Video Editing Masterclass With Cyberlink PowerDirector 15/16 | Masuk Sarker Batista | Skillshare

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Video Editing Masterclass With Cyberlink PowerDirector 15/16

teacher avatar Masuk Sarker Batista, Bestselling Instructor, 75000+ Students

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Enroll Now


    • 2.

      Get 30-Days Free Trial Of Cyberlink PowerDirector


    • 3.

      Software Interface Overview


    • 4.

      How To Import Media Files To Start Editing


    • 5.

      Let's Talk More About Timeline Interface


    • 6.

      How To Trim/Split And Delete Unwanted Portion Of The Video


    • 7.

      How Split/Trim Only Audio Or Video


    • 8.

      How To Add Different Transitions Between Video Clips


    • 9.

      How To Add Text/Titles In Video


    • 10.

      How To Add PiP Object


    • 11.

      How To Add Different Video Effects


    • 12.

      How To Zoom And Crop Any Video Footage


    • 13.

      How To Add Watermark Or Logo In Video


    • 14.

      How To Download And Use Templates From DirectorZone


    • 15.

      How To Capture Photos From The Video


    • 16.

      How To Reverse Any Video Footage


    • 17.

      How To Rotate Or Flip (Mirror) Any Video


    • 18.

      How To Record Computer Screen With PowerDirector


    • 19.

      How To Use Blending Effects


    • 20.

      Add Special Fire Effect By Using Blending Modes


    • 21.

      How To Use Mask Designer


    • 22.

      How To Edit Vertical Video (Mobile Phone Recorded Video)


    • 23.

      How To Do Color Correction In PowerDirector


    • 24.

      How To Do Color Grade In PowerDirector


    • 25.

      Adjusting Video Color In ColorDirector


    • 26.

      The Pleasantville Effect In ColorDirector


    • 27.

      How To Add Background Music In Video


    • 28.

      Remove Bad Audio In PowerDirector


    • 29.

      How To Change Video Voice Of Any Video


    • 30.

      How To Fade In And Fade Out Audio


    • 31.

      How To Record Narration (Voice Over)


    • 32.

      How To Convert Any Video To Audio


    • 33.

      Green Screen Video Production In PowerDirector


    • 34.

      How To Add Motion Track And Blur Out Moving Face Or Object


    • 35.

      Speed Up Or Slow Down Any Video


    • 36.

      How To Stabilize Shaky Video Footage


    • 37.

      How To Add Blur Effect To Remove Watermark Or Logo


    • 38.

      Start Editing 360° Video Footage


    • 39.

      Add Text In 360° Video


    • 40.

      Fix/Enhance Color Correction And Style Presets For 360° Video


    • 41.

      Add Different Effects In 360° Video


    • 42.

      Add PiP Objects In 360° Video


    • 43.

      Produce And Upload 360° Video In Online


    • 44.

      How To Use Easy Editor In PowerDirector


    • 45.

      Create A Slideshow Video From Sketch


    • 46.

      How To Produce A Video File To Get Final Output


    • 47.

      Upload Your Final Edited Video Directly In YouTube


    • 48.

      Conclusion + BONUS


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About This Class

If you're looking for some simplest-to-use but powerful video editing tools, then Cyberlink PowerDirector is the best Windows/PC Video Editor should be the first choice!

Cyberlink PowerDirector is an awesome tool for video editing. This course is a course of complete video editing with Cyberlink PowerDirector. It will take you from the very beginning to advanced video editor.

Open Cyberlink PowerDirector video editing software and learn the various panel windows to edit clips together, audio work, color grading, creating titles, advance video editing technique, exporting and much more! I personally use Cyberlink PowerDirector software a lot, for my video editing because it is easy & fast with a user-friendly interface. There is no complexity like Adobe After Effects, Premiere software. 

Another cool feature is... You can edit and produce your 360-degree videos in Cyberlink PowerDirector 15!

Here are the main topics that we cover of this course:

  • Work with PowerDirector easy editing mode and using this you will able to do easy editing and also able to create slideshow video from sketch within few minutes.
  • Understanding the layout and tools of PowerDirector full feature mode.
  •  Basics of editing. Such as: Split and delete any portion of the video, Add text titles, Add different transitions, Zoom In/Out, Crop video footage, Reverse or Rotate and so on. 
  • Improving your video with graphics, music, and titles.
  • Advanced color correction of your video using PowerDirector & ColorDirector. 
  • Producing/Rendering your final edited video in HD quality for any device Or Upload them directly from PowerDirector on different popular sites. For example Facebook, YouTube.
  •  Edit and produce 360° videos.
  • And Much More!

Why would you need this?

  • Cyberlink PowerDirector is a really good and user-friendly video editing software, and it will become handy to know how to work with it.
  • You will able to create Motion Graphics, Lower Thirds easily using PowerDirector video editing pre-made tools & templates. Also from director zone, you will able to download & use lots of amazing free templates in PowerDirector.
  •  Make Fantastic Videos for School, Office, Home, Work, Sales, Shows – Suitable For All Industries.
  • I will talk about everything you need to know in order for you to make your video unique.
  • Create Professional High-Quality Video Presentations.
  • 360° videos are trending now! You will able to edit your 360° videos in PowerDirector.
  • Express Your Creativity To The Next Level.

My Promise to You

I am a professional video editor and online instructor. I'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.

Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you inside!

Meet Your Teacher

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Masuk Sarker Batista

Bestselling Instructor, 75000+ Students


I am Masuk Sarker Batista from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am the founder of MSB Academy & MSB Digital platform. Online business, Marketing, Programming, Blogging, Video Editing, Gaming, Photography, and Youtube are my subjects of interest. I published many books on Amazon Kindle. From age under 20, I have been earning around $4000 per month online.

Also, I regularly write on the blog for my regular readers & I love to do affiliate marketing. I am also an Online Instructor and serving courses for over 175,000 Students on Udemy & Skillshare. I am a business-minded person & very much addicted to Money. I love Allah, my family, and love people.


