Turn Your Scraps into New Fabric | Rawyah Sami | Skillshare

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Turn Your Scraps into New Fabric

teacher avatar Rawyah Sami, Quilter

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      What you will need


    • 3.

      By hand


    • 4.

      By machine


    • 5.

      Projects and Thanks


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About This Class

Textile recycling is gaining more popularity and attracting more attention in the last years. And in this class i'll share with you a few ways to recycle your scraps by layering and turning them into new fabrics. These new scrappy fabrics can be used in making bags, pouches, pillow cases and many other things. 

The class begins by showing you samples of fabric made from scraps. Then, I'll share with you what you need to make this fabric.

There are two methods for making scrap fabric:

  1. by hand 
  2. by machine. 

Each method has its own beauty and you will find that one method might suit your style more than the other. However, I encourage you to try both.

Finally, I will share with you 3 projects which were made using scrap fabrics.

Meet Your Teacher

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Rawyah Sami



Hello! My name is Rawyah and I am a fabric lover. I make quilts and sew bags. Recently I became interested in finding ways to recycle and reuse fabric leftovers. And on my Skillshare channel, I will share these ideas with you, plus other sewing projects and techniques. Thank you for following me. 

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1. Introduction: Hello and welcome to this class. My name is at all you, I'm long gone. Coulter, ABEG maker and a pattern designer. Iso almost every day and every day I end up with many scraps, which I then store in baskets. I then recycle and reuse these scraps and different projects. In this class, I'll share with you a simple way to turn your scraps into new fabric. I'll show you how to do this by hand and by sewing machine. You can use this new fabric that you've made from scraps and sewing many things, such as this book cover, which I've shown from scrap fabric. So let me show you how to do this. Let us start. 2. What you will need: Here is what we will need to turn scraps into fabric. First, we will need fabric leftovers of all shapes, colors, and sizes. The scraps that you see in this basket or leftovers of quilts and bags that I've made. In this plastic bag, I keep leftovers of applicant projects. And as you can tell, diffusible web is still on the back of the fabrics. If you would like your scrap fabric to have more coordination or harmony, use mini charm packs. These are bundles of fabric that are 2.5 inches wide. And our soul at quote, shops, we will also need y to Muslim fabric. This will be our base or our foundation fabric, which we will build our scraps on. We will also need a rotary cutter, scissors cutting mat, and pins. For this project, I have used several kinds of pins while making the fabric. The butterfly pins wear my favorite because they lay flat. And also you can use an all-purpose white glue. We will also need pro cotton thread of any color. White is my favorite forehand selling. And of course we will need a suitable hand sewing needle. When sewing machine, we will use different spools of thread. I use polyester thread and most of my sewing projects. And black thread is my favorite for sewing scrap fabric. And finally, we will need a sewing machine. 3. By hand: Let us begin with scrap fabric made by hand. Take a square face fabric and laid on your mat. Take your scrap fabric and start layering the pieces on the base. The goal is to cover the whole base completely with scraps. I pick a piece and treat it as a hut cookie out of the oven. As soon as I see a white spot, I put this crap on it to cover it. Of course, you can arrange and rearrange the pieces of scraps as you like until you are happy with the layout. When the whole white bass is covered and you are done arranging the scraps, it's time to pin them in place. I am using butterfly pins because they are my favorite and they lay flat on the surface. Now let us start sewing this crops with Perl cotton thread. As I said before, I like white cotton thread with hand sewing. So I'll use it here to make this fabric. I'll start by tying a knot. And then, so the first row, I moved to a different table to show the process from a better angle. So you can see I'm doing a simple running stitch. I'm trying to make my stitches the same length, but at the same time, I do not want them to be perfect. If that makes sense. For me, the imperfection adds more interest to the scrappy fabric. Every time I reached the end of the rough stitches, I turn the piece around and start a new row. Repositioning your pins every time you feel the need to and continue sewing. When making scrap fabric by hand, I like to listen to audio books or watch movies. Or sometimes I just like to enjoy the process and the calm and quiet that this hand stitching brings to me. This method of making scrap fabric by hand is inspired by the Japanese patchwork known as what a bottle or just a for short, the word bottle means tattered or repaired. This is also known as miserable