Writing, Publishing, Marketing and Selling Your First Book | John Hayes | Skillshare

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Writing, Publishing, Marketing and Selling Your First Book

teacher avatar John Hayes, Marketing Strategist and Author

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      The Writing Process


    • 3.

      The Pitching Process


    • 4.

      7 Things I Have Learned To Hate About The Publishing Industry


    • 5.

      How to Find a Publisher or Agent


    • 6.

      Going It Alone - Self Publishing


    • 7.

      Multiple Formats


    • 8.

      Embracing Your Inner Self-Publicist


    • 9.

      Building a Back Catalogue


    • 10.

      Making Money


    • 11.

      Conclusion: Good Luck and Happy Writing


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About This Class

Are You Waiting for Permission to Write and Publish Your First Book? Stop Waiting and Start Writing Today.

This online course is designed to help aspiring writers realize their potential and guide them through the process of writing, publishing, marketing and selling their first book. It will look at the writing process, examine publishing and distribution options and highlight potential opportunities and pitfalls.

Topics Covered Include:

What’s The Big Idea?

  • Have you got a book inside of you?
  • Inspiration and where to find it
  • Fail to plan, plan to fail 

The Writing Process

  • The writing process (think job, not hobby)
  • Setting targets and hitting deadlines
  • The editorial process
  • Common pitfalls/roadblocks 

Pitching to a Publisher/Agent 

  • The benefits of working with a traditional publisher
  • When and how to pitch
  • What you should expect from a publisher
  • When to walk away 

Going it Alone

  • Disadvantages of working with a traditional publisher
  • Digital disruption (you’ve never had it so good)
  • Indie not amateur
  • Self-publishing vs Vanity publishing
  • Getting help (freelance editorial and design support)
  • Self-Publishing platforms/distribution networks 

Multiple Formats

  • Hardback, Paperback, eBook (epub, mobi), audiobooks

Embracing Your Inner-Self Publicist (Selling Your Work) 

  • Public Relations
  • Blogging/Podcasting
  • Public Speaking
  • Social Media
  • Email Marketing 

Making Money

  • Setting expectations
  • Alternative streams of revenue

Building a Back Catalogue

  • Rinse, repeat
  • eBook Singles
  • Writing a series
  • Free vs paid distribution

Meet Your Teacher

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John Hayes

Marketing Strategist and Author


John W. Hayes has been helping small and medium-sized companies develop their business strategies online for almost as long as the Internet has been in the general public's consciousness.

Working alongside some of the biggest names in eCommerce and online marketing (including Amazon, eBay and Google), he has dedicated much of his career to demystifying the web and highlighting opportunities for real world businesses to grow.

John is the author of four books, is a regular speaker at events throughout the UK, Europe and the US, is a prolific blogger across numerous sites and is widely recognized as an influential Thought Leader in the SME online marketing arena.

