Ultimate Affinity Publisher Guide: Affinity Publisher for Beginners | Nick Nyxson | Skillshare

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Ultimate Affinity Publisher Guide: Affinity Publisher for Beginners

teacher avatar Nick Nyxson, YouTuber & Content Creator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Main Introduction


    • 2.

      Course Rules


    • 3.

      What is Affinity Publisher


    • 4.

      Main Interface


    • 5.



    • 6.



    • 7.

      Studio Link (Personas)


    • 8.

      New Document


    • 9.

      Introduction to Basic Book


    • 10.

      Pages & Master Pages


    • 11.



    • 12.



    • 13.

      Artistic Text Tool (Basic Book Cover)


    • 14.

      Frame Text Tool (Basic Book Body)


    • 15.

      Table Tool


    • 16.

      Page Numbering


    • 17.

      Table Of Contents


    • 18.

      Basic Export


    • 19.

      Introduction To Advanced Book Section


    • 20.

      Picture Frame Tool


    • 21.

      Text Wrapping


    • 22.

      Baseline Grid


    • 23.



    • 24.

      Using Studio Link


    • 25.

      Cover Design


    • 26.

      Irregular Frames


    • 27.



    • 28.

      Class Project


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About This Class

Welcome to Affinity Publisher Guide - Affinity Publisher for Beginners!

The only course you will need to start with Affinity Publisher, one of the best publishing software in the industry.

Here you will learn everything you need to know about Affinity Publisher, including but not limited to:

  • Basics & Interface of Affinity Publisher;

  • Tools of Affinity Publisher;

  • Creation of Basic Book Document;

  • Advanced tips & Tricks

  • & Much More...

Most importantly this course will continue and grow as time passes and all the upgrades will be available for FREE for every enrolled student.

And don't forget that Instructor is here for you. For any questions do not hesitate to ask.

Meet Your Teacher

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Nick Nyxson

YouTuber & Content Creator


My name is Nick and I specialize in Online Business, Content Creation, and Teaching. I mainly focus on YouTube Channel building, Pinterest Growth, Livestreaming with OBS Studio (Streamlabs OBS), LumaFusion Mobile Video Editing & Much More other tools & Services to achieve your goals.

