Ugly Sweater in Photoshop - A Smart Effect | Jon Brommet | Skillshare

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Sweater feo en Photoshop - Un efecto inteligente

teacher avatar Jon Brommet, Crusoe Design Co.

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      El efecto principal


    • 3.

      Más Sizes y efectos de patrones


    • 4.

      Otros diseños


    • 5.



    • 6.

      Un mensaje de Jon del futuro


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About This Class

Esta clase muestra un método rápido y rápido para crear un feal patrón de suéter en Photoshop. Creando unos pocos patrones de tamaño diferente, y aplicando algunos filtros, puedes generar un archivo fácil de actualizar. Como puede cambiar la obra de arte en cualquier momento. ¡Incluso puedes usar una foto!

No hay que que que sea un diseñador o ilustrador como te proporcionaré algunos archivos y te indicaré en la dirección de dónde puedes encontrar más si lo like.

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Jon Brommet

Crusoe Design Co.

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Arte e ilustración Arte digital
Level: Beginner

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1. Intro: [MUSIC] Hello and welcome to Ugly Christmas Sweater, a smart effect in Photoshop. There we go. That's better. Welcome to Ugly Sweater Pattern in Photoshop based on artifact. My name is John Brahma. In this class, I'm going to show you how to easily make this ugly sweater pattern, not the specific one but one like it in Photoshop with a couple of easy steps. It will be a smart effect so that you can easily change out your artwork. You can use any kind of illustration you've used. You can use what we found online, which I'll show you where to get or you can even use a photograph and we will easily put it on a knit pattern, something like this. It's going to be pretty simple. In this class, I'm going to show you how to build your own pattern. I use a couple of different filters like mosaic effect and how to actually make a smart object so that you can easily edit it later on. If those things are new to you, this class is for you and even if they're not, I think it's going to be a fun simple class that you can check out. So, I hope you enroll and I'll see you in a second. 2. The Main Effect: Welcome to the class. As you saw in the intro video, we are going to show you how to make a ugly Christmas sweater or Hanukkah Sweater or any other belief. But either way, we're just going to have some fun and quickly put together this pattern. In this class I'm going to show you how to create your own pattern so you can actually change it to fit the style you want. I'm going to show you how to add some Bevels and Emboss to make it just a tiny bit more realistic. This is a smart effect so once you set it up, which is only going to take a few minutes, you can easily just double-click the design and put in any other image or even a photo, and it'll auto update. It's pretty cool. It'll automatically work for you in the future and you don't have to rebuild it every time because that would be unnecessarily time-consuming. Let's get right into it, shall we? Right now I'm just going to make a new document so it's Command under Control and on a PC, and I'm going to change the size. It doesn't really matter what the size is. I'm going to go with 1500 by 1500. Maybe I want to actually post this to Instagram and I'm going to make it 72 DPI. We're going to make sure it's RGB, white background, all that stuff is good, and we'll click "Create". Now what we're going to do is holding down Option or Alt on a PC, we're just going to double-click on that background to unlock that layer and I want to fill it with a fairly dark burgundy color. Somewhere in there. We'll go ahead and we'll fill that. That is Option Delete or Alt Delete on a PC and that'll go ahead and fill it. It'll fill it with your full color. Once you've got that down, we're going to make two different layers. Go ahead and click new layer at the bottom twice. We're going to call this first one Texture and we're going to call this Design. Obviously this where our texture is going to go and this is where design is going to go. Go ahead and right-click on the design layer and convert that to a smart object right away. That's where we're going to be able to count it easily, edit it, and make some changes to it in the future. What I'm going to do is I'm going to double-click on that right now, and we're going to go ahead and we're going to bring some artwork in. I've already got some artwork copied into Adobe Illustrator but you could actually use the set of photoshop if you have a different file or you could even use a JPEG, it doesn't matter. I'm just going to paste it in here and I'm going to leave it as a smart object. You might see me keep dragging panels from the bottom, that's because I'm using two monitors so these keep opening on my other monitor. I'm going to paste it as a smart object. It's not going to fit the shape really well, but it'll give you a good idea anyway of how the effect works. You can go ahead and we can delete