The beginners guide to designing dashboards in Google Data Studio | Rachel Furlong | Skillshare

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The beginners guide to designing dashboards in Google Data Studio

teacher avatar Rachel Furlong, Web Design | Graphics

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About This Class

In this class Im going to teach you the basics of Google Data Studio. its a fantastic free tool which allows you to create customisable reports which display your business data in an engaging and readable way. Google Data Studio is really easy to learn with design tools which will transfer your data into amazing visual reports that everyone can understand. I will walk you through each step of the process so you can follow along even if you are new to data reporting.


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Rachel Furlong

Web Design | Graphics


A web designer and education professional, I have over 15 years experience in web design, development and marketing. I design and present courses in infographics and data visualisation on Skillshare. As a coding tutor I love to help students succeed in their studies, supporting the acquisition of skills & project work on their way to becoming professional web developers.  I freelance in building websites for businesses & agencies to help clients promote their services on the web.

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Level: Beginner

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1. INTRO: Hello. I'm Rachel for long, and I'm a freelance designer, digital marketer and content creator. On In his first, I'm going to teach you the basics of Google Data Studio is a fantastic fetal, which allows you to create customizable reports which display your business data in an engaging, irritable way. Google Data Studio is really easy to learn spoke design tools, which will transfer your data into amazing visual reports that everyone can understand. You will be able to let the metrics letter to create dynamic vision. Don't report. Sent a clear and concise performance digital activities, which will be easy to share with you. This costs ideal for anyone who needs easy to read digital marketing reports, is part of their line of work. It's a good idea, or they're not essential to be familiar with Google analytics. Throughout this class, I will walk you through each step of the process so you can follow along even if you are you today. To weigh need to do is to lock into your Google account, go to the Google Data Studio Euro and Select Data Studio. I will help you get up and running way will be using sample Google analytics states of sections. But I also show you how natural own data to use your record, the last project creating our very own dynamic audience over ready to share. 2. CREATING THE TEMPLATE: Hello. This is Rachel at Future trace design and in the next few sessions were going to build a customizable report to share with your team or clients using Google Data Studio. We will be using some sample data from the Google Merchandise Store to create an audience overview report. Or you can use your own website data pulled from Google Analytics. To start with, make sure you are logged into your Google account than search for Google. Data Studio will go to the Google Data Studio, U R L data studio dot google dot com, and you should see the home page, which we should look similar to this with a range of sample reports down here and some additional reports along the top here, set up attempt that click on blank at the top here, and then you will see a variety or data sources. But I'm going to show you how to add your own data to start with. Click on the blue, both button at the bottom there, and we'll see our list of data sources that you could use this session. We're going to use Google analytics and then you should see your accounts appear click on it to the boxes and connect. See a list of metrics and dimensions here. Add to report, and you should see your temper. Appear there with your data connected. As I said, we're gonna be using Google Analytics sample data, so I'm going to come out of that report on Remove that. I'm going to create a new report again. And on the right hand side, we'll also see sample Google Analytics data. Click on this had two reports, and you have a report set up with Google Analytics Sample data, which will be using throughout the sessions of this course in your layout. You can change the name of reports by clicking up here in the top left hand corner and giving you a report. A new name. You can also change the canvas size. I'm going to choose screen portrait and over here in their layout and seem options. I'm going to click on same hands I'm going to add in a bar chart just for demonstration purposes. Click out of the bar, chart onto backgrounds, and then you'll see theme options. Click on those and you'll see that Google has provided a simple same on a dark scene so you could use either replies. But you could also customize this with your brain colors. If you wish on DSO, click on here. You could choose a different background color. For example. I've chosen gray there hands. You could choose primary fun colors and preferred front. Also option with chart palette. You could change this to your brand colors. If you know the hex to decimal color, you could add that in there or choose each other ever color you want. So now, after making those changes, you should see your custom theme in the list. You can use the default Google themes or your custom theme to follow along in future sessions, where I'll show you how to create your own dynamic, customized report. In addition, my custom seem that I will be demonstrating throughout this course is available as a download in the course notes. If you have any questions, let me know and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you for watching 3. HEADLINE METRICS - SCORECARDS: Hello. This is Rachel at future trace design, and in this session we're going to be looking at scorecards. Scorecards display a summary of a single metric and are commonly used to visualize key performance indicators. That's his top level data that measure the relative health or performance of your business or area of activity. Choose a scorecard icon on the top line. Click and drag in your documents, and by default, you'll see the metric