Join me and learn an amazing software for content creation and let's create amazing content together. For any questions, do not hesitate to ask, I am always available for help, any time, any day.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Main Introduction: Hello and welcome toe. Our affinity publisher course. My name is Nick Nickson, and I will be your instructor today And for entirety of this course, Of course. So this course will be all about the unity publisher. And this course I'm going to teach you how you will be able to use the thing into publisher to create an amazing printable documents or maybe e documents, eat books or whatever you want to use it. For the first, let's focus on what this course is not about and what this court is not. Four. So this course is not about Adobe in design, which is the bigger competitors or finished affinity publisher made by Adobe. This is not about Adobe in design. You don't need to know anything about it all being designed. You don't need to ever. You don't ever seen or even ever heard about the software in order to understand whatever we are doing here. This software and this course, in this case, in my course case, is fully for the beginners. For anyone who have never worked in the publishing software and have never done unprintable named ever done in the book or anything like that maybe you have worked something like an award processor, like in award or pages Or Google Dogs? Yes. If you have some knowledge like this, it's it's great for you. But you don't even need that. In this case here, all you need to do is to have an understanding what basic things are like, how to type and what the phone days and what interfaces and I will be teaching you everything else here. We're gonna learn everything that you need to have a basics often, effendi Publisher, we're gonna create a very soul, its foundation of India Publisher. That will be probably great foundation, not just for this softer, but any affinity suits after. And then we're going to expand from it and create something bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. And don't forget that this is not just the video. This is an actual course where I will be available for you to help. So any time you have any question in any moment off the course, you can directly contact me and give me some time for you to answer. Because yes, sometimes the times those might not be same, and it might be the middle of the night for me, but be sure that's good enough. I will be giving you an answer for any questions you want regarding enough in the publisher . I will be always available for you. I don't know what what other sorts are doing, but I'm always answering the questions from my student. Unless there are too many questions because the time restrictions and saying things like that. But be sure sooner or later I will be coming back to you and giving you all the answers that you need. Well, again, I would like to welcome you to discourse. I hope that you're gonna have a lot of great time and learn a lot of things from here it and just get it started. 2. Course Rules: okay, We laid down the foundations of what actually we're gonna learn and how we're gonna learn it. But here, I'm going to give you the rules, candidates, the things that I've actually talked about this but it's not a structural. Don't worry about this. We're gonna have to rules in this course Onley, tools and nothing else. We're gonna have one rule that states that you should be creative. The things that I'm going to create is the things that I came up on the spot and doing the things right then and there. And you should be created. Whatever you want to create, think about the end result that you don't want to create and try to do this. If you don't have the tools, then create the tools that you have at the moment because eventually you're going to get there and you're gonna learn the tools that you need in order to grade the results that you want. But be as creative as you can with the tools that you have a job disposal at the moment at the level that you are in the course because you are go. You'll be amazed how how great things you can create with as little tools as possible. And that's the rule. Number one is to be creative. Be creative. Don't be afraid of experiment. Do the things. Because this software is a creative software, no matter what anyone would say is a creative software. So be creative. The rule number two is Well, I think that I say over and over again. Ask questions. You have questions I'm here to answer. I'm not gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna bother you, Will. This is saying the same things because you're probably sick of it. And, yeah, ask me questions. I will be always available to answer you. So let's quit with anything in introductions and let's go directly to the course. 3. What is Affinity Publisher: Okay, so welcome to our first full official section. So this section will start with the lecture named what is actually affinity publisher, because you probably know already with four different publishers. But let's just go through it in order for you to understand. Maybe because you want defend publisher for one thing, while it can do and other things as well. So let's just wrap it up very shortly. What affinity publisher is so if in the publisher is professional publishing software, so it helps you to create a publishing things basically so publishable can be books can be brochures can be unprintable, is can be magazines. Anything that can be parental is what affinity publisher is creating its not just about books. It's not just about the brochures. It can be about the posters. It can be about the magazines. It can be about something way bigger than you might think at first, and you might do at the beginning. But because of in the public sphere is a very, very versatile, very big Salter. You can actually use it for very basic things. I know it might summer preposterous and the blasphemous for before a lot of people. But if in the publisher is very good ward processor as well, you can create a word documents within this soldier. I know that it Z not allow you to create something like war document in the publisher. But if we want to create a very basic PdF documents just the tax documents which will have an entire section dedicated to this, then you can do this. It's as simple as that. You can do even the basic things. Infinite publisher. You're not restricted. You don't need to create a very complex magazines in order to use. If any publisher. Maybe you want something very basic, and you like how interface works. Even I do. I quit my e books. Very, very basic. Brochures are very basic things in offended publisher because it is far simpler to create than any other war process. After like in Microsoft Word, for example, I feel like it's far simpler to create very good word. Document may be very good. CV Mayor may be very good. Some their basic word text document. I feel like it's far simpler to create in the 50 publisher. Then it is in more robust were processing documents that softer, so insured. If in publisher will allow you to create printable documents, documents that can be printed, whatever size, water a form, you can think of it, a 50 publisher can create it. Think of it like that. It's a very brief status and simple explanation. You probably already knew this for the course purposes were, of course needed this so they just go to the next lecture now. 4. Main Interface: so hello and welcome to affinity Publisher. This is the main thing that you are going to see when you load affinity publisher. Well, this is actually the main thing would that you're going to see after you will actually start a new document. We're not gonna learn how to start a new document right now because just we're just going to go through the main Ian's face just to let you know where the things are located and what the things are cold. Just in case for the future of lectures were going to go, of course, after creating new documents when we actually get to the creation of the documents. So here is affinity Publisher's main window and right from the get go, you have never used any affinities after. This might sound a bit confusing, but you have used the software like in designer for a show or something, that you can actually understand a lot of things. But if the very beginning of off this kind of shelter, this might feel very confusing again. If you have used affinity, the the photo of free anti designer is the very, very familiar design, and you will be feeling like home because there are only few differences between those three software. So yeah, it will be pretty simple for you to understand, but you haven't done anything that if you're a beginner, this might be very confusing, Even though it's actually far simpler than you might think. They're actually only around six types off elements in this entire interface. And we're going to go through them one by one. Not all through the all of the elements, but the types of element just for you to understand what the things are and what they're calling, what they do in an outline, not exactly what they do, because we're going to go through every single thing. I did exactly what they do when we get to the specific electrics and when you get to the creation off the document itself. So when you get to this software, we're gonna go through the different elements right here, and we're going to start from the top menu. This is the top when you, which is always located on the top, left her side corner became the question. What do you mean by it's always located? Martin Isn't everything always looking in the same spot. Actually, no, there are some elements that can be moved around. For example, I can take this entire thing and move it whenever I want. It's It's not gonna be a problematic Gharekhan gate. Take this thing and move it, whatever I want. So but this menu is always on the top was almost on the top left corner with a file added document. This is the top menu. When I'll be referring to top menu in the lectures, you will understand that it's right here. This is top menu. Right beneath the top menu is another immovable element, which is the top bar. Basically. Well, this is where the personas are located, the affinity power publisher persona for designer percent and photo persona. We're gonna learn about this in the future, but just to give you a little bit, understanding this if you have are the other softer elect about designer and the photo. This means that you can basically moved to the software and just use their tools right from the from the publisher mean that you don't need to change this after, which is incredibly great thing, and we're gonna learn about this in the future, so don't worry about that. There are additional things text wrapping here, like guides like snapping, and it separates later. We are going to utilized these tools one by one where when we are going to go through the lecture. So just be mindful of that. This is the top bar that we are going to use in the future. This thing actually, is not mobile, as far as I know it will, actually, at least. So, yeah, it's immovable as the top menu is. The next immobile part off the screen is, are the tools or eased toolbar, which is located on the left side of the screen. These are all of the tools that they are located right here, with a start from mood, moved toe and ended with the brutal all of the tools. Here are the single use tools, but they don't want someone to right here, which they're tangled, too, that have a context menu. If you'll click and hold on it, it will open all the additional tools that have and just for you to remem arise. Whether the tools have additional tools inside them or not, you'll see on the right corner off the tool. The this triangle right here. That means that you can present hold and you're gonna have an additional tools right then and there. But we skipped one thing right on the top bar. Well, right below the top bar. There is this thing right here. Why did you skip it? Because this is the context menu off the tool, meaning that whatever you have selected or whatever to you have selected, this menu will change. It has, when you have selected nothing, is said the no selection and has documents that are spread Simon Preferences. But whatever you select some would do is like no. Two. For example, you see, it immediately changed into different things. So this is the context menu off the tool. When it's like that, a frame next to it changes when you select, for example, the place image to it will open immediately, can low there when it selected, filled to it will change as well. Also, this is the context menu over the tools themselves. Very important. This is how we actually set up the tools and changes settings off the tools. Very important things. Just remember that next thing is we'll probably the biggest thing that you see on screen right now. And this is the central workspace. This is the where we actually work with our pages with our images. With our text, there's the central canvas that we are working on. Just remember, this is the biggest part. By the way, you can actually change that. You can actually move it. You can actually see like this on the top bar right here and just move it if you have multiple screens or something like that. So just know that you can actually do that. Sorry. When I close, it'll be yes, there. And you can actually change the size of this as well. Like if you move this from the side, you can increase the size off the studios that we're going to talk about this just in a second. And you can just, you know, that you can actually change sides off this, uh, canvas as you see fit speaking off the studios, everything that you see around that is not below this below the cannabis. And that is not the things that were actually talked about. Our studio said, as you can see, everything right here. There's one bar right here. I think this is gonna be it's should be in this way, when you load your software, I change some things, but I try to restored on default. But it might be a bit different still and everything you can see like this studios right here in the three studios right here that are all studio. So if you have, you can see that the students have the tabs as well. You could change the studio tabs, every single studio, have other single workspace, have tabloid in there in there. And you can actually rearrange everything or however you want, for example, or in my normal set up. What I use is I changed my stock studio and I move it and I place it's right here. I can't even change its side if I want just to move it to the half. And what this will do is it will give me There were two studios right here in three studio spaces right here. I'm sorry. It's studio spaces, not the students themselves. That's studios Alec Pages, Studio assets studio, preflight studio stock studio, color swatches, stroke layout, character paragraph. There is also textile. There's also effects. There is also a navigator. There's history there is transferred there. So many studios and studios will be alongside with the tools will be the main things that we are going to use in the software. It might sound a bit confusing. All those things might sound a bit confusing, but it's actually far simpler than you think. Just open this. Ah, open the set up open, open this software and just play with it around just to see and different things. If you don't have any studios right here, if you don't have the same number of students like I do, don't worry. We're gonna learn about this as well, how to add and how to delete this. Studios are to remove the studio is not the delete to remove the studios, how to add them, how to work with them. Just know that we I'm going to teach you all. Just remember the most important studio, the probably multiple to three studios. Well, probably the force it is that you're gonna work is are already visible, which is the color studio right here, which allows you to choose your colors for anything that you do your layer studio that will allow you to well, basically work with layers. Very important thing. Probably most boring thing pages that will allow you to select different pages etcetera, etcetera and navigator if you want, or just to navigate different self. Just zoom in and zoom out. You can actually do this with the hot keys like control scroll will or control plus control minus. You can work on this as well, or you can just work with the middle Moscow. I'm gonna teach you about the shortcuts as well. Don't worry. So this is all the main interface. Just remember this The top menu top bar to context menu tools, main canvas or mean workspace and studios. There is also a bottom bar right here, but it's not that important. It actually gives you some additional tips that you want just to read this test because they said, depending on the tools, it will actually change and gives you some understanding how tools are working. Plus, you can switch the pages if you want just like that, and gives you some the tasks and pre flight test. It said that there were going to talk about this, of course, in their future. A lecture. Just just know that it's good, but it's not as important as you might think. Well, this will be for this lecture. Let's go to the next one. 5. Tools: Okay, let's talk about the tools Affinity publisher. So this lecture will give you just understanding off the tools just to let you know what each over the tool does. We're not going to go through the settings of the tools of senator because we're gonna go do this as we go in to the future lectures. But for you to understand, what do those things actually means? So from Bruce lectures, you know that this is the tools. This is where the tools are located. Here we are going to learn what they do. So without further ado, let's just get it started. So first ill is very basic moved tools, or moved to is Algerians to select different things on your screen and just and just to take it and to move it if you want. Like, for example, I'm gonna give you some understanding, like I'm going to write something right here and with a move to I can actually move it, or I can actually even resize it if I want. Or if I haven't selected, I can select it just like that. So this is what moved? Told us. Very important thing, probably and very important tool. You can access the move toe by pressing V on your keyboard. Basically, So that's a very a very cool thing to have. Like right here. You can see it actually the shortcut or for the move to let's move to the no, the tool no tool is actually very powerful thing that allows you to work with notes right here. We don't have any notes, and for that reason, we I cannot show you exactly how they work. But when you have the vector knows, for example, I'm just gonna draw would Joe with a pen tool. I'm gonna explain you out of the pendulum works. I can select and actually move the nose. However, I want you to change shapes during the forms. It's a Mac. Make it made the curvature, zits, etc. Cetera. It's a very, very cool thing to have, like it allows you to edit the vector notes. We are going to learn how to use this in practice in the future as well. So just stay put for that Next is very important is a frame text tool is probably one of the best things definitely publisher has, and probably the thing that that will force you to use this as a regular war purser's. Well, it's a very cool thing to have. So what this thing does it allows you to create the frames where the text will be filled. As you can see that I created a frame right now, and this is where the text will be retested. For the purpose of this lecture, I'm gonna fill out this with the filler text old introduced. Just press right click and insert the filler text. And this is how would you look like? You can use the move to to move it around however you want and which is very what is the very important, very cool thing. I can write another frame tax, and I could move it with a filler text. But instead of moving the filler text, I'm going to write this and connect this into this. One of what you will see right now is whatever the Texas finish right here, it will continue right here. This is what this thing does. Don't worry about wherever the thing I did right now, we are going to learn this one as well. So what? It also used to select the square. Just take create a square. And this is where the text will be written. Just well again, I will do the same thing as well. I'm gonna take this. I'm gonna take this and connect. This one is also what will happen is that this Texas connected to this tax and this Texas connected to this text, it's we're looking. But for the purposes of the book or the anything that you will create in the future, it will make sense. So this is what text frame tool does, and it is the tea on keyboard to selected by the way they know what is an A on the keyboard to select this. Okay, the next tool is table to It's like a frame text through, but it allows you to create tables. It's like f creating a spreadsheet prepared for you. It's a very, very cool thing. You can even add the roses Secretary. If you want to use this as a spreadsheet, you can absolutely do it. It's a very, very cool tool tohave. If you're willing to put any or tables in your tax or in your books or whatever you want, you can just use it just like that and you get feel attacks you can resize. You could change everything that you want. It's very simple thing to do in order, just like the table tool. You need to press t as well. It's actually both of them on T, I think. Yeah, a lthough whole three of them. Artie, just just to show you look t for that frame text e for the table and t for the artistic sexual that we're going to go through it right now actually, rarely use the shortcuts, but you for for you just It's very good to know now. Next is the artistic text to So what's the different between frame text to an artistic textile? So artistic text tool is just at three text that you want to write whatever you want. Like if you ever use the photo shop, that tax that do writing there is an artistic textual frame. Tax is like for the body tax. Like if you're doing like the book like a document, this is what you're using. Artistic textile, like if you want a title, for example, do you this I'm going to press and hold like this to just choose the size and I'm gonna write. Hello. So this is an artistic sex tool that's Onley. This tax will be selected so we can move it. However I want it said, Yeah, it's not as Azaz thing is the same thing as a framed Excell, which I will show you right now. As you can see the differences on can. It's like the title and the text itself. So you know, it's pretty simple to understand. What's the difference between frame textual energies, texel and again you selected. You need to press t on the keyboard. Next tool is petal Very important and very powerful thing to Dio. It's allows you to draw a vector shapes for a your for a document. What I use it for is I e. I use it for if I want to create a very weird frames and we're very weird, uh, text frames. So if I want, for example, the text frame off like this shape Ah, look just like that before. If I want the text frame of the shape, this is what I use it for. I can actually make the the stroke a bit wider. just like that. And what's a very cool thing is that I can't select right click on this, and I can converted the text frame and that that's where the tax will be written. I can write and insert filler tax, and you can see it is it's exactly shows how it's written. I can't even change the notes and is against. See, I can make of every weird shapes for the tax to filling. So a zit concedes, pretty weird thing to do, and you can do this. What's most important? The thing that is important is that you can't do this, and the dependable will allow you to do so. Plus, it will allow you to create the masks in the future. I'm gonna be explaining everything off course, but just to know that pen tool will allow you to draw some weird shapes on your document nor dislike the pen tool you need to press P on your keyboard. Next is well shaped tools, its's on em on the keyboard, and this is the only tool that has a multiple tools inside them, And what basically allows you to do is to draw the shape whatever the tool that you still act, for example of the square. It will allow you to select the square. For example, if you want to Ah, used for the rounded rectangle, you can ride it around the direct angle. For example, if you want to star, you can draw a star if you want. Let's say the cock to you can draw cork. It's a very cool thing to have it. If you want to draw those shapes and used, don't want to draw it with a pen tool. This will allow you to draw the shapes right then and there. Very powerful thing and again in or distracted. You need to press em, and in order to access all the tools inside, either you need to belong. Click it or just right, click it or with your mouth, and you can just select whatever tool that you want. Okay, next is picture frame to the actual to picture frame tools. Both of them are second with an F. It is the rectangle frame to, for example, if I want to do this, I can write this one, and I can, since it's works in the same way as a text frame tool, but instead it towards with the pictures I'm going to show you, for example, the picture of dog. Let's find a picture. Darwin. I suppose we're gonna talk about this in a bit, and I can select this dog right here and put it inside the frame. And what you'll do is it will feel out this frame with this dog. I can even zoom in if I want, and this is how it works. This picture frame tool allows me to have the square dog right here can even change the direction like that. And I couldn't move the dog like this. I can move this one and let's just Gemma. The ah around frame to here is, well, I can do the same here. And I can just put another dog right there that said This dog in the round. Or I think it's called the Lips or something like that picture frame, Ellipse tool. So this is exactly the same thing. It will allow you to put a different picture. URLs thesis picture is not that great in size. That's why I need to resize it. And yet that's that's how it works. It's this same concept as a text frame. Two months instead of text, you put