1. Introduction to the course: Hello and welcome to this course on macOS and his friend. And I'm a certified Apple trainer with more than 20 years of experience on the field. This Skillshare class, you will learn basic and advanced functions on your Mac. And this course addresses many questions. And in particular, how do I maximize the usage of my Mac from my personal and professional endeavors? To thoroughly answer these questions, I will take you through various topics and I will do my best to make it as clear as possible. We'll start with familiarizing with some of the new macOS features. How to move around your Mac confidently and efficiently, and how to better organize your files and folders. Then you learn everything you need to know about manipulation text using dictations and learning the most. Use an unused shortcuts can features. In the second part of the course, we'll dive into Safari browsing and understanding security, privacy and how to troubleshoot malware issues. Finally, universe, some nifty ways to create automations for repetitive tasks and how to accelerate your productivity with your Mac, the class project will allow you to create an app on your desktop that will allow you to accelerate your workflow, save time, and be more productive with your Mac. This course is designed for beginner and intermediate users who aim to use them Mac for that small or medium businesses, as well as for personal use. Unprimed solo, and hope you'll join me for this course on macOS. Let's get cracking.
2. Dark Mode & Dynamic Wallpapers: Now let's talk about dark mode and dynamic wallpapers. Now, dark mode is one of the feature in Mohave it, and we can enable that by going either to system preferences on our dock on the top left hand corner on the apple menu. So if you're going here and you go into system preferences, if you're going to general now, we have a section on topical appearance, and we can change the appearance of our windows from light to dark. So at the moment to their light Republican dark now my windows will be all dark, including the menu bar and the doc. If I open, for instance, the finder window is also dark, and if I open also, my say calendar will be dark as well. Now many people prefer to have this mode because he's actually more pleasant for your eyes , especially if you're staring at the screen for a very long time. It will be quite good to have dark moat on. Also, many graphic designers prefer this because it looks more professional and it's quite cool as well. Now let's go back into light and I'm gonna show you now another feature, which is dynamic wallpapers again. We're gonna go on top, Left hand corner on the hour Apple menu in system preferences and dynamic wallpapers is on the desktop and screen savers. So we're gonna go here now. At the moment, I've got just the plain color that I've chosen here in my colors menu by for go back into my desktop pictures. I've got all my pictures from the Mac OS system. And now with Mojave, I've got two additional wallpapers which is under dynamic desktops, so I can choose either this desert June or thes blue background. So if I click on this one the 1st 1 here, as you notice now, my background became dark and on top. Now I've got a pop up menu, so if I click on that, I've got a couple of options. The 1st 1 is dynamic, and that what that means is the screen will change from light to dark throughout the day, and your Mac knows your location and your time so it will change throughout the day until it gets dark. So it's quite nice, and you also have the light version, which is a still picture, which we always be light and dark will be always like this so you can choose between these options. If you can't dynamic, it will change dynamically throughout the day. And these are the two features that you have in Mojave, which will make your experience through the Mac much more pleasant.
3. Trackpad Gestures: Now let's talk about gestures on the track, pet. Now you can also check gestures on the mouse by going to system preferences. And you know, this year you got mouse and track bed. I'm using a track bed. If you have a laptop, you might want to use struck, but as well. But if you want to use a mouse, make sure you have an original apple mouse so you can actually see all different gestures available now Gonna contract bed here. And as you notice, I've got three different tabs at the top. Now, a couple of things I wanna mention is at the moment you might have the secondary click disabled on your track, Pat. So the secondary click essentially is the right click on your mouse or when you place two fingers on a track bet and click on the desktop. So if you don't have that enable, you would have to enable here by using secondary click. So that allows me now to place two fingers on the track bed, and now I've got my right click the equivalent off the rightly When you hover the cursor over any of this function, you also have a little video that shows you what it does. I hold. So have the tracking speed down below, which actually changes the speed off my cursor. This case, yeah, I'm gonna leave it just fairly is low. And I also have the battery level here down below. I've got also an option to look up and there's a detectors. So this is a quite good feature that I've got here available on my Mac. And if I open any of thes window and and go to let's save Wikipedia now, that window, if I go back to my screen here, says top with three fingers, so that allows me to call up the dictionary. So, for instance, if I select any of these words or into simply have over the word you want and then topped with three fingers once that will show you this little window And if it's the first time you using the dictionary, you to click on continue and now is gonna show you the dictionary and the Zaurus as well. Now I can do the same thing with any other word, and I can just stop with three fingers again So this will work pretty much everywhere you can type words, you can have words. Even if you write a document, a word document and you want to find out about the spelling or about a specific word, you can top with three fingers. All these gestures here can be just discovered by itself so you can go to scroll and zoom, and you can see you got the scoring zoom. You can scroll with two fingers up and down. So if I place the cursor here on my safari, I can scroll up and down. We're using two fingers or I can use the scrolling will on. My mouse is really up to you. Zoom in and out. He can pinch in and out in these pretty much work everywhere on your computer, especially on your images. That's Marxism allows you to top with two fingers anywhere. So let's say if I'm here in Wikipedia and I want to highlight or resume these area, willing to simply just placed the curse of the top of two fingers twice, and it will assume the screen automatically. If I wanted him out. I just stubble top with two fingers again to go back to the previous view. So these takes a little bit of practice, and I would suggest to spend some time to study this gestures. You're not gonna use all of them, But also check more gestures. You might see something like mission control, which allows it spread all your windows. When you swipe with three fingers up, you have a notification center. You have also swiped between full screen or swipe between pages. So ever look at these gestures and familiarize with the one that you think you're gonna use the most. And you can do the same thing with mouse here if you have an apple mouse.
4. Mouse Gestures: Hello. Welcome This video. I'm gonna show you how to customize your magic mouse and how to use a different gestures that are available. So the first thing we're gonna do is to click on the apple logo on the top left hand corner of the screen and click on System Preferences. Next, we're gonna click on a mouse, which is the fourth icon. Second drove. So the great things of the Magic Mouse menu is that you have a little video tutorial next to each gestures. So the 1st 1 he'll talk the scroll directions natural. So I'm gonna demonstrate that right away. So what that means is, if I mean my browser and I'm opening one of thes website. If I want to know Scroll, I can simply use one finger and wipe up and down to school. My page is very simple. So if you have an iPhone works exactly the same. We just will scroll with one finger up and down. Simple. Is that the second option? Here is the secondary click, as you can see, as soon as I click there enables it automatically. So that gives me an auction to click on the right side of my now. So now that I enabled it. If I am here on my desktop and I right click on it gives me this really short, many with different options. So very minded thes menu is different, according where you click. If I click for if I rightly can, any of my icon down here is gonna give me a different different menu. So very mind that in the future or in the future classes when I mentioned to use the right click, that's just the way to do it. The third option here is the smart soon, so the smart Zoom allows you to zoom in any page you you have in front of you or any document. So let's try that waits for the browser. In this case, I'm using the Google Google Chrome browser, but you can use that in any other browsers. So again, I'm going to go into the same pages before Amazon and let's say I want to. I'm going to open one of thes pages. Let's say I want to zoom anywhere here to read thes textile bit bigger, so I just simply place the cursor where they with text is and I'm gonna double top with one finger. What it does, it will zoom slightly if I double cup again, it goes back. So this smart soon changes. According off the website, If I go into the apple website and I double double top anywhere here, it will zoom even more. You see, So some websites are optimized for smarts. Um, and three depends of the html of the website. This case and allows you to zoom quite quite a lot in if I want to zoom out. What I need to do is simply double top again. So that's the way to use this marks him. Another option is the track and speed so that this is just you can just choose how fast the cursor is in your on your screens have a bigger screen, like a 27 inch iMac. I would probably just speed this up slightly, so you're gonna have to drag your mouse for for a long time to go to the other side of the screen. I usually leave it right about here for my computer for my 15 inch laptop. Then we have more gesture saying more gestures. We have swiped asswipe between pages and he's a scroll left or right with one finger. So if I am into a Wardak in tow War document of pages document Aiken Simples. Why? Between pages, by sliding one finger, either left or right, If I am in Google Chrome and I say I'm going to Amazon and then I'm going to another website say I'm going to these website and then I want to just swipe back on any to simply swipe before with one finger to the left of the right. They're just switch between the pages to the previous page to the next page. You could do the same thing in biker using these two arrows here at the top left hand corner of your browser swipe between full screen Alps. So these is a function that allows you to swipe between death stops. So if you enable more than one that stop and for this I would probably suggest you to watch the Mission Control video again. So you know how to enable two screens or more All you need to do simply swipe with two fingers, either left or right to switch that stops. See this case of going empty that stop on the right inside and this other desktop. What? I'm doing this tutorial at the moment. So this is the way for you to work in different environment. So these are the functions that I want you to go through. If you want to find out more about the track bed gestures, please watch the video track bed and always being useful, and I'll see you in the next one.
5. Mission Control: if you have lots of windows open at the same time, Mission Control allows you to spread the molding that that stop so you can see them at one glance. Now, if I use the shortcut control up arrow on my keyboard, you should be able to see them all spread in a desktop like I see it here. Now, if I want to close this view, I can go to control up arrow again to go back to my safari windows. Now, I can also use control up arrow to switch between app. So, for instance, if I wanna have my calculator to be in front or in to do is simply click on it and the calculator will come up in front of the other windows. There is also another way to call the Mission Control. But before I show you that I'm gonna go to the launchpad and what I want to show you is that Mission Control is an actual application. So if I click on that little symbol, there is gonna open mission control again. This symbol might be also present on your keyboard in the F three position, So if you check you f one F 12 keys on the top of the keyboard. The F three should be Mission control. If you're gonna have these key on your keyboard, not worry, you can still call the mission control in other ways. You can also trigger mission control by using a gestures Innotrac bed. So if you have a laptop with desktop with a track bed, you can do that there. Or you can also use the apple mouse if you have an original mouse from Apple. But I'm gonna show you out to do that on track pets if I'm going to my system preferences and I'm going to my track bed now in track. But we have three different taps on top for click on more gestures. We have Mission Control down here. Now you can trigger this either by is wiping with three fingers up or four fingers up. Now, as a default, you should be able to see three fingers. I'm gonna click on that just to make sure that is enabled. And now if I place my three fingers on my track bed and I swipe up, Mission Control will appear, showing me all my windows spread in the desktop knife fights wiped down with three fingers is gonna go back to the initial position. Now, you also notice that our other gestures here that you can actually hover the cursor over it , and it's gonna show you a little video next to it. So spend sometimes here to kind of familiarize with this. Now, I'm gonna close this for a second, and I'm gonna show you another way to customize your mission control. So if I'm going to my system preferences, I've got actually an option here for Mission Control. So for a click on, it is going to show me all the different ways I can call Mission Control. And as you can see it, you have got this symbol down below to call Mission Control, which is control up Arrow by. I can change that shortcut to any other shortcuts there I desire. Now I'm gonna leave it as is. And I can also trigger to see the application windows by using control Down Arrow have got other shortcuts. So the one that allows me to see the application windows is control down arrow. So, for instance, let me give you an example. If I am again in safari, and I use control up arrow to enable Mission Control, now a news control down arrow and again just to see the windows within an applications. In this particular instance, I've got safari with two windows open, and that's why you see two windows here. But if I go anywhere else in my desktop, safe a click away and I click on my pdf here, if I do control down Arrow just to see all of my pdf's or preview this case document on, just do that. And what is showing me here is just these window with this document because it is the only document I open now but is also showing me all the previous documented that I opened previously in the previous days down below here, which is quite neat. I'm gonna click away here just to go back to my screen, and I'm gonna go back to my system preferences now. Very mind. You can also see the desktop Short bus stop is F 11 and show dashboard is F 12. So if I use F 11 and you can trigger this by using the function key, because if you use F 11 now you might have, perhaps the volume triggered with that. So you have to hold down the function key and use after 11 and you should be able to see the desktop. And that's what happened to mine so I can see my desktop at the woman doesn't have any file . But if I want to go back to my mission control, I can use function F 11 to go back here. Now you don't have to remember all the shortcuts by heart. I barely use the actually these three down below, but you can actually enable Mission Control with the simple shortcut control up Arab. Now, Mission Control does not just spread your windows in the desktop. It also allows you to create different spaces, virtual spaces or beautiful desktops. As you can see on top, I've got my desktop. If I hover the cursor over that with magnify their area and it's gonna show me that might just stop with all my windows and on the top right hand corner. I've got these little plus button, and if I click on it is going to create a second desktop, a second space, essentially, and here I could just drag any of my windows from the desktop one into desktop to, for instance, Let's say I want to drag my, um, pdf here, and I'm gonna drag it into my second desktop. Now, if I click on the second desktop, you notice my desk. Tapia is nice and clean, and I only have my document open, almost as if I don't have any other applications open. But I've got the other space full of these other applications. Now, if I should get mission control by you in control up arrow Oh, by swiping with three fingers with my track bet up, I can see the desktop on top. I can go with my mouth there and click on that. Stop one to switch between the two. I can do this over and over. I can actually drive other applications to different that. Stop that. I can have several as well. You can have up to 16 desktops, but that might change in the future. Let's go back to our desktop one now. There is another way also to switch quickly between the two desktops, and that is using control, left or right arrow. So if I use control right arrow is going to switch quickly to the desktop to and if I use the left arrow is going to go to the other windows. But this could be quite handy if you want to manage several things and several applications at the same time. Now, measure controls allows you to enable hot corners. Now, as you know, this year under system preferences on the Mission Control, I've got an option for hard corners. If I click on, it is going to show me my desktop here. And I can customize one of these four corners to open an application. For instance, if I want to trigger Mission Control at the top right hand corner, I can just go here, click on the little pop up menu and choose Mission Control. What that means is that if I place my cursor old away to the edge to the top, right hand corner edge is going to show me Mission Control, If I go back again, is gonna is gonna go back to the previous screen, so this could be quite handy to have it on the site, and you can enable or disable as you like. I'm not gonna say anything for now. But if you check how the pop up menu here, you can see you have other things that you can enable very quickly. By using this nice shortcut I'm gonna click on, OK, and I'm gonna close Mission control. So now you know how to create more space is by triggering mission control it control up arrow and creating different desktops. By the way, if you want to delete a desktop or into do it simply hover over the desktop you wanted elite. Wait a few seconds, you're going to see a little X icon at the top. You click on it. My pdf it was open in desktop two jumps back to my desktop one. So is not gonna lose any off my documents that I opened. And I can click anywhere on the desktop to go back to my previous screen. Now, Mission Control could be a very good feature, you know, the to manage several applications at the same time and also split them in different spaces
6. Zooming and cursor size: now and this week I'm gonna show you all the different ways to use the zoom in your macros and also how to increase the size off your cursor if you need it to. So if you're going to system preferences down below, are we going to accessibility now? Inaccessibility. We have an option for SSM. We're gonna click on him, and we have an option to use keyboard shortcuts to them so I can use either the keyboard or I can use my mouth. Zoom. If you like to mainly use your keyboard, you can just enable this. And with the short cuts to Tuggle, the zoom on enough is by using all toe option command and the number eight. So if I do that now, my screen is zoomed in for a press again. Old command eight. It will turn that off and it will go back to the previous view. Now, if I enable that. And now I use the Olten command in the plus for minors. We will zoom in and out, and this is without using my mouse. I can actually just zoom in and out this way. Now, let me just disabled this. I'm gonna show you how to enable it with your mouse. So the second option is to use scroll gesture with modify a key too soon. So I'm gonna just take that box and as a default is gonna give me the control button, I'm gonna leave it with controls. If I hold down the control key on my keyboard and I scroll with the wheel in my mouse or if you have one of these Apple Mouse, you can just swipe with one finger up or down to zoom in and out, and then we'll follow my curses. If I break the curse all the way up here and I zoom is gonna zoom in. And if I move the mouse and the edges, it will move around my screen so I can actually zoom out by holding down control and scroll down again to go back to this view. So this is the way to zoom in and out, using your keyboard and your mouse. If you want to increase your cursor size, you can go to display and you have the cursor size. Just stumble here, slide this sideways to increase the size of your curse so you can leave it anywhere you want.
