Watercolor Milk & Cookies | Daniela Mellen | Skillshare

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Watercolor Milk & Cookies

teacher avatar Daniela Mellen, Artist & Author

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Watercolor Mik & Cookies Intro


    • 2.

      Class Supplies


    • 3.

      Using the Template


    • 4.

      Milk & Cookies - First Cookie Layer


    • 5.

      Milk & Cookies - Working on the Glass Bottle


    • 6.

      Milk & Cookies - Bottle Cap


    • 7.

      Milk & Cookies Layer -Second Layer of Cookies


    • 8.

      Milk & Cookies - Cast Shadow


    • 9.

      Milk & Cookies - Chocolate Chips


    • 10.

      MIlk & Cookies #2 -Bottle Layer


    • 11.

      MIlk & Cookies #2 -Cookie


    • 12.

      MIlk & Cookies #2 -Bottle Cap


    • 13.

      Milk & Cookies #2 -Second Glass Layer


    • 14.

      Milk & Cookies #2 -Additional Glass Layer


    • 15.

      Milk & Cookies #3 - First Cookie Layer


    • 16.

      Milk & Cookies #3 - Second Cookie Layer


    • 17.

      Milk & Cookies #3 - Shadows


    • 18.

      Milk & Cookies #3 - Chocolate Chips


    • 19.

      Milk & Cookies #3 - Final Layer


    • 20.

      MIlk & Cookies Class Wrap Up


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About This Class

About This Class

Join me as I the classic and loved snack, milk and cookies using watercolor paint and basic supplies. We will paint three images that you can use in your journal, for practice, or to make images for your portfolio.

These images are a glass milk jug with a stack of cookies, a milk jug with a single cookie leaning against it, and a delicious stack of cookies on their own.

Techniques include creating

  • cast shadow
  • caramelized cookie texture
  • glass transparency
  • watercolor layering

This class is geared towards beginners and advanced beginners. There is a downloadabe class template to assist you with the preliminarty sketches, or you can draw your own, unassisted. The key to this class is layering light colors on the milk jug and creating contrast with rich colors in the cookies.

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Daniela Mellen

Artist & Author


I'm an artist and author living in coastal Florida and surrounded by plants, animals, marine life, and the warm sun - all things that inspire me.

I am drawn to creating things and love to get lost in projects. Each day is an opportunity to learn something new, build on existing skills, and branch out to new ones. I was formally trained as an educator which is my passion and incorporating art into teaching makes my life complete.

As of March 2023 I have a catalog of classes on Skillshare. You'll see handmade books, memory keeping, watercolor, acrylic paint, unique art supplies, and photography composition. Thanks for joining me and I look forward to seeing your work.

