Vector Portraits - Line Work | Johnson Ogbonna | Skillshare

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.



    • 3.

      Important Stuff


    • 4.



    • 5.



    • 6.



    • 7.



    • 8.



    • 9.



    • 10.

      Final Thoughts


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About This Class

In creating cartoon portraits, linework is very important just as the bones that make up our body shape. In this class, we’ll take a closer look at the linework, how we are to draw and add details to line work to make the final piece look really amazing.

You’ll learn how to draw lines in a brush like that gives the artwork a natural feel. 

This class is recommended for an intermediate approach, to better flow with this class, you’ll have to watch my first video on how to create a cartoon portrait.

With this skill you’ll be able to create more vibrant artworks. You can apply this to even creating a cartoon series and lots more.

For this class, you’ll need a graphics drawing tablet or a computer with pen assistance (or even an Ipad pro with procreate), and adobe illustrator installed or any vector based design software. Photoshop can as well be used but you’ll have to know how to improvise.

Meet Your Teacher

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Johnson Ogbonna

UX & Brand Designer | Artist


Hi, you! I'm Johnson Ogbonna - a Freelance UI/UX Designer based in Nigeria. I grew up in the amazing cities of Abakaliki and Lagos, where I picked up drawing in sketchpads- was granted a unique gift of a desktop computer by my Dad and since then I've learnt and mastered Graphic Design and digital arts (Cartoon). After Interning at Xigma, I decided to move into UI/UX Design and took the Google UX Design Course. Now, I work from my own little studio in Lagos.

