Yoga For Beginners: A 15-Day Foundational Course | Abi Carver | Skillshare

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Yoga For Beginners: A 15-Day Foundational Course

teacher avatar Abi Carver, Yoga For Peak Performance

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Join the Class!


    • 2.

      Basic Yoga Poses


    • 3.

      Hip-Opening Stretch


    • 4.

      Neck And Shoulder Relief


    • 5.

      Stress Reliever


    • 6.

      Stretch It Out


    • 7.

      Lower Back Therapy


    • 8.

      Winding Down


    • 9.

      Full Body Stretch


    • 10.

      Natural Pain Relief


    • 11.

      Morning Flow


    • 12.

      Mobility Flow


    • 13.

      Back And Shoulder Love


    • 14.

      Yoga For Travel


    • 15.

      Rest And Recovery


    • 16.

      Achy Body


  • --
  • Beginner level
  • Intermediate level
  • Advanced level
  • All levels

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The level is determined by a majority opinion of students who have reviewed this class. The teacher's recommendation is shown until at least 5 student responses are collected.





About This Class

In this 15-day comprehensive online yoga course, renowned British yoga instructor and founder of Yoga 15, Abi Carver, leads you through a comprehensive at-home beginner yoga retreat, in just 15 minutes a day.

Who is Abi Carver?

Abi Carver, creator and instructor of Yoga 15, is a two-time Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher and National Academy of Sports Medicine qualified personal trainer. She is trained in Hatha, Power Yoga and Zenthai Flow and works with the worlds elite performers including international football stars, leading philosophers, authors, rockstars and extreme sports athletes. She also teaches tens of thousands of students across her website and other platforms.

"I've personally seen the immense power of yoga to support active men and women in their high-pressure lifestyles. It's my mission to make this practice accessible to athletic, motivated individuals who don't have the time to join an expensive yoga studio or commit to 1 hour+ weekly yoga classes. I believe that the wide-ranging benefits of yoga can be effectively accessed through short, consistent daily sessions, when the objectives of the student and the content of the class are perfectly aligned.”

What makes Yoga 15 different?

This course is based on the tried and true principles of Yoga 15—a comprehensive, non-spiritual program of yoga videos designed to accelerate your performance and support your recovery. What makes this style of yoga different is that it's not only about what you accomplish in your practice but also about what your practice can help you to accomplish in other areas of your life.

15-Minute Classes

Yoga classes are typically 90 minutes long and in Abi’s experience, this is a significant time commitment to ask of a new  student. Time is at a premium in the modern age and this course is designed with that top of mind!

15 minutes is a period of time that we can all fit around our busy schedules. Whether you choose to practice before work or after work, or if you're lucky enough to have the opportunity to break up your day with some exercise. All of us can find 15 minutes to allocate to mind and body maintenance.

As productivity guru, Tim Ferriss, taught us: “It’s the small things, done consistently, that are the big things.”

Clear Objectives

Instead of practicing once a week for 90 minutes, in this course, you'll practice for 15 minutes a day on just one aspect. We might look at stretching your calves and hamstrings or opening up your hips. Alternatively, we could focus on a skill like balance, core strength, focus or concentration. You'll find that each of the Yoga 15 videos is highly specific and gives you a clear objective at the outset. This is quite a radical approach in yoga where classes are typically given generic titles like hatha flow or vinyasa which don’t give away much information about the style, content or what you may or may not achieve with your time.


Abi Carver has been careful not to incorporate any of the spiritual and religious aspects of yoga into her classes as she doesn’t want to exclude any student on the basis of their beliefs or cultural preferences. Instead, the yoga poses and cues are all translated into English  and the practices are designed exclusively to improve the health of the student’s body and mind.

Confidence to walk into any studio

One of Abi’s primary objectives is to give you the tools and confidence you need to walk into any yoga studio and know that you've got this! Yoga studios can be intimidating places if you’re new to the practice but yoga is a one-player game and you really don’t need to worry about what your fellow students are up to. With these beginner classes you'll find that the language and movements are familiar to you and you won’t have to worry about feeling out of place.

Cheaper than a single studio class

Studio yoga classes are often prohibitively expensive as their overheads are high. In this course, we strip it down to the basics. All you need is a mat, some space and, if you're lucky, a little quiet. And you'll receive 15 different yoga videos that you can practice as many times as you like for the price of just one studio class!

Why practice yoga?

  • To gain a better understanding of your body.

  • Improve your flexibility.

  • Increase your range of motion.

  • Strengthen your entire body, especially your core.

  • Sleep better.

  • Improve your coordination.

  • Learn how to breathe better and more effectively.

  • Eliminate aches and pains.

  • Alleviate post-workout soreness.

  • Reduce your injuries.

  • Start each day on the right foot—alert, centred and in the zone.


"This is a great workout for stretching and overall preparing your body for the day. I highly recommend the class. It is nice to do on a daily basis." Melissa Peterson

"Thank you, this really helped me to create a habit, and include yoga into my daily routine! I could never stick to it as the practice usually takes longer, but 15 minutes every morning before breakfast was perfect." Valeria Visoso

“Fantastic course. Bitesize 15-minute yoga. I have done it daily for weeks now and I feel a huge benefit” Anna Davey

“I keep rotating among 6 of Abi's 5x15 series and obviously am a fan. Excellent in all respects.” Randolph Harper

“This is amazing course, made me practise yoga consistently in lockdown era. Some balancing poses are super hard, I am nearing the end of 15 days now, I am going to redo the whole course again because there is a huge margin to improve. Thanks to everyone involved.” Bharat

“I woke up with stiffness and this class help me to relieve the stress my body was in." Margaret Duran

“Was a beginner and this allowed me to do yoga comfortably in my own home and build up slowly. Will continue to use regularly.” Kristina DM

“It is one of the best yoga course. The duration is very good with the well-managed course.” Rajendra Prasad Neupane

“Course is really good..Step by Step Progression is helpful for beginners." Swapnil Jain

“Perfect length of time and level of effort to give me a boost at the beginning or middle of my day!” Terry Brogan

“Good short lessons that you can fit into a busy schedule.” Schuyler Berg

“This course is what i was looking for!! 15 min per day is a great combo, i think i will buy the others form the same author!! Good job keep doing it!” Giorgio Guidazzi

“I think the 15-minute segments are the perfect length. Since I'm working from home these days, I can easily silence my phone and email for a bit, do some quick yoga, and then get back to work feeling refreshed.” Gabriel Jones

"The fact that the explanation is so good that you don't need to look on the screen makes this series better than any other. The instructor speaks calmly and clearly. In yoga, breathing pattern is important and many instructors leave that part out, which Ms Carver included." Apoorva Chourasia

"I workout a lot and suffer from general inflexibility along with back pain and just shoulder tension, im on day 12 of this and I do this before bed as my little ritual now and it puts me at such ease and I do feel generally lighter. my back feels a lot more flexible and the pain in my shoulders being so stiff isn't as apparent." Mohamad Kamani

Meet Your Teacher

Teacher Profile Image

Abi Carver

Yoga For Peak Performance


I am a two-time Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Instructor and NASM Certified Personal Trainer. 

I was born in England but now travel all over the world learning cutting-edge exercise, nutrition and health techniques to share with my online community. 

I combine my personal training experience with a deep love of yoga to create a unique style that focuses on optimising both the physical and mental aspects of the practice. I believe that yoga can teach us how to improve our balance, flexibility, mobility, strength and relaxation skills as well as fine-tuning our mental focus and relieving stress and pain. 

