2. Chapter1: Understanding The Core Fundamentals Of Solid Branding: Hello and welcome to the advanced planning for
small businesses course. This is in structure. This course is going to
be a continuation course of my first course on planning, which is small business
planning fundamentals. In that course, we talk about the basic fundamentals
of how you can create a small
business plan. If you have watched that
course, that's fantastic. If you have it, don't
worry about it. In this course, I will
remind you with the basics, and if you want to go back
to that course at any time, it's up to you, all right? So before we talk about deep topic on branding
and advanced branding, let's first identify a few
myths around branding. It's critical. So most starting entrepreneurs
believe that they're social media promotion and
advertising is their branding. However, that's not branding. That's a small portion of your
brand marketing strategy, and it's built to create value and awareness
around your brand. But that is not branding. That's only a small portion of your branding and
marketing strategy. Some other entrepreneurs believe that their brand
visual identity, such as logo, business card, and so on and so
forth, is their brand. However, that's
only a tiny portion of your brand visual
presentation, and it's not the structure and
the purpose of your brand. Some other marketing manager or brand manager or
entrepreneur believes that the pictures they take
or the videography they take around their brand,
it's their branding. And the way they want
to express their brand, it's a core of their brand. However, that's
not your branding and that's not the
structure of your branding. That's only a small portion of your brand visual
presentation to connect with a specific
group of customers. No. What is branding? Well, branding is
about an experience. A experience that the business build around a
specific customer. And the customer need to believe in this
specific experience, and they need to believe that this experience
is their reality. They need to engage
with that experience because if they don't engage with that
kind of experience, or if they think it's
only a matter of a show, or if it's scam or
a lie or a joke, they will not buy
from that brand. Now, think of Apple. Apple, when they started
introducing their iPhone, they induce it in a way it's
magical to most of people. And at that point, they were able to put it at
a premium price. And they were able
to charge a customer a high premium
price because they introduced in a way
that is magical. Now, after a while, the customer now start to
understand that all of this kind of thing is only
a matter of marketing, and it's only a
matter of branding. And the customer more and more is not willing to
pay a premium price, high price for such
marketing thing without a lot of
improvement in the product. So, In order for you to become a great
brand manager or marketer, you need to think of yourself
as a movie director, not as a business
person, think of yourself as a movie director. You have a specific product
that you need to place in specific environment with
specific kind of people, and this kind of thing, need to send a specific message to a specific group of audience and need to give them a
specific kind of feeling. Now, if this group
of audience or the customer engage
with your story, engage with your situation
and your environment, and you make it believable for the customer to connect
with that thing, they will buy from your brand. However, if your story
is not believable or if the image
that you create is boring or not engaging
with the customer, the customer will not
engage with your brand, and they will not
buy your product. It's that simple. Now, in
order for you to do that, as we said, you need
to be very good. You need to be excellent at storytelling and actually making the people believe in things, but not any kind of story, you actually need to be good as telling stories about people. You need to make people believe
that they are different. You need to make people
believe that they are unique. You need to make people believe that they are sophisticated. You need to make people
believe that they are no one else like them. And that's only happened
in an advanced economy. Why? Because at that point, people actually already went
beyond their basic needs, and they want to now buy more expensive things that
satisfy the wants and desire. And the other reason is
that at that economy, people have something
called credit. And with credit, people now can afford more expensive
goods and services. However, when you go to
a less advanced economy, you will suffer in creating
a small business brand. Why? Because in this kind of
economy, in most scenario, the government or the people who are related to the
government control mass production
facility that they create a lot of
product at a low cost. And they oversaturate the market with such kind of product. And in this kind of market, you cannot make a lot of money because the customer can
only afford one thing. Low price product, and you cannot create a premium
brand in such economy, it's going to be
very, very difficult. Now, in order for you to become a great at
branding, as we say, you need to create a
word or universe around a specific group of
customers and no one else only a specific
group of customers. And now, this universe or ward need to have
two attributes. The first attribute it needs to reflect the customer situation, and I need to talk
to the customer. And you can see that so
many brands actually create Products and services and advertises products and
services in ways that actually reflect the
customer's wants and needs and their situation and their hopes and
the things that they like the most and that
the customer will only buy from this brand because
it reflects their self image. Now, the second attribute
that your brand need to have is that it needs to
play with the human desire. It's really need to
tease people into buying more expensive
goods and services because it can make
them better socially. And you can see premium brand
or luxury brands such as Luis tan Christian Dior and Chanel and so
on and so forth, they play with that
kind of image, which they make you work
very hard in order to buy expensive thing and look
socially different and better. Okay. So what is the main
job or goal of the brand? The main goal of the brand
is to make the customer fall in love with the brand
and attach to the brand, so they can come back
to the brand and buy more and more and more
more expensive stuff. And in order for the
brand to do that, the brand must stand
for something specific. It must stand for
something specific because it's generic. It cannot. Connect with a specific
group of customers. And you can see
that so many brands stand for some different thing. Some brands stand, for example, for being bold and speed, and other brand, for example, stand for coolness
and happiness, and other brands stand for human desires and
lust and power, and some brands stand
for performance, and other brands stand for
precision and accuracy, and some other brands stand for power and self confidence, and other brands stand for human discovering other areas
around the world. So brands stand for human
support and help. You see? All this brand stand for
something because if they don't, they cannot attract
a specific group of people with specific design. Well people are different. And the brand does not do that, they fall into one big gap, which is the gap of having
a commodity product. All brands fear is to become a commodity product
because for one reason, a commodity product has
an intrinsic value, which is the customer
understand how much it costs to create
product in most scenario. And the brand understand that if they are going
to sell a product, they are not going to
make a lot of money. Therefore, they understand that they need to shift that from a product to an
experience because they understand once the
customer buy a product, the customer always
negotiate the price because they are buying
goods or services. They are not buying
an experience. They are not buying an image. However, if they take
that same product and now they connect
it to a human cause, they make it more sophisticated
than just a product. And now they take
that human cause and values and connect it
to a a social story, and they make you look better or feel better
if you use the product, and you become socially
different than other people, and you would have
a much better life. Now, my friend, they are
selling you an experience, not a product, and here
where the money is. Now, think about
the fish market. You go to a fish market. What is the price of the fish? Well, $8, $9, I don't know. $10, but there is a market
price for the fish, and everyone in the market or the customer understand
the price of the fish. Try to look for two stores that sell the same kind of fish, one store set at $8, and the other stores set at $10, and there
is no different. In most scenario when
people go to the $10, they will tell them, why
do you set it for $10, that st set for $8. At that time, the business
has no power to negotiate. However, if we take that fish and now we
want to brand it. So we attach it to
a social cause, and we say that we care about the ocean life and
the marine life, and we want to have a
sustainable fishing. And now we take that ten fish, and we present it in
a more desirable way, and we package in a more
convenient product. And we mentioned that we are environment friendly
and responsible brand. As you can see, right
now, we are a brand. We are not a commodity product, and we can sell the product at a more premium price because we stand for something and we have a story and we present
it in an appealing way. You have to understand that a commodity product
doesn't matter if it's made in China
or if it's made by you or if it's
made in America, it has its intrinsic value. And in most scenario, the
customer can find that price, and they will
negotiate the price. However, if you take
the same product and now you package it in
a more appealing way, in a more desirable way, and you build the story and
illusion around that product, you can now charge it
at a much higher price. You have to understand
that you as a marketing manager or brand
manager or an entrepreneur, you have tools just like any magician that
you can play with in order to create that
illusion or in other words, lie around your product and
make the customer believe in your product and your brand and buy it at a
more premium price. What are these tools for
the marketing manager? Well, the first tool is the brand positioning and
your brand differentiation. Without the right positioning, you cannot attract
the right kind of customer and without
differentiation. You are just a
commodity business, just like any other business. The second thing
that you have is your brand visual presentation
and brand personality. With your bold brand
visual presentation and your brand personality, you can reflect
your customer image visually and you can attract
him to buy your product. The first thing that you
have is your product and your marketing and your
distribution expansion. You want your brand to be
recognized everywhere, and you want your customer to be able to buy your brand
from everywhere, and you also want your customer to buy different products and services from your brand and
become a lifestyle brand. These are the three
core structures of creating any successful
brand. Get them right. And you are golden, get
them wrong or inconsistent. You have failed as
a brand manager. It is really that simple. That's what we are going to
focus on in this course. I need you to understand that in branding, it's just like coding, you control the code, you control the experience,
you control everything. You have the power to
control everything, and the customer will react
to whatever that you create. It's not the other way around. There is nothing random. The customer will
always react to whatever you put
in front of them. Therefore, you have to be very strategic about how you
present your brand. All right? So, this course is not going to
be a long course. But what I really want you to do is take this
course seriously. I want you to go
through the examples. I want to go through
the assignment. I really want you to
watch the videos over and over and over
unless the idea of branding and the structure of the branding s in your mind and understand
them on the level. Don't rush it. If you
have any question, I want you to send me a message or leave it in the
Q and A section. I don't want you
to be frustrated at any point. I'm here for you. Trust me. I will try to get
back to you as fast as I can. Other than that, just chill
out and take it easy. You are going to learn a lot of nice and unique stuff
in this course. Just enjoy and have fun. I will see you in
the next video. Okay.
3. Chapter2: Developing A Solid Brand Positioning: Welcome back. In this video, we are going to
talk about one of the most important topics
when it comes to branding, which is your brand position. Your brand positioning
is a skeleton, backbone and structure
of your brand. If you get it right, you
get yourself a solid brand. If you get it wrong,
your brand will fall down just
like a human body. It's as simple as that. Then what is positioning? Well, positioning is how
the customer perceive your brand and see
themselves in your brand. So with the right positioning, You can attract
the right kind of customer until them come to me. I got something special for you, and now you have to
pay me for that. With the wrong positioning, you send a random signal, which has no specific point, and you will not attract a
specific group of customers and will not send a specific
message to the marketplace? It's scattered. It's
all over the place, and that's why most brand fail. In order for you to
understand positioning, you need to understand
a little bit about human psychology and how
they think of themselves. And you also need to understand a little bit about
economics and how people like to spend money in order
to buy goods and services. So let's look at some example. I want you to look at this lady. How do you think of her? Do
you think she's a rich lady? Do you think she's a poor lady? Think about her. Think about her environment.
