Supercharge Your Energy & Crush Fatigue | Brady Salcido | Skillshare

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Supercharge Your Energy & Crush Fatigue

teacher avatar Brady Salcido, Helping High Achievers Get Things Done!

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Why Do We Suffer From Low Energy?


    • 3.

      Is Your Food Costing You Too Much (ENERGY)?


    • 4.

      Diets Made VERY Simple


    • 5.

      The Sneaky Sweet Truth


    • 6.

      The #1 Drainer Of Energy


    • 7.

      What Most People Miss About Hydration


    • 8.

      How NOT EATING May Boost Your Energy


    • 9.

      Is All Fat Bad?


    • 10.

      The Caffeine Talk


    • 11.

      (ADVANCED) Timing Your Food


    • 12.

      The Most Forgotten Vitamin For Energy


    • 13.

      Top Supplements For Energy


    • 14.

      Movement 101


    • 15.

      Oxygen Is Life


    • 16.

      Sleep Hacking


    • 17.

      Essential Oils


    • 18.

      Melatonin Debunked


    • 19.

      The Hidden Destroyer Of Sleep


    • 20.

      Let's Talk About Stress


    • 21.

      Top 7 Stress Busters


    • 22.

      What to Do At Work


    • 23.

      3 Power Morning Energy Tips


    • 24.

      PLEASE STOP This In The Morning


    • 25.

      The #1 Secret To Reliable & Consistent Energy


    • 26.

      Do This 5 Times Every Single Morning


    • 27.

      Spare Your Willpower


    • 28.



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About This Class

The Total Brain-Body System to Skyrocket Your Energy, Productivity, & Focus!

*NOW WITH BONUSES* (see below)

- Are you tired of not having enough energy?

- Feeling tired all of the time?

- Feeling like you can't stay productive?

- Do you you feel like you'd be able to accomplish more if only you had more energy?

You're not alone.

Would you like to learn the secrets that high-performance experts and top CEO's use to create tremendous amounts of lasting and consistent energy every single day?

...without relying on caffeine all of the time.

This course will show you exactly how!

In this course you'll learn:

  • The science-based proven strategies elite performers use to create lasting energy without relying on quick fixes.

  • What specific food groups are most important for energy.

  • Learn why getting too much of this 1 type of food group could be killing your energy.

  • How caffeine drains your energy and how to use it properly.

  • Top diet strategies that are showing tremendous results for energy and even help you burn fat!

  • How to optimize your sleep to get more energy the next day.

  • The top strategies that will help you crush stress in it's tracks and keep your body going for hours.

  • Next-Level (ADVANCED) strategies I've used with patients to skyrocket their energy, productivity, and performance.


  • "Once the DOC Salcido, Exceeds expectations, very detailed, explained perfect, well organized, covers multiple topics in such a short time, LEAVING EVERY QUESTION ANSWERED !!!, man I can't wait for his next courses."

    - Solomon S.

  • "This is a very entertaining straight forward coures , not too bland and not to complex , yet very advance and comprehensive teaching . Most definitely life changing and balanced giving you way more than expected and perfectly Organized ."

  • "This course was easy great, engaging, easy to understand and to the point. I look forward to taking other courses from Dr. Salcido."
    - Luis M.

  • "Dr Salcido does a great job a keeping it simple but an awesome job at presenting information!! Enjoyed every minute and have bought additional training (CC2K) he offers just because he is a great presenter of the information."
    - RN Glunt


  1. Interactive Facebook Community to ask questions, gather feedback, and watch LIVE Q&A sessions with the Dr.

  2. Now includes 20 free bodyweight workoutsyou can do from home.

  3. Now comes with a free productivity guide (Get S*** Done Guide)

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Brady Salcido

Helping High Achievers Get Things Done!

