Strumming Patterns: For Beginner to Advanced Ukulele Players | Daniel Heslop | Skillshare

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Strumming Patterns: For Beginner to Advanced Ukulele Players

teacher avatar Daniel Heslop

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Strings, Tuning, and First Chord


    • 3.

      Basic Theory and Reading


    • 4.



    • 5.

      measures 1 - 6


    • 6.

      Rhythm, Chords & Preparation


    • 7.

      m. 7 - 8 & Leaving On A Jet Plane


    • 8.

      m. 9 - 12 & metronome


    • 9.

      m. 13 - 14 & Amazing Grace


    • 10.

      3/4 stum pattern & Hallelujah


    • 11.

      m. 17 - 18 Scarborough Fair


    • 12.

      m. 21 - 36 quarter rest


    • 13.

      m. 37 - 42 eighth rest


    • 14.

      m. 43 - 46 chucking


    • 15.

      m. 47 - 54


    • 16.

      m. 55 - 62 Tied notes


    • 17.

      m. 63 - 64 Stand By Me


    • 18.

      m. 65 - 68


    • 19.

      m. 69 & Old Dan Tucker


    • 20.

      m. 71 - 74 & Jamaica Farewell


    • 21.

      m. 75 - 78 & Stand by Me: Advanced.


    • 22.

      m. 85 - 86 & I Will Follow You Into The Dark


    • 23.

      m. 87 - 96


    • 24.

      m. 97 - 100 & Imagine


    • 25.

      m. 101 - 103


    • 26.

      Somewhere Over The Rainbow


    • 27.

      Jamaica Farewell m. 105


    • 28.

      m. 106 - 111


    • 29.

      m. 104 - 105 & 16th note rhythm


    • 30.

      Rhythm Of Love


    • 31.

      m. 112 - 115


    • 32.

      Prep for September


    • 33.



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About This Class

  • Lessons include learning chords, 12 songs, and over 50 strumming patterns. 
  • Students will learn how to read and write strum patterns.
  • Class is geared toward anyone who is new to the ukulele or is well practiced and just wants more strumming techniques and patterns. No prior knowledge is needed       

Meet Your Teacher

Danny Heslop has been performing, teaching and studying music for over 10 years. His genre's have included funk, bluegrass, jazz,  rock, and folk.

His passion for songwriting is evident in his latest work, which combine elements of Jazz, soul, and folk. 

In 2016 Danny was awarded best new artist from the Utah Music Awards.

