Work Faster with InDesign | Peter Bone | Skillshare

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Navigation shortcuts general


    • 3.

      Navigating with text


    • 4.

      Switching between the selection tool and the type tool


    • 5.

      Hiding grids and guides


    • 6.

      Scrolling the screen using shortcut keys


    • 7.

      Get in and out of presentation mode


    • 8.

      Hide and show panels quickly


    • 9.

      Switching and resetting workspaces


    • 10.

      About custom workspaces


    • 11.

      Prepare a custom workspace


    • 12.

      Save and amend a custom workspace


    • 13.

      Using alphabetical menus and quick apply


    • 14.

      Finding keyboard shortcuts


    • 15.

      Creating keyboard shortcuts


    • 16.

      Placibg multiple images and fill frame proportionally


    • 17.

      Using gridify and the content collector


    • 18.

      Quick sorting images with Bridge


    • 19.

      Preemptive fill frame proportionally


    • 20.

      Apply fill frame proportionally by default


    • 21.

      Scaling an image with a keyboard shortcut


    • 22.

      Select an object behind another object and scale its contents


    • 23.

      Scaling a logo by dragging


    • 24.

      Scale a logo to a specific size


    • 25.

      Quick text selection shortcuts


    • 26.

      Text navigation shortcuts


    • 27.

      Selecting to the end of a story


    • 28.

      Change text size with keyboard shortcuts


    • 29.

      Adjust tracking & kerning with keyboard shortcuts


    • 30.

      Navigating the control panel with keyboard shortcuts


    • 31.

      How to toggle between paragraph and character options in the control panel


    • 32.

      The most useful shortcuts for tweaking text


    • 33.

      Sampling colours from an image


    • 34.

      Applying swatches with arrow keys


    • 35.

      Previewing text colours


    • 36.

      New document shortcuts & jump to page


    • 37.

      Organising pages with colours and prefixes


    • 38.

      A more useful page panel


    • 39.

      Removing multiple spaces or multiple returns quickly


    • 40.

      Changing dashes to em dashes quickly


    • 41.

      An additional window for overset text


    • 42.

      Why you should use paragraph styles


    • 43.

      How to create a paragraph style


    • 44.

      Quickly getting text consistent


    • 45.

      Quickly redefining a paragraph style


    • 46.

      Quickly apply paragraph styles


    • 47.

      Quickly apply paragraph styles on a laptop


    • 48.

      Save hours using next style


    • 49.

      Easily locate low res images


    • 50.

      Quickly discover where your images reside


    • 51.

      Quickly copy your links


    • 52.

      Save time with a preflight profile


    • 53.

      Export faster to pdf


    • 54.

      How to adjust a gridify gap


    • 55.

      Adjusting scale & spacing of multiple objects


    • 56.

      Automatic object placement with libraries


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About This Class

Do you want to work faster with InDesign? Work more intuitively? Know you’re doing things the best way? This course distills my 20+ years of using and teaching InDesign to many thousands of students. In course you’ll learn more than 100 of InDesign’s best shortcuts, tips and tricks. I can guarantee you’ll not only use it much faster, but with more accuracy and confidence too.

Meet Your Teacher

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Peter Bone

Designer who mentors marketers


Peter Bone has worked in graphic design for 25 years. During that time he has taught thousands of people to use Quark Xpress, Indesign, Illustrator and Photoshop – at every level from complete beginners through to experts in their field. He has taught designers, marketing people, creative directors, writers, editors, illustrators, fashion designers and photographers for companies as varied as the BBC, the British Museum, Condé Nast, Paul Smith, Price Waterhouse Coopers and The Designers Guild.