See full profile

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1. Introduction: Hi, My name's John Hayes. I'm a marketing strategist on the author, off four bestselling books. Welcome to my course on writing, publishing, marketing and selling your first book. This course is for any aspiring writer in any genre fiction or nonfiction hoping to become a published author via traditional publishing house or through more independent self published. We're gonna be looking at everything you need to know it's become a published author, including the writing process, pitching Teoh, publisher or agent. Going it alone on taking a more independent roots will examine the opportunities available by publishing in multiple formats. We'll take a look at embracing your inner self publicist, how to build a back catalog and finally making money. As a non author. This course will give you all the insight, tools on confidence. You need to say, Hey, I'm an author. All the lessons included in these videos are based on my own personal experience. Off working with traditional publishers on self publishing Platforms on bail also show how I developed my career as a writer following the publication off my first book. So what you waiting for? Let's jump in the next video in this course will look at the writing process on some of the roadblocks you might come across as you start out in your writing career. 2. The Writing Process: I was tell Aspiring offers that the writing off their first book is actually the easiest part off the process. It's everything that follows the writing that is difficult for having a process in place on the discipline to follow. It makes everything much easier in this video. I'm also going to share with you some tough love home truths about the publishing industry on address some off the road blocks you might come across when you first start writing. Now I won't take credit for the following two statements, but I will endorse them 100%. I actually took them form an old addition off the Writers and Artists yearbook, which I picked up when I first started my career in writing the writers and artist yearbook is a resource will be talking about later in the course. So there are probably two things people will tell you when you tell them that you're writing a book. Now you might think these statements are positive, but I'm here to tell you they're not, so learn to ignore them. The first is Oh, I'm writing a book. Of course they are. Everyone who has ever read a book has the grand idea that they've got book inside then, more often than not, they haven't. They perhaps have a romantic idea off what it is to be an author. But when push comes to shove, they will never start their great work. But they will talk about it on. They will waste your time talking about it. They also put doubts in your mind as they offer to read your work on Make suggestions for improvements. You don't need these people's permission to write. Talking about your process or throwing ideas around doesn't put words on paper. I believe writing is a fairly solitary craft. If you want to improve your social life, perhaps you should join a book club instead on Discuss other people's books until yours is written. Edited on Ready to be read. Don't be one of these people stopped talking about it on start writing. The second comment is perhaps a lot more negative, they asked. Where do you find the time now? This response is based largely on jealousy. They want to appear smart on interesting but perhaps lack their ideas or motivation to get on on. Do Something is interesting as writing their own book So instead, they question where you find the time to my your book, suggesting that perhaps, you know, working as hard as you should be or you got nothing better to do with your time on the subject of time. If you're struggling to find the time toe work on your book, I suggest you make more off it. Get up earlier, go to bed later. Stop watching so much television as with most other things in life. When you're writing a book, actions speak louder than words. So basically, you need to ignore these people. You don't need the endorsement or supports to write your book. You don't want them questioning your ability or helping you to build the self imposed roadblocks which prevent you on most other aspiring authors from starting their work on moving forward. Now, before we move forward, I've actually got some more tough love advice. FEMA and you might not like it. This will really separate the authors amongst you who will succeed on perhaps those who will fall by the wayside. Writing a book is difficult. Time consuming on may never see more than a handful of readers, let alone a financial return left the bear in mind. The average book sells less than 250 copies a year. If you're really hoping to make a living out of writing, you better hope you're better than average. Of course, there are many other things and author conduce to generate income on again. We'll be talking about that later in the course. So before we move on, I want you to ask yourself, Do you really want to be a writer? Or are you just in love with the idea of being a writer? If you committed stick around over the next 12 slides, I'm gonna share my writing process with you. Step number one. First of all, you gotta tie you like days down. Like many other people watching this video. I wanted to be an author for a very long time, and you had a book in me. I just didn't know what that book waas. The idea for my first book came to me after I was invited to speak at an event about content marketing on using your corporate block to position yourself as an expert in your particular field of business. Now, lady in the audience told me that she fully bought into the idea, but asked, Why should anyone believe what she had to say? Questions of further on it turned out she had more than 20 years experience in her field, had no in depth knowledge off her product on the wider industry on had built a solid reputation over the years. She was very much a four leader in her area of expertise, but she just lacked the confidence I vote about this on the eye. Contact email. Marketing blogged. The Post was titled Believe in Yourself, your Thought Leader after the Post was published. It receives so much