Where does she live. Think about her
surrounding environment and the people who
live around her, and what is the social
image of that place? Now, think about how does she
spend her daily activities. Where does she go? How
does she spend her time? Think about what kind of people
does she spend time with? What is the social image
of that environment? Also think about
what kind of goods and services does this lady buy? What kind of car does she
buy, and so on and so forth. Think about herself image. What does she think of herself? And what does she believe that people believe about
her? Think about that. Now, let's go to the other
end of the spectrum. This lady is the mother of one child and she
worked on a law. Paying jobs. Now
think about her? What kind of problem
does she have? What is her mindset? Think about her situation and her mindset and her thinking
when it comes to money and buying
goods and services. Think about the places that she goes and buy goods and services from and the environment
of that thing and the surrounding people of that
thing. And their mindset. Now, think about what kind
of thing does she look for when she want to
buy goods and services. Also think about her self image. What does she think about
herself when it comes to money? What is her confidence
when it comes to buying goods and services
and her self image? Now, think about
this lady. Okay? Who is this lady? Do you
think that she is very rich? No. But she looks like
someone in control. She looks like someone who is having a very
good paying job. And she want to buy good stuff. Her job required her to meet a lot of
sophisticated people, and therefore, she need to take care of her stuff quality. And therefore, she
buys for quality over price and she looks
for a minimal style. Think about her self
image of herself? What does she
believe of herself? Well, she thinks that
she's competent. She thinks that she is
powerful and she thinks that she want to prove herself
and she want to accomplish. Do you think that these
three ladies have the same self image
when it comes to buying goods and services?
Of course they don't. Do you think that
they have the same perception about the world? Of course, they don't
Do you think that they buy from the same places.
Of course, they don't. And that's why there are
different brands that serve different group of
customers with different wants, needs, and desired and different
self image and beliefs. And each one of
these brands promote its product and services in specific way to a
specific customer. So Louis Vitan promote power
and high social hierarchy. And Masimo promote
style and confidence, and all Navy promote discounts. It's as simple as that that's the first thing
that you have to understand when it comes
to brand positioning. In order to position
your brand correctly, you need to rely on the
four piece of marketing. And the first thing
is that product. That's include the
quality of the product, the manufacturing of the product and the packaging
of the product. The second thing that you have, you have the price, right? You have low price,
you have high price, you have premium price, you
have the price on a budget. You have a cheap price
and so on and so forth. The third thing that you
have, you have the placement, and where you sell the product. Do you see it in a retail store? Do you see it in a high
premium retail store? Do you see it on a website? Do you see it direct to consumer
and so on and so forth. And the first thing
that you have, you have the promotion and how you
promote your product. Do you promote your product, by, for example, discount? By one git, one for free, or do you promote it and associated with
celebrities and actors. Now, don't worry about
this. We are going to talk about this in
examples in depths. Okay. So let's look
at the example, and look at positioning
from low to high. So first, we go with
the Amazon essential, and you can see
that the price and the quality of the
shirt is an average. It's below average, to
be honest with you. And in most scenario,
you can see that this shirt you can buy for $5 $16. There is nothing fancy
about the shirt. And because this
shirt is massively produced, the
quality will suffer, and the packaging will suffer, and the customer will not be satisfied about so many things, but that's what
you're paying for. Now, where is this product sold? What is sold on Amazon. What is Amazon? Well,
Amazon is known to buy one of the cheapest
product on the Internet. You don't expect
to buy the shirt, for example, from
Louisv Tan store. You buy it from Amazon store, or you buy it in a
marketplace where you can find cheap
product and services. How is this product promoted? Well, in most scenario,
it discounted or it's sold at a low price or it's
buy one it one four free. Who is this shirt for? Well, this shirt is
for someone who is working on a low
or a minimum wage or for someone who want
to use this shirt for convenience rather
than style or quality. So this shirt for this
specific customer. Let's take it one step further. Zara. Well, the price
of Zara is $49. Don't make this picture
fool you because the quality of Zara is not that much better. Than
the Amaton thing. But because the positioning
is positioned toward style. You might think
that this product is more expensive. Where
is this product sold? Well, this product is
sold at Zara stores. Now, don't let the look
of Zara store fool you because this is a huge size
but use cheap materials. The materials of the store
is not that expensive, who is the Zara for?
How do they promote it? Well, they promoted it was low level celebrities or
low level actors, and they promote it as fast fashion at an
affordable price. Well, who is this product? What is this product for someone who want to have some
kind of fashion, but they don't want to pay a lot for that kind of fashion. So it's fast fashion
on an affordable Okay. What is the next level?
Where is the next level, you get the low premium product? Well, this is a
good quality shirt. It's made of fine
quality materials. As you can see that the
price of this product is around $125 $235. Now, this low premium thing, it's actually range
from, for example, from $79 or $99 to $125. So there is a price range in
this low premium product. Okay? Where is
this product sold? Where is this product
sold direct to consumer, which means that the brand sell the product on its website. And that actually helped the brand to cut
its marketing cost. It does not have to sell
at any retail store or at any luxurious retail
store and does not have to pay a
lot for marketing. That cut the cost of
marketing and allow the brand to invest in the
quality of making the product. How is this product promoted? Well, it's promoted
just by ordinary people who like style and
quality of things. It's not a lot of style, just little style, but
with good quality. It's also promoted with a
small discount to attract people to buy this kind of
product. Who is this product? Well this product for people who are littly sophisticated, they meet important people and they have good jobs and
they want to address something with good things of style and actually
good quality style, but they don't want
to pay for the mid to high premium product which we are going to talk
about in the next step. So the next level
of positioning is mid to high premium brand, such as Doc and Cabana. And as you can see that
Doc and Cabana tried to use and create the most
exotic design and use the most expensive materials
in order to create such an expensive
product because they want to sell
it at a high price. They cannot only
justify the image of the brand without having
the great quality product. And this kind of quality of product also have a price range. So you can buy, for example, from Georgia and
Many as 290 euros, to 1,000 uros and
so on and so forth. We got it from 290 or
350 to 1,000 or more. As we say that because they want to create that
kind of product, they need to hire the best
crap people in the world, because they want to create
the best quality product and the presentation of the
product need to be awesome. Otherwise, they cannot sell
the product and they cannot justify only because they
create an image of the brand. If you look at the
placement of the product, it's placed in
luxurious retail store. And if you compare this kind
of store to Zara store, now we can see that
this is lurious and that one just below average. Because the brand need
to create that kind of luxurious image to justify
for the price of the product, and as to asiate
the product image. The brand also sells
the product at high end retail store that
is owned by other retailers, but only sell expensive and luxurious product
and nothing else. If you look at the
promotion of the brand, it only associate its image with high end actors and
celebrities and models. You don't see any kind of low end celebrities or
model or you don't see any buy one get one for free or huge discount because that will
devalue the brand. The brand also hosts a lot of shows and events that create the halo effect to
make the product desirable in the eye
of the customer, and that's how the brand
actually uplift its brand image. Who this brand is
for. When this brand is for people who are highly sophisticated and have a high self image
about themselves. And they think they are
unique, they are different, they are rich,
they are powerful, and they need to express that. The other kind of people is for the people who
want to show up. Some people, they
go into credit or they borrow money
just to look rich, expensive because
they want to scam other people or because they
want to cheat other people, and so on and so for
so many reasons, and that's come
because insecurity. And this brand know how to
place on people in securities in order to make them buy
these goods and services. If you put these five
brands together, if we look at their
positioning from low to high, you see that the
first positioning we get is cheap to
affordable brand, which is around 15 to $50. The second positioning is you
get is low premium brands, which is around $80 to $140. And the third level, which is
mid to high premium brands, which is around $350 to thousand $1,200 and
sometimes above. You have to understand that
for you as small business, the best area to compete is in the low premium
brand. Why is that? Well? In the chief
to affordable, you cannot compete
with that because the brand has spent billions
of dollars in building the most efficient
infrastructure to create massive quantity of product
and compete on price. And when it comes to
high premium product or met premium product, you don't have
enough resources and relationship and budget in order to spend and create that
kind of exotic brand image. Therefore, the best place for you is you work
in the middle. You serve a little bit
of sophisticated people, that they look for
quality and some kind of style and you serve them with
a great quality product, and you can make money
because these grow of people, they are willing to pay for premium product and they don't look only for
the cheap price. Possible. Now, once you
understand positioning, now you have to understand
how you can differentiate your brand inside your
group of positioning. And differentiation is
really just attracting a specific group of people
beside their money. So they have different things
that they want to look for beside how much money
they want to spend. And these things are
first, we say the price. The second is the
function of the product, and the third is the
side of the product. Now, don't worry,
we are going to talk about these
things separately. So the first thing that's
look at the function. Look at this. What
is this? Well, this is an average athlete watch. It has all kind of function, and the price is around $13, and you can see that so many people buy
this kind of watch. But it's an average watch. It's like everyone watch.
It's nothing special. It's not professional watch. Now, if we take this watch and
we move it one next level, and now you see that this
watch is for a swimmer, and it's designed
specifically to serve people who want
to become a swimmer. Therefore, anyone
who wants to buy a professional watch
and they are swimmer, this watch will be a
professional watch for them, and that's how the brand differentiates itself
in terms of function. Look at this. What
is this? Well, this is a bread, an average bread. Everyone can eat the spread and everyone can buy the spread. What is this? Well, this
is a gluten free bread. So if you have a
problem with gluten, This brand is an
authority brand. This is one of the
best brand when it comes to gluten product. If you have problem with gluten, you cannot buy an
ordinary bread. You need to buy a
high quality gluten free product because it
has to do with your life. You need to buy that product, and that's how the brand
become authority when it comes to this kind of
product. What is this? This is a spoon, just an irs bon It has nothing special about it. Now, let's look at this, some people have
problem with eating, and this spoon is
designed specifically to help people who has
problems with steady hands. That's how the brand
differentiates itself in terms of function. Let's talk about style. So what is this? Well, it's a minimum style, but it's an average dress.
The model is average. Everything is average. You
can see it everywhere. If you go to Zara, you can
find this kind of stuff. But how about this Fashion Nova? Now, look at that style. Now, this kind of style is
designed to specific kind of ladies with specific dreams
and specific desire, and they want to describe
themselves in a specific way. The way that the
brand is presented is quite different than
what you saw on Amazon. And the people who want
to buy from this brand, they are not interested
on average Amazon stuff. Look at the sneakers. These
are average sneakers. There is nothing special
about these sneakers. Now, let's look at
the van sneaker. These sneakers has person
they have specific kind of design language that attract
specific kind of people. And if you look at the
product line of vans, you can find that if you are a unique person and you
want to buy unique stuff, you don't want to
buy from MS you are going to buy
something that is more sophisticated that
is designed toward you. What is it? Well, this
is just an ice cream. An average ice cream. Let's
look at this ice cream. The same ice cream, but now we take that ice cream
and we scale it. We make it more interesting. We make it bigger,
we make it smaller, we add more color and
so on and so forth. This is by this thing by
changing this kind of thing. Now we make our
product differentiated than other products in our competition and we become more and more a
to new customers. They want to buy an ice cream, they want to experience
something new and that's how we differentiate our business than just an average ice cream. What is this? Well, this is a coffee shop, just an
average coffee shop. You can feed it at starbucks,
you can see it anywhere. You have nothing
special about this. What about this coffee shop? You see? That's a
unique coffee shop. As by your knowledge, this coffee shop did
not require a lot of investment like the
previous coffee shop, but it's more unique. And the people who want to
try something different, they will go specifically to
that coffee shop and they want to try it and
they want to take picture inside that
coffee shop. Okay. So if you look at these things together and you want to
have a right positioning, let's say that we want
to take a swing watch. Now, let's look at
the price of things, and let's look at
the style of things, and let's look at the group
of customer of things. Let's try to come
with si positioning. Well, we can go with
an affordable and we can say that we want to make
an affordable swing watch. It has to be colorful
and we are going to design it for kids.
