1. Intro: in this course, I'm gonna teach you how to sell a tangerine. I'm not kidding. This tangerine represents your product, your business idea or maybe even yourself. If you've ever tried to start a blawg or post to social media, you know that sometimes words can be difficult, and marketing yourself effectively can very easily become a clunky paragraph of jumbled thoughts. In this course, we're gonna learn how to clarify those thoughts, define your brands vision and communicate effectively to your target audience. Whether you're trying to sell the most complex product or idea in the world or something as simple as a piece of fruit, thes same basic principles apply a little bit about me. I've actually been a full time screenwriter for about six years now, working in movies and television. In that time, I've learned how to market products, effectively writing dozens and dozens of commercials for major brands and businesses. Using story and effective marketing copy. We're gonna be able to capture your audiences attention and communicate the vision and the heart of your brand to them. Together, we're gonna learn how to clarify your message, communicate your vision and capture your audiences Attention. Those are three goals. I hope you'll join me whether you're trying to post a social media or write a blawg or write a Facebook at. Or maybe this is just for the bio on your website. You need to know how to communicate to an audience so you don't lose their attention. This course isn't very long, but I hope it's gonna be a great value to you. If you're interested in marketing your idea more effectively, join me, and together we're gonna learn how to sell our ideas better.
2. Lesson 1: Alright, guys. So we're actually here behind the computer now, ready to start typing? You could be on a laptop. You could have pen and paper. You could be typing this on your phone, but I encourage you. If you have a product or business to follow along on, will actually do this together. So staying on brand with what? You guys saw the intro. We're going to stick to our selling a tangerine idea, and that's where we're gonna that we're going to start. We're gonna pretend we have a tangerine company and we're trying to sell these juicy, delicious tangerines to anyone who buy them for your purposes. You guys could be, you know, running your own business. You could be a freelancer. You've been artist. You could be designer. Really? This this applies to everything. But I encourage you to follow along. The first thing we're gonna do is start with product information Now. Right here. Product info. Right there. Perfect. Okay, title this document product info. Actually, I'm gonna settle this tendra green marketing perfect. So we'll start with our first line here, which is product info. Our goal here. So write down all the information we have company and about our product that we could possibly want to communicate to our audience. We're gonna start with benefits Way. Want to communicate to this to our audience. We want them to know that our company produces healthy products. We're going to just sort of Rakoff as many things as we can think of to put on this list. So health benefits delicious. Easy. He'll What else? This really could be anything we want to communicate. Um, who? Organic form Fresh available here. So we have an hour is a list of a handful of things about six things that we can communicate to our audience. It's product info that we want to get across if you're a freelancer. If you're somebody who's working, possibly as a graphic designer, you want, you know, list your turnaround time, your your qualifications, your skill set what software? You know, whatever information applies to your particular product in your particular industry for us , we're trying to sell a tangerine, so we're gonna write down information about art injury, health benefits. It's delicious. And these appeals organic. It's farm fresh into available near you. This is great info. No, we need to take this info and sort of elaborate. So I like to go here. I'm gonna say health benefits. We're gonna get a little bit more in depth. Vitamins, Delicious. Rated five stars. Easy to peel. Most coaster. What we're doing here is we're simply elaborating on the information that we have. This is gonna give us a direction we go to write or block of of information. Here. We want to communicate stuff. It's great to have a little bit more in depth information about what we're writing. Organic, very forms. And so there's weird's from it's farm fresh liver to available near you in the thirties. So now we've listed some information and we've elaborated upon that information. Now it's time to sort of aggregating processes information and figure out how to write this in a compelling way. So that's what we're gonna do next. The first step to this is let's figure out what length we want our dialogue to be. Let's say this is a Facebook ad for our purposes in this Facebook ad, we wanted to keep it. Let's say five or six sentences. It's a short paragraph, and now we're gonna look at our information here and see what of this information doesn't necessarily need to be in this advertisement. We're just trying to get the name of our company out there. Um, I think for this one, we can probably knicks the farm fresh. I think that because we already say that it's organic, it's kind of redundant. Andan. I think for this one, we can Let's target, I'd say Let's target the more health conscious crowd. Maybe not necessarily Children. Let's let's nix the easy to peel. What we're doing here is we're distilling our idea down to It's most basic. He's appeal. Cool. So now we're down toe four pieces of information that we want to communicate. I think we can do this pretty clearly. We've create We've listed our information that we want to communicate, and then we've distilled it down to four key points that we want to hit. Um, so the length we're gonna do four sentences say like 4 to 5 sentences. It sounds good. Cool. So now we have the information you wanna communicate? Uh, exactly. Distilled down to exactly what we wanted to be. We know from our research that this is kind of what we need to communicate. We've talked to a few friends, and this is what they seem to gravitate towards in the product. We have our information. Now we're gonna figure out of filter that how toe structure that have, right that in a compelling way. Join us in the next lesson.
