Touch Typing Made Easy - From Beginner to Mastery in Typing (Complete Course) | Adam Muhammad | Skillshare

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Touch Typing Made Easy - From Beginner to Mastery in Typing (Complete Course)

teacher avatar Adam Muhammad, Skills with impact

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      00 Course Overview


    • 2.

      01 Understanding the Querty keyboard layout


    • 3.

      02 How to set up input source for Mac


    • 4.

      03 How to set up input source for Windows


    • 5.

      04 how to place your fingers on the keyboard


    • 6.

      05 typing the letters F and J


    • 7.

      06 typing the letters D and K


    • 8.

      07 typing the letters S and L


    • 9.

      08 typing the letter A and semi colon


    • 10.

      09 typing the letters E and I


    • 11.

      10 typing the words R and U


    • 12.

      11 typing the letters T and O


    • 13.

      12 typing CAPITAL letters


    • 14.

      13 typing the letters C and comma


    • 15.

      14 typing the letters G and H


    • 16.

      15 typing the letters N and V


    • 17.

      16 typing the letters W and M


    • 18.

      17 typing the letters Q and P


    • 19.

      18 typing the letters B and Y


    • 20.

      19 typing the letters Z and X


    • 21.

      20 typing colon and semi colon


    • 22.

      21 typing full stop and comma


    • 23.

      22 typing question mark and exclamation mark


    • 24.

      23 typing dash quotation marks and parentheses


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About This Class

Let me show you how this Touch Typing course will help you:

First you will learn how to place your fingers correctly on the keyboard.

Then you will learn how to type your first two letters: F and J. Very simple, right? Right.

After knowing how to type your first two letters, you do exercises to practice your typing. The exercises so far will contain only these two letters that we have just learnt: F and J.

When you have mastered typing these two letters F and J, you move to your next lesson where you learn two more letters D and K. But this time, in the exercises, you practice touch typing four letters: D, F, J and K. As you can see, you review the letters F and J from the previous lesson and you practice touch typing the new letters D and K.

This process goes like this until we study all the letters!

It is important to mention that from lesson 5 we have very interesting exercises: we will exercise typing words that contain only the letters that we have already studied.

For example, if we haven't studied the letters B and Y, we won't have exercises that contain these letters (like Ball, Yellow, etc)

This course also covers CAPITAL letters and punctuation Marks.

So, by the end of this course, you will be equipped to type fast and accurately

I am sure you will enjoy this course that will give you this very important skill for life.

Many thanks and hope to see you in the course!

Meet Your Teacher

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Adam Muhammad

Skills with impact


I am a polyglot from Mozambique. 31 years old. I speak and write 5 languages, namely

Portuguese (my native language), English (the first language I learnt when I was 15), French (the second language I learnt 5 years later), German (two years later, I learnt this language) and Arabic (still studying it to fluency).

I believe there is a better way to learn a language. It does not have to be that hard. Since I leant all those languages by myself, I found out better and faster ways to learn it. I am sharing those here with you.

For example, language learners try to memorize 100 words of a target language. After they memorize it, done. They memorize other 100 or 200 words. After 2000 words or more, they wonder why they cannot speak the target language, or even remember w... See full profile

