1. Introduction: Hi, I'm Irina Trzaskos, watercolor artist in Illustrator. Welcome to my Skillshare channel. Here you will find a big collection of what we call classes for beginners. Winter is just around the corner and in this class I want to share with you winter color trends and to show you how to mix them in watercolor. All my classes are filmed in real time so you can follow along. If you're new to this channel, welcome and thank you for joining. Press the Follow button on top and let's get started.
2. Supplies: In this class you don't need a lot of supplies, we'll need your watercolor paints, whichever paints you have. However, I'll be posting what kind of paints I'm using in the project section of a class, and I'll be repeating it through the class. You'll need water, a paint palette where we will be mixing with colors, a brush, your favorite brush you're most comfortable with working, it doesn't matter. It can be natural, it can be synthetic, whichever works for you. Then you'll need watercolor paper. I suggest you using the paper which you're normally using for your paintings so you can see the results for your future paintings. I'm usually got the paper in the shapes I like, for this kind of exercises. What you can use, a sketchbook. This is a sketchbook I did myself, also using the paper I usually use. If you have a sketchbook with colors, here I take some notes or some experiments, something work, something doesn't. If you have a sketchbook just for colors, that's great. It's always a good thing to have. That's all the supplies you'll need and a paper towel. Let's get started.
3. Winter Color Story 1 : The first color palette, winter color palette we'll explore today is a warm color palette. The winter holidays are about red, green, and some light. We'll try to reflect all of these in this color story. To mix our red, we'll need to mix some carmen red with cadmium red. Carmen red is a colder color of red and cadmium red is a neutral red. The red we would use in primary colors. Then we'll add it a little bit of carmen orange. Not too much. Mine turned too orange here, so I'll add a little more carmen red and cadmium red to it. Now it needs a little bit more orange. As a result, we need to have this tangerine orange red. This kind of red needs some densities here. Make tangerine. What you have here is a mix of carmen red, a quality type of red. It's like magenta but a little bit of warmer. Cadmium red, which is a neutral red and cadmium orange. I'll be listing all the colors I have in my palette in the project section of the class however, try to use the colors you already have. So use a golden red and neutral red and the orange and see what result you'll get. Next we need a peach code, so we'll mix some carmen red, which is a cold type of red with cadmium orange, and we'll add a lot of water to it. We need to have more orange than carmen in this code, and a lot of water because we need a lighter hue. These results we have are soft, beautiful peach code like this. Here we have carmen red and cadmium orange, and don't forget to add water. Whenever you want their color to be lighter, just add water to it. Next, for the accents we need golden orange so we'll just take straight golden orange from if you have whiteless water colors, and if you do not have golden orange in your color palette, then just take some cadmium orange you have or any orange you have and mix it with carmen yellow if you have it or any yellow you have in your palette. As a result, you'll get the golden orange color. This will be used in quadrant or any other accents in our future artwork. Next color we need is a very rich dark green. However, instead of using classic green we will mix classic green with teal. It has to be pretty dark, so we'll use less water and more paint. I'm taking some classic green into the palette here and add some teal to it. In whiteless water color teal is called azure blue, and also we'll be giving all the codes, all the names and links in the project section of a class, if you are interested exactly in these colors. As a result, we get this beautiful rich green. It's not a boring classic green, it's a new contemporary hue of green, very used in color transduce here. We have classic green. You see its way warmer, and teal, which is called azure blue. This is the color between green and blue. Next we need to mix, we need either hue of these for this color study. So we'll just add a little bit more teal and add more water. This result we get is beautiful mint color. You can see how beautiful all colors look together and so far the accents, you can use black, or even better if you have Payne's gray, its a very dark gray, don't hesitate to use it for exams on your B grade illustrations in this color story. Of course, because it's winter, you can use lenses of white also for details. That's how I show white. For these color, we just added these with water, lets use a drop of water and this is white and this is Payne's gray. Again, I'll give you all the color recipes in the project section of our class.
4. Winter Color Story 2: So in the next winter color story we'll have some neutral colors and some cooler colors than the previous color palette we mixed. Let's start with a darker blue and to create a beautiful dark blue, we'll need to mix emerald green with violet. Violet is a little bit overwhelming as a pigment, it often happens when you add violet it takes over the entire over all the other colors so I'm adding more emerald green and now a little more violet, as a result you get a beautiful dark blue. Let me add some water so you can see. If you are painting out winter's night with snow this blue is going to be perfect. We have here emerald green mixed with violet. Emerald green is a cool hue of green. Next we need a bright pink so we'll take magenta and we'll dilute it with the water. You can see how beautiful these two colors look together, its just magenta with water. Now the drop of water [inaudible] Next again we need bright blue for it we'll use teal and we'll mix it with water. This is the next color for our color story, teal with water. Next we need the soft coral color to balance of ours always called winter colors. For coral we'll mix carmine red with some cardinal orange, that's too much orange let's add some more carmine and a lot of water. If you need to mix the water, if your dark color started getting too muted, you don't like it, we need more of orange then just change the water. [inaudible] to carmine and to dilute it too add a lot of water, here we have carmine red with orange and it's a little muted because our water was blue and I like it. It's carmine red with orange and a little bit of blue if you want to visible, if you wanted to be muted like mine. Next we'll take this mix from the blue we have and add some cardinal orange to it. Just a little bit, as a result we get a beautiful gray color. Here we have violet, if we'll mix it from from scratch, emerald green and cardinal orange. Then another color we need in this mix in this color study we'll need some brown. However, raw sienna is too [inaudible] for this color palette, that's why we'll add some violet to it. These are our neutrals, we have our cool colors and our neutrals, all these will go together, we have here raw sienna and violet.
