Transform Your Space With Chi: How to Create Your Best Home Using Feng Shui-Inspired Design | Mina Yang | Skillshare

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Transform Your Space With Chi: How to Create Your Best Home Using Feng Shui-Inspired Design

teacher avatar Mina Yang, Feng shui & interior design consultant

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Chi course intro


    • 2.

      Chi course m


    • 3.

      Chi course m


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      Chi course m


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      Chi course m


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      Chi course m


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      Chi course m


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    • 10.

      Chi course m


    • 11.

      Chi course conclusion


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About This Class

Do you feel like your life is stuck and suspect that maybe your home has something to do with it? Chances are, you may be right!

Taoism teaches us that we are made up of and surrounded by life force energy, or chi. When our chi is circulating well, we feel healthy, find success, and enjoy our relationships more. When our chi is stuck or erratic, we might become ill or meet misfortune.

Feng shui, the art of arranging our environment to optimize chi, grew out of Taoist beliefs, from the same roots as Chinese traditional medicine.

In my feng shui-inspired design method, I combine age-old feng shui and modern design principles to help my clients and students create homes that support their best lives.

In this course, I walk you through the steps you need to take to bring better flow into your environment and fine-tune the energy of your home.

You will learn how to:

-make space for chi by decluttering;

-create floor plans that optimize flow;

-adjust the energy of a space through the arrangement of furniture and accessories;

-set up rooms that feel and look great.

If you want to take back control of your space and enjoy the benefits of having the right kind of chi in your life, enroll today!