sessions appear in. The box has a default date range of the last 28 days, but you can customize this to a period of time off your choice underneath this comparative figure option that could be added and we're going to add in the previous year, and you can see that visits to this site has have increased by 36.3% Good style options. You can adjust the decimal point in both e session number and also in the comparison. Make metric example. You could actually show the number of sessions rather than the percentage, and you can add in the comparison label. You can stall the look of the scorecard by changing the size of the bigger You could change the front. One of your choice can hide metric name if you want to. Sent to the figures, I'm going to add in the background black background for this. But that's only to add in a lighter color with the figure, and I'm going to put in the lighter green, and that's easier to read a school down. I can adjust the petting Teoh center there sort scorecard as well. Now you can copy and paste is God by using your keyboard. Or you could use edit menu where you have an option to copy paste and then removed the scorecard alone, the previous one going to change the metric about two data on the blue box, and I'm going to scroll down and select user. Go back to style, changes the backgrounds to differentiate this school card from the previous one. And then I'm going see pecan school cards again. Copy and paste that next to the previous one. For this one, you're about to data become the blue box. I'm going to choose the metric off new users, and you can choose any metric you like that would suit your company, um, finally going to copy and paste the scorecard for this design on and go back to date options might notice. That is, ah, lot of data here. So if you can't find what you're looking for, you can click on the search icon when I'm looking for bounce rates. We have bantering, and I'm going to hold down the shift key and click on each scorecard. Select mammal. Well, I can composition them within my documents, and that's it. So if you have any questions on scorecards, let me know and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you for watching. 4. TOP 5 BROWSERS - PIE CHART: Hello. This is Rachel from Future trace design and today really connect creating pie charts in Google Data Studio Pi Tarts. Display data in a circular format on each slice represents a data set. Sliced sizes indicate proportionately the value of the data inputted, so the larger the slice indicates a higher value. Pie charts work best display values of different sizes as you can see the comparison between metrics and it makes a chart easier to read. Go to your template in Do Google Data Studio. Clear this that way in your layout. Go to the pie chart icon on the top toolbar on cooking drag underneath the scorecards that we created previously and also really to click on the text box on at the title. Not some text, and we're going to be looking at the top five browsers are visitors are using to reach our website. Now click back onto the pie charts and have a look. A pie Chart Properties click on data and we see to map to mission mints when his dimension and the other is metric. And what this means is medium is the type of traffic. It's coming to our sites and sessions off a number of sessions within each I'm dimensions, such as organic referral, cost per click Accept. Now we're gonna change this to browser because this is that's the dimension we're gonna be looking at. So I'm gonna type this in. Find it will quickly. And then we see a list off browsers with the most popular browser at the top, and there's various sorting options. There's a default date range or custom date range. Option is also filters and segments, which are more advanced options to look at tonight's state Click on style. Andi. You'll see the pie chart were 10 slices. I want to reduce this to five. To show the top five browses become five slices, and there we have the top five for browsers for visitors and changing Color Holmes, whichever for um, you could add in your brand colors by adding in the Hexi decimal colors. Here on, you can change the pie chart to a doughnut shape for as well. Our labels refer to these percentage labels here. You could change them, too. Actual value label told you natural numbers. It's not that easy to read. You could label them if you don't want to use the legend. I'm going to choose none my option. So just compare sizes off Rather's natural detail. No, you can observe, change, background and border. I'm just gonna add a border shadow, which gives quite a nice card effect. Andi, if you look options for the legend at the moment, we've got the legend that on the right, But you've got various other options that's not quite enough room in the whole religion there. Drag it out. You can see arm put legend at the top. We could get rid of the legend all together. I'm gonna put it back to legend on the rights. Um, and if I drag out a little bit more space, something I forgot to show you because here we can align our text left and right. And that's it. That's pie charts. If you've got any questions, let me know, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you for watching 5. DEVICE CATEGORY - BAR CHARTS: Hello. This is Rachel Up Future trace design on for this session. We're going to be looking at bar charts in Google Data Studio Barge ups compared data between different groups, and it's a really great way to show relative sizes. We can see in this example which type of device I used to visit our site over a period of time in this case, 28 days. On your temper. Go toothy icon on the top bar bar charts and click and drag create a bar chart and go to the text box on DCruz deck textbooks above, And that's some text. Which devices are they using? This is what we're going to be looking at in our bar chart, so you need to go to a bar Chart Properties data Andi. Click on the green box here to change it from medium scroll down to platform or device and shoes device category, and then you should see desktop mobile and tablet listed as devices within the bar chart. Go back to bar chart properties. We're also going to be looking in the last 28 days as default date range. Go to style options and to give you the opportunity to jen you from a vertical to a horizontal graph on and ah, you can adjust the color