Ultimate Introduction to Design Thinking: Employee Exp and User Exp Design | Meghana NextGen HR | Skillshare

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Ultimate Introduction to Design Thinking: Employee Exp and User Exp Design

teacher avatar Meghana NextGen HR, HR and Training Development Professional

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction Video: Design Thinking for Absolute Beginners


    • 2.

      What is Design Thinking : Concepts and Methodology, Why use Design Thinking?


    • 3.

      Empathizing Process & Empathy Mapping in Human Centered problem solving process


    • 4.

      Defining the Problems & Challenges in Design Thinking Process for effective Solutions


    • 5.

      Ideate Phase in Design Thinking : Idea Generation


    • 6.

      Prototype & testing : Last Stage in Design Thinking


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About This Class

Hi There,

In this class, you are going to get introduced to Design Thinking : Concepts & Methodology in a highly simplified way, like never before!

Your Instructor for this class : Meghana has 12+ years of experience across all areas of Human Resource Management, including Training and Development. Having trained more than 800 professionals across various business processes, my USP is to break-down complex tasks into beginner-friendly, simplified modules, which is highly appreciated by most of my trainees.

In this class, you will learn about : 

  1. What is Design Thinking : The Concepts in a simple manner.
  2. Simplified Understanding of the Design Thinking Methodology which can be applied to any profession!
  3. The Stages & Steps involved in implementing Design Thinking for any profession.
  4. Do's & Dont's of Design Thinking.
  5. Some of the tools available in Design Thinking like Empathy Map.
  6. Some more things on Design Thinking which you did not know earlier and why you need to learn and use Design Thinking!

So join me in this class to discover more about Design Thinking to stay updated with the trending topic and don't be left behind.

