Surveys - All You Need To Know | Types of Questions | Rating Scales | Tools | Questionnaire & Poll | Nikola Lugonja | Skillshare

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Surveys - All You Need To Know | Types of Questions | Rating Scales | Tools | Questionnaire & Poll

teacher avatar Nikola Lugonja, HR and Marketing Instructor

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Difference between surveys, questionnaires and polls


    • 3.

      7 steps on how to conduct an online survey


    • 4.

      Types of survey questions


    • 5.

      Different levels of rating scale explained


    • 6.

      13 quick tips for conducting successful surveys


    • 7.

      Survey tools (overview)


    • 8.

      How to distribute the online survey


    • 9.

      Paid Online Surveys


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About This Class

Welcome to this course where we will be talking about Surveys. A very interesting and useful topic. We will first define what survey is and how it differs from questionnaires and polls. Then, we are going to discuss 7 steps on how to conduct an online survey, types of different survey questions and different rating scales (really interesting). Furthermore, survey tools, distribution methods, paid online surveys... Throughout the whole course, there will be many useful and practical tips! 

Surveys (lectures):

  1. Introduction

  2. Difference between surveys, questionnaires and polls

  3. 7 steps on how to conduct an online survey

  4. Types of survey questions

  5. Different levels of rating scale explained

  6. 13 quick tips for conducting successful surveys

  7. Survey tools (overview)
  8. How to distribute the online survey

  9. Paid online surveys explained

Meet Your Teacher

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Nikola Lugonja

HR and Marketing Instructor


-Multi-year experience in both HR and digital marketing. I started my career in Marketing, but over time I dived deeper into the world of Human Resources. I find these two areas commonly overlapping (e.g. when it comes to employer branding), therefore I will also try to link them in some classes.

-Here are 4 values that I always keep in mind when preparing and publishing classes:

Keep it short and sweet - eliminating waste i.e. everything that does not bring any value and ensuring the students get the most out of every single second Unscramble the content - making things simple to comprehend and outlining the most important takeaways Always explore - stepping into the unknown to extensively research new topics and broaden the knowledge spectrum Improve on feedback - ... See full profile

