1. Introductory Video : You know that the
average cost for 1,000 people to watch
your ad on television is $47.14 This means that if you were to
reach 2 million people, if you were to pay for ads on television to be seen
by 2 million people, you would have to pay a
whopping $942,800 Now, what if I told you that in
the past year I managed to bring more than 2 million
libels in front of my videos, in front of my offers
for $0 this is $942,800 cheaper than if I was to advertise
on television. And keep in mind
that those weren't people that I just shoved an advertisement
that they're not interested about in their faces. Those are people that actively
searched for my offer. This, ladies and
gentlemen is truly how powerful organic traffic is. And this is exactly what we're mastering in this course that
you have stumbled across. This course is designed
to make you an expert on understanding
and bending the Youtube algorithm
into your preference to maximize the reach of your marketing campaigns
as a marketer. And one of the best
ways to do that in our modern days is by leveraging the extreme power
artificial intelligence and more specifically, Cha GPT. This is the ultimate
course on how to utilize the power of artificial
intelligence and Cha PT and funnel it into our social
media marketing campaigns to maximize our organic reach and reach potentially
millions of people, while spending, yes, you
guessed it, $0 on ads. So my name is Lamberts,
and after making every single mistake that a
person can make on Youtube, I managed to scale my channel
organically to more than 35,000 subscribers and more
than 2.5 million total views. The skill that I've
managed to master how to bring my offer
and my videos in front of millions of people without paying a
single dollar on ads, is exactly what we're mastering in this
course right here. To give you some more details, this course is subdivided
into two big parts, the theoretical part
and the practical part. So we're going to start with the theoretical part
of this course, in which we're going
to be analyzing some basic principles and
terminology around Youtube that you need to understand
in order to smoothly transition into how to use artificial
intelligence and ChachPT. For the practical
part of the course, we're discussing about
the importance of identifying your
target audience. What is organic traffic? What is paid traffic? How to leverage the
Youtube algorithm into our preference. And then we're transitioning
to the practical part. We're launching PT and other artificial intelligence
programs are going to be of extreme
importance and we'll just untie our hands
into this process. And we're analyzing
everything that you need to know regarding how to identify
your target audience, how to create your
target avatar, how to plan a successful
content strategy. And how to turn
long form content into short form content while utilizing one of the coolest and easiest to use artificial intelligence programs out there. Finally, we're moving into
the art of search engine, optimizing our videos, write our titles,
our descriptions, and our tags to appeal to the Youtube algorithm
and make them accumulate views for days, weeks, months, and years after we have uploaded
those videos. So ladies and gentlemen, I'm
very happy that you're here. Welcome to the one stop destination to learn
everything that you need to know regarding
utilizing the power of artificial intelligence
and Youtube algorithm to bring as many eyeballs as possible in front of our
offers as marketers. I'm very happy that you're here. I'm going to see you in the
first lesson of the scores.
2. The Class Project: Welcome everybody to
the course outline and the class project lesson of
the scores in this lesson. Right here we're discussing
about the course outline, how the next lessons of the
scores are going to play out. And obviously, I'm
also revealing the class project that
you're called to complete. Okay? So this course is focused on making you
understand what Youtube is and how to
successfully leverage the social media platform to
market your content, okay? To bring more ables in front of the offer that you're
trying to market. Okay? This course is subdivided
into two categories. The first part,
the first category is the theoretical part. In the first theoretical part, we're discussing about
some principles around Youtube that you need
to understand, okay? And some terms that are of extreme importance
regarding marketing, such as organic versus
paid traffic, okay? How to leverage organic traffic. How to leverage paid traffic. How to combine organic and paid traffic for the
best results, okay? And then we're moving into the practical part in which
we are going to be leveraging artificial intelligence and
more specifically Cha GPT for three big goals of ours. Okay. The first one is to
identify our target audience. And more specifically
create our target avatar which is going to be the core
of our marketing campaign. Then we're moving into creating a content strategy using GPT, okay, And leveraging
long form content. And how to trim down
our long form content into short form content bits to tailor and appeal to the organic algorithm on
Youtube and maximize our reach. Don't worry, all of those
terms are going to make absolute sense as you progress through the
lessons of the scores. In addition to that,
in the practical part, we're discussing about one of the most important and coolest artificial
intelligence tools that will help us transform our long form content into short form content bits in
just the push of one button. This is one of the coolest
artificial intelligence tools out there at the moment. And it's going to be extremely
beneficial for you to know and understand
how to use this. Finally, we're closing
the practical part of the scores with a
full tutorial on how to search engine
optimize your videos. Okay, the three
parameters of our videos, the tile description
and our tags to again, maximize our reach and appeal on the organic algorithm
on Youtube. Okay, so these are the two categories of lessons that we're going
to have in this course, the theoretical part
and the practical part. And now it is time for me
to reveal the class project that you're called to complete
by the end of this course. Again, this course
is going to be hugely focused on
artificial intelligence. And you're going to learn
a lot of things regarding ChachPT, and ChachiPT prompts. So the class project
that I want you to complete is that I want you to search engine optimize
one of your videos. So create a search
engine optimized title, a search engine
optimized description, and search engine
optimized tags for one of the videos that you
are called to market. Okay, copy the search engine
optimized results and paste them in the class
project description so I can have a look at them. Not that I will be personally
reviewing and given a score on every single
one of your search engine, optimized title
descriptions and tags. So please submit this
class project that is also a cool way to connect with
me as your instructor. So again, I'm very
happy to instruct the scores and I
can't wait for you to learn all of the
datasets that I'm about to delivered to you
in the next lessons. Thank you very much and
I'm going to see you in the first lesson of the scores.
3. YouTube as a Marketing Platform: So hello everybody.
Thank you very much for enrolling
in this course. And I would like
to welcome you to the first lesson of our modules. In this first lesson right here, we're going to set foundation
to our journey, okay? By analyzing some
basic principles around Youtube and
other platforms which we can leverage for, completely free to advertise
for our campaigns. So again, in this lesson we're going to be
diving around some very general and basic
principles regarding, for example, the content that
can be uploaded on Youtube. And how we can leverage this
free social media platform for our advantage as marketers. So again, I would like
to welcome you in discourse and in these
lessons right here. And let's dive in
our presentation. So welcome to the slides. Again, this is going to be an introduction to
Youtube marketing. And more specifically,
we're going to be analyzing Youtube as a platform. So first of all, we need to understand what Youtube bees and why this platform is so
important for advertisers. So as we know, Youtube
has a massive user base. With more than 2 billion logged in monthly active
users as of 2021. So as you can imagine, in every single category of pretty much anything that
we want to advertise, there are people
going on Youtube searching for these things
or, you know, our products. And whatever you
want to advertise, just pop up into their
recommended page. And we're going to be analyzing
the difference between search based marketing
and recommended or suggested based marketing
later in the course. Youtube has a huge global reach, pretty much with availability
in more than 100 countries. Kate supports more
than 80 languages, and we're talking about a
global network of videos. When we upload a
video on Youtube, it is pretty much open for every single person on
Earth to be viewed. This is something that can
be highly leveraged in our marketing campaigns and what we're going to be
analyzing in this course. This is exactly what we're going to be doing
in this course. We're trying to leverage video assets to be
seen in all over the world with this
amazing platform Youtube. So this is a huge point that Youtube is actually the
second largest search engine. And this is actually
a huge point because we're going to be hugely leveraging the search
based efficiency and results of Youtube. So being the second largest, okay, search engine
after Google, Youtube offers immense potential for visibility and discovery. Okay? Users often
turn to Youtube to search for information,
entertainment, and solutions,
emphasizing its role as a search platform. Okay? Creating videos and listing
them with the correct titles, the correct keywords,
the correct descriptions to be seen as search
based videos. So videos that pop up when
we search for something, it's one of the best
ways to acquire views throughout a long
period of time, okay? Not exponentially
grow our channels, but have a linear growth
through years and years. And this is one
of the best tools that you can leverage as
an advertiser on Youtube. This is pretty much one of the
biggest assets of Youtube. The fact that it's
search based results can give us constant
traffic to our videos, okay, For months and weeks, okay, and years to come. So this is absolutely amazing, and we're going to
have a huge point on this later in this. Of course. Another great thing
for us marketers is that Youtube
and the audience, okay, that enters Youtube
is extremely diverse. Youtube caters to a very
diverse demographic, right? It's spending various age
groups, genders and interests. Advertisers can leverage detailed demographic
targeting options to reach their specific
audience effectively. Now, at this point right here, I need to introduce
you to two different, okay, completely different terms regarding advertising
on Youtube. The first term is
organic advertising and the second is
paid advertising. So what is our goal
as advertisers, especially if we're
targeting Youtube? It is to bring more
eyeballs into our products, into our services or
whatever we are advertising. Now, there are two ways
to bring more eyeballs to our product or service or
whatever we're advertising. The first way is through
organic traffic. And organic traffic means
that we don't pay for adds, we just create a great video. We search engine
optimize the video to be seen on search results. Or we optimize the
video in a way in which is popped up
in the suggested, in the suggested feeds
of our target audience. So this is organic
traffic, right? And we're going to be
analyzing different ways to acquire organic traffic to our audience. This
is completely free. This also we can target very specific people
with organic traffic. Don't get me wrong,
we don't need to target everyone with
organic traffic. We can actually, using search engine optimization
and other techniques, target very specific people. The other term
that I want to get familiar with is paid traffic. As you know, Youtube gives the opportunity to
creators and marketers to pay for ads and directly target very specific
people with these ads. This is the second way to bring more eyeballs to your
products, to your services. Okay, with paid traffic. Obviously, paid traffic, okay, It's not going to
be free, right? Organic traffic is free. Paid traffic is not
going to be free. But we're going to
be extremely more targeted in paid traffic
rather than organic traffic. Why? Because pretty
much in paid traffic, we specifically
highlight the person that we want our
video to be seen, okay, to view, to be viewed by. Whereas in organic traffic, it is pretty much on
the Youtube algorithm to suggest the video
to more people. So we just leave it up to Youtube vulgarithm
and depending on the information that we give on the description
of the title. Okay, On the tags of our
video, we just guide, we can just basically guide the tube vulgarithm to
suggest it. Correct people. So keep this in mind.
You don't need to know any of these
things for now. Okay. But later in this
course we are going to be analyzing
those differences. Of course, Youtube is associated with high
engagement, right? The platform boasts
high engagement levels, with users spending
a significant amount of time watching videos. Okay? And this
engagement user base creates ample opportunities for businesses to capture
attention and drive their marketing messages. Okay? This is why I
personally believe that Youtube is still in
our modern age and times one of the best
social media platforms for advertisers. Okay. Perhaps in short form
platforms such as Tiktok, Instagram reels. Okay.
