Vectary 3D modeling for beginners | Nicolas Forgue | Skillshare

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Vectary 3D modeling for beginners

teacher avatar Nicolas Forgue, Welcome awesome students !

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Start with Vectary


    • 3.

      Manage designs


    • 4.

      Manage dashboard


    • 5.

      Master navigation


    • 6.

      Use gizmo


    • 7.

      Move gizmo


    • 8.

      Transformation panel


    • 9.

      Use grid


    • 10.

      Manage renders


    • 11.

      Start with object mode


    • 12.

      Object mode selections


    • 13.

      Create cube


    • 14.

      Create sphere


    • 15.

      Create cone


    • 16.

      Create cylinder


    • 17.

      Create tube


    • 18.

      Create torus


    • 19.

      Create polyhedron


    • 20.

      Create plane


    • 21.

      Create text


    • 22.

      Create array linear


    • 23.

      Create array radial


    • 24.

      Create array grid


    • 25.

      Subdivide objects


    • 26.

      Add bevels


    • 27.

      Add symmetries


    • 28.

      Associate objects


    • 29.

      Bend objects


    • 30.

      Twist objects


    • 31.

      Taper objects


    • 32.

      Skew objects


    • 33.

      Stretch objects


    • 34.

      Spherify objects


    • 35.

      Add noise


    • 36.

      Master layers


    • 37.

      Create groups


    • 38.

      Start with edit mode


    • 39.

      Edit mode selections


    • 40.

      Advanced selections


    • 41.

      New object


    • 42.

      Create extrusions


    • 43.

      Create bevels


    • 44.

      Create cuts


    • 45.

      Draw lines


    • 46.

      Add materials


    • 47.

      Import texture


    • 48.

      Texture projection


    • 49.

      Edit environment


    • 50.

      Add lights


    • 51.

      Add backdrop


    • 52.

      Add camera


    • 53.

      Export work


    • 54.

      Import image


    • 55.

      Import logo


    • 56.

      Create book


    • 57.

      Create flag


    • 58.

      Create flashlight


    • 59.

      Create furniture


    • 60.

      Create hammer


    • 61.

      Create vase


    • 62.

      Create wrench


    • 63.

      Create ground


    • 64.

      Cup part 1


    • 65.

      Cup part 2


    • 66.

      Bed part 1


    • 67.

      Bed part 2


    • 68.

      Sofa part 1


    • 69.

      Sofa part 2


    • 70.

      Table with chairs part 1


    • 71.

      Table with chairs part 2


    • 72.

      Room part 1


    • 73.

      Room part 2


    • 74.

      Robot part 1


    • 75.

      Robot part 2


  • --
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About This Class

Vectary software

Vectary is a open source 3D modeling software. Little known than other 3D modeling software, its capabilities are impressive. Vectary can adapt to both beginners and people who have already worked with 3D modeling software. With its very ergonomic interface, it is possible to quickly create all kinds of 3D models. With Vectary, you will find an object mode and an edit mode, like Blender. It is therefore possible to create very advanced renderings. The possibilities are impressive and you will be able to create everything you need. Objects, 3D logo, 3D text, furniture modeling, characters, everything is possible with Vectary.

Training course

In this course you will learn how to start in 3D modeling with this amazing software. You will be able to learn essentials of Vectary and create your 3D designs. The course is very complete and will allow you to master the software. This will allow you to start in the 3D workspace, move around, use views and more. In object mode, you will see how to add shapes, and modify them with the different transformations. In edit mode you will see how to work with editing faces, segments or vertices. You will also see how to add materials or import textures. You will also learn how to manage the environment to create various renderings with lights. Numerous training exercises make it possible to apply all the functionalities.

Meet Your Teacher

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Nicolas Forgue

Welcome awesome students !