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1. Introduction: Hi, everyone. Welcome to this course where we're going to talk about the surveys, although it seems as simple and easy topic. Believe me, there are many things to discuss. We're going to start with defining what surveys how it differs from questionnaires or pools . And after that we're going to take a look at some steps on how to conduct a survey to get some tips on how to successfully do that. Moreover, we will take a look at some different types of questions and different types off rating scales. I believe that video will be very interesting. And finally, as always, we'll look at some tools, some metal distributions and so want. Before we start with the videos, I would just like to clarify something. There are different types of surveys. So there is Market Research Survey, Employee Satisfaction Survey Brand Awareness Survey, an event evaluation survey, product research surveys. So one in this video and this course is we're going to focus mostly on the market research survey and customer satisfaction surveys. OK, and the one more important thing to say is that the General Division is on paper based service and online surveys in this video we're solely going to focus on online surveys. But believe me, many principles can also be applied to paper based once. Thank you for watching this introduction, and I really hope to see in the falling videos. 2. Difference between surveys, questionnaires and polls: Hi, everyone. Thank you for following the course in this video. We're going to take a look at the difference between surveys, question years and pulls. I will, firstly focus on the difference between surveys and questionnaires because the explanation for the pool is quite easy. As for these two, they're very often see in the synonyms, which, in a way they are. There is those small difference, and I will try to explain it here, although it will probably be hard to understand, which again proves that there are synonyms in the way. Question here only implies a form consisting of a serious off multiple choice questions to be marked by the informants. Nothing further or more than that. In other words, Questionnaire describes the content. While survey is a broader term that describes the content, method and analysis from there, you can conclude that the service is much broader term. Bottom line. We can say that the question here may or may not be delivered in the form of a survey, but a survey always consists off a question here. To be honest, there are in many examples of stand alone question years. I found a good one online to give you a better understanding. Think of the last time when you went for a medical checkup. You were asked to give some information there, Okay, and basically that information wasn't used to determine any trends or something like that. It was used to assess your risk. Teoh. Do some diagnosis to just build a create a picture off your medical history. In that way, that that is a consider a question here. Therefore, we can conclude that question here is not used to look for trans behaviors or something else. On the other hand, if the results off whole respondents are analyzed and used to draw conclusions about transparency and so on, then that could be marked as a survey. As for the poll that the explanation is quite easy, Pull allows you to ask one multiple choice question and only one. So if you need to collect data about one thing, then you need a pool. And basically, if you have only one multiple choice question, then we're talking about the pool. If you have more of them than we're talking about the survey or question your depending on the purpose, thank you for watching, and I really hope to see in the falling videos 3. 7 steps on how to conduct an online survey: Hey, everyone, in this video, we're going to take a look at the seven steps of how to conduct an online survey. I will try to make it short, and I will try to stick to the point. The first step is to determine the objectives each survey starts with a purpose or a topic which should be connected to the clear, specific and measurable objectives I would not go into in examples here since the objectives very depending on the types of surveys. The point is, you need to know what you're actually serving. Identify the target audience. Every survey has its own audience that can be very broad or very narrowed. It is important to identify who the target audience is and build a plan to rich specifically them. The non relevant audience might lead to the wrong conclusions. Moreover, the size of the survey sample will most likely depend on the budget and the time available to analyze the results statistically larger sample size deliver more accurate results, create a list of questions. Having the right questions to ask is key to conducting a good survey. When you ask the right questions, you get the right answers when writing the questions, keep the language where is simple and avoid ambiguity. Questions that are hard to understand leads to annoyance and dropouts. Also, we will cover the topic of different types of questions in the following video. So stay tuned. That's the survey is the next step, and this step is often forgotten. Although it is very important, the survey should always be tested before it gets distributed, not only because of the possible grammar mistakes, but also to check the order of the questions whether all the bottles and options work etcetera. The easiest way is to send the survey to other colleagues to proof, read and ask them to fulfill it and note any box problems or mistakes. Distribute and conduct the survey. There are different ways to distribute a survey, and it is important to choose the right one. Otherwise, you will not reach the target audience. Once you successfully distribute your survey, people will start responding and you will start getting data. We will talk about the distribution in the further videos, analyze the results and metrics after the service conducted, visualize the data by presenting the results in charge and grabs one benefit off online survey is that the data gets stored automatically so you can start analyzing results straight away. As for the metrics track, where people dropped out, how long it took them to complete the survey, their satisfaction, etcetera. And be sure to use these insights to enhance the data analysis apply, which you learned our last step. There is no point in conducting surveys if you don't implement any changes when used correctly. A survey can be used to improve performance and many aspects of business product was service. Moreover, compared the results of the survey to the original objectives and draw other conclusions. Thank you for watching and I hope to see in the following videos. 