Ultimate Survival Guide | Jeremy White | Skillshare

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Ultimate Survival Guide

teacher avatar Jeremy White

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Why Survival Rev 2


    • 2.

      Basic Survival Items to have on hand Rev 2


    • 3.

      Survival Reality TV


    • 4.

      Survival Items for Boating


    • 5.

      Survival Items for Flying


    • 6.

      Survival Items for Home


    • 7.

      Survival Items for the outdoors


    • 8.

      Survival Items for your Vehicle Rev 1


    • 9.

      Surviving a Government Collapse Rev 2


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About This Class

The need to eduction yourself on survival skills is especially important in today's society. You never know when an accident, act of terror, disaster, etc. will strike and it's important you are ready for it and know how to respond. 

This course is designed to educate you on what you need to know for a variety of survival scenarios, which include:

- Terror Attacks

- Natural Disaster

- Government Collapse 

- End Of the World Apocalypse  

- Survival Kits and Emergency Preparation

- Using a map, compass and your surrounding to navigate

- Buliding Fire

- Animal Attacks

- And much more

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Jeremy White

Level: All Levels

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1. Why Survival Rev 2: Why is survival? Why you need to know how to survive? Why survival? It is important to know how to survive for yourself. If you are on your own or with a group. Personally, knowing how to survive can be a difference of life and death for you and for others. If gotten the survival situation, you contribute to the survival effort. And who knows? You may be more qualified than others in your group. Knowing what to do in a survival situation also gives them confidence. And like it or not, leadership has others look to you for direction. Survival skills not only help you in this ArrayList scenario, but also in everyday life. Whether it's making a fire, navigating at night, utilizing what is around you, et cetera. These can be quite helpful skills to know. Unless you can impress others with your knowledge and skill set. The need for survival skills. Fox News reported in a recent poll by the London boat show that millennials lack many basic survival skills. The poll showed that only a third knew how to naturally ignite a fire, 44 percent, and never been camping before. Half were unable to tie a survival not and less than a third have ever copter and fish. Accidents. Accidents are the leading cause of death for many the United States between 18 years old. Some accidents can be avoided or others, or just the wrong place at the wrong time. Between the lack of survival skills in today's society and the random accidents that place people in survival situations. It's important to learn some essential survival skills. 2. Basic Survival Items to have on hand Rev 2: Basic survival atoms to have on hand. In this section, we'll go over items everyone should have on hand at any given time. Note that survival kits covered in this course have well, however, this section we'll review different items to have and where to keep them. Whether you are caught in a natural disaster, that Bodhi accident, second and desert, etc. Items covered here will help you survive. Please sure to review the sections from advocates for it talks about the ten essentials in this course. He never know when you could be caught in an emergency situation. Making it through that time will be much easier if you have some basic survival gear. And the following sections, we will cover survival gear to have for your home. Car, boating, flying, and the outdoors. 3. Survival Reality TV: Survival in reality TV. These shows raise awareness to know how to survive in the wilderness. In recent years, there has been a trend and survival TV shows such as man versus wild, dual survival, naked and afraid and many others that make one ask themselves, could I survive that shows like these have brought to light that people need to know at least some survival skills if they end up in an emergency situation. Airing of so many sort of Alice shows as increased the desire for viewers to learn in those survival skills. Whatever show you prefer, let it challenge you to increase your knowledge and skills of survival and never know when you might need it. Taking this class will help you develop a survival skills needed to make it in a variety of scenarios. Also is encouraged to continue to watch your favorite survival shows and ask yourself, could I survive that? 4. Survival Items for Boating: Survival, any emergency items for boating? In this section, we will cover items to keep in a boat for survival and emergency situations. The folks at Bodhi magazine lists some key items to have for boating that can help keep you and others alive in an emergency. Obviously, when selecting items for voting, you consider your surroundings, but just a water. And how items can help you. These emergency and survival items can not only help you in emergency, and also if you come across them. Recommended items. The emergency positioning indicator beacon for EPA or a personal locator beacon, PLD. These devices send out a signal to search and rescue teams about your location. Handheld radio with emergency signaling functions. Emergency light. Make sure it's waterproof. Also good