The Ultimate Piano Chords Course - for Piano & Keyboard | Arthur Bird | Skillshare

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The Ultimate Piano Chords Course - for Piano & Keyboard

teacher avatar Arthur Bird, Piano Teacher & Session Player

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      The Ultimate Piano Chords Course


    • 2.

      The White Keys


    • 3.

      White Key Note Learning Exercise


    • 4.

      Black Notes Explained Sharps and Flats Tones and Semitones


    • 5.

      Black Keys Note Learning Exercise


    • 6.

      Intervals Skillshare


    • 7.

      Minor 3rd Major 3rd Interval Exercise


    • 8.

      Using Intervals To Construct Chords


    • 9.

      Chord Building Exercise


    • 10.

      Learning Through applying your knowledge


    • 11.

      Let's Apply This and Play A Song Someone Like You


    • 12.

      Basic Rhythm 4 Beats Per Bar


    • 13.

      Adding The Left Hand Someone Like You


    • 14.

      Quick Chord Test 1


    • 15.

      Half Beat Rhythms


    • 16.

      Half Beat Rhythms Stand By Me Skillshare


    • 17.

      Chord Inversions Explained


    • 18.

      Chord Inversion Exercise 1


    • 19.

      Let's Put This Into Practise Let It Be


    • 20.

      How To Use the Sustain Pedal


    • 21.

      Sus Chords


    • 22.

      A Song With A Sus Chord You Raise Me Up


    • 23.

      A Sus with no number


    • 24.

      Add Chords


    • 25.

      Finger Strength/Technique Exercise


    • 26.

      A Common High Energy Rhythm


    • 27.

      High Energy Rhythm Applied To All Of Me John Legend


    • 28.

      A Song With Inverted Chords and Sus Chords The Scientist


    • 29.

      The Kick Drum Rhythm


    • 30.

      Left Hand Kick Drum Rhythm Applied to Dont Stop Believing


    • 31.

      Off Beat Rhythms


    • 32.

      Off Beat Rhythms Applied to I'm Yours


    • 33.

      Groups of 3 and 6 Rhythm Patterns - Waltz Time


    • 34.

      Waltz Time Applied to Hallelujah


    • 35.

      Figuring Out Beats per Bar by Ear Skillshare


    • 36.

      7 and Dominant 7 Chords


    • 37.

      The E7 Chord in Hallelujah


    • 38.

      Minor 7 Chords


    • 39.

      Slash Chords AKA Over Chords


    • 40.

      Putting 7 Chords Into Practise Easy


    • 41.

      Diminished & Diminished 7 Chords


    • 42.

      Half Diminished 7 Chords


    • 43.

      Augmented and Augmented 7th Chords


    • 44.

      Pushed Beats


    • 45.

      Stay With Me A Song With a Diminished Chord and a Pushed Beat


    • 46.

      Following Chords Signs Using Sheet Music


    • 47.

      Split Chord Rock Pattern


    • 48.

      Split Chord Rocking Pattern Applied to My Way (Part 1)


    • 49.

      Split Chord Rocking Pattern My Way Part 2


    • 50.

      Broken Chord Patterns 3 or 6 Beats Per Bar


    • 51.

      Broken Chord Patterns 3 or 6 Beats Per Bar Applied to Hallelujah


    • 52.

      Alternate 3 or 6 Beats Per Bar Broken Chord Pattern Fallin Alicia Keys


    • 53.

      Broken Chord Patterns 4 Beats Per Bar Someone Like You


    • 54.

      9th Chords


    • 55.

      11th Chords


    • 56.

      Rock Rhythm Pattern (This Is Me - The Greatest Showman)


    • 57.

      Rock Rhythm Pattern Alternate Hands


    • 58.

      Arpeggiated Chord Patterns - Waltz Time - 6 Beats Per Bar


    • 59.

      Arpeggiatted Chord Pattern Applied to Unchained Melody and Trusting Your Instincts


    • 60.

      Left Hand Octaves


    • 61.

      1st 5th and 8ve Pattern - Left Hand - Jar of Hearts


    • 62.

      Left Hand 1st 5th and 8ve Pattern in 3 or 6 Time


    • 63.

      Left and Right Hand Pro Sounding Broken Chord Pattern


    • 64.

      Pro Sounding Broken Chord Pattern Applied to All of Me Skillshare


    • 65.

      Pro Sounding Broken Chord Pattern All Of Me Tempo Practise


    • 66.

      Find Your Favourite Songs Online For Free


    • 67.

      How to Transpose a Song to Your Own Voice


    • 68.

      Using the Words and Your Knowledge of the Song - American Pie


    • 69.

      Numbering Chords Using the Degrees of the Scale to Understand Chord Progressions


    • 70.

      The Circle of Fifths


    • 71.