All of that stuff. We have more views on a video, but what is the
average view duration on those short videos? It is like 10 seconds,
right? 11 seconds. I don't know, 20 seconds max. But on Youtube, when someone watches a video for 8 minutes, okay, 10 minutes,
sometimes 20 minutes. You can see that those
engagement levels are way, way higher. People engage more
with the creators, people engage more
with the videos. People click more links
in the description. So at the end of the day, we might have a less amount
of total views rather than, you know, compared with
Tiktok or Instagram. But still, the engagement
levels are very, very high. And if you can leverage
actually the skill art of creating very engaging videos and a community
around your channel, this is going to be an
extremely powerful tool for marketers and advertisers. Okay, of course, we have a huge content variety on Youtube, and this is another thing
that we're going to be hugely leveraging as marketers. Okay. Youtube
offers a wide array of content types,
including logs, tutorials, reviews,
live streams, gaming videos, educational
content, and more. And all of those, okay? Different types
of content can be leveraged and can be
used for marketing. And this diverse content
landscape allows advertisers to align their campaigns with most relevant content for
their target audience. So obviously, we said
that Youtube has a wide and a very huge
demographic of people. Pretty much people of
all ages watch Youtube, But different types of people
and different demographics of people watch and consume
different types of content. So for example, you're not
going to be expecting, if you want to target with
your marketing campaign, right, 70 year old women, okay, to be watching
gaming videos. This makes absolute
sense, right? Or you're not going to
be expecting to see grandma's watching
live streams, okay? But you are going to
expect those people watching educational
content, for example, Okay? Or for example, regarding
tutorials and reviews. If we want to target
a specific group of people that want to purchase
a specific product, then it is good for us to advertise on
tutorials on reviews. Okay, so keep in mind that different people
that we're trying to target on Youtube, right, watch and consume
different types of content. So depending on how we're going to be
targeting those people, right, either with
organic or paid traffic, We need to identify our target
audience and we need to identify what type of content these produce and
these people consume. Of course, Youtube
is associated with influencer collaboration and
what inflation collaboration pretty much is when one
or two or more Youtubers collaborate together to
create content together and to bring their
audiences together. Collaborating with
influencers, or Youtube, can significantly amplify a brand's reach and credibility. Now we're referring
to if your brand is on Youtube and if you want to grow your brand on Youtube. Collaborating with other
brands can actually be extremely beneficial
for both parties. Influencers have
dedicated audiences and can promote products or services authentically enhancing brand
visibility and trust. I think this slide
is self explanatory, so we're going to
move to the next one. This is a huge point
regarding Youtube and I'm referring to the different
monetization options that we have when
listing a video asset. Because our videos, the videos that we're
going to be producing, editing, and uploading on
Youtube are video assets. So let's actually go
ahead and analyze the different monetization
options on Youtube. This is, for example,
something that, for the biggest amount of time that I was on
Youtube I got wrong. I thought that the only way
to monetize your videos was through the advertisements
that play before. Okay. Content, But this couldn't
be further from the truth. Youtube offers various
monetization options for content creators
including ad revenue, channel memberships, super
chat during live streams, Youtube premium revenue, and merchandise
integration itself. Okay, so this of course, could be extremely
beneficial for businesses seeking to monetize their content or for businesses listing their products on
other creators videos. So to give you a very
brief explanation of all of those different
monetization options, we got ad revenue. Those are the ads that
play before our videos and during our videos we have
channel memberships. Okay. Something like
Patrion, if you will. So people pay a
monthly subscription for your channel to
receive some benefits. This could be, for example, PDF, more videos that haven't
been launched or on Youtube. This could be even live calls
with some of your members, so you decide what
you want to provide to your audience and at
which price per month. Then we have super chats
during live stream, which pretty much when you
have a livestream on Youtube, people can donate
some money they enjoy or if they're
entertained by your content. Then we have Youtube
premium revenue, which is very similar
to add revenue. You don't need to do anything, just receive revenue through Youtube premium and merchandise
integration itself. Because Youtube knows
that a huge amount of the revenue of the Youtubers is actually them selling
their products. Right? So they have an
integration for merchandise, so it is easier for
people pretty much to buy merchandise of creators. So those are just some of the monetization options
that we have on Youtube. Youtube also, okay, provides extreme search engine
optimization benefits. We discussed about search
engine optimization and its importance regarding
search based results, right? But let's dive even
deeper than that. So as we know, owned by Google, Youtube videos often rank very high in search
engine results, not only inside Youtube, right, in the Youtube platform, but also on Google. Sometimes when we
Google something, the first result is
actually a Youtube video because people find
it extremely easy to, to get their questions
answered on Youtube. So this provides extreme search engine
optimization benefits. Optimizing the video titles, the descriptions as we said, and the tags with
relevant keywords can boost visibility and drive
traffic to the content. So we're going to have a lecture on how to actually search
engine optimize our videos and leverage this
amazing searchability of our video asset. Trust me as a marketer, if you're able successfully sear change and optimize
the video title, the description, and the
tag with relevant keywords, you will have an insane
advantage because guess what? We create the video
once, we list it once, and it's out there on Youtube, gaining views for as long as
it is uploaded on Youtube. Again, those views and if this video has a call
to action, for example, to click a link in
the description, then all of those
views that will keep on coming as we don't
need to do anything. After we upload the video, they're going to see
the call to action. They're going to click the
link in the description, and they are going to be
redirected in our landing pages, in our website, or wherever we want to redirect those people. Obviously, the channels are
customizable to a point. They're not obviously
as customizable as having your own website, but Youtube channels
are customizable. Brands can create
customized Youtube channels with branded visuals, logos, and a consistent
theme to establish a strong brand identity and
recognition amongst viewers. Again, we don't, we
can't actually leverage huge customization like having our own website, for example. But that being said, we can have a certain brand identity
in our Youtube channels. So this is a plus. Now we're going to be diving into a new topic of the lecture, which is our ad
targeting capabilities. And at this point,
we're talking about, right, paid traffic,
not organic traffic. You remember the difference
between paid traffic and organic traffic
that we discussed earlier in this lecture? So Youtube offers sophisticated ad
targeting capabilities, allowing advertisers to target
ads based on demographics, interests, behavior,
location, and more. So this precise targeting
enhances ad efficiency and increases the likelihood of reaching the right audience. So again, Youtube provides tools for advertisers as it has collected all of those
data from all of those billions of
people that use. Okay, Youtube on
a daily basis has a huge amount of data
around those people, their habits when
they're logged in, what videos they
consume, you know, what are their favorite
channels, all of that stuff. So we have all of
this information and we can leverage it as advertisers to pay for
extremely targeted ads. So this again, gives to our out campaigns
efficiency and increases again the likelihood of
reaching the right audience. Again, those are just basic, this is an introductory
lecture, right? I don't want you
to get confused or overwhelmed by all
of this information. Those are some basic things
that you need to know, order to have like on your head as we move
through the course. So this is another, for
example, huge point, the analytics and insights
that UT provides. As creators. So Tube provides a comprehensive
analytic tools, okay, that offers valuable insights
into video performance, audience behavior, demographics
and engagement metrics. Marketers can leverage
these insights to optimize their content
strategy and add campaigns. So at this point we're not only talking about paid advertising, but we're talking about
also organic advertising. Because once we create a video
and we list it on Youtube and it can be viewed by people
by organic search based, or suggested based results. Then we can take all
of the information of those people and we can
visualize it through, again, those analytics tools
that Youtube provides. And we are going to be diving into Youtube analytics in a, in a video lesson in
the score right here. We're going to have a lesson on Youtube analytics and how to interpret the data that is given to us through Youtube analytics. So here comes this
question right here. What content can I
produce for Youtube? Okay? And how can I leverage
this content for marketing? So obviously the answer
is videos, right? But not exactly,
because there are many different types of
videos that we can produce. As we said, different
types of people consume different
types of videos. So what videos should I produce? Okay? And how can I leverage
those videos for marketing? So the first type of
video, as we said, are Livestreams. Okay? Youtube supports Livestreams. And Livestream, as you said, enables real time integration
with the audience. Brands can utilize this feature of livestream for
product launches, QNA, sections, sessions,
behind the scenes, looks, and other
engaging events. And those are the
assets of livestreams. Okay, we have a more
personal connection, if you will, with the audience. And more specifically,
younger people tend to consume content
on live streams. The second way to produce content on Youtube
are Youtube stories. Similar to other social
media platforms, okay? Such as Snapchat,
Instagram, okay. Youtube offers a stories
feature allowing short and engaging
videos to be seen on a 24 hour basis
on their stories. So brands can use this feature to share
time sensitive content. For example, that should
be up for 24 hours. Nothing really crazy promotions or updates to maintain
audience engagement. If we don't want
to produce a huge, whole new video about something that is
just time sensitive, like a small notification, Then we have community
engagement on Youtube and engaging with the
community through comments, polls and community posts, which is a subsection in
everyone's channel, right? When people, subscribers can actually ask questions and you
can just answer them back. It just allows brands to build a loyal following and foster
a sense of community. Not that important
for advertising, but it's just good to know
that you can engage with your community
from your channel. So what are the different
video ad formats? Okay? So Youtube provides
various ad formats, okay, Such as Trueview, bumper ads, display ads, sponsored
cards, and much more. Those are different
types of content. Ads are also content, okay? So advertisers can choose the most suitable format
based campaign objectives and target audience. What do I mean by that?
In this slide right here, let's say you're targeting
children, right? And we know that children have a very short attention spam. So if someone has created
a ten minute video, and you place your
ad on, for example, a display ad in the middle of the video
showing minute number six. As you can imagine,
not that many children will watch the video up until minute number six
to view your ad. So it is very important
for us to understand the different ad
formats in order to target the correct
audits that we want in each and every single different ad campaign
that we launch. Right, a huge point is the content
amplification features on Youtube so brands can amplify their content
through Youtube advertising. Leverage tools, leveraging
tools such as Google ads for targeting specific demographic
interests and behaviors. This ensures content reaches a broader and relevant audience. So when we're advertising
our videos on Youtube, we can actually also leverage Google ads rather than
just Youtube ads. And we're going to be talking about this later in this court. I just want to make you
understand this and keep this in mind as we're moving
forward with our lessons. The content is
evergreen on Youtube. This means that Youtube videos
have a long shelf life, providing long term value. And well optimized videos
can continue to drive organic traffic engagement
and convergence, okay? Over an extended period, maximizing our return
on investment. I want you, okay,
if you're going to remember one slide out of
this presentation right here, I want this slide to be
the one that you remember. Okay? I want you to
understand that if we construct a Youtube video with the correct search
engine optimization, with the correct titles, the correct tags, and
the correct description, we can keep bringing views and traffic to our
videos, to our channels, and we can have our
videos, our channels, growing consistently
over a huge period of time without us
doing anything. This is why this course
is going to be very oriented in search
engine optimization. And because I want you
to know, as advertisers, that organic traffic is as powerful and as important
as paid traffic. And it can be leveraged
even more if we want to drive long term traffic
into our Youtube videos. So I think that this was enough for the first introductory
video of this course. The next thing that we need
to get out of the way, and we need to further analyze, is the difference
between organic traffic and paid traffic. Water is organic traffic. What is paid traffic? How can we leverage organic traffic? How can we leverage
paid traffic? So this is exactly
what we're going to be analyzing in the next
lesson of the course. Thank you very much. Again,
welcome to the course and we're going to see you
in the next lesson.
4. Organic vs Paid Traffic: So ladies and gentlemen, not, we're done with the basic
introduction on Youtube, how to accumulate
views on Youtube, and how we can utilize, again, this platform as
a marketing tool. Now we're done with lesson one, this basic introductory lesson. It is time to start diving deeper into some principles
that you need to understand and you need
to comprehend in order again to be a successful
marketer on Youtube. And in order to grow
companies products and successfully marketing campaigns
pretty much on Youtube. So in this lesson right here, in the second lesson
of the course, we're going to be
analyzing two of the most common terms that
you absolutely need to know and need to
understand and comprehend in order to become a successful
marketer on Youtube. Those two terms are organic
versus paid traffic. To give you a brief
explanation before we dive into this
lesson right here, all we want to
achieve as marketers, right, is to bring more
eyeballs into our product. And this product
could be a website, it could be a service, it
could be pretty much anything. But our goal is to
bring more eyeballs, more people in front of
our offer, if you will. Now, this can be
achieved in two ways, organically or by paying
Youtube to do so. Of course, as you're
going to see in this lesson right here,
it is not, we don't, we don't have to choose
between either just going organic or
just paying for ads. Okay, paying for eyeballs
in front of our offer. The combination of
those two factors are going to determine how
successful our campaign is. The best campaigns out there. The best marketing campaigns combine organic traffic
and paid traffic. For the best results. For now, I want you to sit back, relax, and enjoy this
lesson right here. In which we're going
to be analyzing exactly what organic
traffic kicks is. What are the benefits
of organic traffic? What are, you know, some not that great things
about organic traffic. And again, what is paid traffic? What are the benefits
of paid traffic? And what are some problems
with paid traffic? So again, welcome to
the testing and let's dive into this
presentation right here. So ladies and gentlemen, again, welcome to
this presentation. We're going to
start by analyzing the definition of
organic traffic. So what is organic traffic? Organic traffic on Youtube
refers to visitors, okay, who discover and
visit your channel or videos through
a non paid, Okay. Natural means without
direct advertising efforts such as search results,
recommendation, or shares. So again, we do not advertise, we do not pay for
those eyeballs. Okay? Those people stumble
across, if you will, our channels and our videos,
through search results, through recommendations,
or through shares, okay? This means that in order to maximize our reach
in organic traffic, the ultimate goal
of ours would be, for example, to go viral
with a video, right? And of course, going viral with your video means that your
content needs to be on point. Your thumbnails need
to be on point. You need to understand Youtube
mechanics in order to have a successful marketing campaign
through organic traffic. So what is this source? Okay? What is the source
of organic traffic? Organic traffic, as we said, is driven by Youtube algorithm. Okay? This algorithm
suggests videos to users based on their viewing
history, the search queries, their subscriptions, and the
overall user engagement, In simple words,
satisfy the algorithm. Understand the algorithm,
it's mechanics, and how to feed the algorithm
with the correct videos. And you will never have to pay for ads for your entire life. But analyzing the algorithm,
understanding the algorithm, and knowing when and how to feed the Youtube algorithm with the correct videos is an
art. It is a process. And this is exactly
what we're going to be analyzing in this course. Right here, if you will, briefly the slide, if I could condense into some
very basic information. It would be if we managed to understand the
Youtube algorithm. Okay? And this content
creation process, then we can hugely benefit
from organic traffic. Now, what are the long term
benefits of organic traffic? Okay, because this is
one of the key points why people choose organic, overpaid traffic due to
its long term benefits. And we analyzed this
in the first lesson. But organic traffic offers sustainable and
long term benefits. Okay? As well, optimized content continues
to attract viewers, okay, Over an extended period of time, contributing to a
steady flow of views, again, over an extended
period of time. Okay, I want to highlight
in this sentence right here the word well
optimized content. And this refers to search
engine optimization. As we said in organic traffic, we capitalize on the fact, and we leverage the
fact that Youtube is the second largest
search engine, okay? People search stuff on Youtube. So if we search engine optimize, if we optimize our videos
to appeal to the algorithm, to appeal to the search engine, we can capitalize on the fact that Youtube
is the second, again, largest search engine
out there and have a constant influx of views regardless of
if we input our time. Effort. We input time and energy once to search engine optimize and uploaded videos on Youtube. And then those videos just
keep gaining views for weeks, months, and years to come. This is an art. We're
going to be analyzing this in this course
right here, Okay? So of course, in order to
appeal to the algorithm, in order to have Youtube suggest
your content everywhere, because your content is great. Well, you need to have
great content, right? You need to have a great
and quality content. Okay? So high quality, engaging, and valuable content
is critical for attracting and retaining
organic traffic. And focus on the word
retaining tubes algorithm favors content that keeps
viewers engaged and satisfied. Okay, and as we analyzed in the first lesson
of the scores, there are pretty much two ways to gain views in
a Youtube video. The first view, the first
way is search based results. Okay? Search based views, okay. People search for something, your video search and optimize this stumble across your video. The other way to gain views is through suggested
and recommendations. So pretty much somebody
watches a video and your video gets suggested in the
right side of Youtube. Now suggested videos,
videos that are optimized for a suggested
influx of views, usually an exponential growth
once they're uploaded. But then the growth stops and it doesn't even
become linear, they just stop getting views. On the other hand, search
based video videos that are search engine optimized
for search results, right, have a linear growth. Not exponential, but a
linear constant growth. And this is why we say that they accumulate views
in the long run. So in my opinion, the best way to approach this is to create
search based videos that also appeal to the recommendation
algorithm of Youtube. This way you both get an exponential increase in views and then you
also get a linear, again, increase over time. So we get the best of
both worlds, if you will. Now, we can't be talking
about organic traffic if we don't mention search engine
optimization, right, or SEO. Now, effective SEO
search optimization involves optimizing your video
titles, the descriptions, the tags, and the thumbnails
with relevant keywords to enhance organic
discoverability and attract more viewers. Okay, it couldn't be
more simple than this. This is the definition of
search engine optimization. We have a complete lesson on how to search engine optimize our videos also while leveraging the power of
artificial intelligence, okay? To do this more efficiently
and more effectively, okay? But keep in mind that when we're targeting
organic traffic, especially with search results, absolutely 100% want our videos to be search engine optimized. This search engine
optimization is done with specific tools. There are many tools
that will help you search engine optimize your
videos and your channels. And we are going to
be analyzing some of those tools in this
course right here. So I don't want you
to be stressed, but I want you to
remember that you need your videos to be search
engine optimized. If you want to profit out of
your marketing campaign in the long run with organic
traffic, obviously. Okay, once we're referring
to the Youtube algorithm, and we're counting on
the Youtube algorithm to distribute our videos into all of the people that
we want to target. We need our videos
to be engaging. Okay? Remember that on Youtube
two factors determine if your video will go
viral and if you will make millions and millions
of dollars on views. The first factor is making
people click your video, okay? And this depends
on the thumbnail and the title that you have. And the second factor is making those people watch
the video throughout, so making the match
the whole video. And this is the audience
engagement point. So encouraging audience
engagement through likes, comments, shares, and
subscriptions signals Youtube. So it signals Youtube algorithm that your content
is valuable, okay? And potentially leading to increased visibility
through recommendations. This is another
way, for example, to make your search engine optimized videos pop up
into the recommendations. So, for example,
we could construct a search engine optimized video that appeals
to the algorithm and is there to accumulate, okay, organic traffic
over the long run. And because we encourage, again, those audience
engagement tactics to ask for likes,
as for comments, ask people for shares, then this also signals
you to put this video in the recommendation page. Which is very valuable and
good to know if you want, again the best of both worlds. Okay, Obviously creating
compelling content encourages viewers to
subscribe to your channel. Building a dedicated audience
for future video releases. Okay. So once we
upload more videos, people like those videos, people consumer content,
they will subscribe. So in future marketing
campaigns, for example, if we also already have
created a brand, okay, any channel for this brand that we want to advertise on Youtube. Okay. We can slowly
start uploading videos and there will be a
sort of audience, any traffic of people
already there, fans, if you will, of the brand waiting
for the new video. So this is just a
plus, you know, paid traffic, we
don't have this. This is just features
of organic traffic. So it's good to
know it's part of the community building
aspect, if you will. Brands. This is one of the biggest points
of organic traffic. And this is why people choose organic traffic
over paid traffic, especially as time
passes, as year progress. Okay. Back in the
day people would choose more paid traffic than organic traffic because
people weren't that aware. Okay. And people didn't used to consume content as
much as they do today. But you've got people in 2023 on their phones
like for eight, 9 hours per day. So you have a lot of
content consumption and a need for content, okay? And the cost effectiveness of this whole process
of organic traffic is one of the most
appealing factors of why marketers choose to
market organically. Organic traffic is
cost effective in terms of monetary
investment as it relies on creating high quality content
and optimizing it for search without direct
financial spend. This is an extremely
important slide. I want you to take
a screenshot of this slide right here.
