The 4 Core Crochet Stitches : Beginners Crochet Class | Flavia Wolfe | Skillshare

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The 4 Core Crochet Stitches : Beginners Crochet Class

teacher avatar Flavia Wolfe, A Happy Creative

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Projects for this class


    • 3.

      What our the 4 core crochet stitches


    • 4.

      Some Things To Know


    • 5.

      Gathering supplies


    • 6.

      Slip Knot and Chain


    • 7.

      Single Crochet


    • 8.

      Double Crochet


    • 9.

      Half Double Crochet


    • 10.

      QL yarn color and the pattern


    • 11.

      Tips 1: End and Begin


    • 12.

      Tips 2: How to Add A New Yarn or Change the Color


    • 13.

      Tips 3 & 4: Counting Stitches and Reworking a Section


    • 14.

      Adding Tassels


    • 15.

      Finishing Your Project sewing in the tails


    • 16.

      Final Thoughts


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About This Class


This is a Beginners level crochet class, but is also great for anyone who wants to review skills or restart crocheting. We will make a washcloth and scarf using the 4 Core Crochet Stitches : Chain, Single crochet, Double Crochet and the Half-Double Crochet.

We will go over different yarn and needle options, getting started with the slipknot and how to finish your project. I will have lots of examples to see along the way.

There are two patterns to choose from, make one or both using the 4 stitches we have learned.

I look forward to seeing all your washcloths and scarves, so please post pictures of your works in progress and final product.

After you post your first picture, you will have to click on 'edit you project' to add more. Let's get started!

Meet Your Teacher

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Flavia Wolfe

A Happy Creative


Flavia Antoinette Wolfe died this morning (06/25/2018) at approximately 2:45 am PST.

Original Profile:

My name Flavia Wolfe. I live in Texas with my husband, two (growing fast) boys, and two dogs (breed unknown). I am a Creative and have a BA in art from Westmont College. I enjoy learning new ways to create and express myself through art and crafts. I like to draw, paint, sew, quilt, papermache, crochet (of course), build small things (in my garage)... hmm, is there anything left? Oh yes! I am learning to be a better knitter and work with stained glass.

I homeschool my two boys and that keeps me very busy. So, I have to work to have time to do things that are creatively fun for me. Cr... See full profile