Level: All Levels

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1. Introduction: alright guys. So I have three important things to know before we get started with this course that are very, very important. The 1st 1 here is, as with any sort of health advice that you get from the Internet or from any of these courses. If you have any sort of pre existing health conditions, always consult your doctor before getting started with any of these suggestions with these videos always have to mention that before we get going. The 2nd 1 here is if you didn't know, you're going to see a link below, and it probably should have reached your you Demian boxes Wells. We do have a support group for anybody who's taken any of my courses, and in this Facebook group you can actually ask questions. You're gonna get access to live training videos, question and answer sessions that I do live on this Facebook group, and we have a very engaging community where people actually respond to questions that you asking to be really helpful advice and wisdom there, which is an amazingly powerful benefit of being a part of our growing community. And that's called Upgrade your Life Support Group. And even if It's with a question that's not regarded to this course. Maybe have a different question on lifestyle or maybe personal development. You can ask any and all of those questions there in the support group. The last thing here is in just a little bit. You Demi is gonna ask you to leave a review on this course as you're gonna find with all my courses. I'm highly committed to quality and also committed to results. I want my courses to deliver actual results. I don't want to just take information I found from Google. Mostly information that you find from all these courses has been taken from my experience with thousands of patients. It's also been taken from experience on myself, losing £50 in doing all these things myself, and I'm very committed to research and quality. And so with all my courses, you notice there's not very much fluff. It's committed to giving you the information that you need to know so you can take action on this right away. One of the things that helps us continue to produce more courses is by your guys is amazing reviews most my course. I think all my courses have above a 4.5 reviews and have thousands of students who have left amazing reviews. And that's because we're committed to quality and you reviews help us stay committed to that quality. So thank you so much in advance and for leaving a positive view. And I would really appreciate if you leave a five star review on this course, because again, I think it's worth those five stars. But if you're not comfortable leaving review, feel free. Press that skip button. You'll see in the bottom right hand corner and feel free to fill out another time and thank you so much in advance and for sticking with me in this course, and I look forward to helping you boost your energy and crush fatigue. 2. Why Do We Suffer From Low Energy?: our guest. Welcome to this first lesson in this one. I want to tackle the big question. Which is why do we have a low energy? Why do we feel fatigued? Why does it always feel like we're constantly striving and pushing and trying to get more and more energy? But we can't seem to get enough. It all comes down to one word and that word is in congruence. E in concurrency basically means there are aspects of your lifestyle that are not congruent toe actually producing energy. So, for instance, if I'm trying to go from a to B But there are different aspects that are pulling me from side to side. I now have to use more energy than I did before to get back to where I need to go. And this is very important, understand? Because the main purpose of this course is one going to be identifying. What are the roadblocks in your lifestyle? That or maybe not congruent to building energy long term, and we're gonna be looking at many different aspects, not just diet. We're also looking at movement were also be looking at mindset. We could be looking at stress all different aspects that come into how our body uses and manages energy. Because many people realize, especially are patients who have realized this have noticed that there are aspects that are lifestyle that are consistently and constantly draining their energy. And not only that, they don't have the right systems that in place to actually start to build that energy back up and you need both sides. You need one to build, to adapt and not use as much energy as possible. But also you need those systems. They're gonna be building energy back up, and that's really the big piece here. We can go into so many different aspects of what's gonna drain your energy, what's causing fatigue, and there's many different health issues and health conditions and reasons for that. But the overarching principle is there is in concurrence ease in the way that your body is managing energy and we're going to be identifying those in this course 3. Is Your Food Costing You Too Much (ENERGY)?: Hey, guys, what's going on? Welcome back to this first module here and in this first module will be touching on diet because it is obviously so important to how your body is able to manage energy, and this is going to be really, really important moving forward. So when it comes to food, I wanted Teoh demonstrate this a little bit differently because I think this is an important concept, understand when it comes to food and it's really gonna set up some of the other topics that we're gonna be having in this section. So what I really want you to think about is is your food costing you too much energy? This is something that we don't really think about, which is how is our food actually processed in the body? And one thing we need to understand is that digestion requires energy. Food just doesn't get into your body. And also that breaks down itself. It requires energy. There's enzymes that need to be produced. Your body has to go through absorb. They have to go through different pathways to get broken down. So anything you eat has to get broken down into smaller units to not only be absorbed, actually be used by the body, and that takes energy. And the more challenging the breakdown as well. Kind of Take a look at some these of their foods the mawr energy required from your body to actually make those materials useful for your body. So this time I want you to pay attention to and think about, and as we go through is just think about some of the foods that you have. Maybe in your own diet that could be influencing your energy here. Now, have you ever in a really large meal I'm like a big meal like Thanksgiving or move you out with some friends? And it was, ah, once in a lifetime eulogy had How did you feel after? Besides obviously being full, you probably felt pretty lethargic, right? I never thought about why that is. Besides, obviously just your bodies, you know, full. You've just been eating for a little while. Part of that is because your body is now processing everything that you just gave it. So if you just had a 2000 calorie dinner and you're splurging, well, of course your body's gonna have to deal with all that and it's gonna have to now use energy to break all that down. That's gonna make you tired for a little bit because your body needs to actually break that down, especially if it had a lot of carbs in there. So we're going to talk about some foods that are easy to digest. So here's some foods that are easy to judge s. And what I mean by this is they don't require a lot of energy to break down. Your body can readily use them. And these were gonna be things like fruits, vegetables, these things they're super easy. Another are certain starchy vegetables, things like zucchini, which may be slightly more difficult to break down our vegetables like broccoli, that maybe have a little bit more fiber. Okay, so some of those come into play there. But we're talking a big picture with this, and the other one that's not mentioned here is healthy fats, things like omega threes, things that you find in salmon. Those air really, really easy to digest in really great for your body, the good good fats. And also there's certain starches, things like cereal bread. They may not be great for you, obviously, especially in large doses. But they are easy to digest, Which is why, when you're sick and you're not feeling too great or maybe you just have the stomach flu. These starches, like cereal and bread, are so much easier T because they don't require a lot of energy from your sick body to break down. And this goes the same four low fibre foods fiber tends to be very difficult to break down , which is why it's actually very beneficial for your body. But it does create more energy for your bite actually break that down. But fiber is very, very beneficial for your body. Very, very. Now, here's some foods that a little bit tougher to digest things like protein carbo, hydrates, Cem process foods. And we're gonna touch on each one of these because even though they're tougher to digest, we still want them, and we still need them. We just need to learn one. What's the right quantity? But to something I'm gonna teach you as we go through the rest of this module is you can actually time when you eat thes certain foods to maximise digestion and actually spare your energy orders taken at the right time. To get the maximum benefit from these foods, I'm gonna show you exactly how that works. I'm gonna show you my schedule for how I do it, What's worked for me, and we'll kind of take it from there later. We're gonna be discussing some other things, such as which has some interesting topics is how not eating may actually give you more energy. This is a topic known as intermittent fasting. It's a very fantastic strategy that has just changing a lot of people's lives. We've had plenty of patients whose lives have been changed by intermittent fasting. And one of the biggest things I'm gonna hit on this desolate one of the biggest things that attracted me to intermittent fasting and has allowed me to do it for the past 3 to 4 years is I love how clear and energized I feel with fasting. I'll show you how that works in just a little while here. The other thing is how to time when you eat specific foods to maximize your energy when you need it most worried and go into this timing in just a little bit. Here in this module, so stay tuned for those moving for. I think you guys are really going to enjoy this module. 4. Diets Made VERY Simple: Hey, guys. Doctor Birdie here. And I wanted to do this quick little video here. And I think this might be helpful for some of you who may be a brand new to nutrition. Obviously, within the scope of this course, we don't have enough room to really go into all the depths of nutrition, how to get high quality food. But I want to make this as simple as possible, and hopefully this will clear up a lot of the questions as we go through. But of course, if you have any other questions, you can always feel free to throw some of these, throw some of your questions into our community, make sure you're accessing our Facebook community as well. Where will answer any of these questions that you might have? But I want to make diet simple, at least kind of and give you just a overarching view of one of the most important thing is because you're likely going to hear about many different diets, you're gonna hear about many different ways of eating. You're going to hear about many different types of foods that you should be eating ties, foods that you should not be eating, and I wanna make this very simple for anyone, and you can kind of see how we're gonna be ableto transition. This and how it's going apply to you specifically, and the first thing that's the most important one is you need to get the right type of quality food for your body. And there's really two important things here, and that's quality food and your body. Now I make this very clear that we want high quality food. Why would we want riel whole food? We don't want as much processed food as there is in today's day and age. We want quality, quality food and where as much organic natural food is possible. Things that our body recognizes. And the other piece, this is for your body and this is the part. I think a lot of people like toe leave out because everybody's body is different. And this is one thing I've learned after being a doctor and working with thousands of patients is some people respond to foods differently than others. Some of that comes down to your genetics. Somebody comes down to your previous health history, so that comes down to even the antibiotics that you've taken so that come down to your family's history. All of these things change. That's why some people do well, uncertain diet. Some people don't. That's why some people can eat certain foods and some people can't. Some people have milk and they break out in hives. Some people have milk. Nothing seems to happen. What's the deal? Your body in your body type is very different, and so you need to pay attention to the signals that your body gives you. And not only that. One thing that always recommend for people is to regularly check in with either a health coach, a nutritionist, but especially some sort of functional medicine doctor who can monitor your blood levels, who can see what your foods are doing to your body as a whole underneath the surface and can pay attention to that so you can know what foods are not going to be great for you. You can also do things like food allergy testing, which is great to understand what foods you may not even realize you're actually allergic to, that you may be consuming on a regular basis and then also, of course, avoiding foods that are highly inflammatory. They're gonna produce inflammation in the body as well. The other thing year, of course, like I mentioned was we want as much whole food as possible. We want, you know, broccoli. But I want broccoli like substance. That's really something else, but they make it taste like broccoli. We want as much of the real thing as possible. We don't want to have any substitutes or changes as much as we can building areas we want micro nutrient rich. Now, micro nutrient is gonna stand for your your minerals, your vitamins, the things that you get in your foods, that really you're only going to get in your fruits and veggies. You're not gonna get the same level of vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B, all these different things in your white bread as you will your fruits and vegetables. Does that make sense? So we want as much of those nutrients as possible. We want our body to just be rich with these different vitamins and minerals that our body needs to thrive because if we don't get thes vitamins and minerals that are necessary for our body to create energy, guess what's going to happen to your energy levels. They're kind of dropped because you're not giving your body. The fuel in the resource is that it needs to actually create energy, and I always like to give this example. For instance, I could have, let's say, a entire loaf of white bread. White bread has calories, calories are essentially energy. But if I do not give my body the vitamins and the minerals that it needs to actually convert those calories and can convert what's in that white bread, the carbohydrates that are in that white bread into energy, I am still going to feel lethargic. My body needs those nutrients and minerals to little process those foods, probably to create the enzymes. Those things were also so important. We can't overlook this. It's not as simple as calories in calories out there is so much more that goes into it and getting fruits and vegetables. Getting your micro nutrients is so important. If you do wanna have true quality, long lasting, clear, not fake energy. The other thing here is we want the right quantity. Too much of a good thing can still be bad, because primarily too much energy needs to get stored a k that's fat. And also you can get too much energy at once and spike your energy levels. But then, as the body starts to rebound and that energy comes back down, guess what happens. You crash and that doesn't feel good. That is feel good at all. Let me tell you. So that's the most important thing. And hopefully this clears up a little bit this for you. I like throwing this in here Anytime we do any health workshops in our office because I think this helps just give a broad example and hopefully clear up some of the confusion around dieting. Especially, Of course, if you wanted to start testing out different diets like, you know, the paleo diet, the Katoh died different things like that. Of course, there's many options out there and you're gonna find one that works well for you. So just keep this in mind as you go through and don't feel like you're getting shamed by different dieting programs that are out there 5. The Sneaky Sweet Truth: a What's going on? Everybody, welcome back into this lesson and this one we're gonna be talking about sugar. Now, of course, most of us know that getting to much sugar is not good for you. I don't think I need to beat that down any more than we already probably understand that. But what I do want to show you is a little bit more of what sugar does to our bodies, how our bodies respond to sugar in terms of our energy and our fatigue. But also, I want to show you something that you may not be aware of when it comes to sugar and where sugar is actually coming from in your diet. So the first thing we're gonna look at here is just a graph. Ah, a typical everyday activity. And what happens to the blood sugar level in your body? So, for instance, when you start off your day, your blood sugar is at its lowest, and that's because you haven't eaten and roughly, you know, 6 to 8 hours to paint on how much you're sleeping. And then if you wake up and you have breakfast, you can see there's a big spike in your glucose levels in your blood sugar levels. Also, this will depend on what you're having for breakfast, and then after breakfast, it starts to come down and that tapers up a little bit of a morning snack, Let's say and then it comes back, and as soon as we get to lunchtime here, you can see we're starting to reach back down. Blood sugars get a little low. Body is getting a little bit, maybe hungry. Or if you're a little bit more sensitive to your blood sugar levels, you might get a little bit angry with this. And what typically happens is if you have a normal, healthy lunch, you'll see a typical blood sugar spike and it'll come back into balance. That's normally what we want to have happen. But if we have too much sugar, let's say, Let's say we have a sucrose rich food, which essentially means a sugar rich food. Sucrose gets broken down into glucose and frutos. That's a sucrose is a type of sweetener. And let's say you have a sweet treat with your lunch, or maybe you have a very sugar heavy lunch. What you're going to see happen is this big spike in our blood sugar, which immediately will make you feel very energized. When you're at this top tier here and you have high blood sugar, you're feeling very, very good. But then look what happens to the graph. All of a sudden we taper down, down, down, and it keeps going, going, going all of a sudden. Now, we are now very low in our blood sugar. This is what we call the rebound effect. If you get too much blood sugar at once and you get too many sweet foods and too many carbohydrates, which we'll talk about in a second, it's going to spike the blood sugar, and you're gonna come back down and you're going to hit. What we call the crash in the crash is when people start to feel tired right around that 3 to 4 o'clock, and then it starts coming back up as you get ready for dinner and then right around dinner time, you have your another meal, and then you go back to your normal routine and you can see after dinner. We have a typical rebound, which is not as bad, right, and then it starts to tail off as we sleep in our body processes that uses that blood sugar there. And so I think it's helpful to see the graph of what happens to our blood sugar levels. But there's something else that I also wanted to highlight with this, which is understand where sugar comes from. It doesn't just come from the sugar or the sweeteners or the sweet treat to the snicker bars, things like that. Sugar also comes from your carbo hydrates. Now carbohydrates are essentially made up of something called glucose, which is sugar now. It's not the same as sucrose or super lows, things you'd find in sweeteners or things you add to your coffee things like that. But essentially carbohydrates do break down into glucose, and glucose in the body acts the same as sugar does. Glucose is a sugar that's essentially what it is, and so what we want to understand with this is that even, say, if you're not having too many snicker bars, but you're eating a lot of carbohydrates, you may be mimicking too high of glucose levels, then sugar or sweeteners. What now I want to preface this carbo hydrates. Let's say you have a potato that gets processed much differently than sugar or sweetener does. And what I'm talking about here is like a snicker bar. Let's use that as an example. The main difference here is natural car behind Ritz, Let's say from your potatoes and starches and things like that or your vegetables. They're filled with fiber and fibre helps sugar get digested slower in the body, which means you have a much natural upswing in your sugar levels, whereas when you eat that snicker bar, all of a sudden you're gonna have a significant increase in your blood sugar levels at once . And it's going to rapidly rise your blood sugar levels much farther than you typically would want. So you need to be careful with that. So differences carbohydrates are going to process a lot slower, and your snicker bars your Reese. Is those really it processed much more rapidly, but also they're going to spike your blood sugar much more rapidly. But even with that said, you can still overdue your carbohydrates. If you're getting too much pasta, too much breads, things like that. We need to be careful with that because that's still will spike your blood sugar, and we'll talk about this a lot more. We get into the timing section of our Siri's here because this is gonna be really important in terms of timing when we're getting sugar, because we want to train our by to run off of two different fuel systems, not just sugar, as our energy source, because as we're going to learn another optimal energy sources actually healthy fats. But everything we want to take into consideration is carbohydrates and sugar are meant to provide energy to the body. That's what they're meant to do. They're meant to provide glucose and sugar that can provide what we call a T P, or energy for your body, and therefore your carbohydrate intake should be relevant and equivalent to the level of activity you are currently doing. So you probably heard the saying for a race you want to carbo load, and that's because you want to fill your body with carbohydrates, was in turn to sugar, which then turns into energy for your body to use the following day. So that's very, very important. So if we're carbo loading, were flooding our body with sugar that everybody can use. But if you are not exercising. You don't need as many carbohydrates because your body is not going to use it in too many carbohydrates that don't get used. Guess what happens to them. They turn into fat so we don't want to overdo our carbohydrate intake because that's not gonna do great things for your body. So their form or exercise is going to rule how many carbohydrates you are going to intake now. Also, the important thing to understand with carbohydrates is, if you are trying to do things like build muscle and you are working out heavily carbohydrates are necessary to build muscle. He probably heard many bodybuilders and weightlifters that will have carbohydrates immediately after there work out because carbohydrates help the body increase its blood sugar, which then will secrete more insulin. Insulin is the body's way to then use that blood sugar and store it in the body. And insulin is also very helpful to building muscles and actually fueling muscles. That's why carbohydrates are extremely, extremely important with that. But again, when it comes to your energy levels one of things that may be detrimental to your energies , you may be getting too many carbohydrates and it's not allowing you to have an even keel in your blood sugar, and you may be getting too many swings. And it's not because you're not having Reese is and, uh, Snickers and all these other sweets. It could be because you're having too many carbohydrates or you are not timing them properly, as we will talk about in the future. So make sure you're being careful of how many carbohydrates you have. Maybe you need to stop having so much bread. Maybe it's too much pasta, whatever it may be, this is, um, that you maybe you need to think about. 