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Level: Beginner

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1. Enroll Now: Are you ready to Easter? Video editing? Dad look amazing and Eastern out from the couch. If he has, then you are in the right place. Welcome to the video editing masterclass with Cyberlink Party Attar off course that will teach you how to eat it. Periods from the beginning Toe advance with the powerful, easy to use particle video editing software. I am machine circa Batista. I'm a professional. Be read it are working with me dude eating for past four years and is still now and I am the instructor off. He scores. Now let's see what recover in this course at first will give you the big or view are several ing part Victor's after interferes. Then I learned how to import meat advise and we talk more about the 10. After that, we learned how to split and delete unwanted pusher from the video. A different type off transaction effect in between two or more. Please also learn how toe air takes titles in video at different type off the objects in your any beautiful debts. A different orbit effects also learn how to zoom in or out and drop in a video clip at Watermark our logo. Download different Dive off awesome Templars from Director John without any cost. Relax, cereal. Good it our fleet. Any media capture photos from video record, competent screen with body in lending effects and a marks design. A section will learn how to use bending effects and special clarify by using blending. Moore's also learn how to use much designer how to eat it particle video, especially for mobile phone recorded video. In our dollar collection section, we learned how to do color correction in power director. Also see how to do color. Great adjusting video color inside building color director on the listening. In fact, in our audio editing section, we learn how to add bagger music removed bad audio noise, change any video by from the video fit in our fit out artifically record. Nachshon on any video to entry in our advanced dude eating section will learn how to speak up or slow down. Any media played in stipulates shaky video footage at blood effect to remove watermark. Our logo at motion track and flat out moving face are objects released. A beautiful production imparted another configure in part, Victor is weak and able to eat it our own president. Beautiful dance on In this section we learn how to simple creases Wikipedia food at text in our history, the video fix and enhanced color correction and still preserves at different type off. First increases irrigate video at the AP objects and finally, with how to produce and upload. Pres is beautiful online. So what are you waiting for? Take these goals now and Easter. Learning ability with the powerful Easy to use several links Party, See you in sight. 2. Get 30-Days Free Trial Of Cyberlink PowerDirector: Hello, My daughter is Rance. In this video, I'm going to show you how you get 30 days. We tried all saddling party core 15th After I just simply open my browser and go to google dot com Now I tie for party actor 15 and then I hit Enter now at the really fast we see the Google airs I just like on the second link Partick for 15 the number one choice for we do it indoors Now we are in that official website he had received productor 15 is come with different packages Beginners package Advance Advance Plus and experts package Vignal package is normally price is $279. Now they're offering 70% off. There's what this price is now $59 and advance. Biggest price is normally $309. If you are using particle 15 for fast and then I recommend you to go with the beginner packets to get holidays off Retrial. Simply click on these freak well button Now it league on system re government that heresy to use Thes Spahr director 15th after you need Microsoft Windows operating system Tain eight or seven and 64 bit operating system is recommended. Iskan resolution. You need minimum 1024 by 768. 64 bit color are ever and memory. You need duty be are more. Also you need 128 mbw memory on you need 70 Be hardest is best if you are satisfied with this configuration than simply put your fast name. That massive shark I and I dyed my similar breast and now to get started is redressed. Simply heat on download now lightly on Easter. Download heresy. Our instrument is down rich Texas. Simply double click on these and then several ING part direct or downloader automatically download the softer and installed the software on your PC in regular way. I already have installed the softer on my PC. That's why I just cancel this. 3. Software Interface Overview: two Opens have staying power director. 15 safta. I just double click on this icon. You standard expectation is 16 by nine. There's where I choose thes and in this section we work with food feature editor. That's why I just hit on full feature editor on her. It is. This is our settling party. Later Philippines. After and in this lecture, I will give a brief overview off thes after Inter first because if you're new, be and never open any, believe it or before then you might open it up and clothes the's because you have no clue that what to do with all these patterns, boxes, lines and everything else. That's why I give you a quick overview. I'm not gonna marry every single battle on these video, but throughout the section will cover most off these things in party actor on the left side . Here we see different types off rooms now were selected media here we can import different type off media fights, for example, images, audio video and different type off assets. And next is difficult heresy In the soft red, different type off effects are available. We can is the ad different type off effect in our video and next is the I P Objects Room. I received different type off objects that we can easily add in our video. On another ISP article room on in the status room had to see a different type off titled Impaired. I available You can is the air different type off? Title them black in video and next East transition room. Different type off a quick tip Transactions effects are available here and in these Are you mixing room? We can easily idiot our poise, music and billions. Are you and boys about recording room? We can is the record our boy so far from thes area Also, chapter room and substitute room are available and this is our previous screen. Once we add different type off media in Temple and we can see the preview right here there's at a sample video. I just simply drag this video in Templin and hair it is. We can see the preview on these people screen and in the stem. Then we can add different type off media file effects except we talk more about this time then E Now our next few Listen, heresy file Idiot different type of being love, Shawn and playback. Now we are in editing Mort. If it leaks on capture, we can capture our welcome video. Also, we can capture these company rescreen in these produce moot. We can export our final edited video and save it. You know, hard days are we can easily share our final edited video in online. Also, if you want toe but you find out it it video as a devotee. Then you can do this in these quick d section. All right, this is actually the basic overview off these party. Little softer. But as I mentioned before, we work with all different rooms preview monitor time than everything that you can do with part director over the next few lessons and throughout the rest of this course. So don't only ever that I will cover everything. 4. How To Import Media Files To Start Editing: in this video, I'm going to show you how to import media fires in power. Director. Our media room is no selected. Had we can add different type off images, billions and music fight toe, import any type of media file. Simply click on this input media button. Here, you see, we can import media fires individually. Also, we can import a whole folder off Marry a fight. Also, you can import media files from these five section. Simply click on file import and select import fives are Media folder I just like on these important media icon and select import media files Index. Stop I only the Eastern A folder, which is sample, Believe photo and music's. I just double click on these and we can select Media five individually are You can select all of them and then simply hit on open Look. We successfully import different type off media fires in these middle room section 5. Let's Talk More About Timeline Interface: in this letter, we talk more about family Tambling. This is where you can do a lot off creative work. So it is important to feel comfortable using different crack, knowing how to eat it within timeline and how to do in our our timeline are escalate up or down. Down here. Here you see our timeline. Multiple tracks are level right here. So is standing at the top. You had the rack and second run East audio track These video, I convinced it is really you brag And these are the I commence thesis argued crack and hard won East FX. There we can add different type off FX in our video toe. Add these type of FX We used the Strack and then below We have another video And are you track now from media? Do I just simply track a sample video in Temelin? All right, have you see the preview? If you want to go June these politically, then simply click on these plus icon to zoom out leak on these milliseconds. If you want to freed thes media clip intending. Then click on these few inter movie icon. All right, I just zoom out thes a little beat. Let's add another Frank. I just said this brag below our fast track. Let's play the street now to play These simply hit on east best from your keyboard. You may be notice that we add to the friend video and audio Breck, but who are these Tamblyn indicator in second track. It showed these in this preview that because the second practice is actually in the top of the video, even though in this timeline it looks like below got it right. Another cool thing is, below these two, are you and the new cracks Here you see our tired video and audio track particle automatically Where these for us, you can add as many s or do and beauty wrecks that you want to add intending and then below . Here you see thes tex track. That means you can add different type off text to extend Plett in these track down below. Here you see a little microphone icon. You can add different type off narration voiceover in these track and finally we can add music in these music crack. If you want to add audio and video great manually, you can do this as Well, simply click on these little plus icon and then juice you are you and be due back and said you preferred position and then he'd on Okay, but for this time I just gas Elise in this time land each of this Brack humano Tish few other icons. If I can't take these off these beautiful back, we can see any preview in our preview screen. Object means thes video is detective it to activate this. Simply check on these. If you want to remove audio from this video than simply antic piece, let's play the straight now. No, I do Right toe activate thes Are you Track simply check on these layers. Play this now and somebody Now it is activated. Another cool feature is thes love bottom. Normally we can move our audio and view BRAC intending? If you don't want to move these audio RBD crack then simply love these. I just love these video track forties. I can't move these. Did you track anymore? Intending? But I can move audio track Intamin if I loved these Are you Jack also? Then we can move anything from these audio and video back now. I just on Look these all right to it, will you? The Stamler is our main working space in our future lessons we titled Background music. Also different idiot we make all these things will be going over future lessons. But in this lecture will land what the template is how to never get it, how to move around it and what we can do in deadline. Thanks for watching. See you in the next video. 6. How To Trim/Split And Delete Unwanted Portion Of The Video: Hello, my dear students, in this video, I'm going to show you have the cream rs pleat and delayed unwanted potion from the video. So there's good he started. I already added food sample videos in this media room to see any of these preview simply don't like any of these. Hey guys, Exhausting It also is 200 millimeter fan. There's also this button. Which one? I trust it. I just paused these Let's play another one. It's amazing how motherfuckers will shoot you. I saw someone get shot. So for you suppose thes time I want to add these blue clip intending to do they simply drag this clip in camera? All right, this is a long video clip. Suppose you want toe got this video right here to do this Simply said the stamen indicator in your preferred position. And after that, click on this split icon Now our Ron video clave divided into two clips. These still I is stick this blue just in this position. Now I click on this spit again These days are basically is now divided into cheek lives. If you want to delete thes middle portion of the video clip, then Cilic on this sleep and plays Deal it from your keyboard. Are Cilic your clip and click on this crash icon and I rightly removed and leave Gap. All right, let's play the sleep now to play the sleep. Simply place. It's best from your keyboard. But trust me. I see you know this is knowledge Society headquarters where I live here in Beverly Hills and man people roll the pound gorilla. Some people are like Ty, I fear no, man, I'm like, Okay, Awesome. Now they see how to cream any immediately suppers. If you want to scream your video plea from the left portion then however their mouth from the left side off video clip and then drag to the right like this and select cream on Lee now bar director automatically dream your video from the left side. All right. In the same way. If you want to scream, you're really from the right side. Then how everybody their mouth on the right side, then dragged to the left like bees and select him on Lee are If you want to scream and mo clips, then click stream and more clips are trim and more alternatives. This time I select dream and more clips. Pretty cool. Now I drag this fast video clip to the left. Let's at in new glee. I just dragged this video in these position. Actually, it is a top player off the video in part Director Now toe split, the expediently supposed the stem. I want toe split this video in this position, then simply said you Templin indicator in this position and then click on the It's been a con. Now I click on the street and plays delayed to remove these. If you want to scream these video from the right, then how about about your mouth and dragged to the left like these? There's plenty sleep now, and my mom was, ah, single Mom and I learned, Hey guys, exhausted. This is the course of system, but I think for a lot of PCs, that's really not going to be an issue. Pound gorilla. You some for you. Actually, In this way, you can easily cut and deal it unwanted portion from the video in power Director. Thank you so much for watching 7. How Split/Trim Only Audio Or Video: In our previous lecture, we see how to cream is speed and it unwanted potion from the video. What if if you want to explain to you on the audio or video from your whole video clip in this lecture, I'll show you how to do this. This time I drag a sample that you intended. If you want to split your audience from these flu Klay than right, click on these and select Link on Link video and audio. Now you can easily more audio our video Indem name. If you want to eat, split our tree empirically than simply click your video clip. And then yes, let it and did. These. If you want to spit, are free, empties arguably. Then said the family indicator in your preferred position and it's pretty eat and let this and Cilic removed and leave Gap our click on the trash icon and select removed and leave gap to free MP. You are are the only clean you prepared are do cle RB. You click, then how everybody mouths to the left or right? Then if you dream these from the right position than dragged through the left in the same way If you want to scream your audio from the left, then select your audio clip. And how about eight miles through the left and drag to the right and select cream on Lee In this way you can easily you split and cream. Pity you are Are you clip individually. Thank you so much for watching. 