Using Dubsado as a Stationery Designer for Project Management | Laney Schenk | Skillshare

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Using Dubsado as a Stationery Designer for Project Management

teacher avatar Laney Schenk, Taking the invitation business seriously

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      What is Dubsado


    • 3.

      Getting Set Up


    • 4.

      Projects and Clients


    • 5.



    • 6.



    • 7.



    • 8.



    • 9.



    • 10.

      Canned Emails


    • 11.



    • 12.

      Class Project


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About This Class

When starting your stationery business, you may find it difficult to manage all of your various projects, client communications, payments, contracts, and due dates. We have tried several tools, and are talking today about one of the ones we use most often for client and project management - Dubsado. We’ll talk about how we’ve streamlined our stationery business with Dubsado and show you hands-on how you can automate tasks, get payments faster, and make your stationery business more efficient overall. If you don’t have a stationery business, then this course will still give you project management tips, but keep in mind that most of our examples will be stationery-related! (If you don't have Dubsado use code DESIGNBYLANEY for 20% off)

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Laney Schenk

Taking the invitation business seriously




Hey, Hi, Hello Everyone!

I'm Laney, an invitation designer, calligraphy, and business strategist for creatives. As an artist, I focus on mainly wedding work and telling love stories. As a teacher, my passion is helping you take yourself and your business more seriously. If you're a DIY Bride - you've come to the right place. If you're an artist, but having trouble turning your art into a stable, profitable business - you've come to the right place. If you're just looking for some fun creative activities to stretch your brain - you guessed it, you've come to the right place!



