we all have a lot of access to these products through Amazon or local pharmacy. It's just better to keep this space clutter-free. So with that in mind, It's a really great idea to categorize your different products. Hair care, skincare, body care, back hair, etc. Whatever you use frequently, you're going to put those in their own kinds of bins. If you're organizing styles to just reach for things very easily, you don't like to pull things out. Then it makes sense to have low drop front bins, which will make your life a lot easier. If you like things more neat and contained and kind of closed off, then you can use drawers. And you really just want to make sure that you're labeling given or drawer because we have a ton of toiletries and things just have a tendency to get lost in the shuffle if you're not labeling anything. Now you can go and measure the dimensions of your cabinets and your medicine cabinets and your shelves. And then you can go online or to the Container Store and just see what products work best for you. And I have given you a couple of examples like the Lazy Susan, the drop front bins, but go and fill it out for yourself. We are going to interact with them on an everyday basis, so make sure that they work for you, though, that is organizing one-on-one for your bathroom. I hope this was helpful and now stay tuned for how to clean everything in your bathroom. 4. How to Clean Your Bathroom: Okay. So your bathrooms D cluttered. It's organized. It looks great. It's one thing to have it look tidy, but quite another thing to keep it clean. But with a few simple tools and ingredients, you can make your bathroom cleaning experience just a lot more seamless, a lot easier. It's going to eventually become second nature to you. I first really recommend wearing comfortable clothes. So put on your workout clothes, maybe put on some exciting, upbeat music. Listened to a podcast, make sure you have some water close by because cleaning your bathroom can be a very labor intensive activity. Once that is all in order, you're going to grab your cleaning caddy. And I've mentioned earlier if you have some cleaning products already in your bathroom, then that's also a great system to have in place in terms of breaking down your bathroom into different zones or different surfaces. It's really up to you. You can clean the mirrors all in one go. The surfaces all in one go via faucets and appliances all in one go. It's really just up to you. I personally prefer to clean up different areas of the bathroom. The very first thing you wanna do is just blackout those bathroom rungs if you have them, this is going to get rid of any dust and eventually you're going to vacuum it up, so don't worry about it. And you're also going to start removing the wastebasket, anything that's on the surface, anything that might interfere with cleaning the bathroom. Once that's all out of the way, it's time to start cleaning the bathroom sink. So you can clean the bathroom sink with some all-purpose cleaner and a rag, or you can use a microfiber cleaning cloth, and then you're going to move on to the bathroom sink. I recommend using equal parts, vinegar and water spray to just remove any gunk. If you have a significantly gunky or sink, then you can sprinkle some baking soda into the sink and scrub it down with a soapy sponge. Then you're going to rinse down the sink and it will really look sparkling new. Now we're going to focus on faucets. You can spray down the area with equal parts of vinegar and water, or you can spray down the faucets with equal parts, rubbing alcohol and water, you're going to wipe it down with a microfiber cleaning cloth and that's just going to buff that area and make it look really polished and brand new. Then we're going to look up and what do we see? Our bathroom mirror, you just have to spray it down with some equal parts, vinegar and water. Grab a microfiber cleaning cloth and just wiped down and an S-like motion. And for extra buffing, if you want to make it look super polished, you can flip the microfiber cleaning cloth over and then give it a once over again. Now it's on over to everyone's favorite thing to clean in the home, which is the toilet. No one really likes to clean the toilet, but it has to be done. So I recommend cleaning the toilet bowl with hydrogen peroxide. It's just a great disinfectant and it also cleans in brightens your bowl. You can dump half cup into the bowl there and you're going to let it sit for about 20 minutes. So while you're doing other things in the bathroom, it's just kind of working its magic start by cleaning the toilet itself from top to bottom with some all-purpose cleaner. You're going to lift up the top seat, you're going to lift up the lower seat and you're going to spray it down, making sure that you're also spraying underneath the toilet as well because this is and often forgotten area. If you want to use a rag, you can, if you don't want to use arrive, you can use some paper towel while the hydrogen peroxide is sitting. It's now time to wander on over to the shower. So you really want to make sure that you're cleaning the shower adequately so that it doesn't collect mold and mildew, remove any bath and body care that's hanging out at the bottom of the