See full profile

Level: All Levels

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1. Intro: Hey guys Dan here and I'm so excited to share this master class with you. I start you at the very beginning, and I've pushed you to more advanced playing through songs like over the rainbow, September, hallelujah, and stand by me and some other popular ones that I do. I'm gonna give you the PDFs for those songs. And we go over 50 different drum patterns, a dozen tunes and so on. So come check it out. I know you're going to love the class. 2. Strings, Tuning, and First Chord: Hey there. Welcome to the first class of learning the ukulele. We're gonna learn the part of the ukulele, the strings and how to tune it. And one chord quickly. This is called the head, The neck, the body. Obviously it's like a person and we have what's called the bridge right here. And these little metal bars on the neck are called frets. And obviously these are the strings and the strings. Air number one Dio 34 And if I said play first string I want I'd love to have you played down with your thumb Good and pluck that and it might be attitude were gonna go over that in just a second, but only to pluck this first string. And I want to play with your first finger on the first Fret now I'm saying I know that these are called frets these metal things. But in between these two frets this is considered first fret first string. So if I push that down my forefinger, their pluck I get that noise on dso on. If I go to the second fret and this is the third fret Fourth fret, fret and so on right now. What we want to do is we want to tune our ukulele before I show you this first court. There's different types of tuning some people like to use. Ah, a little phrase called We'll sing it for you It goes, My dog has fleas. My dog has fleas And if you can't carry a tune and that's okay, don't worry. Um, you can go to your local guitar or look or ukulele shop and you can buy a tuner and there are about 10 bucks. They're pretty inexpensive and they clip on the top of your your instrument right here. And they have this little toggle switch that you can see here in the screen. And we're gonna tune this right now and I'll show you how it works. Here's the top string G. I noticed that. So I'm just trying to get to zero there, right? If I stop talking and then it will pick up my voice. But here we go. Okay, that's really close. Like it And that's lower, right? Pretty close. This is pretty touching and we'll get to the next one. Thats the e string we're going for, and this soon is the A string. Okay. And you could go ahead and print that the piece of paper off on. And it tells you it reminds you what the names of the strings are. So you're not guessing. Okay? Well, I don't know which noticed g in it. So I haven't that for you. So feel free to print that out, dear ukulele and, um and let's do our cord. Here's our first Ford. Okay? C chord. We're gonna play the first string. Third fret. Okay, so I need to go to first string. Third fret. So here's the first string right here. This is our a string, and we're gonna go to the third fret. 123 And we use our third finger, a ring finger. And there's that. There's that note right there. And we're just from that I see no c chord. Okay, that's considered. See cool. And it doesn't sound similar to that. And then you might want to retune your your ukulele earlier or take a little bit of time tuning takes. Sometimes. Sometimes I'm sometimes sometimes tuning takes practice, actually, to get a good ear for what it's supposed to sound like. So don't get don't get frustrated. It's totally normal. So, um, thanks for the for starting ukulele with me, and we're gonna head on to the next class. 3. Basic Theory and Reading: Hello. Welcome to class two of learning the ukulele. We're gonna go over some beginning theory and some basic strum patterns, so we're gonna learn how to read a strong pattern. If you look up here in the top left corner, we're gonna be reading in what is called trouble Chlef. And it is also known as the G Cliff. I guess that's a look. Fancy looking g. It circles, actually the G line and you notice it says it's just above that are our ledger lines are above middle C. So those alleged lines were just those four are Excuse me, five lines and the notes. See, it's just indicating where the note the middle C is. So that's just to tell you where the ledger lines are. Um, and then we have what is called a measure. Now notice a measure. It consists of two bar lines, and that's considered just one measure. And then let's move over to the next measure. Over here, there's two numbers, says 44 The top number indicates how many beats are in a measure, and the bottom number tells us what type of note receives the one beat that may sound confusing, but basically the top number. It just tells us that there's four beats in that measure, okay? And that's what we're after. Mostly the bottom number will talk about that later. There's different types of notes, and so and we'll get into that. The next measure noticed it is called a repeats. Are these air called repeat signs and you can repeat one measure or you can repeat many measures. So it depends where those those those signs are. If the signs air within four on the outside of four measures, then you're gonna repeat those four measures until it tells you otherwise repeated at least once. Anyway, um, let's move down here we have what is called a whole note and the whole note receives four counts. So that means that when I play a note, I'm gonna hold it out for four beats. So in this case, we look above this little diamond shape symbol and there's a C chord there. Okay, so I see that See court, and I'm like, OK, I know how to play. See Court. We went over it. Nor last video. Let's do a refresher here. Let's go. The first string third fret. 123 Let's play with our third finger and we're gonna strum down for four counts. Okay? And let's let's give you some. I'll give you Beat Juan 234123434 Right. And I'm just moving on for measure to measure. And every time I see that symbol, the C chord is then played. Notice that there's no see court above the second measure in that where we're looking here and it just means to follow. If there's no court above it, just go to the previous, um, court symbol, which is see, and we'll be playing that over those four measures k. So that just helps us. Um, that's just an easy way of writing, and I guess, knows that there's a box at the end of that measure. It says there's a double bar line. All that means is the end of the song. Okay, easy, let's move down to the next one. We have half melt and he's received two county judge. So in this case, we have, and it's a diamond shape with a little stem there. As you know, this is different from our first whole note and we're gonna play the Sea Court every two beats. So straight out, three for 34 and so on. Right, Let's move down to the quarter note. We have what are called quarter notes and they get one strum or one count per beat case. We're going to play every single, every single beat. Let's try it out. One and 23 and four way. Just continue that until we would reach the end of that line. Now, the next one that were the next one, uh is you look down here in this box says eighth notes. Now, those were cut in half. Those are divided from our quarter. No. Okay. And those receive ah, half count. That's gonna be confusing. But I'll put into context here on gonna be doing a lot lot more of these. If you If you count the ans in between the beats. 1234 So one and two and three and four and then you're gonna be playing all those ants and those air considered eighth notes. Okay, so those one and two and three and four and one and four notice I can still count the And if I'm doing quarter note. So, for example, if I'm doing these quarter notes 1234 and right, I can still count those out. And then if I wanted to plan, well, I will. I said them. Then it makes more sense. So one and two and four. Right. And will do more of that in the next video, for sure. But that's it for this video. If you have any questions, let me know. Thanks. 