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1. Intro: Hey. Hi. Hello, everyone. I'm Laney of design. Many stationery and business strategy firm. So one thing I'm super secret passion about because I got my career started sale is client relationship management. So today I'm gonna talk to you about how I used asado, one of the most popular CRM systems out there as a stationery designer. So they're not familiar with crn systems. It stands for client relationship management, and this usually means it's a tool where you can have all of the information about your clients and your ongoing projects. A lot of them also have other things like finances, contracts, human processing, etcetera. There's so much information out there about how to use it for project management tools. But it's easier to learn Arizona also in your field to see how you can take all this information and apply it to your direct industry. So I've been using Dub Sado for three or four years as a T shirt designer today. I'm gonna tell you how this particular CRM tool can help you make more money seeing you 10 times longer and improve her image with your customers and your class project is gonna be to start getting set up, creating some form contracts and mapping out your process close to see what different areas of your business you can automate using Osada. So let's get started. 2. What is Dubsado: does step, step. I'm picturing this like a bill, and I kind of like Bill Bill Chance. So I hope you weren't too. I get really fired up about using asado. So out of this course, I think you will as well. A good client management system is a lot like a science, actually, in that once you have your method down, you'll never want to go back. So I think Bill would be proud. One of our favorite tools for this has been besotted. So let me show you how we use it every day in our stationery business. So what is that? It's a client relationship management or crm tool. This means that you can manage all of your projects from here as well as client information to do us payments contracts as so many other features the rial power real magic is gonna happen with a tool like this when you start putting it all together, which will get to towards the end an hour and have a part two of this series to cover workflow automation, What you want to stay tuned for as well. So this course is gonna focus on getting everything set up so that when you get to that point, you're ready to go. I just upside for my business every single day and have for about three years. It saved us countless hours, states and even made us a lot of money. So we're gonna dive in, start at the beginning so you can see how you build the forms, processes, projects and everything from the ground up. All right, we're here at dub sado dot com. You'll need to create a log in and password, of course, and there's a three project free trial if you're not quite ready to purchase yet, if you are or when you get to the end of your trial, you can use our code by Alain E. B, Y L A N e y or. The leak in the resource is section to get 20% off your first month or a year purchase. Dub Sado or dubs, as I affectionately call it, has a lot of great video tutorials. If you want to check those out once you log in, you can access their help center by clicking this handy little chat icon does Honest, famous for having amazing customer service, so you'll be able to get your questions answered in a timely manner. There's also a Facebook group you can join. Once you have an account, you can see tons of questions and examples of how others have used up sado for success. When you walk in and you'll see your dashboard, which looks like this, I have created a fake account here to show you to protect my clients. Data Financial goals is how much you've made so far this calendar year. It'll typically show more than $0 of course, open and voices includes any invoices you currently have open, whether they're leaves or current jobs, and the revenue indicator is how much you made in comparison to last month. You'll see here your upcoming schedule and on the bottom is a rolling financial report as well as any tasks on your to do list. Any major tossed like miss payments or actions needing approval will show up in the recent section up here for your direct attention. This is basically an overview of where you're at with everything. Now let's get your account set up for success 3. Getting Set Up: de Soto has some features that allow you to stay true to your brand. You'll find those in brand settings, which is in this little settings wheel. There's a lot to dig into here, but we'll start with the basics, so upload your logo by clicking this button. This will show up in a few different places. You can also change all your buttons to your brand color. Just enter the hex code right here. The other settings are fairly self explanatory here. I like that you can choose if your emails air coming from your personal name or your brand name. The portal settings are part of a really cool feature that you can use. Dub Sato lets you create a portal for each client, where they convey you all of their forms, proofs, contracts, etcetera at any time and fill of the information or make payment. Think of it as a personal landing page for each client. This could make your company's you really professional if you choose to use it and you can customize all the settings like colors, upload a banner and everything here, this link will be a standard length at any client can use to get to their portal. Their log in will be very email address and a password that you set up yourself. Thean Bad code is where you could embed this into your website in case you want to have a client portal log in directly on your site. As for other studies, you might want to change over here. You may want multiple users if you have employees or partners. Up to three additional users, not including yourself, are included for the price. You can change their status based on the different access that you want them to have in the received money section. You'll choose your payment processors that you want to use. I'm currently linked to a stripe account, dubs auto integrates with Stripe Square and with PayPal and doesn't hard any additional commissions. Outside of what those individual processors charge here. You can also choose to add an optional gratuity line on all of your invoices. I'm actually surprised how many of my clients add something, even if it's just rounding up or a small percentage will Then choose to set up your email account to send and receive emails through Top sado. If you have G sweetie. It'll automatically integrate, but other providers will need a few additional steps. You can see that over here on this brand email address section and the forwarding verification code, Domain names and custom outfield are a little more advanced. We might cover those in a future class, but you can read about them in the tub. Sato Help center Or just let us know below if you have any specific questions. So once you're all set up, everything you need is on the left hand menu. Over here, we'll click on projects. 