3. Lesson 2: all right, guys were back. We're selling to injuring. Still, our company is looking good and no one to move on to the next little segment. In this. In this journey, we're gonna do something called a value proposition. So value proposition is very simple. You've probably heard it before. What's in it for me? This is the backbone of what we're doing right now. This is the basis of everything. All that we're trying to do on our blood. Our Facebook plot post on our website is communicate what is in this deal that's going to benefit our consumer or audience. What's in it for me now? This is essentially the most important aspect of this whole process. And here's how you can kind of figure out what really is in it for your audience. First off, we're gonna analyze our product info. We've got health benefits. It's delicious, it's organic and it's available near our customers. We've got a lot of value here. Now we need Teoh a word, this value proposition in a way that's gonna turn a potential customer into a customer. This is three very, very, very simple steps. So first step one is we're gonna show the problem. The problem is a very, very simple thing to write. It's the opposite of whatever your product accomplishes if you're selling keys. If you're a locksmith and your whole business is built upon picking locks, you want to communicate how awful it is when you don't have a locksmith. If you're a freelance artist, you want to communicate to your audience that their house is gonna look ugly as sin without some art on the walls. That's the problem for our customer here. The problem is super simple. The problem is that they don't healthy fast trouble. We've analyzed our product info. We know what we're good at, where healthy were delicious, organic and we're convenient were really wanting to capitalize on the benefits of our product, our products convenient. Our product is healthy. It's delicious. So that's what we want to emphasize in. Our problem is that when we communicate to our audience, we want to let them know that Hey, you're lacking this. You don't have this and we can solve that problem. Here's where a lot of people get messed up. They pitched their audience. The problem. They say your life doesn't look that Great because you don't have glasses and everything is blurry right now. Here we aren't. Here's a solution. That's okay, But it's not the most compelling way to communicate to our audience. Instead, we're gonna go from the problem to the alternative. We presented the problem. Now we're gonna present an alternative solution to that problem. What this does is that forces are consumer toe. Look at this pitch to look at this ad to read this bio. Ever this, maybe look at the structure and realize that really were the only logical option to receive the product or service that they desire. We're gonna describe the alternative in this case cheeseburgers, fast food, expensive cheeseburgers, fast food, Unhealthy. So we've painted. The problem. Are consumers don't have healthy fast food that's easy to travel with. Its really quick. It's convenient. And the alternative is cheeseburgers drive thru fast foods and unhealthy junk. We want to paint the two sides of this picture because what we're showing them is that they really can't solve this problem on their own. We don't want to disrespect our customers will want to communicate to them that our product is really the only logical solution for them solving the problem in front of them. So in this case, we're gonna communicate to them that, hey, cheeseburgers and fast food and unhealthy junk are not really a good solution to getting quick food on the go. Now we offer a solution, in this case by more injury means. If you're an online entrepreneur, maybe you run your own media company. You want to show that the problem is that without Facebook marketing, your customer is not going to rip reach Haller potential customers. The alternative is very expensive firms and maybe your solo guy. So you paint the picture of going to these alternative sources and communicate that that's not really as effective as they think. And then the solution is buy your product or service. What we're doing is we're offering them a picture of what their life looks like currently, reasons why it's probably difficult to solve this problem elsewhere, and they were presenting them with a solution. Now, in the next lesson, we're gonna go over structuring all this and actually typing it all out in a cohesive manner.