shower, collect any hair or anything that's lingering on the floor. You can spray down the glass shower door with that same equal parts vinegar and water. You're going to spray on both sides. You're going to wipe down surfaces in the shower with some all-purpose cleaner. You're going to wipe it with a rag. You're also going to spray down the faucet and the shower head with some equal parts vinegar and water. And you're going to wipe that down with a microfiber cleaning cloth so the showers looking good. And finally, if you want to deal with mold and mildew prevention, then I recommend spraying the grout lines with some hydrogen peroxide. And those grout lines are not only going to look clean and brand new, they're going to be free of mold and mildew. Once that has been sorted, it's on to the bathtub by recommend using a cleaning powder. I'm a big fan of bona me because it's very simple to use. It has a very mild abrasive made a feldspar powder. All you got to do is just sprinkle it onto the bathtub surface. You can use a damp sponge to wipe it down and then rinse and your bathtub will look sparkling clean. Now, if you have a dirtier bathtub to deal with, I recommend using that same baking soda and dish soap that I recommended earlier for your sinks, then you're going to just spray down the faucet with equal parts vinegar and water and Buffett with a microfiber cleaning cloth. And now all we have to do is just a few more things. Look down at the floor. How's the floor looking if there's some hair and stuff that just needs to be vacuumed up, grab your vacuum and just start vacuuming thoroughly in all of those nooks and crannies, you might have to use the crevice tool here in-between your cabinets. Now's the time to clean the floor. So you can use two cups of water and a teaspoon of dish soap as a floor concentrate. And you can actually put that in a wet mop container and just spray down the floor. Another alternative is to actually just use a rag and clean the floor by hand. This is all depending on how ambitious you are and whether you want to clean your floor by hand. So you can do that. You could also use equal parts, rubbing alcohol and water if you'd like to disinfect your floor in the process, now that the floor is looking good, it's time to put all of those objects back that we took out in the bathroom, dump the wastebasket, put the wastebasket back, lay out your back math. As a quick bonus, you can polish your objects that are usually on your bathroom sink using microfiber cleaning cloth just to bust them down. And this is going to just be the extra cherry on top that makes your bathroom look super clean. That's it for our weekly bathroom cleaning routine. Just know that with practice, you will become a lot more adept at cleaning your bathroom. And it's all about using just very simple tools, ingredients, and techniques. So I hope this was helpful. Please stay tuned for my next series on how to clean the clutter and organize your bedroom and closet. 5. How to Declutter Your Bedroom: Today we are talking all about how to declutter your bedroom. If you've watched my first course, I offered some general tips on how to declutter any space in your home. And today we're going a little bit more specific and micro, you're going to work your way around your room. And depending on how much stuff you have in your bedroom, you might need a ton of heavy-duty garbage bags and reusable tote, or you might need very few. But before you even rush to get some garbage bags, I really recommend going into your bedroom and seeing what's working and what's not working. For the most part, we all want our bedrooms to be a place, refuge, calm, relaxation. If we have a lot of stuff in there that maybe doesn't even belong, this can interfere with our ability to just have a good night sleep, to feel cozy and at peace there. So let's start with the surfaces in the bedroom. If you have a dresser in your bedroom, chances are maybe you have some trinkets there. Take a look at these things and just actually pick them up and hold them in your hands. If you feel totally blog about it, you can donate it. If it's broken, you can toss it to moving on to books. If you have a bunch of books in your bedroom, now's a good time to take stock of what you're reading, what you're not reading. We all have the best of intentions when it comes to reading stacks of books, but sometimes they just kinda collect dust on our nightstand. Maybe consider donating it to your local library, donating it to your local thrift store, charity shop. You can also sell these books, their apps like Ziff it, which is really great that I recommend. Let's talk about nightstand. If you have a drawer in your nightstand, take a look, toss and anything that's broken, maybe it's a lotion that's expired, maybe it's Vaseline, that's kinds of products that we can toss. So now onto jewelry. Great thing about de-cluttering your jewelry is that it makes the items that you actually love it stand out more and therefore you're more likely to wear them. Chances are there some necklaces, bracelets, earrings here that you just haven't worn in years. Maybe their tarnished. Maybe you have a set of earrings and you've lost one of the earrings. If there's a necklace that is nice, maybe