Meet Your Teacher

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Mina Yang

Feng shui & interior design consultant

Level: Intermediate

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1. Chi course intro: welcome to transform your space with G. Hello, My name is Meena Yang. I'm a certified function way and design consultant. Over time, I've developed a unique design approach I call Fung shway inspired design which has proven to be effective for my clients and students. My approach combines age old flash way principles with modern design theories. In this course, I share with you how to optimize CI the energy of your space by adopting design principles and techniques and integrating them with my understanding of lunch way. You can't see Chee, but you know when you enter a space, if the energy is good or bad, vibrant or serene, she doesn't just happen by luck. Rather, we can arrange your environment to regulate and guide G good CI and home will likely lead to Gucci in your life. By following the steps and recommendations offered in this course, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of living in a space that supports your aspirations and desires. You will have a home that looks and feels great. Are you ready for this transformation to begin a few things to know about the course first , the course is divided into five modules. Foundation making space floor plans, challenging spaces and other flow factors In foundation, you'll learn about my Fun Shwe's spire designed method. You'll learn about what she is, and about good and bad energy in making space. I teach you how to declutter your space so that it has the openness into which you can invite positive energy. Rather than just offer you tips on how to go about getting rid of your stuff. I ask you to think about your minds, it on your relationship to your possessions to help you make the shift that will keep future clutter at Bay Floor plans is the central and longest module in the course because it sets the principles and techniques you need to lay out your environment optimally. To receive and regulate CI, you will learn about the principles of flow and energy in your space, how to create a floor friend and look at templates of floor plants that capture these principles. The next model, challenging spaces demonstrates how she can be regulated in spaces that are too small or too big. Many of the principles discussed here could be applied to other spaces as well no final module wraps up the course by going over different kinds of accessories that can also influence that she of the space. In addition to the videos, I want you to be aware of these other available resource is the first are my Pinterest boards. I will point you to specific boards throughout the class. The more examples you see, the more expert you will become in design theories and applications. You may also find pins of rooms that you want to emulate. I would recommend that you start your own Pinterest board if you don't already have one to collect pins of rooms that call to you so that you can continue to refer to them as you transform your space. Please have my Pinterest site open in another tab so that you can easily access my boards when I prompted you to do so during a lesson. If you'd like to be part of my design community, please sign up for my Facebook group. Share your challenges and ideas with the group For feedback. I provide links for the Pinterest, Ford Facebook group and other resource Is and the attached appendix. Please download this appendix now so that you have the links on hand. I have also made available a glossary of terms for your reference. Finally, if you'd like more help design your space. I am available to provide direct assistance. I provide my website. You are l an email address in the appendix. If you'd like to get in touch with me, the first half hour video consultation is free of charge. Although optimizing the duchy of your space can involve a lot of work. If you do it right, you can enjoy living in a home that is aligned to your moods and aspirations. Ah, home that looks and feels great. Good luck with your space transformation. See you in module one. 2. Chi course m: welcome back to transform your space with tea. In this first module, you'll learn what she is, how it's been theorized and applied in age old Chinese traditions, and what its significance in bunch way is. She spelt C h I or Q I. It's simultaneously everywhere and almost impossible to pin down. She is the Chinese word. There were equivalents of TCI in Japan and Korea as key in India as Prana and other cultures around the world, on the one hand describes physical elements such as air and blood. On the other hand, it describes intangible and unmeasurable energy fields that many believe connect all adamant and in animate beings. Take a look at the dictionary entry on the slide, you can see just how wide ranging its definitions arm. The entry includes physiological phenomenon like breath and emotional states like anger. The word can also be used to describe the vibe of a given situation. The definition I like best, is life force energy. It captures the A D Avci as a conveyor of energy and vitality, which, you will see is central to its role in Chinese medicine as well as in function in traditional Chinese medicine cheese crucial to the maintenance of health and wellness. The diagram on the slide shows the multiple meridians, invisible channels of energy that circulate throughout a healthy body. Traditional exercises as practiced and teacher Chico and acupuncture helped to clear a blockages of the TCI in the body. My massage therapists applied pressure to not in your back there trying to loosen these blockages untreated, blocked or stagnant cheek and cause illnesses. These channels of energy flow outward as well. She connects people to one another, people to other living beings and even people to in animate natural elements such as the Earth in the heavens. According to Tallis believes she unifies these disparate elements off the universe into a holistic one. If she exists outside of the body as well as inside, then it's not surprising that she plays a big role in our environment. The funds way Light Hee and traditional Chinese medicine grew out of towers beliefs and like them, consider she to be central to its practices bunch ways. The art of arranging their environment and waste that optimize your fortune, health and happiness as an extension of your body. Your home also has Meridian lines and channels of movement that must be regulated and maintained to help you achieve your best life. You've probably heard people referred to the good or bad flow of a space. We'll be talking about flow throughout this course. It's another way of referring to CI. Flo has recently become a buzzword in happiness. Studies of the state of bliss, experienced and creative pursuit doused would maintain that it's the healthy movement of CI that makes possible this creative flow and state of bliss. The term fung shway itself is all about flow, literally meaning win toe water. The term flash way encompasses natural phenomena whose essence are all about flow. Not all flow is positive, However, if she is positive. Life force shot is, it's opposite justice. Hurricanes can wipe out entire towns and fetid water is toxic. Lo that is too strong or stagnant can cause problems. Much of the work we will be doing in this course will be in trying to mitigate the negative qualities of Shah, to bring the TCI into harmony by removing blockages in the flow and adjusting the energy level of a space, we can create a space that supports our best life. She can be strong, a weak, external or internal, active or passive. We want to strike the right balance or the right state of harmony between these qualities. In towers thought harmony is represented by the tai chi's symbol, often called the yin yang symbol in the West, the symbol encompasses the oppositional qualities of Ian and Young, illustrating the complementary and mutually inclusive relationship of oppositional pools you see on the slide some of the qualities associated with yin and young. If we follow the logic of the tetchy symbol, we can't have something completely passive without a bit of the active in it. We can't have death without life or vice versa. We can't have life without death. The state of harmony requires the presence of both Poles. But we would lean more yen or young. He is also more yin or young. Depending on the context, we can manipulate the context to make the CI Morgan or young as is appropriate. For example, you might want she to be more yen in a bedroom and more young in a living room. Some people like to have an active social life and entertain in their homes in which case they might prefer to have a more young energy in their homes. Others see their homes as a place to rest and recharge their batteries, in which case they will want to cultivate a more yin energy. The takeaways from this video are she means a lot of different things to different people. For the purpose of this class, we will be referring to that. She has life force, energy flow and energy within Chinese towers. Traditions, including funds way. Ah, well regulated. She helps to bring about harmony and balance good health and fortune bunch way, the art of arranging one's environment. Informed of the design of this course. Although my method adapts traditional principles to accommodate modern life, styles and designs will be talking about flow in your space for many perspectives throughout this course. Thanks for watching See you in the next lecture, in which will look at the characteristics of TCI and Shaw in greater detail. 