2. Nutrition: Calories and Macros: Their IMPORTANCE for Body Composition Goals: Let's start with the basics
of calories and macros. I would say that this
is gonna be one of the most important videos
of the whole course. Do not skip this video. I overlooked these principles when I first started
my fitness journey. It was certainly one
of the main reasons why I'll stuck in a
rut for so many years. And that's why I'm
putting this video at the very front of the
course to share with you the overarching principles
that are going to absolutely dictate whether you lose fat or lose weight or gain muscle. So these principles
are super important. If you need to re-watch this
video, re-watch this video. It's gonna be very
intimidating if you've never seen these principles
before ever. But you have to stick it out, re-watch this video, it'll
eventually make sense. You just have to give this
a little bit of time. We'll talk about the
fundamentals of calories and macros and this
little pyramid here, the nutritional
pyramid of priorities. Now, I actually wrote an article or two
specifically on this. About five or six years ago. I read I re-read that
article recently. It all still applies.
I'll link it up. I'll go into more detail about the theory behind what is a
calorie, what a macro is. So I'm not going to bore you with all that
stuff in this video. I want to keep this
video is super short, but do check out those articles that will
accompany this video. Essentially what
we're doing here when we are trying
to lose weight, trying to get into
the best shape of our lives is we're trying to prioritize certain things in our nutrition and our training. In this video we're talking
about the nutrition. Don't skip this. This is extremely important that you understand
the priorities of how we approach nutrition from the perspective
of body composition. Body composition goals. Body composition
being how can we maximize muscle and
how can we lose fat to get you looking in the best shape possible based
on your genetic potential. When I finally understood
this years ago, my body changed not instantly, but I started to see results. And that's why I'm
really passionate about sharing this with
you in this video. This pyramid
essentially represents the order of priorities. So starting with the most important from the perspective
of body composition, that is tracking
your calorie intake. Whether that be calorie
intake for losing fat, losing weight, or calorie
intake for building muscle. Tracking your calorie
intake is first and foremost the most important
thing on the list here. We have that here, number one, followed by your macronutrients. This is also known as macros. You may have heard of this. Macros, macronutrients
one and the same thing. Macros just means nutrients
in large amounts. Micronutrients just means
nutrients in small amounts, which is the third one on
the list of priorities here. We figured out, number one, we figured it out calorie
intake based on our goals. Right. And I'll show you
how to calculate your calorie intake based on your goals in future videos in this series on
planting the seed. Then to get the best results, you don't have to
do the second step. But to get the best
results in your body, in your physique, you need
to track your macros. You have to figuring out your calorie target
and how that breaks down into your three
macronutrients of protein Carbon fat, which I've put here, as I guess you can
call them like the three omega is
your macronutrients. Pretty much an old
food offered is pretty much made up of your
three macronutrients, protein, carb, and
fat right here. Then I put alcohol here. Alcohol is technically not
a macronutrient because you don't need it for survival. Although that is debatable, we are in lockdown,
we are in a pandemic, so but in a serious
conversation, you don't need
alcohol to survive. But in terms of tracking
your calories and tracking your macros for
body composition goals. And you plan on
going out and having a few glasses of wine
with your mates and being able to track that in your apps like
minor diarrheal, My Fitness Pal, knowing
that one gram of alcohol has seven calories
is super important to know. So it may be pauses, video and write this table down. One gram of protein
for calories, one gram of carb, full calories, one gram
of fat, non calories. You'll notice already
that for the same white, one gram of fat is over double the number of
calories for carbon protein. So already you can
already think you So when it comes to
macronutrient targets, if our primary goal is to
lose weight or lose fat, we have to be very
vigilant of the macro for fat because it's
very calorie dense. That's something I'm planting
the seed rod now I do revisit this table
in future videos, but I'm planting the seed. That you have your
three macronutrients for the purposes of tracking, we have for protein, carb, fat, alcohol rot, this table down, it is something that you'll be coming
back to in the future. After this course, you only wrap your head around
these two concepts here. Number one, being
calorie intake, the most important number to
your macronutrient target. And I've put a red box
around this for a reason. Because if you make that your focus for
this whole course, that is enough to get into
the Bishop of your life. Now of course, I'm not saying that microbes
are non-important, that they are important, but from a body
composition perspective, these two type delete then and I'll make a separate video on this
talking about micronutrients. Macronutrients are
distant third, here on the nutrition
priority pyramid. And then we have meal timing, which I thought was the end-all be-all authentic if I had all of my colleagues because I used
to work night shift for like 9.5 years and I
ate most of my cup, most of my calories. After I 30 at night when
I started my night shift, I thought because I had
most of my calories including carbs
after a 30 at night. I thought my mealtime and
I'm never gonna lose weight because I'm having carbs
after eight o'clock. You've probably heard
that myth before. Meal timing. And I thought, well, my
meal timing is wrong. I'm having all my meals
during the night, not like a normal person. I'm never gonna lose weight. In fact, when I was prepping for my bodybuilding
competitions, I was working not
shift at the time because I followed
these two principles. First and foremost,
calorie intake macros. And then the last
one is supplements. When I first started
my journey of trying to lose weight or
trying to get shredded. I put, like most of you
guys watching out there. Most of my emphasis
was on supplements. Maybe if I take this
fat burning pill, maybe if I go and take the supplements like
protein powder. And that's why it's a
multi-billion dollar industry. Then I can get into
the bishop in my life. There's no supplement that
can undo a terrible diet. Supplements the least important when it comes to body
composition, the least important. There are only a handful of
supplements which again, to help you move
the needle a little bit in your ultimate
body composition goals. I talked about those
supplements in another video, but these are the
least important. A few other things I want to
mention very quickly is that we have a couple of
terms that you will, you'll come across throughout these videos in this course. I will talk about TD eight, total daily energy expenditure. So it's all part of
your calorie intake. So essentially what we're doing when you're wanting to
lose weight or lose fat, we have to put your body
into a calorie deficit. So you have to eat less
calories than what your body needs to survive to do
activity less calories. We will call that
a calorie deficit, also known as cutting. That's the unofficial
terminology for it. It's called cutting. You might have heard of
that expression that we have bulking on the
other end of the scale. So two primary goals. We want to lose
weight or lose fat. We need to put you
in a calorie deficit where you ate less than your total daily
energy expenditure. Total daily energy expenditure. Don't worry about the terms. It doesn't get much more
complicated than this. Total daily energy
expenditure is how many calories you need to maintain
your current weight. At the moment, I'm eating at my TD because I'm not wanting to lose
weight or gain weight. I'm happy with my
body the way it is. But I know most people
watching this just like I was when I first started my
fitness journey years ago. Don't want to maintain
your current weight. You want to lose weight. Specifically, you want to lose fat and maintain the muscle
that you have on your frame. That's what most people
are trying to achieve. To do that, you need take
less than your TD IEEE. You need to eat less calories than what's required to
maintain your current weight. We need to put you in
a calorie deficit, also known as cutting. That means you need to eat
less calories than TDA. Which means I'm going to
show you how to do that. I'm gonna show you figure
out your calorie intake based on putting you in a calorie deficit to
maximize fat loss. Alternatively, if
your primary goal after you cut and you lose
a whole lot of body fat, you want to build some muscle. Then we need to flip
the script and we need to put you in
a calorie surplus. But eating more
calories than TDE, also known as bulking, we need to put you in
a calorie surplus. Typically, this is very rough. But typically if
you find your TD AAA and you eat
500 less calories, then your TV, then you'll
be cutting to lose weight, you'll start losing weight. If you ate around 500
calories less than the number of
calories required to maintain your body weight. Because if you
don't, if you're not eating those 500 calories, then your body has to find that 500 calories from some way. So it'll go to stored body fat or look at a stored muscle. It will go to your body. Define that 500 calories. If you eat 500 calories less, your body has defined that five-minute
calories from some way. Now this looks easy, but in practice
it's a little bit challenging if
someone doesn't lead you properly through this
process and I'm gonna do my best to lead you through this process as
easy as possible, going to make it as easy and
straightforward as possible, to make this as
practical as possible. 500 is just a rough number. It could be 400, it
could be 700 calories. But the idea is we need to
put you in a calorie deficit. That is the guiding
principle here. That is related to
your calorie intake. Finding how many calories you need to be in a calorie deficit. Funding? How many calories
you need to be in a calorie surplus
to gain muscle. The surplus would be about
10% on top of your TDA. Just say, for example, me, my calories that I need to maintain my current body
weight is 3 thousand calories. Just say 3 thousand calories is what I need to
maintain my body weight. If I want to lose white, I cut down to say 2500 calories. I'm gonna have 500
calorie deficit. If I wanted to build muscle, then I need to add 10%
thereabouts to 3 thousand. That's 3,300 calories. Now, don't worry too much
about these numbers. I am gonna go into
more detail in future videos explaining
what we're doing here. But I'm just going through
this a little bit quick. If we knew the slow the video
down, slow the video down. But we're gonna add 10% to
add TD AAE to get us 3300. This is for me by the way, this is just a rough number, 3 thousand to get
three thousand, three hundred and
three thousand, three hundred calories a day, put my body into a calorie
surplus for bulking. Then I'm gonna maximize
muscle building. I'm gonna stop putting on
a little bit of white. Little bit of fat will get
put on as a result of that. But I'm gonna be bulking
to build muscle. And then when I'm
ready to cut by a, cutting myself in
a calorie deficit, I'm gonna get back to 2500 minus five hundred,
twenty-five hundred. And then being a calorie
deficit, start losing white, stop getting shredded
and start seeing all that muscle that
I've put together. What stars into calorie surplus. So you'll see that with toggling between being any
calorie surplus, being in a calorie
deficit, bulking, cutting, bulking,
cutting calorie intake. We track how many calories
we need to be in a deficit. We track how many colors you
need to be in a surplus. And then to get
the best results, we figure out 2500 calories. How does that break down into three macros of
protein Carbon fat? If I'm bulking at
3,300 calories, how does, how do
those three hundred, three hundred, three
hundred calories, how did they break down into the macronutrients of
protein, Carbon, fat? It's pretty much the whole game that we're
talking about here. This is it, this is it. Now. I know this looks
extremely intimidating. I've been there before, re-watch this video, gone, have looked at the articles
that I wrote that I'll link up in some way
after this video or in the resources
section of this course that goes into more detail
about this sort of stuff. I'm going a little bit quick, but the main concepts is
to understand tracking your calorie intake
and how those calories break down into your
macronutrient targets, a protein, Carbon fat. Those two things I
want you to really do your best to
understand and apply. This stuff is related
to calorie intake, but I go into more detail about the stuff moving
through the course. If you have any questions, please let me know. Don't skip this section. This is super important. You can spend all the time
in the gym that you want. But if you if you only
focus on supplements, if you only focus on getting enough magnesium in your diet. But you completely
forget about these two. Your body is going
to stay the same. I've been there before. If you have any questions,
let me know and I'll see you in the next video.