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1. Introduction: Welcome to the four core cliche stitches. Beginners crush a class. We're going to be working with our four core Cochet stitches to make either a washcloth or a scar. I have made a number of scarves throughout the years, and I think it's really fun because you could mix colors and really personalize it for yourself. I have a wife and mother of two home school boys, the older of whom I have touched for Shea, and we have enjoyed portraying together for a few years now. I started Christian when I was very young, and I have always enjoyed it through the years of something that I can do to creative but also be able to wear my works of art or used them throughout the home. There are a variety of patterns yarns, colors and again. I'm really looking forward to see everything you've made and how you've personalized it to make it your own. In this class, we're going to focus on our four Corker Shea stitches. The chain, the single cliche, the double Chrissy and the half Double Christian. Let's step by step. Instructions and demonstrations will make a watch cloth on the scars and we'll go over everything you need to know to get started in the world of cliche. So please post your work some progress, you're finished projects. Ask your questions. Let's get started. So excited. 2. Projects for this class: before we get our supplies together, let's talk a little bit about our projects for this class. I have two main projects using the same basic pattern with the four Corker. Shea Stitches will be making a lovely washcloth that you can use either in your kitchen or your bathroom and a scar. I have made a few extra washcloths that we're going to give you an example of what the process to just look like on their own. I have the single crush, a washcloth, the half double crush, a washcloth and a double krish, a washcloth that we'll be looking at throughout our class. This scarf is made using all four stitches in a repetitive pattern, and this is really gonna help you to learn stitches. Get comfortable with them so you'll be ready to make more and more complex patterns is you learn and grow in the Arctic Ocean. I will be making my scarf on the side and I'll show it to you towards the end as we finish up our project. So let's get started 3. What our the 4 core crochet stitches: I wanted to take a moment and talk briefly about the four core cliche stitches and why I believe they are a great way to get started as you enter the world of cliche. I have a few watch, plus that I've made at his examples off our four Corker Shea stitches. We have our single crush, a washcloth, and you can see how the stitches are really tight and close, and they can make a variety of products. We have our half double per se. They're a little bit taller, and because they're not quite as close together, it moves a little bit and we have our double garage. This is a really trawl for shade, and it is very helpful as you work into more complex Chris A stitches. These stitches, including the change which is aren't the beginning part of Kirsch A. These 4/4 Shea stitches are in almost every pattern that I have ever used. I hope you're excited to learn the four core Cochet stitches or to review before corporate Shea stitches. If you've cruciate before, this is a great class for anyone who wants to just get back into Rashean reworking their stitches and getting a consistent stitch so as they make their products is gonna turn out the way they want them to look. 4. Some Things To Know: When you enter the worlds of cliche and you go to the yarn store and you start looking at all the different yarns and hooks that there are, it can become overwhelming. So let's look at a few basic things to help us get started so that we can finish this project and feel comfortable when we want to say something a little bit more complex. There's such a wide variety of yarns and hooks and other supplies to choose from. So let's go over a few that I have enjoyed using as I crush a. The first thing we're gonna talk about is our yard, and when you start looking at what yard you want to use, the 1st 1 we're gonna start with for our class is gonna be a worsted weight. It's a medium or a number four. All of those mean the same thing, and it's a really great yard to get started with us. We learn our new cliche stitches. Who were my watch lock? I chose to go with 100% cotton because they make great washcloths. So there are a couple of choices that I have found in my area. This one is very common, the sugars and cream and there is another one that is very soft. And it comes in a different selection of colors than I have found with the shippers increased. And this is called I love this cotton and it is a really nice option. I think these ones are really soft, so they make really good washcloths for a baby. And you could make a whole selection of those for a baby shower. Um, with our 100% cotton yarns, they are not only good for washcloths but for towels. And you could make blankets if you don't want to go with acrylic. 100% cotton of any colors can also work well for your scarf. So you decide where you want to go with what you're making for this class. The other young will be using for our scarf is gonna be vantage choice. It is a lion brand worsted weight yarn for my scarf. I'll be using a rose missed color. And I really like how soft and like this one is, it's going to make a really warm, comfortable scarf. There are a number of different yards to choose from. This is the Red Heart. Super Seaver. What I really enjoy about this is it comes in a large variety of colors. You go in every few months, and they might have a new one for season, so you can constantly increase your colors for your projects, which is very fun. Here's a new one I've discovered it is called John Enormous. It is a super bulky or number six weight yard, and it requires an 11.5 millimeter hook. The you can make all sorts of shawls and blankets with this, and it is really fun to have. You can choose anything from acrylic to cotton until packer or blended yarns. You have to decide what you're making, what, how soft you want it to be and who you're making it for what you're making it for. Just recommend that for the pattern. If you're going to use another yarn, one that's different than when I've used try to stick with a medium worsted weight yard. Look at what it says for your cliche, huh? And use that one. It's going to give you a really nice design and a really even stitch with the yarn that you've chosen If you look at the back of the package of yard, you'll see a lot of information there, and there will be three things that you're mostly want to look for. You look forward being what it is made out of. Whether it's acrylic, cotton, alpaca or wool, you'll look at the weight of the arm. This is a number four or medium, and you'll want to look for the little picture that looks like a crash, a hook that's going to tell you what size hook they recommend for this yard. This one is going to be using an H and our van ast choice if we look at the back of that one, it also says for. But when you look at the Christian hook, it says that we're gonna be wanting to use a J or a six millimeter crush, a hope this one is. You get started, makes a tighter stitch, so they recommend a larger cliche hook just to loosen up your stitches. And you could make a really beautiful product with this yard. Let's look at a few of our hooks here. I have an example of of very large hook. This is a 25 millimeter roshaiah it is would. And it's just fun to use when you want really big loose. And here is a stay in the steel hook. Most of the hooks have their size and, of course, wanting letter on the side of the hook. So this is an end or nine millimeter look, They also have a plastic hook that you can choose if you want to work with bulkier yarn. This is a great way to go. My favorite hooks, and this came in them. I said, There are many different looks to choose from, and what I like are ones that have a grip on it. It makes it easier to hold, even hold it longer and work on the project a little bit longer. As you start to Cochet, you're also gonna need to remember to have your sisters or your Clippers. I really enjoy these ones. They don't open very far just enough to keep the garden and not much else. Always good pair of scissors are great tab on hand. We're also gonna want to get some needles. These are gonna be your finishing needles, which are gonna help you weave in the ends of your project just like looks. There's a variety to choose from. This is the typical one you'll find in most places. It's just metal. There are plastic ones that are completely open that allow you to get the yarn in, in in place. And, um, there is another type of plastic yard middle. It just has a small hole of the time. There are a number of things you can get for your cliche, Um, things that aren't necessary but helpful. And things that are just fun. You can get, um, these lovely locking stitch markers. They're great when you want to set a project down and work on it later. So it works just like a many safety pin. You close it around your stitch, lock it in place, and your stitch won't come out when you set your project to the site. This isn't necessary. You can use other things like a real safety pin. But, um, if you don't use anything at all, you're gonna want to put your project in a safe place so it doesn't come on done while you're doing something else. All right, there's other things, like a yarn sleeve. This was on my super saver part yarn. This nothing will contract as I used the yarn, and it will help to keep it from tangling. As I pull the yarn out and I get smaller, it's not necessary. Just a helpful tool, which there are plenty of it. The arm stores. You can get buttons for your closures can you can get a shawl pins, which are great. Where is my? Here it is. I said it down. It's an oversight of safety pin, and what you can do is it goes straight through your stitches, walk it in place, and it'll hold your your stuff or whatever you've made together, and it just allows you to customize your your scarf. You can turn it into a cow, will know those sorts of things, and the