3. Chi course m: Welcome back to transform your space with cheese. In this lecture will be looking at good and bad flow CI and shop and study their characteristics so that we know what to aim for and what to avoid when we design our homes . Good flow is all about healthy movement through space, just as a healthy body has meridians that move the chief throughout the body, a room should have its channels of movement through which energy flows. There should be no obstructions that block the passage of energy. The design of the space should help its occupants easily perform their daily routines and even achieve their dreams by optimizing the functionality of all the elements and their layout. The design should help the occupants to feel safe. Round organic shapes, for example, help us to feel relaxed and securing the space. Sharp corners and angular shapes, on the other hand, make us feel threatened. We also tend to prefer to have direct sight lines, two doors and entry wastes so that we don't feel like we will be ambushed for startled by someone approaching us from behind. In the following examples, you will see how these characteristics of good and bad flow manifest in actual spaces. The first example is of a nature scene, because human beings lived close to nature for so much of our history. Menu for instincts are fine tuned to respond to certain environmental cues in positive or negative ways. We tend to prefer Kirby paths, such as the one you see here or were straight ones. We also seek the shelter of counter piece like those created by the tree branches here, even as we yearn for the feeling of openness and freedom we experience in the great outdoors, and we like natural organic shapes at the same time that we like the regularity, a repetition of elements we see in the trees and leaves. Overall, there's a good sense of flow and energy in the space. Let's consider how these attributes are designed into a man made environment. This is a rendering of the lobby of the Novotel Hotel in Hong Kong. First note. All the curvilinear shapes enough space in the shape of the reception counter to the path of the floor. The pillar and overhang simulate the canopy to security of the trees in the nature path. In the previous slide the flow of the design naturally moves visitors from the entryway to the reception counter. The wood clad wall behind the receptionists make them feel protected in the rear and provides another natural element. The lighting gives the whole lobby a spacious, open feel in terms of the characteristics of good flow. The space checks off all the boxes. There's movement curved rather than straight. The layout makes a function of the space obvious and easy to maintain, and there's a nice tension between a feeling of security and openness. There's a sense of harmony between all the parts. This next building, also from Hong Kong, is an example of shop because of its sharp edges. A functionary practitioners think of it as a knife that cuts good CI and its surroundings. People have an instinctive fear, sharp corners and angles, and this building that is all sharp angles is perhaps not surprisingly, unpopular with its neighbors. They claim that they have suffered bad fortunes since the tower was built in the 19 eighties. This graphic is a representation of a T junction, which is another example of bad flow. You may have noticed that business at the top of a T junction often veil. There is too much energy rushing headlong to the top of the T junction, and occupants suffer from the overwhelming force of the energy, just as a hurricane is too much wind. The upward moving flow of a T junction is too much ghee, which turns it into Shaw. Bunch of practitioners recommend growing a bush to act as a buffer against the on Russian energy. If you happen to live in a house of the top of a T junction, that does mitigate the overpowering strength of the cheek, but it's advisable to voice such situations in the first place. This space, on the other hand, shows the stagnation of energy. In this hoarders living room. The energy is stuck and there is no movement until the blockage of energy is removed from the space. The occupants of this home will suffer from bad fortune and health. Although this is an extreme example, many people living in the developed world today own too much stuff, and even a milder version of this example can create conditions for shot to take over our homes. We will spend the next electron decluttering, a step that most of us must first take in order to open up space for cheap to flourish in our environment. The takeaways from this video are good. Flow is made up of moderate movement, the facilities good functioning and cultivates feelings of security. Bath low is made up of too weak or too forceful, a movement that impedes good functioning and causes feelings of insecurity. We saw examples of good flow in the nature. See and Hong Kong's Novotel Hotel lobby. We saw examples of bath flow in the Bank of China Tower, the T junction and the Hoarders living room. Thanks for watching in the videos that follow. You will learn how to implement good flow into your designs. See you module tooth. 4. Chi course m: Welcome back to transform your space with tea. In this lecture, we take a major step forward and bringing tea into our home by decluttering the space most fun way Consultations start with advice on decluttering. Too many of us in the developed world are drowning in stuff, finding ourselves owned by our things rather than owning them. De cluttering isn't just a one time event done and over with, rather to maintain chain our environment. We must shift her attitudes towards our possessions and our space when stayed vigilant in keeping clutter out of our homes to begin. Let's look at this quote from Marie Condos Famous book. When we really delve into the reasons for why we can't let something go, there are only two. An attachment to the past or fear for the future as a result, re increase the number of unnecessary possessions, burying ourselves both physically and mentally and superfluous things. Many of us probably can relate to what Condo says here. Before we start throwing random things into garbage bags, we must first do that deep internal work of understanding why we've let our possessions get out of control. Why are we holding on to our child Notebooks from Kenya Garden. Why are we keeping genes we haven't been able to get into since we had our first kid? Why do we keep buying kitchen gadgets we never use? Tao is, um, like many other spiritual teaching stresses the importance of the present moment over the past or future. In order to allow TCI to flow, we must embrace the now we must let go of the past and trust that the future will take care of itself. That doesn't mean you have to throw away all of your kid's art or the complete collection of your grandmother's have made pottery. No, that human beings have the ability to cherish only a few items at a time, select just a few and frame it, display it, feature it, see my Pinterest board, how to display keepsakes that spark joy for ideas on how to give cherished items, the place of pride they deserve. Then let the rest go. We would all benefit from taking a more minimalistic approach to life. Minimalism isn't about destroying all material pleasures. Rather, it's about taking greater pleasure in life by reducing our possessions to those things that we truly appreciate and not getting weighed down or distracted by all the other things. I see this with my own kids. When my kids get loads of new toys for Christmas, they flit from one toy to the other, not really giving any toy a chance to stick. After all their initial excitement over the new twice, they always end up feeling deflated, not appreciating any of the toys all that much. It's the same with close. After I approached my closet and I reduced my wardrobe to the bare essentials, I had less angst about what to wear every day and appreciate it. What I had more. I had saved only the clothes that made me feel good wearing on the body. I have today not clothes that I used to fit into or hope to fit into. Some day, when I look into my closet, I see a reflection of who I am now, rather than feeling disappointed in not being who I used to be or stressed about who I'm trying to be. Minimalism extends to all areas of our lives. Are there things you have filling up your time that make you feel overwhelmed and dissatisfied? are their relationships that drain you and require too much emotional energy. Streamline your life so that your time is used for things that matter, and you prioritize the relationships that are meaningful to you. Let go of everything else. You'll end up with less of everything. But the fewer possessions, obligations and relationships will become more meaningful because you now have the space to truly enjoy them. Once you've arrived at an understanding of what's important