6. The #1 Drainer Of Energy: Alright, guys, let's talk about inflammation, inflammation, maybe something that you've heard of before, and hopefully this is so that you have heard it before. But it's not. That's OK. We're gonna retrace our steps here. Information is something that is very, very important in terms of how our body manages. Energies will talk about in just a second, and it's something that is very, very common to be talked about in the health space especially, and especially when it comes to diet. We cannot talk about diet without talking about this, because when you have the wrong types of food, of course this can create more inflammation in the body. Now, first off, what is inflammation? It's the body's response to either injury and, like you know, you have a slip in a fall, you get a bruise, and it brings that readiness. That swelling, that's what we're talking about, is that inflammation there was infection as well, or disease, and really inflammation is there because it's signaling the immune system to engage, and it's there for bringing fluid. It's bringing white blood cells. It's bringing all these different fluid to the body to heal Whatever needs to be healed. And what this does, unfortunately, is it creates resistance in some of ourselves, especially when it comes to your brain. Now, before I get going on the rest of this, what I really mean here is I'm talking about the difference between acute and chronic inflammation here. Acute inflammation is when you slipping, you fall, you get a cut and I'll send. It gets red swollen, but it goes away really fast. That's acute inflammation is there for a short amount of time in response to an injury. Chronic inflammation is different. This information that stays there it stays around because the problem is still persistent and this happens from some things we'll talk about in the next slide here. But really, chronic inflammation is extremely detrimental to your health and honestly is one of the leading causes of disease in America right now, especially, and in the world is chronic inflammation. It just absolutely wreaks havoc on your body. But importantly, it wreaks havoc on your cells, and that's where search disrupt. Your entire health is it disrupts your health at a cellular level because it creates resistance in ourselves, and when it comes to things like our brain, especially, which is extremely sensitive to inflammation. It's gonna lower your energy. It's gonna lower your focus. It reduces reaction time, reduces processing speeds of the brain, but also increases pain perception. So a lot of people who are dealing with chronic inflammation are also experiencing more significant pain than most people, often times not always the case, but often so. Obviously, next question is what causes chronic inflammation and were the first ones is poor quality food. And when you have poor quality food long enough, it just starts to wreak havoc on the body. And the body has toe kind of work against that, often often and over time the body reached the point where it says we can no longer keep up , and that's when problems start to arise. So obviously that's another main reason we want. Really, quality food is because our long term longevity and our health, but when we have poor quality food, it's gonna create this chronic inflammation that's going to make you more sore. It's gonna make it harder to recover from workouts. It's gonna make you more lethargic, more sleepy. It's gonna make it more difficult to focus, pay attention it's gonna give you mood swings. I mean, there's so many different problems that inflammation caused that is so detrimental to your health into your life. The other reason would be things like toxins. Toxins can come from the food that you eat, obviously from poor quality food. Things like movie, mercury and fish is a prime example of that. Another one. Be the environment. Let's say there are things in the atmosphere in your environment. Maybe you work in an industrial factory has tons of chemicals that's not good for your body . Those things get absorbed into the body, and the body recognizes that as a threat and creates inflammation. Another one is stress. Actually, stress really can ramp up the immune system and cause inflammation to go into over drive. If you do have too much stress, which again is why managing stress is its own module in this course, because it's so and so, so important to understand not only what stress is, how it happens the body, but how to deal with it effectively, it's not enough to say, just get better dealing with stress. We need tactical, systematic ways to deal a stress, which is exactly what I'm gonna show you. Because if you can get a hold on stress, it's also gonna help you lower inflammation. It's gonna also help skyrocket your energy, Be the one here is too much sugar, of course. But to a sugar that increases the blood sugar in your body, which that increases insulin. And we have too much insulin in the body that's actually gonna ramp up inflammation as well , which is very, very important. Not getting too much sugar. The ones here auto, immune or other medical conditions. Here is what I'm referring to. Autoimmune diseases, Of course. They create chronic inflammation throughout the body, wreak havoc very, very detrimental to anyone's health, anyone's body. And of course, there are many other conditions. I can cause chronic inflammation, which would be too much to list in this workshop, of course. And an interesting one here would be to little movement. What happens when you don't move enough is the body starts to not be able to engage the lymphatic system, your lymphatic system, which is the system in your body that is meant to take toxins and flush them out. It does not engage when your idol the muscles of your body actually pump your lymphatic system and pump that fluid out, which is why exercise is so, so critical and again, was why we have another section on movement out to get great quality movement and then when it doesn't engage often, if you're not moving enough, if you're too sedentary in your lifestyle, it's gonna cause your lymphatic system to get backed up. You're gonna have more toxins that start to build up in your body in overtime. That's really gonna start to wreak havoc. So if you're someone who is sitting often or you commute far for work or you have a very sedentary lifestyle, this is going to wreak havoc for you unless you start getting good quality movement, whether it's walking, jogging, biking, hiking, you getting good quality moving, and we'll talk. What? I can do that in the movement section. But these are some things to consider in terms of taking a look and an audit of your life and seeing okay, what's going on here. What parts of these do I need to work on for myself and are important for me and just some things to consider as we move forward in this class? 7. What Most People Miss About Hydration: Okay, guys, let's talk about everyone's favourite hydration now Hydration. Everybody knows that water is very important. Most people do not get enough water during the day, and I want to explain a couple additional things here that make a difference in terms of how much water you actually need per day, because the golden rule is always half your body weight in ounces. So, for instance, if you are £100 you divide that by 2 50 ounces a day is what you'd typically need. So if you're not getting that, you're already low. And when you're low in terms of getting the proper amount of water again, your body is 75% water. Something like that. And when your body is low on water, it's going to cause toxin buildup. And it's not gonna let you buy to flush out a lot of the toxins that it's going through. And also, your body needs that water to produce energy. It's really important. So the first thing to consider is one. Are you getting at least the minimal amount? And I always say This is the minimum that you need, and as you go through, there's a couple additional factors to consider one. Are you drinking caffeine? If you are drinking caffeine, caffeine stimulates more water loss. Did you know that? So when you have that cup of coffee, it's actually going to cause you to lose more water afterwards. So that means if you're having caffeine, you need to increase that. I would increase that by at least eight ounces per cup. The other one here is exercise. If you are exercising, you're going to be sweating when you sweating. When you move around, your body needs more water. Also to flush out toxins that are produced from exercise and some of the materials that need to get flushed out after you exercise very, very important also prevent cramping things like that. The last one here on the same note is when is hotter? Outsider. You're in hotter weather. You were going to be sweating more throughout the day. Whether you are exercising or not, your body is going to be releasing moisture as a way to cool off your body naturally, so if it is hot outside and you were outside in heat, you were going to need more water. So all those things are something to consider in terms of how much water you actually need to be getting a day, and especially for doing all three of these, you definitely need to be getting more than those 50 ounces. That's a very, very important moving forward. So half your body weight in ounces is probably a good standard to start with as you go through and you start taking into account caffeine exercise and how hot it is outside. Make sure you continually increase that, Maura, and I guarantee you're gonna see an increase in your energy over the long term. 8. How NOT EATING May Boost Your Energy: Okay, guys. So in this video, we're talking about something called Intermittent Fasting, and it's one of my favorite tools for maximizing energy and also just maximize my health. There's a lot of amazing benefits that come with intermittent fasting, and one of the first things that people ask herbal will be well, how can going without food giving more energy? Don't you need food to give you energy? And that's something will address with this and you can see with fasting. Basically, you can imagine it's opposite going without food. But instead of going for 24 48 hours or going to a long period time fasting, what we're going to do is we're actually gonna go somewhere around the 12 to 16 hour mark, and that includes sleep time, which essentially means you're just skipping breakfast. That's an easy way to think about it. But first you understand that when you eat, it takes your body roughly 8 to 12 hours, depending on what the food is that you wait. If it was more carbohydrate heavy to completely digest and burn through all of the sugar that you just ate. Now the body will be burning in using energy to burn off that sugar and digest that for the next 8 to 12 hours after you consume a meal. After that 8 to 12 hour window, if no more food is eaten, something very interesting happens. The body starts to burn fat because now, after 8 to 12 hours is now burned through all of its sugar stores. It's burned through all the glucose, all the glycogen that was stored there, and now it needs something else to burn because it's a loss of primary fuel source. So it needs something else to keep the body working and running right, which means it will then turn to fat. And that's something really interesting. That happens is when your body runs through all of it sugar. It will then turn to fat to burn fuel. There's some amazing benefits with that, and often you can imagine. It means if you run out of all your sugar stores and you're not putting any more sugar in, it is going to burn your own fat for fuel. And then what it will do is it turns that fat into something called key tones for energy. And this is as we touched on before Very clean, fuel efficient fuel, especially for your brain. Your brain loves burning fat for fuel, very clean energy. And the best part about this is the body doesn't require much energy for this process in order to take fat from its own body. It's already been stored there for a purpose. It doesn't require a lot of energy or breakdown to be able to use that fat for energy, which means that the body can then use that extra energy for some other pretty amazing things. And one of that, it's one of those is something called a ta Fiji and ah ta Fiji is amazing and beneficial tool because what it will dio is not only gonna get the increased energy from the burning fat for fuel, which is amazingly clear focused energy. Also, one of the added long term benefits to this is it stimulates autopsy gee, which is essentially cellular cleansing. So what the body will start doing is after roughly 12 hours, it's going to then search for and destroy sick, damaged or unhealthy cells in those sick damage around healthy cells. Maybe they have some parts of the cell that isn't working properly and when a cell is not working properly is going to increase toxin buildup. It's gonna increase free radical production, which is essentially causing mawr inflammation and toxins into the body. So what the body will do is it will then use that energy to stimulate our top aji break down these sick, damaged, unhealthy cells. But what happens is when the body starts doing that, it's clearing away all the bad ones and leaving only the good ones. So long term. What you're left with is healthy, vibrant energy producing cells that's going to increase your energy. It's also going to increase your health, and it's also in gonna increase your vitality. Long term in one of the other side benefits that I mentioned here is a lot of people notice improvements of their skin health, but also people who are physically active noticed better recovery. It also increases levels of human growth hormone, which also makes you feel more youthful, makes you look more youthful, more vibrant. It stimulates muscle production also increases your energy, protects your brain. There's so many benefits to enter in fasting. If you want to learn more about imminent fasting, you can obviously go to our intermittent fasting one a one course on your dummy. It's another one of the best sellers that we have. Like I said, we're committed to quality with these courses. So the big question is, how does this work? How long do you actually go without food for a minute, Fasting. And really, you can go anywhere from 12 to 24 hours without food. I typically go somewhere around the 16 to 18 hour window with something like this. So essentially you're on 16 18 hours with no food, and then you're gonna go into an eight hour eating window, and you can, basically, however much you want within that period of time. So if you want more information on how to get started with that and how to get started with intermittent fasting properly, do it the proper way. Do it strategically. How do you build up with something like this? Because you obviously may not start with 16 hours, but you may want to build up eventually into that, and we'll show you exactly how to do that and how to do that strategically and properly in or intermittent fasting, one on one course, but this is by far one of my favorite tools. I've been doing this for the past 45 years. Now I absolutely love it and makes a dramatic difference on my energy. 9. Is All Fat Bad?: Okay, guys is gonna be a really fun one here. We're going to talk about fat and most of time just saying the word fat. Just conjure a conjures up images of, you know, the abdominal fat you get or that being overweight and not looking the way you want. And so a lot of times, our culture and the media has put a pad a bad name to fat. It's really said it's a bad thing and you should avoid fat, low fat, all of these different things surrounding fat. But I want to disprove a lot of what's going on right now, because I'll tell you what fat if you do not get fat and you not get healthy sources of fat is going to be so detrimental to your energy level that just by changing this alone, you could radically start changing your energy. And I want to put this into perspective. Your brain is 70% fat. Think about that. 70% of your brain is fat is built of fat, the building blocks of your brain or fat, and 25% of your brain is cholesterol cholesterol thing that every says bad blocks your heart. And of course, we don't want too much cholesterol. But cholesterol is necessary for your brain to function properly. And I could go on a whole tangent about, you know, fat in the brain. We could do a whole another course on this alone, but this is really important. And the brain should be full of healthy fats. I would say healthy fats bill. Healthy brains, bad fats build slow brains because the building block, if you're gonna build a car and you build it with not great material While your car is not gonna last long, it's not gonna perform great, and it's not going to be reliable. So if you want a quick brain, you want a fast break you want to bring. That's loaded with energy, gives you clarity and high power throughout the entire day. You need healthy fats, you need healthy building blocks. And if you're not getting any fat, for instance, if you're on the no fat diet or the low fat diet, guess what. You're literally starving your brain of the fats and that it needs. And when you don't give your bring the fats that it needs, it's not going to be giving you the energy that you're needing, and your brain's gonna be running on hyperdrive the whole time. It's going to trying to find energy wherever it can in overtime. It will slow down, and I'll make you more than thar GIC. Not only that, but fats are necessary to produce hormones in your body, which is essential for your energy level there. So many important things too fat. So please, let's just get that out of the way and just let's clear this up and realize that fat is not a villain. Bad fats are the villain here, and fat is also a amazing fuel source. Fat produces, actually less inflammation than carbs, Dio also at the same time, it also produces more energy per unit than carbs do. Which means if you were to look at a block of a car about a block of a fat side by side and they're the same weight, same mass carbs actually produce less energy than fat does, while also producing mawr inflammation than fat does. So if you were to take fats and carbs side by side, I'm gonna choose fat every single day because it's a cleaner fuel source. That's going to give me tremendous amounts of energy. Now we may be thinking to ourselves. Okay, well, what are some different examples of great fats? Because there are good fats and there are bad fats. The good fans that we want are things like we see listed here you have things like avocados , great, healthy source of fat. Also great source of things like calling brain boosters, great healthy fats. And what you'll notice with a lot of fats is they also contain a lot of other compounds vitamins and minerals that are necessary for optimal energy production there necessary to reduce inflammation. It also contain a lot of great building blocks to a healthy brain and a high performing brain. And if you're more stood in all these building blocks to building a high performing brain, make sure you go check out our neural plasticity course, where I literally go into so much more detail in depth on how to create a high performance brain. Had a hack, a high performance brain, peanuts, peanut butter as well, Probably not my top choice for something like that. I like almonds a little bit better than peanuts again. I got this one online. Also, you have olives and olive oil. Great. Great source of healthy fats is same with walnuts. Walnuts are amazing for building healthy brain loaded with something called D H. A. I see this a lot in kids supplements nowadays because we know how powerful D. H. A is in terms of building a healthy brain. Wet does to your brain some flower seeds as well at a mom, a soy beans. Coconut oil is insanely popular, of course. Flax seed salmon is another great one as well as almonds. As we can see down there, they're the almonds. So definitely some great options that you have here in terms of high fat, and I call these like high performance fat foods. These also make great sin axe. You know, just getting sometimes we'll do for a snack. Or maybe a light meal is all. Do an avocado, do half an avocado and just get some really clean fats. And what you'll notice when you use fats instead of carbs is the fuel