Using Photoshop's 3D Features to Create Stunning Artworks | Photoshop Classes By Fred | Skillshare

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Using Photoshop's 3D Features to Create Stunning Artworks

teacher avatar Photoshop Classes By Fred, I will help you get PRO at Photoshop

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Transforming image into 3D sphere


    • 3.

      Creating unusual 3D objects


    • 4.

      Our 1st artwork - preparing the image


    • 5.

      Combining 3D sphere with our artwork


    • 6.

      Our 2nd artwork - creating 3D cable


    • 7.

      Creating places for our 3D objects


    • 8.

      Placing the 3D cables


    • 9.

      Finishing our work


    • 10.

      Enhancing the colors


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About This Class

Want to create magical, unreal edits? Join me in this journey into the 3D world of Photoshop.

We will start by learning separate tools and options Photoshop gives you and then transition into using them in our projects. You will see how to create both standard and very unusual 3D objects. Every lesson is packed with useful tips and unexpected hacks that I have been using in my artworks.

Through this in-depth lessons you will learn how to:

  • Transform any image or object into a 3D figure
  • Create both default and very unusual 3D figures
  • Combine 3D figures with your images/artworks
  • Polish your artworks by adding realistic shadows and colors

This 80-minute class will get you from knowing nothing about 3D in Photoshop to creating stunning artworks with it. 

Whether you are just a newbie or experienced Photoshop user the class will teach you tons of new tricks you didn't know. Looking forward to see you in class, and always happy to answer any questions you will have!

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Photoshop Classes By Fred

I will help you get PRO at Photoshop


My name is Fred and I will teach you the most advanced and modern skills that Photoshop has to offer.

Already after watching one class you will be able to create stunning artworks.

Make sure to check my other works and upcoming classes at my instagram @freds_gallery

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Design Graphic Design
Level: All Levels