Check out my Patreon Channel or my YouTube Channel for additional class info... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Watercolor Mik & Cookies Intro: Hello. I'm Daniela Melon, an author and artist here in skill share. Welcome to my class, watercolor milk and cookies. In today's class, we will paint three images of milk and cookies using basic watercolor supplies. You can start by downloading the milk and cookies template that can be found in the project section of this class and there you'll also find a class supply list. Print out the template and select the image you'd like to paint, then cut around it and use it as a stencil to help you sketch out your painting. We will paint layers of water colors to create transparency in the milk, jug and texture in the cookies. This class is geared towards beginners. The techniques we will work on include wet on wet, wet on dry mixing colors, creating shadows and making rich texture in our cookies. For your class project. Create your own milk and cookies image and please take a photo of your work and share it with us by posting it in the class project section. Or, if you're on instagram, please use the hashtag watercolor milk and cookies and I'll follow along. Please be sure to follow me here on skill share. So you get up to date notifications on new classes as well as some quarterly painting tips . And if you've enjoyed this class, please click like or leave a review. Thanks for watching. Let's get started. Painting are watercolor milk and cookies. 2. Class Supplies: for our watercolor milk and cookies class will need some basic watercolor supplies. Here I have £140 watercolor paper cut into five by seven rectangles. I have our class template, which is in the project section of the class. You can download it, cut out the image like to paint, and then trace around it. Now, explain more of that in the using the template section, I have a spray bottle for the Clearwater toe wet our pick pigments or a pipette. If you prefer to use that pencil and an eraser to use for our template An assortment of watercolor brushes. I have two jugs of water, a larger and a small with small. I used to make sure my brush water is pristine. And then lastly, I'm gonna use a gel pen for finishing touches at the very end. 3. Using the Template: to use the template, download it to your computer and then printed out on just a sheet of standard computer paper. You'll see there are three images. There is one of just the cookies in a stack with one cookie on the side. Um, the bottle of milk with the cookies, which is the same stack, more or less. And then the last image is a bottle of milk with a single cookie leaning against it. Then you choose image you like. Cut out the template. It's kind of a simple silhouette shape. And then from here, you can take it to your five by seven paper and trace around it to create your image. You could put it wherever you'd like on the paper and then just sketch around. Use a light pencil. Try not to dent the paper. Then, after you have the basic silhouette, you can go in there and add your details. Or you could modify the silhouette to however you'd like. If you want to put a label on the milk jug, that's fine. If you want to make the glass thicker or you wanna have more indentations, go right ahead and do that so here. I gotta go outside some chips, then with my eraser, I'll just tidy up any images I'm not really fond of or any thicker lines that I made that I wasn't happy with. And now, after I've sketched my image, I'm ready to start painting. 4. Milk & Cookies - First Cookie Layer: to start painting our first image here I have the full image of the bottle with stack of cookies in the one leading on the side. I'm going to start with cookies using the number six watercolor brush, and I'm gonna mix up my color for the cookie. I want to do it in layers so the first layer is gonna be a very light brown kind of caramel color, makes a little more yellow ochre and there to make it a little more golden, still a little bit more. And then I'll add a little bit of water to lighten it up. And I just want to go around the edges, go around the bottoms of each cookie. I want to keep it light the same thing on this cookie over here on the side, and I'll go in and clean up my brush and just with some water and go to drag some color around the cookie. Not looking for a perfect result, and I still want to leave some white of the cookie. If you're worried about the pigment drying, you can just do one cookie at a time. Put your pigment on and then go back and add a lighter layer Here. I'll go back in and drop some more color right on top. Now it's still a little wet. Gonna go in with their a little bit of yellow Oakar. And I'm just gonna drop that in certain spots. I just want to create a little variation. Well, if this layer dry 5. Milk & Cookies - Working on the Glass Bottle: So our first layer on the cookies have dried. I want to start working on the jar here with again. My number six brush could make sure it's nice and clean. I'm gonna makes a very pale green tint the glass with we still want the glass to be transparent. It's not gonna be agreeing glass, but I just need a little tint. Um, to make it it's make shadows and reflections. This is a little bit too green, so I'm gonna add a little black to make it more of a grey green. There we go. That's a much better color. I had a little more water to that. It's good. So now with clear water on my brush, I'm gonna go in and I'm gonna envision a line going down the center of the glass jar. So I'm gonna paint that with clear water, not completely full, but mostly and then I'm gonna add just a little bit of that color we mixed. It will dry, lighter, and that's the effect we want just to show us that it's glass, it's a very transparent color. Then it would take that same color, and I'm gonna outline on the bottom of actually switched to a smaller brush. And this one, this one is a 10/0. And on the dry part, I'm gonna outline the basis of the bottle in that first layer that