that original layer because it doesn't need to be there anymore and I am just going to call this Ugly Christmas Sweater. I'm going to go ahead and hit Save. Once you save this, it is automatically going to update the artwork in this file. We'll see why that's really useful soon. A couple of filters we need to add, there going to be mosaic. We're going to go down to Pixelate and then Mosaic. The Cell Size is going to depend on what you want to do for your artwork, I'm going to make it 10. The reason for this is that we're actually making it really pixelated and that's because for it to actually fit each piece of that knit pattern that we're going to add to it. It's a little more realistic this way and I'll show you the difference in a moment. Now, we're going to go ahead and make our texture file. On my desktop I already have a file that's called Pattern.AI that I'm going to share with you guys so you can use. We're going to go ahead and make it 10 pixels by 10 pixels, 72 DPI so it's already set up perfectly. Go ahead and click Okay, and it's really small and pixelated, but you'll get an idea that that is the main shape we want to make. To make a texture, all we have to do is go to Edit and then go down to define pattern. Now we're going to name this 10px for 10 pixel and you can put in like sweater or something like that so that you know exactly what it is in the future. Go back to our main document, and at this point it's probably a good idea to save it. We're going to call this Skillshare Project. Obviously it's a good idea to save your artwork all the time so that you don't ever have to accidentally lose anything and what we're going to do is we're going to go over here to our paint bucket. Now it may be showing us the gradient tool so I'll just go ahead and click and hold and then down to Paint Bucket Tool. From there at the top, this may be set to foreground, so we're just going to click that and set it to pattern. Once it's set to pattern we're going to go here and if you hover over this, you should see that it says the 10px or pixel sweater. That's the pattern we just made and we're going to go in here and we're just going to click anywhere. Now, what it's done is it's made that pattern in black because that's the color that I actually made the pattern a moment ago. If we want to change that, there's a few different ways to do it. We could add a color overlay, but that's going to cause some issues with the way I want to set this up so what I'm going to actually do is change the actual color of it. I'll go over here to my foreground color and I'm going to pick a brighter red. I'll click Okay and then if we Command or Control on a PC and click on the Thumbnail, it's going to select every little piece of that pattern that we just made. Now again, holding Option or Alt and then clicking Delete, it's going to add that foreground to that layer. All I did there is I changed the color of it from black to red. It may sound more complicated than it is. Now, what we need to do is to get this pattern to be mast. It's pretty easy. All we're going to do is we're going to hold down the Option or Alt key on a PC and we're just going to select right between this design layer and this texture layer. As you can seen now, what it's done is the only part of the design artwork that's showing through is where the texture is on this artwork. The in-between is actually the dark burgundy that we made our background and we can go ahead and call that background so we don't get confused. That's the basic of the entire design already. That is as easy as it can be and you can set it up like this now and you can change the design to be whatever you want. That's a pretty good, ugly Christmas sweater pattern and you could be set and done, but I'll take it just a little step further and I'll show you how to make the fibers look a tiny bit more realistic. I also wanted to show you a couple examples of why I'm doing certain things the way I am. 3. More Pattern Sizes & Effects: I find that the mosaic works really well because as you can see, each weaver piece of this knit fabric is actually each color. I like that it's much more realistic because if you were actually knitting a design, it's not easy to knit a super detail thing. That's why the more detailed it gets, you'll start to lose some of those details. But what you also could do if you wanted to use this little eyeball right here, if we click that, it's going to turn off mosaic. If we zoom out here, you can see that obviously the artwork has a lot more crisp. It's a lot easier to see. The only difference being that now you can see that the artwork kind of cuts randomly through each piece of the wave. It's not as realistic technically, if you were actually knitting this, it couldn't be done this way. If you think that looks better because it's crisper and your design is more unaffected then that's great. But I like to keep this mosaic on just because even though it looks really bad now by comparison, it's just more realistic and you just have to think about what you're designing when you're going to use something for this. Before I change up some of