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1. 00 Course Overview: Hi, My name is Adam Mohammed. And welcome to the course. Touch typing may be easy from beginning mastery in typing in this video, I will give you an overview off the course. I will show you how this course is organized and how it can help you with your typing skills. So at the end of this course, you will be able to tap using your 10 fingers without looking at the keyboard and at a minimum speed off 60 words per minute. Let me show you how discourse is organized. First, you will understand the keyboard layout so they seize the keyboard layout that will be using in this course. So this is a quality keyboard, and also we have here on the right side off the letter L we have semi colon. This is the keyboard that will be using in this course, right. After understanding the keyboard layout, we will learn how toe set up dis keyboard on our computer for Meg and four windows. All right, After these preparation, we will have year. We will learn how toe type of the lattice F and J All right. First we learn how to place our fingers correctly on the keyboard. Then we learn how to have the letters F and J. All right, so we have year the keyboard layout, the first letters that will we learn our F and J. After we learn how to tap these two letters, what we'll do, we'll do some exercises. So here, let me show you the exercise that will be doing here there. So we learned these two letters F and J. That means the exercises will have only these two letters that we just learned here. Will type J J F F D J F F D J F f and so on finish here the speed 55 words per minute and so on. We have four exercises that you can choose and you can practice after you are good at it. What you will do, he's let me go bag here. Next we'll learn how to tap the letters D and K. All right now we know F and J now D and K, and the system is the same. You learn how you watch and learn how to type, and then you do the exercises. The exercises they contain. Only this two letters. OK, D and Cape or bad. Well, I should say, is that in the second exercises, as you can see right now, we we know we know no four letters DFJ and K. So the exercises will have these four letters. So that means we'll review F and J from the first pleasant. Then we'll practice deed and K from these second lesson, as you can see. And the third lesson will practice f we learn how to type s and l and will do exercises containing these six letters s and l Here they are. Okay, here they are s and help. All right, until we cover all the home row A and semi column. 12345678 All right, these are the letters off the home rope. Here they are. Now, With this exercise, we cover all the eight letters A s, the f J K l Semi colon. This is how will practice typing all these letters. All right after that will go further and we'll learn how to type e and I are. And you the process is the same. Let me show you will type, eat and I are And you let me show you that with these letters. T and o, let me add here T and O Okay, here they are tea and over here we have to taps off. Exercise is the first time they are random letters for us to practice typing this latest e And also we practiced typing t and also we review all the letters that we have already learned. As you can see, here they are. This is the first exercise and the second exercise words containing the letters T and O in the second exercise your practice typing the letters, the words, these words they contain Onley the letters that we have already covered. For example, we haven't studied the letters b and why for example, So you won't find these letters in these words. So this is a good way for you toe practice type, typing actual words that exist. And this way you will improve your typing speed. After that, we'll ran How toe type capital letters. So these letters here that we have already started we'll learn how to type all off them in upper case. All right then, as always, will do some exercises next. Well, type the letter C and comma here. See and coma. All right. Next G and H and V, T and AIDS and and I see next Dublin, mq and people W and Q and a pig next be and white finally said And ex, as you can see this way we will cover all these letters. So in each lesson we study two letters. We do exercises only then we move to the next lesson. After covering all these letters, what will study is will learn how to tide colon and semicolon. Okay, where is Colon? It's year Semi Colon is here then will study full stop and a comma here is full stop. Here is karma will review actually comma next question marks and exclamation mark, Where is each question Mark? Your is question mark. And here is Exclamation mark. Finally the last lesson will have dash but emphasis and quotation Mark here is Dash No, Dash is here. There is dash quotation mark and had entities. So this is everything that we have for you in this course. As you can see, the scores has for you lots off exercises for you to practice because you you will agree with me that it's not enough for you to know how toe type, how to type for you. You have to know how to type. But also you need the resources you need. The exercise is for you to practice actual typing. Okay, so this course has everything for you. After. As a said, after finishing this course, you will be able to Taib without looking at the keyboard. Okay, You will be able to attack without looking at the keyboard. You could be able type using your 10 fingers. You don't need to memorize anything. All right, Here. You don't need to memorize anything. You don't need to look at this at this picture while you are learning, because this will go to your mind automatically. I mean, after you practice, for example, F and J, you learn and you do Lords off exercise is what will happen is that you will end up memorizing it. Not by like had core memorizing. Okay, but with practice, for example, I myself I know how to type. But if you ask me where these letters are located, I will have a hard time telling you. But if I'm in front off a keyboard, for example. Here. Okay, I just type Would sailed trays. Or was or would order and so on. This is what will happen. I don't know where what fingers I I was using Type what? Let us adjust. Tap them. Click finish And my speed. 59 words per minute. And I committed zero mistakes. So at the end of the scores, you will be at this point or even better. Okay, I say minimum speed is 60 words per minute, but I believe you can do much better than that. So thank you very much. 2. 01 Understanding the Querty keyboard layout: Hi. Welcome in this lesson. We're going to learn about the keyboard layout that will be using in this course. This is the keyboard layout that will be using this is called quality because off diesel letters right here. Q w e rt. And why? When you read these letters, you say clarity. That's why this keyboard is known as clarity. This is the keyboard that will be using in this course. Also, another point is that we have the letter l here on the right side off this letter. Hell, we have the semi colon, as you can see. So this is another point. We have the letter l on the right side off the letter l we have semi colon. So two points. We have to remember. The first point is that on the up up here, we have Q, w e rt and white. So thes keyboard is quality because off these letters up here and we read them as quoting the second point is that we have the letter ever here on the right side. Off the letter l we have semi colons. As you can see, there are other quality keyboards like this one. This is also clarity. We have here kill W e rt and why? But on the right side, off the letter l we have this letter here. See Sevilla. See, it's a dealer, so we won't be using this keyboard. Disk aboard is used by 40 days speaking. People describe Ortiz used to type particulates. I won't be using this keyboard, though it's quality, but because we don't have a semi colon on the right side off the letter L we won't be using this keyboard a keyboard and that will be using is this one because it's quality. As you can see, it's quality also let the air and semi colon down here. Also, you have to know that there are the keyboard layouts that are antiquity. For example, this one this is not quality. This is a 30 we have a Z e rt and why so the skateboard is mainly used when you want to type French. Okay, this keyboard is toe type French. This is toe type Portuguese. Okay, this is this is used to type Portuguese, so we won't be using these keyboards. The keyboard that will be using when this course is this one two points. When you want toe, identify the keyboard layout that will be using in discourse to u W E R T. And why is the first point you have to remember? The second point is that we have the letter l and on the right side we have semi colon. 