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Meghana NextGen HR

HR and Training Development Professional

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction Video: Design Thinking for Absolute Beginners: This video, I'm going to give you a quick overview on what this class is all about. This training is all about design thinking. Design thinking is unique, human centered methodology of creative problem-solving. Design thinking is a human centered method which aims at making processes, products, and services. Keeping in mind the consumers needs first. After all, the process or product which do not meet human expectations are doomed to fail. But this philosophy, design thinking has been the most talked about topic today. Most of the professionals or most of the domains keep talking about design thinking. Design thinking can be used in any aspect of the management, such as operations, finance, human resource management, marketing, sales, employee engagement, and so on. It is also used in any of the domains or industries such as information technology, product development, services, hospitality, customer relationship management, supply chain, and so on. This class, you'll be learning about the key concepts and design thinking and how it can be used to effectively solve problems in any of the springs, beach, any aspect of management, product development, marketing, consumer experience, and so on. These video classes are absolutely beginner friendly. You don't need to have any knowledge about design thinking. In this class, you will learn more about the five stages in design thinking, which are empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and testing. You will also learn about some of the tools used in design thinking, such as empathy mapping. The learning objectives for these classes would be to be able to understand in a highly simplified manner the design thinking concepts. You don't need to have any prior knowledge about design thinking or its methods. You will be able to get them all in these classes. You should be able to appreciate the different steps in human-centered approach to problem-solving, which is the core of design thinking. At the end of the class, you should be able to apply it in solving problems or overcoming your challenges in building new processes for your employees or customers, or for designing new products or services, or for any type of process or product innovation or implements. The end of the class, you should be able to stick up a simple project on design thinking which will help you to solve a business problem. And you can share with us, meet your class instructor. And I am an HR professional and a coach with 12 plus years of experience in managing end-to-end HR activities, including recruitment, onboarding, compensation, benefits, and payroll management, statutory compliances and HR analytics in different companies, such as p squared, Aviva, life insurance, and so on. Design thinking can be highly useful in problem-solving and decision-making process for any profession or organization. Going through these classes will definitely add valuable skills to your profile. And you will be better equipped to deal with the challenges at work. Enroll now, and I'll see you in the next video. Thank you. 2. What is Design Thinking : Concepts and Methodology, Why use Design Thinking?: Hello. In this video, I'm going to give you a quick overview on what is design thinking, key concepts, and why does so important for you as a professional manager, walking in any business domain? 2d. Design thinking is a trending topic today. And most of the companies and all the professionals, whether it as a product manager, designer, any IT professional, HR professional, or any kind of manager, all are talking about design thinking. So it is very important for you to know what is it and how it works. What is design thinking? Design thinking is a philosophy or methodology plus a set of tools or techniques which help us to solve the problems creatively and most effectively. In other words, the definition of design thinking can be a process for solving problems by prioritizing the consumers meets able all ends. It relies on observing with empathy, how people interact with their environments and employ and iterate do hands-on approach to creating exactly that solution which provides value to the consumer. Talking of usage of design thinking in general, when a company is trying to create something new or trying to solve a problem, or a team of people has to go through something, then we can use design thinking to get there successfully. We can get the ideal solution which the consumer is looking for. You might ask this question that there are numerous ways of solving the problem. Then why design thinking? The answers in short, Design Thinking focus on the human centered side of creative problem-solving. Design thinking looks at all possibilities of problem-solving through lens of human-centered design or human-centered approach. So basically it's about figuring out who you are designing for or whom you are solving the problem for. Water that meets. Finally, helping you to innovate based on their needs, our problems, and what solutions that they're looking for. So it is basically who and what are their needs and then how to solve the problem. The entire methodology of design thinking life here. For example, a company wants to know why its product is failing. It could be a technology product. So in that case, the company is going to dig deep into who the customers are and why they're not liking the product. A close observation of the human behavior, and then finding out what they're actually looking for or what are the real problems and how can be, how it can be matched in a better way. So in short, InDesign thinking, you are looking at the problem or the challenge from the customer or human perspective. 3. Empathizing Process & Empathy Mapping in Human Centered problem solving process: Let us now learn more about design thinking, how it works in practicality in solving these problems. Basically, there are five steps in design thinking. These five steps as well-defined, but still distinct companies will be using these five steps a little differently. Because these Feistel said highly customizable. These are the main five steps that you can take it as a starting ground. Step number one, empathize. Empathize is about understanding the people whom you are designing the product or solution for. The word empathized suggests it is more about understanding and sharing the feelings of another person. While empathizing might sound very simple. It is not so simple here. We need to do the actual research and collect qualitative and quantitative data related to people, how they behave, and why they behave the way they do. Keyboard quantitative data. For example, how many times does someone click on a particular link? Or when do they open a particular link? Their body language, whether they show happiness or sadness, and so on. The mathematical data points will be considered for your quantitative data. Moving on to the qualitative data, it has basically incorporating visual observational research methods such as identifying and observing the feelings of the human beings, determining their problems or pain areas in the delivery of our products or services or processes. Very important point here, before we begin the empathizing research or the interviews or data collection, it