sources. You will not have the crash that you typically would, as we talked about in our last section, because fats don't have glucose in them. So fats are a clean source of fuel that won't spike your blood sugar and keep your energy very, very even kill. That's why I love fueling my body on high quality fats than anything else. Now, an example of some not so great fats are gonna be things like your hydrogenated fats and fats that come from things like french fries, margarine, rum and really, What we're looking at here is we're looking at more the processed fats and you're also going to see this other one over here, these oils in clear plastic bottles, especially plastic. Now, the main reason that is you'll notice olive oil tends to be in a darker, uh, glass. And the main reason that is helps preserved olive oil for longer. Especially it's a high quality olive oil because guess what fresh, although will go rancid. It will go bad if it stays out. That's how normal food is. These oils that you see over on your right hand side. Those are meant to have a shelf life. They're meant to last for a very, very long time. Therefore, they have been processed in a way to do that and also doesn't make them very healthy for your body. In fact, they're very, very unhealthy for your body are very pro inflammatory, which means they produce a lot of inflammation in your body, which is not what you want. It's not good for your brain it. So we want to try to avoid those and then again cooking it with in high heat with smoking fats. And that's for a whole another topic in and of itself. I don't want to make this too complicated. I know some of you may be watching some of these videos and saying Okay, well, can we go more in depth in nutrition? And if we did, this would be a whole separate course in and of itself. I want to get to the nitty gritty of how to help somebody skyrocketing their energy. And if you want to go more into the sci, we have other courses available to help you go more in depth in this, and we cover some of these topics in some of our other courses. But it's a little bit beyond the scope of this course here because we have so much we need to get to and then when it comes to cooking with high fats. Basically, when you cook some of these lesser quality fats, especially in meats and you cookman, extremely high temperature changes the way the fats are actually processed in the body and actually makes them more inflammatory. Sir, if you are going to cook, what some? Excuse me on that if you are going to cook with something like bacon, or especially if it's a high quality bacon, you just want to cook it a little bit. Slower said that fats and don't turn and get burned and become rancid and do unfortunate things in the body as well. So I say it was like bacon. What we'll do is cook low and slow and just let it slowly heat up in slowly. Cook. It'll be so much better for you in that regards. And the same goes for beef steak, things like that. Now this is a perfect time to transition to the Keo Dai. This is something you are going to hear more about because it is on the rice. It's very, very popular, and for good reason. There's some amazing amazing benefits to the ketogenic diet now. You may be asking, Okay, what is the ketogenic diet have to do with fat? Kito is short for key tones. Same as carbohydrates. Break down into glucose. Fat breaks down into what we call key tones. Key tones are the building blocks of fats. When fats into your body, they break down into key tones and the body then produces and use those key to key tones to produce energy in the body. And really, the purpose of the ketogenic diet is a high fat, low carb diet. And the main thing that we're trying to do with this is we're trying to starve the body of sugar and training the body to burn fat as the primary source rather than sugar. Because really have two different energy systems in the body. To produce energy, you can use sugar, or you can use fat. Protein doesn't turn into energy. It's being used. It's actually build things in your body, such as muscles, ligaments, tissues, things like that. So we really have two options. We have fat or iev sugar. And unfortunately, for many of us, especially if you have lived with the standard American diet, we've become so accustomed to running off of sugar that our body has a hard time burning fat the way it should, which is also why we see such in epidemic of obesity, because we're just so trained to process sugar that we have a hard time burning fat. And that means our bodies. You know, I have a hard time burning its own fat stores, which is why the ketogenic diet is becoming so popular in terms of weight loss. But I What I want to share with you today is not so much in terms of weight loss. I want to show you how this can actually help do some other things. When you run off of high fat, low carb, when your body is actually burning fat as a primary fuel source, there are some amazing benefits to your body. One of the first ones is it's going to lower inflammation again. Like we said, fat is a clean source of energy, so it's gonna burn really clean the body. It's gonna be very stable. It's going to give you nice, clear energy and focus, which is also going to help improve your brain performance and cognition. Now I'll say, I'll tell you one thing here the ketogenic diet as well as another two. I'm gonna show you here in a little bit here called Intermittent Fasting. One of the main things that drew me to both of these was how amazing I felt, not the weight loss. Well, there was some weight loss for sure, I'll tell you that in just a second. But the main thing that got me to stick with this die and the main reason I stick with it now in the same reason I have stuck with it for the past three or four years is because I feel so clear and focused and have lasting energy all they long and many of our patients and many of these students who have taken our ketogenic diet course it is. One of the main things that they mention is one of the best things they found when they have discovered the ketogenic diet is the increase in energy and focus that they felt since starting the ketogenic diet. Also, of course, when you're burning fat as a primary fuel source, it's going to also burn your body's own fat for fuel, which I was gonna help fuel weight loss and of course, amazing clean energy, focus and clarity. I mean, the brainpower that you get with ketogenic diet is so, so powerful. And if the weight loss was the thing that got you to the ketogenic diet, the energy and clarity you get from it after is gonna be the thing that will keep you there . I tell you what. And I'll I like sharing this because when you see this picture of me, this is from my instagram here. Feel free to go and follow me on Instagram on the left Here, you're going to see a picture of me. When I was in high school, I was about £235 at that point. And it took me some time, obviously. But one of the main things that brought me to the picture on your right there that you see , which is taking, probably a year ago, year and 1/2 ago. Maybe I'm not sure of the date with this was the main thing I got me to. That was the ketogenic die and intermittent fasting, and I've been able to drop about £40 in that photo. I'm actually about £185 in that photo, which is amazing to see the transformation between the two and that was because of ketogenic diet and have been fasting. Now, if you want to learn more about ketogenic diet, you want to learn more about how this whole process works. How fat is used in the body, how you can actually do the ketogenic diet for yourself. Feel free to take our course called the Crash Course. Taquito Kiddo made simple is the best selling course on kiddo. We have over 2500 students and with all my courses, the main thing that I want to ensure with all them is high quality. So you're going to notice has a 4.6 rating. All my courses tend to be 4.5 above, because I'm committed to high quality courses, high quality trainings. I want this to be amazingly valuable for you. We also have an amazing community where you can bounce ideas and get questions off on our Facebook page as well. So if you want to learn more about that, feel free. Teoh, jump over to crash course taquito and get signed up 10. The Caffeine Talk: Let's talk about a very important topic when it comes to energy. That's something that many people use every single day, which is caffeine now. Caffeine in and of itself is not a bad thing, but how we use caffeine and how much we use caffeine could have some negative detriments to our health and especially our energy long term me for I heard of people have gotten addicted to coffee. They need coffee, and if they don't get coffee in the morning, they start to get headaches. There's a couple things to understand with how caffeine affects the energy system in our body. One is caffeine is a stimulant, which means when caffeine enters the body, it up regulates everything. It makes you more energized, makes you feel more focused. And it is specifically, as a stimulant effects your nervous system and in particular, in effect, what we call these sympathetic nervous system. Your sympathetic nervous system is the stress side of your nervous system. It's the fighter flight ramps, everything up. It's what makes you feel more stressed, more anxious. So if you are someone who is chronically dealing with increased feelings of stress, anxiety, caffeine may be one of those very, very important things that you want to make sure you watch out for not get too much or just take some time off of caffeine so your sympathetic nervous system can begin to calm down. That may be very, very important for you, but over time the more caffeine would get. We start to become more tolerant to caffeine, which means we need mawr to get the same effect in overtime. With that does that chronically stimulates our sympathetic nervous system. And again, this isn't a lasting approach. This is really a Band Aid were supplementing our energy with caffeine, and now we're using additional systems of the body that were meant to take energy long term and they start to burn out. And what happens is the longer we stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, it's going to stimulate what's known as our adrenal glands. In our adrenal glands are mainly used to provide adrenaline epinephrine. It's how our body and cortisol as well, which is important for stress management. It's how our body deals with stress. It's also very, very important for the energy production in our body, and some people are doing with chronic severe fatigue most the time. One of the biggest problems is they have what's known as adrenal fatigue, and they've been under so much stress. And they've been activating their sympathetic nervous systems so much for so long that they have actually blown out or fatigued their dream. A glance at the point where their body just cannot produce energy and they're constantly feeling fatigued. Now if you suspect this may be the issue for you. If you're dealing with severe and chronic fatigue for years and nothing has helped whatsoever, caffeine doesn't touch it. Nothing has helped. Long term. You need to consult with some sort of doctor physician who can help you identify what the source of your adrenal fatigue is, and actually, and if you do have adrenal fatigue for starters. But also, if you do have a dream fatigue, they can help you manage that and get you back into a state balance that could be very, very detrimental. So all this to say is you need to be careful with how you use caffeine because, yes, it can be great. There's some great benefits to caffeine, especially when it comes to your brains. Great benefits especially when you use it properly, but it can be overdone. And if it is overdone long enough, it starts to slowly wear down the energy systems of your body, starts to ramp up the stress out of your nervous system and can actually start to decrease your energy long term. Which means if you've been on caffeine for a long period of time and you're starting to notice your energy starting fatigue, caffeine isn't really affecting you the way that it was before. It may be time to take a break from your caffeine toe. Let your nervous system calm down a little bit and you'll start to notice. Your energy starts to ramp back up, and you're gonna have mawr increased long lasting energy than you did before. 11. (ADVANCED) Timing Your Food: Okay, guys, I'm really excited for this lesson because I think this lesson in and of itself, it's gonna be a little bit complicated here, But I think this is going to be worth the entire cost that you spent for this course. Hands down. This is a system that I've developed that I've learned from tons of experts I've used on our patients. And it's something that people rave about when they start using this system in it compiles everything we've learned up to now, and one of things we need to understand is one you need to have an understanding of ketogenic diet fat versus sugar burning as we've touched on before. Also fasting because they all these we're gonna come into play and also having a nutrient rich, really great diet. OK, so as long as we have all those pieces in place and you've watched all those videos, I'm gonna walk you through what essentially my day looks like and what some of my patients will dio that allows them to have consistent, lasting energy all day long. So what I do is first thing in the morning and I started at 6 a.m. Music closer to like 4 30 What I'll dio is instead of having breakfast, I'm going too fast. Some state fasting. So I intermittent fast until roughly about one o'clock for me. So that means all morning I'm not spiking my blood sugar producing insulin. My body is now using fat all morning. So what I notice is that first thing in the morning, I'll have a cup of black coffee and my energy will be so consistent throughout the morning I'll be clear. Focus. For instance, Right now I'm fasting and I feel amazing. I feel very clear. Very focused, very energized. It's about 10. 30 this morning. So all morning now I'm burning fats. I'm getting clear, clean energy, but also as it had a byproduct. I'm also burning fat and staying lean, staying healthy, so that's pretty cool as well. So in the morning, I am fasting, and this is something I've built up to, and you only to build up to a swell if this is the first time ever doing it. So in the morning, I'm staying fasted. I'm not eating throughout the morning. Now the most important meal is not going to be breakfast. Your important meal is going to be the first meal that you use to break your fast. Now, this meal here, what I want is I want to keep this clear, clean energy, especially as I'm going throughout my work day and I'm seeing patients. And I know carbs air very easy for me to overdo. And I can easily get a nice bike. But if I do too much, there is going to be a rebound. I'm going to see a rebound in my energy and I don't want that. I want to stay clear and clean. So what I'm gonna do is for my lunch instead of having any carbs. I'm not going to have any carbs. And what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna stick to protein and fat. So most of my lunch will consist of vegetables. Very lean protein like chicken meat, beef and some sort of Fowler. That's coconut oil, nuts, avocado, things like that. I love avocados. That's usually what it iss. And what that will do is that I'll keep my energy consistent and clean. So throughout the rest of the afternoon, I feel amazing and have clear clean energy without needing coffee. or anything like that. Now here's the trick. When we go to dinner time here, it starts to get later. Now I can start reintroducing my car because I'm starting to wind down for the day. We have a little bit more flexibility with carbs. Also, carbs are necessary for your body to produce serotonin. It also helps produce melatonin, which is important for sleep as well. So you do want to have some sort of carbs in your diet. We don't want to go no carb. We just want a time carp. So what I'll do is I'll save my carbohydrates such as potatoes, rice, anything like that. I'll say that towards the end of the day before I go to bed. Because guess what? As soon as I have my carbs and I get this nice little spike of sugar, my body starts to produce more of this serotonin and melatonin. I feel really good. Guess what? I'm starting to wind down for bed, and then once I go to bed, my body is then processing all those cars and sugar, and I don't have to worry about losing any energy because my body will be processing that while I sleep. What this does is throughout the entire day. I'm now burning fat all day long. My energy is clear, clean, consistent all day long. And then I save my carbon take for the end of the day. This is really important terms of Howard timing food. Then the other question many of you will probably have is Okay, Well, if I am not intermittent fasting, what should I dio? I would use the same approach. But in terms of breakfast, I want you to do the same thing you would do for lunch. Keep the breakfast clean, keeping more protein, fat driven eggs or a great thing to have in the morning. But stay away from things like bread, bagels, pastries, things like that. Because that will spike your blood sugar. And all sudden, you're gonna be going on this roller coaster of energy all day long. This is one of most valuable tools that I've ever learned. In terms of how to manage my energy and to keep it consistent throughout the day, it's allowed me to be more productive, be more focused and get so much more done in less time. Because I know how my body uses energy, and this is literally the secret system to how to do it. When you start applying this, you're gonna notice the difference for yourself to now be aware this takes some time to get used to. If you are fasting, it takes a little bit of time to get used to it. Especially if you're used to having a carb heavy diet. It's gonna take you a little bit to get used to it. But I tell you what, over time, you're gonna start to notice a tremendous difference in your energy. 12. The Most Forgotten Vitamin For Energy: What's going on? Everybody, welcome back to another lesson here and in this one, we're talking about the number one vitamin. Nearly half the population is missing that could be wreaking havoc on your energy levels. Let's talk about what this one is and this one probably not gonna come as a surprise to you . It's Mr Vitamin D from the Sun, one of the most important vitamins that you need for your energy level. Vitamin D is incredibly important in terms of regulating energy. It's a very important component that's used to create energy and what's called your mitochondria. It's essentially your cells batteries. Your cells are filled with hundreds of thousands of these little tiny mitochondria that power the cell and allow it to get its job done. The mitochondria job is to create a T P, which is the form of energy that your cells need and that your body needs to operate. And vitamin D is an essential component to creating that 80 p within the mitochondria. And there's been several states that show that patients who are deficient in vitamin D showed significant improvements in their energy levels and their levels of fatigue just by supplementing with vitamin D, and many people are often deficient in vitamin D. In fact, it's on record. That may be a Roughly around 40% to 42% of the population, if not more, is deficient in vitamin D, and I would expect that to be on the higher level there. So the question is, How much sun do I need? And roughly you need about 15 10 15 minutes a day is probably best, and an easy way to get your daily sunlight would just be going a walk for lunch. Go on a walk with me to get a chance. Go walk outside, get some sunlight just for a little bit. It's an easy freeway to get some vitamin D, and a very important way to get vitamin D is through the skin as several other benefits that you can't get when you supplement. For instance, the sunlight itself helps to regulate your circadian rhythm for good sleep. Actually, when you go out into the sun, there's a specific frequency of light that shone when you go outside, especially around that noontime that helps set your body's internal clock and tells your brain what time it is and helps regulate good optimal sleep just by going outside, and it's also been shown when you go outside, you get optimal. Sunlight is actually seeing the sunlight. Act outside actually improves your brain performance that signals through the eyes and through your skin that actually enhance brain performance as well. Now, if you live in a location that has very little regular sunlight than I highly recommend, you supplement with vitamin D daily. Just follow the daily recommendations for vitamin D on the back of the nutrition label, and that should be enough to get you started. 13. Top Supplements For Energy: or, I guess only tackle a very popular question, which is supplements. What kinda supplements can you take to increase your energy? And there's a reason this is the most commonly asked question, because it's easy. You just you gotta store pick up some of the seven minutes and I can help with energy. But I want to be very clear that supplements are not a solution to an energy deficient problem or to fatigue. If you want Mawr energy, you already have a lot of energy. Yeah, he's can These can help? These can also be a band AIDS in certain situations where maybe the lifestyle factors just aren't quite there. You just need a little bit of help. In the meantime, while you try to get your energy back into gear, all there's gonna be natural solutions here, and you're also not going to see some of the more synthetic options here. It's all gonna be natural. So the 1st 1 here that we're gonna talk about is actual Gonda. Some of these first ones are supplements that we would call adapted Jin's meaning. They help your body adapt to physical and mental stress. And so the way actual Gonda works is increases your energy by enhancing your body's ability to deal with that physical and mental stress. It's a A lot of these aren't stimulants per se, but there to help your body get more natural. Energy in studies have shown that it helps to improve symptoms of fatigue and anxiety as well as increasing energy. But there's an interesting study that showed Cyclist who used actual Gonda were able actually cycle 7% further. And I've included that study down below. It's a really interesting study on that. That's one of the first ones I love. Ash Lagonda. A lot of people notice really significant help with stress anxiety, especially with this one next one's rodeo. A Rosella Rosa. This one, I would say, has mawr oven effective more of a noticeable effect on the body. So, for instance, actual Ghana, you may notice a slight effect on just how well your body deals of stress, less feelings of anxiety, things like that and, of course, increased energy. But it's gonna be a more mellow energy road. Eola. You're gonna notice actually physically how it affects your body, I would say, and very calm. Great energy and it helps increase physical performance, as was ease mental fatigue. And the best thing with this is that there's been no studies have shown any really major safety risks associated with rodeos supplements very natural, very effective. Love Rodeo, Rosa Co. Q 10 or coenzyme Q. 10. This is a naturally made substance within the body. All of your cells use CO Q 10 and they use it to make energy and protect themselves against oxidative stress. Oxidative damage. And when your levels of Coke you can decline, which maybe from stress or report diet, your body's cells just can't produce enough energy. They need to stay healthy and to grow and which may contribute to fatigue, obviously, and it's tough to get more cocoa. 