Typetastic! Creating "Dirty" Type in Photoshop | Khara Plicanic | Skillshare

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Typetastic! Creating "Dirty" Type in Photoshop

teacher avatar Khara Plicanic, Photographer, Designer, Adobe Educator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Did You Know?


    • 2.

      Load Up on Fonts


    • 3.

      Stylistic Alternates


    • 4.

      The New Patterns Panel


    • 5.

      Brushes You Likely Didn't Know You Had


    • 6.



    • 7.

      More Painting


    • 8.

      Even More Painting


    • 9.

      Adding Realsim


    • 10.

      That's a Wrap!


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About This Class

In this short course we'll create some type that appears to be made of dirt. Along the way you'll learn tricks for working with type, brushes, and adjustment layers.

So roll up your sleeves and be ready to get your hands "dirty!"

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Khara Plicanic

Photographer, Designer, Adobe Educator

Top Teacher

A professional photographer and designer for more than 20 years, Khara's a natural born teacher who's been sharing inspiration & know-how with fellow creatives around the world for nearly two decades. Her fun and approachable teaching style has earned her rave reviews on global platforms including CreativeLive and AdobeMax and she's honored to be a regular presenter at CreativePro, Photoshop Virtual Summits, and DesignCuts Live. She's authored several books with Peachpit and Rockynook publishers, been a featured speaker at a local TEDx event, and regularly creates content for CreativePro, PixelU, My Photo Artistic Life, and more.

