1. Intro: Hey, guys, Thank you for joining my skill share class. In this class, you learn to paint a watercolor spiral galaxy spiral Galaxies are always a fascination for me, and I would always wonder at how people make this beautiful watercolor spiral Galaxies. Therefore, in this class, I try to create an easy approach to make these beautiful, elliptical shaped spiral Galaxies. In the next part of the videos, you will see what other materials you need. What the color So you need on. Then you will also learn to paint this galaxy step by step, creating different layers, how to do the detail ings, making the stars etcetera. And at the end you will be able to paint a very beautiful galaxy. Thes class is mainly designed for the absolute beginners. If you're in advanced watercolor artist, I'm sure that you will be able to learn some tips and tricks here and there throughout the video. I hope you all will enjoy this class, So grab your brush and start painting with me.
2. Materials and Color swatch: So let's see. What are the materials we need to do the painting. Here we have the cancer on watercolor paper. This is 300 GSM. You can use whatever watercolor paper you have. Then we need three different size off brushes. Here. I have a big mop brush. This is from art secret thesis number two. Then we also need a medium sized brush. This is from escort number eight on. Then we need also detailing brush. This is number zero. To tape down the painting, we need a masking tape. Or you can also use any painters tape, washi tape, then off course. We also need an eraser on the pencil. To make the stars. You can use white acrylic color or a white gel pin, right? I always used to glasses off water, wants to clean their dirty brushes. And one is to use the Clearwater to dilute the paint. And then you also need a piece off tissue paper or any napkin. Then you need water color paint. This is my watercolor palette. Andi, I'm going to show what are the colors that we need to do? The painting. So let's see the colors fast. Will need. Ah, yellow color. This is from white nights. I released all the colors below in the description off the class. Next I have the orange color. So we are going to do this painting, and here you can see the colors. So after orange we need being color. And next do we need part put. So it's always good to have a such off the colors that you are going to use in a painting because then you can plan your painting better, and you also know how the colors are going to look onto the paper. So after purple here, I'm taking ultra marine blue, and then next I have black. Next, I'm going to make some color mixes out off these colors so fast. Here I have the mixed off yellow and orange. This mix can be useful if you want to make a more smoother transition, and then here I have a mix off purple and pink. Then there are two optional colors that you can use between your blue on black, so the faster option can be indigo. And if you don't have indigo, you can also use a gray color. So these are the material, so you need to do the painting and in the next part will start creating the spiral galaxy
3. Galaxy: First Layer: Let's start painting the spiral galaxy. We're going to create something similar to this. So we have lighter color in the middle, and then we'll go gradually with darker color towards the edge of the paper. And we're going to create this sort off elliptical shape so fast. Start trying with the pencil. A small, elliptical shape here. I'm drawing a little bit off center off the paper. Then here I'm lightly putting some elliptical shape. If you Troy very dark. A raft line, then this is going to be visible. After you finish your painting, let MSM in and here you can see better. I'm creating four or five off this elliptical ship. You can also paint the other you 300 if you wish. I find it easier if I have ah pencil outline for the shape. Now I took escorted a medium sized brush this number eight on board. Now we're going to start painting the galaxy so fast, I'll start with the yellow color on. I'm carefully painting the fast, small shape on trying to avoid the white spherical dome shaped area. This white area is going to be the centre off the spiral galaxy, so after yellow, I took orange. I'm starting from the pencil outline, and then I'm carefully going to feel in the white parts. So next I took the pink color, and again, I'm starting from the pencil outline on, then feeling in the white color in between. And here you can see softer orange color is mixing up with the pink color. That's okay, because it will give your painting kind off a radiation effect. Now. I took the mix off pink and purple color, and again, I'm following the pencil outline on creating the galaxy shape. So this time I took purple color on. I'm using the previous colors as a guideline now to create the shape. So after the purple now I took ultramarine blue. This time I don't have any pencil outline, so I'm using the other color as sort off guideline to create this blue shape. And here you can see how these painting looks over all so far. So here I'm going to change my brush toe a bigger mop brush next time putting indigo and again, I'm following this elliptical, scarf like shape on, also mixing it a little bit with the previous blue layer So when you paint, try to mimic this shape off the curvature. So when it tries, the brush stroke is going to look good. Okay, so the last color here is the black on. I'm putting it into the rest off the white area off the paper. Now, here you can see that the black color is sleeping through the Indy goto the blue color, which I don't want. If you have a similar problem, what you can do is take a clean brush, removed the excess water from the brush, and then with the temp rush, just peek the excess color. So here I'm using a clean brush and picking up the black color from the blue area that put a little bit off indigo to this area just to create a Grady ation. Okay, with this, the fast layering is done. Now let everything dry completely on. Then we'll begin Second layer