last thing I want to show you from here is yarn ball. If you want to turn your yard, take it from the skin and turn it into a ball. These yarn balls are great because it has a hole right through the site, so you'll pull your yard through the side and it kicked your ball from rolling away. One thing you really are gonna wanna have. It's some kind of bad to carry olive your supplies, your hooks, your stitch markers, your needles and your scissors. And this will allow you to take your Christian project with you as you go. So these are also really handy, and they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. This was old makeup bag that I no longer used for makeup, and I just decided This is perfect size micro shacks. This is another large bag you can get. It comes with a case to carry your hooks and supplies, zips to put your gun in, and it has some homes at the top. There are a few varieties, and he's confined at various stores. Um, again, not necessary. But if you want to portray on the go, they do keep your project safe, and I highly recommend finding something that works for you and getting what you mean for getting started, and then your collection of supplies will grow over time. So let's get started and get our supplies 5. Gathering supplies: Let's gather supplies for this class. First thing you'll need is your crush a hook. I have one for the washcloth, which is in each five millimeter, and for the scarf, have a J, which is a six millimeter crush. A hook. Next, you'll need something to cut loose trams. I have little clippers. You can use scissors. You'll need a pencil so you can keep track of where you're at on your pattern. A finishing needle. It's just a large needle or tapestry needle. Something with, um, that's large enough to get your yarn through. And I like to use, uh, locking stick stitch markers. Um, and these air Good. When you're gonna set the project, decide for a while and you don't want any of your Christian stitches to come loose. You turn that around, walks in there and it'll look right into your project. You walk it, look. It lights off and you're good to go. Next, you have to make sure you have your yarn. I'll be using a few different kinds of yarn. Throughout these lessons. I have some sugars and cream. I have peaches and cream, and I have van is choice Landrin yarn for my scarf. For this, I, um, decided to go with a really nice pink color. It's got some darker pink, some lighter pinks and a little bit of light. It is called Rose Missed, and it uses the size J Crush a hook for both E sugar and cream, as well as the peaches and cream. They are going to be using the H Christie hook and they're both 100% cotton, and they're going to make great washcloths. Now that we have all of our supplies, weaken gets ready to shape, work your way through pattern this one or any other pattern that you may have. Keep a pencil nearby and you could mark ready work. This is going to help you keep track of what road you're on, so you don't always have to count your roast. If you do need to count euros, we'll talk a little bit about how to do that. But this helps to keep you on track so you can finish your product with this few hiccups as possible. And you can really enjoy the world of 6. Slip Knot and Chain: All right, let's get started. We have all gathered all of our supplies and we're sitting down and we're getting ready. Teoh, start crashing. Let's is the scarf that I showed you earlier. And let's take a closer look at some of the stitches and how they're gonna come together. I have the chain, the very bottom we're gonna do to single Crew. Shay's two double Chris Shays, Ellen to half double Crew Shay's. And that is gonna be the pattern we're gonna repeat as we go through the entirety of either the scarf or the washcloth. Whatever you've decided to make. All right, let's get started. We're gonna start with Slip. Not so we're gonna take our ball of yarn, and I like to pull it out through the center and we're going to find the end the tail. This is the part we're going to hold on to, and we're going to wrap it around our finger twice. You take the back loop, pull it over the front and leave it on your finger. And now the next loop, we're gonna pull it all the way over your finger and pull up the tales. The part that's actually going to tighten the mop and the part that's actually attached to the ball of yarn is what's going to make your loop bigger or smaller people on that makes it smaller. Pool in the tail and it just takes more yarn and you're bigger loop. So you're gonna pull it until you get a nice teardrop shape on your hook, sort of an upside down to your drop. All right, let's try that again. With this method of creating the Slipknot where you take the tail, you're gonna wind it around your finger twice. It doesn't matter how long Taylor's. Whatever, Um, you end up with your hand. It's fine. As long as you have at least four inches, you're not gonna want much less than that. You could work with it. But if you when you get started, you might as well leave yourself a little extra. We're gonna pull the back loop up over, keep it on your finger, pull the next loop, bill it all the way off her finger. From here, you can either pull up where you can put in your hook and pull up just to give it, make it a little bit tighter. Now take the arm and still attached the ball and we're gonna tug a little bit until we get nice and comfortable on the hook. So you end up with a nice teardrop shape. It gives you some a little room to move it around. It's nice and comfortable. It's not too tight. If it's too tight, you really kept pulling. It's not gonna want to move on the hookahs much. Um, so we're gonna loosen that up and get the nice teardrop shape, and then it will move real free. So there is another method to create the slipknot, if you would prefer what you do is, you take the tail again and you'll just sort of dropped the yarn onto your table and create a little circle. Now, the circle just gonna pinch the top of that and laid across the arm that is still attached to the ball, and you're gonna pull the one in the center and just pull up. Now you can do the same we did before, where you put your finger in and pull up. All right, let's what you put your hook in to that senator loop, find the tail and just pull it creates the same not we had before were the tail creates tightens them up. And the art attached to the ball is what's gonna decide how big or how small the loop on your hook is. So it's pool until we get that nice teardrop shape and we're ready to get started. What we're gonna do from here is that tail drop for just a moment, we're going to get the yard and vice comfortable position where we can create some tension so we can decide how much or how little young we want to put on the hookahs. We yarn it around the hook. What I would like to do is just delayed across my hand, put it across and just pull it over. No thes two fingers here are gonna be what creates the tension. If I push him, it's gruesome together. It's harder. If I loosen them up, it will just slow through. And that's how I create my tension in the arm. There are a number of different ways. Some people, um, looping around, um, you can go in and out different fingers. Whatever you find that's comfortable is gonna be what's best for you, and you're just gonna have to play with it. I have changed the way I hold my own a few times over the years. So you just find one that works. And then if you see another one you want to try, you can go ahead and try that one. Now, we're gonna need to hold the tail, so just sort of pinched the jail. I use my thumb and my ring finger on, we're gonna pinch that, and we're going to start creating the chain, which is gonna be the base of our project for today. So what you're gonna want to do is pull the yarn over until it gets caught on the hook right here. All right. Now, once you have it on their, you're gonna twist your hook down and they're in a point that point of your hook towards the teardrop, the V part of the tear drop in, they're just gonna pull straight through. All right, so we're gonna leave it back around now. You're not gonna want to go across the front of your hook. It's just not going to go in and is easily so the hook crosses over the front and new yarn over Now we can twist are looked down and put it through And that creates our second Jane for again around through twisted around and pull it through. Now what we have here is a four stitch chain. 1234 Now, the easiest way to see them for your chains, they're gonna be the little bumps on the top part of the stitch. And that's what we're gonna use when they start crashing. So we're gonna go again, get our yarn We're going to get a look around twist and pull through. Okay, we're gonna do that a few more times around and through You are in over the hook, pointed towards the weight of the teardrop and pull through. So it all points we're gonna have that teardrop shape on our hook And then three year in a point that the little crook of the hook here, the point that towards the teardrop. And it's gonna go straight through now saying you're working on your chain and your just going on through the Jains and your hope comes loose that is and easy, easy fix while you ends. Find where you left off there's gonna be a looping and around and you're just gonna put your needle right back in the loop and you're good to go If you find that when it comes off there, the hoop isn't big enough. Just put your needle in. You're not exactly sure where to start or figure out a little tangle or something like that . The nice thing about Chris Shays, if you just give a little tug, comes right out and you're left with a really nice little loop and you just put your hook in there and you're good to go. So this is coming along very nicely. I'm getting a nice, long chain of consistent sized, um, stitches. So that is what you're looking for. You want them to be as close in the same size as possible. And if you need to, I'm do a couple and you can redo them and you just slip your hook in just like I showed you before. For this particular yearn it is 100% cotton, and I think that's going to make a really great washcloth, and it'll be a really nice gift. This, um, yarn is the peaches and cream 100% cotton, and it's called Lotus Blossom. And I really just like the way the colors are gonna all come together and and play nicely with the pattern. There are a lot of variety of colors. I have a hot pink will be working on with their double. Chris Shays and I also had made a washcloth using just half double Chris Shays and this really nice, cheery yellow Um, I just thought would be a really fun Morris cloth. There's lots of kitchens that people use yellow, and so that's really nice fun option for this pattern. You can use one or all of Sitges to make a variety of washcloths. So for the washcloth pattern, really need to start with a chain of 26 stitches. The way we're gonna do that, we're gonna count how far a gum and then we'll finish it up. What we need to do is count how many machines we have created already, and what we're gonna do is start with our Slipknot and the first gene next that you'll see a little loop with the top, and we're gonna start camera way counting across until we get to the hook. So just look at the for the album's on. You'll see all that going on, Lee across that one, 234 5678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. All right, so I have 18 James so far going to make it more, and we're going to get ready for our single Chris Shays. 