      Using Secondary Dominants as Passing Chords


    • 72.

      Formula for Major Scales


    • 73.

      How to Use the Scale to Number Chords in Any Key


    • 74.

      Formula for Minor Scales


    • 75.

      Applying the Chords and Numbers using the Minor Scale


    • 76.

      A Quick Chord Progression Test


    • 77.

      Left Hand Arpeggiated Broken Chord Pattern in 4 Time (Over the top)


    • 78.

      9-8 Suspensions


    • 79.

      9-10 Suspensions


    • 80.

      Chromatic Passing Chords


    • 81.

      Diminished Passing Chords


    • 82.

      The ii-V-I Chord Progression


    • 83.

      Using the ii-V-I as Passing Chords


    • 84.

      An Introduction to Improvising


    • 85.

      Starting Off Improvising Using Diatonic Chords


    • 86.

      Returning To the Root


    • 87.

      Introducing Melodies in the Right Hand


    • 88.

      Passing Notes


    • 89.

      Major Scale & Chord Exercise


    • 90.

      Some Tips on Creating Melodies Leaving Space


    • 91.

      Rhythmic Variation


    • 92.



    • 93.

      Improvising Harmonies


    • 94.

      Call and Response


    • 95.

      3rds Exercise


    • 96.

      6ths Exercise


    • 97.

      Improvising in a Minor Key


    • 98.

      Flatten the 5th for that Blues Sound


    • 99.

      "A Minor" Pentatonic Exercise 1


    • 100.

      "A Minor" Pentatonic Exercise 2


    • 101.

      Blues Exercise in "A Minor"


    • 102.

      The Minor Pentatonic Scale in Any Key


    • 103.

      The Minor Pentatonic Exercise in Any Key


    • 104.

      The Minor Blues Scale in Any Key


    • 105.

      The Minor Blues Exercise in Any Key


    • 106.

      Incorporating Passing Chords


    • 107.

      Combining Melodies with Chords in Your Right Hand


    • 108.

      Advanced Left Hand "Flowing" Pattern in 6 Time


    • 109.

      Lets Apply this Pattern to a Chord Progression


    • 110.

      Lets Add some Melodies in the Right Hand


    • 111.

      Exercise - Pentatonic Scale Over Advanced Left Hand Flowing Pattern


    • 112.

      Exercise - Minor Blues Scale Over Advanced Left Hand Flowing Pattern


    • 113.

      Including Previous Techniques


    • 114.

      Wrapping it Up & Breaking Out


    • 115.

      Chord Course Ending


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About This Class

The Ultimate Piano Chord Course will give you the skills to be able to play thousands of songs.

Most songs are written using chords, so if you understand how to use them properly, you'll be able to play a vast amount of songs by just reading simple chord symbols. You don't need to be able to read music notation in order to play great songs!

This course is for beginners on the Piano, and so starts with the basics, but quickly moves onto learning about the different kinds of chords and how they are constructed, gradually getting more and more advanced as you progress. You don't just learn about chords though. Along the way you will learn about different kinds of rhythms, playing patterns and techniques that can be applied to the chords. By the end you'll be able to play the Piano by reading a chord sheet, but sound like a pro!

I believe the best way to learn is by applying your new found knowledge, and so throughout the course you will learn famous songs or chord progressions on the Piano, relevant to the particular chord/rhythm or playing pattern you've just been learning. The course uses examples from songs by a wide variety of artists such as Adele, Sam Smith, The Commodores, Christina Perri, John Legend and Don McLean to name a few.

If you're a singer, by the end of this course you'll be able to pick up and play any piece of music or chord sheet and play Piano by following the chord symbols. All you need to do is sing along. I even show you how to print off any song of your choice online for free, as well as showing you how to change the key so it suites your vocal range.

The same goes with anyone wanting to accompany other singers on Piano, or people wanting to play Keyboard in a band. This course will give you the skills and understanding to be able to play along with other people.

If you're a songwriter, you'll find that your understanding of chords and playing techniques will be so much greater, and so you'll be able to use what you've learnt to write songs with much more variety and musicianship and freedom.

Even if you just want to enjoy playing the Piano/Keyboard for yourself at home, by the end you'll be able to play a selection of famous songs, and have the skills and ability to print off your own favourite songs and play them by just following the chord symbols.

There are supporting PDF's of important chord building info and playing techniques that you can print off and set on your keyboard, which will make it easy to refer to when you start choosing and learning your own favourite songs.

eBook Download:

This course includes a download of "The Piano Chords eBook for Beginners". This handy guide has 25 pages packed with information on chords, as well as illustrated chord reference charts that serve as a quick and easy reference for anyone wanting to learn about piano chords.