4. Galaxy: Second Layer: so the fast player has completely dried. Now we'll start layering the second color and we'll go from our towards towards the inner center. So here I'm starting with black color, and this time I took very strong makes off color with a very little bit off water. So next time technical. Andi, I am going from the edge of the black color towards the previous blue color layer, and by this way you can make a transition off darker color into the lighter color. Here I took ultra marine blue, and again I'm starting from the edge off the indigo is this scarf like swipe motion so the indigo can mix a little bit with the blue color, giving a very small transition and then just swiping my brush to cover the blue area. Now, every time you pick new color, please clean your brush because your brush picks up some off the darker color like black or indeed go from the outer edge. And if you don't clean the brush than this darker color is going to be into your lighter center part. So here I'm cleaning my brush on, then putting some more blue. Now the coloring area is getting smaller. So here I change it to a medium size brush. That's before and year. I have start painting with apart Po. For some reason, it looks like a darker blue in the camera, but it's the same purple color f before. So our next color is the mixed off purple and pink. And here I'm following this elliptical shape once again and notice how take this color mixture is so here. I'm wiping some excess color off so that I still have some area left toe. Put the pink color. Okay, so next I took this pink color, and this time I'm carefully putting this very strong mix off pink into the outer edge. And then I'm cleaning my brush, wipe up the excess water, and then with this temp rush, I'm just blending this pink color up to the orange area. So doing this will give your galaxy kind off inner glow coming from the center part. Then again, I took the saturated orange color Andi similar to the pink one. I am putting the color to the boundary and then with a damn brush. I'm just blending it with the previous yellow color. So with this. The second layer is also done. Take a closer look. It looks are. Then you can add more color and do some blending. Like here. I'm doing it a small brush, putting some more orange so that the white part stands out more. Now again. Let it try, and then we'll do the stars and the detailing off the galaxy.
5. Galaxy: Stars and Detailing: So now the second layer also tried. Now we're going to make the stars forties. I'm using white acrylic paint. You can also use any white up a color that you have. Okay, Now I'm going to cover off the center part of the galaxy because I don't want any stars in this lighter area. Next, I took some acrylic paint in my brush on. Then, with help off my pencil and brush, I'm just splattering the paint into the darker area off the painting. So here you can see two big drops off acrylic pain that I don't want, so I'm just wiping it off with the tissue paper. You can also use white gel pin to make the stars are make some more detailing or in case if you means the spark tearing the splattering effect. Now for the beating off the I took a very small brush, Andi. Then I'm using orange color here and making some small lines. You can follow the pencil outline to draw these small broken line. So here I'm making another line following the shape of the galaxy. So here I'm using pink color to draw similar kind off carved lines here next time taking part fel on Ben making these elliptical shaped lines. But these are not connected. So just make some small, broken lines. If you think the lines are not dark enough, then you can go over again, or you can use, um, the next color. So, for example, you can use the purple color toe, draw these lines onto the pink part off the galaxy. Now for the blue part, I makes the little bit off purple into the ultra marine blue so that we have darker lines that are visible, so you have to go back and forth to it. This colors and make this lines depending on the shape off your galaxy. And sometimes you can go over the previous line once again to make it more contrasting with the underneath color. So here you can see, I keep drawing the lines so that the galaxy have a definite shape. Here is a quick tip. If you messed up any line, then just take a damp rush on, then blend the color and then re droid again. So the painting is done. I'm just feeling the tape off Andi. Here you can see the final painting
6. Final Thoughts: So here is our finished spiral galaxy. Here is another example that I made using the same technique. The only difference is here I didn't use the ultra marine blue. I went directly from purple to black and you can see that the blue gave a sort off luminous effect on the first galaxy. Also, you can see the difference off the stars. So in the 2nd 1 here I made the stars using a white gel pin and this kind off looks very artificial. Where us In the first galaxy. With the splattering effect, it looks more natural. And please use whatever materials you have at the moment. You can also very dark colors. I hope you learn something useful from this tutorial. And please please share your artwork in the project gallery below. And if you are in Instagram than you can also take me in your artwork so that I can share reading my stories. Also, let me know if you have any comments or suggestion to improve the class. So thank you again. Andi, keep painting