Let me read it again. Organic traffic is
cost effective, okay, in terms of monetary investment, as it relies on creating
high quality content. So you need to create high quality content
in order to be successful in organic traffic, and optimizing it for search without direct
financial spend. This is the name of the game
regarding organic traffic. We create great content that the algorithm wants
to distribute. We search engine
optimize it so people can view it in search
based results. This is pretty much we just wait for audience to
start kicking in. Obviously, this factor that
we wait for audience to start kicking in means that
we need to be patient. And this requires time, right? Gaining significant organic
traffic takes time. And patient as it involves
gradually building an audience and improving content quality
to increase visibility. So if you as a marketer, don't partner up with
a content team that are aware of those
algorithms that have, you know, the gear
and the knowledge to suit successful videos. Then you need some time to learn the stuff
and you need to master the stuff before getting very successful
with organic traffic. As you can imagine, not everyone is successful
with organic traffic. You have Youtube videos out
there with 30.40 views. Not everyone goes viral
with his first video. This is a process that you
need to learn as a marketer. But if you know how to fit the algorithm
with the correct videos, the correct thuminils,
the correct titles, it can be extremely beneficial
and cost effective. And the profit margins
that you will get out of this are absolutely amazing. Also, we've got the factor
of community building. Obviously engaging
with the audience by responding to comments, asking for feedback and building a community fosters a loyal following a encouraging word of mouth referrals and
boosting organic traffic. Those are just some other ways apart from the Youtube algorithm to boost the organic traffic that you have on your channel. Okay, so now I think it is
time to move to paid traffic. So we discussed everything
regarding organic traffic. We discussed how important it is to feed the algorithm with the correct videos
that are search engine optimized and optimized
for high engagement. So the algorithm wants to distribute them
into more people. Okay, now let's analyze
what paid traffic is. Because I think that right
now you might be thinking, wow, organic traffic is so cool. Why would someone even
pay for ads when you can achieve all this through
organic traffic? So here's the thing
with paid traffic. First of all, what's the
definition of paid traffic? Let's start with
the basics here. So paid traffic involves
driving viewers to your Youtube channel or videos
through paid advertising. Obviously where you
pay for clicks, we pay for impressions
or video views, boosting visibility and reach off your offer into more eyes. So what is the source
of paid traffic? Pay traffic originates
from running targeted ads. Highlight the word targeted here within the Youtube
platform using Google ads. Okay? Allowing
advertisers to reach a broader audience
beyond organic reach. Okay? Emphasis on the
word targeted ads. And this is the name of the
game regarding paid ads. Through paid ads. Through Google ads. As we know, Youtube is owned by
Google and they have a huge database of data on every single
person in this planet. You can target extremely
specific groups of people. And in many targeting campaigns, it is actually way better, and the return investment
is way higher if you go ahead and directly target
a small group of people, rather than just
feeding a Youtube on the algorithm and wishing
that they stumble across it, especially if you're not that experienced in organic traffic. Another huge point
in paid traffic is obviously instant
visibility, okay? Paid traffic provides immediate visibility
for your content, enabling your videos
to be seen by a more extensive audience shortly after launching
your ad campaign. So for example, in
organic traffic, right, you would wait for the videos to get caught
up by the algorithm. You would wait for
this linear growth. You know, it needs time,
it needs patience. As we said, well, in paid
traffic, this is not the case. You could have the
worst video ever. You could have the lowest engagement rates
ever on the video. If you pay, your video
will have eyes on it and your offer will
be seen by more people. It's like a paid win, okay? So obviously, a huge point in paid traffic is the
targeted audience reach that we can achieve. Paid advertising offers
precise targeting options, allowing you to reach
a specific audience based on demographics,
interests, behaviors, locations, and more, ensuring that your message
reaches the right people. Okay. It is very easy
with paid traffic to directly target
the correct people. Keep in mind that
the more specific you go with paid traffic, the more expensive it will be. Obviously, this makes
absolute sense. They don't collect all
this data for free. All this data for free, right? The more specific you
go with paid traffic, the more it will cost you. But theoretically
speaking, with statistics, higher the return on
investment it's going to be. If you're more specific
with your videos, so don't get me wrong. Obviously, in paid traffic, you need your content
to be amazing, right? In order to have conversion
rates and in order to grab audience from Youtube to your landing pages
to your offers. But it's just ways easier to target the correct people with paid traffic rather
than organic traffic. So we have different ad formats, pretty much in paid traffic. Youtube offers various ad
formats including view, trough view, bumper ads, display ads and sponsored cards, providing flexibility
in how you present your content into
your target audience. And different have
different engagement, Different as different types, if you will have
different prices. It all depends on
how much you want to spend and which people you want. Target, okay? You can check the
historical data in the specific needs
that you're targeting. For example, if
you're targeting, for example, video for kids. If you want to offer a product for kids or a service for kids, then you want your
video to be like a nonskipable ad before the actual video that they
have clicked on place. Because you know that
100% of the people are going to view your ad, okay? And they're not going
to keep it. Many times, kids actually don't
know how to keep ads. So you can capitalize on this. For example, just giving you
an example of a true view A, okay, Moving on to
budget control. Advertisers have control
over their ads spend. Ok? It's not that
you're just going to be losing millions per day without knowing what's
going to happen. And this allows them
to set a budget that aligns with their
marketing goals, ensuring that they don't exceed their allocating
advertising budget. So if you're a marketer,
you get hired by a company to market their
offer through Youtube. When you have a specific budget, then you can very easily depend that you're not going
to exceed this budget. Because you have the chance to budget control highly
your ad campaigns and this is very,
very important. So you set the amount
of money that you want to invest every
single day, okay? And by the end of the month, you hit this exact same
number. Pretty much. They're not going to be
many huge fluctuations in the amount of
money that you spent. This is also a huge point, the conversion tracking
features that we have in paid advertising. Okay. And using conversion
tracking tools, advertisers can measure
the returning investment of their paid campaigns. Tracking actions
like website visits, sign ups purchases, and more to optimize future campaigns. So you have an ad
on Youtube, right? And you can measure how many
people clicked on the ad. How many people got redirected
in your landing page, how many people saw your offer, how many people purchased. And by comparing the
data that you get from your campaign to
other historical data of other campaigns, for example, percentages of
people clicking in the link, going to your website. Then you can pretty much see
if your campaign is good. It's successful.
Isn't it successful? Okay, Are you profitable? What is the return
on investment? So those are highly
moderated values that can be analyzed, can be plotted and you can
pretty much brainstorm new ways to increase all of those percentages with
your marketing team. So this is one of the biggest
advantages of paid traffic. Everything is moderated,
everything you know, you have great analytical tools, you have a lot of
information on your traffic, a lot of information on how
you redirect your viewers. So this is a huge point. Obviously, we can
customize the call to actions or the so called CTA. Okay? Paid ads allow for the inclusion of
clickable CTA's, guiding viewers to
specific landing pages. Encouraging actions
like website visits, promoting subscriptions
to increase engagement and conversion. So this is what we're
very interested in. Paid traffic, people view a video and they can
click on a button, this button completely and directly redirect them
into, into your offer. So this is a huge plus
with paid traffic. If we want to do the same thing with organic traffic, okay, what we would do is that
we would have a video, write a normal Youtube video, which wouldn't play as an ad. It would play again,
just organically. Normally, at the
middle of the video, we would tell the
creator, for example, to engage with the viewers and tell them to click the
first link in the description. We would just paste the
link in the description, and then people would
click on this link and be redirected that way. But obviously we have a higher click the rate if we're doing
this with paid traffic. Obviously, we have the chance
to AB test our ads, okay? So advertisers can conduct AB
tests by running variations of their ad creatives and targeting options to
analyze performance, identifying the best
effective approaches, and refine their
advertising strategy. So we can run two ads, for example, this is
AB testing, okay? Running ad A. And running ad B. And comparing the results
of those two ads to C, or drive into a conclusion
on which ad is more successful and then keeping
the most successful ad. So pretty much what we're
saying here is that you can run two ad campaigns for the
same landing page and you can compare the results with the historical
data in each one of those ad campaigns and keep
the most successful at. Okay, and this is
the huge point that we discussed at the beginning
of this lesson that paid traffic
actually complements the organic strategy that we discussed in the beginning
of this lesson, right? So combining paid
traffic strategies with an organic approach
creates a synergetic effect, if you will, maximizing your
reach and impact on Youtube. So paid traffic can boost
initial visibility. Organic strategies can
sustain long term engagement, forming a comprehensive
marketing approach. So this is again, this
synergistic effect that we discussed about that is very important to master
organic traffic, to master paid traffic, and combine those two methods for the most successful
marketing approach. Now I know that we have a lot of information in
this lesson right here. And we discussed about two very, very important features that
you need to understand. So here are some just
take home messages regarding organic traffic and pay traffic that I
want you to remember. So go ahead and
screen shot the slide right here regarding
organic traffic, its definition, its source, its long term growth. Okay? Goals the SEO, such insimization
and the engagement that we need to
have very high on our videos in order
to feed the algorithm successfully how cost
effective organic traffic is. And of course, the community
folks that we need to have in order to grow evergreen, if you will, ecosystem of
organic traffic growth. So please screenshot
this slide, keep it. It is very important. And it
summarizes everything that we discussed in this
lecture right here. The same thing
with paid traffic. Okay. What is the definition of the source of paid traffic? It is the immediate visibility through ad advertisements.
All right? Targeting specific audience
segments within Youtube. Okay. Some huge plus
with paid traffic. The fact that it is targeted
and extremely customizable, we have instant results. And we can measure the
return on investment and compare the results that
our advertising campaign has with historical data of other advertising
campaigns to just see where we're at and how
successful our campaign is. Obviously the huge
point that we have, the synergy with
organic traffic, that we can combine
organic and paid traffic for the ultimate result. Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you very much for sticking up until the end of the Tess and I know the test was extremely valuable. And I hope that you are able to digest some of the
information that delivered in the
station right here. If you didn't
understand something, I encourage you to go
ahead and actually rewind this lecture to
just give it another look, because I want you to
understand the difference and the aspects of
organic and paid traffic. And in the next lesson, we're going to be
focusing on how to create compelling content that appeals both in organic and
paid marketing campaigns. So thank you very
much. I'm going to see you in the next
lesson of the scores.