off date labels clicking on there. There's options where you can change the look of the axis. Experiment with those has also various styling options to do with the grids in the background. I'm just going to add border shadow as before, to match the rest of the chart on America options with the legend, and that's with pie charts. You can change the alignment at the moment. We've got it through the legend above and the chart underneath. But you could change at the opposite way around or left. Or right now, if you go back to data, have your opportunity to adds another dimension to our measurements. So I'm going to cook on there on Choose Audience because what I want to knows which gender are using which device. So check don't gender and go back to data on Do you can see in the chart that we've got to measurements male and female as well as desktop mobile and tablet. But this is very difficult to read like this, so weaken style that to make it easier to read and two step bars. So then you can see which one is male or female, but the colors are just too similar for us to be that very easily so uncheck single color. And then for the second color, we're going to change that completely. Then that makes the chart much easier to read. Obviously, you can experiment with the color options and choose it. Suit your brand. If you've got any questions, let me know, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you for watching. 6. WEBSITE VISITORS - LINE CHART: Hello. This is Rachel Up Future trace design, and for this session we will be looking at line charts are line shot generally displays data as a series of points connected by straight lines. They are often used to show trends in data over time, and so you will often find that charts a drawn, chronologically Google data studio. The icon for line charts is called Time Siri's in this session. In the chart we will design, we will be looking at a number of Web site visitors over the past 28 days compared to the previous year. In our layout, go to the tool box in the top bar and choose the time Siri's Icon. You could weaken drag in the documents picking a textbooks, And that's, um, text. How many visitors to our website and then click back into your line graph. On the right hand side, you'll see the Time series properties click on data. It was the time dimension of date on the metric of sessions going to leave the duck the date range as the default, which is the last 28 days. But I'm going to click on none to select the previous year period, which adds an additional line so we can compare the data from this year to the same time last year. You go to style options and you have the option to change the line two bars. If you felt that displayed your data, better ask cumulative data options going to leave that I'm going to add points, though that makes the diagram clear. I think Canada data labels, although they can be hard to read unless you have lots of space. Your diagram that in a trendline when I'm going to choose Linear, which describes that the data that there's been more visitors Teoh website over the previous year. Missing data. This is how Google Data Studio deals with your data. If there is missing data in the diagram, this, uh, options to show axes or not Jimmy for you could show the axe its title lock scale on the other axis title. The Grid options Background color font turns again. Background on border. I'm going to choose Add borders shadow to make this the same side of the other charts, and also there's options to move the legend around to position it as you think looks best and that's it. That's line charts. If you have any questions, let me know and I'll try to get back to you. Seems I can thank you for watching. 7. DIGITAL CHANNELS - AREA CHART: Hello. This is Rachel of Future Trace Design, and in this session, we're going to be using an area graph to display the digital marketing channels through which visitors reach our site. Area graphs have similarities to line graphs where his lined risk lying graphs display trends over time. Area graphs displayed quantitative data. So what you need to do, please click on the area chart icon In your documents, we can drag and you'll see by default. Area graph will appear with a dimension of date on medium, the source of your channels and sessions. What are going to add a label show? What we're looking at? That's a text. Couldn't we look at the area? Chart properties in data as before, There's the usual options that you can customize Teoh onto your preference on and you can go over to style. And there's various options and how you display your data, which you can explore. There's options on color, which I'll change, probably customized to colors I use for my friends. And then I would have cats further damage school done. We're gonna add aboard a shadow, and there's all the options as described before in previous sessions, Onda. Uh, that's about it. That's ah, area graphs. Any questions you have Let me know and I'll get back to you soon as I can. Thank you for watching. 8. POPULAR PAGES - TABLES: Hello. This is Rachel Up Future trace design. And for this session, we're going to be looking at tables to complete our report. We will be adding a table to display traffic to our pages. This table will make it easier to see the most popular painted on our site the number of page views, users and the time spent on each page in an easy to read layout, tables, canoes, multiple dimensions and metrics, which you can utilize to create a report of the figures that matter most to your clients. Your document. Choose the table icon in the toolbar on the top line and then creates a table like the one below. I've already set this up arm save a bit of time I click on to show you what I've done in the table Properties data. I've set the dimensions page this column here. The metric of users page views and time on page for the three columns here have options off rose per page. Over died in more rose if there's a bit more space. And also I can check this to create a summary row, giving the grand total here. Now there's various sorting options the default data range or two options to customize Andi next to go onto style options. And I've started to tape the table header Andi. There's also option here to wrap text so bone chip that you can see you can't quite read that unless I made the table, but bigger. But I