We can also go. We are going with low premium. We are going to go
with a minimal style, and we are going to design
this watch for adults, ordinary people, just
ordinary people. Or we could say, You know what, we are going to met premium and we are going with
sporty style and we are going to
design this watch for athlete and professional. Understand that over time, you can actually become the king of that niche and only serve this group of customers with different product and services. Or we could say, You know what? I'm going to take
both positioning, and I'm going to offer different product to
different group of customers, and I'm going to become
a lifestyle brand, and we will talk
about this concept. Don't worry about it. So
let's look at this watch. This watch is
really cheap watch, and it's just like
everyone watch. There is nothing unique and the quality of this
watch is average. Okay. So the next level
is you get a swing patch, but it's not for professional, it's only for hobbyist, and the price is not that expensive. And the quality
is not that good, as you can see that the
people are not very satisfied from the
common reviews. Now, the next level, we go for swim the swim is at a
more expensive point, 199 and it's not for
top notch professional. It's just for serious people. Who want to have a great watch when it comes to their swimming. And the next level, it's you get mid to high premium
swimming watch, and it's designed
specifically for professional and high
end athletes that they want a high precision when
it comes to swimming. You have to understand
that positioning is really what matters the most
when it comes to branding. With the right positioning,
you get the right brand, and you understand who
is your competition when it comes to marketplace and
who is playing against. You are not playing against
everyone in the marketplace. For your assignment,
I want you to study three brands in
the same industry, but with three
different positioning. And then I want you to look for their positioning
in terms of price, how much do they
charge their customer. I also want you to look
at their function, how each brand position
itself in terms of function. I want you to look at their positioning
in terms of style. These three things. I want you to come up with
images or videos. I will provide you with links to video website to look
at what kind of people. Or what kind of customer would buy from this
brand. Who is it for? I want to tell me that
this brand is for this specific customer
with specific psychology and specific wants
need, and desire. If you can't do that, my friend, you are golden, you
sold 50% of branding. And if you everything else
come after this point, it's not going to
make sense to you. I want to rate the slow down. I really want to slow down. I want you to understand
your brand positioning and your customer psychology. Now, in the next video,
you are going to see a couple of videos actually about brand visual presentation. The first video is a bonus video from my marketing course, which will take you over
your brand pictures, images, and your product images, and it will also take you
over your logo design, and it also will take you
over your packaging design. In the next video, you
will see another video, which is a video I
made for this course, which will take you about
your website design, and it will talk about
your brand personality. So I want you to watch
both video, and slow down, and then you will have an
assignment and after that, I will see you in
another chapter when it comes to
scaling your business. If you get this right, my
friend, you are golden. I will see you and
then it feed you. Take care, get up, stretch, and I will see you
later. Bye bye. Okay.
4. Chapter3: Developing A Solid Brand Visual Presentation: I Welcome back. In this video, we will learn how to create a visual presentation of your
brand that attracts mirror, and send the right signal
to your target customers. There are so many ways to
present a brand visually. However, to simplify things, we will group these types of visual presentation image
into three main categories. First, is a premium brand image. In this type, your
photography should emphasize the high quality and craftsmanship
of your product, lecture lifestyle,
and the attention to the smallest details. Your images must reflect the heritage and the
history of the brand. You also associate and capture your product in a high end
luxurious environment. You can see in the
following example, how each of the following
brands focus their imagery on the craftsmanship and the exclusive lifestyle
of their customers. The second brand presentation
is the lifestyle brand. You put your effort
into capturing a specific group of people in a different environment
and places, highlighting how the
brand offers the coolness and freedom of the lifestyle that your customers
are looking for. As you can notice, that the product is not the
star of the image, but the companion and partner
in the customer journey, narrating the mood and the
story of the customer. Here are a few examples
from different brands. Note how they focus on the
journey of the customer while keeping the product as a supporting element
of the story. The third brand presentation is a theme based
brand presentation. Different people
around the world are fans of different
theme and generals. Strong and unique brands
need to present itself in a specific theme or style
to attract those customers. These themes could
be Bohemian style, a minimal style, a casual
style, a colorful style. Or a thing that is
built around humor. In all of the above styles. What we are trying to
do is to sell a dream and the lifestyle that your
customers wish to become. Experiment with different
ways of presentations to find the tone that matches your brand style and
speaks to your customers. If you sell food
related products. Focus your visuals on displaying the desirrability and
deliciousness of the product. Try shooting your product in different setups
and composition. This is what social
media is all about. Feed the eye and the
mouse will follow. You can see in the
following examples, a simple and great use of
the product colors and different compositions to make it look lovable and desirable. Remember that in every
image you capture, you want to sell something. Therefore, when you think
about capturing your images, ask yourself, am I selling
confidence or luxury? Am I selling a sophisticated
design or a trended style? Is it about a cool lifestyle, or I want to sell that desire? Do I want to communicate
inclusivity and equality? Or do I want to
project the sense of self control and freedom? Does my product represent happiness and the
brighter future? Or do I want to make it
about ease and comfort? Or perhaps maybe I just want to capture the style and
aesthetics of my brand? All of the above images
represent the same product, which is female underwear. Still, for each brand and image, we communicate to the customer with specific
visual language and values using simple but well thought out graphics
and photography. Now, let's contrast what we learned with the
following images. What does the
following image sell? What about this
one and this one? These images sell the model rather than the
product or the story. With time and more experience, you find that not every
model or environment can properly represent
your product and the lifestyle of your brand. For each brand, there are specific models with
specific looks and features, unique environments
for the story to be told and particular details
to be communicated. Relics captures the attention to details and luxurious
of craft and shifts. Swatch highlights the
lifestyle of the product while Cassio highlight the
functionality of the product by pushing
it to the limit. For your website
and catalog images, if your product
requires a model, then find friendly
and neutral model. It is favorable to find different models from different ethnic groups
and skin colors. Nowadays, brands rely on social equality and inclusivity to include different customers, and that's how a
brand should be. Models need to reflect the look of the ordinary
customer of your brand. The images also need to
show the product from different views with simple
pauses and movement, avoid any exaggerated
pauses or any kind of unrealistic pauses that do
not relate to the product. Or high some product
features and details. The point of the images is to sell the product, not the model. Observe how Levis
beautifully capture the essence of the brand on their website homepage
and social media. Then with simple images, they showcase the
product images in the product category
and product sales page. Nike and Jim Shark, as well, have done a simple
yet great job of stealing both of the brand
story and the product. If your product does
not require a model, then a simple top or three or four quarter review of the product with a
clean studio lighting, and the minimal
background will do great. If your product had special
features and functionality, then improve it visually. The style of your images can
be colorful and playful. However, keep the main thing, the main thing, which is a clean presentation
of the product. Avoid all the visual
distraction that takes the viewer's attention
away from the product. We also want to avoid any of the distorted
views of the product. Such angles provide
no information for the shopping customers. Just keep it clean
clear and presentable. If you want to shoot
your product with the model and in a lifestyle
theme for social media, then a close up shot
would be perfect. Just keep in mind the context and the lifestyle of the image. Position the product in a story with a matching
environment and setting. You can see how VMT does a
nice job in separating between the product imagery
on the website and the lifestyle
imagery on social media. Bombas also does a nice job
of capturing the clarity of the product on
their website while telling the story of the
brand on their social media. If you have a generic
product such as package bottles or
basic box packaging, you can always find
predesigned mokps sold on the Internet
for a low price. You only need to apply your graphics on the
top of the mocup. This could be easily
done by you or by any person who can use
photoshop, on If you sell fashionable items, you could use plast dot T.
You can upload your design, and it will automatically be placed on a mocap
of a human model. This tool could also
be used to generate videos with your design
for social media as well. This will save you a ton of money compared to other choices. Now, as a disclaimer, I do not work for any or with
any of the above companies. I just find them useful and would like to
pay them to you. Regardless of what
method you use, you should by now
have a clear idea regarding how to avoid a weak presentation
of your product, such as poor lighting, unclear selling point,
and random poisons. All right, so let's
move to your logo. It is by far one of the most critical
elements of your brand. It is the symbol that
present your brand and gets remember and recognized
by your customers. Your logo will be everywhere. Therefore, look for
the following when you plan to design or
redesign your logo. First, your logo should be identifiable and separated
from the competition. People will visit an
online or local store and need to identify and recognize your logo from a far distance and be
able to buy your product. Therefore, always study
your competition logos and try to separate
yourself from them. Second, your logo needs
to be bold and simple. It will be printed, displayed, viewed, and photographed
from different distances. Therefore, if you add so
many details to your logo, it becomes unscalable,
busy, and noisy. A logo is not a
complicated illustration, rather an identification
and a symbol of the brand. You can see that smart brands
keep their logo clear. Try to put your logo
in contract with other logos and notice that only the bads logos
will pop out. Third, your logo need to communicate the
aesthetic of your brand. As you can see that each of these brand is a fashion brand, but only by playing with the
fonts and color choices, each brand displays
a unique attitude. For example, a might reflect the image of
style and sophistication. HMM is more of a free
spirit and device, more of a bold and
dubilious style. Force, your logo sells the spirit of the brand and
not what the brand does. As you can see
that the swoosh of Nike communicates
movement and action. Disney's handwritten effect with the magic one logo tells the story of magic
and happiness. None of those logos displays a por shoe or a
Disney character. Once your logo is ready, depending on your business type, apply it to all of your social media accounts
and brand extensions. There are different
tools to help you with your brand logo design and
stationary at a low cost, starting from fully
automated tools with as little work as possible, moving towards some tools that simplifies the
interface of designing your graphing and comes with different pre
designed templates, which will take all the heavy
lifting design work from your shoulders and make you
focus more on your message. However, if you want to take your brand visual
presentation to the next level and got the
budget for that level, you can work directly hand in hand with the
freelance designer. There are a couple of reliable platform that can
offer you help with that. 99 design and dribble. Before you hire any designer, go through their portfolio, then communicate to them your brand vision
and what you want. It is also recommended showing them some examples
of things you like, and that's where our
market research plays an important role in clarifying what you want and
communicating your message. And last but not least, let's talk a bit about your
product packaging design. When people visit a store
to shop for products, they get overwhelmed with the amount of the product
displayed on the shelf. Therefore, their eyes
over the years have developed mental shortcst to
look for specific things. First, if they already
have a brand name in mind, their eyes will
blur and filter out all the noise and look for
the logo of that brand. Everything else is
noise and distraction. That's why we said
your logo needs to be bold and identifiable
from a distance. Second, if there is no
specific brand name in mind, the eye gets
attracted to intense, highly saturated color contrast, colors such as red, yellow, and orange, or light against
dark and vice versa. You can see in the following
example that the less saturated and more
dim the color is, the less it will pop up. And this screw, mostly black, white and red are the dominant
colors of the composition. While in this example, you can see that bright
and saturated colors are very contrasty and will
jump out of the screen. A third factor that
attracts the eyes is your packaging size in contrast to the
surrounding packaging. The larger or smaller packaging compared to the
surrounding composition, the more noticeable it becomes. The fourth factor the eye looks for is the shape
of your packaging. Packaging that comes in
unique shapes comparing to the ordinary and boxy packaging will attract more attention. Keep in mind that consumer read and research the
product carefully. Therefore, you need to make sure that all of the
information required for the purchase to
happen presented on the packaging eliminates
any kind of frustration, especially with today's
impatient consumers with no time to consider, they have tons of
