Teach a Skillshare Class: Screencasting | Ceremony Films | Skillshare

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Teach a Skillshare Class: Screencasting

teacher avatar Ceremony Films, Filmmaker

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Project Assignment


    • 3.

      Your Class Outline


    • 4.

      Prepping Your Desktop and Aspect Ratio


    • 5.

      Setting Up Your Audio


    • 6.

      Capturing Overview


    • 7.

      Capturing with Quicktime


    • 8.

      Capturing with Camtasia


    • 9.

      Uploading to Skillshare


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About This Class

In this class, the Skillshare Video Team will walk you through how to utilize screencasting technique as a way to teach your class.

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Ceremony Films



Ceremony is a film production company started in 2011 by Jesse Chorng, Jimmy Chorng, and Gabriel Noguez.


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1. Introduction: Hi, My name is Jessie, and I'm part of the film team. Here at school Shirt. We've shot and edited all kinds of skills. Share classes from some better, just images and voice over to multiple day on location shoots. And if there's one thing we've learned along the way, it's that there's no one way to teach the subject. If you have a passion for sharing your knowledge, you could easily find an audience. He's hungry to learn from you. There are, however, some basic tips we hope to address in this Siri's. I'm making sure you re messages communicated as clearly as possible in this class will go over how to record your own skill shared class using screen captured, which is the process of recording your computer screen and voice. At the same time, some of our most successful classes on skill share used this technique because it's effective in communicating concepts and requires minimal set up, and equipment will be going over how to prepare the tools and software you'll need, what to keep in mind in your delivery and how to properly export and publisher videos onto school shit. The best way to learn is to follow along by practicing the things we go over. So let's get started 2. Project Assignment: By the end of this class, you will have created a one minute introduction for your very own skill share class. Every introduction video should generally follow this format. You should spend 10 seconds on an opener, something like a hook to catch the audience. 20 seconds on the biography explaining who you are and why did qualified to teach this class a 22nd overview explaining how the class will be taught, how it breaks down the different units and what the project will be. And finally, a 12th sign off to get students excited about the class. A good introduction video is engaging as a hook that keeps people watching all the way to the end. You want to be personal, so feel free to Sprinkle in a little bit of personal story and anecdotes and above all, clarity, viewers should know who you are, what your teaching and what the project will be, and the resource is section of our project guide. We'll have links to a few examples of good screen casted introduction videos 3. Your Class Outline: welcome to the first lesson about preparation. The most important part of any film production is what you do before you press record so in this class wouldn't talk over. How did you do that? Preparing class outline and creating slides. Create a clear class structure. Use units. Organize your class into sections. Include as many units and videos as you like, but we recommend using the four unit class outlined template from the skill Schaer Teaching guys create a script. Now this is completely optional. Some people are very good speaking off the cuff and other people like myself a little bit more preparation. Once you right out of script, it could be an outline. Or it could be his detailed word for word as you want. But read it out loud. Something sound better on paper. Planned for late really recommend doing in small chunks rather than one long, continuous run. So we found that the sweet spot is anywhere from 5 to 8 minutes long per video. We'll go into this further later, but you could also break up your recording session into smaller chunks and combine and later to make a longer video having produced so much video content. We've discovered some keys to success, clear instructions, arm or important than a very polished video. People come to skill share because they want to learn something. Your lessons need to be clear and provide a lot of value. And learnings for the student to really enjoy. Having clean audio is extremely important. It's something that's often overlooked. But when you're watching a video and the speaker sounds distant or the audio quality of scratch here, you can't catch every word. It's very, very distracting and very tiresome. The watch. So having clean audio is, above all, one of the most important things. Debrief. Engaging in direct part of this has to do with preparation. The more you practice, the more sous ain't and the more clearly delivery will be. Skill shares a project based learning experience. That means that you should constantly reference the project assignment for your class. After every lesson, you should bring it back to how it relates toe what students will be making to really learn the skill that you're teaching. Remember that the number of projects created are factored into your earnings, So address the Sooners directly and constantly encourage them to create projects and uploaded to the Stephen Gallery creating slides. There's a lot of different