to you now and what you can let go off, you can start the actual decluttering. There are many different ways to go about this. You can choose the best method according to what makes sense for you and your space. The first method is the most common one, and that is to work on one every of the house at a time. Perhaps you started in the kitchen or your bedroom. You conquer one room at a time. The next one is the one advocated by Marie Condo. She suggests purging all your clothes first, regardless of the room, and they're moving on to books, paperwork, etcetera. If you're a results oriented, it might be re satisfying to measure your progress by the number of boxes you feel you can begin by bringing home 10 empty boxes and setting out to fill them with things to discard and donate by the end of the week. Whichever method you choose, keep repeating until you've reached a level of minimalism that is appropriate for your lifestyle. A few more tips to ensure your success and this ultimately satisfying but oftentimes labor intensive process. Imagine as vividly as possible you enjoying the finish space. If you can picture hell light and airy how liberating your new space will feel when you've done all the work, you will more easily be able to do the necessary work. Consider partnering up with a friend. It could be accountable to each other. I e having both of you commit to a number of rooms or boxes where you can even help each other, making the process social. It often helps to start with the easiest things. Once you get a taste of success, it gets easier and the momentum builds up so that you can talk with a more challenging things. Consider not buying anything at all for a predetermined to length of time, are clicking by culture conspires to have us wanting things all the time. There's a peace of mind that you gain by deciding to get off the consumption treadmill. Try it for a month, two months a year, and notice how you're no longer so easily swayed by ads telling you that happiness is just another gizmo or bright, shiny object away. Whether you're trying to decide to keep something or buy something new, ask yourself the question. Is it worth trading my inner peace to have this item? Because that is, in fact, the ultimate question. The more we own, the more we give up our inner peace as well as our time and energy to keep the item in our space. You very selective about the items we choose to call our own. Keeping our space declutter to invite she into our space consists of good habits. The first is to practice daily minimalism, keep excess at bay, be protective of our space time in energy and appreciate the fewer things we have on hand today. The second is to seasonally perched to reflect our revolution. Some things will break or get too worn out and you to be retired. Our kids will outgrow their clothes. We might have taken on a new hobby and giving up an old one. Set up a seasonal system of donation to your favorite charity or neighbors with smaller kids. Again, this is about recognizing who you are today. Give up the things that no longer fit to the present you and make space for things that support your best life. Today. The takeaways from this video are the first step of transform. Your space with Chie involves making space by decluttering. Before we start decluttering, we must do the inner work of letting go of the past, allaying anxieties about the future and embracing the present. We should adopt a minimalist outlook in which we rid ourselves of excess baggage, thereby bringing greater appreciation for the things we do keep in our lives. There are many methods for decluttering. Ultimately, we want to keep the goal in mind and maintain a state of minimalism by making sure that we're only surrounded by things that truly matter to us. You have completed module to see you in Module three 5. Chi course m: Welcome back to transform your space with key. Now that you've opened up space with all your decluttering, you are ready for the next module floor plants by giving us a bird's eye view of a space for plants can help us to identify blockages in the flow, open up meridians or paths of energy in the room and generally make the best use of our space. In the first part of the module, we begin by going over what should be considered when we put together a floor plan. In Part two, I will show you how to go about making a floor plan. And in Part three, I will provide templates of floor plans for common rooms in the home. My overall design approach combines foundry principles with modern design theory. Thesis. True for my approach to floor plants as well. Want to consider both Fun Shwe and compositional principles as we lay out the main objects in our space? First, the Bunch way principles. There's the floor plan, show good flow throughout the space. Let's make sure that there aren't big, empty spaces where clumps of things squished together. You want things spread out more or less evenly with enough space for passageways and other channels of movement. We should also make sure to identify and get rid of blockages in the flow. Do the furniture and it's arrangement. Cultivate feelings of security. Furniture should feel solid and stable. High enough backs on chairs, sofas and headboard. Ensure that your back feels protected. The main seat of the room i E. The sofa desk chair bed should be in the power position and direct sight line of the entryway so that you're always aware of who's coming towards you. Circular shapes generally feel less threatening and protects the shins of clumsy people. How does the arrangement of the rooms support the different functions of the room? For example, seating area should allow for easy conversation. We would what about 8 to 10 feet between people seated in chairs in conversation areas. Principles of composition should also play a role in creating the floor. Plan. Good composition. Satisfy some primal need in us for ordering harmony in our environment. Objects should be placed in a way that considers balance and proportional relationships between pieces. There should be a sense of designed logic. It play rhythm and composition is about repetition and is one way to tie different elements together. Ultimately, we want the room to feel cohesive, as though it is organized by an overarching idea. I would discuss each of these in turn, in the next few slides. One of the most universal ways of achieving balance in the design is to use symmetry where in one side of the design mirrors the other. The slide shows Taj Mahal, one of the most famous buildings in the world and one of many, many monuments designed symmetrically. Symmetry appeals to the human desire for order and balance. We seek it not only in architecture but even in the facial features of our romantic partners. Interior designers tend to reserve symmetrical floor plans for more formal spaces, even in spaces that are not entirely symmetrical. Designers might use some symmetrical elements, like matching lamps on matching end tables for asymmetrical design. The rule of searches, a handy guide for achieving a satisfying feeling of balance, our eyes and naturally drawn to division of thirds. The rule of thirds recommends that you place items of the greatest interest to the eyes on the lines that divide a space into thirds you can see that this photograph is subdivided into three columns and three rows. Notice. The base of flour is on the first critical line from the left and the flowers. The main focal point of the image is at the point of intersection between the first vertical and first horizontal lines. If we let the image from the top left, we can think of a human face as an analog. The eyes, which are 1/3 of the way down the face, are the focal point when we look at a person when shooting headshots, a skilled photographer will aim to put the eyes on the first horizontal line, subdividing the image into thirds. Graphic designers, painters, architects all use the rule of thirds. Once there is a sense of balance in the space, we should seek to connect the different elements through visual rhythm patterns, similar colors and shapes, themes and variations all helped to tie the room together. I see different examples of visual rhythm on the slide. In the dark blue rectangle, you see the literal repetition of circles in the dark green, a progression of circles and in the light green and alternation between circles and squares in the photo of plates, you see variations on a theme. Let's now see how visual rhythm works in an actual room, resulting in a unified space. This is a great room with the seating area and dining area. I see the repetition of the rectangular shape in the couch cushions. The tables, armchair and dining chairs. The window and art piece even create a sense of progression, from the small art on the wall to the medium sized window and then the large fort receiving sliding glass door. The colors also tie the space together. The yellow pops off the gray, and there were undertones of yellow in the camel, leather armchair and wooden dining chairs. There's a balance between the two areas, which are similar in size and style of furniture, the greenery in both parts of the room and the outside further type of spaces. Together, the focal point in the room is a table that looks to be dressed