engagements, lots of likes shares, comments on I realized that I was onto something, so I started the process off, expanding on the theme. Now that Block Post grew into my first book on that book, turned into something of a cottage industry that has taken me around the world several times on, give me the opportunity to speak about my work and get paid for it. So if you're struggling to tie an idea down, I suggest you test the water first with a few good block posts or perhaps um, shorter pieces before jumping in step to the next step is to do your search. This will help you provide the building blocks for your title. Okay. You gotta be careful with this step. Yes. You need to speak to people, explore ideas, seek advice on do you do some fairly detailed research? But you've also got to know when to stop. Some people never finished for searching their work because they fear what comes next. Step three set objectives. If you don't set objectives, how will you know if you succeeded? Who were you fighting the book for? How long do you want it to be? When do you want to publish it? If you want to self publish or are you looking to work with the publisher? It's important. You know where you're going before you start work. Step four is to build a plan around those objectives for my books, which are all business related. This is a fairly easy process. I decide on the topics I want to cover on creates a chapter for each one. Fiction writer has a much more difficult task. Well, somebody to say they just right. I believe you'll get further on your journey If you know your starting point in your final destination, you may also want to sketch out ideas with the main characters. Locations on any twists in your story. Step five. Give your book a working title that don't stress about this too much at the beginning, but a time you finished your book. Better idea will probably formed. Or, as was the case with my first book, your publisher or editor might come up with a better idea. Step six. This is where the hard work really starts. Start writing. This is the hardest step to take, but the only way to get some skin in the game is just to put some words on the paper. Step seven. Right. Every day when I work in my books, I commit to writing 500 words every day of the week. Sometimes those words come really easily, and I actually produce much more. On other times, it's much more difficult. Essentially, I won't go to bed and tell every in those 500 words missile one day and it becomes easier to skip mawr writing days. So think of this very much as a job of work and get on with it. Another piece of advice. Don't waste your time reading what you've written. There would be plenty of time for re writing and editing at the end off your first draft Step eight pitch that you might think it's a little early in the process to picture work to a publisher. Often agents, but you can never start too soon, actually sold my first book to a publisher off the back off a draft of a single chapter. Very few publishers will want to see a completed work. They want to help you shape a better book. They want to do this because they know better than anyone. What sells on what doesn't. If you find yourself in the lucky position or working with a publisher or agents cherish their advice, I'll talk about the pitching process later in the course. Step nine. Some good common sense back everything up. Your laptop is not a safe place to store anything. I personally use Google docks. It's free and can be accessed on any device that's connected to the Web. Step 10. Recycle on re appropriate. Don't be afraid to reused content that you've used elsewhere. As I mentioned earlier my books often start their lives as block posts. Step 11. Don't start editing your book until you finished your first draft. Once that's done, read it through and work on a second draft. It's then time to put in front of an editor. Make no mistake, a good editor will make your book better. Even if you're self publishing, it's always worth paying for a good editor. Once the books gone through the editorial design process, it's time to publish it and sell it. And finally, Step 12. Rinse and repeat. One of the best pieces off advice I ever received after writing my first book was, If I wanted the book to sell more copies, I should write a second book. Okay, so that's my process. It's helped me right on. Published four books on Build a Career Around my writing. Your process may look a little different, but it's important you develop a process or you risk becoming one of those authors who talk more about Whiting than actually writing in. Our next video will be looking that pitching process on If you actually need a publisher 3. The Pitching Process: it's never too early to pitch your work to a publisher or agents. As I mentioned in the previous lecture, I actually sold my first book to a publisher based on a single draft chapter. Now I was lucky with my first book. I was in the right place at the right time with the right book actually met my publishers marketing manager at an event I was speaking at. When I told her I was writing a book, I could centralize rolling to the back of the head. I mean, she hadn't heard that before. From virtually everyone she met, I persisted on, told her what the book was about and after. If I could send her a draft chapter, she agreed on the rest is history. In actual fact, I didn't just send her a draft chapter. I sent him a complete proposal for the book I intended to write, which included the following information. The books proposed title now, as I've previously mentioned this change, so don't get too precious about that at this time. An elevator pitch, essentially a couple of paragraphs explaining what the book is about on who will read it, hopefully enticing the publisher Toe. Want to learn more about it? Summary of each chapter going into detail but not too much detail on expanding on the Elevator Pitch A brief biography explaining why I was qualified. Divide the book on Also detained useful information like details regarding a common status on the major social networks. Competitive analysis Highlighting any similar books on the market on offering province Amazon rankings provide a simple idea off popularity on finally a proposed delivery schedule