creates the glass, the thick glass bottom, fill it in on sides and just leave white on the rest of it for now. Then I'll go in again with my very thin brush, and I'm gonna create the outline. Just make the outline of the bottle, and then I'll do the same thing on the other side. Take that same green that we're gonna use for a shadow and go right underneath this little glass ring and underneath a little spot, um, underneath the cap again, I'm focusing more pigment on the sides, but it will bleed through. It's a small space to take my brush Just a teeny bit of water to an empty spot on my palette and mix just a little bit of the green. And with it as well. I want a much lighter color and I'm just gonna go over here on this side straight down the bottle, all right? Where it meets over here and still with that very muted green gonna go right above the thick glass bottle on the side here and then up on this side as well. Again, It's a very pale color currently, and it's gonna dry even lighter. It'll just give us a hint that we're looking through some transparent glass. Gonna take my original color that we had and just outlined this glass ring. Some of the pigment will run to where the areas already wet. I'm gonna pull in just a little bit of color from the side. And now with this layer dry. 6. Milk & Cookies - Bottle Cap: Now we want to work on the cap of the milk carton. Gonna make mine red. You could make yours any color You like. Good paint. Clear wash? No. And a little bit of the stark red just on the edges from aside. Middle flow, right. Wherever the papers wet. And then we're going with more of a, uh, primary red. Just add some of that rain on the sides. Make that very pigmented color. Then using a very clean brush, I'm gonna just blend this color out a little, see if the pigment will move at all. I'll take my tiniest brush, a tent over zero. Gonna go in with a little deeper of that green gray to create that outline again. Go underneath a little glass ring on top, and then I work on the bottom outline. Just the bottom and just the top of that. Really think glass bottom pulling a little color on the sides. And I let those layers dry. 7. Milk & Cookies Layer -Second Layer of Cookies: Now I want to work some more on the cookies. I had the color that we mixed. I'm gonna add a little more darkness to it, and I'm gonna go underneath each cookie and create a little shadow. So I'm gonna be very careful. I'm only gonna hit the cookie underneath it. Just pull it out a little bit, do the same thing all the way down. I'm stopping where the cookie with a shadow falls on that cookie beneath it. And then here on this cookie that's leaning up against it. Gonna create shadow just on the cookies, and I'm gonna go in with an even smaller brush. This is my 10/0, and I'm gonna go in with some really highly pigmented dark, dark color and just create a little line right where the cookie starts the shadow. It will bleed out in other areas, but this is creating the darkest shadow underneath the cookie. Gotta go rinse my brush, keeping it somewhat damp and just feather this edge out a little bit on each cookie. Gonna leave the cookie that's leaning up against it the way it is. And if it didn't feather out because it's already dried on the second cooking in particular , I'll go in with a little bit of that medium color we used for the shadow it first and just bleed it out. Let these layers dry. 8. Milk & Cookies - Cast Shadow: So I'd like to work on the cash shadow underneath our cookies and a glass bottle first. And then we'll finish our cookie. It takes in Clearwater some brown. Same color is the cookie and then some dark blue because it's like a blue shadow. A little too much blue. So I go back in there with brown and still a little bit more until I have the greyish shadowy color I like. Okay, gonna take my brush and get an outline. Start without learning the cookie on the bottom, leaving a very tiny, faint space between the cookie and the shadow. Now go back and drag my brush across to feather it out somewhat. Do the same thing with a cookie on its side to where it meets. Dampen my brush in, feather it out. And then I'll come right over here to the bottle as well. Going with a damp brush. This way, the shadow kind of dissolves as it flies away from it, falls away from the cookies and Lee bible of milk. Now to work on the cookie, I'm gonna go in there with some yellow Oakar and in a few spots, I'm gonna add a little bit of color, a little bit of pigment, and I'll go in with a wet brush. Just drag it around. I don't want any harsh edges. Then I'll do the same thing with a little darker brown. There will be some overlap and they'll bleed together. Well, let this later dry, and then we'll come back and add the chocolate chips. 9. Milk & Cookies - Chocolate Chips: now that these layers air dry, going with my eraser and erase any pencil marks. This will help us to determine if we need to add some more pigment to create a more solid image or if it looks good the way it is. Okay, I think that looks pretty good for now. We will work on adding the chocolate chips and the texture drew our cookie using a very small brush. I have a tent over zero again. Gonna go in there and I'm gonna make a really rich chocolate color. So I'll take some dark brown, some sepia and a little bit of blue to that. And now, when I do with chips and I'm gonna not make the mistake of going over and filling in the entire chip, I'm gonna leave a lot of highlights and just kind of hint at what's there. What I want to do is make sure that the top of the cookie that has any chips continues the silhouette of the cookie great over here particular and on this side as well. And I'll do that with the remaining chips. - Well , the colors, your damp. I'm gonna go in there with just a little bit of black enough on my burst to control it. I don't want it to be too pigmented, and I was gonna drop in some spots of color to give a little variation. Then, with that same brush, I'm gonna make a very sharp point with my black pigment and I'm gonna go in and just add a few little spots. I'll make couples very light touch with a very light touch little squiggly lines as if the cookie cracked. And there we have our milk and cookies. 