4. Chords: Hi there. In this video, we're going over cords and I act actually would suggest to skip this video and then come back to it when you get stuck on a quarterly. You don't know this video is longer than all my other videos. That is because I go into detail on which fingering to use for each chord. And I go through all the cores that we're going to be playing. You don't have to wash this whole video. But if you get stuck on a court, you can just kind of scroll through this video to find the court that you need. And then once you see it, then I go through on how to play it. So I do play and go through the courts before each song. Just so you know, So C chord third fret First string, third finger Strum all the strings F chord, second string first fret First finger Also fourth string or the high G stream Second fret second finger Keep in mind You want to hear every single one of those strings? Want to keep him nice and pure? You don't want toe here Some of them in here In here and not here. Some of them. You will hear all the strings k on all of these scores. So keep that in mind. G seven, First string, second fret third finger. And then we have our, um second string first fret first finger, and then we have a middle finger on the third string. Um, second, fret middle finger. So selling cool G chord. We have a first string second fret second finger or middle finger, and then we have second string, third fret third finger, and we have the third string with our second fret. We're using our first finger here. Okay, you can see that. So these two runs on the same front. Okay. Si seven. First string first finger. First friend was one of the more popular ones. Um, de Miner is our next court. We're doing second string. First fret first finger, and then we have our fourth string second fret middle finger looks just like an half court right there. There's only one difference, and that is our third finger comes to this third string. Second fret. Okay, so they kind of squish it in there. Right? See those e seven first string second fret third finger. Um, third string, second fret second finger, and then we have our fourth string. First fret first finger. It sounds like this. Okay. G 70 t e seven is a nice transition. Super easy. Just one finger difference right there. Um, a minor is our next chord. Fourth string. Um, first for excuse me. Second fret First finger, you can use your second finger. Your first finger. Um Okay, so here's f minor fourth, um, string first fret and first finger, and then we're doing the second string. First fret second finger, and then we're bringing our pinky out to the first string. Third fret four fingers. I'm not using my ring finger here. I have tucked under. There's so you can see it better, But I usually don't like this. OK, so there it is. Sound like that. E minor. First string. Second fret. First finger, second string. Third, Fred, middle finger on. And then we have our third our third string fourth friend. Third finger. Okay, there it is. B seven. It's going to look just like the e minor. You could just bring everything up a set of strings, or I'll explain it to this to you this way. Um, second string, first finger, second fret. And then we have our third string third fret middle finger and their fourth string fourth fret ring finger. Okay. And then this last one have it open. Eso keep in mind that some people, you know, you might have someone say, Will that be seven is supposed to look like this. Okay, they're both be seven. They both have the same notes, so you can play B seven a bunch of different ways on the ukulele, so Yeah, but this I think these are the easiest ways to play these chords. Okay, so a seven, um, is gonna be third string first fret first finger. Ok, Supposed to sound like that? A seven D major seven. It's going to be barred across the second fret with our first finger. So it is kind of that sound, but that's not that's not all. We're going to bring our fourth finger right on the fourth fret on the first string. So it sounds like that my son a little dissident to you, So basically, I sometimes I'll bring my second finger in a bar across right here across my first finger on the second fret on. Some people like to just play with their ring finger on that fourth fret, which is totally fine. Okay, It sounds nice. Okay, um b minor seven. Check it out. Just your first finger. Barred across the second friend again. I'd like to be Oh, help! Help that push down a little bit if I need more pressure and bring my second figure on top of my first finger. OK, it's just that way. Go, C sharp. Minor. Seven. Just bring this same shape up. Two frets 12 Okay, there's r C sharp minor Symone F sharp Minor seven. You're going to keep this C sharp, minor. Seven. Um, thing here, Bart across on the fourth fret with first finger and then I'm gonna bring my second finger to the second string. Fifth fret. So second string fifth fret right there. And then I'm bringing my my third finger to the fourth string. Sixth friend. Okay, Sound like that. So in the song and one of the songs, it goes from here to the C sharp minor. Seven to this f sharp minor. Seven. Okay, So nice. It's an easy transition. Cool. Those are all the cords. Have any questions? You guys let me know. Thanks. 5. measures 1 - 6: Hey, welcome back to the next video. As you can see right here that you're all the tunes that were going to be going over, Um, and with different strum patterns, and you can use the same tune and do it a different strong pattern. And so that's the freedom of the strum patterns. You can kind of mix it up and have fun with it. Our first thing that we need to know is thes two symbols right here that down and the upstream downstream. Obviously, we've been doing down streams anyway, um, you use your thumb or the back your fingernails. That's the way I down strong both ways. And the next, at the next symbol, the up Strom is could be used with back your thumb thumbnail like so or the back on the Excuse me, the fleshy part, your fingers and, um, let's start on Measure one. Let's do with the C chord down strong. I'll give you four beats. 1234 and a 12341234 right. And obviously we've been doing that anyway, so that should be pretty easy. Notice there's a little note on measure to it says downbeat. Okay, the beats 123 and four are considered down beans. And if you move over to measure three here, this there's a notice is upbeat on the first end of one. So those were considered up beats and those receive the up up strom. So let's try. Let's try out Measure three and four. Let's try it on a C chord. Just this down, up, strom, and feel free to push, pause and to experiment Which way you like to down upstream if it's just with your thumb or the back, your fingernails or whatever, Here we go. One and two and three, 41234123 and four. Ok, cool. Let's move to Measure five. Notice we don't use all of the, uh, eighth notes there on 234 We just use one of the eighth notes. Well, technically, one and the end of one are 2/8 notes, but we're going to strum. Let's try this together. Okay, there we go. Measure 51 and 23412123 You got that? Cool. Um noticing measure six. There's nothing there. There just a little note saying that all the tunes that we're gonna be doing have those symbols. It's just a slash mark with no stems in it. And that's just indicating that we're gonna learn this drum pattern. First, we're gonna memorize it, and then we're gonna go to the tunes, um, or our songs, and then play the strong pattern that we learned over the song. Okay, Like it says in measure seven here. And we're going to that starting in our next video, we'll do leaving on a jet plane and, yeah, I'm excited to start, Thanks. 