7. Single Crochet: All right. So now you should have a total of 26 chains. If you're gonna go ahead and start in the scarf, um, you will have 21 chains. Um, that you have finished what we're going to look for again there the bums. And for single cliche, we're actually going to start on the second chain from the hook. So there's a one that we just completed. Not you don't count the the hoop that's still on the hook. We have to start with the chain that we've completed. And we go to that 2nd 1 and we're going to find the loops that we were coming right at the top there. And we're going to stick our look right inside that top lip. You can see here right at the top. It comes right out. So a sticker change or hook into our chain and come out the back. Now what we're gonna do is the same yard over, and as we learn it over twist, Look down on and pull through. Now, you should have two loops on your hook. We're gonna cross over here and over hook again, going down and pull through. I like to continue the twisting of the hook as, um, I'll show you the woman will pull it through the top of the next change yarn over. If you'll see it has that teardrop shape. What we're gonna do is the same thing we did for the chains, where we point the tip of the hook in there and just pull it straight through. Continue to hold the stitches you just made as though you did tail and yarn over and pull through both loops at the same time. So we're gonna go in for the next one. We're gonna put it in underneath the first loop. For the the bump of the top. You're in over Twister hook just working it through. We'll have to hoops urine over and pull through. That is the single Brechet we're going to continue doing. Matt will have 25 across because we skipped that 1st 1 that was next to the hook and we started with the 2nd 1 So we have the 26. We have our chain one which helps it to turn and and get over the the twist of turning into a new rope and this is gonna count as our first row The chain, once you start appreciating to, it does not count as a rope. So this will be our first road. In the pattern is our single Chris Shays. So just continue putting. Look in. You're in over and pull through two hooks young over and pull the hook through. Went through the top. You know her. Pull through two hoops turnover, pull through. We're gonna just continue doing that all the way across and the same thing as we talked about with the chain. If, for some reason you're working and you go to pull that out and it falls off, you just find the last usable loop sort of start there. So if it falls off on the top right here, we just want our hook. We're back in and you start with the next scene will crush a now A For some reason, it falls off. You've pulled it through in yon, you're hooked, comes out. That can happen. The, um, best thing you can do here is just tug on that a little bit. Get rid of that That looked that pulled through this stitch right there. And we still have the nice will be one on top on a hook in and you're good to go. We're gonna do a few more across, and then I'll show you how to start on the second row of single Porsches. So in through the loop, put your nor two lips urine over, bullet through and the more you work on it, the fashionable to get Jane's are a little bit harder to hold on to. So, um, they just take a little bit longer over, pull through, and it's that's what a nice rhythm to it. And you just go and pull through here over. Pull through to I think we have two more. So here's my last one. So I have the last loop and the Slipknot. It's not just putting him get over and pull through to what's great is we have now finished our first A row of single car chase is not nice. It's not a little bit of a curfew. That is all right. It'll it'll work itself out as we continue to go. Um, right here is the top of our single cliche. What's nice is now you have this nice V we're gonna work into, um as we go back across the other way. Okay, So what we're gonna do you to start the next row is we're gonna do a chain stitch. That was the situation previously were just hearing over and pull through the loop that is already on the hook. So that is our chain one. Now, we're gonna twist our project to the other side so that we can start working into the tops off all in single cliches we just made. Now, if you'll look at the top of every single cliche, you're going to see a V shape. This is really nice. Um, helpful thing was, we'll continue on with her Christie journey. Um, at the top of every stitch, it's a nice V. Another be some patterns that may call for you to work through one or the other side of this week. But for the pattern here, we're just gonna go through both sites of that view with our hook. The first Jane we see here is the well, the first review we see here is the chain we just made. So we're gonna skip that 1st 1 and go run into the second V, which is the last single per se of the first round. So we're gonna go through both sides of that V with our hook. You're in over. Pull through. You're in Over. Pull through to and we're gonna work great our way across to create the second row of single Porsches. So we look at the top of the previous row we find the next week, and we stick our hook through both loops of that V. So we have what looks like three loops. All Marc, Rochet hook. We're gonna here in over. Pull through here and over. Pull through to We're just going to continue doing that until we get all the way to the end . And then we're going to start working on our double cliche. Pull through to you're in over pool. I told her to turnover under both of those loops. Make sure you get through both and pull through. So I'm coming to the end of my second row of single Chris Shays. So just worked my way all the way across one more well, here, too. And that is the two rows of single cliche from here. You're going to get ready for your double crushing so you'll be chaining three at the very end of this road. So we'll do one to three and we'll turn it over. We're gonna work again in the very top of our last rope which will have the mice levy shape as we work our way across Where have double Grisha? 8. Double Crochet: for the double cliche. I wanted to show you how to get started in case you wanted to do just a double crash. A washcloth. It's gonna be slightly different than how we started our single cliche. The bottom of this washcloth, which is following our pattern, Um, the same pattern that we're gonna be using on the scarf. So I would have using hot pink sugars and cream, also 100% common. And for our double crush a row, we're actually gonna do 28 chains across. If you're gonna do the half double crushing, it will be 27 chains. And the reason for this is we're gonna have a few extra chains on the end. What you're gonna count as our first double Christine for the road. So after you have 28 genes across and this is where the double Goucher, we're actually gonna count to the fourth chain from the hook. 123 four. And that's gonna be the chain you work into for the double cliche. The main difference between that embassy will crush a is that you're going to yearn over before you put your hook your hook through that top loop of the chain, so everything else looks the same. We have our chain. We have one loop on our hook right now. We aren't over. And now we have to We're gonna put it in through the top loop of our chain, just as we did before. For the single cliche. Yarn it over and pull through. Now for a seal for Shay here, you would have had two loops and we have three. So the next thing we're going to do for a double cliche as we're going to yarn over and pull through only two of those loops so we turn over, pull through to now. We have two remaining loops you're in over and pull through those two and you'll see a much taller stitch. That's a more space in between the two. And that is exactly what you want to see. So we're gonna I'm gonna work a few more into this chain, and then I'll work a couple have a Chris Shays and to the washcloth. We're making weather pattern. So we yearn over creating two loops on her hook. We go through the top of the next chain stitch. We are in over and pull through. Now we have three loops yuan over. Pull through to now. I have two loops. We aren't over again, and we pull through to and that is our double. Christie takes a little bit longer to complete the stitch, but it also makes um, it taller with one one stitch. It's about twice as tallest this English. So it's really nice that you don't need as many Rose when you're making this washcloth as you would for a washcloth that is completely single cliche or a washcloth. That is the half double cliche. So what I have here is a washcloth I made out of just the single crush. A Stitch has really nice uniform pattern. It's really next law school to use. Um, and here is one I made with just half double per shape, and