to include a strobe light, handheld go positioning device or GPS, a whistle, and signaling mirror. Emergency players. Now, also, it's good idea to include extra drinking water. Glow sticks, duct tape, sunglasses, bucket for bailing water. Emergency raft. First stake it. A knife. Water survival suit. Can the call heat backs, repair, distress flag, extra rope, a tar, or other plastic sheeting that can be used to collect moisture for drinking. A map and compass, and a hand tool. 5. Survival Items for Flying: Survival and emergency items for flying. Most people who fly or flying on a commercial airline with unnecessary survival and emergency items on board already. However, if you are a pilot or plant, you fly in a smaller plane. Here are some items you should include in your emergency equipment on board. Items listed are gathered from a variety of sources. Here's some items to consider. The heavy duty backpack, flashlight with extra batteries, signaling mirror, a whistle, emergency players, waterproof matches, strobe light, fire starter, such as different types of Tinder, pop for boiling water, candles, chemical heat packs, emergency blanket, tarp. To me as for shelter, poncho, sunglasses and a knife. Also sunscreen, extra water, fishing line with Hooke, first aid kit, prerecord or other cordage, duct tape, handheld global positioning device, or GPS mapping, compass, hand tool, sewing kit, and a handheld radio. These items can be crucial in an emergency situation if caught and applying accident. Feel free to pause this video to make a list of all of these items. Again, consider your environment where you will be flying and peck accordingly. Having his survival emergency kit readily available should make your flight go much smoother. 6. Survival Items for Home: Survival and the emergency items for your home. I didn't spit your home for survival or an emergency. The Red Cross, one of the most trusted sources and emergency preparedness, provides a list of what they recommend to have on hand and your home Hell times. Here we will cover them. First. Water, one gallon per person per day. And you should have a minimum of three day supply for evacuation, two week supply, or your home. Food, non-perishable, easy to prepare items. Have a three-day supply for evacuation and a two-week supply for your home. Flashlight. Headlamps are a great choice. Also, various solar powered and crank flashlights, battery-powered, or a hand crank radio. So you can listen to the noaa weather radio if possible. And always have plenty of extra batteries. Have a first aid kit with your basic supplies, and also added things that you might need often. Also medications. If you're on any serious medications, make sure you have a weak supply and any other medical items you may need for your condition. Multi-purpose tool, such as a Letterman where pliers and different blades and screwdrivers. Sanitation for personal hygiene items. Copies of personal documents, a medication list, other pertinent medical information, proof of address, deed, or at least here home, copies of passports, bursts, or DBS, insurance policies, et cetera. Also, have your cell phone with adequate chargers. And if you have a portable battery charger, That's a great idea. Family and emergency contact information. Always have some extra cash on hand just in case the emergency blanket. These can be large or small and are usually fairly inexpensive. And maps of the area you are in and plan to go to. Red Cross also recommends recognizing the needs of your family and items to have extra, such as elderly people, babies, children, or other medical supplies, et cetera. Medical supplies such as hearing aids with extra batteries, glasses, contact lenses, syringes, et cetera, are great to have on hand. Baby supplies, bottles, formula, baby food, and extra diapers. Games and activities for children. Things to keep them busy and occupied during downtimes. At supplies. Color, leash, ID, food, carrier or a cage and a bowl. Two-way radios are often great to have as well. Also extra set of car keys and how skis and a manual can opener. Also, it's great to have a whistle. And then d5 or surgical mask or dust and protection from other germs. Matches or lighter rain gear. Towels, work gloves, tools, supplies for securing your home. Extra clothing, hat and sturdy shoes. Plastic sheeting, duct tape, scissors, household liquid bleach. Entertainment items such as books, games, et cetera, blankets, or sleeping bags as well. Well, there you go. Half I'm putting together your survival and emergency preparedness kits. If you can't get all the items right away, don't worry, just declare items you need as you go. This will make you feel more safe and know that if something does happen, you are prepared. 