3. 02 How to set up input source for Mac: in this lesson. We're going to learn how to set up English s our input language in thes computer. So we have here a Mac system in order for us to set up English as our input language. What we do, we click this April logo, then we click system preferences. Now we have re assistant preferences. We click keyboard. We have year keyboard, text shortcuts and input sources. This is what we want. Input sources. So we click here. We have Portuguese as our input source. So we want to type English. What? We do the click here. We select English. Now let me choose USA us. So you see here this is the keyboard layout that we started in the previous lesson. We have clarity. Okay. Q w e rt. And why we have you the letter l on the right side off the letter l we have semi column. So this is the keyboard layout that we want. We click ed. We can also now we have here to input sources for two gates and English. That means I can type Portuguese and I can type English. Let me add Arabic, for example, can come here Arabic Arabic PC and Ed, As you can see here, this is the keyboard layout for Arabic. So you see that this is a different keyboard layout? Okay, we have rear the Arabic letters on the keyboard. So what we want, we want these keyboard here. Let me add another language like Greek, for example that may select it. And now now we have four input sources. English of the United States is Arabic, Greek and Portuguese. That means if I want to type or Tagus I select this keyboard. If I want to type Greek a select this keyboard and I want to type Arabic, I select this keyboard. And if I want to type English, I select these keyboard. Another point is show include menu in menu of birth. This is very important. Okay. When we have these select like this So we see the flag here you click here and you select the input source that you want. If you want to talk Portugese, you select Portuguese. If you want to type Greek, you select it here. Also English. You select it here. So if you and check this you won't see any flag up here. So it's very important for you to keep this checked like this. Now let me close or I can put this right here. Okay, so this is our physical keyboard. You see that? This keyboard is quality we have here Q w e rt. And why This is a quality keyboard. Also, we have here the letter l on the right side of the letter L We have seen Sevilla Seaside villa. So that means this is a Portuguese. That means this is a Portuguese keyboard. Okay, I use this. Keep word to type Portuguese. But right now you have to understand that this physical keyboard this is an important What is important is the input source that we have year. Okay, If I want to attack Portuguese, I select Portuguese. Then I type a s the F and so on. So my keyboard, my physical keyboard is particulates. Also, my input source my in court source is also particulates. So this is the same. And there is no problem. We have you the letter l as you can see also see Sevilla. Okay, that isn't But if I select English as my input source So I am really the particulates keyboard and as input source I have English. So what will happen? Everything will remain the same. But ah heavier. L on the right side, off the letter l on the physical keyboard. I have see Sevilla. But if I click here, I see Semi Colon. All right, I see here. Semi Colon. Why? This is happening. This has happened because I have this input source selected as you can see here we have us A We have the's layout here. This is square T on the right side. We have on the right side of the letter l we have semi colon. So this is what will prevail. All right, These physical keyboard here it has said Sevilla. But what will prevail is these semi colon right here. Okay, so if I click here I see semi colon because the include source is this one. If I select for example Arabic. If I select Arabic PC You see that everything changes right now I don't have any more quality. What I have is this Arabic characters. Okay, Arabic alphabet. So let me select Arabic as my input source. I have selected it now let me Tyler Clarity! So cue w t rt and why we have your equality. But when I type, I don't see any to you. Right here. What they see is this Arabic letters. Okay, so once again, you see that what is important is the input source. So if you want to type English, you don't worry about the key border to have you may have there with you and English keyboard. That's cool. But you have to make sure that your input source is also English. For example, if I select Greek, it will change instead of Arabic. Now, I selected Greek as my input source. So right now you see Greek. Okay, so this is how it works. What? This means that if you want to type English, you have to make sure that English is your input source. You don't worry much about your physical keyboard. You may have an Arabic keyboard or and whatever keep what you have, but it doesn't matter. These letters engraved here they are not important. What is important is that you select English as your input source. And what you know about Europe keyboard layout is that it is quality, as we learned in the previous lesson, Also, what we learned is that on the right side, off the letter l we have sent me Kahlan. So we have clarity. And on the right side, off the letter l we have semi column. Doesn't matter that you are. You are saying that you see right now, See, Sevilla, it's not important, OK? You can see an Arabic script right here, or let me see Greek whatever Chinese. But if you selected English as your input source on the right side off the letter l you will have semi column. So this is the keyboard layout that we want. We want this keyboard layout. So we select us as our input source. We are selecting this input source because well, heavier quality. Okay, we will be using these clarity keyboard layout also, we have semi colon on right side off The letter l 4. 03 How to set up input source for Windows: If you are using windows and you want to set up English as your input source, this is what you do. You click here, then you type control. I know. Here. Control panel, you click it. All right. It opens the control panel Another way. Toe open. The Contra panel is for you. Here, you right Click And you have it. Control panel. All right. Here in the Contra Pinal you have view by category. Large icons, small icons, as you can see. So you select Atterbury. Now you have year clock, language and region. Then you have year change in good methods. All right, you click Change input methods. So we have here Portuguese from Portugal. So that means I can type only Portuguese. So let me add English as another include source I click add language Let me select English here Open and let me choose this one English from the United States. Okay, Now I have to input sources particulates from Portugal and English from the United States. Let me add Let me add Arabic. Okay, here is Arabic. I selected I open now let me select Arabic from Saudi Arabia and a click egg. Now I have three include sources Portuguese, English and Arabic. Another one. It can be Greek. Okay, let me select Greek Yuri's. I could add. Now I have four include sources Greek, Arabic, English from the United States and Portuguese from Portugal. All right, now what I do is the following after adding the input sources that I want. Actually, I just want English from the United States. But I also added this one