these designs, I want to go in here and just play with this texture a little bit. We're going to double-click on the layer here and that'll bring up our layer styles. Go ahead and check Bevel and Emboss, and you can see right away that it's adding some depth, that's adding some shadows and some highlights. I've already got this pre-set up pretty close to where I want there. I'm using an inner bevel as you can see, smooth and you can see all these adjustments here and the main thing is I'm keeping my opacity of the multiply and the highlight fairly low, the shadow is pretty low and both highlight. Now from here we can add a texture if you'd like. You can play with that to see. It's a bit hard to see when you're up close. Maybe what I'll do is I will zoom out, hit that bevel and emboss, then hit that texture again. Now you can probably see it. I don't know whether it'll pick up well in the video, but there is a texture being applied to it. That's nice to allow it to have a little bit more of a realistic look. I'm going to go in here and double-click again. Now there's a few different ways you could do it, but I'm going to add a little shadow. It doesn't need to be quite that dark. But I wanted to set off these fibers from the background a little bit. You can go crazy and you can add some gradients or something like that if you want them to be really subtle, or you'll play around with the inner shadows. You can play around basically with any of these settings, so feel free to do that if you want to try. But what I did there just makes it look a tiny bit more realistic. At this point, like I said, our affects basically are already done. But what I want to do is recreate this effect in different sizes. Because the design that you have may look at it this, but this is a more detailed at a ten pixel. But if you have a really simple design and you're blowing that up big, you may want to be able to see those fibers better. If we zoom out like this, you're not going to be able to see them that well. The effect isn't quite as obvious. What we're going to do basically is duplicate both of these files. I'm holding Shift and I'm selecting both and I hit Command J or Control J on a PC to duplicate. Now I'm going to Shift and click both of them and hit Command G again Control and that is going to make it a group. We're going to call this the ten pixels. Now, it's pretty easy to change it. If we go back over to our pattern file that I still have open, I can simply go to image, image size and instead of ten pixel by ten pixel, I'm going to change it to 15 by 15. I'm going to go the same steps again, edit, define pattern and this time we're going to call it 15 pixel sweater. Click "Okay". Now when we go back in here, this is pretty easy, so we're going to go ahead and group those, call this 15 pixels and we're going to hide that ten pixel one. Then selecting your texture copy, we're going to go Command A, Control A in the PC and just hit Delete. That's going to delete that texture temporarily. Go back over to our paint bucket tool, and now our select the next one again, if you hover over it, it'll say the 15 pixel. Paint it in and hopefully you remembering all these steps, but it's good to repeat this a couple times just so you remember, we're going to command click here. I'm going to fill out what the red by hitting option delete. We've already got the mask set up nicely. Now, if you zoom in here, you're going to notice that this isn't line up well with the actual pieces of net. We want to double-click on that mosaic and we want the cell size to match the pixel size of the pattern so we'll change that to 15. As you can see, it's 15 now, of course this is again a look worse and worse quality the larger we get. But that's okay because I'm making these for other designs. I'll show you the differences when we get to that step. Basically what I'm going to do is just duplicate that 15 pixel version and we're going to make it 20 pixel version. That'll be it. You can go on and make larger and larger ones, but I think that's good enough to show you the examples. Again, we're selecting that Command A, Delete, Command D. By the way, to deselect I might have skipped over that the first time there. Then we're going to go to the pattern brush. Put in our new one Command click, option Delete and there we go is our 20 and we want to double-click that mosaic tell at 20 and there it is. We'll change that to say, 20 pixels. We've got the three set-up now, 10, 15, 20. You can see 20, you're losing a lot of detail, but the fibers are literally large. Of course 15, they're a little smaller, a little better detail and ten they're quite small and a lot more detail. That's the differences. Now what I'd like to do just to make it easy for you is I'm going to duplicate this design one more time. I'm going to put it to the top, just drag it to the very top. We're going to drag this now I filter down to the trash can that's going to get rid of all those. We're just going to write your design up here. Now you don't have to actually go into these effects anymore. They're all going to be pre-set up for you. Again, we're going