1. Part 1: A short introduction to Pim, Wordpress & Divi: Hi, and welcome to
discourse about the easy way to build a WordPress website
for your business. Today, I will not be presenting, but I'll be introducing a very special guest who will
tell you all about, yeah, what WordPress is, why
you'll need a website, and all the tools you
need to actually build an awesome WordPress website
yourself, the easy way. And this guest is very special. He's a really good
friend of mine. He's actually a former
pro snowboarder. He did that for eight years, but now he turned it
completely around, and he's an absolute
expert in how you built WordPress
websites with DV. He built over 150
websites himself already has a successful
agency and worked in many other agencies
as well and published his first website before
WordPress even existed. He has been working in
this for 20 years already. This guy knows his stuff. I'm very happy to introduce him. P. Here he is. Hey, Mark. What's up? Hey. So, P, hearing from you, what will we be covering
in this course. Well, basically, what I'm
going to teach you guys is why you need a website in the first place as an
entrepreneur or a freelancer. If you need a website, what are the options? What is the best way
to get a website? All the tools and
tricks you need to get your website
up and running, build it yourself, and
generate your own success. Sounds awesome. Well, let's
quickly get into this. I mean, I'll be out of
the course for now. But, take the way,
man. Let's go.
2. Why a (new) website?: All right, So why do you
want to have a website? A website can give
you many things. It can give you a seals
that can give you leads. You can teach people, you can inspire people. In all cases, it's a
form to reach people. I believe that if you
don't have a website, your business does not exist. So it doesn't matter if
you're starting entrepreneur, you're a small business
owner or you have a medium-sized
business or whatever. I believe you will need a website or at least it can help you to achieve your goals. But let's talk about a little bit before we
start building the things. What sort of websites are
out there and what is the right fit for you and for your business where
if your goals, what that website do
you need to create? The type of websites that
are out there is you have, of course, e-commerce
where you can sell products or other
people's products. Their online courses out
there, online portfolios. The websites we're going
to talk about mostly are websites that are more like an online portfolios as like
your online business guard, where you can show other people your accompany or surfaces. And basically people can
get to know you enter company and they see you. What you've accomplished
for other people, what you can accomplish for
them, why they need you. But also a good way how
to generate leads or maybe close some deals
or sell some surfaces. So there are many
things that you can do. I'm going to show you all the most important
things about that. Explain you exactly
how you can do it. Before we're going to do that. I want to invite your
challenge you to think about what do I want to
get out of this website? So what do I need it for? Some people may be really
needed to get more sales. And some people is more
like a hybrid thing where you're closing the deuce of line by talking to
people and get, get your customers deadweight. But after talking
with your customers, they want to see on your website like conformation and also to gain some trust about your story that
you shared with them. To see like, okay, what is it exactly that
you have accomplished or what is it exactly
that you're offering? And they want to dive
into that a little bit more and engage with
you and your brand. Probably is gonna be
more of the last part. We're going to talk a little bit about all those
other things with e-commerce to send
you a little bit in the direction if you
want to go there. But the basis of your
website is going to be an online portfolio
for your business. And I'm gonna show you
exactly how you can do it.
3. Who are you going to build your website for?: All right. Now you know, you
really need a website. But do you know also who are you going to
build this website for him? It's really important
in my opinion, to always build a website for your target audience,
for your customer. Of course, in the website
is going to be about you, your company and your surfaces. But you're actually going to
create it for out of people. So people really
resonate with that. There's a big chance
that you already have a small business or
medium-sized business. Maybe you're just starting out. For the purpose of this video, we decided that we're
going to show you a real life example for
a social media agency. And let's say the
target audience is small business owners. They want to generate more
business through social media or have some more
brand awareness or other goals that
they can achieve. For the purpose of this course, the website is gonna be about
the social media agency. Would you fill in the blank for whatever Sheriff your
company, you have four. And imply this for
your own company.
4. Comparing website builders: Why Wordpress?: Let's talk a little bit about what dose to use for
your new website. I love WordPress websites, but I have tried almost
all the tools out there because especially at about figuring out what works and why. So let me tell you all the
good or the bad or the ugly. There are many solutions out. There. Were some
pros and some cons and would like to go
over with them for you. But first, some data from all the websites that
are out there in the world. What are very many, of course, dirty 7% of all
websites out there, our own WordPress, even more, 60% of all CMS systems, there's content management
systems that are basically websites that you can manage the content without
adding any codes. So there's an interface, there's some area where you can fill in a dy dt or upload
a photo without coding, they actually website that's
called the CMS system. 60% of all CMS systems
are used by WordPress. So why is that? Well, WordPress is an
open source system. What basically is the
biggest advantage and disadvantage
at the same time, because open-source means
everybody can work on it. Everybody can build
a WordPress theme or a plug-in if you
know how to do it. Of course. There are many
options out there. Therefore, it's also
fairly innovative and innovating in
such a rapid pace. There are also a lot of bad
options out there as well. But luckily for you, I almost said them out all of them and I'm just gonna share
the good stuff with you. Let's first talk a
little bit about other options that are out there with the
pros and the cons. There are different ways that
you can build a website. Of course, there's
always the way when you can code everything yourself. So if you want to learn how
to use PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, these are all God languages used
to build websites. Luckily for people
like you and me, there are many ways
that you can use some sort of software that basically writes
the code for you. If you use a page builder
and something like Shopify, WordPress, many of the
other options out there. There's a big chance that if you upload an image
through this software, the software is writing a
piece of code with HTML and the other languages and just explained that's making
the image actually a pair. So you don't need to write
thousand lines of goats. But the program is
doing this for you. Over the years, these
interfaces become much more user-friendly and also much
more visual attractive. So it's a lot more fun to build websites this way and also
a lot more efficient. And there are some
advantages and disadvantages between
the different tools and not seeing it
as good or bad. I'm going to explain what I
prefer and why I prefer it. But I believe all
of those tools are there for a reason or
for somebody's reason. Many people may be discovered one option
that's called weeks, which is a do it
yourself page builder. It's very easy to use. It has is the interface. But a disadvantage can be, in my opinion, is that
it's very limiting. If you're starting out. You don't want to invest
a lot of time and you want to get something
up quickly. There is an option that
you can use with weeks. What I don't like so much
about weeks is that it's very limiting their deems that
you can choose from. But if you want to change the
theme, that's not possible. So it doesn't give you
any creative freedom. And this is what I searched in a tool that I can
create something that resonates with me and that's my own expression of
how I wanted to show it. I don't want to have any limitations in my
design or functionalities. So therefore, I don't
like options like weeks or any other really easy to use page
builders like that. And also, those things
can be very expensive. So if you're a little
bit more and maybe into the e-commerce or
have sales pages. There's a term for a
webpage where you can sell certain things if you want to have functionalities
such as, for example, like a Facebook like button, you pay five-years a month in Shopify to use
a Facebook like button if you wanted to
have a maps functionality. If you're paying a
fee for that as well. So all the functionalities
add up really quickly. So maybe it seems really cheap and inexpensive to
use over the time. It can be quite expensive for something that you cannot easily change into
another theme, cannot change the design at all. And it's very limited
in functions. Therefore, maybe it's good
if you're starting out, but if you're looking for
something more at finance or maybe a little bit
more professional. Then there's a place for
WordPress, for example. One thing that we would like to mention is that if you are into e-commerce or want to
sell physical products, or maybe sell
digital products as well as something that you
could explore is Shopify. Shopify is the biggest
platform selling stuff online. So definitely check out that. Also what you can check out
if you are planning to have a lot of inventory and a lot of different
types of products. You can look into my Santo, Santo 2. To be specific. This is more for bigger companies that have
a lot of products to sell. So let's say you have a
1000 products or more. And you want to
open a real TO and retail shop or
something like that. You can start out
with WordPress with something like WooCommerce up to maybe like 1000 products. But if you've outgrown
that people are using most often and more stock
inventory at fonts. Piece of software. What is my Santo? But you really need to have professional developers
in your team or hire them to build your website. Because there's gonna be
a lot of coding involved. So just to know for you
for the options out there, you can open a Shopify store
online pretty quickly. But you do pay for all the features for all the
apps that you need to use. If you're looking for a
normal website or still if you want to have an
e-commerce website as well, WordPress is the
recommended to buy me more about that a little
bit later in the training. If you really want to
make a comparison. There are some more
tools out there. For example, Squarespace, Drupal and Squarespace,
actually pretty cool, but still doesn't give you the freedom as much
as you would get with WordPress and Drupal and myopia and are a
little bit outdated. They are not supported
as much anymore and therefore are not a really
good option in my Albion. Alright, let's talk about
why I love WordPress. Wordpress is open source and therefore gifts you many
options to choose fund. There are over 50
thousand plugins that you can use
for your websites. So those are basically
apps that you go Plugins and you
can upload them. Some of them are for free, some of them you
pay something for, some of them you can,
they a lot for it. But these are pieces of software that you can upload
to your website. Basically what your need is a few things when you start
your WordPress website, because it's more of a
do-it-yourself method. And I like to compare it with do-it-yourself page
builders such as weeks. Something like that, is maybe like you're finding yourself a job as an employee
in a company. It can be very limiting. It can has his place
for some people. But you know exactly
what you get. And that's it. With WordPress is
more like being a freelancer or a
small business owner. You need to figure it out a bunch of more things yourself. And it comes with a lot
more responsibilities, but it gives you
a lot of freedom. And if you do it right, a lot more benefits. With that said, guns
with some risks. Risks and it's a little
bit more time-consuming, but I think it's worth it to put in the air for it
to figure it all out.
5. Comparing Wordpress theme builders: Why Divi?: So for your new website, we're going to build
it with WordPress. With WordPress, you need
a couple of things. The first thing that
you're going to need is a domain name and web hosting. But more about that
later in a new video. Once you have your domain
name and web hosting setup, you've got WordPress installed. The thing that you're going
to need is a WordPress feed. You can, of course, higher web design or web developer to build
your custom feed. But this can be quite expensive and can take a lot
of time to build. Luckily, there are many
good solutions these days. To build a website yourself with a page builder or
WordPress feet, and it can do that as well. There are a couple
of options actually, there are many options, but there are a
couple of good ones that we can discuss about. And maybe you've heard about
a few of them are maybe not. Anyway, the options that we're going to
discover a little bit. And the first one will
be the WordPress. Farther apart, There's a page builder
inside built into F0. So as far as I know, you cannot use this Alpha
builder in any other themes. What other page builders
can do sometimes. But within the team, you can build a website with
the page builder yourself. What a page builder isn't. Drag-and-drop interface,
a dragon drop piece of software where you can build a website and all
the elements yourself. What I don't like
so much about DFL, a WordPress theme is that it
comes with so much options, and therefore it's way too much time-consuming for me to
build websites like that. It's a great options if
you want to have a lot of options and a lot of
settings and functionalities. But this can be
quite overwhelming. And I don't think it's the most efficient way to build beautiful
website yourself. Then the next option
that they would like to talk about with
you is Elementor. Elementor page builder. You can build quite easy
and fast WordPress websites and can be a great
alternative for DC is just another option,
is really user-friendly. They're doing a great job. There's some pros and cons
and differences from Diffie, but it can be a great option to, then there are three
other more options that it would like
to mention before. We're going to talk about the option that
we will be using. The other options are a
little bit more outdated, but you still see
a lot of websites out there using
those page builders. So that's WP bakery. Wp stands for WordPress, WP builder, or
official composer. Those three options are
a little bit limited. Page builders, in my opinion, it's quite easy to use drag and drop to
build a website yourself, but they are a
little bit limited and a little bit outdated, so it's not so much
fun to use them, comes with quite some options. So therefore, a lot of
websites are built with them, but it definitely
doesn't give you so much The freedom in terms of design. What I like so much about things like a father Elementor or DV, the thing that
we're going to use. So for example, if you want to have a box shadow
behind an image, this is not a standard
functionality. It will require some
coding with CSS, for example, to make the shadow
appear behind the image. For me, it doesn't
make it so much user-friendly to create
beautiful websites. I like to have the freedom and the designs that I
make from a website. For my profession, I need to use all of
those tools because I also changing other people websites that using
the other tools. We also built custom
themes ourselves. If we need to build a little
bit more at Fanta website. But like 90% of the time when we're
building new websites, we are choosing
for the two d Phi. Dy. Dy is a page builder
or in my opinion, is actually a WordPress
theme builder because it does a
little bit more than just building beaches. It's actually used for building whole websites created
by Elegant Themes. And it's a very easy and
fun way to build websites. It's a very
user-friendly interface, so the software tools
very easy to use. They have great
documentation by the way, which you should not do need
after watching those videos because we chunk it down just for the most
important stuff for you. But they're coming out with new functionalities
almost every week. They do it in such
a way that is, once you're used to
using those tools, you can use the same methods
in all the functionalities. It comes with modules
like text modules, image modules, maps, etc. And once you know the
basic functionalities, how to set up those modules yourself when they come out
with new functionalities and will be super easy for you
to use that same knowledge and ways that you
habits and say. So basically all the modules
always work in the same way. Once you understand
a few basic ones, you will understand all
of them were dead set. It will require some time to learn maybe a
day or two or tree if you're used to page
builders from building websites in a past like
Visual Composer or a Vada. And now you're
changing to defeat. It's a different
way of thinking. It will require a little
bit of time and again, give a little bit of friction. But once you're over that, I'm pretty sure
that you will love Divi as much as I do and
have a great time using it. Alright, That's why
I love dv so much. We've covered many things. First and foremost, why you need a website in
the first place? What are all the
options out there, and what tools you're going to use to build your
awesome website. I can't wait to start building a website and show you
exactly how to do it. So let's not wait any further and dive deep in
unless build a website.