explaining how long it would take me to buy the book and when they could expect to see the finished work with all of this information. Hand on a sample of my writing, the publisher Wars. Able to make an educated guests on the quality and commercial potential of my work on they send me a contract. Okay, tough love advice time again. Did I get in advance? No, I didn't. But I didn't really think that was a bad thing. On advance, as the name suggests, is an advance on future royalties. If those royalties failed to be generated, it can leave you in a sticky place with your publisher. I've known authors who have been tied up by issues regarding advance payments for years and years, venting them from working with other publishers on essentially putting their rights and careers on hold. Advances for first time authors are largely a thing of the past. Don't expect any money to come your way until your book starts selling. With this said. There are many other advantages off working with the traditional publisher. To explain this, I use the acronym Create C stands for credibility. Undoubtedly legitimate Publisher will give your work an air of credibility, and this will go a long way to getting reviews on other media coverage, as well as getting your title into the shops R stands for reach. It's very rare to see a self published work for sale in a traditional bookshop. Ah, Publisher will also help you sell additional rights to your work, such as film rights or language rights. He stands for editorial services. A professional editor will undoubtedly make your book better A stands for artwork. While you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, so many self published titles are let down by poor design. T stands for teamwork. Ah, publisher employs a lot of people with different skills that would be right, published and sell your work from editors and designers to PR people and sales professionals. Teamwork makes the dream work. Finally, e stands for expertise. Okay, let's face fax. Publishers are experts. They're very good at what they do. In many cases, they can be trusted to take your book a lot further than your own often amateur efforts. That's not all positive. And the next video I will share with you seven things I have learned to hate about the publishing industry. 4. 7 Things I Have Learned To Hate About The Publishing Industry : Okay, well, I love being a writer. There are certain things about the publishing industry that I have learned to hate. I see the following things happen it too often, too many writers are asked to produce content for three or below any reasonable standards off minimum pay. Because publishers, which are legitimate businesses, don't have budgets for freelance writers. They get away with this because so many people want to be writers. Andi are desperate enough to do it for free. The buy into the idea that the exposure will be good for them. But remember, people die from exposure. Don't do it. It's killing your career. Too many manuscripts go on red, because in the publishing world, it's not the quality off the work you submit, but the people that you know that gets you places. This is just one reason why it's so important to network on. That's in the legal world on via social media. You've really got to put yourself out there if you want people to take you seriously. Too many books are denied shelf space in the major retailers in favour throwaway celebrity biographies or television or movie tie ins in the retail space quality rarely rises to the top. Too many books failed to sell because publishers marketing departments haven't got the resources or even the basic marketing know how to successfully market there. Miters. I learned very early on in my career that the best markets here from my books. In fact, the only one I could rely on to get them noticed was myself. Too many writers are asked to appear or speak festivals, trade shows or other industry events for free. Again, they believe the exposure will help them sell books. Believe me, you have to sell a lot of books just to cover a cross country train, fare off a night in a hotel just to attend an event on. Because of this, I never speak for free. Too many writers lose control of their work to publishers on their water. Take book deals. As a result, they never see their work advance beyond the initial print on a book that is allowed to fall out of print. Here's a lost opportunity on, particularly in this digital age should never be allowed to happen. Finally, too many writers are unable to earn a living from their craft because the odds are simply too stacked against them. Okay, Hopefully this hasn't put you off in the next video. We'll look at how you confined perfect publisher or agents. 5. How to Find a Publisher or Agent : okay. With all that, he talked about the pitching process. In this video, we'll examine how you can find the perfect publisher or agent to actually pitch your work, too. First things first, though. You need to answer the following question. Do I actually need a publisher or agents? In many cases, you don't on. We'll explore options for taking arm or independent roots later in this course. Now, as you will recall, I waas lucky. When I met my publisher, I built a personal relationship with them. Andi Waas Able to pitch directly as a non fiction writer off fairly niche business books, I believe it is much easier to take a direct route without first securing services. Often, agent, However, if you're waiting fiction or a book with MAWR Mass. Market Appeal and agent is almost certainly worth their weight in gold. They will help you find the right publishes a work with on Negotiate the best possible deal on. Remember, they work on commission. So the more you earn, the more they on the first place. I would start. My search for an agent over Publisher is in the Writers and Artists yearbook. Now this is available in paperback format or there is also a websites available at www dot writers and artists dot co dot UK. This resource features listings from more than 300 agents on nearly 700 publishers featuring naughty contact details, but also details regarding the type of authors on genres they commonly work with on their specific submission requirements. The book on website is also packed with a ton of