SUPERFOCUS: How To Become a Focus Machine | Colin Stuckert | Skillshare

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SUPERFOCUS: How To Become a Focus Machine

teacher avatar Colin Stuckert, Entrepreneur, Podcaster, Writer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      MUST DO


    • 3.

      Deep Work


    • 4.

      Simplicity and Pruning and NO


    • 5.

      Short on purpose


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About This Class

I've been doing this entrepreneur thing for 13+ years now.

And in the last two years, my productivity has skyrocketed.

I've put together the most important concepts for developing a laser-like focus in this short course.

These are a culmination of the best ideas we have to date on how to get more done in less time and how going DEEPER in your focus is better than going wider.

The few simple, yet HUGE, ideas in this course are what I wish I had years ago.

Meet Your Teacher

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Colin Stuckert

Entrepreneur, Podcaster, Writer

Level: Beginner

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1. Superfocus: thanks for checking out the course. Super focus. How to super focus or something along those lines? I don't have a title just yet because I'm recording this before I do that all the s e o. But this course is gonna help you focus. You're gonna learn things that are not hacks or based on tools, thes air. Big ideas like these are things that if you implement them, it'll change your life. And I mean that I'm not exaggerating the least when I say that, you know, on the principles of deep work versus shallow work, how to think about those how to schedule those you're gonna think about focus in terms of saying no one saying yes, you're gonna understand what are the biggest traps for maintaining focus? What is the opposite of focus? Most people only know what that is. Fundamentally, you're gonna get those big ideas around getting things done in life. That's based on where you direct your energy, where you director energy and your life is. What determines your results. The more you spread the energy out, t many things, the more lackluster your results. So we want to do is move as much of your energy and focus into a few things or even one thing, and that's going to the goal of the Super Focus course. So I'm calling on the Wall CEO. I do a lot of things. I have multiple podcast go on YouTube. I'm almost the epitome of what not to do, but I've been doing this for 13 years now. I have teams in place. I have editors. I have people that can do copy. I have people that can edit and check and publish do all these things. So don't necessarily take what I'm doing as an example of what you should be doing right. I'm at a different stage of my journey. I'm CEO of seven figure company. I have the test remind we've been building. I've another upset at my personal brand. There's a lot of things that are going on here toe where you should be learning from the things that I do when I'm getting my best results, and you should avoid looking at the multiple things I'm doing and using that as data about what you should do again, you need to dio as few things as possible. One or two or three things and make that the focus, your life. That's how you're gonna get results. Okay, So keep that in mind. I'm here to give you the best things that you should dio based on when I'm my most productive and when I've had my most success in life especially. I was just getting started and how he's focused to achieve that. And then now every single day, while I do have these multiple things, the fact that I can focus and I can block things that we need be blocked out that can manage my time, that can say no when I need to say no, it actually makes it so I could doom or thinks right. So this isn't just, you know, for every year only do one thing, you could never have multiple things going on. That's not the case at all. But until you get the habits down in the skills until you know how to do that until you can manage those things, you absolutely have to do a few things as possible. And that's really the distinction. So this course is gonna help you do that. Help you say No, it's gonna help you focus is going to help you become a master at how and where you're directing your attention so that you can then have everything you need the foundation for literally accomplishing your wild streams. I mean, that's how powerful this stuff iss. I hope you live this course. If you ever need to reach me, call it offers Sarkodie seven, you know, and I'd be happy to help in any way. You can also drop commenter questions into the course itself where we could find that and that will also help other people. So please don't hesitate to do that. And let's get started with the lesson Number one in the next video. 2. MUST DO: OK, first thing's first. Some of the absolute must do's for your super focus routine, all right, the first thing you have to dio airplane mode focus is about lack of distraction. So the opposite of focus, you could say, is distraction. If you remove distraction, you have focus the number one way to move distraction, disconnect from the Internet, disconnect from your phone and notifications and messages and phone calls. That's number one. I've noticed that there's a psychic connection. Even if you put your phone face down, you put it away or whatever. If your phone is on, you have a psychic connection because you know that somebody can be reaching you. If you want true focus, you have to sever that connection. Airplane Motives for Pros Put that on shirt put on your wall and grainy into your brain for focus. Airplane motors for pros to try timers, there's something knows a poem. Adore technique where it's like a 20 minute on five minute break, cetera. That doesn't really work for me. Maybe like 55 minutes on five minutes break. You got to kind of figure out what works for you but having a time slot that you schedule in your calendar and you have, like, let's say, an hour of deep work or an hour to focus on this project. Whatever. And you block everything out, going airplane mode. I mean that that that right there, those two things you pretty much have focused. And the more you do it, the more you develop that laser focus and the deeper you go into that flow state, And then that's when you have the absolute, highest, super focused state that you can achieve naturally what we're after. So three. This is for screens, obviously. But get rid of all your tabs. Get rid of all your multiple windows. You don't need multiple monitors. You need one screen with one thing on it that is going to be where you focus your attention . One thing at a time for do not task switch when you're going into your focus routine and you're trying to focus on a single thing and get that done to your best