6. Part 2: Setting up your Wordpress website: Alright, so the next videos I'm going to teach you setting
up all the basics. We're going to go through
oldest settings is very important to have all
the settings correctly. As for the preparation of starting actually
building the webpages, we need to change some
settings in the software, install some plugins
like like apps, and then we can start
building afterwards. But right now, we go
through all the settings.
7. Decide on your domain name: All right, We're going to set up some basics before we can actually start
building the website. We're going to need two things. Number one, we are going
to register a domain name, and we also need to have
a web hosting baggage. So let's start with the first one, domain
name registration. You're going to need
to have a domain name. This is the word
that you type in your Internet browser that will direct you to your website. So for example, if
you type in www dot, my little is going
to show you the website. Then there's my little is your domain name. So maybe you already have
a domain name in mind. Maybe you're already but one. Anyway, there's some
tips that I'm going to give you for buying
your domain name. Didn't number one, try to
avoid numbers in domain names. If possible. Not saying that it cannot work with numbers in
your domain name, It's not a best practice
because you always need to explain how to
write the domain name. For example, if
your company name is 711, How do you spell it? Is it Is it as V E N number one? Number one that come
anyway, you get it. It's already getting
complicated. Explaining this to
you in his video. If possible, try
to avoid numbers. Didn't number two, if possible, try to avoid abbreviations. For example,
abbreviation can be. As an example, do
it yourself DIY. If you want to register a
domain name, Do It Yourself., I
recommend a little bit longer domain name instead
of using abbreviations. This is better for
SEO purposes and also easier for search
engines to understand, but it's also more
user-friendly. Although I'd refer a
shorter domain names is better to use a little bit longer domain name
instead of using every deviations domain
Tip number tree, tried to avoid
dashes if possible. So dashes are the little
stripes between words. Sometimes people
tried to use dashes when the domain name is already claimed by somebody else
that they want to use. If you want to have
a domain name like my little bony for example. And you put the two dashes
between my end later and bony. Then also, like the first step, hard to explain to people how
to spell the domain name. You want to have
domain names easy to be in to remember
and easy to spell. Therefore, if possible, always tried to afford
dashes were dead set. If there's a really strong
reason why you want to use a specific keyword brand
name or something like that. And the preferred domain
name is already begun, then you might want to consider
using a dash or a stripe. But maybe you can come up with some phenomenon,
synonyms, phenomenons. Maybe you can come up with
some phenomenons for that. Okay, I explained you a little bit what not to do
with domain names. So what should you do? Domain name should
be easy to remember, easy to spell, and makes sense and while
they are connected. So if you're using different words combined
in a domain name, it should be still easy to read. For example, if you're
using domain names that exists multiple
words next to each other, like my little bony
with the example. Then always try to avoid to use firewalls next two vowels and consonants next
to consonants. So if its ends with an e, don't start the new award
with an E because it's really hard to read for people that are there
are two different words. My little, it's easy to read, but my yacht say, for example, is a little bit harder to
read because it's going to look like one word in short, cried to make that the domain, it makes sense that
it's easy to read. The Internet is getting
a little bit older now, WordPress exists for 17
years at this moment. So more and more domain
names are taken. Unfortunately, actually
some people see this as digital real estate and tried to clean those
domains to sell it. Many domain names are taken, but not all of them. Basically, all domain name, domain names with 3456
letters are already Dagan. So it's hard to
find if you want to start a website
of about running, probably
is going to be taken. Maybe if you use another extension like the end
phrase of the domain name, like Dr. Nell for Netherlands or dots for Spain for example. Then it's more likely
that it's still exist. But still most goods, short domain names
are already taken. What to do in this case, tried to make it a little bit
longer by combining words. Maybe he's going to
be new website for your running magazine and is already taken. Then try to use
something like running or D running
magazine that's gone. What are the best extensions
for your domain name? Like I said, the extension is the last part of
your domain name. So this can be, b0 for Belgium, etc. The most used internationally domain names. If you want to have an
international focused website, I always prefer to find domain name. If it's really hard or impossible to find a dot-com
donate and domain name. It's also possible
to use something or dot organization. is really good. If is already taken, then it's a good plan B. But if you have the option, always go for option. If you're more locally focused, like me doing more business
in the Netherlands, I like to have a
dot nl domain name because it's for
Dutch companies. More likely to rank in
the search engines from Google locally if you
use a local domain name. So if I have my website dot and L is going to rank higher
in Google delta nl. If I'm going to Google the
same words in, what is more internationally
focused is more likely than my website
is going to rank lower. It's more focused on local
marketing basically. But if you're more
international focus tried to have an
international domain name. Something else that you can
consider about extensions. They're more extension. So the last part of the
domain name coming out for specific audiences or
a specific branches. So things that you'll see like DOD echo or a shop or whatever. There's a there's a debate or discussion about whether
it's good or not. I think on the long-term shirt and extensions will take off. For example, I think
more and more people will get used to using
domain names with Doug shop. If you are into e-commerce
or have a retail shop, it could make sense to use a domain name with
my shop dot shop, for example, or my
furniture shop. But I think most extensions
are also much more expensive. And then normal domain names, they can be like
250 years a year. What does a lot more than
if you buy domain for maybe €16 or delta
now for nine years, what is more average? There's a little
bit more expensive. Yeah, good. Be
easier to rank out other companies because it has the domain name
in the extension. So for SEO factor, it could help a little bit. Although I like to optimize my website
is more for people. And this is also the strategy of search engines like Google. They want you to build
websites for people, not for search engines. One of the most important
things to consider when register a domain name
is trustworthiness. So people should be making
a decision within 1 second, if they trust this domain
name and they judge it based on the domain and
based on the extension. So if you're going to have
a domain name, for example, with biggest discounts dot XYZ, people will think it's spammy
or they wouldn't trust it. Instead of discounts, or free gifts, dot announce,
something like that.
8. Choose your web hosting company: Now it's time to register
your domain name. One of the most
important things. When you're staring
your domain name, you will do it through
a web hosting company. For example, if you
go to, one of the biggest web hosting
companies in the world. You'll see I'm landing on
the homepage of And yet here you can start
looking for your domain name. So I already tried a few things. For example, if you wanted to go to a domain like digital rocket, There's that come, that
could be a name for our social media agency website. You can go for debt,
but unfortunately, digital rocket
is already taken, but it gives you some
great alternatives. For example, digital
rocket, if you want to register
it on another example. Another example could
be If you click here on the top
in the header on domains and the menu here you can look
for domain names as well. For example, social It says, congratulations, your
domain name is available. Let's say I want to
register this domain name. Just as an example, you can click the
Proceed button. And this kind of likes
shopping for anything online. They ask if you want
to have free hosting, maybe some Microsoft package or something like that,
I don't need it. I can just proceed
to the checkout page where I fill in my billing
and payment information, fooling your personal details and choose a payment method. Paypal is also optionally if
you don't never credit card, you can pay through
paper also with your debit card or ideal if you're from the
Netherlands, for example. And then just purchase now
go to the payment page. And your domain registered ideally is much
easier for you if you register your domain names with the web hosting company you're planning to do your
web hosting as well. Firstly side, where
do you want to host your website before you
complete the payment? You can use these
websites to see if the domain name is available, but make your own decision
where you want to host your website before
registering your domains. So basically it's quite easy to buy your domain and
your hosting baggage. However, this process
of setting it all up can be a little bit
challenging or difficult. We're going to share some
links to documentation for all these hosting companies that we recommend that
you can choose from. You can see this
step-by-step how to set up the domain and the web
hosting for yourself. Just follow the documentation or contact their support if
you need any assistance. With that being said, I would like to give you
five different options for hosting companies to
register your domain names, and you're hosting packages. The first option that you
can explore as a GoDaddy. I don't like GoDaddy personally
that much because it doesn't offer great
quality and grade surface. However, this is
the most used web hosting company in the world, I think, because
it's so, so cheap. But because it's so cheap, the customer service
is not super bad, but it's not that great. The quality they put too many
websites on a web surfer. So this can make your website
a little bit loading slow. And, and it's
really important to have fast loading website pages. This is important for SEO so that people find
your website in Google, but also for the
user experience, you don't want to
have people waiting six seconds to load
for your webpage. You went to work at fast. And this is one of the most important things
for a good working website. This is one of the
cheapest solutions. I would give that maybe
a five or six out of ten in terms of
quality and support. So it's a good option, but it's not the best. And this is especially good if you're more
internationally focused. They also have at the bottom of the website other nationalities. If you want to see it
in euros or US dollars, juice Baker settings
that works for you. Alright. So the second International
option is Bluehost. has a little
bit better support, is a little bit more
expensive than GoDaddy, but also a little
bit better quality. That makes it a good
option as well. Was it for the domain
registration part? Good luck with that. And looking forward to see
you in the next video.
9. Install Wordpress in one click (kind of): In this video, I'm going
to show you how you can install WordPress with
the click of a button. Luckily, most web hosting
companies offer the solution. So I'm going to show you
how to do that right now. We already created the
client in our Control Panel. We have to do that
because we are an admin. Sometimes you need to do
that, sometimes don't. Well, you always need
to add the website, find the gland, then
the domain name. Keep all the settings as, as L. We will do that later. We're going to click save. A new website is created. We wait for the red dot. When this is a wave, then it will be finished
creating the new website. And we go to available packages. You see a ton of packages that you can install with
a click of a button. We only need one
called the WordPress. Will click it. And then what do we need to
do is install this package. Click the location where
you want to install it. Real social, rocket This is going to be
your database password, so you want to write
it down somewhere in your notes to myself as well. Going to need that later. Then you can create the admin password
that you can remember. Accept the license
and click Install. Wait for the red dot
again to go away. We installed WordPress. Let's see if it
works. Here we go. Now we have a clean
WordPress installation with the click of a button. You created the login details. Here you can log in with the account that
you just created. Now you're inside your
WordPress website. Congratulations.
10. Set up your emails: All right, So now you've installed your
WordPress website. You'll probably
also want to create an email account within
our control panel. You just go to email. Once you're there, you go to e-mail mailbox and you just have to click
Add new mailbox. You can give the name for the
name for the email address. Just going to put it through
social rocketeers for now. My name is beam, so I'm going to create BIM
at social worker Instead of best word,
you can remember or generate more
difficult password. You can leave all the settings to the standard
settings for now. Click Save. Once the red dot is a way, you can go to your web mill, took this it out. In our case, it's wet
mill at the company that come at social rocket. There's the gum. The best word. There you go. You created
the e-mail account. So we always recommend using an e-mail clients such
as Gmail or Outlook. Just for the purpose
of this video, I'm going to show you
how you can easily install an email address
in EPO mill as well. But your web hosting
company will probably have some documentation how
to set this up yourself. So I'm gonna do this. Who's telling Apple
million this Dutch for it? How does have set
up a paper mill? But you can also do
Outlook or other male clients with e-mail, you have two options. I map settings or tree settings. Imap is the newer version
that I recommend. Your devices
synchronized emails. If you delete the email
and your phone and will be deleted on
your laptop as well. With POC tree, the emails
get stored on your device, on your phone or in your laptop. I do not recommend that, but in some cases you
might want to use it. But for most people
just use IMAP. Once you are in your meal
and you go to Preferences, you're going to click accounts because we're going
to add a new account. You can click the plus
symbol on the bottom left and click on
our mail account. For my provider. This can be different for
other web hosting companies. But we're going to click
here other milk count. Set the name that you want to put in BIM at
social rocketeers gum. And put in the best word. It says and I wrote to verify
account, name or password. This is correct because
we need to fill in the incoming and outgoing
mail server manually. And our case, this name
is tau company that busy,
same for outgoing. And then lastly, this is
something we cannot change, but you want to
always fill in this first and then fill
in also the username. It says automatic and liked
grades a little bit blurred. But what it does, it only takes the first
part of the email address. So in this case, my
friend name theme. So basically it's saying
automatically there's business, the username, but this is
actually is not the username. If I'm going to click
sign in right now is going to give an error. The login details
are not correct. What do you need to do is
take the whole email address, put it as a username, and then click the
Sign In button. Now you can choose
if you want to, what apps you want to use for the purpose and only want
to install email right now. But maybe you want
to have EPA nodes. That's up to you. Then you're done. I recommend always testing out if the
email address is working. So I'm going to send
myself an email right now. And once I received the e-mail, you also want to replay it. So you want to check if
the incoming male books is working and if the outgoing
mailbox is working. All right. That's it.