4. Projects and Clients: now in the Projects dashboard, which is where I spend most of my time. You'll see that some sections are automatically loaded. We got leads, jobs combined. An archived these air on a status indicators. If you like toe, add anything in your funnel, you just click. Customize. Here we've added a couple on whichever one is checked. Is your default view within leaves on my main dashboard, I have a section for active leaves that have been followed up one time leaves that have followed up twice. And then I archive those leads after we followed up, followed up twice without looking outside of this section for current jobs and past jobs, which is pretty much everything that I use in my normal dashboard. You can also break it down into further phases, such as design like we've got it here proofing production, etcetera. I like to have a higher level of you personally and don't like to break it down so much, but that's completely up to you. Once you have a lot of jobs in here, you can filter like this, or you can just type the job name up here, and it will show the client in case that's what you're looking for or the project that they're associated with. If you click on a job like this one for Doug and Patti Manny's, you can see all their information and voices forms, etcetera. The emails will be in this first half, and the best part here is that you can see when a client last open an email. This was sent 12 days ago, but she hasn't viewed it yet because she's not a real client. She's a cartoon character, so if she has, you know you'll be able to see when the last time she viewed it. WAAS. Whether that was a day ago or 12 days ago, this seemed a little bit creepy. But it's a really great way to see if elite is still viable to see if they're still considering you and looking at your information. You can also send direct email directly from here. Using dub Sada, you also see invoices, forms and work with all things that we'll talk about later. There's also appointments, tasks and notes. Notes are just for your eyes, not the clients. I'm not saying you should write anything mean here, but feel free use your own freehand or make notes there on Lee. Uh, understandable to you will return to you the Project dashboard, to create a new project. All you Do is Click New Project, and this box will pop up here. I named my projects after the couple's because it's the best descriptor for me. So we'll go as another favorite TV couple, Jim and Pam. You can create a new client with just a few pieces of information or choose an existing one . We'll create anyone. Typically, I work with the bride, so we'll go with Pam Beesley. I don't remember how she spells her name. The only thing you really need here is the email address for Dub Soto Let you create this client. The status will include all those indicators that we already created, so we'll create. This one has a lead because we haven't booked with Jim and Pam yet tags or something you can create in case you want to sort out your leaves into different buckets for other reasons. An example of this would be if you wanted to sort your job into wedding invitations, wedding to a stationary social stationery, etcetera to keep track of your various income streams. After that, you can add your own notes again for your eyes only in ad date if you want to. I typically just use the wedding or event deep. Or you may just decide to use due dates for when their project is actually do. I'm gonna go with September 7 because that's are very popular day this year. If you need to add it a client's information at any point, you can just click right here and change all their information. Or, of course, as we showed you earlier. You can find them by searching in that top search. For one thing that I love to do is add on alternate contact. And maybe that's their fiance or the wedding planner for their email here so that they automatically get all of the forms and emails that we send to the main client, Pam, and voila! Now you've got a new project created. But you know, this is a little annoying to do every single time you have a new project, especially if you're not sure if they're gonna book yet. So in the next section, we're gonna talk about how clients can do some of that work for you. 5. Leads: back in the projects dashboard, and we'll head over to the Leeds tab. We currently only have the one we created for Jim and Pam, but like I mentioned, you make the clients do some of this work for you by using what's called a lead capture form. This is the first of a few forms we're gonna talk about to come on over to the left under templates as, like forms. I have a bunch loaded in here from my other account, which is part of that awesome dubs customer service I mentioned. So let's ignore all the left one's per minute and focus on this right. One need capture. As you'll see, I have a few Let's take a look at my mean one, which is just a new lead capture form. It's not all the information of here that will need to create a quote, including contact info services, event date, gas counts, budget, etcetera. I like to have clients an idea of what my average planet spends over here, so that if it's way over budget, they don't waste their time or my time as included a file upload her, which is one of my favorite parts of dumps Oddo's They can upload inspiration, images or pictures that they like for their wedding. What clothes out of here and show you how to create one. All you have to do is in this column. Just click. Plus, we're gonna rename this sample lead, capture the same form building principles we're gonna use for all of our forms to pay attention. Here, there are few automatic fields that are required in a lead capture form, which include your names, your email address and your drops. Start date. The rest you can see are not required. We'll need this information to create a project. If you remember when we do that manually. So a lead capture form requires you to have all of that information. The other forms don't necessarily, as you already have the client information loaded in So all of these forms that are not required, we can go ahead and delete. I don't really need a phone number usually, and I don't love this comments box. The right hand side has all the tools you need to build out your form. Just click on whatever you want, and it adds it to the bottom automatically then you can click and drag and change the order of things as you like. You can add columns, text box images, a lot of different types of questions here. Date selects custom code, a file upload or which we showed you earlier, and a couple of these things, which are more advanced features. All of these are fairly self explanatory and entirely customizable. I'll show you how to do the columns, though, because that could be a little bit tricky. We'll go ahead and drag our columns over here, click within that box toe, edit it. Then you can choose whether there are two columns, three columns or four columns, and you can choose whether you want the title to show or not. You can also, of course, rename that title, so whatever you want, I like to use columns in my lead capture to make the form look shorter. So all you do is grab whatever peace you want and then drag it. You'll see that it automatically populates that calm, and then clients aren't quite so scared because you don't have such a long contact for We'll say this is a template, and then we'll head back to my form to show you what one looks like. Completed, you can always add it the design. So don't worry if you're not sure it's perfect, I added, and move things around as I went. We have this invite count question because people would often confuse, invite and guess counted. I also have an estimated budget option. Instead of leaving that open ended because people often just put as low as possible or something similar or left a blank. I also ask where