8. How To Add Different Transitions Between Video Clips: Hello. My there is strength in this video. I'm going to show you how toe add different types of transactions in between your video clips. So let's get started it in the spirit of softer, some amazing transition effects are available and some are typical transactions. But before adding these type of transition at first I at few a sample click in my tempting I just drag a sample covered in Thame line. I just assumed this time that a little bit. And now I add a second video and they add a video off Spiro just below here. All right, toe access. These transition Click on these transaction room icon our press F eight from you. Keyboard heresy, bunch of different categories To see any of these transaction preview Just double click on these in these previous screen, I received a preview. All right, Thes Demi ad is simple. Failed in transition. In my video on here it is. I just drag this transition effects in between these video clips. I just do my temple in a little bit to get the better of you. And this is our transition on this corner. If you know what over the smiles. You see these hair icon by dragging to the left or right. You can actually change these transition time to make this transaction a little bit faster or slower. This time, I make it slower on Blair's ladies. Awesome, Right? To make this transition effect faster, simply click on this transition effect. Click on this corner and drag it to the right. I just make this transition effect little that means this town 60 fact is now a little bit faster. All right, now I add the's transaction at the manifest off my video layers. Barely sleep now. Awesome. And in this league here, you see some special toe air transaction effect. In between these two. Clear. Simply select any transaction and then simply drag it here. I just make this transition effect little bit faster, and there's ladies very cool. Suppose this time you don't like these. Fade in traffic, son. If you want to remove these, they're simply click your position effect and praised Elect from your keyboard to add a new transaction in the same way. Simply drag you prefer transaction on and said this transition in between these do clip, let's play this now. All right. If you want to customize your transition effect, then you can also do this. Simply click your transition effect and select Modify. I had to see the preview. So change the circle type. Simply click on these drop down menu and select random are following anything you want. This time it's a leg. Dagenham sliding. Awesome. Actually, In this way you can easily motivate you. Transition effect. Let's see a complex one. This time I add this shift. One transaction effect. He received a preview. I just feel like this one and drag this transition effect in between this kid to modify ideas, simply click on these transition effect and select motivate on the estimate. Lee transition designers. All right, If I play on these here, we can see the transition effect. All right, in this property section, if I expand this image, you can zoom thes are Juma to your position off the Mets in the transaction? There's barely sleep now. Got it right. Also, you can check these to flip upside down if you want to flip it to the left. To right. Dan, check on these. Ah, some this time I just un check this If you want to add border in this transition, then Jake this to activate it and then sit your capacity and truth. Your color This time I use ripped the rare transaction awesome from the shift progression. Actually, you can control these gift for him here to see Ellen in line. This transition effect is just instead with video to 100 to make it slower and at the very end to make it a little bit faster. Click on this point and dragged down. There's baby sleep now slow, and it is going to faster in the variant. All right. Also, you can add sharpness in your transaction using these Little's later. I just said this in middle to make it normal. Once you are satisfied with that hit on, okay and deaf it. I frequently used the's stands actions to make my videos. I recommend you play around these different type off transition to see how the works Thank you so much for watching 9. How To Add Text/Titles In Video: Hello. My idea is to dance in this video. I'm going to show you how toe had different type off text or ties in our video. Klay also learn how to customise them. So we thought any further delay Let's is tell it in this middle section I already added fuel sample videos hair. Now I just add a sample video in Gamblin Now I ju my tendon a little bit to get a better deal. All right, now I click on the's That'll doom icon, can you say different? Type off the X titles Also, you can add many more text on touches template mentally and I'll show you how to do that in the letter Sexual To see any off these titled Review, simply click any if you prefer title and you see a beautiful water template Sample detail Read a text effect Default freely Dext Exeter To add the stature Simply dragged in time land and set it in these settled back. Andi, here it is to it. This text simply double click on these text track. I just threw these to get the better of you. And now I just like on these fast eggs, Doc on, Select everything and remove it. And now I die. You will you do me instructor and I click on the second day stock and select everything and Ruit and died my name Marchuk. Shark I and now I heat on. Okay, now I just pre meat a little bit and said it in this position. Now they're spread asleep. Awesome. Right now I just select on the status and delete it by pressing delete from my key boat. Looks at a default text block. I just drag it in these decks track now to eat it and the position in these text simply double click on these text track now. I died the beauty off nature to change the text position, Simply click on the selection mode and said anywhere you want. This time I said it in these bush on also you can wrote it it as well. But this time I just said it in hair toe change these 40 style simply expand these fun type on these 10 My select impact fund from these drop down meadow I just use em backed two point all and make it larger by Jackie on this corner also, you can change the font size from these drop down menu. I just said it in 28. To change these text color, simply click on these Cal epic er and choose any of who preferred color. Also, you can make you takes bold italic and change your element. Now, from the front face, you can blood your text using these blocks later. Also, you can change your text capacity using these capacities lighter and uniform color type I just juice white. Also, you can add reflection to see this example. I just move it to the top and to add deflection off these text block, select this reflection and after that, increased ease. All right to change thes reflection capacity use thes capacities later. Makes sense, huh? Right. Also, you get at shadow border and pretty effect in your text block. This time I just removed these shadow effect and reflection on these effective heresy. We can add different type off text effect to see any of thes preview. Just click on this pretty cool. You can choose any text effect you want from t step, but for these time I see like no effect. Also, you can add motion track in you text, for example. I choose this one. Now there's play the sleep. Uh huh. I just stop it. Also, you can change this path by dragging on the's. Garner makes sense right now. I just stop it and select no more. Sure how likely Moto and said this text block in these positions. All right. And finally I just hit on, okay? Actually, in this way, you can easily add text Lou attacks in your relocated. Also, you can modified them. Thank you so much for watching. 10. How To Add PiP Object: Hello, my dear is to dance in this video. I'm going to show you how to add different type off PHP objects in video. So let's get started yet. I already added a sample video in timely to access these people Objects in party inter Click on this but the objects room or press f I from Ilke boat So P I p picture in picture is basically objects graphics that you can add in the top off your big Julia Harry, see different type off. The objects are available to see any of these preview simply Klay any off your prefect object This time I add this moving one toe at the simply track and place the stop off your bueller to resize Andi positioning it Simply drag this corner to make it larger are smaller and said it any of your preferred position Let's play this clip now. Awesome! Right this time I just did it and lived at another one. These good looking for MPs the object I downloaded it manually in future. Listen, I will show you how to add different type R p i p Templars in our party occurs after all, right? So don't worry about that now. These days I just drag it and set it top off my big Yulia. Now I just is complete and covered the whole video. Let's play the slip now are some. Actually, despite the objects are really funny stuff. Using these baby objects, you can make your video more interesting. Thank you so much for watching. 11. How To Add Different Video Effects: Hello, Mother is dreams in this video. I'm going to show you how to add different type off cliff act in her video clips. I already added toe sample video clip intended to add billy effects simply Klay on these effect room depth. And here we see different types off defects category and this is our all different type off effects. All right, to see any of this preview Klay any off you prepared effect. Actually, you can add these type of effects in two different ways. One is simply drag and drop it in your blue clip. Let's play the street now brand new addition to reds lineup. So yes, this is the first time we're seeing it anywhere. Buries right now I just under this this add another one. This team at peace focused effect To add this simply dragon drop in your few perfectly are you? Just add your effect in thes FX layer this lady sleep now and pro a $3000 gaming PC. But is it worth its picture? Of course surface. Have you see black shadow in corner If you want to add the same in fact, in these two clips, then click on this corner and scratch it like these $3000 gaming PC. But is it worth its big shots? Of course. There for sending this out a little bit. And the epic Awesome, right? If you want to eat this effect, simply double click on these. And here you see using these food and hypes later, we can actually increase or decrease teas. Black shadow. Also, you can increase or decrease disease, Grady and depth also, you can change that half a degree to change the bag. Gun collect. Click on these collapse IKA and truth in your few prefect color These dem I said black and now I just closed these. I recommend you play around these different type off effects and heated them in your own way to make your video more interesting. Thank you so much for watching 12. How To Zoom And Crop Any Video Footage: Hello, my dear restaurants. In this video, I'm going to show you how to doom and crop. And immediately, I already added a sample You clip in template for Juman crop. Click on these tools and select particles and then select Drop and June and click on these . Grab our June better. And now, Harry, see ours up and June window. If you want to jump your Baidu Klay, simply click on this corner and drag to the top. And in this little window, heresy, The preview. If you want to move this position, click on these middle circa and move it and sit your position. Our expectation is 16 by nine. If you want to change these, then select four by tree are nine by 16 Our freedom. All right, now I heat on. Okay, let's play the sleep now. Awesome. Look. How is it? We add Juman crop effect in our video. Suppose if you want toe, add black border in the top and bottom off your clip. Then click on tools power tools see leg zoom and crop and then select Expect ratio freedom . And after that I just sittin center and I move it in top like these. And finally I just heat on. Okay, Awesome. Right. So in this way you can is liguo and crop your video clip and also able to add supercool effect like these. You can do this with any video images, anything that you put in the time line. Awesome. Right. Thank you so much for watching. 13. How To Add Watermark Or Logo In Video: Hello, my dear restaurants in this video, I'm going to show you how to put logo and waterman it here very quickly. So let fear, is that it? At first I just import these logo in these media room section to do this. I just right click on the select media files. Choose Death Stop and Civic Peace Level. All right now, I just simply click on this image and drag it and say the top on the video clip. Now I just scratch it like these and click on this corner and discredit and make it smaller . All right, now I click on these middle and to move it and sit in this position. Let's play the sleep now, but this is a super 35 8 K sensor. So right off the bat, it's super overkill for a YouTube. But I've been shooting red for a while, and this stuff gets me excited. So the healings in this way you can easily add different jack off levels in Erbil. UKIP. Now I just delete it. Now there, see how we can add watermark in our video clip toe text. In a video. Simply click on the status room icon are pressed F seven from you Kippers. Now I click that different one and drag it and set it in these text layer. Now I just scratch it like these. Tow it This text. I just double click on this. Andi, isolate this test. Really? Wheat on tap. I'm KBS d. Okay, to change these fun type, I just expand these phone type and from these drop down menu, I select impact front. All right, now I make it big guy and said it in these positions. And now I expand these fun face. Now from here, using opposite is later I just decreased these bello and said it in 50. And now finally I hit on. Okay, this baby sleep a little bit. So the healing center will come in two different red bodies in the weapon which I've showed You did a whole video on it. Check it out. And the epic w the epic W Elsom. Look how easily in part editor we can easily at our logos watermark in our video clip. Thank you so much for watching 14. How To Download And Use Templates From DirectorZone: Hello, my day, Israel. In this video, I'm going to show you how to download and use templates from Director John. So there's really start at suppose you want toe. Add minimally different type off paper objects. To do this, simply open your browser and then Goto Director John Darts traveling dot com Are you just double click on these free templates icon. Once you double click on this, you automatically goto these director dark several ing dot com, and then simply send in on these off site. Click on Sign in and log in with your information are. If you are new on the side, then sign up for free. I already have an account. Now I just log in with Facebook. All right, now on this baby object at Harry C is steady objects, motion