you can bring it to your local jeweler or try and resell it on places like the real, real. Now's a chance to take a look at your closet, depending on whether you're sentimental or you have a hard time getting rid of things, this will be a easy or not so easy place to declutter. I always recommend starting with the easier areas in your closet so that you can build up momentum. Things like hangers, wire hangers, dry cleaning hangers because they have a tendency to warp our clothes over time. Actually, other thing to get rid of here in your closet or your threadbare holy socks. So I recommend maybe repurposing those holy socks. You can use them for adjusters around the house. You can use them to clean or you can just toss them responsibly. And if you have a lot of single socks like this, you can consider actually compiling them and donating them to local homeless shelter so long as these don't have holes. Let's talk about T-shirts or any kinds of clothes that have pit stains on them. There are certain things that you can do like soaking your white t-shirts in. Oxy clean. Sometimes Oxy clean doesn't even do the trick. So if it's an old undershirt, then I recommend just turning that shirt into a rag, moving onto shoes. Chances are maybe you have shoes in your closet that are just collecting dust. You haven't worn them in years, maybe you're holding onto them for that someday occasion when you'll need them. I recommend really just taking all your shoes out of the closet and trying them on if you have time, ask yourself, Do I like these? Do I love them? What I buy them again today? And that's really a game-changing question to ask yourself for shoes that are beyond repair and tennis shoes and you can just recycle them responsibly is it's not really a good idea to wear these sneakers. It's bad support for your feet, not good for your backs. Gifts, close that we've received as maybe hand me downs, things that we receive for a birthday or for holidays. There's nothing wrong with getting rid of something that isn't bringing you joy. If it's making you feel guilty, just looking at it. There's really no sense in holding onto these kinds of items really go through your closet, take each item out physically. It doesn't elicit positive emotions. It doesn't need to be in your closet, donate your clothes, you can sell your nicer clothes to places like thread up or the real, real or local consignment shops in your area. So I hope these tips were helpful. Remember that your bedroom is really whatever you want it to be, but it shouldn't be a place that's full of stuff that doesn't belong, but doesn't bring you joy. That doesn't make you feel at peace and relaxed. Stay tuned for the next video on how to organize your bedroom. 6. How to Organize Your Bedroom: Okay, so you've declared your bedroom. Hopefully it feels a lot more spacious, open, airy, and just overall more relaxing when it comes to organizing your bedroom, I really like to keep to a less is more approach. I think that once you start piling on all of the organizational solutions and the products, things can start to get pretty cluttered pretty fast. Why don't we start with the nightstand. I do recommend using some kind of drawer organizer. You could use Bamboo organizers. This is a nice, sustainable option. You can keep backups of products in there. They will stay nice and organized. They're on top of the nightstand. I recommend keeping this surface pretty clear of clutter, really only storing the essentials there, maybe hand cream, eye mask, essential oils, whatever you use to fall asleep, a book, your nightstand is a really great place to keep minimal because it is one of the first things that we see when we wake up in the morning. Let's talk about the bed and specifically underneath the bed. So I really recommend storing off-season close here, sheets, extra towels, suitcases, that sort of thing. Canvas, storage bag is great. One made of cotton when made of linen. These are all great options. So if you have a dresser or you have other kinds of open shelving, chances are maybe you have some jewelry line around. And if you want to use your jewelry more often, that helps to give each item of jewelry a homed. A great solution here is an open tray with dividers, allows you to see all of your earrings, your necklaces, earrings very quickly, and just retrieve them very quickly as well. Let's talk about everybody's favorite area when it comes to storage solutions, the closet, when we're organizing our closet, we have a tendency to go overboard on the storage products, the sweater dividers. We need this special kinds of hangers, we need this special kinds of bins. But really what's more important here is that your closet has space and room to breathe. You have clothes that aren't kinda crammed on the clothing rack. I recommend having one uniform hanger. It's going to make your clothes really pop and stand out. And it's just going to make your closet looks so much more uniform and neat and tidy above your clothing rack. Maybe you have a shelf here. Maybe you want to store your sweaters here. And there's no obligation to use sweater dividers. But if you maybe have five or six sweaters and you're low on space, these just really help keep each column contain. When it