for you to say that your physical keyboard is an important. What is important is for you to select the right input source. So after adding my in court sources, I select and vested advancing settings. All right, here. I have a year. I have advanced it. Sentence override for Windows, no override for default input, no stretching input method of these third option 1st 2nd and third I click here. Options. All right. Hear a click Options. Now I see the language birth. This is what we weren't. So I have three options here floating on the desktop. If I select this and I click apply, I see here the language per floating on the desktop. That means if I want to switch the input source, I just created and I select the input source the language I want. Okay. As you can see, I have Portuguese, English, Arabic and Greek. Okay, so it floats anywhere. I can put it anywhere I want. Okay. So floating on the desktop also I can choose docked in the task bar. If I select this and they click apply I said language bar down here so I will leave it here also, I can select Eden. If I click apply. I wouldn't find it anywhere. Okay, because it's hidden. Now let me select docked in the task bar because it's better. Okay, it's here. Let me select English from the United States. Okay, so everything's fine. I click. Okay, now let me quick back also, what's important for us to see is that for the English from the United States I have options. Okay? Options also perf you So this is the keyboard layout that we want. This is quality as we learned get its appear quoted also we have on the right side off the letter l we have semi cordon. This is the input source that we won't Okay, it's quality also on right side. We have semi column. If I select, for example, Arabic, okay. And a quick review. I see just the Arabic characters Arabic lettuce. That means if I type and we're on my keyboard, I, uh the result will be these Arabic letters as we saw it in the previous lesson. So let me close it. And we have here this physical keyboard let me select English as my import source. So I click a s the all right f g h and so on. But here here we have the letter l as you can see on the right side in this physical keyboard, and we have already talked about it in the process lesson. But let me repeat it again. Okay. We have here D letter l l also, we see on this physical keyboard that we have D c Sevilla Okay, But when we click, the result is semi colored. Why is it because we selected English as our input source? Okay, this is this layout is a Portuguese scored against because off the sea said a lot. If I select Portuguese from Portugal now it's like this. We click this seaside villa and the result is seats. Sevilla, as you can see. So once again you see that this physical keyboard is an important. What is important is for you to have the right input source that you wound with one to board. You can type any language you want. For example, if I want to type Arabic, I select on a bit curious. Then I type all taboo una. The book is here. Okay, so this is a party gates keyboard. I just right Arabic because I selected Arabic as my input source. Now let me change. I select Portuguese as my input source and all right, believe Rukh a star I keep or all right. Um my son star goes So this is I'm I selected Portuguese as my input source. And right now I'm typing Portuguese. Okay, same to board. Now I select English has my input source and I type English. The book is here. The couple is sweet. Okay, Same keyboard. I don't know Greek, but if I knew it, I could select the Greek and time Greek, but I don't know, but you see, you see the result. The result is that when you select Greek and you type using the's propagates keyboard, the result is Greek characters. Why? Because you selected drink as your input source. So once again you have tow. Understand that if you want to type English, you have to select English as your input source. Maybe you have already English selected as your input source. But it's better for you to check once again if everything is fine. Because we'll be using English as our keyboard layout type throughout the course. If you have something different, maybe your results Certainly they do. Your result will be different. So for you to check if everything is fine, you can right click right here. You can right click and select control, panel clock, language and region. Okay, You select change include method. And now you check if you have English. If you have English from the United States or, for example, English from another place. Okay, let me check English. Wrong. Malaysia, for example Let me read it. Okay. English from Malaysia. What have to do is tow creek thesis options and review If the layout is the same. So let me check it. This is square t exactly what we want and also we have on the right side off the letter L we have semi Cornum. So that means this is exactly the layout we want. Okay. The same layout we see for English from the United States that I selected. Let me check another English from Zimbabwe, for example. English year. I click open English from Zimbabwe. Let me check if they have a different lay out here. You okay? Everything is the same. Okay, but you better check if everything is fine. Maybe you don't speak English. You speak my lay, for example. And you have to make sure that your layout is English because in this course will be learning. Typing will be learning how to tap English using these keyboard layout clarity and on right side off the letter l we have semi colon. 5. 04 how to place your fingers on the keyboard: in this lesson. We are going to learn how to place our fingers on the keyboard. This is the keyboard. So we place our fingers correctly like this. Okay, so this is the right position off the fingers on the keyboard. As you can see for the left hand, the pinky finger is on the letter. A the ring finger on the letter s the middle finger on the letter deal and the index finger on the letter f like this. So a s the f a S d f a as the f As for the right hand, we have the index finger on the letter J. This is the index finger, the middle finger on the letter cape in the ring finger on the letter l and the pinky finger in the semi colon. As you can see, J k l and Semi Colon. All right, So this is how we place the fingers on the keyboard. As you can notice the F and the J case, they have these little protrusions. Okay, They are here to help you place your fingers correctly on the keyboard without looking at the keyboard. So when you make this move and you'll find these natural protections. You know that you index finger is on the letter f and you are the index finger off the right hand is on the letter J. So please remember that the lettuce F and lettuce J they have these little protections toe help. You place your fingers without looking at the keyboard like this. Okay, I'm not looking and I am placing correctly. Why? Because I know the index fingers. They should rest on this case. And the other fingers, The place they are arresting correctly in their places. Now we have this thesis parents. Okay, left hand and right hand. They arresting you? Call it in the space bar. That means that you can okay the space bar. You can type it with the left hand with the left time or the right time. As for me, what I did just I decided that I will always type the space bar with the right hand like this. I don't have toe. Think about right now what? Some will use toe type the space bar, Whether it is the left or the right son, I decided to every time type the space bar with the right, Sam. So when a type and it's time to type when I'm typing and it's timeto to press the space bar . I just used the right term every time. So this is how you place your fingers on the keyboard. Also, you have to know that is eight. This eight case A s, the f J k l semi colon. They're known as the home row because this is the basic position off your fingers when they're not doing any typing, they're just here resting, so they should be every time here. Okay, If you want to make a move, type for example. You want to tap the letter t your tap it and you go back to