NEW UPDATE - This course also includes an additional 30 lessons on improvisation. You will learn how you can use your new knowledge of chords to get started improvising with help from a variety of techniques, rhythmic patterns and progressions along the way. You will also get the chance to explore melodies with the use of scales and harmony. By the end of these extra lessons you will have the tools to be able to have fun improvising your own music on the piano!

Meet Your Teacher

Teacher Profile Image

Arthur Bird

Piano Teacher & Session Player


Hi, I'm Arthur and I've been playing the piano for 20 years. After achieving Grade 8 with the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, I started touring as a session player in theatre shows all over the United Kingdom. As well as this I have lots of experience in recording studios, and with bands have played music all over the world, from the UK, Europe, USA and even Australia. I've been teaching piano for 10 years now, and am an approved tutor with the City of York Arts Council.

See full profile

Level: All Levels

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1. The Ultimate Piano Chords Course : There have been so many Greer songs over the years, and most of them had been written using carbs. You don't need to be able to read great 8 music notation in order to be a great musician. In fact, some of the best singer songwriters can only play it by ear. This course is giving you the champs to be able to play piano without having to spend years learning to read sheet music. The current starts with the basics, but quickly moves on to learning about the different kinds of cards, how they are built, and how to read them off a card sheet of piece of music. I will also teach you different plane techniques, rhythms, and patterns that get steadily more advanced throughout the course. And by the end, you'll be able to play songs following a call sheet, but sound like a probe. I also believe the best way to learn is by applying your knowledge. So after each new pass in our technique, we'll go through a famous song, our core progression relevant to what you've just learned. The cause is for complete beginners. But later parts of the course would also be valuable for anyone wanting to understand more about cards and how to use them in your planning. So if you're a singer wanting to be able to accompany our self with the piano or play keyboard in a band. Maybe you want to learn carbs. See you can accompany other things or even have a go at writing your own songs. Or perhaps you just want to understand more about cards and different plane techniques so you can enjoy playing for yourself. Well, this course is for you. So why not sign up today? And I'll see you inside the course. 2. The White Keys: right, Let's get started. I want to get you playing the piano as quick as possible. But if you're learning from scratch, I need to go through a few things beforehand. First, let's look at the names of the tees. Can you see on your piano? There were black notes and white notes on the black. Notes are divided into groups of twos. Language of threes on that pattern repeat itself up and down the piano groups of two or three in groups of twos. On getting down here, two threes groups of 2 to 3. So all the way up and down the piano, I should say, When I say up, I mean to the right. So is to the right I'm gonna say it down. It's to the left, so up and down now to go back to the keys. So depending on the size of your piano, a keyboard, the amount will differ. I'm using a full size keyboard, which has 88 keys, but I have zoomed in on the center of the piano just so you can see the notes easier, so it doesn't matter if you're using a smaller ball. I would need to find the group of two black keys in the middle of your piano. So on mine, the middle of my piano is here on. There's a group of two black notes there. If you go down to the note directly to the left of these two black notes, this is middle C. So the scent of the piano the two black notes into the left is middle C. I want you to think of this as your anchor point, so when you sit down at the piano, you should line your belly button up with middle C. So you know you're sitting in the correct position, so two black notes into the left is middle. See if you go to any other groups of two black notes and to the left of it, it's philosophy. ISI City. Go to another group of two black notes, and to the left, this is another. See, go to another group of to bat notes, and so those are all sees, but the seas with different pictures. So going to imagine Whitney Houston singing a high pitch see here Onda, a big, burly opera singer singing low. So these Cesaire, the same notes on a piano but with different pictures. High pictures on low pictures on the ones in between they get Now we've talked about these C notes to the left of the two black nuts. I want to talk about the alphabet. So a normal life There are 26 letters of the alphabet, but in music we just use the 1st 7 So a B, C D E f g and then it repeats itself So it goes to the start again. A B C d e f g a b c d e f g That pattern repeat itself opened down the piano. So here's how to use it. So let's go back to middle C on. But if you go down so left to white notes for less ago 12 that will land you on an A OK on then I need to do is go through the 1st 7 letters of the alphabet moving to the right. Oh, and I'll give you the names of these notes. So here is nay. Be soon. Dean E. Like I said before, the pattern repeats itself so it doesn't go to hate. It starts CNN A. So you wanna g let me go A B c So the pattern repeats itself all the way up and down the piano. You could start on. Let's find a C first. Okay, so too bad looks into the left on you Come down to the left to our backwards, through the alphabet. So C s u can count up from there a again they the genes they see all the way and down the piano. So with that knowledge, he confined any notes on the piano by