is very important to drop our biases and judgments and assumptions. For example, we may how unconscious biases if we are going to sell or if we're going to make a product for the college student. For example, we may already have some assumptions start the college students behave in a certain way and they expect so-and-so. You need to let go of that before you begin how the process of empathizing happens. Let's see in a little bit more clarity. Number one, you will have to observe the things that are happening, then engage, and then finally get immersed in it. So when you say absorbed, for example, if you are going to sell a smartphone, if you're going to come up with a new smartphone, give it to somebody and as they start using it, absorbed how they're using it, what are their body language? What is the immediate reaction? Do they like certain feature and they do not do not like certain feature of the smartphone, and so on. The second step is to engage. To engage means participating or getting involved. And what is happening, that is basically you as an observer, also engaged with the other participant and know what they're doing, what are they liking about the product and what are they really doing with the smartphone that you have given? And third or the step here is immerse, which is to get deeply involved in using the pink, which is smartphone here, for example. So what exactly the details that the user is giving you? The features which are liked or disliked and what they expected, but what they got, and what they feel about the price that they paid for the smartphone and other things. Empathizing process can also be done by using the basic research data that is already available. By conducting interviews with the participants on what has happened in the past and what are they likely to do in the future. They can also be shadowed. For example, if it's a product, service, or service, then how they actually do use them or how they wish to use them can be observed by shadowing. You could also make a documentary, maybe creating a video of the product while it is in US, sitting back and learning what we can learn from them. Journaling, it could be written or visual journal of users, how they're using the product or the service. Body language can be gauged to see how excited or hunchback the users are. Your next question could be, why do we need to do all these exercises in empathy? Well, basically it is to create the feelings that we want them to have when they use our product or service. In design thinking, we're not just talking about designing the product or service, but it is about the whole experience that we want the customer to experience. As we talk about the design thinking and the empathy process. Let us quickly have a look at what is empathy map. Empathy map is basically a tool which helps in empathizing process in design thinking has a product team or a solution building team. You have a lot of ideas to design. Maybe hundreds or thousands of ideas that you're coming up with. You can try them all because that is really not possible. A lot of time taking, a lot of resources will be utilized. So that's the reason we use empathy mapping process. What is an empathy map? This to understand what the users are thinking, feeling, seeing, hearing, and seeing. To get into shared understanding of what their needs are to make better decisions. An empathy map is basically a collaborative tool teams can use to gain a deeper insight into their customers. Just like user persona, an empathy map can represent a group of users, such as a customer segment. An empathy map will allow us to sum up our learning from the engagement with the people in the field of design research. Whatever we understand in the step off, empathizing, we summarize and put it here. The empathy map can be done in three simple steps. Step number one being filling out the empathy map with four quadrants. And then synthesising the needs that the people have given us or told us or we have absorbed. And third step is synthesising the insights. Insights which we get while interacting from different people and trying to get the data from their behaviors or actions. An empathy map ideally has four quadrants in which it has what the people say, what they think, what they are doing. And finally, what they're feeling. We need to understand what the people are thinking and feeling about the product when they use it, and then what they say about it. We need to hear that I enlisted down under sink. Then what what we can see them doing. For example, whether they're being happy or whether they're being distracted and so on. Finally, what they're feeling exactly whether they're being impatient or overwhelmed, or they're happy and so on. This becomes your empathy map. 4. Defining the Problems & Challenges in Design Thinking Process for effective Solutions: The second step is define. The step of defining what we do is basically take everything from the first step, which was empathize what the results that we got from the first step or the peak of his from the first step. And then for the breaking it down to define what are the problems of the user? What are the challenges that we need to deal with? And then what are the insights that we can take from those interviews and research data? The common challenges, problems, and observations to tackle the problem. So these insights will be outlined in defined stage. Apart from actually defining the problem statement or what is the problem exactly? What's the purpose of the definition stage? The purpose is to define the problem. I agree on the goals and listen to the voice of the customer. In the first phase, that has the empathize phase, you would have already learned as much as possible about who your users are, what they do, why they behave the way they do, What other challenges, and the various behavioral patterns by conducting interviews and using a wide range of fourth, observation or research techniques. Once you have a good idea of who your users are, the next thing is, what is the problem? That definition, which happens here. Most importantly, their wants, needs, and pain points. Once you have the data in the empathize field, you are ready to make the problem statement or what is the challenge that you need to build with? Or in short, what is the design challenge that you need to work on? The relationship between empathize and define stages can be best described in terms of analysis and synthesis. The empathize phase, we use the analysis to break down everything we absorbed and discover about our users into smaller and more manageable components. Dividing their actions and behaviors into what, why and how categories. But in the define stage, we use these pieces of components back together, synthesising, or in other terms, bringing them together. The findings that we have to create a detailed overall picture. The define stage is very important because without understanding what is the problem that you're going to solve or which problem you are going to solve. You cannot go much ahead. Let us see an example for how we combine the first two steps empathize undefined. So firstly, from the user's perspective, somebody says that I'm in young, welcome professional trying to eat healthily, but I'm struggling because I work long hours and don't always have the time to grow, go for grocery shopping and prepare my means. This makes me frustrated and feel bad about myosin. From a user research perspective, the same statement can be put like this. Busy working professionals need an easy time, efficient. We do eat healthily because they often work long hours and don't have time to shop and meal preparation. Now, based on the four W's, that is who, what, where and why. In the next step, let us define the problem like this. Our young working professional struggles to eat healthily during the week because she's working longer hours. So our solution should be to deliver a quick and easy way for her to procure ring ingredients and prepare healthy meals that she can take to work. This is what the problem statement we can say. So as you can see in all these three statements, we are addressing the exactly same issue just in a slightly different way. As long as you focus on the user, what they need, and why, it's up to you to choose how we want to present and clean your design process. 