4. Lesson 3: we have a product information laid out, and we have a value proposition sort of outlined for client. It's time to write the actual advertisement so we can go about this a couple ways. And this is where you can get a little bit creative, even if you're not a strong writer. With this outlined by following it kind of working with the edges, working with the lines and testing the limits, we can come up with something that's unique and something that really communicates the message of our brand. We want to make sure that we always speak with with the voice of our brand. In this case, I think that the danger in company is kind of kind of middle of the road. Serious, not too goofy, not too funny. I think this particular company wants to communicate a clear, concise way and just get quick customers. So I think we just sort of right within that voice. I think that the best way to approach this if the company maybe had a little bit of a different voice, let's start with something like cheeseburgers. Start with the catchy line, something that's gonna grab someone's attention because everybody likes cheese, burgers. They're gonna go cheeseburgers suck. And they were gonna explain why they suck and why. It's not a good thing to always rely on fast food is your primary source of sustenance. But I don't think that's the That's the voice of our brand. So instead, let's try something like, Are you tired? I don't like that. This is where we're actually gonna put in some work. I haven't thought this out. I want you guys to join me as we do this together. So I haven't thought in you this at a time. Um, about this. I think this will be kind of catchy and sort of walk that line between being super super funny and kind of serious fast food. I think that kind of works fast. Food is boring. We're just communicating the problem. Your fast food is boring. You get too much, sometimes helps to get something. So right, right there were communicating the problem. But we're also empathizing with the customer. Donna May. We're not blaming you for eating fast food, but we just know that fast food boring, weeded too much. And when you're in a rush, it's convenient setting ourselves up to offer an alternative bars. Well, cigarette, whole bars, organic protein, yours, organic protein bars and shakes are expensive. Smoothies are feeling for cheap you need. It's hard. Find us doesn't make me guilty but still fills right there. We've got a problem. Fast food is boring. We eat it too much. But sometimes when you're running into Russian helps to get something quick or getting protein. Bars and shakes are expensive. Smoothies are filling or cheap. It's hard to find a snack that doesn't make you feel guilty, but still fills you with communicated some alternatives organic protein bars and shakes things that people might want to eat. We communicated the problem a couple of times. We really nailed in the problem. We we communicated it when he said that fast food is boring. We communicated. It said that we eat too much and then we way communicated that there's a problem by saying it's hard to find a snack that doesn't make you still feel guilty, but still feel fills you up. What we have done there is we've really drilled down to the problem, and we've touched on a couple of alternatives. Now let's bring in the solution. Joe's tangerines Healthy one of the healthiest fruits or proper grammar? Be some of Joe's tangerines are some of the healthiest fruits ever. We're making a big, bold statement, and we're really nailing people in for a pitch. The solution is essentially the pitch of our our structure, Joe's tangerines or some of the healthiest fruits ever grown. So we attacked. We've ticked off of the box, the health benefits, vitamins I see. Let's do all caps on packed kettle of the old cabs packed with vitamin C bombs and kids everywhere. Well, there you see this, this flavor only the most. Please Onley best enjoy seats for fruits. Cool, so kind of elaborating on our product information and sort of baking it into this text, said Joe's. Tangerines are some of the healthiest fruits ever grown packed with vitamin C. Moms and kids everywhere love their juicy and delicious flavor. We use only the best high endangering seats for all organic, easy to peel. Fruits were talking a ton of information in this, a couple of little sentences We've established that they're healthy. They're packed vitamin C that our customers love them. They're delicious. We use high and tendering seats. It's organic, and they're easy to peel. We even got toe work back in one of the product information pieces that we took out earlier , because I think I think we can fit it in there without a feeling too clunky. You'll have to feel that out for yourself in my communicating too much on my overloading my audience. Are they feeling, Uh uh like? It's just a sort of pitchy Williard stream of consciousness. Now let's give them sort of some necessary information about this product. Find Joe's You're so we have a few sentences here that are lined up and ready to go with communicated all the information we've given our consumer value proposition. We've communicated a problem. This is a great sort of basic ad copy for Facebook. This could the same thing could be applied to a biography on your website. You say, Hey, my name's Joe. You know, I was tired of graphic design that was uninspired. I was tired of graphic design that didn't get a customer's vision across. I tried other firms. Then I realized I might as well just do it myself. Yanni idea. You communicate the problem. The alternatives and the solutions that simple three steps the problem. Alternative and solutions. Um, this is great, but I think we can take this copy toe another level with really, really simple addition. That's a tackling. We're gonna try to summarize everything we just did in one important line that we can plaster everywhere for our marketing. Something that is catchy gets people's attention, and it communicates the vision of our brand. Let's give it a shot in the next lesson.