comes to shoe storage, you have tons of options. You can use a bookcase, which is what I personally have in my closet and repurpose it. For shoes. You can use a smaller shoe rack. You can use an over the door shoe rack. You have tons of options. I do think it's helpful to have a few baskets in your closet because it's a great place to store those clothes that you don't want to wear anymore. Once it's fully, you can donate them, you can sell them. That's just a good landing place for those kinds of clothes. Another basket maybe for dust bags or tights or other little bits and bobs that we generally store in the closet. And like me, you don't have a dresser in your bedroom, then it helps to have some kind of drawer solution in your closet door and these socks, workout gear, pajamas, that sort of thing. And one that I recommend is just a very simple wire. Your solution that you can just slide open and a pinch. And it just makes getting ready very, very easy because all of your clothes are in one place as opposed to in the dresser and then in the closet. Hooks never underestimate the power of a hook to really transform your space and use them to hang your rows, hats, belts, purses, really the list goes on here. And if you do have a ton of bags and you're someone who likes to quickly retrieve your bags, then I do recommend some kind of PEG rack or PEG rail if you prefer to display your persist on different shelves, It's totally up to you. So that is bedroom organization, one-on-one. I hope I've conveyed that it really comes down to your own personal organizing style, how you want your bedroom closet to look. These are different little solutions that can help you along the way, but you by no means need to pile on the organizing products. It's really just more important that the items that you have in your bedroom and in your closet, or things that you love, things that bring you joy. I hope this was helpful. Please stay tuned for the next video where we're going to talk about how to clean your bedroom. 7. How to Clean Your Bedroom: Okay. So you've organized your bedroom, everything has a home, everything has a place to live. And now we're going to talk about how to clean your bedroom. Cleaning your bedroom really runs on a spectrum from picking up close from the floor, tossing them in the hamper to doing a more deep clean like dusting your walls, the less stuff that you have to sort through and clean, the easier this experience is going to be when you have a clutter-free area, it's just going to make dusting and wiping down surfaces so much easier from the get-go before we even talk about deep cleaning, having some kind of daily cleaning routine. And that's really just remembering to put your clothes in the hamper after you take them off, tossing any trash and he scraps of paper receipts, mugs, tissues. Well, don't tell us the mugs put that in the dishwasher. It's just going to make cleaning your bedroom so much easier. With that in mind, let's start with tidying and organizing. Really important to get rid of, clutter anything that doesn't belong. You have clothes that are just hanging out their torsos and the hamper. If you have clean clothes that maybe you did the laundry, forgot to fold those clothes, time to fold those clothes, put them away and toss any trash here, you're going to toss it into a garbage bag and then just get rid of it. So now is the time to dive into cleaning and make sure that you have all of your tools here in the same place. You have your cleaning caddy, a vacuum, you're microfiber cloth. Just have it all in one spot so that you're not running around. It's time to tackle the base boards. You can use a microfiber cloth here, wipe it down with some all-purpose cleaner and you're just gonna get rid of the dust that coats these areas. I recommend doing this pretty routinely because it's just one of those things that makes a huge difference in how clean your space looks. If you have a lot of dust on your base boards, then skip the all-purpose cleaner because it's just gonna be kinda gunky and growth. If you have doors here, you can wipe down the little grooves. Stores with the same cloth. They have a tendency to get dusty as well. Now we're going to dive into surfaces. If you have a dresser, window sill, nice stands, we're going to remove all of this stuff. So use some all-purpose cleaner here and a microfiber cloth, the S pattern here to do an adequate clean. And before putting all of your trinkets, whatever you have back, makes sure to do a wipe down there as well with the microfiber cloth because just gonna get rid of some dust and just make those items look a lot neater. Moving on to lamps, you can use a lint roller here to get rid of dust. This is a great little hack. If you don't have lint roller, you could use the brush attachment of your vacuum to get rid of dust and wipe down the base of your lamps with some all-purpose cleaner and a microfiber cloth. And that's just going to make the nightstand area look nice and clean. If you have an upholstered beds, the same lint roller to just get rid of dust. If you have a pet like I do, pet hair is going to be a thing there. So just make sure you're getting rid of all that pet hair. And now's the time maybe to wash the sheets. Depending