6. Rhythm, Chords & Preparation: Hey, in this video, we are practicing our cores and we're practicing changing between well, basically from court to court and we're using the C chord and and R F chord A A and we want to figure out basically, this is how I practice. If I don't know what a court is, I'm kind of new to it. So let's look at this measure right here. Notice that these are whole notes and we're gonna strong just once every four beats. So here we go. Starting on the sea quarter will change from C to F one, 234 and strong, too. 343 for 34 and three. Nice. Let's do the next line were on Measure five and notice that little symbol right there. The half simple half. No symbol with the doctor that equals three beats. We don't really go over that before, but that's just basically means that that gets three counts. So this measure only gets to Strom's Be warned. Beat two. Here we go. 12341234123 c one f court. And this time we're gonna do three. Strom's 123 for this 94 strums three right on will stop right there. Um so that's how I would I would practice going between any two chords that you are unfamiliar with. Or maybe start with one that you know really well, like C. And if you're unfamiliar with the next court, there's a D seven or something like that. If you're unfamiliar with G seven, then start with something that you know, and then go to a court that you don't really know. Okay, so let's do measure 17 this time we're gonna do head down, up strum and then and then three downstream. So it's basically one switch to the court to a different court. Okay, Which being f Here we go. Measure 17 1 and two, three, four down to repeat that nice and measured 19. We're just adding an upstream. We're adding one of those eight beat or I guess, to eight beats it strums. And so we're gonna get gonna go down, up, down, up, down, down or one and two and 34 came in 19 on a C court one and to and three four More nice. So feel free to push, pause and try that out. Let's move on. Measured 21 This is gonna be one and two and three and 44 is the only one was just one with with with the whole note There are not whole not 1/4 note there, and it just receives one strum here. We owe 21 measure 20 to 1 and two and three and four. Right now, this time is just gonna get down, up strum both through both chords. So we're gonna do measures 23 24. This is the last measure. Um, and we're doing against CNF Rio 12 and three and four. So if you get caught up on one of those, make sure you practice maybe the line before that. So if you haven't troubling on the third line down, then go to the second line and just practice measure five toe measure eight and then tell you get really comfortable and then move on down to the next line. So thanks. I think that will really help you out. If you have any questions, let me know. I'll see in the next video 7. m. 7 - 8 & Leaving On A Jet Plane: Hey, welcome back to another video we're gonna be doing leaving on a Jet plane. And we're gonna be doing our strong pattern from Measure seven from the strum patterns. And 44 times. And so let's go ahead and try that out. Let's play See court and let's do the strong pattern. Measure seven. Make sure that we got that down together. Here we go. Won't. Two and three, 41234 12 four. Okay, so make sure you can play that over the course. See G seven and F cattle to the courts that are in this song. There's only three of them. Take note of the repeat signs and the first measure we have repeat signs. The eighth measure 5678 Measure. There's repeat science. And there's that number one with the bar over those two measures. That just means first ending. So you play the first verse, then you repeat back to the second verse. Then he come along here. You skip the first ending because we've already done it and you go to the second ending with the two with the bar across that that's what that means. And then you go until the end of the song. Okay, here we go. Let's get ready. See, Cord Juan 23 four, 12 standing I e Teoh for one to repeat But don way the way so way todo way that go todo on a c chord and nice. Yeah, so great. Thanks. Let's move on to the next video. That was awesome. 8. m. 9 - 12 & metronome: in this video, we're going to be doing measures nine through 12 in our strong patterns in 44 time, and I forgot to mention what with this device is I wanted to show you what this is. This is called a metro gnome, and it helps us keep on beat with with our strumming and with songs. And it really helps you develop a sense of time. So all it does is it makes a clicking noise just like that. And, um, these air fairly inexpensive. But you get a free one on your phone. There. Just there's APS. There's APS. Just go look up Metro gnome on Those are Just There's a bunch of different kinds and they just make clicking. Noise is to keep you long beat now tohave. How you use one is I'll just demonstrate real quick. I'm going to measure nine and 10. I do not see court Lawn 234 to 3 and 412 right, so it helps us keep track of our down beats. So let's go ahead and play Measure 11 and 12 again on a C court. Here we go. One, 234 and 123434 All right, so again, get a Metrodome. They will make you better in twice the amount of time. Well, it'll make you better twice as fast. That's how that's. And it's true. I've noticed that when someone told me that, I I tried it out, and it really pushes you to get right on the beat. So, um um yeah, get a Metrodome. They're awesome. So I'll see in the next video. 9. m. 13 - 14 & Amazing Grace: Hello. Welcome back in this video. We're doing measures 13 and 14. Strong pattern. And we're doing the song Amazing Grace and let's get to the strum pattern first on C Chord notice. It's in 34 where there's three beats per measure and it's going it started. One, 23123123 Okay, that's it and you'll be will be doing. Saw the core c g seven f. Okay, so those are the three chords that would be doing Amazing Grace. Let's get to pull out a C chord Here. It's in 34 I'll give you a measure of 31 23 or 23123 And all right, that was fun. Let's move on. You're getting better. 10. 3/4 stum pattern & Hallelujah: Hello and welcome back in this video, we are doing the song. Hallelujah! And the strong pattern actually is in the in the song. I wrote it right here, as you can see, um and so let's start off by learning this drum pattern on a C Corps. Here we go. And it just remember, it's just three beats in a measure. Okay, here we go. One, 2312312312312 Okay, so get that strong pattern under your belt and let's go over the course in this song, we have a C chord, a minor Jeff G seven and e seven. Okay, so maybe practice G 70 e said. Maybe that'll. Maybe that's giving some trouble, But just remember, G seven. It's just a one finger difference between E seven and G seven. You just move your first finger up to this high G on. I'm not moving any other. My other fingers. Seven. I think that's a nice, an easy transition. I forgot to mention real quick in measures. 12 and measure 12. We have two chords in one measure, and that could be confusing. So especially the 34 pattern. So we're gonna do it this way, Okay? And I havent written right here for you. It goes like this. 123 Okay. Or you can go. You can do this way. 123 Right. So when you get to that point, just remember 123 on the G Cook G seven, and then we would continue are all right. So that any further ado, let's start the tune. Make sure to take those repeat signs. One, 23 Warm way, way. Nice. Good job. That was fun. We'll see in the next video, right? 11. m. 17 - 18 Scarborough Fair: Hello. Welcome back to another video. We're doing the song Scarborough Fair in this video. And the strong pattern measures 17 and 18. Let's do that right now. Over a C chord. This is again. This is in 34 time. Um, I'm gonna give you a measure of three. Want 23121 232 All right, so now let's get to the tune here. Scarborough Fair. And the cords are in this song R d minor. We have an a minor. We have a G, and we have a C. And we love that one way. No. What? So if you're unfamiliar with those cores, just practice the course before he started to tune. But here we go. Scarborough Fair the top. I'll give you Measure 31 23 Do you those All right? That was great. Um, that might take a little bit more practice, but I think you're coming along here so excited to do our next strum patterns and tune 12. m. 21 - 36 quarter rest: Hey there on this video, we're doing measures 21 through 36 we're introducing the quarter rest, and 1/4 rest is just as it sounds. You rest for 1/4 beat or for one downbeat, Um and yeah, basically, how you do that is when you strong accord, whatever the court, maybe after strumming it. You want a rest. So you want. You don't want any music going on. If there's if there's music going on that, it's not a true rest. Or if there's always going on that, it's not a true rest, right? Um so let's do that together here. Let's start on a C chord and let's start and let's do two measures at a time. 2122. I'll give you a count of four beats. 