5. Researching our Target Audience: So ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the third
lesson of the scores. Now we're done discussing about organic traffic
and page traffic. It is time to dive deeper into the content creation
strategies where everything starts by identifying
our target audience. So in this lesson right here, we're going to be
discussing about some tapes that will help you identify your
target audience. Which of course, is going
to be the first step of every successful
marketing campaign. Now as we discussed in the
second lesson of the scores, depending on if we're
going to target people through organic traffic
or paid traffic, obviously we can target in
more detail our audience. For example, in organic traffic, we just create content
that appeals to this specific target
audience that we're going to be brainstorming
in this lesson right here. And hope that the
algorithm is going to distribute this content
to all of those people. Whereas on paid traffic we can directly target the
people that we want to pay. And we're going to have
views in front of our offer. But the question is,
which people do we want to target and how do
we target those people? So this is exactly what we're discussing in this
lesson right here. Before we dive in actually the process of content creation
and actually launching a marketing strategy and marketing campaign on Youtube in the next lesson
of the scores. So welcome again in the
third lesson of the scores, and let's begin into
analyzing some tips that will help you identify
your target audience. So this right here
is our presentation. Again, identifying our target audience is going to
be the foundation of every successful
marketing campaign. How do we identify
our target audience? Well, everything starts
with market research. So a great thing that we could do to identify our
target audience is to conduct throughout
market research to identify our target demographic
and their preferences. Obviously, this
is very broad and we can narrow it down even more. A great way to start
narrowing down to more specific groups of people is to actually create
audience personas. So develop detailed profiles
of your ideal audience, including demographics, interests, behaviors,
and pain points. Trust me, in my experience
in marketing on Youtube, the more detailed and the more specific you go into
creating your target avatar, Not your target audience, okay? We're targeting
one person, okay? So we need to identify
our target avatar and describe every single
detail of his life. What is his socio,
economic status? Okay? What are,
where is he located? What are his interests?
His behaviors? What are his pain points? Okay? And how can
we capitalize with our marketing campaign and how can we help with our offer, right, to solve his
pay point pain points. Again, I don't want you to
think as a target audience. I want you to think
as a target avatar. Let's individualize
this thought of target audience to
a target avatar. Because if we successfully
target one person, this means that we
can successfully target millions and millions
of different people. Another thing that I
wanted to point out before we dive into
the next slides of this presentation is the fact that when people consume
content on Youtube, all right, they consume it individually in
their own laptops, in their own ipads
or mobile phones. Right? They don't
consume it in groups. Usually, this means
that when we're referring into somebody
in our content and when we're talking to someone in our content
through our videos, I want you to refer to those
people as a single person. Okay? I want you
to be talking to your camera like you're
talking to your friend, not like you're talking to
a huge audience of yours. So this is a tip of you people. Another tip that you
can use to identify your target audience is to analyze your existing audience. So we can use
Youtube analytics to study our current audiences, demographic, geographic
locations, and viewing habits. This, of course,
applies to channels that capitalize on
organic traffic. So if we have already
created channels, we have already uploaded videos there and you have some metrics, some analytics to analyze. It is very helpful
to actually study our current audiences
demographics, okay? Analyze where they live, what are their socio
economic status, What other channels
do they view? What other videos do they
view after your videos? And then create your next and plan your content
strategy based on this. So obviously we need to
identify trends and patterns. Spot trends and patterns in your audience's interactions
with your content, right? To tailor future
content accordingly. If someone tells you that he
has planned 20 videos ahead, I can promise you
that this channel is not going to be successful. Because Youtube is a
game of uploading, getting feedback on your videos, and tweaking your
next video right, to appeal to the feedback
of your audience, Youtube. It's not that we just create videos and applaud them and
don't listen to anybody. It is a community interaction. It is a human person
to person interaction. So we need to capitalize on the fact that we
have information. On our audience, especially
on organic traffic. But this also applies
on paid traffic, right, And improve through time. So obviously this can also be done by comments and feedback. We need to pay
close attention to comments and feedback
on our videos, to goals, audience
sentiment, and interest. So again, if you applaud
a video, for example, and people on the
comments are like, hey, this is a very helpful video, would like to know about this. Then a great
strategic approach in this marketing campaign would
be to create another video, right, based on the
comment that you got. Because trust me, a real
thumb on video in general, social media is that if
someone asks for it, many, many people have the same
exact question and just didn't bother commenting or they
don't know about your channel. All right, so usually if someone asks for something
in the comments, it is great for us to
deliver in this promise. So obviously, the
next step to target specific groups of people is to leverage social media insights. We talk about Youtube,
but in general, social media analytics
can be used to understand the demographics and behavioral patterns of our
followers on other platforms. So you ask yourself, okay, we discussed about creating
this target avatar. Moving from the target
audience perspective to a individual target
avatars perspective. So ask yourself, where do
those people hang out online? Right? Does my target
avatar only use Youtube? Or perhaps, does my
target avatar use Tiktok, Instagram, other social
media platforms. Read it. Where does my target avatar hang
out, if you will? Online. Okay, it is very important for us to know
this because we can specifically target those people more individually if we know exactly what they
consume on line, what type of content
they consume on line, because we can create
the same content and drive them to our
channel in that way. Another great way to identify a target audience is actually
by competitor analysis. Every channel, every
niche usually has other channels competing
with them in the same niche. By starting your
competitors channels to identify their target
audience and type of content. Okay, that resonates with them is a great way to actually, if you will, some
ideas and steal, if you will, the
killer and top viral ideas that actually your
viewers will resonate with. Okay, so for example, if I have, I want to do a marketing
campaign in fitness, I could check the most
viewed fitness videos and the more successful
Youtube channels around fitness and
create thumbnails, for example, titles and
content similar to theirs. Because I know that my target audience is going to be very, very interested into this
type of pattern of videos. Another great thing to do, and this is something
that I do always in the marketing campaigns
that I'm involved in, is to utilize Google
Trends to have more spot on
targeting approaches. So Google Trends is pretty
much a website in which you search for keywords and they actually let you know
if they're trending. If they're not trending their statistics in the last week, the last month, the last year. In any keyword, this could
be water, for example, or this could be Drake, or pretty much anything. Google lets you have an insight, if you will, in
their statistics. Okay. And Google
Trends can be highly leveraged in
marketing campaigns, so leverage Google
Trends to identify popular search queries
related to your nee, and tailor your
content accordingly. It is absolutely dumb for us
to have all of those tools, all of those analysis tools, and not use them
and just blindly applaud videos on Youtube. So after we know our Nees and we have identified our
target audience, it is great to actually perform some basic keyword research
and topic research for our next video
to see what is, what is in demand and
what is not in demand. To just save time and resources. Because, listen, if we're
creating organic content, right, we want this
Youtube algorithm to distribute our
content everywhere. But if there's no demand, if there's no need
for our content, there's absolutely no reason spending all of this
time and energy creating all of those videos if no one is going to watch them. The best way to know that your video is going
to be watched is if there's going
to be demand for the information that
you're delivering, right? So I want you to deliver information and datasets
that are of high demand. And this Google Trends
is a great way to actually identify topics
that are of high demand. Okay, obviously, exactly
what we did with Google Trends can be done with some basic keyword
research, right? So conduct keyword
research using tools like Google Keyword Planner to understand what your
audience is searching for. The most basic type of Google keyword research that
you can apply is to actually go to the search bar of
Youtube and start typing the title of your video and see the autocomplete
features of Youtube. So for example, if we
are creating a video on how to build a six
pack muscle in a week, we could just start typing
the search bar of Youtube, How to build a six pack, and then see what Youtube is going to
complete the sentence with. So how to create how
to build a six pack, the easiest way possible. How to build a six
pack in a week. How to build a six pack
while eating burgers. So you get ideas of what people are
searching in this way. But trust me, there are
extremely useful tools out there that you can
research that will help you with your
keyword research. Especially if we want to search engine optimize our videos, right, if we're going
with the organic route. Of marketing. Another huge thing is to understand
of view behavior. And this is easier
said than done, right? We need to analyze how viewers navigate through your videos, where they drop off what
keeps them engaged. Now, there are two ways, in my opinion, to
understand vier behavior. The first way is to actually listen and watch to
the Youtube analytics. Youtube with graphs
provides creators with graphs that actually
visualize the hot, let's say points
of your videos or where viewers on your
videos get bored and leave. And the average percentage of your video that is viewed
and all of those metrics, that can be extremely helpful if you know how to interpret it. But a very complete beginner, they're not going
to make any sense. So the easiest way, okay, the easiest way to understand the viewer behavior is to put in your mind that viewers
are just people. They are in your video, They're watching your content
for a specific reason. This reason could
be entertainment. This video, this reason
could be education. This reason could be
simply information, right? So you need to satisfy
this need of those people. Write and redirect
them to your channel if your content is
good enough for more. This is the name of
the game, all right. You can see all of the
analytics and all of the metrics that provides
in Youtube studio. But at the end of the day, if you don't satisfy the
need of your viewers, they're just going to
click of the video. Okay, so we need to
keep this in mind. Obviously, we can AB
test videos, right? Experiment with
different video titles, thumils and descriptions
to see what attracts more views and engagement
from your target audience. This is what we
mean when it comes to AB testing on Youtube, right? It is just a one time thing. Just not upload one
video and then go viral. You need to upload
multiple videos, get better at each video, and if you get 1% better in
each video that you create, then you will be successful
at the end of the day. But regarding your
target audience, right, you need to experiment
with different titles and thumbnails that appeal to your target
avatar, right? So if your target avatars, for example a ten year old boy, you need to have very
exciting colors, you know, and facial expressions in the title and the thumbnail,
especially in the thumbnail. If your target avatar is
a 60 year old female, then you need to design your thumbnail and design your title to appeal to
a 60 year old female. So please identify
your target audience. Then identify your
target avatar. Describe your target avatar. Their demographics,
their pain points. Right, every single
aspect of your life. The more detail you give
to your target avatar, then the more specific
your outcome will be. Videos, and then experiment with just different
titles, thumbnails, see what your competitors do
to have the best results. So obviously, as we said, we need to take note of the suggestions and
requests of our audience. Especially if you see
in the comments of your video for the last time
in this lecture right here, if you see a comment on your video that people
want actually and are suggesting a asking question and suggesting you to create
more videos on a topic. This is a good sign.
This means that people are actually
engaged with your content, involved with your content. And the best thing you
can do is to act on this comment and actually
create what they're asking for. Obviously, we need to adapt and involve in this
field right here. So stay flexible and adapt
your content strategy based the changing audience
preferences and market trends. So if you will, your career on Tubas marketer is going to be a well balanced
choreography between who your target audience
is, how they change. Because people change, right? People grow up, people
become bigger, okay? So they become more mature. So how your target audience
changes, how trends change, and how you need to adapt your audience on
both the changes of your target audience and
the trends, All right? A great way to actually attract more people and
identify more of what, who your target avatar is, is to collaborate
with influencers. So collaborating
with influencers who share a similar target audience, okay, helps you expand your
reach and follower base. I'm not talking about
collaborating with, for example, a toy
review channel. If your channel is a
channel on, I don't know, fitness and exercise,
this is going to make absolutely no sense. But if you collaborate with other Youtubers in your niche, this could help you know their followers and their
subscribers to get to know about your channel and
perhaps your followers and your subscribers to get
to know about their channel. Okay, Utube is not
that competitive. At the end of the day,
people consume content. People are out there
looking for more people to get entertainment value
and education out from. So they have no problem
actually subscribing to 12 or more channels at
the same time, right? So a huge, huge point
that I want to address is that you absolutely need to identify the pain points
of your target avatar. So once we've narrowed down on every single thing that
target avatar does, right, how much money they make, what they do when they
wake up all of that stuff. I want you to have
a PDF document or a Word document which you describe with
autistic, if you will, detail exactly what
your target avatar does and who your
target avatar is. And then I want you
to have a second page with the pain points
of your target avatar. Because on these pain points, we are going to capitalize
with our marketing campaign. Because what is our
marketing campaign? It is a campaign to
bring more eyes, okay, to the offer that we're
offering to those people. And this offer, if this is going to be a successful
marketing campaign, is the exact offer
that will solve those pain points of
our target audience. Okay, so the more successful we are with identifying
our target audience, the more successful our
marketing campaign will be. Simply due to the
fact that our offer is going to be exactly tailored. Okay, to help with the pain points of
our target audience. Okay? So I need you to
create content that addresses common
problems or challenges faced by your target
audience while positioning yourself as
a valuable resource. Isn't this exactly what
business is about? Business is about
problem solving. So if you can solve
problems with your offer or with the offer that
you're called to market, your job as a marketer,
especially on Youtube, is to bring people that have this problem that can
be solved by the offer, okay, in front of the offer. And this is what we're
doing with our videos, this is what we're
doing with our content. Obviously, we talked about
the slot engaging in conversations with our audience through comments
and discussions. Okay, and using the
audience analytics tool, it is also an amazing way to get to know more
about your audience. So using specialized
audience analytics to gain deeper insights into the
audience's behaviors, preferences, and demographics. You can see that this
lecture is very, very, very targeted, okay? Around the patient's behavior, their preferences, and
their demographics. You absolutely need
to have those written down if you want to have a
successful marketing campaign. So ladies gentlemen,
this concludes our lesson into some
basic principles, again, regarding
our target audience and our target avatar. Now this concludes, again, the theoretical part
of this course. We discussed about in all of those Powerpoint
presentations, some basic terms on Youtube. Some basic terms, again, regarding organic
and paid traffic. And what is our target audience and why we
need to identify our target audience to have a successful marketing campaign. Now it's time to move to
the more practical partner. I'm very, very
happy that you have reached up until this
point of this course. Because the next lesson, in the next lesson we're
actually launching one of the highest leveraged tools in marketing campaign in 2020. 3.20 24 which is going
to be Cha Chi pet. And using Chachi Pet, we're going to actually be identifying in five
extremely basic steps, our target audience
and our target avatar. Okay, so thank you very much. The next lesson is going to be extremely valuable for you. And I'm going to see you in the next lesson of the scores.