ability. You can't be going back and forth between things you don't going to multiple tabs you want . Keep looking here to do list. You don't start this thing and it started everything said, and this is a trap. It's easy to fall into if you get really good on the computer. That's what I've noticed myself. You get really fast. I will. Sometimes without realizing it. I will task switch to something else because the website that I'm trying to load to do thing I need to do is loading five seconds, 10 seconds and before I know it before it happens, even loaded, I'm off to something else. And then I start that thing and then maybe get stuck in another loading phase. And then, like I moved to this other thing, I've gotten better at this. But I used to do this because the idea of just waiting like three seconds for a screen to load is like too long. And when you're dealing with technology and the speed of the Internet of things that have really evolved over the past five years, that's a real trap you can fall into. So be aware of that. Do one thing at a time, be patient, go until it's done, market off, then go to the next thing. Five. Here's something that you can try. Try different modalities for your work in your focus. So maybe you want to read a book, go outside, take a walk. Listen to audio book. No texting, no social. Me nothing. Walk around, Go on the treadmill. I like to read on the treadmill like to grab my Kindle and not my iPad or my phone because there's so many things that go into that with that, I just grab my Kindle and I read one book at a time. I walk for 2030 minutes. I got some movement. I got some reading in Awesome, you know, maybe was like, one idea I want to think about. So go on my treadmill and I'll open up. Maybe, just like a text document on my iPad, Nothing else. And then I'll just brainstorm. I just kind of thinking Brainstorm may have put some music on and then just jot down ideas . Or maybe this one thing I want to think about one thing on a plan out. I could do the same thing. I could do that outside. I could do Don't treadmill. I could do. Except so try different modalities and find ways to really remove yourself from your distracted environment has always bells and whistles that you can kind of get into and go to a place where you have less things, have more constraints that will also super align your focus. 3. Deep Work: this is gonna be the most important video in this course. It's about deep work. If all you did was create a two hour deeper 14 which is defined by what I'm gonna share in this video, you will upgrade your results, level them up. You can't even fathom what it will do for life. All right, so I want to make a lot of this course about deep work and how it makes you better focus. If you want to build super focus, it's gonna be found in deeper protein, and that will then affect other areas of your life and you get better at it. It'll be better doing in short bursts except but the key. It's two hours a day. The first step to deeper routine is no notifications, no distractions. Nobody can be coming around walking around walking through your your your site. Ideally, you're literally in a room locked away. Now you can sometimes do deep work in certain areas, like coffee shops or whatever. But I recommend putting my back to people and just not get distracted by that cause. It can definitely be a distraction. Your mind will wander if you have an officer studio and go on. You can lock away where nobody can bother you. Do that. Find a little cubbyhole somewhere in the library. Perfect. Go outside if you have to. Perfect. Just don't be around people. I could distract you and don't have notifications on that's first, most important thing. Second, most important thing, ideally time it and try to hit two hours. It takes a good wild to get into deep workflow like you could probably for the 1st 30 minutes is kind of collector thoughts and let go some of the gunk and the left A residue from life. And it could take some while to get to that place of a focus ST and actually get productive . And so that's why I like two hours, because I mean some people that are new this it might take you an hour to just kind of get out of the destruction mode and get into focus mode. It might take you an hour toe, unleash those creative juices and really get into the frame of mind. And if you've never done that we're having done in years, you're gonna have a learning face like you're gonna have a re adaptation face. So two hours is perfect because if you spend an hour getting into it and then our one, you have a good hour of deep work and you're really focused. Your results are gonna be crazy, right? But if you if you do it for, like, an hour and takes 30 minutes to get in and you got 30 minutes just not as effective I've just found that, like usually the mine has a limited matter energy that can kind of put into the work on a daily basis, 3 to 4 hours like absolute maxim. I can't even imagine that for myself. Personally, I kind of like do a little bit more where it's like one hour time into, and I kind of mix it up a little bit. But I do try to get my two hours in every morning when I'm doing my recording, my writing, my heading routine, and I tried not be distracted at all. When I'm doing that consistently, I'm pumping it out straight, hustling, straight crushing content I've really recorded right now five videos for wild foods for my personal brand, for ancestor mine. I got a lot of things going on again. Like I said in the intro video, don't take that as example what you should do. You should be doing one thing right now, right? One thing at a time. Get good at it, build a team, get people place Kate contractors. And then as you have systems, you can add more things. And that's how you kind of expand, right? But in the beginning, you gotta get one thing down. One focus, one thing. One work ideally, and just just go hard. All right. After you have your solitude, you have two hours having an idea next of what you're going to focus on. It should be a big thing. The thing that matters. So a really good book by this is Gary Keller, the number one thing that doesn't always apply to deeper because there's a lot of things that you should do, like maybe it's a phone call and it just holding something up and you been driving the call . But, you know, you know you need to get down. Semis will do it. That could be a one thing that doesn't really fall into the deep work routine. But there's always gonna be something that requires creative thought and energy in isolation, in solitude that can move you forward. It could be a business plan to be thinking. Could be brainstorming. It could be researching it could be writing, could be building something could be recording like this editing. There's a lot of different things. They're going to fall into a deep work routine, and