software you can use to create slides, and this class will be creating a skeleton presentation using simply Google Drive or Google Slide show. You can use whatever software you want, but some tips creating engaging slides or is to use photos. Photos are a great way to diversify your presentation, so students are constantly looking at text, have good margins. Margins are the space between the edges of your slide or screen and the content within it. You want to keep the presentation clean, but you want to try to focus all the content in the middle. Use visually pleasing colors. This is very simple. There's a lot of classes on skill share to help you design your slides and make them is involved as you want them to be. And finally implement your transitions and your presentation, and we don't mean transitions. As in sliding things in and out. We mean transitions between different units of your class, so incorporate summaries at the end of your videos, summing up all the things that you went over in the previous lessons and preparing students to know what they should remember from this to take into the next lesson and is always in the resource is section of our project. Glad. Please check out links that will give you to see examples of how to create better slides for a screen capture as well as the other skills shared class. I'm actually how to teach and prepare your outline and lessons again. Preparation is cute. 4. Prepping Your Desktop and Aspect Ratio: In this fourth video, we're gonna discuss aspect ratio and setting up your desktop in order to prepare for your screen capture. What is aspect ratio? The aspect ratio is simply the proportion between the width and the height of a video. 16 by nine or commonly referred to his widescreen is what's mostly used on the Web today. Four by three is a much older standard now what happens when you upload a four by three video into skill shares that you'll get? Little black bars are often called pillar boxes. That simply means that you're aspect ratios incorrect when you were exported. So we're gonna tell you ways to avoid that completely on skill. Share all of our videos or 7 20 p. Now that simply means that our videos air 1280 pixels wide by 720 pixels tall. We'll talk more about that in later sections when you're actually exporting your screen cast. But for now, the most important thing to know that 7 20 p is a 16 by nine aspect ratio, which is correct. If your screen cast is gonna be slide based, will be options in the program to make sure that it's 16 by nine ratio. If this is your first time doing a screen cast, I recommend that you just simplify the whole thing by changing your display resolution from the get go. And then you can record everything in full screen. And the way you do that on a Mac is go to system preferences going to display. Now you'll see for the resolution it's currently selected is best for display. That doesn't tell me much in terms of what exactly the resolution is. And depending on what computer Using vacuum. Very so if using a Mac book air a 27 inch iMac, a retina MacBook Pro the best for display option, the resolution is going to change a lot. So what we're gonna do is select scaled. And now this is telling me that my 21 inch I mak resolution is 1920 by 10 80. Like I mentioned before, skill share support 7 20 which is the third option you see here. What I'm gonna recommend for all of us is to use this 16 by 900 display, but really quickly let me show you what happens when I switch all of these out. So you see what happened to the screen when I selected 12 80? By 7 20 my display aspect ratio just changed to 12. 80 pixels wide by 720 pixels tall. Now it's important to note that all three of these resolutions are 16 by nine ratio. So, really, you could go either way and you'll be all right. The nice thing about choosing a smaller aspect ratio, especially if you have a really large, like 27 inch monitor, is that when you open different software, all the menu items and icons will be that much cleared of you. So that's why we recommend changing your screen resolution is something that's a little bit more readable now 12 80 by 7 20 is going to be a little tight for me, and I think for this class we should all land at 1600 by 900. Obviously, if you divide that by 116 by nine boom. Okay, so now you see 16 by 900. It's a very nice ratio. The text on the menu bar is pretty readable. Everything is probably what you're used to working in. So this is the screen resolution that we're going to go now after you change your screen resolution to 1600 by 900. There's one last step to do before you start screwing recording, and that's just cleaning up your workspace. Teoh minimize distractions Now for me, I chose my desktop. Wallpaper is just blue because I think that that's just clear and easy to see things I've taken off all files. If you go under fot finder preferences, you could see that I have unchecked show hard disks, external disks, CDs. I basically unchecked all that stuff so I could have its wholly clean desktop in the menu bar. You can also remove things that might pop up notifications or show you things. So here I have creative cloud going to go in. I'm gonna quit that and Bluetooth. I'm gonna open up Bluetooth preferences, unsure the meaning bar again, this step is not necessary at all, but it's just something I like to do. So when I start screen recording, I'm totally not distracted. Leaving the time up there might be nice for you. In case you want to time yourself for this one. I'm just gonna run, show it again just to keep it clean. If you command click things, you can move stuff around. What I just did that previous one is I just command click, dragged it off, let go and just totally takes it out of the way. One final thing to note is notifications. Now this is gonna vary from system to system, whether you're on PC or Mac. But sometimes when you get an email, you'll get a little thing that pops up in the desktop saying, You know, new male or you'll get a new message generally like to turn that off. You could go to this new notifications. I come here, click this little settings button here, and you could put it on a Do not disturb. And what that does is just hides all notifications and sounds. If you do this step before you record, you can try to avoid as many distractions as possible. 