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1. Introduction: Hey, guys, how is life? Fred? Here is the guys that shows you how to create standing for the shop projects and in this class, just like always, we're gonna tackle something really unique on completely will tap into for shops powerful to the futures. You will learn how to take any object, any shape or image on transform it into a three D object. And what's even better we will create to amazing artworks. This is the first our truck. It went really good on my instagram. It got hundreds off lights. People really laughed it and then be asking me to create a close. And so I did. We will change the color off the image, get rid off the stuff that we don't need. Make perfect hole just in the centre, off the face and also at our to the object and make it look realistic with the shadows. The second artworks that you're going to create is also pretty stunning. I called it beautiful Androids, but of course you can called anything you want troop. This one also went pretty crazy on Instagram. But the reason why I decided to add this to this class as Well, well, you may ask, what where's the three d features here? But actually, if you look at that cables, this cables looks so good because they were created using for the shops three D features. He would learn how to do that on every more since we will fully finished this artwork from the beginning until the end on the final words, I would like to say that this class will open your so many possibilities that you didn't even know you can have. Who's that? Said guys, I really hope you're going to enjoy this because I enjoyed recording it and also enjoy teaching. So since I've been doing it for a really, really, really long time, so you got some of the first lesson by right. 2. Transforming image into 3D sphere: What's up, guys? And welcome to the first. Listen, I'm happy to see here. So on this list and I will show you how you can actually create a few three D shapes. So first we'll just go to for the trip and logistically create new Onda here. Well, we can tie. It doesn't really matter that much. But still I would advise you to do right now. 1000 White 1000 Onda. Make sure Reduction 200 selected calm or this energy be call on logistically create eight. And also make sure that boat is not like that. Okay, Make sure pixels. Yes. Well, so anyway, just make sure I was assessing here. Just click create. Now what we're gonna do is very need an image. Andi, I will use just the texture of the phone online you can go to and spur dot com and then typing texture here under you'll find tons of textures. I will also include this image in the resources area, sir, Can Actually downloads is on use this exact image. So if he takes my image unjust imported toe father shop on the way to make sure that there are no empty spaces left soldiers making just make this bigger on this. Also. Really, really big allergist Click. OK, let's go to let's and let's do this background because we don't really need it. It's over there and so useless. 01 thing. Your problem that is that our loud doesn't look the same. Exactly. You have more instruments here. You'll have more tools here. That's because I'm in the wrong workspace or actually go here. You don't need to do this. I will just go here and go back to essentials workspace. So yes, against models on, we can continue one. We have this immature and we can go to a treaty and then we can go to a new much from lair . And here we have mesh presents. So there's a different presses that we can actually is in order to create around through the objects and for the shop and say so much awesome stuff. So first of all, for example, let me just go was most defaulted. I usually use which is a sphere on. Let me just click it on. I just have to wait on it's gonna ask you if you want to go to a three D work space on that . You need to click. It's because if you click nose and your left of is going to take spot Okay, maybe it's not going takes foot, but you get what I mean. Right, So just click. Yes. Yeah, I just need to wait. Onder different guns power off your computer. It may get it. May goes fast. It may go slower, but you just need to wait OK, on this is what you will get a workout that How awesome is that? This is basically a spur. So it took our image. I created it through this fair from our image on it's actually explore what is, is and what we can do with that. So, first of all, here we have different tools that help us to go around our object. But let's just not touch it for now. Have you ever learns? But here we also have a three d panel. So if I click here and if you don't have it here for some reason, you can always go to window and find treaty here. So here we have all the basically, through the parts that have us to create our three d object properly. Make sure you're on the scene here. And when we were on the scene, we can take this store here. And if I just click and see what's gonna happen, I can just go around my object and I can just look at it as you can see. For example, here we have the light going on from this part on. That's why we actually have trouble here. Because the light is shining from here on and stark here. So logical, right? I mean, if you know how sound works. But usually this is how sound works. I mean, I have to go outside at least a few times. You're right. Let's actually just go here and here also, if if I joke, just go to the back, we will seek this kind of line here. This actually the land were are were image connects, So basically were the top and bottom part of farmer image connects that's every season lying here on for that residence. But they reported like this so we don't see the line on it just looks nice. Don't know, for example, not to go here to this fair. Just click it this actually our to the object because before we were just in the scene on very irritating around the scene. But not if I clicks for on. If I just get going again and I click rotating, see what's gonna happen now. I'm actually rotating my through the object as against. You know, I'm not retorting around the object mammal number of sightings, the object itself so I can just go on rotated just any high one on. And I think you will notice that the child there's no changing because the shoulder stays the same because the lights still comes from here so we can just go and do us whatever we want with it. That's cool. Right under. Let's say we want to change the way shadow comes. We can go to infinite light. When we choose this, we can actually have this kind of thing. And again, you can just click and drag a nice you can see. We can change words. Where's the sun where the light comes from? So this is basically where the white concert. Right now it comes like that. And that's what we have a shelter here, as you can see that we can just change it. For example, for now, click summer. I can click on this for whom I see the shadow. Here. Let's go now Back to the influence light and it's actually brings us light again back here . So the shoulder is on the back. Let's actually do something like that. So as being those with left So it here it's going recited, going from P and here is the shadow ever retire Boom, Let's go back to the scene tonight. You have created this. Let's say you want to try some other patterns. You can always go to spare material on De. So basically, when you choose for your working with the whole truth the object miniatures in sphere material, you basically working only visiting that is going around this fear, which is our texture. So we can choose this. A knife. I go to the properties panel. So this is now the properties off that material. So here I have different kind of materials that I can apply. But if you click or any of them, you will lose your own material. This one here, That's why we don't want to click it, but what we can actually dio we can go here on Then we can go to replace texture on visit We can actually tell for trouble k You something else? For example, just if I goto some images that have Andi If I go and use, for example this image of the sky way, we just have to it. But as against you now it has a sky pattern. So we changed the pattern. But let's actually go back because I like that one more. So just edit Ondo. This one is much more beautiful, right? I mean, you agree with me? No. Okay. I'm going crafters. Louison run. Things that I really don't like here is that we have this shadow here on the back. And I want to turn over the shoulder because we usually So what we're gonna actually doing over next lesson. We will take this for and we will income per incorporate it into our own artwork. Answer. I want toe create the Shah Adam manually. So I want to do it myself. And that's what I need to turn the shower off here on. How can we do that? So, for example, if I go again to this treaty panel and I goto imprint light. So now if I go to properties panel again, it will show me different things. Because depending on what you just here, we're always gonna have different things on this properties panel because it's a smart panel, right? That does it add up depending on what your select. So now here we can just click on the show, those on whom it's turned off. How cool is that? So if I just click as against received a shelter here, I click again. No shadow on there right now. You will still have this charter here on the back. So if I go now again to the three panel click for them Francis Fair received, tried to hear. But that's fine. I mean, we can have it there. We will need the shutter, so but we don't need the shot on the back. So good job, guys. Good job. Now it's actually explored a bit more presents that I would like to finish the lesson here on our list. Next, Listen, I will actually show you some other crew through the objects that you can create so we can explore more and be really great. You guys buy right 3. Creating unusual 3D objects: What's up, guys? Welcome back. Did you miss me? Thank you. I missed you too. So here, as you can see, I created in your empty project on Let mejust import our