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1. Trailer: Hey there, let me show you something real quick. Look at all these artworks there, right? But what is more awesome is that I can show you how the Army, but first, let me explain something to you. These are for as much as most RPCs you see around. Always start with a sketch. In artistic creation, there is need to sketch out what we intend to create is a guide to the design. We have conceit. We see painter and illustrators and ladies ideology to their work. Similarly, k2 portraits, these ideas applying. And this course will focus on the best practices in order to create a clean line work, Goodwin turned, make our cartoon portrait look most amazing. My name is Joseph Cornell, and I'm a graphic designer and a digital portrait artist based in Nigeria, have recreating these type of artwork for many years now and have received Greek command from friends, colleagues, family until artists. And in this course, I'll be showing you how I create these cartoon artwork focusing only on the line work for now. This closure omitted for all levels. And in any case, I'll recommend you to check out my skew share costs on vector art, how to create a cartoon portrayal of yourself and to better understand what the whole process like. If you've always wanted to create cutscenes or comic characters, is causes perfectly because the techniques you learn here can be applied to create amazing characters for children play boo, literature and so much more. So join me, let's have fun together. See you in the class. 2. Project: We are projects. You will choose a picture with good quality. And following through the class, you create a line joining from the image on the photo. You will be required to submit your progress in the following categories. The first phase would be to complete joined the eyes, nose, lips, and the eyebrows. Next, should we posted once you have computed the head and the ears or CV entire phase, the last would be the final work. You can make use of the image provided in the class resources to help you follow through exactly. The format should be in PNG. All you have to do is click on the green, Bridget Bertin, and upload the PNG file of your work. Uploading your project will help you show your work and get feedbacks from me and others to the hands-on skill share and give you a sense of accomplishment. Therefore, I would advise you create a project and post a supplier. 3. Important Stuff: Before we begin, the authorities, I want to quickly show you what if you are already a winter which Adobe Illustrator? You may want to skip this part. Brief notes, this will come in handy. Iterating is age and picture setup. Brush and Penzu two sets, open style, Expand Appearance and divide your page setup, click or creating. Choose a name for a new document and they are pea-sized. Use each inviting each as displayed. After setting up, click on Create. Moving on 0.05 manager and locate your choice image for the actual OK. Once you've located it, drag the image into the new documents you just created. Then drag it over the ad board to feed the area you want to draw. In this case, our drag it over the entire onboard. Now locate your layer panel and click on layer continued the image you just brought in. Then adding property panel at the top, reduced capacity to about 80%. Within being that we want our line to be visible as this case true. Finally, logged layer and creates a new layer above it. With that, our workspace is reading for some line work. For our brush setup, we are going to click on the Brush to oblique B on your keyboard. Now we will set the pressure sensitivity by going to the bridge definition, recon new brush, calligraphy, brush, and click on OK. And the size. We're going to change the size to two. We can slide too. Curious, typing the number three and changes fixed pressure. Cheney variation to three and click on OK. We, that calligraphy brush with pressure sensitivity, Sex. And the reason for this is we are drawing a line. We can have a smooth transition between light and heavy based on the ratio we applied as the job. Just like this. You see, when I start off by status, which increase the thickness. Just nicer. Then first you set how the smooth and how rough the Roche v. We're going to see that the brush, paintbrush to options by clicking on the brush tool to lotions comes of Nancy daddy fidelities drag all the way to smooth. With that, why when we sketch out my walk is very smooth. Did surveys around? Well, imagine, let's take it down. You see any small arrow mink will be displayed exactly the way we adjoin. So this can come in handy for basic variable really wants the rush to be smooth and this is E1 as drain to come on. This is a very good option of all this. We are going to slide it all the way to complete. So that's when we can have this is nice and smooth field and that is what we are going for. So there is that about the brush tool. Both for the pressure to, we're going to click on the click and hold this brush to insulate Yost type on your keyboard. And then with that, we have to basically, we are going to be easy to fill in. And species that we need to fill in with that cause one stand better in the class. And for that to happen, you always have to switch between the fill and the stroke by clicking on this arrow boards in here. Without you click on each switches to f2. M0 is when grain size displays. Now to fill it in, and I need to do is draw. And it is feuding, subsidizing technique we're going to be using for the Hutu based, very easy to fit in places like the I behave. So now for the settings, for the best options is almost like the brush to. The only difference now is that we are going to highlight film new pensions truths. We draw a line, fuse it in optimal gating units, have feed. So we'll have to toggle it on. Then just make sure your settings is exactly like this. Pleiku G. So we had our brush tool sets and we're ready to dive in and explore. There is only one thing remaining, which we're going to see in the next slide. In this segment, we're going to learn how to create something like this. You see our label to change the color of this different sections or segments. All of these in this drawing. Now, this is going to come in very handy when we are going to be covering our artwork because we would want to fill in specific places, leaves the eyes based on color. Or we refer soon to make actual how these ability to avoid the switch of the colors of different portions or parts of the image. All the drawing is what I want to show you now. Show with our steam watch time. Let us see and draw something. Because I'm going to be using this technique while I'm drawing suit. As you will be able to understand what I did though, what I'm doing when I'm doing the job. Let's say I create, Okay, let me change the brush colored black. Gay. Sei creates something different. For instance, let's say I want to make it face. So then this is nice. So now you see the way I drew this and the lines are all communists, like came out from each other. Is perfect way I did it because we wanted to give you two clues off all the species that we want. Paint over Brasilia, we can easily select the call, call oscillating potions to apply. Now, if we had to apportion codes beats, this is equivalent to the zoo after we've created the drawing to clean off all these unwanted lines, all