10. So, for instance, if you suspect you may be Low and Co Q 10 which is something you can try out for yourself, you just can't get enough sufficiently in food. There's just not enough in food to get sufficient amounts to really ramp that back up quickly enough. So this is one of those ones where if you are deficient in Cokie 10 this is a great thing that you can actually septum with and see noticeable results right away very cheaply. Now what you'll notice is, if you do not have a co Q 10 deficiency, you will not see any difference whatsoever. Supplementing with coq you'd 10. So there's a simple test. You just go get some Cokie 10 for relatively cheap and affordable. See what you notice if you notice anything at all Vitamin B 12. This is a very, very important one, and vitamin D B 12 is one of the many vitamins in the B category that helps transform food into energy. And when you're deficient in B 12 it causes your body to be unable to absorb enough energy from the foods that you eat. And that's very, very bad, because you could be eating our food. But if you can't absorb it, it is a matter what you're reading because your body's not getting, and that's why this is so so important. This is found naturally in a wide variety of animal products and proteins. No meat, fish, dairy products, things like that. So if you are a vegetarian, this is one they always say. Be very cautious of make sure you're supplementing and getting this as much as you can, because if you're not eating animal products, you're likely not getting the ample amount of B 12 that you need. Next was iron iron is one. If you've heard of anemia low iron very, very bad in terms of energy because your body means iron to create hemoglobin and hemoglobin is what carries oxygen in your blood to all the tissues and cells of your entire body. So when you were low and iron, you're not gonna be creating enough hemoglobin and you're also not gonna have. We're gonna poor oxygenation would be a better way to say it, and we have poor oxygenation. You're gonna have low energy because your body needs oxygen to produce energy. It's a whole pathway that produces energy, and this can come from having an iron poor diet, not getting enough iron in your diet. You can also get this from blood loss. We have had a lot of blood loss. Um, you can also get this from pregnancy as well. Now you can get iron from foods, but you can also supplement a very easy thing to supplement with getting it from food. If you are low on iron could mean that your body is not absorbing enough iron. In that case, you may want to try submitting with iron, seen how that works. And if you're still finding that you're anemic, you definitely want to consult with some sort of doctor, a functional medicine doctor. Nutritionists who can help you figure out what's the root cause of not absorbing enough iron in your diet. And then next one here is an interesting one. This is creating Creatinine is a very interesting When I did a whole video of this on my YouTube channel as well, and creating what creating does is creating is actually creating phosphate. That's the full name of of it and what creating does. It provides an extra phosphate group to create more. 80 p 80 p stands for a dentist sing triphosphate. So there's three phosphates attached to that a dentist seen triphosphate group, and when a phosphate breaks off, it produces energy, and what creating does It helps provide an extra phosphate group for a teepee so it can produce even more energy? And this is really helpful for brain performance as well. I loving using it for brain performance and you'll probably be familiar with creating if you're a weightlifter or you exercise regularly. It's in a lot of performance products, and it's not because it's meant to build muscle. It actually is more of an energy producer and helps the body produce more energy so your muscles can work harder. But particularly you're gonna find creating and muscles is the most dominant. But the second place you're gonna find creating most commonly is in your brain. So when you get more creating, you're actually producing more energy for your muscles. And you're also going to be giving more energy for your brain as well, which is gonna give you more focus and more clarity as well, which is really interesting. The next one here is caffeine Elfi Any now. We did a video on caffeine and what caffeine could do for the body. Now there's a really interesting combo that you can dio that's called Elfi. Any and so caffeine is a stimulant ramps up the nervous system. Elle Fanning is actually provides a calming effect to the central nervous system, and what it does is it helps to balance the negative side effects from caffeine. So a lot of people will do the combo of caffeine and Alfie Inning, and it gives you a really calm focus without feeling the stimulant ramp up of caffeine. Very interesting combo that I like. Ah, lot here and then the last one here is ginseng. Ginseng is a very common for Chinese medicine, Chinese herbs and religion. Sing is an antioxidant that's been shown to lower inflammation. The body, which we know is great for energy, also improves immune function. Immunity improves brain function, and there's also plenty of great studies that show it provides amazing amounts of clear, clean energy and also helps to fight fatigue and helps your body become more resistant to fatigue and dancing as a really great one that I highly recommend. You can find these in a lot of different Chinese herbs, or you can supplement with it yourself as well. And these air definitely in my top supplements that I recommend if I had to choose any to supplement with 14. Movement 101: Alright, guys, let's talk about movement. This is one of my favorite topics to talk about in terms of energy, because it's so, so important. Yes, die. It's important, but movement is just as important. There's so many benefits to movement, and this is something I don't think we need to discuss too much, which is in terms of everybody knows that exercise is healthy. Everybody knows it's important to get exercise. But why is it important even when you may not have the energy to work out? And we're gonna talk about how to get started with it, even when you feel like you just don't have the energy to get started working out, Because here's what happens when you stop working out. When you stop being active, your lymphatic system stops getting flushed your lymphatic system, as we've touched on earlier, it does not have its own muscular system to flush it on. Lee gets flushed when your muscles contract and squeeze and actually flush the lymphatic system. And again, your lymphatic system is used to detox. It pulls all the toxins that is within your body and flushes them through the lymphatic system out into your intestinal tracts, they can actually be released, right? And when you don't work out, what happens is you start to get this talks and build up in your body, which then builds inflammation, which makes your body work harder, and you can see how this becomes a slippery slope. But also the other thing with this is that your brain doesn't get what I call juiced. Exercise actually caused the brain to release endorphins, which make you feel really great. But endorphins also give your bringing your body tons and tons of energy and its natural lasting energy. But only that when you stop working out, your circulation gets weaker. Your heart stops pumping as much as it's used to when you're working out on a regular basis , and therefore it takes more energy, and it's a little bit more tough for your body to pump that circulation through the circulatory system. Your blood vascular system gets weaker and it becomes more lethargic, so it's really important that we maintain our optimal circulation not only because we want it to be strong and healthy when we need it, but that's also going to again pump more toxins, oxygen, more of ourselves and keep us feeling energized. And then the other part of this is when you stop working out has been shown, actually give you worse quality sleep. Sleep performance actually goes down. You may be thinking you're eating sleep, but you may actually be getting very poor quality sleep. So again you may be getting the right amount of sleep, but you may be getting worse. Quality sleep in the last one here is worse. Focus and more fatigue. Because, of course, if you're not stimulating your brain than you are not going to be feeling has focused or is energized. And there's actually some amazing research out there that shows that when you stimulate the spine, such as when you're moving and you're working out and you're walking, hiking, whatever it is, it actually has some really positive neurological impacts on the brain actually stimulates the brain, which is actually another reason why movements so important because it stimulates your brain in a positive, positive way. Okay, so now let's touch on one of the best types of exercise. Now there's really four classifications that I'm going to give you here. We're not gonna go into the different types of workouts in the different workout programs you can get on. I really kind of classified into four different options. Here. First was aerobic. Aerobic is really you're running, hiking, biking, swimming things like that and really aerobics more for establishing your baseline. Everybody needs to have aerobic fitness because aerobic fitness transfers into every other type of fitness. I like to call your aerobic fitness as your baseline. Everyone should have this. And there's tremendous tremendous benefits to aerobic exercise and aerobic exercise, really 20 minutes and above of low to moderate heart rate. So you're not pushing a little too much. You're just moving and sweating at a very easy, comfortable heart rate and maybe a little bit more than just comfortable. But a decent heart rate that's gonna get you sweating for about 20 minutes and above the other one is high intensity training. High intensity is those short bouts of really significantly high heart rate of obviously within a healthy limit. There's gonna be things like sprints, high intensity, interval training, toe Bottas. Things like that, and the reason high intensity is so beneficial is it's great for bet fat burning. It boosts human growth hormone makes you look and feel younger, which also has a lot of benefits for your brain as well. But also it uses a completely different energy system than aerobic does, so you're gonna get a very well rounded fitness level as well as energy level. That's gonna make your body extremely adaptable. And the nice thing is with high intensity training, you can add in the next one here, which is resistance training and resistance. Training is important for stability, muscle tone and longevity. It's also important for bone health, etcetera. There's a lot of benefits to resistant string, but it's also mawr of the train you wanna do, depending on what your fitness and personal those are. If you obviously want to look a certain way, you can obviously use resistant strain to help do that. This is something that you can easily incorporate into a weekly regimen, depending on what your goals are with your resistance training. The last one here is mobility, and mobility is often one that gets overlooked because it's one that most people don't like to do. It's the stretching, it's the yoga. It's things like that where we're trying to get quality movement not just in the quantity of moving rival typo there, but quality movement is just as important as quantity. That's a definite misspelling there, but you get The idea here is that we want quality movement because if we don't get quality movement over time, that starts to create issues down the road. Some ability is extremely, extremely important there. So here's a great way to start off. This is how I kind of like to teach some my clients and patients to start off with is really want to start with aerobic. First, we want to build up in whatever aerobic exercise you feel best. Maybe that's running. Maybe you enjoy hiking, maybe enjoys swimming, biking, whatever it is. Whatever that is, you want to strive to get to 20 minutes and above 3 to 5 times per week. So if you're at one time week now, maybe next week, you try for twice, and then once you get to twice week next goal, you want to get to three times and then to four times in the five times. And once you get to that steady rhythm there where you can get to 20 minutes and above several times a week. Then you can start incorporating more resistance training. You can start incorporating some high intensity training, but again, high intensity training because it uses a different system. You were gonna want to start off very slowly. It's a different type of training. It's much more intense, highly recommended. Use a personal trainer or use a coach somebody. You can walk you through the steps of high intensity training and you want. Oh, insert yourself into high intensity training very, very slowly because it's very taxing on the body and with high intensity training, you want to start off at once a week. Incorporate into your usual routine than to twice a week and etcetera and see how your body feels. And obviously, you want to work with a professional as you're doing this, or if you're very used to exercising and follow different programs that are available. But I'm also going to include 20 different workouts that you can use their all body weight that you can use to get some ideas for high intensity training that will be in the resource section below this video. There is a big question I hear all the time from Klein's impatient, but I just don't have the energy to work out. I just got so much to do. I just feel so tired. Here is the deal. I know this isn't gonna be fun to hear, but you have to pay to play if you want to get more energy. But you feel too tired of work out. Sometimes you just need to start slow and build up. You just have to do it. But one of the ways that you do that is you got to make it fun. You gotta find something you enjoy to do. If working out is a board to you and you just are tired of go on, the treadmill stopped on the treadmill. If you're tired of doing the elliptical stopped in the elliptical, find something that's fun, that can actually get your heart rate up and start doing that on a regular basis. But really, the key here with this is even when you don't have the energy, you need to have discipline and you need to schedule it. This out in the importance of scheduling is you want to avoid willpower and what I mean by that is how many times have you thought about going on a workout? You're like, I really just don't want to. When you're negotiating with yourself and your battling with yourself, trying to figure out, when should I work out? I really don't want to work out, but I should. What am I gonna wear? What music I'm gonna listen to that uses willpower. Every time you have to make those decisions you're using will power. You want to plan ahead. So what I do is before I work out, I then layout on my clothes I put out and we'll talk about this in a separate video is all laid out on my clothes. I'll put my shoes, I'll pick my playlist. I'll pick a podcast that I'm listen to and it will all be set up. So all I have to do is when I wake up in the morning, I get up, put my clothes on, I go work out. I don't even have to think about it. That's avoiding willpower, that scheduling, and that's gonna keep your discipline extremely, extremely easy. And it's a very simple thing. You can dio now another interesting tool here that I like to throw in here is saunas and saunas are really fascinating because saunas are actually a cardiovascular workout without be intensity. And I love using saunas as a supplement to my workout routine. Now, obviously it's not the same is working out you're not using your muscles, but it does cause your heart toe work and circulate harder to cause your body to cool off. When your body has to circulate more blood, it's gonna allow to release more heat, which is also gonna cause plenty of sweating toe. Also help you detoxify and sweating is one of the best and most effective detox methods available at a very affordable rate. Most of these you confined in Jim's, your local gyms, spas. A lot of places actually have saunas that you can rent and, you know, do a session for, you know, a low price. Those air all available after you can buy them online nowadays, but also they improve circulation. And when you're improving your circulation, you're gonna get better oxygenation into your cells, which is gonna give you more energy. It's also going to stimulate the release of endorphins, and again, as we've talked about, endorphins are gonna make you feel fantastic and are going to give your brain and your body tons of energy. Now saunas because you're obviously sitting in a very hot box is a for what we call heat stress. And it's a good type of heat stress. And it's actually been shown that this heat stress is kind of like a workout for your cells . It actually been shown to improve your mitochondria function, which is your cells batteries, remember? So it's gonna improve your cellular battery, which means they're gonna be able to create energy easier and faster, which is that I'm gonna give you more energy quicker and faster. Pretty cool, huh? The other thing that I love about saunas is it actually increases production of something called BDNF. Now we haven't touched on this, but this is called brain derived new trophic factor. Brain derived neurotrophic factor is an amazing, fascinating substance in the body, and really brain derived neurotrophic factor helps stimulate the production of new brain cells and actually create a whole course on this because I think it's so fascinating. I think it's revolutionary. I think it's the wave of the future, especially if you're someone he wants to improve your focus, your energy, your productivity. Because BDNF has been shown, Teoh not only help you rewire your brain, but because you're producing more brain cells, it actually increases. Your focus increases energy levels, improve your productivity. And there's just so many amazing benefits to beating enough. Which is another reason why I love saunas, and you can learn more about that with Unleash your bullet, unleash your super brain, hack your neural plasticity. This is a course we've created one of our best courses. It's one of my favorite courses because I think it's so, so fascinating. And people have taken this course have nothing but great things to say. It's one of our highest rated course because I think it's so, so fascinating. So if you're interested in learning more about BDNF, had improve your focus, your energy, your productivity and actually rewire your brain, that's a great course for you to jump on 15. Oxygen Is Life: All right, guys, I want to say one quick second to touch on Bary Ving. And I tell you what, As soon as I start walking through this with you, I guarantee you and started noticing this with so many people. And it can be one of the biggest factors that's contributing to low energy, especially as you go throughout the day. And this is gonna be something going to give you an exercise of the end of this That's really gonna help you tune into this as you go throughout your day and really optimize your energy, especially once you get towards the afternoon really, really important here. So really, oxen his life, we know oxygen supplies are cells. It's what allows you to yourselves to produce more energy. There is a process that your cells used to create energy called oxidative phosphor relation . We're not going to break that down by any means. That's way beyond the scope of this course. But essentially this process needs oxygen. It's one of the main resource is involved in creating energy. So if you don't get enough energy, you're not going to be able to get the maximum amount of energy that you need so auction his life. But there are things that happen throughout our day, such as stress work, working at a computer, sitting long time over the day, looking down oftentimes, especially if you're looking at yourself on a computer. A lot of these things cause are breathing against shallow. So if you look over at the right hand side of this image over here, you're going to see that on the left side of this picture is what a normal spine should look like. But you can see over on the right is what we would call a chi focuses and kind folks is a condition that happens within the spine. But really, what I want to point out is over the course of the day, if you can imagine sitting at your computer, what's the posture that you have while you're sitting down? Do you have optimal posture? You sitting up nice and tall already tend to slouch forward when you're looking down, does your head go forward or back nice and tall, and you can imagine how all this causes our chest and our spine to collapse, too shut in on itself and what happens is when that happens, when the spine and the rib cage starts to collapse, it actually creates shallow breathing. And most people don't know this until somebody points out, like, take a deep breath. Even right now, as you're watching this, take a deep breath right now and notice the difference between a deep breath and the way you've been bringing before. It's very different, right? Often times were so unaware of our breathing patterns, and we get so caught up in shallow breathing because it just seems normal that we forget that just sitting back, sitting up nice and tall and taking a nice deep breath is one of the biggest things that can create mawr energy in your system. So right now you can even try this. Take about two or three deep breaths in just MM, and you'll notice immediately a change in your energy. It really can happen that quick, and that sometimes is a little bit of a neurological reaction that happens when you take a deep breath in taking deeper. It's actually calm. Your central nervous system are actually a great way to reduce stress as well. But a lot of this that happens in terms of stress work working at your computer and these postural changes that take place happened without you actually knowing it. And so we're going to a quick exercise here. So this is something that I do every hour or so, and what I'll do is in the middle of my day. Sometimes if I'm in between patients, I'll take a step back. You know, I'll stand up in my office and I'll stay 10 deep breaths and really, the key is you want to count four seconds in and four seconds out, and typically I'll hold at the top just for a little bit. So let's do this real quick. Syria counting in one, 23 four, hold at the top, Exhale one to three four, and what I'll do with this is I'll try to make every breath deeper than the last breath. So in the 1st 1 maybe I've been slouching for a little while. It's gonna feel tighter, but as I go through and I get two breaths 567 I'm trying to expand my rib cage as much as possible, and that's really to stretch from these deep muscles and ligaments that have been so tight for so long. But one of the key things here is deep breathing has been shown to calm your sympathetic nervous system. And remember, when you're on that sympathetic, dominant system, it activates the stress out of your nervous system, and it causes you to be more erratic. It caused by it waste more energy. It doesn't allow your body to use energy efficiently. And so keeping the sympathetic nervous system at bay is going to be one of the keys to maximizing your energy over the long term. Plus, you're getting great amounts of oxygen, which going to oxygenate your brain while you're also calming and focusing the brain. And this is an exercise I'll do about every hour, so it doesn't take long. It's really easy to do. You can even do it while you're working, And as you start getting used to this, you start paying attention to your own breath, but also what you're gonna start noticing. And just if you work in an office space or you work with other people every so often, just take a look at how other people are breathing. Just take a look at the person next to you and to see how they're bringing. You'll notice their breaths. Air very shallow, very erratic, not very deep. And you also start paying attention to how people's energies are, how they appear, how much they yawn. And this is all keen into how our body needs oxygen and how deep breathing can make a huge difference in that piece of the puzzle there. 