images that we use previously. So I just think the same thing again. I'm just making this bigger on a game big and logistically. Okay, so now what I want you to do If you saw this image on, we go, for example, to their treaty again. New much from layer on that much present he have. You have different presidents on. You can just go on an experiment with them on your own. Or I will just show you some of the most interesting ones. So we know what's the cubes out in there and so on. But for example, let's look at it. Don't I mean, it's literally don't. How cool is that? Let me just click. Yes. Balm. Doughnut. We can just click Resistol on. We can just go around the door and see how it looks like. And again the same things that we did use the spare turning off the shot and so on. You can do all the same. Visit. Don't as Well, so you just don't. There's nothing goes to show you here, so just move onto the next press set. Certain, actually. Go back. You can just use headed on. Go back, go back again. Go back again. Go back again. Go back. Let's go to a three d new metal from lair. Much president. And this time we're gonna go on, have some soda. Yeah, You heard to strike. This is really cool because you often see some designs were there of soda. And I am not this season quite often. I don't know why I don't rendering that much so But anyway, you can actually have your own design, and then you can warp it around soda on. It's just gonna look awesome. So you can create some packaging designs or stuff like that. So let's go back on another cool thing here, for example, we have wine. Moto were bring, which looks pretty cool. We have had and so on. But again, I'm gonna show Teoh all of them one by one on you can just go on experiment on your own. But I will show you something else. Okay? If you goto this map, for example, and here we also have different things on they do something absolutely crazy, I would say, because as soon as I click, you will be like What? What is that? So that's how we look. For example, if I go here and I just click on this fair through them the rhythm, they will never let them. You just have to wait out with until it loads. And here it is. Look at that. I mean, this is crazy. Isn't that just awesome? On there is just really abstract stuff that you can use in your own artworks. Off course. You know, closing that issued noise that, depending on the immature, was going to get a different effect. How cool is that? So, for example, here I used the same present, but a different image. I use an image of the sky and look at that. I mean, isn't that awesome? Way get totally different object and you can actually use that They gained to create some cool stuff. Fun. Let's actually delete this on. Do this as well. On just to show you one more, let him actually brings this image back this full screen click. OK, go to three d new much from lair, much, much deaths. Math to on here, for example. Again, as you can see, we have did many different options on depending on what you choose, your was going to get different effect, and also, depending on what you're gonna get different effects so you can have basically experiment endlessly. So if I just click on silent there for this cylinder, I think it's promise. Who in their right? Not sure, Harker, is that again? Another crazy think With that said, Let's also finishes this lesson and see you guys on the next lesson. We'll finally start creating our artwork that we waited for so long on both actually show what our tower cam talking about. It's this. Our talk here on dumbed We'll do almost everything that you see here, 1400 likes not better. So So you guys on the nice listen 4. Our 1st artwork - preparing the image: What's up, guys? Your favorite for the shop teacher Fred is here on my new T shirt is also here on post office already toe croc. So? So let's just go to for Trump. And let's create new because this lesson we're going to create a project. This is a project that you're going to create in this last on their many cool things that you can create with this idea. I also used it in a different project. For example, here also the same technique as you can see also go the whole here and also was for fair. Let's go to for trouble. Just create new on off course. You can get this image here that we need in order to create this project in the resources area. In the project materials, you can download them. Let's just click create new on the first of in to create a project and it needs to be pixel selected here, Which 1000 height? 1 to 50 No artworks selected results in 300 RGB color on the orientation like that and logistically create. Okay, so first of all, let's take our image and it's actually imported to for the shop. So we just take and Jack on. Now we just need to make sure there are no white spaces left. And that's why we just take on drag, take Kranjec on, make the entire like that perfect little actually everything. Make it out with bigger. So if you look this image shows you can see it's really close. That's what we need to do is going to bring this even closer. Okay, as it should be. Fine. Let's click OK, now. First, let's go to his last Panelist. Go to this background layer and let's just do it It It's always and so it's so first thing you'll probably notice is that the caller is really interesting. It's pink and green, my favorite combination on first, but I will show you how to create this caller here on. For that we will go to filter and then we go toe camera, row, filter. So this is the filter that usually use in order to change the course off my image. Andi here, for example, you can play with temperature, can make it colder or warmer. You can play with stent. You can make it more well. It more green and so on. And of course, this has many different options under. Usually when I use this filter, what I do is first I used first of shade temperature it and you don't need to do it right now because I will show you later the right numbers. But I'm just telling you what I usually do here. So usually I use this thing's first. And I used to adjust contrast, exporter of its highlight shouters. But the most important thing here I go to hs adjustment and here we have few. So this basically help us toe helps us to define what kind of read you want to happen to have Pinkard want to have or injured for the poor and just want to have yellow and just want to have Pinkerton. Just as you can see, her face is already pink. That's what we had in our artwork on here. We cannot supply resist colors with our course. We can play with greens on so inside against cigarettes are getting different color on by things that we can create a truly unique and interesting car. So now you know, to have the exact same colors that I had in this artwork here. I have a special setting safe on. You can actually afford to Camero filter. And you have the same car that the head there. You can download that things against the resources there in the project. My cereals. So this is how it looks is just a file thought Ex MP Andi Yeah, it's called empty for face because that at work was actually called empty face. I know stupid name, but I just name artworks weirdly so let's go here. Let's go to Lord Settings. Ah, now we just need to choose that file on DA We're here empty for for face that's click it. Let's open on Wait for the magic to happen Bomb Now, as you can see, regard this beautiful, magnificent cars on the cars are probably is the most important thing in art. Artwork. Yeah, you heard me, Right? Cars are the most important thing because they actually defined your style. They defined what kind of art you create, and you can have your own style. So if you want, you can change the car differently. If you don't like this but I like this very much and I will go with this one, so just click. OK, boom. So now what we need to do we need to start creating a shape here. So basically creating your whole look at this article, as you can see, just a Grady in shape. So it's a big yellow here, and then it's going toe is getting darker. Friends goes inside. Let's go here. Click right and select courage. Er mental. That mental helps to start a monthly, create curved lines. Onda, if you don't have it years and that miss your for the shop is really, really old. Unfortunately, on day you will have to use normal parental. But again, if you want trip Israel, then I would advise you to after your father shop. So you have all the latest features because that toe is really amazing. So it's just courage, A parental. And yet before we start drawing, be to go here, make sure you have here shape selected, so when we drove, it actually creates a shape on. Let's make feel just black so you can click here and then country here and you know, the color to have black color on. Also, let's make sure we don't have any stroke. So again, I can just click here. I can go to the stroke and click care so we don't have any stroke on now. We can start drawing. So if I just click runs again again, As you can see, it automatically create a curved line. That's why it is called courage. A parental I continue clicking from For More amazing is that And then we go down here, Here, here, Onda here and here. Like this. So good here, here, on here. If for some reason use your mis clicked So you clicked on the wrong place then you can always change the position off your point just by using again discouraging parental. We can just go here. As you can see, when I point on the When I put my mouth on the point, I can just click on Jack. As you can see, it automatically adjusts so you can change your shape by doing that really, really easily on. I just want to adjust Looked with here. So it follows the shape like this from a knife. I just click somewhere here was empty space in order to make sure I can look at it it looks pretty nice. So but again, we need to get rid off this thing here on how we're going to do that. Several votes go to our image on Let's click, create new layer so we have in your empty We're here on not some turnovers, the shape we don't actually need. What? Select