When Khara's not making futile attempts at reclaiming hard drive space or searching the sofa cushions for a runaway Wacom pen, she can be fo... See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. Did You Know?: Ah, there's a lot to be excited about in the newest release of Adobe Photoshopped 2020 from the ability to make even more intelligence selections to a whole slew of new panels, there is something for everyone. But there's one feature that I think is super fighting, and I don't hear a lot of other people talking about it. And that's the fact that Creative Cloud subscribers now have thousands of commercial professional leagues of buying bonds at their fingers, thousands of nothing to buy, nothing to download, nothing to solve. Just click and you're ready to go to work your project for the class to divine a piece of typographic artwork using a font that is new to you. Join me in the course, and I will show you where to find all this goodness and some inspiring ways to put it to you. 2. Load Up on Fonts: of all the new and exciting features in Photoshopped 2020 1 of the things that I think most people are overlooking is the fact that creative cloud subscribers now have access to thousands of commercial funds available through adobe funds. So let's take a look at where we find these and how we can activate them to start using them in our divine. So here, voter shop, we're going to start by grabbing the type tool and up here in the control panel where we are used to going to selecting our funds were gonna click the drop down right there and you can see a list of fonts here. What we're looking for is over here in the right corner, where it says more from adobe fonts and there's a little creative cloud icon right here. So we're gonna click on that, and that's gonna bring us over into Adobe Fonts, which was previously called Type Kit. And it operated differently. So they've made some really cool improvements and rebranded it, and you get commercial usage rights for all these fonts. You can use them in all your different projects. There's no limit on how many you can use and how many places it can appear. And it's pretty awesome. You can browse fonts for your projects in all different ways. So over here on the left, you can search by classifications. You can search by recommendations for body copy, or maybe for headlines. You can come down here and search by properties, and you can even search for support in various languages. So you can definitely have some fun browsing all of this. I happen to know the typeface that I'm gonna be using for this example. So I'm just going to type it in right here. And it's called Memoriam. So I'm going to do assert, and that'll take us straight to it. So here it shows us the memoriam family. And if I click on that, it's going to show that it comes in four different flavors. So we have headline in line outline and just pro regular. So all we had to dio to get this on our system is activated previously, and the way that other funds are used, you have to actually download something onto your system, and then you have to install and activate it, and that all you know, takes time and, uh, effort. But now, in creative cloud right here in the Adobe Fonts website, all you have to do is look for the little activate slider, so mine's already active. But without that, if we turn that off, it just says, activate four funds And once you do that click to activate it, you just wait a beat. And then that font will magically appear on your system, ready to use in all your designs. And that's of literally it. You click, you activate and you're ready to go. That's pretty amazing. Joined me in the next lesson, and I'm going to show you exactly how we'll find this font and put it to use for our project. 3. Stylistic Alternates: So now that we've gone to the Adobe Fonts website and found the font we wanted to use and clicked to activate it, let's see if we can find it here in a photo shop. So I've still got my type too active going to come back up to the control panel up here and I can click to select a typeface. Now, if you are like me and you forget like, whatever, just download one of the cool things that you can dio. And this is not new, but maybe it is to you. You can filter your type so you can find things to be favorites or right here. If you click this little button and topple this on and off, this will show you your creative cloud funds. So when I click to filter here, I can scroll down and see. Oh, yeah, Memoriam is what we're looking for. So I'm gonna grab memoriam pro headline and that's it. Now we are ready to use this fun, So let's take a look at it. So I'm going Teoh type the word grow, and I'm going to scale that up so you may have to hold shift or not depending on your preferences. And I've got this here pretty large and that looks great. So one of the things that I really like about this typeface and one of the reasons why I chose it for this project is that it comes with a number of stylistic alternates. So if you're not familiar with that, get ready to have your breath taken away with the type tool active. I'm going to click and drag to highlight the first letter here, and you can see that this fly out menu appears. And that's because this font is coated with what's called stylistic alternates. And because of that, I can select any letter by just highlighting it here. And then it's gonna bring this window that pops up and shows me my different alternatives for that letter. So, for example, I could have a lower case G that looks like this. Or I could have one that looks like that. Or it could have one that's all fancy like that, but doesn't have the little, I guess, here on the top. So there's a lot of different options, and you can see that this little carry it right here. This arrow. If I click on that, that will pop open the glitz panel, which you can also always find by coming up to the window menu and choosing blips. The glitz panels gonna show me the same thing, and it's showing me alternates for this selection. But let's say that we're looking at this and I'm like, Maybe I should have used the capital G here, one of my capital. Jeez, look like Well, then I can click this drop down, and instead of showing me the alternates for the selection, I'm gonna look for the entire fund. And if I scroll up to the capital