it actually took fewer rose to make than the single per se on our half a nerve double per se washcloth. We also have a few less rose, then are single or half double cliche, so you'll be able to get done a little bit faster, perhaps, and, um, you're going to see quite a difference between the three patterns as they come together. So what we're gonna work on, um now is working into the top of the single per se stitches that we made on the previous lesson. I'm gonna move this out of the way. What you can do when you stop is either to use one of those stitch markers. Now, you just clip it on here more. I just make little bit Lou bigger loop. Sometimes if I know when I come right back to it and I can set it to the side. So what we're gonna do here is working to the top of the last year we did of Single Crew Shay's and even to the niceties on the very top. And we have our shame three that we did at the end of the road. So with that gene three is gonna do is it's gonna count as our first double crush a of this road so you'll see that it's likely connected to the first stitch here. We're gonna go to the second a V and we're in a yard over and put her hook through both loops of that Jane, just like we did with a single Chris Shays we're gonna turn over, pull through and get three loops on our hunk. Be in a year and over. Pull through the 1st 2 you're in over and pull through the next two. So when you see yarn over in the pattern, you just you turn it around and for a double portion, we just do that one time we put it through the top of the next ditch, you aren't over. Pull through. There are three hoops yet over. Pull through to, you know, over and pull through to, and you can see we're already with the single stitch doubling the size of our washcloth. Here are the first to single cliches and here is our first row of double Porsches. All right, you aren't over. Put it through the next, you know, over. And I have three you're in over. Pull through to you're in over and pull through to now, we're gonna work our way across the whole row sandal Porsches, and this is gonna be the third row for pattern on. We're just going to keep working and I will see you at the end of this rope and we will change three and turn our project the other way so you can get started on the fourth row of our pattern, which is our second row of double bridges. All right, here is my final double per shaves room. Once you've completed your final double karoshi, we're gonna change three Soul yearn over Pull through the loop one to and three. So now we have our chain three. We'll flip our project over, and we're working way across killing and double cliche all the way across our last one here , Jane three. And here is the top of the first stitch. We're gonna skip that one, and we're gonna work into the second stitch. So we're getting here and over Skip one into the second and pull through. Now we have the three loops. Pull through to and pull through to we're nowhere. Put it to the top of the next one for two and two more, and that is a double Christie. So now we've done our Jane are single Brechet two rows on. We're doing our double Cochet in two rows. All right, so here is the second roll of double Christie. And as we come to the end, you're gonna find something a little bit different. The Chain three stitch. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna finish up our double per se. I have one more pull through to and pull through to and what you're gonna do with your chain three. Because what I did, was I After I did my Jean three, I pulled it over to the front. I am. It's sort of give it a little bit of twist. And to me, it looks sort of like a chain link right there. And you're a night. Look for the top of the gene. Three Stephen can account twisted 123 Count those bumps and you're gonna turn over. Get into the top of the gene three, pull through, pull through to and pull through to Now that I've finished my second row of Double Cochet, I want to change to in preparation for the half double rrochet. It's going to do that and I'm just gonna set this to the site for a moment because I want to show you something on my humping washcloth from this one. When I was working, I did my Jane three and then I twisted my work from the back, So I just pull it over in the back instead of pointing across the front. And when it gave me were those V shapes that were used Teoh at the top of our stitches, and it makes it easier to count 123 to know where the top stitch of our cheating three years. So when you're doing the half double crush A and the full double car. Shea, um, it might make you a little bit easier when you twist york toe work across is to pull it across the back. So of the same thing here I have one left on top of the double Cochet. So finish that one and then I'll yearn over. I will count 123 and similar to the working into the chain. I'm gonna work into the chain, pull through through two and pull through to, and this washcloth is all double crushing. So I will change three and I'm going to pull my work from the back across, and that's gonna continue to create that The three V shapes make it a little bit easier for me to count to the top. When I worked my way, cross so reaching over. Go to the second stitch and we work our way across. And this is if you're doing all the Booker Shays I'm doing for this particular wash cough. Um, before our pattern, now that we've finished our segment row off, double crush A, we're gonna flip the work and start working on our half double cruciate. 9. Half Double Crochet: Let's get started on our half double crush A. Here's the example of my half double Christian washcloth. This you started with 27 chains across. You start on the third chain from the hook and that first those extra two Christi's you have in the end are gonna count as your first half double grow. She then you're gonna work. You have to look rachet across the chain chain too, and go back across and you'll continue that for 18 rows. So as I put this project decide, I decided to use my stitch marker eclipse right on here. So no matter Haman how much the yarn pools and pools, it's not gonna undo the last ditch that I made. So it locks open, unlock that, pull that right off and send it to the side. I was here going to be working with the H and put it right in where he left off. So previously on when I was working on this, I did a row of half double cliche a crash, my washcloth. So I started with a chain, too, and I worked my way across into a chain, too, and I'm continuing my way across the top. I have to go crush a stitch is very similar to a double cliche in the beginning. So just as we did a double Cochet, we're gonna yearn over the hook and great two loops on the hook before we go into the stitch. When we put our hook into the stitch looking for the V going through both loops, we're gonna yarn over and pull through. This is the part we're gonna have. It's still gonna be the same as the double Cochet where we have three loops on our hook and we're gonna yarn over. And that is where the similarity ends for half. Double Cochet. Instead of pulling through the 1st 2 loops, we're gonna pull through all three loops at the same time. So we just pull a yard through the loops and you have your half double kirsch a stitch. So we are now over. Find the next stitch, put our hook underneath both loops. We aren't over and pull through. So we have the three loops on our hook. We're gonna yarn over and pull through all three loops. Alright, let's try that again. You're in over. Put that into the next stitch you're in over and pull through. Now, if you can see we still have to your job shape, that's going to be on all three. So when we yarn over time, we point our hook down, it's going to slide right through all three loops. There we go. Now, on this one, if for some reason you lose your loop on your hook and it's too small. So to get started where you left off, you're gonna want to pull out the last three lives until you get the top of the previous half double rrochet and that's gonna be the easiest way to get started again. You put your hook in there and then you're ready to go. You're in over. Put it into the next stitch, you're in over and pull through. We have three loops, so we are over and pull through all three loops. That is our half double Chris A stitch. Now, what I'd like to do is show, uh, you the scarf that I've been working on and show you exactly what you need to do when you come to the end of a row and you need to turn it around and work on the next row. Half double Cochet. So on my scarf I just finished a row of half Double Christi's working away working my way across the top. Now I've caused here gonna take my stitch marker off and for my scarf Amusing a size Jay hook or six millimeter Put that in. Now, as I've come to the end of this road, I'm ready to change and turn for half the look A shade. All you need to do is chain too. So we yarn over, pull through, you're in over, pull through. And we have our chain too. Now we turn our project so it can begin working our way across and will continue on with our half double koshis, just as we did with our double Chris Shays. When you look at the top the chain to is going to be a chat attached to the first chain on the next row, we're gonna skip this and go into the second stitch from the hook, and our chain to is gonna count as our first half double Goucher for our scarf. We're gonna do 20 stitches across. So our chain two counts is number one now we yearn over polls, put the hook through the second stitch yarn over and pull it through. We have our three loops on the hook, so we will yarn over and pull through all three loops. Now, this is gonna give us our first to have total cliche. Stitches for this row are chained to is one under half double cliche stitches to Let's try again, yarn over into the next ditch urine over and pull through. You're in over and pull through all three stitches. No getting. Continue working your way across and depending on what your next row in the pattern is, you'll either changed, too for a second row, half double Cochet, or you'll chain one for your next single approach a stitch here and pull through all three . I would just continue