this. Let's go toe here. Click right and transporting brush toe so we'll start Resistol first. This will helps us to do it the things that we don't need. For example, if I click it, it works automatically. Just when you selected. Make sure you have here sample are selected as were important. Also, make sure you have content ever selected here. Type on moat is normal. So now this brush is too big. Let's go here. Let's make the size smaller much better. And I can just click on Drug and try to delete the I in general because we won't see it anyway. And also let's leads it. Um, I don't know what's this cult exists. I know if I turned on perfect right, well, don't think it's said here. This something is wrong on. I can just make my brush a little smaller on bomb. And right now what actually happened? I used a hockey to make my brush smaller, bigger Andi actually different hard cases that you can use. I won't explain your the whole case here if you don't know them. It's but if you go and Google's among young, because there are many different hot keys and you can use so many of them. So that's why we want to use our time here on that. But you can always go here and change your brush size hardness, so it's pretty easy to do it from here as well. Onder, let's stop on this because we already spend lots of time on There is still a little more to do. This, actually, is actually not that difficult, But still, there are some steps to take, and I want to explain in the States in the the steps and details. So you know, actually, what's happening And don't just click, click, click, click like a zombie. Just repeating after me, right? You want to think with your own brain at this? I hope so. That's it. I hope you enjoyed this as well, guys. On See you on the next one. Bye bye. 5. Combining 3D sphere with our artwork: What's abracadabra? What? OK, I have no idea why I said that that just continue. Okay, so now we to transform this into ingredient because doing God's blessing be afraid to the shape. Here, let's not go to the shape on. But let's not go, for example, to mental. And here we're going to feel stroke and other parameters off the shape. Let's go to feel, and here we need to choose Grazie and soldiers quickens is so he have you have a different grading process that for the shop has built in. So let's not go on changes the angle first of all because we in the cargo from left to the right on. But we can just brings us down on the This should be fine. So you can just go to your great aunt. And just to hear minus 150 you're going to have the same angle on. Now let's go to this car. So, as you can see, this is this call is responsible for the right car because residents are right on. This one is responsible for the left car because green is on the left. We will change first. The left car so just double click here Fun. Let's not go here on day here. I already have the core coat on. I will just based it on. You can just copy and paste the same color code to your own for the trip in this one in order to have the same car. So I will just click. Ok, now let's go to this car again. DoubleClick. Alice again pays the same court here. Boom. But not We need to make it darker. So we just take this circle now and just bring it down. Something like that. And again can just coffees is on. Let's look okay. So now she can see Why did you do that? Because it needs to be likely here, but needs to be darker. The more it goes inside, the more dark it needs to be. So just continue visiting your during last last night for Goto this part here. So let me just started turnovers The shapeless me go to this layer where we do it in the ice. Let's go again to hear, click right, your spot healing brush till Andi also make sure your settings are just like mine. I'll just go on. Really? Just okay on this part of the mosque as well. Good. Much better. So now we have to create the circle inside. So if you remember this artwork on now, we have to create this spur on During last lessons, I showed you how you can actually create it through the object like this one on. That's what we will do right now. So let's not go here, Onda. Let me choose. Pattern on. We did use this pattern. First lesson saw me. Just importance. Let me make this bigger. So their name space left. That's good. Okay, also, let's bring this to the top. So just to let you know that our through this fear is going to build a bit different because in the original artwork I use a different texture. But unfortunately, I can't use that picture here. But I can use this texture, which is also pretty nice, and so they're going to be beautifully selected. Let's go to three D. Let's go to new much from lair. Much percent on. Let's go toe here. Yeah, good. Just right now for the magic toe happen. So it's go asking me whether we want to go to the three D workspace, and the answer is yes. So just click. Yes. Look at that. Just amazing. Fair. So now you can just use this tool here, and you can go around in order to, you know, change the way you want your X for toe looks, but something that should be fine. Um, yeah. This is nice. Now, what you want to do? Some. If we're not, go here to the Cube, and then we go to the infinite light. This one here first thing we wanted that you want to change the way, like is going down on this spare and where it's going to be the shadows. So we can just take this on. Bring this to the left. So the charters owns the right on there isn't. I did it because this square is going to be inside the face on. We want to be. We want the right part of this fair going. Be that because it's not going to be the part that's actually inside this fair. This is fine, But let's also not go to properties. I want to get rid off this charter here. I'll just click on the shadow, it's gone. I would also advise you to go and make intensity 100% here, so I would like to go to be stronger on. But with that said, Let's actually go to layers on now we can just click. So now they're actually two ways toe kind of use the three D shapes that you created. One way is to render this horrifically cried. Here we have render around the Trudeau and you can click on the trailer and it's going to Brenda on. That means that is going to be in the really good quality. But in order not to lose time, what we could do here we could go and just discomfort too smart object on and still going to be in a good quality. And that's Albert. Actually, I used in my truck so we don't understand by waiting for render on a. Also, if your left up is not that, or if your computer is not that strong, you shouldn't use rendered because it's gonna take lots off time. So I just click convert to smart object. I'm not going to have it here. We can just make the smaller so again I just go to edit free transform. Let me just bring this down. So let's put it somewhere here. Bigger like that. So this obviously needs to be inside the face. Let's click. OK, is to be Gatch. Let's makes even small again to free transform. We go on And what? Let's cook. Okay, much better. So now we to create a mask to make sure received only inside this thing here, So we don't see it. Because if I turn this off, as you can see, our spirit needs to be behind this part. And for that, we're gonna use actually the shape off our shapes that we create here. The shape of form or shape. Yeah. Sorry. Okay. Is this selection of farmer shape here? This one on? How are we going to that? So if I now hold control or common? Okay. Safe using windows, its control. If using markets common, you just hold this button on. When you put your mouth on the someday, you'll see this kind of box appear near your mouth. Here's a hand, and I can just click here Boom and actually can snobby I was selected on now wouldn't have this selection here I can just click back to my feller, but I can just go and click. Boom, create musk Soon as you can see, there are 10 use. The good news are that the sprayer is inside the shape behind this part. But the bad news are that it's Ah, we also lost this part of this fair 70 to bring it back. And that's pretty easy. We just like this mask here. Onda. We go to our brush weekly, cried and she's brush toe and we need to meet to make sure that we change the core toe white. So if I just click here boom! As you can see now this is right Onda And also make sure passes on the percent for 100% but they make my brush a little bit smaller. Then we can just now draw here on when you drove, you need to make sure to draw on the mask. Okay, that's very, very important. You draw on the mask not on the image, but on the mask with right car. If you drove PS against boom, we bring back the sphere. And if you know how much this works in this should be very easy for you to understand if you didn't understand what just happened, and you probably don't know how much work and you should really go and check on learns because that's like the basics off for a shop. And I think that you would notice, is that here your tools changed, and that's because we changed our workspace to it. Really. Workspace. Let's actually go back. Let's go here. Let's go. Toe essentials boom on Our favorite tools are back. How sweet is that? So let's now tomato with Onda, we already see hours fair here. It looks nice. So let's say, for example, you want to change its size, but you can actually that you can always click here, and then you can click here in order to unlock the link between this fair and the mask so we can move this where, freely, as if we can t take a removed toe and I can just click and drag on boom, I can move it as you can see on it's still inside. First I want to make it out with bigger. I just feel like it should be bigger. It's rotated on free transform so Yes, you can see I was played. Make it bigger. Smaller, Bigger, smaller, bigger, smaller. So again make adulthood big like that Just started. Let's click. OK, good announce. Okay. Kick here. So we have again selling Bittman's a mask on the shape when I move on with them. Zaza was also going to move Perfected guys, Why did I do is that I have no idea. Tonight flu goes artwork. I