11. Set up your Wordpress settings: Alright, weekend, finally
start building your website. So I'm on the website right now. This is how it looks. We're going to make it
a beautiful website. So first we're going to finish the Wordpress settings with everything in the right place. We also going to install
your WordPress theme. This is going to be the layout of your website
that we're going to be customizing and show you how
you can do that yourself. So you can create executive, the website, how you want it. Alright, so if you
log into WordPress, you always need to go to your domain name
and Mike shows your forward
slash WP stripe. Admin, brings you
to the login page. Wp stands for
WordPress and fill in the information that you put in while creating the
WordPress installation. And we're going to
log in right now. So the first step that
we're going to do, you are logged in as
the admin account. Since all WordPress
installation standard comes with admin account, this is a little bit risky. So the first thing
that I always do is I'm going to
create a new account. My gaze, the username
is going to be BIM. Bim Stricter, brewed
in the best word. Write that down somewhere. Make myself an administrator. That's very important. There's give you the full
right to change everything. And then I don't need to send
myself an email about it. Created the new account. I'm going to log out, fill in the new username
and password login. Now you see on the top-right
how the beam stick there. I'm going to delete
the admin account. This is gonna be much safer
for your new website. There was the first step. We go from top to bottom,
from left to right. And the first thing
that you will notice is that it asks you to
update WordPress. If you see this,
please click Update now brings you to
the update page. You'll see the symbol for
updates with the number six. There are currently six updates and I'm going to update
WordPress right now. All right, so we install the
latest version of WordPress, the system that
runs the website. And then we're going to
update the plug-ins as well. So it comes with a
standard plugin, it's called anchor
Schmidt anti-spam. Plugins are like
apps for your phone, but then plugins are, That's why your Website
update all the plugins. This case only one. Alright, so if
everything is updated, it should look
something like this. The update process is starting
and this is like a log, and then you see successfully, successfully,
successfully, etcetera. All right, we're going
back to the Update, space. Tremor updates to go. And that are your standard
WordPress themes. We're not going to
use these themes, but we're going to
update it anyway. Alright, so everything
is up-to-date. Now what do you want
to do is you go to settings and then
you go to general. We're gonna go
through the settings. So after fitting is correctly, the first thing that you
want to do that's also very important for SEO purposes. So you need to give Google
and other search entering some information about
who is your website, what it's about, etc. So I'm just going to fill in
the company name over here. And if you have a slogan, you can put it over here. So let's come up
with a tagline like social media content
out of this world. Then what do we want to do is we want to change this to HTTPS, but we need to check
first if it's working. Https is a secure protocol. That's basically making
your website safer. If you get this error in
your web hosting panel, you can active the
SSL certificate. Sometimes you need
to pay for it. With some companies, we
give free SSL certificates, but you need to put it on active yourself in your hosting panel, search for your website. Click on it. And then you can activate
SSL and Let's Encrypt SSL. Wait for the notification
ducts to go away, to have an active. Sometimes it can take on one hour or so before
it is will be active. All right, so now the SSL
certificate should be active. So we're going to
test it out first. Right now you'll see this
lock on the top left. It means if you click on it that the certificate is valid. So now you have HTTPS. What do you want to do always
is a selected domain name, Right-click which
are mouse button and then cut it and
paste it over here. The reason why I always got
a base it is you cannot make any typos because if
you type this wrong, then you cannot use
the website anymore. So it's important to find
a domain name, right? The WordPress address
where to direct him and remove the
last forward slash. If you've copied and pasted, it should look like this. The domain settings in your
hosting phenol includes WOW, treat times a w
and then did that, then you can include
that as well. We have the settings
without W's. It doesn't matter for
what's better or not. Alright. Now we also need to put in the administration
email address. So we created the email
books, Social I give the language settings
for now to United States. And the time zone. I'm going to put it to Amsterdam because
that's where we at. Here you can choose
your date format. This will also be shown your blog articles
and stuff like debt. So you might want to consider
how you want to put it. I'm going to just put it
as day, month, and year. How you want to use
the time format. So in this case, let me see. This one should be
the 24 hours setting. This is what we use
in the Netherlands. The week starts with me on
Monday and I'm going to click Save Changes
should lock me out. And this is because we changed
the domain name to HTTPS. So we need to login again. And it's asking me if this
email address is correct. The current administration
email address was this and we didn't
verify the email yet. So I'm going to click Email
is correct for right now. Let's open the email program. There we go. We just verify it. It redirects me to the website. And now we are finished with all the general
Wordpress settings. Now we've got a bunch
of other settings that we can go through. If you go to the
writing section, and it should look like this, you can add the mail
servers over here. If you are planning to use things like contact forums
and stuff like that. But we're going to
use plugins for debt. So we can also
leave that for now. What's more important
is the reading section. So how do you want to show you our latest
posts or aesthetic boasts? This is something that we're
going to do later as well. One setting that's super, super important is
that do you want to have this website to be
feasible for search engines? Do you want to make the website are bearing
Google already, yes or no. If you want to blend
on building it for the upcoming width weeks
and you don't want to have it show in the
rankings of Google, then you can click this grudge. But really important,
put it in your calendar. Don't forget when you launch your website to
unselect this box, because otherwise
your website will not be found in the
search engines. I'm going to leave it for now open because I want to start ranking in Google straightaway and build my website
really fast. I'm going to click Save Changes. You can change some of
the discussion settings. I like it, how they
are right now. But you can decide if you want to change these
rules about if you add a medically close
comments on posts older than 14 days or
something like that. I like it how it is. I'm going to leave that for now. Media settings, not really useful for the
theme that we're going to use. So it might have been,
you can skip that. And then something that
I think it's super important is your
permanent link settings. Because the colon settings of your permalink settings
and the permanent link is the settings for how to domain name in
your browser has a brain. You're going to
create a new page. It's going to give
it a number like beach is number 123
for this example. This is not very user-friendly
and those are not very friendly for
the search engines to understand what's
the website is about. I always like to
choose the hostname. So if I'm going to create a new beach that's
called About page, then it's going to
be social record slash about Beach. I don't like it with numbers and dates and stuff like that. So just select both
name, save the changes. And now you're done
with all your settings.
12. Install the Divi theme: All right, So you're just finished a
Wordpress settings and now it's time to start
installing the WordPress theme. We can start building. It comes already with a few standard themes
like 20171916. This one is currently active, as you can see right here. You could start a new beach. And it's going to look like a standard WordPress
installation. So it's going to give you some explanation about
the new block editor. The latest feature
from WordPress, clicked it the right
way right now, it has a pretty minimalistic
and text editor feeling where you can add, for
example, homepage. Then start writing over here. This is a webpage. I'm going to make a page like this and publish
it right now. Isn't going to Luke
super minimalistic, not how you want it. So now you've created a webpage
and score the homepage. Hello, This is a webpage. Well, it is a webpage, but it's not the
webpage we want. So let's start with
the other theme so we can grid pages and give it this shape and
forums how we want it. You can buy the WordPress
theme at Elegant If you use the hosting
package from us, you get the Divi theme from us, also with the license key. But if you decide
to buy it yourself, That's also possible, then
you can go to Elegant Themes. Those are the developers
of this WordPress theme. Got a few themes, but the most one
they've solved is dv. And there are many users. I think they have
over a million users using this WordPress theme. And I already have an account, but if you want to buy it, you can click pricing
and think and then get yearly x's for $89 US dollars
a year or a lifetime x's. I'm going to log into
my account right now. Once we're logged in, I'm
gonna show you how to download dv and then install it. We are locked in
into Elegant Themes, a website inside
the members area. Once you're in the members area, the first thing that
you will notice is a Berber button with
download the DVC. I'm going to download
it and you see a zip file isn't going through
your downloads folder. And this is all the files of
the software that you need. But we need to do
one more thing. We need to create and
license key as well. If you go to account, username and advocate, this is where you
can create API keys. So it should be on application
over here already. And then here are
all my obligates. We're going to generate
the new Abigail. Going to give it a name. Click to copy, should
be copied right now. We go back to your website. Were in the backend
of your website. If you go to
Appearance and Themes, you can add a new theme. There are bunch of themes
that you can select, but we're going to
upload the Divi theme. Choose your file, go to your downloads folder
and upload the zip file. Install. Now, it should show a
screen with installing theme from uploaded found db dot set impacting the package, installing the FIM and
then successfully, if you have problems with
uploading your WordPress fee, then it's likely
that you need to change some settings
in your web hosting. So then I recommend contacting the customer support
of your hosting. Or you can install the
WordPress theme through FTP. Once you're done, you
can click Activate. And now it's activated.
13. Set up your Divi theme options: We installed the
WordPress Divi theme, and we're going to go
over the DV fee options. So go to your menu and
then select Theme Options. First we're gonna do
the general options. And the first thing
that we can do, we can upload a logo that will be appearing in the top
left of your website. We're going to upload the file. I'm going to choose
an image first that's on your computer. I have a nice being
logo for it today. We're going to set as a logo. And what do you want to, do? You want to make sure for a
couple of things that one, your image is not too heavy. Hours is 43 kilobytes. You don't want to
upload an image of one megabyte or
something like that. Anything under 120
kilobytes should be fine. The lower the better
because it helps you have your web
page load time. Quicker. The more images, the
more data you put in your website and the
longer it takes to load. And you want to
have a fast loading website because it is really nice if everything is working
faster on your website, then something for SEO purposes, the logo is something that gets indexed by Google,
by search engines. You want to give some, some logo information
to this image. And the Tidal has
already been set. We're going to put
social rocketeers logo in the description as well. And also in the alt text. We're not going to
put it in captioned because if you put
it in caption, it will be shown with the text below the image on the side. But I want that if
I go to, a dipole in social
rocketeers logo, go to images that in the
next few days or weeks that is going to be found
by Google in the images. So the way you do that is
by giving some information. So always change the names and the descriptions and the alt
text of your images when you upload them to your
website and try to make them a little bit smaller
in size or in quality. Be still sharp enough, but that you keep the
kilobytes and megabytes low. This is set as a logo. Something that you
can do is you can select fixed navigation bar. What it does is the
navigation bar, and this is on the
backend of the website, but on the front and we're
gonna be building a menu. And this setting is basically if you want the menu
to scroll with you, if you scroll down that
the menu is following this navigation bar in the
Settings menu is not fixed, but on the front
end of the website, the standard version is fixed. You can disable or enable this. You can enable the DC Gallery, and this is for photo
slider purposes. You can, if you weren't, if you already know the colors that you're gonna
be using a lot, you can select these
colors and then fill in, for example, a gray color. And then if you want to change the color and some places you can always use
this color palette. It's really handy if
you're gonna be making a lot of pages with a
lot of different colors. Alright, so, but if you
don't know the college yet, don't worry about it. It's just a nice thing to have. We're going to go over
the other things. There are a lot of settings. I'm not going to cover them all, just the most important things. The right sidebar layout. If you want to have
it right or left, it doesn't matter to
me so much because I always disabled a
sidebar functions. I want to build things myself. But a few things
that you want to keep is you want to use
Google Fonts enabled. Going to show some nice
fonts that you can use. You can fill in your
social media links. This is going to be appearing in the footer and the bottom of every webpage so people can go to your
social media pages. One thing that I like to do
is use excerpts when defined. So people see like
the first paragraph of a piece of text
when it's loaded. One feature that I do like
is the back to tab button. So there's under side, there's gonna be a gray
dark arrow following you. So you can always go
easily to the top. I like to feature smooth
scrolling because this gives you a better
user experience. If you're a good width
websites or CSS, this is where you can
add your custom CSS got, if you don't know what
is the meaning of CSS, done better about this section. But if you want to do some custom CSS code to
do some custom styling, this is where you can boot it. Alright, for now I'm going
to hit Save Changes. All the settings should
be saved for now. We don't need to go over
the other settings here. But one thing that you
want to make sure about is with the update section
that you want to fill in your Elegant Themes
login details over here. Otherwise you will
not be able to update your WordPress
theme in the future. So filling your data over here, now you still know it and you don't have to look it up
in a couple of weeks. I'm gonna do that right now. Click Save Changes. All these things should be
set to the correct settings. But yeah, you can change
the navigation or to build our settings,
the layout settings. One thing that I do like
is with your posts, if you're going to
create blog posts, I don't want to have the
images placed on the website, on the webpage itself. So I'm going to disable this. And if you don't
want other people to be able to comment
on your blog posts. You can these voids over here. I like it if people can comment, but some people don't
want to have this. I'm going to click
Save Changes again. We're not going to
use this right now. If you need to add some
code to your website, you don't need to go into difficult business
of code yourself. But sometimes for if you want to connect things like Google
Analytics or stuff like that, that you need to place in
the head of your website. You can put it over here or in the body section or other fixed. And don't worry if you
don't know what it is or then you probably
don't need it for now. But if you're looking
for the place where to put the header code, this is the place
in the settings. And did you want to look for it? All right, that's it for all the theme
options for Diffie. And if everything is set, we can start building
the pages right now.