1234123 Rest one. Teoh Rest easy. 23 or 24 234123123 Right on 25 to 26. 12341234123 27 Measures. 27 28. 123412341234 Right on measures. 29 to 30. This has a couple eighth notes in there. One and 234 and 12 and 41234 Okay, that one might take a little bit more practice. Let's do number 31 32. Juan to 34 and one, 3134 Right on. Thanks. Let's just move on. 0 33 Where? I almost forgot. 33 to 36. Here we go. One, two and 341 Rest 34123 Number measures. 35 36. 123412341234 Right on. So now let's move. Oh, I guess that's done. We're gonna wait. We're gonna wait to do, um, eighth notes in our next video, so I'll see you soon. 13. m. 37 - 42 eighth rest: in this video. We're doing measures 37 to 42 we're introducing the eighth rest, and it's exactly how it sounds. You rest for 1/8 note or 1/8 beat, Um, and so let's start and measure 37 on a C chord and we'll show you how that's done. So it's easy for me to count out the ends when I'm doing things like this. So here we go. One and two and 3412341234 Notice I did all down strums in that one. I think it's a little easier for in this particular way. That's why I wrote. That's why I wrote it the way I did. With all of down strums. Feel free to experiment. Let's try number 39 measures 39 40. Here we go. You're all gonna be up streams, By the way, I want two and three and 4123434 Okay, it has this little reggae feel, right? So that's the purpose of that strong pattern is just kind of get used to just doing some strums mute from you. And when I mute the strings I do it with my middle finger. It here I do an upstream like this back finger now and then I kind of didn't this third finger right here. I kind of let the pressure off with, um and just barely touched the string. So there's that noise. Not that noise, but this noise e I get this. I'm not struggling that yet. That's gonna be later, but I'm basically deadening the string, so I can't hear any music. So again, it's just 12 All right? You do that on any chord. So let's try a G seven chord and you do the same thing. One. Oops. Missed backwards. I went backwards and one and two and three for now. Notice I condemn the strings this way, and it's kind of hard to maybe get another finger toe dead in the string. So I'll use that my right hand. So 1234 Right, So that was a little bit more complicated. That just takes a little bit of practice. Must try measures 41 42. Okay, here we go. That you're a little bit more complicated. We'll take it nice and slow on a C chord. Here we go. One and two and three and four. And 1231 three. Right. So I just take it nice and slow again. When you mute those strings you can do with your left hand, right? If I'm playing that, I got a bar with someone, my fingers. I should choose the middle finger because it's the easiest for me or you could use the right hand. Right? So be again. Maybe 13 right? Cool. That might take a little bit of practice. Um, I can't wait to introduce the next thing. It's called chucking, and I'll see in the next video. 14. m. 43 - 46 chucking: Welcome back in this video. We're doing measures 43 through 46 we're introducing what is called chucking now, chucking, um, is the sound as a percussive sound that people make on their ukulele. And it sounds like this, right? There's no music coming out. It's a percussive sound here in context. I guess it would sound like this. So all those little things in the middle there, they sound cool, and it makes the song a little bit more lively. And it does take a little bit of practice, especially between when you're when you're moving from court to court. But I'm gonna show you how to do that. So, first of all, to make this sound you want to dead in the strings. Okay. You want a mute? The strings by kind of the same we were doing our eighth rests in our court arrests where we were just placing one or more fingers across the strings and there was no music coming out. If you're getting one little that you're just pushing the order and some people you know, my it might take practice. Yes. So make sure you get this noise then you want to get you Can you can strum with your down thumper with your thumb going town or your your your fingernails, Um, or another way, Teoh. Deaden. The sound is with just your right hand. This one takes a little bit more practice. Roll my sleeve here. And you basically put the thick part of your palm right here on the side and you put it, um, on the bridge. Okay. Just lightly on the bridge here. I mean, I guess you could just rest it right on the bridge, on the strings. But I'm putting my the fat of my hand right here, right. The meaty part of my my palm right here. And then get one of those and I'm doing the back of my first finger there. It's a little bit harder to do that with my thumb for me personally. So if I was gonna play a song, I could go like this, right? So and then a combination of both is actually what I personally do. I use both my fingers and a little bit with my right hand because I don't know exactly, You know, I practiced a lot where I kind of mix them up. And so, as you do that is you just practiced both both ways with doing just the fanned out way where you just barely like touching the strings and with your left hand, and then you practice with with this I see stuff. What is you get is you practice it, you get better at it and it'll just become kind of a natural thing for you. So first push, pause and try both ways. Um, and let's go measures 30 or excuse me? 43 44. Ok, I was gonna fan out. There are fingers here and here we go on 234 and a one. Do three for you. 34 Nice. Now here's the tricky part. 45 measures 45 46. We're gonna start on a C chord and I am going to put my middle finger over here over the strings and then make my third finger come off the string and barely be touching that last are exceeding the first string, that first a string. So it's gonna sound like this. But if I you know, if it was going down like that, So that's gonna what you're going for, and we're gonna try to measure 45 46. Here we go. One, 234 Okay, it'll take some practice. Um, and we're gonna finish the rest of the chucking in the next video. Thank you. 15. m. 47 - 54: Hello again in this video, we're doing measures 47 to 54. We're gonna continue with chucking Now, we're doing a lot of eighth notes in this video, and I would just practice doing it down, up strong with just chucking, right? I'm using the back of my fingernails in my thumb now for this particular way of chucking into my right hand. You know, I mostly just used my first finger. That's just how I practice that, I guess. Um, so let's try it out here. Measure 47 will try it on a C chord will go super slow. Here we go. One and two and three and four. 12 Right. Hopefully you got that. I believe you did. Let's try number 49 in measures 49 50 and notice that there's 2/8 notes with chucking it. Okay, so here we go. One and two and 34 Okay, number 51 and 52 measures 51 or 52. Just keep Make sure you keep your right hand moving down and up. Down and up. Here we go. One and 2341 Okay, Good job. Let's try the next one 53 54 measures. 53. 54. We go one and 23 and four. Nice. Okay, so, um good job. And I'll see in the next video we're introducing ties. 16. m. 55 - 62 Tied notes: Hey there. Welcome back in this video. We're doing measures 55 through 62. Um, and we're introducing what is called a tie. And basically a tie is a curved line connecting two notes of the same pitch. The first notice played and held through the note tied to it. OK, so as you see in measures 55 56 there's that line over beats three and four. That's kind of curved line there. And that just means that we're going to hold out whatever cord were playing. So, for example, I'll play measures 55 56. For you. It was like this 12341234123 four Right? So you don't you don't play beat for because of that tie. Then you might be thinking, Danny, how come you just don't use 1/2 note on beat three? And that's just that's the only reason I'm doing This is for practice, just for seeing what exactly a ties and helping you understand what it is. And oh, I haven't written right there. 