16. Sleep Hacking: Alright guys, it's time to talk about the importance of sleep. As you know, sleep is so important. I don't think we really need to go into too much detail in terms of how important sleep is . But I just want to go over a few important factors in terms of sleep and what it does to our body. Now the importance of great sleep is really this one. It's necessary for your mental, emotional and physical health. It's not just because you probably need sleep just like it needs. You know, calories for energy. It's necessary not just for your physical health is necessary for your brain health. It's plays a huge part in your mental resiliency, your mental energy also your emotional health, how well your body is able to adapt a stress and what happens when you get bad night asleep . It's been shown Teoh actually increase your stress hormone, so when you get great sleep, it actually been shown to reduce the amount of stress hormones in your body so you can adapt better to future stress. It makes you less responsive distress and puts you more in the driver's seat, which is really, really important also has been shown to boost memory. It improves your immune function. It helps regulate the hormones that control appetite, which is a really interesting one. Actually. Did this video on my YouTube channel and it's really interesting is that when you get a bad night asleep, what happens is that your body has a hard time lowering its cortisol level, and actually, you start to lower your serotonin levels as well. In an interesting thing, I'm not gonna go to the full signs of it. But one of the best ways that your brain loves to get more serotonin is through cravings through carbohydrates. Carbohydrates actually creates a carrier system into the brain, actually up to transport more serotonin into the brain. So when you're low on serotonin from a bad night's sleep, your body will crave more. You're gonna crave more the sweets. You're gonna create more of the carbohydrates. So if you're trying to stay healthier, trying to get in better shape, great sleep is going to be essential for that because it's gonna cause you to have a less cravings overall. So definitely don't cut back on sleep. Also, it's going to improve your brain health and performance. Getting less sleep is not a hack if you are somebody who is very interested in bio hacking . If you've seen any of my stuff, you're very interested in bio hacking, a very interesting in productivity and performance and getting the maximum out of life you cannot skip about on sleep. You cannot get less sleep and expect to get more done in a day. The scientist isn't there, actually decreases your brain health brain performance. You're gonna make worse decisions. You'll have less energy. There's so much research behind getting great sleep, so definitely don't skimp out on sleep. The other one here is a really interesting book I read is a book done called Why We Sleep by Dr Matthew Walker Really interesting book. And what he did is he actually showed in his book that cutting corners on sleep actually creates what we call a sleep debt. And what he found is that when you don't get enough sleep, it actually accumulates over time. Creating a debt that must be playing must be paid in sleep. So therefore, if you're meant to get seven hours and talk about a test that you can take pick and determine roughly how much sleep that you need. And if you're not getting great quality sleep, obviously that's gonna come in tow coming to play there. But if you're not getting enough sleep, let's say, for instance, you need eight hours of sleep and you got six hours a night of sleep the night before. You now have a two hour sleep debt that needs to be recovered in quality sleep. The other thing here is Imagine that over the course of a week, well, now you have 14 hours of sleep that you need to accumulate back and you need rest. You need recovering. There's ways you can kind of help your body through this, but getting less sleep is not a productivity app. Productivity hack. You need optimal sleep and quality sleep. It's a necessary part of life, and if you don't optimize it, you're always going to be dragging behind when you could be getting a head start instead. So it's really important thing to consider Now. One thing that many people don't realize is routines are so, so, so, so helpful in many of the clients and patients that I've worked with. One of the most important things that I've helped most of our clients and patients with in terms of getting better sleep not only in terms of sleep but also just general performance morning routines. Things like that is routines are incredibly helpful to trigger your brain to act on something. For instance, when you go into a workout, are you going to the gym? You know, there's certain types of music's that gets you mawr into the mood of working out. That's what we call a trigger. And routines can become a trigger for your brain to begin to rest. And often times we're so stressed and engaged in our day that we need that trigger to transition our brain to say, Hey, it's time to relax. It's time to go into the next face And bedtime routines are a great way to actually create a trigger to get your brain to turn off, get ready for sleep. So, for example, find some things that soothe you and calm you and do them every night before bed, and I'll show you my routine here. So this is my routine every single night. So once I'm done recording this, I just had a day seeing patients. I'm recording this for you guys. The next thing to do after this isn't gonna show off on my electron ICS An electron ICS will touch on this and just a little bit here on what that does to your sleep. I'm going to show up on my electron ICS computers off phone is gonna be on airplane mode. I'm turning it off and I'm then going to go into stretching stretch because I have a very physical job. So I need to stretch. I work out a lot, So I need to stretch and make sure my body stays limber Loose Mobile as we touched on in the previous section. Immediately after doing that, I might take a nice hot shower. Hot shower sues the body. It relaxes the muscles but also stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. And it starts that relax ation process. He does a great job of that and then usually after him. Don't that hot shower depend on how tired I am? I'm going to read for about 10 15 minutes, and usually this is going to be And this has been tough for me because I am such a high achiever and I love reading like business and things that motivate me. But before bed, I need to read something that's fiction or easy to read, something that doesn't cause my brain to start thinking about business or doesn't start my brain thinking about science or anything like that. I need something that's just easy to read that doesn't engage. My brain will do that for about 10 to 15 minutes, and then a Susan done reading All meditate for about 5 to 10 minutes, and by the time I'm done with my meditation, usually by the time I'm towards the end of my meditation, I'm like, already starting to pass out. And then it's lights out, and that's an easy routine for me that I do every single night. And it makes a huge difference. So highly recommend starting to find different things that soothe you. Maybe it's taking a shower. Maybe it's taking a bath. Maybe it's reading. Maybe it's, you know, a cup of tea. Uh, you know, maybe it's just hanging out by the fire. Whatever it might be for you just find things that relax. You sooth, you help shut off your brain. Maybe it's meditation maybe it's reading. Maybe it's, you know, you know, whatever it might be for you. There's so many different options out there. Whatever it is finance, start playing around and start creating this routine that will start to work for you to create a trigger to start getting you to go to bed. 17. Essential Oils: now, something new that I've been getting into more recently is essential oils. Essential oils are extremely fascinating. We're not gonna go into depth of how essential oils work, But basically, just to make this very simple is our nervous system is so receptive to our senses, whether that's touch, sight smell. Our nervous system in our brain is so responsive. And there's plenty of studies that show how beneficial smelling, certain things our to our body, whether they get access through our skin and the sensation of the oil is going to the skin . There's plenty of great studies and research and obviously anecdotal research from people in the world who claim and make mention of how well essential oils work for them. One of the biggest things I love is that your sense of smell is one of the Onley senses that actually has a direct access point from your nose directly to your brain. And so your sense of smell is so powerful and can create immediate responses just from smelling, so these oil. So I'm not going to sell you essential oils. I'm not a distributor. I'm sure many of you know people who work with the central oils and confined them near you , whether online, whether it's somebody you know. If you do have somebody who sells essential oils, please support them in their business, of course. But I want to touch on several here that have been shown based on research and studies to actually help with not only energy, but more importantly, with these ones, I want to focus on sleep in particular because I think essential oils can be helpful in terms of energy. I have noticed that myself in patients hasn't been as effective as these essential oils for sleep. So if you're going to focus on using essential oils, I think sleep is gonna be a better access point for many of you. And so there's really 10 that I recommend. And they're gonna be lavender, cedarwood, vetiver, sandalwood, Rose, Kim, il Alang, Alang, marjoram, frankincense and Burger Mont. Now, these all have very calming anti anxiety relaxing effects on the central nervous system. Um, almost in order here, you know lavender and cedar orders of the top two. They're very calming. Very anti anxiety. Lavender, you'll notice, is in a lot of nighttime smells. Well, that's lotions or bath soaps things like that. You're gonna see lavender a lot when it comes to more calming, relaxing smells. And a lot of people relate that same with Cam, a meal and a Lingling big time. Their frankincense is also very powerful anti oxidant as well. Now the big question is, OK, well, how do I use them? Um, there's many companies out there, such as young living dough. Tara. Those of the tooth out most highly recommend most high quality of the essential oils as well that I would recommend. Dr. Acts also asked him great great blends as well. They can help you create specialty blood, so a lot of them, especially young living I know has different specialty blends that they can help you create . You can also go into Pinterest or ah instagram and find different blends. And essentially, what you'll do is you'll take some water and add about four drops of lavender with two drops of orange and things like that, and you'll mix these together and water. And one of the best ways have found to use this is to put in a diffuser. Let it just air out into the room, and it's a very subtle, very impactful way to get that smell into your nervous system. And again, when you're smelling this smell, it creates pathways within the central nervous system, activates different receptors in your central nervous system to create the desired effect, which can be things like calming, relaxing. And I like to use a lot of these, especially the lavender before bed, and I've noticed a big difference with that. I was very much didn't really noticed too many benefits from Central was before, but once I started using them in particular for sleep, I knows tremendous benefits. And of course, many of our other patients have noticed tremendous benefits from using a central oils for a variety of different things. But for this one, I want to focus purely on sleep for this one. I hope it helps you as well. 18. Melatonin Debunked: I wanted to take a quick second in touch on melatonin. I know melatonin tends to be a very popular sleep supplement, and there's a lot, a lot of confusion around melatonin. And I wanted to make sure for you guys on this course that we address this because I don't want this to become a stumbling block for some of you. So I want to address what melatonin is, what it does. So melatonin is a natural hormone batch your body creates for sleep. But the big question is, what does melatonin actually do? And here is the big caveat with melatonin. Melatonin helps induce sleep, but it does not sustain or promote better sleep. That's important to know. It helps you kind of start the pathway to feel more tired and get to sleep. But the research shows and Dr Matthew Walker, who I mentioned in a previous video, found this out that Melton helps you get asleep quicker, but it doesn't give you better sleep, so you still need all those things to help your body relax and promote better sleep, better nutrition, things like that. Proper timing of your sleep, the right amount of sleep. But melatonin is not unnecessary. A sleep aid. It is more of a sleep inducer, and it's very important that it should not be used as a regular supplement. Now, of course, because melatonin is a hormone that your body naturally produces. If you continually supplement with that, you know there's danger that your body will not produce enough, and it'll be harder to bounce back and get off melatonin in the future. So I always say, Please do not use melatonin on a regular basis. It can alter how you bring produces melatonin if you are going to be using it on a case by case basis, such as travel or irregular sleep patterns with work, maybe you work a night shift a couple days a week, then what you want to do is you want to start the minimal dosage, such as 0.25 milligrams, I think is the lowest dosage I've seen out there. There may be lower now at this time, but they can go up to two milligrams and beyond. I recommend starting with the lowest dose and work from there. But of course, always any time we're dealing with anything that's gonna be altering the body's hormones and especially melatonin. Always consult your doctor before using any of these things. There can be other options out there that are more natural. That won't be altering your sleep patterns as well. So definitely consider that before using melatonin, I highly recommend only using it on a short term case by case basis. 19. The Hidden Destroyer Of Sleep: So here's a very interesting topic that I love talking about. And this is becoming much more prominent as technology is becoming much more part of our everyday life, from televisions to cell phones, Teoh, ipads toe laptops, whatever might be. And blue light is essentially a frequency of light. And if you look at these spectrum of light, you have you know, your read on one side, blue on the other side. You know, we have all these different spectrums of color that are essentially frequencies. Their frequencies of light and blue light in particular does some very interesting things to our body here. So I'm gonna show you this one right here, and you can see the frequency of light. We have red on one side. Excuse May. Here you can see we have red on one side. That's a lower frequency receiving a higher frequency. As you come across this area, we can see more of the blue light here. Now, Blue Light does some very interesting things to our brain into our melatonin blue light actually has the greatest power to switch off the production of melatonin. There's a reason wine. I'm gonna come back, Teoh this slide here and this is a slide. Obviously it's an Italian here. I'm not Italian, but it was a great slide that I think captures this really well. And if you look at this one here Excuse me. You can see this is, you know, the daytime over here, so you can see the sun rises in the morning, gets to its highest about noon right here, and then starts to lower towards the evening here. Right now, as you go throughout your day in the morning, blue light is the lowest. As we start reaching the high time towards noon, blue line is the highest. Now, this is really interesting. Pay attention. This blue light in the brain is meant to act as a signal to your brain to let it know that it is new. It is very interesting. So when you go out at noon and you look outside, this is when the highest frequency of blue light is found in the sun. And what it's meant to do is activate your circadian rhythm. And it's meant to be sort of a check a tune up that basically, when your eyes see and gather that frequency of blue light. It then sends a signal to the brain that says, Hey, this is the highest amount of blue light, which then tells the brain it must be noon, which then starts to create the process for your brain to start activating the circadian rhythm and say, Okay, well, in about eight hours time from now it is going to be bedtime ish, Let's say, and it starts to create the cycle. That is why Blue Light is the most in hitori for melatonin. So, for instance, if we have blue light at noon, obviously we're not going to be as tired because it's signaling a brand. Hey, it's noon. It's time for us to wake up and get ready to keep going throughout our day. But as we start to go towards the nighttime blue light starts to lower. We started getting more into the reds oranges as sunset. Things like that triggers the brain to say, Oh, it must be getting later. It must be time for bed, and so it's really important. Obviously you can imagine here, let's say we go back to this one here. Lets say you get the highest amount of blue light towards the end of the day. What do you think that will do? So your circadian rhythm? It will start to throw your circadian rhythm out of balance. So where do you get these blue light sources? One from the sun. Of course, that just comes especially towards the high time around noon. That's a natural source. Ah, blue light. But it also comes from things like led light bulbs, computers, iPhones, IPADS, television screen led screens, things like that. So it's important to know. First off, that normal blue light from the sun is natural and blue light will be lowest in the morning . In the evening, it will be highest at noon. But the problem is when we get excessive blue light from electron ICS led screens, things like that. That's when it causes problems because the excessive blue light when it comes with wrong time, let's say you're watching TV before bed or you're on your computer before bed starts to signal the brain until the brain. Hey, you know we're seeing this amount of blue at eight oclock. Is it really noon? And it starts to throw your circadian rhythm out of balance. So this is really important. So obviously the next question is OK, well, what if I need Teoh work before bed? Or what If you know I have to write some emails or what if I'm reading an article? You know if what if I just want to watch this movie before bed? I don't have to worry about blue light all the time. There's a couple different options that you have here. One of the first ways is most smartphones. If you're looking at your smartphone before bed, they have different installed APS on your phone to stop blue light towards the evening, such as, I believe it's called True Light on your iPhone. Now I think that's what it's called. And when I click on here or two tone, true tone is what it's called in. It'll activate, and night shift is another one. Scuse me. That'll activate and actually deactivates the blue light on your phone and turns it more of an orange tint. You can also get some simple abs on your iPhone. Just look for blue light blocker. Um, for your computer, one that I use right now that I'm using is called F lux F dot Lux. It's a free app you can download from the Internet. Another simple option is blue light blockers, blue light blocking lenses. Specifically, they're gonna be more of an orange tint. Um, summer more for everyday use, and those gonna look more clear. So I use those one at the office if after you look at a computer screen during the day because you do want to get some necessary blue light from the sun. So I don't want him all the time on Lee. What? I'm working at a computer. And then I used the more orange tinted less lenses for the evening because I want to make sure I'm blocking out all sources of blue light there. And so those are some easy ways you can prevent excessive blue light. But again, I want to make sure we understand Blue Light is not, you know, bad. It's only bad when it's in excessive amounts. We want to make sure we're going the proper, amenable light from the sun and not exposing herself to excessive blue light from screens and things like that, because it's going to throw our circadian rhythm out of balance. It's going to start that affecting the way we sleep. How? What kind of quality sleep are beginning. And that is therefore going to affect our energy long term, which we don't want obviously. 