3. Nutrition: Tracking Calories & Macros: Is It Important?: So do you need to track
your calories and your macros to get into the
best shape of your life, to get shredded, to build
muscle, to lose fat, do you really need to count your calories and
track your macros? The short answer
is no, you don't. However, if you want
the best results in your physique in your body through building
muscle and losing fat, then, yes, you need to track
your calories and macros. Now for my own personal
experience of doing mini bulks and many
cuts in the past. I haven't tried my
calories and my macros and I have VI hit and miss, pulled it off, both
a bulk and a cut, a mini bulk and a mini cut. But when I was getting ready for my amateur bodybuilding
competitions back in the day, stepping up on stage
that I absolutely was tracking my calories
m a macro targets, which I do explain how to do that in other videos
in this course. And that's what I'm
sharing with you, is that if you want the
best results in your body, then absolutely go all
out, track your calories, track your macros, and I can assure you you will
get the best results. However, doing this, tracking
your calories and macros, you're tracking full numbers. You're tracking your calories. And then you macros is
your protein Carbon fat. You're tracking a
total of four numbers. Now, I know what it's like
when you're just starting out, I've been in your shoes. I was one of these guys who
was completely clueless when I started reading up
on this stuff 78 years ago, a long time ago. I was like There's no way I'm tracking my
calories and macros. That is ridiculous. I'm not doing that. Of course. It was one of the main
reasons why didn't get anywhere with my physique. But when I finally gave
this a chance and I said, You know what, I'm going
to give it a shot. I'm going to give
this my best shot. And if this doesn't work, that argue up on the
whole, the whole journey. The first couple of weeks for me were really, really tough. I'm not going to be
SU the first week or two weeks of doing
this for the first time. If you've never
done this before, is gonna be tough. However, pushed through,
absolutely pushed through, this is absolutely
worth the effort. You will learn so much
about food calories, tracking a, you'd have to do this for
the rest of your life. You do not have to do I
don't do this right now. There's another type
of eating code, intuitive eating I, which is something I'll talk
about in another video. But when you get to a
point where you've done the legwork of tracking
calories and macros, you get to a different phase of aiding called
Intuitive Eating. We're not actually tracking
anymore, which is incredible. However, you have
to do the legwork first to get to that stage. Take it easy, go easy on
yourself when you go through this course and
you start tracking everything inside minor
dark or My Fitness Pal. The first one or two
weeks is really gonna be you playing around
inside your phone, scanning barcodes on different
products and just having a look at the
macronutrient content of different food types. You're gonna be experimenting, you're gonna be learning, you're gonna be playing with
the apps for the first time, minor diarrhea or
My Fitness Pal. So don't be too worried
about trying to be perfect on the first
week or two weeks. I just consider the
first week or two weeks, more or less like initiation. So the first week or two weeks, it's gonna be tough, but it's tough that everybody
you'll get through this. Just keep pushing through. If you have any questions
or you need help. You can always email me through my website brown
using The next thing that
you'll need to do to pull this off in terms of tracking your
calories and macros is to get these
apps on your phone. You only one of them. You don't need both. Now, I suggest minor Dari because I've been
using mine Dory. I've been using mandatory
for years myself. But you can't use MyFitnessPal. It's completely up to you. They both work really well and they both do exactly what
you need them to do. They get the job done for
tracking calories and macros. They both have a
food database of thousands of different
types of food. They both track your
calories and macros. It doesn't matter which one. However, if you want
to follow along with me in this course, then download mine that diary
because that's what I use. But you can if you want, use MyFitnessPal, I
won't be offended. Get one of these
apps on your phone. The next thing you'll
need is a food scale. Now I wouldn't
spend any more than around 15 or 20 bucks
on a food scale. I mean, any brands just
get a digital food scale, spend no more than
1520 bucks because you need to be able
to weigh your food. Now whether you weigh
that food cooked or uncooked is actually
completely up to you. I do make a separate video
addressing this specifically. The most important
thing when it comes to tracking your calories
in your macros is that when you go
into minor die or My Fitness Pal and you
select chicken for example. If you're weighing that food, if you're weighing
that chicken raw, then make sure when you
go into mine a diary, you select raw chicken breast. If you cook the chicken first, and then make sure when
you go into minor die, you select cooked chicken
breast inside the app itself. The short answer
is cooked versus uncooked. It doesn't matter. Just make sure you select
the correct entry inside my net art or My Fitness
Pal done last one. Actually the second loss
one is track everything. One of the biggest reasons why, and I've had this come
through my website, people by Brad, I'm tracking my calories
and tracking my macros. And unlike well, what's
your calorie target? 2 thousand calories
or 2500 calories. I'm tracking my calories
and tracking my macros, but I'm still not losing white. What's going on? And I always ask people, are you tracking all
of your calories? When I do a little
bit of digging, I realized that people
that are struggling to lose weight and they think they tracking all the calories. They actually aren't tracking
all of their calories. And I'll make a
separate video on this talking about hidden calories, things such as sources, oils, snacks, salad dressings, all
these things in calories. You might think. Just to, just to drizzle, all drizzle of olive oil
or just a handful of nuts, or just some cubes
of feta cheese, or just a little
bit of 1000 Island dressing on my
salad. So harmless. What could that do? You'll find that when you look, when you start scanning 1000 Island dressing,
for example, when you start scanning
and looking at olive oil, how many calories is in one
tablespoon of olive oil, for example, where we're
talking over a 100 calories, right, one tablespoon
of coconut oil. I cook with coconut oil, but I know how many calories
are in that one tablespoon, a coconut oil that I use
in my, in my veggies. You have to put that
into your trach out. You have to put
down all sources, all snacks, everything has to go into
my NodeRED, everything. You have to track all of these, what I like to call
hidden calories. Hidden calories
because the thing is you don't think about, but they're quite easily undoing your weight loss
efforts and snacks. This is another one as well. Very quickly some people go, I grab a handful
of nuts and going. It's just a handful of nuts, just a quick snack. Harmless what I was doing, my body built when I
was getting ready for my bodybuilding competitions
back in the day, my coach would make me count
the number of almonds, the number of walnuts
that I had as a snack. Now you might think
that's absolutely crazy. And I thought that was crazy to my coach getting me
to count walnuts. Who does that? But I don't
have to count the walnuts. You don't have to count
the number of nuts. Just weigh them on a scale. On your digital food scale, weigh your almonds,
walnuts to cashews, just why it in grams or
ounces, whatever metric, whatever unit that you use
and put that into minor Dory. There isn't being is because
one handful of nuts, it could be easily a
hundred and fifty, two hundred calories. You didn't even think about
it as just a handful of nuts. It's harmless. Track everything,
it's super important. The last thing I want
to mention is veggies. When it comes to veggies, I like to keep it super simple. I've got some veggies
here, actually. These veggies, haha, I
typically have a few cups or veggies almost every night with my protein meal at dinner. So I have a few cups
of my Ozzy veggies. And you'll find through
your own experience when you get into this deeper
and deeper and deeper, that there isn't a whole lot of calories in
veggies in general. So typically what I
do is I just put in a 100 calories because
the food here, these vegetables a very low in calories and you can just get away with putting
up scan the barcode. That's what I do. Then I just put it
into a 100 calories just to keep it simple. In fact, when I was doing my bodybuilding competitions,
some of my body, but that was one of my
coaches that actually said, don't even bother
tracking your veggies. Now, it it is still calories, a hundred and one hundred
and fifty calories. They still have to be tracked. But you don't have
to be meticulous and go through and go, Okay, There's will
have looked at this. We have mixed veggies, broccoli, cauliflower, everything's
mixed in carrots. You're not going
through and picking out the broccoli and putting
that in separately. You're not putting
cauliflower and separately, not putting characters
separately. These are mixed veggies, just weigh them all together
and call it a 100 calories. And that is, keep it simple. Things like avocado,
for example, it's your primary fat
source, very calorie dense. You've got to track that. But these kinds of edges just put 100 calories
and that's it. Otherwise, if you have any questions,
definitely let me know. As I said before,
you don't have to track your calories and macros. And if you really are
struggling with this, just focus instead
of on four numbers. Calorie target
protein, Carbon fat. So full numbers just focus on for the first
week or two weeks. If you're really
struggling with this, focus on just hitting
your target calories for the day and your protein. Just focus on those
two numbers for now. This is what I actually
did this when I first started your calorie target
and your protein macro. And then try and hit the other two macros later on
in week two or week three. Start with these two. If you feel like you can't track for numbers
simultaneously. I hope this was
helpful if you have any questions, let me know. Contact me through my website
brand Newton, and I'll see you in the
next video tutorial.