their pieces are going to ship to as I get international request sometimes now and charge talks based on the location of the client. It's a balance between keeping it shore and getting enough information to create your accurate quote. But if you find yourself wondering anything while creating a quote, that's an idea that maybe you should add that question to lead capture. If a client isn't willing to do a little work up front to get the most accurate information then, and that's a sign that they are probably not the best client anyway. So what do you have this built out? We'll check on the settings. We'll talk about work flows in part two of this series. But just know that you can always apply one directly in the lead capture or potentially, this lead capture will lie in a place that Onley collects a certain type of job. So in that case, you can just put a little thank you know, if it's always gonna be about invitations, you can talk about the next steps you can provide. Resource is in this message. You can do whatever you want here. The status will indicate which of those indicators your lead comes in us. So we're just gonna leave them as a lead active. And as on all forms, you can change colors, fonts, font sizes, your submit, button text, etcetera. Now you always want to save your forms regularly. One tiny downside is that every once in a while might upset. It will have a jinky moment while in building a form, and I'll lose only progress. So even so, save and remain on that same page. Just like looking up here. You also have, of course, save and close when we're done, save as which will make it a new template or saving preview, which would have show you the client view of that form, it looks a little bit planned. There's no pictures, logo, anything colorful. But that's because we actually have this one embedded on our website directly, and we've added some of the information on the website instead of putting it on the form. So here's what that looks like. You wouldn't even notice that this isn't part of my website. It just looks like a part of that page directly. So how do you do that? Let's head back to dubs and click share. There's a few different ways you'll see a direct link, which is something that you can send directly to a client if you like, and you'll see this giant block of embed code. This is what you'll use to him about into your site. If you click this link right here, it will tell you how to do that for a lot of different platforms. Show it squarespace, Wix Word, Preston Folio, etcetera. We have squarespace, so it's as simple as adding a code block to the page and clicking copy paste. Any changes that you make to the weed capture and up Sado will automatically update wherever it's unvetted upon refreshing your site as a little side. Now, sometimes when you're editing, you might make some changes and not see them directly showing up in dub sado. So all you have to do in that case is refreshed them, and your status and dashboard and everything will update the one someone fills out your leave capture. You'll get an email that says new lead capture and contains all of the information they entered. They'll automatically show up under projects leaves as well, and when you click on them like we've done here, the lead capture will be housed in this form section automatically, in case you need to access it at any point. Whenever you want to update them to a job, you can just use this drop down here and put whichever status indicator you want for them. I typically will take the lead, capture information and use that to send out a proposal. But before we get into proposals, we're going to cover contracts. So much fun 6. Contracts: The reason that we need to cover contracts first is that your proposals will automatically come with a contract attached, which is absolutely amazing. This allows the client to accept your proposal, sign the contract and even pay your invoice all in one step. The contracts are also their own type of form, as they always have a legally binding signature field at the bottom. If you use a contract, it will automatically require a signature field for the client and a signature field for you, the business owner to counter set so kind of how need captures automatically required the information for the client. The contracts will always require a signature for the client, and from you will go back to templates and forms and you'll see contracts over here. We also have some agreements which were next to contracts in the template section. Those are also binding and require a signature on Lee from the client. I use them for my proofs because the client has to physically sign off on them. Here's a little preview, but I do have a whole video on building out proofs in Dub Sado on my YouTube channel, which is linked into download for you. You didn't see at the bottom. They have this signature field. Did they have to sign so back to contracts? We have a few different ones because they're different terms for things like calligraphy and printing. And then we have an option with both, which we use for day of orders like calligraphy escort cards with printed minis. I'll show you this one so you can see all are forms. Besides the lead capture have our logo at the top because they're seen by themselves. You can customize this image harbor you like. You'll build out a contract just like you will any other form, just like we did with the lead captures, just like clicking on this various boxes over here you'll see two new ones, initials and signature area. And those are exactly as you think. I have initials after every section to encourage clients actually read them. Some sections even have two initials because they're extra important at the end, I asked for some additional information, just so I have it. The planner, venue and photographer are really helpful for connecting with other vendors in getting photos of my work after the job is done. The mailing address should be something that they sign off on as well. You'll see that I also have it in my proofs for them as a reminder, just in case that changes during the design process. If you try to close a contract without a two signature field, it'll prompt you to add those in and you can see here, this one says, The below signature field is for you, the business owner to sign. When you click in there at it, that's the box that you click. It's either the one for you or it's not the one for you. The settings for a contract are fairly simple, but you can also add a nice little completion alert if you want, which will show up after the client has finished the contract thinking them. I don't have that on because my contracts always take them directly to the invoice, which has its own completion alert. Now, this has nothing to do with the Estado, but I have a business owner. You need a contract on 100% of your drops. I always recommend contracting with whoever is paying to keep things as simple as possible . Legally you never start a job without payment and the signed contract, and you must have your contract looked over by a lawyer to make sure it's a legit as possible. 