the home row to the basic position. Also, What we have to know is that we use the pink finger off the right hand like this type the enter key. As you can see, this is the move you are typing and you make this move like this. Okay, type and enter. Enter if you want to tap the back space, it's the same between finger like this. And you go back to this basic position. Okay? Your fingers should always be at home row when they're not doing the job off typing like this and er okay. Dark, select everything I want to delete. Click here. Okay, I am typing English. And if I want to delete a creek like this and it should always go back, the same happen. School Enter. Okay, so what is lesson? What you should know is that you should always place your fingers in the emerald. The Homaro are the case a s D f j k l Semi colon. So your place your fingers like this. Ok, a s the f j k l Semi colon. Also, you noticed that the lettuce f, the kids F and J have these little provision in order for you to place correctly your fingers without looking at the keyboard. If you're coming like this and you'll find these little petitions, you know that your terms, your index should be here and the other fingers they come in place. Now you're fams. Are people placed above space bar. So what you do, you just decide from now on what finger we want to use for you to type two press the space bar. So as for myself, I decided that my index my thumb off the right hand, I will be using it every time to press the space bar. 6. 05 typing the letters F and J: in this lesson, we are going to learn how to type the lattice f and J So we have here our fingers on the keyboard type the letter F We used the index finger off the left hand like this. As you can see, this is how we typed the letter F and type the letter J. We use the index finger off the right hand like this. This is how we typed the letter j so f j f j f j. We have our hand on the home rolled like this and this is how we typed the letters f and J Now that we know how to type the lettuce F N j this time for us to do some exercises. So we have here our exercise file. We choose exercise one. Okay, you can also choose exercises tool three or four. These exercises they have only these two letters that we just learned F and J. So we have to practice in order to master it. Okay, so let's do this. J J f f JJ have J j f f J J f f j f J f f f jf j f J F Okay. This is how you do these exercise. Okay? Let me stop here. I click. Finish now I see my results. 43 words per minute. This is my speed. And I made five mistakes. As you can see. 1234 five. When you make a mistake, you have these reddish background. Okay. 12345 This is my mistake. This is my exercise. Now, if I want to do the same exercise, I click Start and I do this exercise again. Like this. Okay. Okay. Now I click. Finish s against you right now. My speed is 55 words permanent and I made their zero mistakes. As you can see, you can start or you can choose another exercise. And do this exercise the same way as against exercise to exercise three and exercise for. It's important for you to do this exercise. This is actually this is actual. This is actually very simple exercise. But you have to do this anyway. When you do this exercise, you don't look at the keyboard. You just have to look at the screen. Okay? Like this. And when you feel comfortable when you feel you are red, you can go to the next lesson where we will learn the letters D and K 7. 06 typing the letters D and K: in this lesson. We're going to learn how to type the lettuce D and K. Okay, this is very simple. The previous lesson we learned how to tap the letters F and J. So tap the letter f We use the index finger off the left hand. This is how we typed the letter f and to type the letter Jay, we use the index finger off the right hand like this s j f J f J. Now top the letter D We use the middle finger off deep left. And like this, this is the movement. And to attack the letter k, we use the middle finger off the right hand. Okay. Deep K d k d k. So, in the quickest lesson, we learned to how to tap to let us f and J. In this lesson, we learn how to tap two more letters. The and cake. Now we know how to type for letters. D f, j and K. Now, let's do some exercises. In order for us to master these four letters we have year. Okay. These exercises we are going to practice typing four letters that we have just learned. So let me start J J k k d Fx d j k k d d j k the and for decades the j k d f j k d f j k d Katie Katie taking the s Now I click finish and I see my results. My speed is 45 words permitted and I made four mistakes. If I want to do this exercise again, I click start and I do this again J k k g b f f j k k g b f f Take a take a kdf Kate the making. Okay, now I click finish and I see my speed 61 words per minute and I made their zero mistakes. As you can see, you can choose another exercise. You can choose exercise tool three or four and you practice typing these four letters. You have to practice snapping this for letters until you don't think anymore which finger you are using toe type. Which letter you just type. For example. I see here the letter f will end that we use the index finger off the right hand touch the letter F and we use the index finger off the left and toe type the letter J. In this case here. We used the middle finger off the light right hand. Protect the letter. Okay, So you have to practice tapping these exercises until you don't think anymore. What fingers you are using toe tap. Which letters? Okay, is just something normal? Something. Something natural for you. Okay, so this is the objective. When you are when you have done DX exercise at least one time and you are comfortable, you can go to the next lesson where we learn to more letters that are s and l see you there . 8. 07 typing the letters S and L: in this lesson, we're going to learn how to type the lettuce s and l like this s and l and first lesson we learned how to tap the lettuce f and J. We learned that we use the index finger off the left hand to attack the letter f. And we used the index finger off the right hand. Could have the letter j like this F j f j. This is what we learned in the first lesson in the previous lesson, we learned how to attack the latticed the end. Okay, We use the middle finger off the left hand, tapped the letter deep, and we use the middle finger of the right hand toe tap the letter K. Now, in this lesson, we use during finger off the left hand to tap the letter s and we use the ring finger off the right hand toe tap. The letter l This is something simple and straightforward like this. Now we know how to type six letters S d efs and J K and L. Now let's do some exercises in order for us to practice even more. We have you here, these exercises. Now we're going to type. Now we're going to practice typing six letters now let's start. S S S S d f f j k k l l l l s s d f as s the j k l l j k And Help That says the f s j k l l j k l m and s asked the d j j like this. Now I click finish and my speed 57 words per minute. And I made zero mistakes. If I want, I can respond to this exercise or I can choose another exercise. The point is that you have to do this exercise several times until you don't think any work , what fingers you are using to type what letters, for example. I see. Here s s so I just type s s. I'm not thinking that I'm using the ring finger off the left hand to tap the letter s. I'm just having the letter s. So this is the point. You have to practice until you don't think anymore what fingers you are using to type what let us. And also you don't look at the keyboard. You just look at the scream and you start typing. So as you can notice, we started typing two letters F and J. Now we have six letters. Okay. As the f j k l In the next lesson, we're going toe lend to more letters A and semi colon. So this way we will cover all the home roll. See you there. 9. 