14. Customize your theme: So once you're finished
with your theme Options and you go through
your website and overly should look different. So if I go to my
webpage right now, it looks like this. So we have the logo, we got the Hello World, the first WordPress blog posts. We've got the sidebar. So it starts slowly to look
a website from ourself. But still we need
to do some things. This I'm going to login again. Now it's time to
change some settings. If you're going to appearance
and then go to customize. Then we can customize
some settings that comes standard with
the WordPress theme. And this is a standard
WordPress feature, the customizer where you
can change the header, the footer, some buttons
and all of that. With Divi, you got a
bunch of them extra. But let's go from top to bottom. We're going to go to the
general settings Site Identity, where we already filled in the site title,
Social rocket dish. We did in a previous video in the general settings in
the backend of WordPress. So we are working in the
front end for right now. Then we were working in the back-end in the
dashboard of WordPress. And one thing that
we can do over here, we can upload a site icon. We also call this fatty gone. So sometimes you see in the
depth of your web browser, of your Internet browser, you see a little logo over here. Like if I'm going to grab
some other beach for now, use a year over the top, my Google dark logo, my last pass where
it came up passwords and Google logo,
Elegant Themes logo. You don't need to
read the first part, but you can recognize
you're really fast. What website am I on? So we created a nice
little pink icon again. We're going to upload
that right now. Here you go. And this icon is 512
by 512 pixels big. Then again, the title, you should give it a name so
search engines recognize it. Also put it in the description
and in the alt text. You always want to do this. It gives you a SEO advantage. You can grab the
image if you wish. We don't need to
do is right now. We're going to skip cropping. And now we got to lyse nice little pink are on
a dump of a website. We're going to click
Publish To save the settings and go back
to the previous step. Go to the next settings. You can set your
layout settings and all colors have six letters
or numbers as a combination. I'm going to click this
blue thing over here. Then you see for this code is going to be two, a0, a3, fs. If I'm going to dive
here hashtag and then treat times
the F six times. Then it's going to be white. And I'm gonna put it in
zeros, zeros, zeros, zeros, zeros, 0 is
going to be full black. And then all the
colors in-between have their own
unique color coat. We want to use this
theme, excellent color. With bank, they go, This is going to
be our main color and really bright color. And the rest of the
settings you can leave it as it is right now because
they are already really nice. Click Publish what it does. For example, if we're going
to create a link over here, is going to make the
link to be discolored. You haven't got to
keep it on blue, then the link will be blue. There are a few places
that's picking this color. When you create something, he's going to use the
same color everywhere. And it's gonna be really
nice with branding. We're going to also set the customized settings
for your typography. If we're going to
create text modules, you can always change
the settings per module. But for example, if
you, if you build, then webpages with a
lot of texts and you'll decide to change the header
font for all the headers. Like Hello world, you decided you want to
use another font. You don't want to go
into all the pages in all detachment modules and
change everything by hand. But if I'm going to look
for a nice phone right now, one funded alike, for
example, is lateral. If I want to change
helloworld to lateral, I can do it over here. If I'm going to gingiva
to let dv or leak script, then you see is going to
be changed over there. So you could leave it to default and change it
everywhere manually. But I like to put
the settings over here so I don't need to
change it everywhere else. Again, do it with the
click of a button. The header from the
reduce is Abril fat face. So this is going to be our font, really nice-looking
font and love it. And then we also going to put in the body font for
all the paragraphs. So therefore we choose today, let's grow to the g for
Gentium book. Basic. Alright, nice looking a little
bit like typewriter font. Really nice to read. The buddy link colors. I want to use the
bright pink color that we before as well. Alright, so it changed
the buddy link on a color to this nice pink color. For all the text. For the body text, I'm
going to use full black. So six times to 0. You can change the
body tech size. The text size should
never be lower than 12 because then
there's going to be really hard to read on a mobile. If you have an older audience, you might want to
change it to 18, or also depends on the phone
that you're going to use. So I'm gonna put it
on 16 right now. Once you're done with settings, you can also play around with the text settings a
little bit over there. Maybe you wanted
to put it on 36. Once you're finished with playing around with
these settings, then you can click Publish. Okay, We're going back. We just finished with the topography and
the background color. I'm going to put
it on just blank. Just the white-collar
published this as well. You can also use a
background image if you wanted to use a better
one or something like that, I'm going to use white for now. That's it for all the
general settings. We go beg Walmart debt, and we again go to the header
and navigation settings. The way websites are built and structured is like
the human body. We got our head, body, and feet. So the same way it
goes for our website. This is the header section with the logo and the menu bar. Then you've got the body section
where all the content is appearing and then the
dark area over here. This is what we call the
footer or the header. And the footer are shown on every new web page that
you're going to create. The body section is
where all the content is and this is what it's
going to be changed a lot. But for now, we're going to finish the settings
for the header. The header format
comes with Diffie with some style, default style. It looks like this, but you can also make it centered with the logo in
the middle on the top. But maybe you want to have the logo within
the menu buttons. You can have it slide
in low slided menu. Where on the left side
you have the logo. You've got like, What do
we go as web designers? A hamburger menu, because the three stripes look
like a, like a hamburger. Then you got a slide in menu
that's looking really fancy. I like this feature a lot. Or we can make it full screen. And then if you click it, it's gonna be bomb in your face. For right now, I'm gonna leave
it to default because this is something I like
working with right now. So people will always be seeing the menu buttons
that they can click on. I'm going to click Publish. And then we're
going to go through the primary menu bar settings. You can change the menu height. If you scroll this, that should follow you around. The standard sizes on 66. As a normal average
size for a header, you can maybe make it a
little bit bigger and you can play around with
the logo size as well. I never put it on
a 100 because then the logo is touching the bottom and the
top of your header. And that doesn't look
so much professional. So we want to make a little bit like a bold website,
a little bit big. So we're going to make
the logo on 80 right now. And we're going to put
the menu science to 100. So this is going to
look on our webpage. Then the text size. I'm going to put it
on 16 right now. It makes it a little
bit better readable. For the forms that we're going to select Gentium book Basic, we can make it bold if you like, and you should see the
changes right away. You can use just
capital versions. That could be a nice
feature as well. You can play around
with how you like it. For now. I'm just gonna leave
it for the moment. The text of the color,
I want to be full black, six times to 0. And you can make it a little
bit transparent as you see. The letters, I want to
be not transparent. I know no opacity in there. I make it full black
with six zeros. The active link, the link
that we are currently on, I wanted to be the
nice bright pink color that we use for all
other links as well. The background color,
I like it to be a little bit transparent. So if you scroll down later. That there's a little
bit opacity in there. On the screen. You
don't see it on full. But if you select it and scroll
all the way to the right, you can put this
on maybe 90 or 95. Just a little bit
opacity in there, a little bit of
transparent and give a nice professional
looking touch. The drop-down menu, we're
going to do the same with this little slider
a little bit down. So it goes through RGBA codes. Instead of the hexagon, what they are called the
six numbers and letters. And we're gonna put the
student 95 as well. And if you want to
have a drop-down menu, like we have sub-pages, you can give the lines
of color as well. You can make it being or black. I'm going to put a
black, white right now. The text color can
be full black again. Then last, but not least, we can add some animations to do the menu when
it's loading the beach. So you want to have it expand, slide, maybe even flip it. I like the fade function, so it gives you like
a nicer glow effect. One thing that I would
like to mention is though, and there's one option where you can make
things full width. For some website you
might want to use it, but most cases you can have this unselected because
I didn't like it so much because you want to work within certain spaces when
you're building a website. And now these, these items, this logo and these
menu items are falling without the
grid, as you call it. Following with out of the scope of the rest of the
settings of the webpage. So just keep this unselected. You can hide the logo if
you don't have a logo yet. But we're going to get the settings for now
and click Publish. Alright, so that's it
for the general settings and the header and
navigation for now, there are a lot of settings that you're going to go through. So just play around with it. I'm going to cover
for the rest of the most important settings that you want to have a look at. One thing that separated
the boys from the guy. So to say, if you go to the footer and then
the bottom bar here, you can edit your footer credit. If you don't add
any text over here, it will say something like WordPress theme by
Elegant Themes. And I will show you
that right now. Designed by Elegant Themes
powered by WordPress. So this is looking really at touristic. What
do you want to, do? You want to go to the dashboard and Theme Customizer again. The way that you
can change it is in the footer, then bottom borrow. And then you can say
powered by hosting. Now it says power
by tau hosting. You can also include some HTML if you want this
to make a link that you can Google how to make an
HTML link and then copy and paste the
link code in there. Or you can also disable
the footer credit. So that's something we're
going to do for right now. Click Publish again. So that's it for the
footer settings. And you can add or
leave social icons. I'm going to leave that
away right now as well. The layout you can
choose how many columns, I always leave it to four. And more about that later. That's it for the footer
settings right now. One thing that you can do that can be handy is to set the
burdens and burden styles. You want them over the website. Here you can pre-select the text colors and
background colors and stuff like that. That can be a nice feature as well with icons and all of that. So you can play around with it. You can go over that. And the last important thing
that I wanted to mention is we need to set a
Augustan homepage. So I don't care. I care a lot about the blog
posts where they appear, but you always want to select, whereas the homepage, we
created already a homepage, if you remember in
a previous video. If I'm going to
select the homepage, this is a webpage,
then it's appearing. The homepage when people visit. The primary domain. Said for all the
customizing settings that I wanted to go over
with you right now. I didn't cover all of them, but just click around, play with the settings
and do how you like it. And you can leave the
settings as I did. And you going to have some
good settings to start from. But if you want to customize
a little bit more, feel free to try around.
