Sports Writing 102 | How to write a match report? | Nikki Parsons | Skillshare

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Sports Writing 102 | How to write a match report?

teacher avatar Nikki Parsons, Marketing Director

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Structure of a match report


    • 3.

      How to organize your report?


    • 4.

      Common questions on writing match reports


    • 5.

      Class Project


    • 6.

      Conclusion & Key takeaways


    • 7.

      Bonus interview: Christy Doran, Rugby Correspondent @ Fox Sports Australia


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About This Class

If you love sports and are looking to get paid for your passion, this course is for you!

Nikki is an Editor and Senior Sports Writer at La Liga News UK and freelance sports writer for It's Round & It's White. She'll teach you the key elements that make up any sports article.

In this class you'll learn:

  • what to prepare before, during, and after a match
  • how to organize your notes into a report
  • answers to common questions about writing match reports
  • some quick editing tips

This course is the second in a series on "How to become a sports writer".

The series is for people who are looking to get into sports writing, whether you are passionate about sports and want to get paid for your passion as a full-time career or as part of your freelance side hustle.

I suggest viewing the first course in the series before taking this course on match reports, to get an understanding of the basic features in any sports article.

Class Project

By the end of this class in the series, you'll understand how to write match reports.

Ready to move on to Sports Writing 103?

The next course is all about how to write features. Hope to see you there later on!

Meet Your Teacher

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Nikki Parsons

Marketing Director


I'm a marketing leader living in Basel. I love working in marketing because I am always learning new technologies, new strategies and hustling to stay one step ahead of the competition.

I've worked on a range of projects from social media strategy, to SEO & SEM campaigns, to ASO, to exhibitions, conferences and webinars, to technical trainings, which means I get to collaborate with cross-functional teams and work together to get big projects rolled out and keep communication flowing.

I started my career in hospitality and events, shifting later to marketing leadership roles specialized in digital marketing, branding and event management. Those customer service skills continue to serve me well, and I still love finding new ways to reach, engage with and WOW customers.

... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: a skilled sports writer does more than simply regurgitate the scores. They give readers a front row seat to the action, as well as behind the scenes information in this section, we're going to talk about what it takes to write a great match report. So welcome to the course. This is how to write a match report. My name is Nicky Parsons. I'll be your instructor for the skill share course. So my background in sports I'm a pundit on the local TV chat show here in Barcelona, the week in football, where we talk about our local teams, which means Barcelona, Gerona on Espanol. I also participate on the 19 in football vlogs on YouTube. We have over 70,000 subscribers, and basically we do little flogs from inside the stadium s. So you get a fan's point of view off the match, which is really fun. And, of course, any excuse to go to Camp no is definitely up my street. But of course, I have a very strong background in sports writing. I'm the editor and senior sports writer at Lonegan News UK. I also contribute as a freelance writes it to its round, and it's whites and other sports things. On top of this is I have a mobile app here in Barcelona where we help people find a bar to watch football. So what are we gonna talk about in this course in this class? We're going to discuss how to prepare before, during and after the match, what information you need to take notes on what emotional cues to look for and how to add life to your reports, how to organize your notes into a compelling report and some quick editing tips. There are two prerequisites to take this course. One is just a basic understanding of English spelling and grammar won't cover any of that in this course. On the second is to have taken the first class in the Siri's, which is on the basic sports writing one a one. And it's just because we do reference some of the terms that I explain in that course, such as the Inverted Pyramid. There's a lot to cover, so let's get started 2. Structure of a match report: it's time to prepare your first match report how to get started. Let's walk through the steps from pre to post match and see one type of information we should be researching and taking note off. Just a side note. This lesson is prepared with football in mind, but the basic principles are applicable to any sport pre match. A surprising amount of the content in a much report can actually be prepared in advance if you do your research. This preparation also helps in your understanding of the game and tactics teams might employ. Readers always enjoy a little background in case they have not closely been following this team or league. They rely on your insight in order to maintain interest in the entire article. For example, what have bean the past results between these two teams, where they in the table? Which team has better form going into this game? This background information can be prepared in events and helps both you and the reader understand the significance of the result. You can also listen into the pre match press conferences, toe learn, if any tactics of being revealed, or if there has been any newsworthy events off the pitch. These might play out in the game, so you should be aware of thumbs that you can spot any impact they might have when it comes to preparing statistics. Just be conservative. If you have a long list ready to include than the article will seem to pre prepared. Just jot down a few that could be relevant to this match and use one or two in the final report, and only if they can add some value during the match. Of course, we can't really write the match report without the meat of our content. The match itself. When the whistle blows, get ready to take notes, jot down who is in the starting lineup, what substitution is get made and at what time, if applicable, try to soak up the atmosphere to give your readers and emotional connection to the game. They don't always want a play by play of the action. Then they would just read a minute by minute live report. They're looking for the top highlights and to feel the emotion. That's what will get them to finish reading your whole piece and not click away. How are the conditions? Was that pouring with rain. Was the pitch Boggs down with water or crumbling at the seams? How many people were in attendance? Have the fans abandoned the club? Was the away support more vocal than the home fans? Was there a chance that the fans were singing the's air elements that can make readers feel that they've been transported to the stadium? If you channel this emotion, it allows even a boring match toe. Have a great match report. Other than the core emotional connection, you want to include the game itself. What are the key moments in the match goal scored or good chances right down the events as they happen so that you already have a rough play by play of the match. When the final whistle blows halftime at halftime, re back over your notes and highlight the most significant events. A miss chance in the 1st 5 minutes of the game that seemed important at the time might not be quite so crucial. If that team is now four nil up, you can already highlight some of the points that you will definitely be including in your match report. Also, take this time to do a little reflection of how the game is going up until this point, who seems tohave, the momentum has a specific player being having a key impact. Remember again the emotional connection of the fans getting restless? Are they cheering for a player on the bench to be included or heckling the manager? Make a note of anything specific that you want to focus on MAWR in the second half. Perhaps it's how a player responds to an action from the first half. Or perhaps it's a specific tactic that you want to focus on post match after the match. The last thing you want to take notes off our Cem post match quotes from a manager or player to add some life to your story. Once the courts have been collected, you finished collecting all the information you need, and it's time to put it all together in your final match report. We'll look at the best way to organize all of this content in the next lesson. 