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hello, everybody eats Nicholas and welcome to this curious sweetie modelling with victory. Victory software. Victory is an amazing open source 3D modelling software. It has a completely free version and also a paid version. The total unknowns that order Sweatt the modelling software, heats capabilities are very, very impressive. Victory can adapt to both beginners and people who have already work with sweetie modelling software. With it. Very good gonna meet at their face. It is possible to quickly create or kind of 3D models. With victory, you will find an object mode and also an edit mode like odors with the modelling software, it is possible to create very advanced renderings. So possibilities are very impressive and you'll be able to create everything you need. Object, sweetie, logos we detects from the thrombomodulin characters. Every scene is possible with victory. Why to use victory? Because it is an open source software because it can fit for beginners, but also for experience in 3D modelling. Because it has a number of impressive possibilities. Because we can walk with the object mode and also with much so it means to walk directly on the face, directly on segment, directly on vertices. Because it is possible to create different types of renderings, various rendering, because we can add material, also add texture at kudos because it is possible to make advanced rendering and to master also environment around program of training curves. In this course, you will learn how to use victory from scratch. Cross is very complete and we allow you to masters of software in every detail. This will allow you to start in Sweezy workspace, move around, use the different views and so much more. In object mode, you will see how to add shapes, modifies them, credit transformation. In the edit mode, you will see how to walk, you will see how to work with editing faces AT team segments or editing or so vertices. You will also see how to add material or impulse texture. You will also learn how to manage environments. So it means credit values rendering with light. And at the same time, at the end of the cursor will have numerous training exercise to make it possible to see our zoo different features. So at the end two type of training, it'll be tomorrow fast training, creating different type of object. And after advance, more advanced training, more longer training created a complete, complete element with victory, 3D modeling with victory. So complete chaos. 2. Start with Vectary: Let's start with victory. First things to do you need to go on And after I'm just going to introduce Judith around different plane because you have free version, open source, totally free. And you have also paid version. First things to do. I can invite you to take a glance about different features on this website. You can see that you can make mini sings, and now you can start creating with victories to do beta. So this is a new version. You add a null direction in 2020. And since 2022 we as a different version of Beta version and it's extremity, extremity, poor fool. First, if I take a glance about pricing, free for everyone, start creating 3D content today with victory Studio, you will have all the 3D modeling features in the free version. So different will be in the paid version, will be just if you want to have, alright, you want to have my project, if you want to Shama element. Only difference with the paid version. If I take a glance or bad surprise. So start TO workspace for individuality. Getting started with 3D design, you can find everything for 3D modelling with basic version. So difference is you will have only 25 project, and if you delete a project, for example, it will count. So it means that every time when you delete the project, it's like to lose one project, so you just need to be careful about that. Archer project acronym, osha, Web App, embed project on wet sub shop project with link. So it's a subsidiarity to create your link. And two sharp project with this link. For 25 project, everything is free. With the previous shown it is $12 per modes. You can have exactly the same workspace for switching modelling. It's exactly the same thing, but the difference is you have unlimited space for a project. Pruning is optional for each project shocked to web. And you can have more Minsky views and bed project on website shop project with learning, workspace, roles and Project versions, history, just stasis. You have also enterprise Chris term sheets, the third difference only for enterprise. You can just compare the planar. So workspace, as you can see, the big difference is here, or need 25 project for free. If you want to have unlimited, you need to pay a subscription to a dollar pair, months. You don't have the project Russian story. Here you have the project, That's your story. You can add more seed workspace words. Connect with Figma. You can connect with Figma can be interesting. Even with the free version, it is possible project sharing, just return with the free version. You can show many things on the profession. Branching. If you are, you will have a wet towel Mac, you will absolute victory logo. If you are in the free version of just pay via any way, you will keep victory logo if you want to remove them. What's your Mac? It will be only for enterprise because Zai walk maybe, say walk maybe to sell some scene ends, I will have to remove, went to a Mac. But for every personal use, you will keep logo, wet towel Mac vector. This is a difference, but for sweetie module in for all the features to make a design, it's the same. You can take Stata or point is exactly the same in stock till you have this 3D modelling features. Difference is really if you want to create them off project, you want to share Mo elements. You cannot. So take your blog. You can find a month or news inspiration, web design. You can find many interesting things. If I just come back click on news. Exists. It is on your perspective how to approach rebrand sweat news, lead test, update factory imperfecta is available from Chromebook. You can have many articles, interesting outskirts to start. You cannot so take a glance about the community victory because we're not time you can find information and take a glance. I was talking about the version. New dashed broad release 2022. Working to complete delivery to everyone, it features a new optimize layer would much more streamlined, while at the same time delivering exceptional improvement for the design sharing an organization of your victory project. In 2020, we add to our dashboard and we differ on Dashboard. And in this cross, I'm going to walk with this new version is a Beta reaction. It means that dashboard is little different. But you will notice interface at compact and elegant with added functionality and intuitively arrange for beta use of screen space, as well as improved value of your project. Yes, this is a reality I walk with 2020, And then I created this course with a new version, beta version. And honestly, yes, a beta version is extremly good. I legs this beta version at the beginning Slater difference. But I think, yes, it's very convenient in this course we will walk with his Beta version, 2022. New dashboard, retirees, different sings, sets it. You can also find community. You ever So forearm. You can find question sometimes if you want information, it can be useful. 3. Manage designs: Let's explain how to manage your designs. So to manage on designs, when you create a new contact TO retire, you will click on Open victory. Thanks to that, you can have access to your dashboard. If you use the free version. In this example, you will have only 25 project. This will be the project that I'm going to use for these curves. After you can go, you can click here, you can edit info and you can change the name of your project. You can also open The sweet the modelling interface dashboard, which opened in Studio. And you can also add a description just here. If you need. Things that you need to understand also is on the left, you will have possibility. I'm just going to go here. First you have the possibility to upload a cover. If, for example, for your design, you need to upload image of presentation. It is possible just click on Upload cobra and you can download a presentation image. You can also duplicate your project and you can delete your project. Now if I just go on to left, you can also create folder. To create a folder, you can click on New Folder and take a glance that you have now a new folder. And I can just dip example here. It is interesting because I created, for example, one folder object, one further phony chill. As an example. If I just come back on my example folder, you can go into the right and you can create a new project with a beta version or a new project with a 2020 version. You can also rename delete. In this example. In this course, you will create new project with new version. So it means it's a beta version. I'm just going to delete it too as an example, did it for though, an exact, if I enter inside my object. I just created for project. Just to show you the principle, it sees my project number one with a cylinder, MAC project to with my project number sway with a sphere, and my project number four with Cuban. Each time it is a same, you click here, you can have access to edit info. You can change the name just at the slivers. If you want to enter description, you can tape your description this area. And if you click here, you can also upload a cover, crop your link, duplicate, delete, copy link. What is this? It is if for example, you just want to show you work with anybody, you can copy link here. After. You have four different elements you can phrase on per drag and move just like this. If I wanted to put an element inside a different, a different folder, I just go left-click and drag and move inside. For example, from each IP address, click here, left-click and drag and move insight from each show. Now if I just go, I can't do this for every sing just to show you drag and move, left-click, drag and move here. Now I move all my project inside my furniture project. As you can see, we just want to show you the principle of work. Personally, I don't classify tumors, my project. Just an example. Now I'm going to move again inside object here, inside object here inside of shaped. Trust exists. Just need to wait. Inside object again exists. It says your main dashboard. You can have object achieve when you click this area, you can find your name starts to our workspace. If you want to download a picture of you, it is possible. This is my membership. I'm just an owner. You have the possibility to earn CPE credit to pro workspace version from these panels. If you need more project, you can go in this area. You can also click proofs. So it means inside a walker space, it is possible to have different members. It is also possible. So you just need to click on proofs and further rest each time when you want to append a project where you have the possibility to create a new project. Click, you will have a proof already used on my project, but it's not the case. You can just click blues. When you go on a folder. You can also just create a new project. When you have an older project to a pen, you just double-click. Thanks to that, we are going to enter through the Sweezy moderating panels and we will be able to start to work with victory. 4. Manage dashboard: First, let's start with the dashboard of victory. We work in Sweden modelling. So this is why we have Z space in the middle. And we can walk with sweet axis, the x-axis here. So y axis and z axis. You can see the different axis with this panel also. And every time you can click on the different axes if you want to change your view, this is a first things you need to understand after I will show you how you can move easily on your sweetie space. Every time when you will add any object, any single tweet or CLI directly at the center of the sweet axis. Now let's go on the left. On the left you can find directly, you can come back to your dashboard if you need. And you can have sittings, just settings, you have autosave activate. I can advise you to keep us to save. Generally, it is the best. You can remove the view of the grader just like this. Most of the time we use the grid. But if you need to remove the view, you can click here. And you have an advanced gizmo. Gizmo, what disease it is every time when you add an object, I'm going to create an object here. Directly. A box exists and the gizmo it is this element. And you can drag and move. Trust exists, you can scan, you can create some rotation, and this is just a normal gizmo. But if you want, you can click here sitting and you have advanced gizmo. You just have a little bit more features like for example, you can just drag and move on a direction like this. You can also scale on a specific direction just like this. But since this girls who are just going to keep busy gizmo, I'm going to remove advanced gizmo. You have the unit who are going to walk in millimeter. If you prefer to walk in inches, it is possible, but we are going to work in millimeter in this cross. Here you have the possibility to publish your work and open render if you want to export, you walk in different type of finding. After it sees basic things that you need to understand. And after you have edit option, undo, redo action, it is Control Z, Control Shift seed. You can also duplicate, duplicates link, but we will see after each time you can find the surplus of shortcut on the right. So it is interesting. And you can also improve any file on this area. So it means we can in fact impact of file in already a sweetie models in 3D models format. But it can be also an image or an image file, and it can be also an SVG file. After when you go on. Here You have Zoom directly, it is likely your panels and you can manage your on different elements here with the project. You ever so access to a library. It is interesting because if you want directly to have maybe a table, something like this, or bed, you can have access to 3D assets. But it works also for materials, your specific materials. And you can find also ovarian man specific environment even if I'm going to show you on the right so that we can manage this animate. Whereas this version on the top-left, it is great. So you have different selection tool. You can create different, different object. You can add light. You can create transformation on your object or the other type of transformation on your object. And you can manage your environment with most things. Here. In Victoria, we can walk with two. We can work with two mode. First mode is the object mods. This is this mode with this interface, this dashboard. And we have these different tools. When you double-click on any object on your press E, I'm going to show you, you're going to add it. And you can find here on this area, you can find convert to geometry shortcut. If I double-click, I can click on bake. If I go right-click, I can also convert to geometry. Now, I'm going to double-click to enter in edit mode. Now we are into edit mode and take a Glen sue tools are different. Now we are in edit mode. You have too much to object mode. And so Edit Mode, Object Mode, you'll walk on new with object exit mode, Edit mode. You have the possibility to walk with phases, lines, vertices. For example, I can click on your line, click on this line, and I can drag and move on this direction. I can also select the face, this face, drag and move this face. I can also select the vertices Z's varieties and drag and move these varieties. You have many tools to work with this different seams. After you can exit edit mode and come back to your object mode. So this is first thing is to understand also object mode, Edit mode. We will see that in details. Now let's go on this panel. Here. You can change the view, you can feed view, but you can change all sorts of different appearance like this. You can also absolutely fair on snapping options. If you go on to the right, if you click on Nursing, you can manage your environment. It's possible to edit zone environment and add effect. Every time when you click on the object, you will have all the different options. So it means on the subject you can work with a transformation panels to phrase on per whelk. Whereas your object, you can scale, you can create some rotation. You can also drag and move on to a different axis. I think it's very convenient. These panels on, all right, extremly, extremly convenient in victory. You can also add a texture. Materials means you cannot do cooler, but you can add your Sumatra yards. You can also improve on texture. You can make many, many, many, many seams. So this is how to walk with this dashboard. You have the possibility to take a glance about to praise you. And you can also share your work here. 5. Master navigation: Let's see how to navigate in the Swedish Space extremly in protons at the beginning. First, let's add an object. Just click on this. Just click on this tool. You can select the box just like that. It sees my books. You can walk with Ronin corner every scene that you want. The first things to do, navigation, navigation you can find your way months here, feed view number a, trust Lexis, and you can fit to the view, sees the first thing that you need to understand. Second things, how to turn on, how to rotate, how to Zoom. Best things to do is to use a mouse with a scroll wheel and syncs to that you have possibility because you don't have directly tools here. You use the scroll wheel and you can zoom in and zoom out. Drugs the square. We'll zoom in and zoom out. First things to do. Left-click, you can turn around your object like this. You can turn all around. You don't move. You turn on your Swedish space. Left-click. You can zoom in and then left-click. You can turn around your object. If you want to move right to left or top, bottom, you can just press right-click and you can drag and move in your sweetie Space. Right-click, you can move, left-click. You can turn with a scroll wheel. You can zoom in, zoom out so far is Albert. I'm zooming in here. And I turn with my left-click. And now I would like to move. I can go right-click and I can move like this move like this move Lexus, move like this move Lexus. This is a first things very important to understand. Just use left-click scroll. We'll right-click. Now when you have an object, you have this element, it is a gizmo. Thanks to that, you can move your element on a different axis. If I just turn lethal beat to come back to my axis, a bad review. You can click on these panels. So it means here if I click on Susie, I'm going to be on the top view. If I click again, I'm going to be on the bottom view. Only difference needed France you can find your texture is a little different here. It means I'm on Zoom. Amongst the bottom view. If I click Share, come back to the top view, you can see the difference but the texture. And if I just click here bottom view because you can see this sprint if I click here top view because you can see z. If I want to have eggs view, I can go on x. And again, just a side view. I can click on why that can average the fear on sideview, just lazy. You can also just turn around using your different axes here. Now, if I, it just come back on my axis with the red arrow, ETS x-axis green, our rules or y-axis blue arrows is at axis and you can drag and move like this, your element. If I just add odor shapes or the object I cannot do sphere just exists in principle, can drag and move. Every time when you go left-click and you arrived near a view automatically, you are going to snap to the right view phrase, unfair. I'm going to show you, I want to have my front view. I drag and move, lift, turn, and when I arrive here automatically you can snap to the front view. And after you can have more precision to move the object when you use exactly right view. For example, I can go here. I can take the sphere and directly I can position the sphere on the top because I have Right View. Same time. Let's add another element. Every time when you add an object, it will apply directly in the center. Like this. You can find also transformation panel on the right. Right, You can have a transformation panels, for example, and I just click on the cube exists. You can find a location on the x-axis, y-axis indexes. If I want to come back exactly in the middle, I just need to tip 0 and x 0 and y 0 on the x-axis. And thanks to that, I can come back exactly in the middle. A nice sweet axis, if I wanted to move and z-axis with a value of 100 millimeter, I just step 100 millimeter. Just like this. You can work with the gizmo and you can walk with the transformation panel, center of rotation. Here I can crop rotation on x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. I can also create to scan x-axis, y-axis, Y-axis. And you can also enter a value for your ship by default, as a cube is one hundred, one hundred, one hundred. But if I click on this fair, it is a same Phaedrus key construct cubes. I can decide to make two cube with 200, just exist and phrase on per, why just exist and Z just AZ. So you can work with this panel. Why it is extremely useful to understand different view because if you want to associate object, you need to have precision. I'm going to remove these different element. You can press Delete on the keyboard when you click on the object. I'm going to attempt to add your books. These books, I remove randint crown. Now. I'm just going to play your value on ten on the axis to create a plane. Foreign red on the x-axis and y-axis 400. Now I created this plane. Now I want to put on this plane another object so I can see the phrase on per bags that you have two solution widow. I know that here on the z-axis IF ten, so if I want to put the current on this, I can phrase on PR, just put on Susie taxis value of ten. And in this case I know that I'm perfectly on the top. But if, for example, you want to have this come here, for example, you need to go on the front view, so you're right here. And when you are on the front view, you can zoom and you can drag and move your current just like this. You need to be careful also, but just snapping options here. You have also snapping options. Activate you can these activate teaching here, activate clicking here. If phrase on per snap to grid, but also snap two divisions, snap to end. So thanks to that, I can snap my face and Snap to Grid or so. Trust exists. Now I add another element like an adult books. And you have these books in Jamaica. First I go like the front view or side view guns are right and puts a box just exists. I can remove Grandin kroner. Now on this box I want to add like, I wanted to add like a cylinder. So I click on the cylinder. First, I decrease. You have any dementia and dementia and I can decrease on this direction and this direction. I can use my gizmo drag and move uses view and I can position just exempt. It can also turn uses side view phrase on per eggs view just like this. And also I can center on this direction if I want to address here. To position your ADMM, don't forget that. You can use the gizmo. You need to walk on a different axis and you can use also transformation. 6. Use gizmo: Let's explain. Gizmo. Gizmo is element which allow you to walk in your sweetie space with any object. I'm going to add an object. Let's just add the books, just like Zs. And you can find your Gizmo is located by default in the center after which show you that you can drag and move the gizmo to change. For example, reference sprint for rotation, for scale for any things like this. But first let's, let's keep the gizmo here. If you just go on the left, as I showed you, you have seating. You can use all sorts of advanced gizmo. But in this course, we are just going to use the basic gizmo and just come back trust bases. First thing is to understand how to move your object. You have a blue element. Let just walk with basic view like this. Blue. Brew our royalties for the z axis, radar royalties for the x-axis. And green arrow it is for the y-axis. Here you just move your element. With this. You can do the same for rotation. Here. I can create a rotation on the z axis. Here I can create a rotation with red on red checker directly on x-axis. And here I can create a rotation on the y-axis with the green checker. You ever saw. Other option is to scale your object. If I click again on my cube, you can find first beginnings is different. Y's seeker. And thanks to that, you can just scale your cube in different direction. Just come back at the beginning. Just ICs. With this sprint, you can sketch your cube just only on this direction. As you can see. Now, if I take this parental can scale the cube or near on this direction. Directly from the center point of my gizmo, located in the center of the object on the bottom. If I just click here, I can drag and move on this direction because the center point is positioned just on the bottom view, sees why I move on me here on this direction. Not as a symmetry, but if I click here, I will walk as a symmetry. A simple reasons are sent off point is located here. First, you can resize your object using these elements. You can also scale proportionally with the small cube on this area. If you use this cube, you can scale to tell you proportionality, proportionality like that, like that, or like that. But if you press Shift, you can constraint and do exactly the same thing. So I'm going to give you an example. I can click on this cube press Shift, and I can scale on the z axis. If I just press Shift, I will scale proportionally. If I proceed, I can scale it proportionally under z axis. Here. On the y-axis, non-proportional. If I press shift, it sees a different element of Caesar, different element to understand for x2 gizmo first, after he came move in this direction, this direction, this direction. You can scale your object just x at. It's extremely useful. Now I'm going to add another element, like maybe not two books. I cannot do sphere. When you go on Zoom, right? If you create transformation, you can find this on the phosphorylation pattern. If I move like this, as you can see, I move on to the z-axis, 100 millimeter. If I move here, 160 millimetre on the x-axis, if I move here 120 millimeter on the y-axis, if I create a rotation, just stasis here, I created a rotation on the y-axis mean is 30 degrees. If I scale it proportionally, the ratio is 1.45 on the x-axis, y-axis, z-axis. New value of my object is z-values, this value and this value. You can make anything with the gizmo directly you will have result of the transformation pattern. Don't forget if I just come back to my Cuba. You can also enter a value using the gizmo. Let's remove this. Let's remove this and just come back at the beginning with box in Zoom. Either. If I drag and move on to the x-axis and you just go left-click and you click here. You can enter a value of movement. I can tip phrase on per 50 millimeter, trust press Enter, and I move on the x-axis with 50 millimeter. You can check here, 50 millimeter. No one's just said axis. I want to move 100 millimeter. I can then tell us the value of this area, but I can also just click here. Left-click tip 100. If I want to make again 100, I can click here and left-click tip 100 again. Now as you can see on Rosetta axis, I'm now at 200 because 101 entry for partition, it is a SEM. I walk on to x-axis, left-click, I can until angle 20 degrees. You can find out 20 degrees here. Now if I do this again, left-click and I add 40 degrees, I have a total of 60 degrees on the x-axis. You can also enter a value. This is the same. When you click on this area of this cube, you have x ratio, Y and Z ratio, which is exactly the size of your Cuban. If you want, you can change. If I take just ten on the x-axis and I can press Enter, I'll take a glance. I have no ten on the x-axis. You can do these things for all z's eight minute rotation. Don't forget also you have a point just in the middle, this sprint, and thanks to that is free movement. You can move for free your element where you want, just like this, using center point on this area. 7. Move gizmo: Let's see how to move the gizmo. So we have seen how to use the gizmo. Now we are going to see that it's possible to move gizmo. Lets take your Glenn's, So example of the books. And I'm just going to change the term