will show you two more things here. First, I will show you how you can change the color of this sphere. And also we will create a shelter here. And then we're done with this artwork and I know you were under. But what about this colorful drops here? Well, I will show you how toe because l I already have many other classes where shows this effect so you can just go and check any of my other classes. We're show how to do that and you can just come back and create this effect. Okay? Because that's not our topic, because our topic is three d shapes on. This is not involved in our topic, but still right. Brooke is going to be amazing. So now Let's go here. Let's chose this. Let's go trade it. I mean, let's go to image adjustment and go to his situation. Once you have, you have this through saturation and we can change the color off our fair. Is this your situation? So let's see which would actually work supplies. But I mean you can choose the one that you like the most that you sing works better. That's nice. But is that that work? Actually at the green one. So go is green one for now. Maybe I will change it later. So again you can just you put minus 87. If you want to have the same color on drinking, just click, OK? And if you want to change it, for example, you can always come here to hue saturation. You can click Try sensor, wink, wink, double quick. I can just change this and then you can click OK, and I just need to clean eight now I just need to create create Okay, the shadow on how are we going to do that? So we integrate anywhere and it needs to be over their sphere. Of course, because it is the shot is going to be owns this fear, but it also needs to appear on Lee inside this shape, right? The shadow needs to be inside the shape. He doesn't need to be. It doesn't need to go outside on. That's why we can just again take the selection of this shape and creating muscular. So again we just hold control or common. And then we have this kind of box near our hand. We can click it Boom selection created and then we can just go traveler and click create mask on. Never, ever master on women will drop shadow. This will help us to make sure this trial doesn't go outside the shape. So it's like this Clear on, um, not the mask puzzler that's were important. Let's go here. Clear credentials. Airbrush toe. Make sure you have here. Black color selected was go here and make sure hardness zero person on also a pastis around 30% floor. Let's make it around 6%. Something like that. Now part sexual witless 20%. Something like that. We're going to drop shadow manually. And if you have never done that, then it's probably gonna build a difficult for you. But I mean, he said that they could, actually. But still, if you have never done that, you will have to work out with So what? I want to the right and I want to make my brush bigger. So if I just click right mouse button, I can open this size here as well. But we make this bigger, even bigger. Yeah, that's better. If I just started clicking here, I just click, click, click. I don't throw like I just click, click, click, click If I just click. As you can see, it's getting darker, indicating we're getting kind of really small shadow. Let me actually zoom out. That's right. Just turn this off and on. As you can see, there is a big difference. I'm actually continue to make every with the father here as well. Now, in my opinion, is too dark, so we can always go to this layer. We can go toe by still make it with smaller. So around Ah fut person, the more 60% should we find life, I just turn it off and on. As you can see, a big difference not looks more realistic, but again, I think it's too much Sharla. Probably 50%. That's much work that we can just told us off. But I also think that it's toe forward. So if I just unlinked the link between the lands and I cannot click guns aware, I can choose move toe and I can just take my shadow and I can move it out with two, right? Yeah, that's good. Now we can just click here a section Wardle to Baltimore. Now we can click here to create the link again and again A select this where I select my Rush Tau on. I want to have this kind of a second sees this part off. The shape is around like that. So I need to make sure that my shoulder also goes around. That's why I will make actually my brush smaller here. And I will try to draw a shadow like that on its but a few hours, um, out. So you can actually see what's happening from or further away like this. You can bet to see if you should draw more or not. Okay, that's good. That's it. Is this our talk? I really hoped you enjoyed it on with it. Quite some standing stuff, I would say I hope you learned a lot. I mean, I'm sure you learned a road, right? Did you? No. Okay. Who's that? Said guys. The next lesson. Well, we'll create another. Our talk costs that my bite. 6. Our 2nd artwork - creating 3D cable: Hello. Hello, dear friends, welcome already to create something crazy. So today we're going to create this Our talk here. Andi, I called it un droid beauty, but you can call it whatever you want. Of course, As you can see, the after this kind of cables on the cars are just beautiful on. We actually going to use three D functions of the tribunal to create this cables and make them look as realistic as possibly right on this one. Also did pretty well not as good as my as artworks. But it goes over one K likes Onda. Lots of comments, which I didn't on. Apparently I usually answer all my comments, but what, And just show it one more interesting thing so recently supposes, this artwork here on I know it's creepy, but it's also amazing at the same time on the coast and carries that I also used here for the shops three D functions And can you guess where can you guess where I give you? A five seconds. 1234 five. OK, your time is over. I use it in order to create this eyeballs. So basically you remember I showed you how to create this for So basically I had an image off a night and then I transformed it into her through this fair and it was like a like a book with I'll iron it and then I could play with underwater. I want you see you can create so much stuff. Just use your imagination. So with that said, Let's get into our territorial Let's go to file and let's click New way to create a project with so make sure pixels here. Selected with 1000 height, Oneto 50 results in 300 promote air G B alleges room. Great, now we to take our image off course and it is the image on euro. Be able to download it from the resources area on probable, but you can see some other image if you want to. Let me just take this. Brings this here on. Let me just make it bigger. So there's lengthy space left retire So there is a middle on da boom that's finally click. OK, OK, so now, first of all, we want to change the colors over this image on for that again, we will tell eggs imagery will goto filter, and then we'll go to Camero Filter just like we did during our last artwork. So you always try to start changing the car, so making the cars fit your idea. Okay. And here again, I have a present that you can download, and you're so if I If you go here and click lots of things, I'm gonna use this file here. Three shiners. That's what I call it on. You will be able to download it as well. So there's there's psychology shyness because articles on their kind of shining I don't know why, so just click it on. Uh, boom, this is awesome, right? Saying if you want to explore, how did I come true? This cars, you can always check the settings. And then you can also check this settings here because everything is very important. And we just click now. Okay. Not okay. Not talk, but Okay. Okay. So now when they have this, we should go and create our three d. So this thing here's the treaty cables. Basically no, to create it. We just need to create a circle for now. So we go here, click right and chose. LF still so again click right and chose a love story on here. History of shape selected. That's worrying. Very important. Under Let's Brings us closer. Onda. Let's actually make this green. It's not that important, but sledges makes his screen like that. I want to make sure you have no structure. You click here and you cook yes or is there is no strong. Okay. And here we just need to create a circle on the circumstances. Need to be that big. So something like that, because the cables are going to bring small on this should be fine. Good job. Now let's closes. And now we just need to slay this ellipse. Let me actually zoom out. We need to go to three d green to go to this time. We're going to new through the extra game from selected layer. Absolutely the lair. And we should choose this one neutral, Excellent. From selected left Boom. Let me just wait for the magic to happen. Do you want to change to three D Burke space? Off course we do, because we are professionals, right? So if I just zoom in, I will say this kind of really, really small circle here on what we need to do. So first of all, we to rotate it. So right now it's all right. Now, basically, it's looking like that went to make it look like that. So mean to rotated 90 degrees. And if you get closer on how the irritated So as you can see here, for example, we have this kind of arrows. Arrows help us to move it to the left. Right. And so, for example, I can move up, down, right, And then I can also use this area here to bring it closer and further away. Enviable. So here's this kind of square Here is this one also, he's despond not square. But this, like something like that. It just looks like a square here from this angle. So this actually offsets to rotate the circle. So, for example, I can order dated like that left, right. If I go here, I can actually rotated toe the front and back. So if I just click and drag, see what's gonna happen, Boom. I can rotate this singer. That's what actually it. So I need to rotated like that 90 degrees and I need for any reason you couldn't find this button and equal rotated. You can always go on do it by numbers. So, for example, let me show you how else you can rotate this and just move things