1. 1 Remote course: welcome to the Five Principles of Remote Work. Course Had a manager time get more done and actually stay sane while working remotely or from home? My name is Colin Stucker. I'm the founder of Wild Foods and the Ancestral Mind podcast. I am currently in my home studio, actually, and my desk is behind me, where I will do a lot of the ending for this video. I also have my son outside in the garden with Alison and our home on our 10 Acres. And so I'm very much in my own little isolated world out here where I have to balance work and family time. I have my company in Austin where our primary bases and I have a remote team where I still will visit them once a week or so. But generally all of our work is done on the Internet or on an iPad, and I have certain tools and processes in place for balancing my remote team management work, which will learn from that as well as my deep creative work like this, which is recording videos and writing and podcasting. So I'm gonna give you strategies that I've learned doing this thing for 13 plus years as an entrepreneur and bouncing remote work with in person work with shall work with deep work and some of things that I've learned as well as tools to help you stay committed to your routine. When you do build for yourself, so we'll have an explosion of remote work, especially when things back to normal. There's gonna be a lot of companies that will be re evaluating how much they're spending on office space or desks, a rent and how productive they are compared to that versus remote work. This pandemic has opened a lot of opportunities for companies to think differently and be more open to remote work. And in a lot of cases, knowledge work is actually done better remote. Going to an office is just counterintuitive to getting deep important work done. More and more employers are gonna be looking for people with remote work experience. So when you're able to manage yourself, get things done and contribute. This is something that a lot of employers will actually start looking for, and right now, whether your freelancer or you do contract work or you want to build your remote work clientele or business. These are gonna be the principles that you're gonna use to do just that In regards to your situation, these principles are also gonna apply to how you actually manage the work that gets done because we do live in the knowledge work society. And that is where we're going into the future. So these skills will serve you for the rest of your life. If you have any questions for me, can drop comments, blow any of the videos. You can also reach me at Wild Foods. Sacco. I will respond to every single email. Come, sir. And I hope you enjoy the course and take something away from it that helps you get more done in less time while balancing life, work and happiness.
2. 2 Distraction Free Zone Principle #1: So we're talking about big principles of remote work, and this is really working generals, not just from what work. So keep that in mind because these are things that even if you don't fancy yourself working remotely for a long time or always or maybe get a job, we have to go in office. These air still principles that you're gonna want to keep with you and utilize in your new work environment because they're going to help you get more done. And they're based on the basics of human distraction and focus and getting things done. So keep that in mind. The first, most important thing is to develop for your work routine is a distraction free zone. This is true for any work, and we'll talk about deep work a bit more later in the course. But for now, you need to get into the mindset that you cannot work in a distracted state or an area where you were easily distracted. So where people can interrupt you friends of family around co workers and come and bother you, you have to find a place, and you have to have that mental space with us noise canceling headphones. Whether that's locking herself in the room or corner library, you've got to find a place that will be distraction free. This is the core first principle of getting anything done, and when it comes to deep work, it is paramount because there's distractions everywhere. Social media, your phone, people calling you friends, family. You're gonna have to mitigate all of that. The first, most core important thing is building your office or routine where you're going, all the tools you need. Noise canceling headphones, laptop iPad, whatever it is. Figure out what your daily distraction free zone, where it's gonna be when it's gonna be and what are certain rules here and put in place to protect it. Maybe if you have family that you don't want knocking on the door, interrupting you, or maybe you turn the phone off, get into airplane. Most people can call you etcetera. This is without a doubt. The most important thing for any work is finding undisturbed, disrupted distraction, free focus. Time
3. 3 Deep Work: the second most foundational principle of all work. Remote work, especially, is your deep work routine. I have recommended reading this book to learn more about this, but it's basically 234 hours. Whatever you can dio, I tend to go two hours at a time to our blocks, maybe three, where nobody can get ahold of you, where you're not distracted by anything where you don't have notifications on was completely distraction free. And you're doing your best, most creative, most important, most impactful work. If most people just took two hours a day and had a deep work routine that is distraction free, that is focused, they would accomplish more than they could ever fathom. And no matter what work you're doing, if you do this now on a daily basis, it will completely change everything. It will change your output, it will change results you get, and it will change how good your work actually is. This is the cornerstone, the foundation, the key to getting things done and actually getting meaningful work done that's gonna move the needle
4. 4 Basic Task System: the third thing you need when you're managing anything related to other people projects, etcetera, even yourself, you need to have it getting things done. System you could calls Project Management. There's different methodology. There's Eisenhower Matrix. There's getting things done, whatever. Personally, I used to getting things done for anything that is scheduled, base or time based. And I havent inbox that I process. And you should definitely look into that. Read that book, take some of the courses, etcetera. We use a sauna in the business for team management project management, and then I use notion for myself for organizing project and thoughts of my daily routine. But the tools don't matter. It's about the methodology and is about sticking to your system. So when you decide on a productivity system and you have something that can send notifications to you so that you don't miss things, whether that's a calendar or something like an inbox and productivity up, you have to commit to it because you have to be able to know that when you assign something out, it's going to come back. You're not gonna be an effective remote employees if you miss things or drop the ball or miss notifications and deadlines. So this is gonna be paramount to your success. So when you figure out a system, you gotta stick to it and you have to protect it, just like your deeper 14 is your system. And it's a habit and shoot every day at the same time. Your productivity routine when you're pressing her inbox, using due dates and calendars and having some kind of project management system so that you could take things out of your brain and put them somewhere and then know how to reference him later to help you get more done and make sure nothing falls through the cracks.