size. This direction just exist by default. So gizmo is located in the center of print on the bottom of your object. If I, for example, credit rotation, take your glands or rotation come from this reference print. I can drag and move gizmo. To drag and move the gizmo, you go right-click Exactly. If you want to move your object, you click on left-click. Here you go right-click. And when right-click, it is not the objects that you move. It is a Gizmo. So right-click phrase can go right-click on this axis and positions are gizmo. Now in this corner print why it is useful because if I create a rotation now on the green axis, x2 reference sprint will be here. Before it was not on this area. So it means that my transformation will be different like that. Going to show you an example, just I don't know, duct tube. Click onto books. Just reduce the third Beta and this area and this area and just drag and move just here. Yes, just rigid again. Now the phrase opera credit or rotation on the green axis ticker Glenn's X2 element will be here. Now if I change the position of the gizmo, I just go right-click here and drag and moves the gizmo and this area. Now I do the same work. Take a glance automatically. I can create a rotation and arrive directly on this face. As you can see, it's extremly, it can be extremly useful. This is why you can change the gizmo. I can click on this reference frame, just come back on this area. I can also just come back here. But now if I turn on this direction, take a glance. Serif or on sprint is located here. It is exactly the same for scale. Just press Delete on this element. Gizmo, come back here. It is coming back automatically. If I just scale a scale from the center of points like that, if I just click here, press Shift, I'm going to scale from the center point. Now let's change the position of the gizmo. Just oops, let us come back. Yes. Just go right-click and positions are gizmo one lot of time on this area. Now if I just scanner from this sprint, I'm going to scale with pharmacies reference print. If I just click here and increase, I'm going to increase for this reference sprint if I just drag and move or so from this reference, print these assembly. If I drag and move against the gizmo just on this area. And just on that. Take a glance, I can drag and move home. Reference print ****. Don't have too much influence. But if you walk with this, Yes, it's very important because here you will move from this reference sprint. When to move the gizmo again, positions is totally in the corner. All right. I think I'm not to tell you. Just position this area. Just go on a different view. Yes, just like that. Now if I just scale here and I press Shift, as you can see, I'm going to move directly from the center point. Because it sees a reference, reference, print. It useful also for different reason. Let's take another example. I'm going to add a cylinder just like this. This cylinder. I want to move on the left. Just here. I want to create a symmetry. I can go into Options. You can find symmetry. Click here. By default, you can see the exit plane of symmetry, x, y axis. And I'm going to just keep x except if I just click on my symmetry, I can just press Control D and duplicate. And after to duplicate, I can turn X-Y-Z. I can press Control Z again, duplicate but take advance. My gizmo is in. Just like that. Well, I can press Control D duplicate again, and my gizmo is still in the middle by default, my middle of symmetry. But if I want to do the same with something, randomize, just create a new box. Positions of books just on this area and do the same walk. First type, I can press Control D to duplicate Control D to duplicate position the books and his area. I'm going to make something different. Just activate two symmetry. Again. Symmetry like that. Symmetry will be applied directly on this, directly on this area. Because Zarif are on sprint is the things that I'm going to do is just press Control D, just drag and move on. These hernia Crato group with these two elements. So I can press shift to shift and right-click. Create a group like that. And now I created this group when you have a group by default. So Gizmo will be located in the center of the group. Now I can move the gizmo because if I just press Control D and creditor rotation, take a glance, I can make some scene perfectly symmetry, but I'm just going to come back. Just press Delete here. If now I press a change of position of the gizmo and just go right-click Position phrase on here and phrase on per. Shares. On this area like that. Now I can press Control D. If I create a rotation, take your glands. So center point is not in locating in the same area. So this is why we have a movement, but it's in my example, it's interesting because I wanted to create something randomize. Now I can go here and I can drag and move the gizmo again. Just click on this area drug and moves the gizmo phrase on progress here. And I can press Control D again. And if I create a rotation, I can create something randomize exists. I can press, I can drag and move against the gizmo. Why not to move in this direction and this direction and this direction? Just like this. Now press Control Z again and drag and move and mix them. Sing randomize, just for example, on this area. And that's it. If I want to come back, for example, to these two prints, I can drag and move the gizmo, maybe located here. And I can press Control D and churn and create something again, randomize that after I can drag and move. Just like Zs. I wanted just to show you that drug in Move. Gizmo can be interesting to change your reference sprint for rotation, for movement, also for scale. This type of transformation. 8. Transformation panel: Let's explain toss formation panorama. Each time when you undo an object, you have a transformation panel on the right. We're going to use a box exists. If you take a glance on the right, you can find these standards. It means that these panels is with the gizmo. What does it mean? It means that if you, for example, or drag and move onto x axis, you can change the value on position. You can see a different value into position. So it gives more exposition in the center at me news one hundred, three hundred twenty. If I move on my deck C, So you have no value of 60, or buds or position. If I move here, I have no value of 60 on the y-axis. Same for rotation. I cried to rotation on the y-axis where you have now a value of 30 degrees. And this is the same thing. If I want to scale my object, I can find a different ratio. Z's scalar element. And on this side, you have four possibility, position, rotation, scale and size, scale and size. So two element in being because if you scale on, for example, x-axis, you exchange also size. If you change your size, you can change also the scale. First things that you need to understand. Now if you use directly the Spaniards, I'm going to use a bookstore again. I won't directly from my cube enter a value. I would like to have a cube 200 by 200 by 200, I can tap 200 exists. Here, I can tip 200 exists. And here I can tip 200 also because I take two hundred and two hundred and two hundred, it is a double, so it means I AF Ratio scales of 222 and x, y and zed axis. Now on my cube, I would like to position my tube on the x-axis at two value of three and treats so I can type swing grid and I'm going to move here. Now I want to have my cube also on a value of Two 100 on the y-axis, I can tip 200 just exists. Now I'm going to add another cube. I can use symmetry, but just to show you the difference, I can use my books like this. I'm going to enter the same value like data, we'd be sure. So it means 200 on the x-axis, on the y-axis. And I can take 200 and z axis. Now if I take this cube, sweet hundred and two hundred him, I'm going, you can enter a negative value. So it means you can go in this direction. I'm going to just reduce the value and tip meters, sweet and read trust exempt. On the y-axis I can tip 200 Lexis. And now I know that I'm perfectly symmetry. For the simple reason, I use the same value, but here in negative for the x-axis, same for rotation. I'm going to use a cylinder in reminder. Just I want to change to create a rotation on the y-axis. I would like 45 degrees. We are just at 45 degrees and take a glance. I can drag and move like zs. If I want 90 degrees, I can tip 90 degrees. If I want to come back to 0, I can tip 0. It's also useful because if, for example, you want to position on the demand into major, you just need to click and you can come back on this value x. You can tip 0, y, 0, z 0. And thanks to that, you can be sure that you are in Zoom either. It means when you move your elements, if you are not totally in the middle, you will see on the right panels phrase on here and not exactly in the middle. So I can tip 0. It's also useful to add different elements. You have this cube on the z axis. I have a size of 200. If for example, I add a curl like this on this area and I want to position the current just on the top of the cube. I can drag and move like z's, but I cannot. So I know that as a cube. I've put eight of 200. If I take my current, I can see my current also on the left. I can just tip on the Z position 200. And thanks to that, I'm sure that the current is located perfectly on the face because I haven't just said x is two and treat just like that. This is how you can use this spanners. It is extremly useful Resist panel walk with the gizmo. When each time when you make something with the gizmo, you change the value on the right. Sometime you can tape directly value and you can check, for example, if you want to create an angle 90 degrees, you can check that you are on 90 directly on the Spaniards San Francisco. Or if you want to come back into the center, you can check that you have a value of zeros, zeros 0 on these different axis. 9. Use grid: Let's explain x2 grid. First things. First things to know about the grid eats two displays the grid you're going to left sittings. You have grid by default. If you want to remove the grid, you can click here. Now I don't have any grid. If I add an object like this, take against, I don't have grid, but I can walk with my object, but with the grid, it's not really convenient. But sometimes, sometimes you need to remove the grid. It says the first things to understand. Now I'm going to click here and display again grid. After a bad zoo grid, you can find deviation and subdivision. So you have a main division, Lexis. Inside your main division you can find subdivision and UF ten subdivision 12345678910, main division subdivision. Inside. You can use the snapping option. When you click on this area, you can have snap to grid. This is the first thing that you can click going to give you an example, you create a box like that. If I go under View edict. For example, who said few Susie view. If I just go on the right, I can snap to my grid just like zs here. I'm going to snap on each subdivision. But if I just go in this area, I remove snap to grid. Or you can also just click to remove all just snapping options on the left show you activate. So different snapping options. And show you this Activate. Now if I move my cube and it's not possible to snap, so we can see the difference. So this is why snapping options is useful. I can activate here, but don't forget also to go into option snap to grid. When you click to activate an option, you need to click again here to activate every sink. Now I can again activate. Snap to my great. But yes, just like this. Now it's walk. Sometimes need to be careful because you don't have the feeling it's snapping walk too much, but you need to try again sometime. Second time. If you just click here, you have also snapped to division. I decided to snap to one division, so it means one subdivision, but you can change. If you change snap to division, I'm going to activate, for example, suite like this. Now snap to division that you sweet. If I drag and move, I'm going to, I can snap every sweet subdivision. I can zoom little bit and you can snap every sweet subdivision just like this. Here. This is also some things that you need to know. I can't advise you to division. I'm going to just come back Lexis. Why I've taught how to use the grid after each time when you extend phrase upon, I want to extend the size. I can go into the right and Shell, you can snap also, just here. But yes, as you can see, if I move that I'm not perfectly in the center. I need to use my transformation panels and just step value of 0. Let's show you again. I'm going to click at the books again, just like that. Now as this box is located here, I can add an adult books and drag and move the whole box. And I'm going to increase size on this axis. Trust basis of size on this axis. If you want to snap perfectly to the RNA meant using secreted, you need to sedate a good view. And in this example it just SSID view, front view, top view, bottom view. It is the best. And thanks to that, I can click here and I can drag and move snap when division and division in order contribution endodontic lesion in a distribution. And here I know that I'm perfectly and z cubed. Exactly. It's not possible to change the WACC plane. It means that if you add another element like for example a cylinder and you want to drag and move on this axis, you can change the view x-axis. But if you change for the side view, you can have your walk plane display like this. It is interesting because it's not possible to have a walk plane directly on the face, on a different face. But when you change the view, you have also some grid on the background exists even with the side view. So it's great because I can drag and move and users. So my grid on this direction snap and take a glance. It's perfectly on the top, so don't forget that. I'm going to add darker like this. And I can use the side view and I can increase chances of position. And put this perfectly here. Like that. This is how you can use the grid. You need to displays the grid and don't forget to click on just stepping options. You have snap to grid. You can at any moment removes the snapping option. You can click here. 10. Manage renders: Let's explain x2 renders. It is possible to change the display of the renderers here you can find textural shaded wire in butadiene books. So let's take a concrete example. I'm going to click on the books first and drag and move on to left. Then click on the cylinder, makes this drag and move on to your right. And yes, I'm going to increase a little crown or radius. And also just let's add, for example, a sphere like that. You can change the display for each object. I'm going to click on X2 cube goes here. And I can change texture for shredded. Trust exempt. Since 2-SAT with shredded, even if you are in object mode, you can find Zui vertices, you can find different phases, and you can find also the segment just like that. So it is a basic cube, no rounding corners. And you can see the different element after X2 cube as this render object. Don't have this render. But if I want, I can click also on this area and I can activate sharded and San Francisco. You can see different phases, segment and vertices. You can also activate wire like that. It can be useful. I'm going to show you after why. You can activate bounding box, wounded inbox. It just, you can see a box around the sphere. It just to, we don't see anything inside it just to see where it is located. X2 AT MIT just takes that. And I can do the same if I want for the cylinder. I can find shadowed and I can find texture just to exist. Each time when you have an object like z, you can go and possibility to change properties. And if I increase the properties, I can see my different cut on z's area. Like that. If you, anyway, if you use Lexis texture, you double-click, you can convert to Geometry. Click on bake. You can enter in edit mode, like that. Each time when you enter into edit mode automatically, you change the view and you obtain the shaded view. But at any moment, even into edit mode if you want, you can use texture. But it's not useful because it's almost impossible to do anything if you use texture. Now let's exit as smart. I'm going to remove this element, remove this element and remove this element. Let's add a cylinder, just create a base change. Cranial residues and creditors cylinder? Yes. Just exists. You can double-click convert to geometry. I would like to extrude this element. Credit like a plate, some seem to exist. The thing that I'm going to do is to click on this area acidic phases. We will see that in details after. If I double-click on the face here, I can use silica planner, seek, plan out syncs to that. I can select all the faces on the same plane. Now, you have a tour of it is these tools are Extrude tool. Click here. And you can create an extrusion just like this. I'm just going to extrude here. And if I press Enter, I can have gizmo every single acidic too bad my faces. And I can extend just like this. Notice the things that I'm going to do, each to click on the beaver. Take a print just like this and come back just inside, just here. After we'd like to come back in 00 direction. And this is why I can activate YUI out. Because thanks to that, I can extrude this face inside. I can click on Extrude again. I'll shortcut E and just click on this area and just come back on this direction. But if I wire, it is better because take a glance, I can select a view like that. And I can see exactly where I can extrude. For example, I'm going to extrude until this area little bit Mo. If I just press Enter, I can use this sprint to scale and rigid it's inside them. But if I don't choose XU wire, the wire display, it is not possible to do this work correctly. This is why now I'm going to click here and just validate. I can press outsider and I can validate. Now, if I just change your display, I can come back and shut it. I cannot turn this result. I have a plate. And at the same time, I can change from texture. Trust exists. And it's great. Now let's go outside onto exit mark. I can go into the right. It's possible to other materials. I can click on the library here. I have different options. Let's see leaked for example, midterm. And I'm going to click on Y naught aluminum Russi. If I go on to the right, I can have different options about rudeness. Mental illness can make some sink. It'll bit more witness meta-analysis, it's great. And I created this render if you want, you can also change and make some adjustment. On the right you have cortisol can make some adjustment or so, but I think around the gray color, it is, it is nice. One more time, I'm in object mode. I can see shaded wire, pointing books just come back on texture. 11. Start with object mode: We are going to start with Object Mode. Object Mode, what disease? Etas, Z's dashboard. You have different tools and you can add object. You can work with selection on. You can also add light. You can make different type of transformation on subject. You can also manage your project panel, and you can also manage your render. In object mode. We don't, we only work directly on the object, so it means we don't edit your face, we don't need you to segment. We don't eat it directly. So vertices and after we will walk in edit mode. So let's just create a little presentation about what you can do on the object mode. I'm going to create like your isometric view of interior design. For these first things, I'm going to click on the box tool. Let's remove the room. Dean Crowell, no, guns are right. And we can activate 400 on the x-axis, 400 on the y-axis, and ten on the z-axis. Thanks to that, I created my base plane. Notice the things that I'm going to do each to create an audio books. So I can click on the box tool. So each time we can add different object, I'm going to tap on the x-axis, four-inch read on the y-axis, ten Lexis. And under z axis 200, maybe 300. Yes, when read this beta, just exempt. After to do this work, I'm going to go on top view, Citrix or z view and drag and move. I think if I go on x-axis, y-axis, Yes, I'm going to click and position z is based on this area. I'm going to go on top view. I can snap just to zirconia, but I need to zoom because I don't have too much precision, so I need to zoom and position this here. After I can press Control D, Control D and Crater rotation, just like this, as you can see. And we're going to position this element on the left. And to have more precision, just activate again. So top view and drag and move on to the left, like this address here, here. Positions is here. Now I need to, I'm going to say exist to element. So select this first world, press Shift CDX, the second wall. You can see on the project panels box1 box to select t dt. If you go right-click, you have the possibility to manage the two elements. And now I just have one object exists. I need to change little X2 position. I can click on Manage Object because as you can see, it's two. Position is not really good. I just need to enter on the z-axis, ten, like that. And I'm going to arrive perfectly at this lever. Notice things that I'm going to do is to create an opening for a window. I can click on your box tool again. Remove Arundo Dean Crowell. Now with this sprint and I can set different value. I'm going to apply on the y-axis, 160. On x-axis just here. It's not very important, I can stay like that. And on the z-axis, 160 or so, I'm going to move literal on the z-axis here. And Cl2 arrive at 100 and positions or element just here. Now I can click on my wall here, manager object, shift, and click on the books. And I can go directly on this area or directly on the option panels. And Boolean subtract since two is that I can remove this element. I just want to show you before to explain every single line details on the object mode, what you can do and how it works. Bad, so basics, I cannot soak right? Like a beta. I'm going to use a bookstore and change the size. For the base of my bed, I can tap onto y-axis 200, like that. On the x-axis, 162, good for for the size of my bed. And on the z axis, just 40 validate. No, I can arrive on this area till ten, hundreds at axis to be directly on this photo and just snap to this wall. You can use OneNote times the top view, it's better and you can snap to get just exists maybe good return on the left here. Then I'm going to make so mattress Control D duplicates. And position your element just like this. You can snap. You need to have the snapping option activated. On the z-axis. I can just apply 20 millimeter. With this sprint, I can apply wounded Corona. And thanks to that, I can crack just a base and the mattress. And I could continue with the front, the demand, I can add a bug sprays on per drag and move on. This area we could create, for example, can move until ten, any funny chill, any share feature, so placebo, or it can be long. So just to show you some features, I can resume if I want to. Click here, Control D, duplicate position. You need to really work with review, work with Gizmo to create some transformation. I can go in this area, just remove Wednesday in Kroner and goods directly on these around water. And just position this here, I can click here also removes over indeed kroner. I could continue the features. This is what you will be able to do with the object mode. So we can add the Ferrante demand after you can make transformation also. And I will explain earlier this transformation and already subject in details. 12. Object mode selections: Let's explain the selection in object mode. Into object mode, you can find these different tools of selection, even if we will have the same tools in edit mode. But here we walk in the object mode, so uses little different. First, let's create two books exists. And I'm just going to go answer left, like that. Here. I'm just going to add the color Gonzo, right? Color and activate, for example, blue color. I can press Control D. Since two-thirds I can duplicate position on a cube here. Control D duplicates again. Control D duplicates again. Just exact address. Same time, I'm going to click on the cylinder. And maybe I can drag and move this cylinder on this direction exists. Position a cylinder here, activate two different color or like red. Same principle. I can press Control D, duplicate petitioners cylinder here. Control D duplicate position is scenario Alexis. And control the duplicate position and Augustine, and they are like Z's. Thanks to that. It's great because you can train to use the gizmo at the same time with this type of example. Now, if I want to use a selection, you have the basic selection to each time when you have nothing selected, you have your selection tool. If I click here, I selected this Cuban at the same time on the project leader, you can find the box selected here. You will be able to, if you want to remove the visibility off to look. So element she logs are elements it's not possible to select. By default, you have your section two, you can click on your element. And after you have access to the gizmo and you can make every thing that you want. Now you have DOCTYPE of seduction. First, if you want to select different objects at the same time, you can press shift. We shift. For example, here I acidic TD X2, four boxes at the same time, take your Glenn's just pressing Shift. You can also use Zoom marquee selection tool. Now keyset external tool. It is creating a frame of selection, sort of shortcut M. You can press M. You can create a frame of selection. Let's go on to top view. And if I want to predict, for example, is four elements here, I can go left-click and I can create a frame of selection just like this. Now I have these four elements selected. I can press M Again. I want to see it exists to element, and that's it. But it's better if you use a good view because for example, I want to use my element like that. It's going to be more difficult. You ever saw the Lasso selection tool. Let's come back to the top view. You can with a free end crowd to selection for example, I can go like this. Let me see legacies, and that's it. So I say T Don easiest element. Let's do this again. You have a sort of a shortcut L, I want to say exists, cylinder. I can go left-click and create with a free end. Selection exists. And after take a glance I selected. So for cylinders, you can also use a pane. Select shortcut P. It just every time when you touch an object with a brush, you sit exert objects. So left-click, left-click, left-click, left-click and take a glance. I acidic t z is for object. Just like that. This is a Paint Selection Tool. Next thing is silicate all invert selection, control a to select or click here. Everything is selected also object. You can see every scene is improper because everything is selected just like that. Whenever seeing is selected, you can also scale if you want or your elements, you can create rotation. Just like Z's. Everything is selected. You can also invert selection. I'm going to show you, I'm going to press M and create a rectangle of selection. Lexis, acidic TD, these four elements. Now if I invert the selection, I can select for different elements. I can click here invert selection. And now I selected these four elements exist. As you can see, it's not very difficult to understand selection tool. Markets in selection to lasso tool pen, CIT, exilic are in route selection. Honestly in the object mode, we use the most of the time. So basic selection tool, select or invert selection. We don't choose these two merge. We use this mo into edit mode, but we don't use these too much. But sometime it can be useful. It don't forget that when you press Shift, you can select different objects at the same time. Pressing shift also. 13. Create cube: Let's see how to add a cube. We can also take that cube. It is books, so add a box, you just click here and you can add two books. After. I've talked to add these books at the beginning, as you can see, you have gizmo. It means it is placebo when you zoom in to change the size on this direction like that. You can also change the size on this direction like this. Or you can change the size on this direction depending on where it's located, your Gizmo, you cannot sue increase proportionality using the sprint. By default, you have rounded corner. If you click on this sprint, you can increase Randy coronal or you can decrease wearing the crown. They ought to have perfect angle, just exempt. It's extremely useful if you want to create something more like this, it is possible. You just need to click on the sprint. You cannot so enter a value for your object. If you want to cry to come back to a cube, I can tip 200. Here, I can tip 200 hertz, so I can tip to read one more time. Just Exactly. You have the possibility to create cut, cut. What is this? It is when you will enter in edit mode, I'm not going to go in details to merge, but if you need to create your cut before to enter into edit mode, if I just double-click bake exists, I just entering into edit model. We don't have created any cut, So you have onesies, number of phases, the segment, and vertices. Now I'm going to go and exit and take a glance. It's not possible to walk with geometry because I have already constructed. If you want to create a cut Credit different cards, you need to do this before. Click again on the box tool. Like that. Let's see increase columnar. Now I'm going to cry to cut Crato, cut on the x-axis. First. I'm going to create folk art and divide and crap cut on X2, y-axis, why not fall and correct curtains. Zed axis four, just like that. Now I created cut. It means that if I just, I can see shaded just like this with a different cut. But if I just double-click convert, know as you can see, it's placebo into edit mode, for example, to CDK, to face and to make some transformation like this. So it sees why it would be useful to create a route cut. But you need to do this before to enter into edit mode. Let's create again a box. You can see if I just change foreshadowed, you can see the rounded corners. You can increase or decrease. At the same time, you can increase the wounding segment to have some sing perfectly, perfectly smooth, just like that. If you just want to have your angle, you just a reduced to one. And now if I go and texture, you can see the difference. You can create many things just using the books. For example, you can create just, I can just make something like this, 100 by 100 by 1010. Just press Control D. I can create a rotation like that and just pulls the element on this area and drag and move. I can also press Control D, drag and move these men positions is here. Correct. Rotation this time on the blue axis and just passed here. Exempt. For example. I can also, why not to extend little bit here. I can tip instead to you. I think I can tip one and retain and just put this here. Just with a box. You can make many things. I can use my books tool again, just create some seeing phrase on per credit. So I'm seeing like Z's decrease position z is here. I can click here, press Control D duplicates again, and this time increase towards this type of shape, I can go in this direction. If you increase, you can earn must convert to fail. Not totally, but you can almost convert to sphere just on the base of cube. You can just type a friend like that. I can create two new dump box if I want. This time I cannot run deep coral nails transposition. This here are widgets on this direction. Take on this direction. Why not put an adult books on this area? Just like this, just to show you about. For example, if I need, I can add wounded Kronos. If I want to increase to smoothest area, I can go on the right and increase the third beat. Just exempt. On your object will see this after. But on any object you can click here, you're going to write material. And when you click on this small book, you have UF library and you will be able to add a material. You can also work with scholar and also element of material. 