See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. Introduction: If you've been using and designed for a while now, you'll know there's a vast programme. There's lots of ways of doing everything. Question is which ways? Other quickest. Which way's are the most efficient, which ways of the most productive? So in this course, I'll show you all of my favorite tips, tricks and shortcuts that I've learned of 20 years of using on teaching in design. So whether it's to do with pages of text, images, workspaces or checking files for print Huns, you'll discover here Or at least I hope so. But I'm pretty sure there's loads of things you weren't discovered. And you think, Oh, I wish I had known that. So strap yourself in and get ready to work faster way design. 2. Navigation shortcuts general: The first thing we're gonna look at in terms of working faster and in design is how we navigate So you can see here. We've got, like, a trouble page spread. One way to zoom in, as I'm sure you know, is zoom tool. She's that click and drag, and so that's fine. Trouble is most the time you'll be using either the selection tool or the type tool. So we're gonna look at how you can zoom in, zoom out using these tools. So with selection toe first, I'm gonna go. Come on. Zero. That's a shortcut for fit for the page in the window. Now I'm gonna do command option zero. That's the shortcut for fit that spread in the window. So if you're on a PC that would be controlled zero the 1st 1 and control all to zero for the 2nd 1 So just substitute there shortcuts as we continue living on from that, Let's suppose I'm interested in this seen here. The Havana See from how do I zoom in there? Wow, what about this command or control? Four. That takes me to 400% which in this case, because it's a CD cover doesn't actually make it huge, but it makes it large enough. So that's 400%. Or if I did come on to that would be 200%. Come on. One, these 100%. So that helps a little bit. And then you probably know already that you can do command Plus and come on Minus So if we combine all those shortcuts so command option zero everything then you select something. Let's say this image up here. Come on. Four to zoom in Wana get further in command. Plus get further out. Come on. Minus on that alot You don't know those shortcuts that will save you tons of time and frustration. 3. Navigating with text: we've been learning how a combination of keyboard shortcuts can ease on navigation. Let's look how it works rather than images have. What's with text? First glance? Not so well. If I click here, for example, on this frame and do you, Let's say, Come on for exhumed in right to the center of that frame, useful in a smooth train, but not on a large one. So then back out. And if I'm showing you shortcut, you know already all went bother repeating it. Whether on this one, if I click on this one, you might notice a frame smaller. So one is even on that. Their works absolutely fine, but that's kind of unusual. Very often you'll be working with frames much larger. So let's suppose I'm particularly interested in this section. Attacks right? The end. How do I zoom in on that? Well, firstly, I changed the type two and there'll be a short cut coming up in a subsequent video about how toe quickly changed the type toe. I notice when my cursor is now. If I use the same shortcuts, So let's say come on to or come on four. Come on, Plus I zoom in tow in my cursory. So that's greats. It means that you can get exactly where you want to get to without worrying too much about changing tool your straight in there so sexual can't supply but selected the actual bill of text you want with the type two first. 4. Switching between the selection tool and the type tool: having discovered that to zoom in quickly in and out efficiently, you need to change the type touring work. Let's look at how you can quickly change to the type talk. The quickest way to do it is simply double click, like I've just done said, by double clicking on some text with the selection to, as you may know already, then changes it to the title. So that's how it could do that. Perhaps Justus pertinent is how you can change back to the selection tool. I'm gonna tell you the problem short kind of minute. But let's just show you firstly what you don't do. You might know if we hover over here. A short cut for the type told me. Zoom in for you, which is T so that is another way of doing it. And there's a short cut for the selection tool, which is the so what you don't do is hit the because, as you could probably see, it just has V in there because, of course you're typing. So the way you do it, notice up here it says the onda escape. So escape is the key on the top left of your keyboard if you don't know that, Really? So if I just hit the escape here, which I'm doing now, I'm back to the selection toe. So just to recap to change from the selection, talk to the type tool double click to change back it. Skype, as you will see shortly, that's one of the most useful shortcuts I can teach you is the escape key. 5. Hiding grids and guides: What you see me do now is one of the best tricks in in design. It's the ability to turn away guides, all the extra visual stuff on and off with a single click. And as you can see, I am hitting the W. K W on its own, not Come on W no W just w on its own. So that hides away the extra visual elements that went print so hidden characters, guides, dreads marginal. That kind of stuff. So that's wonderful, at least is wonderful in this context, because notice I'm using my selection tool, so W works fine. Let's go back into a previous context. Let's say we are. We're in here and I think, What does that look like without the grids when I hit W and you know what's coming? I know we got a W. Now this happens an awful lot. It may have happened to you already. Um, I don't think I've ever sent someone to print with an extra w in it, but lots of people have. So the way you avoid it is you use the shortcut you learn a few minutes ago, a few seconds ago, which is if you were editing text hit the escape key top left you keyboard and now you're using the selection tool. So, you know, editing text so you can hit W without worry. So this is need to you. My suggestion is very strongly that you always hit the escape key before you use any of these single key short cuts in case I hit the escape key and then you can use W. 6. Scrolling the screen using shortcut keys: All right, so I'm working on this page. I don't want to just nudge the screen along a little bit so I can see a bit better what's on the second page. So rather than using the scroll bars rather than using this to hear the hand tool, I said, I suggest what you do is this. You just hold down the space bar and temporarily you get the handle so you can use that as much as you want. And then when you let go the space bar, you're back where you were before. So you're back using the selection tool. Okay, so that's the space bar. Click and drive. And that's wonderful. Except, of course, when I can probably see you caught on to this Now when you're editing text. So if I double click down here to edit the text, zoom in a bit and I let's say, actually, I'm not even donated that, but let's suppose that edit it and then I want to scroll back. When I hold down the space ball well, you can see what happens. I just had lots of spaces. So one way around that, of course, when I can see your Ademir. You could press the escape key and then, you know, editing text anymore so you can hold on the space bar. But there is another way you can do it. I would go back into editing the text again. So back with my type, too. This is one they next from Quark Xpress. Back in the day they hold down the altar Option key. She's only one year editing text. You can scroll around. Okay, So either stop editing text or hold on the old auction key. If you're editing text that gives you a short cut to the temporary hand toe. 7. Get in and out of presentation mode: what we talk about Navigation. Just a couple of other little tricks. So, firstly, you know already the W K hides the guides. But if you do shift and W, it takes you into so called presentation mode, a couple of great reasons why you'd use that one is that you can see the images high quality, which tells you that the image on the right looks is good. Quality of the image on the left isn't. Secondly, it gives you come full screen mode so you can see what's going on. So if you were gonna give a presentation to someone, you could. But best of all, if you got a multi page document, as this is, if there see if you were to use the up or down arrows on your keyboard, you can go back and forward. So it's a quick way of jumping between pages. It's not the only way, but it is a way of doing it. Okay, so you gettinto presentation mode by then, shift W you can use your up and down arrows and then, when you're ready to leave, press escape 8. Hide and show panels quickly: for the next couple of videos. We're gonna look at different ways. We can change the look of this screen really quickly. You might notice. For those of you that know about workspaces, you might notice that I'm no longer using the default works place. But I'm using the Peter Works ways. Well, look at that in a second, but just noticed now that it looks slightly different from the default, the first short cut I'm gonna teach you on this will only work because I'm no. Editing text is simply to hit the tap, Kate ones. So notice that hides all the panels, every single one of them that works in all the A W programs. Slightly more useful. Now, I would suggest Is this one that shift tab? So notice that keeps the control panel the top. Keep the tool panel on the left, but hide all the other one. So that's really useful if you've got not that much screen space. He working on the laptop, for example. So obviously they won't work If you're editing text cause the tab key puts a having we can't just do shift up together is back in the 3rd 1 which I think your life. So I noticed that when I do command option tab or control tab expands the panels on the right on. This works particularly well with this workspace I've made. And I'll show you how to make that shortly because it brings out all of those that I can see the swatches. I can see the paragraph styles. I can see the pages as opposed to the default view where I've gotta go and click on each one, so that is command option or controlled time. 9. Switching and resetting workspaces: If you look at the top right here, you'll notice the word essentials. This means that I'm using the default workspace in in design, but a workspace if we haven't encountered it is a way for in design to arrange, although many panels. So in the current version of in designs that I'm recording this song, which is 2020 use of the essentials workspace. The idea here is that it gives you everything you would need and it doesn't over clutter things up. My problem with that is that it hides the control panel over here, which I think is really useful. So I tend to teach beginners in design to use essentials Classic instead which you'll notice looks like this that may be familiar to you. But you might have noticed there are others, for example, advanced. So I'm showing this cause this is a quick way to get other features and have other features that you might want. So, for example, if you want paragraph styles there, there in the advanced workspace, but they're not in essentials. Classic. Okay, so you might be thinking, Yeah, but this is this is about sort of speeding things up in in design. This this doesn't help. So what I want to show you is how you can, firstly just move between workspaces. But in a second, I'll show you how to create a workspace that maybe speed things up a little bit. But just before we get there, one thing you need to know is that if you want a quick way to reset your panels So, for example, if I've been working in essentials Classic and I sort of moved this out here, I mean, you know, lost something here. Maybe I've got some other panels out that I think you need those. Then they kind of get in a bit of a mess, if you want. Quick way to clear those up. You just go back to the name of the works, wait up here and you say, reset. I'll get it back to how the workspace was originally made. So that's a quick way to reset your pals. 10. About custom workspaces: What you can see here on my monitor is a custom work space that I've made What I like about this is it at a glance I can see what page I'm on paragraph style. Amusing. When there I'm on what's watch I'm using. So all of that I set up to be as quick as possible Set me that got less clicking So this is required a bit of set up And that's kind of what I want to show you next. One other thing I want to show you, which is over here notice that this panel is a bit wider. I like that view as well, partner, because it gives me a larger area to look at in terms of the colors. And also it gives me a quick A way of getting into presentation mode, but also to see if I'm in any of these modes as a poster normal mode. So that's another thing I'll show you. So she has that gets set up and how we set these up. So that will be in the next video. But this is where we're heading. So take a few minutes to set it up. But hopefully this will save you a ton of time. You know what 11. Prepare a custom workspace : So in the next couple of minutes, I'm gonna show you how it made this workspace and what you can do this. You can set up a workspace for yourself that gives you everything you need at a glance. That's the plan. So just change back toe, Let's say essentials Classic because that's probably the one that you're using. Um, the downside with this firstly, I would suggest is over here. Zoom right in on this might not seem the Chevron before click on that and it gives you a double width panel because that's the first thing want to change, And then I'm gonna do the same thing on the right hand side. Click on this double witch. Sorry this Chevron to show me this. So this opens up all the panels at once, which is kind of useful, but it could be a lot more useful. It's the first thing I'm gonna do is drag the pages panel out, but just clicking on it and drugging, just drop it anywhere for now. And then I'm gonna try the links panel in with it. I'm not gonna drug it. A nice I'm gonna go and grab paragraph styles so windows styles, paragraph styles If you don't, about those will be covering those very shortly gonna drag paragraph styles above layers There notices of blue line there is there gonna be a blue rectangle or blue line? I'm going for a blue line It puts it directly about that shows me those there That's just what I want. And then I want the text wrapped panels where they use that a lot. So window text, run and drag that and I just want to say driving. I'm not driving it by the top bar here is evening for you. We're not driving it from there. I'm dragging it from the word that's important. If I drag it from the word when I come next to here, notice Aiken, drop it in there. So I wanna have it next to their like that. You might wonder why No kind of putting underneath and