15. Install your Wordpress plugins: All right, so we've covered all the basic defeats
settings and now it's time to install a few apps. We call this plug-ins
within WordPress. If you go to the plugins
installed plug-ins, it already comes with one
or two standard plugins. The Hello Dolly plugin is a little bit of a joke
of the developers. This is a plugin, but you always can delete. Gonna need that. We started without any plugins. And if you click here, then you see already a few suggested plug-ins like
apps that we can use. There are literally thousands or even hundreds of thousands, more than 200 thousand
plugins exist. Currently. There are more
and more coming every day. I have to give a little bit
of a warning with using plugins because plugins
are really nice things, but WordPress is open source. What means everybody can create a WordPress plugin
or WordPress theme. So this includes
super beginners or people that have
bad things in mind. Basically, if you're installing a plugging, what you're doing, you're adding a bunch
of code and you'll never know if this is a good working code
or if the code is conflicting with the other
plug-in or WordPress theme. So try to minimize the amount of plug-ins
that are being installed. The most problems
that arise with WordPress websites comes from
installing too many plugins or plugins that are
not safe or not really good audio plug-ins that
we are using today. We are tested them out a lot and we highly
recommend those plug-ins. Few of things that you
always can see like to give a little bit of estimation
if it's a good plugin, if you can use it or not. You can see if plugging
this is updated recently, so this is updated
within the last day. This updated a lot. But if you go, for example, to the Yoast SEO plug-in, we're going to cover
more about that later. This is updated the week ago. But for example, if
you want to have a Facebook like button on your webpage, social
media plugins. Plugins that can cause a lot
of problems that we see. So this one is, has been updated
nine months ago, so maybe that's not so safe. I also look at reviews, but this one got ten reviews. This one got 538 reviews and six times more
active installations. If I'm comparing
plug-ins to each other, I always pick the one
that gets the most updated has a lot of good testimonials and a lot of active installations
if possible. If I don't know what I'm doing, sometimes I test out
these plugins in a test environment when omega test website to
test these things out. Because if you have
a working website with active visitors
visiting your website, you don't want to
screw things up and get your website down
and stuff like that. So be cautious with how many plug-ins and
plug-ins you're going to use. Then with that said,
we're going to start with the first blogging. And this is the
plugging that will appear of a year the
first time you open it. And that's the classic editor. Why do you need the
classic editor for? Wordpress is, like I said, is open sources gets
updated all the time. And the classic editor, It's showing you
the old version. Because in my opinion, the newer version
of WordPress is not as user-friendly as
the classic version, so therefore, I'm
going to install this. It's not super necessary. You can work without
the classic editor, but everything that
we're going to show, it's done with the classic
editor so it can look a little bit different on your screen if you didn't install this one, I recommend to install this because it makes it
a little bit easier. You'll see a little
bit more elements. Without this. They've hidden some elements, they're not so easy to find, so, but basically it
works the same as just another interface and
another way of showing it. All right, wait until you see the Activate button because
the plugin is now installed. But if you go to the
Installed plugins page, you will see that the plugging
is not activated yet. So I'm going to show you a before with the pages we
created the homepage, if you remember, and
then click Edit, then you get this pop-up. And this is how you see
the webpage right now. If I go back to Plugins, activate the classic editor. So now it's activated,
there's one active. And go back to pages again. Click Edit. And it looks
completely different. So in my opinion, this is much more user-friendly. That's why I picked this. Feel free to pick the other one if you'd liked
it. Other one. We have the classic editor. We're going to add the next plugging that
is called word fence. What does word friends on
whether you need it for? It's basically as a firewall and malware security plugging. It sounds super fancy. And what it does is it
keeps your website safe. There are bunch of organizations
in the world that tried to hack into your website automatically with
computer boasted. Some people in the world trying actively to go
into your website. But what they do,
the computer is visiting the website just
like a human person, and it tried to login to
the website all the time. So maybe they can play some
links for some spam links, or they're trying to steal
your data and stuff like that. So there are things that
you are not want to have. And therefore we installed
the WordPress plugin. It's like a virus
scanner for your PC, but then a little bit
more for your website. If you want to learn more about what is
actually protecting, you can visit a website, but it's for security reasons. This is what you need
to know for now. Alright, so once the
plugin is installed, you should probably receiving, bump up with a message you have successfully installed
word friends. You can fill in your
e-mail address over here. You don't have to do it. And I don't want to
have their newsletter, but I do accept their terms. They ask if you want to
buy a premium version. No, thanks for that. We're going to use
the freemium version. The free, free to. Once you've installed it, is going to show you an extra button on the
left side over here. It's not all setup yet, so you want to go
to all options. Then it's asking you to make your site as secure as possible. Take a moment to optimize the word friends web
application firewall. There are a lot of options, but click here to configure. And it's asked you
to download as thinking at ADHD excess file. You're going to download that
file and click Continue. It doesn't matter if
you're not really understanding what you're
doing at the moment, just follow these steps. Then once you've done it, click here to configure again, download the HT
access file again, and also the user, any PHP. And then click continuum of changes have not
yet taken effect. It's saying, but the
installation was successful. So right now we're
going to close it. And we went through the
configuration for depth. And we're going to click
this MSE for right now. Next is asking you
to do you want to stay up to date
out of medically? Well, you need to on, from time to time, we need
to update all your plugins, themes and stuff
like that to have your website working
good and stay safe. I'm going to click Yes
for now because it's nice as this itself out of medically. Right now we went
through two settings. If you go to the Options page, you can go through
all the options. Not going to do that
right now because the standard options are
already really good. The one thing that
you want to check out is your
notification settings. If you're not changing your
notification settings, it will send you a lot of e-mails and you don't
need all of the emails, so do you want to receive an
e-mail when it's updated? I don't want to have
an email for that. Do you want it to when the
plugin is deactivated? Yes. Because you really wanted to have this plug-in active. So if somebody is deactivated and this
plugging in such a website, do you want to get
a notification for that because that
shouldn't be happening. You need to do Save Changes. Once you're finished with
this installation part, the first thing you want
to do is click Scan, and it's giving you
a bump up, again, a word fans can look for malware and malicious
URLs and patterns of infections by examine x and
mining all of the files, posts, and comments on
your WordPress website. Sounds really nice. So we're going to click Next, managed to scan settings. And then start your first game. That's what we want.
Start a new scan. This is running on a
blackout background. And by doing this, it will do this automatically on a day-to-day basis and
we'll let you know if something is wrong with
your website so you can always come back
for the scan results. Right now is doing
his thing and we can continue installing
the plugins. So again, we're going
back to Antonio plugins. The next plugging them
we're going to use is something we'll have to
do in Europe is GDPR. There's a new rule
or law for that. Every website should inform
the website visitor about the cookies and about the things that are being
used on the website. What are cookies and
why do we need them? So cookies are there for that. Your website is
working properly or you need to have cookies sometimes for certain
marketing things. So if you run Google
Analytics on your website, so this is a dude we're
going to connect that showing how many people went
to your website on a day. So you can count that. That's dragged by a cookie. If you're placing a YouTube
video on your website, you are using cookies. Another thing is, for example, if you go into a webpage, but you wanted to go
to the previous page, how does it know what
was the previous page? Those certain things like buttons and things that
you've selected links. Those things work with cookies. Some cookies can do more harm than others in terms of privacy. And therefore, we
got some new rules and Europe and governments like websites to give explanation what type
of cookies people use. And therefore, we will
install a cookie plug-in. We go to the plugin, new. There we go,
searching for cookie. Notice. Go, We're looking for
the cookie notice for GDPR by D factory. They got more than a
million installations. And we're going to
install it right now. Everybody's seems pretty
happy with the cookies. Once the plugin is
installed and activated, you can click on
the settings here. You can also find this
plugging if you go to settings and
then go to cookie. Notice sometimes if you install new plug-ins will
bear under settings, sometimes under tools,
sometimes in this menu bar. So it can be a little bit
confusing where to look, but for this particular plugin, it's under settings
just so you know, it comes with some standard
configuration settings. You can change the
message over a year. You can even insert
link if you like, for example, to a Terms
and Conditions page. Or maybe you are going to create a privacy policy with a
webpage, with some texts. There are standard
text that you can find online that you can
copy and paste. Or if you go to
another big websites, you can use their texts and
change it as you like it. You might want to
consult with a lawyer or somebody that knows about legal stuff if you want
to do it. Totally right. Another legal
advisor, I just know how to build websites and
what do you need to do. So but it's your responsibility to find out what the ride
for your legal stuff. For this purpose of the video, we're going to leave the tax
year as it is right now. Going to change the
button text to deaths. You can enable
privacy policy link. And you can change the text and then give it a custom
link or selected page. I'm going to click the sample
page right now and then change it into a privacy
policy little bit later. Yeah, It's pretty
straightforward. Just answer these questions
or you want to set things up. You don't need to use
a script blocking. This is a little
bit more advanced. I always leave this blank. You can uses, but unlike if you want to use my
website, use the cookies. If you don't want
to use the cookies, don't use the website. That's my personal opinion, but you can play around with the settings if you'd
like to do that. And then you can
give the option to say no and make people go away. I'm going to leave
this for no right now. Okay. I'm not going to use the
revoke consent option for now, enabled to reload the beach
after the notice is accepted. We don't need debt and able to accept the notice
when the users grows. Well, that's a nice feature. They can scroll for maybe even 200 pixels and
then the bar will go away. Because then we think they will accept and theorems
under conditions, privacy policy, and able to accept a notice on any
click on the webpage. We're not going
to use debt year. You can set the time that it will be remembered
what the settings were. Once then a standard
option that I'm missing in this plugging is I'm not able to change the
color of the button. And our waste a
building this feature, theirself, but
they didn't do it. And luckily, there's
another way that you can change colors from certain
elements in the website. What we're going to do to make
this blocking work better, we're going to
save your changes. We're gonna go over to
the Divi Theme Options. And if you scroll all
the way to the bottom, you find custom CSS. Again. Somewhere
around this video, you're going to find a golf
that I'm going to paste. This is a piece of CSS code. And gonna look like this. This is how it
should be displayed. Basically, what it does is this little gray text is telling what
this code is about. So it's the cookie
notice button. This is the element. This is the code name for the button where we want
to change the color. The color that we are
changing it to is FFF. So this stands for, this is going to be white for
the fonts of the ladders, and this is going to be
the background color. The word important
is saying that it should override all
the other goat. So if it's finding
a code somewhere, then it needs to overwrite with our code
that we're adding. So if you're going to
click save changes right now and we go to the
front end again. I'm going to open a
new incognito window. He's gonna ignore my cookies. Never go to the
website right now. Day you see it is
a different color. Is not pink, the color pink that we were using previously. I'm going to copy the code, remove the six letters
and numbers over there, and replace it with the
goat that I like to use. It doesn't matter if you
use capitals or not. Let's open incognito
window again. To see how it looks. It's looking super cool. Alright, so that's how
you change the colors of the letters and from
the buttons, buttons. The next plugin
that we're going to install is a plugging that I like to use for
to create backups. Sometimes you mess things
up when you make a website, especially when you're new.
What do you want to, do? You want to look for
updraft and there are a few updraft
plugging out there. So make sure you are
installed the updraft plus WordPress and
backup plugging. This is from a BRAF
plus I have more than 3 million
installations and it's working super well to create
backups from your website. If something goes wrong, you can always
restore your website. If it's finished installing
click Activate again. Gives you a pop-up
breast year to start or go to settings. Maybe you already noticed
that on the top bar. Now it also says a draft, bless. You can start making your
first backup right now. But before we do that, and we're going to
settings first year, you can select where
the backup is going to. Maybe you wanted
to connect it to your Dropbox or Google
Drive or whatever. Right now I'm just going to
use the addressed faults. So I'm going to store
it somewhere in the cloud and I'm going
to backup and restore. I can also go there
by clicking here. I'm just going to click
backup right now. I only want to
delete it manually, so I'm gonna select this one right now and the other ones, you can keep them selected
and click backup right now. Grading your first backup. Congratulations, it's running. And this is the log message. Nothing has been logged yet. But then a bar starch working and this is
running on the background so you can keep working on your website or wait
and do it finished. You can even show
the log about what it's doing is not
super interesting. And then when it's finished, you can click it away and
you've got your first backup. And I always
recommend before you start building on your
website, create a backup. Once you're finished,
create a backup again. You don't want to
have any work lost, so this is how you prevent it. For the next plucking, we're going to install
the Yoast SEO plug-in. The years as you
plugging is helping to make your website being found within
the search engines. So if you want to
optimize your website for search engines and
other terms do SEO. This is the best
blocking that we recommend for doing that. It's a really handy, handy to. That's going to give you
some tips and advice about many things that you can do to improve
your rankings from your webpages and your
website inside Google, we all want to be found within Google to get as
much web traffic, high-quality web
traffic to our website. This is a do that we're
going to be using a lot. Click the Activate button. We're going to click
on settings for now. It brings you to the general
Yoast SEO Settings page. The first thing that is asking the first time SEO
configuration, you can do all the
settings manually as well with the features
and stuff like that. But I'm going to use a configuration wizard
because this is much simpler. Nine steps. My website is live to be index. I wanted to be
index straightaway. And then I'm going
to click Next. I'm a small offline business. We are marketing agency. Maybe you're a webshop, maybe you are a
corporation or something else and you choose
whatever fits for you, then go to step number three or your
organization or a person. Well, we are an organization,
social rocketeers. We're going to even
give them a logo. There you go, sir. You got to fill in
your social media. We didn't register them yet, so I'm gonna leave
them blank for now. And I'm going to the
next page again. Then search engine visibility. I wanted to have my
post pages and projects found within the
search engine so I keep everything too. Yes. Click Next. Do we have multiple offers? Yes, my colleagues will be doing it as well, changing
the website. What are your title settings? So basically what it's asking, how do you want to, in the tip of your browser, your page titles to be appeared. Do you want to have a small
striped or small dash? Do you want to have
a dash like this? Do you want to have
a symbol like that? Item matter so much. If you go to a Google and
you're Googling for astronauts, astronauts, then these
things are your page titles. If you don't,
you're not going to change them through your SEO, plugging, your Yoast SEO plugin, worry about that later. But Wikipedia, for example, if you go to the astronaut page, you'll see that
the page is called astronaut and it's on Wikipedia. This helps Google understand
what's the website about, about astronauts
and that's why it's a burn and the number
of tree results. And what is the what
website is it a bearing? Right? Now you know how it works. Leaves a title Settings, but maybe you want to add some
extra keywords over there. But otherwise you can leave the website name
and company name. Step number six. Do you want to
help them improve? Yes. You can drag my sides a data or if you don't like
it, leave it like that. Do you want to learn? And yours can send
you e-mails, things. You can sign up over there. I'm not gonna do that right now. Then step number nine, you can watch another video. I'm not interested in that. We have completed the
wizard. All right. We already installed
a bunch of plugins and we're going to install Walmart blogging for the moment. And the name of that
as WP Super Cache. Alright, you can
activate the plugin. This is a cash plugging and
basically what it helps is it's saving your
website upfront, so it's loading faster
for other people. Basically it's making your
website to load faster. You can go through the settings, but you can turn on, caching on, and then
update the status. You can go through the settings. I don't recommend changing
the settings yourself. The preset settings
work really well. It's gonna be a
little bit fragile to play around
with the settings. If you don't know
what you're doing, just install this plugin during
the caching on an update, the status. Alright, that's it. For all the plugins. We've installed a bunch of
plugins and a few of them, we're going to use them later, especially the
Yoast SEO plug-in. Again, be a little
bit cautious with installing new plugins
that you don't know about. Dual little bit research, test them out in a
safe environment and have fun while doing it.