14. Create sphere: Let's see how to craft a sphere. Let's add a sphere. You can go on object tools and sphere. The first thing is that you need to understand it is every time. So same principle but here for this fear and because it is reduced, you can only walk with this sprint. You can only work with the spring to increase. Finally, if you take here, it's going to be the same. But if you press Shift, you can constraint if you press Shift N, for example, make a different type of sphere undressed exists. You can click here also press Shift and take a glance. You can totally change the ratio of your sphere, just exempt. You can also enter a value on the right to change the ratio. For example, I can tip 400 here. I can tip suite here. And if I wanted to create some sink more with less, I can just change, for example, 40 on the base on the sphere. You can also totally change the ratio to create a different type of object, just X-Y-Z. Here. This is the first thing that you need to understand. Now, let's just come back with a basic sphere cake here. If you've gone to the right, so you in terms of value first X white, Xander, you ever So read your segment and eight segment. Read your sweat disease. If I just take, you can see studied and you can find a number of cut and you can increase the number of cut on the radius, decrease, increase just like that. So I can increase the quality with more ideas segment. You ever saw the eight segments. By default, I have 32, so it means I have 32 segment 123456, Lexis. And you can also increase rates segment on decrease. After that I can come back texture and then you have a perfect sphere. If I want to, I know to apply the right texture. Let's apply metal texture. Let's see the god Lucy exists. Something interesting also is when a base of, of a sphere you can create without type of object. First changing 0 or shoe, as I told you, but also if you decrease the number of reducers segment, take a glance. You can create some seeing exactly like that here. Now if you put, for example, just six, you can obtain this type of render. It exists. If you work with the eight segments, you can also reduce. And you can really create like not exactly polygon, but these type of render I can drag and move. Let me show you another example at the sphere again. And this time I'm going to read you a segment, but keeps the red you segment. A segment That's the maximum, like this. Take your glands and you increase the reduced segment. You can create almost like a con, but occur double cone. So it means you have to side like this. So this is why it's useful. You can have this plot and you can create like a current with two sides, two sides codes exist. You can also create little like a jama and you just click on control, just click on sphere tool again. Decrease the X segment two and read your segment. You can decrease, decrease and teal to obtain maybe fall. Thanks to that, if I zoom a little bit, you can correct liter like a demon, but I hope pyramid, double pyramid with two sides exist. And whatnot time I can go on, right, Cedric these panels and why not to click on Colab panels? I'm going to select this type of Carlisle. After I can zoom little bit. Goodness can increase, decrease, I'm going to decrease to wherever reflect. Mid tallness. I can also increase little bit like this after you have options, more advanced option, we will see that after. Yes, I can and must create two GM and using these elements, don't. It's at, when you create something like z is collected sphere but also cylinder cone. If you decrease your segment, you'll walk here. You will have the possibility to create totally the Fairmont. 15. Create cone: Let's see how to create to come. To crack the code on object tool and we can find current exists. First thing is to understand directly work with different print. With this sprint. You can increase on this direction. So size. With the sprint, you can increase on this direction. Here. You can change on the top. You can change on the base of the curtain. You're ever so rounded corners. You can click on this sprint and increase or decrease Lorentzian Cronos. You can also take a glance sharded, and if I increase the coagulant side, you have perfect angles. Now if I increase, you can create rounded corners. If you create wounded at the maximum, you will come back almost to a sphere. Just the exact just come back here takes true. If you go into the left. So same principle, you can walk with your value on x, y, and z axes. So it means you can totally change the proportion that d t, You can also just create some seeing here reduces an axis, increase X increases Y. And you can also create something like this. Now let's talk about Reggio segment. Each segment. I'm going to create again a kern. It works exactly like a sphere. If I increase first 12 angles, read your six-month. Let us take a glance. You can increase, decrease or increase. Okay, I'm going to increase the Reggio segment. We have beta quality. You can also walk with the eight segment. Like that. One more time. It can be useful for us to edit mode, to increase or to change the number of sigma, but not only under 18 months. Here are increased rates segment. I'm going to show you, for example why it can be useful. Here. I would show you is another example with a cylinder, it will be perfect. We can increase segment and exists. If you are rigids, read your signal. You ever saw rudeness segment. It means that when you add wouldn't like Z's, you can increase rudeness segment just on the top are also on the base. If you decrease the radius sigma, Let's first drag and move on. So left, Let's activate to colonnettes, activate some blue color. I'll just click again on the right again this time, decrease or reduce segment to the maximum. And thanks to that, I cannot turn the three younger suite, the three younger. I ever so I can click on his sprint to not have anger, to have angle like this. If I apply a codon, Let's see DECT read Carlo. Let's increase witness. I created three younger. Basically, if you want to create a triangle like this with the tree on girls are best things to do is to use the clone tool. You can also make the choice to decrease the number of segment, but not too much you can obtain. Just appear and eat like this. We can walk with trust fall as an example, and you can create also a pyramid. Let's go and activate to know DOCTYPE of color. I cannot achieve it. And I created one more time my parameter. Let's click again on control. Chris, again. If you decrease at a maximum and you increase the eight segments, you will see nothing special, apparently just if you want to work with the edit murder, but also if you want to create modification. And you can create like I'm seeing, I can make put like 108 segment address here. You can change little bit. I can activate to cooler green. Here. One more time on the base of one object, the kern, you can create different type of sweetie object. 16. Create cylinder: Let's see how to create a cylinder. So to create a cylinder, just click here and you can find the cylinder object. First thing that we need to know, the address, Move Gizmo, I'm going to click here again. It is to walk with a reduced. So here you can increase the reduce or you can decrease the radius. If you increase or reduce, you can have like a sphere. First things to do after you can use this sprint to increase in this direction. And you can use this sprint to increase proportionally on this direction. For the rest it is Cassie coaches use zucchini small, you can also break Brock. So proportionality if you press Shift on this direction, if you press Shift, click here on this direction, you can change the proportionality. I'm going to remove that. Just click on the cylinder again. Basic scene and there it is. Let's go on to write activator cooler blue and put this on the left. Now let's create the CNN. Well, this time Weasley told Rogers, and it's great if you increase or reduce, you can have this type of render. Click on color or material, but it's going to be faster. Let's activate two color. Just like this. Let's continue. Now you can create cut activates your cylinder. You have first read your segment. So if you click rudeness segments, sorry, you can increase, decrease quality of your rudeness and this area. After I'm just going to remove rudeness. You can work with radio segment, number of segments for your radius. If you decrease at the maximum, you can also obtain like your sweet D3 angle, but little different for the current render is little different, but you can obtain this result. It's active, it yellow. Now let us do this again, create a node, the cylinder. We can decrease the number of you segment. You can also create like a polygon, sweetie polygon. You can apply, let's apply for example, six. Read your segment. After you cannot witness are not created or sweetie polygon. I can eat it with Kohler one more time consuming. And Cedric to range. Just exempt. Let's add another cylinder. Again, increase liter bit on this direction and decrease. You have eight segments. Why it is useful? I'm going to show you an example here. I just put nothing on eight segment. If I just click on this area and I decide to use sub-band options. Band options exempt. It's going to bend from this sprint and I can activate to anger, but surrender is not really good. Direction. Also, for the simple reason, I didn't created a cut. Can walk also y-axis just like that, but it's not really good because I didn't create it. Now I'm going to do the same thing. But this time with a cylinder, I can cry to cut, can increase. Just fix that. Now active it cut with eight segments. Here, maybe 21. And if I do exactly the same thing band. Now render is so much better because to create bend, I need to have different curtains this area. If you don't have got, it's not possible to create this type of friend. Do you need to advocate? If you don't have to get it is not possible because you are not going to have a good care of It's not perceiver. And I can even turn Lexis at 60 degrees. Now it work properly. I can just come back textual and direction. I can change, for example, to direction. And as you can see, it's great. Just an exact. Now let's move on this direction and this direction and y note we are interested in this direction. Also. This is a type of things that you can do. Last example, let's activate a cylinder. You have also kept segment just here. It's just on the top. On the bottom, you can increase the number of Sigmund decrease or increase number of segment. One more time with a base on one shape, you can create many, many different things. Can create also, like if I use a sphere, it turns the same type of seeing can drag and move on to left. Let's create a small rock. I can press shift, work on this direction, increase witness little bit. And I can go into the right not to apply your material. Change concrete. It's just activate the first concrete material. 17. Create tube: Let's see how to correct a tube to create a YouTube. You can click here and you can find TOB object. How to work with the turbine? First, you can find dress here is to print, so you can increase the radius outside like that. With this branch, you can increase the residues inside. So we can walk with the inside radius in orange juice. And I will tell address, just resist to print. After you can add, you can work on this direction. If you click on this sprint one more time, you have wounded Carl murals by default. And you can increase or decrease who indeed Cronos. I can, for example, just create something exists. You can make a big job here and activate to color like blue and position on the left. Let's see another example, cylinder, cylinder, sorry, just activate the tumor. This time I'm going to increases the maximum. And you can obtain this type of friend though. Lexis can also increase if I want, you can create two arrays using this element. For example, I can go and activate Nikola one more time. Why not activate yellow color? Drag and move, and drag and move. Let's continue with the tube. You can also go on the right. You have two different option and this is the same. You segment increase or decrease. Segment, increase or decrease. The world segment on top and bottom of the face. You ever saw ruined in segment to increase smooth, rounded corners. For example, I work with RAD use segments you can decrease, decrease, decrease and a quick crap like for example. Here, it can be a specific shape, like a triangle, but inside you can create two legs is directly extremly useful. I can go on Zoom right way not to add materials like metals can apply crumb grew, see, first, take a glance. I created these elements can increase the third betweenness. You can also create, if you want to create, to put, put it plan something exists. You can also use the tube because you can create two books and you can use Boolean operation with Boolean subtract. But finally, you can do this directly using the troops. So you use a tube. You increase first. Just like this, yes. Can take this sprint. I think I put two tubes so it's not good. Yes. I can one more time. Go and zoom right in, increase or reduce segment to y naught for after, I can, if I want, remove, goodness call nail exempt. I work with first and the second element and take a glance. I can create a structural exists, can set my element. And one more time you can go and activate why not to color texture. It takes trios this time. I'm just going to create a wood texture. And uses wood texture. If you want to cry to ozone exists. And you want to curve the US, click one more time under the tumor. I'm going to show you if I increase the X-Y-Z, increase Lexis. You can use one more time. For example, bend, but if you use band, you don't cry to cut one more time, you are going to have a problem. It's not convenient, as you can see. Now I'm going to do the same thing, but exactly like your cylinder we need to create to cut. I can increase on this direction, increasing in this direction maybe. Yes, stress mic. I'm seeing Lexis and you have my tuber. Or it can be if you want to ozone. And now I increase with age segment, like why not 30 or so t1. Now if I use bender, it's so much more convenient and I can work with the angle. It makes. This can walk onto direction like that. As you can see, I created my own. One more time. Can you can you see that on the base of one main objects, which tube, you can create several possibility. You can create multiple disability. It just for example, but you can create more element one more time. 18. Create torus: Let's see how to add a tourist. So to editorial directly, you can find this on this tool. We can go directly with z's two points. First, we can walk this element, and here we can walk inside the target tube. We can work with the outer radius. And we can walk with the inner radius epistasis, but at the same time we increase. So too in a minute. If I just go on the right. So first thing that you need to understand, you can create some thing basically legacies. After I can add again a torus. This time I'm going to work with the trip segment. And if you decrease the maximum, you can create some single X-Y-Z. You ever sues a ring segment. And if you decrease rings segment, took segment, you can increase your segment, but you cannot turn on this type of result that exist. Now I'm going to change takes true. I can upturn is this reserved? You cannot just same time with torus. Possibility to decrease the trip segment, not too much and ring segment and you can obtain yes, for example, something like this. It is another possibility about what you can do with the tours. Now let's create a small presentation. I'm going to add another Turas. Increase in this direction, increasing z direction. And try to decrease here. Just like this first. Now I want to add the backgrounds. So this is the reason for which I can apply a cylinder. Also, just reduce the size of the slender. No rounding corners. Increase the size of the cylinder. I'll just lazy. And I can decrease. Just come back, take this sprint. And yesterday's here. Increase the third beat. Yes, I think it's nice. Notice things that I'm going to do is to select the two element. We shift. Right-click. Just apply match, which was a shortcut. To merge I can go into right? Fine. Let's activate the material. I can click on the category and just let see leaked mid-term. I'm going to apply phrase on just aluminum glossy just exists. And I can obtain this result if I want. I can change little witness again midterm. After to do this rock. I'm going to put the element inside, so acidic again, tourists. Let's decrease the third beat. This direction. This direction. Also increase. Lexis can drag and move it towards a Turas. Here it's nice. And just change with a color. Let's activate some blue Carlo. Can increase, decrease rudeness and increase metal. Nice. Now let's scrap to know Dr. Laura's click on thoracic again. This time I'm going to decrease the top segment, decrease the ring segment. Just turns this reserve positions is here. And decrease again. Make this type of ship positions is here. Little bit on this direction and apply your color, can apply some color range, increased mid tallness, Lexis, and obtained this result. I'm going to add an marinas Turas exists. One more time change as this times the ring segment and make something like this. Drag and move. Positions is here, create a small rotation direction I think exists. It can be great. Maybe I can pull a little bit on this direction. Then create a small rotation again. Just like that. I've taught to do this work one more time, I can apply a color. Let's activate some red color. Meta illness. Increased mid tallness, decrease, it'll be truthiness, and that's it. We've created this presentation using, using the Turas. Just like that. One more time I want to show you that with just one element or we just one object, you have the possibility to create different sinks. 19. Create polyhedron: Let's see how to create a polyhedron. You can find here poorly drawn. Drawn is liturgy friends as a sphere because you have multi per small face season plane faces. If I just take a glance, so but shut either. You can find these multiple plane feces exist. If I just go, just come back on texture, you can only like the sphere, increase the size or decreases size with this sprint and after for sure you can use your Gizmo to manage the different element. You can go and read. You have just sorption subdivisions. So you can increase the number of subdivision or decrease just like this. If I just make a number of subdivision like that, I can obtain this result and apply some Colo, increased rudeness. And this is the first type of results that you can. Now let's civic per year drawn again. This time I'm going to rigid so subdivision 200, I can go and color and I can obtain render exists. Just same time. Let's one more time. Click and put your trunk and just check chat Did. You can also try to approximate proportionality. So you can click Share, press Shift, and you can make something more like that. Then I can increase on this direction. I can also take this point press Shift and takes the sprint per shift exists. Can obtain this type of friend, can take the sprint press Shift or so. And after I can walk with sub-division, let us subdivision law subdivision. One more time. I can have a different render. Let's click on texture. Let's activate some brown codon exists. Now I'm going to create a presentation. Let's make a concrete example. Pick on polyhedron first. Just, you can keep this number of subdivision. Rigid pseudocysts. Directly apply your color. It's apply like great colo and increase the roughness. Now I'm going to duplicate this element first, I'm going to rigid see 30 tomorrow. Yes, it's perfect. Just click on array grid. Array grid. So thanks to that, I can have multi per element. And on the right, you can find the number on the x-axis so that you can apply some number on your y-axis ands a number on the z-axis. Maybe I can put like six here, six here, and on z, y naught six also, six on each axis, six repetition. Okay? Now it's just saying that I'm going to do it to set the space so you can set your space one more time is the x-axis on the y-axis. And also want to say taxi's just keeps a value of two hundred, two hundred, two hundred. Except I'm going to complete this element directly with noise. So I can go into transformation. You can find noise here. I'm going to click. Y is going to be useful because I can create deformation on every element. I can go into the right. I can make deformation on the x-axis, on the y-axis, Lexis and under z axis exists. Just same time. You can also increase the tertiary scale x, y, and z axis. And you can walk with liver, take a glance. It's great because it is labeled 0. So no change, no transformation. But if I increase this, you can increase the deformation with the number of lever. In my example, let's supply like six. And thanks to that, I can create light multipolar rocks. I would like to make a presentation like Planet and multiple rocks around can also walk with scary if you want to smooth. Again, decrease NIH example, I'm going to not smooth too much. So I think one was great. Seats. So now the next step is to apply a sphere in psi. I can apply your polyhedron again. Click on polyhedron. Just increase liters, the number of Cgd. Just five to have like a sphere. And I can position my polyhedron intermediate, increase size. Just like this. I think I'm going to just stay with just stay with one. It's going to be perfect. Activate the color. It's active it, so I'm right codon Lexis. Hotness, increased rudeness, and position around my z's. Because I have subdivision, I'm going to apply also noise transformation and this element. And one more time getting some transformation on x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. Trust X-Y-Z. Detail too much. Let's decrease the third beat. Yes, trust exempt. 20. Create plane: Let's add a plane. How to add a plane? So go on the object tools and you can add plane. The plane. You can also work with wounded crown. Like this. It means if you add totally full wounded Kronos, you can create a plane in a circle just like that. You can walk on this axis and you can walk directly on this axis because it is a plane, it is not possible to walk onto set axes. If I go in my transformation panel, I can change x, I can change y. But as you can see, it's not possible to change any single z. I can enter any value, nothing special. Wheel. This is the first thing you can create a basic plane like that. By default, you don't have any subdivision. Can click on colo. Let's activate some green color. Alexis increase the roughness. I created a basic plain. You can do exactly the same thing in soccer. So I can just apply ruined it columnar colo, and let's activate some blue color. And I can put this here, for example, address drag and move little bit here. Now it's useful because you can create subdivision. And if you replace subdivision, you can, you will be able to work with. You can create, for example, a blanket. You can create a curtain using the plane. You can also create two grown, you have multiple use. Let's create a nodal plane. This time I can apply subdivision. I would like to create a character. For example. I need to apply subdivision. I'm going to show you that after you can use noise again. But noise again, it's good. We subdivision. We can walk with the number of segments on the x-axis and the number of segments on the y-axis. If I just apply 1010 first I can show you is double-click convert to geometry. If you just select acidic face tool, but it can be also vertices. You can take your print and you can just drag and move little bit. Just like this phrase on, you can press shift. We shift, you select multiple phases at the same time. Just civic multiple phases. I've taught to do this work. You can just go little bit like this. And thanks to that, you can have this render. Now if I go on exit, I obtained this result. I can go on the right options and material. I'm going to kick me News. Click on library material and change for fabric. So thanks to that, I can have everything that I need for fabric. Let's see like for example, this fabric. And take a glance. It's great if you want to create a Puritan. But I can also use a plane. I'm going to show you something different like this. Let's create one more time a planar. I'm going to create subdivision again. Subdivision c also exist. I can't do the same type of work, but this time I can apply noise directly after to create subdivision. And thanks to that, I can walk on the x-axis. And I can walk also y-axis, x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. I can create some similar exists, cannot crack transformation with value. One more time. I can go into the right fabric. Let's apply. Fabric material. Just fixes. It's also useful if you want to create two grinder. Click on this area. Just select Plane Tool. If you want to cry to grow. And it's interesting also, because you can apply subdivision one knock time. So let's apply subdivision like CSI subdivision X-Y-Z. I can also click noise again. But this time I'm going to decrease x-axis, y-axis, axis about the value for the noise. Let's decrease the third beat. And see it just looks at, but you can work with this value. It is a scalar options. And thanks to that, if you think it's not enough, yes. Sorry. Ceres or devalue can create curve like this. And you can also make some change here. Take your glands, you can obtain this result. If you increase, move too much about value. I can make one sweet to phrase components share. I can walk onto the x-axis, y-axis, said the axis also. But one of the best things to do It's to walk with livers and she and 0. And you can increase Lexis 0 and you can increase little bit about livers. You can also work with a curve if you want to need to smooth your element. Now we take a glance, I'm going to come back with sticks to go into the right color. Let's activate some green color. A bit more rudeness. And it's great if you want to create two grown after. You can walk with liver care of. And if you decrease, you can just create, come back like this or you can increase. 