10. MIlk & Cookies #2 -Bottle Layer: for a jug of milk. I want to create the transparency of the glass. So all makes up a very light blue. In our other painting where we had the milk with the stack of cookies, we used a slight green, um, tenge for the glass. I'm gonna use just a late blue for this one. So with some Clearwater gonna go down the center of my bottle, women are dropping some of this muted pigment. Then again, using that muted pigment might have to meet a little bit more. I'm gonna go around the edge. Gotta go underneath Here is well and we keep it very muted, but I'm gonna fill in that solid glass base with a very light pigment and then with minuted pigment, I'm gonna take it on my right hand side. I'm gonna make a thicker kind of, um, area of reflection of the glass. So on the left hand side, it's rather thin. It's thick in the center and very thick on the right hand side. To make this flow, I'm gonna go on here on the left hand side and make the bottom kind of connect to our coat , our shadow here and the same thing up here. Go create a little bit of shadow underneath this little glass ring. Gonna turn this over and some very light pigment and then go over the perimeter of this little glass ring as well and add some color to the center and we will let this layer dry. 11. MIlk & Cookies #2 -Cookie: Now that our first layer on our bottle has dried, we'll go in and start working on the cookie gonna take my brush and says, It's one cookie. I'm gonna use Clearwater and just go over all the areas that are not covered with chocolate chips. Then I'll go in with this yellow Oakar, a little bit of water and a little bit of this, uh, burnt sepia burn number. You think, actually burn number and I'm gonna go and I'm gonna just drop in some pigment up top here. Go around the chocolate chips with this warm color in a little bit at the base. It will come back in and drop in a little bit more pigment. Then I'll go in with a little bit of darker pigment and I'll let this layer dry. 12. MIlk & Cookies #2 -Bottle Cap: for our cookie here. That's leaning on our milk jug. Gonna go in there with some of this. Brown could add a little bit of this color to it. And I'm gonna put in some spots of color. Another layer rinse my brush off. And I worked on my bottle cap. Go to create a clear layer. Fill the bottle cap in with that and then I'm gonna use a red cap. So I'm gonna take my darkest red, and I'm gonna do the edges first to create a little bit of dark color here, following our shadow right up the bottle. I finished the outline of the cap, and now I'm gonna go in. Listen, classic red, you know, just added the darkest parts and I let that dry. We'll come back and work on the next few layers. 13. Milk & Cookies #2 -Second Glass Layer: So now I want to work on the bottle here with my very thin brush. I'm gonna go in with a gray, so mixing black make a very sharp edge with my brush. And I'm just gonna very carefully, very thinly lying the outside go around the bottom as well. No, but at this a little bit of pigment on the edges Clean my brush somewhat and then pull that in lead that out a little, So it's not such a harsh line. Then again, with my brush, I'm going to outline this glass ring and then with the damp brush, I'll pull some of that color down to create that shadow. Then I'll blend it out with some clear water. So it's not so harsh. I want to go in here to the cookie. Now I'll take my dark, um, brown. And I'm just gonna outline that cookie, paying particular attention to the base of a cookie, creating a nice edge there. And then I'm gonna go in with that dark brown and fill in somewhat of the chocolate chips, kind of haphazardly, leaving a lot of white for highlights. I'll go in there with the dark sepia again and dropping some color to create a little variation. And I'll go in there with black and drop just a little bit of black on some of those chocolate chips to give a little bit more variation. Take my brush with a very sharp point. I'm gonna create a few cracks from the cookie in some dots for texture. I'll let this layer dry. We'll come back for our final touches. 14. Milk & Cookies #2 -Additional Glass Layer: So now there are layers of dry We can go in and add a cast shadow, But I won't take my eraser. Erase any pencil marks that still might remain to take a little bit of gray. Very light. So here we have the gray You could even later. I just want to go over some areas here we have already on our blue or blue shadow on our glass. I just want to add a few more. We'll go in there with a damp brush, pleaded out somewhat So there are no harsh lines. Still want the blue showing through, but I want a little more intensity. So a man in a very light wash of gray we'll go with even later gray and just add some onto the bottle here. Now for my cast shadow gonna go in there with some grey and some of that blue so it has a little hint of the blue. We're gonna have the shadow fall. Um, just slightly to the left of our painting. Same thing with the cookie drying my brush off. And I'm just gonna blends. Remove some of the pigment, but helping it to blend somewhat. Then with a small brush. I'll go in there with some of that shadow color that we had. Just create a shadow underneath the cookie, a little down here, clean my brush and then just pick up some of that pigment. And there we have our jug of milk and a cookie. 