5. Ideate Phase in Design Thinking : Idea Generation: The next step and design thinking is this step. What you'll be doing is you'll be developing ideas and solutions and potential products or solutions to match your insights with possible solutions. And what is the purpose behind the ideate stage in design thinking? The purpose of this stage is to use creative thinking to generate the widest range of ideas that can be implemented in later stages. This stage is important because it signifies a move from understanding and defining consumer problems to coming up with solutions for those needs. Ideation is a creative process where designers generate ideas in sessions, such as brainstorming and worst possible idea. It is a third stage in design thinking process. So participants will gather with open minds to produce as many ideas as they can to address a problem statement, which we already discussed in the last stage. In a facilitated and judgment free environment. Basically, ideation sessions are about finding new angles. It's challenging to gain the perspectives, to find design solutions. To how productive ideation sessions you will need a dedicated environment for standing back to seek and see every angle that is possible. Fast DO your team must define the right problem and then ideate. And here, when we come to the ideation, it is basically looking for ideas. Your team needs to be having a very clearly defined problem already. Now the question is, how might we do this? For example, how might we design an app finding cheap hotels in safe neighborhoods? These kind of questions will help in re-framing the issues are in prompting effective collaboration towards potential solutions that can be possible. In order to make this face effective, you need to have people who are bold and curious, the participants who can challenge the commonly held beliefs and explore possibilities past these obstacles. Also, you need to have certain rules. For example, the timeframe, quantity over quality focus. Ban on distractions such as phones and having there are no bad ideas. Mindset. Team members should pick each other's ideas and build on them and find a way to link concepts, recognize patterns, and flip seemingly impossible notions over to reveal new insights. Basically, ideation is not about coming up with the right idea, but it's more about generating the broader green. 6. Prototype & testing : Last Stage in Design Thinking: The fourth stage in design thinking prototype. One of the best ways to gain insights in a design thinking process is to carry out some form of prototyping. Prototyping involves producing an early, inexpensive and scaled down version of the product or the solution in order to reveal any problems with the current design. A prototype is a simple experimental model of a proposed solution used to test or validate ideas, design, assumptions, and other aspects of its conceptualization quickly and cheaply. So that the designers involved can make appropriate amendments or modifications or any possible changes in direction. You just need to take the ideas that can be developed from the last stage and come up with simple, testable prototypes. They're not the final products yet. They're not completely done. But these can be tested with real users to know if it's working or if it's the right product. Prototyping will allow you to sample with a few users how they think and feel about the product and investigate how it's working. Prototypes are often used in the final testing phase in the design thinking process in order to determine how the users will behave with the prototype. To reveal any new solutions to the problems, or to find out whether or not they implemented solutions have been successful. Results that is generated from these tests will be used to redefine one or more of the problems which were already established in the earlier phases of the project. And also to build a more robust understanding of the problems users may face when interacting with the product that is intended to be developed. So an example for the prototype could be a sample app that you're planning to come up with to save the costs involved in traveling for the people. Just come up with one sample without spending much money, without lots of fall efforts and time. That is your prototype. Moving on to the last step, which is best, you need to test and get feedback from real users for the prototype that you have developed. You, the product will be used by the real-time uses, and they will give you the real-time feedback as well in detail. For example, what is missing or what has to be improvised and so on. You could get a lot of new insights which you didn't know earlier in the testing phase. Basically, in design thinking, in testing phase, what you will be trying to do is generating the user feedback related to the prototypes that you have developed, as well as gaining a deeper understanding of your users. When undertaken correctly, the testing stage of the project can often feed most stage of the design thinking process. And it allows you to empathize and gain a better understanding of your users. It may lead to insights that may change the way you define your problem. So it may even generate new ideas in the ideation stage. And finally, it might lead to an iteration of your prototype. So these tips that are mentioned that as 12345 steps are going to be repeated. It's not that you will do these steps once and then you get the solution. Once you go through all the five stages, you go back and modify your ideas, the solutions, and then the whole cycle repeats again. So that is the core of design thinking. Some final thoughts. What's very important for you to know is that these five steps which are emphasized here, it's a map. So basically you're going to go through all these five steps. But exactly how you go about it, or exact exercises or the tools and techniques which you will be using. They're not highly defined. So you might do it much differently. Audio might customize it. Everyone does it according to their own styles. Finally, design thinking as a combination of various tools, exercises, I'm techniques. You can choose from so many options that you have. It's basically very flexible and could be a little tricky because it's so flexible. So you need to choose the right tools and techniques that you want to use and go through all the five stages. And then probably repeat the cycle as per the final, the pink that will be revealed to you in the testing phase. I hope you got a quick overview of design thinking the video. Thank you.