4. Nutrition: The Best Meal Plan To Get Shredded Faster (What To Eat, How Many Meals): A common question
that I get through my website when people are on
their journey to lose fat, build muscle, get into the
best shape of their life. Is Brad, what foods
should I eat? What foods should I
put in my meal plan? Is there a certain type of
food that I should be eating? Should I be cutting
out ice cream, chocolate bars, and gelato
and all that kind of stuff. If I have a little cheat meal is going to blow
the whole thing up. I thought I'd make a video
addressing this head-on. It is an important video. I'm going to give you a general
overview of food choices, as I've mentioned
in previous videos, discussing flexible dieting and energy balance and
that kind of thing. When it comes to weight
loss and weight gain, just a quick recap. Weight loss and weight gain. It doesn't matter what you eat specifically in terms
of food choices. It comes down to
quantity of food. For example, we've already established our calorie target. So for me, for example, that calorie target
is 2400 calories. So I will start with
2400 calories per day. That's my calorie target. Now the idea of energy
balance is that provided I don't exceed that, then I can eat whatever I want from this
list, for example. And this is just a very, very summarized list of food organized according to Macros
of carb, protein and fat. I can eat anything
from this list and junk food if I want,
hypothetically, provided a don't
exceed 2400 calories, then I will still continue
my white loss journey. We talked about the
Twinkie diet professor. If you haven't seen that video, it's in the course, the Twinkie diet professor, where he lost a bunch of
weight eating junk food. However, he lost
that way because he kept his calories at
iodine 100 from memory. He kept his calories
at I didn't 100. He's in nutrition
professor by the way, capping his calories
at item 100 calories. And he was eating mostly
garbage and he's diet, Twinkies and Oreos and
all that kind of stuff. And he still managed to lose, lose weight and he doesn't
recommend that diet. But he wanted to prove a point that if you kept your calories, you can eat anything you want. You won't necessarily
be healthy, but you will lose white. So this video is essentially
about giving you choices. It's about giving you control. Again, it's not about cutting
out your favorite foods. It's about giving you
a control to pick and choose the food
that you enjoy eating. You need to think
about the kind of food that you enjoy eating. The general rule of thumb that
I like to play by is 8020. So when you're picking food
to put in your meal plan, to hit your calorie and
macronutrient targets. A good rule of thumb that I've
mentioned before is 8020. 80% of your target calories will come from
nutrient dense food. This sort of stuff. Nutrient dense food. That's going to help you
in terms of your health. The other 20% could
be your cheat foods. Indulgences could be
a glass of red wine, it could be a chocolate bar, could be an ice cream,
it could be gelato. It could be a couple of slices of pizza, like
whatever, right? So 20% of your target calories that come from your
own indulgences, things that you would
consider to be cheap foods. At 20 is a good split. I played by this ID 20 rule, right up until probably about
four to six weeks before my competition's my bodybuilding competitions
back in the day. And then I would make that more 90 to 90% of my target calories, which we've already talked
about is 2400 calories to 90% of 2400 would
come from this. And then the other
10% would come from. It would be like a quest. For example, with this
underlying principle of 8020, I'm giving you back control. 80% of your calories are gonna come from this kind of food. Then let's talk briefly
about this table here. I've quickly put this together. Now of course, this is
not exhaustive riot. I just could only fit so
much on the board here, but I'll have a
little chart after this video or in the resources
section of the course. That kind of comprehensive
with more comprehensively goes through your different
choices for CAR protein. In fact, because a lot of
people watching this don't know a good carb sources
don't know a good fat source. Neither divine where I first
started my own journey, I had no idea what types
of food contained, what. This is to give you
an idea when you're designing your
meal-plan to lose fat, to build muscle, whatever it is. Referencing this kind of table, which I'll link up
in this course, is going to help you pick and choose food that's
going to help you meet your macronutrient
targets of carb, protein and fat pay plus c. Now couldn't fit, I couldn't
fit the food in, right, that have a combination
of protein and carbs. So that's gonna be in the chat, but I'm gonna supply. So there are foods
that will give you both protein and carb. Foods are going to give
you both protein and fat. In here. It's invisible, you
can't quite see it. So in other words, here we have chicken breast. Chicken breast is quite
lean in terms of fat, very, very little fat content. I'm a big fan of chicken breath. I love chicken
breast personally. Just trim around the little bits of fat that's on
the chicken breast. But it's going to be
predominantly a protein source. 100 grams of chicken breast
is about 20 grams of protein. That's just a very
pretty rough number. It's good enough. 100 grams of chicken breast, 20 grams of protein. How did I know that? Mine at Darwin, My Fitness Pal. There's chicken thigh. That chicken thigh. I do like every now
and again because it tastes a little
bit better for me. Why? Because it has more fat in it, because it's the thigh. In this column. Chicken thigh is going to
have both fat and protein. So how does this apply
in practical terms, if you're designing your
meal plan or you're tracking your macros of carb,
protein and fat. And you find that you need, you need both protein
and fat to make both of those simultaneously because you're running a
little bit short, then finding food that's
in this column here is going to help you make
both of these simultaneously. Don't worry if this
seems too complicated, just bear with me unknown. This looks pretty intense. But trust me, once you
watch this a few times, if you need to, maybe
re-watch this video, it will make more
sense with time. This overwhelmed me when I first started my
journey as well. When it comes to designing
actual meals for yourself, I'll give you a
very, very simple example of that using this
very simple table here. For example, for me, one of my meals might contain
chicken breast, maybe 200 grams of chicken
breast right here. Would that chicken breast
that's gonna be my protein. Might have that with rice. Okay, so I'm gonna have rice, which is my Kab sauce,
rice with chicken. And then in terms
of the fat source, might have maybe
half an avocado, a half an avocado on the side. I'm getting carb,
protein and fat when you're putting a
meals together, right? It's a good idea too. That should be a circle. It's a good idea, but not always necessary to combine protein Carbon fat
in each of your meals. I'm trying to go. So protein, carbs and fat, this is very, very rough. If most of your meals, if not all of your meals contain a serving of protein Carbon fat, then you'll likely to hit
altering macros simultaneously. If you find that you trying to get more fat
because you haven't designed your meal-plan
in a way that's going to give you all of these equally
based on this principle. Then you might find
yourself having a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter just to get that extra bit of fat in
that you can establish them. So this is a general guide. You might want to have your
whey protein as a snack. You might pull that
out separately. That's going to
give you a protein. You might want to have
turkey with your vegetables, for example, cnf,
turkey with veggies, and then maybe avocado
or something like that. Awesome nuts. You might have a stir-fry, might have stir-fry
vegetables with beef strips, with coconut oil. This is very, very simple, but this is just giving
you an idea of how you can put certain foods
together to build a very, very, very basic meal-plan. And there's some people
watching this ago and that is to basically made, I like to keep things
basic and then we start layering on complexities
on top of that. Again, to reiterate everything
I've talked about here. It's all about quantity
over quality of calories. The quantity of your calories, over the quality of those calories when it comes to weight loss and weight gain. As I've already established
in other videos, provided that you are not
exceeding your target calories. Which for me remember is
2400 calories only get 80, 80%, 80%, 20, 80% of my calories
from this kind of food. And then the other 20%
of my calories are gonna come from Quest bars. They're gonna come
from gelato, Messina. Because I loved
gelato and Messina. It's just amazing.
The last thing I want to finish off with is mentioning flexible
dieting and II FYI m. As I've said from
the very beginning, this course is really structured on giving
you food choices. It's giving you control. It's not about taking
away your favorite foods. If you love oatmeal and you want to have that
with some almond milk, and you want to have
some fruit on top of that, that's completely fine. You're getting
basically a cob source. You can have a pure protein. You got chicken breast with
a little bit of seasoning on top where you can have
vegetables with canned tuna. If you want something
quick and easy. For me when I used
to work night shift, it two o'clock in the morning, I'd have my steamed
vegetables that are pretty pack by that myth steam vegetables
with my canned tuna. Now, that's not the
most healthy way of going about things
having canned tuna. But the truth is, is that
I'm still managed to get super shredded because I used a very basic principle of getting steamed vegetables, COP, my protein,
canned tuna, right? Then I might even take
some peanut butter into work and just had two
tablespoons of peanut butter. But of course,
making sure that I never exceeded this bright. The biggest mistake that
people make is they go down the path of eating very,
very, very healthy. Thinking that eating
healthy is going to help you lose weight. In other words, eating
oldest amazing food. And thinking you're
eating clean calories, thinking that that's going
to help you lose weight. Now the truth is an odd
being done this path before. You can add oldest food and have a super crispy clean
diet and don't have any junk food and
still not lose white. The reason being is because you're exceeding
atonic calories. We've already
established that Yo TD, total daily energy
expenditure is the number of calories you
need to maintain your weight. This is something I've made up. This is just pure science. T is the amount of calories you need to
maintain your weight. If you eat all this
amazing food consistently, no junk food, and you are
always eating more than this. You're not going to lose white. That's the principle in science. I didn't make that up. There's
nothing I can do about it. I can't change it.
But if you eat mole, then your TDAP when you take total daily energy
expenditure and your diet consists
of a 100% of this, NOT, AT 2100% of this, you are not going
to lose weight. That's why this concept here, quantity, when it
comes to weight loss, fat loss, this principle is the most important
quantity over quality. The quantity of your calories
is more important in terms of weight loss and weight gain than the
quality of those calories. Professor Mark home proved
it in his own experiment. Hope this was helpful if
you have any questions, let me know and I'll see
you in the next video.