15. Milk & Cookies #3 - First Cookie Layer: for our painting. That's just cookies were to start to use my larger brush, the number six brush. I'm gonna go over the top cookie. I'm working around the chips and I'm just putting a little bit Clearwater on there, not getting the holier area perfect, but just a little bit of the area and I'll go in there with some brown and just let the color move its way around where I put on the Clearwater, creating just kind of an outline of the image of the cookie. And I'll do this on the cookie beneath it. But I'm gonna leave a lot of space between the cookie and um, cookie above and the cookie beneath. - Don't work on the cookie that's leaning up against it on the side. Do the same thing and I'll let this layer completely dry. 16. Milk & Cookies #3 - Second Cookie Layer: now that are firstly of cookie says have dried. We'll add a second layer. We're not gonna go over every part of the cookie that we already painted, but we're gonna go over. I'd say about 30% of it. And I want to make a warmer color who want introduce a warmer color to this. So I'm gonna take some of this yellow Oakar and a little bit of the brown we already used. Combine them and then just add some of that color. It's more caramel E, and I'll go over some of this cookie. - And now, while these this layer is still a little damp to introduce just a little bit of very dark brown and just feed that in some areas it creates a little variation in our design. Again, I'm keeping a nice, clear, dry spaces between each cookie, and we're gonna go and fill that in with shadow next, and we'll let this layer dry 17. Milk & Cookies #3 - Shadows: now I'm gonna mix a shadow to put underneath each cookie. It's gonna be darker than the darkest color we already have in the cookie. It makes a little take a little blue for that. Go with a little bit of orange, a little bit more orange, And then I'm gonna go with some of that sepia Take a sharp pointed of my brush and I'm just gonna go underneath the cookie. So start at the top will go underneath this top cookie. But I'm only good for the shadow on the bottom, the cookie underneath it where the cookie ends, the shadow will end as well, you know, drag it across little clear off my brush. Just fade that color out a little bit. I'll give it a moment to saturate the paper, and then I'll come back and add another layer. But meanwhile, work on the cookie beneath it. Come back in, drop that color following the shape of the cookie above it. Clear my brush just so that's damp bleeding a little bit, so there's no harsh lines Gonna leave the tilted cookie for now. I want to work on just the cash shadow and they will let this layer dry Gonna mix a little bit of that blue was a little bit of black and I'll add some water to lighten it up. Gonna go right underneath. Leaving just a little space between the cookie and the shadow Following the shape of the bottom, they'll drag it out just a little bit. I'm going with a clean brush. Just feather out that edge, leave a little space and do the same thing for this cookie and we let these layers dry. 18. Milk & Cookies #3 - Chocolate Chips: I want to create the nice, sharp outline to these cookies. So using my tiny brush, my 10/0, I'm gonna go in there with some very dark brown, very sharp brush and just enough paint that I can control it. I don't want it wet, and I'm gonna go and create the outline of the cookie. - Then I'm gonna take same color, my same brush, and I'm gonna create some cracks in the cookie coming up from the sides into the center. Just a few here and there, making a scribble squiggly line. Then I'll go in same color. My brush. Just make a few little specks around the cookie. This will give it a little texture and then we'll work on the chocolate chips. I use my same brush going, going there with the brown and recipients like a nice, rich color. And then I'm not gonna fill in the chocolate chips thoroughly, just mostly leaving some white areas of highlight. I'll do one cookie at a time and now going with some of the black and just drop in some of the color on the wet pigment. And that will create shadows within the chocolate chip itself. We'll do the same procedure with the remaining cookies. Well, let these layers dry. They won't go back for some final touches. 19. Milk & Cookies #3 - Final Layer: for this cookie it to dry. I want to put a little bit of a shadow, though. Right over here, the shadow that this cookie would cause to fall on the other cookies. So I'll take some of that gray, a little bit of water, and I'll just go in here an answer. What the shadow would be like could also, but just a little shadow underneath the cookie to tie it all in. Gonna bleed that out a little, Then I'll take my wait gel pen. Could this make a few dots on the cookie itself To give some texture? It's almost imperceptible, but it does make a difference. And lastly, since this is kind of ah, an interesting, chunky, rustic texture. I'm gonna go in there with my brush and I'll take some of that caramel color that we used, and I'm just gonna spatter it. So I have it on my brush and I'll just hit the brush. It'll spatter right off. I'm going there with a little bit of the darker brown as well. Too much. Just give some big spatters and then lastly, I'll go in there with a little bit of the black Well, let this later dry and then in the end will do a recap and see our work when it's all finished. 20. MIlk & Cookies Class Wrap Up: So here we have our original painting. We have our milk jug, our stack of cookies and are tilted cookie. We have a little cash shadow and then some very faint color to indicate the glass, the transparency of the glass in the milk jug. Next, we made a stack of cookies and playing on the fact that it was a kind of a little messy of image. We had some spatter picking up the colors that we used within the cookies to create this spatter. So if you'd like to create just the cookies or if you'd like to create both scenes, you have that option. And then lastly, we created a pristine milk jug with a single cookie, and you could either remove the cookie and just do the milk jug. If you wanted to make that illustration or combine it as well, just as we did here. Thank you for watching. Um, I'd look forward to seeing your work. So if you make something, please take a photo and post in the project section of this class, and if you follow me on skill share, you'll get up to date emails and some tips quarterly sent to you. Thanks so much. I look forward to seeing your work