57 58. I didn't realize that. So let's do number 57 58. Okay. And those are exactly the same rhythms there. Just written a little bit differently. Ones using the time ones using 1/2 note. So 57 58 on a C chord. Here we go. One to 3412341234 And I think he got that on. Let's go to 59. 60. Want 2341231234 61 62. This is where it gets a little. This is the reason why we have a tie because it comes on and off. On and off beat or a nup beat. Um, here we go. Number 61 62. One, two and 34 OK, notice I strum on the, uh I act like I'm just going to strum the ukulele, but no, I don't get the strings with my right hand. And that just helps me keep in rhythm, right? Keep my hand moving even if I'm not strumming, Um, and I'm using that tied notes. So again I'll do 61 62 1 more time for you here and notice my right hand. It's gonna keep moving a loan 234 to down, Miss. All right, So, um, let's, uh that's I can't wait for the next video. That's We're gonna do our tune with the tied note, so we'll see you there. 17. m. 63 - 64 Stand By Me: Hello. Welcome back in this video, we're doing measures 63 64 we're gonna do the tune Stand by me. So let's try out our our strumming pattern here real quick. Um, stride on a C Corps and noticed there's a tie in there, so I'll play this a few times. Here we go, Juan. Two and three and four, three, three. Down, down, down, down. Missed. Nice. Okay. In our song here, stand by me. Let's go Over the course before we play it We have a C chord, a minor and F court and and G chord. So here we go. We're doing the pattern. 63 measures 63 64 are strong pattern. And let's try that the song out. We're actually gonna begin this song right on that c chord here. And that is the Consider the first measure. The measure before that that's considered pick up notes. So the singer would say, with we go 123 win. Right. So, um, it seems it before that this song the measure start the courts start anyway, and that's considered pick up notes. Here we go. 12 and three and 4123 Life will see just Stan. Oh, this guy that sure. Just right on. So I know I probably got some of the lyrics wrong. I apologize about that's but this is not a is not a singing class. No, no, no. This is a ukulele course. Thank you very much. And I also think I messed up a few times on the on the strumming. That's probably cause I was singing the wrong thing. I don't know any way hope to see in the next video that was awesome. 18. m. 65 - 68: Hey, welcome back. Hopefully, you're enjoying your some new strum patterns. Um, in this video, we're doing measures 65 through 68 and we're gonna start it out on a C chord here, and we're just gonna read right through him. Well, we'll do all repeat each, each two measures. I'll repeat every every two measures. One time we want 23412 Right on that one. I love that strong pattern we're gonna do Measure 67 68 right now. Here we go. 67 68 1 234 to Thio. Thio to All right, That might sound a little bit. Um, I don't know. I don't know if you if you like that when I love that strong pattern may be in contact, you can hear better. Alright, Some reason that just reminds me in Mexico, kind of people just kind of dancing on the street or you're doing They're just having some fun, you know? Um, so that's drum patterns. Great. And let's, uh, we're gonna do a new song next video. I'm excited to see you there. 19. m. 69 & Old Dan Tucker: Hello. Welcome back in this video. We're doing measures 69 and just that one measure, Um, and we're doing the song old Dan Tucker, and I don't know, maybe you've never heard of that one. That's not one of the more popular ones I've chosen, but I love it. I think it's a good a good old song. Toe learn. Um, And then there are next songs falling That will be a little bit more modern. Um, and so anyway, yeah, let's Let's try this. Let's try Measure 69. Here's this drum pattern. 1234 to 3, 33 three. Okay, just repeating measure one excusing measure 69 there. So let's get Let's get to work. All right, so in this song, we have a C chord, and we have a G sound and an F. Okay. Pretty simple chords. You know, we're getting little bit more familiar with those cores getting used to him. Those were like our favorite cords now, right. Um so let's try out this song. I'm Oh, I forgot to mention in measure for noticing measure, for we have two chords in one measure and that could really screw somebody up if they're just learning the strong pattern. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna keep it simple, and we're gonna play G seven for two beats. We're gonna go one to just with two down Strom's. And then the secret was gonna dio one once dropped one downstream for the beat three and four. Okay, so it's gonna sound like this. Um 1234 Okay, I'm beats on Measure for that also happens again on measure eight. So it happens twice in the song and then after, that's just one core per measure. All right, so let's, uh let's do this thing. Here we go. Old Dan Tucker 2123 todo There you are, friend. That's kind of a high song to sing. Um um cool. We're gonna be on the next measure and the next song in the next video, so I'll see you there. 20. m. 71 - 74 & Jamaica Farewell : Hello. Welcome back in this video. We are doing measures 71 through 74 we are doing this song. Jamaica Farewell. It's a good one. So let's try a measure. 71 72. Wanna see Court? Here we go. 1234 Down. Right on. Let's do Measure 73 74 is one of more popular strong patterns. Here we go. I want to see court. I'll give you a measure. Ah, beautiful. For one, 2341 Right on. Let's do this song. Jamaica. Farewell. With that strong pattern, we're gonna go a little bit quicker than what we just played. Let's go over the cordial quick Psi corps and we have an F court in a G seven on a D minor . Still it all the cores in the song. Here we go. 123412 Ready? Play. - Right on. That was fun. Um, I'll see in the next video 21. m. 75 - 78 & Stand by Me: Advanced.: Hey, in this video, we are doing measures 75 through 78 we're doing the song Stand by me. I think this is I believe this is the second time, but it's gonna be it with a difference. Trump patter. Um and so let's get to it on a C Corps. We have, um, the strong pattern Measure 75. Here goes Well, do nice and slow Juan to three, four Yeah, and three for three. So, um, and then this is what it sounds like a little quicker. 1234 Its trickiest. It looks maybe a little easier because it's mostly just upstream is. But there is some tricky It's reading. It's kind of tricky. So anyway, that might take some practice. Here we go. Number Measure 77 77 through 78 on a C Corps. 12341234 So that was gonna might take some practice because there's a check in there, right? So let's get to our song. Let's play that strong pattern. So the cores in this song, which we've done before, obviously are seeing a minor. Um, and G on we're doing this Trump pattern on major 77. Here goes 34 three night. No, John stares stand by me. Oh, stand. We'll just do one verse on that one. And, um, good job. You guys were getting a lot better. That's a heart that's hard to do. Thes, thes trump an injury getting complicated. So it's good that you're keeping up, right? Casey in the next video. 22. m. 85 - 86 & I Will Follow You Into The Dark : although there Welcome back. We're doing this. The measures 85 86 the song I will follow you into the dark. Let's play this measure real slow on a C chord. Um, measure 85 86. 