08 typing the letter A and semi colon: Now we're going to learn how to type the lettuce A and semi colon a and semi colon. So we used the pink finger off the left hand to tap the letter aid and we use the pink finger off the right hand toe tap the letter, the semi colon. As you can see, a semi colon, a semi colon. So now we know all the letters off the all Moreau A s dick f j k l Semi colon. This is these letters are very important because from these letters, we were learn I don't letters. For example, if you want to tap the letter t Okay, the same finger that type the letter f in this lesson, we're going to learn how to type the letter A and semi colon. So we used the pinky finger off the left hand like this time the letter A and we use the pinky finger off the right hand like this. Type the letter to tap the semi corner. As you can see a semi colon, a semi colon. This way we have covered all the letters off the Homaro a s, the F J a k a El semi colon Now we're going to do some exercises in order for us to master these letters off the camera. Oh, they are very important. So we have to master the Homaro for us. Toe Move forward Now let me do this exercise in little A s. That these? Okay, click finish. And I see my speed. Six words per minute. And amid a made zero mistakes, I can start to do this exercise again or I can choose another exercise and practice my typing A s the okay. Click finish normal Speed is 50 words per minute. Let me try to do another exercise. No. Okay, my speed for the words per minute. So this is how you are going to do these exercises? So you have toe master the home row you have tow practice these exercises until you type every letters and you don't think anymore what fingers you are using and you don't hesitate . Now we know 10. 09 typing the letters E and I: Now we know how to tie all the letters off the home. Row A s the f J k l Semi, Colon. What we're going to do in this lesson is we're going to learn how to tap the letters e and I e and I sold. This is how we're going to end the same finger that types the letter D is the same finger that types the letter e so deep E D e d e. Okay, this is the movement. Your fingers are here on the tomorrow. So you make this movement to retire e d e g e d. All right. And as for the letter, I the same singer that types the letter cape is the same finger that types the letter. I Okay, i k i k tonight. This is the movement. Okay. You have your hands here on the home, A room like this and on the home rule like this and the e. Okay, I did he Okay, I Now let's do some exercises. Okay? The same exercise that we have been doing like this. What will do here is that we will reveal what we learned about the case off the Homaro and we will also practiced typing letters. The end I so deep I d i o k i k I like Okay, let me see a click finish and 5th 1 words per minute. This is how you practice the same way that we have been practicing other exercises. Okay, practicing other letters. Now, when you finish practicing plant here also another exercise in this case we're going toe type actual words OK, These words they contain the only the letters that we have already covered. So this is a wood way to practice typing actual words for you to develop your speed. Okay, you can do this exercise also here and I click Finish 58 words per minute. Let me see another exercise 60 words per minute. So this is how you practice these exercises and this 11. 10 typing the words R and U: in this lesson, We're going to learn how to type. The letters are and you are And you so the same finger that types the letter f the index finger, as you can see, is the same finger that types the letter are. So this is the movement. Uh, if r f r f r okay. Kummerow f r f r f r same Coppins here, the same finger that types the letter J The index finger of the right hand is the same finger that types the letter you J u J u j u. So this is the movement you make. As we said, we started our course typing the letter F and J. I think right now you don't have any difficulty having these two letters. Now we're moving forward the same finger that types the letter F. It's same finger that types the letter R and the same finger that types the letter j with same finger that types the letter you Let's do some exercises in order for us to practice. These are the exercises that will also do and you practice f r f r J eulogy you I have for your Jay Jay like this. Okay, let me see. I click. Finish my speed. Fifth words per minute and a made four mistakes. I can restart and do this exercise again. Or choose another exercise and practice typing these letters. It's important for me to practice these latticed until I don't think anymore. What fingers I'm using to type what lettuce It becomes automatic. After practicing tapping these letters, I can also practiced typing some words like this. These words they contain only the letters that we have already started. This is a good way. No practice even more. Okay, okay, I click. Finish. This is my speed. 43 years for the three words per minute Old school year and so on Finished fifth words per minute and I made one mistake. So do the same practice a lot until you are good to go to the next lesson We live 12. 11 typing the letters T and O: We learned in the previous lesson that the same singer that types the letter F is the same finger that types the letter r F r f R f are now in this lesson. We learn the same finger that types the letter f is the same finger that types the letter t So this is the movement efty efty efty in the previous lesson f r f r f are now efty efty efty This is the movement we make. I had a letter that we're going to learn is oh, the tap the letter o the same finger that perhaps the letter l it the same finger that types the letter O l o l o l o like this This is the movement, as you can see. Okay, so in this lesson, we learned to lettuce f T f t and l o l o l Boom. Now, as always, let's do some exercises In order for us to practice Efty efty away and hope the ftf Well l f f tt tt ftf Klay FTS t All right, let me see my speed finish for six words per minute and four mistakes. 1234 I can do this exercise again or I can choose another exercise in order to practice these new letters. Then when I'm good to go, I opened the next exercise and I practiced typing son words. Okay, Okay. Click finish must speed 64 words per minute. And I made four mistakes. 1234 I can open another exercise and practice. Okay. Here also. And here, for example, I can't a click finish 71 words per minute. Okay. So you also you practice typing this words when you are good, when you are confident, you can go to the next lesson and this 13. 12 typing CAPITAL letters: in this lesson. We're going plan How? Toe type capital letters. So now we know how to type a s The f j k l Semi Colon. Also, we know we learned E and I are a new T and oh, now let's learn how to attack them in capital letters. So we have here the keyboard on the keyboard. We have these two shift case one and took so left left hand We type, we press the shift key like this and for the right hand, we press the shift key like this So we have to shift case repress it like this and also like this. So to write a capital letter what we do is the following. For example we want to type the letter A in capital. So with the right hand, we press We used the pink finger to press the shift key and we type eight like this. Okay, No. And when pressed capital letter, the same for s did. And this is how we type capital letters s for Jake eight and so on. We use this shift key, this left shift key and we type capital letters like this. Ok, so we have to shift Case one on the left side and other on the right side. When the letter that we want to type he's on the left side. We press this shift key on the right side. And if the letter that we want toe type capital is on the right side, we use the pink finger off the left side toe press the shift key off the left side like this. So we used the pink finger to press the shift case like this. Now we have here some exercises. For example, here we can I could practice typing the letter A in cup top, as you can see. Okay. Also, the letter d like these. So here we have exercises for you to practice all the letters that we have covered so far. Year practice letter old oh esque out asked out this out Fields. Okay. Seems like really something wrong. Okay, out raise. Oh, and this is how you were doing this exercise. If you want to practice typing the letter t, we have also exercises or okay, so now you know how to type capital lettuce and you have lots off exercises in order for you to practice typing capital letters. And this 14. 