7. Invoices: So before we create a proposal, you need it and voice. We can create an envoys in a couple different ways manually, with the packages, which will cover in the next lesson or with the combination of the two. I usually use packages for the heavy lifting and personalized a few things manually. This may seem like you're doing out a lot of set up work, and you totally are. That's just the magic of Dub Sado, though once you get that lead capture created once you get back on track created, you never, ever have to do it again the last time you have to do that. So the more work you put ended up sado, the less work you have to do later, and the more it's gonna give back to you. So do creator and voice. You have to go into the job that you want to create it in. We'll go ahead and create one for Jim and Pam. This is usually my next step because I choose to bring my invoices directly into the proposals. But you don't have to do it that way. To start by going into the job and clicking on the Invoices town you need to click add to add an invoice. You can add as many as you want and view them all by clicking this invoice list, but one is going to have to be the primary. That's the one that's gonna show up when you send Invoice your client. I like to keep my projects like day of stationery and its separate job from the invitations , because it can get sometimes confusing. You add each new line item by clicking new Line item. You'll be able to fully customize each one, and you can provide a detailed description here. We'll make an example one. So I'll put in my design. Be with a quantity of one and price of $800. Then you can add tax if needed, apply a discount or indicate the category that this is going to go in for accounting purposes and just click. Add item and you're ready to go. You always edit or delete using this drop down on the right. Let's go ahead and not a couple more line items. You'll see that the line totals are over here. The full total is over here. Attacks would be listed here if it was applied. You have to add tax on a line item be. Since you cannot add tax to an entire invoice, a payment schedule will set a due date for clients, so they know when their payments are. Do I always have 50% of the total invoice two up front as a retainer and then re update manually before sending another one. When print approvals come in that way, I don't miss any quantity updates or other changes that have occurred throughout the design process. If your packages are more set in stone, you can set a payment reminder toe ottoman. It automatically go out at some point in time, say, four weeks before the job date. Whatever makes sense for you. Click new due date Relative will be in relation to any other action anything you find in this list where it says before or after job. That's considering the date that you selected for the job to start after applied to invoice or after contract is signed fixed Was that an automatic due date on a specific date that you can choose amount is similar, so you select fixed, you will type in a dollar amount. If you have $100 deposit, for instance, for each order, percentage will just be a percentage of the invoice. If you have multiple payments, you cannot set them to equal more than 100%. So if you add an invoice after the first amount is paid, then it will show the remaining balance overdue because 50% of the new number is higher than 50% of the number of the originally pain. I just typically ignore this because a client really see it if they're regularly checking their invoice, and I find that most people don't. And if they do, they understand the charges have changed, and that's why it says overdue. You can set up payment schedules with automated reminders over here in templates payment schedules. So now, to send this and voice, we're just gonna click Sin and I typically send via email one thing about Dub Sado. That isn't amazing if there's only one live and voice, so if you make changes, you can't revert back to the previous one, and your client will Onley see the new version whenever they click on the invoice link. Sometimes that's a little bit annoying for me if I make changes and they need to see what I charge them previously, and you need to download on invoice as a PdF at any point, just go to send open in New Window, and you can print or download from here every thinking that this seems like a lot of work to create each line, item and voice from scratch, then head on over to our next lesson, where we're gonna take a lot of that work off your plate. 8. Packages: many businesses have sat packages that they offer regularly, like thinking of a photographer or someone who sells products. Stationery isn't exactly one of those fields, but there are different things that we sell over and over again. For instance, every invitation suite that I create has an imitation are SPP card and almost always to corresponding envelopes. We also have common upgrades like old oil wax seals and blow Kleiner's etcetera. So you don't want to spend forever making that same light item over and over again. And that's where packages come in. Head back over to this handy template section and shoes packages create one by clicking, add package and then putting any line items that you want within your package. Then you can add a title. Super simple. It's not difficult at all to create a package. The difficult part is figuring out exactly how you want to organize this for maximum efficiency. Some stations, like toe itemize every single thing. That's how I started. So I created a package for like five by seven invitation, an envelope, RCP card and envelope, etcetera, etcetera. Then I just added each one to the invoice. I didn't realize that I had a really common grouping that I was using most often, which was designed fee by by seven invite RCP card, two envelopes, printed return addresses, calligraphy addresses and shipping. Almost every one of my clients use that or that, plus one additional inserted details card. So he's talked to your packages. Basic package three, Piece 100 basic package to Peace 100 are my most comment. You can actually arrange them in here just like that by popularity, so the ones you want will be at the top of the list. You see, all of those items I just mentioned are listed in this package for a total of $1830. Now we head back to our Jim and Pam invoice, which I deleted everything we had done before. Now watch what happens when I select the basic three piece package. It's all here for me in just a couple of clicks, so this saves me so much time. I may get 100 quantity because that's really common number. If someone's just enquiring for something like 90 to 110 somewhere in that range, which is very, very popular, I often just leave it and then let them know I'll check back in on the exact quantity again before reprint by. My least favorite things about Asado is that you can't change the invoice quantities all at once, but that's a pretty small thing to be concerned about in the grand scheme of things. If you prefer to package everything together into one price, you can absolutely do that as well. Just list out everything that's included, but make it one line item. Or you can put the entire price in the top line item and then make $0 line items for everything that's included. So from here, I can just add and adjust any other packages like envelope liners, for instance, which is a couple clips, clicks as well. I always drag and drop everything so that it makes sense. And then voila, the whole envoys is created. You'll see one other reason why packages air so powerful in our next action on proposals. Yes, we're finally getting to the proposals part 9. Proposals: okay. We're, of course, back in templates and forms, and you can build a proposal like any other form that we've done so far. With all these buttons here, you'll just see something different this time. Which is this