working our way across and working our way through the pattern, and that is the final stitch for a pattern. Now, if you look at the pattern, um, you can see a few differences of our half double cliche are single Cochet and our double rrochet. So here is are half double grow shape. Their I mean our full double crush. A. There are so few larger gaps. You can see my finger through here directly in any that I have the single grow, she rose. There's a really small gaps in between. You can't really see too much, and then our half double karoshi, they're definitely smaller. You can see a little bit through, but there, um, a little bit tighter of a stitch than our double Rashean, and it will just continue working our way through our skirt, and I will see you when it's time to finish up. 10. QL yarn color and the pattern: what I really like about the pattern and this yarn. Is there gonna be occasions where we're gonna have really thin row of color and where it was a single Goucher women close by. We have a couple of double Chris Shays and some half double cliches that give you a nice patch of color. So it has really nice play with the color throughout the washcloth. And that's a really fun if you want to use, um, a specific colors for a team or for so to match someone's kitchen or for a baby shower, and this pattern is gonna be really nice for that. You can also do it with, um, all half the bookers days. If you use the yard that changes colors, all of the color is gonna have the same shape unless you have two in a row where you might get a few that double upon color. You just getting more of a striped look throughout the pattern on that, what we have for the washcloth. This is the blind brand van ISS choice yarn, and it doesn't have quite the same color change as my other yarn. If we look right at the arm. Here, you can see a large patch of white as it goes into transitions into the brown. For a while, we have a little more white, and then it goes to the blue. You it's a really lightly right there, and then it goes into the pink. So what's nice about the arm using for my scarf is that while it does have, it's a variation of color. It's all really close. And within the Strand as I twirled the story and you can see a little bit of white, some darker pink, a little bit of the lighter pink, and so it has more of a speckled look. It mixes really well together, and for this pattern, I think it works very nicely. 11. Tips 1: End and Begin: for this section. I would like to go over a few tips to help you complete your patterns for this washcloth pattern. I'm doing the same pattern. Is this scarf a row? Single Cochet Double crush A and half double approaching. I just finished a row. A single Chrissy across the top And I'm ready to start my next row of single course A in the pattern I came to the end. What I want to do here is when a chain one and turn So we are in over. Pull through and I have a chain. Now I will turn my project over and I'm ready to begin a sink. Rome single core Shea across the top of my washcloth. Before you're seeing Looper Shea, you're going to go directly into the first stitch of the last row. You're not going to skip any going to go right into the 1st 1 That gene when you did, was just to help you, to be able to turn your project more easily. So way put it through the 1st 2 loops of the previous stitch. Bring the yarn over, pull through, you know, over. Pull through to and now we've begun our second row of single Curuchet, you put in the two loops, you're in over and pull through. You're in over and pull through to now. I'm just gonna continue very way across the top and finish this rope of single koshis. Now I want to show the chain in turn of half double crochet A on this project. I've been working on 1/2 double crochet across the top of my scarf. I'm going to finish this road, finish this row, Chane to turn the product and work my way across as a quick review. When you're going into a previous chain that you had before you turn and then mine is a double birthday, you're going to look for the top chain. Um, whatever was statue had been working on for half double crush A. That would be two and four double cliche. I have chain three, depending on which way you turn your project. Whether it's across the back or across the front, it's gonna look a little different. And but you're just going to sort of wiggle your hook into that top, so I'm gonna have a you're in over from 1/2 double cruciate and finish up this rope. I'll have the three and urine over and pull through all three. Now, for my pattern, I have one more row of half double groceries. So I will change to urine over, pull through, you know, and pull through. And I would have turned my project. Now I'm ready to begin my second row of half double groceries as we look across the top and we have all of our research is RV is on top of the stitches. And our Jane too, the chain to and the stitch that it slightly attached you at the end. It's gonna count as our first half double crush A. So I'm gonna skip to the second stitch and work into that one. So I will yearn over, Put it into the second stitch. Yeah, No, over and pull through. I have three loops. So you're in over and pull through all three loops and that will give me the two after will grow Shayes on the top of this room. So you just work your way across until you get to the end. And then I have a single crush. A So I will chain one and work my way across the top. All right? Just gonna continue working. So working on my double crush a washcloth. I've come to the end of this room and I'm ready to chain three in turn. So I get my you're in over. Pull through one to three of my chain three. I'm ready to turn my project and start working on the next room. So just as we did with the half double Cochetel, we find the first stitch. We skip that one and go into the second stitch from the previous room. It's been a year. And over put my look into the second stage you're in over and pull through. Can you give me the three loops? And for a double Christian, we're gonna hear it over and pull through to you're in over and pull through the next set of two. And we have our to double cliches of the next row. So you're in over. Put it into the next ditch. You're in over. Pull through. Were you on over? Pull through to you're in over and pull through to and we continue our way across Now you know how to begin and end. Our half of a cliche are single stitch and our double crush a rose 12. Tips 2: How to Add A New Yarn or Change the Color: after was working through the pattern on my scar. I finished one bowl of yarn and I was ready to begin on the second ball of yarn and what I needed to do Waas add them together in a way that wasn't gonna be noticeable when I was done. Now, right now, I have these two tails sitting just right on top of my scarf on What I want to do when I finish is I will get our finishing needle. I'm I will threat them through the pattern and snip the ends and will be completely unnoticeable. And I wanted to show you how to either add you're a second ball of yarn or to change color if you decide you want to use more than one color. So what I have here is thes washcloth that I am doing for our double crash a washcloth, and I've just finished a section now. It doesn't have to be at the end. It can be anywhere within your project. Um, right here I had a single loop from the finished stitch, the finished double crush A that I had here, and what I'm gonna do is pull out that one loop, so I have two loops remaining. Now, if you know you're gonna change color or you're coming in to the end of your ball of yarn and need to add when you're working on the stick and you get to this point, you can stop here. And instead of yearning over and pulling through to finished the stage, you just stop with the two loops left on your hook. What you'll do is you will take four inches or more and you're gonna cut that and take the end of either your other color or you next ball of yarn. And you're just going to replace this yarn with er newer, using and continue on with your stitch so you will take tail. You sort of young over your hook, and you're gonna pull it through the last two. Right now, it's really loose, and that's all right. As you do your next stitch on which for me is going to be a chain. It's going to close the cap, and it's going to start tightening. Buy you new yarn into my project, so I'm doing double Porsches across. So that's my chain won many to more so to and three, and I turned my project. Now I'm just gonna work through my project with the new color of yarn, and it's just a nice, smooth transition, and it is a great way to either change the color or incorporate your second ball of yarn for a larger project. Um, when you're ready to end, I just like to pull on the ends. Make sure those two loops are clues, and then you also the edges into your project, and you'll have a really nice color transition to whatever project do you have or just continue on as I did with my scarf with the same color. And when it's finished, you're not going to know that I even did that. And then I'll just work my way across and I would have a new color before my wash. Another thing I want to mention when working with our yarns is sometimes when we're using our yard, we're gonna come across a knocked. This is where they finished making one, um, strand of yarn, and they just tied it on to the same color or design, and they just tied a little knot here and they just rolled right up into the ball of hearing and you'll find these on occasion. And because it's a knocked, it's, uh it's got a nice hard bump. It is not something you're gonna want in a pattern that's gonna be used up against your skin, or I don't really like it for blankets because sometimes if you were to rub your hand across, you can you can feel the Not so rather than try and work this not into the Curuchet and how these alleges hanging out what I prefer to dio yes, take your scissors. But whatever you're using to cut it and cut off both sides, as you see, they're not coming. Clip off one side on the other and just get rid of the Mont And just you're that model way . Now you're gonna work just as we did when he did the transition. So if this was part of a working project, I would just incorporate it into the next stitch and have either the color transition, um, look or just, uh, carry on with the new color. So even though this is just a slight bit, I can still at it into my project and continue on as though this is the year and I was working with. So that was the top of my double Brechet. So I d on over and I would work into the next stage. This is just a little piece of years, so we're just gonna get once one double Christie out of it. There we go. Now, you can do that as often as you need. Teoh, you recommend a longer yarn if you actually wanted to change multiple colors as you went along. Um, but if you have that mark, just clips the not out. And do what I showed you here Were you incorporated into the last stitch and then you'll have a nice, smooth transition, and I will show you later how to weave seasons into your project, and you won't even know what happened. 