letters, we see that the Capital G's are right here. And there's one that looks like this so I can just double click to replace it. And now I'm seeing the fly out for the Capital G, and I see that there is one that has an extra fancy little flourish here. So that's the one that I'm gonna go with. When I'm happy with that, I can click OK, and I should point out that Amy typeface you're using, even if it's not coated where the stylistic alternates pop up in this little fly out panel . It may still have stylistic alternates, and you can always check at any time by just going to the window menu and select Engl ifs. And then you can type in the name of the font that you want to check right here and then scroll to see what your options are. I'm going to approve this and maybe make it a little bit larger, and I think we'll be ready to go join me in the next lesson where we're gonna add some special effects to this type using photo shops New pattern panel. 4. The New Patterns Panel: in front of Stop 2020. Adobe has taken patterns as we've known them and given them a panel of their own. So let's take a look at where to find it. Under the window menu, you will find patterns, and there's a number of sets here, and what's really cool is previously, whenever you wanted to manage patterns or, like make new sets or move them around and reorganize, we organize them. You had to do it in the preset manager, which, honestly, it was kind of fumble E and cumbersome. So in the new Patterns panel, it's really easy to just drag and drop and move things around in a way that you would expect. This particular pattern that we are looking for does not exist in the new version of Photoshopped 2020. It is a legacy pattern, so to find it, we're going to click the panel menu right here, and we're going to choose legacy patterns and more, and you'll see that that adds a folder right here, legacy patterns and more. And if we expand that folder, we'll see that there's 2019 patterns and there's legacy patterns, and this one that we're looking for is in the 2019 pattern set, and you'll see that there is a whole folder of dirt patterns. So I'm going to click to expand that. And we have three choices here, and the one that I'm going to apply is this 1st 1 right here, this dark choice. So all I have to do is click, and you can see that this pattern gets applied as in effect, to this type layer. Okay, so let's take a look here. If I zoom in on the type you can see now that instead of just black type, it is filled with dirt. So if I hide this effect, we see black type, and if I click to reveal the effect, we see dirt, and that's pretty awesome. So again, we just clicked here and it applied the pattern to the type. Now what we want to do to add a lot more realism to this is actually make it look dirty. So to do that, I want to create an additional instance of this pattern. So for the second instance of the dirt pattern, I want it to be in a layer of its own. In other words, I don't want it to just be applied as an effect to the type right here. I wanted to just have its own layer. So to do that, instead of just clicking with the type player selected, I'm gonna actually click and drag this thumbnail into the layers panel and just drop it and you'll see that now it's creates a pattern Phil Adjustment layer, and it decided, Teoh, attach it to this folder right here. And that's not what I want. So I'm gonna click and drag to just make it be its own layer right here, right above the type lair. So you'll see now that the dirt is covering our entire graphic, and that's not quite what I want. This is the layer mask right here that comes with it as an adjustment layer, and by default. This layer mask is white, so it's not masking anything. So in preparation for the next step, we are going to convert those layer mask from a blank layer mask a white one to a black mask. In other words, we're going to hide the entire dirt layer pattern that we've just added. So to fill this with black, there's a number of ways to do it. But let's just choose Edit Phil and we'll tooth black. And now this is hidden. So we're not seeing any of this layer that we just added, and that's okay. We're gonna change that in a minute and down below. We've got the type player with another instance of that same dirt pattern applied. So one type player, two instances of the dirt pattern. And in the next lesson, I'm going to show you why we've done it that way. 5. Brushes You Likely Didn't Know You Had: Okay. So to really add this dirty realism to our image, we are going to be using some brushes. And you can use any brush that you like. You can If you're very familiar with brushes. You can customize pretty much any brush to achieve the look that we're going for here. But if you are a creative cloud subscriber, you can also download the most amazing brush pack for free from the genius that is Kyle T. Webster. So let me show you how to do that. And then in the next video, we'll start painting. So to download this tremendous brush pack, you're going to select your brush tool. So press be for the brush tool and come up in the control panel up here and you can see where Right here. It tells me I've got a soft round brush with a pixel radius of 125. And if I click this little drop down and I come out to this huge panel menus gear option over here, I click on that and I choose get more brushes that is going to bring me to this amazing collection. And the latest releases a summer 2019 brushes, so you would click download here and you get this incredible brush pack, I'll just show you, like what All you get. You get all of these so you can download each pack separately if for some reason you don't want them all. But I would just say down with the whole thing because they're all amazing. And if you're a subscriber, they're free. So get those downloaded and then to install them. You would just go back to your brush panel bracket here gear here, and then you could just choose, import and go to wherever it is that you saved them on your system and they'll be available here. So join me in the next lesson, and I'm gonna show you how to take all these cool brushes and get your hands dirty. 