My mission is to bring a new simple, clear and efficient style of yoga to busy men and women—to seri... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Join the Class!: in this 15 day online yoga course. I'll lead you through a comprehensive at term yoga retreat in just 15 minutes a day. Well, cycle through five difference. Girls. Strength, flexibility, relax, ation balance and mobility. Over the course of 15 days each day, the videos get increasingly more difficult. Is your abilities improve? Building on the skills you learned the day before? My name is Abby Carver, and I'm the founder and instructor of yoga. 15. I'm a two time yoga alliance certified yoga teacher, a National Academy of Sports Medicine qualified personal trainer. I'm trained in hatha Power Yoga and Zentai Flow, and I'm lucky enough to trade and advice some of the world's elite performers, including international football stars, leading philosophers, authors, rock stars and extreme sports athletes alongside tens of thousands of students across my website. Yoga 15 dot com on other platforms. This course is based on the tried and true principles of yoga 15 a comprehensive non spiritual program of yoga videos I designed to accelerate your performance and support your recovery. What makes this style of yoga difference is that it's not only about what you accomplished in your practice, but also about what your practice can help you to accomplish in other areas of your life. I've personally seen the immense power of yoga to support active men and women in their high pressure lifestyles. It's my mission to make this practice accessible to athletic motivated individuals who don't have the time to join an expensive yoga studio or commit toe one hour plus weekly yoga classes. I believe that the wide ranging benefits of yoga could be effectively access through short , consistent daily sessions when the objectives of the student and the content of the class are perfectly aligned. In this course, your practice for 15 minutes a day on just one aspect at a time, we might lick it, stretching your cards and hamstrings or opening up your hips. Alternatively, we could focus on a skill like balance course, drink, focus or concentration. You'll find that each of the yoga 15 videos is highly specific and gives you a clear objective at the outset. This is quite a radical approach in yoga, where classes are typically given generic titles like Hatha Flow or Vanessa, which don't give away much information about the style content or what you can achieve with your time. 50 minutes is a chunk of time that I have found can easily be arranged around your schedule , whether you choose to practice before or after work or if you're lucky enough to be able to break up your working day, all of us confined 15 minutes a day to allocate to body and mind maintenance. As productivity guru Tim Ferriss taught us. It's the small things don't consistently that other big things. 2. Basic Yoga Poses: One of the main reasons that people are reluctant to try yoga is that they don't think that they are flexible enough. However, the beauty of yoga is that you start from wherever you are, and the more you practice, the more flexible you become. Just be careful not to try to use force to increase the stretch is this will cause your body's innate reflex reaction to tighten your muscles. Instead, deepen your breath and allow your muscles to lengthen naturally over the next few days and weeks of consistent practice. Our first posture is called Mountain Pose. Stand at the top of your mat with your feet hip width apart. Terry's pointing forward. Roll your shoulders up, back and down, broaden across your collarbones and look straight ahead. Allow your arms to fall naturally by your sides. Palms face inwards. Fingers soft. Press into your heels. Gently engage your abs and lengthen all the way up your spine and neck to the top of your head. Balance your weight evenly between both feet to create a firm foundation. Relax your jaw and the muscles in your face. Close your eyes. Bring your attention to your breath. Seal your lips and take a few deep breaths in through the nose and out through the nose. Feel the breath moving into your body and out of your body. Allow your belly in chest to expand and contract. Take one bore deep breath in and out. Let your breath return to its not to rhythm and continue to breathe in and out through your nose. Open your eyes. We're going to base our sequence on sun salutation a. A series of poses that is foundational to yoga. Let's break it down slowly, starting with some half sun salutations. Take a deep breath in circle your arms out and up. Look up. Exhale Swan. Dive down with a straight spine. Bend your knees, drop your head and bring your fingertips to the man in her Look up, Troy, your shoulders back. Exhale. Fold in how look up, soup your arms out. End up, come up ex helping your hands back down by your sides. Inhale, sweep your arms that end up. Reach up excel swan. Dive down with the straits. Fine, bend your knees and bring your fingertips to the map. In how look up stretches, find forward. Exhale, fold In her look up, Keep your arms out, End up, come up, Excel Bring your hands back down by your sides Moving on in How soup your arms that end up Look up, Exhale swan, Dive down with the straits Fine into forward fold Inhale Look up, Draw your shoulders back Excels that your left foot, then your right foot back to playing in how Press back to your heels Exhale, drop to your knees, Release your feet, Hug your elbows to your sides and no all the way down to the mat for cobra pose Bring your fingertips in line with your shoulders and check that your elbows point up. Press the tops of your feet into the mat and engage your legs in how Push into your hands and extend your chest forward. Exhale. Draw your shoulders back and broaden across your collarbones. Lengthen your neck too. Great, a smooth, even arc in the spine. Take a few deepen. Easy breaths. Here. Relax your lower spine as you lift up through your chest and be careful not to let your shoulders collapse around your ears. Last breath in X. How low back down to the mat. Press your hips all the way back to your heels in child's pose. Come up to all fours. Check the your hands and knees a shoulder with the part palm slightly in front of your shoulders. Spread your fingers wide. Impress your palms evenly into the mat. Tuck your toes, lift your knees off the mat and raise your hips up to this guy. Keep your knees bent to allow you to fully extend your spine. Try to straighten your elbows and rotate your arms outward to fill a broadening across your upper back. Present your palms, tilt your pelvis up and allow your spine to lengthen. Check that both knees point forward and allow your head toe. Hang naturally between your arms. Seal your lips and stay here for a few deep breaths. Walk out your feet a couple of times and shake your head to release any tension in your neck and shoulders. The key with downward dog is to first focus on keeping a long, straight spine and then on gradually bringing your heels closer and closer to the map is your cars and hamstring. Start to lengthen. Inhale step your left foot than your right fit in between your hands and look up. Exhale. Fold in how Look up micro Bend your knees, soup your arms out, end up, come up, exhale Bring your hands back down by your sides. That's put that all together on the other side with a bit more speed and fluidity. Inhale. See pure arms at end up. Look up. Exhale swan. Dive down with a straight spine into forward. Fold in how look up, draw your shoulders back. Exhale. Step your right foot back to plank, this time, followed by the left in how Press back through your heels. Engage your cool exhale. Drop to your knees and Lowell the way down to the mat. Inhale, Press into your palms. Lift up into cobra. Joy your shoulders back. Exhale low back down. Press your hips back, tuck your toes and lift up into downward dog. Keep your knees bent and stretchers fine in house that your right foot than your left foot in between your hands and look up that towel. Fold in how look up micro. Bend your knees, soup your arms out. End up, come up, exhale. Bring your hands back down by your sides. Let's come down to the mat for a sequence called cat cow. Inhale soup, your arms out, end up, look up Excel swan. Dive down with the straits fine into forward. Fold in how look up, Draw your shoulders back. Exhale, step back to all fours in the middle of your mat and release your feet. Alternating between cat and cal. Pose improves flexibility along the entire length of the spine. Bring your wrists directly underneath your shoulders and your hips right above your knees. It's fragile. Fingers impress into your palms. Inhale, die through. Your hands are just fine. And look up. Exhale round your back. Drop your head. Enjoy a 1,000,000,000 inhale. Die through your hands are just fine and look up. Exhale round your back. Tuck your chin to your chest. Enjoy your abs in inhale. Die through. Your hands are just fine and look up. Exhale around your back. Drop your head and draw your belly in last time. Inhale bend your elbows are to us. Fine and look up. Exhale round your back that coach into your chest. Enjoy your abs in. Come back to center and draw your shoulders back sweet both feet to the left. Sit back and come to the middle of your mat with your feet hip width apart in house it up. Tool XLR slowly down to the mat for bridge pose. Bring your hands by your sides, palms face down and walk your feet back into your fingertips. Graze your heels, inhale. Press into your feet and lift your hips all the way up. Check that your knees point straight ahead and do not roll out to the sides or in towards each other. Push up to your edge and take smooth and even breaths at the top of the pose. If you want to go deeper, you can roll your shoulders underneath. You interlace your fingers, straighten your arms and press your little fingers into the map. Take deep breaths at the top of the pose, deepening your back bend with every breath. Last breath in, Lift your hips up. Excel. Release your arms out from under you and they're slowly back down to the man. Place one hand on your belly and 100 your chest. Walk your feet to the edges of the map and drop both knees to the right on the left windscreen, wiping your knees a few times to release your lower back, Bring your knees back to center and hug them into your chest Rock and roll your way up to seated for our final pose. Atriss To release your lower back, bring both legs out in front of you. Cross your right foot to the outside of your left thigh and bring your other foot back to a right tip. If both your sitting bones do not rest evenly on the mat, bring your left leg out straight and flex your foot. Place your right fingertips behind you and hug your right knee into your chest. Inhale sit up tool. Exhale to us to the right. For a deeper stretch. Bring your left elbow inside. You'll write me in. How lengthen. Exhale. Twist from the base of your spine in how lengthen exhale, Twist in how lengthen Exhale. Dressed last breath in Exhale, come back to center and switch sides. Bring both legs out in front of you and cross your left foot to the outside of your right thigh. If both sitting bones rest evenly on the mat, you can bring your right foot back to your left hip. Place your left fingertips behind you and her go left knee into your chest in house it up. Tool. Exhale to us to the left. For a deeper stretch. Bring your right elbow inside your left knee. Inhale, lengthen. Exhale Dressed in how lengthen exhale Twist in how lengthen excel. Dress last breath in Exhale, Come back to center and bring both feet flat to the map. Inhale, sit upto. Exhale, lower your upper body slowly down to the map, hug your knees into your chest and walked at me from side to side. Release your arms and legs and lie back in final resting. Pose that your feet come as wide as the mat and fall open. Relax your hands. Palms facing up. Shoulder blades rest evenly on the ground. Close your eyes. Let's finish today. Sequence with a calming body scam. Meditation. Bring your attention to your left foot scan from your foot to your knee and up to your left hip. Bring your awareness to your right foot scan from your foot. Do you know any and up to your right tip? Bring your attention to your belly. Fill your breath, moving in and out. Let go of tension in your shoulders and scan all the way down your left arm, from your shoulder to your elbow, to your finger, ticks scanned all the way down the length of your right arm from your shoulder to your elbow to your fingertips. Relax, your jaw tongue takes and I sink into the mat and allow all the muscles in your body to soften and relax. When you are ready while onto your right side and gently bring yourself up to sitting now you can move back into your day. 3. Hip-Opening Stretch: This sequence is designed for athletes to perform after a workout, when the muscles a warm, pliable and receptive distracting. If practice regularly, this routine will improve your joint mobility. Increase your flexibility and reduce your risk of injury. Let's begin in mountain pose. Stand at the top of your mat with your feet hip width apart. Terry's pointing forward. Lift your chest, drop your shoulders back and look straight ahead. Let your arms will by your sides. Palms facing inwards. Finger soft. Gently engage your core muscles and lengthen all the way from the soles of your feet up to the crown of your head. Balance your weight evenly from front to back and side to side. Relax your jaw, tongue and the muscles in your face. Close your eyes. Bring your attention to your breath. Seal your lips and take a few deep breaths in through the nose and out through the nose. Feel the breath moving into your body and out of your body. Allow your belly in, test to rise and fall. Take one more deep breath in and out. Let your breath return to its natural rhythm and continue to breathe in and out through your nose. Open your eyes. You can bring your feet together will keep them hip with the part. If that feels more comfortable, let's start by stretching the spine and obliques. Look straight ahead. Inhale soup. Your arms out. End up. Take hold of your left dressed with your right hand. Reach up. Exhale bend to the right. Inhale, Come back to center. Take hold of your right dressed. Stretch up. Exhale Bend to the left. Inhale, Come back to center. Switch hands. Reach up. Exhale bend to the right. Inhale, come back to center. Switch hands, stretch up. Exhale bend to the left. Inhale, Come back to center. Bring your palms together. Exhale swan. Dive down with a straight spine into forward fold. Bend your knees, cross your arms. Hold onto your elbows and relax into the pose. Take several slow, deep breaths here, in and out through your nose. Be careful not to force the stretch in the backs of your legs. You can bend your knees as much as you need to to allow your spine to Philly Release Your legs will start to straighten over time. Let your head drop towards the mat. I relax any tension in your neck and shoulders. Sink deeper into the pose and allow your spine to lengthen with every breath. If you'd like to increase the strict in your cars and hamstrings, straighten your legs and bring your hands to your carbs or ankles. Press your heels family into the mat and left your sitting bones up to this guy. Let's come into a sequence to open up the hips and growing in her Look up. Draw your shoulders back. Exhale, step your left foot back. Drop your knee and release your back foot in low lunge. Sink into the pose and moved gently from side to side to start to loosen up your hips. Inhale soup your arms out and up into crescent. Lunge. Bring your palms together. Exhale. Drop your hips too deep in this direct in your left. So as last breath in Exhale, bring your hands back down to the mat. Tuck your back toes, step back to plank. Drop to your knees. How good Elbows in and Lowell the way down to the mat. Inhale, interlace your hands behind your back and lift your chest in snake pose. Exhale. Draw your shoulders back. Last breath in, lift your chest and look up. Exhale, Release the pose. Bring your hands to the mat. Press your hips back, tuck your toes and lift up into downward dog. Walk out your feet to stretch the backs of your legs. Inhale step your left fit in between your hands. For low lunge on the other side. Exhale, Drop your right knee and release your back foot. Drop your hips and move gently from side to side. Inhale. Sweep your arms out and up into crescent lunge. Exhale, sink into the post to deepen the stretch in your right hip flexes Last inhale exhale. Bring your hands back down to the mat, tuck your back toes and step back to downward dog. Drop down onto all fours and sit back on your heels for some upper body structures. If this position is uncomfortable, you can place a cushion under your sitting bones, and if you're more flexible, you can drop down in between your feet in hero pose. Keep your heels close to your hips and point your toes straight back in her. Lift your left arm up alongside your ear. Exhale, bend your elbow and place your hand between her shoulder blades palm flat, teal back. Sweep your right turn behind you, palm facing out and try to bring your fingertips together so they touch or grab on to each other. If you're unable to join your fingers, bring your right. Tend to your top elbow and apply gentle pressure. Take a few slow breaths here, in and out through your nose, joy or abs in. Sit up tall and look straight ahead. Be careful not to force the stretch in your left triceps or across your right shoulder. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Release the pose and strip sides in how bring your right arm up alongside your air. Exhale, bend your album. Place the palm of your hand in between your shoulder blades, so if your lifetime behind you, palms facing out and try to bring your fingertips together on your back. If your fingers don't touch, release your left hand and lightly press down on your top elbow. Lift your 10 and take a few slow breaths. Here, last breath In Exhale, release the pose. Roll your shoulders up, back and down and sit up tall in how interlace your fingers. Impress your palms away. Exhale Round was buying tucked cochin and feel a gentle stretch across your upper back and shoulders. Last inhale excels it up to all and release your hands, interlace your fingers behind your back and pull your hands away to fill a stretch across your chest in the front of your shoulders. Release your hands and sit up tall. Let's stretch the courts in half reclining here. Bring your right foot flat to the mat and dropped down inside your left foot with your left heel next to your hips. Move your right foot out to the right as far as you need to to bring both sitting brains flat to the mat in house it up. Tool, Exhale. Place your hands behind you fingertips facing forward and start to lean back. Come down Justus Faras is comfortable. Your hands, elbows or all the way down. If you're on the mat, you can bring your arms up overhead and hold onto your elbows. Stay here for a few breaths, feeling the stretch in the front of your left eye. Last inhale exhale, Release your arms, press into your elbows and carefully lived yourself back up. Lean to the right bring your left foot to the mat on your right foot back beside your hip. You can walk your left foot out of your inches if you need to to bring both sitting bones back to the map in house it up. Tool. Exhale. Lower yourself back. As far as is comfortable. Bring your arms up overhead and hold onto your elbows to deepen the pose. Breathe into the stretch in the front of you. All right, tip. Last inhale. Exhale. Release your arms. Present your elbows and carefully lift yourself back up. Bring the soles of your feet flat to the mat in front of you in house it up. Tool. Exhale er slowly down to the mat for bridge pose. Bring your hands by your sides, palms facing down and walk your feet back until your fingertips graze your heels in how press into your feet and lift your hips all the way up. Take that. Your knees point straight ahead and do not roll out to the sides or in towards each other. Push up to your edge and take smooth and even breaths at the top of the pose. If you want to go deeper, you can roll your shoulders underneath. You interlace your fingers, straighten your arms and press your little fingers into the mat. Take deep breaths at the top of the pose, deepening about. Bend with every breath. Last breath in, lift your hips. Exhale. Release your arms out from under you and low slowly down to the mat. Let's finish with reclining spinal twist To release your lower back, lower your left leg to the mapped and squeeze your right knee into your chest. Stretch your right time out to the side palm facing down, but you're right foot behind your left inner thigh and gently guide your right knee towards the floor in the opposite direction. Look to the right. Collect your entire body. Relax last breath in Exhale. Come back to center, hug your left knee into your chest and lower your right leg to the map. Stretch your left arm out to the side, but you're left behind. You're right in a thigh and twist your left knee over towards the right. Look to the left and completely relaxed into the powers. Last breath in Exhale. Come back to center, hug your knees into your chest. Release your arms and legs and lie back and final resting. Pose that your feet come as wide as the map to fall open. Relax your hands. Palms facing up Shoulder blades. Rest evenly on the ground. Close your eyes that all the muscles in your body soften and become heavy. Relax your toes, the arches of your feet, your heels, uncles lower legs, knees, guys, hips, lower back. Abs. Yes, shoulders, um, hums, fingers, jewell lips, cheeks and Isaac. Allow your body to rest and refresh and your mind become calm and clear when you already fallen to your right side and gently bring yourself up to sitting. Now you can move back into your day. 4. Neck And Shoulder Relief: come to a comfortable, cross legged seat in the middle of your mat with your hands resting in your lap. If you find this position uncomfortable, will have difficulty maintaining a straight spine. You can sit on the edge of a cushion to raise your hips above your knees. Close your eyes. We're going to begin with a short breathing exercise called three part Breath to relax muscles, which tense up as a result of neck and shoulder pain. Bring your hands to your belly and close your eyes in house. Sit up tall. Lengthen from the base of your spine all the way up to the top of your head. Exhale, relax your shoulders and let all the air out through your nose. Let's begin. Seal your lips and take a deep breath into your belly. Exhale, draw your navel back towards your spine and let all the air out inhale. Allow your belly to expand against the palms of your hands. Exhale Let all the air out contract to ABS. Bring your hands to the sides of your rib cage in how breathe deeply from your belly up into your chest. Exhale. Let all the air out does you feel your rib cage, Contract in hell into your belly. Allow your rib cage to expand Excel. Feel your robe. Slide closer together as you let all the era. Finally, you bring your hands to your collarbones. Inhale into your belly, ribs and upper chest. Exhale. Let the breath go from your chest, ribs and abdomen, and again inhale into your belly. Expand your rib cage. Fill your upper chest. Exhale all the air out. Draw your navel back towards your spine. Last time in hell. One continuous wave of breath all the way from your belly into your chest and up to your collarbones. Exhale. Let all the air out from your upper chest, rib cage and abdomen. Take a few more deep, slow and full breaths. Shallow chest breathing caused by pain, stress or anxiety can cause tightness and muscle soreness in the neck and around the tops of the shoulders and across the upper back. Deep conscious diaphragmatic breathing can help to release this tension. You can repeat this exercise several times a day. Let your breath return to its natural rhythm and open your eyes. Switch your legs and sit up tall. Let's start to bring some gentle movement into the neck and shoulders. Be careful not to move in any way that causes you pain. Roll your shoulders up back and down a few times and roll them forward in hell. Drop your right ear towards your right shoulder. Excel Joker left here to your left shoulder. Inhale. Come back to the right. Deepen the stretch down the left side of your neck. Exhale Returned to the left to stretch the right side of your name in how right? Exhale left. Inhale. Come back to the right side. Gently pull down with your right town to deepen the stretch in hell. Come back to the left side and apply gentle pressure on the other side of your head. Inhale Come back to center and sit upto Excel Joke Coach Indio Chest inhale Drop your head back. Exhale Drop your head forward in hell. Drop your head back. Exhale forward. Inhale back last time. Exhale fork in how back? Come back to center and look from side to side. Inhale look to the right Excel looked to the left in hell, right? Exhale left in how right? Exhale left last time. Inhale right, Exhale left in held your half circles to the right. Excels are called origin to the left in how right Excel left in how right Exhale left last time Inhale, right Exhale left in how Come back to center and sit upto Inhale soup your arms out and up Look up, reach up and touch your palms together Excel Lower your hands back down by your sides Bring your chin to your chest in house up your arms out, end up Look up Exhale Lower your hands back down by your sides Bring your chin to your chest Inhale, Sweep your arms out, end up, look up, Excel low your hands Bring your chin to your chest Last time Inhale, Sweep your arms out, end up, stretch up Exhale lower your hands but down by your sides Bring your chin to your chest Stretch your arms out to the sides in how Bring your palms together, tuck your chin and round your back. Exhale, draw your hands back and lift your chest in how bring your palms together and round your back excel, Sweep your hands back and open up your chest in hell. Bring your hands forward structure upper back and shoulders exhale. Draw your hands back and look up to this guy in how Bring your palms together and round your back excel. Sweep your hands back and drop your head last time in help, Bring your palms together. Exhale, release the pose. Sit up tall and bring your hands to the mat. Let's come into some gentle side bends to stretch the muscles between your ribs and improve your breathing capacity in house. If your left hand up, exhale bend to the right. Inhale. Come back to center. Exhale bend to the right. Inhale. Come back to center. Exhale bend to the right in how come back to center. Exhale, bend to the right and stay here for a few breaths. Rates through your fingertips and draw your left shoulder back. Take one more deep breath in excel. Bring your left arm back to them. Act and switch sides in house. See pure right turned up. Exhale bend to the left. Inhale. Come back to center. Exhale bend to the left in how come back to center. Exhale bend to the left in how come back to center, exhale bend to the left and hold breathe into the stretched on the right, 10 side of your body. Enjoy your right shoulder back. Take one more deep breath in exhale. Bring a right turn back to the mat, Switch your legs again and sit upto in how? Soup your arms out and up into lace your fingers and press your palms up to this guy. Exhale, bend to the right. Inhale, Come back to center. Stretch up. Exhale Bend to the left in hell. Come back to center. Reach up and again Exhale Bend to the right. Inhale, Come back to center, Stretch up Excel Bend to the left in hell. Come back to center. Reach up last time Excel Bend to the right in hell Come back to center, Stretch up. Exhale Bend to the left, Inhale, Come back to center, Reach up, excel Bring your hands down in front of you around You're spying. Tuck your chin and press your palms away in her Lift your hands up to this guy Arduous, Fine Excel Lower your hands Round your back Kentucky login to your chest in how lift your hands up, Draw your shoulders back. Eggs are lower your hands and deepen the stretch across your upper back and shoulders in her. Lift your hands up to this guy. Arch your spine. Look up. Exhale lower your hands around your back and tuck your chin to your chest. Last time, inhale, Lift your hands up are just fine. Drop your head back. Exhale. Bring your hands but down round your spine and hold the stretch for a few breaths. Take one more deep breath in. Excels deductible and release your hands. Interlace your fingers behind your back can pull your hands away to fill a stretch across your chest in the front of your shoulders, Move gently from side to side to deepen the stretch. Release your hands and sit upto Bring your hands to the back of your neck in her. Lift your chest art back and look up. Exhale round your spy and drop your head and bring your elbows together in her. Lift your chest. Look up to this guy. Excel joy abs in. Tuck your chin to your chest in how arch back, Open up your chest. Look up. Exhale around your spine, drop your head and pull your belly in last time. Inhale lift your chest are just fine and look up. Exhale around your back. Drop your head and pull your belly in. Inhale, come back to center. Drawer your elbows back. Exhale, release the pose. Let's finish our seated sequence with a twist. Place your left hand on your right knee and your right fingertips on the map, too few inches behind you in house it up. Tool Excel trist from the base of your spine to the right in how lengthened Excel. Draw your right shoulder back in. How lengthen excel twist in her lengthen excel. Last dressed. Let all the air out. Take a full breath in Exhale, Come back to center and switch sides. Bring your right town to your left knee and place your left fingertips behind you in house . It's upto excelled is to the left in how lengthen Excel. Twist in how lengthen excelled with in how lengthen Excel. Press your right hand against your knee and twist from the base of your spine. Inhale, lengthen, excel Final Dressed. Let all the era take one more deep breath in Excel. Come back to center. Let's come down onto our backs for final resting pose. Bring the soles of your feet flat to the mat in house it upto Excel. Lower your upper body slowly down to the mat until go knees into your chest. Release your arms and legs. Let your feet come as wide as the map and fall open. Relax your hands. Palms facing up. Shoulder blades. Rest evenly on the ground. Close your eyes. Let's finish with a calming body Scan. Meditation. Relax your toes, the arches of your feet go heels, ankles, lower legs, knees, thighs, hips, lower back. Abs. Just shoulders, um, hands, fingers, Joel lips, cheeks and I, since away for relax ation flowing from your toes all the way up to the ground of your head . When you are ready, roll onto your right side and gently bring yourself up to sitting. Now you can move back into your day. 5. Stress Reliever: when we're under stress, we experience both a mental and a physical response. We may feel anxious, nervous or unable to focus. Our muscles tense up, our hearts beat faster and our breath becomes short and shallow. Yoga is a great stress relief tool as it has a positive effect on break your mental and your physical state. You can practice this relaxing sequence before bed, especially if you're suffering from insomnia or during the day to calm your nerves. If you feel stressed or overwhelmed, sit cross legged in the middle of your mama. If this position causes you any discomfort or you have difficulty keeping your spine straight, you can sit on the edge of a cushion to raise your hips up above your knees. We'll begin the sequence with a calming breathing technique in which your exhalations last twice as long as you're inhalations. This exercise is a natural tranquilliser for the nervous system. Close your eyes in house. Sit up tall, lengthen your spine and neck, exhale, relax your shoulders and let go the air out. Let's begin. Seal your lips and inhale quietly through your nose for the count of four to three four. Hold the seven to three cool five six seven. Exhale for eight to three well, five, six, seven eight and again inhale to three full. Hold the seven to three for by six seven. Exhale for eight to three for five six seven eight twice more inhale. Allow your belly in test to expand. Hold. Exhale completely. Empty your lungs in how relax your shoulders and allow your rib case to expand. Hold. Exhale slowly. Let all the air out. Let your breath return to its natural rhythm and open your eyes. Switch your legs and sit up tall. Take a deep breath in and slowly circle your arms out and up. Look up, Reach up and touch your palms together. Exhale low your hands back down by your sides. Bring your chin to your chest. Inhale, Circle your arms out, end up. Look up. Exhale lower your hands but down by your sides. Bring your chin to your chest. Last time, Inhale, Circle your arms out. End up, stretch up. Exhale, lower your hands but down by your sides. Bring your chin to your chest. Stretch your arms out to the sides in hell. Bring your palms together. Top Cochin around your back. Exhale, Draw your hands back and look up to this guy. Inhale, bring your palms together and round your spine. Exhale, sweep your hands back and open up your chest in how Bring your hands forward. Stretch your upper back and shoulders. Exhale. Draw your hands back and look up to this guy last time. Inhale, Bring your palms together. Exhale, release the post. Sit up tall and bring your hands to the man. Let's come into some gentle side bends. Inhale soup, your left hand up. Exhale bend to the right. Inhale, Come back to center. Exhale bend to the right in how Come back to center. Exhale, bend to the right and stay here for a few breaths. Greats to your fingertips. Enjoy your left shoulder back. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Bring your left hand back to the mat and switch sides in house people right, Tend up. Exhale bend to the left in how Come back to center. Exhale bend to the left, Inhale. Come back to center, exhale bend to the left and hold. Breathe into the stretch in your right obliques and draw your right shoulder back. Take one more deep breath in exhale. Bring your right Turn back to the mat, switch your legs again and sit up tall in hell. Soup your arms out and up into lace your fingers and press your palms up to this guy X help Bring your hands down in front of you round your spine. Tuck your chin and press your palms away in her. Lift your hands up to this guy. Arduous find Look up. Exhale lower your hands around your back and tuck your chin to your chest in how Lift your hands up, Draw your shoulders back. Look up xar lower your hands and deepen the stretch across your upper back and shoulders. Last time, inhale, Lift your hands up arduous buying. Look up. Exhale. Bring your hands back down round your spine and hold the stretch for a few breaths. Take one more deep breath in exhale. Release your hands and sit upto interlace. Your fingers behind your back can pull your hands away to feel a stretch across your chest . In the fronts of your shoulders, Move gently from side to side and breathe into the stretch. Release your fingers and set up toll Switch your legs one last time for twists. Place your left hand on your right, me and your right fingertips on the map a few inches behind you in house it upto eggs Alatriste from the base of your spine to the right in how lengthen x how joy your right shoulder back inhale, lengthen, exhale, twist, inhale, lengthen. Exhale. Last twist. Let all the air out take a deep breath in Exhale. Come back to center and switch sides. Bring your right town to your left knee and place your left fingertips behind you in house . It upto excel to us to the left in how lengthen, exhale dressed, inhale, lengthen Excel. Press your right hand against Johnny to increase the stretch in. How lengthen x How final twist. Let all the air out. Take a deep breath in Exhale. Come back to center and sit up tall. Let's come down onto our backs for supported bridge pose. Bring the soles of your feet flat to the mat. Tip with the part in house it upto excel. Lower your upper body slowly down to the map. Bring your hands by your sides, palms face down and walk your feet back until your fingertips. Graze your heels in how Press into your feet, roll your shoulders underneath you and lift all the way up to ridge. Inhale, lift your hips up XLR slowly down to the mat in how lift your hips up. Exhale le in. How left. Exhale le last time in her lift up and hold. Come up to your tiptoes and bring the palms of your hands to your lower back fingertips. Point out to the sides. Lo your hills and rest in supported bridge. Pose for a few slow and even breaths. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Come up to your tiptoes. Release your hands and lower slowly down to the map. Let's release your lower back in rick linings by no tress in her. Lift your feet off the mat. Bring your heels higher than your knees. Exhale. Bring your arms out to the sides at shoulder height. Inhale, engage your core. Exhale. Drop your knees to the right. Turn your head to the left and stay here for a few breaths. Allow your body to completely relax. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Bring your knees back to center and hug them into your chest in her. Lift your head and neck off the mat. Exhale, lower your head and shoulders and bring your hands back down to the map in her. Lift your feet. Bring your heels higher than your knees. Excel Japonese to the left and turn your head to the right. Relax into the pose. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Come back to center, Pagonis into your chest and rock gently from side to side. Release your arms and legs and lie back and final resting. Pose that your feet come as wide as the matter and fall open. Relax your hands. Palms facing up. Shoulder blades rest evenly on the ground. Close your eyes. Let's finish today Sequence with a progressive muscle relaxation exercise that releases tension throughout the body. Allow any thoughts to fall away. You can always pick them up. Later. Draw your attention to your feet. Curl your toes in towards the soles of your feet, squeeze them tighter, inhale and release. Allow your toes, feet and ankles to completely relax. Draw your toes back towards you, flex your feet and squeeze your carves tions, quads and hamstrings in hell and release. Allow your legs to completely relax. Draw your attention to your hips, pelvis and sacrum. Gently squeeze your glutes and draw in your abdomen. Take a deep breath in under a lease. Allow your belly to soften in your back to relax into the man. Observe the sensation of your chest, rising and falling. Allow any tightness or attention in your rib cage to soften and relax. Bring your awareness to your fingertips. Squeeze your hands into fists, lift your arms off the mat and tighten your forearms, biceps and triceps. Inhale and release that your arms become heavy and sink into the mat. Put your shoulders up to your ears. Squeeze and Taita. Inhale and let go. Since a wave of relax ation flowing from your fingertips all the way up your arms to your shoulders neck and had Relax your forehead itself in the corners of your eyes. Allow your eyelids to become heavy. Release your jaw and let all the muscles in your face soften and relax. Sink into a state of deep relaxation, knowing that you can always return to this sequence whenever you feel stressed, anxious or overwhelmed, Stay in final resting pose for as long as you can 6. Stretch It Out: there's a natural affinity between surfing and yoga practicing. Each discipline improves your skillful nous and performance in the other. This routine is designed to stretch tight muscles, increased joint mobility and improve your range of motion. Let's begin in a comfortable, cross legged seat in the middle of your mat with your hands resting in your lap. Close your eyes. First, bring your attention to your breath, seal your lips and take a few deep breaths in through the nose and out through the nose. Feel the breath moving into your body and out of your body. Allow your belly in test to expand and contract. Take one more deep breath in and out. Let your breath return to its natural rhythm and continue to breathe in and out through your nose. Throughout the sequence, Open your eyes, roll your shoulders up back and down a few times and roll them forward. Inhale soup your arms out, end up into lace your fingers and press your palms up to this guy. Exhale, bend to the right. Inhale. Come back to center. Stretch up. Exhale bend to the left, Inhale, Come back to center, reach up and again. Exhale Bend to the right. Inhale, Come back to center. Stretch up. Exhale Bend to the left. Inhale. Come back to center. Reach up. Exhale. Bring your hands down in front of you round your spine. Tuck your chin and press your palms away in her. Lift your hands up to this guy. Arch your spine. Look up. Exhale Lower your hands around your back and tuck your chin to your chest in how? Lift your hands up. Draw your shoulders back. Look up. Exhale lower your hands and deepen the stretch across your upper back and shoulders. Last time, inhale Lift your hands up are just fine. Look up. Exhale. Bring your hands back down round your spine and hold the stretch for a few breaths. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Release your hands and sit up tall. Interlace your fingers behind your back and pull your hands away to feel a stretch across your chest on the front of your shoulders. Move gently from side to side and breathe into the stretch. Release your fingers and draw the crown of your head up to this guy. Bring both hands to the back of your neck. Inhale lift your chest aren't just buying back and look up. Exhale round your back, Drop your head and bring your elbows together. Inhale, open your elbows, lift your chest and look up. Exhale Draw your abs in and tuck your chin to your chest in how arch back, Open up your chest. Look up. Exhale round your spine, drop your head and pull your belly in last time in how Lift your chest are just fine and look up. Exhale round your back, Drop your head and pull your belly in in how? Come back to center. Drawer your elbows back. Exhale, release the pose and rest your hands in your lap. Switch your legs and sit up. Tool for a twist. Place your left hand on your right. Me and your right fingertips on the matter few inches behind you in house, it upto exhale. Twist from the base of your spine to the right in how lengthen excel Joy your right shoulder back in How lengthen Excel Twist in how lengthen, exhale. Last rest. Let all the air out. Take a deep breath in Exhale. Come back to center and switch sides. Bring your right turn to your left knee and place your left fingertips behind you in house . Sit up told Exhale Twist to the left in how lengthen. Exhale to us in her lengthen Excel. Press your right, timed against your need to increase the stretch in her lengthen Excel Final Trist Let all the air out take a deep breath in Exhale. Come back to center and set up tool. Lean forward. Uncross your legs and lift your hips up into downward dog. Bend your knees and stretchers. Fine. Spread your fingers and press evenly into both hands. Well, can't go feet to loosen up the backs of your legs and shake your head to release any tension in your neck and shoulders in how Press into your palms. Exhale, Walk your hands all the way back to your feet for forward fold, cross your arms, hold onto your elbows and completely relax your neck and shoulders. You can bend your knees as much as you need to. To allow your spine to fully release. Let your head dropped towards the mat and sink deeper into the pose with every breath. Release your elbows and bring your fingertips to the math in her Look up. Draw your shoulders back. Excel, Walk your hands forward to downward dog. Take a deep breath in Exhale. Step your right foot in between your hands in runner's lunge in house. If you'll write turned up to this guy, reach up to your fingertips. Exhale but you're right. Turn down and walk your hands to the back of your mat for side lunge, drop your hips and flex your right foot. Take a deep breath in Exhale. Walk your hands to the top of your mat and drop your left knee in house. If your arms out and up into crescent lunge exhale. Jump your right fingertips to the mapped and bend to the right. Stay here for a few breaths, feeling a deep stretch down the left hand side of your body. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Bring your left hand back to the mat. Let's come into lizard pose. Bring your right hand inside your right foot and walk your foot out to the edge of your mat in how stretchers find forward. Exhale, sink into the pose. If you'd like to go deeper, bring your forearms down to the mat, interlace your fingers and stay here for a few more breaths. Try to keep the length in your spine and take slow, deep and even breaths in how Look up exhale. Come up to your hands will go right foot in. Tuck your back tears and step back to downward dog in how Press into your palms stretches. Buying Exhales that your left foot in between your hands in runner's lunge in house. If your left hand up to this guy, reach up through your fingertips. Exhale, Bring your left hand down and walk your hands to the back of your mat for side lunge, drop your hips and flex your left foot. Take a deep breath in Exhale. Walk your hands to the top of your mat and drop your right knee. Inhale. Sweep your arms out and up. Bring your palms together. Exhale, jump your left fingertips to the mat and bend to the left. Breathe into the stretched on the right hand side of your body. Last inhale. Reach to your fingertips. Exhale, bring your right town back to the mat. Place your left hand inside your left foot and walk your foot out to the edge of the map in how draw your shoulders back. Exiles ink into the pose for a deeper stretch. Bring your forearms down to the mat and interlace your fingers. Stay here for a few more breaths. Last breath in Exhale. Come up to your hands, walk your left foot in, tuck your back toes and step back to downward dog. Let's finish with pigeon pose. Step your left foot towards the middle of your mat. Inhale soup your right leg up to this guy. Exhale. Bring your right knee forward. Place it on the map behind your right wrist and position your right foot under your left hip. Release your back foot and slide it back. Look behind you to check that your left leg is straight in. How Press into your fingertips and lengthen your spine. Exhale, walk your hands forward and come down onto your forearms. Breathe into the stretch in your right out to him. If you'd like to go deeper, cross your arms and rest your forehead on the man. Sink deeper into the pose with every breath. Inhale but your hands back to the mat. Exhale. Press into your palms Tokyo back toes lift your hips up and press back into downward dog. Step your right foot towards the middle of your mat in Hell's if you're left. I got to this guy. Exhale. Bring your left knee forward to place it on the map behind your left wrist. Release your back foot and slide it back. Look behind you to check that your back leg is straight in. How Press into your fingertips and lengthen your spine. Exhale, walk your hands forward and come down onto your forearms. Relax into this direct to know left out to him to go deeper, cross your arms and rest your forehead on the map, allowing your upper body to completely. Relax. Inhale but your hands back to the mat. Exhale. Press into your palms. Tuck your back toes, lift your hips up and press back into downward dog. Take a deep breath in Exhale dropped down onto all fours. Sweet, very feet to the left. Sit back and come to the middle of your mat. Inhale. Sit up Tool. Excel lower your upper body slowly down to the map. I'll go knees into your chest and gently rocked from side to side. Release your arms and legs and lie back in final resting. Pose let your feet come as wide as the matter and fall open. Relax your hands. Palms facing up Shoulder blades. Rest evenly on the ground. Close your eyes that all the muscles in your body soften and become heavy. Relax your toes, the arches of your feet, your heels, ankles, lower legs, knees, guys, hips, lower back. Abs, Jess, Shoulders, um, hands, fingers, George Lohps cheeks and Isaac. Allow your body to rest and refresh and your mind to become calm and clear. When you are ready, roll onto your right side and gently bring yourself up to sitting. Now you can move back into your day. 7. Lower Back Therapy: Let's begin in mountain pose. Stand with your feet hip width apart and your toes pointing forward. Roll your shoulders up, back and down, broaden across your collarbones and look straight ahead that your arms will bio sides com's face inwards and gets off. Press into your feet and lengthen all the way up to the top of your head. Balance your weight, even leave from front to back and side to side. Relax your jaw and the muscles in your face. Close your eyes in this sequence will open up the hips. Stretch the hamstrings and strengthen the core to release tension and help relieve pain, soreness and stiffness in the lower back. Bring your attention to your breath. Seal your lips and take a few deep breaths in through the nose and out through the nose. Feel the breath moving into your body and out of your body. Allow your belly in test to expand and contract. Take one more deep breath in and out. Let your breath return to its natural rhythm and continue to breathe in and out through your nose. Open your eyes. You can bring your feet together will keep them hip width apart. inhale soup. Your arms out, end up. Look up. Exhale swan, Dive down into forward fold. Bend your knees, drop your head and bring your fingertips to the map. Inhale look up. Structural spine forward. Exhale. Step your left foot back, Drop your knee and release your back foot in lowland. Inhale soup your arms out and up into crescent Lunge. Bring your palms together. Exhale, bring your left forearm to your front thigh and twist to the right in how Draw your right shoulder back. Exhale. Bring your hands back down to the mat. Inhale, tuck your back toes and step your right foot back to blank. Exhale, drop to your knees and there were all the way down to the mat. Bring your arms by your sides. Palms facing up for locus Pose in hell. Lift your chest, hands, arms and legs off the map. Draw your shoulders back, lengthen your neck and reach back to your fingertips. Observe the sensations in your spine is you. Lengthen and strengthen your upper and lower back. Push back through the balls of your feet, interlace your fingers at the base of your spine and pull your shoulders back. Relax the muscles in your face. Last breath. In Exhale, release the pose. Rest your left cheek on the mat and rock your hips from side to side to release your lower back. Come back to center, bring your hands under your shoulders. Press your hips back, tuck your tears and lift up into downward dog. Inhale. Step your left foot forward for low lunge on the other side. Excel, drop your right me and release your back foot in how soup your arms out and up into crescent. Lunge, Excel. Bring your right forearmed your front thigh and twist to the left in how to draw your left shoulder back. Exhale, Bring your hands back down to the mat in how look up exhale, step back to downward dog in how Benjani's stretchers fine. Exhale. Roll forward into plank, seal your lips and hold the pose for a few breaths. Spread your fingers wide. Impress your hands evenly into the map. Try to create a straight line all the way from your heels to your hips to the back of your head. Engage your core. Check that your shoulders a directly over your rest impressed back through your heels to straighten your legs. Look a few inches in front of you on the ground to complete the alignment. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Drop to your knees and Lowell the way down to the map in how Press into your palms and lift up into cobra. Draw your shoulders back. Exhale lower back down. Press your hips back, tuck your toes and lift up into downward dog. Take a deep breath in exhale. Step your right foot in between your hands. For Liz, oppose. Drop your left knee and release your back foot. Bring your right hand inside your front foot and walk your right foot out to the edge of your mat. Inhale, draw your shoulders back. Exhale. Bring your forearms to the matin interglacial fingers. Try to keep the length in your spine and stay here for a few deep breaths. Move in any way that helps to open up your hips in how look up, exhale. Come up to your hands, walk your right foot in and step back to downward dog. Take a deep breath in exhales that your left foot in between your hands. Drop your right knee and release your back foot. Bring your left hand inside your front foot and walker left foot out to the edge of your mat in house. Stretch your spine forward. Exhale. Bring your forearms to them. Act and interlace your fingers. Take slow, deep, even breaths in and out through your nose. Move gently from side to side to create space in your hips. In how look up, exhale. Come up to your hands. What? Go left foot back in and step back to downward dog. Let's come into pigeon pose that your left foot towards the middle of your mat inhales it. Feel right leg up to this guy. Exhale. Bring your right knee forward. Place it on the map behind your right wrist and position your right foot under your left hip. Release your back foot and slide it back. Look behind you to check that your left leg is straight. If your hips or not level you can support your right tip on a cushion in how press into your fingertips and lengthen your spine. Exhale, walk your hands forward and come down onto your forearms. Breathe into the stretch and you're right out to hit. If you'd like to go deeper, cross your arms and rest your forehead on the map. Sink deeper into the pose with each breath in how Bring your hands back to the mat. Exhale. Press into your palms Tokyo back toes. Lift your hips up and press back into downward dog. Step your right foot towards the middle of your mat in hell. Soup your left leg up to this guy Excel. Bring your left knee forward to place it on the map behind your left dressed. Release your back foot and slide it back. Look behind you to check that your back leg straight. If your hips are not level, you can move your question to the other side to support your left out of him. Inhale. Press into your fingertips. Excel, walk your hands forward and come down onto your forearms. Relax into distracting your left out to hip to go deeper. Cross your arms and rest your forehead on the map, allowing your upper body to completely. Relax in how bring your hands back to the map. Exhale. Press into your palms tough, kill back toes, lift your hips up and press back into downward dog That's finished with a hamstring and in a thighs direct. Take a deep breath in Exhale. Step your right foot in between your hands. Swivel both feet to the left and walk your hands around for wide leg forward Fall. You can take hold of opposite elbows and hang here. Or bring your hands to the mat underneath your shoulders for support. If you'd like to deepen the stretch, walk your hands back between your legs and bend your elbows completely. Relax your upper body and take a few breads here, feeling a stretch in your carbs. Hamstrings and inner thighs. Last breath in Exhale civil both feet to the right. Walk your hands to the top of your mat and step back to downward dog. Take a deep breath in Exhale. Step your left foot in between your hands. Swivel both feet to the right and walk your hands round for a twist. Bring your right palm directly underneath your chest. Inhales If your left hand up to this guy and look up to your thumb, try to keep your hips level and hold here for a few breaths, simultaneously twisting and stretching your spine. Last inhale xolo your left hand and strip side for your left palm directly underneath your chest. Inhale soup your right hand up to this guy. Look up to your thumb and be careful not to let your left shoulder collapse. Last inhale. Exhale. Bring your right town down civil go feet to the left. Walk your hands to the top of your mat and step back to downward dog in how Present your palms, stretch your spine. Exhale, Drop down onto all fours. Step your right foot in between your hands. Sweep your left foot to the right and sit back in the middle of your mat in house it up. Tool. Exhale lower yourself slowly as you can down to the mat. Release your arms and legs and lie back and final resting. Pose that your feet come as wide as the map to fall open. Relax your hands. Palms facing up. Shoulder blades rest evenly on the ground. Close your eyes. Let's finish today. Sequence with a diaphragmatic breathing exercise. Conscious deep breathing relaxes the body and relieves tension around areas of pain. Bring your hands to your belly, palms facing down. Seal your lips and become aware of the natural rhythm of your breath. Notice how your abdomen naturally expands as you inhale on contracts is you excel without forcing your breath, trying actively to expand your belly on the inhalation and contract your abdomen is you excel. Breathe into the palms of your hands and allow your belly to fall back to your spine As you exhale. Keep breathing in this way for a few more breaths. It should feel effortless and natural. Allow your breath to flow smoothly on both the inhalation on the exhalation. As the air moves into your body and out of your body. Allow the inhalation to arise on its own unreleased tension with every exhalation. Sink into a state of complete relaxation, knowing that you can return to the sensation whenever you need to. When you already brought onto your right side and gently bring yourself up to sitting now you can move back into your day. 8. Winding Down: This is a gentle sequence for you to do at the end of the day to help you wind down and prepare your body for sleep, come to a comfortable, cross legged seat in the middle of your mat with your hands resting in your lap. If you find this position uncomfortable, will have difficulty maintaining a straight spine. You can sit up on the edge of a cushion to raise your hips above your knees. Close your eyes. Let's begin with a relaxing, breathing technique in which your exhalations twice as long as you're inhalations inhale. Sit up tall, lengthen from the base of your spine or the way to the top of your head. Exhale, relax your shoulders and let all the air out through your nose. Let's begin. Seal your lips and inhale quietly through your nose for the counter for to three for hold the seven to three for by six seven. Excel for eight to three Uh, five, six, seven eight and again inhale to three for hold the seven to three for by six seven Excel for eight to three for five six seven eight. Continue for two more cycles in hell. Allow your belly and chest to expand. Hold. Exhale completely empty your lungs. Inhale. Relax your shoulders and allow your rib case to expand. Hold. Exhale slowly. Let all the air out that your breath returned to its not to a rhythm and open your eyes. Switch your legs and sit up tall. Let's start to lose enough any tight muscles and release the tension that's built up throughout your day. Roll your shoulders up back and down a few times and drove them forward. Inhale, drop your right ear towards your right shoulder. Exhale, Jump your left here to your left shoulder in hell. Come back to the right. Exhale returned to the left in how right! Exhale left in hell, Right? Exhale left inhale Come back to center and sit upto excelled Approach Indio chest in How Carefully Drop your head back X How? Drop your head forward in hell. Drop your head back. Exhale. Come back to center and look from side to side. Inhale Look to the right Exhale Looked to the left in hell. Right? Exhale left in how right! Exhale left last time. Inhale right eggs are left in hell. Draw half circles to the right excels Arkle, Georgian to the left and how right Excel left in how right? Exhale left last time. Inhale right Exelon in how come back to center and sit upto. Let's start to bring some gentle movement into the spine. Switch your legs again and sit up tall in house. If your arms out, end up interglacial fingers and press your palms up to the sky. Exhale, bend to the right. Inhale, come back to center. Stretch up. Exhale bend to the left. Inhale, Come back to center. Reach up and again exhale bend to the right. Inhale, come back to center. Stretch up. Exhale bend to the left. Inhale, come back to center. Reach up. Exhale Bring your hands down in front of you around us by and took Go Jin and press your palms away in her lift. Your hands up to this guy are just fine. Look up. Exhale lower your hands around your back and tuck your chin to your chest in how lift your hands up, Draw your shoulders back. Look up. Excel low your hands and deepen the stretch across your upper back and shoulders. Last time in how lift your hands up actual spine. Look up. Exhale. Bring your hands back down round your spine and hold the stretch for a few breaths. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Release your hands and sit up tall. Interlace your fingers behind your back and pull your hands away to feel a stretch across your chest in the front of your shoulders. Move gently from side to side and breathe into this direct. Release your fingers. Enjoy the crown of your head up to this guy. Bring both hands to the back of your neck. Inhale lift your chest are just buying back and look up. Exhale around your back. Drop your head and bring your elbows together in how? Open your elbows, Lift your chest and look up X how joy abs in and tuck your chin to your chest. Inhale art back. Open up your chest. Look up. Exhale round your spine, drop your head and pull your belly in last time. Inhale, lift your chest, arch your spine and look up. Exhale around your back. Drop your head and pull your belly in. Inhale, come back to center, draw your elbows back. Exhale, release the pose and rest your hands in your lap. Switch your legs one last time for a twist. Place your left hand on your right knee and your right fingertips on the matter few inches behind you. Inhale. Sit up tall. Exhale twist from the base of your spine to the right. Inhale, lengthen, Excel Joyal right shoulder back. Inhale, lengthen. Exhale to us in how lengthen exhale Last tourist. Let all the air out take a deep breath in excel. Come back to center and so its sides. Bring your right hand your left knee and place your left fingertips behind you in house. Sit up tool. Exhale to us to the left in how lengthen exhale. Twist in how lengthen Excel. Press your right turned against your need to increase the twist in how lengthen, Excel. Last rest. Let all the air out. Take a deep breath in Exhale, come back to center and sit up tall. Let's finish our seated sequence in butterfly pose. Bring the soles of your feet in front of you in the shape of a diamond and that your knees relax down towards the map in house it up. Tool, Excel. Fold forward completely. Relax your upper body, arms, neck and head. Take one more deep breath in Exhale gently. Come back up, bring your knees together and place the soles of your feet flat to the map. Let's come down onto our backs. Person reclining poses in houses upto exhale. Lower your upper body slowly down to the mat, lo your left leg and squeeze your right knee into your chest. Stretch your right arm out to the side palm facing down, Hook your right foot behind your left in a thigh and gently guide your right knee towards the floor in the opposite direction. Look to the right and that your entire body Relax into the pose. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Come back to center. How go left knee and you're just lower your right leg to the map. Stretch your left arm out to the side, but you're left behind. You're right in the thigh and trust your left knee over towards the right. Look to the left and completely relax. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Come back to center and hug. Break knees into your chest. We'll finish with happy baby. Keep your feet together, open your knees and stretch your hands through to take hold of the outsides of your feet. Bring your feet out of your knees and gently pull them down towards Thumma. Flex your feet, impress your lower back into the match deep in your breath and walk gently from side to side. Hug your knees into your chest. Release your arms and legs and lie back and final resting. Pose that your feet come as wide as the mactan. Full open. Relax your hands. Palms facing up Shoulder blades. Rest even the on the ground. Close your eyes. Let's finish with a relaxing body. Scan meditation. Bring your awareness to the soles of your feet through the bottoms of your toes, the bulls of your feet and to your heels. Bring your awareness to the tops of your feet. Let your feet become heavy and sink into the mat. Allow the feeling of relaxation to spread to your ankles that your ankles completely relax and sink into the mud. Allow the feeling of relaxation to spread to your cars. Anti oceans. Let your lower legs soften and relax. Become aware of your knees, your kneecaps on the backs of your knees. Allow your knees to completely relax. If you notice that your mind has wandered very gently, you bring it back to scanning your body. Allow the feeling of relaxation to spread to your thighs, hamstrings, hips and goods. Allow this whole area to completely relax. Bring your awareness to your abdomen that it's all fun and relax. Become aware of your belly expanding and contracting. Notice the natural and effortless rhythm of your breath. Relax your rib, cage the muscles between your ribs and let go of any sensations of tension that your chest . Notice the natural rise and fall of your rib cage with your breath. Bring your awareness to your shoulders and let them relax. Let go of any tension in your shoulders and upper back. Bring your awareness to your upper arms to your elbows. Forearms risks hands and fingers. Let your arms and hands completely relax into them. A. Bring your awareness back up to your neck, fronted by and to your threat. Relax your jaw, chin lips, young cheeks and nose. Soften the edges of your eyes and smooth your brow since a wave of relaxation flowing from your toes all the way up to the ground of your head and all the way back down to your toes , sink into a state of deep relaxation and stay in final resting pose for as long as you can . 9. Full Body Stretch: This sequence is designed for runners and especially those who suffer aches and pains caused by tight and inflexible muscles. Practicing this routine after your run will reduce soreness and injury. Increase your mobility range of motion and flexibility and significantly improve your performance. Let's begin in mountain pose. Stand at the top of your mat with your feet hip width apart. Terry's pointing forward. Roll your shoulders up, back and down and look straight ahead. Allow your arms to full naturally by your sides. Palms facing inwards. Fingers soft person to your heels. Gently engage your core and lengthen all the way up your spine and neck to the top of your head. Balance your weight evenly between both feet to create a firm foundation. Relax your jaw and the muscles in your face. Close your eyes. Be careful not to try to force your way into the poses. Our bodies are all completely unique, strong in some areas and weak and others flexible in some parts and tight in others. Adapt the postures to meet the needs of your body. Seal your lips and take a few deep breaths in through the nose and out through the nose. feel the breath moving into your body and out of your body. Allow your belly and chest to rise and fall. Take one more deep breath in and out. Let your breath return to its natural rhythm and continue to breathe in and out through your nose. Throughout the sequence. Open your eyes. Let's warm up with a couple of half sun salutations. You can bring your feet together will keep them hit with the part. If that feels more natural, take a deep breath in Circle your arms out and up. Look up. Exhale Swan. Dive down with a straight spine. Bend your knees, drop your head and bring your fingertips to the map in here. Look up. Draw your shoulders back. Exhale, fold in her look up. See if your arms out end up, come up. Exhale. Bring your hands back down by your sides and again in how. Sleep your arms out, end up. Reach up. Exhale swan. Dive down with a straight spine, bend your knees and bring your fingertips to the mat in her look up. Stretch your spine forward. Exhale, fold in her Look up. See if your arms out end up, come up exhale. Bring your hands back down by your sides. Moving on this time in house. If your arms out, end up, reach up. Exhale swan. Dive down into forward fold in her look up. Draw your shoulders back. Exhale, Step your left foot back to runner's lunge. Bring your palms flat to the mat. Inhale soup you'll write. Turned up to this guy reached through your fingertips X help in your right. Turn down and walk your hands to the back of your mat for side. Lunge in how Drop your hips and flex your right foot. Exhale. Walk your hands to the top of your mat and come up to your fingertips in how press back through your left hill. Look up. Exhale. Straighten your front leg. Bring your forehead towards your knee and square your hips with the man. Flex your right foot to seal your lips and stay here for a few breaths in hell, Rock forward to Runner's lunge. Exhale step back to downward dog. You can keep your knees bent to allow you to straighten your spine. Walk out your feet to stretch out the backs of your legs and shake your head to release any tension in the neck and shoulders in how Press into your palms, Stretch your spine. Exhale, step your left foot in between your hands and bring your palms flat to the mat. Inhale soup your left hand up to this guy. Draw your left shoulder back. Exhale, bring your left hand down and walk your hands to the back of your map for side land in how drop your hips and flex your left foot. Exhale. Walk your hands to the top of your mat and come up to your fingertips. Inhale. Press back through your right heel. Look up. Exhale. Straighten your front leg. Bring your forehead towards your knee, flex your left foot and breathe into the stretch in your left hamstring. In her look up. Lengthen your spine. Exhale full deeper into the stretch in hell. Rock forward to runner's lunge. Exhale step back to downward dog. Inhale. Press into your palms. Rotate your arms outward to fill a broadening across your upper back. Exhales that your right foot in between your hands. Drop your left knee and release your back foot in low lunge in house. If your arms out and up into crescent, lunge you could bring your palms together or shoulder with the part. Exhale, drop your hips and breathe into the stretch, you know left. So as last breath in Exhale, bring your hands back down to the mat, Pick up your left foot, take hold of your left ankle with your right hand and won't go right foot out to the edge of your mat. Drop your right shoulder back and look up to this guy and twisted dragon pose. Gently pull your left foot in towards you and drop your hips. Last breath in Exhale, Release your uncle. Walk your right foot in and step back to downward dog. Take a deep breath in exhale. Step your left foot in between your hands. Drop your right knee and release your back foot in house. If your arms out and up into crescent, lunge, exhale, Drop your hips and breathe into the stretch in your right tip. Flexes last breath in Exhale. Bring your hands back down to the month. Pick up your right foot, take hold of your right ankle and walker left foot out to the edge of your man. Drop your left shoulder back and open up your chest. Gently put your right foot in towards you too deep in the stretch in your right quad. Last breath. In Exhale, Release your uncle. Walk your left foot in and step back to downward dog in how Press into your palms. Stretch your spine. Exhale dropped down onto all fours and sit back on your heels in screaming toe pose. This is a great pose to stretch out your feet in this position will come into cow face posed for your triceps and shoulders. Inhale. Lift your left arm up alongside your ear X help end your elbow and place your hand between your shoulder blades palm flat to your back. Super fuel right town behind you. Palm facing out and try to bring your fingertips together so they touch or grab on to each other. If you are unable to join your fingers, bring your right hand to your top elbow and apply gentle pressure. Take a few slow breaths here, in and out through your nose. Sit up tall and look straight ahead. Be careful not to force distracting no left triceps or across your right shoulder. Take one more deep breath in Exhale, release the pose and come down onto the tops of your feet. Sit back, bring your hands behind you and lift your knees to stretch the tops of your feet and come back to kneeling. If this position is uncomfortable, you can place a cushion under your sitting bones. If you're more flexible, you can drop down in between your feet in hero pose. Keep your heels close to your hips and point your terry straight back in. How bring your right arm up alongside your ear. Exhale, bend your elbow and place the palm of your hand in between your shoulder blades. Soup your left hand behind you, palms facing out and try to bring your fingertips together on your back. If your fingers don't touch, release your left hand and lightly pressed down on your top. Algo lift your chin and take a few slow breaths. Here, be careful not to force. Distract or let your spine collapse. Last breath. In Exhale, release the pose. Come forward to all fours sweet both feet to the left. Sit back and come to the middle of your mat for a hamstring stretch. Coard head the knee pose. Straighten your left leg and place the soul of your right foot against your left in a guy, flex your left foot. Impressed to your heel so that your entire left leg is in contact with the man. Twist your torso to the left so that the center of your chest is in line with your straight leg in house. Atop tool exhale, slide your hands forwards as faras is comfortable taking hold of your shin, ankle or heel. Keep your foot flexed and stay here for a few breaths with every inhalation. Lengthen your spine and with every exhalation for deeper into the stretch and bring your forehead closer to your knee. Take one more deep breath in Exhale carefully. Come back up and switch sides. Bring this old of your left foot to your right in a thigh. Flex your right vert interest to the right in house it up. Tool Excel. Slide your hands boards As faras is comfortable. Flex your right foot and stay here for a few breaths with every inhalation. Lengthen your spine. Come with every exhalation. Bring your forehead closer to your knee to deepen the stretch in your right hamstring. Last breath in. Exhale carefully. Come back up and bring my feet to the month. Let's come down onto our backs for dead pigeon pose to stretch the glutes performance and the outsides of your hips inhales the top tool. Exhale lower your upper body slowly down to the mat. Bring your right ankle to rest on your left knee. Thread your right town through the triangle between your legs and hold the back of your left thigh with brave hands. Gently pull your left leg towards your chest and stay here for a few breaths. Relax your shoulders and press your lower back into the match. Last breath. In Exhale, release the pose and switch sides. Bring your left ankle to your right knee, thread your left hand through the triangle between your legs and gently pull your thigh towards your chest. Last breath. In Exhale, release the pose. Hug your knees into your chest and rock gently from side to side. Complete this short routine after every run. To reduce muscle soreness, minimize your risk of injury and improve your performance. For more stretching workouts, check out the flexibility and mobility challenges. When you already roll onto your right side and gently bring yourself up to sitting. Now you can move back into your day 10. Natural Pain Relief: Let's begin our sequence in child's pose. Come to all fours. Touch your big toes together and bring your knees a bit wider than hip width apart. Sit back on your heels and rest your forehead on the map. Bring your arms by your sides. Palms face up and close your eyes. Soften your belly and take a few deep breaths into your lower back and rib cage. Leave a slight pause at the end of your exploration and allow your next inhalation to follow effortlessly as well as being one of the most calming and restorative yoga poses. Child's pose gently structures Thea upper back and shoulders and relaxes the neck. Let's start to bring some gentle movement into your upper body to release stiffness in the neck and shoulders. Come to all fours. Spread your fingers, press into your palms and separate your knees to hit with the park. Let's start with a few hip rotations during cycles. One way on the other. Inhale. Come back to center. Exhale round your back, Troy labs in and drop your hips back to your heels. Inhale, pushed through your hands are just buying. Drop your belly and look up. Exhale around your back. Tuck your chin and dropped back to child's pose. Give your shoulders a good stretch in how pushed through your hands are just fine and look up. Exhale round your back royal belly in and drop back to your heels in how pushed through your hands are just fine and look up. Exhale round your back, draw your belly in and dropped back to your heels. Last time. Inhale pushed through your hands. Drop your belly and look up. Exhale round your back structure shoulders and drop back to child's pose. Take a full breath in Exhale. Come back up to all fours, slide your hands forward, press your hips halfway back towards your heels and rest your forehead on the Mactan puppy pose. Reach to your fingertips. Enjoy your hips back. Distract your arms and shoulders. Take one more deep breath in Exhale, slide forward in the Sphinx pose. Bring your forearms to the map to all your shoulders back to lengthen your neck in how look to the right. Exhale. Look to the left in how right Exhale left in how right Exhale left last time. Inhale right eggs. Ella Inhale. Come back to center excel. Slide your hands back and lower down to the mat. Inhale into lace your hands behind your back and lift your chest up into snake pose. Exhale, draw your shoulders back, lengthen your neck and completely relax your lower body. Stay here for a few breaths. Take one more deep breath in Exhale, Release the pose. Lower back down to the mat, bring your hands underneath your shoulders and push back to all fours. Let's come in to thread the needle pose. Bring your left palm to the center of your mom. Inhales it your right hand up to this guy. Look up to your fingertips. Excel. Thread your right hand under your left arm palm facing up. Bring your head and shoulder to rest on the mat and stay here for a few breaths. You can bring the palm of your left. Hand your sacrum or take hold of your right thigh to bind the pose and deepen, distracting your left shoulder and across your chest. Last breath in. Draw your left shoulder back. Exhale, release the pose and come back up to all fours. Bring your right palm to the center of your mat in Hell's If your left hand up to this guy . Look up Excel. Thread your left hand under your right own. Bring your head and shoulder to rest on the map completely. Relax here for a few breaths. You can bring the palm of your right town to a lower back or take hold of your left thigh to bind the post. Last in hell. Joyal Right shoulder back. Exhale, Release the pose and come back up to all fours. Walk your hands forward a few inches. Take a deep breath in exhale, tuck your toes and lift your hips up into downward dog. Walk out your feet a few times and shake your head to release tension in the neck and shoulders in how bend your knees, press into your palms and structural spine and shoulders excel. Walk your hands all the way back to your feet for forward fold. Keep your knees off into lace your fingers behind your back and drop your hands over your head. Stay here for a few breaths, swaying gently from side to side, Deepening this director across your chest and shoulders. Take one more deep breath in Exhale Carefully release your fingertips to the mat for a twist. Bring your right turn to your left ankle in help and your right knee soup your left hand up to this guy. Look up to your fingertips. Eggs are low your left hand. Bend your left knee and switch sides in house people right Turned up to this guy. Look up to a fingertips. Excel lower your right hand, bend your right knee and switch sides in house. If your left hand up, reach up. Exhale lower your left hand, bend your left knee and switch sides in house. If you're right turned up, reach up. Excel low your right time to bring your fingertips to the map in how look up royal shoulders back Excel. Walk your hands forward to downward dog. Drop down onto all fours. Release your feet and come up to your shins. Inhales it. Your arms out, end up. Take hold of your left dressed with your right hand. Reach up. Exhale bend to the right. Inhale, Come back to center. Take hold of your right wrist. Stretch up. Exhale bend to the left and again inhale. Come back to center. Take hold of your left wrist. Reach up. Exhale bend to the right in hell. Come back to center. Take hold of your right dressed. Stretch up. Exhale Bend to the left. Inhale, Come back to center. Reach up. Excel. Bring your hands to your lower back and come into a gentle back bend. Do all your shoulders back and open up your chest. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Come back up and bring your hands to the mat sweet both feet to the left. Sit back and come to the middle of your map with your feet hip width apart in house it up. Tool. Exhale lower. Your upper body is slowly as possible to the mat for bridge pairs. Bring your hands by your sides, palms facing down and walk your feet back until your fingertips graze your heels in how press into your feet and lift your hips all the way up. Check that your knees point straight ahead and do not roll out to the sides or in towards each other your feet to be directly underneath your knees. Terry's point straight ahead. Well, your shoulders underneath you and lift all the way up to rich in how Lift your hips up XLR slowly down to the map in her. Lift your hips up, Excel lower your hips to the mat in how lift Excel. Uh, last time in her. Lift your hips up and hold. Roll your shoulders underneath. You interlace your fingers, straighten your arms and press her little fingers into the mat. Lift your hips, open your chest and stay here for a few breaths. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Release your arms out from under you and low slowly back down to the mat. Face one hand on your belly and one hand on your chest. Walk your feet to the edges of the mat and drop both knees to the right on the left windscreen, wiping your knees a few times to release your lower back. Bring your knees back to center. Let's release tension in the lower back with reclining two knees. Final dress in her. Lift your feet off the mat. Bring your heels higher than your knees. Exhale. Bring your arms out to the side that showed a height in hell. Engage your core. Exhale Japonese to the right. Turn your head to the left and stay here for a few breaths. Allow your body to completely relax. Take one more deep breath in Excel. Bring your knees back to center in how lift your head and neck off the mat. Squeeze your knees into your chest. Exhale lower your head and shoulders and bring your hands back down to the mat in how lift your feet. Bring your heels higher than your knees. Exhale. Drop your knees to the left and turn your head to the right. Relax into the pose, feeling a gentle stretched on the left hand side of your neck. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Come back to center and hug your knees into your chest rock from side to side To give yourself a gentle back massage. Release your arms and legs and lie back and final resting. Pose that your feet come as wide as the mat and full open. Relax your hands. Palms facing up. Shoulder blades rest evenly on the ground. Close your eyes. Let's finish with the soothing body Scan Meditation. Bring your attention to your left foot scan from your foot to your knee and up to your left hip. Bring awareness to your right foot scan from your foot. Do your knee end up to your right hip. Bring your attention to your belly, filial breath moving in and out. Bring your awareness to your chest. Allow your rib cage to expand on contract. Let go of any tension in your neck and shoulders scanned all the way down your left arm from your shoulder to your elbow to your fingertips. Scandal the way down the length of your right home from your shoulder to your elbow to your fingertips. Relax, your jaw tongue takes, and I've allow any lingering tightness or tension in your body to fall away. When you already roll onto your right side and gently bring yourself up to sitting now you can move back into your day. 11. Morning Flow: this sequence is designed to revive and refresh you when you're feeling low in energy, distracted or a bit achey. It's great to practice when you need a short break from work to refocus and get yourself back into the zone. Come up to all fours. Spread your fingers, press into your palms and separate your knees to hit. Put the part. Let's start with a few hip rotations, drawing circles one way and the other inhale. Come back to center. Exhale round your back, draw your abs in and drop your hips back to your heels. Inhale pushed through your hands aren't your spine. Drop your belly and look up. Exhale round your back. Tuck your chin and dropped back to child's pose. Give your shoulders a good stretch. Inhale pushed through your hands are just fine and look up. Exhale round your back, draw your belly in and drop back to your heels. Inhale pushed through your hands are just fine and look up. Exhale round your back. Draw your belly in and dropped back to your heels. Last time, inhale pushed through your hands. Drop your belly and look up. Exhale round your back. Stretch your shoulders and drop back to child's pose. Take a full breath in Exhale. Come back up to all fours. Walk your hands forward a few inches. Take a deep breath in exhale, tuck your toes and lift your hips up into downward dog. Keep your knees bent to allow you to fully extend your spine. Straighten your elbows and rotate your arms outward to fill a broadening across your upper back. Press into your palms. Tilt your pelvis up and allow your spine to lengthen. Seal your lips and stay here for a few breaths. Walk out your feet a couple of times and shake your head to release any tension in your neck and shoulders in how bend your knees, press into your palms and stretch your spine and shoulders. Exhale. Walk your hands all the way back to your feet for forward fold. Keep your knees self, interlace your fingers behind your back and drop your hands over your head. Stay here for a few breaths, wearing gently from side to side, deepening this direct across your chest and shoulders. Take one more deep breath in Exhale Carefully release your fingertips to the map for a twist. Inhale bend your right knee. Zip your left hand up to this guy. Draw your left shoulder back. Xolo your left hand, bend your left knee and switch sides in house it. Go right. Tend up to this guy. Reach up. Xolo your right hand and switch sides in house. If your left hand up, reach up, eggs are low. Your left hand and switch sides inhales people right Turned up. Draw your right shoulder back. Xolo your right hand. Bring your fingertips to the mat and walk your hands forward to downward dog. Inhale, step your right foot than your left foot in between your hands and look up. Exhale. Fold in how micro Bend your knees. Look up. Sweep your arms out and up. Come up, exhale. Bring your hands back down by your sides. Let's stretch your spine and make space in your rib cage with some gentle sideburns. Inhales. If your arms out, end up, take hold of your left dressed with your right hand. Reach up. Exhale bend to the right. Inhale. Come back to center, take hold of your right wrist. Stretch up. Exhale bend to the left in how come back to center. Switch hands reach up. Exhale bend to the right. Inhale, Come back to center. Switch hands, stretch up. Exhale Bend to the left in how? Come back to center. Bring your palms together. Excel Swan. Dive down with a straight spine into forward Fall in how Look up, Draw your shoulders back Excels that your left foot back Drop your knee and release your back foot in low lunch Inhales up your arms out and up into crescent Lunge Bring your palms together, Exhales Sink into the pose in how Reach up to your fingertips Exhale but your left forearm to your front thigh and twist to the right in how joy All right, shoulder back. Exhale. Bring your hands back down to the map, tuck your back toes and step your right foot back to plank in how Press into your palms, Lift your chin, exhale, drop to your knees and release your feet for four slow triceps Push ups. Keep your head up and hug your elbows to your sides. Inhale lower, exhale. Push up. Keep your chin lifted in. Hello, uh, exhale. Push up in. Hello. Uh, exhale. Push up last time. Inhale lower. Exhale. Push up in. Hello all the way down to the mat. Press into your palms and lift up into cobra. Draw your shoulders back, xar lower back down. Press your hips back towards your heels, tucked Goto's and lift up into downward dog in house. Step your left foot forward for low lunge on the other side. Exhale. Drop your right knee. Release your back foot in house. If your arms out, end up, look up. Exhale, relax into the pose in how reach up to your fingertips. Exhale, Bring your right forearm to your front thigh and twist to the left in how Draw your left shoulder back Excel. Bring your hands back down to the math and step your right foot in between your hands in how look up exhale. Fold in how micro Bend your knees. Look up, soup your arms out and up. Come up, exhale Bring your hands back down by your sides. Inhales it. Your arms out, end up, reach up. Exhale swan. Dive down into Ford. Fold in how look up, Draw your shoulders back. Excel, step your left foot back, drop your knee and release your back foot in low lunge in her look up deep in distracting your left hip flexes exhale Shift your weight back toe half monkey Flex your right foot to feel a stretch in your right hamstring Inhale. Come forward into low lunge Look up Excel rocked back to half monkey Square your hips with the man in how come forward into low lunge Exhale last time Right back toe half monkey Flex your right foot in how come forward into low lunge. Exhale, Tuck your back toes. Step back to plank. Drop to your knees and lower all the way down to the mat in hell. Press into your palms. Lift up into cobra. Exhale low back down and again inhale. Lift up into cobra each time, deepening your back bend. Exhale low back down Last time, inhale Lift up into cobra. Draw your shoulders back. Look up. Exhale lower back down. Press your hips back, tuck your toes and lift up into downward dog. Inhale. Step your left foot in between your hands for low lunge on the other side, exhale Drop your right knee and release your back foot in how drop your hips lift Georgian . Exhale, Shift your weight back toe, half monkey. Flex your left foot inhale. Come forward to low lunge Look up, Exhale rock back to half monkey Square your hips with the mat Inhale Come forward into low lunge Excel Last time Look back toe half monkey Flex your left foot Inhale Come forward Tuck your back toes, step your right foot in between your hands and look up. Exhale, fold in how look up, soup your arms out, end up, come up eggs, hoping go hands but down by your sides Let's come into our final sequence in how soup your arms out, end up, Reach up ex house one. Dive down into forward fold in how look up, joy your shoulders back. Exhale, step your left foot, then your right foot back to plank. Drop to your knees and lower all the way down to the man in how Press into your palms. Lift up into cobra eggs are low back down. Press your hips back, took your toes and lift up into downward dog. Inhale. Bring your left foot towards the middle of your mat. Stoop your right leg up to this guy and point your toes. Exhale. Bend your knee and drop your right foot back. Allow your hips to fall open in how? Press into your palms droid. Alright, tip back. Exhale. Step your right foot in between your hands in runner's lunge in house people right Turned up to this guy. Reach up to your fingertips. Excel Bring your right turn down on Walk your hands to the back of your mark beside lunch in how drop your hips and flex your right foot. Exhale, Walk your hands to the top of your mom and step back to downward dog. Inhale row forward into Plank Excel. Shift your weight onto your right town, stack your feet and come into side plank in how we to our left hand up and over excels that your left foot back toe wild thing in her. Lift your hips up. Exhale, relax into the pose in her reach. Back are just fine. Exhale. Come back to plank. Drop to your knees and level all the way down to the man. Inhale, press into your palms and lift up into cobra. Draw your shoulders back. Exhale lower back down. Press your hips back, tuck your toes and lift up into downward dog. Inhale. Bring your right foot towards the middle of your mat soup your left leg up to the sky and point your toes. Exhale, Bend your knee and drop your left foot back. Allow your hips to fall open. Inhale breast evenly into break palms. Draw your left hip back. Exhale, step your left foot in between your hands in Runner's lunge in house. It's your left hand up to this guy. Press into your right palm Excel. Bring your left hand down and walk your hands to the back of your mat For side lunch. In how drop your hips, flex your left foot. Exhale, Walk your hands to the top of your mat and step back to downward dog. Inhale row forward into plank Excel. Come and decide blank on your left hand. Inhale, reach through your fingertips. Lift your hips up. Exhales that feel right foot back to wild thing in how reached through your fingertips. Exhale, relax into the pose in how hot? Just fine. Back. Even more. Exhale. Come back to plank. Drop to your knees and lower all the way down to the mat. Inhale, Press into your palms and lift up into cobra. Draw your shoulders back. Exhale lower back down. Press your hips back, tuck your toes and lift up into downward dog in how Bend your knees step or jump your feet lightly in between your hands and look up. Exhale, fold in how look up, soup your arms out and up. Come up excel. Bring your hands but down by your sides Now you can move back into your day. 12. Mobility Flow: There are a number of skills that a common to both yoga and CrossFit, including balance, strength, postural awareness, body control, efficient movement patterns, focus and dedication. When you combine these two disciplines, you benefit from the intensity, speed and explosive energy of CrossFit and greater mobility, flexibility, breath efficiency and conscious relaxation techniques taught in yoga. Practice this routine after your workout on your rest days for safer movements, speedy recovery and better performance results. Let's begin in mountain pose. Stand at the top of your mat with your feet hip width apart. Terry's pointing forward. Roll your shoulders up, back and down, broaden across your collarbones and look straight ahead that your arms will by your sides. Palms facing inwards, finger self. Gently engage your abs. Present to your feet and lengthen all the way up your spine and neck to the top of your head. Balance your weight evenly between both feet to create a firm foundation. Relax your jaw and the muscles in your face. Close your eyes. Bring your attention to your breath, seal your lips and take a few deep breaths in through the nose and out through the nose. Feel the breath moving into your body and out of your body. Allow your belly and chest to expand and contract. Take one more deep breath in and out. Let your breath return to its not to rhythm and continue to breathe in and out through your nose. Open your eyes. Let's start to increase mobility in the spine. You can bring your feet together will keep them hit. Put the part if that feels more natural. Inhale. Sweep your arms out. End up. Look up. Exhale swan. Dive down with a straight spine. Bend your knees, drop your head and bring your fingertips to the man in how Look forward. Sweep your arms out. End up, come up, exhale. Bring your hands back down by your sides and again inhale soup, your arms out. End up, stretch up. Exhale swan. Dive down with the straits. Fine, bend your knees and bring your fingertips to the month. Inhale. Look forward. Sweep your arms out and up. Come up, exhale. Bring your hands back down by your sides. Let's come into some gentle side bends to stretch the muscles between your ribs and increase your breath efficiency. Inhale soup. Your arms out. End up into lace your fingers and press your palms up to this guy. Exhale, bend to the right. Inhale, come back to center. Stretch up. Exhale bend to the left. Inhale, come back to center, stretch up and again exhale. Bend to the right. Inhale, come back to center. Stretch up. Exhale bend to the left. Inhale, come back to center. Reach up. Exhale. Release your hands and swan. Dive down with a straight spine and to Ford fold for a spinal twist. Inhale. Bend your right knees with your left hand up to this guy. Draw your left shoulder back xolo your left hand, bend your left knee and switched sides in house. If your right hand up to this guy, reach up, exhale lower your right hand and repeat that one more time. Inhale. See pure left hand up. Draw your left shoulder back. Exhale lower your left hand and switched sides in. How? Sleep your right hand up. Draw your right shoulder back. Ex her. Low your right hand and bring your fingertips to the mat and forward evolved. Let's start to increase mobility in the hips and hamstrings. Inhale. Look up. Draw your shoulders back. Exhale, step your left foot back. Drop your knee and release your back foot in low lunge, Sink into the pose. A move gently from side to side to open up your hips. Inhale, Sip your arms out and up into crescent lunge. Bring your palms together will keep them shoulder width apart. Exhale, sink into the post to deepen the stretch in your left. So as last breath in Exhale, bring your hands back down to the mat in her look up Excel, Shift your weight back toe, half monkey. Flex your right foot and feel a strict in your right hamstring. Inhale. Come forward into low lunge. Look up. Exhale rock back to half monkey. Square your hips with the man inhale, Come forward into low lunge. Exhale last time. Look back to half monkey flex your right fit. Inhale. Come forward into low lunge. Exhale. Tuck your back toes. Step back to plank. Drop to your knees and lower all the way down to the man. Inhale, interlace your hands behind your back. Lift your chest and draw your shoulders back in snake pose. Look from side to side a few times to loosen up your neck. Inhale, come back to center. Draw your shoulders back. Exhale, release the pose. Bring your hands to the mat. Press your hips back, tuck your toes and lift up into downward dog. Walk out your feet a couple of times to loosen up the backs of your legs and shake your head to release any tension in your neck and shoulders. Inhale step your left foot in between your hands for low lunge on the other side. Exhale, Drop your right me and release your back foot. Drop your hips and move gently from side to side. Inhale soup your arms out and up into crescent lunge. Exhale, sink into the pose to deepen the stretch in your right. Tip flexes last inhale exhale Bring your hands back down to the mat in her look up Excel Shift your weight back toe, half monkey Flex your left foot Inhale, Come