practical advice on motivational content. I really cannot recommend it highly enough. It's also worth noting if you're writing specifically for Children. The Writers and Artists yearbook also has dedicated edition for you. Another great place to start your search is actually on Amazon. Simply search for title similar to yours. Taken note of the publisher's names and Google Um, most publishers websites will have a section for submissions for the guidance somewhat afirman email. Others warp a first missions in hard copy. Others will only work with specific agents. So vihd the guidelines carefully. Okay, there are three walls you must adhere to when submitting proposals to any publisher or agent number one. Be patient. Remember to be prepared for rejection. Another three. The more you tell, the more likely you are to sell. So send their submissions off the multiple agents on multiple publishers. If you find yourself in the lucky position of striking a deal, read your contract very carefully. Remember, a decent publisher or agent won't ask you to pay any money up front to see your work published. Be prepared to walk away from any deal that doesn't look good to you. The good news is, even if you cannot find a publisher of agent to work with or you failed to agree, signal turns that it's still an opportunity for your work to reach a potentially huge audience. In the next video, we'll explore options for going it alone on self publishing office. I prefer to call it taking the independent fruit. 6. Going It Alone - Self Publishing : self publishing should not mean amateur. My independently produced work goes through the same vigorous editorial on design processes as my traditionally published output. The only difference is the editors on designers I employ via various freelance work exchanges, like up work dot com work to my schedule, meaning my books could be edited packaged on on sale within weeks of finishing the manuscript is first draft. This means books could be more timely and therefore be more relevant to your potential audience. So let's look back at the create acronym are used in the previous video on repurpose. It's for Amore. Independently minded author, See Still stands for credibility. I've worked to create an audience or readers over several years now on condemning straight my credibility via their loyalty. Reviews on By sharing real world experiences by testimonials on endorsement oh stands for Reach. Digital self publishing tools now give you the opportunity to distribute your work around the globe in multiple formats via many different retailers. That's both online and on the high street's mean that reach is no longer a problem. E starts for editorial services. You still shouldn't underestimate the value of having a professional editor to add a little polish on professionalism to your text. Again, check out this freelance work exchanges like up work dot com for professional solutions. The chances are many of the editors working in legit publishing houses are also hawking their wares on these freelance channels as well. The same goes for artwork. T stands for teamwork. Teamwork is vitally important to any independent writer. Build your own community off readers and supporters. Never be afraid to one ideas Pastor trusted confidence. But remember, you don't need their permission to write. And finally, Eastern's expertise. The Internet is a wonderful tool. Online communities, social networks, blog's forms, etcetera, concerned rookie writers into publishing experts. You be surprised just how helpful the Web can be at changing a problem into a solution. Thanks largely to advances in technology, independent authors now have the opportunity to publish on make their work available quickly, efficiently on potentially profitably via the same high profile retailers, both online and on the High Street as they're traditionally published piers. This agility offers a great advantage in the author's On gives them the opportunity to experiment with different formats. Vista markets on dicing structures, including free. We'll explore this further in the next video as we look at how authors could distribute their work, multiple channels on din multiple formats and Hansen of each on their earning potential. 7. Multiple Formats: Reedus consume the written word in many ways on As a fighter, I like to provide them with the choice they deserve on expect in this digital age, I'm not precious about how my work is consumed. The most important thing to me is that it is consumed. This means I deliver my work in multiple formats, including E books for Kindle Nook Kobo on droid on Apple Devices paperbacks. Because people still love the feel of a real book in their hands on audiobooks via audible Amazon on iTunes. Having a very modern idea off what the book is has helped me reach a wider audience. I personally believe book is a collection of words, the paper these words printed on the screen there, displayed on, or the speakers that played through our only mechanisms for delivery on do not add or detract from the quality of the work. Similarly, I look at a newspaper magazine or BLAWG as a database of content could be news, business, sport, classified advertising, etcetera, which could be interrogated on consumed with ease, regardless of how it's delivered by the traditional Finn model or online. In fact, if you think too much about the physical medium off distribution, you probably limit your work. I never assume how my readers want to consume my work on DSO. Make it available in as many formats as possible. There are a number of tools freely available. Allow me to do this, including Amazon Kindle Direct publishing Off to refer to ask a DP. It's an incredibly powerful solution that allows authors to publish and distribute their work across Amazon's network or international sites via the Kindle platform. Thanks to the popularity off the Kindle, Amazon pretty much owns the E book market. Place on a such should be missing a huge opportunity if you didn't consider KDP as your number one distribution channel. KDP pays a generous 70% royalty on books priced at $2. 