objects, frame and paint in emissions category. Also, you can filter this by download. Flowed for bread or abuse are this month. This week our These are all day in category. The stem is Jules. Most abuse the I P objects. Suppose you want to add the's grim on these particles After toe everyday. Simply click on this friend and the heat on download and the check. Don't show these messes again and he download again. Look, our download is just starting. Are downloading is now complete? I just open it and I will click on these and heresy the paper template WAAS successfully installed and is now ready to use It is available for several in part director. That means the specter object is now automatically add it in our party actor softer. And here it is. And now you can add this in the same way that I showed you how to add objects in our previous lecture. Jazz Dragon. Drop it Intending And it's quite it like these to cover the whole video. Let's play this clip now. Awesome, right? Actually, in this way you can tell a different type off Ph. D objects and easily use them in. It will be okay. Let's at Castro taken To add these, simply click on these drop down and select titles and heresy. Bunch of different title stem Platt toe Add any of these this time my future, these most down doors and download these templates to do this. I just like on this template and heat on down looked Look, our title download is now complete. I just open these and in the same way I just double click on these to add this in party to softer and look these data template wa successfully installed and now ready to use Now I opened this project a softer and delete this paper object from my timeline and never get to the title dome. And here it is. I just drag it in 10 lane toe Eat it the statics simply double click on these and then see like these text remove it and died Anything you want this time I die Be dude eating masterclass Now I said it in media and he on Okay, let's play this awesome right In the same way, you can easily download any of your prefer title template and easily use them in irritably . Also, you can able to download different type off transaction magic is tell be do preserves Xa craft In this part directors after and all these things are Astle to free hope this freely source ISC will head you a lot to eat it your bill you better and make it more interesting . Thank you so much for watching 15. How To Capture Photos From The Video: Hello, Miter. Israel's in this video. I'm going to show you how to capture photos from your video for debts. Sometimes we need our beauty related images. For example, in YouTube, Tamil or Phrasebook Video Terminal Exit Ramp Anywhere. There's a started in this middle section. I already added few sample believe for that this time and drag Baywatch official trailer for kids in my timeline. And here it is. Suppose you want to capture these photo, then set your hemline indicator in your preferred position. And after that, click on these came in a con to take a snap shirt off the video or place control P. I just like on this camera icon. And now I dyed my photo name. I simply typed the rock. And here we see our saved location off photo, and I just heat on. Okay, on in this middle section, heresy are recently captured. Photo to find it on your hard right. Simply right. Click on these and select open. Find local Sean on. There it is. In this way, you can easily capture any photos from MPD food debt. Mary's right. Thank you so much for watching 16. How To Reverse Any Video Footage: in these video, I'm going to show you how to reverse any media claim. I already added a sample video in this part. Director Timeline on Charities. If you want to devise these video clip, then process is very simple. Click on your selected sleep and after that, click on tools and select part tools and check this video in reverse. And that's it product or automatically reverts your whole video. But one thing I have to mention that bad later. Also, reverse your audio clip. If you don't like that, then simply select Link or Alec video and audio and then delete these rivers audio clip and at relevant background music on it. All right, now I just under these and let's see how we can reverse our video in another way. I just like on my heroically and click on these Robbed on Tools and Select Action Camera Center. Now click on these effective and this time I expand time shift effect and see like with time shift and I dragged to the right to cover the whole video because I want to reverse thes whole directly and now check this app a ripple and diverse and play them toe means these video is playing for two times less place sleep all right to river. These simply take this and diverse effect. And if you want to add this reverse effect in your last play, our fast play don't select any of these. This time I choose last play and now let's play this clip Normally nuclear and this is already asleep. All right, actually, in these two ways you can is the reverse your any video clip. Thank you so much for watching. 17. How To Rotate Or Flip (Mirror) Any Video: What's happening? Guys, in this video, I'm going to show you how to wrote it or flip or middle end immediately. I only added a sample Lou clip in Tambling. All right, If you want to rotate this sleep, then select on your clear from Hamlin on after that. In these preview section here we see a blue circle. Once a Howard about this mouse on this blue circle, he received the circuit off. Pero now you just drag it down or up. Two wrote it it like these. All right, Now, I just under this also, you can wrote it would be due for debt in another way. Select you believably from timeline and then click on tools and and select power tools. And here we see option who discolored p do rotation. Just check on these. Now click on this icon for that, you can wrote it. Updo protests anti clockwise in 90 degree. Also, you can put that Hello, Digi in this little box for rotation. This time I tie 50. Let's see now our video clip is just wrote it in 50 degree anger. Now I said it in Zito. If you want to root it your video clip in cloak, wife in 90 degree. Then click on these button. All right, now I just close it. Now let's see how we can flip this video clip. That means how we can add middle effect in this video clip. To do this from the timeline, simply double click on your selected politically and then check on this Leap up Sean and expertise by default, it is selected after down. If you want toe admiral effect in a video clip, then simply select left to right, They're sit. If you are satisfied with that, simply hit on, okay, they're splayed asleep Now. This is our army or effect politically. And this is the original clip Brady. Cool in this way in body later, you can easily wrote it and middle you periodically. Thank you so much for watching 18. How To Record Computer Screen With PowerDirector: by the Israelis. In this video, I'm going to show you have to record competently screen with power Director. So without any further delay lasers, it started. Now I just open these bar directors. After. Do we start record computer screen simply hit on these capture return, actually, in part it or there are lots of toys to capture for death. You can capture footage with camera. If it is black in also, you can capture video with the webcam. Not only that, also, you can record on Lena Sean hair. You can see that. I'm speaking with the microphone right here, and this level is just bouncing up and down. Are you just click on these screen capture? I can't Eastern recording now. I just stick on this by default. It is selected 16 by nine ratio, and this is exactly are monitor ratio. If you want to capture the holy screen, then simply select full screen or if you want to capture a particular portion off your monitor then Frank on this corner and said any of your preferred position all right. By this time we captured this holy screen. That's what a select full screen and understandings received bunch of different options in France. Sittings dishes are filing capture form it I always preferred and before because and before is universally supported in Mac our windows. And it is really easy to use a resolution. I always truth high resolution 19 pretty by danity and frame rate, celiac tighty FBS. And this mission folder I choose deck stop and heat on. Okay. And under other sittings here you see two different options price over and system audio. If you want to record unanimity on them simply down this on. And if I hit on set up here we see two microphones are connected with my computer. One is where the microphone and another is. Do it in microphone. This game I choose Pruitt the microphone and heat on okay and system audio by default. It is stand on that because if I play any to bid you are any music files are beautify. Then in the meantime, it's gonna catch a record. Those sounds to Easter and Easter record ing simply press F nine toa pasa resume press FDA Also you can Annable are visible. These heart kiss If I click on advance heresy, create different options monitor settings. It is by default. Selected primary. If you are using two monitors, then if you want to record primary or secondary murder than choose any of these from here and parliament sittings, I check this hard drive video encoder for faster part Mass and in editing settings. Check this quick dart a mark ified who and recording. Now I just hit on. Okay, he again toe Easter record ing Simply click on this red record button and now whatever you doing on this screen, it will record everything. Two is the record ing simply press F nine R Click on this is going recorder and it on the stock, and this is my Iskan record at five. Now you just simply go to the editing panel and import this in Media Room and just you start getting recorded is gotcha radio. And this is how you can capture, complete risking and edit them. In part Director hoping injured these little video and good luck for quitting new with screen capture videos 19. How To Use Blending Effects: Hello, my dear students in this video, I'm going to show you how toe add different type off landing effect in It'll be do foot. It's so there's good. Instead, I already added fuel sample video clip in time. Lame. Let's play the 1st 1 This is a sample slow motion video clip. If you want to add blending effect old TV effect actually in this video clip, then from the time land, click W Crip. After that, league the tools and from this drop down menu, select blending effect and under piece of section heresy and a Look flame effect. And on a downer section here you see a bunch of different blending effects, and these are the effects I downloaded before from the director john dot com. To see any of this review, simply click your preferred blending effect and click on the play button. Let's see the another one. This is the most popular lens very fact, and this is the base on green blending effect. This then, in effect, usually used on different type off an additional 1,000,000,000 foot. It's this time I add old type off unlocked effect on this. Basically, to do this, I just select channel live. In fact, let's play on these heresies black lines on the screen. All right. And under this previous screen here we see a slider Houthis called Capacity. If you want to add more analog, live in fact than said capacity 100. If you set it in 20 then here you see some black lines, which are bad. Ineligible? I just said it in 80 and I'm not blending mood. They receive a bunch of different options. This is the dark down overlay. You just play around with these different landing, Mort. And once you are satisfied with any off these hit on. Okay, I normally used lighting. And if green to use any effect about these command, choose differences and heat on. Okay, on under our blue clip in 10 land heresy, our blending effects. All right. But if you want to add all type offline effect on this video clip, then wouldn't to sit like and white color on this video clip to do this, select your politically from 10 lane and select fix and enhance if I check on callup, Is it received? A bunch of different color pictures are available right here. simply select this white and black effect. Ah, left, ladies. Awesome, right. You can add the's black and white effect on a video clip in another way. Just answer these and then select color adjustment. He received bunch of different bills off slayers. I just said situation zero and asked some hue gone crust and are some brightness. And to minimize the exposer. All right, they're slated. Slip down Pretty cool. In this way, you can easily add all type of flame effect in any off your video. Klay. Now, let's see another example. Toe a learning effect on video clip. This is the sample walking video and 2nd 1 use seem pulls low Moshe working video our light . This time I add different blending effect on these two clips. To do this, I just hit on tools and select blending effect on these to my air this life late slide effect. Let's play this clip pretty cool. And these de my said capacity 40. All right now I heat on okay. And in factory here we see our recently added blending effect. I just move it to the top. All right, But look at this. This video has no blending effect. If you want to add the same lending effect on these fast medically, then from this crack, too. I just move the 1st 1 to the left like this and move the 2nd 1 also. And after that I just scratch it like these and copy this blending effect and tasty just after the 2nd 1 And just scratch it like these, and we are almost down. There's lady sleep. But when you go from one video clip to elegantly, it just really changed. This time, I add a cool transition. If a on between these two clips to do this, I just click on Transaction Room and SAS forfeit. This is a very cool and simple transaction. I just ragged and set it in between two cliffs and I is questions like these to decrease the time off this transaction. Let's play the sleep now. Awesome, right in this way, you can easily use different type off blending, in fact, to make your video more interesting. Thank you so much for watching 20. Add Special Fire Effect By Using Blending Modes: different types of keyboards. Keyboards for mobile devices, keyboards, desktop computers, maybe a modern Hello, my dear students, in this video, I'm going to show you how to add a special fire effect using blending Moore's. So There's getting started at Harry already added a sample with the footage in Timely shown shown you many different type things against the Duke Lee. If you want to add a special fire effect on this area or somewhere in this video, then simply open your browser and then go to E to now a such for black file background. I hit on enter and these damn it. Download these aides de fire background to download this. I just copy this barrel and had I am using four Cave You don't wanna to download YouTube video. I just spaced this link. Still a great addition 7 20 p and hit on download. Our download is now complete and index stop. It is CR downloaded video. I just input this in this middle section. Now I drag it and set it in this track to actually, this is the top layer off this I'm like now I just is questions like this. And now from the timeline. I just select my black fired back. Don't and simply right click on this. And Goto said, Give active yours and under said, blending mood. We see different debt off options, normal jargon, multiply light and is screen overlay diffidence. And he'll this time I choose its cream. All right now, from the Time Land, I click my file video bedroom, begin and select, Fixed and Enhance, and I check these gala adjustment now. I asked them Situation Go on trust and brightness as