1234 24 All right, so make sure you can play it really slow and good before you could move up quicker. And then we're gonna play this song a little faster. Let's go with the chords in this song. Real quick. A miter, a C chord F court. What else we got? G core here. And another more course here, E seven. That's a cool one. Um, f minor. I didn't do f minor. Okay, minor. Um So here's an F court, and here's an f minor chord. Okay, so let's play the tune here. Um, here. So it's going to go. I gotta get this trump at her down first way, of course, the same way . - Nice . And there's obviously more versus and courses than that, but you get the gist of it. And I missed the lyrics up, but again, this is not a singing class ukulele course. Thank you very much. And let's I'm excited for the next, uh, lesson here. See, next time 23. m. 87 - 96: Hello. In this video, we are doing measures 87 through 96. So 87 through 96. Let's start off on a C court here. That's goes, Let's start a little bit slower. 1234 four. Nice. 89 in 90. Working two and three. Cool. I love that 1 91 92 Zeer C chord. Here we go. One and 234 Cool. 93 94 says there's more difficult. So let's go nice and slow on this one. It doesn't look if you look at it doesn't look that difficult. But there's all these rests on these checks that he only play this the court three times, actually, which is interesting. Here we go. One, 23 four. One, 2341 23 four one to three for one, 23 four. Speed it up. Want 234 a little faster. Want it? Sounds like it's a party. It's only on one core. That's pretty cool. So 95 96. Let's try this out with old, nice and slow. One, 234 Three for 34 one Free four, three, four. Cool, speeded up. Want to want to. 34 right? So pretty cool. Wants to speak once it sped up. So I'll see in the next video and a new song, I believe. 24. m. 97 - 100 & Imagine: Hey there. In this video, we are introducing what is called a Mark Otto. And as you can see here, there's that symbol. It's like a sideways V. Is that a lesser or greater sign? I think its lesser I can't remember, but anyway, it's downstream ladder on each accent. It's simple, so it's also called an accent. So I noticed that the symbol is on beats two and four in measures 97 98 I'll show you what it sounds like. So basically got to make sure that you play beats one of three, a little softer and beats two and four louder. So it's gonna sound like this 1234 It's it, right, cool. And so it adds a lot of dimensions and a lot of character to the song. Once you do that, and then when we start mixing the mark Otto or the accented the accents strumming into tied notes and chucking, then there's just tons of cool sounds going on. Let's try measures 99 and 100 and I will get to the song Imagine Cool! Here we go 99 and notice that these were all down strums and they have. They have eighth notes and here we go. 1234 There we go a little slower. Want to be right? So that's basically it. So let's get to the song. Imagine. Here's the cords in, um, the song. Imagine we have C Way, a minor wave D minor, G G seven. And here is the Cord. E seven is the next four that we're using. Did somewhere just happen? Yeah, notice. My shirt changed and it's actually a new day for me. I noticed that I messed up on one of the I was giving you wrong information, basically, and so I didn't realize that until I was about to post it. And that's why hence the different attire. So let's move on here. So let's get straight away on the song imagined, and I'll give you a measure of four 123 above Nice. So, um, notice there are two chords in some of the measures, so that might take some practice, you know, on measures 10 11 12 13 13 and 14. And actually a lot of the chorus, if not all, of the chorus it changes every two beats so on on measure again. I just lost a 10 11 12 13 and go. 12 and 34 Excuse me. One and 234 Get the records in there. You get the idea. So just out practice again, Going between the course and getting that strong pattern down. Right, So we'll see the next video. Thanks. 25. m. 101 - 103: Hey, welcome back in this video, we are doing measures 101 through one or three. Let's get to it on a C chord. So pay attention to where those those Forcados symbols are. Those accented symbols are Here we go. One and 234 Right. So we're doing measures announced measures 101 through one or three. Those two measures are different. I know. Usually they just I just repeat kind of the first measure, but these ones are different. This is a whole strong pattern. Within itself is both measures 102 in one or three. Here we go. Want 234 e Speed it up a little bit. Here we go. Same measures. 102 and 1231234 Okay, that might take a little practice, but I believe you could do it. Um, I will see you in the next video. We're gonna do somewhere over the rainbow. So excited to get to that 26. Somewhere Over The Rainbow: Hey there, in this video, we are doing the song somewhere over the Rainbow and we're doing the strumpet on measures 101 walked over there real quick. It goes like this. 1234 way. Right. So let's get to the song. Actually, before that, let me go with a cordial quick. There's a lot of them C chord. We know what we love it. A minor e minor. We have a C seven way Haven't f court jesu. Let's see here F minor. Um, I think I got them all. Just kind of scanning through here. Be seven. Okay, There's different ways to play B seven. So you clearly whatever will tell you to do it that way? I think that one sounds nice. Still be seven de miner. I don't know if I went over that one and a seven. It was an easy one. Hopefully, um, I believe that those are all Of course there's a ton. So here we go somewhere over the rainbow. Um, with strong pattern on measure 101 12 and 34 way. We got through it. Barely some of us. Right. Cool. Good job. Well, I'm excited to introduce the next video. Um, it might be our last note. We'll have a few more, actually. So thanks again. I'll see in the next video. 27. Jamaica Farewell m. 105: Hello there. In this video, we are doing the song Jamaica farewell over these strong pattern of measure 105 So let's try that right now on a C court. Here we go. Want to weigh way? We're gonna take this pretty fast in this song so you might practice it up between, you know, take it. Take your time between two cores at a time and the cores in the song or C F G seven and C O D minor minor. Okay, here we go. To ready way. That was difficult, but you did it. He got through it. Right. Cool. Um, I messed up a couple times on on someone's measures, but you get the idea, and it sounds really good. It sounded really good. And now we're gonna get well, now you can take all those difference trump out of you learned. Mix them up. You know, feel free to do. Do what you want to find the ones that you find your sound. Basically, I'm so excited to get more involved with some more complex strumming patterns and I'll see in the next video 28. m. 106 - 111: Hey there. In this video, we are doing measures 106 through 1 11 So let's start in 106 And these were just all down strums And again there's some accented strumming in there so I want to see core. Here we go. Wani And a 234 Cool. 107 Here goes Bonnie and two and three. Cool. Next measure 108 and 109 They're the same measure. So the same strong patter. Here we go. One and two and 34 Okay, a little bit faster. See how that sounds? It sounds pretty good, remember? Anyway, here we go and do and three Right on. So we got one more? Um, no. No, we don't. We got three more, my man. I don't know why. Don't know we did. 1 10 Here's measure 1 10 Um, let's take this one a little slower and then we'll speed it up. Here we go. 1234 Speed it up a little bit. Here we go. See? Court measure 1 10 Want to 1 11 Here it goes. 1 11 1234 Those were getting difficult. So I'll see in the next video. Thanks 29. m. 104 - 105 & 16th note rhythm: Hey there. Welcome back. If you've made it this far in the videos, then congratulations. This is not an easy task. And so we've learned a lot of strong patters. We're going to introduce one last type of know which is called 1/16 note. Okay, so we have divided from the home. Out comes a hat comes to half notes, right? And we divide the half note that becomes 1/4 note. And then from the quarter note, we divide that into an eighth note, and the eighth notes are divided into 16th notes, and it actually can just keep going forever. But people can't physically go as fast as you know