5. Setting Up Your Audio: in this fifth video, we're gonna go over the best ways to capture audio for your screen cast. Now audio is just, if not more important when you're doing screen casts, because it's what keeps your viewer engaged and not distracted. There are a lot of different ways to capture audio with. One rule, though, is the microphone that's built in J Computer is not gonna cut it. It's too far and too small. It just makes the screen capture feel lesser quality right away. And it's really simple. The fakes actually really good. Microphone is something you probably already have here. I have my iPhone headphones that just come come with my phone and this hasn't a little microphone that actually works really, really well. And what I like to do is just stick it in my caller, have the microphone dangling right here and plug it into your computer again when capturing audio mic placement is the most important thing, So the best thing about this is I simply put your but I don't need to listen to the year, but so I just put it into the color of my shirt and let this microphone part dangle and the nice thing that this does, is it almost access as a lovelier microphone? The microphone is really close to my mouth, and it's gonna pick up really nice, clean audio. This blue microphone is $60. It's USB powered, which means you could plug it straight into your computer. And it's great and records really high quality audio and honestly, like we use this all the time, and this is what we recommend to all teachers. The most important thing for any microphone is placement. You have to put it close. So when you're recording, what we found out is about a foot. Distance is perfect, tilted a little bit up, and if you're talking right here, it sounds great. The most advanced way, like the way pro podcasters do it as they use a dynamic microphone in the interface. This is a dynamic microphone. You do not need this to get started, but if it's something that you really plan on doing, it's not a bad investment. We live in New York were actually our offices right smack in the middle of downtown, so we get a lot of street traffic you're probably gonna hear throughout this class honking and just people screaming at each other. So the nice thing about this microphone is that you get up really close to it, and it cancels out all the noise. In order to use a dynamic microphone, you'll need an audio interface. Now. The one we have is a simple USB interface, very cheap. But what it does is it changes the analog signal of the dynamic microphone into a digital one that your computer can read again. You do not need that microphone. That whole set up will cut the cost you a couple 100 bucks. But if it's something you really plan on doing and you live in a noisy environment, it's not a bad investment. Now, with all these microphones, there's gonna be a little set up. You have to do on your computer to make sure it's working properly. What we're gonna do is go into system preferences, go under sound an input. Here, you'll see all three of my choices. So right now we're gonna show you guys the differences between these three microphones just as a quick run through first with the built in internal microphone here selected and now this is the idea coming from, You know, it just sounds kind of distant. It's low quality. You're picking up a lot of now external microphone, and you could see the type is the microphone port and Max, the headphone port and the microphone poor are the same thing. So I have my headphone earbuds plugged into where you would normally plug him in. But because this has the mike, you could see that it's picking up sound from there. So this is the sound coming from the apple earbuds. You could see the quality is really good. The nice thing about using the apple earbuds along with a Mac computer is that it gives you this option to use ambient noise production. So if you're a particularly noisy place like we are now, it adds that a little bit more noise reduction to make your audio that much clear. Now I have selected the Blue Snowball, and I'm gonna show you guys an example of the ideal coming from here. So this is the ideal coming from the blue USB microphone. Now, something I didn't mention with the apple earbuds is you might want to play around the input volume, right? Now it's hitting very well, but sometimes depending if you want to start talking really loud and might get it might clip. So sometimes you want to bring this back just a little bit so that the volume is safe. Now, if you're a little bit more soft spoken, you might want to bring up that in providing a little bit higher again. I'm about one foot away from the USB microphone, and I just need to know again. We're in a very noisy part of downtown New York. So something that you should really try to do is find a quiet place to record your screen captured now for this last part to show you the broadcast and kind of show you the