the trick is what you ought to try and do is make your screen so you can see as much as possible at once. So if I put that underneath, Yes, I would be seeing more, but it limits the space underneath. So having it next door because I don't imagine I'll need to look at paragraph styles and textract at the same time. So that's my kind of weird thinking on that works of May. It doesn't make sense to you feel free to Mabel. So the next one down, I'm gonna have layers. But I'm then gonna have character styles in with that because again, I wouldn't normally worry about looking at them both at the same time. So again, click on the word character styles drug it in, and I again I'm looking for that blue square. The rectangle greats and I can look at layers or character styles. So us how that works for me and then what we got underneath so that next we're gonna have a stroke. So that's fine. I want the stroke there. But by the fault Stroke takes a town of room vertically when we are limited. So again, another tiny button in design. The still button here, click on the back and it minimizes it right down to just a really simple bit of information . If I want that to be a bit more useful again, click once more. Sorry I am Oh, no, that's is much quicker to get Don't do and then finally, swatches So that can live next to this one? I think so. I'm gonna get rid of color, drive them out drug swatches and actually drug that to the left of it. I can Sorry. Put it in drug structure. Right. There we go. So plays in background. So this is kind of what I want. I can see all the swatches amusing. I could see the paragraph styles I'm using. I can see what layer Amman And should I want to look at texture, apple character styles. There they are. So I don't need to pretty close that I can leave that there. At least I can on this monitor. Okay, so you might be thinking. Well, what about the pages panel? Why haven't you got that there? And the reason I haven't got it there is that if you got a long document like this one, you might want to have the pages panel kind of open like this, which clearly takes up a lot of room. What I do Can I took on the wood? Drag it now, watch carefully, because I just paused just there where I see that tall blue line when I let that go that's now docked in next to it, which I know takes up a lot of room and fear that might be too much if it is too much, you just press on this little chevron and it takes it down a little bit, and then you're drunk to the left like that, and then it takes up hardly any room that you can click on it to open it up. So if I was working on a laptop, that's how I would work it because I'm not working on a laptop. Actually, I've got plenty of room. I'm gonna just leave it open. So Pages is good to have about that, I would say, because it works vertically and the same applies to link. So I'm gonna put links in next to it and again the way that links work vertically. But he may know when I click on any Lincoln's there, I might want to look at the details like the resolution, for example, of the image which is down here. So again, that's out there without me needed toe klik around, and then the other one I had on the on my de Maria was the Object Styles panel, so I could go windows styles on a object styles. And if I drive a lot in, let's see if I can drag it into the Bossom here looking for that blue line, then that just comes in underneath. So that's pretty much what I created earlier, and the idea being again that I can see everything I want. But if it's taking up too much room, I can just press this button or actually the shortcut that you know about, which is command, function, time or control time. 12. Save and amend a custom workspace: in a previous video, I showed you how I tend to set up my screen, and I've done that amounts all very well. But the one slight problem What is up here? I'm still using the essentials Classic work spice. That means that if I was to do reset essentials Classic, I'd lose all that work. So what I want to do is create my own custom work space. These are listed up here. So these ones I've made previously with different types of work, So one another do is say, new workspace. I'm gonna call this, Let's say, uh, better work, spice. Unless you can see Now that's the one I'm using. And that's great, because if I was toe mess things up, I could just research it. So reset about a workspace. And the other thing you might want to do is after you've been using it. So while you might think actually, I wish I'd amended, I wish I got a slightly different thing in. So let's say, for example, what might they want? Let's say we want the in front panel, not the effects now. Okay, FX panel. Someone's come up. So let's say we want the realize What? The effects panel in next toe object styles. For example, if I using that a lot, so then I want to save the workspace to incorporate this. What I would do is can't hear on rather than doesn't give the option to update it. But you can do new workspace, then just choose from the drop down list on the right, the one that you already in. And then when you press OK, it says, Do you want to replace it? And you say yes. So that is now updated. So my strong suggestion is, if you know enough about in design to know which pounds you always want to have, open the ones you wanna have nearby. If your current workspace doesn't do that, then take as long as it takes right now to just just your workspace. So you got something you can work with because that will save you my only time. But frustration, it means you can forget about Where's this? Where's that? You just know is there You could just get working nice and easily, so I that's your work going on. Do that 13. Using alphabetical menus and quick apply: I'm sure you will be in there, particularly when you're learning in design beginning you know that. Come on, you want, let's say text frame options, but you can't remember where it is. So you're looking around. Is it in? The edit menu is in the type menu is in the object menu on you're going, you getting bit fed up. So one way to help a little bit is if you hold down command option and shift or control shift. When you click on a menu, it shows you the menu items in alphabetical order, right so I can look in there and I'm looking for text Rehm options. So down a tear the bottom. Now it's not there. Snow in layout, No, in time. There it is in the object when you the case about what help you so one way, but finding something you might have lost the other one is if you to command or control return, it brings up Quick. Apply now. This might have happened to you accidentally before. You might wonder what that is, but you can apply things really quickly. The number of ways you can use it the way we're going to look at it now is to look for a command. So if I start typing text crying, Look at that. Right, The top there. Assuming for you object menu. Tex Schramm options. That's the one you want. So if you simply hit return at this point, they will in that command. Okay, so that's one use of quick apply using command or control. Return brings up quick applying, talking what you want when it lists it. Game time, two ways, hopefully of helping you find the command you need. 14. Finding keyboard shortcuts: back of the beginning of the course when I was trying to teach you some navigation shortcuts. You may well have known some of those already. So, for example, command or control zero command or control optional zero you might want to know. And the reason you might have known is that in the view menu they are listed. So fits bringing window fit page, window. So while I'm telling it, I'm telling you this because, of course, if they're listed up here that say, on the right, you'll stand a chance of learning them. And clearly, if you're doing this course, you're probably interested in short cuts, I would imagine. So what about the other shortcuts that I've discovered? Whether I find those, this is where I sort of declare my hands. So I'm not just a a natural born in design genius, I was told. We look for him and this is where you look for you. Go to the edit money. You come down to keyboard shortcuts. It shows you the keyboard shortcuts. Now I've created my own set more of that shortly. But if I got the default, you'll see firstly that I can look a particular product area. So, for example, in views and navigation notice 200%. That's the command on the shortcut is really small. The fault is command plus two or 400% as you know, command. Plus, so you'll notice some really good, useful stuff in here. I could go on forever about lots of other useful for cuts. But I figure now you know where to find them. You can go and look for them. Okay, That might take a while. So what might help a little bit is show set. So this opens up in your default text editor. It shows the whole set of shortcut. This is a very, very long file. And you might notice that some of these things are defined. Some of them aren't. So, for example, check spelling. The default is command. I you may have known that already, but there are a load of other ones that aren't the find. So one thing you gonna learn from this is other commands you didn't know about. Some of them will have short cuts, which you could start to use, but you might be thinking, Well, there's some commands there. I'd really like to have shortcuts for. So that's what we're gonna do in the next video is Look at how you might create those. So before we do that, we've got to edit keyboard shortcuts. We're looking at the default set. Next up, we're gonna kind of amend that. Create, all right. 15. Creating keyboard shortcuts: in this video, we're going to look at how you could create your own in design shortcuts. Now you might be thinking, Well, why would I want to do that? There's plenty already. Let me show you the kind of shortcuts I've created and why. For me, it's the commands that there aren't shortcuts for. Typically, the art in menus, things like up here in the links panel in the drop down menu re link at original. These short cuts I've made similarly in paragraph styles quick. Well, it's a creative paragraph style, so let me just show you that works. That's the control, key, control, pay if I press that. So let's just put my text coaster in there. Do you control pay? I'm straight into creating a new paragraph style so it doesn't say but ton of time but command, you find you're doing a lot, particularly from the drop down panel menus from the menu that come with the panels. I like that, Law said. That's how it works. But how did I set it up so as you know, you can go at it? People short counts. Now this is a set that I've made, but if you were starting off from scratch using the default ones, can you have to say new set you given an I mals Just stick with default copy and then you can have your own shortcuts. You can also get rid of existing shortcuts, which I really wouldn't recommend. But let's say, for example, I want toe have a command, Let's say from panel menus, that's where I would normally go to list them all in alphabetical order. So all the different panels. So let's go to, let's say, Uh oh, this same many could miss May it's the media sells for a second come down the paragraph that was There we go, I guess a paragraph styles. So if I was to say, new paragraph style notice down here, it says current shortcuts. Are Antony a new shortcut? This is where you can create arrive. Okay, now, here's where it's not terribly fair for PC users, because if your PC user there's less keys that you can use their own already used by the system. So what I suggest you do if you are a PC user, you use a key like the control key or control and shift or something, Then use one of the F keys at the top of the screen. I'm afraid that's about the best advice I can give you. So this is really not fair if your PC's I'm sorry about that. If you're a Mac user. On the other hand, the control key on the bottom left of your keyboard is no very widely used. So I would hold down control and then do something like pay for paragraph on notice. This is important. It says This is unassigned. So if I tried to do command pay that clearly would be assigned for print, so this still works on a PC is just that you'll have to use a slightly less intuitive shortcut says to say, You know, so command F one or whatever, that's fine if you make a list or something. So that guy, I will now press a sign that's important. Otherwise this won't work. And now notice. I've got my shortcut I've made. So when I press save okay, we contestants if it works, so if I do control P that we got, it's a bit of a process. But if they're combined to using over and over again and you getting fed up with it. You want to create a short cut edit cable, chalk cuts on a Mac used the control key and a useful key working this case P on a PC, Slightly less intuitive, but it still works, so good luck with that. 16. Placibg multiple images and fill frame proportionally: in the next few videos, we're gonna look a working with images, hopefully work with them, use a little bit faster, but hopefully a bit more intuitively. So the default way bringing images as, of course, you know, is you select frame and you dio either file in place or use the shortcut command or control day. Have you bring in one image at a time on that? That works fine. But let's look at another way of doing so. I'm gonna do to unders to get rid of that. If instead I deliberately have nothing selected. So I click off the edge of the page like that. Did the UN these shortcuts of command d to bring his place? They're gonna choose a few images here, So I'm gonna command click on a few different ones. Not quite sure which ones I want, But let's just bring those in. And then when I pressed open, I'll zoom in so you can see this notice. It says I have now got 11 images attached to my cursor. And if I press the up or down arrows, I can cycle through the ones I want. If there's any that having brought in. I thought, actually, I don't I don't need those. So maybe read one. I don't think I like that. I compress the escape key on that disappears. So notice I'm now down to 10. So now I will try and figure out which ones I won't wear. So, for example, let's try that one there. So simply click and it goes in and it fills the frame on the toe resized. And a second, which will do. And then any I'm not sure about I'll ignore. But once I think will work like that one or just click and then gradually will build something in. Now, you might be wondering, um, whether this is really gonna work that well, because clearly, I can't really see what I'm doing that well. And there are some other ways around this we'll look at in a second. I think that's probably the ones I'm going to use. So press escape a couple more times. Get rid of those. Okay, so that looks terrible, because, of course, theme, we just don't fit. So the command I'm going to use, which I'm sure you know, is object fitting and Phil frame proportionally onda Uh, I encourage you to learn this shortcut notice. It's very, very similar to fit content proportionally. So the news is what I call the three keys. So command, option, shift