options out there. The front side,
which is the face of the product needs to be bold, clean, and sell the outcome or the desirability
of the product. It's the first impression and it must be beautifully
designed and attractive. The content of the
product need to be identified and spot
from a far distance. Packaging should also display
the name of the brand and the information that
the customer care about the most at first glance. Don't treat your packaging as a poster or a magazine page. Keep the front side
clean and bold and use the backside for clarifying and simplifying the
extra information. Use your packaging to see, not to show the component. Unless the components
are designed beautifully and act at the ceiling point
of your entire package. Let's look at the following
protein bars packaging and try to analyze
them together. The first bar looks
clean and bold. Still, if I am just out of
the gym and feeling hungry, the packaging does not
tell me quickly what the product is or sell the
desirability of the product. Unless I already
know the brand name, it will be a hard sell. The second one is fantastic. I see the product in its
most desirable image. I can have a feeling of what
it is and how it looks like. I also see the name
of the brand clearing so that I can relate to the
credibility of the brand. I can also quickly scan the most important facts
that I need to know. The use of red is grades, which will make the packaging
pop out from a distance. The third bar has the same
issue at the first one. It's hard to tell how the
product looks and fail. And unless someone
recommends this brand, I might just pass by it. The fourth part is good, but the design is busy. When this gets
presented on a shelf, I bet it would blend with
the surrounding product. The dimensions of the
product does not allow the design to be packed
with much information. The fifth packaging
looks outdated. The brand did not spend the time or effort to study
the recent market and upgrade its looks to appear desirable compared to the
rest of the competition. The last part, the
brand name is clear, but I still have to spend an extra effort to understand
what the product is. The contrast between the image
and the background is low. The image of the cookies isn't clear and desirable
enough to my eye. Now, let's role
out some designs. Number five is out of the game. Number two and four seems to
look the best in this group, but in the end, I have decided that the
winner is number two. Great overall visual
presentation. However, we are not done yet. Let's compare our winning
packaging side by side against one of the
biggest players in the industry, Nestle. The NetFit packaging
is very simple. Los desirable, and it shows
the name of the brand. Let's make a test and
duplicate that product on a product shelf and try
to see it from a distance. Which one you think wins? For me, it's NetFit regardless of the power
of the brand name. NetFit design looks
the clearest, most readable design
from a distance. And that's what we are trying to achieve when we
are in a market, distinguishing our product on a shelf side by side with
hundreds of different products. However, the more we move
toward premium products, we simplify our design
and focus more on the quality of materials and
aesthetics of the brand, such as higher quality
packaging materials and sophisticated printing
techniques to communicate luxury and increase the perceived value
of the brand. A luxury, less is more, which translate to less
stuff but better quality. You should always visit the retail store that
your product would be displayed at and understand the
aesthetics of the store. Always try to distinguish your packaging from the
packaging of the competition, be it from a far distance
with B contrast differences to a close distance with differences in small
details and aesthetics. As you can see that the more
you sell low cost products, the more things rely on
simple flat graphics. Your packaging loses its quality and things blame together. And it becomes
difficult to separate. It is not a good idea to
compete head to head in a retail store unless you have a deep pocket for marketing
or can set up your own stand. You need to advertise for your
product and then probably send your customer to a retail store for a
convenient pickup. Otherwise, comparing
to a larger brand with an unlimited
marketing budget, your chance of winning might
be minimal, if not zero. And that's why direct to
consumer marketing through your website is the best way
to go as a small business. We will talk about that
in the next video. Another thing to consider
with your packaging design is that different people buy a product for different reasons. Therefore, if your packaging and presentation are just so so, then you give the customer No other reason to choose
but to compare on price. However, if your packaging
design is created for a specific group of people with specific
occasions and needs, then you give people
a reason to buy your product that helps them
achieve a specific outcome. What is suitable to buy for a lover or a gift
for going out on a date differs from what is suitable to give to your family members
or your colleagues. Always ask yourself, How can
I make my product offering fits and attract a specific
need, outcome or desire. Keep in mind that to
build a strong brand, you don't need as many
products as you might think. You can always play with different theme
of your packaging to widen your product line and make it look fresh
and interesting. Also think about how
consumers buy a product. Starting from an
entry level where people want to give
you a product a test. Moving toward maybe your
product is becoming a habit. Finally, let's buy a lot and
save ourselves some money. You should also think about how customers will consume
your products. Some might eat it on the go, while others like to eat it with friends while watching
a movie in the theater, and others like to keep it
aside on the obvious table. Some will store it for later use and others
will just gift it. All that might be a
lot to think about. But if you are
just starting out, you don't have to worry
about so many things. Keep everything that we talk about in the
back of your mind for later use and do
not overwhelm yourself. Take it one step at a time. For now, give an extra effort to personalize your packaging. It's the first
physical interaction between your brand
and your customer. Do not make it feel generic. Make it the best first
impression possible. You can always find
affordable and easy ways to make your packaging
looks unique, personalized and beautiful,
treated as a personal gift, not as a shipping box. All right, we have gone
through a lot of information, and you might need
to have some rest. But before you go, here is
your assignment for this week. I would like you
to pick a product. It could be your product, or you could find a random
product on Then I would like
you to find and visually research
four unique brands that comes with
four distinct looks and aesthetics of the
same product category. Then I would want you to pick one brand style that
fits your brand type. Break it down and start
learning and emulating it. Start by copying and then slowly evolve it into
your brand style. You might find that customers
have gotten used to a certain visual language associated with specific
brand aesthetics, which would make it easy
for the customer to identify the perceived and
expected value of the brand. Therefore, know what you
want to communicate. Present it try and your
customer will mostly react. It is only a matter of
perception. All right. Take care for now
and have a rest. I will see you in
the next video.
5. Chapter4: Developing A Solid Brand Personality: Welcome back. I hope
that you enjoyed our previous video
and you learned a lot about how you present
your brand visually. Now, let me summarize
a little bit what we have gotten through
until this point. The first thing we said that
your brand positioning is the most essential thing
when it comes to your brand. Everything else will follow
from your brand positioning. The second thing
we said that even if you sell the same
product category, you should not
present your product in a similar way to
all kind of customer. Each group of customers have
specific self image and have specific positioning
that you need to capture the product in that specific
environment and moot. We also said that whenever you want to present your
product images, you need to be clear and bold. You need to avoid any
kind of visual noise. We also said that we
need to personalize your product packaging and
make the customer believe that this brand is a
premium brand and not just an ordinary or
a generic brand. We also said that you should not only picture your product, but should also capture
the story that is associated with your product
and the image that is associated with
your brand and how customer perceive themselves
when they use your product. Now, in this video,
we are going to talk about your brand website
in a simple way, and we are going to talk
about your brand personality. And I will tell you about
a few ways of how you can find inspiration
for your brand. Now, let's talk about your
website in a simple way. The first thing that you have to understand that you
have a home page, and if your product
is beautifully designed and require
a visual element, now you have to display your
most beautiful photography, along with the best
selling product and the most important
product category. At this point, what
you are trying to sell is the wall factor, and you want to sell the
brand image rather than only focusing on
selling the product. If your product is more
of a function product, then you need to focus on the most appealing offer that you want to
offer your customer, along with your
product category. And if you have any kind
of social proof, show it. And you also want to show your latest offer so you can ask for the customer to bundle
the product into different bundles because you don't want to only
sell one product. And then you want to show the customer that you
are a legit brand. You exist and you
provide support. And if you have any
video about how the brand is made or how the product is made,
that's awesome. If you don't, no big deal. As you can see that purple, it's the same
positioning as Casper. And as you can see that
the header of the brand, it just lilt offer because they want to attract customer
as fast as possible. Then they will have the
best selling product. Then they will have
the product category and the offers of the brand, and then they will show you some of that best selling product. And they will tell you
about the story of the brand and then
some social proof. And again, the contact information because they
want to look legit. Now you have the product page. If the product is
a simple product. We talked previously that
you only need to take the photography of the product
with a simple background, and if the product require
any kind of movement, take a v. Now, take extra care of your
product typography and make clear information about
your payment fees and all the shipping fees, and you have to understand
that you need to provide a clear description
about your product, and you want to
show the agreement about delivery and
terms of your product. If you sell more of
an expensive product, now you want to take
an extra effort into presenting your
product photography in a specific environment that is designed toward a
specific positioning. And as you can see, this is a premium low premium product. And as this long sales page, you want to actually justify
the value of the product. You are asking someone to
buy a product for $1,000. Therefore, you need
to talk a little bit about the story
of your brand. You want to show the risk free
guarantee of your product, and you want to show the
lifestyle of your brand, and you want to
describe the product any more detail because
this is a $1,000 purchase. This does not mean
that you are going to spend hundreds of thousands
of dollars on a website. If you have a website Chao fi, you just can buy a theme, and I will provide
you with a lot of samples of create website
that you can learn from. If you are a good designer
and you know how to design, you can actually subscribe
for a software, an app, and this app will
actually allow you to use this app to drag
and drop any kind of visual element and design
your website in a way that actually pleases you
and pleases your customer. The point is not to
become complicated. The point is just to make
your website presentable. To make it look appealing, to make it look desirable, to make the customer fall
in love with your brand, and to make the
customer believe that this is a trust worthy brand. As you can see, at
this product page, the product presentation
is very simple. It's nothing complicated, but the topography and the
copywriting is very clear. The shipping fees and the product description
are also very clear. In addition, some kind of
social proof and instagram fee. What you want to
avoid is you want to avoid the look of a
drop shipping store. This store has no brand name. There is no effort
into branding. The store is just
an ordinary store. And this is not a
trustworthy store as the previous brand. If you sell on Amazon, you also want to invest
a little bit into the lifestyle photography
of your product. And if you can, you
can take a video. The entire goal is just to show that you are a legit brand, and you actually
support your customer. You also want to invest into
the title of your product, and you also want to write a very appealing
product description, and it's benefit oriented, which means that you
show the customer the benefit of buying product. You also want to invest in the branding presentation
of your sales page. You want to show the customer
that I'm a brand that I actually invest into
presenting my product, and I have a high
quality product. If you look at this product, we guys talk about
this kind of stuff. When we talk about
your packaging design, you want to present the
most important information in clear and simple way, so the customer can understand
what your product is. And then you want to have
specific style when it comes to presenting your
brand visual presentation. And you want to also invest
in the title of your product. And the copywriting of your product and how you
describe your product benefit, so the customer understand and
know what they are buying, and then you can invest a little bit in the visual
presentation of your branding. And if you look at all of
this element in a simple way, they're all the
graphic design stuff. You don't have to
invest a lot of money to making
this kind of image. You can work with
a freelancer to create this kind of visual
element at low cost. Now, if you look at this store, you can see that
they did not invest into the presentation
of their sales page. And even if it's a great bit, it's really doesn't
look like a great bate because they did not take
an extra effort to spend maybe a few hundred
dollars into making that sales page look
legit and presentable. Okay. Other thing I want to tell you about
is that you need to be consistent across all
your website elements and your social media elements. As you can see
that this website, the main tone and the
main positioning is black colors with
bad typography, and you can see that
this style goes across the social
media elements. So you don't want to the
website have one kind of style, and then you have your
social media images, I different style.