7. Full Screen and Split View: in this video, I'm gonna show you how to use full screen and also split view as well. Full screen allows you to see a window in full screen. So if I click on the little green button here at the top, left hand corner of the window is going to give me a full screen off my window in this case , and safari now is full screen. So you know it is this when you lose the dock down below and the menu bar. So if I place the cursor all the way up on the edge on my monitor, I should be able to see the menu bar popping up and also my red and green button. So if I want to, for instance, close the full screen, all I need to do is simply click on a green Boston to go back to the screen. Now, if I click on agree button again, these full screen will actually create a separate space will separate desktop. Now, if you don't know what that means, watch the Mission Control video to understand that. So now a fight trigger mission control by using control up arrow. You notice now safari is in full screen but is also in a separate space, and my desktop one is still open. Now I can click on the Stop one to go back to my other windows, but I can also use control right arrow to go directly into my safari full screen, which is quite handy now. If I want to close this window or any to do, simply, click on the green button on top to go back to the desktop one. Now let's have a look on how we can use split screen. Now let's say I want to have Safari open in one side and I want to hold. So have the notes on the other side. Two types of notes that's opening new notes for now. Now, if I hold down the green button this time without just clicking it, I just hold that down with a few instance, and you should be able to see a grade out area in my screen, and I can choose to have thes window either left or right. So let's say I wanna have my notes on the Ryan side of the screen and I let go the mouse. Now let's see the rest of own windows on the left and site. Never wanna have my safari windows open they're wanting to do simply click on it, and now I've got a perfect split screen. I also have thes handle head in the middle of the screen that Aiken drag to the site. What to have bigger or smaller so I might wanna have safari little bit wider and notes a little bit narrow. If I want to go back to die previous desktop or into this in producing, use my control and Left Arrow to just switch between the desktop if you have a track, but you can also slide sideways with three fingers. You have these gesture in system preferences, and you can just go there in system preferences on the track bed, and you notice this more gestures is an option that you see here swipe within full screen APS. Swipe left and right with three fingers and you see all the little video here on the right hand side shows you how to do that, and that's what I'm doing now. I'm swiping three fingers, which is very, very crossed. As I said before, if I trigger mission control you noticed. Now my split screen is in one separate desktop or space, and if I want to close these full screen on introducing pre, place the cursor on top and use the green button to close the full screen. One window is still in full screen. If I go back to my mission control, you'll notice I still have note in full screen, so I will have to click on it, go up here with my cursor and click on the green button to go back to the previous view. And now, if I use Mission control, I only have one desktop so berry mind. Whenever you use full screen and split view, it will create a separate space for this Ever fund with that and ever look at Mission Control's video because it's a great way to multi task and manage several windows at the same time.
8. Setup a printer: Now in this video, I'm gonna show you how to set up your printer or whether you have an old printer or one of the recent ones. WiFi. You just need to go into your system preferences, and then you go into printers and scanners. Make sure you installed the driver before you do that. But usually Mac OS has ALS the different kind off drivers, especially for major brands. So if we go to the plus button here on the left hand side, you should be able to see your printer popping up here on this list. It's a multi function laser printer and doesn't have any wife eyes connected directly to USB. As you can see, my computer already recognize that if your printer is a WiFi, make sure you turn the printer on and you should be able to see you here on your network or going to do is simply click on it and then select the driver. If he's one of the recent printer, it will automatically choose the right driver for you. Otherwise, click on this list here to choose a driver, go to select software, and in this case here, I'm gonna just scroll down because I know the name off my printer, which is an M F 4100 and I'm gonna click on OK, so that will add my printer driver here, and I'm ready to add it by pressing at. And now my printer is ready to use duties for if you have any other printers or scanners you want to add in your system.
9. Scheduling your Mac: One of the many features on my quest is to scheduling the time when your computer turns on and off throughout the day and the week. So you can do that by going to system preferences on the energy saver so he see a bunch of options, the one on top. You see this lighter to turn that this playoff after certain minutes and mine is set to 10 minutes. So after 10 minutes, my screen goes off for saving some energy. But you also see down below an option for schedule so I can click on schedule and I can decide to start up my system or wake up the system every day at a certain time. So I can just choose this to be, let's say, at eight o'clock in the morning and I can also schedule the sleep, restart or shut down every day at the certain time as well, so I can choose to have that set up for, let's say, 10 o'clock. So that will allow me to basically leave the computers it is, and it will shut down 10 PM in neighbouring turn on at 8 a.m. In the morning. I can also choose the frequency I can go to everyday pop up menu. And I can choose that to be a week, day, or weekends, or every day or a specific day of the week. So you can actually be very specific here. This is very useful for people who have offices. There was more businesses, and perhaps they want to manage all their computers to turn on a certain time and switch off at a certain time as well. I'm gonna just undo this, but now you know how to schedule your Mac by using scheduling.
10. The Help Menu: my quest help could be very, very useful, especially when we got stuck into an application, and we don't remember where certain functions are. For instance, at the moment I am under my notes, and I can see the help button on the top here on the menu bar. So when I click on it, it will give me an option to search for whatever keywords I'm looking for. I also give me an option to access to the notes. Help. If I do, that is going to open a little manual here on the right hand side, and I can scroll through here and read the manual if I wanted. Teoh does. This is the entire manual for notes, which it gives you step by step instructions on how to use it very, very handy. But let's say I want to search for a specific keywords. Let's say I want to add here in my notes. I want to add a an image, so I don't know. I don't remember how to import. So what I could do. I can actually go to help and type the word import on my menu. Now I've got menu items and help topics. Now the difference is the menu items are items that you see in the menu bar. So afraid hover the cursor over menu items is going to show me where that function is in my manual. And if I go to help topics, he is going to open essentially the article off the manual in my little window here on the right hand side. But let's say I want to go back into my help and I want to search for something else. Let's say I want to share. As you can see, I've got several ways to share. So if I go to share the menu, items is pointing me on the file so it can be very, very handy to find out certain functions there are hidden in your menu bar.
11. Create Folder shortcuts in Dock: Now, there are several ways you can access to your favorite folders in your Mac. And one of the way is to place them into your doctor, as you know this down below. Here, I've got my down Lord folder now. He has a local economy. I can actually access to my files. But if I want to, for instance, have some other folders there. All I need to do simply go to my finder on. I can go set to something like documents. Aiken dragged the document from their old way down to my doc. But be careful when you do that, make sure you drag it on the right hand side off the line separator. Because if you're trying to drug it on the left, worse the apse one. Leave any room for it. So I have to go on the right hand side and then place that fire. That and there will create a short cut as you notice. Now I see my documents folder and again I see them as a stock by. If I right click on it, I can actually display as a full Dorrance that so it will hide the content on my folder, which is quite nice when I click on it Now it will show up my list of files by grit. Now, if I right click here, I've gone optional to to see my content in a different way so I can actually see it as a fan. So if I do that and I click on it, it will show up the content as fun. I can show up as a grid like now I can also show as a list like kind of a Windows style these, Well, let me view more files. And as you can see here, I can actually go to sub folders as well. I can see the file, and if you want to open it, you just click on it and it will open the file. Now, if I want to remove folders from the dock or into this should be drug out on it will be removed. Let me just drug back my documents, and I'm gonna leave it there. But this is the way to create shortcuts on your dock
12. Adding Apps Folder to Dock: Now let's add our applications folder onto our doc like you see her with the documents and the downloads. Now I'm gonna go into my finder and I'm gonna click on applications here on my side. But now I can click and drag that all the way down to my doc until I go all the way on the right hand side on my separator now is you know, he's now I've got my applications here, but it kind of shows up as a pile off files which I don't really like. So I'm gonna right click on it and I'm gonna click on display as folder and now I've got my folder. Now let's close the finder and when I click on it now, I see all of my applications here in this screen. Now, the cool thing off the applications stuck in my dark is that is going to show me all my APS without using the full screen like I see in my lunch. But so if your question is, what's the point of adding the application's folder here? Well, if you don't like the full screen view in the launch, but you can still use these view without losing the look off your desktop
13. Recent Applications: more have it Now we have the ability to see the recent application you been using down to the dock, even if they haven't been set as your standard applications down below. And I show you what I mean in a second. So if I open an application which is not in my doctor at the moment I'm gonna go to my lunch part and I'm gonna open for a since the dictionary. Now the dictionary shows up here down below. And as you noticed now I've got another line separator. Before we had that one that separates the application to the folders and the trash. But now we have an additional one, and that will show us the latest application were being using that are not set as standard APS. As you notice. My dictionary is not in my doc as a standard up, and I've got also screen flow because I'm recording this tutorial so that screen, floor and screen for has not saved here either. Now let's open another application again into the launchpad and let's open the calculator. And again. Now I've got bigger calculator here as well as you can see now I've got three off them there. I recently opened, but let's open a different one. Let's say and I want to close the calculator, I can just go to calculator and quit it. And as you can see, it's still there. Just remind me that I used it recently. I'm gonna go to dictionary and going to the same thing. I'm gonna quit dictionary and he stays as well. I'm not gonna close screen flow. Otherwise I'm gonna lose this recording by gonna go back to launch. But then I'm gonna one another up. We don't have into my talk and in this case, and going to choose the let's say express VPN and now is you notice. When I opened the express VPN the first up, the oldest up will close automatic, which was our dictionary to take room for this new one so you can have a maximum off three applications there. This is very similar, or what happened into your iPhone or iPad. When you open recent application, you can retrieve them a swell. So if you want to disable this or you need to simply go to the apple sign on the system preferences, you're gonna see these option on the dock and down below. Here. Now we have show recent obligations in Doc. If you don't want to see them, you just untech that. And now that section disappeared. So if I now quit my espresso VPN, for instance, it will disappear from my doc. So this could be quite good to have it. In case you want to reopen up, they're not necessarily set up as standard in your doc.
14. App Switcher and Quitting: and this big, I'm gonna show you how to quickly switch between APS and how toe quickly. Quit them. Swell. Let me just open a bunch of ups. I'm gonna open safari and my calendar in my notes and also going to open news as well. So I got quite a few open at the moment. Now, if I want to quickly is which between them, that is a short cut. And that is command tub. So if I hold down command and press tub once you notice I've got all my applications open up here, all my icons. And if I keep on pressing tab, I can switch between them. So let's say I want to go into my safari again. Just going to safari. Let go my command. And now, so far, it comes in front off my window. I can also quit applications here. So if I want to now go back to Commander breast stab ones. Now again, I can see the list off my applications open. And if I want to quit something and so I want to quit my safari on just moving with my tab now, like impress que, which is actually next to my tab key. So if I do, that is gonna quit quickly. The applications. And in fact, I can actually click and quit the other ones as well. So this is a kind of a quick way to switch between UPS and to quit obligations.
15. Quick Tips for Siri: Syria's be introduced to macro ass since the version Sierra. And now with my quest, Mohammed, we can still use it very well and has improved a lot for all the years. Now I'm gonna be showing you a couple of ways to use it. And one of the best way to find out what you can do with it is by asking it. So as you can see, I've got Siri Icon here on my dock. Next my finder and also in the top right hand corner in my stages bar. I'm gonna click on that and gonna ask something. Siri, what can I ask you now, as you notice, Syria's gonna show me all the applications that are enabled with it and also a little phrase example just down below, for instance, for the finder, it says he is sure my downloads folder or for my APS says the launch photos so I can actually asked to launch and obligations if I wanted to. I can also ask to send an email will send a message. Now, I'm gonna just close in now, and I'm gonna show you how to send a text message to someone Siri can you send a message to Louis White? What do you want to say? I'm gonna be tomorrow at the pub at 10 0 clock. Has your message ready to send it? Send it. Okay, it's sent. So as you notice, just with a couple off phrases, I just managed to send a text message without touching my Mac. Apart from clicking on Syria now, I can also ask Siri about the weather. Siri, what's the weather like tomorrow? Don't forget to your raincoat. So it's just telling me that tomorrow is gonna be a bad weather. So I can also ask about sports stuff. Siri, can you tell me about Wimbledon? Here's what happened at Wimbledon. So as you can see, it assures me all the results for Wimbledon. And again, you can be very creative here and trying to test Siri for other things. For instance, for searches. Siri, can you search on safari about Oscar Wilde? Here's what I found. And again, you can go here and just click on whatever search you prefer. And it will open up that webpage. So experiment with Syria because it could be very, very useful. Especially when you want to do a quick search and you're busy doing something else in your Mac. This is a great feature that definitely is underestimated.
16. Screenshots and Screen Recordings: now another great feature in Mohave. It are screenshots now, As you know, to take screenshots off your desktop or you need to do is simply use a shortcut, which is shift command. Three. If I do that now, I will take the screenshot off the entire screen. And if soon as I do that, you'll notice now more have it will show me a little preview off that screen shot on the bottom right hand corner, and if I wait a few seconds, it will automatically disappear and will be saved directly on my desktop. At the moment you see, you got to Screenshots and the reason is have got an external monitor as well. And that's why you see, too. But if I click on that and I press space bar to see it, this is the entire desktop now. The other shortcut we know is shift command full, which enables our target cursor there. And now I can select a section off the screen by simply dragging my cursor into the section and then buy. Let's go will automatically save that as well. Again, I can see the thumbnails are at the bottom right corner, and if I want to check it quickly and click on it and it will open up and are more have it would give me Ah, lots of more options at the top here on this tour, but which we're gonna show you later on. But for now, I can click on Done if I want to save it or delete it by pressing the Ben and it will be deleted. So I'm gonna first down for now and that will be saved on my desktop as well. Now, you more happy we have 1/3 way to take Screenshots, which is shift command five. And when we do that now we see a little portion of the screen highlighted and I can just change that by dragging the edges off these little for Tunggal. But you see here now below I've got a bunch of options. The 1st 1 is to capture the entire screen, which is the same as pressing Shift Command three. The second unease captures selected window which is shift command full. Then we also have capture selected portion and again is the same as before. But now with more have it. We also have the record screen the record feature and that allows to record the entire screen or to record a section off the screen. If I click or record the entire screen Now I see my cursor becomes a little camera, and as soon as I click on my desktop it will start to record. So now is recording, and if I move this window around a little bit, I just do a little bit of a movement here just to show you what it does. And now, if I want to stop the recording or introducing pretty just click on the little stop button here in the status bar on top. And now I've got my video popping up here at the bottom, bright and corner. So frankly con that the video shows up here and I can click on the play button, and now you notice my recording. Is there perfect Now I can just go into the done if I want to save it, and that will be saved into my desktop. If I do again shift command five. I also have an option to record a portion off the screen, so if I do that now, I can just select a portion of the screen very similar to shift command for four steals pictures. But now I can just say simply, record a video and I can click on record down below. And now I can record a video just for this person. And let's say we're going to stop it now again. The stage is Barry got to stop, and if I click on a little preview there and I press play now, you'll see on Lee. That little portion has been recorded breast done now, and I want to show you just another thing. If I do shift, come on five again. I've got also an options buttons. If a click on that, you also have the option to save your recording into different folders. Say documents folder into the main folder, etcetera, and you can choose your own folder here, which is quite nice. You, actually, instead of having all of your fire scattered in your messed up, you might wanna have them into a specific folder and then we hope also have the timer and what microphone you want to use as well. You can also record through a microphone, and you're some additional options down below eso. These is very, very useful, and you want to record quick tutorials of quick videos for someone needs it or for doing video tutorials such as this one. That's pretty much what you need to know about Screenshots. But as you can see now, more have a simplified everything by having shift command five and having all the options that we need down below.