or control old shift and then see for crop or the one on the leaf E for everything. So let me just golf tennis on a tangent here. So if I do so the three case air command option and shift on E. That shows me the whole thing, or if I do see it crops, it's lightning. That doesn't any differently. But let me try that on another image, and you will hopefully see that more clearly. So if I do the three keys and e, you can see this a bit better this time, so it shows in the whole image, but noted it doesn't quite fill it because it's not quite the same shape. Whereas if I do the three keys and see, then it automatically fits the whole thing. So that's the one I would normally use Phil frame proportionally unless I'm working with a cut out so I could do that on those images individually, or just undo the last few things much quicker. Nazi were all about speed on this course. If I just drag over all of those frames and do that short cut, uh, there we go. We can do them all at the same time. Okay? So we can bring in lots of images at once, and we can also do fill frame proportionate at once. Either through the menu object fitting Phil from proportionate or with the shortcut command option shift, See? 17. Using gridify and the content collector: we've looked at how to bring in multiple images at once. But the problem with that, inevitably, is that it can be hard to see what you're working with. So this is one way around it that you might appreciate. So what I'm gonna do, I've cleared this space here. Just so you to make this next bit you give you to see So I'm going to do fine in place or come on date gonna bring in those same images. But this time I'm going to use a feature called Grid. If I I'm gonna click and drag, keep my mouse down, and then with it down, there's 12 images there, so I'm gonna press the right arrow three times. Sorry. Twice. You might just about be here to see a really faint columns there. That gives me three columns. They're gonna press the up arrow 123 times You might just about be ever seen. Others should be 12 little squares or rectangles. So when I let go, there's all my images. So that's a quick way of bringing images in trouble. Is the word in the wrong place on, uh, they're not in the frames? I want to bring him into. So it's possible to do kind of cut and paste into in the edit menu. I could do that so paste into as a commander could use. But what is an interesting feature you might like? I just think selectable on. Then use this tool here. So they have an obscure one. It's called the content collector, and it works with the content. Placer. Now, to get city honest, I don't use this very often, but I have been working along catalogs and stuff. You can work quite well. So it opens up this big panel at the bottom. At this point, what I would do is look at those images and think right now, which ones do I really want to use? And I probably So I'm gonna start top left and think, right, what might work there? I think probably this image might work quite well. So I click on that and notice it's now stored. Don't here have been coming across to this one? I think I'm gonna try se You know what? It doesn't matter. Just a few pounds. This one, maybe. Yeah, this one. Maybe image have a little good for this guy in the middle. All right, so there the images I want actually home. That one. Okay, so now I change the content. Place a tool on. It's kind of like before, but I've deliberately chosen the images I want so I can click to position them and then with my selection tool, select the whole lot on, then object fitting frame proportionate. All the commander hopes. Cleveland, there we go. So it's almost the same as last time. Except for that extra phase. They're bringing those in so you can see them all at once. Come really help so you can use either edit paste into or use the content collector. Mostly. The last thing would be to get rid of these once here, so that can really help if you've got multiple images you want to bring in, But once 18. Quick sorting images with Bridge: We've been looking at multiple ways of working with multiple images inside inside, but you might well have been thinking. Yeah, but when I get sent a load of images from my photographer, I've got dozens and dozens to work through before even get to in design. Is there a way that in design can help me with that? But you can kind of use the approaches with views, and that might help a bit. But there's something that will help you much, much more than that. And that's Adobe Bridge. So that's always been a free program. But now, of course, is part of the creative cloud. You can just download it. I could not recommend this highly enough. I know this isn't just strictly about in design this course, but this will save you tons of time if you've got multiple images to work through. So I've just got bridge open. It's the standard. This is the standard workspace. So should look exactly like this. Well, you have to do is find your way off the top here or on the left, here to the focal you want to look at. So I found my way to basically the folder that I got my images inside. We're gonna look inside the images folder in a second here, but just notice that one of the things about bridge might just make these icons a little bit bigger is that you can see what in design files look like what pdf's look like that color without having to open them so that that could be helpful just for that. But really, we're talking about images. So if I double click on here again, notice you're seeing thumbnails of J pegs, that's no great surprise, but also E p s files. Also, I I file. So again this is useful just for this. But really, we're talking about multiple images. So let's imagine we've been sent all these images here, and we've got to decide which ones we think we might want to bring in tow a montage. So what I would do is click on the first image, press the spice bow, and that gives you a full screen preview. Now, I'm afraid that the preview image isn't very large. That will very on very setting, so let's not get too concerned about that. But that's fairly small. I know I'm gonna press the right arrow when I see an image I think I might want to use inside my montage. Let's say that one. Then I'm gonna press the number one que on the people you might notice possum left on my screen. That's given that one star. So every time I find an image I might want I'm gonna give it a star stadium at this stage I'm suggesting is quite a few might want to use. Okay. All right. I think probably I'm gonna stop there, so I'm gonna press escape to get out. I know I'm looking at the whole lot again. So now I can filter those downtime Just looking at those one star images. So imagine you've got, you know, 200 images. This is like your first passed. So the way we just limited to seeing the one star images we go here where it says on the filter writings were gonna just start those. So now if I wanted to reduce it further, I'm gonna go through again. I notice. Actually, this has gotta start, and I previously before I even got to it. So it's just right Click on that one and then Oh, where we go there. Uh, actually, that's so that's the one that Okay, that buttons. That when I wanted to write. Okay, so now I'm gonna go through these again on that and so right, Which one do I really think you're gonna be there? So I think that's good. So I'm gonna hit the two key. So that's not two stars, two stars, two stars, some ignoring the ones that I'm not that wild. About. What? I'm gonna do it fairly fast. Stop that. Okay, so now I can say, Just show me those and I can I just that one off. All right, so there we go. So this is hopefully showing you how you can narrow down your images. So I haven't moved and I haven't deleted any. I've just flying them. So now what I can do. I select Hymel couple things I could do. I mean, if I wanted to copy them into a particular folder, for example, I could select them. All right? Click and say copy to or move to normally copy to. So I could copy them onto my desktop, for example. So that would work. Or if I'm happy to leave them where they are and just bring them into in design. I could say place in in design, but I think, actually, that's what I'm gonna do. So do that. And then I should ping back into in design. That's how the technology works. She hasn't done that. So I'm gonna just go back into in design. I'm gonna use come own top. Well, that s actually has has kicked in for a second. And there we go. There's my 10 images, and now I can do the same process so I could do the manual. I can bring them in, or I could do great if I again, I work from there. All right, So what I'm suggesting is, if you've got lots of images to work with, bridge can save you an absolute turn of time. 19. Preemptive fill frame proportionally: you've learned lots of ways of bringing in multiple images to in design. But once you've done that, you've had to then go back on. Do you feel frame? Poor family, But I've set something up here. Notice the difference. The images are already loaded because you see me do that enough times. So when I click notice now that the images Phil frame proportionally automatically. So let's take a look at how I did that. I'll just create a new frame over here and you'll see that works crippling here for itself . Okay, so if I do file on place, that's normal. Then of course, it doesn't feel frame proportionately, but I just I do with the frame Selected object fitting notices were all right out, of course, cause no images there. But you might notice you got frame pitting options. Which is that, and I say, content fitting Phil frame proportionally when I would normally align it from the center. That preemptively means that when I bring an image in that will work the moment I bring him in. So that's why did to all those other frames I do that all at once, just to say the more time. So now when I do command D to bring, imagine very close 20. Apply fill frame proportionally by default: If you look at my screen, you'll see I've got no documents open. And that's quite deliberate because I want to show you how we can change some default and in design. So the way in design works is if there are no documents open and you make changes that changes those settings for every new document you create. So if I was to remove some swatches here or add some swatches in, for example, they would appear in every new document. So with paragraph styles and objects style, So that's something toe throw in is an extra. So feel free to try that I don't tend to worry too much about swatches, but let's suppose I wanted to make sure that every time I created a frame, it had that Phil frame proportionally preemptively selected. That's what I want to show you here, so with nothing open. So I've closed on my documents, and if you do that, by the way, it might be that it takes you back to the so called start workspace. If that's the case, you want to go window workspace and choose whichever workspace you're on and then choose your rectangle frame tool so I can see I've chosen it because it's highlighted. And then I'm gonna go object fixing frame fitting options. I'm gonna change it like we did before to fit. Sorry, Phil. Frame proportionally a line from the center and then click. OK, so let's just test it. Let's just create a new document. That's great frame. Bringing an image. Yep, that seems to work, right? 21. Scaling an image with a keyboard shortcut: we can look next at a couple ways of scaling images. So you might notice. I got the photograph of May selected. You can see that by the blue frame around the edge. More about that. In a second, on the short cut I'm gonna use that you'll see come up is command option, and then the greater or less than command. So the greater than expected Darger on the less than makes me smaller. So that works on any object. So it works on this text as well. Now, I don't use that one that much, but it might be just what you've been looking for. So they go. That's a quick way of doing it. However, what if I wanted to select this kind of pattern on the neath and skull out? So there's a couple of things we're gonna need to do to do that easily, so Well, look at that. In the next video 22. Select an object behind another object and scale its contents: So I want to select this frame on change. Change the pattern, make a bit larger. The first problem is when I select here, I select the object in front, which is the photograph of May. Now, because I'm using layers, it will pretty easy to just lock this layer. That would get around that. But very often you're not using layers. So a way around that is, if you want to select something underneath, something else generally works. If you hold down the command or control on the first time you click on the object you want are. Then start the object in the front and then click again and you get the next one back. So noticed. I have got that selected. If you got something really complicated, sometimes that won't work. What you could do instead is just right. Click. I notice you should get select and you can probably choose the last object below. There's a keyboard shortcut for that. But in my experience, that doesn't work terribly well. But that right clicking does work. Okay, so I'm gonna select the frame underneath Now that is the frame itself is selected. Problem with that is, if I use the shortcut you've come to learn. You may have known it previously. Notice that I'm making the frame larger, which isn't what I want. I want to make the contents larger. Okay, so you're putting already. You've got this little content grab. If you click on that, I notice my frame is kind of pinned out there. That's because that was the amount of it. You'll see that. But this is gigantic crime here. It's gigantic image. Rather, and I scaled it down. So I'm gonna use that shortcut now that you just learned so we can see that I could make that much more or larger, whatever. That's because I made it quite large, cause a golf there which clearly see what I have been targeted to make it hide the background. So that's the short cut that we wanted to get to. So what I'm trying to say is, once you've got the frame that you want to select as well as clicking on the content grabber to select the contents, you can simply double click to select the contents 23. Scaling a logo by dragging: Sometimes when you're adjusting the sides of object, it makes a lot more sense just to size them up by dragging. So that's what we're gonna do here. So I want to make this logo a little bit larger. So the top of this lines up with over the top of the capital. Where problem I've got is if I it was toe click and drag. I'm just making the frame bigger. I'm not making the contents bigger as well, So a shortcut that you can use for that is you hold down on a Mac command and shift on a PC . Control and shift. Hold that down first like I'm doing now and then click on Ideally, one of the corners. You could dio a middle edge, but click on one of corners and then pause for a second. If you don't pause, you won't get a preview. So now, having done that, I drag out slowly, trying to keep my cursor on that