7. Survival Items for the outdoors: Survival and emergency items for the outdoors. Choosing items for an emergency situation in the outdoors depends on where you will be and the climate you are in. It is essential to select items that could benefit you in your surroundings. And be sure to check out the survival kits section in this course, where it has the primary ten essentials of a survival kit geared toward outdoor activities. Here's a list of police are allocated to have on hand in case of an emergency. One, a knife. Thanks. We have a compass, a map, matches, and or a lighter, fire starter, such as various types of Tinder, flashlight, candle, or other means of light. A first-day get extra clothing, sunscreen, and sunglasses, and extra food. In addition to the items in the previous slide, consider the following items to include as well. Chemical hand warmers, small shovel players, garbage bag or begs. Duct tape. Tarp IS can be used for shelter or as a type of rain jacket. Pre-record. A multi-tool or other knife. Space by and get extra water. Fishing line with hook, handheld radio, small sewing kit, signal mirror, bug repellent, the bear spray. There are many items that can be included in an outdoor survival and emergency kit. Items listed in this section are some of the most recommended to include in your kit. You'd never know when you might need something in your kit. So be sure to bring it with you whenever you head into the woods. Happy Trails, and be safe. 8. Survival Items for your Vehicle Rev 1: Survival and emergency items for your vehicle. We prepared for what could happen. This section, we'll cover essential items to keep in your vehicle to prepare you for when disaster strikes. Whether you're stranded with a flat tire or in an accident. But you have in your vehicle that can be valuable lifesaving tools. Car accidents are leading cause of injuries and deaths a day. There it is wise to keep emergency equipment with you in your vehicle. Here's a list of items that can be easily stored in a vehicle and be critical for surviving this list as recommended by the Federal Emergency Management Agency or fema of the United States. Drinking water, enough for one person for three days, extra food, three-day supply. Radio, such as a weather radio, battery, crank power, or solar great flashlight with extra batteries. First aid kit. Also some additional items. Whistle, dust mask, plastic sheeting, cameos for shelter, duck tape, garbage bags, moist tells mechanical toolkit or toolbox can-opener. If your survival kit contains canned foods. Local map and compass. Additional items. Here's some additional items to consider for your vehicle. Jumper cables, emergency blanket, road flares, chemical heat packs, a knife or utility tool, poncho, gloves, waterproof matches, a flat tire repair kit. Remember to always think about where you will be traveling and pack extra just in case don't let an unfortunate event ruin your trip, prepared and have fun. 9. Surviving a Government Collapse Rev 2: Surviving a government collapse, what to do before and during desperate times. Government is set up to provide a system of regulation and order to its citizens. Without a government. Law and order. Chaos sets in and desperation can drive some to do whatever means necessary to survive. Government downfalls have happened throughout history. During times of war, the order of government and order can be non-existent. This thread is true today. The terrorism, foreign powers who guerrilla warfare. Understanding key principles and educating yourself on what to do. If things go bad. You can help yourself and those you love survive. Let's dive into this. How to prepare. First off, make sure you have prepared a home survival and emergency kit with up-to-date supplies. See the previous lecture titled survival items for your home. If you think the threat of government collapse imminent, you may want to get out of the city and grab additional supplies on your way. The Red Cross recommend establishing a meeting place. If a disaster happens. Make sure you have one and make your way to it. Some may be tempted to stay at your residents in the city. However, until things calm down, you'll probably want to get out of town for a while. The government falls, that anarchy and lawlessness can spread like wildfire. Be prepared to defend yourself, your family, and your belongings without the presence of police. And when people reach desperation, things can go downhill very quickly. On your way out of town and make sure to grab your firearms. Anything valuable that can be easily transported, and additional food and water. If the government and other forms of water are shut down, your cash, maybe meaningless, but withdraw what you can if you are able to bring items with you that have value and can be easily traded for other items. Bartering and trading will be the main form of selling and buying goods. In this desperate time. Once you arrive at your designated meeting place, allow an additional day or two for any others to arrive. Then proceed to an area that has few people, but still allows me to get TV or radio signals to monitor the situation of your country. Once you establish your place to reside, preferably off the beaten path, set up camp and shelter. After the evacuation. At your place of Camp. Make sure you have your firearms ready and keep noise and smoke limited to not attract attention. And they also want to set up a security perimeter alarm. A good use of fishing line and tin cans to alert you of any intruders. And always have a survival slash emergency kit in your vehicle. If you need to leave very quickly. If you need to state your camp longer than expected, be prepared to hunt for and gather your own food. Another reason to have a gun. The main thing is to keep your wits about you and protect you and your family. Continue monitoring TV and radio stations for any updates on the status of the country. Also, this may be a good time for prayers. If you are prepared and know what to do in case of an emergency, your chances of survival are very high. Hopefully, you never have to use the topics discussed here. But know that if the worst happens, you are prepared.