package button. This is because in a proposal, you're going to set your package options, and the client has the ability to select exactly what they want and don't want, you know, even build an envoys directly from one they select. If you so choose. So you click package. Here's what pops up. It doesn't look like a whole lot. So these air emerged fields, which means you still need to go in and pick which package is going to show up. We'll click here. We've got this select package. You construct anything from your existing packages or just create a new one on the fly. Let's go ahead with our basic to peace package. You conform out how everything appears by centering. Make it bold. Whatever you want to do here. If you quick smart field, there's a whole host of other options as well. I like to let my client select a certain quantity of something, so the invoice automatically builds the right quantity. There's option is under smart field package quantity. This little box pops up. You can also change the select button to stay whatever you want as well as you could change it. Teoh a Lauren check box Small track box. It's better if you prefer that all customizable for you. I also like adding in the item description so they can see what everything's about. We'll go ahead and center this guy, too. Remember, you can add columns, text box images, whatever you like. It's nice to add an image of what the item is going to look like above it so that they know what you're talking about. If you quit this pre selected option, it's going to make that package mandatory on their proposal. So maybe I make this mandatory and then let them optionally add on things like liners, belly dance, etcetera. It's going to be mandatory. You obviously don't need the quantity or select button. Here's one that I created in the past that lets the client build out a package entirely on their own. The only thing you have to do the beginning is select which basic package they want and how much that's going to charge them. This part is mandatory, so there's no selection. It's already included. Then, as they scroll down, begin select aghast, addressing option. We've got calligraphy. We've got printing, or they can waive that entirely. Same goes for return, addressing here that we had the option of a stamp. Then they can add things like a back design envelope liners double the paper growth oil. It's Deborah all kinds of options here. What you have these packages built out. It's super easy to customize them for what the client is interested in, or some ideas that you think will be nice for their sweet. So I don't think they be interested in handling paper upgrade, but I think they might be understood in foil, for instance, and I can just go in here and just change that to the boil upgrade. But the best part of this type of proposal is that you can send it to anyone who reaches out in under five minutes. There's no work that we have to do on the front end, so that way, if you gonna leave, that doesn't quite have the budget you need or one where you don't have a ton of info or one of those pesky little Hey, I need invites. What are your prices kind of questions. You going to send this over without being rude or investing too much time into it? That way, people can see your prices up front, and it's up to them to kind of qualify themselves a little further. If they're OK with your general pricing. I promise you that if you don't include vintage stamps on here, but they want vintage chance, they'll just reach out and ask. They're not gonna immediately write you off for not including that option. So you want to have kind of a balance of enough options, but not too many that it's overwhelming. So anything that they select on this proposal goes directly into an invoice. If you set it up that way, so we'll go ahead and click settings here, then you want to add a contract that always goes with it. This one's always going to be our invitation contract, for instance, and then click this show in voice box, which will allow that to show after they've selected everything. Otherwise, you'll still be able to see what they selected on your side on the invoice, but they won't be able to go ahead and pay it. If you only have three options, for instance, like a silver, gold and platinum package, then you may not want to allow clients to select multiple packages. I do because I want them just like as many upgrades they want. Even more is better. You may also select to have your proposals expire if you're pricing changes or if you want to encourage people to, but quickly, I don't actually do that. But if someone does take more than a month or so to reach back out, I'm perfectly comfortable letting them know that we need to rework the proposal in Kings Are pricing has changed. My prices don't change very often, but this is totally up to you and your business model, as I mostly do custom work with clients on the higher end. I also like to create the proposals for them to give them a little higher level of service so they don't have to build this out themselves. So what does that look like? Here's the proposal form itself. Yep, this is that This is the entire thing. It doesn't look like much, does it? You can find these invoice fields by going to smart field invoice. This is why I showed you creating the invoice earlier, because I typically just include their custom and voice into the proposal. Sometimes I add things like a color story or design concept description at the top, but it just depends on how much I've spoken to them already. I often have clients booking without even going through those steps, and so we cover the design concept lier in that phase. So I would go back into our Jim and Pam Project and click on the Forms tab. Then I could just scroll down in here to that imitation proposal form, and you see that auto populates a rating from their invoice so they don't see smart fields . They see what actually on their envoys as well as the total of the bottom, and they have to click that they agreed to these policies. So what's that like Ad? That's when I can also edit it here. So if I wanted to add their color story or a description of what we're doing for their design concept, I can just do that like I would do with any other form and just say that, and what that does is it saves it in this job specifically, but it doesn't save it on the template. So if I opened up the template again, you wouldn't see that image in tax box at the top. The best part about doing the suit up Sado is that it's all in one place. So if I go to view this and I open it, I can see it from the client's perspective that the proposal, my contract that we selected and the invoice that's already built out is all in one place. If I were in client view and not an owner of you right now, there will be a spot down here where I can make this payment directly. It's super simple, and once I create the envoys, I don't really have to do a thing. They usually sign the contract and pay the deposit all on their own. Since I have the contract and 50% payment schedule tied to their proposal settings, there are about a 1,000,000 ways that you can set up your invoices, but I would start by simply outlining your packages and what you're going to allow clients to think and shoes and what you won't allow them to pick and choose. I'm not picky as long as they get my design package, because that's where the bulk of my time and effort goes. If they remove something like envelope liners, invoice goes down, but so does the