picture incited again. You can change the you can roll right. A very weird shapes with your pen tool as well, if you want and transform a the picture frame to. And you can put this talk in this weird frame as well if you want. But if you want just square and the circle just ready out for you, you can immediately I just use these tools right there. So it's a very powerful tool and again and reflected. You need toe rotate with an F between the square and ellipse to okay. Next is place image, tool. So it's It's very simple thing to do is. But when you press this one, each load an image from your computer. If, like if you have a frame to lend, you want to place enemies there. That's basically what it does. Your placing give begins. It's the same thing, is just dragging and dropping. It is very, very simple thing. It does exactly the thing that I did right now, but instead of just using the stock image inside the psalter itself, it just loads this off the image from your computer. It's exactly the same thing. It's a very simple thing, and you can select it, you know, actually, by just pressing the tool. Ah, bar right here does not have any context. Keyboard button for this. Next is cover vector crop. It'll this will allow you actually to crop the different images that you have or at practically anything that you have on the screen. Only to do is just so select it. And what I will do that for If I don't want the entire dog, I'll just do this right now like this, like this. And I will do this like this and just like this, and I will switch back to the move to and is against. See, it's on Lee. The dog left, but what it does. Basically, it creates a rectangular mask around the dog. So it's it's very easy thing for NFL. Deal it The mask, it will just restored the dog, but were again, I'm gonna explain what does masks me in the future very important thing, a very powerful tool that you can use that collectively simplify your cropping for. By the way, if you move this one Because I have select on the rectangle I'm moving the rectangle, not the picture of the dog. And for that reason, I can reframe the dog. Have a one look for simply phone half the dog. No problem. I selected half the dog and I can move it like that. If I want a full dog, I'm gonna select Director of Evil in the layers and just move it just like that. That's very simple thing to do. Again, we're gonna learn how to do this in the future. Lectures next tool is ah, filled to you constructed by pressing G very, very cool thing. And this will allow you to change the color of the fill off anything that you want only to do just press and drag on the screen and what it will allow you to do. And you're not just have a single color on the screen, but it will allow you to have a Caridi int as well. Just an example. I can show you that that created right away, red and let's say the blue Grady and like to make it look bluish like like this Grady int as it gets it like I create. It's created beautiful, radiant. And if I want to move the color just to make it around the middle, just like that or something like this as against it, it gave me a very beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Grady int on the screen. Very cool thing, actually to use for your pictures, and we are going to use this tool a lot, so just be mindful of that. Next tool is of the transparency to which is practically the same as a field tool, but instead off changing for one color to another. It is changing from non transparent to a pick from a pig to the transparent. So what it did basically, right here is it made this part or pick and this part transparent. And as you can see, you can change the position of the transparency. Very cool thing. If you want to create something that is like cold going from the opaque to transparent, they're a very cool thing, and you could just work with it very easily. Next, this color bigger, which will allow you to choose any color that you want. If you select anything that you want, like color, bigger or anything on the canvass. It'll our future to chew this color. Or if you want to change this, of course you can change it as well. Very simple thing. We're gonna use this a lot in the future. Next is Vittel and allow you to view discreet. You I actually never, ever, ever used this tool because it will allow you to just move with your left mouse click. But you can select on any tool that say they moved to write is the move tool. Yeah, this too, right here. And if I move this, it will move this or this picture right like that. But if I select it will collect the middle mouse button. It is doing exactly the same thing as a move to or if a protest space bar and move with my left mouse button. It is doing exactly the same thing that is, Mo told us so. It's pretty useless to, but if you want to use it, you can use it 100% and the same ghost with Zoom tool. You can press the zoom tool and you can just press, press, press. It'll zoom in your press and scupper press old and hold it. It will be in a zoom out. I never use it again, because in any tool I can just middle mouse button again to move. And I was hold control button and scrolled my mouse wheel and through Zoom in and zoom out or control plus and control minus. I really, really don't need this. I really don't need this two and a highly recommend to forget existence off this to these tools as well, because you really don't need this and imagine this doing something, and you need to go and select the other tool. Just zoom in like that, then select the other tool just to move like that and then continue working instead of just pressing control. Zoom out and just move like that however you want. It's much, much faster, and houses suggested you in the future that I will show you how to do shortcuts. Memorize this tool. So this are all about the tools. There is nothing difficult in that, and we're gonna learn again Maura, about each and every one of the tools as we go through the lectures and as we actually learn how to use them on the field. So this will be for this wrong. Let's go to the next one 6. Studios: Okay, let's not talk about studios and what they actually are. So studios are additional tools that can affect your entire document or part of it, or that can affect the certain part off, the tool said. So there, let's say an additional thinks to the tools. Tools are very basic things, and tools are a bit more advanced stuff that the students are more about the defense that I know. It's a bit difficult to explain, but as well, though it's it will be more clear and clear. For example, color studio is an Onley place where you can choose the color often object. So, for example, if I want to draw a sum like a diamond like that, if you wanted to something like that, let me just center it. I'm going to use this one. Let's center just like that, we're gonna learn how to do those. But all of those things are doing, of course later. And if I want to change the field color off this thing off this diamond or let me to do is refer to the color studio and changing color from here. As simple as that I can change is very simple if I want dark purple, great light purple, great, even war lighter look washed out purple. Even possible. Everything If I want to change the opacity, I can do that, etcetera, etcetera, All done through the color studio. The layer studio allows you to change to choose a different layers. For example, if I want to draw another rectangle on top of it will change its color. Just you make it a bit more visible, and, as you can see, that rectangle is on the top off the, uh, diamond. And what if I want to put it on the bottom? All I need to do is to refer to the layered studio and drag their rectangle layer down under the diamonds could see. Now diamond is on the top. As simple as that, I can't even center this like that and get some cause some kind of very beautiful shapes. With that, every single studio does. Some specific task color studio is done is working with colors, layers, cities working with layers, character studio working with characters, meaning the text. It was more attacks, paragraphs. Let's, additionally, would attacks. There is also textile additional studio for a text that extra cars, a lot of different studios and effects. For example, if I want this diamond to have something like a outer glow, I can choose this and I can increase the radios, as you can see. Like, this thing has this demon has an outer glow around it like their white globe. Pretty beautiful. This is what studios are doing. Studios are doing additional. Thinks each and every one of the studios are separate windows you can take and move them. However you want for a simple what I like to do. I like to do I like to take the stock. Uh, studio, which is very, very powerful thing allows you to access to stock photos from on splash pixels and picks obey dot com inside off the affinity. Softer. For example, if I want the photo off would Sorry. No, wrong font would as you can see, it search down a splash for the wood, and if I want to use this wouldn't photo. I'm gonna put it like that. I'm going to drag and drop. I'm gonna put it as a background background, just like that. I'm gonna go back, and as you can see it beautiful wooden background, right, without even leaving the affinity publisher software or even downloading the picture anywhere else. Very cool. Yeah, I can't even accept the different website for number. Pack cells might have something different. Pics Obey might have something different as well. Very powerful thing. What I do like is to take the stock or lending to news Left click Mouse on the stock tab. Take it away as you can see it. It's separate, and all I need to do is just drag it down. Drag it down. Down, down, down is when I drag it to the bottom. When I had directed about him, it's changing the color off the assets studio in this case and all on Jews release it. And as you can see now, I can have both pages and stock all at the same time. I can't even resize them if I want. It's very, very powerful future. As far as I know, I can get the 3rd 1 just like that, if I will put them between them as against. You have three studios on the left and three studios on the right. Now, if I want to decrease for example, the size of the assets studio will need to do just decrease the size just like that. Maybe a bit smaller, because I don't need it that much. Maybe I can decrease the size of the stock as well, so it will look like something like that. I have three studios on the left, three studios on the right. I'm not sure if I can get anymore. Let's a try. Yeah, but actually, I can I can get the 4th 1 Press control Z. So let me get back stroke right here because stroke is needed on this part, because that's what I'm used to using it. So you get against you. You can set up your workspace, however you want. And my friends, I highly, highly, highly recommend you to be very careful with the studios. Just try to get, get, get, get knowing them because it's very important things to have, plus one additional thing that our total forgot to talk about, which is very important. Some studios are not available by default. There are actually far more seduced and you see right here after we can see four there. Seven there's 10 and there's 30. There's far more than 30 studios in order to x access them. All you need to do is go to view, go to studios and then choose whatever additional studio that you want. For example, if I want a table of contents studio, I can add it. And it added, just right there, like an excess table of contents studio from right other than their. If I don't want it anymore, I can just take it away and just deleted. Or if I want just to. All I need to do is it's going to the view. Go to the studios again and take over the table of contents. It's that simple as that. I know that you can change the positions of the studios and that you can add SNU studios from you from View Studios men menu. That's all that you need to do if you want to reset everything. That how it was go down on the same menu and press reset studio, and it will reset everything as it was. Maybe you messed up. Maybe you threw away some studio somewhere that you can't find such things happen. It happened to me. It might happen to you, so no worries with that, So this will be it for studios. And let's go to the next lecture 7. Studio Link (Personas): Okay, let's now talk about Studio Lincoln. What does it mean? It's a very powerful feature available for affinity software. Like in this case, we're talking about a fin de publisher, and it is unbelievably powerful thing that is, I think it's not have been available for Adobe, and it's It's like That'll be linked, but even more powerful. So that means that you can access affinity, pup, affinity studios and no non affinity photos and Infinity designers features from the affinity publisher software, presuming that you have purchased this to software. So, for example, if I take this picture off the wood, maybe I don't like how it looks. Maybe I want to change it. Maybe I want to work on it an affinity photo and change it somehow. Maybe I don't like its colors. Maybe I want to edit it somehow. In another case is what I needed to do probably is to download this photo outside of definitely publisher for months. Place dot com Open affinity for a weapon? Does software upload a photo of their work there, exported and then imported back to F in D publisher TDs, right? Not anymore. If you haven't defended photo all the need to do is to access at the persona that you want . So if you want to work on photo like let's in affinity photo all we need to do is to press photo persona and look what will happen right now. Boom and suddenly affinity designer has evidence also, if in the publisher has transformed into affinity photo, the things have changed on the top. This tools have changed right here. Mind that this is not 100% full affinity photo. There will be some things that missing like the person definite four personas. It's etcetera. But as you can see, it looks so good you can work and make quick adjustments that you want right from then and there, for example. I want to go to an adjustments and I want to adjust. Maybe something. Let Z Maybe I want to adjust. Um, maybe curves. Let's say we're curves. Ah, no, let's Let's say I wonder brightness and contrast. That's what I was looking at. Actually, I want to decrease the brightness a bit and I won't increase the contrast that that's what I want. First of all, I want something like this. That's all I need to do great. The photo has been changed, and it will reflect in the layers as well. And all I need to do is just to return to Affinity Publisher. That's it, guys, that's it. Guys and girls story. It's very, very cool thing to do. For example, do you want to draw something right to defend the publisher and all you have enough into publishers? A pen to know more. Only to do is go to the designer persona and allow the tools are available of their for you . All the designer tools are available there for you, my friends. Very simple. Very cool. Very amazing. As you can see, even some things are changing. Affordable stock has jumped right? Here's the effects are here. Styles even are adding their brushes available right here the things are changing. For example, if I want to draw like with this brush, I'm going to do in this change change with the brush or something like that and look sorry it's over wrong tools of vector brushed who? Yeah, you can have the brush if you wonder, For example, if I want to draw right, I'm drawing in wrong layer I can draw like this if I want very amazing thing. Oh, yeah, My computer is lagging, but that's that's a cool thing to have. And now what I will do is I will delete every single thing that I added because I don't need them. When you add anything that you want, return to benefit the publisher and continue working. This is extremely powerful feature to have just be mindful that in orderto excess these features, you need to have affinity designer and or affinity photo, depending on whatever you want to use. So this is a powerful feature that you shoud use because affinity suit applications did. They do not cost that much, and buying all three of them is just Is it just a great investment? So this is my opinion, this absolutely about you. I will try to not use them. Now we'll try to not hear the studio ing, but from time to time in electric, I might use them. Just be mindful that if I will use them, that means in your case you need to export the photo. In this case, for example, unity, export. This wouldn't photo Look at how it looked before and after. It's like much better. You needed to export this photo somewhere else, ended them somewhere else, for example, on for a short maybe on Canada, maybe, or any other software that you have on light room or whatever. And then you need to react. Import them again. That's that's what it means in my case, if only to edit something. I will just switch the persona, and that's all that I will need to do. Well, this will be it for the studio link and let's go to the next lecture. 8. New Document: Okay, welcome to the new documents set up. So when this lecture, we are going to set up new document for ourselves and we're gonna learn what type of different documents we can set up right from the get go. So, in order to create a new document when you open the off indie publishers after, it might prompt you with a new document prompt. But in this case, we just closed off just to let you know how you can alternatively create a new document. And this one this method will work of course, everywhere, no matter when you open the document or the program. So in order to open new document, all need to do is just on the top menu press file and press new or you can go with control and so right away when you create Ah, the documents we only need to do is pay attention to this one tap and the second tab right here these two parts off the new document gration. There's also templates, press sets and templates that we're going to talk about this in the future. But we are now in the presence were not in the templates, right here is all the presets that you have not you have the document have got created for you. The program have created for you. You can choose from your percents Whatever you have created for you from print from press ready The difference between printer press ready is that Ah, the press ready Documents have bullied on them, which is the last section right here. Just to give you a difference is that look a four for the print. There is no bleed and a full for the press. There was bleed and there is a different color for much for the printing, there is photo. There's Web, there's devices. There is architectural. So in this case, because we're creating the, uh, a book, something like any book. I'm gonna go with an iPad because I'm going. I want to create a book for my iPad. You can choose whatever format that you want. If you want for a four, go to the print and press a four. If you want the photo. Well, I don't suggested to create that with booking a photo four months. But you can change the older settings from here if you want or you can go with the Web. Ah, but usually the Web formats are in the landscape. So go with the devices in this case and press iPad 11. This is a war I create my book for right now. As soon as you press all the settings, we'll go to the default values, and here you can start creating your documents. So first things first. What you'll see is a plus icon right here. The plus icon is if you want to create a separate preset. For example, if you change anything right here and you wanted to save as a preset, all you do is press plus, and it'll save as a present. Other than that, we have 12345 tabs that we can work with. Lay out pages, color, Marge's and bleed. So let's talk about each and every one of them. So first thing that you have in the layout page is paid with and pay tight. So how wide and how high the pages? This exactly things that we want it in this case, it's showing me in points as a document unit, but if you want to change it, you can go to document units right now and change it. For example. In my case, I wanted for the pixels, But who would go for the points? Pick us inches, Feet Ah, yard, millimeters, Centimeters and meters. In my case, I'm going to go for the pixels and as you can see, it changed Transformed points into the pixels. Then you can change the DP i d p. I is basically how how high the resolution is. Basically how detailed the picture is if you ever were You are willing to do it for the print go for the 300. This is Is they usually three or 300 Always looks the great. So next is orientation. Do you want it to be a portrait on the landscape? Let's do for the portrait because I don't want it landscape It is getting as soon as private press. It's swap to the page with and height I'm going to show exactly what works. This is how it works. So next is actual size zoo. So this is I'm actually not very sure what this thing does. So uh, yeah, I'm just always living it. However, it is so next is sorry. The moment this one. So next heirs image placement policy, which is very important. Think so This setting basically decides how your images would place in your document. Will they be embedded or with well, will they be linked? So embedded means that the pictures in the document are staying within the document itself . And when you take your document somewhere your copy a document somewhere the pictures will go with it. It will always be inside the documents. And this means that that allow the picture sizes will be inside the document as well, making the document a bit heavy. Bigger document because it has to carry with it all the pictures as well. If you don't want to carry all the pictures with a document, then you choose Prefer linked in this case, wouldn't use prepare linked. You have a folder created somewhere. It doesn't matter where you place all the pictures that you want And when you open the document, the document will look into this folder and load the pictures from there. This makes document incredible light. Basically, document will be the preset off the settings that how everything should be place and then it will load everything from the images. But this means that if you displace the document without the yellow images without damage folder itself, it will not be able to find this image role there anymore, and it will not be able to load any images. So and if you'll delete stiff, older, well, images are or different, delete and images off your name and images, then the images will be lost for the documents. So this makes it very lightweight, but a bit more risky if you do something with their images. So why do you want to choose if you create very lightweight documents? Not a lot of images. I mean, not with hundreds off images. Some like that that prefer embedded will be perfectly five on your. But if you create documents that a bit different, for example, it has hundreds of images. You're creating images and magazines, which has probably hundreds, maybe thousands, of images. Looking for a long, long, long books like that were each and every pages. Dozens of images properly linked will be better for you, which will be easier for computer to load this document, and it will be much lighter to carry, so prefer linked will be the best case for you. In this case, let's you prefer embedded that number of pages Well, it's pretty straightforward and pretty easy to understand how many pages will be in your document. As for the default master right here when you uncheck it, it will not create a master page. What's master page is we're going to talk, of course, in the future Lectures. If you'll ticket, it will create one master page that will apply to all 15 pages off the document. So in this case, let's create a master page. Next is Page Stab, which has only one option, which has no options, practically. And you have nothing to do if you're not choosing facing pages. And if you're choosing basic pages, meaning that the pages will be shown side by side, it will show like one page on the one side and one page of the other side, and they will be merch, basically made visible as one single image, even though they will not be amounts of one single image. One single document. So for a couple of plays, the image between the two documents the size of 1/2 of the document image. We're going to one side and another health will go on outside. Why do you want this? A great book. That can be what should be printed and you want. Just make a pages long, make it look like a real book. Then, of course, you're gonna make a facing pages and just place them side by side just to see how would you look like side by side or just to use the Amy image elements on both of these pages? You're doing this exact like that. As for arrangement are this is how you want to arrange, like, side by side or one about the another. In this case, it will be side by side and start on. It's pretty interesting things like right, this one, You Where do you want to start your document from the right page or from the last page? So what does this mean? If you're start from the left page document will create first and second page together, and third and fourth and it centers. It'll continue like that. If you'll start from the right page, it'll create one page, which is page number one, which usually is a cover page in this case and then quit. 2nd 3rd 4th 5th A pairs just like that. So which will start parroting from the page number two. So, in this case, because we want to cover page separate cover page, Let's go when choose, starting with the right Next. This color tap card tab is basically what color format you are using. So this is very important if you are willing to print or not willing to print your document . If you're willing to print your document off course, you're gonna go with the same y que because this is how that would print our colors are using for not printing. Then you can choose whatever you want. You can even choose the gray scale if you wish, but the most basic one is RGB eight bit, which is practically can be opened on everything. And as for the color profile will choose the default one. Because if you are not, if you're not willing, toe know, whatever it is, you don't actually need any of this, so just