4. Types of survey questions: Hi guys. In this video, we're taking a look. A different types of survey questions. I believe this will be something interesting for you when it comes to the types of survey questions. Usual division is on open ended questions when the respondents needs to write the answer in their own words and close ended questions. When the respondents get to choose among the given answers, however, now we will focus in a deeper division, and I will explain different types of questions through some great images that I found on Surveymonkey the first type. Yes, no. This one is pretty clear by itself. There is a question and two options to answer yes or no. In some cases, other I don't know, not applicable options. Maybe added multiple choice is like the extension to the yes no type. You can add as many possible answers as you wish, and your respondents can pick only one answer to the question. Chatterbox is like the multiple choice type, but with more flexibility. You can also have as many possible answers as you wish. But in this type, respondents are not limited to picking only one answer, but they can choose more drop down is like a multiple choice question type, with several different possible answers. And respondents can only choose one option in this case, the list of answers in since certain order, perhaps largest to smallest chronological etcetera. Ranking is a list off answers that respondents can rearrange into the order they want. It is a great way to see which answers or things people like the most or the least at the same time. Rating this place a scale of answers, options from one range to another. The respondents are like the number in the rage that most accurately represent their response. R rating scale. Con's consists off any number off rating choices. Such a star's numeric responses etcetera like her skill is the Leiker is like a subset off rating type seen before that exclusively focuses on the rage off answers on a spectrum. It is used to God respondents opinions and feelings. Who will talk about that? In the next video, Magic summarizes several likely scale questions in tow. One. What you get here is a list of questions and the same skill for all of them. This helps a lot for the analysis. Later, finally, open ended as I mentioned earlier. It requires respondents to type their answers and do not provide specific answer options to choose from these air used when the answer to the question cannot be limited in any way, open ended questions can be short or long. Short ones usually are limited to a certain number of characters. So that was the overview of different survey question dives. I hope you found it helpful. And now let's take a look at what the next video has prepared. I hope to see you there. 5. Different levels of rating scale explained: Hey, everyone. So in the previous lectures recover different types of survey questions. One of them was a rating type where the respondents select the number in the rage that most accurately represent the response. However, that range is not always the same, and surprisingly, a surgeon range can enormously influence the response. Let us take a look at some variation 1 to 4 and want to six scales, So these skills do not allow the participants to give a neutral answer. This may be desirable and some studies, but it can lead to the respondents. This satisfaction Ah, six points he'll force is a choice and for that reason can give a better data so you cannot choose between three and four. Either you have to go for three or 44 which is on one or other side off the spectrum. Same thing goes for 1 to 4 scale. There are people who believe that the neutral answer counts is a negative one. Therefore, they prefer to force a choice and use an even number. Scale 1 to 5 scale is the most common type to use, with natural point number three and two positive choices for in five and another to negative one into the original like red scale. Also, that we mentioned earlier applies to the five point scale off course it doesn't have to be in America. One 1 to 7 scale is an upgrade to the five point scale. It offers, ah, higher degree of measurement precision. Although the seven point scale is powerful, it can be trick in some cases because it gives to levels between strongly disagree and neutral were strongly agree and natural. Think whether the respondents that you're serving are able to consistently differentiate between two and three and between five and six. If they're struggling there, you should think about reducing the scale. Range 1 to 10 scale offers more variants than a smaller scale. Moreover, it provides a higher degree off measurement, precision and more choice to explain a point of view. It is much harder to get the positive extreme with 10 point scale, since there are more variants offered. Therefore, scoring 10 means that respondent is indeed extremely satisfied. Another thing I like to do when it comes to the 10 point scale is to say that respondents cannot use the number seven this is of course hard to do in a survey, but it is possible in the interviews, for example, the reason is that the number seven usually represents a safe ground for respondents, in a way is a positively natural answer. So if you take from them that number seven, they will eat her. Go for six or eight, which, as you can see now when you think about it, it's a big difference than than the number seven right. So thank you for watching, and I really hope to see in the falling videos. 6. 13 quick tips for conducting successful surveys: Hey, everyone and this video, we're taking a look at the third ing quick tips on how to conduct a successful survey. The 1st 1 communicated surveys purpose. Let respondents know why you need your feedback. What is the point of the survey? Which problems air solving? What are you researching, etcetera? And that way, respondents will be more motivated to answer honestly and carefully make it as short as possible. I would say that the golden rule off every surveys to make it as short as possible. People are simply overwhelmed with different activities, and usually you have to fight for their attention. If you service too long, they will drop out. In the beginning. Simply ask yourself what is indeed important and what is not, or what is similar to other questions and make it perfect in size Organized questions into sections. This should be done for longer surveys. It will look better and motivates more people to fill it, and you will have easier time analyzing the data afterwards. Moreover, sections are great if you want to cover different topics in just one survey show progress Bar displaying a progress bar is also very important for longer surveys, respondents will get less demotivated if they see their Peronism. The number of questions left Progress Bar is also meaningful for navigation when the survey consists of multiple sections, focus on the using clothes and questions, clothes and questions give more choices for the respondents to choose from. Alternatively, open and the questions as the respondents for feedback in their own words. Close and it ones are much easier for respondents to answer and also a lifesaver for the analysis says they don't need to read every answer afterwards and classified them subjectively. Use more interval questions. One frequent tip to improve your survey is to change or, yes, no and multiple choice questions to the intermittent interval ones. When I saying terrible questions are referred to the scale, why this little tricks? That trick helps so much well, simply because people have more choice and freedom to express their opinion. Ask only one thing per question. Each of your survey questions should ask one thing and one thing only. It seems very simple, but many survey writers fall into the trap, especially when they try to short in their surveys. Here's an example on a scale from 1 to 10. How satisfied are you with our delivery and customer service? Someone in this case might be very satisfied with the customer service but not so satisfied with the delivery. So in this question, it's hard to express that. Be careful with required questions and that all questions should be Marcus required. Once people like freedom of choice, ask yourself which questions are so important that without their answers, the survey will not be valuable to draw conclusions. Moreover, even if you put your questions to be required, then at least give the option off. I prefer not to say or not applicable. Avoid biased leading questions. Sometimes writer's opinion can get into survey questions suddenly encouraging. Respondents toe answer in a certain way and compromising survey results. And here is another example. How much do you enjoyed