17. Navigate Finder using the keyboard: when you work on your Mac, you probably found yourself spending a lot of time switching between mouse and keyboard, especially when you have to move files around opening and closing folders, creating and deleting folders, copy and paste items and files from a place to another. That sort of file management business can be done also by using the keyboard without having to use the mouse. Now there are ways you can use applications specific obligations only with keyboard. About for these video gonna show you how to use your keyboard. Wait Finder. Some of you asked me this in the past, and I didn't have actually a chance to record a video. Now actually created pdf for you. So if you go to module zero, you'll find these downloadable files is a pdf using keyboard in Finder. You'll find these manual very useful I just created for you. You can follow for the class and you can go through this pages, or you can just watch this glass and then you can print this. Pdf for your future Reference is so let's just jump into the class. So I'm gonna basically put the mouse on the side and of course. Bunch of applications open. I've got my preview open, and I've got my safari as well. Now I want to get rid of them. One of the way you could do that is by hiding them so you can actually use the shortcut. Command H. So at the moment, I've got my preview open. I've got on the top left hand corner, my menu bar. It says I call preview open. So what I could do? I can even do command h two. Heidi. I can Nilsa use command w to close the window or can use command em to minimize the window . I'm I wanna have that. My doc and I want to bring that back later. Or I can quit the application by using command Q. And this case here are not gonna need this file for now. So I'm gonna just quit Pretty you by doing command que Now, if I want to leave safari open, I could just go to my switcher at the moment. On the top, I've got the finder. So if I want to get rid of my safari by want, just minimize it. Make sure I've got safari on the menu bar. First, I'm gonna go to my app switcher, which is command tab. So if you hold on command and press stop once and then release tab, you should be able to see the up switcher at the moment of God. My screen flow, which I'm using to record this class. I've got safari. And of course, I've got the finder, which is always open. Now. If I want to switch to safari, I can go safari here. Let go, Command. And now Safari is forward is on the menu bar as well on the top left. Now I'm ready to minimize their sewing use. Command em to minimize it into my doc. And now I can switch again into my finder. I can go back to my finder using the tab and release command. And now I've got the finder on the top left. If I want to open a new find the window, I can use the shortcut command. And as new at the moment, my finder opens up with document. You might have recent, for instance, on your finder or any other folder that you have set up in. Find the preferences. And by the way, If you want to change your default folder for your finder, you can do command comma and that we open. You'll find a preferences and you can change your default folder by going to new find a windows show and you change it. That Okay, so I'm just gonna close this for now. Come on. The w to close it. And I'm backing to my finding the finding. Always offer me four different views. No matter what operating system you got, you can go to command and press from 1 to 4. So for press Command, one is gonna show me the icon view Come on to Is gonna open the list of you Command three is going to switch to column view and come on. Four is gonna show me my gallery. Now, I can go back to command one to go back to my Aiken. If I want to navigate my files, I can just move the direction keys, the right key. The right arrow will let me go through the files. The up and down arrow. It's gonna let me go up and down. Of course. Now, if I want to open a full, they're here. What I can do, I can just select the folder and use command down error that will open that folder and then I can choose the down arrow or the right arrow to go through my files. Now it more having, like, actually select an image for since, and I can rotate it straight away from the finder. Now, I'm gonna show you how to do that in a second. But I can actually press space bar first, Do the quick look and just check my files. And by the way, space bar works in any Mac in the last 10 years. 10 12 years. So you should be able to use the space bar press space bar. Now, you see that image needs to be rotated so I can use the shortcut command are to rotate the image. So command are in the Mojave will rotate images. If I want to rotate to the right to the left, I can just do command old and are, and it was rotate the other way. So once you've done it, just press space bar again and the picture is rotated. Now, if I want to open a picture into preview, for instance, or whatever other softer is linked to. I can just do command down arrow that will open the image into preview. In this case, Narcan. Just come on cue for wanna quit preview and I can just open another folder if I like to come on down Arrow to open that folder and he's gonna open these other bunch of files. Now, if I want to go back, I can just do command our prior Oh, to go back to the previous folder and again until you go back to the very beginning. If I keep on pressing command up, Arrow is gonna go for all of my hierarchy off my Macintosh HD for press again. Our pyro is gonna go to my home folder again. A pyro is gonna go into my Macintosh HD Apple arrow again is gonna show me all my external hard drives as well. Now, if I want to go back, command down arrow and again I can navigate here with my right arrow into I go to users Command down arrow to open it, moving again to the right command down arrow to open a and I go back into my document command down arrow. I'm gonna go back to my desktop items, command down arrow again and I'm back here. So this is how you can use the shortcuts. Using the icon view if I go into the list of you is command too. Now the direction keys work started different. So if I want to go up and down, of course, I used the up and down arrows to navigate. Now, if I want to open a folder, I can just do command down Arrow to open that folder. But let's say I want to go back. Come on our payroll and say I want to see the content off that folder. I can just use the right arrow to open it directly in the same window. And if I wanna close it, I can just do left arrow to go back here or expand or collapses folders in the same window . Now, if you don't see, the triangle next to the folder means you are into a main folder. So, for instance, if you're on the document by now and I go to my command to to go back to my list, you'll notice my folders here. Don't have a little triangle next to them. I have to go inside that folder first, and then I can see the little triangle that next to it. Then I can use the right arrow to open it or the left arrow to close it. And against base bar here works the same way, and the other shortcuts I showed you before were exactly the same way. Now, if I want to switch between the list and the column and just press command three and I'm in column view, which is probably one of my favorite and is the favorite off many people because you can actually see the list off your files with a little preview on the right hand side up that file and you can just navigate with the four direction arrows through your files and you can see little preview on the right hand site. Now with Mojave, you can also create pdf directly in the final. You'll see you have that create PdF below the image there. I cannot sort of go to the gallery command four. And now I've got these little preview off the file at the top, and I've got the list of the items down below here that I can navigate with my left and right arrow. If I see a folder again, I would use probably my command down arrow to open it. And I see all the informations on the side as well. Now, let's go back to my list of you, actually to my Aiken view. And the next week, I'm gonna show you how to use other shortcuts in your folders.
18. Keyboard only shortcuts: and this video will show you more shortcuts that you can use once you are in the right folder. At the moment I'm in the finder. So if I want to navigate to my folder at the moment I've got bunch of folders into my desktop and I can just navigate using the direction keys, the down arrow, the up arrow just to move around. I can just go to my images there and then use command down arrow to open it. And now I can just choose the view by using command 12 or three or four. That's up to you. Which one you want? I'm gonna go to command one because I like the icon view. And again we did down our or the right arrow. I can just go fruit images or whatever files. So let's say if I want to duplicate a file, I can use the shortcut command D to duplicate that and that will duplicate that file. I can also use command C command V to do the same thing, and that will place it down below at the bottom of my list. I can also use command I to check further information about that file for a sense. If I want to go to the image that I can do command I and is gonna show me further information about the image If I want to close that, I can use command. W and I can go back to my finder. Never want to delete a file. I can use something like command backspace to the litter. If I change my mind that I want to undo it again, press command is that to undo the deleting, I can also praying to file by just selecting the file and press command P. And then we'll open in this case in preview and is gonna launch the printer, not actually go to my up switcher command tab and just get rid of the printer. Come on, Cue. Just the Quit it, By the way, I'm gonna quit. Safari is welcome on cue and go back to my finder. If I want to rename a file, I can just use the enter key. So if I just go to a file, press enter and I can rename that Lyon press enter again to save it. If you want to search for a file in use command f to find a file and start to search first into the world Lion. And I was gonna search everywhere my Mac. And then we go, I've got my my results there in gather review. I can change the view again in doing command two or three just to see if I can view again. And I can just go down with my arrow there, breast person, go down to my arrow and just start to navigate my files. Now, if I want to change the sort order, I can actually use the shortcut. Use control old command one to sort it by name. Consultant by datemodified with eight added Now, you find these different shortcuts at the top here on the view on the sort by, and you'll notice. And I got the shorter enriches control all to command. And then you have 12345 to the one is by name. The two is by kind. The 34 and five is by date and then you have the by size, but six and tags is by seven. So if I want to sort them by size, I can just do old control command six and in sorted by size. And I can actually go on top, see the biggest files and the smallest file at the bottom. So you could do that as well. I can do shift command control one. And I'm back when I was before that just to change and reorganize quickly you, your folders and files. Now, if you want to jump into a folder from whatever you want and you find that you can use the shortcut shift command G and then we'll let you go into whatever full do you want us? Let's say I want to go into the folder images and press return. Now he's gonna jump into that folder for me. I can also search for files using the spotlight but using the shortcut command space bar and come on space, but will close its well. Now, if I want to delete a file, I can just do command backspace to the liter, and I want to empty the trash, can use shift command backspace to empty it and just press return to do so. So there are other shortcuts as well. You can find on the menu bar on top, so you have bunch of coffee on the go. If you want to go into your computer folder, you can just use shift command. See if you want to go to your home folder is shift Command H is really up to you to just learn the one that you're gonna use the most. You know, they have to remember, hold by heart. But you also have now the reference manual that you can use any time. So ever look at the menu bar on top for other shortcuts. These, of course, will change. According a war application you have opened just trying to learn the one you're gonna use the most. So let me know if you have any other questions. In meantime, I'll see you in another video.
19. Navigating your Mac with shortcuts: if you want to control your menu bar using your keyboard what you have to you have to enable the F one and F 12 keys. First of all, in your system preferences. And that's what we're gonna do now we're gonna go down into our system preferences. We're gonna go into our keyboard and then we're gonna go into the keyboard tab at the top, and then you need to enable use F one F two etcetera keys as standard function keys under stick that box. So what that means is, if now you have, for instance, the brightness you have speak of volume as well. Now that you enable those keys, you would have to use function in order to change the experimenters. So, you know, if I want to change the volume off my speakers, I can just press function and then used the F one toe have 12 keys to just do that. So remember that. So I'm gonna close my system preferences. Now, I'm gonna go back into my desktop. If I want to access to my menu bar on top, I can use the shortcut control F two that will at me go into my menu at the top. As you can see, I've got my apple logo highlighted. And now I can use my direction keys to go to whatever place you want. Impressed the down arrow toe, Open that menu. Oh, sub menu. I can go to sort by, for instance, and I can use my right arrow to see what's inside and change it from that. If I want to say open and you find the window, I could just press the return key. So enter key to open a new find a window. If I want to navigate my doc, I can use the shortcut Control F three and then we'll bring up my doc down below and I can use now the direction key to go through the APS I want. And I can open the one I want to buy a pressing the return key and that will open the application. If I want to close it could breast Come on cue. Now you know what to do that and could go back to control at three. To open your doc and navigate through your obligations and folders as well. We control our four. You can switch between the finder windows. I've got to of the moment to suppress control at four is gonna switch between the two. And you know, this has got that switching back and forth. Control F five will jump into the search bar in your find a window by it, expressing again it will get rid of it so I can actually go there and start to type some text saying, Look, looking for the word Lyon is gonna search for files there. If I want access, my stages borrowed the top. I can use this shortcut control after eight, and then we'll access to that. And I can just use my direction key to go through the different icons that I've got that on top. And if I want to check what's inside using the down arrow and fight for my WiFi for my languages, for my account terror. If you want to escape this, just press the escape at the top left hand corner of your keyboard. Now I just want to ensure that if you want to check out the shortcuts that I haven't mentioned his videos, just go to your system preferences control of three and then navigate your system preferences were here, compress returned to open it up. Once you hear in, search for shortcuts, keyboard shortcuts, then you can just click on keyboard and you'll see you have all these shortcuts or just mentioning before then. You have others you call Mission control. You have the launchpad, and if you see some strange symbol, just hover the cursor over it, and it will tell you what that symbolises that when he's actually control down arrow so you'll see that symbol like this is control. So ever look at this and you might find some other shortcuts that you want to enable here against are so many I can't possibly show you all of them. But now you know pretty much older main ones to navigate your menu, bar your status bar and your doc in your finder.
20. Organise your desktop with Stack: Now, as you notice, I've got quite a few files and folders in my desktop and in more having now there is a way to tied this up very quickly. Now, as you know, you can just right click and use something like clean up or sort by if you want to sort your files. So if I go to clean up, it will automatically aligned them into look like a great mode or I can use something like sort by and I consoled them by name. But I still got quite a few here to sort out. And now in Mojave what you can do you can actually right click and you can use something called Stacks. So in for use use stocks Now what it does it will group all my files into categories. As you can see, I've got images ago films I got screenshots and also got my folders. So if I want to see my images, I need to click on images and now all my images will appear down below the little drawer for silicon. There again, it will close it Same thing for films for my clips and then I got my screen shots for my screen shots, so it's a quite nice and quick way to reorganize your desktop files quickly. There's also another way here on top, I can go to view and I've got an option to use stocks, and I can also sort my stocks by kind by date added by datemodified etcetera. So I can actually change the order off my stocks differently. So if I want to do for us in ST Modified, I can do that and it will automatically change that. And it will also show me all the files from today all the file for May and everything else down below. So I love this future. Biggest allows you to quickly sort out your files and fold into the in your desktop in a matter off seconds.
21. Browsing files: Now I've got my finder window open, and this is how you actually browse for files and folders into your Mac. Now, at the moment, I am under the equipment folder with a bunch of images. As you probably know, there are four different ways to see your files. The 1st 1 is the icon view. Then we have the list view the column view. And in the previews version of Mac OS, we used to have cover flow Now with more have A we have gallery now. Gallery gives me more information about the image about the file that I selected, and you can see this information on the right hand side in this sidebar. Now, if I click on any other file here down below, let's say, if I click on this guitar, for instance, I've got this information here on the site. Now, this does not change that much from previous operating system, but we have some additional buttons and additional features that are quite useful now for this image. I've got some additional buttons down below. I've got the rotate, I've got mark up, and I've got also more now. These will change according to the file that you select. So if you selected, for instance, a document, you might have different options. But usually for images and pdf, you always have the option to rotate, to mark up and to do more with it. So as you notice here, I've got some meta data, some information about the date that this fire is being created, the dimensions etcetera now also got an option to click on Show more. So if I click on show more, it was going to give me more information about that file. In this case, I don't have a lot off information there. But if I click on it, say these other image and you see now I've got much more going on here. So if I just enlarge this window for a second, I can see here. Device makes So what Devices being used to take these photos and all other different in your meta data about that fire, which is quite useful. If you want to minimize this and make it a little bit less clattered, you just click on short less to make a little bit smaller. So this is one of the thing you can do in a more have it. The other thing you have is also the option to rotate. If I click on rotate, it was rotate image, and if I hold down the option key, it will rotate the other way around as well. The markup tool allows me to mark up my image. I can top my own. I can type my own text, and I can add any drawing if I wanted to. And if I click on more, I've got an option to make that image. As a PdF. I can also highlight multiple images and multiple files together and then create a pdf out of it, which is incredibly handy having the option there directly into my finder. Now you can also choose any off. The other view on my favorite view is column A list, for instance, and you basically have the same sort of options here as you notice. If I go back to the other, I think it was this one. You have the additional option here, and if I scroll down, I can click on Show more, and I've got a lot the other meta data information that I need now. This is used to be like this in previous operating system by just selecting the file and using command. I So if I do it now, command, I is gonna give me additional information about the image by clicking on this little sub menus. But this is kind of one additional step to kind of go through these information. Now, the finder shows you this directly here, which is quite handy now if you prefer to have, for instance, this view it looks like is no hair. But we can actually enable that by going to the finder menu go into view and we can go to show preview. If I click on that, you're gonna have these night sidebar on the site. And now I can click on any files or any folders, and I can actually see the little preview next to it with all the information here, including these additional pattern stampede. Oh, so this could be incredibly handy, too. Create pdf to open files to rotate fires quickly and in also works for videos as well. So you can rotate videos directly here in the finder, which is quite quite handy. So, for instance, if I want to go back into my document, said, Look, if I want to rotate the video, I can actually do it directly into finding, which is incredibly, incredibly useful. So we used to go into my movie or final Catto any other program in order to rotate a video . Now you can do that directly in the finder, and this will certainly speed up your productivity with your Mac.