5. Lesson 4: all right, friends. So in a very short, concise three lessons, we've already gone from a product to actually a concise, quick little blurb about our product on. That's really cool, because this is something that could go on a website. This is something that could go again on Facebook. This could be an instagram description. This could really be applied anywhere. And these same principles of problem, alternative and solution can be applied to pretty much anything. This is basic, basic, basic storytelling here, So I think that the thing that's going to take us over the top, the next step is a tag one. Batman has a catch for a Superman has a catchphrase. I think that these tangerines need catch race. So I dropped it. We're going to start by kind of analyzing everything from a bird's eye view. I think what we can already see is that our product info is healthy, delicious, organic and available. Um, we've really touched on the idea, and I didn't even know I didn't even think about this as we were going through. But I'm realizing now, reading back through this copy we've written that fast is kind of one of the key elements here. It's It's good fast food, Good fast food is kind what we're going for here. So let's let's try to touch on that. I like to keep this to a very, very short sentence. Even just a few words if we can. Let's Ah, let's spitball a couple fast wishes Gilfry. Fast. Delicious. That's OK, but I think we could do a little bit better. Let's get a little bit more creative. What's in their tagline idea? We could do you guys, if you're following along with your own business. Spitball a few of these down, some off some friends who were really sticks. But let's just read a few down, Um, Mom's choice kids treat. It's too vague. I just think it's I know we're spitballing here. Guys don't be afraid of throwing a few out there and getting creative. I think that's it. It doesn't communicate everything about our brand, but I think that's kind of catching the everywhere snack. And I think in this on a everywhere will be an italicized. So what we communicate their with that tag line is that this is an incredibly portable, um, alternatively, fast food. I think that's gonna communicate. Everything we need to is the everywhere snack that covers the fast food. It doesn't it can't be, is available. Is this on? Uh, we've already established how healthy it is. I think I think this is great. Let's read through this. Let's see. We think fast food is boring. We eating too much. But sometimes when you're in a rush, it helps to get something quick. Organic protein bars and shakes are expensive. Smoothies aren't filling your cheap. It's hard to find a snack that doesn't make you feel guilty, but still feels you up. Let's try but still satisfies. It's a little bit more in size, but still satisfied satisfies Joe's Tangerines. UH, spelling error here, your grammar nuts out there, probably going crazy. Joe's tangerines or some of the healthiest fruits ever grown packed with vitamin C. Moms and kids everywhere love their juicy and delicious flavor. Do I think we can adjust this because I think our tart were really targeting people who are fast paced, fast paced, fast paced people everywhere love their juicy and delicious flavor that communicates better than the moms and kids think, because I think what we're really targeting here is the health conscious consumer. We got to keep that in mind. Whose are in consumer? Is this marketing copy lining up with who were trying to target here? So anything that doesn't fit in with our target consumer in this case, it's, you know, the people that are health conscious. If you want to know who your target consumer is, it's real simple. You already have this layout here with your product info on your value problem. So look at your product info. Who would be appeal? Who would be drawn to the things that you're offering your offering? Health benefits. They're delicious, organic, and they're available near you. It's probably not going to kids because they're not very health conscious, possibly moms and dads who want to buy it for their young warm. But I think in this case, we're really targeting that fast pace. Fast food consumer Joe stand resisting the healthiest fruits of a grown pack of vitamin C. Fast paced people everywhere love, juicy and delicious flavor. We use only the best high end tangerine scenes for are all organic. Easy to peel fruits. Find Joe's tangerines at your local may be everywhere snack. I love that. I think it's simple. It's to the point. We're not getting too crazy. We're not telling it an amazing story here. We're not trying to, you know, blow people's minds. But this is how you communicate your product or idea in just a few sentences would communicated. Everything mean that our audience needs to know about what we're selling. And again this can be applied to anything and everything in commerce. Doesn't matter if you're a freelance person or you have a product you're trying to sell. This is a universal truth. I think this worked out great. Thank you guys. So much for joining me for this very, very short concise. Of course. I hope you got some value out of this. I hope this is something you enjoyed. Um and I hope you'll go take a look at the other courses I have to offer. I think you know, I love learning together. I love being a part of educating people and documenting things like this. So if you enjoyed this course, feel free to follow me on Instagram. I do a lot of cool stuff and I hope we'll see you next time. Thanks