1. Presentation: In this course, you're going to learn basic options to know how to use toward what pro seven. To create your storyboards, you will learn how to use the options to create frames and genetics and how to use the layers. You will also see how to publish your story board in movie are pdf format. In short, you will learn all the basic options are the software to create your storyboards?
2. Welcome in the course: welcome in this course, and that's terrible pro sand. This software is probably the one that is used in almost every creative studio for animated movies, cartoons and so on. I'm going to teach you a couple of things that it's especially how to use it and how you can use it simply to create your storyboards. The storyboard is just following off drawings that are telling a story. This story, told in the form of Store Lord, is a previous step before to work on the final drawings that are going to be used for the admitting movie are coming book. Are any animated movie like emissions for in Dunning, Freedy or any other forms? So this after is very simple to use. We just have to start with several things like, What are the options on the left on the upside bar here on the rights and how works doom timeline we have down here. We're going to see in this course many things, including how to create an aromatic. What we called magmatic is when you take picture, you draw on frame and this picture is going to be animated
3. We start by the beginning: first, let's define sewn terms we're going to use during this course. These terms are the ones used in software. For instance, a frame here is called Panna. His panel just a picture, a white page where we're going to drop inside it. So here, for instance, on drawing in, then several panels can be included in a scene it seems composed off several pennants. The scene is done to create the kind of group and is very practical when you want to separate different groups. This is part of the easy stuff that is proposed in this software to work easily and have a well organized work. Then we're going to speak about layers. If you have the habit to work with software's, like Adu, be software's like food shop or any kind of Softwares. Many of the software's off at Abi's using layers. You knew exactly what it is. If you don't know, we're going to see how to create a layer. Where is the layer and how you can change the use of the software, how you can use it with layers to create storybook frames and Anne Matics. Then we're going to see off course the tools on the bar. In the left, you have several options to draw, and this ocean congee modified to create interesting effects. You consumed the right. For instance, I personalized my brush to create something different according to what I'm doing. Of course, there is the site of the brush, but there's also deformed the brush. We're going also to see a hearty vector layer and big map earlier and see what is the difference. So now we're going to start by creating a new project here you have filed, like on any other software. You have to file some new click on new and propose to create a new project my youth projects. While you draw you write this will automatically renamed the Project title. Then you can decide the size off camera size so you can change plenty of commerce eyes. By default. You have this wish is perfect, which is the come on camera size used for many projects. You have the with the hates and frame rate. I also feel of you critical. If you want a standard a storyboard, you just have to keep Z's sittings. You can only change probably the project territory this is where your project is going to be saved so you can click on Brown's and you can select your own directory family. I'm fine. Just click on Create, he proposed to raise or to save my previous project. You can only have one project at the time open in your software. I don't want to save my project. So I say Johnson. And now we are working on the new project I have here, uh, only one frame. First, you have to know that if you are using many other software and using shortcuts, for instance, the shortcuts for storybook pro of the same controls the cancel control C Control V And so this is a single, the same Children's. Then when I draw something, you have to understand that to work on the victor layer, I have here BG for background and you other A. This is the layer A By default, this layer is created off course. It can create many off layers, but this one is by default Here. This is a victory earlier. How I can know this because if I take my selection tool here, I can select and I can move my objects I can change the size and the form off my object selected without losing any quality. For instance, I think also on my keyboard and with my mouse I can zoom and you can see there is no loss of quality. This is why the victim layer on Deng, for you can find the victim earlier. In many sectors, including the Adobe Illustrator, a stranger is probably one of the more powerful software using Victoria. This is the main disk or off the illustrator software, and they're using here also. Victors, if we're not using Victor's, you can decide here to cite Bittner. Layer a big math layer. This is layer where you can draw. But this is instead of using victors. This is using pixels I can draw. And if I zoom in again and again, you will see we are going to lose quality. We can see pixels. This is the little dots here. If we zoom out, we can estimate that the quality is now If we realism in, we can sit defaults and the fact that the quality is very bad control Z control and controls again so we can see that if you want to create a form into an art form and to use it for any kind off large are to print your friends. It will probably be a good idea to draw with victor layers. So you have here different tools. I show you first selection tools. The brush here and there were going to do a couple of examples to show exactly how you could work. For instance, we're going to draw on background that we are going to add the character on the layer A. And from this layer we're going to create in any mate Layer would take it will take one of the element of the layer and create an animation. But first we continue on the presentation of the interface of the software.