to hit save of course and all I have to do is double-click on your design and you can change it in here. 4. Other Designs: We're going to minimize that and we're going to bring in a new image. I just got this image off of, so you can get it. I can put the link. As you see, designed by and just type in Christmas, but I can link it for you guys as well. What I'm going to do is just using my marquee tool, I'm going to cover that up. Option click there and Command A, Command C, so I'm copying it, enclose this pattern now. We're going to go into the design and hit "Paste". Center that to roughly where you want, and we'll just call this Santa's Sleigh. Now if you hit "Save", it's going to automatically update here. Again, this is your design, so we actually want to hide that. Let's start with the 10 pixel so you can seen that it's automatically updated, the 15, and the 20. You can just go by the design that you think looks the coolest. In this case, in a lot of these more detailed ones, you're going to want the 10 pixel or something along those size. But now we'll go ahead and we'll grab a design that's a little more simple so I can show you a time that you may want the larger ones. Again, I'm just copying this over from Illustrator because I've had this predesigned and I'll supply you with these files as well. Not the freepik one because I didn't create those and you can just download them, but these ones that I did make. We'll go ahead and we'll enlarge this pretty big. I'm going to center there. Hit "Enter" and save. Now if we go back, this is an example of the design is so large that now you want the larger size, the 15 or maybe even the 20. See the tiny looks pretty good. As long as your detail is really minimal and your design is pretty big, that's when you're going to get away with that 20 pixel look. It's pretty cool. Then you can easily swap in a different photo. This time, we're going to use another one from freepik. I'm going to option double-click hear. We're just going to use our one tool to select all this white, delete it. Then our marquee tool, which is M on your keyboard, get rid of that. One more time, we'll just click into this base and delete some of that. I also have contiguous turned off. Basically what that means is that it's grabbing this color anywhere in the image rather than just at that spot. Again, hit "Delete". We're copying this over. I like to just hide these in case you want to bring them back afterwards, but we'll just hit "Paste" here. Let's pull that up nice and big. This shows you that you can get a pretty realistic look too, and there you go. This one is going to be tough as you get into those big pixels, but you get the idea there. Now another thing you can add to your effect too when you're doing photos that you want, if they're fairly realistic to start with, you may want to minimize the colors in them. Let's go back to that 10 pixel one. We're just going to open this up. This is an option that you could add as an extra filter. We'll go to image, and we'll go to adjustments, and then we'll go down to posterize. Basically what it's going to allow is you just to take out some of the colors. The hire it is, the more colors it's going to have, but that's what I had before, a ton of colors. We can simplify it just a little bit, maybe eight colors thing. Then it's going to look a lot better as a knit pattern because you don't want it too detailed. Of course, you can apply the same effect to this as well. Put eight in there. Then the other thing, having those on doesn't hurt either because you can always just hide them at any point. I think the 20 pixels is going to look too big and ridiculous on this one. That's the basic process with the hole class; nice and simple, pretty easy and straightforward. We'll go back and I'll show you my final design that I used for the class project. Although I'm going to do it in a different save size, so it's not going to fit this quite as well, but this is my polar beared. I had that Christmas pattern. That's basically the look that I went. I used the 10 pixel because as you can see, it gets a little bit crazy and it loses a lot of detail here in the eyes. You can definitely get away with the 15, but yeah, hopefully you guys enjoyed the class. Nice and simple. We'll go back to our ugly Christmas sweater pattern. I'm going to make this all available for you to download. If you even want to, I can make the actual PSD available too so that you don't have to actually go through all these steps. But I do think it's important to actually try them yourself rather than just use the file because once you have that mussel memory gets in your head and makes you definitely a better designer and it'll also just get you that much more comfortable with using Photoshop. If it's something you haven't used before, you've probably never maid a pattern that's not a really common beginner step. Hopefully, you learned a couple of things. I'm just going to go to the next video with a quick goodbye. 