16. Ready to design?: That's it. We've covered a lot. We went through
all the settings, the Wordpress settings went
over the Divi options. We went over the
customizer settings for some more settings. And we even install some plugins and went through these
settings as well. So that was a lot to say again, but we can leave all of that behind us and actually
start building right now. So see you in the next videos.
17. Part 3: Designing your web pages in Divi: All right, finally, we've
come really far and now it's time to actually start building some webpages and
start designing them. Super-excited. In short, we're going
to explain everything about what you need to do
and why you need to do that. You're going to learn
some best practices. We're gonna show you
whether website needs are good webpage and how you can design it or build
them yourself. And we're going to give you a
live example on the screen. And you can watch over
my shoulder and building some awesome webpages so
you can do it yourself too.
18. Create your wireframes: Alright, so let's go to Pages and then we're going
to build the homepage first. But before we can decide
what we're going to build, let's click on Edit, because with dv, it
comes with a lot of pre-built layouts
that you can use. So if you already have
this Finney over here, you can click the plus symbol. If it's still under
standard editor like this, you need to click
the purple button, use the Divi Builder first. Then you're going to
click the plus symbol. So it's going to
give you a pop-up. We have some pre-made layouts. Maybe you have some
layout yourself that you are saved in
your Divi library, or maybe you want to clone
some existing pages. We don't have any
existing pages right now. We don't have any saved ones, but we can use some
premade layouts. So for example, if we want
to see some yoga webpages, we can click yoga. Then you'll see all sorts of pre-made layouts
for yoga sites. Or we can use the filter button. If you're into the fashion
and beauty industry. Got some websites
that you can use from the fashion and
beauty industry. Let's assume I like being, so I'm gonna click this
pink fashion webpage. And they have a blog pages
ready contact designer, home lending, paycheck,
even a webshop. And you can just click of a
button, install this layout. Once it's finished uploading, you'll have a whole
pre-made webpage yourself. So if I'm going to click
Update to save this, then you can go to the homepage. You have your own webpage
within the click of a button. And now you can change the text, you can change the images, you can change the colors as super fast way to
get you started. If you don't know
what to do and find a really nice layout and
start building from there. So I'm showing you this
right now because you can go over some examples or you can google some webpages
that you like. Because before you can
actually start building, you need to know what
you are going to build is like building a
house without a blueprint, you end up with
something pretty crazy. Are you going to
forget some things? So we created a
wireframe ourself. A wireframe is a
drawing with lines. So basically you can see how the website
is going to look. If you see some lines, it's gonna look
something like this. We actually draw the whole
thing out over here. Because we already decided that front, what
we're going to build. If you're going to look
at my screen and design, a term should call
this a hi-fi design. And this is the web design we're going to build
for you today. And you can see step-by-step
how we can build it. So if you need some inspiration, you can use a premade
layout, something like this. You can start changing
those things, or you can start
totally from scratch.
19. Build your page in sections: All right, So we saw on the front and how
is it going to look? And we actually can
build on the front-end. But what we just saw on the
front side of the webpage, it's divided in
certain elements. So I know that this
first section over here, this is section number one. On the backend. You'll see the hero section. And let's actually this
whole section over here. Within this section
on the left side, you'll see some text, a little bit of space
where the divider in between and then
some texts again. They got this button over here, did you can build them
in front-end and we're going to explore
that later as well. But this is how the
website is built up. This is the second section. There's the image
and it takes them a right sided with a
button over here. Again, an image, a text and
text and a button over here. This is how it's
structured on the backend. So this is more or less
your wire frame disease. You're drawing of lines, how we can build it up. So therefore, you need
to know what sections, how many rows you want them to be appeared and
stuff like that. And luckily, we already have a design that we
just showed you. We're going to
build from scratch. We're going to delete
all these sections with all these things inside there. And when you start, you can select with the blue
for a regular sections, specialty section
shall full-width. So most of the time
you're going to be using a regular section. Within this regular section, we need to have some rows. Row can be 100%
or two times 50%, dirty tree per cent, 66 and all combinations
like this, going to look like this. So I know we're going
to use some texts. The first section. And let's see what we've just
built on the front side. So I'm going to click the home button to
refresh this page. And it's super empty
how it should be. If you look at our design, we have a full-width image. Then we also got a heading, so a big piece of text, and we got a sub-heading and we got a drop-down arrow
on the left overdamped. Let's see if we can build
something like this.
20. Add images to your web page: First, let's start with
the background image. Go to the backend
of the page and I'm going to click
settings of a year. It's going to give you a
little pop-up and it's popup and you can
drag it around. Blizzard where you live, you
can make it even fullscreen. I always like to
keep it like this. And then click on
the background. You can give it a
background color. You can give it a gradient
like two colors. Pretty fancy. If you do that, you go over it. If you hover over it,
you can delete it again. But we were uploading an image. So we're going to need
the background image. I already have one. Degas, some astronauts
with some bears. If you're a Mac
user and working on an Apple computer and
you've been using, you've been familiar with
the program preview. If you use the
brief few software, then you can go to Tools
and show inspector. You want to make sure
a couple of things that the college
settings are in RGB. So this is RGB is for screens. If it's CMYK or something else, it's more used for print. So you want to use the
image with the colors, with the color mode RGB, and you wanted to look
at the image size, I recommend to use minimum, normally a big width of
19201000920 pixels width. For normal computers. If you're using more
advanced computers with Rick Dina screens, then you want to go up to
the width of minimum 2560. The kilobytes should
never be more than 300. To keep your website
loading really fast. If your image is still one
megabyte or two megabytes, you need to re-size that. How do you resize an image? And you can go to
Tools and just size. You can change the width, the resolution, the resolution, you can always put it to 72, this is 300, put it on 25062560
or 920, and click Okay. And then you can go to File, and then you can click Export. You can select where you
want to export it to. We want to have the
jetpack format. And you can slide it like this. And it's a little
bit playing like putting on 160 KB right now, social worker tiers
or wallpaper. And it's still
looking pretty sharp. So let's upload this image. You can upload your
file, select files, and go to your desktop
and upload it from there. Don't forget to
change the title, description and alt-text again. Make sure that this
size is set to full width and then
upload an image. Click the green button to save that for now and update it. Now you want to go to your
other depth, refresh to beach. Wait until this is
finished loading. And now we have an image
on the background. Alright, let's assume you have a really big wallpaper
like this one. And you want to make
the image web ready. You want to make
it under 300 KB. You want to set the
resolution to 72. And you want to have the
size with the right width, so no bigger than 2560 pixels. What you can do, you
can go to tiny You see a nice little panda with a crown on this app and you can drag and drop images
that you want to resize. So for example, this angry
kept in space is 419. Gabe, What is to bake? It's more than 300
that we recommend. And we're going to compress
it by just uploading it to the website and
then download it. But then the compressed version, we reduce 20%. It's almost 300. For the moment I
can live with that. You could resize it even more. Always make sure that
it's still looking sharp. Well, this has sharp gut. And that's how you can resize images really
easily with tiny PNG. This also works for with
JPEG files as well. So don't worry about
the PNG or JPEG files.
21. Add text and dividers to your web page: Okay, So we uploaded the background image and
we need to add some text. We're going to use a heading. And the heading
that we're going to use is heading number 11. Thing to keep in
mind is that you only can use the heading one once on every webpage is like you can only
give a book one Dido, It doesn't make sense
to give a book tree. Those people get confused. The same goes with webpages. So this is the homepage
of social rocketeers, whereas maybe a
little bit boring. So for the purpose of the video, I'm going to use a
social media content. That's going to be
my heading one. I'm going to hit
Enter at the heading. Out of this world. We're going to hit Save
right now and update it. Look on the front end. I was going to look by
refreshing the page. It's black and
black on the image, not showing us really
well how it should look. So let's change that. So if we were doing in the
backend of the website, we're going to change
this column 250% of 50%. So on the left side, there's
the text being a beard, or maybe even do it. 2 third, 1 third. Then we go to the settings
and let me go through the design settings
of this text module. There you can have some drop-down menus with banks having tech
stuff like that. We added some headings and the heading font
that we're going to use is fed phase font. Go. We're gonna put it in bold. Over here. The text is going
to be left aligned. It should be white. Go. That's it for the
settings of heading one. But the heading should be set to the secondary title is
called permanent marker. Scroll all the way to
the B. There you go. A little bit more comic
font, really nice one. We should have this in capitals, and I think it should
be bought two. Alright, let's see what
we've just created. It slowly starts to
look like our design. So let me grab the design. We've got the white text, and we got the black
text over here, which should make this a Y2, and we should add some
background colors. So how can we do that? Let's see. We've been working on the back-end of the
website audit time, but you can work on
the front end as well. So you can enable the visual builder by
clicking over here. You can also do that
from the backend BY built on the front end. So this is a really
nice feature. So you can really
see what you get. You can select this and even start to die
being if you wanted to have social media or
something like that. If you hover over
with the mouse, you already got used to that. We're using sections and
we can create roles. And then inside the rows
we can create texts, modules and things like that. If you hover your mouse
over these elements, you see certain
settings or pair on it. This is a really nice feature
that you can build on the front end we got
now two sections. The blue things are sections. Sometimes they are
orange or purple if they're a little bit specs, but most of them are blue. And then we got, within this section,
we got one row. Because in our design,
if you have a look, we got a black background and a pink background of the text and don't know
how you call that, but you see the color. So you know what I meant? I'm going to duplicate this module with a
click of a button. We have two texts
modules right now. The first one, the first one we need to make a
black background. So if you put this on the side and then
add some background color, we need to make it black. You can click on over here. But now you'll see that it's
having too much around it. So we go back to
the design section. And you can change all the
designs sections over here. But with the heading one, you're going to go all
the way to spacing. And then you can add some
margin and padding over there. But there's black text is
not feasible right now. So I'm going to delete
the text as it is. And then within our design, we have some space around it. What are we going to
do? We're going to add some padding on the
top. I'm going to add. Tripp percent. At the bottom, I'm going to add 3% as well. The reason why I do
percentages and not fixers is I want to have it
responsive on a mobile phone, tablet, super big
screen, whatever. I also wanted to
add some stuff on the left and right side. Then it's looking more or
less the same. Like that. I do want to make it
a little bit smaller. I set it to the column 50, 50%. That's how you change
the background of debt. At the second text module, we're going to delete the
first text like that. This text should be, let me see white. So we go into change that to need to click
somewhere else right now. Then I hover over
this text module. Sometimes it's a little bit hard to click it and
we're still selected. I'm clicking in the header. There you go. Then you can click
it and go to design, change the heading texts. Do because there
was a heading two, if you remember in your
content you go to Text, select it, then
there's a heading. Do you can see it
in the HTML tags. This is the heading two. And then you go through design, heading text, heading two. And let's make the
background color first. We set the color
of the background. We go to design again, spacing at some bedding, maybe 2% this time. Link it here as well. I've looked at our
design how we want it. Well, there's more
or less the same, but we still need
to make it white. We're going to go
to heading, text, heading do have the heading
to color white. There you go. Social media content
that's out of this world. Font size is more or less good. Remember we want
to improve that, are changed it a little
bit. We can increase it. Then we will need to change
this to something like this. Alright, so you'll notice
that there's a difference in space of the bar, like the black bar
and a big bar. There's some whitespace
as we go it over here. So if we want to solve that, what we created right now is one section that has
the width of treated. So what we can do if
we duplicate this, I say duplicate this and
we delete this section. And if we delete this my jaw, then we have two sections
with one text module. And this one we can
make it smaller, like maybe 1 third to
dirt or something. Make it dirty. Six pixels. I should see you need to play around with
it a little bit. There you go. Looking like our design. If you want to have this
image a little bit bigger, if you hover your mouse over, you'll see some, some blurred blue section
or something like that. You can drag. If you hold it with your
mouse, you can drag it. And if you look really closely, you see the number of pixels
that you're dragging it. You can make it
bigger or smaller. Same goes for the top section. And you can also, if you go to the
settings and then at the section settings then
to design and to spacing. This is where you
change these settings. Right now it's really starts
to look like our design. And that's how you set the
height of your section. And you have the same
with your modules. So there's quite some space
between these two modules. I'm going to hover over this. Then I'm going to select this settings icon
of my role settings. Between the, between
the two rows. I don't want to
have any spacing, so I'm gonna remove
all the margin, all the bedding, and it's going to bring it
closer to each other. I'm going to do the same way if the top section row, I'm sorry. Now is really close
to each other. Maybe a little bit too close. The button. Maybe you
wanted to have 3%. And that's looking really nice. Maybe 2%. Designing websites can be a
little bit perfectionist. Don't try to make
it too perfect. You can spend hours on
making it fixed up Perfect, Just to get the job done, launched a website, and
then keep improving it. And then before we can go to the second section
and work on debt, we have this divider dividing
between two sections. We want to make it
direct, good deal canal. We want to make a diagonal. We go to the Settings and click
Design and then dividers. Then we want to add a
divider style to the button. So your divider styles
that you can select. And we're gonna make
it look like this. But in our design is
the other way around. So we need to flip it. So you can flip the
divider over here. And you can even decide
how high it should be. And if you think
you messed it up, just click on the
Refresh icon over there, and it goes back to
the standard item. We almost finished. One last thing that we forgot
to add is the down arrow.