mean, I prefer to to text. There's options to stylized head of area here and the head of labels, and we have table body. Now you can to keep the road numbers there, or you can uncheck those again. You have options to wrap text. If you want to fight about this way, you can see how it wraps the text on race six. There on the table for two you can. You don't want the pagination that's this bit here. You can take that out, but it's very useful when we actually view the finished product at the person. Using the report can actually clicks for all the pages on their site. Um, there's three column options here. Columns 12 Call him three, and that refers to users page views and time on page. So we go to column one. I'm I bought column compact numbers checked, but you can uncheck bets. Um, depending on how you want to display the numbers here, and there's decimal precision here COLUMN two Really quick on the era Next to number. This gives you the option of perhaps China heat map, which will highlight the higher numbers here in the dark color. ANDI For the final column Columns three. I'm going to experiment with bar chart, which could visually give you the idea of which pages there, um, are being looked at for the longest in this case so quick that it looks like that it all depends on what the information you need to show your table. But that's it. That's tables on, def. You've got any questions? Let me know, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you for watching 9. DATE RANGE & SHARING: Hello. This is Rachel at future Trace Design. And in this session, we're going to finish off our report on find out how to share the report with our team or with clients, Stop with click on the rectangle icon and then at the image. An image here. And I'm going to select my temporary ago. In this case, you'll see, I'm going to add another rectangle top change that. See what I'm going to add capacity of 20% on. And then I'm going to give this reporter name and then add in the date range option which allows you report to be read in real time. She'll see the moments like the date range. I'm gonna choose the last 28 days for this. Apply and install this whites again. And a line these two boxes to make it look good. Arrange. And why not left right with the date range selector, you can click on this when we go to view. The reports can actually click on this on the person viewing. It can change this to, for example, the last seven days and in a play, then you'll see all the numbers here changed to give you the statistics for the last seven days. You can also hover over each report, and it will give you more information. Or you could cook through the pages using a pagination here to show the report. Click on the icon topped by here, and it gives you the options. There's a shareable link here. You can also allow people to edit or view you could set up and ah, link from your websites, allowing people to view the report at the moment. You can't actually embed thes reports on the Web page, but you need to set up a link to the to the report. You can also share the report with your team, allowing them to edit or view the report. If you've got any questions, let me know. Andi, I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you for watching 10. ADD PAGES + REPORT LEVEL ELEMENTS: Hello. This is Rachel up future trace design. And in this session, we're going to be looking at adding new pages to our template on adding report level elements. So you go to the and the option and then over to the left hand side and add a page and then page to automatically comes up. We go back to page one. The next thing I'm going to do is add a report level element on what that means is if you highlighted elements, you can make it report level, and it will show up on every single, every single page. So this this is quite useful for headers. So what I'm gonna do is highlight all the elements in my head up. And then I go to the arrange menu and make report level. And then if I go to page two, you'll see it there as well and fired another page. You'll see it there as well. No, go back to page one. If I decide I don't want that anymore, we'll have to do is I like the element. Arrange make page level. And then what you find is when you go back to, for example, Page two on page three. It's disappeared. Page one is still there. So that's it. If you've got any questions, let me know. I'll get back to your soon as I can. Thank you for watching. 11. HOW TO MAKE REPORT PDF : Hello. This is Rachel Out Future trace design. And in this final lesson, I'm going to show you how to create a pdf from your dashboard report so that you'll be able to upload it to the Project gallery. And all you need to do is use your keyboard commands. If Inmet that will be command p print or control P in windows to print. Now I'm using the chrome browser for this. Andi. I have various settings on the left. Here. I'm going to click on more settings. I can choose a Pape size, and I can adjust the margins onto center it. Sometimes there's other options that you need to check and uncheck like headers and footers . It's a bit cleaner and then scroll down and open. Pdf in preview, and then you should see your page as a PdF. No, you have to do is go foul se saved the relevant folder that you're keeping your files in and it will be ready to upload to the Project Gallery. If you have any questions about this, let me know. I'll get back to you since I can't and I look forward to seeing your projects, thank you for watching 12. CLASS PROJECT: you can design the dashboard how you like, but it's a good idea beforehand to think about the metrics you want to display. Think of it like telling a story. For example, you might want to build a dashboard to show your team information on users visiting your site. This information could be useful if you're building personas to develop a marketing strategy, you could add in images to accompany data or use your brand colors in the layout. There are also sample dashboards. You could explore, for example, dashboards to display YouTube or Edwards data. When your dashboard is complete, you can create a PdF of your layout on display it in the project gallery. A final reminder. Use a sample data provided in Google Data Studio for your dashboards unless you have permission to access on display live business data. I look forward to seeing the results