well. And in Christa Exposer. Now I just close it. Let's very sleep now. Many different types of keyboards Keyboards from Home Devices Award that's Here's Your Modern is awesome right in this way. Using blending Morse, we can easily add special fire effect in our anybody do food debt. Thank you so much for watching 21. How To Use Mask Designer: Hello My day students. In this video, I'm going to show you how to create exact piece effect using months. Designer also add motion in our background. So we thought in effort the do let's get started. I already added few sample reduce and images in this media room sexual. Now I add the's sample video on the trek to off my timeline. After that toe, add mask effect from the time land cilic your periodically and after that lead designer and choose marks designer and under these monster here you see, a bunch of different marks are available. This is the circle one, Mr One. You can also resize your mask size to see the preview. Just play on these. I just stopped beat Lots of different grated mosques are available right here Also, you can Lord custom image to create your own creative mosque to create a new mass from its catch Simply hit on create mask in this mask Composer Here we see a textbook is already edit. Now I just select everything and remove it and type and as B Now I see like these decks by placing control a and from these fun type click on the drop down menu and select your prefect font. Now I just sash for media not likely on this area and drag it on the corner to make this bigger. Now I move it here to create a new deadlock. Simply click on this plastic icon. And this time I die production and movie too. Yeah, and Jack on this corner to make our second takes plug picker. All right, now I heat on. Okay, After that we see we can completely move our holds mass and able to say this Inning her on this preview screen. Now, I just simply said it in media like these, and finally I heat on. Okay, All right. Now, from this medium section, I just see, like the sample image and bracketing timeline. I just said it in crack while now I squelch it like these to cover the whole video Now will decrease the opacity off this image to do this process is very simple. From the Time Lane, select your image. And if I have a reverend mouth in top Heresy capacity 100 and our mass Ponta is changed and heresy days ago. Icon Now I just to move it down and sit capacity. Entirety. Let's play the sleep now. Pretty cool, right? But our Bagram is not moving. If you want to add moving background now from the timeline and select your bag on Tim, it's and choose key frame. And now I explained this clip attributes, and this time I at key frame is specifically to change the height and weight. Now I said it in the very beginning and at give him and height and wit said one that means in this time are bigger size will be like peas. Now I move these Tamblyn indicator Now make sure that you take this maintain expect ratio. And then I changed this height and width from 1 to 3 and change this given position from middle to pay the end. Let's very sleep Now. Look, our Bagger is just moving pretty cool right now. I am very satisfied with that, brother. All right, In this way, using these mark designer, you can create different type off super cool effect in your view clip. Thank you so much for watching 22. How To Edit Vertical Video (Mobile Phone Recorded Video): In this video, we import a particle, mobile recorded video. This is a huge thing for modern be. Do it deter because lot of people are consummate particle video on their smartphone. Snapchat and Instagram are heels right now, and they do a lot of particle video in their application. If you want to shoot a record magical video on your phone, then it is necessary to edit it to make your videos more interesting and export them with the right settings. Too easy way to import any video is simply open your document and go to the place where he stored you recorded file and simply ragged in the media room section. Now I just simply drag this video on TEM Lane and in this previous green heresy toe black portion on this boat, left and right side that because you know, on a smart phone records are video in nine by 16 ratio by in this part Director, our default expedition is 16 by night. To change this aspect ratio, simply click on immediately from timeline and selectees, Icon 16 by nine and change this from 16 by 9 to 9 by 16. All right now, click on this corner and dragged down to make this bigger and drag it to the top to fit everything in this nine by 16 ratio. Let's play the sleep now pretty cool right now. I just stop it toe ADL orders on the's nine by system ratio. Simply click on this tattoo loom icon and choose any if you prefer template. This time I select these extreme one said it in this tractor to eat this I just double click on these to change the text. I just doomed if to get the better being angle. Now I see like these fast x block and dive summertime and see like the second take long and removed everything and tied January 2018. All right, now I heat on. Okay, let's play the sleep now. Now I just bought these. Now if you want to export this video clip in this nine by 16 ratio, then simply hit on produce and file. Former choose is to 64 ABC, which form it is and before and profiled up with choose default and quality. If we want to export this video in Canet tippy than choose 180 by 1920 30 frame per second and Harting MVPs and Export folder with change These and said it index, stop and hit on set toe is surrendering. Simply Heat on the start on movie is just producing. Wait for a moment. Are rendering is now complete on her, It is brothers dot and before let's play this clip now pretty cool in this way. By changing Espa Gracia and adding different type off text Attles, we can easily make our mobile recorded video more interesting and render them with the correct settings. Thank you so much for watching. 23. How To Do Color Correction In PowerDirector: Hello. My name is Reince Being this video, we work with color correction, color correction, making sure that color in a video look like real and look normal at first and show you how to color, correct and correct, which is basically comes with the one thing which is white balance Now from this medium sexual I just seem to drag piece in 10 men and from the timeline and I just feel like my sleep and choose fixed and enhance. As I said before, color collection basically means the white balance to collaborate off this video, I just simply check this white balance. And in these preposition Harry, see a fire and cloudy in merriment. If you want to add temperature on this environment, actually, if we want to add san effect on these environment then dragged this letter to the right look the difference on the previous screen. Awesome, right? If you want to add cloud effect in a video clip than dragged to the left, also you can act ain't on video clip. All right. Suppose you want to correct your color automatically with part director to do this Cilic this white collaboration and after their click on this Kala Picca. And from this white collaboration window heresy, our original video and this is the calibre would be nuclear. Now, from our orginally to clip using the scallop picker I choose sta I choose the white portion from this video clip, I select this color and here we see our selected color. All right, now I click on this and heat on. Okay, look at this bar Director automatically correct our color. Now I just under these look, This is the original one. And this is the automatically collected color. So their song you fix white balance and do some color correcting in party the tour. Thank you so much for watching. 24. How To Do Color Grade In PowerDirector: in this video, I'm going to show you how to do Kala grid in part Director. So let's get it started. Actually, color grading work with color brightness exposing off your video toe have a certain feel or effect to it in this middle section. I already at it. Few sample videos on here. I just drag the sample video in template. Now I June this template to get the better being angle. All right. To call a grit from the time lane, select your immediately and heat on fix and enhance. And he had to see a few different options under enhanced click on color adjustment. To activate this color adjustment, check this one. Now I increase the level off. Expos are a little bit exposer beings the level everything in your video, including the docks and Harriets. Now I just said it in 150. Now I add some brightness brightness in Greece the over a light off your bill You clip Now I add some contrast. Contrast makes your video more con trustee. That means darker parts become darker and vital part become brighter. If I said Khan trust in video, look at this here you see a flat image, darker parts now become lighter and lighter parts become DACA Now I just said it in 15. Also, you can change the hell. I just said this You in default. Also, you can increase or decrease the situation off your blue clip. Actually, adding more situation is dangerous because it makes your pee do footage color are natural. That's why I said it in default 100 Also you can increase our decreased of high violence or food. Be to clear if you want to add highlighting that increase the value of this later. But for this time I said it in judo also. If you want to add shadow on your video footage, then then used the shadows later. Also, you can increase or decrease the sharpness off you Be nuclear. Once you are satisfied with the result, close this one All right. Actually, in this way by changing color brightness exposure offer video, you can easily color great. You'll be do footage. Thank you so much for watching 25. Adjusting Video Color In ColorDirector: in this lecture and in our next lecture we work with college director. You can easily download re trail off these color directors after simply go to several ing dot com and such for color director and then heat on free trial or just poshest these for regular use. Cannot. Vehicle is a great program for effortless kala grating to get professional results. I already have installed Connell director on my computer. Now I just open these to import videos, simply hit on import files and select your preferred video. Are you just simply drag and drop? You preferred video on this lively section and after that dragged the video on the storyboard and go to the adjustment that and in this letter we do basic. I just meant in color Director. It is a little similar that we have edited footage in part director, but it is more powerful once you goto the adjustment kept, you will get set off tools on the left side. Now, at first we talk about white billions and in this this green here we see the preview off our original believe for debt. Now, if you want to add sun effect on these politically, then simply use thes temperatures like their drag to the right to get the san effect. If you want to add cold effect in these blue cliff, then simply drag to the left. Also, you can add to imagine duh all green effect in your video clip toe. Under this, simply click on this little under icon. All right, if you want to carry your color automatically, then click on these color picker and Jews the white color from a radio. The estimate. Use thes White Gala and Talarico automatically just our video. Kala Mexicans, huh? Now on the tone here we see a bunch of different sliders. If I add the bill of exposer, look, it just increased their over life off our video clip. If I. D. Christie's actually eat overall makes our video darker. Now I just at a little bit expose our and now if I add contrast, look, what happens are brighter part off. This video clip is now becoming brighter and darker part all. This video clip is now becoming darker If I decrease the contrast now what happens are brighter part off. This video clip is not becoming darker and darker, part off. This video clip is not becoming brighter. And these type off low contrast videos are very popular nowadays. Anywhere these dem I said it in middle and under these and you see, we can increase our decrease the brightest Bite me tone dark and darkest fellow off this video clip, I just increase the meat on a little bit. And dick is the Pollux off the darkest part off these blue clip. All right? And our next lighter is called clarity. If you want to make your beautifully sharper, then increase the value off clarity. Look at these. Everything in these immediately now more sharper. Now, if you want to air soft effect, then did with the mill off clarity. All right, now I make this video a little bit sharp are and our next two sliders are by bus and situation. Now, let's talk about situation fast. If I increase the paleo situation, then look at this. What happens? It just increased the color Everything off our video clip. If I decrease the mellow situation, Look, our color is company to remote and it is no black and white video. Now I just increase the bail of situation a little bit now their stock about by violence. Now I increased the vibrance a little bit. Libraries are situation on a specific color in video clip to make it more natural. You add more greens are blues, but it won't increase association off the tropical refs are Phyllis because those are the skin tones that will look unnatural. It there become over saturated. So by violence is much way to decrease situation. All right. And now we talk about is that effect. So is the effect is based on something off photography. While you actually take multiple images, multiple photos off, same image one you take is over exposed. One is export properly and when you take under exposed and you put them on top off each other and basically blend them together and then what happens? Actually, you get vibrant, exposed a kind off, funky looking image higher. Everything is exposed properly. If I increase the bill, you off sprint and at the ready s and also increased the value off the sprint off edge. Then look what happens. It is basically trying to do the same thing. Like is there photograph E Now it looks large. Chris Pierre and lot more contrast E Now I just under these because typically I don't use This is the effect on my video clip. But if you want, then you may use thes So these are the basic tools that we have to eat it our color in color ejector. To make our video scholar more perfect, all you may just use this color Quit to keep an extra pill in your video footage. Thank you so much for watching. 