6. Painting: So now that you've either customized your brush, you brush maven you or you've downloaded and installed the Kyle Webster brush pack that's free for Creative Cloud subscribers. We are ready to dig in and get dirty. First things first. Let's rename this layer over here that we've called pattern fill one. Let's rename that and call it dirt. We've already got some dirt applied directly to our type right down here. But this is the layer that we're going to edit to make it actually look like the letters are made of dirt and not just filled with a dirt pattern. Okay, so we want to be sure that the pattern layer now cult dirt, is actually selected. And even more than that, we want to make sure that it's not the thumbnail here of the pattern itself that selected. We want to actually click to select the layer mask, and now we're ready to grab a paint brush and paint on it. So I'm gonna make sure I have my brush tool active, and I'll come up here into the control panel. And right now I just have a general soft, round brush. But if we look down below we see all these different folders. So these are all the different sets of Kyle's brushes that I've installed. So if you've only installed some, you'll just have those. Or if you installed the whole pack, the whole set, you should have several different folders here and you can play with these. I really encourage you to experiment because these brushes air fantastic. But for this tutorial, I'm gonna be using the spatter brush is So I'm gonna open up that folder here, and the one that I'm gonna choose is actually called Landscaper one. And that makes sense. Were working with dirt, So wouldn't you know, this one works really well, so I'm gonna double click to both select it and close that brush panel, and then I'm going to use the left and right bracket keys on my keyboard. Those are the bracket keys next to the letter p for popcorn or for paint, I guess, and I'll make my brush quite small, and I'm gonna zoom in so we can see what I'm doing. And I'm just gonna essentially scribble over the edge of the brush. So are the types. So type, of course, is vector and in this case, this type has very clean, crisp, perfectly, beautifully curved edges. And if this was actually made of dirt, it wouldn't be that pristine. So I'm basically messing it up. So again, painting with white paint, we want to make sure we're on that dirt pattern layer and that the layer mask itself is selected and painting with white paint. We're going to get this effect now. If you're trying some of Kyle's other brushes, you should know that some of his brushes are actually smudge tools. Some of them are erasers. Some of them are set with the blend mode up here in the control panel. Some of them are set to different blend modes. So if you're trying to paint with them and you're not seeing anything, check those things. So you may have to change the blend mode to normal in order to paint with it on a mask, etcetera. So this process can be tedious, as you are seeing, so I'm going to just work away on this, and then I will speed it up so you can see it in fast action. And you don't have to watch all of this with me, and I will see you on the flip side. My main goal here is that I just want to basically obscure these perfectly crisp edges because that's just not how it would look if this was actually made of dirt. What's kind of fun about this is you can take some liberty with the character designs. So, for example, if I want to put a little dollop on the end of this, I can. So my apologies to the type designer, but I have some fun with it. I'm going to skip this. Oh, here, because I know that I'm gonna cover it in my final designs. You won't actually see the letter O. But if you are not, then obviously make that. Oh, dirty. I'm not gonna worry about trying to add a lot of dirt right now. Just wanting Teoh literally take the edge off that perfect clean edge. I don't want to get rid of that. In the next video. We are going to make this dirt even dirtier. I hope you'll join me 7. More Painting: in this video, we are going to take that dirt and get it even more dirty. So the first thing we're gonna do just toe give ourselves a point of return if we want to go back and try something different Ah, we're going to duplicate this layer. So when the press commander control J and that's going to make another copy of this pattern with the mask and I'm gonna rename this so double click to rename it more dirt. So we've got dirt and more dirt, and we can use that same brush if we want again. Make sure we are on the more dirt layer and we've selected the mask and not the pattern. And maybe now we make that brush a little bit larger and get a little sloppier with it. In some places, don't be afraid to experiment. Maybe you need to break. Make your brush smaller. Maybe it's bigger. And I like to think about two. Like if I was actually working with dirt to make these letters, where might the letters or the dirt? Where might they spill? A little more parts of it might be really clean, and then parts of it might be dirtier. Another thing we can do is try another brush. So this was the landscaper brush. Another one that I have found works really well. Iss these down here. Now it's hard to see if I may be Zoom. I never know which is the best here. We're now we can maybe read them, but there's one's called spatter bots and they're spanner bots. Batter bought BC spatter bought larger spider but tilt I mean, you know, have at it. I'm gonna just double click and select spatter bought, See? And maybe I just kind of use this around some of these edges to just make them a little bit messier. I'm skipping the Oh, but you know you might not. So that is spatter about C. Um, maybe I'm gonna go back, Teoh. Either that landscape one or this asteroid bell is pretty good too. So if I double click that this is one of those brushes where it's by default, the blend mode is set to multiply, which is great if you're painting with ink. But in this case, we're painting with white on a layer mask. So multiplies gonna get us nothing. Nothing is going to happen. So I'm going to switch this to normal and make my brush quite a bit smaller. And now I can just kind of rough up these edges a little more so kind of the same thing. I'm just roughing it up a little more sloppy this time. A little bit less careful and, you know, experiment with the brush size and what you feel like gives you the best. Look, if you make a mistake, remember that you can just press X on your keyboard