4. Vector and bitmap options: I'm going to show you different drying and see what is difference between drawing with victory layer and beat Met earlier. So I'm clicking on the brush tool and I have my earlier A First I can draw something on my letter B B g Wish in the background control a very simple background, foreground and background so my brush can be changed like this. I'm changing size and I have here a couple of different brushes size change here, but I have the forms of the brushes here. I can select something like this. And now if I click on this option, I can select on with this less to this. And I can put the mouse just on one of the object selected one of the line, and you can see that your cursor become the Black Cross, which means that's you can move this part where you want, and as your selection is inside a year, rectangle with different Consejo ankle points at every angle. It means that you can change the size, and when you put your mouse in one of the angle, you have to flinches. That's are going in cycle. It means that you can rotate your form like this sooner. I'm feeling this. And this is what is very practical when you are working on They told you. So. This is the basic option off the software I default. Your layers are going to be Victoria layers. So we just keep this here. And we can do a couple of things with this addiction. When this is selected with this tool selected to you have on your right a couple of things , for instance, you can flip a reasonable you can flip vertical. So only these tools can be very useful when you want to change something. For instance, if I want to cope in vast this, I can take more. Um, more really example. I can draw a face taken. You can see that you can draw head. Okay, so I select this and I can control C control lead to capi invest. I have not a seduction. And this election, a museum flipping to or in tete by using the mouse and protein and moving and placing like this. All right, so this is a bit strange. Stores like this What? You can do it. You can really do so you have here is an example of the use of the could invest, of course and flipping objects. So when you select when you click on the civic tool, you also have cuter. You can set cuter. And if you stick one parts, you have this specific part selected, and this is one of the advantages of the victor layer. It means that you consider one thing Onley couple of off Victor's instead of the selection tool she's here, which is going to select several lines, but it will not. It was like one complete line here. It will not like one part of the site here with the catcher option. I think this it would only select this with a seduction tool. If I do the same movement. It was sick, the entire object. So this is why you have to understand the difference between select and cuter selling the color. It's exactly by its name. When I select one color, it would select all the elements having the same color. Another ocean here when you click on the white, a selection tool here you have, for instance, control in detail when you click on it and you select one object. You will select the victors of this object and all the victors appears. And you concerning one of them and Mullick like this, you can change the form selected. Otherwise you can select a central line 82. If you click on it, it will select the line inside the object. And when you move one of the victor, it will just change the line itself. No, the wait. You click perspective. You will be able to change somehow what they called perspective. Every angle section could be changed and you could change the subject like this. And then it did. Great texture is mostly to select different. Imagine tour when I'm going to talk about this here. So you see a difference between these two options. And this is why If you are drawing with layer creating, creating here, hiding this one, I'm working on the B, which is a bit earlier. And if I'm using the brush tool, you would probably have more brushes. But these ones will not be flexible as I do. Victor once be from drawing face, you will see that first this option is selected, which you cannot select it because there is no possibility to sell it a drawing where there is no victors to select. So there is no not this option available. You only have the black one here with only cuter. And so it future. You select this, you can move this parts and you can large or changing in this way. But you can see that if you change it, you already have. When you allowed it some loss of quality. This is the main problem off the big man layers. So now we have seen a couple off options here is to selection tools, and we have seen how you can work with big maps and victor layers. Now next, video with him to talk about creating, drawing in this scene and how we can play with different layers to create your story.
5. Use of the timeline: Now I'm going to show you how you can create a very simple storyboard. I'm now to combat. Drawing scales are a different in camera angles and storm. I'm really talking only about the use of the software. If you want to learn how to draw, to create story about what you can Off course, I see different older off my curses tension. Here we are Parkinson's. They used technical use of this software. So I'm not talking about layers I'm talking about now the timeline just here Down with scream You have first line the red line. This one this would line is going to be reading your story like a movie. And inside its timeline will have scenes and insight. Seems you have panels, these panels the frame in which you are drying. So first, when you start in your project, you have only one. I'm starting to draw a very simple character here in these buckets. And this is what we have in our first No. Is having 12 free insulin. You have a couple of things here. This is the we can say in majors. We know that we have by default 24 majors sickened. So if we have once again will have 24 majors. If I want to reduce the time off this panel, I can put my medals here. I have a yellow I come with appeared and again decrease the time and you can see that the time is appearing while you're moving this. So we have here the picture. We can put this here and we have decrease the time off reading. Then when I'm done with the drawing of this panel, I can create a new one. I have two option. I can create duplicates of this 1st 1 I can create a brand new one. If you want to create a new one, I can just right click and new panel by default. It will give the slate of time and can change it the way I want. Even if I've got one to get a panel, it is no longer No. If I want to duplicate this one just because I want to keep the design of my character, I can click right click on it and duplicate panels. Then I have exactly the same length of time and the same layers with my character. I want to change just a little bit. This