choose whatever it is. It's for the transparent. Quelled were critical book, so we don't need a transparent background. White background will be perfectly fine. However, if you want to create something transparent background by all means, check this. Next is margins and margins is a bit difficult to understand for someone, but it's actually pretty simple thing, and we're gonna We're gonna explain Marty's and bleed together because they're very closely related to each other. So margins is the space between the edge of the document. Let's say that this is the edge of the document and the the edge of the page. I mean edge of the page and edge off a document. So as you can see, this picture is finishing right here, and this is let's let's ignore this, too. And the best man. This means that this page finishes right here, and this should be an empty space. So this is like finishing all your elements on one place before the page edge. So this space is called margin. So you want this because you want to leave the other space around or you wanna just have a white space there and you want to write text inside and you don't want to go to closer to the edge because it might be a printer problem or you wanna eat to be printed? Well, etcetera, etcetera. This is what margin is. And you can select what Martin that you want from top bottom. Ah, and like a little left and right, basically inner and outer is like left and right. As for the bleed, bleed is a space between the edge of a document and outside off a document. So sometimes some printers, actually a lot of printers. They are printing space outside off a document they hire like live. They have, like, a very narrow printing space that they're taking the space off outside of document. If you don't have anything going on there near the outside of the document bleeding outside , then the document will have the thin white strip on the sides. So some French, some printers have their own problem. Only doing this on several sides. Some things, some preserving the old sides. But you'll have the white basically edge on the outside of a document. If we don't want this, all you need to do is just have a bleed. And when you put in place a photo there, the photo will bleed outside of a document. And when the printer rippling, printed it will print whatever is outside of a document as well. And if you have a photo background, your photo will continue on the outside and like saving you from the problems. This is what bleed and ah, probably that this ah, margins are in this case, we actually don't need any bleed. So let's go and selected all zero like we don't need this and they're actively connected to each other. The press With this one, they will connect to each other if you have Ah, non uniformly. Let's go with a 50. As you can see, it starts with the online inner if you will connect this. And if you do 50 right now, No, actually, it's it's it's all about those words. Yeah, this thesis are connected. So in this case, I want zero, and it will do zero just like that. So this is all that you need in the creation of a new document? If again, if you're to save the layout, you can press plus and it will Save is a custom, and you can rename it after it was to be in my process. And if you are just ready, just press create an African. See? It's created Master Pedro here. We're gonna talk about the monster pages. Of course, in the future, it created first page right here because it started from the right, and then it continued just like that. Like is You can see there is a line between them. So, you know, the exactly that these pages are separate things. Very, very cool. Think so? This is how you create a new document of force in the next lecture week. Continue working on it. This will be it for this one. Let's go to the next one. 9. Introduction to Basic Book: Okay, welcome to our first official practical section where we will actually be creating something in affinity. Publisher. So this will be the section will be all about the creation of the basic book style documents. A will create a very, very basic book here, and I'm really excited. There is because it's a most simple things you can learn if any publisher. But we're going to learn this by learning different tools and actually implementing things gain at this sexual. So this book will be very basic and will not be using any photo elements in here just to make it a bit simply to explain. It's not that it's very difficult to add the photos in if indeed publisher, but by doing it without photos were just taking way, some problems that might be caused by adding the photos. So it would be a bit simpler for you to understand. Just make it look very bare bones and very simple explanation. So we are going to incorporate all the tools that we need for the text, and we are going to use the tools as we go in the practice as old sections in discourse. This is not the final four off any section you do. If you think that you purchase this course that this is the final Four. No, actually, it's not because we are going to update and add more and more and more things that I will think that will be necessary for you. That might be difficult to understand for you based on, of course, your questions and based off course on your reviews. If you feel like that, you know that I need to adhere something. You feel like that you wanted to learn something in the basic book and you didn't get it. Then, of course, you can tell me this directly or ask me the question about this directly. It will not be a problem again. I'm always available for you. And again, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. So this will be very basic book that we are going to create in this section, but again, this section will most likely will expand, and even I can say that this section will expand after the course release. So stay tuned for that, and right now let's just get it started and create our first book 10. Pages & Master Pages: Okay, let's talk about pages and master pages and spreads because there are things that you might not understand. And it's actually pretty simple. So whatever you see on the pages studio right here on the left side, in this case, if you don't have pages studio again, we learn how to do the studio press view studio, and you're gonna choose pages right here. This one right here. Ah, we have two taps. This is a master pages tab and the pages tap. So this is where the regular pages are. These the water master pages are before we're gonna get to what master pages are. We can actually change some things in here. For example, if you don't want some things that you did in the new documents that up, you want to change some things, maybe you want to add pages. Or maybe you would want to change spread set up. By the way, if you don't know what spread is basically this two page together, this is the spread. So if you want to change some things, you can do it for nothing. If you want to change the document size, the page size, for example, you want the top aide to be different, etcetera, etcetera. All you need to do is go and see this context menu right here. As you know, who said that whatever too, is to have you selected. It will change accordingly if you have a normal selection tool and you have nothing, Lord, nothing selected. Then it will be this one right here. Preferences will open the document settings. Ah, spreads edible, open the spread settings that we're going to do right now. And the documents that I will change the entire documents settings is the basic of the same thing that we did in the beginning. In the creation of a document, you can change whatever things that you don't want any more from a right here. This documents that I will, of course, affect entirety of the document and spread set up might affect whatever you want. The old spreads Karen current spread or selected spreads. For example, if you want to go when go change size off the title page for number, I have directed the first page or I want to go. Uh, I can do either currents press breath, which is selected right now or I can go the selected spread and select on the spread. One which is only one page right here. And I can change aside that can change. Paged Imation's I could change the devices. I can change a custom preset. I could change dimensions right here. I can do look a bigger, smaller portrait landscape If I want to get into scaling and changing margins, whatever you want. And it will affect only at this page nothing else on Lee this page, if I want everything to be affected, I'm gonna struck all spreads and everything will be affected. Whatever I will do here, whatever changes I will do right here, front dimensions if I want to transform it, deported to landscape, whatever it is, I can do it from here. In this case, we're not gonna do anything off, sort. And they were gonna live it However I want. By the way, if you don't know how to move your page just like that, without selecting of the hand took on the view toys here, all you do is press middle mouse button like that or press and hold space and then drag it with your mouse. Let most click If you don't know if you don't know what I'm talking about. Now let's talk about master pages. Probably a lot of people might think that all master pages of the quite separate think. But because we are getting through as quick as possible to do the basic documents, let's give you the basic understanding off the master pages matter. Pages are here. This is where the master pages are located. And what master pages are is that when master pages in this case master pages is applied to all of the pages right here whatever I do on the master page double collector selected, each will be affected or every page. For example, If I write square everything, every page, every left page will have a square. As you concede All appeared that you control Z. Let's do it in the middle square just like that. As you can see, every page down there have a square in the middle and because the page one is not only one page in right page, everything that went through the right side have it on the right. Why do you need that? So if you want to have something the thing that is effect is affecting every single page. For example, the background. For example. If I want to have, let's say, a different color background, I'm going to select just like that and still at the red background, and every single page will have a rat background or it's way too bright. Let's go into villages. This is what master pages are doing. You can have more than one master page as well, if you want. Only to do is go and press like this at a master, and you can just select the settings and you're gonna have another master sentence because maybe you want some settings to be applied to some pages and other pages. Supplies other pages. Basically, you want a different layouts for the different pages. You can absolutely do it in a matchup. Ages will help you with that, for example, and this is very cool. If you don't want to do every single page one by one, they think that is, That should be on many pages if you don't want to do it on every single page, 11 by one, copied the pages or change pages. Everything like that, then only to do is go. Then do the master. That's it. But for example, what if you wanna select or apply master pages on all pages except maybe one or two? Let's see how we can do this. For example, I'm gonna do the square again. It's going going to be the Blue Square, just in case. And I don't want this Blue Square to be affecting the page Number one. All I need to do is on the pages studio on pays. I'm born right click and press clear masters and it will clear all the masters on it. So meaning that this page will not be affected by the Masters. But if I want to, I want it to be affected by the Masters. I'm gonna press apply, master, and it will be master A This in this case press okay. And master A is applied. So that's what master pages are. There is off course much mawr to that than the thing that I did right now. And as we go, I'm going to explain this, but not the world home. You just know, know this, that whatever you do on the master pages will be affected on the every page under the master paid because, ah, well, as you know we created in the new document, we ticked them Default Masters Page. That means that Master is affecting by default every single page in the document. And if there's only right page will be truly affect. Only the right page right here. That's it. It's actually the mold. Accurate. Left the triangle. OK, good. As you can see, it's affected only the right pages. Only the last pages, both pages. So this is what it is. It's actually a very powerful thing and distinguishes the differentiates offended publisher from a lot of other non publishing. Softer. It's a very, very powerful thing, and we're going to use this very often in this course. Well, this will be for this one. Let's go to the next one then 11. Guides: Well, in this lecture, we are going to talk about the guides, which is again, very important thing to know beforehand. Because this will help us a lot with our a document. So what guides are is like You can select an insulated from here because we don't have any guides. It is not showing us anything. But I'm going to show me what it does. This is right now is in a preview. More women that guides are off. As you can see. If I will draw the document from outside, it will show you everything only inside the document. You don't see anything that is outside of a document. But it turned on the guides. As you can see, you see the entire triangle A You see the document borders right here mean that the guides actually can show you mawr overlays and more stuff. Then you actually actually will be read visible on your document. Plus, it can help you toe have guides where you can draw different things, right? Different things. Let me just explain to you what it does just to show you to know exactly what it is In order to excess guides. T create the guides for yourself. Union Jews go to view on the top menu and then go to the guides manager, press the guides manager and you can create the new guides for you. So, in my case, would I use more often than not I create the thirds warned my documents, basically dividing my document into three parts having three columns and three rows you don't see because the guides are off. But let me turn their guides on and right away is you can see the document have been divided by a few parts. Let me just zoom out a bit just to put the guides right here. And this is right that so it gets the documents document have been divided on the squares and you can actually have the Carter Agutter is basically the space between other guides. You can actually increase or decrease it. Now let's decrease. Let's have it. 50 pixels in this case, presenter, and you can even change the color just to see how it will look like. But you know what? I don't want the squares to be on the very edge on Got explain what this squares actually do in just few seconds. I don't want them to be just just on the very edge. I want margins. So what I will do is our increase margins from inner of 10 picks. So top 10 pixel, an outer pixel and bottom. This basically creates the space on the very edge off a document where the squares are not located and it squeezes older squares inside. Do we need this? Let's actually do the 20 because it it looks a bit better on every side. And I'm gonna be showing what actually does in a few seconds. Okay, 20 looks pretty. OK, let's call this one and has to concede. Let's zoom in. We have Marge's, but this square, this inner square in her blue square is where we can safely work, and it's actually safe to work outside as well. But still, what we can use it for is that let's say I want to have a square. I want to do the square, and it's actually can sin app itself to the margins. This is the 1/3 of the pages that 2/3 and this is 2/3 on the top and the bottom so I can do something like that. And let's say I want a text box right here. I want textbooks all the way to the bottom. Then I want something like square right here. Connect. I actually did it wrong. I'm cleaning crews, and because it's snaps, it'll because snapping is on. And by the way, just for the text frame, I'm gonna feel it out. Or that are sorry I haven't selected this one. Ah, this text to Ah, let's fill it out with filler text. You can see it's a fill out aloud with a filler text and let's make another text box just right here and in other textbooks right here. I'm gonna fill it out with No, I'm not gonna feel it out with the filler text. I'm gonna make this one smaller, just like that. No, this entire box, smaller. And stretch this box right here. We're gonna talk about how to do this. Of course, in the future lectures don't worry about this. And I'm gonna link this 12 here and link this want to hear? Let's imagine that this greens are the pictures. We're gonna put a few pictures, of course, in the future. But if I turn off the guides. As you can see, the alignment looks pretty good. Yeah, I would actually go with the bigger margins, but for the beginners, it looks pretty OK. And we couldn't do this without a guys. It would be impossible to do without a guide. Let's do this like that just to make it feel a bit a bit better. Just go to justify all. And here we're going to do with the justify all It actually looks a bit better and without guys would not be able to do this. Guides help us to create the guides basically for ourselves where we want to place different documents. I did it the inner thirds with 1/3 list like that because I'd like to work like that. But you can change it. You can change the number of squares on in the height and in the width in a different numbers. Our numbers you want only to do go to views and go to the guides manager. Want more rose? No problem. Actually, four rows probably will look where you better press close and then resize everything however you want. I want I don't I will. Don't want this picture to be like that. I wanted to be like that. Or maybe I want to be like that. I want this document to be just like that and this one to be just like that. Everything just resize is itself. Because it's very simple to resize things like that. Maybe I don't want this just like that. I want only I want to pictures to separate pictures like that. And when introduced this let me zoom in just like that to do in the square size and I can put another square. So in this case, I'm going to copy it. You can, of course, control C Control V, these one. But all new to do in this case is press and hold old on a computer on and just drag it until create a copy and just put it like that. And it's conceded said that I feel turned off the guides. They actually look pretty. Okay, They look pretty nice. And you can use it however you want. This is extremely powerful future over. If indeed publisher that you can use and use it. You can change it a bit differently. And by the way, I actually realized Now that I'm working on a master's, you should not be working on a master. You should be working committees get. See. Everything just changed too, with everything. But you just have an understanding what they actually do. By the way, everything that we did here, as you can see, it showed up in a Lear. So of course, we're gonna talk about this in the future. But this is what guides you. Help you too. Put the document in the right places. Just for yourself, Just for your convenience. Well, this will be for this one. Let's go to the next one. 12. Layers: okay, and welcome to the layers lecture. So in this lecture, we're gonna be going through the very basics awfully years and what they do and why there are the single most important thing in affinity publisher or any off the affinity suit software. And it'll be sued as well. I think as far as I know, every single software eyes very part for the opposite. So layers are what defines what is visible or not visible on your canvas or on your work space on your document. It is extremely important. And it is the things that elements that are on your document and let me explain how it works. Let's switch to the page number one and as you can see ah, the basis of the page number one only layer that we have is the master layer, meaning that whatever is visible, whatever will do on the master page will be available on the page number one as the master earlier, which will be always beneath everything. So we should understand that whatever is the below will be the basis of what whatever is on the top. Let me explain what? This This meat. So if I will go to the master and make entirety of the master page. Ah, great. Let's roll. Let's draw the rectangle on the top and you can see in the master page. It's showed the rectangle, the gray rectangle and every single page changed. A great because in the master layer we have the gray rectangle, which is extremely cool, and it will be the basis of whatever we'll do the turn on the guides. And let's show, Let's add another layer. In this case, let's add a picture. We're gonna do this by adding in a picture frame. We can actually just a dragon. Drop the picture from stock while of whatever picture that you want. But let's do it. Ah, with the picture frame tricks to explain to you, you add a little bit about the clipping as well. So let's ah, dragon drop the picture frame or inside the margins. Let's not go out. I just to make our gray background of it visible insurgency. We have a new layer of picture frame, which is above the master, so let's just turn off the kites so we should be able to see everything and then add the stock picture off the book inside, off this picture frame less drag and drop the picture, By the way, I use the stock. Just search for the book and it just like that. And as you can see, it is added inside off the stock. But what do we see here is that it actually only bounded this picture to the picture frame . It just went a bit inside me that it is only about two. The picture frame, and it will not bleed outside off the picture frame. I'm gonna be explaining a little bit about this just a bit later as well. So we have the second layer off the picture. Now, let's add 1/3 layer off the tax. In order for juice, we're gonna use an artistic textual. We have Weitz text. Okay, let's do it this size. I'm just dragging and dropping on the canvas and let's right. Hello. We're gonna switch to the move to not like that, just like that. And let's center it when you move it. If you just consider just snapping Ah, in the center because we have the snapping on which is the magnet icon right here. And as you can see Hello. Text appeared on the top, which is very, very cool. We're gonna dislike this by control, De so which so we would have entire canvas visible for us. And as you can see on the pain number one, it's right here and have three layers, basically not three that we have. Ah, more layers. But three main layers which is the massive earlier behind the gray layer, the picture or the inside of the picture frame, which is the second layer. And hello texts as 1/3 earlier. And as you can see, they are one above another and they are visible. But what will happen? It will take the hello tax and put it beneath the picture frame. It disappeared. They did, though. Is it gone? If you will select the hello tax right here. Selected Tamil don't tax because they start the text. It will allow you to just rename it. But who selected it? And as you can see, it's still there. It shows it is still there, but you cannot see it. Why? Because picture is covering it. If we make the picture invisible by selecting to take on the layer itself, it's still there, but you cannot see it because pictures covering. So that's how layers are working. The ones that are it is above. It's always visible. And if it covers something that's beneath that something is beneath, will become invisible, and we'll just drag and drop tax. Just tear it. Dragon drugs like that on the top, you can see the hello text is now visible. Pretty simple, right? It's extremely simple to work with the layers. It's very intuitive because you can understand that these are just stacking the different elements on top off each other. If they're overlapping, the wonders on top will be covering. That is the one that is on the bottom. That's what it does. But let me just quickly explain for you before the ones that are asking why the some of the layers have arrows in it. Well, the layers can be stacked more than just on top of each other. They can stepped, stepped inside off each other. What does this mean? So in this case will have the picture frame will put the picture frame layer, and by putting the picture inside of it, the offended publisher itself clipped bound the tax the picture to the frame only meaning the text of the winning the picture will only be visible inside of the frame. It will not bleed outside. Even though the picture itself is pretty large is gets, it will move. Here. It's it's pretty large. Even though we threw, Move, picture. It will not go go over this border no matter what. It will not go over the border because it's clipped. It's bound to it. It's bound 100% to it. How we can actually do that. Let's bounded text to the picture frame as well. Let's take the text. Just click with the mouse and drag it. If we'll go beneath it, you can see that we have to allow you to move back on the right on the left. It is changing the length off, the off the picture off the blue line. You will put down like that. It will put just like that, just gonna explain everything because it's it's every too much. If you put it like that, it will put the text below the picture frame when other lines line is the longest. If you put it when the line is shorter. It will bound the text to the picture frame. But what it will do the same thing with this honest gets you have. You have two different lying, like three different line lengths here, like one, it's a bit shorter. One. It's a bit longer. Once it's a very short so it will do the longer one. It will put the text outside off this picture, it will be the main thing, and it will be the main layer outside of the picture frame. It will put this just like that. It will put it. It will put the tax the hell text. Let me just put it on the top so it would be a bit more visible. It put the text inside the picture frames, so