5. Nutrition: PROTEIN MASTERY: How Much Do You Need & How to Get More!: Let's talk about
protein Requirements. If you're building
muscle, losing fat, or if you're an athlete training in the gym on a regular basis, I should point out that there is no exact number or exact amount of protein
you need every day. It really depends on a
multitude of different factors. So keep this as simple and
straightforward as possible. So in the second
half of this video, I'm gonna give you
all the numbers based on the primary goal of
either building muscle, losing fat, or if you're a regular trainee in the
gym, you're relatively lean. You would consider
yourself an athlete and you're watching this going on what an athlete,
not yet, right? But I'm going to plant
that seed as something to think about as you move
through your training journey. But right now, your primary
goal is probably to either gain muscle or lose fat or some combination
of those two. So you'll find that the
protein Requirements for someone who's building
muscle versus losing fat, those ranges will
overlap a little bit. But before I get
into the numbers, I should point out that
when I first started my training journey
back in the day, I made the biggest, one of the biggest mistakes. One of my training journey was not tracking
my protein intake. I didn't know how much
protein I needed. I didn't track it. I didn't use apps like
MyNetDiary on my fitness pal, didn't use meal
planning templates. I didn't do any of that. So
I was lifting in the gym. I was training hard, but I wasn't seeing the
benefits of my training. One of the reasons
why was because I wasn't tracking my
protein intake. I wasn't getting enough protein. It's one thing to say, you need more protein. It's another thing to
actually get that. And it's very difficult if
you're just starting out your fitness journey to get all the protein you
need consistently. So in another video, I'm
going to show you how to get more protein
into your system. But in this video,
I'm going to tell you how much protein you
need as a range. As I said, there's
no exact number. There are many
different factors that determine how much
protein you need, but I'm gonna give you different
ranges to think about. So please don't make the
same mistakes that I make. Track your protein intake, at least as an absolute
beginner watching this, when you track your
protein intake, you get to a point where
eventually with more experience, you won't need to track it. You'll just kind of intuitively know that you're getting
enough protein every day. As I filmed this
video right now, I've been doing this for years. I don't actively track
my protein intake. I just intuitively know
how much I'm getting. But you can't do that as
an absolute beginner, you really do need
to Track this. So how much protein do you need? Okay, so I'm on the
website If you want to go to
this exact website, it's, forward slash guides, forward
slash protein dash intake. This is a brilliant website. I'll talk more about
this in another video. But essentially, this
website compiles research from many different
research journals. They're a team of
researchers that make up this website and they compile all the different
research and they put it into very simple, easy to understand articles. The one that I'm about
to show you is about optimal protein intake
for different cohorts. So as you can see on the
right-hand side here. Now go to this website,
go to this link. You can also download the
PDF version of this article. But on the right-hand side, you'll see that there's
different intake requirements depending on the cohort, depending on if you're in
older adults, pregnant, lactating women, infants and children, yadda, yadda, yadda. To keep this video
simple and on-point, I'm only going to talk about the protein intake
required for Muscle Gain, Fat Loss, and as an athlete. And then I'm gonna
give you my sort of experienced over the
top of the research. So the first goal
is building muscle. Actually firstly,
we're going to focus on the goal of Fat Loss, right? Because most people
watching this, the primary objective
is to lose fat. So how much protein
should you take in for someone who's
wanting to lose fat? Now, if we have a
look at this closely, there's a bunch
of research here, a bunch of Science here, 1.6 to 2.4 g per kilo
of body weight per day is how much protein you need if your primary objective
is to lose fat. Now this is a range as well. If you're an athlete. Now these tables
are super handy. If you're an athlete,
you look at the table, you look at your body weight, and you look at the lower end of the range versus the
higher end of the range. Now, I'm going to
come back to this table and just a second. If we scroll down further, this is probably the one
that's more applicable. We have optimal daily
protein intake for Fat Loss. If you're overweight,
optimal daily protein intake for Fat
Loss if you're overweight. If we have a look at our
body weight for example, and they'll just
say hypothetically, I am overweight at
200 pounds, 91 kilos. The lower end of
my protein intake is going to be around 109 g. The upper end of that
is 136 g of protein. This is a range. Now for me, if I was overweight, I would be trying to
aim for about 120 g Round the number, and I shoot somewhere in the
middle of the range. So not below 110, not above 135. That 121, 20 g of protein per day is what I'm shooting
for based on my weight. As an overweight
person, hypothetically, keep in mind as 120
g. Now if we go back to the top of this article, we got here optimal daily
protein intake for Fat Loss. If you're an athlete, that requirement increases and this is something
to keep in mind. I know you may not be there yet, but that's something this is
something to keep in mind that as you get leaner
and leaner and leaner, as you drop your
body fat percentage, your protein intake
is going to increase. You're just going to
need more protein. So if you have a look, if I'm an athlete at the
same weight of say, 200 pounds, 91 kilos. The Lorena, that
range is now 145 g. The upper end is now almost 220 g. I remember when I was doing all my bodybuilding competitions
that I was shooting around for around 200
g of protein a day. 200 g. When I was ready
to step on stage, my protein intake was around
250 g of protein per day, even on my rest days. And it's important to realize
this that even if you're training in the gym,
you might think, oh, this only applies if I'm only need this much protein
on days that I'm training, no, you need this amount of
protein every day even on your rest days because your
body still recovering. Your body is rebuilding the Muscle tissue
that you broke down. What's your training
on your days off? You need your body
still recovering, is still rebuilding
that Muscle tissue. Therefore, you still
need to keep you protein level super high. If we have a look at
this in more detail, you'll see here that if your primary
objective is Fat Loss, as I've already alluded, the aim is to try and
get between 1.6 to 2.4 g per kilo of
body weight per day. This skews towards the
higher end of this range, as you become leaner
and leaner and leaner in a calorie deficit. This is exactly what
happened to me. So if you're watching
this in your obese and your primary
objective is Fat Loss, then you're going to start off with the
lower end of the range. But as you get leaner
and leaner and leaner in a calorie deficit, you're going to increase
your protein intake. This is very, very normal. And as you're getting leaner
and leaner and leaner, maybe come back to this video to get a bit of a
refresher because you might forget and that's okay if we have a look
down here further. And by the way, this is
backed by science conducted by the International Society
of sports nutrition. So again, I'll repeat 1.6 to 2.4 g per kilo of body
weight per day, skewing to the high
end of that range. As you get leaner and leaner, they found that as you
get even more lean, especially when you're getting
ready for competition. Now this might be
out of the scope of a lot of people
watching this. That could go up to 2.3 to 3.1 g per kilo body weight per day. And this is backed by the
International Society is sports nutrition and an article done on bodybuilding
contests preparation. So that's something that I can attest to someone having done all these bodybuilding
competitions that my protein intake
was somewhere 250, 270 g of protein per day. It's definitely not that now, but that's something
to keep in mind. Now, if you are, as I said, overweight and your primary
objective is Fat Loss. And if you are overweight, that should be your
primary objective, then your protein intake
is gonna be less. So this is the table that
you need to look at, okay, based on your weight, as I've already explained
just a second ago. So around 120 g of protein
would be what I would need, what I would be aiming for, and that I would put that into MyNetDiary in my fitness pal, in my phone, or my meal
planning spreadsheet. And that's what I
would be aiming for. You don't have to hit
exactly 120 g of protein. It's a range. Try
and get Between the lower end and the upper
end of the range here. Now we go to the next goal, which is the intake
for Muscle Gain. Now, if you're lifting weights, if you're doing a whole lot
of resistance training, then you need more protein. Now, the research here, and you can have a look
at this in your own time, 192-02-1202. Right. You can do
your own researching, gone to the each
individual article here and check it
out for yourself. But typically based on
all this research here, the aim is to get between
1.6 to 2.4 g per kilo of body weight per day if your primary objective
is to build muscle. Now, it also goes
on to say that it doesn't mean that if you
consume more protein, you're going to
build more muscle. There is an upper, there is an upper limit
to all of this. Unlimited protein doesn't
mean unlimited muscle. It says here specifically
that if you have a protein, take a 3.3 g per kilo. If you have anything
more than that, it's not necessarily going to
help you build more muscle. However, it can help you
minimize your fat gain. Because remember when we're
trying to build muscle here, we're going to Calories surplus. We're eating more calories
and what our body needs. Now that means that
we want to minimize our fat gain when we're Bulking, we're trying to
minimize fat gain. Now, we do that by keeping our
protein levels quite high. But then according to
the research here, we, there is a point where
we more than 3.3 g per kilo of body weight per day is not going to help
us build more muscle. Instead, it's going to
minimize our fat gain. Now if we have a look
at our table here, if your primary
objective is to build muscle and just say that's
my primary objective. Now, I'll look at my
current weights and gobble. I'm about 93 kilos. The lower end of that, 145, the operands want
to hundred and 18, I'm going to aim for 200 g. So when I was Bulking
back in the day, I was doing quite a
few bulks and cuts. I was aiming to get around
200 g of protein per day. So this is quite accurate and this has worked
in my experience. You think about, look at your white, look
at the lower end, look at the upper end and
then find a number in-between the lower end and the upper
end and put that into MyNetDiary or My Fitness Pal. And the last one
I will look at is the optimal daily protein
intake for athletes. So this may not apply
to you right now, but that's okay down the track. This is something to consider as not much different to
what we've talked about. The ranges are a
little bit different, but it's not
dramatically different. So based on all of our Science from the American College
of Sports Medicine, the Academy of Nutrition
and Dietetics, and so on and so forth. 1.2 to 2 g per kilo
of body weight per day is optimal for recovery from training
and so on and so forth. You'll have a look
at this table here. You have a look at
your weight. You look for the range and
you should for that. That's essentially it when it comes to how much
protein you need. This three primary goals, building muscle, losing fat, or if you're training quite rigorously as an
athlete in the gym. So all you need to do
is look at the table, pick a number
in-between the range, go to MyNetDiary
in my fitness pal, enter that number in, and then you're
going to shoot for that protein target every day, even on your rest days. And that's pretty much it. If you have any
questions, let me know and it'd be more than
happy to help you out. Otherwise, I'll see
you in the next video.