5. 5 Routine and Managing Yourself: daily routine. You're gonna have the bill daily routine, and you're gonna try to stick to it as much as possible. You want to think I get engineer constantly, tweak and throttle things to get more done in less time, eliminate distractions and find and find that place where you get into flow and you get things on and you feel productive. And because nobody's making you do this, you have to manage yourself, and that is very hard to do. So the more you can turn it into a routine into a system, the same place, same time, same work, the easier is gonna be. And that will be second nature. It'll come to you naturally, and from there you can build and build and build. But you have to get down to figure out what your daily routine is gonna be. And a big part of figure out your daily routine is making sure you have breaks and then recognise when your attention is waning and we're not putting out your best work, and so you could do things like take a walk. Maybe that's when you have lunch, maybe going 2 to 3 hour blocks and then you take a break for 30 minutes, you got to find out what works for you. Some people like to just power through and do the standard 9 to 5, where they have four hours break for hours. I tend doom or of 2 to 3 hours at a time and then take a break and then come back to three hours of time. So I probably do like 32 to 3 hour sessions a day, and then maybe early in the day, my first session will go to 4 to 5 hours. That's really the most protected time. But I do know that when I get to that point where I'm just not really focusing, I'm thinking about food. I'm thinking about stopping. That's what my creativity protege drops. And I need to get to that break and then revitalize and come back fresh. And that's a big part of your daily routine is figure out what that exact schedule is for you, and then sticking to that every single day as much as possible.
6. 6 Conclusion: so that's really it. If you just focus on these first principles of being productive, imagine yourself. You will be amazed what you can accomplish and whether you're doing this for your current work, your day job or you have a side hustle or both thes skills will last a lifetime. The key is you have to maintain them. You have to think like an engineer. You want to build habits around your system and constantly tweak and throttle and protect it. The more you could build your getting things done into a habit your deep work routine, and to have it when you bachir shall time your notification time getting an airplane mode, making that easy to turn your phone off, going somewhere where no one's around you and staying there for 23 hours and getting things done. As you get better at all of these individual skills, the entire bucket of your remote productivity itself is gonna be a skill. It's gonna get stronger. They're all built on top of the other. And when you can do this for years on end, this is how you become top of your organization, become invaluable to your company or build that side. Giger Side business. This is how you get more done in less time. You have fulfillment in your work, and then you have time to enjoy family in life and hobbies and other things. While not feeling stressed and lacking control. The key to feeling like you're in control and you're not trust out is to have systems and routines with your productivity. Most employees don't have it. Most people don't have it. It's why they always like they're constantly task switching and things that is coming at them from all angles. They have no control whatsoever because they don't have control because they don't have a system. When you have a system and you put things to where they go within that system and you stay committed that system on daily basis you are in control. You'll save time and you'll get your best work done that you could never even fathomed without this system. So I hope you do some of this information. Take some action build that routine will be some recommended resource is in this course that you can look into to further develop your knowledge of deep work and getting things done and things like that and a highly highly recommend pursuing that. Because the more you understand all these things, the easier is gonna be to adhere to. And if you need anything for me, send me email calling raw foods Taco. Hope you enjoyed the course. And please, please, please do something with this information.