difference. Now the one we use here at skill share is the Shure sm seven B. Again, this is Ah, a couple $100 but you could tell a little bit more detailed, and you're gonna get a lot of noise cancellation. So even if you're in a very, very loud room, it'll sound great. People use this when recording music and you want to record a singer, and there's like drums going on stuff like that. This can pick up a lot of detail. In that way, 6. Capturing Overview: welcome to Unit three of the class. You've done everything you can to prepare, and now it's time to catch your screen casts. Now, before you start actually pressing record their a few things you can do to make sure the process goes as smoothly as possible. The first thing is to practice. It's very different from reading. Writing down your class to actually saying it out loud related to that is video link. Now, how long should a lesson be? It really depends on the subject. But for online content, the rule of thumb is always the shorter, the better. And finally, if you ever get stuck, just start somewhere else. Never feel like you have to record your class in the order that is presented. And now for the rest of this unit, we're gonna go over two pieces of software that you can use to record your screen capture. The 1st 1 is quick time. Quick time is great from Mac users because it's already built into your operating system and you can get started right away. The second piece of software is Can't Asia can't age is great because it's cross platform. There's a 30 day free trial so you can get started relatively quickly. But if you want to use it beyond that, it's gonna cost $100. But it has a lot of great editing features that quick time doesn't really do. You could do some editing and quick time, but can't Asia is much more robust for building out the whole presentation? 7. Capturing with Quicktime: So we're gonna go over team methods that you can use to capture screen cast. This 1st 1 we're going to talk about was Quick Time player. Now this is Mac only, but it's the one we use the most here at skill share because it's automatically built into every Apple computer and it's free. So the first thing we're gonna do is navigates a quick time player. We're gonna press file new screen recording now. The biggest thing to remember here is to hit this down arrow and make sure that we have the proper microphone selected. We don't want the built in microphone. We want to use an external microphone. So here we must like the blue Snowball USB microphone, which is this one right here. Now again, we're gonna make sure the mic placement is correct and in place. That's comfortable and pointed. It is close to her mouth as possible. We can look at the meters here to make sure that it's getting correct sound testing, testing that works. And now we do his press record in a prompt us that either click to record the full screen or click and drag to record only part of the screen. We're gonna want to record the full screen. Now. This is where our preparation came in. We already center screen resolution to 1600 by 900 so we know the aspect ratio is correct. So all we have to do is record the entire screen. Now, I traded a sample presentation and Google slides navigate to the beginning in a press view present in a way for these men used to die down. Move my mouse! Out of the way! Now, the best thing to do is wait five seconds before you start speaking, and I'll tell you why in a second and now here we go. This is my skill Shared class. Hello. I'm gonna have a little brief introduction. Project assignment lesson etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. When you're done, exit the slide show and go to your menu bar and press stop. Now, this kind of looks a little bit confusing because it looks like you have two desktops and one of these is a video. You can scroll through it and see that you did indeed capture lesson. The first thing you don't want to do is save this. Now I'm gonna create a new folder on my desktop called my still share class. In this video, I'm gonna call lesson one raw. I'm to save that. Now, The reason I call that rock is because the next step I'm gonna do is I'm gonna trim this down to the proper starting endpoint because with every time you do a spin recording, there's gonna be parts we're navigating. Is your program entering full screen and all that stuff? So I'm gonna go to edit trim. I'm gonna move this play head to the beginning of my presentation. And this is why it's important to wait five seconds before he starts speaking because you want to give yourself enough time. So where you can find that perfect point? You could press play. So that's why I started talking. So they don't want to move it a little bit there and then the same with the endpoint again . You wanna weigh five seconds after you done speaking? Fine. Move this trim. Play head to that proper point presses button trend. And now you're going to save this one. I'm gonna save it Is lesson one trend now. I called the lesson one. You can call it whatever you want it to be sexual. One lesson to obviously that doesn't matter. Save it now, in order to get it on skill share, this is the fully raw video file. And what you don't want to do is exported to a format that's a little bit more compressed and a little bit more, uh, school share friendly. So we're gonna go to file export And what time is great? Because it already has these presets. We're gonna hit iPad, iPhone, Apple TV, this preset. And we're going to select the setting that fits the iPad. An apple TV and you'll see here says up to 7 20 p, which is exactly what we need. We're gonna head save, and then