6. Nutrition: Meal Frequency: How Many Meals?: So how many meals
should you have every day in terms of meal
frequency to lose weight? What is the optimal
number of meals? It's another common question
I get when people are on their journey to designing
their own meal plans. To lose white is should
I have five meals a day, six meals a day,
two meals a day, three meals plus snacks. Five meals plus snacks. Should I skip breakfast? Should I have breakfasts? Should I have lunch? Should I fast? Very, very common questions now, we're going to talk
about it in this video. What I've got here is a very
simple table illustrating the concept that you have your target calories that
you've already calculated. How many calories
do you need to have every day broken down into
your macronutrient needs. If you've decided to go
that one extra step, which we've already established, you don't have to, you can
just have you target calories. Maintain your target
calories every day. Don't eat above it eight within a 150 calories of that
target, you will lose weight. But how should you split that
target calories into meals? How many meals should you have based on your target calories? Let's have a look. Because
you understand that weight loss and weight
gain is a numbers game. It's all about energy balance. 80 more or less than your TDE will influence whether you lose
weight or gain weight. So I've given you a
couple of examples. The truth is, it doesn't matter how many meals you
have in a day. There's no greater or
fewer number of meals. That's kind of influence. You'll level of wight
loss provided that you're sticking to your total
target calories for the day. And in this column here, I've used my own number. As an example. We've already calculated
this for myself, that my total daily
target calories would be 2400 per day. So giving you
different scenarios. For me personally. Personally, I like to
have full meals a day, but I'd have to be big meals. But I like to have a moderately large dinner and a moderately large
meal mid afternoon. And then around that
I have my snacks, two major meals and two snacks. That's how I like to roll. But that's just me personally. You have to pick a schedule and a meal frequency that works
for you and your lifestyle. It doesn't matter if
you want two meals a day for meals a day, 567 meals a day, It's completely up to you. Take your target calorie
number and divide it. Divide it by the number of meals that works
within your lifestyle. The number of meals
and number of snacks. For example, if you like six
meals per day, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and you love three lots of snacks, six meals. And your calorie target is 2400. For example, my calorie target, you gonna do divide it out
400 per meal or snack. Now of course it doesn't
have to be exactly 400. This is just very,
very simplified, just to illustrate the point
that it doesn't matter how many meals you would
like to have every day, as long as 2400 calories or whatever your target
calories is not being exceeded. You can have two meals a
day at 1200 calories each, as long as the balance is
your total daily calories. For me, 2400. I can divide that
into two meals. Have a solid breakfast
and a solid dinner, and nothing in between. But I liked that. I liked to have a few snacks
snacking during the day. That's just me personally. I rather go something like
somewhere in-between, like maybe five meals. Now, a meal doesn't have to be like a certain
number of calories. It could be it could be 800 calories if you
love a big breakfast, that could be either
a 100 calories. For example, just
say, we use this. Just say you want formulas a day and you weren't
allowed to break foots, have 800 calories there. And then if you
don't like lunch, then you can skip that. You can get rid of that. And then you can add extra calories to the
evening if you want. And you can have
an extra snacks as well as long as the balance is 2400 or whatever
you'll title daily is. Now some people think that
you need to have breakfast. You don't need to
have breakfast. What do they have
breakfast or not is completely a personal choice. If you decide to skip breakfast,
that's completely fine. I very rarely had
breakfast myself. I usually have my
first major meal at around two o'clock
in the afternoon. That's me personally,
I might have a protein shake in the morning. If I go to a cafe
with some mates, I might have breakfast. I brunch in Melbourne. We call a brunch, right? It's around 1011
o'clock in the morning. Otherwise, on a normal day, I very rarely have breakfast. But if you're a breakfast
person, that's amazing. At the end of the day,
it's all about taking your calorie target
and dividing it out. Anyway, you wish. If you want to meals six
meters, four meters, five meals, three meals with
snacks, it's up to you. It's completely up to you. As long as after all these meals have been divided out according
to calories, that it all equals your
target calorie balance at the end to pick a frequency
that works best for you. If you have any
questions, let me know. Send me an email
through my website. I'll be more than
happy to help you out. And I'll see you
in the next video.
7. Nutrition: How to Track Food using MyNetDiary: Should you wear your
food raw vs cooked? What is the most accurate
way of weighing your food? We're going to talk about
that in this video. And I'm also going to show you how to enter in
food items that are the cooked or raw inside of
an app called mine net diary. So feel free to download my net, Daria on your phone and follow along with me if you need
to pause the video, do so. I'm going to demonstrate
mandatory in just a second. You can also use My Fitness Pal. It's another app as well. They both have amazing
food databases that you can enter food into. So feel free to use
either one or the other. But I'm going to demonstrate monetary in this video
in just a second. The most accurate way
of weighing your food, raw vs cooked, it's going to be food that it's in its
most roars estate. For example, if we're
talking about grains such as oatmeal and rice, then the most accurate way of weighing that is gonna
be when it's dry, uncooked, when there's
no water content. When we're talking
about chicken, beef, seafood, that
kind of stuff. It's gonna be more
accurate to why that after it's been cooked, when most of the water content
has been cooked out of it. Typically chicken
will weigh less, beef and fish will weigh
less after you've cooked it, because all the water
content or most of the water content has
been cooked out of it. Whereas rice and
oatmeal, for example, is going to weigh more
because it's absorbed water. And so it's going to weigh
more after it's been cooked. However, when it
comes to tracking your food cooked versus raw inside of apps like mine
at ARIO, My Fitness Pal. It actually doesn't
matter whether you weigh the food cooked
or whether your way at r4 for the purposes of tracking inside of my net Dari
or My Fitness Pal. The reason being is because
when you go into these apps, there's an option
to select cooked versus r4 for any
particular food item. And I'm gonna show
you that right now. So I'm going to jump
into minor Dora here. We have minus sorry, on my screen right now. So feel free to
jump on your phone. The layout is going to look
a little bit different, but it's pretty much the same. For minor darker here, I've got my calorie
budget at 2100 calories. No, I haven't used mine
Dory actively for a while now because I'm
very happy with my white and my maintenance
and that kind of stuff. But I'll show you
very quickly how to enter in food into minor Dari, whether it's cooked versus roar. Just say for example, for lunch on having some
chicken, right? I'm going to type
in chicken breast. For example. You'll see here that when we type
in chicken breast, there's an option
for cooked, right? We can also type in
chicken breast raw. And we get a pop-up over here. If you have a look
down the list here, you'll see chicken or fryers, breast meat only r4, four ounces, 136 calories. You're going to
select the option that's most applicable to you, whether that be R4 or
whether that be cooked. So just make sure you type in, you might type in beef. You might type in R4. And it'll come up here. Beef, kidneys, raw, beef, ground, non-important
off 5% lean, fat, roar. Make sure you either
select raw or cooked, and you just type
that in beef cooked. And it will come up with all the different cooked
options for beef. I'll go back to chicken
or chicken breast coat. And I'm going to
click on this one. Then I'm going to type in my whatever I've weighed on
my digital food scale. And I'm gonna show
you how to use digital food scales
in another video, it's super important
that you know how to use digital food scales. Because it's gonna give you
very accurate information and tracking information to put into monetary or MyFitnessPal, for example, I can put
it into a 100 grams. Now, you can select the little drop-down here and
you can change the units to ounces if you're
watching from overseas at the US, It's like ounces. I'm in Australia, so we
use metric over here. So I'm going to select grams. And then I've got 197
calories and dumb. Now I've just entered in chicken breast
cooked a 100 grams, which is a 197 calories. And you can see here
33 grams of protein, one gram of carb, and so forth. Now just say for example, for a snack, I want to
have some peanut butter. For example, Ryan,
paint up butter. Peanut butter's just
gonna be peanut butter. There's not gonna be a role or a cooked variation of that. There's gonna be peanut
butter by different brands, so I select the brand
that's most applicable. For me. Mavis is a brand that I love. Macro is another brand as well. So I've got here peanut butter, coconut spread by Mavis. I'm going to select this one. And with peanut butter, specifically with peanut butter, makes sure that you weigh it
on a digital foods scale. I'm going to show you this
properly in another video and you'll see why you
need to weigh it and not just use teaspoons, tablespoons, or any other
volumetric myth method. Because cups and teaspoons, tablespoons is not a very
accurate way of measuring your food for the
purposes of tracking to lose weight or build muscle. In the drop-down here
I'm going to look for. Grams, you might need
to select ounces. And I'm going to
select, know 16 grams. Since I've had 16 grams
of peanut butter, It's about a 100 calories. But let me show you, for
example, for dinner, I might have say brown rice with my whatever
chicken or with beef. So I'm gonna type in brown rice and just say I've
waited, cooked. I type in brown rice cooked, and I select this one. Now, remember if I type
in brown rice dry, then it's gonna give me
brown rice that's uncooked. So it doesn't matter
as you can see, if you decide you
want to weigh your food dry, we'll coat. It, doesn't matter as
long as when you go into my Nadar and My Fitness Pal that you select the right one. Now the values are
not gonna make that much of a difference. But when you add them all up with all the different
food that you're entering. It could mean a few 100 Calories different when you get
to the end of the day. So it's important to be
accurate inside the app. So brown rice, dry, old brown rice cooked depending
on how you've waited. And we're going to select
this one and we're gonna go with grams. And I'm going to type
in, say, I don't know, 200 grams of a 200 grams of brown rice for
dinner that's cooked. And then I'm going to
have some fish with that. We're gonna go with
salmon and just say, we've gone with
seven that's cooked. So typing cooked salmon. And I will select any one
of these micro salmon, pink cooked dry heat. I'm gonna select this one. And for my American friends, I'm gonna say eight ounces. I'm gonna go eight
ounces of seven. I've got 347 calories done. I've got here my cooked
brown rice, my cook salmon. And it gives you all the
macro breakdowns here. So obviously with salmon, we don't have any cubs, but we have 56 grams of protein. And you can see as you enter
in all this food throughout the day inside mine at
Dari or even MyFitnessPal. It will here slowly remove those calories from
your daily calorie budget. Now in this case,
for this example, I've set 2100 calories is my typical calorie
budget for cutting. This is what I usually set
for myself when I'm cutting. I'm not cutting right now, but that's what I usually set. I've got here 1248
calories left. And what else is there? Breakfast, but go
back to breakfast and we'll type in oatmeal. So oatmeal we've
got here cooked, cooked oatmeal or rolled
oats without salt, cooked oatmeal or rolled
oats with it with salt. And we got on the list here, we got oat brand that's cooked. We've got oatmeal casserole. You get the idea, okay, So we're gonna type in cooked
oatmeal. Doesn't matter. If you decide you want to
cook your oatmeal or all. It will have a dry
as long as you select it correctly inside here. And then we're going to go
and click on this one here. We're gonna say select
Autonoma grams. And we're going to have say,
150 grams of oatmeal done. And then I'm gonna have
some maple syrup with that. Maple syrup. How many tablespoons
now remember, we're gonna wipe
it. Maple syrup. And I'm gonna have
that set to grams. And I'm going to have,
I don't know, 20 grams. Maybe. Then done, I'm assuming, of weighing more maple syrup. And then what else
am I going to have? I don't know. A latte. You get the idea. So
I just wanted to show you that it doesn't really matter if you're tracking
inside my Nadar, in My Fitness Pal, whether you're weighing your
food cooked versus roar, as long as you selected
correctly inside of mine Atari. And the last thing I want
to mention is that always weigh your food with
a digital food scale, as opposed to using
cups or teaspoons, tablespoons, because
your tablespoon maybe different
to my tablespoon. Whereas if we're weighing the same food on a
digital food scale, we're gonna get the same white. I hope this was helpful if
you have any questions, let me know and I'll see
you in the next video.