22. Add a down arrow and anchor links: Alright, so we're still
building this website. And one less thing that
we didn't include yet is a little drop-down arrow to
be able if you click it, did you scroll to
the next section is a really nice feature
that unlike how do you build that if you
click on this and this are the arrow to make
it scroll down, what are we going
to do right now? We're going to add
our first image. The image that we're
going to upload. I already created
a little PNG file. With PNG files, you can make them with a transparent
background. So we have this white arrow with a transparent background. Rename it social rocket. There's Down Arrow, white. Text, description. Keep the size as you want it. Going to make it
medium for the moment. It's still pretty big. I need to resize it first. Let's do that. I'm going to make
this 50 pixels width, the size of it right now. Export it as a PNG file. We're going to upload
the file that we just saved on the desktop. Png, arrow, size,
text and description. As always, upload the image, but the image is
not clickable yet. I'm going to click
on Save right now, if you don't see
the Save button, you can use the Control S or Command S for Mac users to automatically
saved his webpage. If you don't want to use the short key or don't
know what short keys are, you can click on
this purple icon and then click the Save button. Always remember to save
your previous work and so you don't lose
anything if you lose your Internet connection
or something like that. And right now, we're going
to give this second section. We are going through the
advanced settings right now. Live as scary. And we're going to use it. Go this section, do
just as one word. Copy this CSS id name. We give this element, this section, we'll
give it a name. Now we can say if you
click this image, this down arrow, we can link it within the image link URL. We're going to end it
with forward slash, then the hashtag icon. And then, and with the name
that we gave the SSS ID, we're going to hit save,
refresh the beach. Then if we stand with
our mouse on the icon, it says the icon image tidal social worker tiers
down arrow or white. But if you look at the
bottom-left corner, you'll see that what is the link if I'm going to
click on this element, and now it's grows down. So if we go back to the top, click again and scrolls down, the website is not
long enough to scroll all the way to a year. We still have to build that. But this is how you make
clickable elements. I also like it to
make these texts modules link to this section. We're going to do that
right now as well. Go click Save. There's one as well. Link. Rolling. Safe. Again. Look on the front,
where do you create and refresh the page? I did it with my keyboard. Click the icon, and now it's linking to other sections
within the website.
23. Add a button: Cool. Let's have a look at our
design again. There we are. We already covered how
to add a text section. So I'm going to create this. And once it's created, our teach you how to create a button. Alright, so we have
our text, my job. Now we're going to
add a new module. So I'm going to click
the gray plus icon, and I'm going to look
for the button module. Our design has a black button with the permanent marker font. And the button is looking at. We're going to create
the beautiful button according to the design. First we go into start
with the content part, so the button text
should be read more. And we're going to
link to an About page. The about page has
not created yet. But for the purpose
of this video, we present that
the pitch already created and it's got about us. So this is going to be the link. The link button is going
to be called red mark. And now we need to
style the button. So S for every module, this is where you change
all the design settings. The ones who have
the button aligned in the middle or
on the left side. So we have it on the left
side and the design, do you want the text
to be light or dark? Well, we want to
have white text, so we put this to light. Do you want to use custom
styles for the button? If you remember, you can change the buttons settings
in the customizer, but we have different colors
for different buttons. We need to create the
buttons herself over here. I don't see the text right now, so let's add the color first, so the color should be black. Now we have a black button, we have some white text. How big should the text be? In my case, I'm going
to put it to 26 pixels. So there's gonna be
a pretty big button. Then I can change
the Buttercup and border color to black as well. And the border radius, the border corners are rounded. So right now it's a little bit rounded with three big sauce. Our button is more
rounded in the design. Maybe we going to make this to ten pixels or even
more than 15 maybe. Let's look in like
a nice button. We can change the font
of the button as well. Again, we're going to
use permanent marker. And I think we can
improve this size, increase the size a little
bit of the burden font. So 28 works well in this case, most font sizes can be
a little bit smaller. We created the Read
More button and you can keep playing with
the settings over here. We weren't all the
letters and capitals. So you do it like that. If I hover over it right now, you'll see this little icon. I choose four right
now not to use that. But what I do, 1.5 is if you hover
over this button, I want the color to be changed. You know, you can click on it. So how do you do that? If you have custom
styles and you go for your mouse over
the background color, you'll see this tiny
little mouse icon. This is the desktop version
or the hover version. And we have to hover version. We can make it a
little bit dark grade like treat you
treat retreat tree. We have the desktop version
and we hover over it. It got this nice little
effect, maybe even lighter. So what about five-by-five? Then you want to do
the same thing with the butter border
color 555. All right. We've covered all the settings
for the button right now. Don't forget to
link it over here. And one thing that
you can choose if you linking within your website, always open in the same window. If you are going to be linking the button to another website, I recommend in the new deck, this is better for SEO purposes. If you're maybe thinking about
the change in the future, your domain name, or
maybe you want to include www or
something like that. Best practices is to use
the prefix of the domain, like the first part of the
domain, leave it away. So just everything
behind or whatever you're using
from the forward slash, you can use it in the link. This is best practice for
adding links to your website. So if you're a linked structure
changes in the future, you will not get
any broken links. What will hurt your SEO
rankings and stuff like that? So long story short, just use forward slash and then everything you need to put here to link your buttons, links and everything
that you are linking.
24. Add a color overlay: So we created the first section. The second section. Now it's time to continue
to deteriorate section. We're going to add a
new background image, according to our design. Found a really nice
one with some donuts and some unicorns who
doesn't like that. So social rocket, there's
donuts and unicorns. I'm curious what my friends at Google are thinking right
now about our website. If they start indexing this, but upload the image right now. But the thing is, is looking super nice. We can make it bigger
if we like it. But the thing is,
we're going to, in some texts or modules over this is going to
be really hard to read because there's
so much colors and with the contrast is
going to be really hard. What we need to do, we need to, this section doesn't
have a row yet, so I'm going to add a row. I'm going to give it a
color over the image. Let's big the text module for
right now because it wants me to pick a module
that's okay for now. This row and one to
make the full width. So you do this and
the design section, and then you go into sizing. You need to use gusto,
gustation, gutter width. And then you put
this all the way to 0 and the width should be 100%. That's it for now. All right, so we've
added some donors, we have some unicorns, but according to our design, we want to have it a
little bit more pink. The reason is because this text is now
really hard to read. It doesn't matter if
it's white or black. It's hard to read with
so much scholars around, so we give it a
nice overlay color. And there are many ways
that you can do it, but one of the easiest ways
is using the gradient tool. If you select the gradient tool, is going to give
you some colors. You can add the color
goals as you wish. And we are using the H6. We're going to use
it on both sides. But now it's completely pink. Probably when you do this
is going to have the button unselected plays gradient
unbiased background image. So if you select that it's
going to place the image below the gradient college
that you're adding right now. The gradient college
is going to be on top. So I'm going to drag and drop this down a little
bit. Like this. I'm going to copy this code. Go to the other color,
colon and swell. And then paste it. There you go. We've got a pink overlay color
for our background image. So right now I'm going
to change the date.
25. Add an opt in form: So in this section, we also need to create
an opt-in form. What is an open forum? You can collect
email addresses and some personal information like a friend named lastname,
stuff like that. So we're going to look for the opt-in module, the
email app, then. It's giving you a ton of thing. So we're going to
need this text. We can remove the title
as well for our design. And the background. Image color is also necessary. This is going to be transparent. I don't want to have
people their last names because I can ask it. But the more questions you ask, the less likely it is
for people to fill in. So you can select if you want to show the last
name field or not. I'm going to click Select know. We already created the
fields that we needed. We just need to make sure that the button is looking a
little bit more beautiful. And that we need to, we need to connect it to
our email marketing system. All right, so you can change the buttons
settings over here. We already explained it
with the Read More button. It's more or less
working the same. So we can use what
we used over there. I'm going to do it
real quick for you. And then after that, I will show you how
to connect it to your e-mail marketing
provider or a solution. Alright, so we
created the button. Also. I wanted to change the
colors of this breed text that's in the boxes of the form. You can change the title text. You can change the body text, a result message text. You need to change
it with fields. The fields color. We can make it black as well. According to our design, the feuds shouldn't
have any borders. The rounded corners can go to 0. You can also align this
by changing the spacing. We're going to put the margin
and the bed includes 0. Is it going to bring
him a little bit to the tab if you want to
align it even more. One thing that you can do
is you can add the divider. What does the divider do? Divider bring some
extra space and you see a little bit
of a line over there. But I don't want to
show the divider. And I move it to the top. Now we can align it
a little bit more. Something like this. We created a nice section. The last thing, people are filling in the
forearm right now, where does the information go? Again? You go through
the modules sections, section, and you can connect
it to an email account. The standard service provided
is selected as mailchimp. Mailchimp is the most
used email marketing to and we've been using
it a lot for our clients. So you can go to and register for an
account over there, sign up for free up to 2
thousand email addresses. If I'm correctly,
you can use it for free above more than 2
thousand e-mail addresses, you need to start paying for it. But once you're logged in and if you Google for some
documentation, you can figure it out how
to connect it yourself. But basically, you need
to connect the provider. But since there are many providers and we
cannot explain all of them, we're not going to do
that in this course, so you're probably going to use mailchimp,
does use Mailchimp. If you're using that, if it's connected, you can
select your list over there. If you still need to connect it, just look up Mailchimp,
Diffie integration. Brain should do the
e-mail option module. This is the official Elegant
Themes documentation. Here they explain in more detail how you can connect
your email opt-in module. And they provide documentation for all their email providers. You have an active campaign. Many others. Really smart thing
to do with pages, as long as this, you can use Control F or on a Mac Command F. It gives
you a letter search bar, and look for the name Mailchimp. And it brings should
directly to the section. And everywhere where
Mailchimp is mentioned. There you'll see how you
can connect the account. So find your e-mail
marketing solution. If you don't know
which one to use, I recommend using Mailchimp and then you can figure
it out from there. Alright, so let us assume that you are connected
your email module. Now we're finished with creating the third section
of your website. So it's time to save it and see what we've
created so far. I refresh the page. We can scroll down now
to the second section. You can read our mission
statement and go to the homepage or the about page that we
still need to link to. You probably noticed that our optimum module
is not appearing. And the reason is
is not connected to any e-mail
marketing gland yet. But if we would have
connected it to Mailchimp, you would have seen this this
little thingy over there. But for the rest, everything is
finished and we can go on to section number four.
26. Add your USPs & an interruption text: Alright, so we need
to bring it in another horizontal
line like this. We can work on
section number four. Let's start building.
27. Add a contact form: Alright yourself, we created quite a bit
of rest of the *****. And a lot of people
also wanted to have a contact form
on the webpage. So I already edit the contact form module and
you can add different fields. So maybe you wanted to
collect a phone number. Can change some field options. So you can make an input field. You can make it an
e-mail, text area, checkboxes, stuff like that. So if it's a text area, it's going to be a
little bit bigger. Input, input field
should be fine. It looks like that. And you can say if this is
a required field yes or no, change around with the settings. You can drag and drop it
in the order as you like. You'll see that my phone
number is now full width, but the other section or not, I'm going to change that other sections to make
it full width as well. In the design layout, you can make it full width. We're going to do
the same with email, set it to full width as well. You can change around
with the settings, again, the Field Settings
text and it will be black. You can change like the
field options per field. But you don't want to have just this input form to
have the letter black. So I'm going to put it
back to standard settings. Go back. And then for all
module settings, feuds. Now they are all black. Something that is really
important and mostly goes wrong is you need to put
in some information. Something that a lot
of people forget. They forget to put in the email address where it is forearmed should be sent to. You can send it
to in my address, gum, and then we add
the message better. And if you select this little
icon for an explanation, explains you that
you should put in the field names how you
want to receive the email. So what I always do is
I dive into base URL. I'm going to copy
my domain name so I know where the forearm
has been filled in. And if you scroll
back to the top, there is see that
the field ID has name and watch out because this is sensitive for
capitals or not. So if this is a big letter, N, make it a big letter as well in your field. In your settings. If I'm going to receive
this form right now, I'm only going to receive what people fill
in in as a name. You want to do this
for all your input fields has been set. If you wanted to have
a Dido above it. Well, we already got
the text module. Do you want to have
a success message? For example, your message
went out of space. Thanks. The submit button. You can change it to send it for all our
ascenders out there. And you can even use
some spend protection with some basic capture that you need to do some easy math. Or you can use some more
advanced recap jump thinks it's a little
bit more advanced, so I won't go over that. This you'll be enough
right now to use the basic capture it avoid shoe for receiving spam
emails in your inbox. Once you are done,
click the green icon, save the beach, and always test out the forum and see if
you're receiving the e-mail. So let's try it out. I'm going to fill in my name, my fake phone number, my email. That's fake as well
for right now. And type a little message. Out group is depth. I'm going to do some easy math. Hopefully I got it
right and send it. Your message went out of space. Thanks. We're going to check
our email to see if we received it and we got a new message from
social rocketeers. As you'll see, I made some typos with the phone
number and the e-mail address. So luckily we've checked it out. We can go back to the settings, go to the module, then the field ID is just full. I'm going to copy that so I
can make any typos again. I'm going to change this base. It probably is going
to be same for email. Just double-check. Yep. That's the email. Save it again. Refresh to pitch. Give it another go. My name is Steve. Phone number. Get this to 26 for
right now, send it. We go back over here. We've got another message, and now it's giving us
the data, how we like it. So that's how you create
your contact forums.