we're gonna call this lesson one simply less than one. I'm gonna save that. It's gonna take a few seconds. Great. I'm gonna navigate to my desktop and here you'll see that I have the exported version, the raw and the trend. Eventually, this is going to get filled out. Well, you'll probably want to do is create some folders for your raw files, your trim files, your edited files and you're exporting files. Right now, the one that simply called Lesson one is your exported file. One final step. That's a little tricky because quick time player exports these for iTunes has a little bit weird of a file extension. If you hit command, I you go under name and extension. You'll see that it's less than one and for V all years due to get her ready for a skill share. Exports changes the MP four. It's essentially the same file type. It's just that M four V is more iTunes friendly because it has some DRM protections. But it's essentially just the MP four or H 264 file, and you're gonna exit out of that is going to say, Are you sure you want to change it? And before Yes, I'm sure, and that's it. Now you have your first screen cast ready for export and ready for uploading. Okay, so in this first method, we just showed you how to use quick times and set up a real quick screen capture and exported so that is ready for skill share. Now, Cook Time also has a fume or extra tools that you can use to edit your video, depending on how you want to record your class. So if we open up this folder again, you'll see that I've created separate folders. This one's called Exports, which means these air videos that are ready to be uploaded raw are just every time I record something using quote time, I save it and make sure I have all that just in case I needed in the better. This is just get Habito have. And now these are the ones I called Trim. You'll see. I have a new one. I called Lesson to trend. Now let's say I go back going back to our first lesson one. Let's say I scroll through and after the project assignment, I want to insert an example, maybe something from Photoshopped. So let's say I go here I go to edit split clip. Now you'll see that now there to individual clips. If I double click this 1st 1 it's very similar to the trim tool I could set up a point where I want this particular clip toe end. I'm gonna say right after a project assignment, and for the second part, I'm gonna double click that. And I want this to start read at when I started going into lesson one. Now, you should be listening to this to make sure that you're not cutting off your vocal parts either. Which is also if you want to plan ahead, you could also give yourself some space. So you're not cutting off your dialogue. I had trim. Now what I want to do is file or edit Add clip to end. And I created this lesson one I'm calling P s example. And this is just some quick screenshot I did using the same method previously described. I'm gonna choose this media and you'll see that now it's been added to this timeline. I'm a double click this trim it a little bit as well again. This is just a random example I did in photo shop, right when that square turns red hit trim and I'm gonna move this clip right in between these two clips now, so that is an example of putting an insert in between your presentation. Now, let's say you want to add something at the end again, goto at it so you'll see because I haven't clicked done here. I can choose a clip and I could go to file insert clip after selection, which puts it right in between here or I can hit, done and go to file Add clip to end. And now quick time preserves these different clips. So you could still move things around and play around and criminal you want. So here I created another quick one. I called lesson one insert again. You can kind of ignore the way name these files. The point is that these are all just little video clips and this one starts at less than four again. I want to choose the end ending point a little bit hit trim. And now you'll see Well, we started off with was this first clip Then we split it here in here. We put this photo shop quit in between, and now I added this insert at the way end. And now he had done. And now I have a video that has this photo shop segment. It goes back to my original lesson and then adds this little extra part I put at the end. And now I goto file export and it's the same is the prettiest lesson 8. Capturing with Camtasia: Okay, Now that we showed you how to use quick times in the extreme cast, we're gonna show you a little bit more robust piece of software called Camp Tasia. Now there's a lot of different screen capture software that could do the job. But we like temptation because it's cross platform. It has a nice 30 day free trial and has a lot of features that make exporting and uploading to skill share very easy. So the first thing we're gonna do is open. Can't Asia. It's gonna open up a new product of the very first thing you always want to do has saved the project. When we go to the desktop created new folder, my skill shared class. Call this one, Camp Tasia. And you don't necessarily need to do this for camped Asian because it saves everything within the project. I just like to create a folder within Finder so I could throw all types of photos. My presentation put everything nice and neat. So this project I'm gonna call my skill share class, okay. And now we're ready to begin. Now, if you hit this record button, you'll see this menu. Papa. The first option you can choose now Green means it's turned on, so let's make sure it's definitely turned on. We hit this menu item and we could, seeing through this outline that it's