It's not consistent. If you look at this cope shop, if you look at the brand
element of this copy shop, you can see that they use
the same type of colors, the same kind of typography, the same kind of pattern
inside the store, and you can see
that they use the same element outside the store, look at the umbrella,
look at the chair, look at the element
of, for example, look at the cp, at the interior design of the
store, look at the wall, look at the typography, look at even at the
coffee machine colors, and so on and so for all of
this kind of element gives your brand the sense of
unity and consistency, and that's how you look bold and have a unity when it comes
to presenting your brand. In order to have
that kind of unity, you need to have a
brand personality. So what is a brand personality? What a brand personality
is something that unify your brand visual element. Think about the
person who is crazy. If a person is crazy, they are not going to
speak in a very nice way or they are not going to speak in a very, very simple way. They are going to
be crazy. They are going to wear crazy stuff. Think about someone who is bold. They are not going to
speak in a very soft way and so on and so forth.
They are consistent. That's the first job
of brand personality. The second job of brand
personality that it reflects your
customer personality. And the customer can
say, this is who I am, and this brand
actually match me. Okay? So There are 12 kind
of brand personality, and I talk about
them in depths in my brand in fundamental course. However, if you do not take that course, don't
worry about it, I will have a bonus video
after this video that talks to you in depth about
each brand archetype, with a lot of examples. In this video, I'm
going to go fast just to understand the
point of brand personality. The first kind of
brand personality or archetype is the pure person. It's the person who
does not do any harm to any other kind of
people or animals. The second kind of
archetype or person is the person who like to discover different areas
around the world. The third archetype is the Sage archetype or
the person who like to provide knowledge
to other people and educate people and
improve their daily life. The fourth kind of
brand archetype or person is the person who is a warrior or a hero who like to fight in order to
achieve greatness. The fifth kind of brand
archetype is the bilious or the person who is not satisfied about everyday activities, and they want to
change the word. The sixth kind of
brand archetype or personality is the caregiver, it's the person who takes
care of other people. The seventh kind
of brand archetype or personality is the magician. It's the person who makes
things out of thin air. The eighth kind of brand archetype is the
powerful person, the person who care about
power and prestige. The ninth kind of brand
archetype is the average guy, the everyday guy and the tenth kind of brand archetype
is the creative person. It's the person who
creates new things over and over in an
imaginative way. And the 11th type of
Brand archetype is the romantic guy the guy
with love and stories. And the 12th kind of
Brand archetype or personality is the entertaining
guy. It's the joker. It's the person who
makes you smile and tell you entertaining stories. Now, remember that the point of this video is not to talk
and gift about these things, and you will find that
in the next video. The point of this
video is to connect brand personality with
the customer visually. Now, look at this guy. Who do you think this guy is? Do you think is a funny guy? Do you think he's a simple guy? Probably he is a rebelious guy? Now, look at the use of the
color red in the background? It's a very bold color. Look at the use of
the typography. It's a very bold typography. Look at the emotion
of the model. He's not smiling. He's not
happy, he's not satisfied. He's very cold. This brand
is called diesel and it's positioned for this kind of rebelious customer who
are bold customers. Let's look at Old Navy. Who do you think
this guy is? Do you think he's a serious guy? No. Do you think he
is a powerful guy? No, he just an average person or she's just an average person. Look at the use of the
colorful background. Look at the use of
the topography. Look at the use of
how they choose their word and how they
communicate to the customer. This is all Navy positioned
to ordinary people. Let's look at these
people first that check. Look at the use of the
golden color and look at the use of the black colors
and dark clay colors. Look at the use of the images. What does this image tell
you? Who is in control? It's all about control and
lost and the human desire. Does this a tell you
anything about being funny? No. This image represent and reflect
confidence and power. Let's look at these people.
Who are these people. These people are
people who like to discover different
area around the world. Look at the
storytelling element. What kind of stories and
places do these people go to. Does this brand tell you
anything about power? No. Does this brand talk
anything about being funny? No. This brand talk about one
thing and one thing only. Discovery. And that's what brand personality has to do with your brand
visual presentation. Now, brand visual
presentation and brand personality should make the customer understand
that this is who I am. Oh, my God, that's
me, I want that, or I'm not that person, but I really want to be
like that person, and oh, my God, I want to make so much money and I want
to buy from that grand. What you want to avoid is this. I don't know what this brand is. I don't understand
what this brand is, so I'm just going to ignore it. The last thing that you want
to talk about is how you can find inspiration
for your brand. Let's talk about a
few simple way and we talk about a little bit
more complicated way. The first way is just
to go to websites that have a lot of images from creative people, average
creative people. And I will provide you
with a couple of websites. The first thing that
you have to understand how these creative people try to create specific kind of look for specific kind of theme. You need to look at
the color style. You need to look at the models. You need to look at the
style of the model. You need to look at
the storytelling of this kind of style. The second thing that
you can look for industry and you can see
that in one industry, these creative people, they come up with different looks that actually can serve
your brand position. The second way that you
can learn is you need to actually learn from a lot
of established brand, and you need to see how
this brand that they have a similar position to your
brand present their product in terms of story and how they position the acton
and how they position the product in the entire frame and what kind of color
choice they choose and how they present the product
in a storytelling way rather than only
placing the product. As you can see that this brand is a smaller brand than fans, but still they sell towel, but they present it in
a very attractive way. And if you look at the
pose of the model, and the body top of the model and the dressing of the model, it's all to attract
attention because sexiness attract
people attention and they want to
sell the towel yet, but they need first to
attract a customer. And it's actually positioned for people who live
beside the beach. And that's why this
is a lifestyle brand that actually
presents its customer in this kind of environment. The sirplus that you want
to learn from is magazine, and there are a lot of magazine, and what is the job
of the magazine? Well, the job of the
magazine is to sell the story to an
audience and make them buy product or services or buy this magazine over and over. Therefore, this magazine
need to invest a lot when it comes to presenting their product and
taking photography. And you can learn a lot from this magazine of how
you can position and compose your images and present your product attractively
to the customer. And there are so
many brands that learn from this magazine
because this magazine hires a bet photographer in order
to create pictures that are desirable and attractive
for the customer. And you can see that
there are different kind of magazines that have different kind of positioning
that you can learn from. As you can see that
from this picture, you can learn a lot
about storytelling. You can learn a lot
about composition. You can learn a lot about
how you choose your colors, and you can learn a
lot about how you can position your topography and
a lot about how you can, for example, add different
elements to make your brand visual presentation
more interesting. All of this information
is for free, and I will provide you with a list with a great magazine
that you can learn from. Now you can subscribe and read this magazine
in digital format, or you can just
go to a bookstore and read this magazine for free. What matters the most
is that you need to understand how to
present your brand. And in order to do that, you have to look at
different way of how you can enrich your visual library. However, you have to understand that there
are also different tools and options that
you can choose from if you don't want to
all this kind of stuff. And there are a lot of studios that work around
your area locally that you can work with
at low cost in order to create that
image of your rent. And if you want to
take any kind of storytelling images
of your brand, you can always work with
a freelance photographer in order to take
this kind of images. But what I want to think
about is that you need to do this kind of investment
because it's important. Visuals are pretty important
when it comes to positioning your brand visually
correct to the customer. But first, you need to understand how to communicate
with these people, and that's where we come
to your assignment. Your assignment for
this week is to study different brand has the same positioning
of your brand. I want you to
collect their logo. I want you to collect
their color palette. And then I want you to
go to their website, and I want you to collect
their product photography. And as you can see that
Nike and New Band, they have the same positioning when it comes to running shoes. And you can see that
the presentation of the post plant is similar when it comes to brand photography and
product photography. And that's where you go
to the Instagram feed, and you can look at different
pages and different images. And you can see guys
is pretty similar, and it's for a very
simple reason. This brand has invested billions of dollars into creating this image
around the customer, and the customer is already
used to this kind of specific image that trigger
a specific kind of emotion. They spent a lot of money. So why don't you leverage this information and
build your brand, okay? So the only thing
that you have to do is just look for
an inspiration and then communicate with
the photographer or take the
photography yourself. What matters to you
understand right now is that you already
have solved 75% of your branding problem
because you have the right positioning
and you have the right visual perception
about your brand. And if you do that, my friend, right now, you have a
powerful brand, okay? You don't have to
worry about the rest. The rest of the
course is only about scaling your brand,
and it's optional. You can scale it or you don't
have to ski it's up to you. I know that this chapter has talked a lot about new stuff, and it might be like
you are talking to yourself right now and
you don't understand. Go back and watch these videos over and
over and over again. They are the most
important thing. And take it easy, right? Just take it easy.
Watch the next video that talks about
brand archetype, and then go to assign. And I will see you in the
next video. Take a risk.