corner, and that will help with the smart guides. I noticed the smart guy, the green smart guy, just said, This is at the top of the frame now that's what I want. That's fine I might want it just a tiny bit lower. So once again, just tell that once again for you. You hold down command or control and shift when you click on Pause on a corner. And then once you pause for a second drug upwards, I want it. Didn't say what I should've said a second ago is when you got it to the size you want. Let go of the mouse before you let go for the case. So that works really, really well for logos. To be honest with you, it also works with text, although you will end up with a pretty weird size. But sometimes on something like a poster where you just want to, you know, kind of what you want it to look like. You can see here. I'm struggling to size it because my cursor isn't lining up with the corner just like that . So that kind of works. I'm not really encouraging. I'll show you why we look at the font size. It is 35.89 now. There's nothing wrong with that, but that could be tricky if you want to repeat that over a series of posters. But anyway, actual cut works great with logos, possibly give with other things, too 24. Scale a logo to a specific size: If you've ever tried to follow some brand guidelines or particular guidance for setting a particular job up, you might be given a very specific size to create a logo. If that's happened to, you might want it. How on earth you would do that. So just to give you a random example, if I was given this logo on bond been told this needs to be 50 millimeters square, for example. What I can do is select it, not just got the frame selected rather than the content. I don't pay a in this area here. This always says 100% when you got the frame selected. So quick. Side issue is, if you want to make it quickly half the size you can do that, for example, or, you know, whatever. So you can you can adjust their and that could be really useful. But what you can also do is type in a specific side. So I'm gonna type in 50 millimeters. And then because of this constrain, um, scaling thing is, is is is chosen. When I hit return, it works for both. So when I was in back out again, you'll see that I have made it 50 millimeters by 50. How do I know that? Because up here it's it's 50 by 50 said that ihsaa, one of those ones that is really, really useful occasionally ever comes up. That's how you do it. 25. Quick text selection shortcuts: we're gonna move on to looking at text now on. There are so many ways of working more quickly and more intuitively with text. Okay, so here's your 1st 1 If you want to select a word, you simply double click on it. If you want to select a line, you triple click. If you want to select a paragraph, you click four times. I notice I've got these hidden characters showing that little thing called a pill, Crowe tells me That's the end of the paragraph. If you haven't seen that before, you'll find that at the bottom of the type menu. So you're possibly used to sing it like this in the type menu. Choose show hidden characters tells you when you're at the end of a paragraph. 1234 clicks again. It also tells you when you're at the end of a story, and that's what you get. If you do five clicks, that might not be particularly clear what that means. So I got a better example here and this magazine article This is the story. It starts. Yeah, and it finishes down here. Zoom in that you might just about see there you go. That little hashtag tells us it's the end of the story. I was in Macau, so if I was to do five clicks here. So 1234 Sorry. There we go. Five clicks, it selects the whole story. 26. Text navigation shortcuts: when you got your cursor in a frame of Texas, several shortcuts you can use to navigate. So firstly, the down left and right arrows, they just go like a single line down or a single character left or right. But if you combine those with the command key, it kind of makes a bit more powerful. So you go one word to the right or one word to the left. One paragraph down or one paragraph. Okay. And then another king you can use is this doesn't work if you on a laptop. Sadly, but if you're not too you got a full size keyboard, you can be page down, notice that take you to the end of the line or the beginning of the line. Or, if you hold down the command key with it, you go to the end of the story border. Start of the story with any of those keys. If you hold down the shift key is what site with any of those key combinations. If you hold down the shift key as well, you can select. So, for example, if I do command shift right arrow, I can select a word at a time or if I did command shift down arrow, I can select paragraph time. There's a specific case where you might want to select a whole bunch of text from a specific point, and we'll look at that in the next video. 27. Selecting to the end of a story: Okay, I've got a good example here of where the shortcut just mentioned will work quite well. Basically, this story needs to have two different paragraph styles applied. If you haven't come across paragraph styles yet well mentioned briefly now, but spend a bit more time on them later. So this first paragraph is going to use the drug camp paragraph style and now a worthy other paragraphs from their own words I'm gonna be using the body Indian style problem is that he might see that we can't see all the text that over set Marks tells a tells us that we have got texted we can't see. But if you use the shortcut we talked about earlier, you'll be in a select all the text right to the end of the story whether you can see it or not. So just to recall zoom in here If we were to do the page down que on its own again, this doesn't work on a laptop. Sadly, you go to the end of the line. Is if we held down command or control page down we go to the end of the story. But if I hold down that on the shift key. So command and shift on page down. Then I select right to the end of the story. And then in one extra click, I can apply body indent. There we go that he has done really, really quickly. So there's some good people shortcuts there. Sadly, if you don't have ah, full size keyboard, they don't all work. But you better Magnus emotion. 28. Change text size with keyboard shortcuts: one way to change the side of text in in design. And you can see I've got some text selected is with commando control shift, and then the greater than or less than case So that does, by default, one unit at a time. You might just about be a to see there. Yeah, I examine That is going up, right? Well, down by one unit. Whereas, if I hold down the optional key as well, So command option shift or control or shift on a PC That goes down, uh, five at a time. Okay, so either one, you know, time poor five units at a time. 29. Adjust tracking & kerning with keyboard shortcuts: tracking and turning works in a similar way to the tech side, but with a slightly different people. Chalk up. So I'm holding down the auction or off key. I'm pressing the left right arrows to do a subtle change. But if I hold down commands on old and left or right, I do. Unless subtle change, that's tracking. That's a lovely once you can really see what you're doing. It's similar with turning if I do four clicks to select that paragraph and again. Optional hold on up and down Contessa. Subtle change. Where's if I hold down the command or control key as well? It does unless change. But you might be wondering, Well, you're saying more or less subtle. What actually is the value that it's changing? Honestly, that depends on your preferences. So if I get to on a Mac in design preferences and units and increments or on a PC, edit preferences, units and increments now I've actually changed mine here. I've changed my size and letting toe one point on my Kernan and tracking toe one that the current tracking by the fault is five, which in my mind, is way too large that even the small value goes way up way too quickly. So if you're wondering why my my tracking was changing relatively slowly, that's because I've adjusted that so you can adjust that, and it effects that anything that happens from then on. So that's why I adjusted that. So that's the unit. So in my case, the default changes one unit five times. That obviously is fine, so you can adjust that if you want more control. So there we go. There's a couple of ways of making text larger or smaller and also changing the tracking on the colonel using those keyboard shortcuts. 30. Navigating the control panel with keyboard shortcuts: so it looked a lot of different ways. You can use keyboard shortcuts, toe work with text, but to be absolutely honest with you, I very often just used these numbers up here so I can go straight in here on increase or reduce. But there's a way you can do that with people shortcuts. I'll just stay zoomed in so you can see this. So with my text selective, if I do command or control six communities, that the front there is highlighted. No, I'm gonna tap across the top. Kate and I go through. You know, I could press the up and down area on. That would show you that I can try out different fronts on weights. That can be quite nice. As I continue to press tab, I go through it, obviously, size and tracking, leading and so so I can go up or down like that if I want to go backwards to the previous one. So let's suppose I go on and I'm adjusting occurring that I want to go. Um, but so just my current here when I make the site was letting anyway, if you wanna go back again, if I do shift time that I'm back and then to approve whatever I'm doing. I just pressed. We're time. Okay? So once more, if you're editing text and you want to get up into the control panel, you can do Come on. Six control six, then tab to go. Forwards. Shift tab, Go back. 31. How to toggle between paragraph and character options in the control panel: one minor issue you might come up with when you want to use the keyboard shortcut to get into the control panel is what I got here. You haven't come across. These are two buttons, so that gives you the character formatting controls on the paragraph formatting control. So if you were using that previously, when you then do, command or control six to get in, then the likelihood is you'll be going into the wrong place. So if that happens, you can do command or control option or old seven, and that swaps out over. So I do that a couple times, you'll see that double, so that's a useful total between character and the paragraph formatting controls. 32. The most useful shortcuts for tweaking text: to finish this little section on text keyboard shortcuts. I've kept my two favorite ones to the end. So let me give you an idea what I'm gonna be doing here. I've got this text here, which I just want to tweak a little bit. I'm not quite happy with him, so let's say I want to adjust the tracking a little bit so I might come up here and go, OK, one sort of minus 50 and let's try and minus 25 Onda. Uh, yeah. No, quite happy without. So I want to change it again. So what I can do? No, As you know, I can put my cursor up here. Well, I can adjust the setting. Trouble is, if I use my up or down arise they it goes in five units at a time. So that's OK, so let's suppose I've done that. I think, Yeah, I think that's probably what I want when I hit return. And then I think actually, no, I I wanna have but a bit less trucking on that. So watch I'm going to get back in here without using my curse. I'm just move my cursor away and there's a cable. Chalk are just news gets me right back in that same place. So that's command option, Tilda. So that till the key is to the left of the dead and, uh, I'll take a photo that so you can see it. But that's that's the one. So that gets you back into the last area. The last bit of panel that you used. So again, I'm gonna use that shortcut. Get back in there and go. Actually, minus 50 is a bit too much. What about minus 45? So if I hit return, obviously that that gets me out again so I can use the same shortcut. But I just told you to get back in, but there's a better way still, So this is the second shortcut. So once I get back in there, which I'll get back in whichever way. Let's suppose I want to make an adjustment. So let's say I'm gonna go from minus 48 now for him return. Then I get out of the dialogue box. But if I do shift return, watch carefully notice the change. But I'm still in there so I can putting whatever number I want. I do shift return and I get preview, but I'm still in that dialog box, so that is really useful if you find Junie. So I'm gonna find soon this now. And I like that about the right size. You know, I'm gonna come in here like a sort of tweak. We're gonna shift return, then go right. Do actually want minus 40. I want to go a bit higher, so I'm gonna go minus 42. Shift return. Yeah, you can. Pretty happy without now. I want to go back on a justice font size. A ship top Got back. Impressive. Down arrow 36. 37. And I want to get somewhere between the two. So let's just 36.5. Shift returned. And if I wanted to adjust, I could. So there's a variety of ways you can do things, pick the ones that work for you and go from there. 33. Sampling colours from an image: we're going to spend the next couple of videos looking at color swatches. Plenty of short cuts to be found, some you'll know, but hopefully there'll be a couple of new ones. Firstly, I hope you know this one because it's populace. If I want a sample colors from an image, let's say from this one the quickest way. It's just to use this tool here. Color theme toe might be hidden under your eye drop. It'll is that so and simply over over the image you wanna sample from plague ones. And as you can see down here, its sample those colors. You can use them individually, but what I tend to do is click here that has them all in tow. Swatches, if you click here, adds them into your current CC library if you use those. So I'm gonna press this button and noticed that or added into my swatches panel for me to use. So that's a wonderful thing. She wanted quickly get colors from an image that will work in harmony with you of design. Use that immediately if you're not using it already 34. Applying swatches with arrow keys: sometimes when you got a whole bunch of swatches you made, and you want to just see how they look on a particular frame. It can be a bit fiddly to do that by just keeping clicking on the swatches panel. So there's an easier way. Well, it's a little bit fiddly, but I'll let you judge whether it's worth the worth trying on. Let me show how it works. You select your frame, seeing swatches, we can click. I'm 11 at a time when these but a short cut run through the short kind of second. But basically I'm going to just do it now. I haven't done that. I can press the awkward down arrow on the keyboard on. I couldn't go through those. Okay, so how did I do that? Then? Let's try another frame. Press F five. Keep her on the swatches panel at five. Hide swatches at five again reveals the swatches, but if you look really carefully, you might see the tint. Percentage is highlighted, so if I use up or down around now, that changes the 10%. But I want that press the tab key and then I can go. I put down 55 tab and then you can go crazy with the arrows. One further thing that you might find, even with a whole bunch of space here dedicated to swatches, you still can't see all the swatches, which is a bit frustrating. So what I don't like today is press this little button here on choose large thumbnail. Look at that. All those watches there. Now, the downside is you can't see what they're made up in terms of seeing, like a But you can if you hover over them. So again I can use the same shortcut. 