for a party. Not only is the table lavishly decorated by greenery, the designers symmetrical, and there is a sense of pipe in the decoration. The chandelier and additional foliage points downward to the table dressing, emphasizing its importance. I know that some of the compositional elements we pulled out of this image at surface level , in colors and on accessories. But if we begin from the floor plan stage to think about balance, rhythm, focal points and unity, we are more likely to have a space that works well as a composition to recap. In order to create a successful floor plan, you should keep in mind the Fung Shui principles of flow, function and security and the design principles of good overall balance, which includes achieving the right size proportion between elements and coherence between elements through repetition and rhythm. This will result in the space that feels and looks good. The takeaways from this video are before we start to actually make a floor plan, we should think about what we should strive for when we place objects in a space. Now that we've gone over, the function and design principles that will result in a unified and Florey composition were ready to start making our floor plans See you in the next part in which I teach you the different methods for creating floor plants 6. Chi course m: Welcome back to transform your space with key. In this lecture, you will learn to different methods of creating a floor plan. Now some of you may be thinking that this is too technical or too much of a hassle to learn to do. I will show you that it is actually quite simple, and by going through the trouble of creating a floor plan, you save yourself money, energy and time. In the long run, you can move things on the screen or on a piece of paper. Rather than moving heavy pieces of furniture. You will see if there's anything you should get rid of or you need to buy. If we need to order anything to fill the gap, you can get information on exactly how big or small it should be. The first method is the analog method. This is a simple method that requires just graph paper, which you can find online in print, wheeler, marker, scissors and glue or tape. This is a good method for those of us who are technophobes and or who already have most of the pieces and are just playing around with different configurations of them. If you have a challenging space. Too small, too big or were chipped room. Or you need to buy many new pieces. I would recommend that you create four plants using the digital method. If that's you, feel free to skip ahead to the middle of this lecture. In order to create a floor plan, use in the analog method. Follow these steps one. Download and print. Several sheets of graph paper have included a link in Appendix one paragraph paper with commissions that work well in floor plants with grids and half inch divisions. Each grade can be used as representative of a foot or 12 inches. If you live in a country that uses the metric system, you may be able to find a graph paper. Pdf That's more appropriate for meters if you have a larger space, taped together several sheets of graph paper to represent your room to measure the room in all the major pieces you want to put into the room. Three on one page, outline the architectural features of the room, the walls, doors, windows and closets on the second outline and cut the major pieces of furniture that will go into the room for place the objects in the space, moving them around to find the best configuration to capture flow, improved functionality and create a cohesive composition. Once you've decided on a particular arrangement, taped them to the room sheet. Hold off on committing to this floor plan until you've watched the next few videos. But at least you have a preliminary sketch of a floor plan for your space if you know you're not going to be creating a floor plan using a digital method than skip ahead to the end of the video for the digital method, I use Live Home three D, which is an interior design app that lets you design and view for plants in two and three dimensional renderings. It's quite affordable about 30 U. S. Dollars and relatively easy to use. There are free programs online, but they tend to be limited, and there are much more expensive maps that have many more bells and whistles, most of what you probably don't need. So I will show you how I create a floor plan on live home three D, and you can see for yourself whether this app will be appropriate for you. Even if you go with another option. Then you have. The techniques are probably similar. First, if you will be using the live home three D up, be sure to download it from their website. The link is in Appendix One. Let me first show you how to create a room. I'm going to create a room with the dimensions of 18 feet by 20 feet. They're going to tools, pull out the room, and then I just create a big rectangle like that. Okay, here we go. Now we've got the walls of the room. Now I'm going to add the doors and the windows. So I go into this menu here, look for doors, and I'm going to put the very basic door. If they have, this is the door that goes into the hallway, and this is the main front door. Now, if I want this to open the other way, I can just flip that around. I want to change the commission off it so that it's a little bit bigger. I can going to hear the with, and I'm just going to change this to six inches. All right? And now the windows You put this basic, you know, here and this is going to be six feet long. E changed this 26 Put it in the center of the wall and then another window for here that's eight feet wide and also do this one as well. Now I'm going to add some furniture into the space. So let's begin with a sofa. Okay, well, I cease. There are many different options. What we can do is take one and adjust the dimensions and the color on it. So let's stay with this couch. You can see here that the with this eight feet one inch so I'm just gonna cheese that to exactly eight feet. You can see how I do that. If I wanted to change the depth and height, I could do that as well. Right now, it's checked up as maintain aspect ratios. If you make it bigger or smaller, the depth and height will change proportionality. If I didn't want that and control exactly what the depth and height are, then I would enter the numbers in myself and uncheck this maintain aspect ratio box going to also add an armchair. So is this. But this armchair here and I can flow take this, so it's in a friendlier position now. If I wanted to see how the colors work together, I can do this representation in color just by clicking this button up here. Maybe I wanted to change the color of this. You're going to hear and pick up a fabric that's more in line with what I have or what I'd like to have. So this that's going here and change the finish to this blue. And then if I wanted to order something new, such as a coffee table, I can place it in here. Let's see. How about this over when Here, that's much too big on. Let's say I saw one that I liked online, and the dimensions are six feet the with its six feet Onda. We can enter the depth and height as eyes appropriate. Let's say I want that to be in a marble finish. Then I will go in here to use this to marble. It was black and white finish, and they start to get a sense of what things look like together. So if I wanted to order something new, it's This is a great way to see how it relates to the other pieces that are already in the room. So you want to address the measurement of all of these objects to fit what you already own . Now the APP provides tutorial videos to get you up to speed if you need more than what I just showed you here. If you're interested in a more robust up, you can. Google reviews for Interior Design APS There are always new products coming online, so you might want to check out what the most recent what reviews say about the newest products. As I said at the end of the analog method section, and don't be too wedded to the floor plan you end up with here, we will be looking at templates of typical rooms and examples of challenging spaces. In the next few videos, you will refine your ideas about the four plan. As you go through these videos. Two takeaways from this video are floor plans help us to better see and feel our space as it evolves. Depending on your needs and abilities, you can use paper and scissors or in app, make sure to measure everything the space and the objects in it, so that the floor plan gives you accurate information about how the objects occupy the space. Use a floor plan to determine which pieces are not working in the space and how new pieces would work with the pre existing objects. Continue to play around with the four plan over the course of the next few lectures. Thanks for watching. See you in the next lecture and what Jay talking through floor plan templates for common rooms of your home. 7. Chi course m: welcome back to transform your space with tea. In this video, we will turn our attention to templates of different types of rooms. These templates are not meant to be copied. Exactly. Is there presented here? Rather know my explanations about how they work from bunch way and compositional points of view and adapt to these principles to your space? The first