3. How to organize your report?: it's time now to organize all of this information so that we can write a compelling much report. The first couple of paragraphs of your much report are the most important. Within the 1st 3 lines, the reader needs to be presented the five W's plus page who, what, where, when, why and how. If you remember back to the last section, we discussed the inverted pyramid structure this season. The most important information is the beginning of the articles, while the least important filler content is at the end of the articles and the style of writing will be used in our match, reports the report, A reader needs to know the score, the goal scorers and any ramifications that come out of the match within the 1st 2 paragraphs. And importantly, these paragraphs cannot be novels. A paragraph could be a maximum of three sentences, and ideally, it will just be too so as it sometimes a lot of information to summarize. Many times I write the remainder of my article first, and I come back to write the opening afterwards. The opening is also important because it can show in the search engines under your headline . If you remember, we discussed the importance of optimizing your headline for S e O. Well, this also applies to the first snippet of text in your article in Google, the average snippet length is 230 characters. In 2017 it was just 160 but in 2018 it is now 230. Now, If you were writing for publication that uses WordPress or some equivalent and has Yost S E O. Features or some other similar plug in, you can usually control the snippet text, so the search engines will always show the text you want. Publication editors often take care of this for you, or they will show you how the system works if you become a writer. If not, just be aware that although Google will most often take the snippet as your first characters, which is why it is extra important. The article might also use a snippet of text from anywhere in the article. Whatever is most relevant to the reader search, but the number one reason you need to create engaging opening is because you want readers to continue reading after creating a key engaging summary to introduce your article. You can now go back over some of these events in much more detail. Take the reader chronologically through the critical action of the match. No with minute detail. But when an event had a key impact on the game, we can discuss it at length. For example, if there was a goal, how did the play buildup? What actions the defense or the attack take? Was there some critical assist? Was there a penalty except etcetera? Then use your analytical lens and describe if the event could have been prevented. Was there an error by the defense? What could have been done differently? Also mentioned any impacted hot on the game If the team and the fans responded in some way afterwards, try to ensure your content is balanced, even if you're writing for a Chelsea fan club Web site. Don't just write how amazing Chelsea are. If the opponents played well, let the readers know, offer some counterpoints after summarising the key events of the game. Use quotes to reinforce the events of the much while using quotes to reinforce messages in the story. Ensure each quote, add something useful. Don't just add a quote to show you interviewed a player if he or she didn't say anything of merit. The quote shouldn't be included. Use your strongest quotes early to intrigue the reader and keep him or her reading. When concluding the body of the article, you can summarize in one line the significance of the match and then transition to discussing a future upcoming much. Lastly, you should include this starting lineup and substitution of the much. There is a standard style for this information. It should be listed from goalkeeper to attack, right the team Colon, the goalkeeper, semi colon, the defense semicolon players for the next row except etcetera. If the player did not make it until the end of the much in regular brackets put their substitute on the minute they entered the game, then list unused subs as well. Now, not only does this give interested readers enough information to make their own conclusions from the team selection, but most player names are popular in search engines and can get your article higher in the rankings win win. All the specific much elements are now concluded. So for the remainder of the report, you can comment on other additional information surrounding the team, players or club. You could choose to comment on other sports related news, for example, if there has been a recent transfer, or if there's something happening off the pitch mid week now, when doing this, it's best to link to another news article offering more detail on that topic. Ideally, another article written by yourself or at least by the same publication, to try to retain readers on your site. This is great for the CEO of the Scient, which will help you in the future as you continue writing articles and creating more content for that site. So in summary, the match report should be organized with the five W's and H first, followed by the score. Goalscorers. Matt Ramifications Match key moments in detail. Back these up with some quotes at some more credibility to the story. Add some kind of final summary line, then at the team lineups on Follow that up with any other news or other club or player related content. You'd like the last thing you might want to include our subheadings to break up your article's content. I usually only do this if there are natural breaks in the writing, but it definitely helps the reader's comprehension on retention toe Add subheadings. When you are proof reading your article, see if you can group 2 to 3 paragraphs into a specific section or discussing a specific event. Then you could create a subheading to introduce this topic ahead of them. 4. Common questions on writing match reports: I want to quickly touch on two of the most common questions I get about writing match reports. How fast should you write a much report? And how long should a much report be? Regarding the first question on how fast to write a much report, I think it obviously depends on the match itself. If it's a local Darby with six goals, then there's a lot to talk