26. The Pleasantville Effect In ColorDirector: in this video, I'm going to show you how to add the place and Flynn fact in blue Clip. So, without any further delay, leaders is started. Now, I'm in adjustment depth in color director and already added a sample video in his through line. Now I just go down, and here we see a option situation. And under these yeah, we see a bunch of different colors using these colors like this, we can make any of our video color more situated or d situated. Suppose this time if you want toe, make this red color more situated or this rosy color. Then simply increase the bell off. Red maxims right now. If you want Toe de situated everything except this red color and rosy colored jacket, then decrease the Balu. All of these expect red and magenta. Now. I increased the better off magenta to situated these jacket color. All right, They explained the slip now. Awesome. Right now I just under these. All right? If you want to make any individual color more situated, R d situated than you can do this in another way. If you want to increase these local are more saturated, then click on these little plus icon and click on these blue color and drag to the top like these. If you want to make this ducal de situated, then click on the blue color and dragged down. Now, if we want to increase the saturation color off this free, then click on this free and ready to the top like these. Awesome. Right now I just dislike this to make these video just like before. I just increase the situation below off this do color to add the place and Flynn fact Onley these red and magenta Qala. I just increase the bill you off red and magenta and decrees all of these bellows. So in this way you can easily add place and Flynn back in. It'll be you. Clip. Thank you so much for watching 27. How To Add Background Music In Video: Hello. My idea is to rinse in this video. I'm going to show you how to easily add background music in your any medium for debts. I already added a sample, but the food is in timeline. Let's play this video a little big and decide whether or not they're going to hire you. Fire you, hang out with you or give you a smooch at the end of the nut. But for the most, this video has no background music. If you want to add this, then import of preferred empathy file in this middle section. I already added a sample music file to see the preview double click on this. If you want to say this music as a background music, then simply drag and said it in this position. Now I click on this corner and it scratch it like this and moving Teoh. Let's play the sleep. I feel confident that you are bones as purposes first impression solid, But there are five things that, no matter how, sure, but these beggar music seems to impair allowed. If you want to minimize these polio than simply click on your music files and I will click on this. And after that, click on these bullet omicron and simply decrease it like these. All right, now I hit on. Okay, let's play the sleep now. Five of the biggest first impression mistakes men make end. How? Fix a first impression. Mistake number one. Awesome. In this way, you can easily add any type of bag and music in your belief attach. Thank you so much for watching. 28. Remove Bad Audio In PowerDirector: Hello. My idea is rants in this video. I'm going to show you how to remove. Bad argue is specifically actually show you how to remove noise from your video clip. So there's really started. I already added a assembled video footage. Actually, this is my skin recording video. Had the add the's if the recording video on Time lay. Let's play the sleep now and this is my general online on Inking With You are Really is on Lee on inking dot arc. Recently, I published a block post parody had releasing some back or nice is available in this audio clip. If you want to remove this, then click on your audio clip and select fix and enhance and check. This are do denies and in nice type, drop down. Have a seat. Three different options is additionally noise we noticed and looking nice. Additionally, noise is removed. Aesthetic e white noise from the audio clear and winless would be. If you are in outside and you are shooting with your microphone, then it gets some windows. Who it is lot off love because went this time I select is additionally nice and I said degree entirety all right, let's play this clip. Recently I published a block post. Have you discussed on about Dr Essential? What best lucky that every was it Make pretty cool. Now I minimize it and set it in 10 toe apple A. These are UKIP I simply select apply to all. Let's play this now with you are really is online learning being dot arc. Recently I published a block post. Have a perfect in this way we can is the rim a bag Unless from our video clip is in these power directors after. Thank you so much for watching. 29. How To Change Video Voice Of Any Video: Hello, my dear restaurants. In this video, I'm going to show you how to change your period buyers. So there's getting started at this time. I add a sample. Billy Foot is intended this place to sleep a little bit, and I bumped into somebody that really pissed me off. They did something, and I was thinking, This person's a moral on man. They don't understand the most fundamental rule of money number one. All right, if you want to change these beautiful eyes, then process is very simple. Click on the street from the family and then select audio and Jews who have editor after that new window is just open now from these distortion select pin shift and beautiful. It is in zero point. I just said it in my less for and I take this video and let ladies It's amazing how old school principals still work in the modern world, especially when it comes to making money. Making connections just kind of makes us huh? Let's set it in minus six. It's amazing how each keep punching me, still walk in the morning. Now, this time I sit in positive for look Lady split. Now it's amazing how old school principals still work in a modern world. Especially when it comes and making money, making connections. Uh, just kind of sitting here in a dining room mics inthe right now. I said it in minus four and heat on. Okay, our processing is done. Now I close it. And before this, this orbiter ask, you have no said the changes made to a current recto. You want to save that in just now? Now I just simply hit on. Yes. All right, let's play this clip now. Really pissed me off. They did something and I was thinking, This person's amore on man, they don't just done the most fundamental rule of money. Number one Money's awesome is in this way by changing the value A pit shift off this artifact. You can easily change any of your video, boys. Thank you so much for watching 30. How To Fade In And Fade Out Audio: Hello, Minor. Israel's in this video. I'm going to show you how to add Ismat. Fade in and fade out. Effect in you. Argue Clip. I already added a sample. Are you clip in 10 day. Let's play the sleep a little bit. This is the start. And this is the end. All right. Heresy. There is no fed in our in the end. No federal defect in these, are you Clip. If you want to add this, then select your arguably and click on it it audio and juice who have editor head to see a new window. Now I see Lady Gaga fast pushing off. These are directly and then under the volume I choose fit on this time I said it in 20 and heat on. Okay, All right. Now, in the end, I select the and pushing off These are directly and select fretting again and said ending Giulio zero. And now I heat on. Okay, now I closed these. And to save these changes, I just heat on. Yes, there. See the preview now fed in and fared out. Actually, in this way, you can easily add Fred in and fade out. Effect in arguably. Thank you so much for watching 31. How To Record Narration (Voice Over): Hello. My name is Reince in the zoo. I'm going to show you have to record by seven on Natisha using these bar directors after solar canister that toe capture boys over Simply click on this matter for Nikon and said it in 80 and and then from these drop down said you preferred microphone. One thing I have to mention that to record wise over, you have two connected microphone with your computer and I said Input Bull of 80. And from the profile former Truce PCM and attribute I preferred 4800 killer are 16 beat and in particular by part. Second, all right. Also in preference. You can set time limit to Eastern recording. Click on these red circles another way. You can go to your high server, click on these, capture 10 and then select your microphone icon and set it in 80. And if you want to begin with fit in, then check on these. And if you want to end with fed out, Dan, tick on these better now I change Are recorded price of our destination folder. I said it in next up and heat on. Okay. From the capture preference you can sit your voice of a recording Tamela me and says limit . Anyway, this time I just is kept this to Easter Record invites over. Click on this red record button. Hello. I am mashing shock about this star. I'm the online instructor and serving cause over 50,000 distress all over the world. And I'm the instructor off Thesis project or course to Easter recording. Click on these red record button. This time I saved this file as a sample buyers and I heat on. Okay, hair. It is likely on it. It won't. And look at this. This is our recorded by silver Fire. Let's play the sleep now. Hello. I am machine shock about this star. I'm the online instructor and serving goes over 50,000 distress all over the world And I'm the instructor off. I just post ease and index toe heresy. These boys over file sample boys don't wear Actually, in this way you can is the record your bicycle in these Partick Toby, Dude, Eating softer. Pretty easy, right? Thank you so much for watching 32. How To Convert Any Video To Audio: Hello, Miter. Is Rance in this video? I'm going to show you how to combat any video to argue. So there's really started. I already added air sample with this song. Intending? Let's play the sleep a little bit. I give Theo All right. If you want to convert this as an MPA tree, then process is very simple. And it's right for right. Click on these produce step and then from this window, click on these are defied icon. And then under these drop down select Windows media or from audio are MPD for audio and quality. I choose to have six cable ps, and I just finally heat on East Act. How are posting is now complete and our safe location is thes. All right. Now I just go to these location documents. Seven link body A door 15 on. Here it is. I think this way you can easily combat any video to argue. Thank you so much for watching 33. Green Screen Video Production In PowerDirector: Hello, my dear. It is to rent in this video. I'm going to show you how to work with greenest green Pea do production. So there's get history. Yet I already added a sample green screen video on timeline To remove this really screen from the time land, click your politically and then click on these designer drop down menu and select yappy designer. Now, from these deputies in our I just activity chroma key and expand these now like league Kala Picca and select data green color. All right, now I air some tolerance off you x sound situation. Now I air some lieutenants to remove these green border. Now these he seems to me Perfect. Now I have some is sharpness on simply hit on. Okay. Now, to add a new background behind it from the time land, I just drag it and set it in the second track. I already added a sample is to the image on this medium section. Now I just drag it and set it in Thame Lane. Andi is quite it like these to cover the whole video. Pretty cool right now. Make this video more interesting. Now from the Templin I just select the sample video and it scratch it like these to reset my video, and I move it and set it just in these position. All right, let's add a little video on these D. V now. I opened my browser and go toe bigs abed dot com. It's a great I've said to get Rule it Free images videos. Now from this drop terminal, I see like videos and sash for news and he'd enter. Now I download these sample video footage. I just click on these and see like Freedom Lord and just download it in 1920 by 22 resolution are downloading. Is there complete? I just open it and drag it in these media room. Now I add the sample video on these TV to do this. In the timeline, we have to add a new track. I just right. Click on these and silly at tracks and add a video and our do crack below the track to now my heat on Okay, and I just drag down on my sample video, Andi said Thies news video. In crack to now I select these new sample with you and dragon this corner and make little all right, and I just simply recess it and said this on TV. Now I just copied the sleep, and after that I just right click on this and select based Insert and Move All sleeps and again I just right. Click on these and click on Pissed Insert and move all clips. Now I click on this corner and it scratch it like this to remove the extra portion off the sample. NewsRadio. Let's play this video. No, really, tell us about it. It's why we're here. Black box insurance reviews are fast becoming one of the top black box insurance review sites on the Internet. We are not complacent, though. We need your help. Black box insurance has great awesome, right? Look how easily is in Goma care in this part. Director is removed, are green background and add a super cool effect in RBD for dads. Thank you so much for watching 34. How To Add Motion Track And Blur Out Moving Face Or Object: Hello. Miter is rare in this video. I'm going to show you how to motion track on someone, phase or object and add that effect on it. So there's gonna start at I already added air sample Believe footage in timeline. If you want to add motion track on his face and add glad effect on it, then process is very simple from these drop down menu tools. Click on these and select motion Tracker in this brutal heresy. A little box Now I just who says it to drag his face. Now I just leak on Breck. I just based it. Stop. Look this record, unable to crack his face fully. That's why I just said this Tamblyn indicative writer and repositioning it like this. Now let's hit on track again are some now toe. Add that effect on his face. Simply click on these FX step, and from these drop down I see like Black and Mark's Day as Jews sunken. Now I just resize it to like these and said it just on his face. All right, let's play the sleep now because they don't know how to do it, Which makes sense to me that's justified So what do I have this gonna change? The world I have launched a new program is a test group. I'm gonna eat a small amount of people in it. Compared to this world, I mean, really, 80% of people should get it, but I can't reach 80% of the world history with this. But if you click the link below, I'm give you Awesome. Now, if you want to add more glad effect on the soccer than simply at the pill of degree All right. Pre training, free training and an introduction to what? This, um, private once you are satisfied with that, simply hit on. Okay, Now, these that effect is now effected on these time and video test group. I'm let a small amount of people in it. Compared to this world, I mean, really, 80% of people should get it, but I can't reach 80% of the world history with this. But if you click the link below, I will give you awesome right in this way, you can easily motion track any off, are moving, object our face and able to add bladder defect on it. Thank you so much for watching 35. Speed Up Or Slow Down Any Video: No, my day. Israel's in this video. I'm going to show you how to speed up and slow down. It'll be nuclear, so they're scary started. I already added a sample, Luke lit in template. Let's really sleep a little bit. This is our sample video clip. All right, if you want to make this video Klay faster or slower than process is very simple and straightforward from the timeline and click your politically and then click on these troubling menu tools. After that, select particles and then here you see option, which is called barely spit. Just check on these and then select a speed adjustment. And in this window, under these enter clip death. Here, you see, our video clip is now 22 seconds. Using this is split multiplayer cider You can make your politically faster are slower if I drag to the right and set it in free. That means these baby spit is now three x faster and new video division is now on Lee six second to see the preview click on these labaton. Got it right. If you want to make this video is bit slower, then dragged to the left one is normally speed Now I said it in 0.700 Let's very sleep now . And look, these baby spit is now free. Explore and thes Beautician is now cut in two seconds. Ridicules now I east of this and said this in around two. That's why our video is big is now two x faster and be do tradition is now on the 11 seconds. If you are satisfied with that, then hit on. Okay, let's basically a little bit all right. In this way you can easily it spit up are slow down any off your beautiful dead. Thank you so much for watching. 