22. Jump to enclosed folders: Mac OS makes it incredibly easy to find files in your finder very quickly. So, for instance, here I've got my finder open and I have opened my recent recent is the history of your recent file you've been dealing with. And as you notice here, I've got desk pdf. So if I click on that and I want to find out what the file is now, at the moment it around no ways for me to find out what the file is in which folder in which sub folder might be. And one of the way to do that is by going to the finder in the menu bar on the view and enabled the path bar, show path Ba. So when I do that now, I've got a little bar down below here, which shows me where that file is in my finder. So, as you can see, when I click on it, it tells me that that Files is under my home folder under the documents folder. So if I want to jump directing that folder, we're going to do it simply double click on document. And now I am into the enclose folder. Now let me just go back to recent and I'm gonna just click on any other files. Click on that fire there. That file is also in. My documents are my have fires that are stored into sub folders. The path bar allows me to just jump directly into the folder very, very quickly.
23. Save searches on Finder: in my quest. We have a few ways to search for files. One is by using the spotlight here on the top Ryan corner of our desktop. So if I go into the magnifying glass, I'm gonna open a spotlight search. I can also use the shortcut command space bar to open up. That s well, now I can search for any fires I want. And even if you don't remember the file name, you can also search for a keyword. So let's say I want to search for the word garden. So the spotlight now will search everywhere in my Mac in my any my external are drive as well for that word garden. And the cool thing off Mac os is that it will show up my search in categories. So I got all folders with that name in it. I got films of Got pdf documents and maps. Siri suggested websites, etcetera, etcetera. Now, I can also searched by using the search box in my finder. And I'm gonna show you this in a second. If I opened the finder, this case is already open. I've got a search bar here on the top Ryan corner now if I search the same word garden now that word again will be searched everywhere in my Mac. And as you can see here now, I've got all the search results which are 315. Now, if I want to narrow the search and I want to be more specific what I can do here, I can actually press this plus button down below here and then will open up these search criteria bar so I can search by Kind Aiken Search by last modified, last opened and by name as well, Let's leave it as kind. And I'm gonna go into any and let's I want to search all the documents that are images with that word garden in it. So if I do, that is gonna only search for files with images. If I want to search for music files with garden, it will only search those. And if I go to pdf, it would only search for pdf's. But I'm I want to save this search for future reference. And if I want to do that, I will. And do simply just click on save. So when I click on Save now, I've got an option to rename my folder, and I'm gonna call it Garden. In this case, it was a pdf garden, pdf's and the location as a default is saved searches. And I can also add that into my sidebar, which I want. So I'm gonna leave that checked in an unlikely can save. Now I've got the search saved in my sidebar. So whenever I want to search for that garden, pdf I wanted to loosen. Just click on it, and it will automatically populate for me. So this is a very useful feature for people who are searching for files every day, and they want to save that search on finder.
24. Open With: now in my quest. Whenever you double click on a file, that file will open to the respective up has been assigned to automatically. For instance, if the war document is gonna open in word if is, a pages document is going opening pages or if he's a video clip is gonna open in quick time . So in this case here, I've got this little video clip, and if I double click on it is going to open in quick time, as you can see here in the dark, Quick time player opened. Now, if I want to instead use a different player or I need to do is simply right click on the file. And instead of using open I'm gonna go to Open with now is you notice. I've got my quick time player set up as a default. But I also have another couple of options. One is iTunes, and the other one is. We'll see Now. The old C is a very popular player that you can download from the Internet for free, and it plays pretty much all the different format off videos. If I click on that, that will open V, L C and the video will start automatically. Now, let me just close this video. If I want to play this video with Bill C in the future, and I want to set up there as a default, all I need to do simply right, click on the file and going to get informed. So when I do that, a little window will pop up here on the left hand side and I've got an option down below to open with. Now. If I click on that, my default player is quick time. As I said, if I click on a pop up menu, I can choose Feel See Now if I leave it like this and I close on Lee, these movie will open with Bill C, and the remaining movies will open with quick time by for one. To make this as my default player, I would have to click on change all. So if I do that now is gonna pop up window. That's gonna ask me, Do you want to open all of your future video clips with feel see? And I say Continue now. From now on, all my video clips will open with teal c, so you can do the same thing with any other kind of files. So whether is a word documents that you want to open in pages or you need to do a simple repeat this procedure and you will set your favorite applications as a default.
25. Copying and moving Files: Now let's talk about moving and copying files across your Mac and your external devices such as USB flash drives, hard drives. No, if I go into my find and now I'm gonna go into my downloads folder and I've got a bunch of files. Now, I happen to have a USB flash drive connected, but I'm gonna just basically open another find a window by using command and which is my shortcut for another window, and I'm gonna go into my flash drive. Just put it on the side. Now, when you drag a file from a computer to a external device such as a USB or external drive, you notice you have a little plus button. If I do that now with one of my screen shots, you see, I've got this little grain plus button, and that means it will make a copy off that file. Now, this is the easiest way to copy something. Now, let me just delete this. Now if I want to instead move a file from my computer to an external drive, all I did losing to drive the file and hold down the command key, you know, is now my plus button disappear. When I do that, it will move the file physically for my computer into the external drive, and that's what you need to know about copying and moving files around your Mac.
26. Batch Rename: now you might be in the middle of a project where you have several files that you would like to rename now in Mexico as you have an option to rename and these features bean out for quite a few years now. But let's and go into my downloads, and I'm gonna show you how this rename works. So if I highlight this bunch of screenshots that I've got, so I can either just drag my cursor all the way down to I like them or can click on the 1st 1 hold down, shift and click on the last one to highlight the whole range. So we're going to do now is simply right. Click and go to rename nine items. Now I've got three options here to rename my files. I can either change the format at text or replace text to replace Tax will replace any existing tax on the file with another word. Oh, I can use at text, and I can have the tax either after the name or before the name. If you like to add some sort of a name or keyword or you can use format and this will change the entire structure off the name so I can go here and choose what name? A format I want. So I can have name and index, name, encounter and name and date. So I can have, for instance, a name called Project Mac, for instance. And as a start number, I might wanna have one. And I also have the ability to place the number after the name or before the name. In this case, I'm gonna leave it after name and you'll see down below here the example How the name is going to be seen after you press rename. I'm I wanna have now eight underscored there just to separate the number from the name and I wanna have project in Capital Knife of Silicon Rename. Now my files aren't renamed so this is a brilliant feature that you can use any time in your find out
27. Saving files quickly into subfolders: Now let's say we want to save a document into a specific sub folder into an external hard drive. For instance, in this case, have got these documents that I use before and I've got here my finder open with my external hard drive and basically I went fruit, different sub folders. So I went into my marketing folder under my resources under my graphics and under my images . So let's say I want to save these document into this folder here. Now we have to go back to my document. I would have to go into file and save it. But wait a minute Now the ellipses are gone. So what that means is, if I click on Save this document has been saved already into my computer. Now, in order for me to save this again into a separate folder, I would have to go into file. And now with Mac os, we also have duplicate. So if you're looking for save as now is being replaced with duplicate now, you can also hold down the option key or old key on your keyboard to reveal save as you can see Now with that, I can see the save as now. If I click on duplicate what that does, it will duplicate my document. And now I've got these texts on top that allows me to change the name of the document, but it's being indexed already as copy, but I can go back to file and click on Save. This time the lips is up back so I can click on it. And now choose my destination folder. Now, the standard way to do this is by going back to the external drive, go into the sub folder and kind of scouring through until you find the right folder, which could be very, very time consuming. There's a better way to do this, so let's cancel that for a second, and that's to repeat that operation. Now, I'm gonna go back to file, and I'm gonna go back in to save. Now, instead of going back to my external drive, I've got the external drive and the sub folder already open. So all you need to do is simply drag this folder and drop it somewhere here on this, find a window in the document and then will automatically appear my sub folder here and on introducing produce press save. But this is the easiest way to save something into a sub folder Instead of going and searching again for that, you simply drag and drop the way I showed you. And as you can see is here. Let's delete this. I'm gonna show you Actually a better way to do this. I'm gonna also believe the copy. Now, let's say I want to say the copy of this document into that folder again. I'm gonna show you a quick away so I can go back to file and sell. Abusing duplicate. I'm gonna hold down the old key as I showed you before. I'm gonna click on save. As so these timing again, I'm gonna just drug these images folder directly into his window, and now I'm ready to save it. So this is the easiest way for you to save a document into a sub sub folder throughout your finder. So ever look at this and practicing a little bit and you notice this is going to save you a lot of time
28. Manipulating text: Now let's talk about how to manipulate tax into a war document. How to copy paste, save the document and how to retreat the document as well Into the finder, Of course. Um, text here that I just pace. It's from another document just to demonstrate this. So if I click forest since the beginning off thes paragraph with the cursor here on top left now I for one to move the cursor. Of course, I'm gonna use the arrows keys to go left and right if I wanted to. But let's say if I want to jump from here old the way to the Ryan side off my line, willing to do it simply use the command key Hold on command and used the ah right arrow to jump to the other side off the line. So that would be one way the other ways to use the old key. And I'm by holding down the old key and using the right or left arrow with jump word by word, which beat quite a handful as well. Now another show, because you can use here, is shift and down arrow. So that allows me to highlight the entire row if I keep on pressing, the down arrow is going to highlight row by row until I I lied. The entire paragraph. Another way to jump your cursor from a place to another in your word document is by using the old key and it down our key. That allows me to jump at the end off that paragraph. So holding down the old key up arrow is going to go back to the very beginning. And if I repeat, that is gonna jump through the different paragraphs in this case, about four paragraph. I can just do that four times to go back to the very beginning. The the very end. So that could be a quite useful way to manipulate your text by just moving the cuss. Whatever you want. Now, if I want to, for instance, highlight this. I can just do that by praising the curse of the beginning, holding down my mouse and highlight that. And I can juice use the shortcut key to cut these out. So I'm gonna cut this from here. I'm gonna paste it in between this two paragraph. So I'm gonna do command X. I'm gonna place the cursor at the end of that paragraph One of breasts. Ah, return once or a couple of times just to separate the line. And I can just do command V to paste my paragraph there. Let me just bring that back just for a second, so I can do that by using Command X. Now, if I want to undo that again, use command. Zed to undo my last action, I'm gonna do undo again commands it to go back. One further step in command set commands that again to go back to the previous position now commands that allows it to undoes as many times as you did at the beginning off your document. Now, if I want to save these document or trying to do is simply go to file and click on Save Now you might notice. Sometimes you have these ellipses. So, for instance, I've got say, with those three dots here. So what that means is gonna ask me for further questions off a further confirmation as soon as I click on this button. So if I click on that, now is gonna have now at little window popping up here on screen, asking me to name this document are gonna call it test document, and it's gonna also ask me where to save it. Now again, saving into my documents folder by foreign. To change that, I can click on a pop up menu here and choose a different location. Now, if my folder is no appearing here, all and do it simply just clicking on this arrow here and that allows me to see the final window where I can actually go m brows for out my folders and decide went to save that file . So let's say I want to save in the documents folder into a specific sub folder. Now, if I don't have that sub folder yet, I can create one by using new folder here at the bottom left hand corner. So I'm gonna just do that and I'm gonna use this on gonna name it tutorials and I'm gonna just press create. So now that I've got my folder tutorials, that is highlighted, and it's gonna also appear here at the top. I'm ready to save it. So I'm going, going, gone, save. And now my document is saved. If I click on the red button to close it and I'm gonna go back to retrieve it. I can go to documents. I can go to my Tutorials folder, and now my document is here, and I can just double click it to reopen it. So sometimes when we copy and paste tax from the Internet and will retain the format off the webpage where we copied from, which is kind of issue, So that's going to safari. And I'm gonna go back to my Wikipedia. So let's say I want to highlight this text, and I want a pace it into my document and say, I'm gonna copy up to here, and I'm gonna just do command see to copy it. Now, I'm gonna go back to my document here and and I wanna pay sit down below. So if I do, command V is going to paste the same format as my windows here and my website, which is no ideal because all these text now is formatted for the Web. So and also these words are actually links to websites which I don't want. So, Zukerman said, For a second, let's say I want to pay statistics, but retained the former off my document in this case I'm using Jill Sands as my font style . So if I go into my edit at the top here on my menu bar instead of using paste, I'm gonna use paste and match style, which is a very long short it here. So it looks like his old command shift. And V I'm gonna be using these function by clicking on it. What happened is the test has been paste, but now the format from the web disappeared, and it looks exactly the same as the remaining text here above. So now you know how to cut copy and paste text, how to move around your paragraphs and new documents, and also how to copy and paste text from the Web retaining the format of your document.
29. Keyboard Shortcuts: Okay, let's talk about keyboard shortcuts. So these are basically actions that you can trigger by holding down, impressing certain keys on your keyboard. Now, the first place so probably visit would be the apple website, where you can actually find all these shortcuts. So if you search on Google Mac keyboard shortcuts, so apple keyboard shortcuts, you'll find thes page. And as you can see here, I've got these commands. Options, caps, lock shift control. These are keys that you find on your keyboard. Usually are any of the side of your space bar. This allows you to trigger certain controls. And certain actions got a very long list off these shortcuts. One of the most common shortcuts is copy and paste, so I can show you here. Actually, here, Command C and Command V allows you to copy and paste, but I'm going to give you an example using a document gonna minimize this window, and I'm gonna open one of my documents. Now, I've got some texting. I'm gonna highlight the text by holding down the click at the beginning off a paragraph of single highlight All of this. And now I can just do command, see Now, if you didn't know about these shortcuts or you could do, you can either refer to that document showed you before or you can go on the menu bar on top. When you click on, add it, you'll see here you got all these shortcuts. You go cut, copy, paste, delete, etcetera. And you know, it is also on their right hand side. You have this symbols. This legal kind of flower symbol is actually your command. By holding down these combination keys will trigger the copy. So let's try to do that now. So I'm gonna do command, see? And now I just copy that text into my clipboard. Now, if I want to pay stat somewhere, I can go to my notes and let's open a new note, and I'm gonna do command three. So that is to paste my text here. So this is simple is that you find all these shortcuts here, but he also notice you have other shortcuts. So put any other functions that you see here in the menu bar, you have the equivalent shortcuts on the right hand side. Now you're gonna have to remember all of this by heart. But as long as you refer to the menu bar and two the page webpage here that I showed you before you could be just fine with that. My suggestion is, explore the menu bar on top because you always find different shortcuts according to the application. Urine. For essence, If I'm in safari, if I go into edit or file, you'll see I've got several shortcuts for different actions. One thing that I wanted to mention to you. If you go back to the page the apple page, where you find the shortcuts, you'll see here this paragraph that says some keys on some apple keyboards of special symbols and functions and basically you have on the top of the keyboard F one up to have 12 . These are kids that are triggered by holding down the function key, which is the bottom left hand corner off your keyboard so your fuel down FN function and press any off the F key on the top. It will trigger an action. So if you have to use this F one to F 12 keys, make sure that you use the keys function to trigger that. Apart from that, what I suggest you to do is experiment wherever you are on your Mac and check the menu bar on top where you find all this nice and neat shortcuts you also find shortcuts were which have a combination of three keys, for instance. Here, I've got these other up arrow key, which is our shift key, which is neither side of your keyboard. It allows you to triggered dysfunction. For instance, if I do shift command l it will show the sidebar on my safari. So if I do that now, shift command L it will now show me the sidebar. If I do shift command l again it will close it. Experiment with this, but you don't have to use the shortcuts, necessarily is only full speed up your work on your Mac.