55 times have been, like in, I would say much more nimbly, nimbly, you know, I mean, clicked thru lies nice and easily so, if you like that again, you might want to do that to your swatches panel and then re save your workspace. So that's included from then on. So companies will tricks that happening 35. Previewing text colours: So we've been getting used to using the keyboard shortcuts for quickly applying colors, swatches to object. You can kind of do the same thing on text. But the problem you probably know already, is that when you select a whole bunch of text, it was must see highlights it in the in the opposite color. So you don't really see what you're gonna get so far as to say, Oh, you know, what's this gonna look like? I've got a kind of guest. So the way around them is you don't select the text a tour. This only works when you got a little text in the frame is gonna change at the same time. So this works in this context, not in the one about what you like and a second. So with the selection tool, you select the frame you hit the Jakey on. You might notice that change this little section here. That means that any color right apply will apply to the text on you can see I can use annualize swatches there. If I wanted to, I could use a fiver five tab arrows as well that that works Great. If you're changing along the text in a frame once. That's makes life a lot easier. But you might be thinking, What about here? Because we've got to different bits, attacks different colors for different colors. So what? You do that again, you select the frame and you do command or control. Why toe open up. Really old feature called the story editor. And then you can select just the characters you want to change. So I'm gonna change this song Teavana, but attacks here. So that's what it selected up there. If I try different colors, takes a second. Sometimes you got it worked, right? You can see what it was like in that color. All that color. Well, whatever. So to hopefully useful ways of working slightly quicker with text. 36. New document shortcuts & jump to page: in this next little section, we're gonna look at documents and in particular pages. So I'm just in the process of Christian you page so print I for from now on, if I press the tab key noticed I go across. I can keep pressing time. So no great surprises there. You do shift time to get back. Well, what particular to show you is, let's say I'm gonna do 100 20 pages and I don't want to be facing pages so noticed Tap gets me on the little tick box. And if I press spice becomes unchecked. Okay, so time and shift up. As you might imagine, um, if you got preview running that the preview will keep up as you go, which is great, and then when you're ready to go, just press return to create. So we've now got 120 page document. We know that because we just talked the numbers in it says it down here that it's 120 pages , which is useful later. I'll show you a way that you could be a bit clear about the number of pages that there, but for now, let me just show you how you conjuncture from one page to another. So I'm currently looking at page one. If I want to go to page 20 I could do Come on the J for jump. Just typing one. 20. And as you can see forever here, there were also, if you know that paid, you gotta go to That's a really quick way to do it. 37. Organising pages with colours and prefixes: particularly longer documents. You might have wondered if there are easier ways to navigate. I'm going to suggest a couple of this video and then another suggestion in the subsequent video. So, firstly, in our 120 page document, it might be that the 1st 10 pages, let's say, kind of an introduction and then the rest of the kind of Maine body of the document. So one way to change that is to change this master page because all these pages of Based on the A master, if I right click on the A master page and same master auctions for a master, then you putting though that you can have prefix a B, c or D what you can also do. You can put up to four characters here, so I'm gonna say Chambliss A I n t for intro on DNA. Now all the pages are intra pages. Okay, that works fine up till page 10. I want the rest them to be the body pages. So I'm not gonna do a new master page, which I'm gonna time. I'm gonna call that body. You can only have four letters. Here's our body works. Great. You might think of other other words. Andi, Uh, press. Okay there. And now I want to select all the pages. Let's say from 10 onwards. So I'll click on page tens, go away down the bottom shift, click on the final page, and then right click on any one of those pages and shoes apply. Master the pages on I'm gonna Choose the body most of and press OK, so let's just they also say body, so that helps. But what might help, additionally, is by changing the color. So again, whilst there will selected click right click on any one of them, I'm gonna choose page attributes, color label and picking appropriate color. So let's say Blue Tripoli. So there's a couple of ways that will help you navigate a longer document. Uh, but I think what's gonna help a great deal is by tweaking the pages panel a little bit. That would help a great deal. So let's do that in the next video 38. A more useful page panel: So with longer documents, they can be pretty fiddly toe navigate, as I'm sure you know, if you have worked on one. So it looked at two ways where we can make that a bit easier, either by colors to the pages and also using slightly longer prefixes till I could help. But what's gonna help more than anything else, I suggest, is this because the pages Hajnal, which is already hopefully large and vertical like mine first, you're going to go to pages panel options and make the page rise slightly smaller. So I just for maximum effect, I'm gonna go extra small for you. Uh, you might think, Yeah, well, how's that helped? Well, going on there and then next up again for the drop down pages panel, the U pages horizontally notice. Now I know there's no much detail on there, but you can see each of the pages in the document just about likely to make it a tiny, tiny bit wider. But you can see even for a really long document that becomes possible to work out what's going on. So if I want to go to Page 75 I could just double click or back to page one whatever. So we're starting to see the beginning of this course. We created a better workspace, but now we're starting to change a little bit. So another tweak to the pages panel tweak to the swatches panel I've done recently and there may be other tweaks to so just a quick reminder. If you want to update your workspace, there's no update button, but you can go new workspace. Choose the one that you're working on. If you want to update it, can you press OK? And it asked you, Do you want to replace it? And I'll say yes. So now this is now Why saved once, right? 39. Removing multiple spaces or multiple returns quickly: when you're dealing with lengthy text, it can be really easy to miss things like extra spaces, extra returns, those kind of things. So first thing that you should know already is it's much easier to see that stuff if in the type man you you've got the hidden characters showing because that makes it nice and easy for me to see these multiple returns and also these extra spices. So that's helpful. But it more helpful is if you put your cursor at the start of your long body of text on to at it, find change as well as a sort of straightforward stuff that you might do so to change one word for another. If you look up here in the custom section, you can say, for example, let's change multiple returns to a single return so it uses some great, which is a programming language, which you don't need to understand. To do this well, say find next notice. It's found those on Normally I just do changeable, but just so you can be sure this work if I do change and find it's then found those as well , and I put some more down here and so so that's great. You don't need to learn great to do that. It just does it for you. Similarly, COMME party. So I'm doing it. We're going to go with multiple space to a single space. This is quite complicated because lots of parameters, but again, if we do, you find next. If someone were to spaces, that's why do change and find it's on another one with two spaces, it's been one of three spaces from four spaces. So what I would do if you've got a document where you know you need to do this, then save a copy first, open it up and just do changeable. In the unlikely event that it messes up, you got one to go back to. So there we go. There's a couple of really good ways. Toe check your text, either the moment you bring it in. Once you finished it and it's ready to go out to print 40. Changing dashes to em dashes quickly: If you look really closely here, you'll see a couple of examples of dashes. Sense of the dash here Between these two words, this is another one. Yeah, no, I would suggest a normal dash looks fine between words like that. But when you want to change of emphasis, that looks just a little bit sort of a week. You want, I would say an en dash or an em dash. So what we're gonna do is get in designed to go through the whole document, apply em Dashes where needed. Now, again, this is another one of these grab searches. It will automatically not include things like this, but will include these ones with spaces around them. So there's ways of doing that manually. But the quickest way is to use the grab. So I'm gonna just do, Commander, was zero because around the beginning do command effort, find change. I'm going to use bash Tow N Dash on this time, I'm gonna do change all it's done. 19 replacements. That's press done. It's gonna have a look at where we just were. There we go. So that's been left alone. But this one changed to an em dash as is this one and soon sorry again you can see 70 year olds. Those electors dashes this one. So again, a really nice way to improve the typography on it doesn't take very long at all. 41. An additional window for overset text: when you've got some over set text that you're trying to keep an eye on whilst you at it Textile of the page to get it to go back of fit, that can be challenging. So let's take a look at that. Here we go to the second page, we're at room. So with my selection tool, I'm gonna click on the over set, mark her and click once off the page and it creates a frame down to the bottom. Here shows me how much extra text there is. So what I'm gonna do now is press this tiny little button down here and this splits the layout. It gives me two different windows. So in this one, I'm gonna go back, toe everyone And then in this one, I'm gonna just sort of scroll around Event. Never get Until I got that said, Now I can make my edits. Let's say here you're tracking whatever and you'll see that starts toe affect that. So that mistake of May with this before is but pressing this little X here to then close that window and in fact, closes the document. So to get rid of the window, just press that same little button there and you're back where you were before. So that's great tip if you're working with over set text. 42. Why you should use paragraph styles: in this course so far without with text to a certain extent. But there's one subject I've been avoiding because it's so huge, and that is paragraph styles. So Paragraph Stars is a massive subject on duh. I've created a completely separate course on this to take you through this in more detail. So if you know nothing about paragraph styles, I probably encourage you to stop watching this course on. Don't watch the other course so you can take your time over. But seeing as this course is about doing things as quickly as possible, we're going to just have a very quick overview of a couple of paragraphs style things because the next few tips rely on you being able to use them. So first day, this is just a give you a heads up about why they're so useful. And if you do know about paragraph stuff, feel free to skip this in the next couple of videos. But anyway, you look at this double page spread here it looks almost identical. Toe this one here, OK, but there's a key difference looking at this double page spread. If I press zoom in on it because it's such a key button, this one here style override highlighter in the paragraph styles panel. I can see that these are the areas where I've kind of messed with style. So, for example, here I've applied some positive tracking on a I've done the same there. You might be wondering how I know that that's because I'm using paragraph styles. So, for example, if I click on this paragraph here, I'm using the body in dense style because there's no highlight on it. I know that this text here is exactly the same as the style which have set up. Where is here. It shows me by the highlighter, but also by this little plus. If I hover over, it tells me where normally tells me what the issue is. Sometimes it doesn't work. Let's see if it works on this one. Yeah, there you go. It says that it's plus 20 trucking. So one of the benefits of styles is if you want to be sure that Texas consistent you apply style. You press this style over I highlighter, and it will show you where the style is inconsistent so you can fix it if you need to. Let's compare it with this other page with style Highlighter on. You can see it looks like the whole thing has been changed. No, actually, this text is is fine, but I don't know that it's fine. The reason is I'm not using paragraph styles. I'm using the basic paragraph, and this is what you'll be doing to unless you looked at using paragraph styles. Either someone else has made for you or you've made for yourself. So what I'm trying to say is, if you're not using paragraph style, so if you're just doing this, your text might be fine. It might be absolutely fine. Might be absolutely consistent from Page the Patient Document a document. But the problem is you won't know, whereas if you are using them, do you know some of the tricks that we're gonna look at? Then you can just tell straight away what's consistent or more isn't so. That's your kind of brief intro to paragraph styles. The next couple of videos will quickly look at how to create them and how to look at these things called overrides. And there is other things that will transform your use of texting in design, have you know, encountered them before I let me say again, If you want to take this more slowly and dig properly, enter this content before you do any more of this stuff. Well worth taking while the course 43. How to create a paragraph style: those four