just counting up and down the cardinal e. So if you found to see wherever you are on the piano and just go up and down the alphabet from a to G. So let's do a few more together. Let's say you want to find the name of this. No see, go to the two black notes nearby. Find the sea on. You can count backward. So see, let's do another one. Let's say you want to find this not here starts on middle C and count up from sea to sea. Let's do another one. Let's say you want to find this not here, which is in between these two seas, so if you need to count backwards. If you see B a then to the last night of the seven, which is a G or it might be easier to go from underneath. Circle Teoh See down here and come up C D E F G. So that's how you find the names of the white nuts and a piano. You got the 1st 7 letter that the alphabet on. If you know where to find a C, you can count up and down accordingly. That more you go through that process, the quick you'll find it on. Eventually, you won't need to think of told you'll just know. 3. White Key Note Learning Exercise: If you can memorise the names of the notes at this early stage, you'll find it much easier to take on board what I'm learning in the latter part of the cast. So we're going to do an exercise to help you to learn them. I'm going to play a note on the piano. They're not. Leave it a few seconds, and in that gap, I wanted to figure out the note name and say it out loud. Then I'll give the answer. Feel free to parts of video. If you need more time, you can also go to the bottom left off the screen, and there should be a white box with the one and an X next to it, which means it's paying a normal pace. If you click on that, you can watch a slower pace are you can also watch it a quicker pace. Let's begin. That's a G. That's a C. That's enough not to be. Mm hm. That's a D. That's an A Not to see. That's Cindy. Ah, that's a G. Yeah, but it's enough. Um, that's a D. That's a G. That's a B, uh, personality. Ah, that's a C. That's enough um, that's in a 1000 E. Uh, that's another A. That's a bay That's a D. That's a G. Not tonight. Did not move onto the next lecture. 4. Black Notes Explained Sharps and Flats Tones and Semitones: Now you've hopefully got to grips with the names of the white nuts will move on to the black ones. But first I need to explain the meaning of a couple of musical words that are used quite a lot. The first is a semi tone, so a semi tone is the smallest movement you can make on a piano. For example, if you here and they go up to the Blattner there, that is a movement of one semi turn. So here to hear it, it's a meter here to hear Senator Senator to these at smartest movements, semi tones, it is also known as 1/2 step. So from that is a step. And here to here is 1/2 day have to have to have to have toe after. So the called semi told 1/2 steps. OK, Thea. Other word is a tone Now a tone is to seven tons. So from here did you hear it going up one to suffer from here to here is a full turn to go in one to sell from here. A full tawn is not to there because that's just once a meat on or half step sort of full tone is here. Teoh here on again, full tone from here is not to their cause. That's one semi tone. It's there is one too. So it's to them that sometimes also known as a full step. So you could say hot that it as 1/2 step there today is a full step, are semi tone on tone. So now you know what terms and semi, Tonda, Our steps and half steps I can teach you about the black notes. So each of these but notes has two different names on It depends on where you're coming from On the piano toe, what are called will start off with what we call shops. So if you start off on the middle C and we move up by one centimeter, that is called a C shop, that you can see this shop sign looks like, Ah, hash tag. So you got to see on up to the right a seizure. If you are a bigot book to the right one semi term that is called a d sha Never go to this s here to the right to the Butner eyes f shar. So if you got a gene here. Look to the right Is a sheesha on then, eh? Up to the right isn't a shop. So think about it. Becoming up to the right. You sharpening. Okay, now, that's if you come in up to the right. The other name, that looking recalled a flats, and it looks like a slightly squashed be Okay, So the flat is when it coming down after the left. So this see show could be called a D. Go in down to the left. So it's got two different names a c sharp and also D flat. So let's go to this. Not here. This could be a d sharp. Also coming down to the left of the E U to me flat. So this one here, if you're on a G and you come down to the left, it's a g flat, this one here from a and it comes down to the left on a flat on here. You want to be, you got down to the left B flat so that we each got two different names depending on where you coming from. And how do you know which name to use the Blattner? Well, that depends. on what the key of the song you're playing is or what cards are using such factors like that. But we will look at that in Martita later on in the cast. So for the moment, you just need to know that each Buttner has two different names. 