the text now is bound to the picture frame and more just like that, because you can see it is not crossing the great line as well. But if we'll take the tax and put it under the picture itself, not the picture, if not like that, because it will put the Benet the picture. But like that, it will bound the to the picture itself, not to the picture frame it will be bound to the picture. What it means if I move the text like that, Let's get seeded Text you found with the picture. I got the text moves with it as well. But if I will move the tax, it is not crossing the picture anymore. It is not crossing the picture. You file unfounded to from the picture and bounded to the frame. It will move outside but not cross the frame line. So this is how it works. It is bids difficult to understand from the very beginning, but is actually pretty simple. Let's put the tax on the top when you work well with it. When you do it once, twice, 34 times you will understand how it works. I know it might be a bit overwhelming. I try to explain it as much as I could, but it might be a bit overwhelming. Don't worry. When I will work with the documents themselves, I'm going to show you everything. What I do when I'm abounding it. How am I doing this? It says etcetera. Don't worry. Don't think that all you need to memorize right now. Just know that it's possible it's possible to do this right now. Plus, in addition, you can do a bunch of different things with the layers as well, like how they blamed with their background, like you can change them blending and it actually works differently with a different things . And I'm not gonna explain how the blending works right now because it's it's a bit too much . You can plus change the opacity off the layer itself. Me that I will put opaque the Texas or how opaque the any of the things are. And you can even add ed an adjustment layers and layer mass on top. Let's not talk about later Mass right now. It might be a bit too much of haven't worked with a photo show paraffin before or some like that. But you can add an adjustment layers and one adjustment layer sorries that you can add some adjustments, for example, levels white balance like vibrant, it's etcetera. Let's work on adjustment layer for the picture. Let's add this one like that. Let's work with the curves. Let's work with the curves and, as you can see when you created the curves, eat only effects the picture frame and if we'll move. The text changes. It does not change. It stays exactly the same. It does not change at all. Everything that I do right now on Lee effects the picture. Or should I say everything that is inside the picture frame? Because I bound it to the picture frame? So that's what it is. Do you want to eat? Effect everything, Just click drag and drop it on the top and will affect anything Well, because the there is not much to effect on. Hello, Tax. It does not change. But look at the grace on the background. It affected the grace as well. We're gonna learn, of course, about adjustments and thinks in the future. Lectures. Don't worry about this, but this will be for this lecture. Let's go to the next one. 13. Artistic Text Tool (Basic Book Cover): Well, well, I can safely say that we noel the basics that we need in order to start creating our first e book type of document. And without further ado, let's jump into chew the creation off our first e book. And to do this, we will start by creating There's some kind of cover off the book again. This will be very, very simple. Think what? We're not gonna go to the very complex creation were not even used any pictures. For now, we're not used any images at the moment. We're gonna use it in a different document because this is the simplest document that we can create for now. And we will create a title cover for our book. And for that reason, we're gonna learn more about artistic tax tool. This will be the main tool for this lecture. We're gonna learn how to use artistic textual to create our first cover. Okay, let's create Let's type the press Artistic textual Oregon Presti. Oh, if you if it not selected artist actual because it's old. Three tools are framed. Text tool table to an artistic textual are under the T key binding. So you can you just cycle between them, and this is how you will create that. So make sure that you're working on the page and not working on the master. Let's move. Just create. Ah, a white background, maybe, Or we can change it it in the future. We will work with the master just a bit later. And let's just start creating by our list of creating our book and our book cover. Let just come up the name off our book. Let's imagine that this is a book by me again. We're not gonna actually do a book, but we're gonna feel the book with the filler tax just in case. So right now we are going to call this whatever name that we want. So let's step by typing the first name. So first that will need to do we just click and drag in order to select the size of the document is can see on the right corner off my mouse button. It chose me exact size off the tax. So let's go with whatever side that we want. It doesn't matter. Visually, you can just do whatever you want, and you can change it next time. Whatever you want. So legis. Do these just like that and call this book affinity. Oh, it's actually in a white. Let's change the color of the text right here. It za black now and let's call it Okay, we actually disaffected it. OK, no problem. Let's call it Affinity. Affinity, publisher. As you can see it, it is a bit to be getting to went to the side. No worries. Let you switch to the move tool and make it a bid smaller with the move to and let's snap it just like that, we can actually use some guides just if you want. If you want to use guides but for the cover, you actually not really need that. But let's just use it. Just put it between the first and the second square that we created in other previous lecturer, Affinity publisher looks pretty good, but let's just make this text a bit better, and you can see if we've you select the text. The context menu will change depending on what you activist said I did. It will show you different phones, different fonts. Outside's a styles. It's a trade center. You can see there are a lot of things that you can do. We're not gonna learn, of course, all of this because we don't need this just yes. So let's just change first thing that we wouldn't to religious change, default. Let's go with a different fund. I like the Baba's new fund and if, well, actually Scarlett down, press the arrow right here. It will show you a bit more tax. Let's go with the board. Let's call it. Let's make it a bit bolder tax and let's actually increase. Eat inside this. Make it a bit bigger. And let's reframe it again, just like that, and it looks pretty good. Let's zoom in just to have a bit more zoomed in. It looks pretty nice, the Texas pretty well. And by the way, if you want to change mawr about the tax styles, it said outside of the world, this ah Bharti Old introduced Just go to the studio character studio here, reconnected. Change a lot of different things, including the styles, including the size you can change even if you have additional styles or you can add the styles. If you want the decoration like underlying double underline, it settles the trophy went across double cross. It's not a problem. You can actually do a bunch of different things. Just work around right here, play around with this one, and we can do a bunch of different things. By the way, there are different positioning and transforming of the things you can actually go and increase different things right here like Ah, because if you want the letters will be more spread out. You can actually do that. You can actually change the line taxi set trajectory of the distance between life states that just play with that play with that they're not. The important thing is the topography. You can actually change to the small caps or old caps, etcetera. This phone has only the caps letter, so you can not change this, but old introduces play with it. You can actually play with the language. You can change with an optical alignment if you want. You can with fallen tor manual or non whatever you want to change, just play around with the textiles. In my case, I actually don't want to play and change anything because it looks pretty nice. Formula. Let's make it just like that and let's add and maybe another artistic textbooks like older than artistic textual. Let's make just like that it actually change the front. But it's okay, Let's see in the leaders, uh, by Nick Knicks, and it's actually types it in all caps. Let's go switch back to the move to, and all I need to do is I can actually go to the guide. So just to see, maybe to work it will help me, but not that bad a lot. And it actually looks pretty fine. This looks pretty fine, but it's it is way on the top. Let's move them together, and all we need to do is you can either select them both just like that, or you can select one in aside the layers person, hold control and press a second. That's as simple as that, and you can move them both together. If you wish to do so. Listen to the guides and see, Maybe put it in the middle off. Ah, the squares like that. And as you can see, if you go back, it looks pretty pretty nice is against you have two layers with the well. We're working with the two layers. The very basic colors. Nothing significant, but we can actually give this a bit more off a flare. Let's just add a shape behind this tax, maybe to look a bit better. Let's go on to the shape, too. Rectangle tool. It's actually very simple. General Neutra do just, ah, press and hold. But let's just change the color before we're going to do anything. Let's change and maybe add. Make it something like a bluish color. Just like that. I don't know, just I'm just coming up with it on the fly. Let just do it just like that. It actually did not shoot open at much in stroke color. It's my mistake again. Mistakes happened. I changed stroke over. I actually needed to change the field color. Don't make my mistakes. Go to the bluish or oldest Regis. Press this one press and hold this one and just go to the blue color. That's it. It will select exactly the same color. And let's make this car just like that. As you can see, it actually covered the tax, but that's because, Ah, the layer is on the top. Old introduces present. Hold there and put it down just like that and it will just change everything. Ah, let's ah, control de de select this wrong. Let's make it zoom a bit better. I don't like the alignment off the text. Let's see the margins. We can actually go and impotent, criticized all the way to the margins. And it will look actually pretty good. Let's just go back. Not a actual looks pretty, pretty nice. It actually looks pretty pretty nice. We can actually change the shape off this tackler, convert the core curves and change the form a bit. But let's not. Let's not well, work it. Let's not make it more complicated, just like the square or warning. Or if I wanted to do it Ah, a bit curved. All I would do just make around it or rectangle. Make another. Let's make it disappear and make a rounded rectangle just like that. Make it full size. Um, almost all the way to the margins. Let's see this one if it's all the way to the margins or not. Ah, let's see. Just like that, it's all the way to the margins that looks pretty pretty good. We can actually change the curvature from here if you zoom in, you can see they contribute curvature from here like let's increase the curvature just like that. And let's increase its size a bit because it does not look very symmetrical for me. And yet it looks pretty nice for me. Let's delete the guides and let's delete this rectangle. And as you can see, it looks pretty good. It's a very simple cover that we did very, very simple cover that, would it, And we can actually add another subheading or subtitle or something like that. Let's added, It's at a very small subtitle just right here, maybe in the middle. Let's go and do something like that and write everything Everything you need to know about . Let's make it. Let's make it an idol. I just to show you how we can all actually work with the lines. Ah, Unity Publisher looks pretty nice. Okay, let's go back to the select to, and what you'll need to do is just make it a line center so they would align the center. I will go back to the guy. It's just just in case and make it line to the Centrum. All the selected which of the guides. Electoral looks pretty good, but I would actually increase it inside. Let's increase it in size and the line it to the center. Just like that. Make it a bit more distance, actually looks pretty pretty good. Ah, let's make the distance between the lines a bit more culture. The character right now. And what will do is we will change some things. You know what? Let's to change other things as well. Let's make it a bit more spread. Let's not Let's not move it. Let's change the distance between the lines just like that and it will look a bit more spread out next. Actually making a bid even more spread out and I will change the textile from the book to a regular regular will be fine. Let's zoom out a bid. Ah, it actually looks OK, but what I will do What? I don't like it. I will make this move a bit down. I will look at this a bit down as well. But don't worry. We will change the size of this as well and it actually OK. This is a very basic cover that we did and always we used was artistic Texel. Just if we select the two successful you have. And if you just select any text that you have the contacts, manual change and you can work and play with it if you want. By the way, if you don't want to play around with centering and just see whether it's in the center or not, there is actually it tools right here to compress this one, and it will be exactly in the center, on any axis. Or if you want to go to the corner or feel to the middle, it will not be a problem. Just put it down and the center just like that. It's as simple as that very, very simple thing to do. And you know what? Just as an additional, let's make add another shape and make it look a bit more beautiful. And what I will do in this case is I will go with no way the rectangle or with the tranq. Let's go the triangle. I'm going to draw a triangle just like that. I'm gonna make this triangle reddish color. Let's make it a bit bigger and you know what I will do right now? I'm gonna select this and and move it with this electoral and move it right here. And when I moved right here, just like that and having just nice corners against it looks pretty beautiful. The layers are whatever they should be. Ah, and it looks very, very cool. It's simple. As you get, Korea could create. Who could We can actually add some different things. For example, if we want, we could actually add some type of background to make it look a bit different. You know what I think I will add background. The first things I will do is I will clear masters because I don't want master to be affecting this one. And what I will do is I will go again at another rectangle and other rectangle, and I will make a rectangle covering everything. The worry will change. Everything will change everything back how it was I'm gonna move down. Uh, no doubt lowered. And this one and I'm going to change its dimensions just to be just exactly the same size. And I will change Feel to the yellow wish color Just just just like this type of yellowish color to make it look like an old book or something like that, like old book cover. Some like that. We can actually adduce some textures as well. But you know what? Let's let's not over complicated more than it is and all we did. All we used for the book cover are two things. We use the shape tool, and we use the artistic tax tool. That's all that we did. Oko Shaped Tool is right here, a little rectangle and all the different shapes. Nothing significant would draw on the square, wooded only around the rectangle. And we drew on Lee this triangle that's all that would. It is as simple as that. And we use artistic, textile and the character studio. Of course, we use I need a simple as possible in order to create whatever we created. Right now, we even used only single front. That's a single phones on the different sizes. Different slides off, not different styles off the same front. Very simple thing to do, and you can create the same thing in the any text editor early word like the pages or something like that. But here you have mawr graphical control or whatever do, and it's actually far simpler to created here. So in the next lecture we actually start going and creating more off the text inside off our book and let's see how it will work out. So this will be for this one. Let's go to the next one. 14. Frame Text Tool (Basic Book Body): so hello and welcome back. And in this electoral, we were already start working on our book and will create our first rudimentary book. This is not actually book with will fill it out with just a feeler text. But in this lecture, we're gonna use a bunch off. Additional thinks it's this lecture will be jam packed with a new features. So I would highly recommend you to be very careful. We will use mainly the frame textile, but we'll also use the paragraph a studio right here and we'll use textile studio and will use some additional masters pages as well. So bear with me. I know it might be a bit difficult to follow, but bear with me again. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me about them. So let's just start with it. So first thing that I want to do is I want to set up additional margins for our book because we want additional space in our book. Because, as you can see, the book goes all the way down. We don't want to go all the way down. We want a bit more space because we want to space in the future, We'll in the space for our page number. So what we'll do is in this case, cultures spread, set up, go to the or selected spreads and select by pressing control. When I'm gonna page number one class control and select everything, let's have a 13 page book. It's and it's no problem. And what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to the margins dis select the chain right here and select 100. In our case, you can select whatever number that you you'll feel will be better. Just experiment with press, Okay? And as you can see, everything just moved up to more about this. You can see this one only because we have guides selected usual. Nobody will be able to see this. And we have space for our page numbers so will not cover this page will not go over this page in any shape or form. So what we'll do right now we have a masters. That is exactly the same thing. We're gonna delete this and we're gonna create the new Masters. And right now we're gonna go with the new master and what we want right now is we want the master page floor to things we want Master Page for the book chapter Addition Chapter chapter title are I mean the for the first page and we want the master page for the book text itself. Let's call the master chapter title. It will be single page right here. Press. OK, It decorated right now. And let's create another one. Master text body. Why I do this separately? Why am I doing this at all? We're gonna learn a bit later. Press OK? As you can see, the book itself the but the margins here are do not work very well. So let's just go to spread properties and change margins here because the margin spread set up does not affect the, uh, Masters. Change this 200 and change this once to the spread properties back to 100. Don't forget to de select this one. Okay, so it looks pretty good. As you can see, the pages bit up. So what we'll do in a chapter title that will be different from the text body. We're gonna create a different type of Master Paige. What will do right now is we're gonna go to the frame text tool and we're gonna create a frame from the text for the chapter Title lets you know what. Let's let's start with the book title were booked by a text body itself. Not not. Go to a chapter title we're gonna go from for the chapel title. We can go almost all the way to tap just living a bit space just to make it look a bit more pleasant and go practically almost all the weight down. That's how we will do before you gonna continue. Select the selection tool and this select despondent alignment button right here. So, like this one, an alignment horizontally. Just don't don't align it virtually because it will go all the way down. So they select this one impress. Apply Angela line itself for hours until what do you want is to go to the textiles and select body 100% select body. First, select textiles in the text also differs. You know why? Because if you don't do this beforehand, it will have some problems in the future. Because if you change front or anything before you want, select the textile. Each will delete everything. It will do rectal the style changes that you did before, so just be mindful of that. We can actually change these to the page margin. Yet you can. You can actually alignment vertically as well. So are vertical is also aligned to you can change alignment of horizontal to the page and vertical alignment to the margin apply So it'll look a bit better. I didn't like the spaces between here and here. Okay, we selected the body of the text. Now we can select the fund of the text. I like Baba's book. It looks pretty good and what I will do. All I need to do is wild selected a text frame tool, right click and select. Insert feeler, text and more. The text is there as simple as that did. This is just for the learning purposes. We don't will not do this in the master page. The worry But what you want to do is to select the font size because when we will fill it out eventually for the other parts of the text would not need to change the font and everything in the future, it will be saved as a layer in here. Let's do practically the same with the chapter title as well. What you will do instead is we're gonna create something a bit smaller. Something obits, more smaller framed texts just like that. We're gonna align it just horizontally to the page. You know why? Because we're doing something different vertically. Textiles, go to the body, go to the front. I'm gonna go with book and fund will be 40. Everything is saved. And what's the different between these two masters will be the artistic textile. I'm gonna select artistic textile and selects just the size. Just any text and I will call it chapter. Why am I doing this? It's automatically selected. Heading. If it didn't, you can't selected in heading and change our change fund to purpose. But you with a selection tool, it will do it automatically to the bolt. Now, with a select with selected chapter, I'm gonna go and align it horizontally. Apply now. Whatever. I applied this page, Master. You know, I'm gonna put it a bit upper using aero keys. I don't like how it looks like and this is way better. I'm gonna turn off the guides. Whatever. I will apply this master toe any page It will look completely different. What I will do right now is I will go to the page number three and create one more thing before will apply everything to the entire book. I will create just a different text because this will be one time tax. I didn't create a master for this. That's why I did this. Now what I will do is I will create another text frame right here. Something the similar. Like off a chapter title. Just something like that. I'm gonna align it just like that. Apply It will be a body. It will be the same text. I will fill it out with the filler text. Just I've I've told you before, and what it will do is what she'll miss something in the master. But I'm gonna teach you. I'm going to show you what we missed just in a second. And what will do right here is we're gonna divide these tax into two columns. How to do that in a context menu while you have selected the frame textual in the context menu. If you for all of these right here you will see the columns number, press like that. You have to combs. You want to three columns you can do. This is all this Does not look good. Okay, let's have two columns. Pretty great, right? But the alignment is pretty bad, right? We want to alive it. Alignment with the justification show. Justify to the left text looks way better. What? There's still some problems. I don't like how it looks. I feel like some spaces are bigger and smaller. You know why? Why This happens? Because we want high for nations who have high finishes. We will be able to divide the words. Then it will look way better. And to go to the half a nation's you need to go to the paragraph studio right here, scroll down a bit and open the hyphenation. Tabara theory will have a hyphenation top SAPO coast assassination right here. And press used auto hyphenation. Boom text looks a 1,000,000 times better additional. What we'll do is we're going to write this one and call it called Attacks. In true action, we're gonna select with the selection tool, this text. I'm gonna align it to the center. As for the textile, I'm gonna go and selected as heading as you can see changed the phone. I'm going to select Pepe's again, and I'm going to sell it in bold. And I'm gonna increase it in size to be this size looks pretty nice. What I will do is I will do exactly the same alignment. Think with this one, I'm going to select the Justified to the left for the chapter title in the paragraph. I'm gonna use auto hyphenation. I'll have this once on the same here. I'm gonna choose the auto hyphenation for this text or definition, and I'm going to choose. Ah, justify left. Good. Now what we can do as you can see it with your cell like this. If you like this, it actually works. Good. Now what you'll do is we will actually apply everything to the pages themselves. And with this work with this 10 minute work, if you have the body of the text already written, you cannot imagine like, perfectly work is done. We can feel it out entirely. What I will not feel is on Lee Page Number six this the page that I will skip. I will go to the page number five. I will select the page number five in the pages. Studio. Right. Click it right. Click apply Master and chapter title. Okay, As you can see, it's transformed. It took the text. I can actually change the tax. What? That