steps you need to know to create a paragraph style. The first step is to select your paragraph. So I'm gonna select my whole paragraph, including that final still crying. The second step is you apply character formatting, so your funds sizes all that kind of stuff. The third step, you apply your paragraph formatting. So in this case, I've done a drop cap. If you don't know what that is, it's one of these things here. And then the final step is you go to your paragraph styles panel on you Look at the drop down menu here and you click on it and you say new paragraph style. You might notice that. So keyboard shortcut I'd set up for myself going back to me one of the very early videos in this course. So new paragraph style, and it gives you a dialog box. Essentially, it describes what you've got in the style down here. It apply the style to the selection. And if you're using CC libraries, you can also add it to a CC like so The main thing is, you give it a name, so I'm gonna call. This will be already going he called. That's called drop cap. Just call this you strong camp, okay? And there's my style, which you can see I'm using So one more time down here I'll select my paragraph War to the end, character for my saying paragraph for my thing New paragraph style, which I'm gonna cool I mean, got a in Yes, OK, I'm going to just see amounts they could see the whole page. So my turn the paragraph style override thing on You'll now see that these two that I have properly applied styles to haven't got that and kind of blue things saying that there's an over rights and I can select Elice text here. I can say right this is gonna use our new body in dense style and you'll notice that the ones that I had put the extra tracking of turning on whatever that they stayed that saying that that overridden and kind of what that means And what will have how use that we will look at in the next video 44. Quickly getting text consistent: one of the most useful features of paragraph styles is that they'll tell you when your text is inconsistent. So, for example, this paragraph, which I'm using the new star we just made, I know that it's completely consistent because I don't see that blue highlight. It's terribly highlight to save its here case, but let me say, I want to change this paragraph or let's say I accidentally have the ight, Alec front in there. Then you can see because I've moved away from the style. It just tells me he doesn't stop me doing it, but it tells me that it's different. That's called Override. So there's an override there. If you haven't got that style highlighter on notice, you still see a plus on the plus, he might be, associate tells me what's different. It says overrides option collector Clear brackets, italics. In other words, it's saying it's italics. That's what the over ideas. But if you want to get rid of it, you hold down the option key. So in my case, option key or on in a case where a PC will be the key and then you just click once on the name of the style and it takes that out. So that's one way to clear an override. But what about if you've got a whole load more stuff going on? So here, for example, all this text, which I've deliberately put over rising to get it to fit. Let's suppose that the copies changing or I'm bringing in a different image. So I want to get rid of the overrides are put in. What I can do is select the whole story five clicks to select the whole story. I now, because we've got different paragraph styles and some we don't wanna be trying toe klik with the okay. What we do instead is look at this little button here that play it that will clear the override in the whole selection again. It should highlight that for me, but it doesn't so just press the button anyway, and what you'll see when I see him out, it's taken all of that out. In other words, we're back to the default styles, so now I know I'm starting from a consistent place. There's two ways to get rid of other arise, don't click on an individual and sorry, select the paragraph one click on the paragraph style in the paragraph. Stones panel. Well, much more easily. Just click on the little button here from multiple part girls. 45. Quickly redefining a paragraph style: in this document. This several paragraph styles that are already set up on the paragraph that I'm in here, the one that says arriving Managua is using the places style that's also used in several other places here, here and here, for example. So I want to show you a quick way of changing this style. It's not the conventional way, but it's a quick away. So let's suppose I'm looking at this. I'm still kind of in the design stage thinking. I think I want to make that bit bigger. So maybe I'll just your key patrol custom made that look at larger Onda. Um, yeah, I think I like that. So I now want to redefine that style. So the places style notice. At the moment, it's got a plus on it because, of course, I have moved away from the style. But if I want to redefine that style, so for the whole document, I just use command or control option or old shift and are so command option shift on the Mac and that redefines that style straight away for the whole document so noticed those have changed. If I was to scroll down, then that would change those others, too, so that's a really quick way to redefine a style 46. Quickly apply paragraph styles: if your document has got style set up, but you haven't applied them yet. The conventional way to apply them is just a click on the Read A style and that's fine. But of course, there's a quicker way, which is what we're gonna look at now. So I'm gonna just under that on what I'm gonna do. So I'm gonna right click on the days style. This is a way of editing it. I'm gonna put in the shortcut area here. Gonna put command, keep had one. So this works if you've got an extended keyboard. So with a dedicated keep out on the right hand side, it doesn't work if you're on a laptop. So I'll show you how you can get around that our laptop in the next video. But in this case, I'm gonna just do so You've got to use a so called modified case. Anomalous. The command or control K would be the one you'd use. Do that for that one. And then right click edit the places one gonna give that short cut of command keep had to and then right click on body at it. That, given the short cut of command keep at three. So now we can use this and also shortcuts. You know, from previously in this course, uh, to do this really quickly, So I'm gonna go. Come on. Keep had one to apply. That style. Come on down, Arrow. You might remember that Takes you to the next paragraph. Keep up to come on down, Arrow. Keep out three command down there. I'll keep that one a etcetera. So I'm not suggesting you do that all the time, But if you've got styles you want to apply really quickly set up yourself keyboard shortcut and use that in combination with the jump to next paragraph. Come on. 47. Quickly apply paragraph styles on a laptop: if, like me, you spend a lot of your time designing an in design on a laptop than the previous shortcuts , I'm afraid won't work. But that is another way around it. Let me show you what it is. You put your cursor in the paragraph that you want to apply the style too. And you do Command return But you may remember, is the shortcut for quick apply. Now, let's zoom in on this. So consumers in a bit more detail so quick, apply that you know, overseas. Remember the last thing I do, which is text frame options. If I click here, it tells me the kind of things it will be looking for when I start typing site on a turn off All these things Okay, sometimes menu commands I wouldn't turn off, but typically, I don't use most of these features. So turn those off. And so now, when I start typing, it's only gonna look for either paragraph styles to apply or character styles to apply. So I'm using back out on honest applied the days style. So start typing D for days and there it is. It comes up with days. So I hit return. There we go. So come on down, Arrow. Come on. Return. Start typing. Be for body. Sorry. He for places on the same one. Boobs about a Now you might be thinking it's that any quicker, you might be right. It's not necessary that quick, but it can be good. What I tend to do if I'm doing this kind of for real is I would edit these styles, so I would say I can What water? We're gonna go in. So I let it them a light site one days, and I'm calling it one just because it's a nice, easy keyboard shortcut. Well, I'm gonna edit that one all I would say to places the night say, three dash body. Okay, so let's try there now. So come on, return. It's there. One come on down around. Come on, return to. So that's a bit better, isn't it? It takes a bit of setting up, but if you want to apply things really quick and you're on a laptop without that extended keyboard, that's a pretty good way to dough. Using quick, apply 48. Save hours using next style: but some of you watching this This next trick is going to save you so much time that you're gonna be there in very grateful to me for showing it to you. For others of you will be like Well, that's clever, but I never use it. They're enough. Okay, Watch this. I've got a lot this text selected. You know what it's gonna look like? It goes days, places, body. I'm gonna do that with literally one click. What's this? Applied days, then Next style. There it is. So that's saved. Even with the shortcuts you just learned quite some time. So OK, bad news. First is only works when you got text that literally repeats the same styles over ago again . So days places body on it repeats. It's unlikely for most of you that that would happen. But in a case like this, this is great. So how does it work? I've edited the paragraph styles so we know that it goes on the zoom in for you the days paragraph style and then the places paragraph start and then the body and then it repeats. So all I've done having created the styles by then edited the days one from the right Clegg And what it will normally say is the next style is the same style. So that means if you hit return and you keep typing, it keeps typing in the same one. But what you can do is you can change it so it goes to, in my case places. So I said, days goes toe next, all places. And if I look at places I've editing that when I changed it from the same style body and then the body one, I read it in that so that after that's being as it goes back toe days again. So if you then select all your Texas, I did let me just Sundays. So select all the text you want apply it to, and then you right click on the 1st 1 and you say apply one days, then next style. So if you got text that kind of rolls around like that on off, a lot of it to do that will save you lots of time. 49. Easily locate low res images: As you all know, one of the key things you have to do it in design once you've designed your piece of work is to get it to a printer on the several checks that you want to make to make sure that it's gonna work out. OK, so this section isn't about explaining that process. I'm assuming you know that. And if you don't, I should say I've got a whole course on that. Inside my 12 part design Beginners Boot Camp course, there's an entire section on that process, so that's called something like Get your celeb, your file to be commercially printed from in design. It's a slightly snappier title on that, but have a look for that if you need it. Okay, so this is just to speed up the process. We've really adjusted a workspace, so we kind of prepared for this by making this area nice and tall. Get this room for the top section where we can see the kind of individual links, but more importantly, the bottom section. And it's this bottom section, which is crucial because it gives us I would say, this most useful piece of information, the effective PP I will The effective resolution of an image once you scale that in in design. And as you probably know, you're looking for to be 300 or more. There's enough pixels courage. Any trouble is by the fault you gotta look for these images individually. So let's look at a way to speed it up. So in the links panel menu, if we go toe panel options, I notice here, museum in you got alot this information here that you can show in Ligue info on or you can show it in the column. So what we're gonna do is say I want to see the effective PP I showed in the column. So when I press OK, look at that. How useful is that? It shows me all those straight away without me having to click it all but a still right click on that. It shows me in order. So imagine you've got a long document with hundreds of images in you can see straightaway. Which other one do you need toe? Look at further. And of course, these brown things you pretty soon is before. If you click on one, it selects the image it takes you to that page of necessary. So exit so you can then work with it. So that's one great little trick for the links panel toe. Make it nice and easy. Fuser. Work out which of the images you need toe focus on in terms of their resolution. 50. Quickly discover where your images reside: I'm sure you're the kind of person that keeps all their images nice and organized. So when you bring them in, you know, you bring them in from the right place and you never move them. So you never any issues tool with missing links. But let's just suppose you're not like that. You might want to be a tell more easily where these images are. So another trick we can pull here is this. Turn on our panel options on a show. So there are other useful things like color space, for example, that's useful. The one I want you to look at is all right. Folders. Zero, maybe folder one takes a bit more room. This isn't for every day. Use maybe goodness, that's an old soldier indusind, Sears Sickle that I come out a long time ago, but this tells May that allow these images are in the images for over on the folder that that folder is inside is in design. CS six advanced. If I don't fold the two, it would turn me the fault that that's inside. So in this case, all the images were in the same place, but he just think where the image. Where does it live? That is a way of doing it. The downside is, of course, that it makes that panel really wide. If you were going to use that, I pretty recommend that you then process it'll. Chevron can't close that down like that. So then you can open it up when you need it, so it's another what you can use it. So anyway, there's, ah, other stuff that's worth you digging in and having a look at. But there's two examples that of things that are really, really helpful tohave available to you when you're working and particularly checking images . 