13. Tips 3 & 4: Counting Stitches and Reworking a Section: Let's take a look at counting our stitches so that when you're working for your project, if you got distracted and you're not sure where you left off, you'll know how to, um can't where you are and make sure you have the correct number of stitches all the way across for any of your projects. You can look at the top part of your project and those v stitches that you see here you're just gonna count each we stitch all the way across, and that's going to give you the number of stitches you have created for the last row. Now, these two I have finished, and I can just look at the top and count my way across and see how many stitches I've made for, um are half double for Shea when you're working through the project. Because there are, um, some spaces in between the stitch you start with here, we'll start with I had a chain to So I count that as one, and I can feel a bump in right here. There's a space on the side in the space on this side. And so I know that is 1/2 double crush a and I just worked my way across counting half double ger. She bumps and I can count how many I have all the way across at any at any part in this washcloth, when you're working on a project, you might want to check and see how many rows you've done. And that's gonna very depending on your stitches. Well, on your single grows a there is, um, on the one side of your stitch, it sort of looks like a band going across. And you can count. You can see that on this road, and if you flip it over, you'll see that the next row has it on that side. So what I do is I full count the one side and then count the other side separately. Or I just say one here to three. Four, and I sort of work my way up through the rose to see how many I have. You can do that, Uh, with half level brushing. You find, um, one thing that is the same on both sides and count your way up where they also have sort of a bump can feel going up the rose, whichever one you find easier for your half total rrochet Counting your double cliche is gonna be a little bit easier as all the stitches are toller and have a distinct shape. So you can see right through these two double Porsches. I can sort of Chris my finger through here, and if you just pull them apart, you'll see each of your double Curuchet stitches, and you can just go all the way across counting these as you go and you'll know how many Double Christi's you've made across. And since they're such a tall stitch, you can see the years 1/2 Here is a double Christian and the next double cliche all the way up to the top, and you just count your rows and see how far you've come. The final thing. I want Teoh say as your continuing on in your pattern, and you're working through either your washcloth or your scarf that if for some reason you don't like a previous row how it's coming or you did a double Cochet when you meant to do 1/2 double crush eight, and you really wanted to make sure you fix that, Although for, um, this particular pattern depending on your yarn, it might not be noticeable. Um, I just want you to not be afraid to undo your rose. I know it looks like you've done a law, all that work, and you don't wanna have to undo anything. But that's part of crushing. As you go along through various patterns, you might find you don't like the way it looks or you minced a row and you just have to be comfortable saying, you know, I want every start that in and it's gonna be OK. That was just a trial run. Practices went, and we're going to get it. I have done projects where I have on had to undo the entire project. And I've had somewhere I just did a row or two and I continued on. So I just do as I pull gently so I dont create any knots and depending on how much I've decided to undo, I might pause for a moment and just gather my yarn So this wind it up so that doesn't get tangled and set it to the side. And then I can restart where I left off you. So now I have my yard. I'll set it to the side, playing at my crush a hook and get started 14. Adding Tassels : So there are a couple of ways you can finish your scarf, Um, or even your washcloth, if you'd like, Um, one of them is. Instead of clipping off that the yard from the final stitch, you can keep the arm or change the color. And just to a single cliche all the way down the side. And you worked the way all the way back around to where you started. And it will give you a very smooth edge because it will Look, it'll have that V shape all the way around your scarf. I like the sort of rough end. Um, I like the way it looks. More Oy, um, it works with the pattern, so I am not going to work on that. And for future projects, we might go over, um, how to work into each of the different types of stitches. So instead of working on that, what I've decided to do is add tussles to the end of here, and I just want to sort of see how they look. I might keep the keep them. I might decide. You know what? I really just want a simple edge the way I did with my original scarf with this pattern, where it's just it's just where it ended and it's done. So I want to make tassels. What I'm doing is I am taking so, uh 03 by five card and I am winding my yarn around and what I've decided is I really like, like of tassel. It's going to create on the end of my scarf, so if you want it longer, you can just measure it if you'd like or use a larger index card, and I just wrap that around and I'm going to you take one end here and I'm just going to snip across for me. It's gonna be easier this time if I use scissors. So I'm looking at the end. I went, Teoh slip the scissors into the edge here to sort of Tuggle Night snip right across. What I've also thinking of doing was adding another color for my tassels just to give it a little contrast. So I'm gonna do the same thing with a lighter pink color. I'm gonna mix that in with my tassels, and after I cut them out, I will show you how to add them to the bottom of your scarf. Now that I've cut out Sameer and for my tassels. I was looking at the edge of my scarf and I was trying to decide how Maney castles. I wanted to have a cross. Um, sometimes risk are so looking at the pattern. And I want to go with a bunch of tests all the way across Just a few, um, or maybe none. And I just want to go with how it looks on the finished product. I'm not worried about taking it off. And if I don't like it, I can start over like it always had more. And so the number came up with Waas. Um five. I'm gonna do four strands of yarn and do five groups of tassels. Um, I just took my, um, marker off. It was right here. Believe, um and what I did was I looked at the back of my ah, last stitch and you can see here that at the back of each such that sort of a band and I just can't 10 since 20 stitches across. I just counted to 10. Um, and I put my marker right in the middle, dry that again before 56789 10. And put my marker back where it was for just a moment. And what this does is it just gives me, uh, an estimate of war, the middle of my scarf ISS. And that's where I'm going to start my tassels. I'm going to do one in the middle. I don't work their way over and then work my way over in that way, you can start to gauge if that's gonna be enough before I just go through my whole star. If I couldn't have half of it, we'll check it out and see if I like it. If I want to add more, I can decide there. If I don't like it, sometimes you can even realize No, this isn't really working. Um, if you cut your yearn to the length you you know you're going to want, um, you don't want to make that even across all of your yarns and get your ends to match If you want, you can cut them bigger and or longer than you're going to need. And after you turn them into tassels, you can just trim the bottom and and make it go straight across my light pink yarn has a slight curl to it because it was from a new ball of yarn, and I pull it from the center and after a while it will relax and and we'll straighten out . So I'm not worried about that. If you are concerned, you can always just pull your yarn from the outside the outside here and take it off the ball from the outside and will be nice and strength as opposed to the middle, where this was brand new and so has more of a crunch, too. So you take your you are in for your tassels, and after you find your centre, get your hook and put it through that sinner stitch, Take my marker up and just like my hook in there in this place, no one took my yarn around. It's ah lot of young for it to hold on to, but it's up for the task, and I'm just gonna pull through and I'm going to get my yarn for my tassel all the way through onto the other side and from there, reserved into the yarn over and pull through if you'd like. Right now, I have a large number of tassels. So I'm just gonna pull and take my hook off that help me get the yard through but isn't necessary to help me get the test. Mr. X is a nice chunk of yarn, and I think I'm gonna be able to work with my fingers here. So I'm just gonna grab the yard and pull it through a large loop. Adjust created and pull. You don't have to play with a little get, um, over the years to tighten the way you'd like. And there is my first tassel. So now I'm going to work my way across and see how this is going. So for