on how you space out your bedroom cleaning and your laundry, It's a good idea to strip the sheets and wash them once a week, run it on a hot cycle to disinfect them, kill bacteria. And you really only need two tablespoons of detergent if you have mirrors and your bedroom or artwork, Now's a good time to wipe those down. You can remove dust from the tops of the artwork and mirrors with a microfiber cleaning cloth or a duster, whatever you have. And then you can spray some equal parts vinegar and water spray onto a microfiber cloth and then just wipe down those surfaces. We've tackled dust, we tackled surfaces and now we're going to look down and see how we're doing with the floors. And you have like a shag rug or one of those kind of throw rugs, it's a good opportunity to kind of walk it out, release that dust because we're just going to vacuum it up in a moment. You're going to grab your vacuum. You're going to vacuum in one corner of the room and work your way out. You're going to vacuum as well underneath the rugs because those have a tendency to collect desks there. If you have a wastebasket, anything that you use to collect the trash, you're going to dump it into your main trash, bring the wastebasket back in. And really that is it in a nutshell, that is bedroom cleaning one-to-one. It's not so difficult, not as difficult as say a kitchen or a bathroom because there aren't a lot of moving parts here. So really so long as you are paying attention to daily routine maintenance, it's going to make the deeper cleans so much easier. It's going to make the deeper claims just a regular clean. So I hope this was helpful. Please stay tuned for the next series on how to declutter, organized, and clean your kitchen. 8. How to Declutter Your Kitchen: Today we're talking all about how to declutter your kitchen. And the whole reason why it's important to declutter your kitchen is because you really want to use your kitchen. You want to be able to cook and bake in it very seamlessly. So you don't have to do this all in one go. If you're starting with a ton of stuff where you get overwhelmed easily, you can really chunk out your time. You're going to work your way around the kitchen as you do with any other de-cluttering activity, you're going to grab your garbage bags, your reusable totes for donations, and you're going to go from there. Let's just start with the pantry. Like any de-cluttering session, it really pays to just take everything out and take a look at anything that's expired, anything that's stale, expired ******. Take out your spice collection. See if there's anything that's gone bad. ****** last between six to 12 months, they will just lose their potency and their flavor over time. Let's talk about the fridge. We all have a tendency to get excited, maybe about different condiments. And then they just sit in our fridge and we don't use them. In my case, that's like a pomegranate molasses that I got on a whim. So whatever you have kind of lurking in your fridge, pull it all out and see what's expired, dispose of it properly. Let's talk about the freezer. Anything that is covered in freezer burn, maybe it's some ice cream, some frozen bread. Let's just dispose of it. If it's some kind of stew or frozen prepared meal that we haven't eaten. Moving on to kitchen gadgets, now we have duplicates or maybe even triplicate of the same thing. Maybe it's extra wooden spoons for measuring spoons, extra whiskey or whatever for you. Take a look at what you use regularly and donate the rest. If it's beyond repair, maybe it's super rusty or it's broken, it's time to just dispose of it so that you can free up space and these drawers so that it's a lot easier to just reach for something when you need it in a pinch, pots and pans. When we have tons of extra paths that are in the way that we don't use regularly. It's just going to be really cumbersome. See what you're using, and then consider donating the rest Tupperware. You just have a ton of Tupperware with missing lens. It's time to recycle them and free up space for actual Tupperware that have lives. I personally really recommend the glassware because it lasts a lot longer. It's more environmentally friendly. And as a quick, very easy hack to avoid losing your lives in the future, all you have to do is just place the lid on top of the base and store it that way and you'll never lose track of the lids plastic cutlery if you have a tendency to collect a lot of cutlery over time and it just sits in your drawer cabinet collecting dust. Maybe you can put it in your car or bring it to the office. Months. How many months do we all really need? Take out your mug collection. Chances are you have a few in there that you're not using regularly. So donate them and it's just going to free up space and make your morning routine just a lot easier. You'll be able to reach with a month that you love. Same goes for shot glasses. Maybe you have a lot of beer Qsys that you hold onto. Take these things out and see which ones you use regularly if it's just a total novelty and you're just not going to use it, then it's time to donate it. Let's talk about kitchen appliances. Let's take a look at what you're using regularly and what can go. It's okay to hold onto ones that you use