5. Black Keys Note Learning Exercise: so we'll just do a quick exercise to help you get used to it. We're gonna work with shots first, So I'm going to point to a black note and I want you to tell me what the sharp name is for that button up. For example, I'll point it this note and you would say, an f sharp so pointed to a Blattner that I'll give you a few seconds to figure it out, then ugly for the answer. Let's begin. So we worked with shops. What is this? No called? That's a C shop. What's this? Not called that shop on this one that's in a shop. How about this one? That's a day shop on this one. That's a Gensia. How about this one? Um, that's a DIY shop. This not, that's a C sharp on. This one was in a shop. This one that's a G shop from this one. That was a lecture. Now we're gonna have a go at figuring out the but notes, but using the flats. So this is the one where if you want to find this no, here you go from the A and then come down to into the left that there be an E flat. So again I'm going to point out the note, and I wanted to figure it out. And then I give the answer. Let's begin. So what is? It's no cold. That's a B flat. How about this note that's in a flat? How about this note? That's a D flat, this one that's a G flat. That's a D flat. That's a B flat. That's a D flat. That's an effort that's a G flat. 6. Intervals Skillshare: In this course, you'll be learning how to play cards. For those of you that don't know a card is made up of two or more notes played at the same time. So technically, this could be a car, but usually it's three or more notes. For example, this is a card thing is a card march as the cars even more distant calls like this, or even this is a card. So that's what Carter, but rather than memorizing that many different kinds of cards, which can take a long time, is much easier to remember them. If you understand how called are constructed on in order to do this, you first need to know what an interval is as card to made up of certain intervals. So, first of all, an interval is the distance between two different notes. So if I use a C major scale, it makes it much easier to explain to the C major scale. For example, if you go from Bill ISTEA on including Middle C counted born not to the D. So one Teoh is called a second, just like counting wanted. If you count up to an E from see it just said 12 3/3 and it carries on. So up to the 1234 5th 12345 That was actually the example. A surety for two. No card. It was also an interval of fifth on, then six, seventh and hey, otherwise known as adoptive. Now going to go into a bit more detail because it's all good and well using the C major scale. But you need to understand help to find these intervals. Starting on what the North. Figure out now to go into a little bit more detail. You may have noticed that when I was showing you different intervals just then, I was missing out the black notes. Well, there are different kinds of intervals, depending on the amount of semi tones between the notes. I'm going to quickly take you through it so you can see the overall picture. Then we'll go into more detail if you move up by the smallest distance from C. So one summit on it will take you to a C sharp. So from here to here, this interval is also a second because that was a second, wasn't it? But this is called a mine a second. So if Ugo another semi Thanh, you'll be on the d. So this one is called a major second. So there's two different kinds of intervals There you've got mine a second and a major set thats pattern repeats itself again. So move up another Sim itan on its the minor third. But then a major search and then you come to what is called a perfect fourth on augmented fourth. What the minutes? Fifth it is sometimes also try toe this distance here. Then you've got perfect 50. Then we go back to the minor Major pattern ser minus six, Major six minor seventh, maybe seventh. Then you're a full active. So it goes back to the sea again. So you've got minor second made a second minor third medicine on, then tryto minus six. Major six minor, seventh major seventh. So that was quite a lot of detail all at once. There wasn't it. I just wanted to go over it quickly, find they're just so I'm not missing anything out, but we don't actually need to know a lot of the other ones for the moment. We just need the earlier ones the 2nd 2/3 Okay, but I will include a pdf of the names of common intervals on the distances of cemeteries between them. So let's go back to the things we need in this car's gonna go back to the minor second. Okay, So the minor second is the smallest intimate what exists. So I can start anywhere on the piano and find a mind second so that what I showed you before was this from smallest distant. But you can do in mind a second. Anyway, you could start on a G Angop, Senator, that's a mind A second get start on a big and go for Senator Mina Second could do it any way you could go mine a second a second. That's a minor second. Now if we take the major second, which is moving up to seven terms. So skip one out that's a major second. Benefits that anywhere on the planet and find a major second son in F one out. One to turn a benefit will find a major second care. So, miss for now, one Teoh made a second, and if you do any way to go on a C show, she'd skipped one out and got today. You got that one too? Uh, anywhere made a second. Major second May 2nd May deception. Now we're gonna go on toe the third intervals. Which of the ones you need to build cards? Okay, so after the major second, if you got what more summit on this is the minor third. So we're gonna see Got minor Second made a second. Next. What is a mind? So from a C to an e flat? Notice how There's two notes in between. This is imparted. I want you to remember this. So to find a manifest leave to set returns on. Okay, let's do a few more. So minor. Third for meth. Leave you out. It's my third form A So leave to out to sea manager from Dean. So Skip Teoh, 1/3 girl from B flat. So big Zehr Skip Teoh 1/3. Go to hell. Go from the flat. Skip to out Uh, Mina said the one ma go from a tree Here. Skip Teoh minus going up. One more semi tone from a minor third takes you to a major third from a middle C minus second made a second amount of third Where you skip to now got one must return, take you to the major third. So this time there's three notes in between them. Can you see 123 So remind a search, too. A major 33. So again, this is important to find a major third, you miss out 37 tons and again you can apply to anywhere on the piano. So we've got from if we're gonna find a major 30 girl who's get 3123 takes two and a bigger from a D. So may just skip out. 3123 g o May just said another one will go from a factor sign. Keep going to skip up 3123 Major said. Duma's won't be flat. Skip