21. Create text: Let's see how to add suite the text object options. You can find 3D text directly. You have example. So this is why you can change your guns to right sweetie, text and you can tip what you want. I'm just going to tip, for example, victory like this. If you want to take more things, it is possible you can change the font family. Just click here. And you have different, different options. A lot of options. Bet your text. Take a Glenn's. After you cannot walk regularly, depends on your font family. You can increase the rate of spacing. You can also increase the line spacing. If you add something more, I can take victory. Just like Zs. And yes, you just need to be. I'm going to click again on the text. Yes, you can tap, tap most things as you can see after if you want, it is perceiver just takes that lecture. You again, click on 3D text. Let's step again, Victory. You ever saw possibilities so to change justification, but it's not really important. You can increase the quantity. It means that by default, if you change the square d t, You can increase the quality. Take quick lens when you have some seeing ruin, DDA, you can add market and C's whereas you get each quality will be better or you can decrease the quality also. You can also increase the DPT. By default, you have a value of 15, but you can increase the DPT or decreasing. The next step is to add an offset on the control. Just come back texture. And I cannot do enough set if I need. It sees a type of things that you can do with a text. You can also create, sweetie, look good text. Let's first create a tube. Decrease on this direction, like that. It takes the sprint just created to chub. Now let's create two rotation. Just increase on this direction. I can apply your color. Let's apply some blue color. Can work with witness. It'll be tomorrow and it'll bit more midterm. Let's add an element inside. So I can click on my tool suite, the text. Just change for logo. After you can walk with the different options, you can change the font family. I'm going to decrease the third beat, the DPT, like that. San Francisco. You can also scale your elements, can scale your text. I'm going to position it takes Inside logo. Positions is here. And decreases size, just takes out. Let's apply a color. I'm going to go into the right colon and excavate this type of blue-collar, also little bit more midterm. Next step is to press Control D duplicate, and positions is here. Then I can go on the right and just step designer, logo designer. And I can drag and move the third be designed, maybe increase the size. You can create these type of things. Also. Maybe it's little bigger, can decrease the third beat logo design, I can decrease. You can add more things if you want. For example, you can create two cylinder will exist and decrease your cylinder here. Create some rotation on the red axis. I can decrease my cylinder. Just position a small cylinder on this area activator material, color blue. Let's increase Let's decrease witness increase metal NIS like that. And I can press Control D. Go on my z view. Not just that view, it's not really good. Go on my front view. So far this I can click on this sprint. Zoom. I apply control G already so I can drag and move on to this direction. Just like that. And I can press Control Z again. And why not to move in this direction just like this also. This is an example about what you can do with text. You can also try to crash suite. The logo. After I will show you is that you can export to Lu Gu in SVG. You can also export the Nikon eats import logo or Nikon in SVG and you will absolute possibility to extrude solo go. 22. Create array linear: Let's walk with transformations and just show you array linear. Extremly useful if you want to create a repeat the shunt, linear repetition of your object. Let's create a cube. And this cube I would like to activate, to cut off first, let's activate blue and create array linear. So click here or a linear. Let's walk on the top. You first, you can sit xo count this. You can see the XO code. If I zoom, it'll beat out first. You can also create to offset. So it means I start directly at the intersection of this axis. But I can start with an offset for value. By default, you are going to work on the x-axis. I walk on the x-axis as you can see. But if you want, you can put 0 on the x-axis. You can walk onto y-axis and do exactly the same sink like SAT. If you click on x-axis, you can also create a movement just like Z's current credit a repetition. Just like in diagonal, you just activate. For example, if I just put two hundred and two hundred, I can create this render. You can increase an umbrella of code if you want. And you can solve one more time credit to offset. Just like this. This is a type of things that you can do, but you can also welcome to set axis at the same time. And you can pull on this direction. Just like that. You can make your basic repetition like you just step 00 and address creditor repetition on the x-axis. But if you want, you can also complete with y and you can complete with Z. Just like said. It's not a need to create to repeat the shape of your object. I'm going to drag and move this. Let's now select the cylinder. Increase its size. Cylinder, I can apply another color. Let's activate repetition in there. One more time if I want, I can move on x-axis, change the number of colds. Think it's too much, I have too much space. Just like this. Reduce the number of cones. You can also walk with rotation. You can work with scale and you can walk with offset in which I can activate to rotation on x-axis or y-axis, like this. Z-axis. Found to make some sing like to collapse. I can just walk on x-axis and y-axis like z's. So x-axis, y-axis and sees the type of render that you can do. Just sometime you can even apply scan. So it's going to, I'm going to increase on x-axis scale. But you can work with so with value like that. But yeah, it's not going to be very, very anterior steaming. But about the scale, yes, it's going to be nice because you can put 1.5, for example, 1.5 here. And why not what? 0.5? You cannot just same time increase proportionally. Let's add the third bit more. Space for OZ is I can add x-axis. Perfect. You can really make amazing things with this type of friend Joe. And let's see my last example. I can just activate tutorials, track and moves a torus just here. First, let's work with demand. I'm going to make the same type of things. First I activate our wavy nail. Going to walk on the x-axis. But you can walk into negative value without any problems like that. Yes, perfect. After to do this work, I can work with a number of code. Just activate for addressed same time I'm going to create a rotation, but not on the x-axis. I'm going to create a rotation axis is not going to work properly. I need to walk on the y-axis. Rotation when X is just X-Y-Z. Until to arrive like 30 step-by-step. Rigids. Little bit. Yes, I can create this render. Just same time. You can scared if you want this direction, this direction to apply to keep the ratio. Each time when you create something that exists, you're going to the left. You can find your array in there, whether you can select your first element inside. So this is my first two rules. But I can move every sink. But you try to apply phrase on Purdue colo, it will be applied on all element of array linear exists. 23. Create array radial: Let's explain. So array red, yellow, red, yellow. You can create a repetition of object. You can walk on. Secular, clean. It means first, I'm going to show you some basics. Just other books like Z's increases books. These books you can just drag and move on the left. And the fact is, if you click directly on array red yarn, you can create a repeat Titian center of prints. The center point will be automatically by default at the intersection on the sweet axis. If you take a glance on the right, Let's first activate the top view. Zoom little bit. You can walk with the number of cons. Let's apply seven. Or you can make more if you want. Just like that. We can create different things I can apply. Why not eight? It is perfectly, it is very fast, it is very great. You have a ligament. It is your school ID demand when you don't walk with a cylinder or a sphere, where you walk with a cube. Some seem to exist. It's very great because you can just keep x2, y2. You keep exactly the same object here. You at the same time you change the ligament. As you can see. Here, it's the anger. So it means if you want to open just makes it, it is possible. If you want to increase, it is placebo or so you come back to Sweden, read 60 degrees one more time. You can also create many different objects you have keep position. If you activate key position, It's great. You can need to same space, but if you don't activate this, you can obtain these type of result. Don't forget also that you have your center points here. And if you change your center point, It's not going to be exactly the same. This is the first type of things that you can do after. You can create also object like this. If I click and crowd to tourists, I increase the third beat. One more time. I go unsold left and activate directly array radial. I cannot turn this ratio, but I can increase an embed code. But if I increase a lot, take a glance, I can create this render phrase jumper, dress like this. I can also change a ligament. I think it's useful. It won't change anything here. If you remove keep position, you will obtain this result. And I can rigids. And if you want to make a base for a flower, for example, just X-Y-Z can use this render. You can make multiple one more time object. Also just using this repetition. Can why not apply your cylinder just like zs if you let your element in the center of the sweet axis and you activate, so array radial. You can do PPE kit, walk with a number of cones just like that. And anger, not going to work properly. And you have to produce erection. Yes. I need to change our direction because an x, y-axis not seeing with AP-1 x z that can obtain this wizard, rigid is an umbrella of cones and you can repeat and one more time krater, no doc type of object. I can walk also on the y and z axis. Just like this. You can one more time creates multiple or multiple things. If you use, this process, cannot. So turn, just turns this direction or this direction. Let's create an element. Click first on cylinder, except you can duplicate press Control D. Control D, yes, rigids on this direction. Increase in this direction like that. Now I'm going to go on the side view. Let's assume littleBits Richards, n positions is element in meter. Yes, Translate Z, It's perfect. No, it's not totally perfect. Let's drag and move. Just like that. After I'm going to realize Boolean operation. So click on this element shift, click on this element also. First, I'm going to clean my first cylinder. Just remove so wounded kroner, Citrix or two elements. Right-click and match. After. Let's activate. Just go on the right. You can activate or materials select midterm. Just apply. Aluminium. Just exist. I'm going to increase little bit truthiness. It's okay. Now it's this thing that I'm going to do each to add another cylinder. Lexis, drag and move and rigids. Make something smaller. Like that. Let's increase of sources size. I need to have some seeing longer. Just like this. Here. We can use just a top view. Click on z. It is the top view. Yes, just like that, position your element, for example, address here. Notice the next step is to use array radii. Duplicate multiple time. I'm going to change the count and duplicate until two cones. I can keep the position, keep direction, keep a ligamentous angle, sweep and read 60. Now, as you can see, I have this element. Let's apply a Boolean operation with Boolean subtract. First select, Zoom, manage object. Amen sweet means the main proud, press Shift. And select array radiology manager object or a white gel creatinine Boolean operation with Boolean subtract. And thanks to that, I can remove this and create this type of element just like that. So as you can see, it's extremely useful. You can make many things using Zoom array right here. I can go into writer. You have no one more time. Maybe I can walk little bit with my aluminum glossy materials. I can click here and double-click and walk with witness. The maximum. I'm going to decrease weakness. Yes, it is better all exists and mid tallness at the maximum. Here. 24. Create array grid: Let's explain zoo array grid that you can find array grid here. Let's first see an example and apply your books like this and increase the size. First, Let's see basics go directly on crusade view. Let's apply directly array grid. I've talked to do this work. You can go and so right. You can apply array grid. You have x, y, and z axis. The best thing, it do it too. You can mix the number of cones on the x-axis, so two on the y-axis. Let's, for example, reply to and z-axis. Let supply phrase sample two also. It means I have two on x-axis. Now let's increase. Why not for yes, why not five on the x-axis, the y-axis, and under said axis you can walk with five. But if you want to put just 500 x 501 and just one on z, it's also possible. As you can see, it's very fast, it is sober much faster to duplicate your element. After you have a space between the different elements. One more time, XYZ, you have 200 millimeters here. If I want, I can reduce on x rigids on wide. And if I apply elemental and said, I can also reduce or increase the space, just X-Y-Z. This is the mode per step and print, but generally we, we keep best stay per step. Now let's match a stricture structure of a monument. And first create two books. Enter some value. We're going to tip four-inch read on the x-axis, foreign trade on y-axis and under said xc suggest ten. I think ten, it's a little small ledgers to apply, 20 removes or wounded crown males. Now let's create also an adult books. These books removes the wounded Carl neurosis, increase in this direction and just enter a value. I think ten can be great. And also, yes, just like that, under z axis I can apply your value of sweet. It's nice. And drag and move this direction. Go on my top view. Positions or element. Yesterday key here. I cannot sue drag and move on this direction. Yes, perfect. On this angle, calling f print duplicate using array grid. Array grid. I'm going to increase the number of cones, but I need to redo it. So space, Lexis need to register space on x and y-axis. Let's increase in turn may be ten, maybe ten, lot eight. Why maybe eight? And Z? Z just one? No, Let's decrease. I need to try to arrive perfectly in this area with eight sheets. Nice. Maybe I can increase with a value of 5555. Lethal too much. I'm just going to work with forty four fifty five, fifty four. I need to walk or so on the y-axis and reduce, reduce, reduce, reduce, and walk with. I'm seeing little bit less. Just like this thing I can reduce. 4848. Gets perfect. Now I obtained this result. Number of contacts minutes to merge. Let's read you'd six, Let's read you'd six. So again, let's come back into the top view at little bit more space, it's going to be better like just 6565. Perfect. I can stay on my top view. Dress positions is on my Zoom little bit. Just like Zs using secreted. Perfect. Now, use my first box and press Control D to duplicate and drag and move in this direction. Here. If you want, you can finish your walk. You can add any single desktop. Why not to work with? For example, why not to walk with the kern? You can increase, reduce an umbrella fred your segment. And you can make any sings on the top. Here. It's not the best to create this type of friend. But you can also increase the size of the sediment or decrease your size. Just like this. It was just an example. Now you can also create different type of presentation. Phrase on purchase a tourist, I can click on the Turas. Increase little bit, change the size. Let's apply your color. Blue color. And let's apply our agreed. Think it's not going to work properly. Slits are strange. I had already a regrade, I forgot to remove that. So let's do this again. Click on the tourist. Let's do this again. Activate to color like blue, position neutral on the left. And credit again are agreed. So now it's going to work properly. Let's increase the number of cones like eight, like this. Let's increase like eight on this direction. Also. Say that CSR can apply 888. If I need, I can increase the space X-axis, y-axis. Think I'm going to decrease the turbid because it's lethal long with Wi-Fi connection. So let's decrease little bit 666 will be enough. Yes, Perfect. Next step can be trans validate. Click on element one more time if you want, you can apply noise. If you want, you can create some deformation on your different element. Using notes. I've told you can make some options here. Yes. I'm not going to show you too much more because a beds or connection, it's really long, but you can create deformation on your different element. And I just want to show you is that can be extremly useful to create repetition with array grid. 25. Subdivide objects: Let's see how to sub-divide object. In transformation. You can find subdivided possibility. Let's add a box first. On these books. I'm going to go first on yes. Right. View. Activate directly subdivided. I've talked to a place shook the volume technique lens. You have this type of friend or you can enter the number of lever on the left so you can make 2345 are concurrently. Don't forget that you can apply shaded and sanctuaries that you can see your subdivision base of the cube. If you apply one subdivision, you obtained this result. And sometimes it can be extremely useful. Again, restore apply to and you have more subdivision axes. And sweet why it is useful because if you apply just one subdivision, Zen, you just double-click convert to geometry and beg. Like that. You have the possibility, you don't have to forget that when you answer geometry. Not possible to directly apply your native men. But if for example you go here, you can drag and move on this direction or you can click here. If I go on my face, I'm going also need to see it exists face here. It's a little strange because you can't walk properly on a segment or vertices or something like this. You see some things that you need to note. Now I'm going to come back onto exit mode and just delete every sink. Let's click again on the books. Increase it totally bit. And let's apply one more time shift D value. You can also sub-divide mo like one or two, just like Z's. You can take a glance about your result on the shaded options like that. Now I'm going to show you something interesting. If you add ruined deep cronus, first, click on the box and continue to have rounded corners that exists. After that, you can, for example, add subdivided. Know I can walk with an umbrella of liver and take a glance. It's totally different now because I have subdivision but already I yep. Subdivision with my wounded Kronos. It means if I apply one, if you apply too, I'm going to keep as a Bayesian base, I'm going to keep this type of, of ships. I'm going to keep some main render of the ships. Let's apply the last five and you can have many, many, many subdivision. I'm going to try with less subdivision because if you increase too much, yes, as you can see, it can be long. I'm going to click on the weight and I hope I can just come back. Yes, it's nice I can come back to one. Now I can just go out. Let's come back and texture. If I just click, double-click and convert to geometry. As you can see now it's different because we don't have Zoom legs, a frame around it. Different. And if I just click on this element, take a glance, because I have a subdivision, I can pull like z's, can take this any man, drag and pull Lexis. But if you have a little bit more subdivision like to sweep can make something really anteriors team on this side. Maybe I can increase little bit. Just show you again, click on zyBooks, increase the third beat here and activates subdivided. I'm going to increase. So developed by two and double-click. Convert to geometry back. And if I click on this face, take a glance, you can create some sync wounded Lexis. Again, here, this is a type of things that you can do also with sub-divide. We can also use sub-divide for DOCTYPE element. If I just create a cylinder. The same principle, you can go directly activate subdivided. If I apply just to liver alexis, I can see the render shaded. You have most of division one naught. And if I double-click, I can click on bake. I can enter and make some modification. Exists. Little difference that when we use them, when we use the cube, buds arrest few crutch subdivision on different type of object. If I come back again, takes a cylinder, don't put any rounded corners and just activate sub-divide them. You can obtain these type of result one, you can sub-divide it by two, and it can be anterior singlets. So sometime just like that. I'm going to remove that, remove my different subdivision on the left project name. Just show you another if you crowd to sphere like Zs and you just activates sub-divide. Not going to be very interesting because we have already Ministry of division, so it's not going to be very interesting. Sub-divide is really interesting when you use some sink like a cube. If you use a box, it can be very useful to use sub d value. Because if you remove or indeed Kronos, you can directly change activates should devalue can obtain this result, can change and activate this result also. It's more interesting in this example. If you use a planar, just walk like Z's, you use subdivided. Just apply shaded. And you apply two. You can create interesting subdivision like zs. Z sometime can be anterior sitting on the plane, I can just activate our even five if I want. If I double-click, I can convert to geometry bake. But It's a 35-year-old because if you drag and move on, you want to select the face. Just like this. You see DECT every scene, the subdivision. It's not the same type of subdivision that you add directly on your object. For example, I created a plane one more time, and I activate subdivision but directly on the object plane, waves segment, for example, here, Here. Bit more, maybe double-click bake. Here it's different because you can walk on each element properly. You can see the phase you can drag and move. Just like Z's. Sub-divide is different. 26. Add bevels: Let's explain how to add the beavers. To add these verbs, you can see the transformation beavers here. Let's first add two books. By default, when you create an object you have super CBD T to add rounded corners. When you add orange in corners. Finally, it is like to add beavers on this element. First I'm going to remove quarantine Chrome arrows, and then just apply beaver. Now if you zoom neater beat, you can find the small beaver effect like Zs and you can walk with anger. You can also work with a number of segment. You settled the theorem that when you add wounded Kronos, take a glance, apply shutter speed. If I just come back on 0, I don't have in younger. Now, I can increase, if you increase number August segment but 0, no singular apply and you can apply selection angle. Just like that. I can increase when you arrive more that 90 degrees. I can obtain this resident I created might be worse after. If you want, you can increase the number of segment. If you have perfect wounded beavers. If you don't want to just stay like this on 0, you can even credit to offset and increase your beavers just like that. But why it's useful? Because finally here looks like a rounded corner. But if you decrease the number of segments, you can, why not? Trust obtain this result? You have after selection angle, but under 90 degrees you are here after you can obtain this window. Just like that. This is why before can be useful because you can also create this type of friend. Let's add a box again. So as you can see, just to play shaded, it looks like beaver, yes. Right. But it's not exactly the same type of option. If you had already rounded corners and then you apply also just defer like this. You can shade it and you have the selection angle, you have already your anger, but you can complete with beavers and increase also with the offset, but it's not very interior steam when you have already run deed Kronos. So this is why I can advise you if you want to apply beaver to remove indeed crown dose. You can also apply on different elements. If I just click on X2 can change, wouldn't think kroner first. Now, just apply. Beavers. Zoom little bit. You have the selection anger. We can take a glance on this area, essentially. Just click on shaded. Increase selection, anger when you are above 90 here it's not 90 degrees, it's lethal less. You can obtain this render after you have just one segment, but you can put more segment. If you want to increase, you can create a bigger upset like that. But you can also just use segment one, are just 0. Just let us apply in this example. One, I can increase the offset and one more time can be useful to create a different type of object. Just like this. This is y. One more time beaver can be useful. Every time. If I just click on Fourier drawn. This thing I'm going to show you a different example. Just click on this cylinder. Change when the corners and just go on to the right. Decrease read your segment and just apply for, again, it's not the best example. Do the same thing but with a tube. First change when the crown else's. Then you can go on to read your segment and decrease until to turn a value of four. Change the inner reduce Lexis. It's okay. Now I have my new shapes. And I can apply a beaver. Beaver. And I can go on this area, just click on shaded, like this texture. But if I just click on shutter speed, It's not going to be really good at. You have Beaver number two. I have my trip evil number 2. First, I'm going to remove that, just click on the tube again and apply beaver. Yes, now it's going to work perfect. I can change shredded and take a glance about this area. You have just one segment, section anger miles at 90 degrees. If you increase Masan one entry AT you can also obtain this window. And after you can work with a number of segment and if you need, you can create an offset. One more term you can. Shore of G credit Mo object. If we use this type of transformation beaver, increase, upset. I think Angular, I'm going to change that. Yes, it's better. And just validate exists. 