maybe once a month or even once a year if you use them for the holidays. But the others that maybe you tried, like the blow torch or the waffle maker or the bingo game maker, and you just aren't going to use them and sell them. Or you can give them to friends and family. But the pasta maker, if you tried it and you're not going to use it again, it's just going to clutter up your space. Finally, I want to talk about a very often forgotten area of the kitchen, which is underneath the kitchen sink. We have a tendency to clutter up this space with just a ton of cleaning products, a ton of just extra bits and bobs that we don't use regularly. So take everything out if you have cleaning products that you haven't touched in years, it's time to get rid of them. You really don't need as much as you think so you don't have to do this all in one go, whether it's over the course of a week or a couple of months, take your time and eventually you will get there and you'll feel just so much better and so much more at peace in your space. The next video we are talking all about how to organize your kitchen once you've declared it. 9. How to Organize Your Kitchen: So how you organize your kitchen really depends on your organizing style. If you're someone who likes to see everything, have everything out for easy access, or if you'd like things tucked away, your kitchen is going to look different. Why don't we start with the pantry. If you have very narrow shelf like mine, then it makes sense to use some kind of three tier organizer here you can stack dry goods, canned goods, anything under the sun, and it just makes it a lot easier for you to see everything at first glance instead of having those products kind of get lost in the shuffle. If you have a larger pantry, then maybe you could use baskets here if baskets are your thing. So let's talk about how you organize your pantry. This is really simple. It's just a matter of combining like items, categorizing all of your different food groups and then organizing them accordingly. This is going to avoid purchasing duplicates because I was out of powdered sugar, but no, the powdered sugar was just in a different place. So you want to combine baking goods, pastas, whole grain cereals, snacks, dried fruit. This is just going to keep everything organized. So if you eat pasta regularly, it makes sense to store these at eye level. And if you bake less frequently than it makes more sense to store these items on a higher shelf. And that's really all there is to it. So the NADH from the pantry, we will talk about the fridge. The same rules apply here. It's just a matter of zoning out your different food groups and organizing them according to frequency of use. So if you have leftovers and you want to remember to eat them, just keep them at eye level. A nice trick that I like to use is the Lazy Susan here. If you have a ton of condiments, It's easy for those to get lost in the shuffle on the side of the fridge also want to stress here that you don't need a ton of products to organize your freezer. It's just more important that you can see everything at first glance and that things are organized side-by-side. Things are filed, folded essentially, you can categorize the different areas. I know maybe frozen fruit, frozen meals, frozen meat, whatever you have. And this is going to make sense of your freezer kitchen utensil drawer, depending on how large or small it is, it's just more important that it's only stocked with utensils that you use on a regular basis. You can get those drawer organizers and then just combine like items. If you want to have easier access to your utensils, you can actually put those in a utensil organizer right by your stove. Again, it all depends on whether you want to see those utensils out and if you cook a lot, moving on to ******, I have a pull-up spice rack here because this is what Suits this area. If you have a drawer, then you can put those ****** in a three-tier spice Organizer. Let's talk about your mugs, your glasses, your wine glasses. If you drink wine less frequently than you drink coffee, then it makes more sense to keep your wine glasses on the topmost shelf and keep those mugs within reach and keep your everyday glasses within reach. The same is true with how you organize your plate where keep those everyday plates within reach. And maybe the less frequently used plates can go on the second shelf or off to the right or off to the left. Keep your everyday Tupperware, glassware close by. If you have a drawer or another cabinet, you can store them separately. Just makes sure that the lids are stacked on top of the bases and you'll never lose track of them. It's a really simple half overhead. We have some appliances. You could store them there or you can store them again on the lower shelf. Moving on to the junk drawer, do you make sure that when you're organizing your junk drawer, you have some kind of bamboo organizer or some kind of insert to make sense of all of that chaos. This is just going to make reaching for the rubber band, whatever you need in a pinch, a lot easier with the silverware. The same rules apply here. You can use a silverware organizer and just keep whatever you are using on a very regular basis here. Maybe it's serving