6. Chapter5: Bonus - Developing A Solid Brand Archetype: Personality and archetype. Why do we need to
have personality? Well, as you know, if we
don't have personality, then everyone would
look the same. And if everyone looks the same, customer won't
know the different between one brand
and the other brand. No brand would stand out. But if we have our
archetype and we can stand out from the rest
of the competition, we will look special. Also, keep in mind
that people see their self image in
our brand archetype. If we can match our
brand archetype with our audience self image, then we will be able to attract
this type of audience and create a tribe or group with
shared vision and need. And our brand will become the
source to provide them with services and product which helps them to raise their
goals and desire. Now, in the next chapter, we will start talking about
12 type of brand archetype. At the beginning of
every archetype, I will be explaining
to you what does this archetype means and in which kind of
industry we can find it. Then we will go through
a few brand examples. At that point, you will not
be hearing me talking a lot. I will be giving you a space to explore and
observe the brand. I might be giving
you a few hints to look for a specific point. But most of the
time, you will be inspecting the brand,
design, and image. What I really need
you to look for is the emotion expressed
in the images and the way the brand choose
specific words to inspire that type of
specific audience. Because we're trying to spend short time to
present this class, explaining every thought behind every design of the brand
might take a long time. At any point, if
you feel that there is something that you
can't understand, Okay. Please make sure to send
me an e mail or a message. I will be more than
happy to explain the process behind the
brand design or message. Now, let's begin. The first step of archetype is the
innocent archetype. Innocent brand represent
optimism, purity, and honesty. The main goal and desire of innocent brand is to
deliver happiness and joy. They tend to communicate
with their audience with transparency and clarity. Mostly seen in
industries such as food, healthcare product,
or entertaining family and children services. Now let's look at
a few examples. Again, as we said, please look at the
style of the images, the emotions they're
trying to connect with, and the word they use to try to inspire you
to join their brand. Can you find any sign of
happiness or optimism? As you can see the
sunlight of the image, which describe a bright, beautiful day and also
look for the emotion of the characters and the word epic to communicate
with your emotions. Optimism and happiness. Pure, clean and simple. I hope by now you begin
to notice how Brand uses images and words to communicate specific idea and desire
with their audience. The second type of brand
archetype is pl brand. Explor brand
communicate freedom. The goal of Explor
brand is to help their audience discover every
corner around the world. They provide their
audience with reliable, efficient and easy
to use product. We see this staff
archetype mostly in brand that creates services
or produced product, which tells people who like to explore and visit every place, every environment
around the world. Now let's examine
a few examples. Land rover above and beyond. You can see the land
drover is a kind of a car that takes you
all around the world. It's tough, and
it will serve you and protect you in any
risky environment. The impossible journey. American Express is even encouraging you to
travel to space. Take the car with you and
don't worry about the risk. You may still need to be worried about paying back the money. Probably the target audience
is for upper class. So money might not
be a big problem since the car can solve
all the problems. The third type of
brand archetype is the Sage brand archetype. Sage Brand tries their
best to communicate with them knowledge
and deliver truths. They always seek to provide trustworthy knowledge and fact. Sage Brand tries to play an important role in
media and education. Be aware that Sage
brand are surrounded by audience who speak the language
of reasoning and fact. Now let's look at some examples. CNN. Notice what they trying to communicate
through their tag line. CNN will bring the news
if from the source. The headlines, great mind
don't always think alike. Let's look at how
they communicate to their audience
on their website. As you can see, not
too many photos, but a lot of new headlines. They tend to exaggerate
their headlines to grab your attention and
make you interested. They always claim that they
are the only source for truths and try to convince
suitable leaves that. Harvard University, The first type of brand
archetype is the hero archetype. Hero brand forces themselves to achieve a higher
and harder goals. They try to go beyond the limit of average
accomplishment. Consumer of this kind of
brand perceive themselves as heroes and tend to think
as nothing is impossible. Their duty is to
save the award and must be seen in sport
and energy d industries. Now let's look at some
example. Under armor. Again, please play attention to the storytelling
inside the pictures, how are they trying to
show you that athletes are heroes and you can be a
hero like an athlete. Adidas Impossible is nothing. At least but not last. The famous Nike, do it. As you can see, this type
of brand use athletes or heroes to present a
self image of the brand. So if you love sport and you
have a passion for sport, when you see these
advertisements, you think that if you
use their product, you will be transferred from an average person to a
hero like an athlete. And that's what the brand is
trying to make you believe. And this is why they
price the product at a high price because being
hero and doing the impossible. It is what really matter. The
fifth style bran Architect is the Altebran archetype. The Alt brand are
against the rules. They try to gain their freedom
by breaking these rules. They rely on destruction and revenge to get to their goals. Now let's look at some example. Harley Davidson, motorcycle. Let's look at their images style and the message
behind these images. By looking at their message, you should be able to
feel and hear a voice of freedom talking to you and
asking you to get out, enjoy the right and be free. It's heartbeat, stronger
than ever. So will yours? What they're trying
to say is that he will provide you with tools that makes you stronger to achieve your goals and freedom. The sixth type of brand archetype
is the caregiver brand. Caregiver brands are
the Earth savers. The purpose of their
existence is to provide safety to Earth,
animals and humans. This kind of brand
tries to avoid or hide subjects of
profit and business. Normally seen in health
insurance, education, non profit organization, and
safety product and services. Now let's look at some examples. The American Red Cross. Together, we can save a life. As you can see, they're
trying to communicate with volunteers and
donors to join them. This is why they
have to communicate on a human value level. Values such as love
and help and support, they're seeking to educate the world that we're
all brother and sister, and we have to help and
support each other. Check brand first priority is children's safety
product first. And Volvo. Volvo is the number
one brand for car safety. Their advertisement might
be a bit direct and scary, but just for the
purpose of making you being aware of being
safe and secure. We don't want your
life to be at risk, and our job as a car
manufacturer is to take care of your and your family safety by providing you with
the safest car ever. The seventh type
of brand archetype is the Magician brand archetype. Magician brands
communicate and present their product and services
through sense of magic. They have a long term
vision into the future. They want to change how people behave and interact
with the world. They try to provide
high tech tools to empower the individuals. Sometimes they tend to
be manipulative because they probably are trying to convince you to
believe their vision. A great example for this
type of archetypes apple. Let's look at the
website and how they present their products
to their audience. They show it in a
way as a magician is unveiling something
that you have never touched or seen before. Notice the way of using
This is the iPhone seven. Now imagine a magician
is telling you. This is the iPhone seven. It has a lot of great tools. I use my magic to make it
so great and easy to use. You don't even need me to
teach you how to use it. Now, I'm going to give
that power to you, and you're going to use it
through your imagination. Now, here it is, take it, and it's only for $700. As you can see the
price is very high. But if you feel it just amazing, you're going to pay 700 bucks even without thinking about it. And really, what is called Halo effect is just an illusion. But probably after
you buy the product, you would think, oh, I really need that product? Do I really need to change
my ph six to ph seven? If you go back in history, they presented phon
six in the same way. They are not presenting
phone seven, but it was new and fresh. And they keep going on that
style over and over and over. D. The next area of
driving is here. The eight type of brand
archetype is a ruler brand. Rulers are all about power,
monopoly and control. They desire wealth,
order, and efficiency. They try to dominate
the entire market. You will see this type of brand in industries such
as automobile, real estate, banks,
fashion, and watches. This specific brand,
customer desire is power, and they're willing
to pay whatever price it takes to look
powerful and rich. Now let's look at some examples. Only by looking at the image, you can feel a sense
of power and control. What Microsoft is trying to say here that every kind
of a person is using es seven at Microsoft almost own must of the market
of personal computers. The nine type of brand archetype is the regular guy brand. To regular guy,
everyone is equal. This type of brand tries to
connect people together, simple yet easy and
cheap to get and use. It desired satisfy most of
the people and tries to avoid to be a specific brand
for a small type of people. Their strategy depends
on efficiency, productivity, and low price. Their design and
visual communication. Suits the majority
of people taste. You will see this type of brand in everyday products industries. Now let's look at some examples. Ika As you can see, a lot of middle class people enjoying and sharing a meal
together. Everyone is equal. Please look at the red box where it's highlighted
many people. No matter who you are. Walmart, save
money, Live better. Again, middle class
models, more family time. More life. And the pricing is specific for this
type of audience. The ten style of brand
archetype is the creator brand. Creator brands are
created to innovate, inspire and connect with people emotion through
creativity and artistry. They tend to perfect
all the details of their products and services. Mostly seen in
industries related to art, music, and creativity. Now let's look at some examples. Lego. As we can see in
lego advertisement, that the main
character of the story is the kid creating
or imagining, while the father is a
supporting character. They both together, build
the future of the kid. The way that kids looks at go is different than
a mature person, and that's what
makes them creative. While looking at see from an imaginative
different perspective. If Apple is giving mature
people the power to create, the Logo is giving children the power to imagine and build. Sony, make believe. The 11th type of brand archetype is the lover brand archetype. Lover brand communicate love,
friendship, and desire. It inspired people to be together and have great
emotion toward each others. Mostly focus on the out
of things such as beauty, physical, and visual
attractiveness. Now let's look at some examples. Ha that combine
desire of love and food to attract people into
desiring their products. Now, these are the photos of product line on
hacking that website. These photos were
probably taken in a way that have
subliminal message. A subliminal message means that images have subconscious
meaning behind them. Now I'm not sure if that was on purpose or just
happened by chance. But I see repeated shapes of tongues in almost
all of these photos. Can you see it? Other brand uses their
product message to create an illusion
or brand self image, which tells people by
using the brand products, you will become more
desirable as a person. You would have better
sexual relationship or have an attractive
body or so on and so on. And last but not least, the 12 type archetype, the gesture brand archetype. To gesture, life is all
about fun and happiness. Their goal is to
get people out of their daily life
boring lifestyle and bring joy into
their life experience. This type of brand archetype might heavily depends
on characters, visuals, and environment
designed to support their story. M&M is one of the best example
of this type of brand. As you know, M&M
is only chocolate, but the brand focus on their branding effort is to make customer believe that
it's not only chocolate. It's a product with a life. Have an emotion, story, and the purpose
beyond its existence is to bring joy into your life.
7. Chapter6: Scaling Your Brand Marketing, Distribution and Product Line: Welcome back. In this video, we are going to talk
about how you can scale your brand and take
it to the next level. Now, this topic is optional, if you have a small brand. However, I recommend you this video if you want
to make your brand bigger and if you want to actually make your
brand more profitable. So in order to accomplish
the scaling of your brand, you really need some kind of investment in addition
to some kind of relationship and access to new market because
at this point, you want your brand to be seen by as many people as possible. In different countries or market around the world or probably nationally
in different cities. In order to do that, you first need to scale your
marketing effort, which means that you
need more people to see your promotion and become
aware of your brand. The second thing
that you need is you need to increase
your product line. You need to have more products
so you can upsell and cross the customer to different offers and
make more money. The third thing that
you have is you need to increase your
distribution channel. You need to reach
more customers, be it online or offline
or by other retailers. Okay, so we are going to talk about these things separately. Previously, you probably used your social media
accounts such as TikTok or Instagram to promote
your product and services, and that was great when your brand is small.
That's perfect. In some scenario,
you probably use some kind of Facebook
advertising on Instagram advertising on a small scale, which
is good as well. Some people will actually
use their, for example, Instagram feed or Facebook
feed in order to place some kind of cute or
beautifully designed picture to promote their brand, and that's good as well in your Instagram stories,
and so on and so forth. That's good. But that's not enough if you
want to grow bigger. The first thing that you have to understand that in marketing, you need to increase
your organic content. The second thing that you need to have is you need to have a partnership content
with creators. The third thing that you have to understand that you need to increase your paid
advertising content. So let's first talk about organic content.