it will depend on you and what you're trying accomplish in your business in your goals . So I can't really give you a prescription for that. All I know is that the thing that you're the best that that you get the most results from and if you have not covered that yet, you'll uncover. But that thing should be relegated for the deep were 14 as much as possible to the point where you literally turn it on and five minutes you're in your flow state as you've been doing consistently and then bam, two hours, you crank it, you crush it. Deep work. Keep those big, important things for this period of time and then shallow work is where you put all the phone calls and emails and inbox process and all that stuff and you separate those. You keep them separate 4. Simplicity and Pruning and NO: studies about proving simplicity. So we talked about the beginning that the opposite of focuses distraction. If you eliminate distraction, you have focus. It's an easy equation. It's not always easy in practice. I know that. But the more you keep that first principle in your mind, the more you focus on a living distraction and then giving yourself the freedom of mind and of physical in front of you having a simple as possible, having as few things as possible, the better you're gonna get a focus and you will build focus. You will build the muscle right the more you do this. So pruning saying no eliminating things is very important to this. What you don't see a lot of self help and personal development. Productivity stuff is you don't hear people talking that much about the mental residue of having too many things on your list, and you probably know this. You have a lot of things to do. You feel anxious about it. You keep thinking about it. You can't relax, goes on your mind. Whatever getting things done is a big step in the right direction because getting things done removes it from your head puts into a system where you schedule that you delegated, you do it etcetera, and you should definitely go into all the getting things done stuff. Maybe read the book, washing videos on and do the course whatever. It's really good for managing tasks and things like that. But even with that, you have to have a ruthless calling of the things that are going come up. If you're like me and you have a lot of ideas and you want to do a lot of things, then it's easy for you to just put stuff on your to do list is easy for you to be like that sounds awesome. I should do that right. It's easy to do a lot of things, and then the more things you create, the more other things that come with it. The more sub tests that show up, the more things I gotta scheduled, edit and manage and post and and reuse and do all these things and keep creating more and more and more. And it builds anxiety because most of us are not that organized and or we don't have a bunch of people on our team to organize it for us. And that's why you the individual, especially just getting started, you need to keep things as simple as possible. You need to prune and coal ruthlessly. There's something known as they do not do list. You could also make a do never list, and you could also do it do later list or you just have one that's like do later, Maybe list that. That's what I have. So what I do is anything that kind of sounds good, but I'm not sure if I want to do it, and I definitely don't want to do right now. I just drop it in that list. I use notion. I have a toggle on my main work dashboard, and I just drag things to the bottom there. If an idea is showing somewhere and I shouldn't be dealing with right now, when I do that, it immediately removes mental burden. It's very much like the getting things done. It's like when you put something somewhere and you know that you can confidently just not really have to think about anymore because you'll maybe check later or maybe put in a calendar to, like check it in a few months or whatever. You immediately remove that lagging residue, that low level anxiety that tasks tend to elicit when they're in your mind and you haven't figured out a place to put them. Not only should you just straight up say no to things and cut things and delete them completely at times, that's something I do. Actually, it sometimes it's something that I should dio. I think it's a good idea. I will instead of scheduling it or putting on my do not do list. I'll just delete it. The idea is, if it comes back, then I know it's important I should do it. So that's one kind of way that you could do this but saying no to things completely, eliminating things completely, even good ideas. You have to be able to eliminate good ideas to focus on your great ideas, and they say Good is the enemy of great and there's a reason for that. So become ruthless with what you say yes to, and no to say no most of time, say yes, Onley. When things have passed the gatekeepers and then when you're focusing, try to focus on those really great important things. Those big things and just those and then everything else. That's lower. Priority denies important having you're getting things done system or having your do not do list or partner Calendar to visit later. 5. Short on purpose: short on purpose. This course is short on purpose. What I gave you this far are the big first principles, and if I give you MAWR, it's going to just detract from those It's gonna distract you. Focus on those big first principles. If all you did from this course was developed, her deep work routine. And when an airplane mode game changer go hard on these different big ideas become as good as you can't read Books and articles and podcasts over and over in Oregon reinforce these big ideas. Bring those big ideas the top of mind as much as possible. It's not enough to just know something is important. You have to remind yourself, because the brain will lead you to all the other distractions in life. Constantly realign the few things and focus, focus, focus, focus. Focus on those few things and, of course, you know you'll get super focused by doing that right. It's all it's all connected. You have actually super focus on super focusing, and then you will get super focus. Any questions, comments for me to send me an email. Of course, you can reach out to me find me online that was supposed to put certain things like links in here, Whatever. I don't know. I just don't put him in here. I'm not sure, but it's the Internet. You can find people from find people and so you can reach out to me. I'm happy. Help anyway, I can never committed. Check out some of my other courses over here that are all around productivity mindset and, you know, morning routines and things like that. I think of Find some value to those and I look forward to seeing you in the next course. Take action no matter what you do. Take action daily. Deep work, routine. Two hours. Brand that into your psyche.