I will do right now. I'm gonna call the chapter one, and that's it for the page Number five. I'm going to do the same here. Applied a masters, but instead of chapter title, I'm gonna apply text body. Okay, Texas. Right here. I'm gonna skip page number six and I'm gonna go from 7 to 12 not seven to try. I'm gonna go from 7 to 9. I'm gonna go with the full text from seven. And when I apply masters right here because I'm skipping six because I'm gonna show I'm going to do something different on page six and from seven. M, it will be text body from seven to nine. Okay, It's concedes. Already selected. I'm gonna be selecting a chapter 10 when I apply masters to create a chapter title and 11 to 12. When I plan out there, my search will be 11 2 12 It will be the text body. Okay, I'm gonna change this chapter Number two I'm gonna write the ending in the chapter in the page, number 13. So do I. Would not worry about that. I will actually apply the master right here and the chapter title, and it will be conclusion. Corn conclusion. And what about the tax, Nick? You will say, What about the text? Birds text? No wars, my friends. What? All I need to do is I'm gonna press right Click right here on the chapter and press in circular text. Good. Right. It looks okay. Right. But how would you can connect the other tax boxes? Frame text? No worries. If you look very closely, you will see that there you have an arrow on the frame tax. When when you pointed, it shows you the link icon press this and connected to the other page. Boom. And the page continued, You want to continue this one as well. Press this and continue the other page again. We're skipping this page. Boom. It looks just like that. Continuation Press this. Continue to hear press this. Continue to hear it. All is connected. Now we're gonna add additional tables right here. So it will. You see that whatever you will make any changes here. Let's say I want to add something. Additionally. Here. Whatever. You see that it had changes. Entire tax moves, Every single one off the pieces. It actually, all of it moves. That's how great it is. That's how actually works. Now I'm going to do the same right here instead to feel a text continue from here to here from here to here. And I'm gonna said another filler text review just to have a different connection. And as you can see already, we have a book ready. Book is already looking nice. I'm gonna turn of the guide, so we do not look that ugly. This is how simply you can write everything this off course, though typing of the taxable to will take some time. But still, whatever changes I will make sure to the master chapters, for example, I don't want this master to be on its way to on top. I'm gonna move a bit down. It will actually move down on all of the masters. I think I have something here. Yep. Change some things, some stuff there. So that's that's how it is. You can actually work on this and change some things right here. Can chapter title frame, text, etcetera that are it Looks just core. Just my friends. It is as easy and a simple as that. That's all you need to do. Connect them just like that. We're gonna, of course, work on how you change. You can frame text sizes, etcetera, etcetera, but this is the basics that you need. By the way, you can just change whatever frame text size that you want to told. It will not be any problem. And when you can do this, you can actually change sides just like that. And remember when you would we learn about the shortcuts press shift? If you want to, just do not change any sizes or press control. If you want to resize it around the center, that's just that's as easy as that. Well, I hope it was all clear again. You have any questions? Do not hesitate to ask and let's just move to the next one 15. Table Tool: Okay, Well, come to the lecture about the table. So we will use this page, which is page number six as a placeholder for our just generic table will draw just very generic table just to have it in our book. So first thing that will Jewess, we're gonna go with the user artistic text tool and draw something a bit beautiful. We're gonna go with heading number two. We don't want heading one, and we are going to draw a something right here. Now, we're not going to use this front. We're gonna change the front. We're gonna change the front and choose Baba's new, and we're going to go with a regular. And what we'll do is right table. That's all that we need to do. Then we're gonna go to the selection tool just like that and center this table just like that. Apply and we're gonna make it a bit bigger in order to make it bigger, but without moving it because we've room when you do this, it will change its it because it is not state center. So always do is press control and hold the control and make it a bit bigger. And it will change the size from the center. Let's make it just like that. And now what we'll do is we'll draw the table on our page in order to access the table. Need to do is press the table tool just like that right here and the drag and drop the table. We're going to turn on the margins just to just to see where our margins are. And you know what I'm going to do and draw it just right here alongside the stable. And I'm just be just dragging with the mouse, not changing anything. And let's make the table just like that. And as you can see, let's turn off the margins and the guides and we have a table for ourselves. You can actually manipulate this as any table that you want. It's a regular table. It's like in excel inward. However we want, you can actually change the sizes or however you want. It should just sell side. Secretariats are very, very simple thing. Just selected sale and change sides. If you want to see inside of single one de selected with a control D if you want and just change size or just If you sit at the table, you can change size off all and everything however you want. You can even move them like that. Just play around and you'll find out a lot of things. You again this elected and would like that it will change side of all the table, so we're not going to feel it out with anything because it's not about the content. It is about the ability to do. But I will just give you some information about the tables or whatever you want to do with them. Table have has actually its own studio, and it is right here in the context menu. Or you can go to the view to the studio and open the table studio. Just like that, it's practically the same. Press this one, and you're gonna have table studio. It will allow you change the feel and stroke of the frame you can seven inserts. If you want, you can change a stroke and feel off each individual cell. You could change the width and height of the cell, etcetera, etcetera. It's a very good thing to come, even though you can see I can change. The size is however, I want to just don't forget to center it when you are done. Just just if you want to center it, of course, and press supply, and it's actual centers itself. You can work a lot off the table with the table menu in the top itself. You can have a table when you just like that. If you want a marriage cells or something like that, let's say if I saw this yourselves and I will go press murder sells, it will merge it just like that order. Let's say if I want to merge a lot of cells or any other cells, I can just right click it and press merge, sell. So, for example, if I wanted to write, let's say the text 12345 And I don't want this cell to be that big. All I need to do is I'm gonna go to the table just like that, and order fits raw and columns. Whatever. I wanted this thing, this cases was a column, and it will just or if it it just like that. I know it looks serious just right now, but for the purposes of the lecture this is This is what we have taken center. If you want, you can feel it out. Whatever contexts that you want, we're gonna have a justice. An example is a very hideous example just for these just for this lecture. And as you can see, this is a simple is that in our book is practically ready. There's only various small things that it's left. And we are gonna do a little bit as well in order to finish this. And yet this will be it for this one. Let's go to the next one. 16. Page Numbering: Hello again and welcome to the page numbering lecture. So in this sector, we are going to learn how to actually number of their pages, and we're going to do it in a different way. So first things first, what you'll need. You don't want to turn this off. We need to realize how we're going to number our pages. So in this case, what I will do is, of course, we don't want to number the title page because it's our title page. I want these two pages have completely different numbers. I want the two pages have to have no Roman numerals. That's what I want. And I want everything else to be numbered regularly, and I want these chapter. Want to be page number one? That's what I need to do. But is it actually that easy? That's actually very, very easy. So in order to have the page number right here, we actually need a tax right here. So numbering each and every page is a bit difficult. So what we'll do in this case, we are going to use Master Page yet another master page. So what you will do here is we're gonna create headmaster. We're gonna call this master page number. This so we're gonna call it. We're gonna have a single page, the same damages everything and press. OK, then what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to the page number, master page number. We're gonna turn on the guys just to see where exactly do we need to put our page number? We need to put page numbers somewhere in the middle. We're gonna go with an artistic text tool and create an actual number. We're not gonna do anything. We're not going to write anything there, because that's what our number will be. But we do want right here is we want to transform this artistic text in to the page number , right? All you need to do is to go to the text on the top menu, go down, down, down, down, down, down to the insert, then two fields and then do the page number and press it and what it will do, each will actually add the page number. This number will be the page number. Just center it just like that. I will center it a bit lower. Just like that to be it will make it a bit taller. Just like that, It is a looking simply guard, Gorgeous. This is where our page number will be. But if we go to the any other pages, you will not see it. Why correct? Because we haven't applied the masters yet. So what we need right now is to apply this master page to everything except page number one . To do this, select your desired master page. Right. Click it and select a plan. Apply masters. Two pages don't click. Apply Master, because if you'll click it, it'll apply one master over another master. Let's see what you don't want. You want Apply, master. Two babies mean meaning that you are not applying anything to this master. We're playing this master to everything else or whatever you want. Press supply, Master. Two pages and what you want is all the pages except page one who have 13 pages. We're gonna go to specific specific for specified stages and it will be 2 to 13. And don't forget to take out replace existing because if you'll have this, it will delete all the existing masters. And with this one it will add one master over another press. OK, now what will happen is that in this page, for example, right here, this page will be better. You see that? On one page? I'm going to select on one page on one page. You see, there is this master we have selected only displayed right here, which is page number and the text body, which is another master. So we'll have few masters, only we don't need anything else here. So that's a simple as that. We have two masters applied on each other. But what do we have is you see the page number of in turn off the guides. Page numbers service was too right here. Three and then one to it Actually saved the sections. But I'm gonna I'm gonna teach you how we can actually get it, because I think I did this before. Yes, I'm going to deal. It is just to show you I would actually will look like for you to look like just like that . No. One, 2345 We don't want this. Want this to to be one and two, preferably Roman numerals. And this one will be 12 and etcetera, etcetera. So we're gonna fix that. In order to fix that, we need to divide our book into the sections and in order to access the sections, go to the pages studio right here and press section manager. When you compress it, you see that we only have one section. We don't want this. We want more sections. Let's add the section You're gonna presence that section right here And what it did is it's transformed the book title page into its own section. No worries. We want this. We wanted to be separately. Then it transformed. Section two is prom pages 2 to 13. We don't want this wantonly Page two and three to be separate page sections, and the rest will be third section. So we're gonna create third section. But as you can see, it transformed Section two into Onley. Page two. We don't want this. We want you Pages two and three And in order to do this old introduced, go to Section three and start section three from the Page four and it's all about automatically applied page to Rachel. Section two. So what do we have where? Three sections. We can't ignore the Section one because it's page title. We don't need this. We can even call it section name. We call on title title page. We don't need this. Section two is introduction intra section we actually did and with caps as well. And what we need as well is main body mean buddy. So this will be our sections just to name it, just in case but page number and getting change. Well, because we didn't change anything, we just added the sections. Now what we'll do is go to section two and we'll need to do is restart page numbering at so like this one. And as you can see, the media will transform to pay a to number one. But I don't want number one. We want Roman numerals and in order to change its only Jews go to the number style, press this one and select this. That's it. We already have everything done, but the main body section of the page three We don't want this. Go to section three. So, like to restart and leave it how it is close. And as you can see, we have everything looking great And because we have everything done through the master page, we can actually select this tax and move it wherever we want. So in this case, what I will do, I will move it. Ride here just like that. That simple is that Did you change everywhere else? Of course it did. It changes everywhere else. It seemed to me that this number is way too low. I will just move it a bit up culture the Masters page again. Page number and move it a bit higher. Let's go. And would just like that. You can see immediate results on the preview. Yep. This looks way better. Way, way, way, way, way better than anything else. Because despite using margins, our text was actually a bit too high as well. It looks simply perfect. That's as simple as that to use page number rings. Well, this will be four page number eggs end. We're gonna use this page number actually, for the table of contents in the future. So stay tuned. And for the next lecture, let's go to the next one 17. Table Of Contents: okay. And welcome to the table of contents lecture. So in this lecture, we are going to finishing up our book with the table off content. So we are going to do just like that. So what I will do is I will delete the table of contents studio just in case, and I will be adding the table of contents owner. They had a table of contents. You need to actually transform the frame tax into the table of contents. I'm gonna be showing you exactly how it's done. I'm gonna be going and drawing new frame tax just right here. And what I will do is I will be transforming this into the table of contents. Do that. Went to insert a table of contents here. To do so, all need to go to the top menu, press text, go to the table of contents and insert a table of contents. Boom. And it'll insert a table of contents. Well, our table of contents actually look pretty ugly. So we are going to fix it. Adjust right now in order to fix table of contents, all new to use. Go to the textiles for the table of contents and choose the different styles for the different parts off the table of contents. So in this case, we have the heading here. We have the heading to and we need to fix all of these. So first things first. What I will do is I will change this styles. So understand one thing that in here we have two styles happening all at once. So first is the textile meaning that were the chapters had its etcetera and the second is the numbering style. So both of them have will have different styles. So in this case, I'm going to choose. All of them will be heading. But I'm gonna choose the no style for the text because I want to change it because I want it to be all at the same thing Now for the heading to I'm gonna go and yet you're heading to and no style for the text. And you can see when I will select whatever I select it will select the appropriate heading and the appropriate Ah, text number page number. So what I will do in this case is I will change the table in this case because I wanted to look and be different. By the way, if you want to know how you can add this leading dots, I'm going to show exactly right now, go to this style settings right here on the corner of the style itself. Pressed like that press edit heading to in this case and go to the tap stops or you can actually select. I actually edit right here by this plus button right here. You can add the tap stops and then select. We're here and tap, tap, stop, leader character. And then you can you can do this just like that. Or you can go with an underlying if you want about. I think working with strikeout if you wish. But I think the dots will be a bit more beautiful. So I'm gonna press, okay Right here. And I want this supporting to be a bit smaller, but I want this text to be a bit bigger right here. So what I will do is I will transform this into something different. I'm gonna go here and I'm gonna go and change it to the heading Number one. So that's what I will do. I will do the same here for this one as well. I will do the same here for this one as well. I will do for every single one of them. I don't want them to be no style. I want them all to be the same size and go here and edit this number and what I will do in this case, I'm gonna go to the phone sides and I'm going to change the phone size off the stage and you can see all of them are changing. The side is not just smaller ones. So what I will do it is way too big. OK, I'm gonna go and do it's size 18. But as you can see, the chapter sub chapters they're heading to table size actually moved a bit. But I'm gonna I'm gonna fix it just in a second. Let's choose 18 because it looks a bit better. I'm gonna press OK and I'm gonna change a selloff. The heading to because it seemed like the dots leading to this is way too long. That's very simple. Fixed culture top steps, 10 stops and president a few times just to make it shorter. And it's a simple as that will have table of contents. Actually, you know what? I think this table of contents looks a bit ugly. Let's make it a bit better. Let's centered here and centered here centered in the page margin. It's very good that it actually chilled it just like that. You know what? Let's do the page Margin here as well and press, apply and and and are autistic text tool here and it will be the heading one and add table off contents and that's it's go to selection two and move it just like that. And as you can see, our book looks come police. And now we have our main page. Our page cover our table of contents, Our introduction, our Cipto one hour table, etcetera, Chapter two Conclusion. Everything is simply perf. We can even add the back cover page if you want, but I don't think that it's necessary. Off course. This thing requires a bit off the work because it does not look that beautiful. We can actually add something that changes sizes of the text boxes, etcetera, etcetera, and it will look simply standing, for example. I don't like it's actually like a Texas year, but I don't like the Texas Year. It's way too big. And all I need to do is go to the chapter title number right here, chapter title, and change the chapter and frame text size just a bit ago in press control just to have it in the corner just instead to just like that press control and shift if I want. And as you can see, if I change it, it changed it completely for every single chapter title page. And I'm gonna do the same thing to the frame tax here as well. I'm gonna press shift than control and make it a bit similar just like that. And as you can see, it changed it everywhere. And it looks way better. Just one small change. It made it look a bit Not a bit. It made made it look way better. What I will do one more is I'm gonna go and move the chapter title and bit a lower just a bit closer with an aero kiss. And it will change the look even more. Yes, just a very tiny change. And it affected everything. It looks way better just like that. And we have very good looking book, Of course. The volunteers. Very subjective. Of course, you might want to change a phone, but whatever it is, it is the basic book and we have now created. And in the next lecture, we're gonna actually learn how toe export it in Well, as a regular file for your use. So let's just go to the next lecture. 18. Basic Export: okay. And welcome to the last lecture off this section. We are ready to export our book, but before we are going to export it, let's talk about pre flights. Preflight check is the tool e in a different publisher that will allow you to check whether you have errors or not. So before I started this election recordings lecture actual realized in preflight check, I had some problem. And the problem was that my checkbook content off the table a condom was actually covering some things. So before we're going to do this, will need to do is press this red error button right here. Press like this one and inserted a somewhere studio, and you are going to see a bunch off errors. So in this case, because for some reason it is checking some completely different language. It gives me some yellow errors, but it has red enters as well. And let's see whether this red error is the big problem or not. You can double click this one and this and are actually shows me that this text is overflowing. Many that, uh, the text frame cannot feet the entire text inside of it mean that there is text outside of refrain before press the red eye right here intellectually, show me. And this happens because, ah, we have a feeler tax. And because there is a feeler tax, it just over falls and continues until indefinitely. So in this case, we can safely ignore this. But for your purposes, you should not ignore it. And just check it out. Whether this is a problem or not again, check all the problems right here. And is it concedes? Actually, it's pretty Okay, you can actually check it live or doing their export or or never. So in this case, I'm gonna go with the life. And in order to export this book, all I need to do is press file right here and press export or control out Shift s Peress. This one, it will tell you that. Okay? There is a problems in there. You can either open and provided to open this studio right here. Or ignore and continue. Or just cancel whatever you want. Ignoring. Continue this case. And as you can see, export settings could not be as simple as that. It showed you all the file four months that you want that PNG jpg GIF tiff PSD, PDF and every single file former that you can think off while exporting the book. And in this case, we're going to choose the pdf. You can choose the pdf presets for print press rated the little small size digital high quality. In this case, let's go with still high quality. You can choose the DP I if you want. Why choose the DP I? Because there is actually, that actually might be some vector documents. In this case, it actually did not use any vector documents we didn't didn't use any vector are in here. For that reason, it will say that nothing will be rest arrived. We don't need anything and you get him a select the preview export work on complete and it will actually give you Let's let's like this one and it will actually give you which one off you. Which one of the documents part you want to export all spreads current spread all pages working page. You can even select their number exact pages that you want to export and it will give you even estimated size. But wait, there is more. There is actual more button logic and press and you want. If you want Adul the additional settings, like if you want it down, sampling and everything exaggerate separate center. You can actually do this. All those things right here. In this case, I'm going I'm going to do and then change anything. You can imagine the file format or presets or everything when I'm gonna leave it as it is and press export just like that. And I'm going to choose iPad Book and safe. And now it will export for me and it will open it as a Pdf document. That's it. It's a pdf document off our book, and it is absolutely come a Politte, which is the big A treatment for us. Congratulations, my friends. You actually managed to finishing export your own first book or other able car. You should, I say. And you can actually. Now, from now one, you can actually work on the documents like that on the text documents like that and fill it out however you want. But if you want Mawr advanced things like with the more pictures with more flows with more spreads, it says your central, we're gonna work this in at the next section. So let's go to the next section. I guess 19. Introduction To Advanced Book Section: Okay, welcome to our new section. So you already created your basic book. And congratulations on that. You are a true winner because you already started taken action here. You already know the basics off the document creation in Affinity Publisher. But this section will be more about the advanced book creation. Well, to be fair, it's not the very advanced thing in an advanced. It means in comparison to the things that we did. So what will do here is we'll learn a bit more about the book. Creation will add some additional things in this section. So the main thing, the main focus of this section will be in addition, off the effects and the photo elements. I know it might not sound a lot, but for O elements eyes probably a section worthy because there's a lot of little tiny things that you could do with the photos in Offended Publisher that will transform you from the book into the very beautiful magazine. And here we are, of course, going to learn that again as all sections in this course. This is not a final version, and we're going to expand more and more and more and we're gonna add some additional small tweaks to these section and we gotta fix some things if it's if something is wrong or we're gonna add some new lectures and again, if you'll have any questions, please, please do not hesitate to ask. I am always here to help. So congratulations on your first basic book and let's get to some MAWR advanced stuff. 