What is organic content? What organic content is the content that you
build around your brand, and you teach your customers
about your product, and you actually make your
brand look more legit. Now, the goal of this content
is not to sell a product. However, if a customer want to look on YouTube
for your brand, they need to find
some kind of content around your brand that
makes you look legit. There are two approaches to
go with this kind of content. The first way is to go person, so you become the
face of the brand, and the people had developed
a relationship with you, they will like your product and they will buy your product. Therefore, the brand is
attached to your face, and that's good if you
are a small business. The other way is just to
go at business branding. There is no specific phase
that introduce the brand. However, the brand
create different kind of video to educate the
customer about the product. In the meanwhile, the brand is actually pitching
the product, while is demonstrating
the product. There is no direct pitch, there is only demonstration. Or you can post
videos about behind the scene videos about your brand and to show that
your brand is transparent. The goal is just to build a relationship with
the customer and look legit and have some kind of content on the web
around your brand. The second kind of marketing
is partnership content, which means that you
create content with different influencers
around your product. So as you can see that this
brand collaborate with different influencers to
create different kind of content around the
brand product lines. Now, the influencer will pose this content on their
feet or their channel, and the brand will
pose this kind of content on the
channel as well. So it's a win win and the
brand gets more exposure, and it's become more
socially proved by other influencers and
they attract more customer. And the influencer
actually now looks more legit because they
work with big brand, so it's a win win. You can find so many
influencers on the web. There are so many market
places that you can look for influencer and it's actually affordable for small business. I believe it's around $38 a
month, so on and so forth. Okay. The other way is that you can attract ambassador
towards your brand. So you can open your brand
to looking for investor, and you can give them
a specific kind of discount or early
access to new products. Now, these are not influencer. These are just ordinary
people, just like you and me, but these people fall in
love with your brand, and they like your brand, and they want to
promote your brand. And you can give them
a link affiliate link, and they can bring new customer. To your business. As
you can see this Sharp. Sharp also work with
a lot of athletes. They have their own audience. The audience actually look at this influencer and they
will like what they do. At the same process, this
influencer now promote M Sharp. The audience love
this influencer and the influencer actually
cooperate with GM Sharp in order to
bring a new customer. The third way is
that you want to publish articles
around your brand. And this publication is
actually is when you publish stories around a specific thing, and then you pitch the product
at the end of the story. This is not a pitch article. This is an article
around a specific story. But at the end of the story, the publication
will actually have an affiliate link that
will sell your product. The publication will get
some cut of your profit as their affiliate and they
will probably get some kind of small fees in order
to publish your story. Each publication had their
specific want regulation, and they need to go through the article and you need to see what it is that they
are looking for. You can write a story
by yourself and submit it or you can actually
if you look at the story, you can go and look
for the publisher of the story, look
at the publisher, and you can find them that this publisher actually publish a lot of story around
this kind of topics, and they actually work with
many small businesses in order to publish this kind of story in exchange
for a small fee. Once you get the name,
you can just go to Google and you can just
Google their name, and you can find that
in most scenarios they exist on Twitter. So once you go to Twitter,
You find the publisher. Just follow her and just send her a message and see if
there's any chance that you can work together to write an article or a story
around your product. Of course, in exchange
for a small fee, and that's what you
agree with a publisher. If you don't want to go
through all that way, just find a PR company. A PR company is a company just specialized in actually creating stories around your product. Then publishing these
stories on the Internet. And that's how we see so
many websites have that as seen on NBC Force
Wall Street Journal, and so on and so forth.
This is how they do it. Okay? The third thing that you have to do is you have to
increase your paid advertising. Let's look at San Cloud as an example and see how they actually increase advertising. Let's use a similar web.
This is a fancy tool. It's just a free version
of similar, and let's look at
the sort of traffic. You can see that the majority of the traffic come from
search and direct. I will explain to you
what this mean later, and you can see that
it's come from social from display and through feral. If we look at the search, it comes almost 63% from organic 37% from
paid advertising. Now, if you look at social, it's normally come from 95% of the social
traffic from Facebook, and then you get your
display advertising. Don't worry about this. We are going to explain this later. Let's look at SAM rush and see where this said
advertising is coming from. Search paid advertising.
And we can see that they advertise
on Google PPC, and they also advertise
on Google display ads. So they have both Google PPC and they also have
Google display ads. And if we go to Facebook and look at Facebook
advertising, we see that they advertise on Facebook as well with different offer to bring
traffic to your website. Okay, so let's put all these sort of
traffic together and try to make sense of them. And then we get direct 37%. We got referral 2%. We got search 39%, which 62% organic and 38% paid, and then we got 19% social
which 95% from Facebook, and then we got 1.3%
from Google Display. Now, what does direct mean? Direct means that the customer or the person who want to
search for this brand, they input the brand domain name directly in the
grocer search bar. What does that mean?
What does that tell you? That tells you that the brand has invested a lot of effort, probably money and time into educating the customer
about the brand name. And that's why it's critical for your brand name to be simple
and easy to memorize. And your brand domain name
need to be simple as well. If you want your customer to
remember your domain name. That's also come out of
referral. Think about it. If I want to educate a customer
about my brand, probably, I will work with other
influential and make them repeat the name of
my brand over and over and over in
order to memorize my brand domain
and tell them that they have to go to that website. It also comes out of search. You would say, how is it
possible to do my search? Okay. Let me tell you something. At the customer when they go to Google and they
search for something. Let's say that they search for Beach towel and they get
this brand domain name. Sand Cloud. This customer is not going to search for
this brand only once. They will search for it.
Two times three times, they will go to YouTube search for this brand and
so on and so forth. After three, four times, and it's because
the search result, now the customer remember the brand domain name
and they will input that domain name
in the search bar. But that comes out of the
paid advertising on Google. Social also plays an
important role because social brings a lot of awareness
around the brand name, and that's how the
brand, over time, and a lot of investment
makes the customer Memorize the name of the brand and the domain
name of the brand, and now the brand can lower its marketing call
because it doesn't have to spend so much money on advertising, but
that comes later. I don't think this brand has
reached these numbers yet. Now, referral, you
might see that is 2%, but it's a lot because
probably this domain might have 1 million
visitor a month and 2%, that's not a small number. It makes a lot of profit. It also sneak about it. When you work with
other referrals, the cost of acquiring the
customer is not going to be as much as the
cost of advertising. Your product on Facebook. The cost of advertising
your product on Facebook will be much higher. Let's look at search
39%. That's a lot. 62% organic and 38% paid. Organic doesn't mean
that the brand has created a lot of block posts
and they have massive SEO. No, that's not the case.
Let me explain to you. When you start a business, you don't have a lot of traffic. Therefore, you
need to advertise, for example, on Google PPC. Once you advertise on
Google PPC and people start looking for search result
around Beach Tower. And the more people click
on your domain ame is because advertised and it's at the top of your search engine, the more people will
click on that thing, and this key word Beach Towel, it will be associated
with your domain ame. And over time, when people
look for beach Towel, your website domain
name organically will appear on the top of
your search result. Why? It's because Google right now understand that
your domain name is a high authority domain name
when it comes to Beach Two. And when people search
for the brand name over and over and
people don't click on the advertising anymore
and they click on the organic result of San
Cloud. Now, what happened? The domain name also
become stronger, and now the result of this
domain name will get higher. In addition, this
brand domain name, as I told you before, they have a lot of
partnership with a high authority domain ame
like Wall Street Journal, and these magazines have a
high authority doin name, and they are connected
to this website. Therefore, this website
over and over time, and with more investment
into marketing, it will get a much
better organic result. But that comes out of paid, not out of block post only. Then you've got your social. And in most scenario,
we have seen that the brand advertised
a lot on Facebook. In some scenario, the brand
might post organic content, but in most scenario, it's because advertising on Facebook. The last thing you saw
is Google display, and it's only 1.3%. The brand has to
figure out a way to balance its source
of traffic to bring different kind of traffic from different
places and to lower its marketing costs
and to increase its authority and to increase
its perceived value. The customer now
have more trust in the brand and more customers
now are aware of the brand. That's very important
for you to understand. The second thing that you
have to understand is that once you have
all this marketing. Now, the cost of your marketing
overall will increase, and the cost of acquiring your customer might
increase as well, because now you have
different channel paid and partnership channel. So what do you do? Well, you
want to make more money. At the beginning stage
of your business, you probably sold one product, and that's fine. That's not bad. However, over time, in
order to make more money, you want to have more
product and services. And that comes when you
scale your product line, and you have different
product and services in order to sell the
customer more services. This strategy mainly
happens because the business spend so much money and want to make
this money back. And the business can do that when it's scaled product
and services and now sell the same customer
more product and services. So you acquire a
customer, for example, for $50 and you sold
them something for $60, but now you want to
sell them something else at $80 or $90. Or now you can
reach new customer that they have the
same positioning and personality as your brand, but they are looking
for different product than your core product. And at this point, as well, if your product is expensive, now you can acquire a new
customer at a new product, lower price point, so you can get them into your
brand universe, and over time, you can
actually make them fall in love with your brand and sell them something more expensive. So now you acquired
more customers. Let's look at two
different strategy when it comes to scaling
your product line. The first strategy
is Niche brand. What do you mean by Nice brand? Nice brand is a brand who specialized in one
kind specific product. Does not make anything else. So let's look for example. Look at rolex. What
does Rolex do? Rolls only makes luxury watches. They don't do anything else. However, the brand have different watches made out
of different materials. Some are made of silver and
some are made out of gold. Some have diamond
and some don't. However, the brand
only make watches. Let's look at this
quiz nutrition. You see this quiz nutrition also makes healthy food
that people crave. There is no sugar inside
the stuff or little sugar. Therefore, this is healthy for athletes who crave,
for example, snacks. The brand has a lot
of product lines, but it's all around
one specific niche. If you go inside
each product line, you will find also different
variations of that product. Now, if you look at the price
of product is around $24. Now, if you look at different
product from this brand, it's also positioned
around this price point. So the brand has one customer, and then the brand
sells this customer different product and services
at the same price point. Let's also look at
Aquatar and look at the product AquatarFish, shrimp, crab, meals,
and so on and so forth. However, now, if you
look inside the fish, you also will see
different product inside the fish,
and that category. And that's how the
brand actually increase its product lines and sees to more
customers all sells the same customer,
different products. The other way it's
a lifestyle brand. A lifestyle brand
is a brand that sell different
product and services, don't belong to each
other for two reasons. The first reason is
the brand want to create a lifestyle around
one specific customer. So if they want to
serve the customer with different
product or services. The second thing is this if the brand has a very
expensive product, the brand want to acquire more customer at a
lower price plant. Now, let me show you
some example. Ver z. We all know ver z. Now look at how many products they have. Look at the clothing. Look at how many
products they have. Look at the bag, look
at how many products they have Look at the shoes, how many products they have
and look at the accessories. Now, if you go into the clothing and you look at the
price of the clothing, it's really expensive to the majority of people.