99 on above or 35% for cheaper titles. It also gives authors the opportunity to give their books away for free via the Kindle Unlimited Subscription service or Kindle owners lending library. Now, books entered into these programs must be available exclusively on Amazon. Create space is another clever piece of technology from Amazon, allowing you to create market on cell paperback titles, which can be purchased directly on Amazon on from all good bookshops. Create Space offers a print on the man service, meaning the books printed one at the time and only when purchased, reducing any upfront investment, influencing and alleviating any need for space in your carriage or back room to store any unsold books. It's much words enables authors to distribute their e books beyond Amazon. Smash words from Your Distribution Places books for sale on iTunes Nook from Barnes and Noble on Kobo e book platforms. Although these channels will have limited reach compared to Amazon, they do allow you to reach readers in territories where Amazon does not dominate. Distributing your titles to the likes of Kobo will allow you to sell on highly trafficked book sites like Wh Smith in the UK on books online in Holland. Smash Word also allows you to place your E books into libraries on the new breed of E books subscription sites, offering a similar service to the publishing industry as Netflix to movies or Spotify. It's a music for audiobooks. There's a C X Now a C X allows authors to turn their written work into downloadable audio books, which are then made available for sale on audible Amazon on iTunes, A. C X offers a platform for writers and publishers to recruit producers and voice actors who can either produce highly professional audio books for an agreed fee off a share of the revenue from any sales made the juice and the vest for the fighter. I'll be honest with you. I don't personally listen toward your books, but the medium has a strong following on sales off. My previous titles in audio come very close to matching traditional paperback sales. Audiobooks could be consumed where traditional print and e books cannot. My audio book readers tell me they listen to my books in the car or working out or in the background while at work or doing household chores. Audio books have an amazing reach. Ignore this channel at your peril. The hardest thing about distributing your work via numerous channels is sitting down and writing the thing in the first place. Because I'm professional writer and not design experts or sound engineer. I personally focus on the writing on in trust freelance professionals to format my work for the various distribution channels I use. This is not as expensive as it might sound using a trusted network of editors, designers and audio producers. The cost of producing a short book can be as little as $500 not factoring in your own time , which, of course, is very valuable. Professional production can turn a well written a book into a global hit. Scrimp on design layout on editing and your project may never reach its true potential. To focus on what you're good at, Aunt Trust others to add polish to your work. It's also worth remembering. Digital publishing has reinvigorated the concept off the short story or e book singles, as they're often called Shorter. Creative works are very found in traditional bookstores but avidly consumed in the digital environment. This means the writer has the opportunity to develop a more active back catalogue on maintain momentum between more lengthy works. In the next video, we are gonna be looking at marketing your book on how you should embrace your inner self, publicist 8. Embracing Your Inner Self-Publicist: Okay, This is the part off the course where a lot off authors fall down, as I've already eluded the best person to markets and ultimately sell your work, regardless off. Whether you're working with the traditional publisher or taking a more independent boots is yourself. Now. A lot of authors struggle with this concept. They fear putting themselves on a pedestal and making their voices heard. This is something I explore in a lot more detail in my book. Becoming the Experts, enhancing your business reputation through thought, leadership marketing On my E book, my authors, bloggers, journalists and writers need to think like rock stars. Tough love time again, I'm afraid if you don't want to put yourself out there and promote your book after you finished writing it, it will be virtually guaranteed to be left sitting on a shelf on gathering dust. Remember, the average book sells 250 copies per year, many cell in single figures. So if you want to find even a modicum off success, you've got to be prepared to develop an ego on go out and sell the thing. Thankfully, the Internet provides the perfect medium to do this as a new author, you should first look at the following channels your blawg, your email marketing your social media on finally, YouTube. Now these low cost, incredibly efficient channels will help you find new readers on. Keep your community up to date with your book writing projects. There are a number of rules you should consider when conducting any marketing strategy through these channels, you need to ensure the information you share is relevant, timely on engaging on the member. Successful marketing is very much a war off attrition. I meet people all the time who tell me that their marketing doesn't work, and that's usually because they haven't invested enough time and energy into their programs . Remember, any content led strategy is going to need at least six months effort if it's ever gonna yield any significant results because people buy from people they like trust Andi, in many cases, aspire to be like you want to be as likable as possible to try and engage your audience in a non sales in manner. Keep people informed on educated on sales will almost happen as a happy by product, and our next video will be looking at the importance off building a back catalog 9. Building a Back Catalogue: one off the best pieces of advice I received when publishing my first book, Waas. If you want to sell more books, you should write another book. I published my second book later that year, and lo and behold, sales of my first title jumped through the roof, albeit off a single story house. Now uncommonly writing book number five, which will hopefully propel sales off books number 123 and four to New Heights, think about how many