we do is we select the entire drawing. Objects. Expand Appearance. Now what this does is each kind of M6 join him. Oh, he knew before we even ordinary language is more or less there can object that can be feuding. Show. Then after we've selected and added up as very, very good at Finder. If clarifying your Pathfinder here, you can easily see that the windows menu, you can see Pathfinder, nice elected. So in pound up at finding click on device. So what this does is with your selection to desolation too, you can now select those unwanted lines while holding Shift and delete them off. Just like that. So all the unwanted lines. So that's the technique we are going to be applying. So that's where one's now vehicle emission is anywhere near that. Lazy and select yellow on sublayers of this. Send this to bulk. Select, oh whoops, click on merge. So now when I click on manage incidents, did group primarily taking is no parabolas? We can handle. It, doesn't it? To show you what the does. So now all these Pasha been selected. I can now apply dwell cost to them individually. Icky feeling metals, the amaze, you just mix it very easy to finish using your crazy to do, start drawing all via within Niccolo you want. Well, we, this is just very simple. So now look at this news. With this news was most pseudo blade. There is nothing connecting these two lines. So is there can empty space now come up like color to denote separately. So that's just the techniques that I'm using the APIs by saying that divide, there we die Desolation. Again, select or audio unnecessary pushes. 4. Eyes: Class we are going to move when making the language of the eyes, looking at the original image and looking at the language I, you will notice the kinda bring out saying that every single need details because most or all these other things, taking your rover plane schemes, those are the colors or the eyes. We only ringlets. And these new features, even this one apple must do the Gulf War and also the way we always make sure redeveloped used as a reliable person versus the reason too few. So there's always this eyelashes. And then for these other lines, these ones Rushdie. And to create finite deduced that the, we is best to use line size so as to give the whole making of attitudes about everything needs to know when to walk organized. Next. Sled and we show our I mean, dispensable, our watch kids need financing. Thank you. This was the thinking of the people. It has to do with it and do it. And each of these. So to do that, 50 cruises use L1 called the wind speed increases with age. In addition to that, the next keywords, how Jesus to lose New Jersey news. 5. Nose: Or the nose while we looking out for these edges. All the edges is enough. It is Moses at right angles. That is always the edges of the gods. He knows he's not idealized skin MOOC. For the Lord, God the rest. The shape or news and other things. We'll be rhodes lives when we're adding because as I said, these words in the edges and as we all know, what I used to create these feelings, create this hearing or the shadows. More dynamic. So there is that about the laws. Ever watch how I made this one very simple. I think maybe because on the face 3333 and because it's open. But this is easy. For instance, if any of this 6. Eyebrows: For the eyebrows, basically what we are going to be doing these Laguna Beach drain lines, strands of those legs is transport in this image the so you see, we lost meet lines to just rules. They are. So I browse Lucy, jacket, tao1 games basin to two series. View those paths in the US, your line, OIL brush to image. Lines, look more organic. So in this particular eyebrow, we will make use of the brush to reduce the size of the brush. Or Xue Ancient gets clean lines, strands of hair. And that's just the wants, needs. So once you later on. But the truth. So in the Middle East, in the first place, it could be the day to day. 7. Lips: There are three majo lines that is very important. For the top live. We're going to draw a line and then the middle element drain line to divide the leaves and then low alanine. There's basically nutrient joined in. Both cases we had businesses assuring me that this length here would be split into T12, T21, totally unwanted GKO value. Then tubes can be joined window. We don't wages arranged. So that is basically what we were always comes up when we measure the Upper Valley. Gd. Coloration here between this portion and displace mid-range worry about making a difference in the coloring, we take care of that path. So basically there is all about Germany leaves. So the video we coming up now and see how this works. And they think they need to. Thank you. First thing we have for you is the following. 8. Hair: In this lesson, we are going to look at it. Now, whatever the behavior is, one of the medial part that, that Amika artwork. If we carefully treats the head in the low end of the array name as good results as we can see in this image here. How do we approach? Now? For the hair, we make use of the median. If you notice these dat, dat, dat, dat portions here, they will meet with the SU two. Now, what we do is we did in lesson two, we avoid the edges and we just go inwards and draw out these parts, the middle parts that do need our rough edges, X2, we avoid edges, why we draw out the whole head? And well, will I join these particular portions here? While avoiding nice, good to use a kind of zigzag stack. So after the middle part of that question, created using the density, then we have to now go in and get me finding edges using the brush to now OPD verse two, we are supposed to reduce the size of the brush and then go in the muslims, I agreed CircleUp, lines like this. So arrows quiz, secularize. Then I disclosures, I draw like heads of various Jordan. Individual ending circular lines cannot mix you glad via angled. So you'd give superposing the circularize on each other just like that. And before you've gotten this whole thing, pumpkin. And there you go. We after you are less than one. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Just as with the previous figure, the integrity of the process is at least the day to day basis. And that is all. 9. Ears: In this lesson we're going to cut when drawing the Afghans. Now when during the year, we look out for all these, then also draw out every single line shown like this point. This portion. And this portion here has no worries me show you what we have then. Can act like opening here. Today though we draw out these functions. These outer part, you shoulder very well. Inside us. Also green doubts. All airlines. At least two things. And as soon as possible. As close to that. Thank of these. Hello. 10. Final Thoughts: Finally, we are almost Dong's language. The only thing left now is for us to use our brush completely neck and address of the address from the scheme parts because we are going to be applying color, Britney, as well as the neck. So the video play now, how this is done. We finished off those of us. Well, how the votes almost all show that the speed for V out we will have to watch out for. Because applies key Jones sheets and show your projects. Submitted an ingredient della. Conveying the feedbacks as well as all of us. See the amazing walks. So clean off your work, exploited as a PNG file and upload it to the period guiding for feedback. Thank you for taking this course. See you next time.