30. Shortcuts/Hot Keys Introduction: Hello and welcome to this video. Are we gonna cover everything about shortcuts or hockey's? So what are short cuts? Hockey's thes are combination off keys on your keyboard that allows you to perform tasks like copy paste, cut print, etcetera. So the keys are this. We have command control old and these old. So come up as command control option. If you have an American keyboard, you know you have shift FN function. No, we have tabs and direction keys. Let's have a look where these keys are on your keyboard. So this is my keyboard layout. Now, if you have another keyboard like an American keyboard or any other keyboard, you might see the symbols slightly different. But this is a British keyboard. So you're going to see you gotta know these some of them are slightly. They let represent it slightly differently. So we have command here, which is on this? Either side of your space bar is long. Bar is your space bar. Then we have command. Then we have old option, which is here and also here. We also have control he on the left hand side. I'm Mikey, but I have ctrl. You might have city our own yours or control. If he's in a mega married a keyboard, then we have function FN shift, which is any the side of your keyboard as well. This is a why the key on the right hand side, and then we have caps lock that allows you to type in capitals. Then we have tab, and then we have escape. Now Top allows you to jump between field. If you feel up forms online, for instance, or if you are in a few working on spreadsheets and excel numbers, you can just jump between field by using top on the other side of Cuba. We are backspace. We have the return key or enter, and then we have the direction keys. Let's have a look or how these keys work on your computer.
31. Shortcuts/Hotkeys: Okay, Before we get started, I want to show you something very useful for you. If you are into word processing, if you type a lot of letters and you want to find out where are certain symbols on your keyboard? So we go into the top left hand corner and weekly Kant system preferences. Endemically can't keyboard. We're here in keyboard. You got to enable this Opportunities show keyboard emoji and symbol viewers and many of Are we gonna tick the box. My knees are addict and you should be able to see these symbol next to your dating time, which is, um, just that one. Now, close this. Now I'm gonna take on that symbol. And as you can see, I've got sure emoji and symbols that allows me to come up with all the emoji, all the different symbols that you're looking for very, very handy if you use like Martha symbols and you look for a specific month symbols that you're gonna find them here and also you see another option which is show keyboard viewer, and that allows me to see my keyboard can make this bigger this morning by dragging the bottom Brian corner bigger was more. And if I hold down now, for instance, the option key, which is the old key just here or here. You see what happened on the skin? I can actually see all the hidden symbols. Ah, that I might need for my for my letter. I can also use a combination of two keys, which is old and shift old and shifted just this up Arab and that it reveals other hidden symbols on your keyboard. So very, very handy for you to to look for for a symbol quickly. Okay, so it actually you want to close it now? You got a little bit now and I want to show you a few shortcuts. Now, the main shortcuts are usually start with our command C command V. So copy and paste. I'm gonna go to my safari on a search for we could be You're gonna go to just Wikipedia. I just want to copy and paste some text. Essentially, I'm gonna just right click. I will, bro. Just highlight this. I'm gonna just hold down my my house. I'm gonna right click anywhere. I'm gonna press, copy, but I can also do command see, and now I copied the text. If you come from windows or if you use windows as well, when does his control C control V on a mcis? Come on, C command v. So very many shortcuts of very similar Gonna close now. So far it I'm gonna open my notes and I'm gonna Just creating your notes are very creative . Click anywhere here Breast command V to paste. So this is the way to paste text. If I want to highlight everything on a text, I can use command A to select all I can also use people shortcut to, let's say copy a section And so I want to copy the first the first sentence here and I want to cut it off his command X tika Now I can go somewhere else. What can open another note? I want to impress command V to paste What? I just cut on the other side. So this is the simple is that you find these shortcuts on the menu bar on the top left hand corner. If I go to edit and I want to find out how to do cat copying paces, you can see I've got cap copy and paste, and I've got X C v. I could also do things like paste and match style. What that means is you find Copy this. Come on. See? And I want to open another note I can go to edit. And this is the shortcut you see is used 44 keys, which is old shift command v old shift. Come on, V. So what it does it will paste the text without those links, as you can see, without using the format that I copied from safari. So it just paste a blank text. This is very handy. If you copy and paste something from Internet into one of your letter and you want to retain the fount off your letter, you would have to use this shortcut shift is old shift Command V. If you want to use the show and the show cookie, what about you just go to edit and press? That is one way do it to do it. You can also print something's come on. P is to print. So if I do, come on p again. I've got my printer option repressed. Bring to print options are like stuff like to close a window. For instance, If I want to close this note window, I can just interval clicking on the red button. I can press command W to close the window from going to safari or to finder. I've got these. Find a window from one to close it. I can depress command. W close the window. I can also open and you find a window. So have got finder on the top left hand corner there and oppressed command. And it allows me to open and you find a window. I'm breast Come on down again to have another another wind if I want to. If I want to close them both, I can just press commander Command w and command w again to close them all. Another very cool shortcuts, which is actually a short cut key. But let's have got a few windows open or the same kind. So it's I've got four windows for finder window open and I want to close them all in one go . I can hold down the old key on my keyboard and click on the red pattern one of them, And look what happened. All of them go. So that's That's another way to to get rid of windows quickly. I want to highlight all these items on my my desktop into command a again as before, to highlight everything. And again, these shortcuts heart here as well. So, like toe and have a keyboard shortcut I use is command s command. There's allows me to save documents, reasons humming pages on your word. So I'm going to open a document here. I'm gonna type something on a document. This is my document. And then I want to save it. I can do command s and it saves my document. I was gonna ask me the name. I'm going to just leave it as it is impressed. Save now it's saved on my desktop. Nice. If I close this, I close this and I reopen it. I bought Lake on a desktop that the document is. Then I fight type something else. Um and I want to save it pages. Saves it automatically As soon as you press the red button. If you're in word and you don't have a notice save offering. Just breast. Come on. This and it just overwrite whatever you you had. So that's it is now safe to come on. This Another shortcut, which is very useful is command Zet. So if I want to delete a file finally a file by dragging it into the trash, I can do command Zet Kamanzi to undo what I just did to delete a file I can just cool to do command backspace, and that deletes the file under command said to go back, bring the fire back if I am in notes and I want to delete something and press backspace to delete off course, we wanted the lead forward, So I've got my word here. That's just push this down just to show you, um and I now want to dill it forward about my cursor here, and I want to delete that word and impressed function the F Frankie at the bottom left hand corner of a keyboard and press backspace. And now I'm deleting port. As you can see, I'm deleting from left to right. Another user function is dictation. So if I top twice in a text editor, I can just suppress that twice and I can now dictate now is listening to my voice and it's gonna probably type something in how And then when I finished to talk, I'm gonna press function again to stop. As you can see, it kind of type something for me when I was talking. Can we just delete that? So, by the way, to delete a line and just triple click breast backspace simple as that, another shortcut key. I uses command I that allows me to share website articles from the Internet following safari now and I'm going to, let's say CNN. So let's say I want to share an article on going to with the Japanese invention that changed the world. Um okay, so I'm here and I want to share these with someone. I can just go press command I and what it does is going to open my mail and is going to attach this article in my my message. You can see now I've got this object. Japanese inventions that changed the world and now of gold to an option on the right hand side, says here, send Web content as webpage. What can shoes to send the as a Pdf, if I do so, is going to convert the article as a PdF four as a link on Lee As you can see, the link comes up there as well, so I can choose whatever form it I want. Pdf on webpage. So that's the way to share quickly something using command. I if I want to reload the page there, got stock, or sometimes you're going to a website that takes a very long time to load. Or you need to refresh the page. You can use the short cuts. Come on our to refresh the page. I want to quit. I conduce dues. Come on. Cue to quit my safari. If you have different accounts on your Mac, you can quickly log out from one account by using the shortcut shift Command Q. And that allows me to now log out quickly from my account and logging toe another account so I can do that as well. I'm not gonna do it now. The wife is going to stop the recording just breast cancer. But this is the way to switch between between users. By logging out, you can also switch between users by going to this little symbol on the top right and change to a different different account. You can do that as well, or you can go into see some preferences and enable that just under one ago too much out of topic. But if you go into system preferences and going to users and groups, you have an option on the log in options to enable the quick switching, which is here. Show fast uses witching menu. My case is short shows up as I can. If you take that box, it will come up here on the top right corner next to your spotlight, and that allows you to quickly switch between accounts. But talking about shortcuts is again shift command you some of the way for you to remember all these shortcuts by going to the many bar on top left hand corner and just click on file Oh, and it and find out which sugar you might use the most. For instance, if you want to find out shortcuts in safari, just click on Survive first, and then you go into the minibar and write all the one that you interested in down into a piece of paper. And of course, the more you use it, the more you're going to remember them. And that's my suggestions, so just type write them down and always refer to the menu bar to known also other ones as well. Okay, hope is being useful, and I'll see you in the next video.
32. Text Replacement: one of the feature that is being out for quite a while in my quest is taxed replacement. This is the ability to essentially right just a few letters and compose an entire phrase. I'm gonna show you this in my system preferences. So if you go into your system preferences and you go to your keyboard on the keyboard, we have several tabs. The second Tubbs is text. We're gonna click on that and you see my text replacement list. As you know, this year I've got on the side a very short amount of letters. And on the other side, an entire phrase for essence BBS means I'll be back soon or O M W will be on my way. So if I choose this, let me just place this on the side and I'm gonna go to any text editor or even in your email, if you like, and I'm gonna write down hear o m W. As soon as I press space bar, it will automatically place my phrase there. So let me just give you another example. Let's create a shortcut right now, so I'm gonna press the plus parts and down below, and I'm going to just say b l s so that will mean sorry, I will be late. So after you've done that, you just click anywhere to save it. And now, if I go back to my test editor and I type B l s is going to automatically suggest me that phrase, I can either press the space bar to accept it. We're gonna just press the X to ah, these regard it. So for press space bar now, it will place that phrase for me. So this could be quite useful for people rights, lots of emails. And they want to have, like, a list of text replacement in their email, for instance, they might wanna have the end of the email with best regards that name, and you might want to actually add that into your list here. So ever look at this and spend sometimes by creating the most common phrase you write in your Mac
33. Dictation: another one of my favorite feature in Mac OS is dictation. So is the ability to actually dictate your Mac and the Mac will write the text for you. Now, this is something that has been out for quite a while as well. And you can use dictation on your iPad or iPhone as well. Now I'm gonna show you high works on your Mac. At the moment, he's account is fairly new, so I haven't enabled dictation yet. So if you haven't already, the easiest way to enable it is by topping function twice on your keyboard. Someone just double top function and in this window will pop up. Says, do you want to enable dictation? And all I need to do is impress. Okay, But before I do that, there's an option to announced dictation. So this will essentially allow dictation when I am offline. So when you're flying and you're not connected to the Internet, you can still use dictation. Gonna just skip this for now, but you can take and down Lord the arrest of the dictionary. So this is something you can do later on. I'm gonna just press okay for now and now is asking me if I don't want to enable the announced dictation. My information will be sent to Apple, which I don't mind. So I'm gonna just press enabled dictation. And now I find double top function again. It would now enable my microphone is You can see my microphone pops up here on the left and site. I'm gonna just press down that I'm gonna try to actually dictate something. Hi, Siri. This is Frank. And this is just demonstration to see how Siri works on a Mac. Full stop mess regards. Done so and it will automatically just plays the best regards down below. So it's quite clever, and it actually it's quite accurate as well. So the more you dictator with Siri, the more would be accurate. So this is one of the way to use dictation. And you can use dictation pretty much everywhere. You can type text, for instance, in the search or in the spotlight as well. And you can actually enable teary here as well. So, for instance, if I want to search for something, okay, safari automatically search for whatever I type. This would be a very useful feature for any of you Write long articles or want to avoid typing with he boards all the time.
34. Use markup within Quicklook: quick look is a feature that has been on my quest for many, many years, and that allows you to basically preview any files without opening any problems. So, for instance, if I click on these image here, my desktop and I press the space bar, I can see a preview off that without opening any program. Now, the cool feature that have go here now available is the rotate. So Mojave let me rotate any pictures or any files on the fly and the other button I've got available is the mark up to next to it. So I click on the mark. Up till now, I've got all these stools available on top, and now I can actually, for instance, draw something if I wanted to. So if I click on the first little pen here on the top left hand corner, I can actually highlight a section, for instance, of horn. A highlight that section that I can do that with my mouse and more have it will automatically create a regular shape for me. So if I want to instead go back to my previous drawing, all right, do it simply. Just go to this little pop up menu here. And as you see, I've got an option to retain my drawing or using the circle that has been generated for me by my operating system. Just quite neat. Now, I could do that. And this case, I'm gonna leave it as a circle. And if I want to change the color of it, I can go into the color palette here, and I can choose a different color and it could be read or any other color. I want another thing I can do. I can actually click on the text. Now when you click on the text, you need to be very careful, because the tax will appear in the middle, off the image off the pdf or whatever you open. And if the image is a very high resolution and my appear various mole and what I would suggest you do is doing as soon as you click the tax, go directly into the font style here and change the size off. That's now You can click on the arrow here to make a bigger or smaller, or you can double click here to type your own a number to make the text bigger. As you know, this is much, much easier by just typing the number here. Now I can also reduce that. Let's make a little bit smaller and let's say you want to make it. I want to leave it. Probably right now, I can just click away from that to save it. And if I want to move this, I need to click away and then click inside again. And I've got little this little handle on the side, and I can just type my own text. I can type something that and if I want to make the smaller again, I can just go back to my front and make that smaller by using the arrow. Now, if I want to save this already to do simple click on done. But if I want to just scrap what I just did now I compress Revert and the picture will go back as you goes. Now be careful when you pressed on. It will have to want to save your changes into your picture, and you also have options to add a signature here on top. So if you want to write your own signature, you can either use the mouse to write your signature, or you can actually use the camera, and you can write a signature on a piece of paper and then scan it using your iSight camera on the Mac. So this is gonna be very handy, especially if you to deal with PdF and application former you want to sign. You can actually sign them by just clicking on the file, press the space bar and use the mark up to to do your changes there. So this is a very, very neat feature in Mojave, and I found a very useful and you'll find it, too.