successful books form part of a series. Once you've had one, you've got to beat them all on. It's not just books like Harry Potter or The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo that benefit from this formula. The most successful indie authors on platforms like Amazon kindle almost exclusively write their books as part of a series your previous books will work hard to market. Your latest books on your latest books will help readers who have perhaps joined the party a little late to discover your entire back catalogue. As you build critical mass, your income or vise on your earning potential will become greater on on this subject. In the next video, we'll explore how, as a writer, you can make more money 10. Making Money : As a professional writer, you might be surprised to learn that I make most off my income away for the written word. Like many other creative professionals today, the majority of my income is derived from the live arena. Speaking engagements have taken me all over the world on I've been paid handsomely for engagements that have sometimes only lasted 40 minutes. Gigging, as I like to call it, also gives me the opportunity to meet my public who knowingly pay my wages but also inspire future works. I rarely leave a speaking engagement without good idea for block, post successful block posts on the comments they generates can go on to inspire larger works. For example, my first book Becoming the Expert, was inspired by a conversation that led to a block post that led to a book that led to a series of educational seminars that I still want. To this day it is important to meet the people for whom you're writing. They will inspire you to do bigger on better things. My speaking engagements tend to be split into two categories. These are corporate gigs where I deliver short presentations to large audiences at trade shows and other industry events on public seminars, where I deliver longer lectures to smaller but perhaps more engaged audiences. Fiction writers may be able to find speaking engagements, book festivals on other genre based events. On Don't Forget, as a published author, you may have developed some very assailable skills, such as ghost writing, editing or book design. A great place to start offered these kind of services is by the up work freelance work exchange, which we've already mentioned in this course. I often joke that I would speak at the opening of an envelope if I was invited. However, the one thing I will never do is speak for free. Many way to struggle with this concept. They believe that if they can position themselves in front of a significant audience, they will sell more books, and the royalties from the sales will cover any costs on provide some sort of income. They're warm. I live in the north of England. Most of my speaking engagements are in London. It costs a minimum off £100. To travel by train to London, you would have to sell a lot of books to cover this expense alone on what I'm about to say my shatter some people's illusions or becoming a writer, even if you are skilled writer on skilled public speaker When you speak to an audience, only a tiny percentage will ever pick up any of your books because well paid corporate gigs are few and far between. I like to ensure I keep busy on my bank manager happy by organizing my own geeks. I've taken my content marketing Boot camp, which is largely based on my published works on toward much of the UK, Europe and the United States, in much the same way as a walk band would tour and album. The most difficult aspects off running your own gigs are a finding a suitable and affordable venue to host your events on DBI selling tickets for the event. Years of experience have shown me that city libraries on universities often have incredibly affordable meeting facilities. I've also been delighted to stumble across a range off budget hotels which provide excellent meeting packages in destinations across the UK on Europe. The Event Management Service See Event also provides a useful venue. Finding service sellin tickets is that little bit harder on pretty much comes down to share hard graft. I spend a lot of time finding and engaging potential delegates by my blogging, social media and email marketing activities. The most successful public speakers, like the most successful freelance writers, are often that the most successful sales people many writers don't understand the value off money. The member. When you take yourself on the road, you got to cover certain costs before you'll see a profit. This means accounting for any travel and accommodation costs alongside the venue higher on other things like catering. Because organizing an event takes a lot of time, you cannot simply look at the time it takes to make your presentation when setting financial targets. I make no apology in charging more than £100 for tickets to my events. I justify the costs, my audience by telling them if they leave my seminars with just one good idea, which they execute effectively, they will see the investment in time and money that turned many times over. I'll also know apologize for invoicing on insisting on payment for I stepped foot on a stage. Nothing solidifies trust more than an invoice paid in advance and cash in the bank 11. Conclusion: Good Luck and Happy Writing : I want when this course by saying thank you. You have enjoyed the course and found it useful, but not really the end. If you have any questions about anything you have seen or heard on this course, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me via the Q and A section I intend to add. New bonus material to discourse frequently on will happily consider adding new content based on your questions and feedback. Hopefully, you've been inspired by this course to take the next step on right publish markets and sell your first book on again. I would love to hear about your progress. I'm gonna leave you with a final fault. I'm not here to give you permission to write on Publish your work. Only you can do that. So take a risk. What's the worst that can happen? The very worst situation is that nobody will read it, and that's not likely to happen. But least you'll have the satisfaction. The Don It's on Consejo A. You're a published author. Good luck, Unhappy Whiting