about on analyze. But ultimately it comes down to the preparation you do in advance and the notes you take during the match. When I first started writing match reports, it took me around an hour and that was because I was very conscious of my writing. I knew that a lot of people would read this type of article, so I wanted to make sure it was quality content. I was also self conscious about my match analysis and sometimes wanted to wait until other reports had come out just so that I could kind of check. My comments wouldn't be out of left field Now, with practice, I can usually get them written within 20 minutes. However, I usually wait for the post match press conference unlike to include some quotes afterwards . So although it takes less time to write, I usually post around 40 minutes to an hour after the match because I've waited for some of these post match comments. If you can tell, it will be a while before manager comments on the game, feel free to publish the initial report without them, because you can always edit the article afterwards. Toe, abdomen and sometimes a manager's post match comments are the most entertaining part of the match to analyze. You don't have to publish much reports so quickly. It's just that these articles air really time sensitive. So you need to be conscious of that. As long as you can get them out in the same day, you'll still have a reasonable number of views. And regarding the second question of how long the match report should be, there is really no standard length. It depends on the match events, the publication and the notes you take if you've covered all the points that are necessary , the five W's and hate each match details, quotes, background info, etcetera. That's really the key. I'm not a huge fan of adding fluff to make your article seem longer because that's actually going to reduce the quality of your article. So if your publication needs the peace to be a certain length, try to add in some more background information about club events at the end of the piece. Don't try to talk more about the match events. If there isn't much to discuss, it will make the peace seem long winded and readers will click away. So concentrate on yourself and your own writing. Don't get discouraged if you see other people writing longer or shorter articles than you. As you go gaining mawr experience with writing match reports, you'll find your rhythm and what works for you. 5. Class Project: throughout this section, we're going to be building up to writing your first match report. You have to watch a sports much, but take notes during on prepare before and after, as if you were a sports journalist, which very soon you will be. If you can attend a much in person, that's ideal, because this way, you won't be influenced by the TV commentators and just parrot back their thoughts in the report. But of course, if you can make it to the stadium and you can only watch it on TV, it's perfectly fine. Just make sure when you're taking notes that the thoughts and opinions were writing down are your own. I'll attach some documents to help you throughout this process. So during step one you have a match report checklist available to download. And that's basically just summarising the key points that you need to find pre match during much on after, the much so that you make sure that you have all the information you need. And then I created a worksheet which is expanding on this checklist. So basically the idea is that you can just print this off and you take it to the match with you, and you could just jump down in the space, allocated all the things that you need to so that you make sure you don't forget anything. But the checklist is kind of just a summary off the worksheet, so you have everything really clearly in front of you in one page. It's time to organize your content and write your first match report. You already have your research and match notes ready to go, so it's just time to put pen to paper before getting started. Grab a timer and hit Start. Let's see how long it takes you to write this first match report. Use the checklist to help organize your content into sections before you start writing. This will help you see how much content you have so you can plan accordingly. For example, if there wasn't much action in the much you complained to write more about the pre match build up in the main body of the article or the background info on the club at the end of the article. Once you have your content laid out into the relevant sections, try to create a match report that flows is factual but has an emotional connection. Take your time and add subheadings. If you can't us well, remember to select an embed a relevant image to your article as it's a match report. I would recommend using the Getty images and bed feature for this as they have photos of specific matches. The next step is certainly not the easiest. It's now to write the report, but this actually shouldn't be so difficult because you already have the content. You already have the organization. So it's just a case off writing these sentences and finding awaits to connect them intelligently. It's actually writing. The report should be the least time of all of the activity because embassy watching the match takes time. Organizing is when you really thinking about how to put this all together and writing should be the fun part, right? We are writers. Then the final step is to at your report. Now I have another example in The resource is for you. Another checklist on this is just some of the basics, the most common errors that I see when people are writing and editing articles. So checking the spelling of team or player names, checking the tents is the same throughout the article. And the last thing on the checklist is my number one advice to you when editing, which is a very simple advice that you might even heard before, which is read the article out loud. And I know it sometimes awkward or it feels weird to be reading it out loud cause you think , Oh, well, I'm reading in my head, You know, I'm I'm reading it, but honestly, read it out loud because you will notice silly mistakes that you maybe haven't realized. And you've read through this piece a few