8. Nutrition: Weighing and Measuring with a Digital Food Scale: I'll be showing you how to use a digital food kitchen
scale to help you track your calorie and macronutrient intake to get into the best shape
of your life. I'll share with you what I did
with a digital food scale, how I used mine when
I was preparing for my amateur bodybuilding
competitions back in the day. And so obviously you need one of these to be able to
follow along with me. So what I suggest you do
is jump on It doesn't matter
what brand you get. You can get the same one I use. It doesn't really matter. I wouldn't spend any more
than about 50 million bucks, 20 bucks off, just buy one of these and
then you're off and running. So essentially, I'm gonna
show you how to use a digital food sky like
this using three examples. So we're gonna
have some oatmeal. I'm gonna show you how
to wire up some oatmeal, some coconut oil, or you can use peanut butter,
It's up to you. I just don't have any peanut
butter in the cupboard, so I have to use coconut
oil in this demonstration. And chicken, Of course, the first thing
you're gonna do with your digital food
scale is you turn it on and you're going to make sure that it reads 0 on the screen. Now you can set it
between grams and ounces. Now if you're watching
from the US auto, imagine you're going
to be using ounces. However, here in
Australia we use metric, so I'll be setting mine to
grams for this demonstration. But you select grams or
ounces on the button there, depending on what brand you get, they will pretty much
do the same thing. Then make sure it's set to 0. So the first food I'm
gonna demonstrate is oatmeal or rolled oats that
I have here in my cupboard. And what you can do
is get your plate, for example, and put
your plate on the scale. And when you put the
plate on the scale, make sure you hit
the tare button. So the tear button is going
to reset the scale back to 0 and it's going to remove
the white of the plate. It's not going to include that white with the plate
on your scale. You're gonna put
in some oatmeal. And so we're going to measure
this essentially dry, dry oatmeal or dry rolled oats. And as you pull that in, you'll see that we're now going to weigh out
something like, I don't know, just
say a 100 grams, 150 grams of oatmeal. Then we're gonna put
that into my net Dari. And we're going to select
Role dot's dry, a 150 grams. And then I'm gonna show
you a coconut oil. So when you're, when you're weighing coconut oil
or paint up button, you're gonna put the jaw. Now this is a really
cool technique. You can use it with any
other product as well. Put the actual
product on the scale, make sure you take the lid off. When you take the lid off, you're going to hit
the Tab button. And when you hit the tab button, it's going to reset
the value back to 0. And then just by
using a teaspoon or a tablespoon, you're
gonna pull out. I don't know. Just
say for example, we're gonna use a
tablespoon of coconut oil. You're gonna pull that out. And then we're gonna pull
that around 16 grams, 20 grams of coconut oil. And you'll see that reflect
on the screen of the scale. And that's how you know exactly how much coconut
oil or paint up bottle or whatever you've taken
out of the product, it would just show
up on the scale. It is that easy and
then you just go to mine at Dari will
My Fitness Pal, you would just type
in peanut butter, coconut oil, or whatever. And you'll just punch
in 16 grams or 20 grams or maybe the equivalent
announces, it's that simple. And we chicken all I typically do when I'm prepping
for competition, as I mentioned before, is I'll cook up
all of my chicken, maybe three days, four days worth of chicken
or cook everything up. In this demonstration though, I'm just going to show you
a small batch of chicken. And then I'll cook it all up. I'll put a little bit of
seasoning I have at the top of it just to make
it tight is nice. I won't typically use any sources or any mayonnaise
or anything like that. If I do on the rare occasion, I will track it. I will then record
it in mind as well. But for the purposes
of this demonstration, I'll just use cooked chicken
with a bit of seasoning. And then I will put my
plate on the scale. And then I'm gonna
measure out around a 100,150 grams of cooked chicken, which works out to be about
25 to 30 grams of protein. And how I know this is because I've been
doing this for years. If I go into my net Dari, I type in cooked chicken breast. And then I select 150 grams, 200 grams or whatever. And it's going to accurately note that into my,
into my NodeRED. So that's essentially
how you use these digital food scales
when you tracking. As I said, it doesn't
matter if you're tracking dry or cooked food and you're weighing that on your scale as long as you select the correct one inside
monitorial MyFitnessPal, then you'll be fine. I hope this was helpful if
you have any questions, let me know and I'll see
you in the next video.
9. Goal 1 (Fat Loss): Step 1. How to Calculate Your Macros For Fat Loss: Welcome back everybody.
Let's jump straight into the calculations
for your macros to get shredded if you're a skinny fat guy or girl
watching this like I once was. So this is the exact blueprint that I followed to calculate my macros for fat loss as a
skinny fat guy years ago. But I should also point
out that you really need to be consistent when
following this blueprint. You need to be patient
trust in the process. And I also should
point out that I did my entire transformation without any performance enhancing drugs, no steroids, no testosterone. I'm a 38 year old male
from Melbourne, Australia. Never touched them in my life. But I did have a lot of patience and consistency
with this blueprint. So that is extremely important if you want
this to work for you. So let's jump straight
into the calculations. The first thing we want to
do is we want to calculate your target calories that you are to maintain
every single day. You take your goal
body weight in pounds, and I'm using myself
as an example here, 194 pounds times that by ten to your own goal body
weight, times it by ten. And you'll get your
target calories, in my case, 1,950 calories. Once we have our
daily calorie target, then we can calculate
our macros, protein, fat, and carb. Very simple and straightforward
calculations for protein. You're going to aim to
get between 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per pound
of body weight per day, okay? It is a range. The reason why it's a range is because it varies on
a number of factors. Your intensity
levels, the volume of training you're
doing, how old you are, there are many
different factors that determine how much protein
you actually need. If you shoot for
this range though, you'll be within the ballpark
of what you actually need. Start with 0.8 and then slowly make your way up to 1 gram per pound of body
weight per day. 194 pounds. My weight you're going
to use your weight, Your goal body
weight times about 0.8 is 150 5 grams of protein. So I'm going to aim for 150 5
grams of protein every day. As a minimum up to 1 gram per pound of body
weight per day. 194 times one is 190 4 grams. Anywhere between 150 5
grams and 190 4 grams. It is going to be
my protein range. Next one is fat. You need dietary fat
for hormone regulation. The general guide here for fat, your fat macro is to
get around 30% of your total calories
through dietary fat. To keep it real simple, the
calculation is going to be 0.3 grams of fat per pound
of body weight per day. Let's calculate that for me
using myself as an example. 0.3 times 194 is going
to be 58 grams of fat. Once we've calculated
protein and fat, then we go onto carp. Now should quickly point out that if this is already
too much for you, focus on just calculating your daily calorie target,
your protein target. Stick with those two numbers. Get the rest of your calories
from either fat or carb or some combination of the two be plus or -50 calories
of your target. And you'll still get
incredible results. However, if you think you can track more than just
these two numbers, then continue along with me. Okay. 58 grams of fat in terms of cab,
how much do you need? Personally, what I do or what I did is I take the remaining of my calories and I give it to carbohydrate once I've already factored in protein and fat. What does that mean? I'll
walk you through it. How many calories is in 150? 5 grams of protein. We know 1 gram of protein
is four, calories, 155 times four is 620
calories for fat, 1 gram of fat is nine calories. It's very calorie dense, 58 times 9522 calories. All you need to do to figure out how many calories you
need for carbohydrate. Take your target calories for your calories for the day 1950 or whatever you've calculated. Minus 620, minus 522, you'll get 88
calories remaining. Then we need to just convert 808 calories into how
many grams of carb? That is 1 gram of carb
is four calories. 808/4 is 202 grams of
carb and that is it. We've just calculated
your macronutrients, your daily calorie
target for me, 1950 protein, 150, 5
grams as a minimum fat, 58 grams, carbohydrate,
202 grams. Again, if these two are
too complicated for you, just focus on total
calorie target and your protein
target as a minimum, get the rest of your
calories from fat and cup, and you'll still get
incredible results. If you do this for
four to six weeks, you'll see incredible results. Take these four numbers, put them into an app like
Mint Diary or my fitness pal, and track everything that
goes into your mouth. Everything from
teaspoons of sugar, feted cheese, croutons,
peanut butter, nuts, everything has to be weighed and measured When you do that
inside those two apps, and you do that consistently for four to six weeks at least, then you'll start to see
incredible results in your body. You should lose around
one to two pounds of weight per week as a guide. If not, then you need to make some adjustments
to these numbers. These numbers are just a starting point for
you then to make adjustments to keep
that weight loss going one to two pounds per week is what
we're looking for. Anyway. I hope that was helpful.