forward to low lunge. Look up, Exhale wrote back to half monkey Inhale. Come forward into low lunge. Exhale last time. Look back to half monkey inhale. Come forward. Tuck your bacteria, step your right foot in between your hands and look up. Exhale, fold in her Look up. Sweep your arms out end up, come up, exhale. Bring your hands back down by your sides. The next sequence increases mobility in the ankles, knees and shoulders. Inhale. Bend your knees and sweep your hands back. Exhale. Bring your hands forward and up into chair. Pose in how reached through your fingertips. Shift your weight back into your heels. Exhale, interlace your fingers at the base of your spine and draw your shoulders back in her Look up. Drop your hips. Exhale, straighten your legs and fold forward. Bring your arms up over your head. Inhale, bend your knees and come back to Chapo's. Exhale. Straighten your legs and fold forward. Drop your hands towards the mark in hell. Come back to jazz. Sink your hips. Exhale, fold forward. Drop your hands closer to the mat. Last time. Inhale. Come back to chair. Draw your shoulders back. Exhale, fold forward and drop your hands towards the mat. Inhale, Come back to chair. Draw your shoulders back. Exhale stand up and release your hands but down by your sides. Let's come into our final sequence. Inhale soup, your arms that end up, Look up. Exhale swan, Dive down into forward fold in how look up stretches, Find forward. Exhale, Step your left foot back to runner's lunge. Inhale soup your arms ford and up into high lunge. Exhale open your arms and twist to the right. Inhale. Bring your arms back up by your ears. Hip. Stay low and again exhale. Twist to the right. Inhale. Bring your arms back up to center. Reach up. Exhale. Take one more trips to the right. Inhale. Bring your arms back up to center. Reach up. Exhale Bring your hands back down to the mat. Inhales If you'll write turned up to this guy, open up your chest. Exhale, Bring your right turned down and walk your hands to the back of your mat for side lunge. Inhale, Drop your hips. Flex your right foot. Exhale, Walk your hands to the top of your mat and come up to your fingertips. Inhale, step your left foot in between your hands and look up. Exhale, Fold in her look up micro bend your knees, soup your arms out. End up, come up excel. Bring your hands back down by your sides in house. If your arms are turned up, reach up. Exhale swan Dive down into Ford fold in how look up stretchers. Find forward exiles that feel right foot back this time. Inhale, See pure arms Ford and up into high lunge excel Open your arms. Interest to the left. Inhale. Bring your arms back up by your ears. Keep your hips low and again exhale dress to the left in how Bring your arms back up to center. Reach up. Exhale. Take one more twist to the left. Inhale. Bring your arms by cup to center. Reach up. Exhale. Bring your hands back down to the mat in house. If your left hand up to this guy, press into your right palm. Exhale, Bring your left hand down and walk to the back of your map for side. Lunge in how drop your hicks flex your left foot. Exhale, Walk your hands to the top of your mat and come up to your fingertips. Inhale, step your right foot in between your hands and look up. Exhale, fold in her look up soup your arms out. End up, Come up, exhale. Bring your hands back down by your sides. Bring your feet tip with the part inhale. Sweep your arms out, end up, look up, excels one. Dive down into Ford fold. He'll tell your feet to the edges of your mat. Bend your knees and come down into a squat. Bring your upper body in between your thighs and touch your palms together in how lengthen your spine. Exhale. Press your triceps against the insides of your knees to open up your hips. If you have tight Achilles tendons and your heels, don't touch the ground. That's okay. You can stay up on your Terry's with your heels lifted. Bring your hands behind you and sit back in the middle of your mat. Inhale, stretch out your legs and point your toes. Exhale. Lower your upper body down to the mat for final resting pose. Let your feet come as wide as the matter and fall open but lacks your hands. Palms facing up. Shoulder blades rest evenly on the ground. Close your eyes. Let's finish with a relaxing body Scan meditation. Relax your toes, the arches of your feet, your heels, ankles, lower legs, knees, thighs, hips, lower back abs, chess shoulders, ums, hands, fingers, Joel lips, cheeks and I. Since a wave of relax ation flowing from your toes all the way up to the crown of your head . Allow any tension in your body to fall away and let your mind rest and become quiet. When you are ready, roll onto your right side and gently bring yourself up to sitting. Now you can move back into your day. 13. Back And Shoulder Love: come to a comfortable, cross legged seat in the middle of your mat with your hands resting in your lap. If you find this position uncomfortable, we'll have difficulty maintaining a straight spine. You can sit on the edge of a cushion to raise your hips above your knees. Close your eyes. Let's begin with a therapeutic breathing exercise. When we experience physical pain, we tend to hold our breath and tense up all muscles by consciously breathing deeply from the dia. From our body relaxes, releasing tension around the areas of pain, easing soreness and discomfort. We're going to practice a simple technique in which your exhalations are twice as long as you're inhalations. Inhale. Sit up tall, lengthen from the base of your spine all the way up to the top of your head. Exhale, relax your shoulders and let all the air out through your nose. Let's begin. Seal your lips and inhale quietly through your nose for the counter for to three for hold the seven to three for five six seven. Exhale for eight to three. Go five, six, seven eight and again inhale to three for hold for seven to three. Go five six seven. Exhale for eight to three four five six seven eight. Continue for two more cycles. Inhale slowly and quietly and allow your belly ingest to expand. Hold, excel slowly and completely empty your lungs in how relax your shoulders and allow your rib case to expand. Hold. Exhale slowly. Let all the air out. Let your breath return to its natural rhythm and open your eyes. You can repeat this breathing exercise several times a day to relax your body and reduce sensations of pain. Switch your legs and sit up tall. Let's start to bring some gentle movement into this bind. To release muscle tightness in your upper body in hell, soup your arms out and up into lace your fingers and press your palms up to this guy. X help end to the right. Inhale, Come back to center. Stretch up. Exhale bend to the left. Inhale, Come back to center. Reach up and again. Exhale bend to the right. Inhale. Come back to center. Stretch up. Exhale bend to the left in how come back to center. Reach up, exhale. Bring your hands down in front of you, ground your spine, tuck your chin and press your palms away. Inhale, lift your hands up to this guy. Archers, find back. Exhale Lower your hands around your back and tuck your chin to your chest. Inhale, lift your hands up. Draw your shoulders back. Look up. Exhale lower your hands and deepen the stretch across your upper back and shoulders. Last time, inhale. Lift your hands up Artress. Fine. Look up. Exhale. Bring your hands but down round your spine and hold the stretch for a few breaths. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Release your hands and sit up tall into lace. Your fingers behind your back can pull your hands away to fill a stretched across your chest in the front of your shoulders. Move gently from side to side to deepen the stretch. Release your hands and sit up tall. That's coming to address. Place your left hand on your right knee and your right fingertips on the matter few inches behind you inhales it upto. Exhale. Twist from the base of your spine to the right. Inhale, lengthen, exhale. Draw your right shoulder back. Inhale, lengthen. Exhale to us. Inhale, lengthen, excel Last twist. Let all the air out take a full breath and exhale. Come back to center and switch sides. Bring your right turn to your left knee and place your left fingertips behind you. Inhale, Sit up tall, excelled with to the left in how lengthen exhale. Twist in how lengthen Excel. Press your right turned against Johnny and twist from the base of your spine in how lengthen exhale Final twist. Let all the era last breath in Exhale Come back to center. Let's finish our seated sequence with some gentle hip opening forward folds inhale. Sit up tall. Press your fingertips into the mat and shift your hips back a few inches. Exhale, Walk your hands forward and relax your upper body over your legs. Stay here for a few breaths. Last breath in Exhale, Come up slowly and switch legs in house. Sit up tall. Shift your hips back of your inches. Exhale, slide your hands forward and completely relax your upper body. Last inhale exhale. Come back up and bring the soles of your feet. Fact to the mat. Let's come down onto our backs for some reclining poses to release tension in the pelvic region and lower back. Tight and inflexible hips are often the cause of back pain inhales it up. Tool Exhale Lower your upper body slowly down to the map. Take full diaphragmatic breaths in the poses to allow your body to relax and sink deeper into the stretch. First, let's come into wind relieving posed to stretch your lower back and hips. Lower your left leg to the mat and squeeze your right knee into your chest. Press your lower back into the mat and stay here for a few breaths. Move your right leg in any way that helps to release tension or tightness in your hip. Squeeze your knee into your chest. Impress your left leg into the map and switch sides. Take hold of your left knee and lower your right leg. Press your lower back into the mat and loosen up your left hip. Press your right leg into the mat and squeeze your knee into your chest. Hug both knees into your chest. Bring your feet to the mat for dead pigeon pose to structure outer hips and lower back. Bring your right ankle to rest on your left knee. Gradual right town through the triangle between your legs and hold the back of your left thigh with both hands. Gently pull your left leg towards your chest and stay here for a few breaths. Relax your shoulders. Impress your lower back into the mat. You can increase the stretch, and you're right down to hit by pressing your right elbow against your inner thigh. Last breath. In Exhale, release the pose and switch sides. Bring your left ankle to your right knee, thread your left hand through the triangle between your legs and gently pull your thigh towards your chest. Bring your left elbow against your left inner thigh to increase the stretch in your left out to him. Last inhale. Exhale, Release the pose and hug your knees into your chest. Let's finish with two more hip opening poses. Happy baby and reclining butterfly. Keep your feet together. Open your knees and stretch your hands through to take hold of the outsides of your feet. Bring your feet out of your knees and gently put them down towards the map. Flex your feet, press your lower back into the mat and stay here for a few breaths. Relax into the pose and rocked gently from side to side. Feeling this direct in your inner groin. Bring the soles of your feet together. Keep your knees bent, though your feet to the Mac and that your knees fall open in the shape of a diamond. Reach both arms overhead and take hold of opposite elbows. Release your arms and legs and lie back and final resting. Pose that your feet come as wide as the mat and fall open. Relax your hands. Palms facing up. Shoulder blades rest evenly on the ground. Close your eyes. Let's finish with the relaxing bodies. GAM Meditation To release any lingering tension, bring your awareness to the soles of your feet to the bottoms of your toes, the balls of your feet and your heels. Bring your awareness to the tops of your feet that your feet become heavy and sink into the map. Allow the feeling of relaxation to spread to your ankles. Front. Back inside, let your ankles completely relax and sink into the mat. Since the feeling of relaxation spread to your cars and to your shins, allow your lower legs to soften and relax. Become aware of your knees, your kneecaps and the backs of your knees. Allow your knees to completely relax. Allow the feeling of relaxation to spread to your guys. Hamstrings and hips Allow this whole area to completely relax. Bring your awareness to your abdomen. Let it soften and relax. Become aware of your belly expanding and contracting. Notice the natural and effortless rhythm of your graph. Relax your rib, cage the muscles between your ribs and let go of any sensations of tension at your chest. Notice the natural rise and fall of your rib cage. Bring your awareness to your shoulders and let them relax. Let go of any tension in your shoulders. Bring your awareness to your upper arms, elbows, forearms, wrists, hands and fingers that your arms and hands completely relax and sink into the mat. Bring your awareness back up to your neck and to your threat. Relax your upper back and allow the feeling of relaxation to spread to your mid back. No back in, say, Kram. Allow your whole back to soften and relax. Relax your jaw. 10 lips, tongue, cheeks and nose self in the edges of your eyes and smooth your brow. Sink into a state of total relaxation. When you already roll onto your right side and gently bring yourself up to sitting Now you could move back into your day 14. Yoga For Travel: traveling is one of the times when we really need yoga, but when it could be the most difficult to fit in. This routine is designed for you to do without any equipment. Wherever you can, find a small amount of space at the airport gate, the train station or in your hotel room, let's begin a mountain pose. Stand with your feet hip width apart. Terry's pointing forward. Roll your shoulders up, back and down and broaden across your collarbones. Allow your arms to fall naturally by your sides. Palms face inwards, fingers off. Gently engage your abdominal muscles and lengthen all the way from the soles of your feet up your spine to the top of your head. Relax your jaw and the muscles in your face plays your eyes. Seal your lips and take a few deep breaths in through the nose and out through the nose. Feel the breath moving into your body and out of your body. Allow your belly and chest to expand and contract. Take one more deep breath in and out that your breath return to its natural rhythm. Open your eyes. Let's begin with a couple of half sun salutations. Take a deep breath in Circle your arms out end up Look up Exhale swan Dive down with the straits Fine Bend your knees Drop your head and bring your fingertips to the man in how Look up, Draw your shoulders back Exhale, fold in her Look up Sweep your arms out, end up, come up It's so bring your hands back down by your sides Inhale, sweep your arms that end up Reach up Exhale swan Dive down into ford Fold in how Look up, Stretch your spine Forward Exhale, Fold in her Look up soup your arms out, end up, Come up ex helping your hands back down by your sides Let's come into some gentle side bends in hell Soup your arms out, end up into lace your fingers and press your palms up to this guy. Exhale, Bend to the right in hell. Come back to center. Stretch up. Exhale bend to the left, Inhale. Come back to center, reach up and again exhale bend to the right. Inhale, come back to center. Stretch up. Exhale bend to the left. Inhale, Come back to center. Reach up, exhale, release your fingers and bring your hands back down by your sides. Interlace your fingers behind your back and put your hands away to feel a stretch across your chest in the fronts of your shoulders, Move gently from side to side. Release your fingers and let your arms for by your sides. Bring your hands to the back of your neck. Inhale, lift your chest art back and look up. Exhale around your spy and drop your head and bring your elbows together. Inhale, lift your chest. Look up to this guy. Excel joy wrapped in and tuck coach into your chest. Inhale art back. Open up your chest. Look up. Exhale round your spine, drop your head and pull your belly in last time. Inhale lift your chest are just fine and look up. Exhale around your back. Drop your head and pull your belly in in how Come back to center. Exhale. Release the pose. Inhale soup, your arms out and up. Look up. Exhale swan. Dive down into ford fold. Bend your knees. Hold on to L A basin hanging rectal. Seal your lips and take a few deep breaths here, swaying from side to side, allowing your spine to length. Um, let your hair drop towards the mat and release any tension in your neck and shoulders. Carefully release your fingertips to the mat for a gentle spinal twist in how Bend your right knee. Zip your left hand up to this guy. Draw your left shoulder back. Exhale lower your left hand, bend your left knee and switch sides in house people. Right, Tend up to this guy. Reach up. Exhale lower your right hand and repeat that one more time. Inhale soup, your left hand up. Draw your left Jodi back. Exhale lower your left hand and switch sides in house. You go right. Tend up Joyal, right shoulder back. Exhale, lower your right hand and bring your fingertips to the mat. Inhale. Look up micro. Bend your knees up your arms that end up, Come up, exhale. Bring your hands back down by your sides. Let's work your legs with some chair. Post twists. Bring your feet together will keep them hip with the part for more stability in house. If your arms out and up overhead in your arms to your ears, exhale Benjani's and sit back in Chapo's Check that you can still see your toes and that both knees point straight ahead. If you feel crunching that your lower back till go pelvis up to straighten your spine, drop your hips, look up and hold the pose for a few breaths. From here, we're going to come into a twist in how reached through your fingertips Excel. Press your palms together at your chest. Bring your right elbow to the outside of your left thigh and twist your upper body to the left. Shift your right hip back to bring your knees in line with each other. You can stay here or extend both arms out wide, reaching up to this guy and down to the mat and look up to your fingertips. Last inhale. Exhale. Keep your knees bent to bring your arms back up by your ears in how reached through your fingertips. Exhale, bring your palms together at your chest and twist to the other side. Shift your left, hit back and open your chest to the right. You can extend both arms out wide and look up to your fingertips. Stay here for a few deep breaths in and out through your nose. Last breath in exile. Keep your knees bent and bring your arms back up by your ears in how drop your hips exhale . Stand up and bring your hands back down by your sides. Let's stretch the backs of your legs and wide leg forward bend. Step your feet apart. Terry's point straight ahead. Bring your hands to your hips. Take a deep breath in exhale hinge ical hips and fold forward. You can take hold of opposite elbows and hang here. Or bring your hands to the floor underneath your shoulders for support. If you'd like to deepen the stretch, walk your hands back between your legs and bend your elbows completely. Relax your upper body and take a few breaths here, feeling a stretch in your inner thighs and the backs of your legs. You may want to play around with the width of your feet. The UAE dio stance the easier it is to fold forward. But if you go to wide, you may feel unstable. Inhale, Bring your hands to your hips. Draw your abs in exhale, press your feet into the ground and come up to standing in How joy your shoulders back. Exhale hinge forward at your hips and bring your hands to the mat. for a twist. Bring your right palm directly under your chest. Inhale, Sweep your left hand up to this guy. Look up to your thumb. Try to ensure that your hips remain level and hold here for a few breaths, simultaneously twisting and stretching your spine and chest in how to draw your left shoulder back. Exhale lower your left hand and switch sides. Bring your left palm directly under your chest in house. If your right hand up to this guy, look up to your fingertips and hold here for a few breaths. Be careful not to collapse in your left shoulder in how reach up. Exhale low your right. Turn back down to the mat in how bring your hands to your hips. Exhale. Come back up to standing with the straits. Fine in how lift your chest excel, step or jump your feet together. Let's finish with a warrior sequence. Step your feet apart again. Turn your right foot out and drop your hips in. Warrior two. Line up your front heel with the middle of your back foot turned to the right and bring your arms up to shoulder height in how reached through your fingertips exhale. Drop your hips. Try to bring your front thigh parallel to the mat and stay here for a few breaths. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Keep your front knee bent. Drop your left hand down your back leg and tip back into reverse. Warrior in how? Reach back to your fingertips. Exhale, relax into the pose. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Come back up to warrior two. Inhale, straighten your front leg and circle both hands up to the sky. Exhale, bring your right hand down and reach your left. End up as you open into triangle pose. You can take hold of your shin ankle or bring your fingertips to the mat and how look up to your fingers excelled or your left it back in her reach up. Exhale, Bend your front knee. Rest your right forearm on your front thigh and circle your left arm down and across your body into extended side angle Pose. Last inhale. Reach to your fingertips. Exhale. Come back up to Warrior two and turn your right foot in 10 your left foot out and come into Warrior two on the other side. Line up your front to deal with the middle of your back foot turned to the left and bring your arms up to shoulder height in how reached through your fingertips. Exhale, drop your hips and try to bring your front thigh parallel to the mat. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Keep your front knee bent. Drop your left hand down your back leg and tip back into reverse. Warrior in how Reach back to your fingertips. Exhale, relax into the pose. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Come back up to Warrior two in how. Straighten your front leg and circle both hands up to this guy. Exhale, Bring your left hand down and open up into triangle. You can take hold of your shin ankle or bring your fingertips to the map in how look up to this guy. Exhale. Draw your left shoulder back in how? Reach up to your fingertips. Exhale, bend your front knee. Rest your left forearm on your front thigh and circle your right arm down and across your body into extended side angle. Last breath in reach to your fingertips. Exhale. Come back up to Warrior two and turn your left foot in step or jump your feet together and close your eyes. Now you can get back home with your Johnny 15. Rest And Recovery: come to a comfortable, cross legged seat in the middle of your mat with your hands resting in your lap. If you find his position uncomfortable, will have difficulty maintaining a straight spine. You can sit on the edge of a cushion to raise your hips above your knees. Close your eyes. Let's begin with a calming breathing technique in which your exhalations are twice as long as you're inhalations in house it up. Tool. Lengthen from the base of your spine all the way up to the top of your head. Exhale, relax your shoulders and let all the air out through your nose. That's begin. Seal your lips and inhale quietly through your nose for the counter for to three for hold for seven to great for five six seven. Exhale for eight to three, five, six, seven eight and again inhale to three four. Hold to seven to three. Go five six seven. Exhale for eight to three. The by takes seven. Okay, continue for two more cycles in hell. Allow your belly and chest to expand. Hold. Exhale completely. Empty your lungs in how relax your shoulders and allow your rib cage to expand. Hold, exhale slowly let all the air out that your breath returned to its natural rhythm and open your eyes. You can repeat this breathing exercise any time you need to calm your nerves. Reducing stress before an event through deep, conscious breathing is likely to improve your athletic performance. Switch your legs and sit up tall. Let's start to bring some gentle movement into this bind to release muscle tightness in your upper body in house. If your arms out, end up into lace your fingers and press your palms up to this guy. Exhale, bend to the right. Inhale, come back to center. Stretcher. Exhale. Bend to the left. Inhale, Come back to center. Reach up and again. Exhale. Bend to the right in how Come back to center. Stretch up. Exhale bend to the left. Inhale, come back to center. Reach up. Exhale. Bring your hands down in front of you around your spine. Tuck your chin and press your palms away in her lift. Your hands up to this guy are just fine and look up. Exhale lower your hands round your back and tuck your chin to your chest in her. Lift your hands up. Draw your shoulders back. Look up. Exhale lower your hands and deepen the stretch across your upper back and shoulders. Last time in her Lift your hands up. Arch your spine. Look up. Exhale Bring your hands back down round your spine and hold the stretch for a few breaths. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Release your hands and sit up tall. Interlace your fingers behind your back and pull your hands away to feel a stretch across your chest in the front of your shoulders. Move gently from side to side to deepen the stretch. Release your hands and sit up tall. That's come into a twist. Place your left hand on your right knee and your right fingertips on the map a few inches behind you inhales it up. Tool, Excel Twist from the base of your spine to the right. In her lengthen, exhale. Draw your right shoulder back in. How lengthen exhaled with in how lengthen excel. Last rest. Let all the air out. Take a deep breath in Exhale. Come back to center and switch sides. Bring your right turn to your left knee and place your left fingertips behind you in house . Sit up tool. Exhale to us to the left in how lengthen excel Twist in how lengthen Exhale Press You're right timed against your knee in how lengthen Excel Final twist. Let all the air out last breath in Exhale come back to center. Let's finish our seated sequence in butterfly pose. Bring the soles of your feet in front of you in the shape of a diamond and that your knees relax down towards the mat. In house. It's up. Tool. Exhale, fold forward completely. Relax your upper body, arms, neck and head. Take one more deep breath in exhale gently. Come back up, bring your knees together and place the soles of your feet that to the map. Let's come down onto our backs for some gentle reclining poses. Inhales it up. Tool. Exhale lower your upper body slowly down to the mat. First, let's come into wind relieving pose to open up your hips. They're your left leg and squeeze. You'll write me into your chest. Price your lower back into the mat and stay here for a few breaths. Move your right leg in any way that helps to release tightness in your right hip. Squeeze your knee into your chest and press your left leg into the mat and switch sides. Take hold of your left knee and lower your right leg. Press your lower back into the mat and loosen up your left hip. Press your right leg into the mat and squeeze your knee into your chest. Release the pose and hug both knees into your chest. Let's release tension in the lower back with Rick linings. Vinyl dressed. Bring your heels high than your knees. Bring your arms out to the sides at shoulder height in hell. Engage your core. Exhale, Drop your knees to the right. Turn your head to the left and stay here for a few breaths. Allow your body to completely relax. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Bring your knees back to center and hug them into your chest in how lift your head and neck off the map. Exhale lower your head and shoulders and bring your hands back down to the mat in her. Lift your feet. Bring your heels high than your knees. Exhale, jump cronies to the left and turn your head to the right. Relax into the pose. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Come back to center and hug your knees into your chest. That's finished the sequence with Happy baby and Reclining butterfly. Keep your feet together. Open your knees. Instruct your hands through to take hold of the outsides of your feet. Bring your feet out of your knees and gently pulling down towards the mat. Flex your feet, impress your lower back into the match. Relax into the pose and rocked gently from side to side. Bring the soles of your feet together. Keep your knees bent low your feet to the map and that your knees fall open. Reach both arms overhead and take hold of opposite elbows. Release your arms and legs and my back and final resting pose that your feet come as wide as the mapped and fall open. Relax your hands. Palms facing up. Shoulder blades rest evenly on the ground. Okay, guys, that's finished with the relaxing body scam. Meditation to rest and rejuvenate to entire body. Bring your awareness to the soles of your feet to the bottoms of your terrors. The balls of your feet, your heels, the full length of your footprints. Bring your awareness to the tops of your feet that your feet become heavy and sink into the map. Allow the feeling of relaxation to spread to your ankles front, back inside, but your ankles completely. Relax and sink into the mud. Since the feeling of relaxation spread to your coughs and the oceans, allow your lower legs to soften and relax. Become aware of your knees, your kneecaps and the backs of your knees. Allow your knees to completely relax. If you notice that your mind has wandered very gently, bring it back to scanning your body. Allow the feeling of relaxation to spread to your thighs. Hum strings, hips and glutes. Allow this whole area to completely relaxed. Bring your awareness to your abdomen that itself. Fund and relax. Become aware of your belly expanding. I'm contracting. Notice the natural and effortless rhythm of your breath. Relax your rib, cage the muscles between your ribs and let go of any sensations of tension at your chest. No, it is the natural rise and fall of your rib cage. Bring your awareness to your shoulders and let them relax. Let go of any tension in your shoulders. Bring your awareness to your upper arms elbows. Forums risk hands on fingers. Get your arms and hands completely. Relax and sink into the map. Bring your awareness back up to your neck, front and back and to your threat. Relax your upper back and allow the feeling of relaxation to spread to your mid back, lower back and sacrum. Allow your whole back to soften and relax. Relax your jaw, gin, lips, tongue, cheeks and nose. Soften the edges of your eyes and smooth your brow. Since a wave of relaxation flowing from your toes all the way up to the crown of your head sink into a state of deep relaxation, Knowing that you can return to the sequence to avoid fatigue and enhance your recovery, stay in final resting pose for as long as you can. 16. Achy Body: Let's begin our sequence in wide knee child's pose. Come to all fours. Touch your big toes together and bring your knees is why does the mat sit back on your heels and rest your forehead on the map? Bring your arms by your sides. Palms face up and close your eyes self in your belly and take a few deep breaths into your lower back and rib cage As you exhale. Let your upper body completely relax in hell. Allow your belly, lower back and rib cage to expand. Exhale. Let all the era deep conscious breathing helps to relieve the tension that builds up around areas of pain and stiffness. And when your body is relaxed, you'll find your muscles are much more receptive. Distracting. Come to all fours for a sequence to bring some gentle movement into your spine in hell. Drop your belly are just fine and look up. Exhale round your back toward your absent and tuck your chin to your chest in hell. Drop your belly, draw your shoulders, but and look up. Exhale round your back, joy absent and deepen the stretch in hell are just buying. Drop your belly and look up exhale around your back. Drop your hips back to child's pose, slide your hands forward and rest your forehead on the map and again come back up to all fours in hell. Drop your belly, art your spine and look up. Exhale round your back, drop your head and stretch your shoulders in how look up are just buying and draw your shoulders back. Exhale round your back, joy or abs in and tuck your chin to your chest in hell. Drop your belly, draw your shoulders back and look up. Exhale round your back. Drop your hips back, slide your hands forward and rest your forehead. On the Mactan child's pose. Come upto affords to bring some movement into your hips and the base of your spine. Draw circles one way and the other slide your hands forward. Press your hips halfway back towards your heels and rest your forehead on the Mactan puppy pose. Reach to your fingertips. Enjoy your hips back to stretch your arms, shoulders buying and APs stay here for a few deep breaths that's come into downward dog. Come back up to all fours. Check that your hands and knees, their shoulder width apart. palm slightly in front of your shoulders. Read your fingers wide. Impress your palms evenly into the mat. Tuck your toes, lift your knees off the mat and raise your hips up to this guy. Keep your knees bent to allow you to fully extend your spine. Try to straighten your elbows and rotate your arms outward. To feel a broadening across your upper back. Press into your palms. Tilt your pelvis up and allow your spine to lengthen. Check that both knees point forward and allow your head toe. Hang naturally between your arms. Press into your palms, seal your lips and stay here for a few deep breaths. Walk out your feet a couple of times and shake your head to release any tension in your neck and shoulders. Take one more deep breath in. Press into your palms and structures. Fine. Exhale. Walk your hands all the way back to your feet For ragdoll. Keep your knees soft, cross your arms, hold onto your elbows and completely relax your upper body. Sway gently from side to side and allow your back to lengthen with every breath. Let your head drop towards the mat and release any tension in your neck and shoulders. Take one more deep breath in Exhale, Release the pose and walk your hands forward to downward dog in how Press into your palms, Stretch your spine. Exhale, Jump down onto all fours sweet both feet to the left. Sit back and come to the middle of your mat with your feet. Tip with the park in house it up. Tool. Exhale or slowly down to the mat for supported bridge players. Bring your hands by your sides, palms face down and walk your feet back until your fingertips graze your heels. Inhale, press into your feet and lift your hips all the way up. Check that your knees point straight ahead and do not roll out to the sides or in towards each other. Your feet should be directly underneath your knees. Terry's point straight ahead. Well, your shoulders underneath you and lift all the way up to your edge in how lift your hips up . Excel er slowly down to the map in her. Lift your hips up. Exhale lower your hips to the map in how lift Exhale. Uh, last time in her. Lift your hips up and hold the pose. Come up to a tiptoes and bring the palms of your hands to your lower back fingertips. Point out to the sides. Lower your heels and rest and supported bridge for a few deep breaths. Take one more deep breath in Excel. Come up to your tiptoes, release your hands and they're slowly down to the map. Place one hand on your belly and 100 no test. Walk your feet to the edges of the mat and dropped both knees to the right on the left windscreen, wiping your knees a few times to release your lower back. Bring your knees back to center. Let's release tension in the lower back with reclining two knees. Final dress in her. Lift your feet off the mat. Bring your heels higher than your knees. Exhale. Bring your arms out to the sides at shoulder height in. Had engaged a cool exhale. Drop your knees to the right on your head to the left and stay here for a few breaths. Allow your body to completely relax. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Bring your knees back to center in her, lift your head and neck off the mat. Squeeze your knees into your chest. Exhale, lower your head and shoulders and bring your hands back down to the mat in how lift your feet. Bring your heels higher than your knees. Exhale. Drop your knees to the left and turn your head to the right. Relax into the pose. Feeling a gentle stretch down the left hand side of your neck. Take one more deep breath in Exhale. Come back to center and hug your knees into your chest. Welcome. Roll your way up to seated for head to knee. Pose a hamstring and spine. Stretch tight hamstrings. Pull back on the pelvic bone, placing strain on your lower back. Straighten your left leg to the mat and place the soul of your right foot against your left in a thigh. Flex your left foot, impressed to your hill so that your entire left leg is in contact with the map. Twist your torso to the left said that the center of your chest is in line with your straight leg in house it up. Tool Excel. Slide your hands forwards as faras is comfortable taking hold of your shin ankle or heel. Keep your foot flexed and stay here for a few breaths with every inhalation. Lengthen your spine and with every exhalation for deeper into the stretch and bring your forehead closer to your knee. Take one more deep breath in Excel Catholic. Come back up into it. Sides. Bring the soul of your left foot against your right in a guy. Flex your right foot and twist to the right. Inhale. Sit upto. Exhale, slide your hands forwards. As faras is comfortable. Flex your right foot and stay here for a few breaths with every inhalation. Lengthen your spine and with every exhalation, bring your forehead closer to your knee. Last breath in. Exhale gently. Come back up and bring both legs out in front of you. Let's come into our final papers. Bring the soles of your feet together in the shape of a diamond and that your knees relax down towards the mat. Inhales it up. Tool, Excel, Fold forward and butterfly pose completely. Relax your upper body, arms, neck and head. Take one more deep breath in exhale gently. Come back up. Bring your knees together and place the soles of your feet back to the map. Inhale sits up Tool Excel lower your upper body down to the map. I'll go knees into your chest and gently rocked from side to side. Release your arms and legs and lie back and final resting pros that your feet come as wide as the mapped and fall open. Relax your hands. Palms facing up Shoulder blades. Rest even be on the ground. Close your eyes. Let's finish with the relaxing bodies. GAM Meditation To release any lingering tension, bring your awareness to your fingers to the palms of your hands, to the backs of your hands, your wrist forums, elbows, upper arms and shoulders. Scan your attention down the sides of your rib cage to your waist to your hips. Guys, knees lower legs, ankles, feet and into your toes. Now bring your attention to the top of your head to the car. But the back of your neck Tracy was buying to your upper back made that lower back and sacrum Scannell the way down the backs of your legs to your heels. Bring your attention back to the top of your head to your forehead, eyes, nos cheekbones, chocolate lower lip gin and Joe trace down your neck to your collarbones. Yes, abdomen, hips and all the way down the front of your legs, the tops of your feet. Scan from your feet all the way up to the top of your head and from your head all the way back down to your toes. Allow all the muscles in your body to soften and relax. When you already volunteer right side and gently bring yourself up to sitting now you could move back into your day.