frame, for instance. I want to move his harm, or I want to change the expression of the face. But I want to. For instance, the race I'm just regime raising tool have here raised. Now I want to keep, uh, the eyes in the same position I want to have in transparency. My previews panel. While I'm working this panel, I can click here. This option is called Orleans Kill. When you click on it, you have in transparency the produce layer. And from there, you can trace you knew. So you can see. Now you have in your timeline two panels and IV onions. King options is activated. When I click on this panel, I have my previous one appearing with Red Line and even picking this one. The next panel is a very transparency. Were green lines. So if I put my read here, I can hear click on play. All right. We have the reading of the nation. If I want to see then mission similar time, I can click look. And that place. All right, so we have a story more really. This is why this software is very great to create storyboard and man's because Avery auctions are dedicated to this purpose. So now I'm going to create a brand new Penhall Click writes new panel. Now this panels can be included into scenes you can see on the right on the left. Sorry, you have seen two panel one Because this panel this one are created us. They have duplicates. This one is a duplicate of this one. They are included in the same scene. Now, if I want to cancel this, I can click. Let's I can create in your scene like right you seen. Have you seen in wish? There is only one panel by default. Contain one. But if I want to create are to put these two panels inside, I can great. For instance open and click. New sequence from selection can click on this and you have a new sequence. So I included all these panels in the same scene. You can see that no matter where I'm clicking, they're all into the scene to there is unfortunately no sent one because I created first someone. Then it's a Jew and condescend to I included everything inside it. So now I can create in your scene, and we have seen three where I can create a inside. It's more penance, so you don't have to go into that complexities. If I go back to the first creation here, I can just have a following of different panels when you create sins and sore it just to have a very well organized working space and when you're strong, but it's quite long, but right now we're just going to be very simple and add a new then this panel can be a vision of the face of my hero like this on to shorten the length of time of this. And I'm going to do the same right click and duplicate panel. From there, I'm going to change first sign of brush. Just changing the orientation of the mouth is going to talk. So now I'm going back to the previous one. All right, a couple off mission. They re basing drawings that give you an example how we can create some admission Well, seen another video, something a bit more complex as a nation and frustrations. But right now we're full in the technique. So you have here the reading options, and in the next year they were going to go a bit further into the use of the frames, layers and so.
6. Key frames: now one of the problem you can have one of drawing is the falling. I'm creating a new panel dissected and I have in the background maybe doing something like the line is my background here, and I want to create on my layer a my character. I'm drawing 30 current. All right, so while you're drinking on the layer, you can see that the later by default is having transparency. You will not change the opacity. Otherwise, this is the entire layers is going to lose transparency. You can see it's not the right way to do. If you want to just erase the couple of lines that are in transparency for that character, you cook on that option. This option is called drawing behind. When you sell like this, cynics white color and you just have to draw here, and it will just erase the lines belonging to the layer below this one and this If you just select your character and you move it, these modifications are fooling character. This is differently. Parts off your character. So this is very practical when you want to draw fans like different counts of moving inside different layers and you have this transparency problem. The options is here, he said to brush It's like another brush with white color are the color of your background and you activate that oceans drawing behind. So now we have seen this. We're going to see a little bit more of that a nation off your I'm going to create a person to move this panel here. Okay. All right. So you can move and change the position of every panel the way you want. It's not a problem. You can easily work on that. So now I have my character here and I'm going to create a new victory here where you need to have a bird. This bird is going to arrive from that points to that point. It's means that this player has to be animated to annual it. You quick on this option which is activating animation from that layer. Then you saw it. That option it's called the you transform. You select. You can see the object you draw in. This layer is automatic selective, and you can change the size. If you're objects, decide to change this. And from there I'm going to add key frames. What? All these key frames, the key frame is a specific point. That's going to say the animation start at this point and we'll complete. At this point. It means that for basic and nation with a start and stop, we're going to have to keep frames. So nothing yet to click on key frame you can see here already created a key frame. I'm not going to use it. So, uh, reason transform. And to put my red line on the timeline here and click on this. So if I decided to have my bird, the smaller like this in position here at Quicken, at the frame you can see in timeline, you have a keeper and creative. Then I'm going to put my red line here. I move my bird here and create and quicken at a key frame. Then you have the first frame and second different. All of this represents your animation. So now you have done the first animation. Let's see what it looks like. I'm going back to my first. All right, So now I'm going to add another key frame here. I won't make bird bring back my bird to have a little curve when it's moving. So I'm placing my red line here in the middle and then adding a new key frame. And while his cue from here I movie, it's like this. You can see the curve of the line. It's not going to be straight to curved. So I'm testing this and you can see the bird is dream curve movement, and you can add as much a key frame he wants. It's very easy to use and their practical to animate you later. So here is what it's getting as a result. Okay, just looping the nation. All right, so you can see that the use of the supreme is very easy. I'm going to show you another example how we can use these frames.