35. Scan Documents and sign them: In the old days when we have to sign a document or an application form, we would have to sign it and then scan it for a scanner into our computer and then send it by email, which is quite cumbersome. Now, meccas more have it makes this very easy. Now I'm gonna show you how to scan the documents directly from my Mac using my iPhone camera and then sign it as well. Now, these will work in Mac notes in male in pages and any native APS or Mac OS Mohave it. I'm gonna go into file, and I'm gonna go into insert from iPhone. Now, I've got a couple of options. Have got to take photo or scanned documents. I'm gonna click on scanned documents and I was gonna enable my camera. I'm gonna take my photo. Another photo will appear in my screen. Now, if I double click here, I've got the ability to sign it directly so I can click on this down Harrow here on the top , right hand corner, and I can click on mark up. That will show me all the tools available at the top here on my document on one of them is my signature. Click on that. I've got all my signatures. If you want to create one, you can click on create signature. I'm gonna click on one of them all you need to do simply just resize the signature. Drag it somewhere in the document and then 20 finished, You click on Done and now the signature has been saved with my documents. Now I'm ready to share it by click on the share Aiken and send it by email on my messages or any other means. So this is the quickest and easiest way to sign documents in Mojave.
36. Managing your clipboard: If you've been using a Mac for a while, you might have noticed that when you copy something in the clipboard, you would have to pace the straight away. You know the to retain it. Now there are third party APS that allows you to manage your report. On one of them is copy clip. Now, copy. Clip. Looks like this for going to my launch. Bird is a little paper clip that is also appear in your status bar on top. So if I, for instance, highlight something and oppress command, see? And I go to my clipboard that will be saved here on my list. I can also highlight something else, and I can copy that. And I can copy something else and keep impressing command, See, without having to worry about pacing a straight away. The years copy clip will manage all my clipboard here so I can see all of my copies. And I can just click on the one I want and just go to whatever I want and paste it there. So this is a brilliant up that you should download for your Mac in order to manage your clipboard.
37. Shortcuts and Custom Shortcuts: Now, in this video, I'm gonna show you where to find certain keyboard shortcuts and also how to create custom ones as well. Now we're gonna go into system preferences on the keyboard, and we're going to shortcuts now. In short cuts, you see a list of obligations here on the left hand side, and for each application you have a bunch off shortcuts. Some of them are not assigned yet, and you can see here it says none, some of them on others. You'll see you have F 11 F 12. You have some other keys as well. If I were to keyboards or go to Screenshots, I've got now the shortcuts for my screen shots. But let's say a want to now create and new shortcuts. Let's say I want to go into my notes and I wanna have a shortcuts that allows me to access to my iPhone camera so I can take photos straight away from my camera. So the traditional way to do this is by going to file and going to import from phone and take photo to this will access to my iPhone, So this is kind of a long winded way to do that. I want to create a shortcut for this. So I have to basically type the exact function in my shortcuts section. I'm gonna show you how to do that. In this case is steak Photo. So I'm gonna go back to my system preferences, and I'm gonna go into up short cuts down below here, and you have got an option to add a new shortcuts. I'm gonna go to the plus, and I've got the option to choose what obligations I want. In this case, I want to go into my notes and the menu title. He it says entity exact name in this case is take photo. Make sure you also type the capital letters as a keyboard shortcut. I'm gonna use command Old P and then I just press at now my shortcut is being added. I can close that I could go back to my notes. And now if I do old Command P is now going to access to my camera. And now I can take the screenshot. I'm impressed. Use photo, and now my photo is being added. So this is the way to access to specific keyboard shortcuts and I'll to create custom ones
38. Continuity Camera: So one of the new features in Mojave is Continuity Camera, which allows you to basically take photos from your building camera on your iPad or iPhone and directly transfer it into your Mac. So you need to have, of course, the macro also have it on your Mac and IOS 12 in your iPad or iPhone. You also need to have your iCloud account logged in. So if I'm going to my system preferences and you go into your iCloud, make sure you logged in. But you also need to have an extra security feature, which is the two factor authentication. So to enable this, you go into account details on the security and you make sure that two factor of indications is on. Be careful because if you enable this, yes, it will make your account more secure. But at the same time, you would have to go some extra steps in order to log in. So make sure you enable that if you want to use this feature and you can close this window knife and going to obligations such as male or notes, I'm gonna go to my notes for now. I wrote some notes and I want to attach a photo now. So if I right click anywhere here with my cursor now, I've got an option to take a photo or scan a document as well. So you can also scan applications, form, perhaps, or documents you want attaching to an email to a note suggest now. So I'm gonna go to my iPhone. I'm gonna take for a soon as I do that it will enable the camera on my iPhone. And now I can actually take a photo. And once it took the photo, I can either retake if I don't like it or press used photo. So once I've done that now the photo will appear in my notes directly on my Mac, so you can do the same thing with documents you and scan a document at any paper, and they will automatically become a P f or an image on your notes here. Now, the only way for you to find out if this works on any other application is to release literally right. Click on that and see if you have an option to import from your device. Now, I tested notes and male and also tested my desktop. So, for instance, if I right click on best up, I've got an option to import a photo from my phone so I can go here and take a photo and I can take work. Actress can working a place kind of documents. So if I go here again and I do the same thing, I'm gonna do it that that again. And I'm gonna take a photo when a press use photo. And now that photo is being saved in my desktop so I could do the same thing in the finders . If I go to the finder and I'm going to my documents folder, I can right click here, and I've got an option to import from my iPhone or iPad if you have an iPad. So this could be very, very handy. And some of you emailing your star for air dropping your files between your devices, you can directly access to your camera and transferring the right into your Mac. But make sure you have meccas Mojave on your Mac, and you need to have us 12 on your iPad, an iPhone and you need to have your force. Your eye crowd signed in in both devices with two factor authentication on. So I've found with that and I'll see you in the next video.
39. Internet Security: Now let's talk about privacy, security and improving your browsing experience in safari. Now let's start by talking about the browser history, as you can see on the top of God history. And I've got the least off all the website I visited in the last few hours. Now you might have a longer list. I haven't actually browse that much today, but you will see here a list off all the today's history that yesterday and perhaps last week history. Now someone else can actually access to this and see what you visit, which could be actually a privacy concern. So what you could do here, you can actually click on clear history to actually delete the history. So here you have an option to clear the whole history or the last hour history Older today , history and even today and yesterday. So you have the option here to do that so I can actually click on clear history. And now if I go back to history is now deleted. So this is one of the way to get rid of traces on where you've been. Now, Every time you visit a website, that website will use some cookies in your computer. So what that means is will place some files into your computer so that next time when you re visit that website, it will be faster to load, and it will improve your overall experience. There are ways that you can actually stop this cookies to be placed on your computer. One of the way is by going to safari in the menu bar and go into preferences. Now there are a couple of options here for privacy on websites. If you're going to privacy first, these an option here on top test cookies and Web site data. Now I can actually take that box to block all the cookies from any future websites that I'm going to. Oh, I can just do that temporarily now. I could do that temporarily by just using something called private Windows. If I go to file and use private window that will come up with a new window with this little search bar on top Dark search bar. And that means is all of the cookies from Web site will be blocked so nothing will be saved on your computer, and this could be very sensitive for many people. So For instance, if you search for a present for your friends or your family member and you don't want them to see what you searched on the browser, you can actually use a private browsing. Now, let me just close the private browsing for now. Let's go back to our preferences Now, Another option we have the top is website tracking, so that will prevent cross site tracking. So what that means is, if you visit a website, that website can send your information to any other advertisement websites that will send you adverts in the future in case you visit any other sites. Now, this could be quite annoying and what you could do is you can actually enable this, and in Mecca s Mojave is already enabled is already checked. So I would suggest you to do that if you don't wanna have any annoying adverts popping up in your screen. So that is another way to prevent any website to share your information without without the third party companies. Now, in terms of security, where you can do you can go to websites here on the site and here you got a serious of actions that you can enable in your website. So, for instance, if we're going to read a so reader is one of the future off safari that lets you convert website into text Onley pages. So this could be very, very handy for people wants to speed up loading time and they want to just go into on read an article. Let me just close the preferences and I'm going to go into one website. He coaches BBC News now. I opened this article just to show you that this article, as in pictures, some videos and I also have on the right hand side some other you know, are some other articles, perhaps have some adverts as well stuff that I don't want to necessarily see at the top. Now on my search on the left hand side of got this symbol here of this little three or four lines symbol and that is my reader mode. So I can click on that and that will convert the website into pure text, and it will leave the images really due to the article as well. So if I scroll down here, it looks like a nice, clean document that I can read without being clattered with other stuff around the webpage . Now I can in the future open my article. Wade Reader Onley moat anytime I want. Now I can actually convert pages into reader mode if they're not news because news changes every day. So you might not see this page in the future. But if you visit the website such as them, if you look at this have got this website here, which is about an extension, I'm gonna talk you through in a second and this is just the website is gonna be always like this now, I could change this into reader mode. As you can see, I've got the reader mode on top and I can click on it and it will, of course, convert that into a nice text layout. Now, if I go into my safari preferences and I'm going to my website now, we see the reader mode here and you see also the least of website that we recently opened The 1st 1 on top is our ad Gardar come and is asked me here if I want to automatically open the reader mode next time I visit this website so I can go here and click on on. So next time, whenever you open it, it's gonna open in the reader mode. So this is something you can do anytime you want. You can automatically convert certain pages to be in remote and there will speed up the loading time. Other things you can do is, for instance, content blockers. So these are things such as adverts or images or videos that pop up on certain pages and start to play automatically. Now. You could just stop them by going here and used the off switch on the side the moment I am gonna have any website listed here. But you will see them here as well, as well as auto play. So I've got videos here that I could just stop playing, and I've got a bunch of options. If I going, for instance, to BBC Dakota UK, if I click on this pop up menu here, I've got an option to allow all or to play, so it will basically leave all the video plays automatically, or I can stop the media, which sounds so it will still play, but it will stop the sound. Or I would just press never auto play. So all the media that all the videos that will pop up on my website will stop automatically and this is is a great way to speed up your bend with and your Internet speed. So that's another option you have here. Now you can explore the rest of the options here, the you see on this Websites security section to ever look at it and see you can customize the way you want.
40. Website Behaviours and Malware: the other concern There we always have is adverts. Pop up adverts pop up windows on our computers. Now we'd more having We have this content blocker that will automatically block certain ants. But sometimes certain websites bypassed this filter and the way to kind of solve that problem is by downloading a couple of sanctions. One of the extension is called adblock for safari, which I would suggest to download is free and this is essentially an extension. It will appear at the top and it will automatically stop pop up windows bothering you. The other one is at guard that she's another three extensions that you can download and install in safari. Now, these all these things that I'm telling you now will speed up your browsing experience as well as make the old security and privacy more personalized to yourself. Now, another way to protect yourself is by making sure that the website you visit is actually secure. Got this website with a little lock at the top. As you notice. I've got this little luck. Now, if I click anywhere there is gonna show me the actual your l In this case, these Urals has https we always make sure you have That s which stands for secure. So these means of this website as a secure lock and it basically no one else can ac into this website and can access to your information. You also noticed this when you're goingto website when you buy stuff. So, for instance, if I'm going to my Amazon website the Amazon website, also as a secure socket and you'll notice here on top by using by actually seeing this lock when you click on it, you always make sure your l ends with http s and that will basically block any hackers to hack you information. So make sure you also see that before you enter any credit cards or any bank information. But you might have more serious issues with safari such as windows misbehaving or moving windows popping up on screen, or have a different sir changing popping up, such as yahoo rather than Google or vice versa. So to fix that issue while you need to do is simply click away from safari, making sure that you can actually see the finder on the top and then you're going to go. Then you hold down the old key or option key on your keyboard to reveal the library. Now, when I do that, I see this list off files and folders. Now, if I scroll down to Preferences, I got a four the core preferences. If I open that and I search for my safari files and good on top and type safari and then click on Preferences. Now I see these three files. Now, the best way would be just taking this files and dragging them to the trash and then relaunch safari. This will solve issues with corrupted files, and it will restate safari now very mine. If you do that, you will fix the issues. But you will lose your preferences and your settings in your safari, so you would have to set them again. If you do this now, there are other ways you can avoid this and still fixing your issues and improving the performance off your machine by using 1/3 party software. In this case, I will suggest clean my Mac. Now clean My Mac, I'm gonna just search for you is an application that looks like this. Have a look. If I can show you it's a company called Mukpo. And this is the application that I will suggest This will basically clean up any she you have on your computer as well a safari. So if I going on the top here, I've got these installed already, and you can go to open clean my Mac, And that will allows you to actually do a smart scan, so to clean up your issues with your computer. But you can actually go into the privacy section here on the left hand side and do a scan. So before you do this car, make sure you close safari and you scan your computer. Let's just close safari for a second. I'm gonna quit it down below here and click on scan. So this will scan my safari privacy files, and I can actually go into safari here or any other browser for that matter. And I can actually cleared up certain cookies if I wanted to, without actually deleting any of my settings. So, for instance, if I'm going to my cookies here, I got a list off Web site that I visited, and I can actually click on the one I want to get rid of and click on removed. So this is while the way you can easily prove your browsing experience with Safari. Now, if you have any other questions about security, privacy and improving your browsing experience with any other browser, just let me know or send me a message, and I will be more than happy to up yard. But just as a rule of thumb, you can actually download Clean My Mac. It's a paid for app by it's worth the money because it actually does the job for not just your safari but for the entire operating system.
41. New Privacy permissions: now it more have it. We have new security and privacy options that let you control which applications are allowed to access certain components in Julia Mac for it since the microphone or the building camera. So I give you an example if I go into my system preferences now, and I'm going to my security and privacy now in High Sierra, we used to have privacy as well here on the side of my tub, and I've got here a bunch of applications now with Mojave. We have also control off the camera and the microphone. At the moment, I'm using a for softer called screen flow and scream. Fault needs to access to my camera into my microphone. And as you can see, I already allowed that to happen. Now, if you stole any third party up, such as screen flow or any other app from the APP store or from any external disks, Mohave is going to ask you permissions to access your camera to your microphone and to any other component of your Mac. For instance, here already allowed the screen flow toe access, my camera and my microphone, and if I'm going to my lunch but I installed this applications from the APP store, which is a camera recorder, and I haven't opened it yet, but just want to test it with you and see if is going to ask us permissions to access to our calmer. I'm gonna click on that as soon as I opened the up. Now more have is going to ask me if the up can access to our camera. I can neither allow or not. I'm gonna click on OK, in this case. And now the applications also asked me if I want to access to my microphone so you can actually click on OK, And now we have our applications working properly. In this case, I'm not gonna use these up, so I'm gonna critic. And now, as you can see, my applications is here and in my camera as well. So if I want to these able these applications from my privacy or lying to do simply and check these boxes in both section and I am up to the races, I can also delete the applications if I wanted to directly from the launchpad And once I do that, the will then disappear from my privacy and next time when I reboot my computer, this will visit here. So the other options we have available in Mahama is also full disk access. So this basically allow third party APS to access your mail to your messages to your safari to your history as well into your time machine as well. So you can actually decide if you want these up so access to these components. And this is very ended because it gives you complete control or what's happening in your computer. So these will only happen when you don't or third party up says they said. But for any other AB searchers facetime a quick time. It would not ask you for permissions because they're building into your Britain system. So that's what you need to know about privacy in the Mojave. These are just additional features that add it just to give you more control off your computer.