10. Goal 1 (Fat Loss): Step 2. Setting up MyNetDiary for Fat Loss: Okay, Let's jump a two step three where we're going
to take the numbers that we've calculated in step 12 and put them into
an app like mana DREs, so you can only use
monetary or My Fitness Pal. I've got my phone setup
here with mine at Dari, but you can use
MyFitnessPal as well. But just make sure you
download my net Dari first onto your phone so that you can
follow along with me. So over here on the
right-hand side, I've taken the
numbers that we've calculated from step 12, and I'm just drop them
over here as a reference, the right-hand
side, but you would hopefully be using
your own numbers. These are my numbers. But hopefully you're using your own numbers to
enter into my Nadar. He's so here we
have 2400 calories, which is a target calories that are calculated for
myself in step one, you might have come
directly from step one and skipped step two, which is completely
up to you where you calculate your
macros in step two. But I do recommend that
you calculate your macros for the best results in your white loss,
fat loss journey. So that's my target
calories here, 2400. And then I've got
protein fat and Cobb, 200 grams for protein
66 grams full-fat, and 250 grams full cups, which are calculated
in step two, I'm going to show
you head into these into monetary right now. So inside the app on my phone, we're gonna go to
my plant where it says My plan will just
press on that one. And you should see a
screen similar to this. Now on the very top we have a little menu which
might be hard to see, where it says white and calories and carbs, protein and fat. These are the only two that
we're gonna be playing around with in this
little tutorial video. I press on white and calories. And here you can
enter in a bunch of information such as
current White Target way, target date, weekly
rights of white loss. And then here it says
daily food calorie budget. That's where we
enter in the 2400 or whatever you've
calculated for you to solve. Taking 2400. And I've put it into here, you only need to do
to change the value is you just press on the number. You can just enter whatever
number you've calculated, press Save, and that will
lock in a budget for you. That's gonna be a daily
calorie allowance. We did talk about a
buffer plus minus 150 calories around the 2400
is what I would give myself. One hundred and one hundred
and fifty calorie plus minus your target is going to
be your reference point. Now in terms of current white. So I put in here
hypothetically 220 pounds. I've actually changed
this into Imperial. You can click on the two
on the little menu there, then go down to where
it says Settings. And you can change it from metric to imperial if you want. I usually work in metric, but I have a larger
American audience, so I've deliberately
changed it to imperial for you guys
so you can follow along much easier
if we go back to my plan and we'll go
to white and calories. So you'll put in
your current white. So put in 220 pounds. So that's about a 100 kilos
for my metric friends. And my target weight
is going to be 90 kilos or 200 pounds. In terms of target
date and weekly right? Now in terms of
weekly right now, I do discuss this
in another video. A healthy right of white loss, somewhere between one
to two pounds per week is considered to
be a healthy right? For me personally, I
usually shoot between 1.5 to even one pound per week. You'll find that in your
first week of doing this, you might lose more than two, maybe three pounds
and your first week. But after the first week it will start to settle
down a little bit. And I'll do discuss the
reasons why in another video. But typically, my weekly right around 1.5 pounds per week
is what I'm shooting for. So I'll set my target dydt, whatever is necessary to get
around 1.5 pounds per week. Then it'll got my
daily budget setup already, which is 2400. Now once I've set this up, then I will go to
the next tab here, which is carbs, protein and fat. I'm not sure if you can see that the next one on the menu. So you press on that
and essentially you have a pie chart here. This is the screen from macro is this is
where you're going to enter in your macronutrient
calculations. Assuming that you've done step two of this tutorial series. If you haven't done step two, you don't need to
worry about this page. You can just go to the
diet dashboard and you can start entering in foods straight
off the dashboard here. But if you have done step two, then you'll need to
enter in your macros in step two. If we go back to. My plan and then go into
carbs, protein and fat. This is your
macronutrients screen. So 2400 calories
is a daily limit, which is broken down
into R3 macros, carbs, protein, and fat. On the bottom of the
screen you'll see fat and we have
protein and carbs. So all we need to do
is start entering in whatever macros you've
calculated for yourself. So a protein of calculated
200 for myself. So you just press on, whereas his protein and
you enter into 100. I'll just gonna do this
very quickly and save. The next one is fat. So I'm just going to press on
fat and change this to 66. The app does give you some guidelines which
have built into it. But as I said before
in the previous video, this is not exactly perfect. It doesn't have to
be exactly perfect. These are just rough
numbers to get you started. And then we get to the next
two or three videos from now, I will discuss how
you make adjustments to these to fine
tune a little bit. And then Cobb is the
last 1250 grams. So as you can say,
it's about 252. It's already done that for us. So that works out to be
42% of our calories. Out. Balance of 2442% of 2400
is coming from Cobb's. 33% of our calories, protein calories of 2400, it's coming from protein. And twenty-five percent of our calorie allowance
is coming from fat. And so you'll see a
little pie chart there. And that's essentially
what we need to do when it comes to checking
in your macros. And if you press on select here, you'll see what
different types of ratios look like for
different types of diets. If you see here, the
Mediterranean diet is a 501535 split. Cato is 52075 split. So you'll see here that Cato
is obviously very low carb, somewhere below
10% carb for Cato. You'll see 520, 20% is for protein and
seventy-five percent. You'll get an idea of what
these different diets look like in terms of the
macronutrient distributions. This is just for
your own information in your own education, you can read this
in your own time, but for now I'll just
close that down. If you want, you can actually
slide these slides with your finger just manually if you want to play
around with it. But I'll talk more about how to adjust these numbers
in another video. But right now, this is
all you need to do. And we go to our home screen. So I've got a dot dashboard, guys, we're back on
the home screen here. We've got a calorie budget
set, 2400 calories. So this is how much you've
got to spend per day. Think of it almost
like currency. You've got 2400
calories in the bank. That's all you have
to spend in a day. Only need to do when
you're entering in food is you just press the
plus sign down here. And then you'll come up with this little thing where
you can select breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, or
you can just scan the food. If you'd have a bar code, it doesn't matter which one
you select. Breakfast to say. For example, just say you've had a lot of time for breakfast. I'll just select almond latte from the recent foods or
you can just type in lot of time and it will start searching from the food database and then you just
select the one. For example, he is
Starbucks, right? So a 190 calories 16
fluid ounces or out. So that's a grand day. 16 fluid ounces, 190 calories. And then wallah, we've just
entered in that ground day. And maybe you've had
two sugars with that. So make sure you enter
in your sugar as well. It hit the plus sign, hit breakfast, and
type in sugar. By doing this kind of
tracking full, whoops. Just go back by doing this kind of tracking
for a week or two, you'll become so educated
in terms of what the macronutrient values of
various foods that you wait. Didn't I never knew any
of these any of this prior to tracking my calories. But when you do this
for a week or two, you would just come to realize that there's 16 calories
in one taste of sugar. You got to put those
little values in. Now, you can just use the
bar code of various types of food by hitting the plus sign and then hitting
the barcode there. And you just put that over the bar code and it will
scan the food for you. And if that food is
in the database, it will be detected. And just say for example, you're eating at a
restaurant for lunch. And you ought to know
having just say Taco. Taco Bell says from my
American friends out there. So Taco Bell, you'll see that common restaurant items and phosphate items also
in this database. So you'll see he talked to
Bill Original with beef. A 179 calories, tacos
crunchy by Taco Bell. Just say we've had one
serving of crunchy tacos, 170 calories, and bank
stride in the system. And as you can see, it's
slowly makes his way around. You'll see we have
2024 calories left. Now just make sure you weigh
all of you food as well, like peanut butter and
avocados and stuff like that. And then enter that
directly into this app. And I explain how to use Skiles kitchen scales
in another video. But just make sure
that you weigh your food like peanut
butter for example, if you've had peanut
butter as a snack, top and pain not butter. You get the idea. This is very intuitive. Just start talking will
automatically stop populating the search results. And you'll see
here, for example, that maybe we've had tonight, we'll just go with
how many grams? Peanut butter, crunchy, no salt. It's just I've had 16 grams. Just say we've had
about a tablespoon, but not yet calories into. As you can see it fills out a
macro is down here as well, carbs, protein and fat. And then we're gonna get
toward the end of the day, you might have a couple
of 100 calories to spell. Or you might even go
over by a 100 calories, which is fun because
remember we have a buffer of plus
minus one hundred, one hundred and fifty calories
around at target calories. If you go over by a 100, it's not going to
be a deal breaker. This will go into the red, but don't be disheartened by it. You can also put an
alcohol as well. So for example,
we've had dinner, just say you had a red wine. So you put in red
wine like this. And trust me guys, I've used this app of also use
MyFitnessPal as well. They both really good. I've used them even during
my competitions as well, to track my calories. For example, red table wine. And we'll cap sad to say saf, how much CAP site, but we're going to have how
many fluid ounces on and I eight fluid ounces of
capsule 593 calories. And there we go. Maybe we had another
gloss of cab salve. It doesn't matter. I've
called it a snack. Maybe we had some
white one this time. We put in what table wine. What table one. There we go. Nine fluid ounces. You'll see all the
different types of measurements or units
that we can use. Make sure you select
the right one. So obviously, teaspoons,
tablespoons is probably not an onto a way of measuring
how much one you drinking. So fluid ounces will Mills
probably makes most sense. But you get the idea. Table 1270, count 217 calories. So that's essentially
how you use monetary. If you have any
questions about this, please let me know and it'll be more than
happy to help you out. In the next video,
I'll be discussing how to fund chewing
these numbers. If you're not reaching
or you're not achieving the sort of wight
loss that you're expecting, which again is going
to be somewhere between one to two
pounds per week. Anyway. I hope this
was helpful and I'll see you in the next
video tutorial.