out. Three. So 123 may just that do want Mark. So we're going to go from the f Sharp will go up here so f sharp. Let's get about 3123 Play the next note up. That's a major third. So defined a minor third unit up to And to find a major third, you miss out with three 7. Minor 3rd Major 3rd Interval Exercise: it's important that you get used to finding these two intervals, because with these two intervals you'll be able to construct lots of cards. So we're going to go over. Some are together to help you get used to them. I'm going to play an interval, and I want you to say whether it's a minor Third are a Major said. I'll give you a few seconds to name it, Then I'll give you the answer. Let's begin. That's a major third because this three, it's a mind because that's too yeah, that's a major said, because there's three. That's another major third because there's three in between. My mind said this to it's another minor third because there's too. That's another matter. Third, because it's too. Uh, that's a major started because this three that's another major third was three. Uh, what's this, too? Because it's too another minor third, because it's too major said, Well, that's wrong, Major said, Because this three so you can spend some time getting you to these intervals. If you want to sit down with piano, Andi practice playing the different major and minor thirds, then I'll see you in the next lecture 8. Using Intervals To Construct Chords: Now that we've looked at intervals, let's look at how cards a constructive like we said before a card is two or more loss played at the same time. But we're going to be looking at try at cards, which have three notes. There are far different kinds of basic trade cards made up of three notes. Major triumphs Try us diminished triumph on Doug went to try us, but But for the moment, we're going to be looking at the major on minor triumphs. Major cards could be described as happy sounding. Where's minor cards could be described as sot sounding, For example, Happy major sat sound in minor happy major Suck it up Santa Minor. These cars are made up of major, third and mind third intervals that we looked at this before. Like we said the minus, it has to some attended between, and then the major third threesome returns in between. Here's how to build major cards, so a major Carter's built off a major third interval undermine the third interval. So all you need to remember is a three on the two. That's the easiest way to remember. So let's say you want to play a C major triad card. So it starts with a C on then because it's a 3 to 2, you leave three out and play the next note three out of the major third. And then it's a manifest. Which is to say, Leave Teoh on those three notes on you wouldn't play it like this. I'm just putting my fingers like this so you can see you play it with the arch in your head like that. So that's a seeming also, when playing cards for the moment, trying to use your first finger thumb on the route, your third finger on the middle of the card on your fifth, a top like that first can do. Some are so we're looking for a major card that do F major. So you play F the sound of Thumb Lee. Three out. Play the next up, which is in a and then you leave to our It's a major third in a minor third. I got three and a two. That's an F major. Let's do D major. So start on D Lee three out, then you leave about 3 to 2. Let's do a more complicated card. Let's do F sharp major so you can find the F sharp. Leave three out. So 123 which sex then to the a sharp B flat leave to out take it to the three is left out. Tip. You see how easy that is to find those card so easy? I wish I had been taught this when I've learned piano. Let's do another ball. Let's do be major. So be then you leave. Three hour takes it to the D Sharp leave to our, which is shops. That's to listen it with that 3 to 2. You can play any major card triad on the piano. Let's look a how to build minor cards. So to build a minor card is the opposite way around toward it for a major. So it's a minor third Onda major third. So a two out of three let's play G minor starting a G minus 30 leave to so want to you know that least three, sir. 123 Virtus 23 Let's do some are together. Let's do D minor. So we'll start on a d s. So we want a minor certain. Also leave to out on denim Major serves. Leave three D minor two and three. Let's do another. Let's do a minor. So some leave him out and least three out. Hey, my, let's do a slap minor. So a flat you leave to out and then you leave. Three out. 123 two and three for the might because a couple miles F sharp minor. So start on he f sharp. Leave Teoh next of their lead. 3 to 3. Next shot. Mine What? Let's Well, let's do C Sharp minor. Nice, complicated cars. Well, it's no if you use this so see shop. Leave to out 12 Excellent. Another 3123 How cool is that? With that, 2 to 3 should play any minor card. So for the major cards a 3 to 2. The minor cards. A two or three 9. Chord Building Exercise: So let's put this into practice. I'm going to see a card and I want you to then find that called on your piano. Then after 10 seconds also, I'll play the card so you can see whether you've got it correct again. You can pause it if you need more time. Also, it doesn't matter where on the piano you choose to do the card. For example, you might figure a high d card appear on Did when I show you the card I might be playing it down here is correct. But I am going to be showing you by examples in the middle C area, so it might be an idea toe. Try and figure them out here, but it still corrective. It's off. There are down here. Let's begin. So I want you to find an S major. So 3 to 2. Okay, F major, it's here. A minor. So a 2123 OK, a minor e major. An e major. There is. Hopefully you got that. Correct. The more you do this, the more you'll get used to it. Let's do G minor. Next G minor. Gee minor, uh, be major. So three nitty a major major, Last one s Shop Minor. And here's of Shot Minor. There is hopefully getting user finding those major in mind the hearts Let's move on to the next section where we're going to apply to a song. 10. Learning Through applying your knowledge: e. I believe that the best way to learn properly is by applying what you are learning on DSO. Throughout the whole costs have chosen songs so you can put into practice what you've just learned. I would advise sticking with these songs I've chosen, but I understand that everyone has a different legs and dislikes. So if you really don't like a certain song, please feel free to skip ahead to the lecture where I teach how to find your own car chiefs and learn from other songs. But again, out advise using the songs in the costs because I've chosen them specifically so you can apply what you've just learned in the previous lectures. 