7. Exporting the storyboard in video or in PDF: Now I'm going to create a new project to draw something more interesting. Projects. I'm not changing anything creates. Don't save this one. And the way I will use these different options, it will be too. First, I can create animation, but in the end, I would like to print or to have a gun prints if I want to. Just have some pdf Former are just print later on a printer I can export into a video for we're going to see the two options. But first, I'm going to draw a new store boat to resume the different option we have seen here. So I'm creating a first layer and I'm having background. She's kind of landscape. Um, okay, let's see. I can use the painting pains the color become this. Okay, so we can see it has This is, uh they earlier only feel the form that's already existing. You cannot use paint here on something that is not draw. I see. So right now a just suggest you to Onley draw with storyboard. And if you want to feel the form for instance, cycle here you can have the clothes for like this or you can from like this can use otherwise the front to do more complex illustration and you're going to do the following. I'm going to draw with mine Victor Layer background, and I'm going to create a big player. And with a big player, you can paint the way you won't, which is not possible with the Victoria. This is why you are advantage jeans. With both of techniques, you can see I'm painting like a normal, uh, digital painting to so here now need to give some transparency can change, but here, if you want to get some black lines appearing fully, you can just take your color a bit. Make clear and get it. Balu, your background and the core is a marine down, and you have old black lines of so you can select. Now you're a later. She's a victim layer and create. You're hero working down the hill. Anything to criticise line and nation. You can see that the watch isn't working, even if you are selecting this option, so you have to feel we're going to fill fits. This is more simple, and this is going to be a very short family, and then we'll duplicates and again and again. And I will try to do kind of animation with 1st 1 single one open in the same layers. But this one character like this maybe two cuter. I mean, to cut leg this also. And this too. And I would just read role fits and the legs. Okay. And here it was not ready to keep in past this. I hope you This one duplicates Put it in the last. OK, But this one I'm going to use the onion skin to make sure I'm placing right after here. Okay, so I sleep. This one duplicates more like this and selecting moving here. So I have to pictures with two different position of the legs. So I'm copy and testing this two layers and then moving to the rights. My character, which is going to give a kind of working and nation. So we have here and then lean to next frame new panel eggs. Activating this new a shot of the camera, my hero to be here So it would be longer shots and then duplicating this here, give it to something more short and I'm going to erase, maybe consider this. I'm just moving the eyes here. Do you think this again? Just speaking to drawing occurring. And then Okay. So you have a sequence. You think? Good bank. We have a very short sequence. So now I want to get this into the form off a pdf I can click on file. Can we can export? You have the chores off. Getting this exporting to movie are PDF or many others. First, I'm going to test with the pdf you have to choose. The place on your computer is going to be recorded. And the difference, uh, page sittings how your struggle is going to be presented so you can see that you can have friends like this if I take vertical export. All right. And my pdf reader is projects and I have my friends appearing here. You can see on my right there is some blank spaces. The spaces are in fact, when you have every frames, you can click on panel here and you can add Djelic. Hello? Anybody there? Election. It's the hero is walking down slugging. It's when you explain additional details about the emissions and notes when you want to add any values, things that are going to be helpful for the creator of the animation. So I will just be interested like this and this. And when you print in, pdf, these notes are going to be added to my right here. So now you can also do file exports and movie, for instance. Of course, you said I do place to record it, firm it and pay full size. And okay, now it is generating a view. Okay, lets you this one and I have my video. So that's its you know, the main options off story with pro. Of course, you have plenty off the actual little things, but like layers and so on. So the last thing within to see is the camel options, and then it will be a brief on the main options and you will be able to create your own story.
8. The use of the camera: If you don't play with camera movement, you can play with tool Cold, Cook told General, is just having is just using the system off key frame the key frames, agreeing to determine the position of the camera. First, I have here the basic position, and you can quick this option here. She's called Camera and you go on to properties here. You can have here camera from swirl. So first you click on that key frame, beginning a curing panel. I'm working on this panel, so even click on it. I have a green rectangle three, and now I'm clicking on at a different at the end of current panel. Click on it and I have a red one, this red one. I'm going to position like this and a little bit like this. You can see that you have a beginning differing with green rectangle and the end key frame with the red one. And when you change the angle and sighs off the's read one. It's going to create the fine. Have this and and a lube job zooming and a small movement. So you just playing with this. And if you add additional camera movement because here you have zoom like this so you can add a new movement of camera. In this frame. I click on this que frame at the end of the current one launch again like this, it means that I'm going to have zooming this frame and the zoom out and it's free.