spoons or a cake knife or a bread knife, things like that can go here, pots and pans. There's no right way or no one way to organize your pots and pans. You can use a pot and pan organizer and just insert that in your drawer. I have a particular door that doesn't really allow any kind of organizer to fit in there, but the nesting method really works fine here, sheet pans and bake where I have a couple of sheet pans here, just stacked one on top of the other. And I also have some cake pans nearby. If you want, again, to use some kind of organizer to line up your bake ware can totally use that. Finally, I want to talk about weirdly, my favorite place to organize and the kitchen, which is underneath the kitchen sink. If you have a small kitchen as I do, then I think it's a great place to store a trash can to store your recyclables. Because if your kitchen is small and you have a big trash can, the whole kitchen is just going to read trash cans. Think it's a great idea to store some kind of cleaning caddy here. You can also store a two-tiered rack here, but really all you need underneath the kitchen sink or your cleaning products, trash bags, maybe dishwasher detergent to that. Is it when it comes to organizing your kitchen, I want to stress that it's just more important that you create categories for your products and that you're actually committing to putting those things back where they belong. This is far more important than purchasing a ton of organizing products for your kitchen. So happy organizing. I hope some of these tips and product suggestions were helpful. And in the next video, we're going to talk about how to clean your kitchen. 10. How to Clean Your Kitchen: Okay, so let's talk about how to clean your kitchen. Cleaning your kitchen, of course, runs on a spectrum that goes from maybe just giving your surfaces and counters a quick wipe down. Two more deep cleaning like getting rid of the gunk inside of your oven. And today we're really just talking about how to clean your kitchen on a weekly basis. Depending on how frequently you use your kitchen, you might have to do some daily maintenance which will make the weekly cleaning routines just a lot easier. So sweeping the floor, getting rid of crumbs, wiping down counters, wiping down the stove top if you cooked, why don't we start with a fridge. The fridge can become kind of a mess if we're not looking at what we have on a regular basis once a week. Really. Take a look at what's in there. Take stock of what you have, what you need to eat before it goes bad. And this is a great opportunity if you'd like to wipe down surfaces, use equal parts, vinegar and water here, make those fridge shelves look really nice and clean. And for more deeper cleans with your fridge, you can use warm soapy water and if you want to, you can keep a box of baking soda in your fridge. This is going to deodorizers it. You only need to swap it out maybe two to three months. The oven, if you have a stainless steel Oven, it's really easy to just wipe down those surfaces with equal parts vinegar and water or even equal parts rubbing alcohol and water, it's going to make your oven sparkle and shine. There's something about rubbing alcohol that just works wonders with stainless steel. So wiped down the surfaces with a microfiber cleaning cloth, you can give the burner grades a quick rinse under warm water or warm soapy water depending on how dirty they are. And if your oven itself is kinda gross, and maybe you made something that got a little messy. Sprinkle some baking soda on the oven, squeeze half a lemon, let it sit for ten minutes, scrub with a rough sponge and then rinse with a damp rag. You don't have to do this on a weekly basis. It's something really that maybe needs to be done every few months or so. If you'd like, as a bonus, you can actually remove those knobs and you just kinda clean the areas where the knobs rest because these tend to get gunky. You definitely don't have to do this on a weekly basis. However, if your microwave is looking kinda gross and it's high time to clean it, I recommend just getting a bowl, filling it with water, butting a lemon and squeezing the juice into the bowl, you can just microwave that for a few minutes. And then once those three minutes are up, let that sit for a couple of minutes and then just wipe it down with a microfiber cleaning cloth, rag, paper, towel, whatever you have on hand and it's just going to lift a way that Greece. So let's talk about the dishwasher. It contrary to what you might think, the dishwasher itself needs to be cleaned every so often, wiped down at the inside of those walls with some all-purpose cleaner. And then if you have a dishwasher filter, you can remove it, rinse it with some warm soapy water, get rid of any food debris, anything that's stuck in there. You can also, if you'd like, put two cups of vinegar in a Pyrex or some kind of dish, and put that on the top rack of your dishwasher with your other dishes. And the vinegar is just going to create steam that's going to break down any grease or gunk that's hanging out on the walls of the dishwasher. Why don't we move on to the kitchen sink about once a week. It's a great idea to do a deeper clean than simply just rinsing the sink with water.