5. Outro: Okay, thank you so much for taking the class. I know this one was nice and easy and simple, maybe too simple for some of you. Definitely in the new year, I'll be back with some little more detailed and a little more complicated classes. But I'm always looking for different topics to see what you'd be interested in creating or trying out. So if you have any ideas, definitely shoot me an email at Or of course you can get to me on all social media @jonbrommet, J-O-N, there is no H in that puppy. But anyway, you get the idea, so hopefully you enjoyed the class. I appreciate it very very much. Make sure please to give it a thumbs up, that's super important for getting the class to trend really well. Just to show you again where I got these, I just went to I simply typed in Christmas tree in the search, and it was the second one that showed up for me. Also at, I type in Christmas and it wasn't too hard to find, it's just a few over write here. So those are the images that I used. You can definitely use any images you want. You could try using some cartoon, stuff like this. Of course, if you have Adobe Illustrator, these are all vectors, so you can actually bring them in, delete the sample tags, put your own thing in there or just get rid of that bar altogether, change the background. I didn't talk a ton about what works well, I try to use minimal colors and delete your background when bringing it in, those are going to be your most effective for your ugly Christmas sweater and of course, you can change the background colors and the knit colors to anything you want. So instead of the darker red and the lighter red, you can go with greens or blues or any other color you want to use, of course. You can follow me as well @jonbrommet, like I said, on social media. Otherwise you can go to This is the hub of all my good stuff which will link you to Twitter and Instagram and all that good stuff. Also, if you go over to my shop, it'll open this page hear on Etsy and you can order some awesome pins and stickers, and I don't even known what else I make, patches and prints and pendants and all good stuff. That's it. There you go. There's my Instagram. I'm definitely the most active on Instagram, I'm on Dribble and all that good stuff too, but Instagram's the best, so get on me there. That's it. Merry Christmas. Thank you all. Thanks for a great 2016 and I'll definitely seen you all in the new year. Give me that thumbs up and say hello. That's it. Bye. 6. A Message From Future Jon: Wait, one more thing, I'm adding this. This is Future Jon Brommet talking to you. I hope you enjoyed the class that you just watched. Some of these classes have been recorded a few years ago. I just wanted to give a little up to date on what I'm doing now. You can see that I've put out a ton of classes potentially from the class that you just watched as you may have been watching one of my older classes. So if you go over to my profile, you can click it somewhere on the Skillshare website or go to It's spelled just like that with no h, just J-O-N. You'll see here I've got things broken down in my newest classes. This may even look slightly different for you because I'm putting out classes once a month right now. I've got my most popular classes, illustration, efficiency in Illustrator, Photoshop stuff, and then all of my other classes. Make sure that if it's not already selected, you click See More to see the rest of it. So many different classes. I hope you guys will be inspired to learn lots more and hopefully you're enjoying my classes and want to see more. If that's not enough, I'm @jonbrommet on Instagram. You can check out my Instagram as well to know what I'm doing. I post all my new artwork there and of course to let you know when I'm doing new Skillshare stuff. I've started a YouTube channel where I put short videos that are instructional. I obviously advertise a bit of my Skillshare class. But short videos that I can't really put a whole-class out, I put here on YouTube. I even do things like have conversations with other teachers, like Tabitha Park, plan to do that stuff more often. If you head over too, I've newly updated my website. I have a digital shop where you can grab my pro-create brushes or other things like that. On top of seeing at my different portfolio elements and things like that, I've also got a Etsy shop, which I'll click here and it would open this. So you can buy all of my pins and different art things that I've created. I will ship them to you from me. I've gotten them all produced here in my home and they look awesome and I know that they're cool. I just recently started a Threadless shop, which you could click here. Of course, this is about and Skillshare and contact. Everything's linked from my website. This new Threadless shop has all my match that can be printed on demand on a really weirdly wild variety of things like other. Let's just click one of these things here. It's going to open a T-shirt, but let's just say maybe instead of a T-shirt you wanted a duvet cover or shower curtains. Why wouldn't you want those things? I don't know. Anyway, I've got lots of different things going on. If you like what I'm doing and please check out more of it and I'll keep making more things. Thanks, everyone. Bye bye.