time involved in the overall cost. So that's okay with me. But no one can remove the design fee. And frankly, no one ever questions that cost, which is amazing. They know that that's the value they have to pay for working with me. This isn't how everyone does it, but this is what works for me personally. So once they filled this out, how do I keep the project moving forward? Let me tell you about all the other forms that we use here in Dub Sado 10. Canned Emails: As a business owner, you probably find yourself typing answers to the same questions all the time in your business because you know it. But your clients don't necessarily know it, which is why they're paying you to do this. So you answer questions like, What's your pricing? How much postage do I need? How do I address my imitations? These air just a few examples. Plus, they're probably emails that you like to send. If you have the time thinking them for booking, providing resource is up front or even falling up to ask for feedback or photos after you work together. This is where can emails can make you look super professional as well is drastically improving the efficiency of your overall process flow. So, of course, we're gonna head back to this. He need templates, tab and click hand emails. I can't. Email is basically just a standard response that's already typed out for you and ready to send with a couple clicks. There's so many things you could do here. We provided a couple examples for you. Our 1st 1 is this. Welcome to the family email. It basically just thinks the client for filling out all the paperwork, lets them know what to expect next and also provide some links to our blog's and templates for addressing invite wording, etcetera. This helps us not having in through so many questions throughout the process and shows the clients value upfront right after they booked, which they love. We've also got a payment reminder what you can just include in your payment schedule set up . Then we have a follow up survey, which we send to lead Don't book and a feedback surveyed that we sent to clients. You've already worked with us in our next class we're gonna talk about. You can automate a lot of these things based on dates or previous actions, so to figure out which emails you should write in here, keep track of any email that you send over the next week or two. You're sending the same info more than once, then maybe that's a good fit for a can email. You can use smart fields to include the client's name and even always change them before sending in case you need to add or alter any information. So it's not like you're stuck with this robotic sounding spam email just because you happen to pre type some of the areas, you'll be surprised at how much time these conceive you. So now we'll talk about our last type of form, which is the questionnaire. 11. Questionnaires: questioners are last, but certainly not least there. So, so helpful, inflexible. You could basically collect any information that you want on them. We're, of course, going ahead back to this templates form section, and you see the questions I have so, so many way more of those than anything else. Part of this is because my business reboot camp instead of entirely on questionnaires. There's a workout every day for a month. So as an example, here's our third workout, which is about priorities. I've got a logo title, some text fields, question boxes of various sorts and even this really fun gift at the end are AP Alan Rickman. If you ever want to add a gift, and the way you do that is by using this code block and embedding directly from Giffey or any other gift site, you'll also see I have one first save the date information, and I have something like this. Wild flower wreath Sweet have a different questionnaire for every one of my collection speech, which has pictures of that sweet and the information that we're gonna need specifically for that sweet as that very slightly between all different collections, but for invitations. My two favorites are right here. The invitation designed questionnaire and the Invitation Information questionnaire. All my custom clients get this information one, and they also get the design. One. If we haven't fully figured out that situation yet via phone or meaning or something doesn't want to ask questions about their story on how did they meet, where they getting married, their preferences that they can select where they shop etcetera. And it's also got a nice file upload er for any inspiration photos. But this invitation information questionnaire is absolutely vital. It's the one that I just could not live without. We like to use inclusive language, which is very important to us, like spouse A and spouse B instead of bride and groom. In case we have clients that are same sex, non binary or trans, you see that we have open ended questions. Yes, no short response date. Select off different types of questions on here. There's a few different options in this RCP section that will incur additional fees. So we just list that here and then we go through as we're checking it off and adversity and voice. If they decide to select those at the bottom. We remind them of the time frame for the preliminary round, approves and starts. Once this questionnaire is completed, you will leave some boxes optional or require them, which we've done with a few up here. Your client will be able to submit a draft of the questionnaire as long as all of the required fields are filled in, then they will not be able to make changes after they submit the final draft. Our other favorite questionnaire is this day of questioning. We built it out with a few options included already and just edit it for each client before sending over. That way, we get all the final information in one place instead of working through 5000 emails every time. So first they actually have to select their in hand date because that's different. Van, like the day before their wedding, like they're going out of town a week before, don't need them all in hand. A week before, I would have originally thought, and then they have to actually select the date that things air do in order to allow for that in hand date. So this just helps them play an active role in that, so they remember the dates better. That's work Hard Section includes a lot of information, like our paper and color charts and common choices they'll have to make here. They can also upload their Excel sheet right here, and I remind them of a set up feed to make changes after the duty. So we don't only charge the cost of the escort card. If they make a change, we charge $25 set up fee as well to encourage them to get all of their changes in at one, I automatically include a few sign options and just fill these. And based on what the client needs, for instance, I may change this title. Teoh eight by 10 Bar sign before sending it over or five by seven guestbook. Sign etcetera. Or, if you don't need one section, you can just delete it. When you put things in columns like this, they actually can be. The leader did all at once, which is super helpful. Or you can always copy an entire column section if you need to add that back in. Minis are very common product for us as well, so if they're needed. They go here if we do programs. It's actually just a copy of these menu boxes, but with the word programs up here, because they have pretty much the same choices. And, of course, there's another file upload or here the bottom in case they want to upload some inspiration photos. I'd