27. Add symmetries: Let's see the symmetries. Symmetries. You can find this option symmetry on the transformation panel. First, let's take a concrete example. Just can just add the books. If you want to see me three whelks, you need to not have your books in the center because your axis of symmetry will be in the center on the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. So this is why I'm going to choose a view. So z view, top view and go directly on Zoloft like that. I want to credit same object on the right with a symmetry, with this axis. It is possible. I just need to go and transformation panel symmetry. And you can see the xy plane, x, y, or z. In this example, it's interesting to walk with the x-axis. So I'm going to click x-axis. And I created my symmetry just like that. Now, if I just create a cylinder, position this cylinder, this time we're going to walk on the y-axis just here. Let's apply your symmetry. This time if I use x-axis Nursing up and I'm just exactly on same position. But if I change with y-axis, I can apply my symmetry just here. As you can see, it's useful. You can do the same under z-axis. You can also create an existing symmetry. I have already symmetry with a box. I can move the books on this area and I can create a symmetry on the z-axis. Apply symmetry. Click on to write zeta axis and take a glance. I created the symmetry this time under z axis. Y symmetry can be extremely, extremely useful. You can also just with a symmetry, create two circular array. You can just use array read yell, but I'm just going to show you, if you click on the cylinder, you drag and move your cylinder. For example, Jess, Here, you go on the top view. First you activate a symmetry, alexis and apply y-axis. Just hear things that I'm going to do it. You have the possibility to cut and merge of symmetry. In this case, you are just going to merge your element. But in this example it's not good because I'm exactly on this axis, so it's not going to be interesting. Going to remove that and come back. Yes, stress here. On my top view. Just change your axes for why. It's okay. Now I can click on this symmetry and just duplicate press Control D. And I can create a rotation. Lexis. But take a glance at only uses element because we trust formation print. It's not teens are major because I changed this transformation print for my symmetry, just like this. So this is why I'm going to show you again. Just click on the cylinder positions we've seen under on this area. Zen click on symmetry and activate y-axis. Just like that. After if you want, you can drag and move, for example, on this position. And you can activate two nodal symmetry exists. And I can walk, why not on yes, x-axis, just here. Perfect. When you want to create a table for any things like Z's foot, I want to create my table. I can click on the box first and just activate one hundred, one hundred and only a value of four. Maybe six. Just like that. I can move on to the z-axis. Until then let's create first fit. I can go in this direction. Just to just use, I can use a box. See Nando, let's create two books. Zigs box I can enter a value of six on x-axis and y-axis and z-axis. Maybe. I can go on a side view, first. Position my element, you can remove Windy Corner on this area. I can go also on z is View an element here. It's okay. Now is the next step is to create a symmetry. Exists. Frequency x-axis perfect. If you sit exists symmetry, you can then apply symmetry again, but this time you change for y and perfect, you have created your four foot. It's very fast and very convenient. And thanks to data creating my table, I can finish my well, just activate materials. Click on wood. Let's use this wood materials. The top of my table. And I can change the materials also for all foods. So you can click on symmetry number one, because inside you have a nodal symmetry. You can have a symmetry on different symmetry. I see like my symmetry number one. Just go on to write change and see leaked meter. Aluminium, glossy. If I want, I can change. Hotness. Again, maintain this perfect. 28. Associate objects: Let's see how to associate of GQ using the Boolean operation. We have different type of Boolean operation, boolean union, boolean, slip, strike, Boolean, intersection. Things that I'm going to do first to create a box like this. And just activator color to really sees a different operation, can increase. It'll be written S. Then I'm going to create a cylinder. The cylinder address credit your rotation and this direction, decrease the size on this direction and increase on this direction. I'm going to use my cylinder to cross inside the cube like this. Now to create a Boolean operation, you need first to sleep. So to concern object, so cube and the cylinder, your object reference will be the first object selected. I'm going to sit execute first, then press Shift and Citrix the cylinder. The first body and operation, I'm going to change the color of the cylinder. It's going to be better color, just like let's activate rate. So acidic first, the cube, shift the cylinder. You have the two elements selected when you go and Boolean operation, you can see Bodhi and union associates to object to crack just one object, just like this. Now I have just one object and I have two materials. But automatically he's going to take our first material of the domain of cheat on the first select team for a simple reason because we have no Boolean union. If I go inside, I can see my box inside that I could change the color. But as a final render, B is a Boolean union. Why it is interesting because if you click on Boolean union, just going to come back. If you click on the books like this and you drag and moves earlier outside, you can just go to exist, remove the Boolean union and you can come back at the beginning. Now, second option, Boolean subtract. You are going to subtract this cylinder from the cube. The cube, second, the cylinder. Now I can click on Boolean, subtract like this and take a glance. I created this URL on this area. I'm going to show you the same thing. Click on zoom box, just drag and move here. Click on this cylinder, drag and move here, and just remove Boolean subtract with DDGT. Let's sing is Boolean index section. He's going to take the element at the intersection of the two object. It means the part of the cylinder inside the cube Citrix or cubed first, press Shift, sedate x2i NANDA, the cube shifts to cylinder. Next step is to apply Boolean intersection. And thanks to the data, you have just this element in some either. If I just come back with control Z, I need it. For example, I want to create a sphere. The sphere on this area and this area decrease detail a bit. I'm going to credit intersection, subtract or perish, just sit execute shift cities a cylinder. And if you apply Boolean, subtract a can open this element with my sphere. If, for example, you want to create a type of beaver, specific beaver, I'm going to show you how to create x2, right? Object. First, create a box like this. You can directly use top view and activate a codon. If you want to create an element to credit like rounded corner, perfect beaver just on the corner. You need to create a cylinder like that. First cylinder, you can increase little bit. On. C is direction exists. You need to have a cylinder just alpha of the size and position. Z is directly on the corner. So you need to have on this side just alpha of the size. So it means you create a cylinder. You need to position your cylinder like this. What is your m? So m is to recuperate element like that. I think I can increase. Don't have too much precision. Yes. Translate xyz. Again, I think that makes something wrong because if I just come back, it is the opposite process. I'm going to create a cylinder first. Activate a color cube. Just Lexis. Increase size of Cubans on this direction here it is a tube. Yes, correct? Uh, books quiz the size of the books on z direction and put this here. Trust flakes out because the cylinder is one hundred, one hundred here on this area, I'm going to tip 50. On y-axis 50 or so. Yes, Now it's perfect. I can just zoom n positions is here directly on this area. Perfect. Perfect. I can create things that I want. Maybe I can make some little bit address. Yes translates that. I cannot turn elements that I want. For this. First. First I sit execute, shift acidic the cylinder. I can go on Boolean operation, Boolean subtract. Just like this. Yes, It's perfect. I'm going to come back with control Z them because you need to just create a smaller element just like this. It's enough to have just as an example. Yes, Perfect. Now let's do this again. Click on the cube, shift, click on the cylinder, and activate Boolean, subtract and perfect. Now I have this element, these perfect to create a beaver. Why it is perfect? You want to create a table, you want to create some seemed like z squared, two rounded corners. Let's just, let's create two books, Lexis. And change the third beat, size. Go on the right, activate two different colors like these great codon. Know I want to create a perfect rounded corner. I can use my beaver position element like this. You can resize if you want to draw an image shown to make something smaller, you need to position perfectly on a chromosome. You can zoom. Maybe you can also activate different color. Just see beta your element. I can activate blue. Translate Zs. Here. I'm just lazy. Because I snapped to the grid, it's not convenient. I'm going to remove the stepping up shrunk to position perfectly my element with more procedure. Just like that, I need to check. I think it looks nice. So what does it mean? It means that if now I select the cube, first, select shift, this element, Boolean subtract object my new element. Now I go on this area, I can see the Boolean subtract and take a glance. I have a perfect beaver, just like this. You just need to be careful when you position your beaver. Great. If you want to create this type of element on Windy Corner. Because finally, if you apply your beaver, little different, I'm going to show you you create two books. Decrease Lexis. But if you walk on the beavers, I walk only on z, this phase, not on z-space. When you work with a beaver here, you walk on the colony of print and you walk on all X2 phase. This phase is, phase is phase or two phase. So it means if you want to have some Cindy felt only apply on the segment, you know, you can use this type of techniques. 29. Bend objects: Let's explain how to bend object. To paint the object we are going to use this transformation. So bend, bend tool here. First things to do, I'm going to add just two books and increase the size on this direction. I can just come back. Yes, just like Zs and increase the size. After if I just apply to be an option, I didn't apply subdivision. If you want to have a best render, you need to create ship division. If I just click onto bend option, I'm going to have something like this. And on the right you can have option anger direction and L prime direction. If I apply anger, I'm going to have this type of friend. But it's not really good because I didn't ship device. Sweet means he's going to take my first division here, my last division here, to turn like x0, x2, 80 minutes. Sometimes it can be useful to just turn to a demand phrase on. Here. You can turn that exists and you can create this element if after you won't just correcting audio books, for example, you increase here and you want to create a base of a table. It can be not useful to create this type of object. Take a glance. I can put xis, just like xis on my front view. Here. You can add this type of element just here. Now if you want to have the Federal to render, you need to sub-divide. Let's add another box. Increases size on this direction. Now I'm going to sub-divide. I can go into left and you need to sub-divide if you just subdivided into Z axis, it's easy enough. In this example, I can ship divided supply 20. I can do more if you want. Let's apply. After I can do the same scene bend options. Take a glance, I can walk with the angles, and those are render is totally different. You can even turn sweet 160 degrees like that. If you just want to turn 90 degrees, you can create this render. You ever Sousa direction. You can also turn on this direction or another direction, as you can see, is L per direction. So it means you can walk y-axis, x-axis, but in these examples at axes is enough. If I just press Control D, just like this, I'm just going to use that. Just click here. Control D and just duplicate. I can, why not character rotation. Position is this here. I created my two element exists. I can click on X2, shift a shift. Right-click, manage to just have one element. So I can press Shift, Shift, right-click and match. Let's see another example. If you want to create a pipe. To create a pipe, you can use first zoom tool. After we use the type tool, I can change. So inner radius and outer reduce. Yes, I can make something like this. Now, I can apply subdivision. I can click on the right, you have eight segment and I can apply subdivision axes. After to apply subdivision, let's use sub-band options. And I can walk with your anger on this direction or this direction. I wanted to create some seeing one more time, 90 degrees. You can create two pipe using this process. If I just press Control D, I can duplicate positions is here. I can create a rotation in this direction and drag and move the top. And I can position this element also just here. If you want to have more precision, maybe you can change the location of the gizmo. We can take this sprint right-click. And I can just go here, go here, phase Zoom, littleBits, it's almost yes, perfect. Like that. If you want, you can continue. You can do this for all the type of object. If you create two cylinder, IT is exactly the same. Let's read you. The cylinder increases size. You need to apply subdivision on the eight if you want to have the best render most of the time. And the after, just apply bend options you can create. For anger. You can also walk with a direction like this. 30. Twist objects: Let's explain how to twist an object. We can find the twist options. One of the best things to do is to add the bugs and most of the time twist object will be the best on the books. Let's change the size. And after I can go into the options and apply twist, if you just go into right, you can find angle a parallel direction and type. I didn't create it subdivision. And I can turn X-Y-Z, but that only have two subdivisions. So this is why I will add this friend or he's going to tip to take is going to tip only if I just change foreshadowed on either face here, face here. And he's going to just twist. Just between these two phases is why we know subdivision. We can upturn only render governed social helper direction, y-axis and x-axis one more time in this example, z-axis will be great. If you apply subdivision, you can have different renderers. Apply your books one more time. Increase on this direction. And this time I can apply subdivision on x2 axis, but if you want, you can also apply subdivision on why subdivision on x. Let's choose one more time twist. And now it's going to be the theorem because if you use your anger, you can increase, increase. And you can turn a lot of time for the simple reason that if I just use shuttered, I have a lot of subdivision. Really, you can see the difference and you can turn most at swinging read 60 degrees. You can turn to learn a lot. And why not credits? I'm seeing Lexis. Just come back. Texture. Yeah, it's just here. If you decrease, if you decrease, you can create a poster with different Steiner. Using this truss here. You can also create two phase using these techniques. Just apply first achiever. Thanks to that, I can work with the inner radius first. After, let's increase the third beat on this direction. This direction subdivided, each segment should divide first. Result should divide world segment, but It's not really important in disease examples sub-divide a segment. Let's apply also twist hexagons. And I can crop rotation just like that, but it's not going to be really good on cylinder because we have already something in circle here. If I just change x-axis, I can obtain this result, y-axis, this result, and decrease. Yes, I can try to turn with the y-axis and you can create different type of shapes. But yes, I can just stay like that. Just decrease literally beaten. Yes, make some scene here, for example, if I just come back on to zed axis, it's not going to be the best because we have already a cylinder exact. So even if I want to bend it, take your grants, I'm not going to have directly change on the z-axis. If I walk on to the wire can obtain disease. If I walk on the x-axis, I can obtain this result just here. This is why it is used. You can apply on different elements. But definitely we can see really very interesting render in the case of you apply just Cuba. Let's show you again, increase the number of subdivision x, y, z. There exists. One more time twist options. I can turn one more time legacies. Here. 31. Taper objects: Taper. Let's explain how to reduce an object. You can reduce, diminish using Taper options. First, let's apply your books and increase the size this direction. Then you can just apply taper syncs to that. You can definitely Richards. In this example, the C's on the top. You have the entire city in percentage. If you stay on 0, you don't change any sink. If you increase, you can absorption 100%. And if you apply 100% directly, you can convert. Different segment here, two vertices. You can also execute arbitrary. We can try to turn it a bit lazy, but it's not going to be really good in this example. And then you have also the LPAR direction. I convert just Z's Cuba parameter. Now let's add a subdivision. Click on zyBooks tool one more time. Increase the direction on the right and apply some subdivision on a different axis, x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. Let's apply one more time taper, you can read your Lexis. We won't have really many change about intercity. But if you apply curvature now it's totally different. Intercity for us, you can create some signal exists and you can apply to curvature because, because you, you apply more segment on your shape, you subdivided if you sub-divide after you can change the render by not like zs. Here. This is a type of things that you can create. You can also use this way, not with a tube. Extend, reduce exists. Sub-divide the eight segment While Segment can increase eight segment. Let's apply one more time taper. Create if you want to create like Italian con but open, this can increase 100%. And if I just create a rotation, take a glance, you can open so kern. But you can also create like a glaze like yes, ablaze to curb any seemed like this. You just decrease here and you can why not complete with a curvature like that? I can't send credit a rotation and drag and move in this direction. And it's great, you can create took place. After I can compete. I just need to cratons a bottom, an element, click on the cylinder. It just decreases size on this direction. Yes, Lexis, you can press Shift, Shift, and right-click, merge the two element. And I created my glaze. If I just go on the right, I can apply your material. Material options not to apply glaze. And let's choose just frosted. If I just take against a bad zoo Cola. Yes, It's not really good. So I'm going to change the color just to see the render. Why not to apply like dark blue color like this. I can zoom little bit, can walk with routinize, decrease witness, and increase little metal knees. Like that. This is why this option is very, very useful. One more time you can use taper. You can use for different element but more for the books cylinder tube torus or this element 12 be extremly useful. Paper options just like that can decrease. Like tea and complete array and creator. Like this. One on the z-axis. I can create two series of different element, losing my array grid. 32. Skew objects: Let's explain how to skew object. For this, we can find the skew options first, let's add a box. After increase liter on these directions, the size and apply it. Skew options. We can work with a strength, we can work with a direction and a curvature. So first we can walk with trained lexis were not time. I'm going to show you afterwards that it's also possible to add subdivision strength after a direction and after you can walk also with a curvature. Curvature won't make any sin for the simple reason. We didn't subdivided after we can walk with a direction by the foot, we use z. But here we can use y and x. In this example, you can use, for example, why if you want to create a new shape, next, I'm going to reduce curvature to 0. I can increase direction of strained, and I can turn this new type of ship. Let's do another example, but this time we can sub-divide the object, correct? A box and resize and Zen glands are right and subdivided. I'm going to sub-divide on x-axis around 20, y-axis to round 24 and z axes around certainty exists after, Let's apply also skew. One more time. I can walk with strange. I can walk with direction also, but something interesting in this example now we subdivision, we can walk with a Caravaggio. Np-complete is Caravaggio just exist? It says why. It can be, it can be useful. After if I just come back straight. You can also go into your direction just to apply a value of meters. Let's come back 0 and strained 0 and Z direction. And if you apply curvature, nothing special will happen because you need to complete with at least straight. Let's do this again. Strained in this direction, like that. It's nice so we can create this type of shape just using this element. I can go directly on the left. If I just complete quaternion element, like a tuber can use these to make something like that first, after Let's ship divide. So tuber. Let's apply skew. It's great because automatically if you apply skew like this, you can upturn like vase. We just I'm just going to show you again. Let's just come back a little bit. Not good because I use straight. It was Fazio. Next example. I'm going to show you again, texture. Just let's apply skew. Yes, just like that. Next example we will see yes, stretch. I can walk with straight direction one more time. And I can also apply your curvature like this. Here. One more time. You can also create why not to pipe using, but you can create two ways. Speech special ways using choosing this element. Just like that. It depends on the basic shape that you are going to credit. Cannot assume things are best things to do in this example, one more time can be to use a box, but you can also apply cylinder tube like this. Take a Glen second takes this element, just remove that, takes this element go into right. Just apply symmetry first. So I can apply symmetry, use the x-axis perfect. Now I can click on my symmetry and duplicate, just press Control D. Duplicate, drag and move phrase on parents this direction. I can create foot for a table or false stricture. Using this element, Let's apply your books. Increase the size of box. Yes, I think it's better on this direction. First. X-y-z and laces. Notice this thing that I'm going to do each to resize it a little bit on this direction, removes on rounded corner and apply my top view, I can go and set X's and complete. Trust here. Takes the sprint, just makes something exists. 33. Stretch objects: Let's explain how to stretch. Object to sweat, oblique waves, the option stretch. Let's just create a box one more time and change wounded corners and increase on this direction. I've taught to do this work, let's apply the stretch options. And if you don't crowd subdivision on the right, you can only find with walk with intercity you have a super LPR direction, but take a glance. It's not possible to have Render for the simple reason we don't have subdivision, so it's impossible to have any render just like this. You need at least to create one subdivision. If I just come back, create a box. Crazy. And this direction just applied only one subdivision on Susie axis, just one like this. B, if I want, I can apply once here, once here, but it's small for the z-axis. Let's work one more time. We stretch option and take a glance. Now, we can render because we have one subdivision like this. I can work with the intercity increase decrease, just like these, but we only have one subdivision. It means if you want to create something smooth, you need to apply mini subdivision. That let's supply know many subdivision. Click on the books. Increase on these direction. Can increase x, y, z axes. In this example. One more time, click on stretch. Thanks to that, I can have this render in DOS CT and this direction, or this direction. Just like that. When no time you have the option to create different types of shapes. Also when you use transformation. You can also if you want to create some seeing with inside, but keeping the cube structure, you can first create a cylinder like this. I've seen under maybe apply a tube first. Deacons a tube. Trust work with the inner radius. No rounded corners. You can go directly. You can work directly on the right and decrease, reduced segment and just apply fall. So thanks to that, I can create two cube, but with the early inside no eight segment, let's increase segment. But in this example, eight segment will be some, most improtant. I can complete with stretch. And I cannot turn this, render that in this direction. On this direction. One more time. You can create many, many different object just using lethal beat transformation. Just like that. If I complete, let's click on my stretch number one, gone to the right options. Let's apply midterm. I can click aluminum glue, see? I have different color. And yes, I think I can apply just silver, like yes, gray color, greatness, decrease metal, nice, I'm already at 100%. And credit, take a glance, it's great. We can have this render. You can also do the same thing if you want to create a vase, but not with this type of structure, just with a cylinder structure. You can use the tube removed for indeed corners, decrease the chance the inner radius, like that. Outer radius. After if you want, you can change on this direction. Let's apply this options. First stretch but sub-divide or it's not going to work. So subdivides the eight segment like this. And then you can apply a stretch. Great, Perfect. I can walk with my percentage. And this direction. On this direction, Let's work on this direction first. Sets it after if you change direction, you can walk on why on x-axis, you cannot find different render. One more time in this example to z direction will be perfect. Let's see if sometimes your object is view is different. Your object, you can use a helper direction. Now, let's click on this element. And if you press Control D, you can duplicate the stretch. And you should replicate. You can position just on the top silicon to view like a side view. You can accumulate to Node-RED men. But if you apply stretch, maybe you can loosely tells the ratio. Just like that. After I can increase yes. Position, yes, it's nice. I can use my base and positions a base on this area. But turns a stretch up, Sean, I think, yes, I can make some signal lexis. After I can take this sprint and press Shift to decrease in this direction. And position On the top. Use a side view. Click on X on our y-axis. Just try to position your element just perfectly. Z's area. You can, if you will, to move the gizmo. Go right-click. And I can position this here. It's perfect. After to do this work, I can press shift. Shifts still exists to element or right-click and apply March. And take your list. I created this phase. Only things that I need to have to finish. It's to apply your cylinder just to make my base decrease. Position. Translate xyz. Yes, perfect. Now I can press shift, shift with a two element again, right-click and just match. Let's finish this work with the materials going through, right? He bribery materials. I can apply. Why not midterm, but I could walk, maybe we glaze also. You have different options. Just like that. So this is a glass material. Color. You can change the color. I don't like too much glass material because it's great, but I think that render is not the best. Even if you can increase mental illness, Lexis, routinize, you can decrease and increase mental illness. Yes, truss here. One more time. Amazing things that you can create interest free few kick. You just select one of these object you create. So first, shape ID with one of these objects. And after you can complete with one of these elements. 