42. Explore the new App store: now in more have it. We also have another update in the APP store. I'm gonna launch it now down below you and my doc, as you can see, is being completely redesigned. And now we have all our sections here on the left hand side of court discover, create work, play developed categories and updates as you know it is not under discover. For instance, I've got my APS here. My recommended APS and there are sorted by top free top paid etcetera. And I got all the latest released here. Now, the interesting things that we got here now that I found a very useful are this little editorial here. So if I click on any of these, for instance, if I click on folders, steps, parks, joy and I click on it, it opens up these article and you can read this article and that the end is going to recommend you a specific up, which is quite handy now if I click on done on the top right hand corner is gonna go back to this view. Now, I can also go to something like create, for instance and for instance, got this article. Yes. Has be your own publishers. If I click on here is going to open again in this little blawg and it's not really a bloggers, like, more like an article, and it basically guide you through. And it tells you about how to be your own publisher and by the end, is going to suggest you one up or more than one up. If it is the case now, I'm gonna click on Done again. We have pretty much the same sort of structure on the work on the play and under developed as well. Now on the categories here, I can actually go and dive deep into different categories for us. For instance, if I'm going to business business, gonna give me the same sort of layout. Got here a couple of features, a couple of APS that has been suggested, and I can click on it and it's gonna show me the preview off the up, the rating and the usual things that we already so a night on the up store in the update section here you'll find on Lee the updates for Europe's, and as I said in the previous video, the operating system updates will happen Onley in the system preferences. Now, these are the main updates in the APP store, and I think you're gonna find it very interesting to navigate this new layout in the Mojave .
43. Updating MacOS: now in previous versions off the Mac OS, we used to do our updates onto the APP store. But now, in Mojave D's changed. Mohammed now takes care of your Britain system directly insistent preferences and all the obligations you have. And third party ups will happen into Europe store and give you an instance for going to my system preferences. Now, if I've got an update off my operating system, it will automatically appear in this window so it will skip this window and it will go straight into my software update. But if you want to check it manually, you can just click on soft update here, and this will only check your Mac OS updates. If you want to update other applications or you need do is simply go to the APP store and check here if you have any updates under the updates section. So that's what you need to know about the changes on your updates in Mojave
44. Group calls with FaceTime: we had my quest more have it. Now we have the ability to use FaceTime, weighed up to 32 people. Or, you know, do it simply over FaceTime. Start to add people within your contacts and then make the call. That's one way to do it. Otherwise, you just can call one person and start to add the other ones. After the call eso you'll see. The more people you add, the more thumbnails you gonna have on screen. And, of course, if you have lots of time nails, lots of people that will become very small, the person were actually talking will be bigger on screen, so you know exactly what's going on. So it's fairly easy to use. You have a couple of control buttons at the bottom. They're so you can actually add some effect is you can see with a little star next to the red button. Then you have the X button to end the call, and you'll to have additional options on the other side now a condom or straight days at the moment. But you need to have IOS 12 on your iPad and iPhone and also the other people on the other side needs to have the same operating system. Also, if you want to do this through your Mac, make sure you have 10.14 point one. At least that is Thea Update. You need to make sure you have, but at the moment of recording, I've got 10.14 point five. So I should be okay for all of us, really. So you can make phone calls also using your phone form by phone or using the MCAS well, so it's a very cool feature to do video conferencing, and it's free to use.
45. Introduction to Automator: in the series of videos, I'm gonna show you how to create applications and how to automate repetitive tasks that you do every day using the automata. Now the automata is under your launchpad under a folder called Other. So if I click on that, you'll see our ultimatum. Is this little Robert here? So this is a very powerful tool that is underestimated. It will automate annoying and you know, laborious tasks such as converting images or resizing images all in batch and also houses create application that allows you to perhaps open certain programs and certain documents automatically without you doing anything. Now, I got a couple of example here to show you, and one is my daily routine. So this isn't up that I created with automata and these other two as well. So one is called desktop clean up, and the other one is Revert files to desktop. Now, I've got a video for this, and I've got video from my daily routine, so you get to see me building these up step by step. So I'm gonna show you how this daily routine works and also my desktop cleanup. So if I could conduct up clean up now what it does, it will get rid of my desktop items. So I've got all my wallpaper here on my desktop Nice and free to work on. So if I click on that now, all my files now gone but they actually saved somewhere else. And if I want to bring them back and go back to my launchpad and use the other approaches Revert files to desktop to bring them back into my desktop. It is very neat feature, and you get to see me build this up in the next videos. The other app I created is daily routine. So that's just high this for now. So the daily routine allows me to basically do various tasks. So if I click on that now, what's gonna happen is there. I'm gonna have safari open my email open and also I agents is going to start to play my favorite playlist. So all in one click And by the way, when you click on that, my safari is gonna open Also certain website as well, a list of websites that I always check every day so you can do the same thing on yours. So let's click on that and see how it works. So I click on daily routine. My idea is open up. My music start to play. My emails also opened up and my safari also opens up with my favorite website Just created for so because actually three apple Amazon on Wikipedia. So in just one click I was able to do this automation and you could do the same thing with you. Video, daily tasks. This will save you a lot of time. Probably 567 minutes just to open up your your pages. Setting up your screens and your music is gonna basically accelerate your productivity. So I hope you enjoy these series of these widow tomato and I'll see you in the next videos .
46. Converting to JPG and size change: my quest allows you to create applications and functions for repetitive tasks. Sometimes we would have to probably change the format off a bunch of images. And this is kind of a very time consuming, especially if you have to go through a lot of pictures now. Just drug. A few photos here in my stop under images. Now, I've got quite a few here in raw format CR two, which is taken from a candle camera. And also I've got some tiff photos as well as you notice. These photos are quite big. So this one is a 25 megabyte photo, and even this one here is 66 megabyte. So I would like to change them all as a. J. Paige. And also, I would like to change the resolution to be in 1920 bite and 80. Now, this is something you conduce you by using the automata. Now I'm gonna go into my lunch, but and on the other, we'll see all these additional obligations, including the automata. Now, the automata is an obligation that is underestimated, but it can do a lot of things for you. Do they are gonna show you how to create a service which is actually a function that you can retrieve when you're right, click on your mouse. And here the bottom. I've got one of the function, which is set desktop picture that allows me to set these image as my desktop background. Now, I can add more here by using the automata so and you have got early stalled things that I can create. I got workflow of go applications and I've got quick actions. Now you might have a previews operating system if you don't have more, have it? This is called service or services. Now, more have it renamed it as Quick Action. Now I'm gonna create a quick action which I can actually use outside D automata and ironically, can choose, and it's usually create that you'll see here the workflow. So you see, workflow receives current automatic text, actually want to work with file and folders. I'm gonna click on this pop up menu, and I'm gonna choose file and folders. Now. I want that to work in any applications. So whatever I am, I can access to this service and the action. I'm gonna leave this as it is now. Wanna change the format off my images. As I said from these raw name to Jay Pek. So I'm gonna just choose here in action that is suitable for my photos. So I'm gonna go here on the left hand side. I'm gonna choose photos, and you have got all these series of actions that I can perform. The one that I'm interested in now is to change type of image. So I'm gonna just drag this into my workflow here, and I was gonna ask me if I want to add it or not. You just press ad. And now I've got my workflow. That basically is structure in blocks. So the 1st 1 allows me to create a copy off the image down below. Here I can change. The type of the image Now is a tiff. Yeah, as a default. But I want to change it to J pegs. I'm gonna click on J. Paige and the other thing I want to do, I want to also change the image size. So I'm gonna go into scale, which is actually here, and I'm gonna drag that into my workflow and unlikely con at these action old. So create a copy of the image, which I don't want, because they already created a copy here on top. So I'm gonna delete this block off. Copy. I want to just the ultimatum to create a copy of the image, make it as a JPEG and change the resolution. Now, the resolution I'm gonna then I'm gonna choose his 1920. Now, these could be for many reason. Perhaps I want to use these images into a website, and I want to have a standard size of 1920 by 10. 80. Now, I cannot change the height, but I can change the with which will retain the proportion on my pictures. So after I done that, all I need losing purchase, press run at the top, I'm gonna click. OK, now is gonna give me an error, because I haven't selected anything yet, But now I have to basically save this action. So I'm gonna go into file and I'm gonna click on save now. I'm gonna call these action the name of the action. In this case, I'm gonna call it convert to J. Paige end 1920. So I'm not actually can't save now now that I saved it I can close the auto meter. I'm gonna go back to my images. If I right click now, you should be able to see now the action down below to convert the image to J. Peg and resize it to 1920 by 10 80 in this case. Now I can do a batch changes where I can highlight all these images. I can, right click, and I can use convert to Jay Peak in 1920. Let's do that now, as you notice, is actually doing the conversion on my desktop because that's what I decided to create the action. I've got the copy and also the J pack. And this is gonna take a little bit. So be patient. And you now have all of your converted photos in just a bunch off minutes.
47. Setup your workspace in a click: if you use your computer every day, you might end up having a very clatter desktops. Now in this video gonna show you how you can actually clean up your desktop and also how to hide all of these items, move them into a specific folder and then bring them back to that stop. Once you finish toe work, you might want to bring this stuff back if you wanted to. Now, this is a task that can be done by the automata. Now I'm gonna open your tomato and I'm gonna create a couple of applications. Now, one is going to hide and move these files into a specific folder and the other one who will revert this back to my desktop Now, one of the way before we start with automata is by using stock. So if I right click and I can use stocks here, if you have Mac OS 10.14 more, have it You have the option to use their option to kind of a tidy up your desktop into category, which is quite nice. But if you wanna have your desktop completely blank and empty, one of the way is to use automata not gonna revert. He's back to where it was, and I'm gonna open the automata. Now, when you open automata, you have few options. So you have workflow applications, quick actions, etcetera. Now, in another video, I showed you how to use quick action. So ever look at that and how to convert images. But let's go into obligations now that that's what we're gonna create and I likely can't choose. Now we want to first of all, get the specified items into our automation. So I'm gonna just type, get need to something. You find the find a folder. So if I going to files and folders ago get specified, find their items. So I'm gonna drag that into my work for all hair, and I'm going to add Defaulted on that I want to sort out in this case is my desktop folder . I'm gonna press ad and click on the desktop here on my sidebar to select it impress. And now I'm going to add another action, which is to get the full the content. So I've got here, actually, that already. So I'm gonna just drag that down below, so these essentially will get well, actually grab all of my content from my from my folder And it will do something soon as I added the third action. So it's gonna wait for me until I drugs the production here, which is gonna be moving thief folders and moving the files somewhere else. I'm gonna type move. So what I'm looking for is move finder items, and that's what I'm gonna do. Just do now got move. Find right. Um, when I drag it down here and now I want to move them into a folder outside my desktop, I'm gonna go into here and the drop down menu. I'm gonna go to other and you can create something within its A document, for instance, now already created something called desktop items. But you can create a new folder by using a new folder down below Now, God, I just select that folder along. Likely can choose now if I Iran, these automation is, of course is going to do what I ask them to do. So I don't go to run here in the top right hand corner, and I was gonna ask me now to launch it. You know, this is my desktop now is nice and clean. And now I want to save this as an application. So I'm gonna go to file a police press on save, and I'm gonna call it, um, does stop clean up. And I'm going to choose the file format, which is necessary. Case is an application, and I want to save it into my applications folder. So if I don't find it here, I can go to my McIntyre's HD actually gonna just click on the Ziehl down Arrow when I go to applications on which, which, for some reason, though, he is here and now you can save. So this is my desktop cleanup. Now, want to revert this to go back to where I was before, after I done my job after I do whatever I want to do. So what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna basically create another automation by Ewing to file new. I'm gonna create another applications, and I'm gonna basically copy this actions into here, so I'm gonna highlight them all. Gonna do command. See, I'm gonna go back to my new automation. I'm gonna pace them here. Now I need to basically river this two folders. So instead of having the desktop there. I'm going to add my desktop items. That's where the items where and I want to revert them back into my desktop. And then if a press run and a press okay, my files are back into my desktop and I'm gonna save these as well. I'm gonna save it as an application, and I'm gonna save it off course into my applications folder, and I'm gonna call it Ah, revert to next stop of that, um, files to desktop press save. Now I can close these two. And if I want to run it, I can go to my launchpad and you should be able to see my two applications on top here. I've got desktop cleanup and revert to file so I can drag this into my doc if I wanted to. My one I have them there. So if I want to clean up my guest up, I can just click on that. And now my stop is nice and clean. If I want to revert that, I can click on Revert Files to desktop and now I'm back to square one. So this can be incredibly useful. Teoh, for your workflow for your daily workflow. But make sure you navigate and kind of experiment a little bit with automata because I could not possibly show you all the different combinations that you can do in automation, so well done, automata.
48. Personalise your Application icons: So in this video, I'm gonna show you how to change the icons for your automation. Well, you my hand up having, for instance, a lot off obligations made with automata. And they all look like this is Robert here. So you end up having lots of these Roberts here on your lunch, but which doesn't really look very clear as well as very monotone as well. The only thing that changes is the description down below. Now I'm gonna show you how to changes Aiken like I did with my daily tasks here. So there's an automata application. So you need to do simply go to Google and search for an icon that you want to download first. It's for my cleanup automation. Zehr just typed cleanup Aiken's and you just go to the images in Google and you search the icon that you like. The one that I liked was, I think down here, There we go, this little over and I drag this into my desktop, so I'm not gonna do it now, But it is actually already in my desktop, so you just need to drag it, and it's gonna be saving it that stop you double click on it to open it up and all you need to do simply highlight the image like I'm doing now with my cursor. Make sure you highlight the whole image and you do command. See, edit. Copy. Then you open the finder because we want to access our obligations file from here, Go to the finder and you search for your automata files. Which is one is our which is the desktop cleanup one. So you're gonna go and right click on the file and click on Get info and you gonna do the same thing for the other one. I'm gonna do the same thing here. Get info. This case thes two auctions are very similar to each other, even though they do opposite things. And now I can just paste the image into these icon here at the top, left hand corner off my get in for windows so I can click on the icon as you notice the Eiken gets blue as soon as I click on it. So that means is highlighted. And now I can just simply command V paste. It pays the image there and I can do the same thing for Yeah, the one command V. And now I can close these Aiken's. And now, if I go back into my that stop, you should be able to see my Aiken's saved with these new images. So this is the way to create your icons on the Mac. And, you know, it is now these two icons down below. As soon as I click on them, they will dramatically change. And now there would be saved into my desktop a swell.