11. Goal 2 (Bulking): Step 1. How to Calculate Your Macros For Lean Bulking: Welcome back everybody.
Let's jump straight into it. So if you're a skinny
fat guy or girl wanting to figure out your
macros for lean bulking, then this is exactly
what I did to myself to get completely shredded
and build a ton of muscle. And also, I should
point out very quickly that I did it
completely naturally. No steroids, no testosterone, no performance enhancing
drugs, nothing. Just a ton of patience and hard work and
trusting the process. I also did this when I was doing my night shift
job years ago, counting my macros and my calories in the
middle of the night. And I really did struggle.
It was very, very tough. I didn't have any mentors or coaches to help me
back then I will break it down for you and make it as simple as
possible for you. So follow along with me. So macros for bulking, the first thing we're going
to do is you're going to calculate your target
calories for bulking. So that's our first line here. For me, hypothetically, 27, 50 calories is what I
would aim to achieve every single day to build maximum amounts of muscle, okay? So the calculation
for calculating your calorie target for
bulking is going to be TD EE times 1.1 so total daily energy
expenditure for you. I'll link down below
what you can click on to determine your TDEE. Very simple to calculate using my calculator on my website. Go click on that link, then come back to this video. Then you're going to
add 10% on top of that TDE DEE for me
2,500 calories times by 1.1 because we want to
add 10% extra calories onto that 2,500 that's going
to get me 27 50 calories. So you're going to figure
this out for yourself. Once I've got my
target daily calories, then I can break that
down into protein, fat, and carp for protein. The calculations
simple, 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day is what
you're aiming for. So 194 pounds, that's my weight. You're going to use your
weight, for example, 194 pounds times 0.8 is 150. 5 grams of protein. All right, so I'm
going to aim for 155 as a minimum every
day during my bulk. The second one is fat. All I'm going to do is get 0.3 grams of fat per pound
of body weight per day. I'm going to multiply
that by 194. That's going to give
me 58 grams of fat. 0.3 times 194 or use your own weight will
get me 58 grams of fat. Then I get the rest
of my calories for bulking and I give that
to my carbohydrates. How do I do that? I need
to convert this and this. So the grams of protein and fat, I need to convert
that to calories. So for 1 gram of protein
is four calories, so 155 times four
is 620 calories. For fat, 1 gram of
fat is nine calories, so 58 times nine
is 522 calories. So then all I've
got to do is get my target calories
for bulking 27 50, subtract 620, subtract 522. That will leave me
with the balance of 1,608 calories that
I'm going to devote to my carbohydrates to figure
out how many grams of carbo hydrate that works out to be 1 gram of carbohydrates.
Four calories. So 1608/4 will give me
402 calories correction, 402 grams of carbohydrate. That's essentially my
macros for lean bulking 27, 50 is my target calories. 155 for protein, 58 for fat, and 402 for carbohydrate. If this is all too much for you, I'll make it more
simple for you. Your target calories is
what you're trying to hit every single day
followed by protein. If you can just hit these two
numbers every single day, then you're going to
get incredible results. Just differentiate your
fat and carb as you wish. Aim for protein. Hit
that target and you can give the rest of your calories to fat or
carb as you see fit. If you want more fat
than carb or more carb than fat in your
bulking journey, that's completely up to you. For me, I prefer to have
more carbohydrates than fat. Okay. It doesn't
matter how you split carb and fat as long as
you're hitting that target. If you're not hitting
that target or whatever you've
calculated for yourself, you're not going to gain
weight you want to gain on an average 0.5 to one pound
of weight per week. If you're not gaining that, you're not eating
enough, know this. Because I was a skinny, fat guy. I really struggled
to put on weight. Why? Because I wasn't
eating enough calories. I thought I was eating enough
calories, but I wasn't. You must track this to ensure
that you're gaining weight. Now put these numbers into an app like mine diary
or my fitness pal. Or you can use a
flexible meal plan and track everything
that you eat. If you're hitting
your target calories and you're not gaining weight, then you need to add
about 100 to 150 calories to your target. When you're gaining more
than one pounds per week, then you're eating
too many calories. You need to dial it
back a little bit, drop that by around
100 calories. If you're gaining less
than 0.5 pounds per week, then you're not eating
enough calories. You need to increase your target by around 100 calories per day. So that's the general
blueprint for how to calculate your macros
for lean bulking. And then when you get to
the end of your bulk, then you'll do a little
cut at the end to trim off any fat that you've
gained during this process. This is exactly
what I did and how I managed to get into the
best shape of my life. Hope this was helpful.
See in the next one.
12. Goal 2 (Bulking): Step 2. Setting up MyNetDiary for Bulking: Once we've calculated at
calorie target full bulking, which we did in step one. And for myself, I
calculated that to be 2750 calories per day for
a successful Lean bulk. And then in step two,
I calculated protein, fat and cub, which derives
from this target of 2750. We calculated in the
previous step that I need a 160 grams of
protein per day, 76 grams of fat per day, and 355 grams of cup per day. And these three numbers
are derived from this calorie target of 2750. So by now you should already
have these four numbers calculated for yourself for
a successful Lean bulk. In this step, I'm
gonna show you how quickly and easy it is to put these four numbers inside
of an app on your phone. Like minor Dari or
My Fitness Pal. So feel free to download mine at Dari because that's what
I'm using in this case. You can use MyFitnessPal. It's completely up to you. You can download them for free and you can follow
along with me. So I only need to do
is open up my net. Daria, as I have here, go to these three
little things here, and you'll get this little menu. Then you go to where
it says My plan. Click on that, we'll
press on that. And then up here it says white and calories at the
very, very top there. White and calories
to get my diet, click on white and calories. Now personally, just ignore, whereas his current weight
takeaway target dydt and weekly, right? Just ignore these numbers. Don't get too hung up
on these numbers here. What we're really
concerned about is using minor diary to track to ensure that we're hitting
this number of 2750 a day. And you're also hitting protein, fat and carbs as well. W2 concerned about what it says here about weight loss programs. We're trying to gain weight
here, not lose weight. So most people that use monetary or using
it to lose weight. And so it's good around people wanting to lose
weight using this app, but it's just as effective
to gain might for bulking as it is for using
it to cut or to lose weight. So we need to do
is where it says daily food calorie budget. I've already entered
this in here, but you're going to
put in the number that you've calculated. So you just press on that
and then you just put in whatever number you've calculated as you
calorie target. Then you're gonna hit Save. Then to put in your macros over where it says
at the top here, carbs, protein and fat, just at the top of the screen
there, this little tab. They press on that
and you'll see this little box
will pop up here. This is pretty much exactly
the same as what it looks like when you putting in
new calories for cutting. If you haven't already
seen those videos. And you'll see he gives a
little pie chart and you can, down here where it says carbs, protein and fat, you can
enter in your numbers. So we'll enter in these ones, which I've actually
already done, but we'll do it again
just to demonstrate. So we'll start with
protein, 160 grams. So you just press on that and you're going
to type in one. What have you've calculated
for yourself, then hit Save. The next one is fat. We have 76 grams. So you're gonna press on
that top in 76, hit Save. And then by default, the
app will automatically generate the
difference for carbs, which is 357 grams. We calculated 355 grams. Don't be too concerned, it's
only two grams difference. Just let it go. We have here 76 grams of fat, a 160 grams of protein, and 357 grams of carb. That equates to 25% of our calorie target
is coming from fat. So as we said in
the previous video, we want 20 to
twenty-five percent of our calorie target coming from
fat for hormonal reasons, for health reasons and things of that nature that set
correctly protein. Twenty-three percent
of our calorie target is coming from protein. And as I mentioned,
a 160 grams for myself does seem like a lot, but it's not when
I consider that my primary ambition here
is to build muscle. And then the last one is Cobb's, which is 52% of my
calorie target of 2750 is gi