floor plan is for a small living room. Let's talk about this plan from a functionary perspective. First, how is the flow here? There is a clear pathway from the main entry, which is the door at the bottom of the slide to the rest of the house on the other side of the double door at the upper left corner. The space between the pieces look about right with the occupants of the space feel secure? Yes, the couches in the power position. How about function? The seating area is set up well for socializing from the council by the front door provides storage and easiest entry into and exit out of the house. Now, if we talk about this four plan from a compositional point of view, we might note that it is a symmetrical design off center. From the main access of the room, the rug frames a seating area, which makes it a focal point. There is repetition and variation off the rectangular shape in the furniture and the rug, offset by the overall coffee table. Now how might this room look if the cat was pushed against the wall in the armchairs against the other wall? Such an arrangement of furniture will be an ineffective use of space with too much jammed into one corner and too much space elsewhere. It would not be is good for conversation, since the person sitting on the remote armchair would feel too distant to participate. Many people feel that furniture should go against the wall, perhaps because of our primal need for security. Wealth, like high backs of chairs, helped to make us feel protected. But furniture that floats away from the wall will often allow better flow into the room, and a rug that ties it together convince Julie ground the area to provide a sense of security. Now let's look at a larger room with dining and living areas. There is a clearly March division between the dining area and seating area. The back of the sectional, providing a soft barrier between the two. The section will also provides a good vantage point for the TV. There is a sense of balance between the two areas. Again a rug grounds and defines the seating area. The dining furniture is arranged symmetrically the living area asymmetrically. The contrast generates dynamic tension in the space. The circular Latif repeats throughout the space note that circular dining tables are ideal for socializing. Everyone feels equal in status, and everyone is sitting equi distant from one another, promoting good conversation. Human beings are also drawn to circular shapes as much as were repelled by sharp angles. Because of our love of symmetry, I tried to put in as many circular shapes as possible into a space. This floor plan is for a bedroom. The head Ford is solidly attached to the bed in against a wall rather than a window, he being the sleepers, a solid sense of support behind them. The bed is in the power position, with a good sight line to the door of the bottom of the plan, which helps to make the sleepers to feel secure. The bed and night tables are arranged symmetrically, allowing both partners to feel equal or inviting someone to eventually become an equal partner. If the sleeper is currently single again, note the circular shapes of the night. Tables generally avoid heavy artwork above the headboard or low hanging chandeliers in ceiling fans directly above the bed. Since these objects will promote a feeling of looming danger and insecurity, the armchair offsets the symmetry of the rest of the room. It turns the corner of the room into a reading look. The wardrobe sits next to the closet, the double doors on the left for easy dressing, the rug under the bed mixed for soft landing when getting out of bed and provides a visual focal point in the room. A child has different needs than an adult. Younger Children prefer to have their beds against a wall. The bed is still in the power position. The entry point is the door on the right bottom corner. The other door is to the closet. Make sure to provide close to storage accessible to Children, to encourage them to clean up after themselves. Here, the shelves in the upper right corner of the room contained open and close to storage. Finally, we have a simple home office plan. The desk is in the power position with a clear view of the entryway, rather than jumped up against a wall. This configuration allows a lot of cheap to flow around the desk. Occupant people often think that the desk should be against the wall to be close to electrical outlets, but it is actually cumbersome to have to plug things in and out behind heavy pieces of furniture. Instead, use attractive court covers to come oblige cords from a floating desk. Printers and other electronic devices now come with Bluetooth capabilities, which means they can be hidden out of sight. Put electronic devices in the closet or on closed shelves. This room. Ship Spur creative activity. It should be a welcoming place to spend time without unproductive distractions such as clutter and items. I'm related to the main activity of the space. I do not provide templates for bathrooms and kitchens, says that applies this and cabinets in these rooms a relatively fixed and challenging to move. When renovating these rooms, consult with professionals who specialize in these bases and make sure to create designs based on functionality and good flow. The takeaways from this video are, although there are some good guidelines to always following creating four plants. Be flexible and recognize that different spaces and different people call for a variety of solutions. No doubt floor plan should reflect the function of parts of rooms as well as the entire room. Each of the templates considered how to best set up rooms for their functions and for good flow, as well as to create a hearing composition from different elements you have completed Module three. See you in module for. 8. Chi course m: Welcome back to transform your space with tea. In this model will be looking at how to optimize the cheese in challenging spaces. In the first part will look at a challenge that many of you live with. The challenge of creating flow in a small space in the second part, the challenge of regulating flow in a large space. I recommend that you watch both of these videos, even if your space is neither too big nor small, since you will be able to see in these videos how to go beyond placing objects on a four plan to actually making them live in a real space. Throughout these videos, I will be making recommendations that apply to other kinds of spaces as well. I'll walk you through five different aspects of planning out a small space, although I'll also note other details as they appear on the slides. The first and most important step planning of small space is to clearly define the different functional zones in the space. Small spaces, like studio apartments, often have to do double or triple judy, with dining, seating and sleeping areas encroaching on one another. It helps in such instances, to have at least visual borders defining each function ozone. On the slide, for example, you can see that the small room serves as both the living and dining room. They managed to squeeze a table and seating for six in a relatively tight corner. The site of the sectional creates a visible division between the two Jones on the windows on either side of the table. Keep diners from feeling hemmed in backs of couches and sectionals, and area rugs are effective in defining zones. If you have a sleeping zone in the space, you might want to use dividers that provide more privacy, such as screens, tall shelving or floor to ceiling currents. Note that the flooring, walls and ceiling are clad in the same Leitch tone of wood, which helps to create the illusion of a larger space. We'll come back to this point in a later slide. The next thing to pay attention to is the scale in proportion of furniture. Let's look at the example of the slide. With its single pedestal and circular shape, the table uses space efficiently. The chairs a streamlined and they're skinny legs take up minimal visual space. A big, chunky table with four legs and upholstered chairs would have made the space feel small and crowded. This leak small bones pieces fit the space just right. This is the kind of thing that becomes apparent when you enter the dimensions of objects into a floor plan. You can see how much spacey take up and how they relate proportionally to the dimensions of the room. I'm sure you noticed the large artwork on the wall. By keeping everything else at the right scale and in a limited color palette, The designer of the space was able to add this big impact art and create the illusion of depth on this end of the room. Just because the three dimensional objects in space should be small doesn't mean that the two dimensional art has to be equally small. In a small space, each inch of the space should be utilized. Optimally on the wall is no exception. We will be looking at how art can change the energy of a space and how to choose the right art for your space in the next module. Color is the next major consideration. In general, like colors make things look bigger. Dark colors make things look smaller. Most people have internalized this principle when it comes to their clothes. Dramatic contrast and colors also break up the space and make it look smaller. Therefore, in order to