6. Using AI to Create our Target Avatar: So everybody, and welcome to the fourth lesson of the scores. First of all, I wanted
to say that I'm very, very happy that
you've made it up until this point in
the course right here. And now we're gradually moving, we're transitioning from
the more theoretical parts to the more practical
part of the scores. So in this first practical
part of the scores, okay, as we discussed in
the third lesson, again, there are many tools that we can use in order to help us with audience research and
topic research of our content when we're
targeting organic traffic. In this lesson right here,
I'm going to show you one of the easiest tools to use and one of the most
straightforward tools to use regarding
audience research, okay? And how to identify
your target avatar, if you remember, as we said
in the previous video, Okay, And this tool is going
to be Chad GBT in general. Artificial intelligence
has played a huge, huge, huge role in topic and audience research of
content creators, and as a modern
marketer on Youtube, you are supposed to know how to utilize this unlimited
leverage and unlimited power of
artificial intelligence to your, again,
marketing tactics. So this course needs to have and a basic introduction into artificial intelligence.
What is GPT? How to use PT, and how
to leverage, again, this unlimited potential of this program to identify your target audience
and your target avatar. And this is exactly what is happening in this
video right here. So again, thank you for tuning
in in this fourth lesson. And let's launch
actually chat PT. Let me go through what we see in the interface and how
to actually identify your target audience
and your target avatar through prompts in chat GBT. So ladies and gentlemen,
this right here is the interface of Chat GPT, this artificial
intelligence program that we're going to be
utilizing and we're going to be leveraging in
order again to perform research and traffic
audience research. Again, this right here chip, this right here is the
search bar, or if you will, the prompt bar in which we input a prompt and then Cha
Chupete answers to us. A few things that we need
to know before we dive into how to actually
use ChachiPt. The first one is that in each conversation that
you start with ChachPT, which is pretty much an artificial intelligence
language model. Okay, Cha Chipet remembers what we have been talking
about in this conversation. So you're going to see it as we're going through
this example right here. But when I type
something, I can actually refer to something that
I have typed before. And Chaipt will understand this. Now, for the sake of this video, let's say that we are marketing a commercial for
poor scars, right? And we need to perform target audience research
to the target audience. To identify the
target avatar of, again, our research and
marketing strategy. So the first thing, the most basic thing that
I always like to ask PT is to give as much
information as possible. Because again, this
is a language model, depending on the prompts
that we're going to give. The more information
that we're going to give to the artificial
intelligence program, the better results
we're going to get out. So the first thing that
I want to do is to give as much information as possible to this artificial
ingenious language model. So the first thing is, okay, I am a marketer and
I am using okay, Youtube as my platform. Okay, Let's say to market
pores. Okay, Is how you write. Purse. Yes. Purse,
cars. Okay. So cool. I want to, let's say, identify my target audience and I will be asking
you questions on that. Okay, So let's press Enter and see what chat Pete
will answer to that. So of course, identifying your target audience
is a crucial step in any marketing strategy. To better assist you,
could you provide some initial information
about the purse cars you're marketing and any
specific goals or objectives you have in mind
for this campaign on Youtube. Additionally, do you
have any preferences or criteria for your
target audience, such as demographics,
interests, and behaviors? So obviously, if you don't
know what to ask and there are a lot of things to ask about your target audience, You can actually ask Chachi pet itself to suggest you
of some good questions, some good prompts to
ask the program itself. I don't know if this makes
sense, but for example, let's type right here first. It asked me, right, which
port car we want to market, because there are many
different port cars, We've got faster cars, we've got family cars. And obviously
different postcards refer to different
target audiences. So let's say that I am
targeting at the pores, okay, 911 would say more
of a sporty car, right? Okay. Suggest questions that okay could ask that. Okay, that will help me. Identify my target avatar. Let's see. Okay, absolutely. Identify your target audience for the post 911
will involve asking questions that delve into various aspects such as
demographics preferences, lifestyle and
purchasing behaviors. Here are some questions
to get started. Okay? Demographic information. So those are the main categories of questions that we're going to have to answer in order to
have a very targeted campaign. So demographic information,
interests and hobbies, lifestyle and values, online
behavior, purchase behavior, location, accessibility,
usage, and expectations regarding
demographic information. For example, we
should ask what is the age range of
individuals most interested in high
performance sports cars like the Post 911? What is the gender
distribution of bonks? Okay? Post 911 enthusiasts? What income bracket typically comprises the target
audience of the Port 911? All of those questions
need to be asked, okay, in order to identify
our target avatar. And what is the best way
to answer those questions is to actually input
them back to Ch GPT. So for example, we copy this first demographic
information point. We paste it here.
And for example, before we paste it,
we can go like this, Answer these questions, okay, Regarding my target
avatar. Okay? A small tip that I have to give you every single
marketing campaign, Again, as we said, doesn't
refer to our target audience. It refers to a target. We don't refer to
a group of people. We refer to a specific person. Okay, To going a
picture in our minds. Okay. We're never
going to give him a name which we're going to
be targeting on Youtube. So for the sake of this
marketing campaign right here for report
911 sportscar. Okay, I'm going to input
this prompting in such at answer these questions regarding
my target avatar also. Okay. Make sure to
give my avatar Okay. A name and a backstory before you answer the questions. Okay, and then I
paste the questions. And let's go, let's see what
we're going to generate. Certainly, let's create a
fictional target avatar for marketing the Post 911. So this is the
name, for example, of our target avatar.
Right, how cool is that? Alex Davis backstory. Alex Davis is a 35 year old successful
professional working as a senior executive
in a technology firm. Okay, They have a passion for speed, precision engineering, and cutting edge technology with a well established career and a desire for the best in life. Alex has been saving up
for a dream sports car that combines
performance and luxury. Alex sees the Post 911 as the epitome of
automotive excellence, a symbol of their hard
work and achievement, and envisions driving it, okay, on scenic routes, during weekends, and attending
car enthusiastic events. So this is the backstory of
our target avatar. Okay. As you can see, we took the
broader category of people, post 911 enthusiasts, and
we individualized it. We gave them a name, we
gave them a backstory, and this is their
demographic information. So the age range of
individuals most interested in high performance
sports cards like the Post 911 is
typically 30 to 50. Right? Alex falls
within this age group. The gender distribution are of leans towards males usually, but the gap is narrowing as
more females are becoming interested in high
performance sports cards. Right? The target
audience for the Post 911 generally falls into
the upper middle to high income bracket, okay? And Alex, for example,
makes this sort of money. So let's go ahead
and, for example, answer the second
okay, question. The second category of question,
interests and hobbies. So answer these questions on the same target altar, okay? We pasted the same question that was actually
suggested by Chachi PT. Right? Okay. And here
we go the answer. So potential buyers
of the Post 911. This is the answer of
our potential buyers of the post 911 interested
in motorsports, luxury cars, or high
end technology. So the answer is
potential buyers of post 911, Alex Davis, okay, are highly
interested in motorsports, luxury cars, and
high end technology. They appreciate the thrill and precision associated
with motorsports, the luxurious experience
that high end cars offer, and the cutting edge technology that powers these vehicles. Okay, In the question, do they participate in
car exhibitions, truck days, or car
enthusiastic events for example? This is the answer. Okay, so in this
fashion right here, just as I demonstrated in this
very successful, I think, target avatar identification,
you can go ahead and ask and answer all of
those different questions. And how can we come up with
the best questions to ask? Chad GPT can actually come up with the best
questions to ask. As you can see, we asked
Chad GPT to suggest us some very basic and important questions that
need to be answered. After chat suggested
those questions, we go ahead and answer
them again using ChachiPT. What I would do in my target advertising
campaigns is that I would copy the answers that I have on my target audience and
paste them on a Word document. And save this
document, for example, what's the name of
target audience? Okay, as Alex
Davis, For example, Alex Davis post 911 avatar, target avatar, and then all of this information
regarding Alex Davis. Okay? So as much as general information we can
acquire for Alex Davis. Okay? The bigger
and the bigger the, the data that we
have on Alex Davis, and the more general
the data, the better. Okay? Now that we're done with the basic information of Alex
Davis and his background, it is time to move towards
the part that we are going to be capitalizing on
in our advertising campaign. Okay? And this is
the pain points, okay, of Alex Davis. These pain points could be, for example, his need for speed, his need to prove his socio economic status to other people if we're
marketing a Port 911. So at this point, after we have identified
some basic information, I've outlined some basic
information, Alex Davis. It is actually time to move again into the
more personal and the bigger pain points that he has that are going to make
him want to buy our car. And based on those pain points, in the next lesson,
we are going to be constructing our
marketing campaign. What type of videos we're
going to be creating? How are we going to
be creating them? Where we're going to
be distributing them? So if you will in this
lesson right here, this is the part in
which I need you to pay very, very close attention. So okay, let's go with this. Why does my target avatar want por 911? What are his deep desires? Okay. What are his pain points? How can I Okay. Leverage these pain points? Okay. In order to sell
him a purse, 911. Okay. This is a very
powerful prompt that I input right here. Let's see. Let's see
the answer again. Okay. Deep desires, Alex Davis. Deep desire for Post 911 stems
from a combination, okay, Of personal achievement,
the pursuit of excellence, and a passion for high
performance vehicles. Having worked hard to reach a successful position
in his career, he sees the Post
911 as a symbol of his accomplishments and a reward for his dedication
and persistence. Okay, the allure of the Post 911 lies in
its iconic design. Superior engineering
and status is conveyed. It conveys, okay, Alex dreams of experiencing the
thrill of driving in Port 911 of open roads, feeling the power under
the hood and releasing the luxury and prestige associated with owning such
a high caliber sports car. So what do we see
from this sentence? Right here, we see some keywords like personal achievement, excellence, high
performance, okay? Symbol of accomplishments,
persistence, dedication, and freedom, right? Because he wants to experience
the thrill of driving Import 911 on open roads,
feeling the power. So all of these keywords, okay, this is extremely important and I want you
to pay attention to this. All of these keywords
are going to help us create the
ultimate video. Isn't this exactly like you're visioning a post
911 commercial to be? Isn't this, paragraph eight here summarizing perfectly
a post 911 commercial? When I'm thinking of a
post 911 commercial. Okay, I'm thinking of, again, open roles, power under
the hood, luxury. Okay. Personal
achievement, excellence, high performance vehicle,
a successful driver. So this is exactly the type of video that we are going to
be creating to market, okay? And capitalize on
the deep desires of our target avatar that we identified in this
lesson right here. So let's go with the pain
points of our target avatar. The first pain point could be a unfulfilled dream that he has. So one of Alex's pain points is the feeling of having
an unfulfilled dream. Okay, despite achieving success, the dream of owning a Port
911 has remained elusive, causing a sense of longing
and incompleteness. So one pain point that Alex has is that he feels
okay, unfulfilled. He has this dream of raw power and cruising down
on an open road, but he can't because he
doesn't have his dream car. Another pain point that he may have is the fear of
missing out Fomo, right? Alex is concerned
about missing out. The experiences and
social recognition associated with
owning a Port 911. So as we said, our
target avadors working on a tech firm, right? He's on a higher
socioeconomic status class, but still he might have
the fear of missing out, and this is why he's going
with the Port 911 again. Another paper that he may have is desire for
superior performance. Okay, He's frustrated with his current cars
performance limitations. He earns for a vehicle that offers superior speed handling and cutting edge technology to match his passion for
high performance driving. So those papons need to be addressed and we can
leverage those pay points. Okay, those pain points in
the videos and the shorts and the content that
we're going to be creating for our
Youtube campaign. So how can we leverage
those pain points? Actually ask GPT, so to effectively sell a
Port 911 to Alex. Okay, You can leverage these pain points by
highlighting the following. Okay, fulfilling his dreams. Okay. The exclusive experience that he's going to get
with this Port 911. Right? The events
attract, tastes, community gatherings,
all of that stuff. And the superior performance
that this car will give. So based again, on the target avatar that we highlighted in this
session right here, those are the three best pain points that
we can leverage to our advantage to actually
sell a Port 911 to Alex. Okay, so this, ladies and gentlemen is the blueprint that we're going
to be following. First of all, every
time that we're creating a new marketing
campaign on Youtube, right, This is how
we utilize Cha PT. We start by actually
giving some information, as you can see, some basic
general information. And this was five
prompts earlier, right? I said I am a marketer
and I'm using Youtube as my platform to
market postcards. I want to identify
my target audience and I will be asking
you questions on that. Then gradually we're
narrowing down. We're creating our
target avatar. And then ChagPT has formed
this target avatar. We can ask about
his pain points. And this is where the
money is going to be made on marketing because we're market and we sell based on the pain points
of a target avatar. Okay, after we have
identified its pain points, we also leverage Chat
GPT to have a blueprint, a framework if you will, of content that we're
going to be creating. Okay? To again, grab the attention of this
person and navigate him to the ports website or a landing page or the offer
that we have to offer him. So again, this is the job, this is our job as marketers. To bring Alex Davis eyes in front of the
offer that Ports has. This is our job and this is
exactly what we're going to be doing with
the content that we're going to be creating. Thank you very much for sticking up until the end of this video. And join me in the
next video again, in which we're going to be
also leveraging the power of Cha GBT to outline the content that we
need to create, right? In order to, again, bring the eyes of the
target audience that we created in this video right here in front of the offer. I think that the
Stassen was very, very interesting and
very, very valuable. And I'm going to see you in the next lesson of the course.