times in your head and you haven't realized so Read the piece out loud when you're editing. So once you've finished watching, organizing, writing and editing your article, please publisher here in the class projects, I would love to read your articles, see what much you watched and give you feedback. Make sure to use the formatting tools. Think of a good headline which you can put in the project title. Make sure to add an image. I'm really excited to read what you write 6. Conclusion & Key takeaways: Now you know how to write a great match report. You know, once you include how to prepare beforehand and take notes during the match How to organize that final report, how to write a much report on. Then we learned some quick editing tips. So I just want to thank you so much for joining me in this cloths. And I recommend that you follow my instructor profile on skill share because we have more classes coming very soon. 7. Bonus interview: Christy Doran, Rugby Correspondent @ Fox Sports Australia: Well, thank you so much for joining us, Christie. Absolute pleasure, Nikki. Good to join you in your students opposed to have you? I just want to let you introduce yourself. So just if you could tell us about who you are, what you do, Yeah. It certainly Cy on Christie Door. And I'm 27 I work at Fox Sports Australia, and I'm one of the rugby journalists are being that the company now, after four years, it's been being, well, wind. I've certainly learned a lot on the job. Is my first official journalism job after? Well, midway through my master's degree, we are studying and Sidney and spend spend. Great. So I fire and I've certainly developed skills along the way. Could you tell us a little bit about your career path and how you got to where you are? Yeah. So, I look, I was probably more fortunate than a lot of paper were very from a very young age on you. What? I wanted to do it. Probably about six or seven. I think I wanted to be a journalist. And, um, even throughout my high school years of steel firm in that belief that I wanted to be a A sports Jenna Ah, even though I had a strong political interest and would have been when I was about 15 or six day in, a couple of my friends just started saying, Well, instead of interviewing us after a sports game, why don't you start interviewing sports people? Because I used to go up to them as a youngster and get lots of autographs. And so I started interviewing professional cricketers. Professional rugby player. Is that about the I just six day and I would bring mine video camera would wack it up on a tripod. Or if I had a friend or my brother is there to record it, and then I would are just approached and saying, Look at one of their Jenna. This would go towards a unique portfolio or something. I could show its employees of employers later on, and I'll throw it up on YouTube, and I accorded a wacky thing called Door in sports and and even throughout my progression, like older, those interviews got better and probably a little bit more professional to in the way that I set it up with a microphone. And so forth on and then, yeah, I got to 18. I had a gap year and I was in England. And then they came back, and ah had a decision to make as to whether or not I would go from a journalism straight journalism course or do an arts degree. Ultimately, I chose to do politics and history. Degree on doing that actually really helps with my riding skills research skills. Um, and then following that, I did that entering copies, and following that, I did a master's of journalism. I started that and and that helped may get into some, uh uh, cool. It's allowed opportunities to start going to sports companies or different newspapers, saying that I'm I'd like to be an intern because they don't generally in Australia except unless you're doing a journalism degree. They often delegate only a certain amount of roles or whatever, and I look at God's women that are doing during a sports journalism or journalism degrees, and I wasn't at that time. So doing a sports journalism or journalism degree allowed May Teoh opened up to more doors and avenues and ultimately started working at the Australian and did quite a few articles there and covering the war tiles, which is the New South Wales professional time in super rugby, started covering cricket. Um, and I covered in Indian Siri's and then I I worked for War Retires and the Brumbies Aziz, one of their interns, and I was writing on a pretty much a daily basis as well. So I six months down the track managed to get a cool from Fox Sports, and I started working pretty soon after their at four schools in a blanket of since. Listen, um so as you're mentioning as you were kind of on this path that you did writing for a few other types of sports as well, like cricket. So if you do you see any particular differences. Now that you're right, the correspondent like problems or interesting things that happened to rugby sports writers that don't happen to other type of writers or for you, is it kind of similar issues similar similar problems across across covering different sports, human across nations that yeah, look rugby in Australia? This is actually the sports somewhat traveled in the sense that the results of the national tame and the hugely competitive sporting landscape in the country where there's four or five really prolific, well supported sports has seen right be probably on the decline. And so therefore, there's only there's really only about 10 rugby. Juno's in the country, and therefore it's probably allowed me more opportunities than other sports have to accelerate my career because I've when, there when there's only a certain number of journalists, the players all recognize who you are, the coaches do as well. And so therefore, been out at times being invited into the national coaches house to do off the record chats and then on the record chats, too. So that's been actually pretty cool because you well known as one of the most, um well, you recognize is one of the lady and kind of rugby journalists in the country. That wouldn't happen. He follows in cricket or rugby leg. I feel with Is this 30 40 journalists covering the guy? So that's one complaint difference in terms of how