around. So you were your own, the three D space. So this panel panic. We don't have it there. You can go to window and find it here. Treaty. Make sure you have selected the Ellipse. Okay, on things that oh, you see are actually site off their lives. For example, the front side, the backsides over around side and so on. So we just like the overlaps shape and they need to go to properties. And here. Are you going to see this thing here? But we need to go all the way to the last one which is called in it. So if I just click here Boom. So you have you have, for example, X right. That And if I go move my mouse Kerviel's have x that on right? Think so. It's remembers a little white and then we go here and here you have. This is this minced rotations dismissed movement. So we go to white on that. We can rotate this by 90 degrees. So if I just clicked right here, 90 on broom sees rotated. So the same things that you could also do here. Now we need to make it really, really long because the cable news to belong off course on For that we can actually go here . Onda here, What you have is called extrusion depths this house. So basically what is extrusion that so yet here only our circle. Great, right? It will just fat circle And then we may wonder, made it through the It actually added this back to the circle. So this basic cold extrusion depth straight out of deaths to the circle. Now it's not just the serial, but there's something behind it are not, for example, you can just extrusion there, so make it smaller. As you can see, we can make it, Sina or we can make it really, really big. So if I just zoom out, I can just make this really, really big on, but just not make it to a big soit. What happened? I made a zero. Okay, um so let's make sure we can, you know, we need to move to the right so I can just come here. I can take this, as you can say, bring and I can move to the right. I can just click and drag on the This should actually be fine, but we can make it a little bit bigger again just to make sure. So anyway, that's fun. Now we need to make it gives this thing texture off. Cables on How do we do? Set match. So if you go here to three D and here we have different sites off our circle basically and you can for them, for just click on the side on that's the side that you're clicked on is going to light up. But right now, for example, we don't eat because it's probably lighting up some site on the bags that we don't see from our angle for them. But if I click here and then I go to properties, as you can see, we always hear different things. So basically, this is the materials that you want to add to this site and here if I click, I can see here different types of materials. I can choose things that they have. Andi. I can choose one of them basically So if I just click would say here, As you can see, we don't any changes because the site that changed is not visible from our angle. That's why is it basically means okay, We don't need deciding in some other side, so it just bring it back to normal. We just click here. This is a normal one. So let's go. Let's continue and let's see. We actually need this side here extrusion material. So as you can see, for example, if you look here when I was here as you can, this is lightened up production. As I click on this one, Puma Chickens is it gets darker. That means it's selected. So if I just Alexis, I go to Properties panel and then click here and I click this texture. As you can see now, it's a different texture. If I zoom in so you can click, you can change between textures. You know, maybe there's something else you like. Yeah, that's actually much better. That is the textures that we should choose. So, no, let's go. Actually, let's go tell it on the things that we're gonna make. This looks even smaller. So if I show his origin artwork as against the cables are really, really seen on. But making remakes and smaller. It basically also means that our cables going to get shorter and for that reason, actually to make it longer right now. I just realized that. So if I just take a left, I go here on Let's just make extrusion that's a little bit bigger. Okay, this should be fine. So if I go you against this treaty and then goto infinite light on, then we go here to properties. Do you remember that during our last our turn, we actually turned off the shadow so really can create our own shoulder? And this is what we're gonna do now? Well, let's just turn off the shadow, okay? With that said, we cannot convert it into a smart object. Let's go to layers. Let's click right button and let's just convert to smart object and that we can move or do whatever you want. Visit the first thing. Of course, we need to make it smaller. So if I just click control or common plus T, which basically opens hot tickets for transformation, as you can see it selected on, I can just make the smaller like that. Put it somewhere here. So that is how soon our cables need to be on. That's perfectly finally, just click. OK, now. So now we to create a whole So this kind of hole where our cables are going to get into and it's really going to do in the next lesson because we already spend too much time here, So I just don't remember to save the fellas of us, you'll be You'll have to start over a gain. So who is that you guys owns the next listening? Bye bye. 7. Creating places for our 3D objects: What's out, guys? What's continue our magical artwork. So not me to create holes in their heads. So just like this, holes here where the cables are going to get through on for that Look, I'm actually turn over their lives. Panda. Let's zoom in. So we're going to use, Okay, Merciful. So, as you can see, we have your less tools. That's because we're in a three d workspace on if I go here, and if I go here, I can change from treaty to essentials. Boom. Now we have over favorite tools back. So not go here. Click right. And they're going to choose Not the norm open toe, but the curvature. Panto. Okay, now we'll start creating our hope. So we're gonna go from here just like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And back here, So and so it actually so exists. Let's select our parental again so we can see the fields and struck here on if I goto feel I want to make this gray agent on. I'm just gonna choose this. Andi, I have just one of the great is that I already have a preset. So this one on this is just like a blue to green, radiant on if you want to get the exact same colors, what you can actually do So, for example, you can choose but says is great and here, and they can change the cars. So let me show you what color's actually need to have. So the first colonies to be thescore can just copy this card and paste it here so you can have the same color on the second color needs to be this court here again. You can just coffee this court on write it in your left of sick and I was the same color on average would continue creating the holes. So if I go here now, there's so they're gonna going from Pienza going to come out from here. So again, just you can have a look at this artwork toe, see how what the shape that we're going to create. And again, let's just take our parental on this time before you actually start. Make sure you have Here is the right grade int selected, So just click, click, click, click, click, click, click on boom! Okay, so we actually in to make this toe go inside not here, so it gave me counsel Click Cubans on. Then we can take this on. Just bring it inside. Now it's continue Onda here. So again, it's going to out from here again. Legis boom from from home foam Tom Thumb. Good job. So it's gonna going from here, is going toe at from he's going to go out from here. Just start drawing like that. They should define You'll get a big inside here. Dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk. But it will go outside from here. Okay, that's it. Basically. Reserve shapes. Finally. So now let's actually turn on this. Arabs. He averaged our tree. Ditto which is our three d shape. Alleges brings this up on. Let's take them. Place him here. Here. Let's just create one copy before we actually do anything. That's it. Business list. On the next lesson, we're going toe get our cables inside the head. Yeah, I know that sounds crazy, but sometimes you just need to crazy stuff. So you guys ones. Next, listen. Bye bye 8. Placing the 3D cables: Hello, guys, just continue Boston. We actually created holes here on dis. Listen, we actually going to put our cables inside this holes on, so let's take our lips By all Simon's this cable here on the first of four. Before we actually change anything, we want to create a copy of it so I can come here on dinner to create a copy. You can just hold old or option. So let me just show you first. Basic way. You just click right button here and then go to duplicate layer and then you click. OK, that's one way to create a copy and as a way to create a copy is actually hold old or option. So if I hold old or option on day, I can click on drag. Let's say down on us against denies is kind of two arrows, black and white, and I'm still holding all the eruption. And then I release my mouse button on on his own, at least out or a from say again. You just hold old or option click on Mueller and then you drag. It's somewhere prudent and then you're lazy. A mouse button. That's it. Onda. Yeah, But I showed through that because we're going to use that a lot in this lesson, so you know how to do it. So now the FBI, trick or peace, and that's totally fine on. But I'm actually take first from, for example, we need to kind of brand cable, So just bring it out with forward like that. Ah, now we can just click control or call Monty dinner to go to transform Moat returns for much . I can't write botanically warp enough I can just take And Jack, as you can see. So we're basically helps us to deform the object on Dhere. We get this kind off ourselves, and I can just click on the Examiner to the form my object, our But I want to deformity like that and they should be fine, actually. Want toe bring it down. Something like