20. Let's Talk About Stress: Okay, guys, this next section is so important that it's demanded its own module within this course because stress is so prevalent and so important and so detrimental to our health. If it's not taking care of properly. And stress is not just emotional, it's physical. It's chemical and emotional. You have physical stress, like how hard you're working out or what you're putting your body through. Bad posture, sitting for too long things like that. You have chemical stress, like what you're putting into your body in terms of diet, the environment around you. If you're working right next to a, uh, a waste plant that's emitting a lot of toxic chemicals, that's a stress. And then, obviously emotional stress, financial relationship work. All these things air stresses that your body has to deal with, and it's gonna deal with it, however it possibly can. And when the body is under stress, whatever kind of stress it is, it is going to activate what's known as the sympathetic nervous system. This was called Your fight or flight mode may be familiar with that. That's a stress mode. I like to call the gas pedal in the sympathetic nervous system is really only meant for short periods of time. The other side of your nervous system, which essentially these to be sympathetic, and the parasympathetic nervous system form a yin and a yang. They balance each other out. They're not active at the same time. So when the sympathetic nervous system has turned on, the parasympathetic nervous system is turned off. Now the Paris sympathetic nervous system is where most people want to be. This is what we call the rest digest. This is where optimal immune function lives. Octomom digestion, optimal hormonal health that's where you want to be is more on the Paris sympathetic nervous system. We want essentially balance because we need the sympathetic nervous system for those short term needs and also like when you work out things like that. But we don't want to get stuck there, and that's what we call sympathetic dominance. And it's very, very detrimental to our health because, as you can imagine, when you were a sympathetic, dominant system, when you're in fight or flight, it ramps up. Your nervous system causes more anxiety. It also shuns blood away from digestion, focuses more on the muscles. It increases inflammation because the body thinks it's needing to survive. It's in fight or flight. It's ready to attack or to fly away. And that means it's not worried about fighting the flu. It's not worried about digestion. It's not worried about optimal hormonal health. It just worried about survival. And that's not a good place to be. So. Constant stress, constant sympathetic, nervous system activation or dominance is not we want. It's on for short term survival, not travel. We've always talked about that, but also long term activation drains our energy. It creates more information. It worsens our sleep and negatively impacts our health, especially long term. And you can imagine with way. Most people's lives are. Most people are stuck in sympathetic nervous system dominance. It is wreaking havoc on their health and in their energy as well. Because what happens is when you are stuck in the sympathetic nervous system, your energy becomes more relying on your adrenal glands, which secrete adrenalin epinephrine, which are these things that ramp up your system and give you a media energy in the long term. But they're not meant to sustain energy. They're meant for quick bouts of energy, but then what happens is people when they're so stuck in stress, they were lie on adrenaline. They were lie on a pin effort, and over time it starts to drain. Their adrenal glands and their adrenal glands get fatigue and can no longer keep up. And that's when we get into issues such as chronic fatigue, and that is much more detrimental. And if you are curious, if you're struggling with adrenal fatigue, you just no matter what you do, you can not get energy back. You've been following this course, and nothing seems to work. You need to go check, get checked and see if you have any sort of signs of adrenal fatigue. The other thing is, when you're in chronic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system activation, it's going to lower your neural plasticity. Now. Neural plasticity is the ability of your brain to rewire itself. When neuro plasticity goes down, the brain starts to fatigue faster. The brain stops being able to change. It gets stuck in the same patterns. We start to notice increased rates of fatigue, anxiety and stress. The brain has a hard time adapting the future stress. It gets stuck in the same patterns because it has a harder time changing. We even created a whole course on neuro plasticity because I believe neural plasticity and the ability of the brain to rewire itself is going to be one of the most critical factors in determining not only your media health. Put your long term health optimizing brain performance and potential. But if you are somebody who is an entrepreneur and you want to be more productive, neural plasticity is going to be essential to be able to dominate in excel in your life. It's really the key is stress is not going to go away. We cannot remove all our stress. So what we need is we need systems and habits that helped to reverse the stress and activate our parasympathetic nervous system. Activate the brake pedal because guess what? Stress is not going away. So we need systems in place that help us to decrease that stress as much as possible with a touch on the top seven year. And it's a little bit but one of the best ways that I'd love to measure stress because I think it helps to have a quantifiable way to measure our stress. It's very easy to get caught in the slippery slope of. I feel more stressed today or I don't feel as stressed today, but your body is dealing with stress at a physiological level that may be imperceptible to you. A lot of times, people don't realize the detriment of what their stresses done to them until it's too late . So we need quantifiable ways to measure our stress. And there's something called heart rate variability. Heart rate variability is measuring the beat to beat rhythm of your heart, and it's a uses a very complicated algorithm. But essentially what happens is your heart rate is determined. The beat of your heart is determined by your central nervous system. And when the nervous system is under stress, the nervous system will pick Avery consistent heart rate that it feels it can keep up with . And I want you to think of a boxer on their feet, a boxer in the first round, very light quick on their feet, constantly changing, constantly adapting. They want to be adaptable to the situation as they get later on, and as they start getting tired in the match, they start becoming more methodical and start becoming slower And that's essentially what heart rate variability is doing its testing to see what's the adaptability of our heart, how shifting how adaptable is our heart rate. And that's very, very important for measuring what we would call autonomic adaptability. Or we would call heart rate variability. That's an very important and very quantifiable and very reliable measure of how well is our body adapting to the stress of everyday life because you may be under stress, but the only time it becomes a problem is when your body is not able to adapt to that stress. That's when we started noticing problems. So what we do is you can use these applications that are on many smart watches Now. There's also absolutely on your smartphone called elite H R V. You will need a strap to be able to monitor this, such as a chest drafted able to get an official measurement on this unless you have a smart watch that could actually measure that from your wrist. But essentially think this way when you have a high H R V score what that means that your body is very adaptable. It's gonna be more resilient to the current stress and future stress. When you have a low H R V score a low heart rate variability score, it is saying that your body is currently experiencing in dealing with stress, and it needs help. It is wearing and tearing under the current stress, and it needs help, which means you may need to rest. You may need to pump the brakes. You may need to recover more He needed to. You need to take it easy. This is becoming a gold standard for NFL athletes Now. Some NFL teams will actually have their athletes take this poor practice and lets them know how hard can they perform in the practice because they know when that athlete has a low H. R V scored there at a higher increased risk for injury. And when you go throughout your day and you have a low H R V score, you are starting to use energy systems that were invented a long term. And when you stay consistent in a low heart rate variability over the long term, you were gonna notice your energy start to deplete long term because you're now using the reserve tanks that weren't meant to deal with that, and over time your energy will deplete. And once that gets depleted is very hard to build that back without completely taking time off. So you need to be very prevent. Excuse me. You need to be very preventative with this immediately. So this is definitely something that I highly recommend is investing in checking your heart rate variability on a regular basis. We take this with all our patients and very fascinating data comes out of our office in terms of how chiropractic increases heart rate variability. Score. That's for a whole another time there. But I highly recommend using our variability, but I want to say is before before I send you off here. One is singing to notices for many of our patients when they start off and they see low H R V scores. Many of them are experiencing more anxiety, more stress as we start to go throughout care and we helped their body increase. There are variability, their adaptability to stress through chiropractic care. A lot of them will say they noticed one more energy to better sleep and also less anxiety, less stress. So something to think about is really focusing on getting that high H R V score, because it's going to affect you more in the long run 21. Top 7 Stress Busters: All right, everybody, let's talk about some stress busters. Here are my top seven ways to crush stress, especially in the moment. And just have some tools to put in your tool belt for every day use. And for those immediate uses that you may, I need this going to be more of a preventive. Look at the top seven strategies that I want you to start thinking about using to crest, stress and conserve mawr of your energy. Now the 1st 1 here is meditation. Meditation has been shown to calm the stress response and activate the Paris sympathetic nervous system. And remember, if we're stuck in stress, our body is going to be using more energy. So we want to activate the parasympathetic nervous system to allow our body to use energy more efficiently. Also, it's gonna help train the brain's ability to react and manage stress in the future. Better, it's essentially brain training. I do think of meditation more is bringing training than anything else because it's gonna help our brain respond better future stress, and it's gonna help us conserve more energy in the future. We're not gonna be as reactive, and we're not gonna have to expend more energy dealing with our stress and our anxiety and really only takes about 5 10 minutes has been shown to show significant benefits, so it doesn't take 20 minutes or an hour long meditation. It could be a simple as 5 to 10 minutes, and there's lots of programs available. You can find some programs, I'm sure. Here on new Demi, there's different audio tracks that I use on Spotify. There's plenty of different options. You can go on YouTube as well, where there's guided meditations that you can walk through. And I'd even take a look on Amazon. See if there's their CD programs, audible programs you could purchase as well. One thing I do like to mention is I do like to use music to block out distractions. So especially if you're not using a program or a guided meditation. I like to use music, have that playing in some earbuds, and what that will do is that will block out any distraction that could be in your room, such as the dog barking outside or car driving by things like that that could pull your focus away during the meditation, and I like to have that going on in the background as I'm meditating especially, and I highly recommend adopting a meditation practice. Even if it's only a few days a week, it's gonna really make a huge payoff in your life. Long term. The next one here is mock. I've been using mock A for years, and market is a herb commonly found in Peru and in South America, and it's known as an adapted gin, and it really helps the body adapt to stress. Whatever kind of stress that maybe and mock has also been shown have great effects on hormonal variations and stress. So a lot of men and women will use that to manage their different hormones, such as testosterone, estrogen. Things like that's been shown to be very powerful to help with that. And that's important because hormones play a huge role in energy. So I love using market just because it's been shown to be one of the most popular ones that help tremendously with stress. Another one that I like that I didn't put in here is actual Gonda. That's another one that's been really shown to help mitigate stress but also improve energy as well and I've no significant difference in not only my mental performance but also my physical performance when taking maca, and it's a really easy supplement to find online. I do recommend taking Monica with food to make sure that you are absorbing the maximum amount as possible. So definitely take that one with food. Another one here is CBD or CBD oil. It's called cannabinoid oil, and you may be familiar with that from cannabis. CVD is a component of cannabis or marijuana. Now always check the law in your state. Now here in California, CBD is legal. You don't need a prescription, for we can find it very readily available anywhere here in California. It may be different where you are, so please follow the laws in your area. I'm not encouraging you to break any of those loss, so always check the laws before you get started with this. Also, there's a lot of misconceptions around CBD oil. It is not marijuana oil. It's not going to get you high. CBD is the medicinal component of marijuana. It is the non psycho active component of hemp, and it will not get you high. It's not psychoactive, it's not gonna cause any those sort of things. It's actually been shown to be very anti anxiety. We have a lot of patients who take us for anxiety. Those tremendous differences. Most have extremely low. We're talking 0.3% in th e, if not no THC. Now I'll make a quick disclaimer about THC. THC has been shown in small doses to have really significant benefits for your brain, so I don't want to say that having no THC is the best. There have been some research that suggests that having middle of minimal amounts of THC works very synergistically with CBD and helps improve its performance. So I'm not as huge of opponent of THC free. But if you are someone who is very, extremely sensitive to THC, then I would recommend is going for a TC free, uh, CBD oil. Now it's important to know that the body has its own internal endo cannabinoid system that's naturally found within the body. So CBD and CBD oil is not something that's foreign to the body. Your body has its own Endo cannabinoid system. It makes its own cannabinoids. So, for instance, have you ever heard of the runner's high you got for a long run, and people feel really euphoric and good. Yes, there are endorphins that get released, but there actually are cannabinoids that get released during the process as well. And so our body was made to interact with cannabinoids. This isn't a new thing for our body were just recently now discovering this Endo cannabinoid system that interacts with our nervous system, and CVG has been shown to calm the sympathetic nervous system and activate that relaxed about that parasympathetic nervous system. It's also been shown a boost immune function, which is why you're seeing CBD oil really popular with cancer patients out of immune issues , chronic diseases, crones. Things like that. And many of our patients with anxiety and chronic stress have seen tremendous results with even small doses, and it's worked really well for headaches as well. But the main reason I put this in here is because I think it's one of the best natural, easy to use forms of a supplement that can help really mitigates stress, and I've noticed a difference even on stressful days. I'll take CBD oil and I know is much more calm, stress free, but I'm still focused. There's not that sedated effect that many people attribute to teach Seaside, such as when you are smoking marijuana. Very, very different, very calm, very subtle, very mellow. It's not gonna cause you impaired driving anything like that. I'm a huge fan of a CBD next month. Exercise. Of course, exercise is a huge, huge component of managing stress. Properly, it's one of my favorite stress busters. Exercise floods the brain with endorphins, and that's one of the biggest antidotes to chronic stress. But not only that, you're gonna up regulate your cellular function, which is going to increase your energy long term. Also, it helps to lower stress hormones in the brain and brought a brain and the body. Now remember, stress hormones can alter the way our body uses energy and can cause to expend mawr energy dealing with stress. So lowering stress hormones is very, very important. So that's why I love exercise here, and that's why it's included in this list. Another one is magnesium. Magnesium is known as nature's Valium, and the reason I love magnesium is because it's cheap and it's affordable. But it's extremely effective. You can get it very easily from Epsom Salt baths. It's very cheap, supplemented by not only is a great for coming muscles, it's also extremely powerful to calm the nervous system. And we recommend this very often for any sort of anxiety issues because it does have a very calming effect to the body. Very, very powerful for managing stress as well. Highly recommend. If you were someone who is more prone to anxiety and stress just regularly supplementing with magnesium, you can find plenty of great products online. Vitamin C Here's a really interesting one. Now vitamin C. We confined in abundance anywhere. You can get this in supplement form. You can get from the fruits that you eat things like that. It's important to know when you're stressed. Your body is gonna use a tremendous amount of vitamin C to create cortisol. To combat stress. Cortisol is your stress hormone, and in order to create quarters, all your body uses vitamin C to create that to combat stress. When your vitamin C gets depleted, it lowers your immune system, obviously, but also leaves you more vulnerable to future stress and future sickness, which, of course, is not great for your energy. Long term so under stress. Vitamin C is a very, very important, very powerful preventative supplement to keep stress hormones low and immune system high, so in time to stress. Three. Important to get more your fruits and vegetables. Vitamin season. We found more prominent in your Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, things like that. But also it's just important to have it as a supplement as well, so you can dose higher during those times where you're seeing increased dress more than normal. That's when the best reasons that I love having vitamin C on and all the time, whether that's naturally in foods that I'm eating or as a supplement. 