34. Spherify objects: Verify object these possible to verify our GTE on this option. Verify. This will be essentially useful when you walk with a box. If you have already a sphere, It's not really useful event when you use cylinder. But if you use a box, it can be really useful. Let's create two books. First, we suit any subdivision. If you don't create sub division, you will see it's it's impossible to have a render because no street division one more time is verify because we don't have subdivision. You can take a glance about shaded. It's impossible to change any sink. You're going to the right. Let's verify intensity and take against any man tried to do something but no possibility because subdivision. Let's do the same work, but this time with sub-division. Just apply one subdivision. Click on the bookstore. One more time. Change when the corners and just apply one subdivision on each sides. So two to N2. Now click on the option, verify. We can have this render first. You can also decrease the intensity. And take a glance. I think it's great. Don't hesitate. You can also use shaded and you can redefine your render step-by-step to create two base for anything. Why not to create a sweetie phase can be interesting to use. Y naught is verify. After you have books limited, only limited and within bugs. But one more time, we are going to keep the basic options. Let's walk texture and go answer right? Let's apply just a cooler. Increase the roughness. Let's do the same thing, but this time with more subdivision, Socratic box, increase the number of subdivision. Why not 3034? And why not 37? Let's click Verify. Because I have many subdivisions, I can almost convert my cube to a sphere. But something interesting if I just come back to shaded, yes, you can take with density is almost like a sphere. If you create the most of division, you can have just a perfect sphere. You can decrease the intensity if you want to change the render. So it means if you just want to have liter something like z's, so increase little bit faces. But to have a perfect care of, yes, you can use verify and at the same time create mini subdivision and can create this render for your cube. I've told you a few increased 100%. It's not very useful because finally, you can just use SAS, fair? But if you just apply a liter intensity, like 20, yes, you can change your render. Supply texture just like this. I tried to give you the maximum effects on polar. But what tells a possibility? What type of objects you can create across these different options. 35. Add noise: Let's see how to add a noise. Noise can be extremely useful in different situations on object. First, let's add a cube. Know subdivision. If you don't have subdivision noise, I'm not going to have any effect. So for example, I can click here, add noise is going to try to move the different demand. But as you can see, because I didn't sub-divide, I can go on the left. I can have a lethal effect, but it just moved little on the x-axis like that. You can walk with the y-axis. I said axis, but it's not the best. The best is to use with subdivision. But here you can just make little change first. Now if I walk with sub-division, I can click here, applies a box. And let's apply few subdivision like 1010 also. And one more time ten on the zed axis. Let's apply a noise about the different parameter. You have two parameters, the entire CT scan. Ct eats x-axis, y-axis, z-axis. If phi is on parent on 000, nothing special appears. Now if I click on x-axis, I can make some change, but only on the x-axis. Just like that. You can also take a glance about shredded. And we move on the, on the x-axis. If I go here, I'm going to move only on the y-axis, as you can see. And you can increase the intensity. I can walk on the z axis and you can complete also with a scale x-axis. I can send scalar to make some transformations to scale whether you can make some seeing with like angle. But if you decrease, if you decrease, if you earn increase like this near 100, you can smooth effect. You can smooth if you really increase this value about scatter. Now let's come back and texture. And it's come back when entry per cent. So after from this cube I can walk on the x-axis, walk on the y-axis, Lexis, and welcome to the z axis. And take a glance. I can obtain this result likely to West paper, you know. And I can smooth or not smooth using x can increase with smooth x, y, and z dt like that. Really notice it's extremely useful. You can make many, many different things. Let's take another example. Just apply. Just grab this sphere. Yes. After on this sphere, Let's decrease the total read your segment and lethal to eight segment. Now click on noise options and I can make some transformation. One more time, x, y, and z-axis. Think extras little bit. And I can scale. If I want, I can create some sync with rugosity. Just changing and rigids like this. Reduce 0, maybe it's around 222. I can decrease the third B12 supply, 121212. Let's try something like this. If I just go out, I turn this render. Let's apply your material. Click directly on the library materials concrete. It's going to be perfect. And let's apply these concrete. Yes, just like that. It can be useful to also, if you want to create a base, if you want to create a Grindr, you can use this process to books. First, I'm going to change the position of this element. Just chance of value, you can tip 400 on x-axis, 400 on y-axis, and 400 on z-axis. Z-axis just ten. Now, if I want to add liter of relief because it is ruined. I can first to divide x-axis. Next is I can sub-divide y-axis, z-axis again, but it's not really an protons in this example. And just apply some noise. Thanks to that, I can create my younger depending of what I can use. For example, you can use x 0, y 0, only walk on the z-axis. To change. The relief. Just accept, can increase and decrease, can make dressed lethal beat, and that's it. But if you want, you can also increase in this example z there. And you can smooth. If you increase this value, you can smooth. And if you decrease, you can have these type of friend or after I can walk on z this direction or this direction. Perfect. You can also have livers and curve increase the number of fevers. And you can increase the curve depending of yes, if you want to have more relief or less relief, just like this. I'm going to come back to one. Here. I'm going to come back to what I want to smooth. Just click here and you can smooth. Just like that. Let's go up to achieve it. If it's grown, let's activate like green chordal liter, not enough fruitiness, increase the third beat. Yes, Perfect. Last example will be to use these if you want to create, if you want to create a clause, if you want to create character, and if you want to create a blanket or this type of thing, you can use this process also. Just activate two books. Decrease size of the box and this direction, you turn on this direction, perfect. Yes, I think I can decrease on Z-axis just apply to now, even too, it's too much just to apply one credit subdivision if you don't have strict division, it's not going to be interesting. So add subdivision. Let's apply your 3030. I ever suceed axis. But it's not very important. Again, keep one, just activate some noise and take a grants I can obtain this result. Decrease on Susie taxis. I can walk on y-axis, walk on x-axis. In this example, I think I can just move little bit on the y-axis. Justly turn like two and z dt like sweet. As an example, after I can, something like that, but in my example it's a bit too smooth. I can smooth not too much stress here. Y-axis also, it's perfect. I'm going to add texture. Click on Materials, texture options. Let's apply fabric. Why not to use these fabric? It is a grid process. You want to create a pattern, you want to create a blanket. You want to create any things like this. You can subdivided your box and then you can apply noise like that. 36. Master layers: Let's explain layers. Here you can find a panel, project panel inside this point, the object panel. Every time you add an up GQ a D to an object, you will have information. It is like Leo panels that we can use also in Sweden modelling. First things I'm going to add an imminent crack the books exists. We can yes, we can call this also lead your panelists because finally, you can drag and move your element. You can change the position. You can also add our local element. Let's create a small presentation. Go into x-axis, just apply 40, y-axis just applied for t and z axes just to apply ten, just stasis. I'm going to remove or engine Kronos and activate to color code up hundreds. Let's activate blue. Bit less rudeness and it'll bit more mountainous. Perfect. Now I'm going to add element. So first when you add something like this, you can see so name on the left. And I created the books. Now, Let's add a sphere. I can click on the sphere to dress, go in this direction, decrease liter. And positions is fear on this area. Exempt can increase more activator color. I can click on Color. Put yellow color, and increase the third beat MIT tallness. I'm going to duplicate this element. You can press Control D, Control D, and Control G. Now as you can see, I have Swiss sphere. Drag and move one exists. I have my audio sphere, drag and move in order. You have the possibility to rename your element phrase hyper sphere, sphere, one sphere to I'm going to change that. You just need to double-click. And I can tip sphere one for this. Here I can double-click sphere like this. And here I can double-click sphere number sweet and press Enter. You can rename your element here you have a books. My box is my base. I can change for base like this. Now let's continue a little bit. I'm going to add, I'm going to add just to current position once here, increasingly third beat. Change the codon. I can go and cut on the right and activate like red color, increase little bit Meta illness, and do the same thing. I can first double-click and tip current number one, and then I can duplicate. Whether I can go right-click duplicate. I cannot sue press Control D, I'm going to remove wounded, cruel nails. Change your position. Yes, perfect. Now I can tip Control D. Duplicate. Control D again, duplicate on this direction. Because I rename the column number one automatically. I have con number to income number, sweet. After when you have an element, you can change x2 view, for example, my current number one, I can just either review my base if I want, I can just I, I2 few places. You can also look at an object. You just need to click on this area. Look. It means that my base, if I click here on now, it's impossible to select to make any sings sometime it's useful like you can be sure to note. Do not move your object. After you can click on unlock. And now I can select again my base. You can change what source of position of your element. Take a glance. I sitting base, if I want to change the position, put this on the first on the top. It is possible and I can drag and move. It's not going to have really an impact, but it can be in proton, just the display of the different layers. Now, you have more options. When you go right-click. One more time, you can see either this is exactly the same. When you go right-click, you can also click on isolate. Isolate. It's interesting because he's going to keep your view of your element. And I'd RZ order elements. So take it easy opposite. So if I go right-click. I can't just say yes activates your argument like that. I'm going to show you again, can click on just feel number-one address. Want to see the sphere? I go right-click easily it just like that. Kick again, an unusual read, nothing will happen. So will, you will have to activate Z or the object. When you go right-click, you will so show arm, so it sees yes, this is a type of things that you can use easily, isolate and right-click. You can apply short, exerts its little faster. You can find you again and look, and then you can crack to group. You can create a group for different reasons that we'll explain these dressed after, but a bad, So panels for the display, it can be better. For example, you have different kernel. You can make the choice to CDK. So sweet guns. You press Shift, Shift. If you want to see leak different element, you can press Shift in a row. If you want to select different elements not in a row, you can press control. For example, I can sit in my car number one, my sphere one my sphere, sweet, just keeping control. If I want to create a group for osteo, acidic my sweet guns, right-click. Create a group or Control G. Now, I can change the name of this group. Double-click. This is a group like this. If you have many elements can be useful thanks to that, for the display you can create to group. Let's see the extra Swiss fear exists. Right-click or control G to group. Now I can rename, it's going to be so group spheres like that. Those are displaced change. As you can see, I can just keep my base. I don't need to group, but now I created a group sphere, and now I created a group currents like that. And I can remove the VBT on X2 group. I can also use religious group. I can also look at croup, just exempt. At any moment you will absolute possibility or so to ungroup. So right-click, you can ungroup and you can just come back. If you have an element inside the group, you cannot sue, go left-click, drag and move, and you can drag and move outside. Just go on the top. Lexis. Here. Let's things that you need to understand every time when you create the transformation. For example, I'm going to click on the current credit transformation like, why not twist? Maybe I can increase your eight segments. Apply. Twist transformation. Now to twist transformation, it's not very good for Kern. I'm going to apply just stretch transformation exists. When I apply my stretched on submission. Can go and do the right work with different things. You can find that stretch. And inside you have your current number one. Now you have to transformation and inside I have current. What does it mean? It means that I can, if I click on stretch, again, press delete and remove stretch ends up current inside. Now if I just click on the curve, I can press Delete, but IgD it on mesocolon, not just stretched. So sometime be careful because you can keep a transformation element. And finally, you don't choose this. So if I just come back with control Z, when you cry to modification and finally you want to remove the stretch. You can phrase on PRC and take my number one goal left-click, go outside of stretch and take a glance. I can just reach repair it. So my cone of the beginning, I can prepare an icon of the beginning. Click on just stretch option and just remove. Even if you have an element with transformation, you can just move the element, moves the object outside of the transformation, and you can read, prepare IT. Job cheat. 37. Create groups: Let's explain x2 groups create two groups, is an protons for two reason. Can be I'm proton for us to display on your panelists on this panel project panels with the early years. And it can be also in protons if you want to move the Ferrante demand at the same time, resize the fountain element that you send times credit rotation on a group. First, let's see the first example or just create two books and activate a cooler. Blue color. Drag and move on to the left and just press Control T. Move z cubed chance of color are going to write, activate red and press Control Z again. Drag and move here, here, and just change the color activate way not hello colon. Now I created sweetie from Cuba. As you can see, books, books, books one bookstore. It's like box one, box two, box three. If you want to create a group, you can delete elements that you want. We do on this panel with there here, you can press shift, but you can also use the tools of selection. For example, you can use marquee selection tool and create a frame of selection. Then you can press Control G or right-click. And UF, group control G. No, I created a group first. It's interesting because I'm in the undulate your panels. So I can type group books as an example. As you can see about a few. Sometime can be more interesting. You can remove the visibility, you can look your group after I can apply transformation on Arzu groups. So it means I can scale or the element of my groups. I can create rotation of my 80 minutes of your groups also address. Let's come back. Let's step 0 to keep these precision. But something interesting is at also, if you click once you see the XO group, but if you double-click, you can see leaked element inside the group. So it means I can double-click seed exists cube, go and color. And if I want to change the color, it is possible inside. Don't forget that it's totally difference at match. If you will match array element and all your elements, we have exactly the same color, not possible after to come back when you create a group, you can come back at any moment, can double-click on the one element, he won't, or you can just go one-click and age it also group at the same time. If you want to ungroup, you can just go right-click and ungroup or Shift Control G, like this. And now I ungroup my different element. Be careful, it's totally the films at merge. If I tried to selection complete selection, X-Y-Z, you can right-click. You can find merch. Be careful because when you apply merge technique lens on your partners, now you have every sink in just one element. It's impossible to come back except with undo history, but it's not possible to do anything on these panels. And everything will have exactly the same color. Everything it just the same entity. So now I've ever seen is a seven CT. It's not possible to edit on the one element. So this is why you need to be careful when you apply merge. Let's just come back a benzyl group. Let's make a small presentation with a bed. First, click on the box. Change winded corners and create on x-axis 160. Just like that. On y-axis 200. On z-axis 14. After the things that I'm going to do each to duplicate this element so I can press Control D. I can click on these books. Yes, trust first. Let's do this again. Click here. Control D and replicate. Yes, just like that, I need to activate snapping options. Go in this area. If I want to have precision, I can directly tip 40 on the z-axis. The next step is on the z-axis about the size. I can tap 20. Now the next step is to add or indeed crown girls. Let's activate first on the base material school and Colo, or directly on the material library and activate wood. Then I can select X2 mattress, Gonzo, right color. Let's activate to blue-collar increase. It'll beat witness makes that. Now I'm going to create two pillow. To create pillow. I can take these base again, control D like that. You can run lethal timer and just change. So dimension on the x-axis, second tip 60. On the y-axis, I can tip for t. And on the z axis I can tip ten, just like that. Just small pillow. Change literature cooler. I'm sinking read, increase, it will be truthiness. Use my top view. Can go in this area, snap to the grid. I can press Control D, duplicate. Just on this area. It's okay. I create a base of a bit. Now I would like to create a group with appeal. I can press shift a shift and right-click or Control G. And I can change the name. For example, it is a group pillow like that. Inside if you want, you can change pillow number one and number two, if you want to hear Cesar box1, if you want, you can rename an ICU or mattress here. You can change like the base of your bed. Like this. It means if I sit in my group pillow again phrase on PWR drug and moves it to P2 at the same time, if I want. I cannot change a cola. And if I change the color I will have to apply on. This is my first, my first material for the first pedal. If I change, for example, slit, I'm seeing in green like this, I need to click on the second material. And I can use the eyedropper and just recuperate this element to have exactly the same. Now if I want to create a group with all my bed, I can just click on civic or control a like that. Everything is selected. You can have group inside main groups. First grow, right-click and apply group one more time. And now I have my complete groups. I can change the name for bed. He sees my bed groups can remove the VBT or look inside. I have my base inside, I have nine mattress and inside you have a new dog group with pillow. It means that if I select my group better and I want to change the size, it is possible. I can change proportionate easiest size of all the elements of my paid. I can, if I want credit rotation, I cannot super shift if I want to change proportionality on an axis. So this is how you can create groups. When you click on your group, you can see with di fare on material sets you off inside the groups and whatnot time if you want, you can double-click and you can select an object inside your group. And if you want to ungroup, you select everything. Right-click ungroup the GroupLens, I can see your pillows. Right-click ungroup. 38. Start with edit mode: We are going to start with x2 edit mode. What disease we have seen to object mode. It means that every time you can do an AB cheat, you can make some transformation on the right. Here you have also different possibility to edit your object, but we stay in object mode. If you want to edit with more precision, you want to edit vertices, you want to read segments, you want to edit faces. You need to enter in edit mode. To enter edit mode, just right-click, you can find convert to geometry. You can also double-click. You have the short, shortcut. You can click on bake. After all. Now where we have a new panel, zc is the edit mode panelists. We have the same type of selection, but we have different type of tools. You can throw line, you can use any row. You can also create inside a new, you can also create new objects inside them. You can phrase on PR, you select a face and you have the possibility to extrude face. Just lazy. So I can just take this face and click on Extrude. Seat exists face first, and just click on Extrude and drag and move. As you can see, you have different option. You can create, for example, a beavers on a segment. I can click on this. I can just select this segment first. If I click on beavers, take a glance, I can create this type of friend exists. Here. You have adoption. You can also create Kurt, multiple Kurt. And on the right you ever saw or transformation panels. In your layer panel you will find every time bake, bake, you have X2 name of your object and baked just after. First thing that you have to understand, each will be the selection. So first you have select Face. The zc is face selection. As you can see, you can see leaked, sick aligner or a segment. You click here and I want to sit exists line. And I can drag polar line on a direction or another direction. And you have also the option vertices. Just like this. I can take these vertices drag and move in this direction, or drag and move in this direction. To go, I would have the exit murder. You have this element, exit edit mode. And thanks to that, you can come back to object mode. Don't forget that when you create a new sheet, you can crack cut. It can be useful before to go into edit mode to crack codes. Because after to enter into edit mode, it's not possible to come back into credit cards. It's not possible. I'm going to show you here, I have my books and I want to create a few cared for, for maybe 48. And on this direction, eight also, if I double-click, I can apply bake. So now I have different Kurt convenient chief. I want to make some transformation just like this. But after It's not possible to create cut directly from the object panel, you can create good for the panels, no problem. But if I leave here, now, as you can see, geometry, it's not possible to do anything after. When you create a cut in your object mode, you need to sync before L2 enter into edit mode. 39. Edit mode selections: Selections in edit mode. Let's see, so different tools, but this time in the edit murder and how it works. First, let's create two books. You can change wounded Kroner on orange in coronavirus, and go and create subdivision on your books. You can just apply for on the x-axis, for, on the y-axis, and for under z axis. Now let's enter into edit mode, double-click, convert to geometry back like that. On each faces and AF no different subdivision. So it means I have 16 faces on each main face. I subdivided here I have 16 faces in this main phases here, 16 in this main phases also. First thing is to understand, you need to understand the sweet element silicon phase. You want to seek a face to click here. And I said exists phase. And after you have gizmo and you can use the gizmo exactly like in object mode. Cannot sue, create a rotation just like this. First things to understand. You can also use CDK lines. So I want to CDC slide for example. You can see it is in y's and same principle or I can make some transformation. You can also select varieties. I can click on these varieties and I can drag and move. But this time. You can also make multiple selection at the same time using shift. If I just come back to face, I go here, this is the first phase acidic TD. I press Shift. I can see it exists phase, this phase, this phase, these phases, phases, phase. I said, I didn't know this eight phases. And if I drag and move, it can make some transformation. Just like this. You just need to press Shift and you can do exactly the same thing with lines and vertices. Now I'm going to walk liter on a different side, maybe on this side. Yes, perfect. You ever so all the tools of selection, it works exactly the same, but with elements of the edit mode. Use fantasies or selection tool. After you can have x2, marquee selection tool, shortcut, EMA. It depends on what you choose here. If you choose face, I can select just like this. I'm going to sit face and take a glance. If I go in this view exists I can see it exists for faces just exempt. You need to be careful, yes, you need to click on phase. But because of that, I select also the face on this area, also face on this era. This is why you need to be careful about Set. Going to show you again, here you have civic phase and marquee selection tool. And if r is on parasitic disease element, take a glance or you have ARDS element like this selected. It works also if you use vertices, you can, I can go on this view like that. Use a marquee selection tool. But this time we're going to apply on vertices and take your grants that you have these four vertices selected, but also vertices also on the same axis like that. Then you can walk with the lasso tool, do the same with vertices or segments. If I just come back on phases, you can make some thing like that. And you can, whoops, let's see like faces, lasso tool. And just like that, and I say tij is two element. You can also worked with a pane select, Pen select why not? Can be interesting here, CT, these two phases. But if you use a pen select for line, for example, I can click on pane select or shortcut P. And I can go like Z's legacies like this, like this. And I say tij is different lines and I can drag and move with the gizmo. You can also use select. So it's impaired. You select every sink and you have also inverts it extra. It means that Phaedrus come back on face, I said exists phase, this phase is phase in this phase. And address to apply invert selection every sing outside of these four phases will be selected. That sees a different selection that you can use. Don't forget also that every time when you double-click on the element, you have different options. I'm going to show you just after these different option. Because sometimes it can be really useful. You can select similar, you can select planner. You can also invert the selection directly from this panel. You can find Cyrillic, all you ever so-called chain. So selection, it will specific polygon. So it's advanced option to create selection. 