that. Legislate, Cokie. Good. Now, story gains the same to this subject Here, for example, become bringing those down or you can actually bring it here. Let's say and again, control common t click right button ins and go to work. And again we can just transform it. So now you can do it for example like that. Ah, actually, Will did like it. So again depends on you like this on up here. Boom and last cable is selected. I will put it here A swell. So not again. Just contra or common T right button work on this time, I actually want to bend it down and do like that's It's almost like it's coming from there that beside Let's look okay on now. We actually can't just need to create more copies off this. So if you look here as you can see, we have many, many cables on, we just need to create a copies. Offset cables. So, system, you can just hold fault or option on the screen, Not here. So I mean, you can read here, so but we can't do it on the screen in our took up his object directly. So, for example, I can hold old corruption on just like up on. As you can see, a new copy is created just like that. I'm thinking I can just create a copy, but I also want to bend it so I mean to rotated. I'm just gonna irritated like that. I'm going to create a few more again control t, And then you can just come here and rotate this object like that, moving it up. So I want more space to be occupied on Gower Studios like that here on like that here. I mean, you can continue and do more if you want toe, you don't have to, but you could. So let me just continue doing more, so they should be fined up. Are now what we can do? We can actually just take all of these ellipses like that shows just like the first man that you hold shift and then you click on the last one on Boom. Everything in between is selected as well because you hold shift and then clicked. Ah, now we just need to grow them so you can just go here and click group as against a Now it's all in a group. I can just open and closes. And now what we're gonna do, we gonna create a mask for this group so we can actually hide cables from here. So I guess I'll just so exist. Let's go here and create a mask boom. In order to be able to actually remove the cables perfectly, perfectly what we can do. Let's select this shape here. We just click on it. Boom! Selected on the them we can we just have toe select this shape. So if you just hold control or common If you remember, I showed you during our last lessons You just hold control comment You click on this layer . Boom. As you can see, you could go into something. I mean, as you can see now, this is so like I know we need to do is we need to reverse the selection. So basically being disliked everything except this shape we just go to select and we go toe in verse on birth months. You can see now we have selected everything except this shape here and now we go to our mask. We can take our brush tool now to make sure black color here selected on not because we have selected errors and accept our mask. Look, you first. If I tried to draw here as you can see, it's not gonna get affected because I cannot draw inside here because this is not selected . I can draw inside the selection. And that's why if I start drawing here and also make sure you have was a mask selected when you drove when I can just go here on villages. So if you if you're not about masks, is not the strongest is gonna build with difficult for it, understand? That's where I would advise you to go back on. Repeat this again. Watch Watch this part so they can actually better understand what is happening on your head doesn't explode. Hopefully now when we have done that, let's go to select on deck Select boom. Good job. So now we need Teoh. Create shadow here on. For that, we just need to create a new where I just click anywhere on. Also, we can just tell you this. Know them, bringing the sell our group Boom. Let's opens the group. And have you ever knew Lee created left? Let's take up a brush toe. Let's rivers. Let's make sure we have the black car here in front Onda. Let's make hard in a zero off size, out with vigor that is bigger and now goes may go so past Terrence 20% for around 5% Now, before we start drawing, we actually in to make sure we draw on the inside the shape. That's very game. We go to this shape here. This one It was I think we click. Hold control, common. We click here. Boom! This is selected. Now we go to the mask and now we create it. Now we go to the lair. Me and I will create a mask with this selection. So again, I can just go here and click, boom, create mask, mask which basically missed. Now we're going to draw on the side. This selection, Let's go back to the lair. And now if I start creating my shoulder boom, as you can see so beautiful, it's only inside the shape. And that's what we need to make it look more realistic. Yeah, that's that's nice. So that and I'm going to do that to their every other hope. So basically, what we do is we do to take this ellipse, Andi, actually to bring this outside of the group. So because we're going to create a new group here again, you just hold both corruption and then you click. You drag up on, just make sure you regularly up, as you can see above the group, not inside the group, but a bozo Gruber uses a line up here. Boom has against not be ever lives here. Let's closes this Campbell to be tricky because some people always put it inside the group instead of out on top of the group. So, yeah, if you failed, just do it again. Now we have the same lips here. Let's just turn to see where it is, okay? And I can just take this ellipse just taken a move down. We came over here. So now let's rotate this. Let's do this. Really like that? Yeah, on. We need Teoh. Put it inside. So it needs to be inside both of these shapes. So again we just click control. Come on, T V. Click right button number Creek Up on. Now we just need to work with things like that because it is this circles here in order to drag it something like that. So it's really, really curved. They should define Let's click, OK, and I just need to click it, create more of this So again you can just click old corruption and you can drag it here again or interruption. You drag it here and we can actually click control Conte and rotate this ultimate like that . So they have different shapes and they're not like the same shape, all of them on day One more We don't have any more space here. And so just one more. Okay, that's nice. So again, you just need to group them. So you just click here, you hold shift friends and you click here and never go. And group whom now they have a second roof already here on. Does this group is going to make sure this is only inside this part here? So again, it's like the group we create a mask empty. Now it's like the shape here we hold control common just like the shape and not being too slick, Never seen except the shape. So we can actually did it that everything is outside the shape on we go to select inverse room on either have sorted everything except the shape we go back to a mask we choose airbrushed, obese black color here. Andi, I just make sure process 100% flores 100% on. We just start deleting this part here. Boom. I'm not going to the same to the other shape. So again, let's see which one did it. Yeah, This one. Let's hold control. Common click here. Boom. Now we have selected the game to go to select on in verse. Now, again, we goto a mask on. We started getting everything except okay on If you accidentally deleted some things that you don't need to reach, For example, this part it actually needs to be shown. You can just go here. You can inverse. You can show the white color. You can use the white collar in order to bring back some of the stuff that you do it. It by accident. Select on this elect again. We need to create shadow here, so let's actually zoom in. That's our princes. Go inside. What's creating your layer here? Empty life onda fronts we're gonna do is for this shape on them for the shape. So again, let's select the shape. Okay, wait, hold control. Common way. Go to the layer on we create mask. Now, this means that we're gonna drawn inside this shape here. Now we choose our Blair chose brush Tal Gaby makes is 20% for around 5%. We start drawing, we start creating our shadow boom. How cool is that? So just do it one more time. And I know this can be really confusing for you, especially if you are not that experienced in photo shop. But again, if you are confused or missing something, you can just go back and re watch the part that you're confused about again, and you will understand much better what's happening. So again we create a new layer because we need to create the shoulder for this part. Here again, we select the shape. It is a shape we hold control common. You go back to overlay. That means to create show their own. We create a mask for Sessler so that we can draw only inside the shape. And then this Alexis left. So there are brush toe and again we draw the shadow. Let's close this on the next list, and I will continue doing that. And of course, you can finish that on your own because we're just gonna do the same thing over on. But for those a few who think that they cannot do it on their own on, they still want to make sure that they still want to follow this story. You can just go to the next listen and you can see how we do it. Or if you don't want to see if you can just keep the next lesson on, go directly to the part where we finally finish the artwork by adding some colors on stuff like that by changing the cars, I mean, because we also need to make it like this. Reddish. Does that say it's you guys? 9. Finishing our work: puts out guys, welcome back again. Being to continue this cables here. I'm excited. We're almost done. So let's again go here, for example, are just so much Let's take this cable and we need to create a copy off it so we can use it here as well on for that. You can just what went also bring it outside the group. So this is if we just click on the cable, you will see it inside the group. Is it fun? We can just click