like to reiterate how absolutely amazing this form is because it removes all confusion . I will always reply to an email about color choices. But if I forgot what we talked about, by the time I'm actually starting on the escort cards, I can go into the questionnaire to see what the client ultimately decided. I don't have to search for the most up to date guest list. Sigh, Intacs Menu update escort, part color. They resent all the proofs via one of those subcontracts that we showed you earlier. So that's all in one place is well, so this little formal house, all the information we need for every client, and it'll always rest with all the other forms in their form section. So if we need to make any edits before sending it over, we can do that on Lee within this job. Just for patty and dogs. And then whenever we're ready to start working on these projects, we can come right here. And we have all the text that we need. We can copy and paste and illustrator weaken do whatever we need to do. But we have all that information right here in one place as well. As, for instance, if they say that they need, you know, final quantity is a little bit higher than they had on their invoice. We have that right here. And it was click back over the invoice tab and up the quantity of escort cards there. It just makes our life easier to have everything in one place here. If we do email back and forth a lot with the client, sometimes we'll just copy and paste those into this note section. Or this is where we'll take notes if we have a call with, um so that again, we've got the notes. We've got the forms. We've got the envoys and all emails we've seen here as well. Aziz, You can see when they opened them when the last time they looked at them. So you can see if they're working on the project or maybe need a reminder to fill out your form. And just as great as having all this information here for you to see, the portal that we talked about earlier is like the client facing version of this dashboard . So they'll be able to see any jobs that you've ever opened with that particular client. And then within each job, just like this, they'll be able to see forms, appointments, invoices and emails that you sent back and forth so they can even pay their invoice without you having to do anything. If they've got that portal link and they're actively looking into it. So those are all the steps that we're gonna cover today in this class, although we have another class coming up on some more advanced techniques. But I'm just gonna go ahead and upgrade Jim and Pam to a current jobs. You can see how we have to projects and what that's gonna look like. You can see where there are payment wise their due dates. You can filter them or sort them by any of these different things here, and even customize some of that if you want different different information shown in these columns. So just imagine if you have all the current projects that you're working with. If you're working with 2030 some people work with over 100 products at once, and the power of having all that information right here at your fingertips and not having to sort through your entire inbox to find them. So that's my favorite thing about Tosatto is just that. It's a consolidation tool for all of the information you have regarding any of your current projects. 12. Class Project: Okay, So anyone exhausted yet? You know, I am from talking this long. It seems like a lot to get set up beginning, and it it I'm not gonna lie to you. But just remember that every time you're creating a form or can email or a questionnaire that last time you're gonna have to do that and the value of this, in essence, you're putting and really start to come out more and more times that you use it. So every time you send a form, you get a little bit of that in time. Do you put in the beginning back in your pocket? So your product for today is gonna be a start really small with upside down and mapped out exactly what you want the system to accomplish for you. The best way to do that is to draw about your process lows. We've created a handy guy free to follow in. The resource is action. So go ahead and download that and take a look. You can either use that guy or feel free to create your own. If you need some different or a lot more steps. For instance, after creating now we'll see how we used Asano to cut out or make some of the steps easier . First of all, wherever you're losing the most clients, make sure you circled us. That's an area that you could use a little bit of improvement. Then go over any parts that are a little bit confusing or media question of where we go from here, those airports where you may not have fully nailed down the process love. So I have a question mark there and maybe using some of the tools and upside, you can figure out how to nail that down a little bit more solidly, and which parts of the flow can you automate? This is what I thought was really gonna come in handy with can emails typing the same thing about much questionnaires. If you're having trouble collecting information from clients, go ahead and act on those because those areas where these forms and emails and asado can actually delete those from your process flow altogether. Now can you remove or combine any part of the process? Lower your doing these multiple times within the same client project because those areas where you act things out, too, or maybe use a former candy email, for instance, to combine a couple steps into one and of course, other any part of your process flow that are really, really successful for you or the client seemed toe love. Make sure you get a star beside those because they're extra important. And actually, with that sado, we've been able to add more those steps into our process flow. So you saw that Welcome to the family email with extra resource is and value upfront that something that we wouldn't really have had time to do for every client if we're doing it me and nearly every time. But because you got a place were able Teoh Onley process and added an actual stuff that clients are gonna be really excited about. So we've actually used decided to increase our value to our clients and make an even happier. Now, this process low project is gonna give you an idea of which steps you can automate or even removed with those auto in place. So our next boss, we're gonna cover the work clothes. We actually put all those things together and put them in emotion. Your first house today should be getting your brand settings complete and your contracts, but together as though they're super important and should be used on every single drop. But upload a picture of your process flow diagram into the class projects so that we can offer some feedback and some helpful ideas moving forward. Have you still enjoy taking this course and getting a look into the upside from another stationery designer? He's actually doing what you do on a daily basis. Part of Syria is gonna focus on putting everything together in an automated workflow, which is where the rial magic starts to happen. So let us at any time if you have any questions on that sado. If you're ready to invest, make sure you do use our code B. Y Elling and why that's violent neat, or it's linked in your resources below as any 20% off of your first month or a year purchase. And if you did enjoy and learn from the course, please leave a review below so that we can help get the word out to more stationary signers and help them discover the magic of thanks everyone