36. How To Stabilize Shaky Video Footage: hello minor restaurants in this video, I'm going to show you how to stabilize, shaky be do for theirs. A few days ago, I shoot this video. It is a handheld video. Their slightest video has little bit cheekiness. Blessed ladies will you a little bit all right if you want to be civilised. The shaky video footage then from the time land, click on the video clip and select feet are enhanced. And here you see a bunch of different options. Toe instability. This, simply click on we do, is to relate their and heresy party to automatically it stimulates be due for debt. Let's very sleep now. Makes sense, right? Actually, each Charles rooted and June. This video clip toe stimulates the shaky, beautiful death in this later. If you want toe change, this value from 50 to 100 see the video is Charles Zoom in and wrote it it to destabilize more. Let's play the sleep all right. If I said it in video, then let's see what happens. Very shaky, but I think fifties perfect. All right, If we want to fix the traditional camera shake, then check on this option. Fix traditional camera shake awesome to use in. Hence stimulator. Check on this option tool. Pretty cool, Actually. This'll be stipulated. Option is a great feature off these bar directors. After you can easily stimulus you shaky. Beautiful. There's using this video is the related feature. Thank you so much for watching. 37. How To Add Blur Effect To Remove Watermark Or Logo: Hello, my dear restaurants. In this video, I'm going to show you how to blot out any text or logo from your video clips. So let's get started at I already added fuel sample radios in days, Madam Sexual, this time at a demo in this time lamb and charities in these video heresy attacks in the right top. If you want to blot out this portion, then process is very simple. Simply click on this FX step and such for blood, and he had a C four different blood options are available. Life cautioned La Radiant Black and takes that this time I add a default, Die and said it in this position and it scratch it like this and he had to see Our whole video is just flat out, but I want to blot out on Lee thes text portion to recess. This bad effect simply double click on these from timeline and then using these degrees later, you can increase our decrease disease. That effect also, you can change these marks dates by clicking on these. Drop down This is Circle Bar and this is boxed artifact. To resize it. Simply click on these mask and click on this corner and drag to the top and said it in your preferred Put John. All right, now I heat on. Okay, lives, baby. Sleep. Now, people tell me all sorts of things that I should be smart enough to listen to. But that's not the way that I'm built. I need to actually experience things. We sexually blood out this text from our video clip. In this way, using these bad effect, you can easily blood out your text watermark or logo from your video clip. There. Easy. Right. Thank you so much for watching. 38. Start Editing 360° Video Footage: in this section we work with restrictive beauty Foot as the best thing in particle is, you can eat it. You tree city live video footage. I just opened the settling part, Director. And here you see a few different options. Expect issue. I chose Eastern Art 16 by nine to eastern leading to resist a degree video for death simply hit on tresses, spiritedly editor And in this media room section heresy productor already added few sample images and videos. This is it. This extremely video. If you want to see the preview, then simply double click on this and you will be able to see that resisting video in this preview screen. Now I just play this. If you want to see around these video, then simply click on the history 60 to give a turn to animal it. And there it is. I just pause it on. Look at this. Awesome, right? If you want to import New York's is directly video, then process is very simple. Simply right. Click on this and select import media files are import a media folder. Are you just implied? Direct your creases trigger videos on these medium section. All right, to eastern visiting. Simply drag your video in this timeline to add to strictly video in Temple and we had to create it is exceedingly happy. Do project. That's why I click on these creases degree now I just do my came land and there it is. All right, All right. If you want to expect this politically, then simply said your hemline indicator anywhere you want and then heat on this plate. Now our one politically divided into two clips. Now I see it my daimler indicator here and spit it again. All right, if you want to delete these portion authorities is Diggory do plea then simply select you perfectly and praise Deal it from your keyboard. Now simply Blake removed and leave. Gaps are removed and feel. Get all removed, Pilger and move all clips. This time I choose that hard won Remove, fill gap and move all plagues Now I said this Duke lives right here. Let's play this now. Awesome, right. Also you confrim irritably from the very beginning Off video are the perry and off your video. To trim this, simply select your immediately And then nobody believed mouse on the corner and dragged to the left to dream the end portion off the video. And now, if you want to dream the very beginning from a really oh, then simply select immediately. And however the amounts on this corner and drag it to the right and choose Scream Onley. Pretty cool. Let's add a directory. Six. Really video in camera. Now I just drag and drop it here. They're slated. Sleep now. All right. Now, if you want to add transaction effect in these between two clips, then simply hit on this transition room and he had a C bunch of different transitions are available. And this time I add this suit clad. In fact, I just drag it and said this in between two clips and decrease the size off transition to make this transition event faster. Let's play the sleep now. Awesome, Right? Also, if you want to eat it, this transition than simply double quick on these, and from here you can increase or decrease maxed artifact level. Also, you can change background color all right from ah, next. Like Jeff's, we learn how toe add text, different type off effects that the objects also how to do color correction interests. We get video footage and much more. Thank you so much for watching 39. Add Text In 360° Video: Hello, my dear students, In this video I'm going to show you how to act Text in arteries extradicted video. So there's get started and this is our sample creases student living nuclear. I already added these little clip in Templin to add a new text simply hit on these cattle room. And from these Tatelman section I choose thes default text block. Now I drag this in second track now is scratching like these And if I move around these here you see our title text block to eat it is simply disable this free six addictive You are more and this is how we eat it our text toe edit these decks from timeline Simply double click on this and heresy. Now we can move this text also we can recess it as well Toe eat it this text same places like everything and remove it And now dive whatever you want This time I type This is my house to see the preview simply animal friezes Citigroup your mood and play on this. If we want to repositioning the stakes and recess it then simply disable creases student the mood and then it's scratching like these are you just changed your font size from these drop down mental. This time I select 18 and juice color white. Also, if we want toe reflection, are you text? Simply check this reflection. Now I sit capacity in 80. Now I click on these, plus icon to June. These on there it is also you can use different type off character preserves. Simply select everything from your Tesla and choose and present you want. All right, Now I just under these on and heat on. Okay? All right. Now I m able to is this really boom? And now they're see the preview from the very beginning. Awesome. Right now, I add transition effect in this text. To do this, simply click on transition room now a sash far fit toe Use thes for transition. I just simply practice and set it in the very beginning off this title track and scratch it like these and JAG and another fit transition. And it's question it for faster transition. Now, let's see the preview from the very beginning. Awesome. Right now let's add another title to do this. I just simply hit on total room and use the different one and set it, writer. All right. And where it is now, I visible trace acidic. Keep your mood and I will click on these details now, a movie Teoh and an apple tree succeeded remote on disability again and said this title just in these bloody shop. Now, I just June these and stated right here on now I died. Wonderful weather. All right now I just simply hit on okay to a transition on this title Simply hit on transgender. And this time I add the simple for transit. Sean had the very beginning. And in the end, all right now I m able to resist the remote. Let's play the sleep. Awesome. Right in This way you can is the add multiple titles description in your trees. History maybe. Do Klay. Thank you so much for watching 40. Fix/Enhance Color Correction And Style Presets For 360° Video: Hello My day students. In this video, I'm going to show you how to fix and enhance color correction and how to use different types off the still preserves increases tribute video clip. So we don't any further dealers started in template. I already added a sample trees. Exceedingly we do clear. Now I click on these bill, you clip and select fix and enhance. Now we do color correction off these 2 60 degree video plea. If you want to improve the look off your video than calculation and reading is mandatory and under in. Hence, here we see different options. Now I heat on white balance. Now I check this and in color temperature. If you want to add warm effect in a video clip, then read this letter to the right like this. If you want to add winter effect in a video clip then dragged to the left like these also, you can act int you consider it in green. Are magenta. All right. If you want to correct you gala automatically offered video clip, then simply choose white collaboration and pick on these calibration icon. And here we see two different options and this is our original be nuclear. Do correct to carry your color automatically. Choose the white color from here really ugly and heat on. Okay, now party to automatically fix our video clip color. Now I just can't take these and let's see color adjustment to activate this color adjustment. Check on these and he had received bunch of different sliders. If you want to add exposure, then drag to the right to les expos are breaking to the left. Also, you can increase or decrease brightness as well. Also, you can control contrast hue and saturation off your video clip. Now I make these video more saturated and at shadow, a little beat and and some sharpness. Let's place leave now look, this is the original one, and this is the video after color. I just meant pretty cool, right? Also, you can make your video more lighter or darker, using this lighting adjustment. By clicking on this stuff's icon, you can make your video more brighter. Our click on the minus icon to make your video more darker. Also, you can add X in black light by checking on this item. All right, and in cala, Director Harry see Option Cal appeasers and he had received a bunch of different desserts are available. If you want to make you Praecis. Citigroup video black and white, then choose Silent Era. Also, you can make your video more saturated by clicking on these red Run present. A bunch of different desserts are available, and another cool feature is pidio denies. And our duty noise video denies, basically is if you are shooting in the dark, India are in low light. Then sometimes you may see some nice in a video clip. To remove this increase the pillow off video denies then party to automatically remove your They do nice. All right, so these fix and enhance step is a great place to make you Bill. You look even better. This is an awesome question off this part. Directors after Thank you so much for watching 41. Add Different Effects In 360° Video: No, my dad is the rents in this video. I'm going to show you how to add different type off if X increases to the gravy nuclear. So there is that Is that that intendant I already added a sample creases during the video clip to add effects from the left. Simply click on this FX icon, which is called Effect Room, and he received a bunch of different effects are available. If you click any of this in this previous screen, you can see the light preview samples if you want to add the's force lighting effect in your biblically, then simply ragged and said it in 10 lane. All right, now I just scratch it like these and let's play the sleep now on here you see the force lighting effect Pretty cool, right? If you don't like this effect, then from the time let's see, like four slating effect and right click on these and Blake removed. Are you just praise dealer from your keyboard? Let's add another one. This time I choose this fire hard effect in the same way. I just simply drag it in 10 lane. All right, let's play sleep now. Awesome, right Lords off. Lots off. Custom effects are available right here. You can use any of them by simply dragging and dropping. Intending. Now, I just delete this file. Hot effect, all right. And my another favorite feature is practical room. And in this particle dome, Harry, see some Templars. If you want to add more particle templars than simply double click on these three Templars and download any off your preferred template from the director john dot com. But this time I just escapees and heresy Ren effect. If I click on this and he recede, the school ran effect. If you want to these when effect in your video clip there, simply drag these and set it in temblor. All right, let's play the sleep now. Awesome rain effect. Right now I just bought these And in this red effect, if you want to make this ren effect natural, then we need to color correct to do color correction from the timeline. I just leak on these creases to the video clip and choose fix and inhales. And now I check color adjustment and duty. Some expos are and decrease the brightness also and increase situation a little bit and at some shadow. Now, these dark effect things to me. Very cloudy. To correct your color automatically check on this white Bela's see like white collaboration and juice thesis calibration icon and choose white color from the original politically and heat on. Okay, death it. And also you can eat it This rain effect to it. These from the timeline double click on these and here we see under properties, there is a limit method. By default, it is selected in line. We can is the change these rain direction in point line circles are in mosque. More also, a bunch of different part of its ties are available. I recommend you to came here and play around with these different options. These steps I just skip it now. This ren effect in our twin sister agree video seems to Mayberry perfect and natural in this way using particle room and if extra, you can easily add different type off cool effects in you create 60 degree video. Thank you so much for watching 42. Add PiP Objects In 360° Video: Hello, my dear students, in