28. Make your web page responsive: Alright, so we create
an entire webpage. How awesome is that? This is the desktop version. If you want to play around with the tablet version or
even a mobile version, most people are watching
websites on mobile right now. There are these little icons on the bottom left over there. So you can imagine that maybe this font is a little
bit too big over here. So this is how you
can check it out on a desktop is
looking like this. On a mobile, it's
looking like this. Really big spaces, big as well. Now you can change it
for mobile as well. What I like to do and make everything desktop
ready for one page. Then I make it ready for all devices like
tablets and mobile. And then once all
the modules are set to the right settings, then I'm going to start
making multiple pages. I make a desktop ready
first, then mobile, and then use all
the right settings throughout the entire website. If you go through design
and you wanted to change the row settings
just for mobile, for example, this spacing, we add, edit this little
margins of a dam. But if you just want to
change this on mobile, you've got this little
mobile icon and you can change it between
different devices. Maybe don't want any
margin on a mobile. Remote, some space overdamped. Maybe you want to change the heading size of your
heading one over there. Again, you've got to
design a heading text. Select one, heading text size, hover over this, click
the icon of a mobile. And then for pho, put it too, dirty six, she'll be fine. Or maybe even 26. If you wanted to
have it on one line. There you go. That's how you change
it on a mobile device. We're going to wrap
up this video on a desktop version and
things we didn't cover yet. We haven't created our footer, the bottom section
of every webpage. And we need to show you how you again at menu pages of year.
29. Create your website footer: So for now I'm going to exit the visual builder,
save and exit. And it will bring
us to the website. And I wanted to go
to the dashboard. If you type in forward
slash WP stripe admin, you go to the backend and under Appearance, you'll find widgets. This is where you edit and
create the footer section. So the sidebar, I'm going
to click it away for now. In this footer area one, what I always like
to do is I'm going to add a little about decks over here, about social rocket. There's, This is
awesome about text. I'm going to put it a
little bit like this. Just for some fake text, make a really nice, nice text because this is the first introduction and a
lot of people see about you. And then more about us. You can link it to
your About Us page, something that I recommend. You can do forward
slash about Stripe as maybe you want
to underline it. You do it with a
little bit HTML. I already underlined it with
the short key command to you for underlying or Control U if you want to do
that and then save. Let's see what we just created. I'm going to refresh this page. Scroll to the bottom. And this is the text with the
link that we just created. So we want to have four
columns over here. What I always do in
the second column, I'm going to add a
menu and let me feed. There's a navigation menu, you drag and drop it. There are no menus
created so far. So let's create a menu. The first menu that we're
going to create a footer menu, we're going to
click create menu. And then we can
fill all our pages. Just one. We go At home. It's nice. Again, we're going back. After saving to our
widget section, we go to footer area number two, open the navigation section. Now we're going to
add a little tidal, select the menu and click
footer menu and hit Save. If we refresh the page again. Now we even got a
nice-looking menu over there. So what do you want to put in a third column that's up to you. You can add in maybe a
little contact forum, maybe some social media
icons or stuff like that. Attack loud sometimes
what people like to do, what you also can do is
your most reason boasts, this is something that I do
often if you're going to use a block feed or news Beach,
something like that. I'm going to call
this the latest news. And we can show our
last three articles. That's for food. And number three,
scroll back to the top. We got one more footer
area left to cover. This is where I'm always going
to put my company details. This is a nice structure. You can change it if you like, but it works for many
of our customers. So why is it not
working for you? Social rocketeers,
our company name, I'm going to put that
first in bold letters. It's looking super cool. Then don't do both anymore. Shift Enter, and then we
live in Jupiter there. Number one, the postal
code is 111 AB. The city is the moon, and the gantry is space. You can add your phone number. I don't know the
numbers in space. And at social,
rocket, their gum. Wow, maybe you
want to link days. You can add a golf to link. That is something
you do like that. You ended the
little go-to links. So if people click it
on our mobile phone, they started calling you. And you can also
add a meal to link. So if people click that, they can start emailing you, open your email program. That's a cool feature
to know how you do it. We're going to hit Save again, see what we created. There we go. We've got an awesome
looking footer.
30. Add your website menu: Cool. We need one more menu. Again, we go to
appearance menus, and we already create
the footer menu, but we need another menu. There's a tiny little link hidden almost create a new menu. We give it a name. So this one
is called the Header Menu. Create the menu,
and then phew all. We find later homepage. We're going to create home. Save it. For the
purpose of our video. We're going to create
a few extra pages. We're going to quick
edit this code, the about page about us. Make this slug about us. Let's pretend we
got a really nice About Us page at the moment. We got to dress dish
and a new page. Going to go at contact us. Now we've got three
pages, right? So we go back to our parents. We're going to add these pages. Now we have a few more
options over here. So we're going to add
these two as well. You can change this if you like. I like to keep it short like
about instead of about us, like to use one word,
personal preference. I don't know why. You're done. Don't
forget to save. You want to change it in
the footer menu as well. One thing that you could
do with the footer menu, this is where you see and
what menu you are working. We are working in a Footer Menu. Other medically add new
top-level pages. Do this menu. If you select that, then if you create a new page, it will be added to
the footer structure. It's a really nice feature, so you never forget. But the menu is still
not looking as it should be because it's now showing
more pages or attempts. And this I'm not sure where it's getting
this information from, but what we still need to do, we go to the Theme Customizer. Then you have the menu's
option over there. We created two menus. And here you can select
menu, it should grep. So this is going to
be the primary menu. And there you are. We just
set up our Header Menu. Let's pretend you're
don't want to create multiple pages, but instead, you want to have
a one-pager like a website that exists
about one page. And if you click this
button in the header menu, that is going to link to the second section because
this is your About section. If you click contact, you want to scroll all the
way down to the contact form. So the way you do that
is you go to menus. The second section, we
already gave it a name. So if we're going to change the header menu
and click Select, go to About, You can remove it. You can add custom
links as well. I can do forward slash section. Number two, domain. You go at about. I'm going to save the menu. Go back to the
homepage, refresh it. If I'm going to click
about right now and scrolls through the section,
doesn't matter where. You always go there. If you wanted the same
thing to be happening to this content section,
enable official builder. Scroll the way down, then click the Settings
icon, go to advanced. I didn't know what is
the name of the section, so I'm just going to the
number of the sections. I'm just going to go contact
for right now. Save it. Remove this link at a little custom link
slash hashtag contact. Give the link text a
name, contexts, save it. Then exit the Visual Builder. Refresh to *****. Then boom, we scroll all
the way to the button. That's a pretty cool
feature right there. Let's assume that
you want to have the About page as a sub
page below contact. You can drag and drop this
and then place it like this. So you've got this little
whitespace over there. Now, it's a sub h over here. So you get this little
drop-down about creating menus. We are finished with building
your webpage for right now, this is how you design
a web page with Divi has been super fun
building this beach. I hope it was useful for you. And let's get creative and start building
some awesome webpages.
31. Help people find your website on Google: Alright, so now you're finished, you're building
your first website. Alright? Alright. Now you're finished with building
your first web page. I'll ask them Is that
you've come pretty far. You've come a long way. Congratulations to you if
you're still watching, I'm super proud of you. And you can call yourself officially a web
designer right now. But you are not
an online market. They are yet because once you're finished building
your first webpage, which you always want to do. You want to click Edit page. You go to the backend
alpha of the beach. And did you notice sometimes when somebody
shares a link on Facebook or something that takes an image from
the website as well. There is a place where
you can set this up so there's a featured
image function. So this is something you
always wanted to do. This is also good, really
good for SEO purposes. Uploading my favorite space gap. And I'm gonna give it the
name social racketeers. If somebody is going to share
my link of my homepage, this is the image that
they're going to see. So I just set my In Greek
get in space, instead it up. And this is something
really important to do. One last thing, do you remember we installed a plugin
called Yoast SEO. Yoast is a Dutch
guy and he created the most awesome plugin for
WordPress in my opinion. Because this exactly
tells you what you should do to rank higher in
Google with your page. So Google is going to
pick up your website. So if we go into
Google that gum, it seems like a really
simple website. If you go to the search results, if at typing in
social rocket ears, there are bunch of
websites that are ranking for these keywords. So basically, this is the
page title, page description. This is the part over here. How do you where do you
put these settings? Well, this is the
place Wordpress, where you can do
this with Yoast SEO. So I'm going to do first add a focus key phrase
for the homepage, I recommend just
your company name. If it's the about page, you can put in, contact social rocketeers or contact us, something like that. If you want to create a
page specifically for social media agency
in Amsterdam, then you can type in
something like that. So for now, I'm just going to give it the page of the title. I'm going to put this
right here like this. After adding the
focus key phrase. Let's update the page for now. Save the page and do
things that I notice. You'll see this orange
icon over there is like working like a traffic light
with red, orange or green. If it's orange or red, it means it's not good yet. There are still things
that you can improve for your SEO and what are the
things that we need to do? Then? We're going to click this
unhappy smiley over there. It's giving you all
the good results. So we already got
internal links. That's a good job. We got a key phrase edit, and the length of it is good. We've got image alt attributes. I explained to you that you
should always add them. But there's still a bunch
of things that you can do. For example, the
text is too short, so they recommend that
we're going to use 300 words on this
webpage or even more. And a few other things. If you don't know what
one of these things are, you can Google what is
what our outbound links, and then inbound links
are links to other pages. But you can learn that from
just googling these things. And then you learn what to do to improve the SEO
rankings of this page. And one thing that you always wanted to do
is edit the snippet. You, you can write
the things that will appear inside
Google over here. I'm going to add my SEO
Dido, social rocket. There's my homepage, online marketing out of space,
something like that. I can change the slack
for our homepage. You'll never need to do it. But here you can change the
permalink if you need to, but you always want to fill
in is the meta description. So we are social rocket ears and we can write something like we are on a mission to save the world from
borrowing content. And it's still orange
because I didn't add enough text to this
meta-description. It still wants me to add more and Mark boards and our
mouth saving our planet. Now you'll see that we only
got five problems left. We fixed one plot and problem. We added the key phrase in the meta-description and we edited a little
bit in the front. If we're going to
put this in the end. Going to say, You
did a good job, but you need to put
it more to the front. So we're gonna put
it over there. Something else, keyword density, we need to use this
word social rocket. There's more on our website. Just follow these steps. And once you've done that, you did a great job by optimizing your web page
for search engines. And something that's
super important. Once you're finished, click Update and make sure that
everything is saved. Before we wrap up
one last thing. And you see that I've saved
this page for 28 times. If you make a mistake and you
don't know how to go back, I'm going to teach it
as really nice feature. If you're going to click
Browse with revisions, you can go back to
previous versions. I'm not going to
do that right now. But if you want to go back one version and
restored his patient, just click this
button or return to the editor if you decide that you don't
want to change it. Just a nice feature that I
wanted to let you know about.
32. Congratulations!: Wow man, we learned a lot. We covered so many things. We went over super
nerdy stuff with hosting and you found out how you can register
a domain names. We installed WordPress. We installed WordPress being
we installed plug-ins. We've been making decisions about how we can make our
website and design it, and we actually
build it yourself and optimize it for
Google, basically, you learned all the basics you need to know about creating websites that generate
results for companies online. And I'm so proud of you
that you've come this far. It was super fun creating
all these modules, all these videos for you. We prepared a bunch of modules upfront,
super happy weekend. So far, we also planning to create more videos like
this for in the future. Please let us know what
you think about it. We are open for feedback, how to improve these
videos for you? We're creating this for you. Let us know how this
works better for you, or is it works
really well already. And you can share yourself a little bit on the back and be proud of yourself
for coming this far. If you came this far
and you actually, it took actions to build
this website yourself. It's a big step forward
for your business and the internet and websites
are always in development, so you always keep learning and still keep
learning every day. My team still
learning every day, but step-by-step do
get better and better. But now you are ready after learning the
most important things. So I wish you all luck in the world and all the
success with your business, with your website, and it
goes out of space, right? Thanks so much. I'm looking forward to see you
in next videos.