22. What to Do At Work: Okay, guys, welcome to this next section, and I'm really excited to share some. These next level energy tips with you and the 1st 1 that we have here is more for work. What are some tips while you're at work? Maybe you're working a 9 to 5 and you need some tips to manager energy throughout the day. And there's really four that I consider. And a lot of this comes from the only working with corporate clients, CEOs and people who are entrepreneurs and not only my own life, being an entrepreneur, being very busy, these air tips that I found that actually work not just things that are band aids or not, just things that you can just go out and buy it a stored supplement. And they have all these different issues with it. I want to give you tactical. Proven strategies have been shown to work in the 1st 1 here is sitting now oftentimes at a job, often times we sit a lot and what happens is when you sit too often, guess what happens to your lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system starts to slow down, starts to not flush as much as it should, which starts them back up into the brain, which causes you to get more foggy, more lethargic. But not only that, as we've touched on before. When you move around, it actually stimulates your spine. It stimulates your nervous system, gets your body moving, using energy, different starts to circulate your blood a little bit more. So we want to do is periodically throughout our day, I would say every hour or so, at least you want to get up, get moving, walk around. And one of the best things that you can invest in is a stand up desk, some that have invested in my home office and my work offices. And that's something I haven't any place that I'm working is some sort of station where I can actually stand up while I work and you're gonna notice tremendous amounts, more energy and productivity. When you stand versus sitting, you can obviously go back and forth. But having that option to be able to stand and I have to leave your work area could be very beneficial for many of you. If you are a name or corporate work setting like that where you're working at a computer all day, especially next one. Here is lunch now lunch. There's really two main key, important things I want to talk about here. One. We want to get a healthy lunch. Obviously, we want the right micronutrients. We've already talked about some of the best ways to strategize how Eat lunch, which is gonna be more protein, fat, healthier, lighter lunch because that's going to carry your energy over into the rest of the day. And then you can have your carbon more in the evening before you go to bed. But the other thing here I want to mention is you don't want to over do lunch. You don't want to get too many calories, because if you get too many calories, guess what happens is you get this big spike, and then your body comes crashing down has to then use energy to digest all that food that you just in took. And what happens is around one or two o'clock, your energy just plummets. So if you wanna have consistent energy throughout the day, one have a healthy lunch to don't overdo it. Your lunch number three is hydrate. It's very easy to have coffee of the office and just be sipping coffee all day. But again, one. We don't want too much caffeine, But any time you have coffee, it's going to cause you to release more water. And if you're not getting enough water back in throughout the day, you're gonna be missing out on a big piece of the energy equation, which is hydration. So drink more water than you're used to and constantly be remembering to drink more water. One of the simplest things that I do and this is a little quick little tip here. One of things that I do is I know how much water I need throughout the day and what I dio is I will actually bring. And I'm this weird guy who will actually bring three different water bottles. Three these big water balls to my office, and I'll have them time. So I know I need to finish the 1st 1 by 11 oclock. I need to finish the 2nd 1 by two o'clock. I need to finish the 3rd 1 before I leave to go home, and it's an easy way for me to remember how much water I need to be getting throughout. the day, and I can actually break that up. So I know. Okay, by this time, I need to have had about this much amount of water makes it very simple throughout your day . Next was get outside. Get outdoors is one of the best things. If you're stuck in an office all day, you're getting this blue light That's not from the sun. Plus, you're not getting outside. You're not breathing normal air within an office setting. It's going more stagnant air. One of the easiest, simplest things you can do is just take 10 15 minutes. Go walk outside. You know, obviously, in case where it's raining or something like that, you may not be able to do that. But just go walk around the complex, walk around your work environment, walk outside, get some sunshine in, and I guarantee just getting that 10 to 15 minutes a day of sunshine. Not only gonna get your vitamin D, you're gonna get your body moving, but you'll be breathing real air from the outside. Not only that, but getting the sunlight in is also gonna help set your circadian rhythms. You're gonna get better sleep. There are too many reasons to get outdoors, especially during like your lunchtime hour that you just can't. You have no excuse not to. So please do yourself a favor and get outdoors at least once a day if you can't. 23. 3 Power Morning Energy Tips: So the next thing I want to give you guys is the three most important ways to start your day to three most important factors. Regardless, if you take any of the information that we've done so far, these are probably the three most important things to consider when starting your day. One of the first ones here is first thing in the morning. Instead of going for that cup of coffee, start your day off. Two things H 20 water and movement. Water is important because most of us don't get enough water throughout the day. But also, when you get water first thing in the morning, it jump starts. Your digestive system starts to stimulate. Your lymphatic system stimulates your circulation. So first thing in the morning getting water is one of the best things that you do. If you want to get a step further, put a little bit of lemon in there just for added electrolyte and energetic boost There. Their thing is to move. We want to get our lymphatic system moving our circulation moving and really moving first thing in the morning is a critical jump start to your day now. Yes, that could be a workout, but that can also be things like stretching. That could be things like rolling out going on a walk, just jumping around, getting your body moving first thing in the morning. I like doing something like workout first thing in the morning. To get my body going, It's gonna be a critical jumpstart to set the tone for your entire day one of the first pieces there. The other thing here is weighed on getting coffee. Now some of us wake up, and the first thing we do is we go down to the coffee pot and we get our first thing in the morning. Will say, Oh, I can't do anything until I have my first cup of coffee. This can actually be more of a detriment to you. And I'll tell you why. When you wake up first thing in the morning, your levels of cortisol, which is your stress hormone, are at their highest first thing in the morning, and naturally, the body wants to bring those down. So when you have coffee coffee because it amplifies and stimulates your sympathetic nervous system, it actually stimulates cortisol production. Now, in terms of managing energy. We need to get our cortisol down if we don't allow our quarters all to come down because we had a cup of coffee. First thing in the morning we're gonna find is that our cortisol is going to stay high. Also are inflammation is going to stay. I and our energy is going to stay lower. Does that make sense? So it's very important. You wanna wait at least an hour before you have your first cup of coffee and this is gonna allow your cortisol, which your stress hormone to come back to normal. So that way, it's gonna respond better when you have coffee first thing in the morning. And this is a very simple trick that I've found that helps normalize the energy throughout the day. And I found you'll notice you won't have so much of this intolerance to coffee where you're starting to find coffees on doing the same thing for you and refined much better benefits in terms of when you have coffee. First thing in the morning is going help normalize your energy number three either have to have a healthy breakfast or no breakfast at all. Breakfast can be the most important military. It can also be the most detrimental meal of the day. And if you have a bad breakfast to start your day, you are already starting off your day on a very slippery slope. You're starting off with an energy Russian roulette. You don't know how your day's gonna turn out because you're not starting your day off with healthy breakfast. So if you're not willing to have a healthy breakfast, you don't want to deal with Hammond, make eggs in the morning or create a healthy breakfast for yourself and you just rather not deal with it. Then I say, Just don't have breakfast at all. Look into intermittent fasting, look into doing things that way. And what I found is that for me, I wasn't willing to spend so much time. I'm a busy. I don't want to spend too much time with breakfast. So, actually, for me it's so much easier to not have breakfast and just fast all morning, and I can start my coffee into all those other things and you can find more about intermittent fasting in our Enman fasting 101 course. But for me, it so you have a healthy breakfast or you don't at all. Otherwise, you're just gambling with your energy throughout the day. And if you have an unhealthy breakfast, you'll immediately set crash a little while later and you will be spending the rest your J trying to recoup your energy from that bad breakfast that you had. So these are my three most important things that I start for my day to make sure I'm maximizing my energy throughout my entire day. 24. PLEASE STOP This In The Morning : our guys. The next one that I have for you. Here is a little bit of an interesting one. Probably not one that you're expecting to see within this course, but it's don't snooze. Don't click the snooze button on your smartphone or your alarm clock. And here's why. Most of time when you wake up and you hear that first alarm Europe, your body and your brain are ready to get up and the sleep cycle goes through. Four different cycles actually get quality sleep and stays have shown it takes about an hour and 1/2 or so are every 90 minutes for your body to go through a normal sleep cycle. So when you hit the snooze button, how long does this news typically last? About nine minutes. Is that enough for you to get optimal sleep? Know how many times you cook the snooze button? And you woke up after that snooze and felt so much better than if you would just woken up the first time. For a majority of you, it's You don't feel any different and you feel about the same. And if anything, you probably feel more tired because you tricked your body to go back into sleep when natural. The easiest thing to do is just to get up and get your body moving. What I found is that people who snooze more often tend to feel more lethargic in the morning, and they're secretly training their brain not to wake up easier. And so what you want to do is as soon as that alarm goes off, put it somewhere away from where you are, so you have to physically get up and get your alarm and turn it off. And this is gonna pay dividends in the future. Now, immediately, it's gonna be a little bit tougher because you have to deal with not clicking that snooze button. But I tell you what. It's gonna make a difference in your energy because you're gonna train your brain that once it hits its alarm. Once the alarm sounds, it's time to get up again. That's the trigger we talked about with bedtime routines. You want to get your brain to start triggering. Hey, when the alarm goes off, it's time to get up, no matter how I feel. But if you start clicking this news, you're going to teach and train your brain to stay more lethargic. Maybe we can just get in nine more minutes. Maybe we could click it a few more times. It's not gonna do you any good, so do yourself a favor. Stop clicking the snooze button and start tricking your brain and training your brain toe. Wake up when the alarm goes off. 25. The #1 Secret To Reliable & Consistent Energy: now, I've already touched on this a little bit, but I want to reiterate this in terms of routines. And we've already talked about how routines can be really powerful trigger, especially when it comes to stimulating your brain to start getting ready for bet. But also having a morning routine consume you'll your brain to get ready throughout the day and the real importance behind routines, whether it's a bedtime routine in the morning routine. And ideally, I want you guys to have both set up and ready to go is it allows you to have consistent, predictable energy, and what it does is allows you to know. Okay, I have my bedtime routine to make sure I'm maximizing my sleep at night, and I'm getting the best quality sleep I possibly can. And when it comes to a morning routine, you're now ensuring you have this steps in place to make sure you're starting your day off on the right. Now you're maximizing energy that's going to sustain you throughout the rest of the day, and that's really the key here. Is finding out what other routines were the pieces of your puzzle or the tools that you're gonna have in your tool belt they're gonna allow allow you to maximize your sleep. So that's a bedtime routine. What? Those routines you like to have in your morning routine to lie to set the day up for success in terms of how you start your morning and maximize or anything energy throughout the day And what these we're gonna become for you. Is there gonna become pillars? What? I mean, these would be things that you rely on that you look forward to and that, you know, can be there to maintain sustain your energy throughout the day. These were really important pieces that I've been able to incorporate into my lifestyle, incorporating my clients lives and also patients we work with to be able Teoh No, on a daily basis that you're gonna have consistent energy. Now, obviously, there are things that come up if you have kids, you know this for sure, is that life can be changed. It can be very dynamic. But when you have these routines in place, even when life gets challenging, even when there's more things on your plate knowing that you can modify and change these routines but still have something in place is gonna be a powerful way to know the truth will have consistent energy throughout your day. Now the consistent energy. But you're able to get consistent sleep, which is going to maximize your energy for the next day. So I highly recommend, as you are getting towards the end of this course here, start thinking about what kind of routines you want to put into your lifestyle, whether that's a bedtime routine, ah, morning routine or preferably both. 26. Do This 5 Times Every Single Morning: I remember the first time somebody told me to start your day with gratitude. Just think of five things that you're grateful for. I thought it was more of this self help personal development type thing, and I just thought it was kind of hokey, and maybe it wasn't right for me. But what I found now is, after doing this for now, a couple of years of starting my day with five things that I'm grateful for is that found that there's actually some really powerful benefits to your brain. And I want to share those with you when one of the first ones is when you experience gratitude. When you write down something that you're grateful for, what it does, it stimulates endorphin release. You start feel good about things in your life, and it starts to actually turn this cycle of your brain and stimulate the wiring in your brain to be more positive, to be more optimistic when your brains more positive, more optimistic, it can use energy, better get you more excited about things and actually create more energy in and of itself. And as we've touched on before on this concept of neural plasticity, When your brain is wiring and firing a certain way, it's going to wire that way. So when you are firing more parents for negative and your mawr anxiety ridden and you're always thinking about the bad things that are gonna happen, you're gonna wake up every morning thing about how stupid it is that you have to goto work . You're gonna start to wire your brain that way, and that's gonna become your set mode of operation, and it's gonna be hard to break out of that. But when you start to doubt with gratitude, what happens? You start to stimulate your brain and fire your brain, a pattern that's going to start to take your brain a different way. And now the sudden you start the wire, your brain more for positivity, more for energy, more for passion and what that does. That starts to create this new wiring system in the brain that starts to wire more for positivity, for optimism, for energy, for vibrate, vibrance and life. And that's really what you ultimately wants. One of the simplest things you can do is every single morning as you get out of bed. Just think of five things that you're grateful for. Five things This could take a couple minutes. Just think of those five things to write them down if you can. And just think about how grateful you are for those and really, really think about. It's important that you actually think about it, and it's not just looking right down. Get out. So I did the task for today. You actually want to think about these? Dwan. This just for a couple of minutes just kind of bathe in gratitude, and I guarantee you're gonna see a difference in your energy and just your overall outlook on life and mindset throughout the rest of the day. 27. Spare Your Willpower: the next day I want to talk to you guys about is willpower. Name may be thinking yourself. Okay, Well, are we talking about willpower? And you have to have more willpower to have more energy. That's actually not what I'm talking about. When I want to talk to you about is how you can stop wasting your willpower. What I mean is throughout any given day, you have a set amount of willpower. And as you go throughout the day, if you keep using up your willpower making decisions throughout the day, by the end of the day, you're gonna be run, burnt out, other willpower, and you're gonna find your making worse decisions. And you're also waste a lot of energy doing that. Now, any decision that you make from the little ones to the big ones cause you to during your willpower. So have you ever noticed when you have one of those days where everybody seems to be asking a question, everybody needs a response everybody needs to do to make a decision on this. Kids keep asking questions. How do you feel towards the end of the day you feel burned out, right? You feel Oh, my God. No more questions like no more decisions. I just want to sit here and do nothing, right. And the reason is that you're wasting too much of your willpower. And this happens from the little ones to the big ones. And when I mean in terms of the little willpower decisions that we make, this comes down to the simple things. Like what you're gonna have for breakfast. What's gonna listen to while you work out what kind of clothes they're gonna wear the next day? Little things like this make a big difference in terms of how you manage willpower throughout the day. And it can actually make the way we live our life a lot easier, a lot simpler and really conserve a lot more energy. You can stay focused on the things that matter most, and I have to worry about these little minute details. So what this means is one of the best ways that you can spare your willpower is to plan more failure to plan is planning to fail. And so, when you plan out as much as you can the night before, I'm talking about, you know, having coffee already made in the coffee pot having water already set up. So you know how much water can be drinking throughout the day? Have your clothes picked out and laid out. This comes down to knowing what kind of music you're gonna listen to while you're working out having your running shoes in your workout clothes already out and next to your bed. So when you work out there ready there for you, the more you can spare those details. The more your inability conserved throughout the rest of your day and you're gonna notice you're gonna get be able to get through your day and have so much more energy to do the things that you want to dio. This may seem very simple at first, but I tell you what. This makes a big, big difference, the busier you get. If you're not that busy, you're not wasting that much willpower cause you don't have that many decisions to make. But I know for most of you most, you probably have Children at home. You have decisions that you have to make it work if decisions that you're making around the house and the more you can prepare those the night before, even the day before the week before. The more amenable to spare your energy long term. This is why meal planning has become so powerful and important because you can actually set up your meals in its entirety for the week ahead and actually go throughout your week and not have to worry about what your imagine, how much energy that saves your not having to decide what you're gonna eat every single day . It just makes life so much easier, and it's gonna make your energy be able to conserve a lot more. So as you go throughout your day, your week. In your months, you've been feeling much more invigorating, feeling much more control, and it's going to spare your energy long term. 28. Conclusion: Alright, guys. So that concludes this course on your Demi. I really hope you guys enjoyed this course and have one more thing I want to share with you . But before I get into that, please have you found this course helpful and useful for you? It would mean the world to me if you leave this course a five star review just to share how you felt about this course because that helps other people find this really helpful material were struggling with energy and struggling with fatigue. Now the other thing that I want to talk about two is just in terms of overall outlook on life. Many of you, if you are experiencing low energy fatigue and you want to get more energy, most the time, That's because, you know there are things in your life that you want more off. And having more energy allows you to live with more passion and more fulfillment allows you get more done and experience more in life. Low energy is going to keep you and prevent you from experiencing and doing things in your life that you one That's not what I want for you. I want you to be able to thrive in life, and I want you able to experience the things that you want and part of this whole courses that help you do that. But the other pieces, if you're someone you're sitting here and most likely you haven't found this course if this is you, But if this is you and you just don't know what you're passionate about and you don't have something that's motivating, you were fulfilling you. It's gonna be hard to find energy long term because it's hard to live for something if you don't know what you're actually pursuing. If you're not passionate about something, you're not living with purpose and you're not having fun. So one of the first things beyond just living with more energy find stuff that your passion about doom or the things that you love spend time with, people you love and do more of those things. And when you get more of that in your life, it's gonna make all these other tools that we've talked about so so much easier. And I just want to leave you with that note here. But thank you so much for joining us on this course and hopefully you can experience more of the courses that we have foreign. If there are more courses that are helpful for you. Love to see you in some of those courses, we create courses to help you experience more in life into having more fulfilling life. And I hope this course help you do just that. And I can't wait to see you in some of our other courses.