to exchange the white for the black. So if I paint over any of this stuff with black, it will start to go away. And just to see my work, I'm going to turn this layer on and off so we can see that we've got the dirt. But then we've got the more dirt. So I think that's looking pretty good. And now, in the next lesson, we will finalize the dirt to really bring this design home. 8. Even More Painting: All right, So this is gonna be our final dirt layer again. We are going to give ourself a give ourselves a return point if we want it. So I'm gonna duplicate this layer by pressing Commander Control J. And I'll call this one even more dirt. So we've got dirt, more dirt and even more dirt. And in this layer again, make sure you have activated the layer mask itself, not the pattern thumbnail, and always stick with e spatter baht brush for right now. And I'm just going to start painting around over here. So if I present hold, I get in effect like this. And if I just dab sort of around, I get obviously like spatter. So that's spatter bought. And another brush that's helped helpful here. Is that asteroid one. Now, remember, the asteroid won by default goes to multiply blend mode, and if you switch brushes, it will reset to that. So we've got a comeback and switch it to normal, and this is the one that really ends up looking like rocks a little bit. So I'm gonna kind of just dab it all around here. And if you get carried away, you can always switch to black paint and brush it away. Or you can just press commander Control Z and undo it. So I'm gonna kind of just get this out here. Andi, maybe stamp around a little bit on the letters. Maybe around this Oh, that I'm going to be covering up. Maybe I want to put some dirt. Not sure what all will show there, but some of that may be And I'm gonna switch toe white and brush this away cause I'm not like in that back to black. Really put in some dirt here, Onda. Finally, there is an option here called dusty bits. So there's a brush cold, dusty bits. I'm gonna double click to select it and close the panel. And then with this one, I'm just gonna clicks. I'm not dragging. Although you could gonna just kind of spatter around with it a little bit so we can see that it is dirty. So I'm adding a lot of little spatter bits around the dirt here, so we've kind of got some bigger rocks and then, as you might expect, like along with the bigger rocks or right in front of it would be some smaller little dirt crumbles. Okay, So when we are happy with how this is looking, feeling pretty good about it, then, um, we'll finish it off. And in this case, I have just added a couple of plants to add some realism and interest to the final piece. So there you have it. Our final dirt layer we've got. Let's just review here. We've got dirt. Well, before that, even we've got the dirt inside the letters. Then we've added another layer of dirt, more dirt and finally even more dirt. So I think that about does it for the dirt. And I think this piece is looking pretty good. 9. Adding Realsim: one final touch to really make this image pop and add one last bit of realism to it is to add some drop shadows. So if this dirt were actually laying on this white surface, we would see some kind of shadow somewhere. So the way that you might choose to do this will depend on your image. But in my case, because I have this flower right here and this bull with the flowers right here and we can see that these items are casting a shadow. I'm going to try to make a similar shadow come from the dirt. So I'm going to start with the first dirt layer. So in the layers panel, I'll just click to select it. And then at the bottom of the layers panel, I'll click to add a effect, and I will choose drop shadow. The settings that you choose here are going to really depend on your image, the size of your image, and you know what kind of lighting source you are trying to match. So if I turn up the opacity here so we can really just Seacon see this and I adjust the distance, I don't want to make it look like the dirt's floating. We want it really close to the surface because the dirt is not tall and it's not floating above the surface. It's right on the surface. So I'm gonna keep the distance low on leave the spread set to zero, and the size has to do with the size of the light source. So a larger light source is going to create a softer shadow. And in this case, the shadow is pretty soft, weak and see down here for this reference in the image. But it's I mean, the dirt is right on the surface, so it's just not gonna create this huge, big soft shadow. So I'm going to keep that pretty pretty low as well, maybe four pixels. So if we zoom in on this, you can see that is, it's pretty subtle, and I'm going to dial this opacity down quite a bit because I just it doesn't need to be so strong. So maybe something about like, like that. Okay, And then once you're happy with that, duplicating this effect on the other two dirt layers is as easy as holding down the altar or option key. While you click and drag the drop shadow and drop it on this layer, and then I'll repeat that by holding alter option, clicking and dragging it to add it to the even more dirt layer. So now all three of these dirt layers have the same drop shadow setting applied to it. If you want to toggle the effects on and off so you can see the difference it made, you can just toggle right here next to the effects. And there we see the image with no drop shadows, and here it is with the shadows again. So I think it really adds a nice touch to our final image. 10. That's a Wrap!: So there you have it. We have taken advantage of a couple of cool new features in Adobe Photoshopped 2020. The fact that subscribers have access to thousands of commercial fonts, which is amazing and adobes added some cool things like the pattern panel. So I hope you've enjoyed the lesson. And, as always, join the party, let me see what you are making. You can always tag me at K Palatinate. And if you want to stay on top of all the different tutorials that I'm making and cool freebies that I like to give away to subscribers, you can join my mailing list over at Carrow palatinate dot com. I hope that this lesson inspires you to roll up your sleeve and get dirty so that you, too, can grow your photo shot skills. Things were watching and I will see you next time.