51. Quickly copy your links: there's a great feature in design called package, which unsure you know about. It's a way of gathering all the assets, fonts, images except that you're using your project, which could be is for when sending to a printer or typically, when you're gonna be working, let's say taking stuff home to work on your laptop at home or something, so that features great. But sometimes you just want to be able to take the images from your particular document, put them somewhere else to work on them there. So this is a quick way of doing package. Basically, if you just wanna take your images home with you, so just to show you how that works, if you watched the previous video, you'll know that I discovered that all these images live in this photo court in design CS six advanced on. Let's say that actually, what I want to do is have these on my desktop instead. So I've created a folder for them to go on on its this folder here images for CD cover. So that's kind of whether where I wanted to be, So if I click on the 1st 1 shift click on the last one and then right click on any one of them. There's this neat little command called copy links to So choose that, then obviously practices before, so it's knows where I want to go. So I'm put him in that folder there. When I press cheese, you can see that it's done. Exactly. That's on my desktop is this folder. Inside are all those images, So it's as if I've linked from there in the first place, so that could be a really, really nice way to go. If you want to quickly copier images somewhere, put it on a memory stick Wealthy. 52. Save time with a preflight profile: If you've been using in design for a while, you might have noticed this little green button down here where says No errors. This basically means that there are no errors in your document, which is really encouraging, isn't it? It's encouraging, but sadly, it's not entirely accurate because, as you probably know, we look up here that, uh, certainly two, if not three images whether resolutions way too low. And yet it says they're in L errors. But there are no errors according to what's called the basic working preflight profile. So if you want a quick away for in designed to check the kind of things that you want to check before you sent to print, so, for example, for low resolution images, you can create your own profile. That's what I've done here. Call it Peter, and you'll notice when I swapped with and now says there are three errors if I want to see what they are when I know you know Well, if I then say show me the preflight panel, it opens up and it says Okay, so there are three objects and the resolution. Click on the little triangle. There they are. Those three images. So this is another way of finding that information out. The good thing about this is, and in my experience, often you're doing this kind of last minute, often late at night. You're just trying to get the thing finished and getting confused. Maybe that's just me, I don't know. But I find if I set this up and I know it's searching for exactly the kind of things I want to remember the check then I know so long as I'm using that and the light is green, then I know I don't have any worries in terms of that kind of stuff. So again, this is a largest subject is covered in more detail in the other course I mentioned before . But let me show you really briefly how I made that profile. Essentially, you come down here and you say, define profiles on A If I just start from the basic one press the plus that lots of little buttons and triangles there. I'll just call it new pre flight profile, and then you open up the different sections. So links, for example, color so he could say, For example, um, I don't want spot colors. Let's say images and objects the resolution. I want you to tell me. Let's seconds less than 2 50 Non proportional scaling is good. It's all kind of other things you you may or may not want. I'm gonna leave it there, this plenty of other things to look out. They're not press save. Okay? And so now I can choose that profile. So there is new pre flight profile. It says there are three eras. And for look at the preflight panel, Same thing. But let me show you one other little thing that one of the things we the boxes I just check . There was non proportional scale that can happen really easily. If you're kind of moving stuff around, you accidentally forget to hold down the shift key. Notice the moment I let go of that. It's come up here non proportional scaling. It says this image here, which I will now select we look up. Uh, there it is. If I click inside it, notice these numbers up here. I'm not the same. So just a little bonus for you. If you want to fix that, make sure the padlock is off, and then just make those numbers the same. And now when I come back, the non proportional scaling warning has gone. Okay, so there you go. So that is a quick run through how to create your own pre flight profile. So if you haven't done that before, you're thinking every time I sense them to print, gotta check theirs. Go check that. Pull those things in your profile. It'll Sadie leads a time and hopefully save your later stress, too. 53. Export faster to pdf: So once you know what you're doing in terms of preparing stuff to print and you're okay with that stuff and you'll know as well as I do that you then created PdF. And the chances are if you've done this a few times, you know this settings you gonna use So if there's a preset that you've either made or use one that just comes out of the box on basically, you know, that's what you want to use without any messing around the quick way to do it. Is this so rather than going file export, pdf, she's Where you gonna put it? Save it. Just check these things and then export chaos so it doesn't take that long. But a quick away is this file Adobe Pdf presets on. Let's suppose we're going to use this setting here for this point. I hold down the shift key. Keep that down. As I click, we bypassed the dialog box entirely. So hold down the shift key and use the preset that you know, works save a few seconds. Well, maybe a few minutes. I like all that up 54. How to adjust a gridify gap: we're gonna finish up with a few different loud tricks. First up is another look at grid if I So if on this double page spread, I'd like a grid of images If I click android gigantic rectangle, this is gonna be the area that I want to cover in total with the mouse still down Every time I press the right arrow key, I add another column Every time I press the up arrow, Kate, I add another right. So let's suppose you want a toe, do something like that when I let go or thing got all those equally sized, equally spaced frames in which I will put images. So I know you know how to do it already. So I'm not gonna put loader images in now, but just so you consume a bit more clearly, but I just changed the color of them all. So let's suppose we got our images in and we think I don't know. I think I want less of a gap there. That's the kind of thing that until I discovered this short cut, I would have basically had toe. Um wow, I don't know how I would have ever changed it was really it was. It was pretty challenging you different recreated. But let's suppose I realized that I want less space in between those the way toe just delayed. And then just on this spread, if you go layout margins and columns. Quite logically, the way gratify works is it makes the gap the same as the daughter wits of the gap between the columns. So if I made the gutter, which, let's say, two millimeters rather than 4.233 which is the default now, when I do great, if I come on now, when it happens, you will see that the gap is less. And if I now on a just my columns back toe what they were before, Of course I can do that. Talking in 12 PT 12 points is the winner of 4.233 millimeters, which is why that number comes up quite so much. So there you go. That's how you can adjust a grid you've created quickly using gratifying 55. Adjusting scale & spacing of multiple objects: when you've got multiple objects selected, you might have noticed that these handles that you get in the corner, it's as if they're one object. So even though lots of things are selected, you still got one handle in the corner, one in the center, except for exception. So what that means if you haven't discovered this already, if you click and drag and I'm just gonna pause before I start dragging So I get a preview, you can adjust all those things at once. All right, So if you just thought like I got these but I think I would just want to move them down a little bit, then you can adjust that really easily. Okay? Another thing you might want to do, though, when you got some images like this. So when I first made this drop, Cheddars were really in fashion, you know, they might be coming back. I just wanna move these images a little bit further apart from each other. So I'm gonna drug over the more with the selected talk to select him again. Same thing applies. If I was to press and hold down on that corner handle, then I'm gonna just him or at the same time. Probably If I drag him this time, just what happens just kind of resize them. And because I haven't got auto fit on the contents don't fit that. Don't change with them. So that's obviously not gonna look any good what I can do. Instead, my press again on any of the handles, pause for a second and then hold down the space bar. Something else entirely happens. Look at this. When I drag, I'm not adjusting the size. I'm adjusting the spacing so I can fairly neatly adjust the space. And if you combine that with the shortcut we learned earlier, which is command or control and shift, click on the corner handle and drag. Then you can adjust the size, all right, and then take a finger off the case, click again, hold down space and then adjust the spacing so that can work really, really well, if you're trying to get a kind of montage thing like this fitting together, so just by swapping between those two short cuts, you can make something fit the space a little bit better. Sometimes you might still need to tweak things manually, like go on, move this down a little bit to reveal a bit more of that. But that's great weather for images like that, or for cut out images by this. So again, click pause space try. 56. Automatic object placement with libraries: if you work on documents like magazines or newspapers or newsletters where the content is kind of similar, but you want to be out of just mix it up a little bit, then this final tip will hopefully really help you, and also will hope to just throw several things together that we've looked at separately. So this magazine is based on a kind of three column grid. You can see we've got different frames here that will link together. There's also a baseline grid, which I don't really want to mention. I just show you briefly. That's definitely one field have Ah, look, at some point, it just helps everything kind of sit together on gun lineup. So that's kind of that was there when I made it. I'll just switch it off so we don't worry about it too much. But once you got some of that set up, you might want to be out. Oh, repeat this easily and quickly from page to page to page. So what I've got on the previous spread here ihsaa the kind of way I work on this sometimes . So I've created these different elements. So once I've designed it, I've got. That's whether the headlines gonna go on notice this paragraph styles being used inside there. So headline ons strap line and then the paragraph stars we set up earlier, inside here, all this tanks of Texas linked together in separate frames. And then we've got an image framework automatically applied. But we did what felt like hours ago. The frame fitting options. The Phil Frank apportioning is already there, so that's all set up. So if I want to be able to quickly apply that to a different page, great trick is to use a relatively new feature in C C libraries. Now, before they came along, you would have done this via means of a thing called a snippet or an old style library. Those those approaches still work. But let me show you how it works with Sisi and I breeze first that you need your CC libraries panel, which you'll get under window CC libraries, and then you'll need to create a library for yourself. So I'm gonna create a new library, which I'm gonna call magazine. This is stored online. Sometimes you might find it works a little slowly, and then I'm going to select an element. But say this headline here, my selection tool Click on the ad and I can just drag in the paragraph style or the graphic or the textile of it. I'm going to say all of it that comes in like that. I'm gonna rip eight for these six elements. So So drive over all of them again at all I was in. Now, if I had a bit more time, I'd rename these. That's that's a good idea. Just so you know what you doing. And then I'm gonna finally select this and also the caption that goes with it. So shift click on that one. Okay. I had closing. Yeah, I would really help if I rename them. That's just rename one of them. So if I Right click re nine, cool it. Two column pick, for example. All right, so let's just delete always and show you how this works. So if I was starting a new page like it's so right, let's have artwork one. I want that at exactly the right place on the way to get it. There is a few right click and you choose place. Copy it loads up your cursor and if you click, you don't get what you wanted. It goes wherever you clicked. But that's whether that goes in the right place or where you click depends on preferences. But no matter what your preferences are, watch my cursor carefully. If you hold down the altar option key, it changes to the other option on this one I've got now is what I want. So when I zoom back out again, hold down the option or key and click. It goes to the place where I first dragged it from. That's not to do with that particular page, but it's but in terms of the position on the page I dragged it from. That's where I will go to. So let's do the same again with artwork to place. Copy. Hold down the okay. Look at that. All the text goes in place so that I could do the same with my two column pick. Nice copy. Ah, it will go ready to edit. So when I go to do is that in the text? Bring an image in edit text there, and just so you can see it doesn't just work on that page, it'll work on any page, any double page spread where the dimensions are the same. So, for example, if I wanted to replace this again, I'd right click two column pick. Why can't I find that really easy place copy Down the okay, there it is on. And finally, let's just select that, bringing an image. She's the short conversation. I come on day on, then double click. I think you get the idea. So all the stuff that we've built up during the course, if you want to find a way of applying it quickly to pay design that doesn't change that much, then have a good look at how to do that using CC libraries. So we've covered a lot. I hope you've learned lows of things. I hope you save lots and lots of time. What I'd like you to do for your final feel kind of project is practices many of these things as you can on. Then what I'd like you to do for me is create a little montage or a little poster in in design telling me how you going. What you gonna do with the time that you've saved? So go crazy because credible you like term. What you gonna do with the time you say? Put it in an artwork Onda submitted to the group and we'll see what you come up with. So best of luck with this Onda. Uh, yeah. There's plenty there to play with. I hope you have lots of fun with it all the best.