13 typing the letters C and comma: in this lesson, we learned how to type the letter C and comma. See Common. All right. The same finger that types the let D is the same finger that types the letter C did see deed C d c Like this. Okay, so this is the movement. Also the same finger that types the letter cape it same finger that types they come kcom like this O k c d c d k Coma kcom All right, I'm a robe. De seen d c k comma k column. Okay, come. Now that we know how to type the letter C and comma, we have some exercise D c did see a coma cake or C d c d. You didn't see See, It's ok. They seem concerning to see anything. See Comic common Sydney dealing. I see. C d c. You know this is capital lettered so I'm pressing here Shift. See, I release it. Did prince again see? Okay. Si, si, si, Si. OK, here we have capital letter C So see, we press shift, kid. See, we're Elise it d c. One more time. See c d c e and D C s f Dean que Okay, I creek finish. And this is my speed. 10 1 or 2200 words per minute. When I'm happy, I can do some exercises. All these exercises contain the letter C for you to practice. Okay. When you are happy, you can do and I don't. Okay, we have your several exercises. All these exercises contain the letter C for you to practice. Okay? There is something wrong here. Close there. Okay. I got look like and so on. And this list 15. 14 typing the letters G and H: in this lesson, we're going to learn how to type two letters G and H G and H Okay, the same finger that types the letter F is the same singer that types the letter G. So this is the movement. Also the same finger that types Letter J. It's same finger that type the letter age. So like this J H J h. So we have here the home road, the fingers on the Homaro f g J h f g J h. Let's open our exercise and let's practice typing these new letters F D E f G h next hopes. Okay, I click finish and this is my speed Total five words per minute and one mistake. I can't do the same exercise or the other exercise. So you have to do this exercise in order for you to practice even more. Then we have also some words containing these new letters that we have learned. For example, Guy Gates genius Garlic. - Okay , click finish 56 words per minute. Three mistakes we have here more exercises. And here for the letter h handle old hold a port holes Howell killed and so on. This is how you practice capping the lettuce G and H, and this 16. 15 typing the letters N and V: in this lesson, We're going to learn how to type two letters V and And these are the letters that were going to run in this lesson. So the same finger that types the letter with the same finger that types the letter B S C F three. This is the movement. Okay. Fingers on Homaro F V F V F. V s for the letter and the same finger that types the letter J. It's same finger that types the letter and J and Jake. And so this is the movement. All right. F v j and F v j n. Okay, so we are using the index fingers here. Now, let's do some exercises. We have your exercise. So we practice these two letters, you're look all right. Click finish 30 words per minute and two mistakes. Okay. Here, under exercises for you to practice after mastering practicing after mastering tapping these two letters, you have year some words for your practice. Right here we are practicing typing the letter B and year the letter and I click Finish fifth words per minute, zero mistakes. So this is how you practically So this is how you practice it. We practice typing this two letters and and you feed 17. 16 typing the letters W and M: in this lesson, we learn to more words w and and W And so that's learn the same finger that types the letter s is the same finger that types the letter doubly. So s w press w asked like this. This is the movement S W W s and the same finger that types the letter J. It's same finger that types the letter and J and J M J m. So this air the tune your worst The two new letters that we learned in this lesson S W J m . Let's do some exercises in order for us to master tapping days to let us their simple. But we have to do loss off exercises. S W ask dumbly J m J m S W s W J M J m. The rest the bless M j m j W capital letter down. You okay? And here we are. But I've seen typing these writers 34 words per minute. Zero mistakes. I can click or start. Or I can choose another exercise and keep practicing tapping these letters. Okay, I have your captor letter, so I press shift here. As you know, I m j j and M d j had asked them in jail. I promise. Shift Here s I released a press again year and, um J W one more time A press shift key on the right side s I release it a press shift key on the left side and J w and so on. Here my my want want Okay. Am I j k am I likely finish and I see 18 words per minute for mistakes. So that means I need to practice even more. I need to practice even more now. As for the world's, we can write here click Finish my speed six is two words per minute. Zero mistakes. It was so here. I can correct stopping okay. And so on. Finish with six words per minute to mistakes, As you can see here. Now it's your turn to practice typing these poor lettuce w and m and this 18. 17 typing the letters Q and P: In this lesson, we learn how to type the lettuce Q and P Q and people. So we use the pink finger off the left hand toe tap the letter kill. So we say the same finger that types the letter A is the same finger that types the letter to a to A to a Q eight to Same happens here. The Senate finger that types the letter the same it colon it same finger that taps the letter peak. So semi colon p semi colon p. So in this lesson, we are using the two can t fingers type Q and P Homaro to you. P All right now let's do some exercises in order to practice typing. These two letters were here a Q Q semi colon peed semi colon p a que a cubes in the color piece in the colon. P. So this is a good way to practice it to practice typing these two new words we have here Q . We pressed the shift key as you can see here and captor let one more time semaphore. Okay, he we press shift and capital people one more time like this. Okay, a teal like these. All right, when you finish practicing typing these letters, we have year lots off exercises. You can practice typing actual words like pulling pants, warrants peas. Pretty's Okay, You couldn't finish 56 words per minute to mistakes. Also, when we goto exercise life, we have here the letter kill for us to practice place. I like the and so on. So this is how you practice typing the lattice Q and P and this. 19. 18 typing the letters B and Y: in this lesson, we're going to learn how to type the letters B and why be and why? So let's start the same finger that types the letter F is the same finger that types the letter B f b f b. So this is the movement F B S B. All right? Huh? Moreau F big F B F b. As for the letter, why the same finger that types the letter J did same finger that types the letter. Why, J. Y j. Why? So this is the movement. As you can see, we are using the index fingers and you can see the movements. All right, it's B J. White. Let's do some exercises in order for us to protect practice typing these two letters here they're F b F d d Y d white b j Wait. Be like right. All right, let me bleak finish And my speed is three words per minute and one mistake. I can click start to do this excess again, or I can choose another exercise to continue practicing typing these two letters after I finish this exercise, I had a fear some actual words containing these new words. These new letters like Like this. - Okay , finish my speed. 40 five words per minute. Zero mistakes. Also here. Here, I can see some words containing the letter. Why? So this is how you practically you practice typing these two letters be and why? 20. 