make her small room look bigger, painted a lighter color and carry the color across all four walls on the ceiling. Keep your flooring late as well. We saw this in the photo of the wood cabin two slides ago in which the light would Clyde and covered the floor ceiling involves in the photo. On this slide, we can see that the cream color envelopes the space and is even echoed in the armchair and accessories. The brown on the other Pieces on the floor complement the queen. Overall, the limited color palette keeps the space from feeling too cluttered or busy. Next, let's look at another dimension of space that is too often neglected. The vertical dimension Because floors get filled up quickly in small rooms, we need to go up and take advantage of the space that is available on walls. Here. Shoving takes up most of the wall space. The shelves provide much needed extra storage. I means of displaying treasured items even surfaces for hanging art, if possible. Built in shelves that extend from floor to ceiling are ideal since they maximize available vertical space and take our eyes upward away from the crowded floor to the spacious ceiling . Curtains and lighting also helped to carry our gaze upward. Hang curtains from ceiling to floor to create strong vertical cues and the illusion of greater height. Even if the windows don't go all the way down to the floor, hang gorgeous lighting fixtures to fix the gaze to the highest point of the room. I like you toe. Also note the selection of furniture in this room. Besides the well proportion sofa, there are no chairs in the space. Rather than crowd the room with armchairs or end tables, the designer opted to use ottomans and stools, which take up much less space and can do triple Judy as what rest table for setting down a drink or extra seating. The coffee table is low to the floor, which helps to raise the height of the room as well. Even though this room is well filled with furniture, all the Kirby shapes helped to keep the flow moving, and there aren't too many places you can hurt your shin against a sharp corner. The last room was filled abundantly with accessories and books. In general, I like to keep a more minimalistic decor, and that is especially true in smaller spaces. But keeping the accessories to a minimum and the shapes and colors within a more limited range. We remove visual clutter from our field of vision and achieve a more harmonious as well as more spacious feel. The furniture and the few accessories in this space helped to create a satisfying composition with the repetition of white and black motifs. When the horizontal orientation of the objects the two bulls the only accessories visible in this photo at a bit of tension with the organic shapes against the dominant to rectilinear shapes of everything else, we will discuss accessories in more detail in the next module. Takeaways from this video are. Make sure to divide your small room into functional zones and have some way of defining the zones, even if they're on top of one another. Use furniture that is the right scale in proportion produce space. Consider using more flexible furniture that can serve multiple purposes and is easily moved around. Deploy the right color scheme and maximize critical space to create the illusion of a bigger and taller space. Keep visual clutter to a minimum. Precede the pins on my Pinterest board. Smaller rooms for more photos and ideas. Thanks for watching. See you in the next video. 9. Chi course m: Welcome back to transform your space with G. In this lecture, we look at the opposite challenge off having too big a space. Although many of the recommendations are surprisingly similar to those of small spaces, a large room can too easily feel cavernous and cold. By following the six recommendations outlined here, you will have a comfortable, warm space that takes full advantage of the benefits of a larger space. As with small spaces, you want to start by defining the various functional zones in a big room. With the luxury of extra space, you can have several seating areas, perhaps a large sectional for TV viewing for plush armchairs around a coffee table for a conversational area, another couple of armchairs and a little table for a reading nook, rather than have furniture pushed against walls, was just emphasizes the cavernous feel of the space, pull pieces together into groups and anchored them with an area rug and or a table in the center as a focal point in the photo. Here, the logical place for a seating area it's right in front of the fireplace. An L shaped seating arrangement allows everyone of you of the fire There is also seating in the outside area and then in the empty space in the middle of the room, yet another seating area with four identical chairs that provides more intimate place to sit and converse. This kind of a set up is great for people who love to entertain and open up their homes to lots of people. The four plan creates clear meridian lines for energy to travel through the space, and again we must consider the scale and proportion of the pieces that go into big rooms, although this time we want to go big and chunky. Rather than petite and slender in both the seating and dining areas in the space, we can see that there are big, beefy tables anchoring there's owns. The seeding is also generously proportioned with plush upholstery that looks inviting. If we had placed a small pedestal table and tulip chairs from the last video in this room, they would look like they were swimming in all the space. You don't want to put small, slender pieces in big rooms just as much as you don't want big, chunky pieces in small rooms. Again, make sure to draw up a floor plan to confirm that you are picking pieces that are scaled just right for the dimensions of your space, as mentioned earlier. One of the potential problems of a big space is that it can feel so cold and cavernous. Color, texture and pattern can warm up and even visually, shrink the space to make it feel cozier. You want to use warmer colors such as reds, oranges and browns rather than cool colors like blue. Or, if you do like blue, use it, sparing me. Ah, big room all in blue will quickly start to look like Queen Elsa's castle and frozen. You can also use a lot more dark colors, as in this room, since you might be trying to make the space appear smaller. If you don't want a big expanse of a dark color, you can break up the wall with molding or waste guarding and paint different colors below and above it texture, as in the size of rug and for throwing this room helps to warm up the space as well. Here's another example of a large space here. The color is broken up to create distinct enclaves within the larger space exposed brick wall introduces even more texture, color and pattern warming up in otherwise to start a color palette. Even in large rooms, we should attend to the vertical space, although here it's more to celebrate the ample nous of vertical space rather than to escape from crowded horizontal surfaces. People like to have high ceilings because of the uplifting sensation of the space up there . Think skies. Cathedrals in a large room celebrate height by again, using long drapery or brilliant lights in a big room. You can also indulge in more decoration. You can add architectural features such as beans and mouldings to ceilings, other colors and patterns and even other materials. This large bedroom it is all of the above. The long curtains emphasize the height of the walls. The beams follow. The rise of the roof line on the white paint adds to the feeling of spaciousness. The wooden Chanda lier adds charm and acts as a focal point in the ceiling. Because of the potential for many different zones and objects to go into a large space composition becomes more of an issue as discussed earlier. We want to think about good flow, rhythm and balance in our overall room composition. In this space, for example, the big, chunky lines of the steel beings are repeated in the shape of the light table shelves and art, creating a connection between the different parts of the room. The neutral colors and organic materials and textures also helped to make the room feel cohesive. You can create color stories that take a hue from a pattern on a cushion to the artwork to an area rug elsewhere in the space or repeat shapes and materials throughout the space. A room that is cohesively composed will circulate energy more evenly and consistently. Because you're pulling most of the big pieces into the center of the room, you will be left with big, blank walls. This provides you with the opportunity and challenge of incorporating art into the space. You can consider using consuls and shelves along the walls, as well as art implants. To populate the empty spaces. The consul's provide storage space plants out of vertical element and art at energy and personality to the space. We'll discuss art and accessories further in the next module. The takeaways from this video are justice we did in the small room. We want to define zones and select furniture for these zones that appropriately scaled to the size of the room. To make a big space feel warmer and cozier, use warm colors, textures and patterns. These can also be taking up to the ceiling to play up the height of the room. Make sure to