20. Picture Frame Tool: okay, and welcome to the lecture about picture framing tool. So because this entire section is all about the visual flair and making our book visually more pleasing, we're gonna learn about how to add different picture frames. And by the way, in this lecturing, when a teacher as well how to make your picture frame any form you want, we will, of course, learn about mawr, a regular firms in the future lecture. But here I'm just going to give you a taste and basis whatever frame that you want. So first things first. You need to understand what picture frame is. So let's remember from the previous lectures. Remember from the previous section. It's something like the text frame, but for the images. So when the text frame took from tool allows you to create the frame where you can write any tax that you want, you can reshape it changed sides, etcetera, etcetera. And it looks just simply easy and simply cool because it's extremely simple to pull off with a picture frame to its very similar, you're just drawing the shape where you will put the picture inside it. In this case, in a toolbar, we have two different tools. It's actually picture frame rectangle to, and it's an picture frame Ellipse, too. You could they could have been a single tool as well, like the same thing with the publican to, But they decided to give it a separate thing, So they are actually working exactly the same way. But I'm gonna explain you exactly how they work. Now. Noted, just elected just like their rectangle. Let's start directing all and draw it on the place Whatever you want. Just George's like that. I will move it with the move tool just like that, to make it exactly the same size as our table, by the way, moved the table Just a bid to have a space right here. I didn't put it inside attacks because we're gonna learn about how to put the picture frames inside of the text just in the future. Let your so stating for that. And here we have a picture frame and what it does. Basically, this will allow you to have any picture you put inside this frame framed within this frame . So let me just show you you can load the picture from your computer from their replace image right here if you want or from the place Image tools repressed this one, it will unlock the, uh oh explorer in the window supplier or whatever for Mackey's. I'm sorry I'm not a Mac user. Uto open everything. Your computer allow you to put it right here. But in this case, we're just going to use the stock photos. Let's search for the book. I automatically select is forced to search for the book and all I need to do select this book. Drag and drop it right here is against you. Wanna drop it right here? The frame transforms into purple. It blinks into purple. That means that this picture will be framed inside this picture frame. I will just let it go, and it will load within this frame exactly how it is. It's Actually this picture is bigger than the frame a bit bigger. In this case, it's not way larger, but it's still there. I can actually change the size of the picture as well. If I want, I can just room in cemeteries actual slider, Africa's room out or domain O however I want and it will be inside this picture for I'm just moving a picture frame. But you can move the picture inside of the picture frame as well, if you want a different framing. I know I use the word frame a bunch of times, but this is what the name of the two is. We can actually move it however you want. You're gonna actually change its side chains, properties that sets etcetera. But this you're not actually Onley restricted with the rectangle tool. In this case, let me just jump a bit ahead and help you with that because you can actually place any thing in any shape. You can transform anything into a text frame and you can transform in shape into the picture frame. Let me explain to you I will do leave this picture frame entirely. And what I will do is I will draw and any tool that I won Let's not draw doughnuts to I'm gonna choose the donut dough there, and I'm going to draw the perfect doughnut just right here. The perfect shape doughnut. So but actually, the actual shape is this right here. They should be empty, and anything outside should be empty. And if I right click this I can click either convert to picture frame or convert to text remaining that I can use this shape as an actual text frame as well. Not just just a picture frame. Let me just show you what I mean by the text frame. I will convert to text frame, and what I can do is just insert a filler text. It's not very good, because yeah, the shape is not that good. And the size out off the phone is not that good. But it's actually looks pretty fine. Can actually work with that. Let me just decrease the phone side. Some like that. It does not look that way the inside of this form. But that just proves that you can actually do this and what I will do in this case. Like I will just control Z with this one because I don't want this and I will do this again because the text frame I cannot transform texture immediate, a bigger frame. But I can transform doughnut into the picture frame just like that. If I drive a drag and drop in my book right there, look, outwit will look like you can do whatever shape that you want whatever configuration of the shapes that you want and it will not be a problem. You can put whatever you want in whatever shape you want, if you transform it to the frame to what it actually does for you to understand is that when you draw this, it clips the picture to the shape. Remember when we talked about the layers where you can take the layer and just put it under it? You see, if I bought just under it, it just covers it entirely. But if I put the frame within it within the frame just like that, it just binds it to the frame. If you remember this, then this is exactly what it is. So in this case, because we we didn't do a particularly good job to it just transformed it to the clipped image. We just lost a bit off abilities, but if you use the picture frame, you can actually move your picture inside it. Just like that, this is what's the difference. It's so it will allow you to give a bit more tools. That's as simple as that. You don't need a lot about the picture and picture frame to again. Well, the context menu will help you to understand, with a lot of things, you can actually change some properties. For example, if you want to stretch the fit the picture If you want to do scale for the minimum scale for the maximum before the largest dimensions, anything you contain, the failed they can. You can't change stroke if you wish your do soap, and it's already a picture inside it. You don't need this. In this case, you can change change the stroke if you wish to do so. In this case, we actually don't need to have any stroke. We just gonna ignore the stroke, for that matter. Ah, you can actually change the whole radios if you want. In percentages, you can increase decree decided, by the way, can do the same with ah, the I will select the note to and you can actually change the sizes. You can even use shapes like that If you want to do so something like that, we of course gonna learn about this in the future Lectures. You can actually change the start angle in the Finnish Ingle again. It's it's like this will give you 360 degrees. Let me just kids to then and otherwise. And then And it's actually allows you to change the shape off the doughnuts, doughnut itself and etcetera, etcetera. You all need to do just played around. That's all that you need to play around to get the shape that you wish to have again for the regular framed only. Just delete this for the regular frame. Just go with everything. Or if you want an Al apps again, if you want to have it to perfect perfect shape this press shift and it will just have it a perfect circle and take the picture and put it inside, waited to load as simple as that very simple thing to do. So in the next lecture, we're actually gonna learn how you can actually put the picture inside the texts and not have it. Sounds like that not to cover the text itself like to make the text wrap around it. So let's see you in the next lecture 21. Text Wrapping: Okay, let's learn more about tax wrapping. This is the thing. It's that is called that you want to do right now. So what we want in this case is that we want to put this circular picture just like that, just right here, and we want to wrap it around the picture. So how we can actually do this? It's very simple. By having their picture frames selected, all need to do is go to the top menu a constant many that you have and you have show texts , rap settings. You're gonna press this and choose the rap style that you want. However, you want your text to be raft around the picture, none it present will not wrap. It will press jump. It means that it will skip entire space off the picture frame and continue. Well, anywhere outside square will actually make it square around. It is if I will move it, it will actually fill out the space all around it, not just on the right side, on the left, that tight. It will use any available space it has inside intellectually continue text inside attacks, but we don't want this edge is record the same thing you to activate. Continue the text inside as well. But let's choose tight in our case, and you can actually change some additional stuff here as well. So what I want in this case is that I don't want any tax to be near from the left. I'm going to increase the distance from the left because I don't want any text to be from other left. I can go and increase the distance, increase the distance. Let's go and do 100 100. Just like that. 190. Let's 709. It is going to see from the left. Old attacks is gone, and it's like the book that you it's more visible just like that. If I will do it in the middle of the concedes, it just skipped the space from here and just contingent on at a different spot. It's as simple as that. It's very simple to do tax wrappings. You don't want anything to be that tight from the top, and bottom is all you can do exactly the same thing from top and bottom. I don't want the text from the top bid and let's get the texts from the bottom as well. You know what? No. In this case, I want to text on the bottom just like that. So it would look a bit better and is against the it reps thing. Perfect early. It's very, very simple all in a judicious use tax rap tool, and it will just make it as beautiful as you want. It's very easy tool to use and very easy to understand that that's use any other shape. If you want, it's it's not gonna be a problem. Let's use the square shape just like that. I'm going to move this one just a bit. I'm gonna have it in this corner just like that in the corner and let's put any picture inside. Let's go to the stock and go and put this picture inside, and we need to set up now text wrapping for this text as well. Let's increase it in size a bit and go to text wrapping and let's go to the tight. And as you can see, the text just jumped there and continued in this side. Very simple. And as you can see, even though we just just randomly dropped a few pictures inside attacks. It actually made it look way better than it. Waas. It's it looks way better than into other. You can actually delete this and see, like where they've text frames actually are. It's very beautiful, very simple and very cool thing to have. And I always suggest introduced, like in line pictures just like that. Instead off doing something like let me just show you is like something jump like that because it does not look that good luck. This tight text looks way, way better and you can play with it. Play with size of the frame if you want. If you want the bigger and let me just do this one. Ah, and bigger. Smaller however you want, you can play around with that however you want, it will just make it look as good as you want to make it look. Well, this will be toward this one. Let's go to the next one that 22. Baseline Grid: All right, let's talk about the base line. Great. So because our tax dollars pretty well tied up and it we could not use a baseline grid, I just made this mess off attacks or right here. So what Baseline greed helps you is that to line up the text lines with each other. So in this case, is you can see these two text columns are not very lined up to each other. Just to show you how with the detective does not line up. Just go to the ruler on the top and drag it from the chapters to have a guide lines, as you can see when I put it. Oh, boy, I know these two tax, they do not line up. They do not line up at all. It looks completely awful. And baseline grid will actually allow you to fix that. You have two options with the base language. The based language that effects entire document all at once. Or the baseline grid that effects on Lee the text frame in order to access the base language and ex did works on entire document. All need to do is press this button right here. Show brace, languid manager. When you press this, it will open the baseline grade manager. We're not gonna change anything right here, because I'm gonna show you only how it works in a local level because I don't want to mess up entire document. And so this our order to is that you have only thing that you will not have on the local based language manager is that you will not have a show based language. It's right here. So what does this mean? Is that when you have this selected, it will show you based language on Lee. If you're zoomed in or out enough, it will not show you off after the certain threshold. I'm gonna show just after when I will make some basic language right here. As you can see in this text room, it's a mess. And we want based language right here. Let me just increase the text size just a bit for year two to understand a bit more. Let me just delete entire text inside. Let's make another mass right here. Insert a feeler tax. Let's go on expend field. Do something like that. Do something like that that change these texts just like that and it's gonna see I messed up the column entirely. So this is a completely different column side, this complete different column size. All I need to do is to enter the base language from the text frame properties, and it is right here. It's written text framing there when you have the text frame selected. Don't forget to have a text frame tool selected Prestes right here and you'll have all the things that all text frame will actually need. Everything from failed stroke. It's etcetera, etcetera, columns Jetseta and what you will not have in this case is you will not have expanded based language right here. Holding you to do is to enable it and boom! As you can see from right away, it actually tidied everything up. It looks pretty pretty good. Now what do we need to do is I'm gonna go and decrease the size. It was not that of a, well, good looking to be fair. Look at that. It's not that good looking because it's it's not very good with spacing. I'm gonna decrease the great spacing to create a great spacing just like that. And you know what No. Let's make it something like that. Good spacing off. Six you can go with starting position increases starting position to make it a bit better. Less starting position of 10 and it actually looks better. Let's see if it actually worked in our case, I'm gonna take the ruler and look, look at this perfect line. Perfect line. Perfect line. Even. This is perfect line. Perfect line. Perfect line from here. Perfect line from here. Perfect line from here. Perfect line. Perfect line. It's just tidied everything up as much as you want as much as you can, so it's actually made it look pretty pretty good if you want to use it. If you feel like that, you need to use it. If you If you like that you messed up your paragraphs on somehow or this programs were messed up somehow beforehand. You can actually use this tool to fix that. It's actually a very useful tool, and the same thing can be done on an entire off on entirety off the tool if you want. Let's see and see if you have this one on, and let's see the based language manager to do the threshold off 100% go back, and for some reason, I cannot see it. Ok, that would be could be up. Probably. This one is just like that. Okay, so what's it gonna see? 1 100%. When I zoom in, it's it shows me exactly that both based languages are, But when you zoom out, zoom out, zoom out, zoom out, zoom out. Oh, yeah, if you have. If you don't have it selected after 1% it just disappears. But does it mean? And it appears disappears, appears, disappears, appears, disappears. That's exactly what it is. This s simple. And the school is that Look, just don't forget to the selected, because that's the thing that I forget as well. So don't worry about this. And if you don't want a baseline grid, this elected in your based language will be gone. But they're selected. Why have selected the frame itself boom and it will return in the same mess that it waas before. But in my case at least, so this will be for this one. Then let's go to the next one 23. Effects: Let's not talk about effects. Probably one of the most powerful tools and one of my favorite tools in all the affinity sued. The facts will allow you to add a bunch of different things to or your tools or two to your assets. Whatever you want. It is actually very, very powerful tool to have not just an effendi publisher, but infinity for Infinity designer as well. So what did allows you to do is it allows you to actually add some effects. Yeah, it's obvious, right? So let me just explain it on an example. Let me select this picture frame, and what I will do is I will add effect to the picture frame. Or in this case, what I will do is I will make at a drop shadow to this picture frame. So all I need to do is to access the effects studio. So in this case, I don't have it here. So I will edit, remember, view studios and effects, and it will appear just like that. And what I will do in this case is I want an outer shadow expended press outer shadow. It's there, and I'm going to go an increase radius just a bit, and I'm going to go and add some offset just like that Boom. You see, it actually added some shadow you want. You want it to look a bit bigger, like make it make me pull earlier and add more offset. Just like that. It actually interferes with the text. But if you don't want to interfere with the tax, you can actually changes angle just like that. You know what? I'm gonna decreases, offset for it to fix, to fit within the frame boom. And immediately it feels like this is a three D object. Doesn't it look great and amazing? It actually looks pretty, pretty good. So this is how we can actually use the effects. But let's that let's actually talk about the effects themselves. What kind of effects you can add just to show you that it's not there, Not a lot off effects in the stool. It's actually pretty abysmal, but still it's more than enough for you to have your artistic imaginations run wild. Let's turn off the order shadow. There's also Kocian blur that can add blur to your pictures. If you want to do so, there is actually inner shadow as well, right here it is, say, visit out of shadow. But it actually adds shadow inside within its increase the radius and increase the offset. And, as a concedes, it's right there. It's right there. You can actually yeah, that capacity. If you want, Increase the radios and it gives you a fact that some, like inside of a hole something like that Very beautiful tool as well. Let's go with the outer glow. It's very similar to the outer shadow, but a instead, off making a darker it can make it whiter. You can actually make it different colors coded like red color. It's like clothes outside. You can actually change it beyond 100 pixels. You can go with 1000 pixels if you want. It's not gonna be a big problem. They awarded with a slider enter low exactly the same as an outer glow, but because it's it's white. In this case, it just showed you something like that. It's disappear into the background. This is actually a very cool thing that you could use a few in a different color. That's actually how it looks. That's actually what it looks like exactly in this case you can go would like make it 500 if you want. No problem. If they actually go the entire picture outline. It's very straightforward. It has outlined to outside off your picture frame. In this case, no matter what type, afraid more matter what shape of the frame you'll have, it will add an outline outside. Or I think you can add it even inside if you want. Not nothing that you can actually work. Press this one and add an alignment to Delta. There's well, yes, if you do who you didn't know. You can add on additional things from here as well. Ah, you can add three D effects. If you want, it will make it look three D and I never use this to be fair, because I don't like this effect. Bevel in Boss something like three D as well. You can get at a cover color overlay if you want and decreasing opacity just like that, like make it a bit darker if you want, or shouldn't make it like Brad Overlay. If you wish. I usually used a shape over, but this is actually the easier tool to do, and the same is with ingredient. Overlay can actually do the exactly same. Think with ingredient going from the dark to the bright. If you want to change the color sold again. If you can go right here, you can even change the type of radiant we could reverse the Grady in. You can change the where radiant starts and answered centers that it's a very cool thing and very cool toe. One thing is that you can I add only one effect off each. You cannot add an additional effects. That's that's That's a bad thing that happens with here. There's actually a more ground around this. I'm just I'm just giving you a bit off in advance deep right now. If you want a outer shadow and then you want to add outer shadow their own than out of shadow, you can go in right click and press. Rest arise and no don't preserve layer effects and press restaurants. And as you can see, the picture with a shadow became the picture itself. And now I can add in our shadow to daughter shadow if I want to do so additional. The show it does not look off of course, that's great. But if I wanted an additional shadows, I can do that. Oh, I can restaurant this one as well. Rest arise, and I can add another out of shadow if I want. That is in this side with an increase radius and I can add, like whatever. Nine. But my number that I won't let me just control Z this one because it does not look that weight. So this was all about the effects. You can do the same thing that I taught you about the effects about rest arising with any effects that you want so you can work around Play were on with this, but this was all about the effects. It's actually very simple thing to work with, and you can actually apply different effects to the different elements in your composition . So this will be for this one. Let's go to the next one, then 24. Using Studio Link: Let's not talk about Studio Link, which you talked about to nailing a bit earlier. But what I will do in this case is I will show you like how it works, actually inside off the document itself. So what's the link is that it will allow you to work on a document outside off affinity publisher without closing affinity publisher. By this, I mean that I can go and work around on this picture if I want. Let me actually work around about on this picture in Affinity Photo without leaving Affinity. Designer all introduce. Select the picture and switch to the photo persona, and it immediately transformed into affinity photo document. It's the same thing. It's Don't worry. They're exactly same thing. As you can see, the context menu changed on the top you can I can go on at or the contrast if I want. I can go that that order levels. If I want, I can go then order colors. If I want, I can go in order white balance if I want. It's a simple as that I can like open the assistant if I want, As you can see immediately change the document entirely Okay, let's work with this one as well. And in order, contrast colors and everything and boom as simple as that. That's because of the studio link, because I have affinity photo installed on the computer as well. It actually allows me to jump to the affinity photo without jumping out often affinity design if indeed, publisher and even if I want to use the brush tools, if it is in this case, is a Brussels selected second old. But if I want to use a brush like this one, paintbrush will and I want to paint about something like just like that, I can do that. I can do exactly that. It's as simple as that. I can go and change brushes if I want. I can go and add a different type of brushes. No, let's add some type of, um, maybe a spray and splatter. Maybe if I want to add like something like very some, like splatter on top and I just take this and put it on the bottom, even bottom than that intellectual look pretty, pretty good. That's actually how you can work around with this. I can splatter this all over the place if I wish to do so and I can add some more full layer to the book, it actually looks pretty pretty good by. By the way, if we didn't see it, it's actually it's difficult to see on this type of fund because this fund is not that great looking. This splatter is on the bottom layer, so it's it's not affecting the text itself. As you