7. Using AI to Plan a Content Strategy: So ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the fifth
lesson of the course. I'm very happy that you made
it this far in the course, and after analyzing how to identify our target avatars
while using chat PT, We're going to stick in this program and in
this lesson right here, I'm going to show
you the easiest and fastest way to plan. Okay, the content that
you're going to be creating for your Youtube
marketing campaign. Obviously, we need to have a specific plan of short form content and
long form content. How to combine those two
types of content to maximize our reach and cover the biggest amount of
people inside our Nich, right inside of our
target audience. Then this is something
that, back in the day, would take a lot of trial
and error, if you will. But now we can bypass all of this testing process
of trial and error just by using
artificial intelligence. And utilizing all of
the data that are stored inside those artificial
intelligence programs to help us, again, map every single aspect
that we need to know in our marketing
campaigns and in general when planning
our content. So to give you some context
before we launch GPN, before we dive into how to plan our marketing strategy,
again on Youtube. Okay, we need to identify
and to point out some facts between
short form content and long form
content in general, as a rule of thumb
in 2020, 3.20 24. In the modern days
of content creation, okay, we've got long form
content and short form content. Long form content is usually
videos short horizontally, just like movies or normal
Youtube videos, right? Anywhere from 3 minutes, okay, Up to 10 minutes long. So what usually happens in
the contentreation process of marketing is that
we go ahead and create many long form videos. So many videos that are
anywhere from three, 10 minutes long, okay? And those videos are
fed to the algorithm to be promoted in an
organic matter. Okay? If we feel like it, we can also run adds
to those videos. Okay? And actually
use paid traffic to bring more eyes in
front of our videos. Now these long form videos
in their descriptions, okay, we're going to
paste the link that usually redirects
people to our offer. Okay? So again, to
summarize things, our goal is to create
long form videos, okay, Which are going to be fed in the algorithm organically. And we can also combined
with some paid traffic. So again, we can run
adds to those videos. And in the description
of these videos, we're going to
have a pasted link for the website and the offer that we want to
redirect our people. This could be a landing page. It could be the poorest
website, For example, if we take the example of a poorest marketing
campaign as we did in the previous lesson, Okay, now there is a way to actually maximize our
organic reach even more. And this is a very
untapped market at this point of time
that we're talking about. And this is short
form content, okay? And what is the beauty
about short form content? We're going to have
a lesson, okay, on how to actually transform
long form content into short form content while using artificial intelligence is
the next lesson in discourse. But for now, I want to know that short form content are
usually vertical videos, anywhere from 10 seconds
to a minute long, okay? That are consumed in short
form content applications. This could be Tiktok, this
could be Youtube sort, This could be Instagram reels. Now, for the sake
of this course, we're going to be focusing
on Youtube sorts. But please know that
you can redirect your short form content
from Youtube and repost it, cross uploaded, if you will, to Tiktok to Instagram, into other short form content
consumption websites. Now, how? There are two ways, pretty much to increase our organic traffic with
short form content. The first way is
to start actually shooting directly
for short form. This means taking
our phone right, and shooting videos specifically to be uploaded as Youtube sort. Okay? This, of course will
bring the best result, okay, and will bring us
the maximum amount of using our sorts Why. We're very simply because
we can tailor the videos exactly as we want to appeal to the Youtube
sort algorithm. And the Youtube sort
algorithm is completely different from the normal
Youtube video algorithm. There are different
statistics and different metrics
that are taken into consideration when a short
video is about to go viral. That are completely different
with the metrics and the data that are required
for a normal Youtube video, a long form video, if
you will, to go viral. Now, the second way to actually distribute
short organically, short form content organically, which is not as efficient
as the first way, okay, is to take
long form content and through artificial
intelligence, website and tools, transform your long form
videos into digestible, into many digestible,
short form videos. Okay. Now you might ask me, why would I do this? Why would I choose the option that is less effective
than the first one? Well, it is pretty much the only way and the only
reason why we do this. Is because it is extremely easy. Okay? It is extremely easy. With a push of three
or four buttons, we can turn a ten minute
Youtube video into three or four short form clips that have very high
chances to also go viral. This is something that you absolutely need to know and you absolutely need to be aware
of how to do as a marketer. And this is why in
the next lesson we're going to focus in on that. Okay, I'm going to be guiding you through some artificial
intelligence tools. At 100% get this job done. They turn long form content
into short form content. Okay, now we've analyzed these two types
of content, okay? Short form content and
long form content. It is time to actually create a plan on how we're going
to shoot this content. Where we're going to
shoot this content, how many videos should we shoot? How should we edit them? So this is exactly what we're doing in this
video right here. And ChachiPT is the absolutely best artificial
intelligence software to help us with this process.
So thank you very much. Welcome to the fifth
lesson of this course. Let's launch Chip together and let me guide you
through this process. Okay, so ladies and
gentlemen, this again is the interface of ChachPT. Okay, and this is the previous discussion that we had with artificial intelligence
language model regarding the marketing
of a Port 911. As you can recall,
we have created our target avatar, Alex Davis. Okay, and this is a
discussion that we have now. Why don't I don't we start a new discussion
with Cha Chupete? Why don't we start
a new chat with Cha Chupete as you can recall. Okay, If you don't remember. In the previous
lesson we discussed about the fact that
Chachipeti remembers. Okay, the conversation
that you had, every prompt that we enter in this search bar
right here, okay? Chachipeti knows that
it is relevant with the previous stuff that we've
been talking about. Okay? So it is important to keep
your marketing campaigns okay, and all of the
questions regarding the same marketing campaign in the same chat with ChachiPti. This is actually a problem and a mistake that
many, many people do. They start new chats every time that we want to ask
something new to Chachipt. And this is not correct
because Cha Chip has the ability to recall
information from the chat. And we need to
leverage this to make the absolute max 100%
of this program. So now it's time to
plan our content. And before we enter
the magical prompt, if you will, that will 100%
solve all of our problems. It's time to give Chachipti some more information on the content that we're
going to be creating. Okay, so let me type, okay, this is our target avatar. Let's say I am planning
to market, okay? I'm planning to approach this marketing campaign by creating long form
content for Youtube. Okay? Transforming it to short form videos
using special tools. Okay, let's see what P will
answer to this prompt. So I'm planning to approach
this marketing campaign by creating long form content for Youtube and
transforming it to short form videos
using special tools. Okay, that sounds like
a solid strategy. Creating long form content
for Youtube and then repurposing it in the
shorter, engaging videos. Using special tools
is a great way to maximize reach
and engagement. Exactly what we said in the
introduction of this video. Long form content can provide in depth information and engage
the audience on Youtube. While shorter videos are ideal for platforms
like Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook to
create a wider audience. Okay, so now it gives us just some basic information
around long form content, around short form
content creation and those special tools. Okay, so regarding long form
content creation, right, we need to research and
script the videos first, then produce the videos, and edit and enhance the videos. Okay, then regarding
short form content, we need to identify
the key segments, optimize for short format, add captions and graphics, and tailor for each platform. As we said, Youtube, take talk, Instagram,
they all okay, appeal to short form content, but different platforms
have different parameters. Okay, so we need to tailor
again for those platforms. Okay, So those
special tools that we can utilize are
video editing tools, online video converters,
and this is what we're going to be focusing
in the next video. Okay, and social media
scheduling tools. Finally, we need to optimize for search engine utimization
and engagement. Obviously, this refers to keyword utimization and
engagement strategies. So let's start with
the first step here, which is the long form
content creation. Okay, the first step is
research and scripting. Conduct throat research on the portion 11
considering features, technology, performance,
history, and more. Create a well
structured script for your long form video
based on the research. Can you guess what is the first thing that
we can do right now? Okay, the first thing that
we can do right now is this. We're going to copy
this, the research and script part that
GP answered, okay. And we're going to do this. We going right in the
Search bar, okay. Script a Youtube video on this. Paste. And here you go. And this is literally, okay, this is literally a
scripted Youtube video. I mean, this is hard
to shoot, right? A Port 911 commercial
is hard to shoot. But if you're marketing
anything else, it could be a product
that you find on line. Asking for Touchpad to
script your video is actually an amazing idea
to come up with creative. Okay, ideas regarding your
video. Now look at this. We have a complete
script of this video. We get a title. All right,
we get the introduction. And then it starts with
a voice over like, welcome port enthusiasts and automotive aficionados
to our deep dive into the iconic Port 911. Today we're embarking on
an exhiliating journey. Exploring its features, cutting edge
technology, breathing, perform breathtaking
performance, and a glimpse into its
remarkable history. And then we get
the first segment. The second segment.
The third segment. Now I'm not going to dive very deeply into how you shoot
these videos, right? But it is actually very
important to have some, just a basic outline, a general outline of your video. And Chachi can actually
very much help you in the scripting
of your video. And of course, in
the research as we performed target
audience research. Now again, this is
not a video on how to create script for
long form content. Okay, in this video right here, we need to create the outline
of our marketing campaign. So this is exactly what we're
going to ask Chip next. Create, okay, a content
strategy and framework for a complete
marketing campaign of a purse, 911 P Youtube. That includes short form and long form content creation
and distribution. Okay, let's see what it answers. Creating a comprehensive content strategy
and framework for post 911 marketing campaign on Youtube involves
meticulous planning, creativity, and a
cohesive approach to engage a target
audience effectively. Below is a step by
step guide to help you develop and execute a
successful marketing campaign. So the first thing is the
content strategy framework. We need to define our
campaign goals, okay? Then we need to
understand the audience. I think that these two
things we have done, and then it is time for
the content creation. So this is exactly
the step that we are actually on right now, the first part of
content creation. So you can see B
exactly tells you the same information
that I'm giving you in this course right here. So the first type of content
creation that we should follow is long form
content creation. Okay, and what GPT actually suggests us is to
create a series, and this series is
going to be titled, Unveiling the Post 911, The Ultimate Sports Car Journey. Okay, this series, okay, What pretty much
suggests us to do is to create four long form videos, four long form episodes
in this series. So the first episode
is going to be the Introduction and
Evolution of the Post 911. The second episode is going to be the performance
and excellence, okay? The heart of the Port 911. Then precision engineering
and advance technology, finally, lifestyle and luxury. Okay? Now we've done, if we shoot those videos
right here, okay, This long form content, then we can repurpose into
short form content. Okay? This can be uploaded
on instant gram reels, Tiktok and of course,
Youtube short. And the content types that
we can actually leverage as short form content
could be snippets from long form videos that
focus on the key features. Again, redirecting
our long form content into smaller short form bits. And then behind the
scenes looks at port events or design elements. This is, again, original
short form content shooting. So when it says behind
the scenes look, it's pretty much referring to
somebody with a phone just shooting behind the scenes and user generated content contests, okay, That encourage users to share their report's
911 experience. And this is just a way to
leverage your audience, the audience that you already have to produce content for you. But this is a bit
more advanced now. It also talks about content
distribution, right? Usually on Tiktok, on Youtube. It suggests that
we should release long form video series
on a weekly schedule. This is very important
for you to note down when we're referring
to long form content, we can be uploading two
or three times a week. This is, I mean, too
much work to create quality long form videos
2.3 times a week. I mean, depending on
your marketing campaign. But in general, as a forum, we create one long
form content a week. One short form video from this long form content
every single day. So at the end of the week,
you should have eight, okay? You should have eight
content pieces uploaded, one short form video
every single day, and one long form video
every single week. Now, obviously, we need to optimize our video
titles, descriptions, and tags for relevant
keyboards and engage with the Youtube community through
comments and resources. Okay, so we're not going to
stick into the rest ones. Okay, We're talking about
like Instagram and Tiktok, the shorts, engagement in
the video interactivity. Okay, Anna League syntimization, paid promotions for the video, collaboration and partnership. What we're going to be sticking to is this part right here. Youtube and more specifically, releasing long form video
series on a weekly schedule. Optimizing our
titles, descriptions, and tags for relevant,
relevant keywords. So the first thing that we're
going to do is this plan, a weekly long form, okay, Content creation schedule for this series that you suggested. Okay? As you can see,
the more you ask, okay, of this program right here, the more you get, okay? Creating a consistent and engaging long form
content schedule is crucial for a
successful Youtube series. We got, All right, episode one, Introduction and evolution
of the portion 11, week one, planning and Research. Okay, this is going to
be day one to three. In day four to
seven of the week, we have the script refinement
and pre production. In week two, we have the
production of the series. Okay, now in this
content plan right here, it actually help us create all of this series
in two to three weeks. So we're talking about episode
one, okay? Episode two. Episode three. How you
should script those videos. How you should
outline those videos. When should you auten
script those videos? So this is a complete
content strategy, a complete content plan, as you can see in all of videos, all of those long form videos
that we have asked P to do. So again, we're not
going to go into too much detail here about
the Sport 911 commercial, but you absolutely
get the point, okay, on how to ask PT to schedule your content
creation process. What is left now, okay, After we have
discussed about how to schedule and create
long form videos, what is left for you to understand are two
very important things. The first thing is to how to
redirect long form content, okay, into smaller short
form content bits. This is extremely easy. You just need the information and I'm going to give
you the information in the next lesson of the
scores and spoiler alert. We're going to be utilizing the power of artificial
intelligence. Not GPT, but another artificial intelligence
program that is of extremely high importance and of extreme high value in
the marketing field. Okay, and the second thing
that you need to know is to how to search engine optimize
your long form videos, again, to appeal to the
organic Youtube algorithm. So this we are going to be doing with chat PT, but for now, in the next lesson
we're going to be focusing on how to transform our long form videos into smaller sort form bits
that we can leverage, again, to maximize our organic
reach on Youtube sorts. So thank you very much. I hope that this lesson was informative and educational
and you enjoyed it, and I'm going to see you in the next lesson of the scores.