11. Let's Apply This and Play A Song Someone Like You: way before we look a rhythms. I just want to get you into playing a song straight away. So just for the moment, don't worry about how long to play it card. I just want you to see how easy it is to play a song. Once you understand how to play cards, for instance, let's take the famous song Someone Like You by Adele. Here's what it sounds Life, mind Find someone I e. I wish nothing but the best for you too. Don't forget me. I I remember you said Sometimes it lasts sometimes since Teoh sometimes soothe. Get out of this. That was signal of the top of those cards. I just wanted you to hear what it sounds like with just the card. If you just sing on top of it, you can recreate the song straight away. Just say I'm not pretending how the best voice in the world, but sometimes I think it's just like to show you as an example. So let's look Teoh. Now. If you look at these cards, can you see the 1st 1 is a C. So we're looking at cards. If it says see it mean to play a C major so that next card can you see it set a G. It would be a G major. Could you see the next one along isn't a with a little end. That means play in a mine. So if it's just a capital letter, it means you play whatever card is. So if it's an F, then you would play an F major. But if it is small and next to the capital letter, it mean to play the minor. So let's look at it together. The first card says, See, doesn't it? So you play a C major, so I'm going to let you find that card on your role. Then I'll show you where. So if you about 12th to find that car. Okay, so the C major, but a 3 to 2. So I found that the next card is a G. So how device going down to the G with its one. But I think it'll sound better so you can go down to G below middle C to find RG card on. Then you can check it against mine in a few moments. So you D card was so just how you check those two cars, first of all, get used to finding these energy, so just do that few times. Use that moving the distance. See? Again. Played with your 13 85 fingers first. Certain fifth. Next. Once a minor, we're gonna let you find that. Okay? The A minor was here. You might sound up there, but if I were you try and do the neighbors card for the moment. So the G, the next one is okay. Finally got s. So I'd probably advise going down to the F for this one so we can go down to the f from the A on it's an f major because there's no little them. Okay, so you hopefully found this car. Major took a C May minor Major. Spend a bit of time getting me to those cards. You can pause a video if you need toe. Don't you on speed? If you feel you need a bit more time to find the card just got slower. Ticket your own. Pierce. It's totally fine. It's fine to play songs slower at the start. So if you're departed video and get used to these four cards, So now you've got you to play. Those cards have a girl playing through the full chorus so, as it concedes, played through five times. If you want, you can try and sing along to the cards on. If you don't, that's fine. Just just play the cards on in the next section. We're going to apply some basic with him to the car progression. 12. Basic Rhythm 4 Beats Per Bar: I have had to go playing part of a song. I'm going to introduce you to some basic rhythms. When playing card in songs, you need to know how long to hold its called Far on in music, we use beats and bars to decide how long to play a card or melody. For example, Far bees per bar is very commonly used. It is, It's simple. It sounds you literally count too far, and then the pattern starts again like this. 123 Far 12341234123 for no if we take the cars from someone like you from afar, these card is played on the first beat of every bar. So it would look like this. So you play like this 13 for three, 234 So I want you to have a go up playing along with a click so you can get used to playing in time. So I got Metrodome here, so I'm going accounting for beats. And then I want you to try and play in time with the click, and you can count far out loud if you needed to keep the time I can comment in your head. What have you found? The easiest, but I'll give an example. So click start by then, I'll count. 12 three. Father had come in to three so we could have a go at that. This is just to get used to playing in time and finding the cards in time for the baby. Okay, so some of you might find it easy. Some of you might find it a bit harder, but if you find a hard keeping, practicing it until he can play in time with the beat. Okay, So we're gonna play the full chorus, which is five times through, so I'm gonna count far beats, and then you come in on the first. Be ready. I'm gonna give the first card as well. 123 Far we can. Hopefully you're able to play that in time. And member. If you found it difficult. Keep on practicing. That was a slightly slower pace than the track is. You could move on to the next lecture if you want, but if you want to have a go at doing it at full Pierce, we're going to the same again on account in far beats and then you come in on the one and then you can have a go to a full piss. Let's go Well, to free for Okay . Hopefully