this video, I'm going to show you how to add different tack off metal objects increases to degree. Video clip. So we thought any further delay legs started. I already added a sample. Will you cliff in temblor? And this is our sample crease sister degree video clip. All right. To add baby objects, simply click on this plate. The objects room are shortcut. You just press a fight. Heresy bunch of different paper objects. If you want to add more baby objects than simply double click on these free Templars icon and in Director John Heresy, lots of different baby objects are available, and all of these are absolutely free downloading process. It's pretty simple, simply signed in in Director John. And after that, Blake, any off this you prefer paper objects and heat on download. When you're downloading is complete. Simply double click on these baby objects. Fire part director automatically add you download it, baby object. All right, suppose this time I want to add this paper object to do this, simply drag it in. Timeline like these now I just visible creates history. Keep ur mood. Now you can change your get the object position if you want to eat it. This big object than from time land Simply double click on these. And now you can say this baby object anywhere you want. For example, these te my sitting here to see the preview animal tree six rue grave you are Mort and play on this awesome right on the left side. Here you see if your different options he had weekend repositioning these by X and y axes also you can escalate to make it bigger are the smaller not only there you can also increase or decrease the opacity. And if you don't want these black shadow than until the shadow option by this time I just check this and decreases the distance. Also, you can add reflection border and also you can flip this as upset down our left. Right, Once you're satisfied with that hit on. Okay. Now, for example, if you want to add test in this blanket space, then add a new layer under these and type days, anything you want and also you can add different type of transition effect in this baby object. Perry. Cool feature, Right. Thank you so much for watching 43. Produce And Upload 360° Video In Online: and it is to rent being this video, I'm going to show you how to produce and upload Chris Extra Guy video online so we don't any for the delay leaders started at supposed. This is our final edit. It creates history. Great video clip. All right, if you want to render these, then simply hit on this pretty step. And now we have to select a file format file format. I choose ace to six for ABC and before and provide a who choose default and quality. I choose 1920 by 9 60 tarty frame per 2nd 16 MBPs and Distinction folder. I see like Dexter up and heat on sake Toe Easter rendering simply hit on the start. Our final video is just producing with funny moments. Our rendering is now complete, and her it is. But this media player doesn't supple creases to the DVD footage there. So I see these and in medium section here to see our party's dot and four file. Actually, this is our final produce file and the authorities we just recently added these text makes sense right now. I just review it. Suppose you want to ah, protease. Find out illiterate resisted giving you typically in online. To do this, simply hit on produce and click on link. Yet now we all know currently Facebook and YouTube CEPAL crease extralegal beauties on their sites to upload the craziest video deeply on Facebook. Are you to simply click any off this and then put you title description tax categories? And after that said you private sittings public are private and then simply hit on the start. And if you have already collected Facebook YouTube account with these particles after then it will ask you to authorize Facebook or YouTube to lead the party rector toe upload. I already uploaded our produce video in YouTube and her it is Auditor is aggressed off that tow. It resisted in the videos, and also you can easily produce E and save it in your computer. Not only that, you can also eat it and upload your own free sister degree video directly in U two and Facebook. Awesome, right? Thank you so much for watching 44. How To Use Easy Editor In PowerDirector: in this lecture we worked with sampling part director is eating more. Now I just double click on this icon and said it's turned out extra crecio 16 by nine Toe start editing with A is the editing mode simply hit on is the editor button. Now, at first, we have to import videos and photos to import videos or photos. Click on these Import Media Icon and Select Import Medium size or import a media folder. This time I choose import media files. Now from the deck stop, I see let my creed travel videos and heat on open. Our three videos are sexually important. Now I heat on next and in this is still section heresy. Few different templates are available. Also, you can download more tempers by simply double clicking on these free download button you browser automatically navigate to the director john dot com and heresy. A bunch of different templates are available, and all of these are absolutely free. To download any of this template at fast, you need to log in in. Director John Simply hit on signing and connect with Facebook. Are you just simply signing with your director John in address and passport. If you want to download these Belen template, simply click on this but before downloading. If you want to see the preview of this tempted, then hit on this play video button. And if you like this team than to download this simply hit on these download button look, our download is justice, starting when it is complex. Simply open this council folder and double click on these tow. Add these templates in part director automatically. This time I just is Keep it and choose this template, which name is called Georgina. Now heat on next and in adjustment. If you want to add background music on their video clip, then simply click on these music icon now from the next Oh, I choose Example Music File and after that, specified that movie direction. Our original video direction is one minute and 47 seconds. If you want to set your redo direction, then choose this option and that you preferred video de Rashawn. Also, you can feed tradition with background music. By this time I choose the 1st 1 and now I heat on next. Now wait for a moment. Music is still is analyzing our movie now If we want to add the starting tighter and and India, then you can add this in this text box, and if you don't then remove this text. But for this time in studying total, I just died. Job will block now to see the preview simply hit on this play button way, Theo with that result, then hit on next. And if you don't go to the Estelle's death and select another temp act now, I heat on. Next on heresy, A bunch of different options. Most popular is produced video. Also, you can buy your video in city our dignity. Also, you can eat it, your video in part, director for at past editing to save this video as an before fine, I just simply hit on produce video now party to take me into that produce section. Andi. Heresy. A bunch of different Tap Eastern that duty free D device online. If you want to shatter BDO directly in Facebook, you do. P More are in this other side. Then simply hit any of these and top your title description decks and logging into Facebook are you to account and then hit on Easter to a plot by best practices almost Eastern. Your final edited video in your deck stop. And after that, she had any. What you want is to six fight each BBC and from these drug known I choose. And before fire and profile type, we choose default and in quality received bunch of different options. If we want to render your video in high quality Janet Tippy, then choose Thies 1920 by eternity 30 p one and the gas and destination folder. I juice, deck stop and heat on Safe to Easter rendering simply hit on start Our rendering is now complete and where it is, right? Actually, it is a fun way to put together some videos with any off you preferred istan. Also, you can use photo in visitor as well and I will show you that in the next lecture. 45. Create A Slideshow Video From Sketch: Hello. My idea is to dance in this video. I'm going to show you how to create amazing slash video from the sketch with departure talks. So they're scary. Start that. Now I click on Cyberlink Power 2015 and heat on slight. Your greater on in our fastest step is source and in this is step, we need to input our photos. If I click on this import button here, you get two different options. Import image files and import and image Fuller, this tomato juice Important Image folder. And from Dexter, I choose my preferred ful there and in this picture are restored. Different type off double doubly Super Listers images. After selecting these folder, I just hit on Select folder. And how do you see all of these Super Sisters images? Now I heat on next and in this eastern and music section here we see Sounds like show stills are available. You can choose any of them. This time I select motion. And to add a bag of music, I just hit on this blast music icon And from next Oh, I choose a sample background music. If I click on slice your preference here we see, we can set our direction and sequence and in duration Harry get to different options. Feet, photos to music and feet. Music photos to create therefore decisive video. It is always recommended to choose fit music to Fort US and sequences by default. It is selected diamond order. Also, you can add sequences would date and time. Diamond Order means in our number one is the sole heresy. This is our timeline sequence. If we want to change any of your secrets than simply silly your picture and drag it to the left right, Our top All right. After selecting Estelle and music either simply hit on next. Now wait for a moment and here we see our video. Let's play the sleep now. Awesome, Right. Once you are happy with that hit on next and in this production here receipt three different options You can produce your video as MP for also, you can burn these as a city or DVD. Also, if we want to it your video in part director then you can eat it. This using this advance editing Mort to save this last video, I just simply hit on produce video and now Padre grow automatically. Take me into the produce section, and here you see different type off steps. Eastern, the duty free D D buys online and in honor, depth, heresy. We can easily upto our slideshow video directly from part director in different social media sites. For example, Facebook. Eat your daily motion. BBO Extra to save you still actually do as and before juice is 265 h E p c. And from this job, Liminal said format and before profile type I choose different and in quality time. He received a bunch of different options. If you want to export your video in tentative P, then I recommend you to choose this format. 1920 by Tenet Eat RTP Who Element MBPs. After selecting days, choose your destination folder. I just saved indexed up and it on Sape to Easter. Rendering simply hit on the start, and that's it. In this way, you can easily great your slash redux from this gas within a minute. Awesome future, right? Thank you so much for watching 46. How To Produce A Video File To Get Final Output: Hello, my dear restaurants. In this video, I'm going to show you how to render a video to get the final out boat. So we talked any further delay alerts started. We already edit Toby Duke lives and music. In this timeline, I suppose this is our final edited video. To render this simply click on these produce button and here you see, a bunch of different tap is turned a duty free device online. This is R two D video footage. This time I want to rent a these video and save it in my deck. Start To do this, we have to select a file format. A few different file farmers are available, for example, FBI mpg to Windows Media Extra by this time to save it in high quality. And before I select each PVC format, I just click on this and from this drop down menu, you can choose and before our MTV this time I select and before and provided I select default and in this quality drop down menu had we see a few different formats by people with select 1920 by quality started P 11 MBPs. That means our video, which will be 1920 tall, 180 pigs l and how different per second and 11 MBPs and even MBPs means how much information is east or our second off video. And if you want toe upload copy to Saralyn Cloud. Click on these and log in with your cyberlink, Amanda Gris and password. This time, I just cancel this. If your computer has faster technology to render your video faster than simply check fast video rendering technology and then Jews as beer are harder video encoder. Actually, you can choose any off this with your PC congregation. Also, I just check this animal preview during production. Who in our video will Easter rendering? We can able to see the preview on this screen and finally always choose our destination folder to do this. I just click on these dot icon and select next up, and I type my final name sample video, and now I hit on sake and finally toe Eastern rendering leak on these Easter button. Now, depending on how fast your computer trees, your video will export and you will able to see the people with up here on the top right are rendering is now complete. And in Dexter had to see our exported file because I said my destination for the index star . And here it is. We successfully expert. Our final edited video in full is the format. Thank you so much for watching. 47. Upload Your Final Edited Video Directly In YouTube: Hello, my dear restaurants. In this video, I'm going to show you how to upload your final edited video directly on YouTube Channel. So without any further delay, let's get started. Now I'm in editing mode, toe absolute final edited video lyrically in you to click on these produce button, then select online tap. And here you see, we can up with our final idiot video directly in Facebook. YouTube. Tell emotion be more except to apple. Do it. Will you on you to click on these e to butter and then from the profile type choose you preferred quality now. Recently you'd have support for Cam video if your video footage in four K then choose for key quality. But this time we work with full SD video. That's what I select full HD 1920 by 22 pigs l and die till these time I dive sample video . You can add your description in this box and you can also add multiple tax in this box. This to my type video. My name Mushuc. All right now, I chose you to be do privacy drive ahead and finally toe after teas simply hit on the start now you need to authoress use general with these several in part directors after to do this , click on authorized and now since belong in with you in a dress and pasa off. You do account now simply select. Hello? And here they see our video is producing after producing are we do is automatically upload in our you tube general. And this is the updating Progress bar. And yes, our up learning is down. And in my e two video manager here to see our video is uploaded successfully on my YouTube general, who didn't have to go through to it upto up to our final video, we can directly upload our final edited video directly from part Victor softer. 48. Conclusion + BONUS: Thank you so much for taking this class on Escutia. If you really like this one than the it positively hell review means a lot to me and check out my other courses on the Scotia. If you are not a premium member on institution, but want to take one of my goals, then just send me a message. I will give you a free access off. My remember far free so far now black and white.