amending. Lessons on farmers in the old times used to meant they're close by layering patches over tears. With time, more tears would happen and more patches would be layered on top of tears and on top of patches. Peasants and farmers would keep repeating this repairing and mentoring process over generations until no one can tell what is the original fabric and the patchwork. And that's how a new form of textile was introduced to the world. And here's the finished piece of my new fabric. This is the front, and here is the back. And here's another piece I made the same way, but I was more creative when stitching. I tried different stitches of Sachiko. And you can see that I've used different colors of thread. And here is a closer look. And on this third and final piece, I didn't minimal stitching on the edges of each patch. 4. By machine: Now let us make scrap fabric by machine. This is a much faster process than by hand. So we will make for scrapped fabrics. Here are two samples of scrap fabric that I've made earlier. I made those two samples from lift over applicant fabrics. They were leftovers from a quote, but I've made a few years back. I'll start first by running the base fabric. So for the first fabric, I will use leftover uppercase scraps. I make lots of applicant projects throughout the year and I never throw away the scraps. I just store them in a plastic bag to use later. I start by peeling the feasible paper from the back of each scrap fabric. I place it on the base fabric and iron and place. And as you can see, I'm taking random colors and placing them with edges overlapping. If you'd like, you can be more meticulous and picking your scraps. For example, you can pick scraps that are old flowery fabrics or all stripes. They can be old booze or pinks. Or you can be just random as I am and make your own fabric without a plan. It's up to you. And here I finished irony all the pieces in place and making sure that all the base fabric is covered. And here's the second fabric. And I'm making this fabric with applicant leftovers to it is so fast and easy. For third fabric, I am using scraps from bags and quilt projects. There is no adhesive on the back of these scraps. I'm just ironing the scrapped, remove the wrinkles and then placing them on the base fabric. Now I'm taking my liquid all-purpose school glue and I'm placing a small dot on my finger and then smearing the glue under the scraps as you can see. And now I'm done. For the fourth fabric, I decided to use this mini charm pack. I started by dividing the fabrics in the pack according to color. Then I began arranging the squares on the base fabric. Making this fabric took the most time since I was paying more attention to colors and prints, to lights and darks, and making sure that everything was evenly distributed on the base. When I was done, I used pins to pin each and every square in place. My fabric now is spent in place and ready to be sewn on the sewing machine. Let us move now to the sewing machine. I usually use a straight or as exact stitch in my everyday sewing. However, would this crappy fabric, There are no rules. I can be as creative as I like. This machine has 200 decorative stitches and I've decided to use some of them in making the scrap fabric. But first, I'll start with a straight stitch and a black twit. I stitch over the whole piece from edge to edge over each scrap, right to left, top to bottom. I keep a quarter inch space between each line. Now it's time to experiment with a decorative stitches on the machine. I've switched to white thread so that the stitches will be more visible. And you will find that some stitches look much better than others with the scrap fabric. And here is our first finished scrap fabric. It stitched with black thread and decorated with embroidery stitches with white thread. On the second piece I did simple lines going in one direction. And on the third piece I decided to do a cross hatch with as exact stitch. On the fourth and final piece of scrap fabric. I stitched around each square with the machine. After that, I did a little bit of hand stitching and small sections to give the fabric extra texture. 5. Projects and Thanks: We have reached now the end of this class. And here are all the fabrics that you've seen in this class. The ones that have made on the machine and the ones that have made by hand. I have made a few projects using the scrap fabrics and now I'll share them with you. First is this book cover. The outside of the book cover is made entirely from scrap fabric plus a ribbon. The scrap fabric is made from application scraps, which are leftovers from a quilt that I've made several years back. The second project I made with scrap fabric is this sipped Pouch. This pouch is made from leather and scrap fabric. This scrap fabric is sown by hand. And as you can see, the threads add lots of texture and interests. Pouch. And here's my final project. I've used scrap fabric to make the flap of the synched pouch. And as you can see, even the smallest piece of scrap fabric at so much beauty to any simple and plain project. This is the end of this class. Thank you for joining me. I hope you will have fun turning your scraps into new fabric. Hope to see you in future classes. Bye for now.