enjoyed that. I'll see you in the next lecture where we're going, Toe had left hand. 13. Adding The Left Hand Someone Like You: Now it's time to bring in the left hand to your playing. For the moment, we're going to keep it simple. So you're just going to play single notes in the left hand for the moment. So every time you play a card, whichever card to play, I want you to take the route of the card. I what the card is named after on play that single note in the left hand, one octave lower like this. So if you play a C major in your right hand, the card is named after a C, so the root of it is a C. C. Go down one full up tive. I play a single see on your left hand like this. Let's do another one. So if you want to play an F major, you would play an F while knocked it down in your left hand. Our a d major, Do you call it in the right single day, one up, two down in your left. Let's take the sum you learned before so you can have a go adding the left hand to it. So it was a scene. Jean Minor s left hand. You play see Jean. I notice when I just play that Then I was using individual fingers. If you wanted to do that, just give it a finger or not on which ever fingers over the note you need just push it down . This case, it's one three to save you two having to move your hand around books. You might find it first that that might be quite hard. So if you want, you can also just movie thumb each note like this. So whichever thumb your plane left splitting up to lower, you might find it easier at first. Todo dio individuals is your tights for the moment, right? Then that's how we do it. You just play it up to down in your left town with single notes. Now, if you look at this car progression here before you were playing one card in your right hand, I went up ago it playing four cards in your right hand and what and you left for each bar should go Want Teoh Holder left underneath for the full four beats. But you're right hand plays. One card per p. A place like this, you've got one neuron goes down, so I can do it with the left hand, moving with the thumb to reach no free. So, as you can see, your right hand explained far by your left hand holds for the full for bees, for one. So have a girl practice in that with both hands so I could get used to it. And then I'm going to put the click up again so you can practice playing it with the beat cancer. Let's get the beat up. You could have a practice with a slow bigot first on, then we'll do a faster on after again. I'm going to count in the 1st 4 beats, and I also play the first card on. Then you can continue on, but just going to go through the car progression two times this time. 12 free four. - Okay , that was slower. Have perhaps it that keep on doing it until you feel like you're really getting in time. If you're struggling to play along with that, you can always practice it slower and come back to play along with that baby. If you find with that just then, let's have a girl with a fast temper. 1234 That's it. I hope you enjoyed that. So in the next lecture 14. Quick Chord Test 1: it's time for a quick call test. So like we did earlier in the class, I'm going to say a car name. And I'm going to give you a few moments to let you find it that I'll show you on my panel and you can compare to see you've got it. Correct. Let's begin. B flat major. So 3 to 2 B flat Major is a major. A manager is E minor. So 203 IHS e minor. Hopefully you got that. A flat, major. I can't go to play this one. A book. Middle C. You might have had it down here. Correct. E flat. Minor IHS e flat Minor. Uh, okay. We'll do one more C sharp. Major K C Sharp Major is hopefully you are managing to find most of them. See you in the next lecture. 15. Half Beat Rhythms: you can divide Full beats have been to smaller lengths, and in this lecture we're going to look 1/2 beats. So to count 1/2 B, we use a plus sign, but we call it in. And so where's before you accounting? 123 far you can now, at an and sign in between the numbers like this one on two on day three on before and and then that would repeat itself in the song. So this gives you the ability to see exactly which beat to play a card on. So if you want to play on the half, be in between the numbers. You go one on day two So just so you can get used accounting in full beats and also half beats, we're just going to do a couple of exercises. So we're not going to play the piano. I just want you to clap along. So the 1st 1 you're gonna be clapping on the main be on the numbers. So we're just gonna go four times through Andi clap along with me. So I'm just gonna put a click with it. So I'm gonna wait for far clicks and then you're gonna count on the man beats no to three. Oh, no. To three. Oh, one to so one to three. Okay, so that is just clapping on the man. Be now. We're gonna have a goat clapping on the half beats as well. So this case should be going one on two and three and 1234 So we're gonna have a quick got that. So we're gonna wait far beat, and then we're going to do far full bars clapping on the main beat and also the half beat. Let's go. 123 and four and one and two and three and one and two and three and 123 Okay, so that's half beat. So it's clapping on the wall and the end of every full B and half B. Now I've had a look at counting with full beats on half beats. We're going to look a song that uses some half beats to someone like you had a very simple rhythm, but you learn before which was playing on the first beat of each bar. But let's look a stand by me by Otis Redding so you can see the rhythm here again. We're just gonna cut of them first. And then you can learn the cops. It's playing on the one. But then on the and after the two. So that rhythm would sound like this. One on two on three and far on one on two and three and four. So capping on the one on the end after two on with this one, we're going to do eight bars so you can get used to the rhythm. So we'll wait for far clicks on, then joining with May Gone on to can