my next tassel here, I have more pinks, more of this light. Think on this one. I, um I did half in half. I have to of this and then on this one, I only have one of the actual color I used to appreciate scarf. I just wanted to change it up a little bit and, uh, see how it looked. So I would count through here and fighting the center. So we have 1234 five. You can either market with your, um, stitch marker. I'm just gonna put my hook through their since I'm ready to go get it and pull it through. Oh, I missed a couple. I'm gonna undo it and just rework it. Have to make sure they'll get, um look, and they're nice and snug before I pulled him through and that one worked out just fine. It's gonna give me the loop that's large enough for me to get my fingers in there and tighten my next sent of Kessel's. So I think this is coming along quite nicely. I'll do one more here, and then I will finish up the bottom of my scarf and I'll show you what it looks like. So take it. Putting on the end, make sure it catches on, look of the needle and pull through. Make sure you give enough room for you to get your fingers in there and poor Leon's through all of them. If you tried to sneak out, you Here is the finished end of my scarf with tassels. I went ahead and did the five groups of tassels on the end. If you want to add more in between or separate them differently, you can go ahead and do that and just have a lot of fun personalizing your scarf or leaving it with just a nice, simple edge. And either way is gonna work. It's gonna be a nice, cozy scarf for the winner. And if you did our washcloths, you just so those ends in and you're good to go. You can add tassels to the corners if he'd like and have fun with these as well. If you do it a little longer, you can make even a nice kitchen tell the continent's very absorbent. So it's good for a lot of things, and it's going to be really useful on great for gifts. So I hope you had a lot of fun and I'm gonna finish the other side of my skirt and see how it looks. One of them 15. Finishing Your Project sewing in the tails: now as we come to the end of our project, Um, both of the, uh, patterns were going over are gonna end with two single Croshere rose. So this my final single Koshiro across the top and it comes to an end right here. So when you're finished with a project, what we're gonna do from this point he is Snip the yarn that is still connected to your bull. Give yourself a few inches. That for INGE Mark is a good place to start. If you feel you might need a little bit more, you go ahead and get that off. All right, Now, with your look, we're gonna dio sort of a chain here. We're gonna hear it over and pulled through. Now, instead of trying to do another stitch, we're just gonna continue to pull until the tail comes all the way through. And that is how you end your project right there. From this point, you're going to so with your friendship needle you're in so your tails into your project and you'll be done. So let's take a look at my skirt. I am on my last row of single Rochet, so I've done to go grocery across. Well, that I am so cliche across and my lasting over shape in the end of my project. So let's finish these up. Just two more and we're done. Now. I'm just going to go ahead and pull that through. That will be my bind off chain. So see that again. Here is the final stitch. My last single Crushing. We're just gonna do one chain, take my tail, give myself a little bit of room and trim that and pull it all the way through. Now I am officially done with my washcloth and my scarf. My Christy hooks to the side. Here. Uh, let's see. Move out. Let's start working on sewing the tail ends into a project so that we could have a nice finished look. Now they're depending on which hook you're using. You gonna have a different size. Well, you have to get that you earned through, um, depending on the yarn, Sometimes I'll just twisted and it'll get really thin. And I can sort of fit it in, um or you might need to use a larger needle. There is, uh, the sort of trick you can use on some yarns. if they have a little bit of fluff. I I was just a twisting it a little bit. Has a nice twist to it normally. So what he did was just twisted it, and I got a little looser. I put the top of my middle and I just sort of pull up on a cross, and it sort of flattened my hair in between my fingers as I squeezed them together. Anakin's try and work he earned into the top of my middle. See if that worked, you know, And now my needle has been threatened getting project. And so the end Now for this one because it has so many different colors, you're gonna want to pay attention to where the threat goes and how it looks on your finished product On my skirt, it's all the same color, so you don't have to be quite as conscious of that. You'll still want to have a nice finished look, um, where you don't have pieces of yarn sticking out, but you're not gonna be able to notice is much as well with the blue that I'm about to put in here or have this peach color. So I'm going to put the needle right in between a few of these stitches. So I'm looking for openings in between the stitches where I can follow along and get the needle in there. Twist, is it? Go right. And I'm right under a few of these stitches. I like to go the length of the needle if I can, If I could get it in there and I'll push it and pull it through When I am doing something that I know, um, Children are going to use. I might really work on sewing the end and a little bit more. So they're very sturdy for, um, this product for this project. Um, once through and then I'm going to go around a stitch here, and I'm just gonna take it back through the way I came putting in maneuver that back in there doesn't want to go. That's one of the next part. Is it, uh, a really tight fit for the year yarn. And it's a really sturdy way to get your ends title something for that through you're you. We'll head out, stretch it. Just a little man. Work it in there. Now it looks right in between vestiges, it's gonna look the same olive groves. I can take that off. Take my scissors or my little clippers sort of push. It is close to their without being without cutting your project and snip. And that side is done. Now that all of one more to do on here, let me show you with the skirt Here, um, do the same thing. Going to take the urn, put it on the needle and work our way through work our way through these stitches at the top and just sort of go through Come out a rapid Aran's, um, one of the stitches and go back. Um, What we looked at earlier was a part of the scarf where I changed from one skin of yarn to another, and it created two strands in the middle of my project. What I've done is just tied them around gently and just pulled. I didn't dio are not. This would have been This would be the second time, so I'm not gonna pull it all the way down. But I did pull it around and pull it. And so it's nothing that's gonna create a bum. Our create problems with the pattern. It's smooth. There's no difference between the actual stitches and where I've just put this yarn. That's just gonna help Hold it for me. That I'm gonna take one end, put it into the needle. And so through my scar, I'm gonna look for a good place to get started. Here's of nice stitches. Um, across that I can just sort of weave my needle into We'll go across Cool. Pull it out. Find me tail Mari. Stretch it. Make sure it's not too tight. You don't want it to, um, being noticeable that you've tried something on right there. Go. I have two loops that it just went under right here, right there. And I'm gonna go around one and I'm back under the loops and pull it through the way I can and cut it on Another stood there we go. Well, that through. Just give it a little tug. Stretch it out. Make sure it's it's worked in there nicely. Don't you want roll nice and smooth and you don't want it to cool. Take your clippers or your scissors. It closed to the tale that you're cutting. Make sure you don't to tell you haven't woven yet or do both before you cut whichever you prefer and discomfort. And you have one in As you work it in, it just flows right with the rest of you're scarf in your ready to do the both ends, we're gonna have a tale from where you started and tail were you ended? Let me find my start their this and we're going to discuss a few ways we can finish off our skirt. Once you do the ends on your washcloth, we're just gonna be done with thes and they're ready to go either in your own kitchen or as gifts for someone else. 16. Final Thoughts: All right, So now we're done with our four core push A stitches class. You should have a nice, lovely washcloth or skirt as your project of the end of this class. Feel free to do one. Both. Um, a variety of washcloths. I have my single core shape through the lessons you love seeing that it was once white and I chose to add a little bit of color to it. This one is are half devil, push a washcloth. And I'm really excited to see everything that you have made in less class. So please post you're works in progress. Your final items pose questions you have. And let's work together to really make this a great experience for you and everyone else who takes this class. You know, you can use the same pattern for a variety of yards, So if you happen to want to try the giant enormous, you can use the same pattern with the hook they recommend. It's gonna give. You are very large scarf, which seems to be something that people are doing. And so it would be really nice and cozy, or you can use the pattern you a few extra chains and turn it into a blanket and use the same repeating pattern with your four corporate, say stitches. Another thing that will be fun as you work on your washcloth or your scarf is to mix the vestiges together in different ways so you can do a scarf that is seen ricochet and just repeating to double core, shake and back to seem appreciate where you could do that with your double cliche or evening mixing variety. Of course, a stitches. And that's how you could really work on getting a consistent stitch as you get ready to work on more complex patterns. So I hope you have fun, and I look forward to seeing everything you've made by.