40. Advanced selections: Let's see advanced selection. To create advanced prediction. First I'm going to create a book so again, exists and just increase size so you can create advanced detection first, we agreeing to work with eight subdivision, h sub division on y-axis and h sub division on the z axis. We see the first things to do, 888. Now what was the thing that I'm going to do also, to double-click bake. If you double-click on the element, for example, you'll click on face select t, double-click. You have an option. When you need, for example, to select all X2 face on the same plane, you can use select planner. Thanks to set, I can select all of these phases at the same time. Why it is useful? Because after E phi or decided to extruder, I can extrude everything at the same time, just like xi's. Now let's double-click again. You ever saw adoption like loop selection, group selection, very interesting. You can see also phase exactly on the same axis, just exempt. So one more time. It is interesting, but if you turn on the leg that you can increase X2, reduce, but stay in this loop selection, yes, just exactly cannot. So turtlenecks this, and if you turn, you can change and mix them, sing neater, randomize. You can intelligent selection, for example, if you have CD8 T disease faces on this axis, I can invert the selection and predict Z opposite. You have multiple interesting syncs to do. After it is the same, you can walk with the line. So it means I sit exists line double-click. Simpler and split can use loop selection to only see the lines exactly on the same axis you ever saw are lined by angle. So this is the loop selection. Just like this. I ever show line by angle and in this case you can turn like that. If I increase moles at 180 in this example, I can see all your faces, but if I decrease, I'm going to have sometimes it's not very easy to understand. You need to enter a ratio. Most at 90 degrees. You have domain segment of my cube. And if I increase, I can see all the segment with Mozart. This with more, if I increase with the city by anger most at 181 more time, you can invert selection. You can do this type of walkers. So with vertices if you double-click, you can also have this time nodes, the ceiling plan up because it's not good, but you can have loops selection also on Earth, the vertices on the same axis. You can also click on select URL if you want. Just like that. I'm going to show you another example. Just go on the left. The possibility to create a new object. If you create a new object is great because this is my element. I'm going to create a new object again and just create a cylinder. Can put the cylinder later on. So like this, first I go left-click. I create my first base after. I can go in this direction. Just like this. And you have different options. So it means you can work with an eight and you can increase your eight. You can work with the Rogers. You can work with clothes and are open-ended and you can walk with the number of segments on X2 cap just exists. You can also work with a number of radial segment I'm going to increase and you can work with. So we do eight segment just exempt. Know I created a new object inside my edit mode but under differently for different reasons. So you will have to extrude all Z's, Z's phase. For this, you'll see linked directly, civic phase, double-click. You can activate cyclic planar. And thanks to that acidic td or this area. Now if I click on my extrude or shortcut E, I can, for example, go on this area, press Enter. And if I want why not to scale on this direction like this, and I could continue press E and extrude face like that. Why not to press Enter and just scale and come back on this direction? So many time it will be very useful to on the cylinder see leaked plan now, just legs out. Just same time. You can also work exactly as I said, if I double-click on, if I double-click on this liner, going to click silly Kleiner, double-click on the slide. Again, activate loop selection and select element directly on the slag. I cannot sweep. I want to invert selection or create a selection by angle depending of what you choose, you can have more element selected. This is why it's useful to use these different options. We don't use these a lot, but for example, just civic plan. Now it's six to him useful. And sometimes I think that would loop selection can be also useful. Sees with two things that we use, the most advanced selection. 41. New object: Let's explain how to add up sheet in edit mode, switch specific to an object in a data model. I'm going to show you first enter and Zoe did mode crowded books just like this. And you double-click, you can click on bake, and now you can find project name and you have books baked. So by default you have options here and you can create object. If you add directly object, we x2 to create new object just here. You will link every, everything after force to object mode. Let's take an example. I want to create a sphere. I'm going to go on the right and just go left-click like that and take a glance. I can create my sphere. So after I can walk with radius, I can work with white segment I want to smooth and eight segments are. So I'm just going to press to click outside like this. It's not going to work properly. I want to crowd to sphere near this element. I think it's better, a little bit more reduced. Whereas segment and Stacy's. I can press Enter. Now I have a sphere. A sphere is exactly on the same object in my object mode, just like that, if I create something more like, for example, the current, I can go left-click here. Credit to base makes something like z is gross. Press Enter. I created my career. If I go out of this mode, take a glance, I have this element, but everything is like match. Everything is the same entity. So it means if I want to change any color, I want to make blue. Everything will be link like that instead possible to, to unlink any sings. This is why you have an options. Do this again, click on the box, then double-click tablet, click here, convert to geometry. I want to create something outside of the book. So first you'll click on new object, shortcut Shift N. Now you have a new layer, and here you can create a dog GTE. Let's create a cylinder dress code. Left-click, left-click again, left-click. After you can work with a different element, I can increase the cap segment, that can increase your radial segment segment. Also, if I want. I can just press Enter. Now it's okay. I created xis on a different layer for our drug object mode. It can be more convenient. It depends on the situation, but it's very important to understand this. I cannot so create a new object to gain new object. Now I have this layer. I can create. Tourists. Go on the right, left-click first, left-click, left-click soft parameter. I can work with the ring reduced to produce the financings. And I can press Enter to validate. Now, I mean say my edit mode each time when you click on the layer, you can see on watch, later you are going to work. So in this example, which object you will walk in. And if I just go on exit, it's good because now I have my box exists. I can have my slender separately, can click on my cylinder, and I can drag and move. Certainly, a problem is gizmos stay in the center. So it means maybe you will have to go right-click, drag and move the gizmo in a different position if you want to change your transformation. But for the rest, it's very convenient because you have separate each object. In the object mode. You can change every single at your convenience. 42. Create extrusions: Let's see how to extra placebo to extrude faces in the edit mode. So for this just first Crato books. On these books, you can change routine corners and just create to cut occurred. We're just going for this example, apply 200 x-axis, y-axis, enter. So two on the z axis, Zen tabular TD, control to geometry. After I insulated murder. You have Zoom. You can find just here extrude options. You need to select the face first. I use my tool civic phase, and I can take this face. Now. I can use extrude. You ever saw the shortcut E? And when I click here, I have this blue arrow. And it's possible to extrude on a direction or on an auto direction, but you can also extrude inside if you want, and you will keep on just these faces around. You can just extrude this outside. Extrude. It's not like to move the face because if I just click on this face here, just move the face. It's different because you just keeps the edge. If you click on extruder, it is different. You just create a new edges and you created so new segments just accept. Each time you can select to face. You can press E on the keyboard. You use a tool and you can extrude. You can also, if you want to predict in multiple phases, you just need to press Shift after you can press E and you can extrude just as this many time you will have to use extra extrusion. Can pick here again, press E and just extruder. Through this again, I can see exists face first and press E and just extremely acidic, something like your line, takes this line and you press E Also. You can also extrude face just like that. So it is absolute possibility. For example, ICD exists in demand. I can press, yes, First I click outside, I can select this segment. I can press E and take a glance. I cannot extrude and the direction just like that. But most of the time we are going to use the extrusion on the face so I can click here, use my tool and extrude. Let's make small exercise. First, let's select our press Control, a delete. In this example, I'm going to create a base. I can stay on this mode. Just click on the cylinder goingto center crowds or base of your cylinder. Trust exists, then you can drag and move, but just very literal, like this. And I want to increase the cap segment, radial segment. Yes, just like that. Perfect. It's okay. I can press Enter. Now. I want to create something like a vase and using extrusion. For cities of phase, phase options. Click on this face, double-click and civic planner to have all these faces selected. Then you can take a view, not exactly as a front view, but around this view and activate extrude again. I can extrude on this direction and I can press Enter. And after, if I use this small Cuba with a small cube, I can scale X-Y-Z. I can press ear again, extrude. That. Can zoom the third beat out. And I can press Enter, click on this element. Extrude that exists and scale set. I can press E, extrude again. I can press Enter and just make yes, I'm seeing exists. I can continue press press Enter and skeletal a bit on this direction. Maybe I didn't extrude enough. I'm just going to come back. Yes. Just like that. I can press E extrude. Yes. Translates this. Perfect. Then I can press ear again, extrude. Press Enter, and scale. Makes this same press E, extrude again. Press Enter and scale exempt. Zuma extrusion. You will apply the bitter render you will add, but you can take little time, which is why I do this little faster. But you understand the principle of extrusion? I can press ear again, extrude like this. Press Enter and just scale. Yes, I think I can scale like this and press extrude again. Extrude again. Press Enter and just scale. It's okay for that. After if I come back into exit mother, I created this type of models. I can go and click on color or directly on the materials. I'm going to apply midterm materials. Let's see, leaked titanium. Like that. I can work with whiteness and maleness if I want to change later. And I created these vase. If you want to crack interior, we will do this in exercise. You will have to do exactly the same thing. Exactly the same thing but in direction and change the mode. We'll adjust the wire like that. If I just come back on shredded civic again, are these faces here? Double-click civic planner. And after you press Delete on the keyboard, first, you can validate your selection and you can press Delete. You can also create a URL like that and only have the phases and absolutely not insights. So you can delete, you can exit mode, or just depending of the things that it's open, it's not to open. It depends only of x2 view. You can also create. So I'm seeing Lindsay's. 43. Create bevels: Let's explain how to add the beavers in edit mode. First, we are going to add a box. Just like this. We have seen that in object mode it is possible to directly or beaver we have developed. But you can walk also onto Edit mode because when you walk into allergic object mode, it will be applied on all faces are also object. Now metabolically convert to geometry, enter into edit mode and you can find the option B versus here. Why it is interesting because you can see DECT, reliance and apply your beaver only on this line. Click on beaver like that. And you can see this sprint. You can see these small blue lines on the segment. And if you go left-click, you can add the beaver only on this area. If you crowd to complete Beaver, you can directly create in sweet dimension three younger rectangle. Or you can just decrease your beaver. This is why it is useful and you can make many, many critics, things like that. After, let us show you, if you click, for example, on the face, I'm going to show you I click on this face. So change for civic phase and add beavers. Left-click. You arrive on this area. You can, it's not an extrusion, but you can create like a new phase in the middle, just like this. It's extremely useful in the film case and I will show you why. You can just decrease lexis after resists face. I can why not create an extrusion inside or outside or inside? Just accept. You can work with different types of beavers. I'm just going to go in my front view. No transverse view. This view. Just yes, directly on this view it is my view. Let's just create to cut multiple circuit. I'm going to create occur just on this area. First. It's not going to work properly. Let's do this again. And create to cut. Sometime. It's not walking really grew them. Simple reason you need some time to go outside. I'm going to go outside. Just double-click. Come back here. Cd20 view one more time. Just like zs. If I apply my Kurt, Let's see, fits walk. Yes. Now it's work. Sometimes it's trained because it didn't work. You do exactly the right process. I'm going to select again multiple cut and create something like this. As you can see, it's not going to work properly. One more time. Going to click outsider. Come back to my front view and just click to multiple Kurt and try again to do this. Yes, because I think I'm not exactly right. And this element, anyway, I'm going to show you a beaver and click here and as you can see, you can obtain all sources type of friend Joe, you click on beaver and it will be applied on all the cut around, just laziness or the cut here. You can also create this render. You click and you can pull. This is how to add beavers. You can add, if you click on the vertices, like z is where going to click Yes on these vertices and apply beavers. It is also perceiver just like that. And after we can work with this sprint, the sprint or this point. Last thing that I wanted to show you, just going to go out and just remove this element. Let's add a cylinder. Click on this cylinder of tool in the corner radius. Double-click. Convert to geometry. You can select the face it exists phase double-click acidic planner. I would like to create like a plate, some signal X-Y-Z, I can extrude first, extrude. Lexis. After I press Enter just increases size on this direction. Perfect. Now I would like to come back in the center, but the problem is if you just only use extruder like that. If you click on Extrude and you just want to create like a new cut inside. It's not possible with the extrusion. You need to move just liter. This is why you can use the beaver. You stay selected like this. You'll use Beaver. You arrive on this area just like this. And left-click. And you can decrease. I think it's not working properly. One more time. I'm going to show you again, just click on phase, double-click civic planner, beaver pelts. Because it's not exactly right element. Yes, just like this, you need to take the right print. And I've taught it takes the right print. You can go inside, perfect. Now I can click on my extra tools and just go inside just like this. And it's perfect if you want to cry to plate just here, here it's too much but you can redo it. Just literally beat like that. I can present to validate exit. This murder. I can obtain this result. I think I created extrusion lethal too much inside and I didn't scan them. If I just come back. Yes. Just like that. Show you again. Click on beavers. Yes. Trust lexis. After to do this work, you can extrude and scatter. First. You extrude this direction. You can press Enter and you need to scale on this direction. Now it's going to be better. I can go on the right just at TV2 colon like as this type of gray Carlo. And I can walk with decreased the rudeness, increase Iturbide, submit tallness, and create my plate. 44. Create cuts: Let's create cut in edit mode. First. Object mode, or the books. As I showed you, it is possible to create occurred. So you're going to write directly in object mode, you can create to cut. But after when you go into edit mode, it's not possible to come back into credit to cash again. This is why you can create cut also in edit mode. First double click, convert to geometry. I'm in edit mode. You can find Chert and multipurpose cut. I'm going to click on that first. You need to be on view. For example, I can sit in my top view. If I want to create to cut in the middle, you can first go in. You can use snap to greet them. And after I can go left-click and you can follow the grid. You have these options. You can just press pit. Take a glance, I created my cut, just accept, perfect. Now if I want to create a darker in CSE miter, I can do exactly the same thing. Click on the tools. You can also have the shortcut C and left-click. You just need to snap to the grid if you want to have something perfectly nice. Change this example. It didn't work properly. Let's create a node of cut. Yes, sometimes you need to make a sigma and time because it didn't works. Click on Split. Yes, just like that. Perfect. I created another cat. It's interesting because if I want, why not to seek this face, I can click on extra, also an extra Bueno. This phase. I can also see leaked segment. I can click select line. This line. I can drag and move in this direction. I'll drag and move again on this direction. You can also create multiple cut. I'm going to go on this rail, activate multiple circuit. You can use the grid. We're not time it just that we do to click multiple time on Zakat tool, you can directly create multiple cut. Go left-click. I can go address here. Yes, sometimes as you can see, it's not going to work properly. So just click outsider, de-select everything. Just like that. I'm going to come back and use multiple cut. I'm going to go left-click now it's works here. And automatically I can continue. Why not to go left-click again quaternio docket. And I can continue. Left-click again, creating a docket. You don't need to be exactly on phrase on purchase edge, you can, it's possible but best is to be stressed, come back yet. So best is to be outside detailed outside, you snap to the grid and it's very easy to create cat. Just like that. Let's exit this mode. Press Delete. I'm going to show you a small example. Just click on the box tool. In z's box tool, let's apply a value of 50. Here I can tap on the x-axis and on the y-axis. Notice the next step is to go double-click bake. I'm going to create a cut. So select multiple cut credit to cut on his view on October few sees my first Kurt. I can use my grid. This is my second cut. It's going to be my shortcut. I use the grid to just respect the same dimension. Just like that. Now I created this. Why it is useful because if I want, I can use my extra, extra tools. So first I sit facing the remainder. I see it exists Phase, use extra tool. And I can go inside just like that. And address same time I'm going to use also. Just change acidic phase. Cdk face again. Click just on this element. Press shift, shift, shift. Extrude. Drag and move little bit. Sees. Trust exists perfect. And set theta carotid like I created like, like a poet, fault plane, something like this. Just creatinine these type of cat. I can go into exit to murder. Let's apply, Let's grab something with wooden. Right? Library change method for wood. I can activate. Let's try this food. Yes, just like that. After you have the possibility to scale my texture, if you click here, you can find a texture projection because by default you have the right texture protection. And in this example, yes, I'm going to click here. I can use also these texture projects, certain cube texture projects, Sharon, you have the gizmo, but this time it's fossa texture, so it means you can create rotation on your texture. I will show you in detail after. You can drag and move your texture and you can resource scarcity of texture on just like that. In my example, I'm going to decrease the texture. Schedule a texture on decrease just here. If I just click on would you maybe I can change the terms of cooler? Yes, just like that. Just here increase the saturation and lightness. If I want, I can decrease the rudeness. Perfect. 45. Draw lines: Let's explain how to draw lines in edit mode. Whatnot time, Crato, books, CRI to Cuba exists. Just after you can double-click convert to geometry. You have this tool drew lines and end. It seems that I'm going to do its first to click drew lines, shortcut D. You can draw something outside of an object, can go on any phrase Opera can go in these view. And I can go left-click and make something Lexis. And just snap here. You can press Enter. And thanks to that, I created this type of shape. White can be useful because you can create really, really specific shape using Zs because you can complete with the extra tool. And thanks to that, you can make extrusion like this. Be careful because when extrusion not going to, if you pick your face, click on extrusion, Lexis and now it's going to work properly. This is why is this tool can be really useful. After I put these on the same object, first, I'm going to sit it every sink. Yes, just x's. Yes, here. I can do the same thing but create a new object. Go one more time on the top view and activate drew lines. You can create initiatives that you want. Go. Let's start with this sprint. The sprint. You can use the grid, you can snap to grid. For example, purchase credit, something like this. After to do this work, you press Enter, you can validate. You can drag and move if you want short element. You can resume craton extrusions. First de-select everything Citrix of face extrude. And thanks to that, you can have this render. So this is why it is extremly useful after you can do also the same scene but with the Endrew. One more time, I can use new object selected view. These examples, front view will be great. And I can use Andrew shear. You just create anything just like that. When you use the Andrew, you have super CBT after to walk with a sweetheart, you can reduce your render just like Zs. You ever so close. If you want. If you have something open, you can close, you can convert to a circular. You can also add a distance like that so you can extend the distance between the different print or rigids the distance between Judy from print. And you have also smooth. You can smooth the print. Sees a type of things that you can create. I put soccer but it's difficult to come back. I'm just going to press enter and take our grants. I just created this checker. It is like a cylinder. I can use face. It's not it's not working properly. I'm going to show you again because something was wrong. Maybe we connection, I'm going to click here again. Just create Andrew. Just make something like Z's. Yes. It's not easy to finish. It's not easy to finish. This is why you can just try to smooth. Because it is not easy to finish. You can press enter. It's not very convenient because everything is not totally. If I just click here, as you can see, you can predict segment and vertices. This is why I'm going to show you something different. If you click on an element like this element, this face is a true line. You can also create to true. You can also create a line and translate this directly on this face. And if you press Enter, you can have different cut around. And one more time I can phrase on PR move. You can also on the face, draw something. If I sit exists face. Just keep n drew. This time again. Yes, just like that. I can press Enter and take a glance. You can make this type of friend Joe. I think so Android is not very, not very convenient, not very convenient. Second advice you to use MO, use Massu, draw lines. 46. Add materials: Let's see how to add material. To create grid render, you can add materials to your object, to your designs. To add materials, just, let's take the first example with a bookstore. When you click on your object, you can go into the right and directly you can find the matter yellow panniers. First thing is to understand you can just apply some basic color. So if you don't click here, you just click on Code off first and you have different options. You can create solid color linear, radial gradients. You can also apply texture. Ready Front option. We will see texture. We'd see texture. After. First, let's talk about color. You have studied cola, you just took pliosaurid codon like this. Then if you want, you can decrease or increase the saturation and walk with a brightness. If you have a codec code, you can copy and paste the code occurred on this field. You can also credit, right? So to create a radar first year of the first click onto frost point like this, you can change the color with the EU, for example, red. And you have the second click here. And I can change the color or like, for example, orange, just like that, you can also drag and move the print and change your radial gradient. After I depends on the projection, we have different possibility of projection will show you this after. You can also create linear gradients. So you'll click on Linear, same thing. You click on the first sprint. You select a color or like the Scholar and you sit in a second print like that, and you cannot do know Dakota, you can also create more points. If you click on this line, you can add multiple print as you can see. If you want to create, for example, a cube with multiple color, it is totally possible. You can also go and transformation pattern styling, but here it's small when you work with a texture, but you can repeat or so your gradient, just like that, smaller on, in this example it will walk on this axis. Just like that. Sometimes can be also useful. At any moment. You can just come back to why not solid. Yes. So this is the first thing is that you can do after if you go and see options, you can also have mini possibility. We want some most of the time with weakness and witness, witness, you can increase written as 100% like that. If you want to make some CMO setting, for example, you have also met tallness. If you want to work with Reflect. If you put fruitiness 0%, you can add more reflect. And if you increase midterm next 100%, you cannot turn this result. The most of the time we work with these two crosser for the render. You have also opacity decrease, increase opacity. You have also emission like this and you are also normal map, normal map see 30 Ferrante. It means you can click here and improved image texture, credit modification. You can also have advanced option. Here. We walk less than z, but you can work with subsurface, just going to click on normal map and just remove that. Yes. We can work with subsurface about reflection of light and you can just add a little color just like this. Just sometime you have refraction. You can make some transformation. You have percentage of reflectivity also. If you go here you have texture transformation. And it is if you walk with PET texture, because here, nothing special with a pen. This is the first thing that you need to understand if you want to apply codon, now if you want to apply your texture, you click on this element. You have a smaller book. And thanks to that, you can activate categorise. You have different possibility like wood midterm, concrete glaze, that break plus tq, bulk paint. Let's say he's the first word. It's convenient but just you don't have, you don't see too much x2 preview about texture. So you need to make different tries first. Sometimes it can be deterred long depending of the Wi-Fi connection. You can also serve some sing directly on this tab. Let's walk with the first texture. This is a wood texture. Note-taker glands or surrender is nice and. You can see the different type of food or something darker. Just like Zack. If you go on the right, it means that they put directly on color or texture. So this is an image texture directly choose by victory, like that. But you can also upload your own texture. But we have here texture just like that. After you can also work with the US. So it means you can change the color of your texture, make something different, can walk with saturation of your texture, brightness and also contrast here just to invert Socolow. And we