using our product? This is, believe it or not, a biased or leading question to formulated more objectively it should be. How would you rate your experience with our product, or how satisfied are you with our product? Avoid double negatives. Double negatives are went to nose words are used in the same sentence. This can be very confusing, and sometimes lead to completely different responses and conclusions. How you can avoid this? Well, don't start your questions with, isn't it? Or are in queue? Or unless and cetera. Consider including a survey incentive if you wish to get many responses and incentives, and some form can prove helpful potentials. Incentives wrench from discounts, coupons, free products, gift and even the rial cash sense surveys at right time. Timing also means a lot. You will get our best respond rates when surveys or send out or time appropriately, which means not too early, but also not too late after an experience and optimized for multiple devices. When you're distributing online surveys, keeping minded people will access it from a says them from different devices. For that reason, it's important that you optimize your survey. Four different platforms. If you're using online tools to create your survey, don't worry, because this will be done automatically. Thank you for watching, and I hope to see in the falling videos 7. Survey tools (overview): Welcome back, everyone. In this video, we're taking a look at some survey tools. As always, I won't dive too deep into different tools. I will just provide you with a short overview as a ground bass. You get to choose between free and paid ones. If you just need some basic options without too many details, graphics or analytics, you should get on just fine with the Fritos before I start naming the goals, I want to mention some features that pay does include so you can choose on your own survey logical re function if it is the 1st 1 The survey logic uses information from previous answers to dictate the following questions. That means that you can set up the pattern for different responses. If a respondent comes from a certain country and religion has different household income, you can provide different questions for them. Limited questions or respondents. Most Rachel's put limitation on the number of questions that you can put in one survey or the number of surveys that you can have in one account or the number off response that you can collect. Although this seems a bit strict, it is a good option to start free, and if you see that you're getting a lot of data, you can switch to the paid versions. Export data Fritos usually have limitations when it comes to data export. On the other hand, paid ones give you all the possibilities. Custom logo and the sign paid versions let you get rid of the tool brand logo and instead at your own. Or use the costume color designs. More question types. Free throws give you a lot of question options, but paid ones give you even more ovary off some survey tools. Here you can see them. Google forms stopped form surveymonkey. So Go survey, SoHo Survey Survey Gizmo Survey Planets of a legend. Usually all of these tools offer both free and paid versions. As for the Pest online survey tool, it will definitely depend on your business needs and budget. In my opinion, Google forms is the go to option. For short and quick surveys. You get everything completely free and the data is easily accessible. Moreover, if you're emphasizes is on aesthetics or graphics and design, I would say the type form is a good choice. Thank you for watching, and I hope to see in the falling videos 8. How to distribute the online survey: Hi, everyone, Thank you for following the course so far in this video. We're looking at the distribution since we're talking about the online survey. In a way, the distribution is determined by its nature, which is online. We mentioned at the beginning that the surveys could be also paper based. Nevertheless, here we want to talk about this different distribution channels online. The 1st 1 email is one of the most popular online survey distribution methods. It's easy to set up and automate surveys together with tools that enable a degree of personalization. For example, addressing the person fights name email is a top choice for a couple of reasons. First, there are little to no additional costs for distribution. Second, you can send reminders to those who haven't replied. Using email to distribute your own line. Survey can also allow you to track who has opened. The email clicked on the link, etcetera. Quick response or cure coats. Your coats are a graphic visualization off a Web link which is red by a cure. QR code reader on the smartphone. Recipients use their app to scan the code, which will immediately open the online survey. Your cause. Air useful. If you want to add a link to printed materials as it can be easier to scan a code than type along u R L in tow. A browser website. If you're serving, relates to services or products that you'll deliver beer your website. You can embed a link to the survey on the site. This method has the advantage of collecting responses without making users leave your website. In the end, your website traffic includes a highly relevant audience that you probably want to hear from and get their feedback app. You can distribute your survey through the APP, notifications or pop ups. The key requirement in this case logical is to have a nap. This could be an instant and fast process, since users will be able to fulfill the survey within the APP or a least can't do it in a few clicks. SMS messaging Azima surveys are valuable way to get important feedback from your customer base. With SMS messaging, you have two options to distribute. The easiest is to simply send a message with a link to the survey, which users can click and open. Another option allows them to complete the survey career actually by receiving one question at the time and then replying it right away in the SMS messaging application. This low pressure approach lets recipients answer at their own pace, which can be a good in its own way. Social media Placing a link on your social media has the potential to increase its visibility to an audience that you do not have emails or four Number four surveys and social media networks can be shared easily and attract a wide range of respondents. Moreover, collaborating with relevant influencers on social media can spread the word and also boost involvement. Paid online survey platforms will talk a bit about the pale when service in the following videos here in just relevant to say that there are platforms which host online surveys and the reward or pay people to fill them out. Thank you for watching and I hope to see in the following video 9. Paid Online Surveys: Hey, everyone, thank you for pulling the course so far in this video. We just decided to spend a few words on the page online survey. It's a topic that gets around quite often, so I just decided to mention it. Essentially paid online surveys are the same as any other type of survey of what you need to know is that in this case, companies don't use their own distribution generals. But they outsourced the conducting process that they oppose their surveys on host hosting platforms that pay respondents to fulfill the survey. Usually that is in sense that could be cash she or some points that you can redeem. Either way, it's ah, it's a different way, alternative way from using your own distribution channel. In some cases, you get on the relevant data, and unfortunately, in some cases those hosting platforms turn out to be frauds because they take the information and data and they don't give any rewards. Thank you for watching, and I really hope to see in the falling videos