19 typing the letters Z and X: in this lesson, We're going to learn how to type the letters said, and X Okay, These cool letters said and X. So let's start the same finger that types the letter A isn't same single that types The letter said So a said Is it okay? Homaro basic position and a said Exactly as you can see, I'm using the pinky finger. A said A said Exactly. This is how we typed the letter set. We used the left pinkie finger. As for the letter X s ex during finger S X s X like this. All right, so a zed a zed s x s x s x This is how we type these two letters. All right, now it. Now that we know how to tap these two letters, it's time for us to do some exercises to bringing force what we have learned. So we have you a said A said S X s X Z Z eight excess xs a eggs That said a said said SS excess Let these. Now, as for the capital, I press shift That said a a that said a As for the eggs, same S S x X s CASS. Excess s okay. So this is very simple, I think after finishing doing this exercise, therefore exercises for you to practice typing these letters. You can duke some exercises where you find these two words said and ex like these. Okay, finish 55 words per minute. One mistake. Another exercise. Here s a D. Ok, as for the letter X heavy and the nukes next, Zannex, I click finish. So 48 words per minute. One mistake. I can click or a start and do this exercise again. 21. 20 typing colon and semi colon: we have our fingers on the home. A rope So we type a s the f j k l semi colon. So we used the pinky finger off right hand to type the semi colon. Now, if I want to type Colon, what do I do? I press the shift. Keep now I have a column, as you can see semi colon column. So if I want to type the corner, I press the shift kid and I press here. This button here So it changes from semi Colon two column. Now let's do some exercises in order for us to practice. So we have We're going to practice typing semi colon. So we still semi colon team semi colon grace were there Order phone, Jack Lion track steam mixed cup oro. Paige failed. Swell. So this is a good way to practice typing semi corner. Now, if you want to practice colon here, same exercise, but instead off semicolon. We have calling still Team Grace Order Braun, Jet Lion. As we know In order for us to type the colon, we have to press the shift Key track spin Nick cup. So you are going to do this exercise you will pray, practice type of the colon. And also you will review all the letters that you have already started. Like bless bank graze God back knows drink October warned exit and so on. 22. 21 typing full stop and comma: in this lesson. We are going to learn how to type full stop and common this lesson. We're going to learn how to type full stop and common. So the same finger that types the letter l is the same finger that types full stop. So l full stop l full stop a second safe. This is the Pacey position. We have year this movement. L full stop. L full stop. As you can see here l full stop. As for the comma, the finger that types the letter K is the same finger that types comma as you can see it. Kate Comma K. Come Soap Basic position K Common K, come hell. Full stop Elf will stop. Kcom, This is the movement K Coma care Comma elf will stop l full stop now let's do some exercises. We have the same words. By this time we have full stop soap we write Still still full stop team at post Op Grace Who stop Order will stop Toned will stop jet for Scott. This is a good way for you to practice typing Full stop. Full stop. So pay failed past place. Sigh Wheat Our wound Creamed warm bruise Lord plead and so on. This is how you practice typing Full stop. As for the comma, same exercise by this time instead off will stop. We have common and so on. Click finish 59 words per minute and zero mistakes. So this is how we will practice typing, go stop and common. 23. 22 typing question mark and exclamation mark: Now we're going to learn how to type Question Mark. So we have here semi corner. As you can see, we have semi colon down here. We have slash. So what we do, we press shift. Now we have question Mark. So this is how we get question mark the same finger that types semi colon. Is this him? Finger that types question mark. So I asked How are you? What do I do? I press shift and a press here. The question mark, as you can see. Do you see me like this? As for the exclamation mark, it's very simple. It's up here. What do we do if we press it like this? We get one. So we have pressed shift and now we have exclamation mark like this. So I say, Fine, I press date, shift key and I go up here and I press exclamation mark. Now let's do some exercises. As for the question mark Half a year steel team, race order calling jet guy on track steam a cop or a day Say you. Yes, I can see this is how we get the question mark. As for the estimation, Mark, same wears, but exclamation mark! Steel team Grace Hopes Grace, Order Corn yet now, young track Steam Mitt, Come on for old pay. Okay, Failed. Swell. Okay. I am using the middle finger, My press shift key and the middle finger Like this. So let me to ascend under exercise Seep, Find me Kate Hopes Hate. I need made it. You have to do this without looking at the keyboard with lots of practice that becomes automatic mouth under and so on. This is how you will do this exercise and you will practice typing question marks and exclamation mark in this life. 24. 23 typing dash quotation marks and parentheses: in this lesson, we are going to learn how to type the dash part Antis is and quotation marks. So as for the dash, this is how the type it So we have we have here the basic position. Then we do this move with the bring finger we type deep dash. After tapping the deaths, we go back to the basic position. So we type here like this basic position. Dash, go back to the basic position. This is how we type the dish with the ring finger off the right hand and we go back to the basic position. Now how do we opened? A parent is is we press here we see the number nine. But if we press the shift key, we have the parenthesis and also the number zero like this. So up in parenthesis. Nice clothes, clothes open. Nice close ups. Okay, I have toe. We must never look at the keyboard. Okay, Hopes Amazing it or pin clothes. Corbyn. Close, Open. Close, open. Close. All right. And the third compression mark that we're going to learn is the quotation marks. So here, when we pressed the shift, we have the quotation mark as you can see. All right, So the past shift and quotation mark semi colon quotation mark. Okay, quotation marks like these. Now let's do some exercises. As for did Dash, we have here some exercises to practice. We write steel came race order tone, jet dry on track, steam cop or up a fail swell past place site. Quick. As you know, we do this exercise until everything becomes automatic. Okay? We don't look at the keyboard. We don't think. Where is it? We just type it. So 58 words per minute. As for the quotation mark here we do the same. Like this? Nope. I have to press shift now. Okay. Steel team Grace order tone jet Lyon Track steam nicked the cup for over paid and so on. Can, in words per minute 1 may stage. And for the apartment Texas. We have also these exercises. The parent is are difficult for me. So I have a must not look at the keyboard spiel came hopes Team Grace Grace hopes these Yes , thes and he's all right. So I have to use these two fingers one toe open under clothes like this. All right, so All right, one more time. Open quotes, ropes drop in close. No, it's very difficult. Maybe because I don't do this very often. Open. No. Close. One more time. Open. Cruz Hope in close. All right, let's restarts. Been steel close. Well, then team works grows. Nope. Open grace close off in order. Close. Open. Going close. So I used the middle finger to open, and I use the bring finger close. So I'm not looking at the keyboard. Jet grows. Looks all right. That means I need lots off practice typing this Prentice's I think you should, as I think I am, must practice even more parenthesis. And you also you practice until you become fluent at opening and closing parentheses.