compose a space using principles of flow, balance and rhythm. Art implants can also help to create a tighter composition. Please be sure to check out the pins on my Pinterest board. Big rooms for more photos and ideas you have now completed module for See You in Module five. 10. Chi course m: welcome back to transform your space with cheese. This is the final module of the course, and this module we consider how other objects that are for the most parts not captured in the floor plan can affect the flow and energy of the space you can see from the slide, how our eyes, and perhaps even our hands, want to luxuriate in patterns and accessories. What might be an empty corner of a room that she just passes over becomes a place for pausing and enjoying collecting energy that can then circulate elsewhere. For example, the overly strong uni directional flow in a bowling alley style hallway can be guided to follow a more gentle unless you're curious route, replacing a small table and art above it. Accessories like these cushions here can convey visual and tactile information that changes the energy of a space. The colors here are vibrant and energizes the space, the cushions at a feeling of softness and comfort. We often talk about the vibe of a space. Accessories can change the vibe as well as connecting different parts of the space together . Latest one of the most important accessories able to completely transform the ambiance and energy of a room. In the videos on small and large rooms, I measure the importance of turning the gaze upward with a great ceiling. Light ceiling fixtures from chandelier stir fans come in a huge range of designs that fit any style. They're like translucent sculptures that light up the sky. One of the most impactful things you can do to a room is to change up the ceiling light after the ceiling fixture. It's important to make sure that each functional zone is lit up adequately. This might be through a combination of pot lights, sconces and lamps. A small spaces. It's a deal to have pot lights to reduce the number of things on horizontal surfaces. Larger spaces will have many different kinds of lights to adequately illuminate all its niches and corners. When working on your floor plan, think about where the lights should go to optimize flowing function. When installing lights, use dimmers to give you better control over the level of illumination. Creasy might Pinterest board brilliant lights for inspiration for your lighting design Mirrors are another accessory that can wake up the CI in a space mirrors provide extra illumination by reflecting light from other sources nearest can help to brain a dark corner or create the illusion of more space. The mirrors in this photo even repeat the arch motif of the windows and entryway to extend the visual rhythm of the space, just as mirrors can reflects late. You can also reflect the CI place mirrors were that she should be amplified. Such is next to a dining table or in especially brilliant lighting. Fixture do not place mirrors where they might stay. Britt the chief in a disadvantageous way. Such is facing the front door, where they will send incoming Chee right back out the door. Use mirrors in small rooms to make them appear larger and in big rooms. To bring a dead spot. Hang a framed mirror in the room, just as you would. Framed art plants are another accessory that can change the Chico space. Healthy plants, like people, give off energy. The plant in this room is so large that it has a grand sculptural presence in the space. Of course, plants should only be placed in spots where they can get adequate son, and in fact, plants should go with light and daytime I should be placed only rooms that get used during the day and not in bedrooms. The energy of plants make them inappropriate for rooms that should be more rest ful. Punch way practitioners believe that plants is a wood element helped to grow fortunes. There's little scientific evidence to back this up, but it does make sense that someone who is able to nurture a plant would have a better chance of succeeding in business. And it's true that plants lift our moods, which make us more likely to bring energy into our professional lives. Plant pots have grown more sophisticated Jews, a pot that completes the composition of the space in the video on small rooms we saw in the petite kitchen how impactful big art can be. Art can change the flow of our movement. Service a focal point of a wall or room. Turn the energy level of a room up or down a few notches. Art is a special sauce that makes a space uniquely ours, regardless of how big or small are spaces. Art is always welcome when hanging art to think about the scale of the peace relative to other art and the wall. Don't let little art float on a big wall. Big art can stand on its own, as in this example here. Smaller art usually works better in groupings. You can put pictures of a similar kind in similar sized frames and create a group of two or more. This group of pictures of birds and flowers work because of the similar style of artwork. Off framed, an identical wood frames of faring sizes. This group shows how theme and variations working compositions. You can find prints like these in old books and get them frame to relatively little money, ending up with a wall that brings nature indoors in a delightful way. Here is another grouping of art that brings a more peaceful energy into a room here. A series of photos of snowcapped mountains framed in black squares are arranged in satisfying mean each rows of force. In general, nature art is great for that, she of a space. Although we're primarily endured creatures at this point in our history, we still crave a connection to nature. Art is an easy way to surround ourselves with nature's bounties, to get more ideas for art for your space, see my Pinterest board art ideas. You will see their an amazing array of art for the home, many of what you can do as D. I. Y projects find or make art that fits the color and energy of your space. Finally, an accessory that tickles air years more than our eyes, just a slight emits energy that can transform the entire space. Sonic vibrations can change the way we feel in a space sound, and music can create she or shop. Most of us have experienced the power of music to shape the ambience of a space. Annoying noise can also do the same, but for the worse. Consider getting a white noise machine. If there are inescapable noises from the outside, carefully craft your sound design as well as your art design, compiling playlists for different occasions and moods. The takeaways from this video are accessories, finish the space and make it ours. They can also change that she of the space by raising or lowering the energy level and causing people to modify their movement in the space. Fabric. Accessories, lighting and plants are key ways of changing the chief of the space art, though without functional value can complete the transformation of a space you have now completed. Module five. See you in the bonus lecture. 11. Chi course conclusion: welcome to the conclusion of transform your space with G. Congratulations on completing the course. Your home should now have the right energy inspiring you to go out there and live your best life. Although the course is over, I hope to hear from you in the future. Please send me photos of your transformed space. You can reach me in a variety of wastes. All the links are in the touch. Document Appendix one on my website, even saying that for my email list and send me an email through the contact page. If you feel like the work required to set up your space is too overwhelming and you need more direct assistance, I am available to consult with you on the designing of your space. Please contact me to schedule your complimentary half hour video call to see if we might work together, please, like my Facebook page so that you can keep updated on my offers and products. I would also be so grateful if you could leave a review of the course of my page. If you like to be involved in a community of other like minded designers and students, pre join my Facebook group whom space transformers. You can follow my design adventures on Instagram. I am always adding new boards and pins on Pinterest. Please see my boards for ideas for your space. If you feel like you got something out of this course, please do leave a review abuse essential in helping other students to find the course and providing me with the means to improve this course and continue to make more courses. I would appreciate hearing about things you light as well as to get suggestions for improvement. And, of course, I would love to hear success stories. This course is part of a series called Transform Your Space. If you'd like to learn how to design a home that support your best life, check out my e book, Transform Your space, Transform Your Life, a guide to creating your best home using Punch Wayne's by her design. If you like this course, sign up for the companion course. Transform your space with color. I have included a link with a discount code in Appendix one. I also have short YouTube videos that focus on one small aspect of design. Well, this is the time for goodbyes. May you achieve harmony and flow in your life. Thank you and take care