8. Turning Long form to Short form Content with Opus Clip: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the sixth and arguably the most important lesson of the scores. Now up until this
point in the scores, we've decided and analyzed the theoretical aspect of
marketing on Youtube Bribe, we discussed about all of
the things and the terms that you need to know
regarding organic traffic, paid traffic, all of that stuff. And some general information
obviously around Youtube. How to identify your
target audience. How to create your
target avatar. How to plant a content strategy. And we discussed
about the difference between long form and
short form content. And how each of
those content types can be leveraged to
maximize your reach and bring the biggest amount of people and ebles in
front of your offer. Now, in this video right here, well, let me rewind time. Right, in the previous lesson. Okay, we concluded to the
fact that you should upload a long form video every single week in this marketing campaign
of yours on Youtube. Ok. Obviously, to
have the best results in the maximum reach and a short form video
every single day. More specific on
short form videos, we talked about them being distributed into two
different categories, right? Divided into two
different categories. Short form videos that
are created originally. Okay, So we shoot
those videos to be specifically uploaded
as short form videos. Okay, And this has the maximum reach and the second type of short form videos that
we're going to be creating automatically with
artificial intelligence in this video right here, which is short form
videos that are redirected and cut from
bigger long form videos. Okay, so this is how, just by creating one long
form video every single week, we're going to take this video. And from one long
form video we're going to be creating, okay, multiple short form videos
that can be leveraged, again, highly in this new
short form algorithms. Okay, So in this beautiful and extremely helpful
lesson right here, I'm going to reveal to you
this absolutely game changing artificial intelligence
tool that helps you paste the link of
a long form video. Okay? And keep in mind
this couldn't even be your short long form video. This could be a long form video
just found on Youtube and you want to leverage for
your marketing campaign. Okay, so we're going to paste the link of our
long form video and then we will get short
form videos out of it. Okay, And this is
just the surface, we're just barely
scratching the surface of the capabilities of this
program right here. So enough with the introduction. I hope that you are as excited
as I am to be analyzing this amazing artificial
intelligence program in this sixth lesson of our
course and of introduction, let's dive into this
presentation and this demonstration on how
to use this amazing tool. So ladies and gentlemen, the anticipation and
the weight is over this tool we're going to be leveraging is called Opus Clip. Okay, so you're going to
search on Google Opus Clip, which is this artificial
intelligence power part, video repurposing software,
video repurposing program. This is how Opus Clip looks. Okay, let's accept a cookies. And you can see that
it is extremely, extremely easy to navigate
through this, okay? So first of all, it
is completely free. You can use it for free, but
there is a paid version. If you want to create
more short form videos, then it's free version. But again, the free version
gives you everything that you need to have many
channels use Opus Clips. People have made
insane amounts of money marketing through
Opus Clips again, and leveraging even
other creators content. Because again, this doesn't need to be your content that
you're pasting, okay? This doesn't need
to be your content, your long form content video, that your pasting
criteria could be someone else's long
form content video. Okay, and look at this. The coolest thing about Opus Clip is that it
utilizes the power of artificial
intelligence to decode the transcript of
the long form video. Okay, so it pretty much
on real time analyzes. Okay, The long form video, okay, gives a score in the different segments of
the video, a virality score. And it pretty much determines
which parts could have the highest chance to go viral if converted into
short form videos. And this is the
Artificial Intelligence virality score that
we talked about. Artificial intelligence
automatically generates a score to show the virality
potential of each short clip. The score is based on artificial
intelligence analysis, 1,000 viral videos. It okay. It doesn't only
give you a score, it also explains why this short video has increased
chances of going viral. Okay, I'm going to demonstrate how I did this in
one of my videos. And this is absolutely
jaw dropping. So as you can see,
this guy right here, for example, pasted
an interview. This could be a
ten minute video, a 20 minute video, okay? I don't know. And it created those four different
short form videos, okay? And this, for example,
has a 65 varity score, and the first and the best
clip has a 95 varity score. So we have the active
speaker detection, okay? For example, Opus Clips works perfectly in
interviews. It has a Ai emoji generator. So it pretty much
just creates emoji to increase the
engagement of your sorts. And it also again highlights the key
speaker, the key words. It has many, many, many capabilities and
many features that we don't even have to analyze
because they are there, they're going to help us get
go viral with the sorts. And this is absolutely amazing. This is the so called clipping. Okay? Clipping is pretty much getting a long
form video and creating many short form videos out of one long form video. And before we analyze how I actually turned one of
my long form video into short form videos
and discussing about the different short form videos that Ops clip created for me. Okay, we need to discuss some things about
short form content. So short form content, okay? In short form content, you have higher chances of
going viral, okay? This is going to be
just a very, very small introduction on short
form content right here. But in short form videos, you have higher chances
of going viral. Why? Because more views circulate on short form content.
What do I mean by that? A view, one view, okay? In long form content usually
lasts anywhere 2-7 minutes. This is how much a view in a
long form video usually is. On short form videos,
a single view is 10 seconds, 2 seconds. So as you can see, there
are bigger amounts of views being created. This means that it might be easier to go viral with
short form content. But this means that we
also have very, very, very competitive field and competitive environment
in short form videos. This is why it is very commonly seen in short form videos
to utilize some tactics. Okay, editors utilize
some tactics that help our short form
videos actually go viral and increase the
engagement of the audience. In other words, people have
a huge amount of content to digest in short form
video consumption and they get bored easily. They have low attention spans. And this is why we utilize
some tactics in marketing, especially to keep
them watching. One of the tactics is to
add captions to our videos. Okay, so whenever someone
speaks, we add captions. And this is just
a proven strategy that engages more people. Another strategy, for example, is to utilize the power of E moods or adding B
roll to the videos. Again, all of those strategies
increase the engagement. And the name of the game that every single
algorithm out there wants is the algorithms want people watching our videos
from start to finish. Okay? If you're going
to achieve this, your videos are going to go viral in every single platform. It doesn't matter if it's Tyto, if it is Youtubed is Instagram. Okay? If you managed
to make people watch your short form content from the beginning to the
end, you have won. This is all you want. So okay. First of all, Opus Clip
is powered by Open AI, which is the exact
same software. Okay? That has the
exact same company that has created ChadwPT Dali, which is an image generation artificial intelligence model. So how do we do this? We have two ways, okay? To create ten viral clips
out of one long form video. The first way is to drop the
video link from Youtube. So we go to Youtube, search for the video, paste it right here. If we don't want to
do this from Youtube, we're going upload one of our files. Okay,
from our computer. And this is just
going to give us a better quality than just because Opus clip is going
to be downloading this video from Youtube
and reprosing it to us. But if we can upload it, this will just give Opus clip just better resolution video, doesn't really matter, the
results can be the same. Then we press this amazing
button, get free clips. Okay, I have done this
in one of my videos, and once you press this button,
you're called to sign up. It is completely free,
so there's no problem. You don't enter any credit cards or anything because we're
in the free version. We just get a wait a
bit until the clips are automatically sent to
our e mail via a link. Okay, once this is processed, you're going to have
a link on your email. You're going to press this
link and you're going to be redirected in the
download section, the download page of Opus clip. So let me show you exactly what I did in one of my
long form videos. So for those of you don't know, this is my Youtube
channel right here. Okay. Which much I discuss
about online course creation. How to create courses, how to market courses,
how to sell courses. And this is one of
my long form videos. So this is an eight
minute video. This again, is a
big video. Okay. I'm discussing about
the full gear, gay, that you need in order to
create online courses. Okay. We're discussing about
software and hardware. As you can see, I start the
video with the introduction, then I go through
some recording gear, then some video editing gear, then some thumbnail
creation gear. And this is how I
close the video. So what I did is
that I copied, okay, I copied the link of this video, Pasted it right here. Okay? And then I got in my e
mail this clip right here. Okay. So I pressed view clips, I was redirected into
this website, and this, ladies and gentlemen, is
the result that I got. So let's see how many
short videos, okay? How many short form videos? Opus clip created out of my long form video?
So, we got one. Okay? 2345 6789, 1011 1213. 13 videos. Okay. Let's go ahead and
analyze some of them. First of all, this has
a huge variety score. It is a 99 score, which is absolutely amazing. And let's go ahead
and actually see the video lights and all of that stuff
from the beginning. In other words, in
this video we're going through the most value for money gear pieces
that you need to have to start the
online post business. Now there's nothing easier
for me than to start naming expensive
cameras, lenses, lights, and all of that stuff, But
the reality is that you do not need expensive gear to
start an online post business. In fact, there are
two categories of gear pieces that you need to invest in or you can find for
free. So how good is that? It took my long foreign video, which looks like this video. We're going the most value
for money, your pieces. And it created short
form videos, right? It added captions. It
highlighted some captions. And it actually explains why it gave this viality
score to your video. So for example, Opus Clips, go ahead and explains. The video starts off strong with an attention grabbing hook that dispels a common misconception. It follows a logical progression and covers all the main points about the necessary gear for starting an online
course business. The speaker provides valuable
insights and a device which is highly relevant to the current trend
of online courses. Okay, some improvement could be made by including a
call to action for years to take action based on the information
that is provided. Again, here we have the
transcript of the video, what I'm talking about in
this video, so literally, word for word, what I'm
talking about in this video. This is another
video that created and also comes up with titles, Create stunning course
thumbnails with Canvas. Free online tool. Okay,
let's see this video. An amazing free tool to create professionally
looking thumbnails, especially for your courses but also for your
Youtube channel, is actually Canva is a free online tool in which you have templates
of different videos. Facebook, straightforward,
informative video, right? We have the captions. So this video effectively
captivates viewers by including a free tool for
creating professional thumbils. It provides a coherent and comprehensive
explanation of the tool, including its features
and ease use. The speaker's personal
recommendation creates a valuable connection. The topic of content creation
and graphic design is also relevant and trending at the
moment. So how cool is that? I don't know if you're
as excited as I am, but this just gives
completely for free, unlimited leverage on
your long form videos. How easy is it just create short form content that may
potentially go viral and may potentially bring
thousands and thousands of dollars in the
companies that you market just by using artificial intelligence
on top of that. Okay, because Opus Clip
is actually utilize the artificial
intelligence software and computing power of open AI that owns such
PT and owns Dali, right? It can actually analyze
real world data of topics that are of high demand and are currently trending, and actually give a virality, a decent virality score
that is indicated by all of those datasets that OpenI has. Okay, Depending on your clip. So in my opinion, this is absolutely amazing
back in the day. In order to have this, you
would need to have, you know, marketers and people
looking into trends and a team of multiple people. Okay. That would
analyze your videos. And this is just done
automatically right now and just a few clicks. This is absolutely amazing. So you go ahead and download
the HDversion or you can directly auto post this
video to Youtube, Tiktok, Instagram reels and
linked in another one, for example, unlock
the power of marketing without spending
a single dollar. Okay, let's see, $0 in
this whole process, and trust me, there
is a way to spend thousands and thousands
of dollars in this. We can pay for a very
expensive camera, for a very expensive
video heading software, for a very expensive
screen recording software. Then we can have
professionals design our thumb mails and search
engine otimize our courses. But there is a way to do
this for completely free. So this is just
another video with a lower variety
score, obviously. And it just, you know,
it trends the videos, it sets our videos, categorizes them based on the variety score. Obviously, the first video
that is going to suggest us, and we can like
them here or not. The first video that it's going
to suggest us is going to be the video with the
biggest vialty score. And then it just
descends 9992-85 to 84. So obviously for the
optimal results, we would want to
upload just the videos that have the highest
vialty score. But again, it is absolutely, This, in my opinion,
is absolutely amazing. Opus Clip is a artificial
intelligence software that needs to be leveraged for a successful marketing campaign. And in this way you don't
need to stress about creating short form
content at all. All of your powers, all of your creating powers, all of your video editing powers should be focused and should be funneled into creating the
optimal long form videos. Because then we
can automatically, using artificial intelligence, make them many short
form videos out of them. So ladies and gentlemen, I think that this lesson was absolutely extremely
informational, right? And I think that I
distributed a lot of value, okay, to you from this
video eight here. These are new datasets that
I didn't know, for example. And when I found out
about autos clip I was, you know, absolutely overwhelmed
by it and I was like, okay, this is
absolutely amazing. So in the next lesson, I think that it is time to focus on the final
aspect that you need to perfect in order to have a successful marketing
campaign on Youtube. And this is nothing
else rather than the search engine optimization
of long form content. Okay, so in the next
lesson we're diving into how to search engine optimize
your long form content. It's just going to be
the final piece in the puzzle of having a
successful marketing campaign. Okay, designing our
long form videos in a way in which
once we upload them, they're going to be just
accumulating views after years, okay, And months after
the applaud date. This is what we want
in order to have a gradual linear growth that's just going to be growing from
years and years to come. Okay? So thank you very much. I'm going to see you in the
next lesson of the scores.
9. Search Engine Optimising our Video Using AI: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the seventh and final lesson of the scores in this
lesson right here we're going to discuss about
everything you need to know regarding search engine
optimizing your videos. Now it's time to rewind, time a bit and discuss
why are we going to be search engine
optimizing our videos? Okay, the answer is very simple. When we're trying to
leverage organic traffic, which mostly comes out
of search results, our videos need to be optimized for those search
algorithms, right? In order to pop up and gain views in the long
run consistently. Okay, This is the key word
right here, consistently, because if we don't optimize
for the search engine and we optimize for the recommendation, for
example, algorithm. Okay, and the browse
features of Youtube. Then we're not going to have
a linear growth over time. We're going to have an
exponential growth in our views if we
optimize correctly, but then the views will
just stop coming in. Okay, So I mean, optimizing
for search results, right, Or recommended based results depends on the marketing
campaign that you want to do. For me, I'm more of an expert in search
engine optimization, okay, rather than
recommendation optimization. So this is exactly what
we're doing in this video. Now it is time to discuss about the three parameters
that we're going to be optimizing in order to have the highest chances of our videos appealing
to the algorithms. Okay, the first parameter
is the title of our video. The title of our video needs to be search engine optimized. And we're going to
be doing this with the correct keywords by adding the correct keywords
that people search for. Okay, in the Youtube search bar, how are we going to
find those keywords? It is very easy.