It's not cheap. It's like $1,000, $600, $2,000 and so on and so forth. Now, if we go to the
other major product line, which is the bags,
and you also see that the bags, are very expensive. Now, these products are designed just to uplift
the brand image. It's not for everyone. It's scarce and it's
very expensive. This will actually create the brand image,
the brand value. However, so many people
also desire this brand, and they want to
join this brand, and the brand also want to bring more customer
and make more profits. So the brand create less
expensive accessory product. So this accessory
product actually people buy to show up
to show. You see what? I am a patch person. This is probably a
low premium product. It's not middle or high
end premium product. It's just a low premium product. This product the brand used to attract new customer
and make more profit. Let's look at San cloud. Can Cloud, the major
product is towels, and you see the towel
is not that cheap. However, the marketing cost of San Cloud as we saw that because they advertise, it
probably very high. And therefore, they
actually create accessories and this accessory is actually pretty
cheap to create. However, they charge
it at a premium price, and that's how the brand can
actually create a lifestyle. Around the customer. So it's not only towels, but also bottles and stickers. All these kind of
product will create a specific lifestyle around
a specific customer. So the customer when they
buy from this brand, if the brand makes something,
I will buy from that plan. I already trusted
this brand. Why not? As you can see that the brand advertised for its
different product and services in their e mail
marketing campaign, and that's how the brand
acquire first a customer and they make more profit
out of that customer. This is another brand supply, and you can see that
the chef machine is not that cheap $75. However, the marketing
cost is also very high, and that's why the brand
needs first to acquire the customer and sell
them a different product. However, in my own opinion, this brand went a
little bit too far. I don't think that this
kind of product actually makes sense to the customer
who buy from this brand. Therefore, Even if you want to expand your brand and
become a lifestyle brand, just don't lose control or
don't lose focus when it comes to what
matters the most to your customer and to
your brand image. Okay, so the last
thing we are going to talk about is your
product distribution. Well, what is the
product distribution? Well, a product distribution is place where you
place your product, such as your offline
store or an online store in order for the customer,
to buy the product. And because now you have
spent more effort into marketing your product and creating awareness
around more customers, now you want to sell your
product in more places. So at the beginning
stage of your business, you're probably going to
sell on your website, which we call direct to
consumer, no retailer. You just sell to the customer
through your website. Now, let's look at this brand. After they got the
investment from Shark Tank, they actually took that amount of investment and they invest a little bit into their
other distribution channel, which is Amazon Store. Now, Amazon store
is also direct to consumer where you sell your
product when a marketplace. However, you make the majority
of your product for yours. After that, the brand actually
work with other retailers, and these are online
retailers when you contact online retailers
and you ask them to sell your product and they
will get a commission fee, or you go offline retailers
and boutique shops. Now you can go locally. You can go nationally or
you can go internationally, and you can do
that when you open your brand or your
website to wholesale. And now you allow other small boutiqueshops
to join your brand. And as this
situation, you become actually a manufacturer rather than only a brand that sell
direct to consumer or retail. Okay? The easier
way to do that is actually to work with distributor.
What is a distributor? A distributor is
someone who import or buy product from different
brand in specific categories. And then they get that
product and then distribute to different store
nationally or globally. It's a faster way to
expand your brand. However, they will get a
commission or distribution fee. So what did we do? Well, first, we expanded
and scaled our marketing, be it through our
organic content, or we collaborated with
other people and we created a partnership content and then
through paid advertising. We also scaled our distribution. So we went into more
online store or shop, we went more into other
retail shops and more stores. And then we got into different
places around the world. We also scale our product line. So now we have more product
to see our customer. The first two will actually help you to find more customer
and bring more customer. The last one will
help you to make more money out of your customer, and that's how you can
actually scale your brand and become a much
more profitable brand and become probably a national. Brand. For your
assignment or exercise, I want you to study one brand, but I want you to study
their marketing system, their product line, and
their distribution channel. When it comes to marketing, you want to look for
the organic content on YouTube or
Instagram or TikTok. You also want to look at
their paid advertising on both Google and Facebook app and I will provide you the tool. And then you want to look at
their relationship market, and you want to go to
Google and see if there are any article
around their product. The second thing I want to look at I want to look at
their product line. How many products do they have? Are they ahe brand or
a lifestyle brand, and what is the price
point of each product? And which products are designed in order to
attract customer at low cost and which
product are designed to be the most profitable and the
core product of the brand. And the last thing
I want to look for is the distribution channel. I want to look where
does this brand sell? Does it only sell
on their website? Do they have any
kind of wholesale? Do they sell to any retailers? And you can search that
online if you search for, I want to buy the specific
brand where can I buy it or buy specific brand name, and then you see how many
retail stores sell this brand. You also want to
go to Amazon and see if they sell
on Amazon. Okay. So that's the three primary
thing to look for marketing? Product lines and distribution. That's going to be
your exercises. Now, get out makes
some move, relax. I know it's a
complicated topics, but you will get it overtime. Trust me, do the assignment and you will get it
from there, right? I will see you in the next
and the last bye bye. Okay.
8. Chapter7: PopSockets Case Study: Congratulation.
You have made it, it's not easy to study, Brad. I want to congratulate you. You are a hero. Now, I wanted
to relax for this video. It's going to be really
simple and easy. In this video, I'm going
to remind you with few things to consider while you want to
build your brand. In addition, I want to show
you an example that tie all things together and
show you the picture. The first thing that you have
to understand is that you really need to have a
great quality product. You don't want to
compromise the quality of making your product. In addition, you
really want to have a great brand presentation when you want to communicate
with your customer. You don't want to have a
sloppy brand communication, be it visually or verbally. You really want to have a
high quality presentation. You don't want to compete
with cheap stuff. This is not where the
money is. So stay premium. The second thing that I want
to tell you about is sell the story and the
experience rather than only focusing
on the product. The experience is the
most important thing. These people, they want
to visit stores that have an exciting experience
because they want to show other people that they
are having a great time. And if you consider
this kind of experience into your product design
and into your store design, this will actually help you
to promote your brand at a low cost because
other people now will start promoting your
brand on social media. The third thing that tal about
is your customer service. This is one of the most
important thing guys that make or break
a small business. I told you that the customer need to have a trust
in your brand, and they want to
like your brand, and that comes out of
your customer service. So in some scenario, the customer will
dislike your product, and that's totally fine. Take the time to reply
to the customer. Explain what they can do. If they don't like the
product and always tell them that they can
return the product. No big deal. Don't
argue about it. Make the customer feel that
they are always right. It doesn't work. The last thing I want to tell you about
is if you can start a business with a purpose
or a social cause because this kind of brand
actually will attract some kind of customer who
care about other people. And this kind of brand
will actually position your brand as a socially
healthful brand. And so many people
will buy from M brand just because they want to support the cause
that they care about. Now, this does not mean
that you will have bad quality product and then attach your brand
to a social cut. No. This means
that you will have a great quality product and you will have a small
portion of your profit, and you want to
donate that part to something that your
brand cares about. Let's put all things together
and look at one example and try to see this advanced
branding thing as a big picture. Well, let's look at
this brand. Pop socket. Some of you might know this
brand, and some might not. They sell mobile phone grips, and the function of this thing is that it helps you to hold your mobile phone easier
or it helps you to position or place your
mobile phone on a table. Now, let's look at the
price of this thing. Well, this sink is $20, $25 $17 is not a cheap sin, and it's actually considered
to be a premium product. If we compare it to
other manufacturer, which is $1 or $2 less or more. If we go to their
social media page, we see that this brand
is a colorful brand. So the style of this brand
is a colorful style. And if we look at this
archetype, what do you think? Well, we think is more
of a creative person? This is not a serious person. This is not an average person. This is more of a
creative person who creates a lot
of creative work. This brand personality
is a creative person, and the style is
a colorful style. Now, if you look at
the product line, we see that they have
grips, they have wallet, they have phone case, they have mounts,
they have mega safe. They have wireless chargers, they have accessory and they
have nails and face Mac. What does that tell us?
What does that tell us that this brand is a lifestyle brand, and it's not brand. So if you go to the website, you will see the most appealing
and the newest offer. In addition to
their services and their product categories,
their product collections, and then you will see the
most selling product, and then you will see the risk free shopping and shipping. This will make the
brand look more secure. Now, if you go to
the product page, you will see a clean
and clear presentation of the product with
white background. You will see clean typography, and you will see clean and
clear product description, that will make things
easier for the customer, and this will actually
make the brand looks more legit in addition
to some kind of reviews, and again, risk free shopping. If you go to the
YouTube channel, you will see that they
will have some videos that educate the customer
about using the product. In addition, they will have some kind of promotional videos. I believe the video are used to advertise on YouTube
because the views are many. It's like 760,000 views. So that's what I mean is
an advertising content, that they will use this
video to advertise and push this content to acquire new
customers and new viewers. If you go to their
Instagram page, you will see that they have
a lot of colorful images. And you don't see any
kind of promotion images, which means that you
don't see by one it one for free, and
so on and so forth. They don't want to
devalue the brand. And you can see that also they work with micro influencers. These influencers,
they have around 50,000 to 60,000 followers, so they are not mega
or large influencers. Now, if you go to their
Facebook advertising, you also see that they invested heavily in their
Facebook advertising, and you can see
that it's the same images and put the same style, and you don't see that they have a lot of discount promotion. They really don't want
to devalue the brand. If you see the Google PPC, they also invested a lot in the Google PPC in addition
to the Google display, and that's how they now
acquire more customer. If you go to publication, they also have
published a lot of stories around their brand
in different publication. Now, this brand sees mainly direct to consumer
on their website. In addition, they
also sell direct to consumer on Amazon store. However, this brand also
worked with other retailers. This is target, and
they sell at Target, and the brand actually make a portion of the profit and
Target also make another 25%, I believe to 35% of the profit. They also open the
brand for wholesale. So if other people want to have this product internationally
or locally or nationally, they can contact the brand and the brand would manufacture the product and sell
it to the retailers. This is not a joke plan, guys. This plan actually
last year revenue is around $169 million
with 184 employees. Compare this plan to
other competitor brands, this is actually a huge brand. It's not a small brand. However, this plan
really starts small. And what I believe that the most important point
for this plan, it was when they got funding, and they got funding in 2014, and this funding actually what I believe it
pushed them forward. If you look at the
brand history, you see that the brand
started in 2012. And if we go to the
brand website in 2012, you see that the brand website would take us to a
Kickstarter page. And on Kickstarter,
the main offer was a mobile grip
with a mobile case. In 2015, and after they
got the investment, they start to ask
their customer to customize their own design. And I think that's where
the point the brand actually differentiated sale
from other manufacturer. In 2016, they expanded
into different languages, which means they expanded
into a different market, and they now have
more unique design. And today to sound 21, they are actually more of
a lifestyle brand that they offer different
product to their customer, and they upsell and cross sell the customer and
make more money. By now, I hope that
you learned that I did not make any things
out of clean air, and I taught you everything that actually exists in the market, and it's 100% practical. By now, I hope that you decoded the code of
advanced branding. And by now, I hope that you understand that your
social media images or your social media feed and Instagram stories are
not your branding. They are only a small small tiny portion of your branding. And by now, I hope
that you understand that the court stuff
when it comes to branding is your
brand positioning and differentiation, having
the right customer. The second thing is that
your brand personality need to be tied together with your brand
visual presentation, which will give your brand
unity and cohesive look. And the third thing that
you have to understand that you need to expand
your brand products, your marketing, and
your distribution, and you need to reach
more customer and generate more profit by upselling and cross
selling products. You need to tie all these things together with a great
product quality. You also need to gain your customers trust and they need to believe in your brand and
your offer and experience, which means that you need to be consistent with your customer. And you also need to have a
great customer experience in addition to great
customer service. Okay. That's it, guys. That's the end of our journey. I hope that you
enjoyed the course. And if you did, I would
appreciate if you leave me a nice and beautiful
review like yourself. This was Noor. Remember to have some fun while making
some money. Cheers.