49. Speed Up your productivity: Okay, let's create our automation, our workflow for our daily routine. So the first thing you already we're gonna open our launchpad, we're gonna go into our automata. So when you launched the automata for the first time, you see a list off things you can create. Now we want to create an application that runs on our lunch part, and then we can also save in our dock. So in this case, I'm gonna use obligations because workflow only works within automata. So we're gonna go application mechanically, can choose. Now we want to first of all, launch an application. That's what we want to do when you click on this up. We want other programs to open. So the first things I want to do, I want to open my idea ins. So I'm gonna go into basically type the word launch, and you see, you have an automation for launch application, gonna drag that in, and we're gonna choose this case. I want to, for instance, ideas to open first. So we're gonna go toe I Deion's and now the items open. We want to also get idea is to search for our content so we can also go directly into music here on the left hand side and we can get specified content. So we're gonna go to get specify ideas, items you want to basically choose what playlist to play were music to play or whatever. If you have, like, podcast or anything else to play, you can do that as well. We're gonna go to add And I've got now here an album, and I won't actually play the whole album stronger. Highlight the mole. Likely con ad. And now on the old there. So I can even change the position if I want to do Now that I did that, I want items to start playing because we got to tell automata each individual steps ancient , each individual action needs to be done. So we're gonna start iTunes playing, and that's what we gonna do now we're gonna play, can start writing, explain. You're gonna drag it down here and now we want to off course check the volume because sometimes when you open eyed Ian's start the full blast with the volume. So we want to make sure that we can control the volume, and that's what we're gonna do. We gonna set the iTunes volume. So we're gonna going to set iTunes Volume we go is here and then we're gonna leave it. I'm gonna leave it. Probably run about there, so it's not too stew. Ah, loud. And then we're gonna launch another application so I can go to recent added. You can go to most used ah, actions, See if he's here. Launch application. Gonna drag that down here and again. I want, for instance, now male toe open, because I I check mail every day and I want that toe open automatically. No. Another of go I jeans open and my mail open. I don't really want to see them on the my desktop. I want them to be opened. I want I didn't play in the background and I want to mail to be open in the background. And I can actually see my un dread messages directly here, so I don't want to necessarily check my mail straight away. So what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna drag the hide all applications, so this is gonna hide both items and mail after they open. The other task I want is to open another application, so I'm gonna go again into launch obligation. So that's my other third application I want to open in this case here. I want to open safari and safari is going to open with certain with certain websites. So, you know, to choose what website you wanna open, you need to specify the Urals, right? So we need to basically drag something that it's under Internet and we're gonna get essentially the get specified and see what it is gets specified your else. So I'm gonna drag that down here. If it goes, I go. And now here we got the option to add our websites. I'm gonna add I got apple here. I'm gonna add another one. That's they're gonna at Amazon the calm and will someone to open. Let's say Wikipedia don't come. And perhaps I want told so open. BBC news BBC Dark cold. Are you okay? Okay. So after one done that, I need to tell him what to do with this. The same thing we did with iTunes. So we basically want to display this website, so I'm gonna go toe display webpages, and I'm gonna drug it down here. So as you notice all of these blocks that I drug have a logic. So you got to First of all, make sure you test each individual blocks or at least serious or two or three, and then you run the automation and you can actually see if they some problems if a some mistakes or if you missed out something very mind. Sometimes automated is a bit baggy, so you might want to run in action a couple of times. Now that I've done all of this, I'm gonna run it and I'm gonna verify if iTunes gonna open and play my favorite music if male is gonna open if they're gonna hide. And also, if my safari is gonna open with my four website that I specified here. So let's go and top on, um, run when I click on OK, this is just the message tells you to add a get specified find that items which is actually an action. They want you to adhere on the top in order to basically emulate these action. But it's not necessarily you could actually breast ok and do it without that so you can ignore it. Press OK, Brilliant. So as you can see, um, if you see now my eye agencies hidden my my elicited as well, but is open. And my safari opened up with my favorite website. Forgot my apple, my Amazon, my Wikipedia and my BBC. So wonderful. So this is the perfect way to create a new information. I might disclose this, and I'm gonna just stop my music. I'm gonna just quit ideals for now. And I'm gonna quit. Of course. Male and my safari. So these automation works. Well, now you can create different combinations. I cannot possibly show you everything here, but I leave you with your imagination to kind of go here and experiment different actions and different applications. So I'm gonna now save this is an application gonna goto file and indirectly can't save. Now, whenever you create something, you know, tomato is going to give you an option to either create an application or a work through. So I'm gonna choose in this case obligation, and I'm gonna call this daily task daily casks and I'm gonna press save now I can close the automata. I don't need that open if I go now to my launch, but I should be able to see that application here. Now it's here as a no tomato file. If you end up making a lot of obligations or like a few like these two, for instance, I did before you can change the icon. I'm gonna show you how to do that now. So if I go to my finder and I'm going to my applications now, my daily task is here, So you need to be simply right click on that file, click on, get info and you see the information off your application here on the site. Now, I've downloaded a Nikon for that, which it looks like this. Now you can just search on Google something like, for instance, daily tasks, Aikens. And you're gonna find a lot of ways, a lot of different icons so you can download. You just double click on it, and all you need to do is simply highlight it. First, you just make sure you highlight the whole like in and then you copy it. Command C who added copy and then you're gonna go into this little icon here in this little info window. And what you see the little automata icon here on the left hand side. You just click on it to highlighted. And then you do command V or paste, and there will paste my icon there. Now if I close it, I closed these as well. Now my icon is here and also is in my launchpad as well. So if I want to drag that into my doc, I can do that. And now, whenever I need to open these APS and start to work, I can just click on daily tasks and that is gonna open. My iTunes is gonna open my safari, my mail, and I'm ready to go.
50. Class Project: Hello, I hope you're enjoying the course so far. So now is the time to actually validate your learning by going through the class project. Now the first assignment is to create an app that will let you save time with your Mac workflow. And this can be done using the automator up. So we'll just follow through the lessons again if you want to and create an app using automata. And the second assignment is to create a quick action that will speed up a repetitive task. So try to think about a task that you do every day or an action that you do every day on your Mac, there is repetitive and create a quick action using the automator as well. That I would like you to publish these two assignments as a screenshot on the section for projects to share with the rest of the students. And I'm really looking forward to see your work here very soon. Have fun, and I'll see you soon in the next video.
51. Disk Utility: One of the most frustrating thing is when you use an up and suddenly the up quits. So that happened when you have some corrupted files on your system. And perhaps you might have some corrupted files on external hard drives as well that perhaps can not open or when you open them, you cannot save them all similar issues. You can fix this fires by going to disk utilities so you can search for this facility on your spotlight On top. That's such a here. So another type disk utility now make it was the first choice during a double click on that toe. Open it. Now I've got all my external hard drives connected here on the left hand side, and I've got thes toolbar on top as well, with a few buttons. Now, if I want to fix files there are on external hard drives or I need to do is simply click on the external drives. I want to do the fixing and click on first aid. So if I do it now, is going to then ask me for when I ran it, I'm gonna press run, and now I've got option to show details here on the triangle hair, click on it and see what happened while the drive is being fixed. So this will check the structure of your external hard drive and the Catholic Files and anything else that is within their drive and eventually is gonna finish by telling me that the files have been fixed or the drive have been fixed. So this is one of the way to do it when the files are coming from external drives. Okay, Now, the drive being successfully mounted and is being fixed, so I'm gonna press done. This is the way to fix corrupted files from external hard drives. But what about we have to fix files from the actual Macintosh, actually, from our internal hard drive. So what we can do? We can go to the Macintosh HD a here, and we can go to 1st 8 again. Now, sometimes this my fixed the issues, but sometimes you still have those obligations are still quit unexpectedly. So what you have to do in this case, you will have to restart your computer by going to the apple in the top left. Impressive restart. When you do that, you would have to hold down the apple key Old, the command key and the are as recovery, so command are so keep their health until you see the apple sign coming up on screen, and then you can release the keys that you would have a screen looks like this, and then you can go to disk utility. And then you could actually run the first aid on your Macintosh. A shitty that usually fixes the issue that you have on your Mac. So if that does not fix the issue, you might need to replace the drive with a new one.
52. Using drives on Mac and Windows: you may have a situation where you have an external hard drive that you want to access now from your Mac, but also from PC Windows computers. In that case, you would have to partitioned the drive in to In order to do that, we can achieve that by using something called disk Utility. So we're gonna go into our launchpad, we're gonna go into the full tickle other, and then you find something called Disk Utility. So we're gonna click on that. And here you go a few hard drives that I connected to my Mac of got quite a few here. But if you want to partition one or you introduce, simply click on the top icon off the drive because he always have to Aikens One is the top one. And then you have the one below where you got the name off drive. So I'm gonna click on the very top one and gonna click on partition. I've got an option he on the toolbar to partition the drive. So I'm gonna click on that now If the drive air some space left where you can do, just press the plus button here down below this circle. And at the moment, this drive has 3.75 terabyte off data already on the Mac site. So I only have these little tiny, bit off data left that I can use for my windows. For instance, I got 248 gigabytes, so I could partition that. And to do that, I can go to the form it, uh, pop up menu here, and I can choose between M s dos fat or ex fat. The difference between this, too, is that m s does fat will only form it hard drives that are 32 gigabyte or less. An ex fat will form it anything as they is larger than 32 gig. So if I want to do, I could go into axe fact there. And now I could just go and press supply or can actually choose the gigabyte ear. Just to be precise. I know that 248 I ease the remaining space and oppress supply, so I'm not gonna do it now, but this is the way you could form it. You drive so you can actually start to drug files from your PC into the drive now breast cancer for now. So you can do that. Also, four USB dongle drives have got one here, so I didn't click on that same thing. You can go to partition and you can partition the drive. Very mind, daughter. If thief disk is full and you want to re partition it, you would have to save the file somewhere first. And then you would have to reformat the drive by going to again partition and do the partitioning here.
53. Partitioning and Formatting: When you partition an external drive on a Mac, you need to make sure that you know what other operating system you're going to use with that, Dr. Now, if I go into my disk utility again when I click on disk utility, when you partition a drive that are seven or for months that we can choose from, let's pick one of my drive here. I'm gonna choose my movie here, and I'm gonna go to partition. So let's say I want to partition this drive for Windows and Mac perfectly conform it. I've got a bunch of formative got the A, P. F s, former of God, the Mac OS extended format, and I also have the m s dos fat former Tom Below here. Now the A P fs is the new apple file system that works from High Sierra going up from the temple in 13 operating system and 10.14 as well, Mojave and going up the Mac OS Extended journal section here. These are only four operating system 10.12 below. So if you're gonna use the external drives on operating system 10.13 above how we choose a PFS if you use 10.12 going below, Then I will use Mac OS X than the journal. Or if you use Windows machines. Oh, probably use a messed US and ex friend. Now, the difference between the A. P fs and encrypted and case sensitive in case sensitive encrypted is that the encrypted will set a password. The case sensitive will let you create identical folders. But if the letters are case sensitive, they will be treated as different. So, for instance, if you have a full tickle exercise files returning lower cases and another one written in capital cases there will be considered different. The Mac OS X and the journal will keep the hierarchy of your file system on your drives. Then we have the journal encrypted Which off course it will be password protected. If you set a password on your external drive when you plugged, the drive in is going to prompt you with that password to type in. And then we have the M s dos fat and X fat for windows to. The difference is that Emma stars fat is for hard drives. There are 32 gigabyte or lower incapacity, an X factor only for drives that are larger than 32 gigabyte. So this is what you need to know. In terms of four months, you drive. Whether you partition it or not, you might want to choose the format here.
54. Encrypting you Mac: Now, if I want to have extra security on my Mac, I could encrypt my hard drive with a master password. So if my Mac gets stolen, no one can access to my data unless they have this password. So this is of even more secure than a normal log in password that you use when you log into your Mac. Now, this is something you set up on system preferences. If I go to my system preferences here, down into my doc or on the top left on my apple sign on system preferences, you have an option under security and privacy. So if I click on that, you should be able to see four tabs at the top. You have general file volt firewall and privacy. So if I click on Fire Volt So this is something you see when you set up your Mac for the very first time when you install the new Britain system, it asks you to enable five volts. So this is just a next ra encryption that you can put on your hard drive because you wanna have the extra layer of protection. Now I suggest to use this on Lee. If you have, for instance, patients information for doctors or for government people. Perhaps they have sensitive information leading to protect. In this case, I will probably enable five volt, but for the rest of us, you wouldn't need to do that now. One negative effect off five Volt is that you were not able to actually share files using a wireless connection because fireball devices are encrypted and that can only be access through the computer where they're connected to. I can't stress this enough. Five volt is something that my slow down your machine because it keeps on encrypting things when you install them into your Mac. And also when you delete stuff as well. So it might take a little bit longer than then. Unusual. Now I haven't set up my five volt on my computer, but if I wanted to, I could go to the locker here. I can unlock my user, and then I've gone option to turn five volt here at the top, right? So if I click on that is gonna give me another dialog box and extra security that we now have in Mojave is that we can reset the password using iCloud which is actually very good. Before on the previous operating system, he couldn't even do this. So you have to remember your pastor otherwise you couldn't even reset it now with iCloud, do you have the option now? I'm not gonna do it. Now I'm gonna click on cancel. But this is the way to encrypt your internal hard drive using five volt.
55. Encrypting External drives: in high Sierra and Mojave. Now we have the ability to encrypt internal and external disks directly from the finder. So, for instance, from going to my find a down below here and I scrolled down, I've got a few discs. Few are external hard drive connected, and the last one here is a USB drive, and the rest are all external hard drives. And if I want to encrypt one of these, I can go to, for instance, my movie HD. And if I want to encrypt it, I can right click with my mouse and I'm Now I've got an option to encrypt movies. HDs. Half a click on that is going to give me an option to add or choose a password. Now, a word of warning. If you forget the password, you cannot access to your data on these air drives, so make sure you, you know, save these passwords somewhere. If you want to choose a good password, you can actually click on this little key icon on the right hand side of a click on that. He's going to give me an option to choose what type of password I want. I've got memorable letters, numbers, numbers only, etcetera. And when you type the password in is gonna give you the strength. And I can even choose the lengthier spells. If I choose a longer characters say 20 is going to give me. The quality is very good. So you can choose one of these passwords and then you will automatically paste it into your fields down below. Here. I'm gonna close this for now. I'm not gonna encrypt my hard drive, but this is the way to encrypt an external hard drive. Now, if I want to encrypt the USB key Oh, dangled rife. You can do that as well. I've got TDK here down below. I can right click, and I can do the same thing. And crypt TDK Not all USB keys dangle dr are the same. Some are only windows compatible. So basically they're formatted in such a way that cannot be encrypted on a Mac. But you can do that on your PC if you have windows. And now we have an option to encrypt so conflict on that encrypt the same way we did before with the external hard drive. So this is the simplest way to put an extra layer of security on your external drives
56. How to deal with the beach ball: when you have lots of obligations open at the same time, you might have that famous beach ball spinning so the cursor becomes a bitch ball and start to spend, and your computer does not respond. So in order to quit the up to force, quit them is by going to the apple on the top left hand corner of your monitor and going to force quit. Now, if you cannot do that because you have a spinning will going on on your cursor, that doesn't allow you to click anywhere. So in this case, you would have to use a shortcut, and I will write this down. Says is essentially is old command escape. So if I do it now, old command escape is gonna open this force quit applications window, and that allows me to actually see warm ups are running. And the one that is no responding comes up in red, and probably it says on the right hand side, not responding. So what you can do, you can go to force, quit and then click on force, quit to quit the up. So this is the way to manage and quit Europe's. In case they're not responding
57. Speeding up your mac: one of the way to troubleshoot your Mac, especially when he gets his Lauren's lower while you're working on it, is by emptying the cash off your computer. So in order to do that, you can go into the go on the top here on the menu bar. We can hold down the option key on the old key on your keyboard, and then you'll see you have a library. Here appears so, but click on that. If you search for the cachet is folded, which is the one here. You can also check our big there folders by pressing the space bar, so mind at the moment, is quite small. But if it reaches forest in 607 100 megabyte or even more on the gigabytes, it's probably time to delete it and refresh your computer. So what you need to do simply drag this into the trash or right click and move to trash and then, of course, gonna ask me to put my log in password, because this is a system filer with deleting and by the way, once you deleted is going to be regenerated once you restart your computer. So if I put my password here and press. OK, now that folder has been deleted, and now I can delete it from the trash. Well, it doesn't let you delete that directly on the trash. If I go to empty trash, it won't let me to leave because those files are still in used on my Mac. So what I'm to do simply go into the apple? I would have to restart. My Mac once is restarted, I can go into the trash and empty it. So this will speed up your computer considerably, especially if you kept it on for quite a few days. Theis will speed up your computer.
58. Conclusion and What's next: congratulations and thanks for joining me for this course on Mac OS. Now that you're more confident with your Mac should be in a good position to start learning pretty much any applications that you might want to learn. I recommend you dive into some of my other courses, including mastering your Mac 10 times your productivity, where I cover a lot of topics and native applications as well. If you had any questions or video requests about intermediate advanced features and functions on your Mac, please let me know and I will add them here. Thanks for joining me, and I'm looking forward to seeing you in another course bye for now.