The Art of Doodling II: Six Components to a Cuter Character | Cathy Wu | Skillshare

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The Art of Doodling II: Six Components to a Cuter Character

teacher avatar Cathy Wu, Freelance designer & illustrator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      About the Project


    • 3.

      3 Body


    • 4.

      4 Face


    • 5.

      5 Final


    • 6.

      6 Conclusion


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About This Class

What makes a drawing cute? There is a certain science to cuteness, and some tangible ways to boost the cuteness factor in a doodle. In this quick and light hearted class, we will learn and practice 6 simple and tangible components that you can apply to any character drawing to help make it cuter!

Meet Your Teacher

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Cathy Wu

Freelance designer & illustrator


Cathy Wu is a freelance designer and illustrator based in Seattle, WA. Along with working as a UX/visual designer for tech startups, her passion for illustration has spurred on many independent ventures such as her etsy shop, Itscathywu ( You can also find more of her work at

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1. Introduction: Hi, I'm happy. Welcome to the art of doodling six components to a cuter character. As a designer and illustrator, I've had the chance to work on some really fun projects where the cute nous and endearing factor of the design was important to its success. There are actually certain components that helps make things scientifically more cute that you can apply it to your drawings and creations in this quick class will be learning and practicing six adjustments you can apply to boost acuteness factor of a character drawing. There's definitely not just one formula for making things cute, but this class will give you somewhere tangible to start in exploring and developing your own style. This class is for anyone who's interested in dissecting what makes something cute and practicing the components that make it so all you need to get started, our piece of paper and your favorite drawing utensil. So let's get started 2. About the Project: uh, thanks for joining to start off will be creating a simple character that will use as our subject for testing out different variants of acuteness. I'm going to be using this character to go through the exercises. You can make your character as simple or as complicated as you like, and you're more than welcome to use graphics programs to complete your class project. But it's definitely not required. Just make sure your character has a distinctive head and body. The exercises will be split into two sections, one focused on adjustments to the body and one focused on adjustments to the face. At the end of this class, you will have completed a chart mapping out the various components that make up acuteness and how they affect the look of a character. So, first off, take a moment to create your character with a distinctive head and body, and when you're ready, feel free to move on to next. Video 3. 3 Body: first, we're going to go through what helps make a body look cuter on a character. Three features that are commonly perceived as cute are one a rounded body to shorter limbs and three a large head in proportion to the body. So start with your original character drawing, and we're going to experiment with applying each of these features to our character, both more so and less so. Feel free to download and print out the chart template in the resource section and fill it out as we go along. Or you can create your own. I'm going to be going through the chart from top to bottom one component at a time, starting with completing the left side, portraying the future perceived as less cute and then the right, portraying it as more cute. I encourage you guys to really exaggerate the features as you're going through the exercises. It makes it more fun and allows you to see a bigger contrast between the two ends of the spectrum. So whenever you're ready, please join me in experimenting with these 1st 3 components 4. 4 Face: next, we're going to go through what helps make a face look cuter on a character. Three facial features that are commonly proceed as cute are one a larger forehead, too wide set eyes and three large pupils. Again, start with your original characters face, and we're going to experiment with applying each of these features to our character and trying to see how it can make are drawing both more cute or less cute again. Whenever you're ready, let's start experimenting with these next three components. - Don't forget to post your completed chart in the class gallery and check out the charts of your classmates as well. 5. 5 Final: Finally, we're going to create a final set of drawings to incorporate everything you've just practiced. The first will incorporate all of the characteristics on the left, and the second will incorporate all of the character six on the right. This will give us a final most contrast and comparison of how these various elements effect the cute nous of a character. It's also really fun to see the final product of how different a character can look with different amounts of these characters. Six. Applied. Don't forget to post your final character comparison the class gallery. I can't wait to see what you've all created. 6. 6 Conclusion: Now you can combine, mix and match, incorporating new ideas and create more cute characters. You can use these ideas for drawing characters making crafts. Inanimate objects can be a cure. I hope this class was informative funds. Make sure to post your project in class gallery and be sure to check out all of your costs as well.