forever. So we have that we make a stop somewhere, but 16th notes. This is how you read this? You say the word or the letters I should say, And numbers one e and, uh, two B and 3 40 And I'll give an example with the Metrodome here so you can hear it so that you might down beats right one to three, four Warney in a two in three and four e and a Wani and 23 and four e. And right there you go. So to get this down, let's try this was going down up, Strom. Here we go. One, he and two, three, 23 So that's it. Let's go to measure 105 and we'll do the tune to make farewell in the next video. I think so. Here we go. 105 1234 Cole Notice in this truck. In this measure, one of five. It's exactly It's exactly the same strong pattern as measures 102 through one. All three saw the reason why they divided into 16th notes. It's it's easier toe right. There's more room if you just write that in one measure instead of taking up two measures. So that's what that's one of the reasons why we would do that in music. But I'll see in the next video for the song Jamaica Farewell with this drum pattern. All right, 30. Rhythm Of Love: Hey there in this video we're doing the song rhythm of Love and I wrote out the strong pattern that I'm doing here, and it's. And if you just go to the very 1st 2 measures to control it sounds like this, right? Let's can it out together just on a Sikh. Or just try this. This strong pattern out on the sea quarter goes like this. 1234 The other strong pattern that I'm doing is in Measure five, and I'll just do that on a C chord. It sounds like this, right? So basically, it's that half of that measure, I just do it twice in a row. So basically, just this Trump won t o. And then I repeat that again. Okay, so those are the two strum patterns of strong pattern Measure five and also the one in Measure One and two, which is the same. And so yeah, let's go ahead, play the song. Let's go for it. The court changes. Some of the core tracers go pretty quick, but when it plays a little bit quicker, weren't Teoh way? We'll try and that looks like it's in the song, but then you just repeat. So and then the rest of the song just happens again in the same order we just play. And there you have it. The rhythm of love. If you have any questions, let me know. Thank you. 31. m. 112 - 115: Hey there. Welcome back in this video we're doing measures 1 12 through 1 15 and we are finishing our strong pattern strum patterns that we've been working on. These are the most difficult. Once I feel that they are anyway. And let's start off with 1 12 and 1 13 starting on a C chord. Those are two separate strum patterns in both of these measures, but we I stick them together. I think that sound cool. So here we go on a C court local real slow one and two in 34 for cool. Let's pick it up just a little bit, too. A little bit faster. Here we go. We'll do one more. We'll do a little bit faster. Let's go. Let's go fast, Faster anyway. Way so get pretty tricky. But if you start slow and steady and think you'll you'll get there for sure. Let's move on to measures. 1 14 1 15 This is the most difficult strum powder that I've written out for you today and we're going Teoh, try this out. These were two separate struck, two separate strong patterns in each measure, so we're gonna try it on C court really slow. Here we go. Want 234? Like, let's do a little bit faster. Here we go. When Go this speed way. Want some speed? Here we go. Not like things, people. Just speed. We want to 34 e Try that a little faster. Let's go. This is the lightning speed one. Here we go. Want to three? That was fast. Hopefully you got that. Any questions? You guys let me know. Okay, Thanks. 32. Prep for September: Hey, welcome back. And if you've made it this far, congratulations to you. Um, this is not an easy task, I would say, going through all the different strum patterns that we've gone through and even the chords themselves, this last video is the most difficult I want to play. In my opinion. Um, yeah, I guess. Let's just start on it. So we have g o go through the courts. First, we have G chord d major seven. No, I play that court with my pinky on this fourth right here. You complete your third finger if you feel so inclined. And we have a B minor 71 finger, always. Croft c sharp minor again. One finger, all all the way across. Sometimes. Bring my second finger to borrow a bar that, um And then we have an f sharp minor seven. And that's an easy transition. C sharp, minor to f sharp, minor. Seven. And then we have an e seven getting a little bit more for me with that. So practice those cords up. Really feel comfortable made. Your seven might feel a little weird, but that's the one you might have to practice most. But who knows anyway, Let's go through these drum patterns. Okay, so starting on the intro, notice the accents on beats one and end of to and beat four. So there's three accents in there, so I'm gonna strum those louder than the rest of the pattern. So let's try real slow for you'll get. If you give your beat or a measure of four, we go want e and to be in a three e four e. Teoh. Okay, um, let's try that again a little faster. Here we go. One to Let's take it up to the actual pace of the song with is fast as I go. Anyway, One thing ever got dimension on this G chord. Sometimes I'll bar this, um, g chord like this won't let sound right just because it's easier for me to get to maybe be minor. Seven. Maybe it won't. We'll see. We'll see how I feel during the actual song. So, um, let's take it up. Let's take it up to speed. Here we go. Want to okay, and then it. And then after that, do you? And that's the next part we're doing is measured three and measure for this is, this might be difficult again, because, of course, are switching in the middle of this crazy pattern. But the most important thing is just to remember how it feels and how the strong pattern is not so much of reading it cause reading it's kind of difficult, especially at the pace we're gonna be going. But just But just try and memorize the pattern itself. Okay, so let's go over it. So I'll give you a measure off four Nice and slow. Okay, We're just gonna work on Major three one and 234 e 23 41. We're gonna go the next major. Sorry. So let's try that again. One and 234 e 234 and a. Okay, three do games for 23 or four people to 40. Let's do Measure four. Starting on C sharp. Minor. Seventh. Want to speed it up way? Combine these two That it might take a little bit of Ah, but practice. But I know you can get it. I know you. It's humanly possible. Trust me. If I could if I could need it wasn't like, born naturally gifted or anything like that. I just put in some work and it worked out. So let's let's let's play the tune. Let's play the to know One thing I did forget to mention Let's do measures nine and 10. So that's the thing. That's the chorus when he only start singing really having a high pitched voice body say, Do you remember? Right? So everything measured nine and measures 10. Okay, we'll put those together. Lister for Pete. Those measures in an attempt. Here we go. 1234 on 12341 Thio, Thio for two. Hopefully, you get that again. Take each measure and just practice. Um, the rhythm. Okay. In fact, let's I'm gonna do another video instead of doing the actual song in this video. I'll see in the next video, and we'll just play the song straight through. All right? 33. September: Hey there. Welcome back. This is the last video, and it's the song September, and it is not easy. Um, so if I stumble and fall, just keep moving on, okay? Just go right through the song without me. And you could just leave me on the trail bleeding. And I'm completely okay with that. Okay, so let's get to it. This is gonna be pretty quick. It's gonna be 0234 to 40. Way way, buddy. I guess you could end on a D major. Seven. So sounds pretty cool. Good job. That was tough. My adrenaline pumping. So, um, hopefully I'll see it in another video that I'll do. But I'm congratulations again, has been a great class. And, uh, hopefully, if you have any questions, let me know. Feel free to write me a note or or whatever. All right. See you later.