5. Winter Color Story 3: For the next Winter Color Study we'll need a rich blue, a rich golden color, and some rich red, so it's a rich winter colored pallet. For a beautiful blue, we'll mix some teal with a drop of violet, and we get this dark but at the same time, bright enough, blue color. We have teal with a drop of violet, so if you'll make dates and colors, if you'll be creating [inaudible] with is colored pallet, if you're brave enough, I'd suggest you to use this beautiful blue as a background and then all the other colors you have as a picture on this beautiful background. Next we need a golden color and if you want a golden color in watercolor without using actual gold paint, then you'll be using a roccia. Just from the paint, I'm not diluting it with water, well, a little bit, and we get this rich, beautiful, brownish, yellow color. You can see how wonderful these two look together. This is just a roccia plain. Next we need a beautiful red chinese color pallet and we'll be using common red. However, we want it to be a little bit warmer, so we'll be adding just a drop of orange tint, call them orange. Just a drop, and again, not too much water, added a little more orange because it's still pretty cold. Yes. This is the red I was looking for, so it's not a classic red, it's a warmer shade of red. We have carmine red and carmine orange and not a lot of water. Next thing you add green, and fort the green and this blue, will be mixing naples yellow. We have this blue and not a lot, just a little bit of naples yellow, and as a result, we'd get this grayish green, which will work great with all the other colors in this color story. Here we have teal, violet, and then we added some naples yellow, if you don't have naples Yellow, you can add some yellow ocher. I'll say a minute, darker brown, so to make, yellow brown roccia , that color will add to violet. You may need this for accent, for example, if you'll be drawing branches with this golden brown, then you'll want to add some roccia with violet, to add the shades or excellence quality tips. This is how it looks on transition. We have violet and roccia. Beautiful. Also for the accents, don't hesitate to use black. Black is a very wintery color. If you want to use it, just use it. I am usually using payne's gray, and of course white. White details are always beautiful in winter. This is white, L is my pencil, and this is just payne's gray. This is our rich winter color story, I hope you'll be using it.
6. Winter Color Story 4: In the last winter color study we'll have some neutrals combined with two bright colors. When you'll be creating illustrations with these colors, always try to use mostly neutrals and just for the focused points use other bright colors and not the other way around. So our first neutral is amaze if you want to use it as background or like as big objects in your illustrations, it would be the best. It's gray. I love gray. I think it's a very elegant and beautiful color. To create a nice hue of gray will be using ultramarine blue, cadmium orange. These are complementary colors of these is the easiest and most obvious recipe for a beautiful gray color. If you want a little cooler, you add more ultramarine blue. If you want warmer you add more cadmium orange. If you wanted lighter, you add some water. Let's watch the engine. Here we have timeless recipe for a beautiful gray, ultramarine blue, and cadmium orange. Another neutral color is we'll take yellow,and we'll neutralize it with It's complementary color with violet. So far the yellow will take naples yellow and add just a drop of violet to it. Too much. We have this new job, yellow. When the picture lies somewhere far, far away of beds how it'll look. So we have violet here and naples yellow. Next, let's mix a brighter color because it's getting to neutral in here. Let's take cadmium red and mix it with cadmium orange. Once again, we'll get our tangerine. They translate is here color winter season. It's a color between red and orange, like this. We have cadmium red and cadmium orange. Mix together. Next bright color will be teal with a drop of violet and beautiful blue, like we did in previous so I'll calculate, let's just dilute it with a little more water. Here we have teal and violet. The last neutral colored we will use in this colored story is brownish red. We'll take cadmium red and we'll add a little bit of this blue tint of all this mix. That's the color we get. I have got cadmium red and this two colors, teal and violet. Once again, don't hesitate to use black and white for your ascents.
7. Last Thoughts: Thank you for joining me in this class. I hope you have a chance to mix some colors with me. If you like the class please leave a review and upload the project to the project section on the class. If you are sharing your project on Instagram, please tag me, so I can see your beautiful art work. I'll see you in the next class. Bye.