can see, you can clearly seed off behind the picture, so I connected, splatter or along the place and add some kind of flair. This is not objectively the best example, because this is a very bad splatter. But you can do this and you can. You cannot do this inside of fun. If any publisher, you can Onley do this inside of affinity photo, and because of that, if you don't have, you don't want us like exports. A document accepted document and open the document outside a gallery opening experts. PDF opening affinity Photo content like edited their successor. If you don't want to do this, you can do this right from here. How cool is that? This is the amazing thing to do, and this allows you to do such things as well, we can't even go on. We'll look good to do the mashed warps, etcetera, so you can't even work the thing however you want. It's as cool as that. Let's let's just don't work for. But right here you can enter. Flood fails. You can erasers every single thing that is available in offended photo You can do, and you can do the same with Infinity Designer as well. Who can jump? Definitely designer and work on it like an affinity designer document. If you want at curves, even in the corner tools. If you wanna use pencil, it's actually available. Defended publisher as well, but still like you can do a lot of things right here. Pencil to andl the additional things that you have on the top. Just like that. Different vectors, different things. It's an amazing thing to have, and if you can use it if you have enough into designer indefinite photo and hate. If you have enough into publisher like you, 100% should have both of these softer because they together work simply amazingly, there just simply amazing. You can do this and let me just jump back to definitive publisher persona. And yet in all the tools are back. Just like that, you can do the same thing with the other soldier as well, like other fingers software. And this one just increases for me. Different to designers. Price like tenfold, as you can see, like the picture looks way better than it looked before. Way, way, way, way better than look before and just this because just one button press I pressed and change the colors automatically and get got back. How cool is that? Houses yesterday to use Affinity Studio link. Well, this will be 21. Let's go to the next one. 25. Cover Design: Welcome to the cover design lecture. In this lecture, we're going to work more on cover design and revamp our cover design to look way better than it is right now. In this lecture we are going to use not just Affinity Publisher, we're going to actually use some photo personas as well just to make minor tweaks, this will not be any major tweaks. So we don't have Affinity Photo, don't worry it will not pose you a huge problems. But to have an Affinity Photo will help you a lot as well. Otherwise you can go and adjust all the levels that we adjusted in the other software and then import it back to the Affinity Publisher. So what we want right now is what I will try to do is to transform this book cover into something more appealing, something more photo, I'll not say photo-realistic but something more photo-looking and to start this, you know what? I'm going to just make everything disappear. I'm not going to delete everything, I'm just going to make everything disappear and we'll have a blank page. To start up, I want some good background. I was thinking about a wooden background because I like working with wood, it looks very beautiful. Let's add this wood texture on the background just like that. I'm going to drag and drop this from the stock, I'm going to just going to zoom out, I'm going to resize this to have an exact size of the page. Then I'm going to just squeeze it if I want. No, actually now squeezing does not work that good I'm going to do this just like that, and center it just like that. All I do is move in and out with the mouse. This looks pretty good, it's actually a bit too bright and not contrast enough for my taste. But we are going to work on this a bit later. What we're going to do right now is that we are going to take this image and I'm going to drag and drop it. I'm going to click the thumbnail and drag-and-drop the thumbnail on the bottom of the layers, because I want this to be a bottom layer and I don't want this to be moved. What I will do, I will right-click this one and I will click the lock. Now I can not move it no matter what I do, so it is locked in there. What I want right now is I want to add Infinity Publisher logo in the middle. I have assets already installed, so I have an icon, add it into the Affinity Book Publisher asset. What I will do is I will drag and drop it right here, I will make it a bit smaller and I will click it, put it somewhere right here. It's pretty good, not in the center, a bit above the center, it looks pretty good. I will make my text and my Affinity Publisher texts visible again. It looks not that well because the black text is not that great, and what I will do is I will do a bit one difference, I'm going to go and switch to Artistic Text tool, click on the beginning of the publisher and press Enter. I just want them on separate lines, go back to the selection tool back, and then let's make it aligned to the center. No you know what? I think it's aligned to the left is looking pretty good. I'm going to do this just like that, its way too on the corner, and yeah, all the alignments is going pretty well text actually aligned to the center of this one. What we'll do right now to make it a bit more visible we are going to transform it to the white, and as you can see, it looks pretty good. I actually like how it looks, and you know what I will do? I will actually group those two together. I'm going to drag and drop just like that, and what I will do is I will right-click it and I will actually group them together, because I want them to work together. Because if I want to move them I'll just select a group and I will group them just like that, move it around the center and you can actually expand the group and it works actually as a separate layers if you want, so group is pretty, pretty good. You can rename it if you want but I'm not going to do this just right now. I'm going to take my, By Nick Nyxson, back. Actually I'm going to increase it a bit in size and again, it's black it does not look that good, and I'm going to go to the Artistic Text tool back and I'm going to delete word "By," because I want this text to be on the top just like that. I'm going to center it to the page margin, it's actually it's okay, and I'm going to transform it to the white. It actually looks pretty good, I'm going to move it just a tiny bits down. It looks pretty good that now, because we actually did it now this, Affinity Publisher text is way too on the top, I'm going to move it a bit down, just right here. It looks pretty good. Don't worry about the colors, etc, we're going to work on the colors a bit later. Then I'm going to return the triangle back because I like how the triangle looks, and I'm going to return the text. Everything that you need to know about the Affinity Publisher I'm going to make the text a bit larger. I'm going again center this to the page, or to the page margin it doesn't matter, and I'm going to make this text white. I can actually make the text a bit further, just like that. It actually looks pretty good, way better than we had. But text is a bit difficult to read, it's a bit sore to an eye. What we need to do is because we have white text on a bit bright background we need to make background darker. In order to do this we're going to go switch to the photo persona. You can make again this picture darker beforehand, but we're going to do this just right now. We're going to switch back to the photo persona, go to the adjustments, and you know what I will do? I will go to the contrast and brightness, I'm going to select the contrast and brightness, I'm going to decrease the brightness a bit. I'm going to increase the contrast as well, just like that. I'm going to increase the contrast almost all the way to the top, and increase brightness just a bit. This looks way cooler than it did before. As you can see the text is clearly visible, text is a bit bland actually and would need more separations from the background as well. We'll do adjust like that, let's go switch back to the Affinity Publisher persona because we can do this in publisher persona easily as well. What we're going to do is we're going to work on Affinity Publisher texts now, because I will apply some effects on it's to make it look a bit better. What we will do is we are going to go switch to effects panel just right here, and the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to add an outline to the text. Make it a bit bigger, just a bit. It's barely visible, you cannot see it but you can see it just like that and as you can see, it's really separate it from the background. We're going to make some more separations here as well, just I'm going to zoom it in to make it more visible. What we'll do after this, we're going to add an inner shadow inside of our text, we're going to make increase the radius. It's not that visible, it's actually very subtle but if I will increase it a lot you see that it actually makes some kind of shadow, and actually makes this more volumetric, look more like silvery color on it. We're going to add an outer shadow as well. First the thing that we're going to use we are going to make an offset just like that and as you can see, it's not that visible. I'm going to increase the radius just to make it more washed out. It's not that visible, but it actually allows you to separate it from the background just a bit more. We can actually increase offset just a bit to make it more separate from the background. As you can see already, the title text looks way better than anything else. What do we want is to apply the same effects to the other texts as well, so how we can do that? Do all over again? No, all we need to do is going to go to the layers, going to select the text, right-click, copy or Control C if you want, then select the text that you want. Go to the Edit, and Paste FX or Alt Shift V if you want to do this inside. Boom, and it actually applied every single thing on the top of this one. But because the text is a bit different, the thickness of the text is a bit different it actually looks a bit different as well. What we're going to do is adjust some effects in this case, we're going to just an offset of the shadows just a bit, and it looks actually a bit better. You can see the shadows like that, and we're going to decrease the radius to make it more pronounced. Yeah, it looks a bit better than do the same with this text as well. We are going to paste effects here as well, as you can see it's already pronounced from the background but we're going to work on outer shadow here as well. Just make it offset just a bit more, or we can go and do with an offset tool and just move it however you want, so we're going to move it just like right here. I'll go to the next selection tool, looks way better than it did before, it looks way, way better. What we will do after this, we're going to work on the logo, Affinity Publisher logo just a bit. Go to the photo persona just to fix it up a bit, go the the adjustments and we are going to adjust this with the curves. We're going to apply the curves, and I'm going to move curve just like here, and I'm going to move this curves a bit here, and this curves a bit here. I'm going to move it down, it was too much. Then I move it just like that, back right here because I like this type of curve. It makes it look a bit better, just like a bit more darker tint to it. You can see it if I will make this disappear, this is before, this is after. It makes it more contrasty, makes it looks just a tiny bit better. Now we're going to do some effects on our triangle because we don't want this to be as a flat triangle, we want to give it a bit of volume. What is a better tool for the volume then outer shadow? We're going to make it offset right here, triangle and as you can see, if we'll do this a bit washed out increase the radius, I'm going to increase offset a bit more and increase radius a bit more as well. You see that it's something like covering it and it looks way, way cooler than it did before. It's a very cool thing, we can actually go and do rasterize and trim, and you know what it will do? Its going to preserve the layer effects and it will trim everything from here, and we can add a inner shadow from this side. We can do the angle right here and do the offset just a bit, increase the radius a bit, and as you can see it's something like that. It's something like it's light color shines from this one, and the edge itself is the blocking light, and then the ribbon itself is blocking the light. As you can see, the before and after, we didn't get to save the before but it looks way better than it did before, like million times better. Just the small things like that, and a small vision in your head, just a very tiny vision in your head will help you transform your book cover into something else. I'm going to do one more thing with an icon right here, I'm going to just collapse it down. I'm going to apply another effects here and do an outer shadow because I like just using outer shadow. Same direction as Affinity Publisher, a bit more offset just like that, and a bit more radius. Just for the Affinity Publisher logo to have its tiny flare as well. The majority of the things that we did cannot be visible by just looking at it, but your brain actually feels it. Your brain can actually distinguish the shadows, the inner shadows. It can distinguish, it makes it look way better. That's the tiniest thing that we did and it made our book look way better than it actually did. Remember this our blue triangle? Yeah, you can see the shadow more pronounced on a blue triangle, but we could actually add some outer glows and some different effects that you actually learn about in the previous lectures, but we just didn't need it. This is the style that we came up with and it actually looks amazing, and I'm really interested in what type of styles that you can do as well. Just play around with it, play with different ideas, play with different styles, play with effects, play with adjustments. You have an Affinity Photo and Photo Persona, and it will just make it look way better. Again if you don't have an Affinity Photo and you cannot use the Photo Persona, you just can adjust everything beforehand in another software and just edit afterwards. You can adjust it in Canva if you want or any other software of your choice. It may be Photoshop, if maybe you have a Photoshop and you are an avid Photoshop user. Well this should be it for this lecture, let's go to the next one then. 26. Irregular Frames: Let's not talk about irregular frames and following the tax, the picture past the path with the text outside over the picture frames. I'm gonna actually show this with the picture frame as well, if you wish so. But I want to do something that's irregular. What if we did something very weird? Like, not followed the frame of the tax, but for inner elements of the text, for example, Inside off this picture. What if I followed the book cover as a frame without what's changing anything in the picture? Can we actually do this? And answer is of course, Yes, we can do this. And now in this lecture, we're gonna actually learned this to to do this. I'm gonna use very unconventional way off putting the pictures inside off the settlement. I actually created a new page, right. You have come a little blank page without any masters. And what I will do is I will insert this stock freak picture right here without a picture frame. Just a picture right here. I'm gonna resize it for the size to make it look a bit better. I'm gonna recite it just like that. No, a big bit bigger. I'm going to move. It's just like that and what I want in this picture that I want the text to follow this path, not touch any fingers nuts to touch any of the phone and cover everything else. Is it actually possible to do so if we'll do the text frame if we'll add a text for him just like that? And if you will insert any filler tax, it will cover the tax just like that, right it tool view just like that. And we cannot do any text warping because we don't have any picture frames. Even if it did it take picture frames, it would not warp it. We in a good way because it will just be inside the picture, so it will need to avoid all the pictures. The text would just disappear. So how we can actually do this? We can actually do this by creating our own frame. So we want to the frame that is actually covering everything besides these parts. And what's the best way to do this? We can actually draw the frame into Jordan to draw the frame. I'm going to use pen tool, let's dry draw the frame that we want. I'm gonna make a point right here. Make another point right here. I don't actually move this. I'm not gonna move this. I'm not gonna do anything just yet. I'm gonna move. Just may be a bit because yeah, I I'm a bit perfectionist. By the way. I move this on transformed this in the Noto by holding control. If you want to move this, then I'm gonna continue here. I'm gonna continue here. Continue, just like that. Not touching any fingers, but being very close, you can You can actually make this lines curved lines as well afterwards. Don't worry, we can do this. Let's draw this beautiful, beautiful frame just like that. Let's turn off the snapping because it's actually effects us. That's do this. Let's make this an edge. Let's make this one right here because we want to close this frame. Let's make this one right here and boom. We actually close it. Who can actually move this bits just to make it look a bit better? Yep. This is our frame, right? Well, no, there's actually a shape that would wrong there. This is not a frame to make it Let's let's make it a bit better. Let's make it a bit better before we're gonna transform into friend. Let's make it a bit more curves. You know what? Because I want I want this to make it a bit current. I'm gonna go and move to not know, to make it a bit closer, a bit closer, a bit closer. But if I do the way to close the shape changes. You know what? I'm gonna do this just like that. I'm gonna go to know to and curve it. I'm gonna do you know, when they go to the note to and do this one, By the way, you can do everything afterwards with the Noto. I just don't select the notable because I dio by holding control I could trust, formed any Pantone to Noto. Let's make it a bit curved. This amount of detail that I do is not needed at all. But you know what? Let's be perfectionists and do this. Ah, let's curve it just like that. I want to care of it. Just like that, just just for the sake of curving it. Let's make it a bit different. We can actually add some points if we want to. Just a curve. Okay, dear. This one instead of doing good, let's go to here and carve it around the finger. Exactly how we want did this. You don't need any curvature. There, there, this, dear. This. I'm gonna do the point right here. And it just the curvature just right here a bit. It doesn't need to be perfect shape a bit. Curvature a bit off point right here. A bit of curvature right here. I know I'm doing this way to work, but I want this to be perfect shape, just a perfect shape. And you might want to do this as well. And that's why I'm just showing it everything, showing everything what I do. Okay, this is right here, and I'm gonna curve it just like that. Then I'm going to do the point right here and curve it. Just like that ad that now the point right here and at a bit of a curvature that No, not this one. Control Z again. Control. They didn't select the node. Do this and curve it. Then select the tip again on the finger and curve it that had another node right here just and bid Curve it right here as well. Just a bit of curvature go to the beginning of the finger. I know it's a bit tedious task, but we want to perfect shape, right? Or maybe we don't. Or meat. Maybe it's just me. So it's OK. I'm gonna do this one as well. And this is pretty much perfectly around. I'm just going to do Ah, and adjustments at the end. No, not not like that. This is not a good adjustment. I'm gonna do this. Controls ee is your best friend in this case. And well, everything else is pretty much fine. Great. Right now what you can do is right. Click on this Buddhist selection tool or whatever you want and converted to the text frame both. Now the next room. How do I know this? I'm gonna say that the color whites for you to make it visible a bit better and insert filler text. Isn't it practically beautiful and perfect? Look how we perfectly manage to curve the text around it. Look how practically perfectly ET is curved. How good it is. It is looking simply amazing. We have some kind off the form around it, but it actually will not be visible in the end. So don't worry about that, because we don't have any strokes there. There is no stroke, so you can. He can not worry about this. It's just a selection right here. It looks simply great, right? It looks beautiful. This is how we do an irregular shapes destroyed with a pen tool and just it with the notes , too. And that's just it. And then converted to the picture frame or the text frame or whatever you want. I can go and just go back and just make a curve. Just like that. I will actually delete the curve beforehand. So I don't want any any stroke to be there, and I can trust form it into the picture frame as well, and I can put any picture inside it. And look how toe would change a chip. Look, it's just there. You can actually use this to for a lot of different things. It's just another picture right there. Inside of the picture could move the picture itself for you to be able to visible because look how great it is. This is an amazing tool, and this is the tool that you should use. A very often let's go back to the ah, the picture frame Locos, control Z control Z and then go to the text frame and insert feeler text. How easy, simple and straight for it is. I know we took a bit of work just to do the small things like that, but the results are amazing. It's so beautiful. You can do the same thing inside of an iPhone if you want. So would not it would not touch the, uh, YouTube logo, if you want. It is a simple as that Just learn how to use the pen tool because Pento is amazingly powerful toe, not just in affinity publisher about Infinity photo as well, and Infinitis and as well. It's a very great tool to have, and you can do something like that. You cannot do some anything like that with the shaped tool. You cannot do this. You cannot write a cold or transform it into fingers, so that's how you do an irregular shapes. Again. You can transform it into both picture frame and the text frame and use it. However you want to just that the things that were you wanted, just a paragraph. So we want it's It's a regular tax that you can actually adjust to transform the body into the heading it whatever you want, transform it. Whatever you want to do it, do whatever you want with it. It's as cool as that. Well, they should be for this one. Let's go to the next one then. 27. Conclusion: Well, congratulations, my friend. You are all the way to the and you're at the end of the course. This will be the completion off the course. Congratulations are going through it entirely. You already? No, I understand. Affinity publisher. Of course, you probably don't know every single thing because this course is made for the beginners, but it will expand more and more and more. And trust me, you are going to add more and more things. You're going to see more and more things in the course because the course will expand and the new versions of the court will add some new things for some new practical examples some new lectures, some new techniques that I am already planning to do. For this course, you're going to learn a lot of great things as well. And as always, congratulations on finishing off this course. This will be it for now. Again, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask 100%. I'm always here for you at this course again. Will be expanded with the new versions because I always expand all of my courses from time to time. It's not that Oh, I'm released a non full version off the course. This is the full version of the course, but we're going to go to the version 1.11 point 21.3 and expand even more and more and more and more and more well, they're so bid for this one. And I hope to see you in other courses. If you want to join my other courses or just chat with you, if will have anything to say or anything to ask to me, so thank you and see around. 28. Class Project: Okay. Congratulations. I'm going through an entire class. Now you have a perfectly good understanding on what does a fancy publisher do? And what do you can do with affinity Publisher as well. And here is the project for our class we need to do is practical, right, Because this whole class was all about doing practical things. So what I want you to do is to create your first e book or just simple book cover in affinity. Publisher, I want you to go through an entire class. I want you to go through every single one of the lectures, learn all about the tools and use all the tools from our classes to create something you don't have to do. Like a real book. You can do something like fake book like we did using a feeler text. It's absolutely normal. It's absolutely OK. You can do this as well, and I want you to upload either at book cover as a picture as a PNG or Deepak or whatever you want. It doesn't matter, or you can upload an entire pdf file off your document. I don't need a project file. I need only an exported. Pdf file just to see what you can do and just to show me and show everyone every other student what you can do with definitive publishers. Well, very simple thing. Very easy. Just sit down and create whatever you want, anything that you want. Any topic that you want. Just about the things that you I wanted to create. Just create a very, very simple, very simple A very beautiful e book or end or e book cover. I can't wait to see what you will do with this class project and see you there.