going to record the entire screen. The nice thing about Camped Asia's you could set the region you want. So if you wanted a specifically a 7 20 this is smaller Now. Again, our aspect ratio is 16 by 900. It's a little bit bigger than 7 20 that's what doesn't want a little bit more room to play with. For simplicity's sake, let's just keep it with the native resolution. Since we already said that we don't want to mess with it again. Now you can turn your webcam on. I'm personally not a huge fan of having a webcam in the corner of the screen cast. I think it could be a little bit distracting, but can't age is nice because it will do, and you could decide whether you want it in the corner or if you want a full screen for simplicity's sake, we will not use the camera. Most importantly, we want to make sure that our microphone is selected by default it's gonna have the built in microphone. But what we want is to choose our external microphone. Whatever method it is for us, we want this blue snowball, that USB microphone select that it gives us a nice little sound meter so that when we place the microphone, we're making sure that it's hitting at a proper level. But we never wanted to hit the way and because I don't start clipping, so this looks pretty good. This is a piece of software that's built specifically for screen casts. So before you press record, when I use can Tasia, what I like to do is set up my presentation first. So I'm navigating to my Google doc again. This is just a placeholder presentation. Oppress present. Let the money's die down, and then camp Tasia, it gives you a nice little countdown so you can get your notes ready and start recording right away. This will save you a lot of time because then you won't have to do is much trimming. And Saturday and then as soon as you're done, you're gonna press stop Now. One more benefit of Camp Tasia is that you can go to the menu press the can't Asia icon pause the recording. This is great. If you want toe double, check your facts about something you want to check in notes. You would have to go to the bathroom. But you made so much progress, you can prompt you. Press pause when you're done, come back, impress resume and you can continue recording your presentation. When you're done, go to Camp Tasia, stop recording. And now you'll see the clip is in the timeline. Much like within quick time. You can trim it simply by dragging both ends. Now, there are a lot of resources online on how to really maximize Can't Asia By adding transitions, you get entitles you could add video effects. You can even add a cursor effects. But for the purposes of this class, we're going to skip that. We're gonna give you a bunch of links in the resource is section and were mainly going to focus on how to format it correctly and how to export it. So we're gonna go straight to share. We're gonna seem that we trim this right where we want it. We're gonna go to share let's do an advanced export just so we could see exactly what's happening down here in the export field. We want to export to end before that's correct, and that will most likely be the default selection. Let's hit options. We're gonna not touch the frame rate. Don't touch the key frame. Quality wise, we could leave it at the default. If you've noticed that your you want you final video to be a little bit better quality, you can slide this up, but know that your foul size is also going to get a lot bigger. So we want to make sure that it's you know, it's a nice bounce and typically the defaults pretty good image size. It might be selected on current, and we're gonna want to make sure that it sets a 7 20 again. Are aspect ratios correct? So preserve aspect ratio, everything else is fine. When it all set and ready to go, you press OK. We're in the same folder, so we don't need to change that. I'm just gonna call this lesson one press export, and that's all there is to it. 9. Uploading to Skillshare: so the hardest part is over. You've spent all your time capturing all your lessons, made little tweaks here and then exported them to the proper format. So now you're ready to upload on my desktop? I have a folder called My School Shared Class and these, no matter what piece of software used, whatever it. So let's say you're done capturing audio lessons. You've exported them and now you want entitle them in a way that makes sense. So I've I've done. I've numbered them, entitled them So Intro Project assignment. Four lessons in a conclusion. And if you look, they're the proper size 12 80 by 7 20 and double If you hit command, I want double check that their arm and P four format. Good. Looks like we're getting to go. Last final step is to go to school share dot com. Of course, go to teaching. Select your class edit class, go to your video lessons and basically just create units and upload all your lessons. So this 1st 1 was called getting started. I'm gonna These 1st 2 A second unit called name Main Steps here. I'll add lessons one through four. I mean, I had the last one called Wrapping Up Good. Once that's uploaded, it takes up to 30 minutes to encode before you could see it on the site. So now is to get time to make sure all your videos air in order. So I want to make sure I definitely want introduction first, then project assignment. Obviously lessons one, two and then three. And then you also maybe want to go in and re title these introduction. And then this one will call Project signed. Bake a class great and maybe less. Someone is actually let's be a little bit more descriptive and will say, setting up your desktop cool in the 2nd 1 and sell on himself, and that's really all there is.