There are many tools that can help us
in this job. Okay? Many tools on the web, many downloadable
applications that we can use. But the tool that we're going to be
analyzing in this course and has the biggest return on time and energy
investment, okay? And the greatest results
right now at the moment on Youtube is going to be
artificial intelligence and more specifically, chat GPT. So we are going to be
leveraging chat PT to identify the correct keywords to add in our Youtube titles. Okay, so the first parameter, and arguably the most important parameter in order
to search engine optimize our videos is to
having the correct titles. Okay? The second parameter is having the correct
descriptions. The correct description. Okay. It's like it encrypts the keywords in the
data of our video. So the correct description
doesn't directly, okay, influence the viewers
to click on our videos, but it gives the
algorithm information of what our video is about. And this is extremely important. We need to have search engine
optimized descriptions. And to give you a small example, a way to search engine optimize your description is to just
repeat those keywords that you have added on the title so the algorithm knows what
you're talking about. The third parameter that we can search engine optimize is
the tags of our videos. Okay, The tags of our
videos aren't even seen, aren't even viewed
by the viewers. We are directly, 100%
talking to the algorithm. When adding adds to our videos, ads are like the highest
leveraged parameter regarding search
engine optimization, and it is really important
to have the correct ads. Okay? The correct adds
on our videos, okay? The best adds if you will, to add to our videos depend
on the growth of our channel. So how big our channel is. To give you a very
small example, okay, to just tune you in here if you have an extremely
huge channel with 10 million subscribers and we're talking about
finance, let's say. And we add to our video, in one of our videos, the tags, How to make money or how
to make money on line. Youtube will know that because we're such a huge channel, okay? Actually us creating a
video on how to make money on line will
be boosted up on the search engine
because Youtube knows that we have a big channel and this big channel attracts many audience and many viewers. So adding a very
broad, if you will, tag like how to
make money online, which is searched by
millions per day, will actually be beneficial
for our channel. But usually we are not marketing channels that have
10 million subscribers. We're marketing
channels that have anywhere 0-10
thousand subscribers. In this case, it
is actually better for us to go more
targeted with our ads. For example, how to make money online as a teenager
with his phone. Okay. Because being more targeted in our tags
and search engine, optimizing even more
our content gives us more chances to appeal in
a smaller group of people. But still at the end of the day, we can compete with
those huge channels. So we need more specific tags. Now, I don't want you to be overwhelmed with all
of this information. Everything is going
to make sense. And we are going to be
leveraging in this video. Here again, chat PT
to search engine, optimize our titles, our
descriptions and our tags. So welcome to the final
lesson of the scores. And let's dive
into search engine optimizing our content using
artificial intelligence. So here we are, ladies
and gentlemen again in chat GPT on a new chat. At this time we could pull
up the previous chat pat. For the sake of this video,
let's do it on a new chat. And the first thing
that I'm going to do is that I'm going to let chatPT know exactly the
fact that we are marketers. We're creating a
marketing campaign, let's say again for the Port
911. Okay, the supercar. And then we're
going to move into the search engine
optimization part. So the first problem they're
going to input is that I. Marketer. And I am search based. Okay. Long form
content on Youtube. I am called to
market a pores 911. Okay. Suggest for example,
five video titles. Okay, Let's see,
creating, engaging, informative video titles
For marketing a Post 911 is crucial for attracting
the right audience. Here are five video
title suggestions to market a Port 911. So unleashing, for example,
power and Elegance. A comprehensive review of
the Post 911, Post 911, the epitome of luxury
sports cars in depth analysis and features
experience the thrill test, driving the Post 911 Turbos, okay, or Iconic Design,
Supreme Performance. Exploring the Post
911 Carreta Series. So all of these are titles
that G suggested us when we're just broadly stating that we're
marketing a Port 911. So now it's time to optimize a bit more towards
search based results. So let's say suggest, okay, 20 titles that are
highly searched. Okay, regarding Port 911 cars. Okay? Creating titles
that are highly surged on Youtube requires
considering popular keywords, okay, and phrases
related to the Port 911. So this is where the
first layer, if you will, of search engine optimization comes into play in this video. Okay, PT understands
that we want highly surged titles in those 20 titles that he has given us right here, which
we're going to go through. Okay, It has added some
popular keywords and phrases, so let's see actually what those keywords and phrases are. Okay. Let's have the first
one, Post 911 review. Okay. Performance design and features. Here's the key word. Post 911 review, Many people
search for post 911 reviews. Okay, or top speed test.
Again, a keyword, right? Post 911 Turbos versus
the competitors, or post 911 carrera
versus post 911 Turbo. All right. Which to
choose or post 911. A comprehensive
Buyer's Guide and overview Or 2023, post 911. First look at
initial impressions. Okay. All of those
are titles, okay, that are somewhat search engine optimized and include keywords that are highly searchable. But we're not going
to stop here. Let's add another
layer of search engine optimization
in our titles. So it says, ensure to
include relevant keywords in your video description
and tags to optimize search
visibility and reach. Now, out of those 20
titles that we have, the next thing is to
actually ask PT, okay, to point out the best title, the highest search engine, the most search engine
optimized title. Okay, So choose, Okay. The most search for
that engine optimized title from the 20
you suggested, why. Okay. To give us an explanation
of why it shows it. Okay? To determine the
most search engine optimized title from the list, we should consider
several factors. Relevancy, keyword usage,
potential search volume, and competition based
on the criteria. Okay? And here's a
title we're going to use post 911 review. Performance design and features is likely the most
optimized title. Okay, Why relevancy?
Keyword usage, search volume,
potential competition. Okay, and it gives us
all of those reasons why this title is the most
search engine optimized. Okay, so overall, Postan 11
review, performance, design, and features is
well crafted title that is likely to attract a considerable number of organic searches due
to its relevancy, keyword usage, and
potential search volume. Okay, so this is,
ladies and gentlemen, a title that we got Posta 11, Review, Performance,
Design and Features. Okay, this is the search
engine optimized title that we got out of this search
engine optimization process, which was just three
different TBD prompts. Okay, so very, very basic stuff. Now I want you to
keep in mind that regarding Chachi PT, okay, the more information
we input into this artificial intelligence
language model, the better and the
higher quality responses we're going to get
from Chat GPT. Okay, this is why I
encourage you guys to actually go to previous chats
and keep the same chat, you know, in the
brainstorming process, in the marketing
campaign process, and then in the search
engine optimization. For the sake of this video,
we started a new chat. But if we had this chat
right here with ChachiPt in the previous chat that we opened in the previous
lessons of this course, then Chachi Pet
will already have a lot of information about
our marketing campaign. You know, our target
audience, our target avatar, our content strategy,
all of that stuff. Now that being said,
we have our title. Okay, and this is a relatively search
engine optimized title. We're going to keep it as is. And then we're going to ask for a search engine
optimized description. This is the title. Okay, I am choosing. Let's paste the
title. Okay, create a search engine optimized
description with relevant Okay. Keywords. Let's see. Then explain why
this description is search engine optimized. Okay, for educational
reasons, mostly. Here's a description,
welcome to our in depth post 911 review.
Where we explode. Exceptional performance,
stunning design, and cutting edge features that define this iconic sports car. Join us as we dissect every
aspect of post 911 carving. Its powerful engine
options, sleek aesthetics, advanced technology, and
animated driving experience. Whether you're a
port enthusiast or in the market for high
performance luxury cars. This review provides okay, invaluable insights to help you make an informed decision. Okay, before even
analyzing charges. Explanation of why
this description is a search engine optimized, Okay, If we take a
look at the title, which is post 911 review, performance design and features, you can see that all of those
keywords that we used in the title that are
highly searched are also implemented
in the description. Okay, so let's see the keywords that we have
in the description, okay, In depth, post 911 review. Okay. Exceptional
performance, stunning design, cutting its features, okay. Iconic sports car, okay. Then we have powerful
engine options, slick aesthetics, advanced
technology, port enthusiast. All of those are
keywords, right? Then we have all
of those keywords also added in the description. So if I would paste this description in
my Youtube video, I would go like this. Okay, copy, and then paste it
directly in my description. Perhaps you delete the keyword because you don't
want the description. Okay, let's see why this description is
search engine optimized. It is first of all,
keyword optimized. As we said, the
description includes relevant keywords such
as Port 911 review, performance design,
and features. Again, those are commonly
searched by individuals. All of those keywords then
this description is relevant. It aligns with the
title ensuring a coherent and consistent
message that will attract viewers and engage the viewers more with our
channel and our content. Again, this is the engagement
potential that we just talked about and of
course, the viewer value. This description
emphasizes the value of viewers we gain from
watching the review, catering to both enthusiasts and potential buyers looking
for detailed insight. Okay, so in summary, the optimized description
incorporates relevant keywords, aligns with the title, engages potential viewers and emphasizes the value that
they will receive. Making it a well suited, making it well suited for
search engine optimization. Okay, another thing
that you could do is to copy this description
or not even copy it. We could say if you want description to be
longer, for example, we could say make the
description longer and include, okay, more search engine
optimized keywords. Okay, so now the
same description right here to welcome to our
indepth post 911 review. It's going to be
bigger and again, it's going to include
more keywords. So welcome to our
comprehensive Port 911 review. Delving into the accelating performance captivating design. Again, we have all
of those keywords. I'm not going to take that
much into the description, but this is pretty much how we search engine
optimized description and how we combine a search engine optimized
description with a search engine optimized title to have the biggest chances to, again, you know, leverage this organic traffic of Youtube. Now it's time to move to the third parameter of
search engine optimization, which is the tags, okay? And trust me, once we have
created a description, we also have the keywords
in this description. It is extremely easy
okay to create tags. All we need to do is to
go here and ask for this. Okay, suggest 20
SCO search engine optimized tags for this video. Okay, let's see. Certainly here are 20
Sargent optimized tags. Okay, for report 911 review, Video 11, review port level
performance, Port 11 designs. Post 911 features
luxury sports car, high performance sports car, supercar, Por sports car. All of these, again, search
engine optimized tags. Now I want to rewind time
a bit and discuss about what we discussed in the
beginning of this lesson. Do you remember
the example that I gave you with the
channel that has like 100 million
subscribers and compared to the channel that has 10,000 subscribers regarding
search engine optimization. So if you have, for example, the biggest car reviewer
on Youtube that has 10 million subscribers and
he adds the tag post 911, then obviously the
search algorithm knows that this channel
is extremely successful. And it will boost
his video up in the search engine just
with a very basic tag. But the thing is that we, as smaller creators
or smaller marketers, that we try to market
content of smaller creators, we just can't compete
with that broad tags. So what I always like
to do is go here and search this prompt
right here, enter the prom, which is make these
tags more specific. Okay, make these
tags more specific. This is a great and very, very valuable prompt because Chachi Pet doesn't know that we have a small tube channel. Okay? We haven't let Chachi Petting know that we
have a small tube channel. But by making these
tags more specific, we will cater to a
smaller audience. But that being said,
we are the leaders of the smaller audience. So certainly here are
some specific details changing optimized tags for
a Porton 11 review video. We got Port 11 carrera review, Port 11 Turbo S
performance analysis, Porton 11 design elements. Porton 11 features breakdown. Okay, Luxury sports car review. All of those tags are more
specific and those are the tags that we're going to be leveraging in our
marketing campaigns. So ladies gentlemen, we search
engine optimize the title. We search engine optimized
the description. We search engine
optimized the tags. And with those three, we have search engine optimized all of the details of our video. Okay, this is the strategy
that you should be following, okay, in every single long form content
that you're creating. And if you're a bit lucky and
a bit experienced and you implement all of
the tips that we analyzed in this
lesson right here, your video will feed the organic algorithm and
will perform greatly. Okay, thank you very
much for being here. Thank you very much for
completing the scores. And I'm going to see
you in the thank you message of the scores.
10. Thank you message: So ladies and gentlemen,
thank you very much for reaching pill, the
end of the scores. I really feel honored by the fact that you consume
all of this content. And trust me when
I tell you that if you reach appalls point, you belong to a very small
percentage of people and a very small
percentage of marketers. And this dedication
to the scores will really pay out in your career. So again, at the
beginning of the scores, we focused on the
theoretical parts on what is Youtube market
videos on Youtube, what is the difference between
organic and paid content. And then we gradually moved into the practical
part of the scores in which by leveraging chat PT we created a
content strategy. We discussed about search
engine optimization of our videos to target, again, organic content
in organic traffic. And then obviously, we
discussed about how to leverage artificial
intelligence and chatPT to identify our target audience and create our target avatar. Okay, now it is time
for you to move and analyze the content
creation process, okay? So how to shoot
successfully videos. How to edit successfully videos, and after we have planned
our content is going to be extremely easy for you to understand how to
create the content. And by combining
the information of content planning and
content creation, you will be extremely
successful in this field. Success, it's going to
be inevitable, okay? So I really encourage
you to check the other courses
of mine that have in this profile
right here, okay? I have many courses
on content creation, how to understand cameras,
how to use cameras, how to create content
with your smartphone, and how to edit content, basically with any video
editing software out there. Okay, So again, thank you
very much for sticking up until the end of the course and I'm going to see you
in the next course.