all we can hope corruption. And then you can just click on drag it up. This is this line not inside the group, but on top of the group. Yeah, he just really easy a mouse button and boom copies created us and that we take this copy hopes Let's go back, click on selectors and bring it up into Irritated Now. And I just click control common t on da boom, boom, boom chicka boom! So this should be fine and there isn't right. This part is seen a than this part. That's because we used warp in order to bend it. And when you use works, sometimes you get this effect if you're not careful enough on DA because here we only saw the middle part of agency this part. That's why we don't see it here. So but we can change it anyways, so it's fine. We'll just both put it like that. Let's click. OK, but again, we can just go again. Toe control Common T click Right button Use Warp on, for example. Now, if I just bring here, as you can see, give a getting we're making it sicker again, so it's fine. Let's get OK on us. Actually create a few copies off this again. Old corruption click and drag religious rotated sort of it, so they're not the same form again. Control common T Rotates is Onda. We bring it up on Let's just do one more copy and again control come until it's actually rotated again like that. So let's again select all of them. You hold, you press this one, you be present. The 1st 1 you click on the first and then you hold shift and you click on the last one on Everything is selected and then go and click group what actually causes group. So now this is a group that they're working with. And again, we need to hide our cables on for that. Let's Alexis shape called controller comin off. Sorry. First we need Teoh created a mask. So it's like the group. Create a mask. Then we like the shape you hold control common and then you click on the shape on the some . Now, in orderto have this selection here, then we go to this mask on. We need now to inverts the selection. Select on inverse So we have started ever since. Except the shape here we use our brush toe change the court to black on Let's just Oh, let's make this 100%. Now let's go to select on de Select again with the same visit shape here So but select this list like remove toe like the shape is it? Let's hold control Common sense Select the shape. Now let's go to select an inverse. So we have sex. They were seen except this shape. Here we go back to this mask. Oh, this group with like the airbrush toe on his back. Colonna we draw on Lee inside this election on outside the shape to go to select under select now we need to create the shadows. So what happens is group here. Um, let's go here. Let's create anywhere gate. We need to select those shape. Games are moved so I can click. Boom! I hold control comment. Just like the shape I go to this layer on. I create a click, create mask and the mask is created from the selection and I go back to the Slayer here I use my brush toe in orderto draw a shot of. But of course we need to make a person floor less so. The game. What passed? About 20% for about 5% for five American just can draw like that. That's a marked so we can actually see. But I was happening not going into the same to the shape here again. Reaches moved over with, like the shape quickly current. We heard control common on de. So now let's go and create anywhere. Onda. Now let's create a mask from this selection. We go to the Slayer, we use airbrush toe and the game we just created the shadow like that second amount. So on Finally, the last part here, Onda. I'm dying off Battery it. Let me actually put it on. Okay, The battery zone And we can start rocking again so we can continue rock to rock again, Just like in D C. Yeah. So let's again create copies off this cables. Okay, Now we need again. Let's click on this layer on this cable, going to bring it outside the group. So again, you hold old or option you quick concealer and then you drag it up up furnaces line from you. Release your Miles Barton on Tom. This is the copies created. What causes group? So let's take this cable now let's bring it up now we need to rotated. So I gave a click Control or common T andare. Um uh, okay, lets just rotate is put it here. Let's get okay. And I just need to create a few more copies and were down. So just click old corruption and then Tom on a ah, let's throw Tatis again. Just like that so beautifully. This is so beauty flair. That's again create another copy and we could do one more. Actually, I was again Click Control Committee. Unless rotate this for a final perfection, let's click. OK, let's again put them in the group with, like this one. We hold shift on cycle of Simmons and create our group boom are now going to create a mask . So, Adam Nemesis Que did not really dislike the shape here. That's the latest. Let's hold control or comment on. Then we just click on the sommelier. Boom selection is here. We go to select and we go to inverse are not have selected errors and accept the shape. And now we go back to this mask. I cannot go back to this musk way select of a brush on. Then we make sure you have here black are selected on We just yeah flow 100% past 100%. Let me guess true legs that what's happening yet? We just job No wall came. Yes, you can see extended. I deleted more than I needed to do it. So I go back. That was it was a white color and brings his back this nose. You mean I cannot go to select under select? Now let's go Get up with this group on Create him and you were here. Now again, we just select the shape here towards the strip. Right way hold control comment to select it on. Then we go to this land. We create a mask thes air going toe shuttler off course. Now let's like the letter itself. Let's go to Brush Still on its Mika past again, around 20% for around 5%. Kind of just drop drop, drop, drop. My left was getting a little bit slower. Abracadabra. That's not causes. And now it's, of course, saves file safe way. Just have left toe at some final color touches, I would say to change the culture of it well during the next lesson is that we will finish this artwork. 10. Enhancing the colors: I just finished recording this. Listen and realize that in actual president according Button. So Sam doing that second time. So listen carefully, OK, now we're going to change the cars and it's going to be pretty easy and quick. So let's go like the shape. So let's go here and let's creek. Ah, your situation on never recruit you situation adjustment lure It actually needs to be about was shapes on the image but it needs to be below the groups because we don't want to affect the cables. But you want to affect everything executive cable. So again it needs to be here once again. Double click here. And now if you just start changing their hue, you will not. Is that no matter what you do, it's going to look beautiful anyway. But we actually gonna dio minus 80. That's what we're gonna do. As you can see, it looks amazing. That's my favorite choice. But of course you can do anything else if you want to, but I think this looks amazing on De. So now we're done with the hue saturation. Let's close this Now I want to make this blue parts a little bit brighter would say So what's again? Now go here and cook, create Corboz that also access to change the course on going to make this being, to put it just below his situation. Now let's again double click here. So how this works we have here my me tones, shadows and highlights and we can change the science. Peretz Magenta is greens yellow and blue for every single one of them. So, for example, meetings you can make the science like you can add more blues, or it can actually add more threats. But there isn't wife. For example, when I do add more voices actually gets rather because I know the FBI suk use alteration above it on. That's why when we actually do a sign, it's actually gonna be right, because your situation is changing everything. So it's kind of reversing everything. So, for example, if I had more green, but you can see it actually adds more magenta. If I had more magenta, it adds more green. So you need to realize that you don't understand it because we have a huge situation, changes everything, so reverses the course on Let's actually bring is 20 Let's not go to mittens. Let's go to charters. And I want to make this hard. Just read there. That's why I'm actually gonna under add more cyan, magenta and yellow. So it's gonna be more red. So let's go to sign on. Let's do it minus 10 on DA. This is just the numbers I know by heart because I didn't experiment a lot. So you can also just write this numbers here minus 17 under minus 18. We did already change some things. For example, Fighters turns off on on as you can if you look at the shadows. Seriousness, little change. Okay, now let's go. Toe highlight. So here, we need to make this 29. It's just gonna be 11 on. There's gonna B minus 14 on, Uh, you may think there is no difference before after, but there is actually, for example, if I just turn it off. Look at this. You see, it's not as bright, Ettus. It's used, but if I just come in, it's on again. Boom! It's much brighter. That's because on highlights, we actually here. As you can see, we added more red, which basically means we added more time because again. Hue saturation is reversing everything. So I have to understand that Onda Yeah, you can just copy this numbers and you're gonna have the same effect that I have here. Clauses. So, of course, this course is not about car colors. That's why I'm not really going thean depths about coloring. But my goal was to show you what you can do with the three D futures off for ownership and hope I brew you. My because that was I can go and create so much stuff. Just it's unlimited these things that you can do, businesses are unlimited. And you will make sure to take the next lesson as well, because I will show you there are some cool, quieter, commanded classes that you can actually take, you know, to create even more co artworks With that said, I have you reload this class because I love teaching it on you guys. Bye bye.