they covered the cava. Quite similarly, actually, H organization has a national team and the domestic sides as well, unfortunately in Australia and like probably in England with the GPL, which is really marker managed with with what you can and can't do and who you speak to to try to organize interviews. I'm pretty fortunate that I can just ring up a player on most of the time they'll pick up where, if I send a text, General is making always get back to me, so that wouldn't happen necessarily another, um codes and probably wouldn't happen. Also unnecessarily in the world data. And so, for your current position as the correspondent of folks boards, could you walk us through? Maybe a typical day? Maybe It depends on season but kind of water. Typical day could be in off season or on Susan. Yeah, typical dies as a sports channel. You can I didn't find you don't have too many days off. That's the first thing even today on a Wednesday. It's my day off, and I found myself. It's 100 days until the World Cup starts, and so I found myself needing to write a couple things because as it distended Joe, um, if there's a talking point, it certainly want someone to write about it. But, um, if a breaking story comes up, so I'm sure you be aware of this as a journal. You've got a right. There's people that Ah, if you're if you're the rugby journal and and a major story breaks one like Israel for Layer, which broke a couple months ago, and it's turning out to be one of the biggest, not just sporting stories but stories in Australia this year. You can't just sit back because you're having a day off. Sorry, I'll come to it tomorrow. Your website. It's moving to use its 24 7 So I typical days of hard, sometimes to Teoh put your finger on. And it's not necessarily fantastic. Future social life, particularly on weekends when sports on where you but where everyone else is out partying or drinking and you're covering a guy. Well, I might be there, and they're having a great time toe, but it's the thing that I love, and I wouldn't want to do anything. Els, Um, but typically, I'll have one day off, which is a Wednesday, and I might have to half days, which is the Sunday and perhaps a Tuesday as well, um, mandate, or Thursday or Monday to Monday to choose. Do you typically doing a lot of the analysis from the weekends fictions that have just gone on. And then come Wednesday and Thursday, you doing much more than pretty views. You might be doing some features around plays that coming back in detains. And then over the weekend, you're doing a lot of the live coverage and break out stories around what's happened if it plays. But in the injured, it has been a stand up performance. So you're flexible was a journal of sometimes about where you can write, like you don't always have to go into the office you don't have to wear, so you can you convey, really, where would it if you want? And that's the same with the down days situation, too. You don't have to show you, which is always NOAA's necessarily, Um, so it is not a real typical day. You've gotta gotta think you say, Just be, um, you know, ready Teoh to sink your teeth into whatever might come because there's there's hardly ever two days at a time and news one days old news the next. Did you give us an idea of your workflow from I idea Teoh, actual publication on the side? Do you go pitching your editors Or do they come to you with articles that they want written ? Unfortunately, at books we're giving a lot of autonomy and were allowed Teoh, We know what works and what doesn't. Because you get dollar around, what people clicking onto and what people aren't in the newspapers get the same too. So if if we were writing things, that editors, that I would probably come back and go. Okay, well, this isn't really working, so why don't we do that? But you After you've been working at Fox for four years, you typically no and look breaking news and exclusives always great things to write on, um, to die. Marking 100 days until the Rugby World Cup. I did a checklist about and I made the comparison about what? Looking in the US and, uh, the president of the US from under days are for in the 1st 100 days wants to get something on the bill. What? It wants to get it on the floor. So I I made the analogy there of what Markel checker Who's the show? Encourage what he wants to be achieving over the next 100 days leading up to the World Cup , and there's an abundance and things that he needs Toe needs to start to get his hands on because the world of you said their worst you since 1958 last year. So yeah, like sometimes you go to an editor and you bounce a couple ideas around that, um, it always people. One interesting thing that paperwork got exciting to get their heads around is this idea of player ratings. And it's probably the most controversial thing that you can do as a sports journal, because you might not have played the game at a national level, leaving a semi professional level. But you're writing educated Lee, you're raging. Someone's play. Someone's performance may be out of 10 and I don't know if this is happening in Spain, but it's definitely happening in England, in Australia, where you're asked to very quickly, perhaps in the 1st 10 minutes after a match has been completed. What apply as down and how worthy I were off accolades or negativity and and you've got to put your name to it and apply is on our for facts where they look at these articles and Jack I What's this year in a given day. Uh, and and it can be quite orchid if you've given them a low school because you might be interviewing the next day or perhaps in a few days down the track or you down the track and players, Typically, they will hold a grudge if you're not quite accurate or you're written in quite a harsh way . Um, so you've got to be quite careful that how you at times analyze things and you've got to make sure that you don't want to burn relationships, But at the same time as a journalist, you could have the integrity around with The player hasn't performed well. You're going to tell the public that as well. So you gotta be times careful, Um, that you gotta be truly weird. Ultimately, you gotta be good at what you're doing that's studying Shootist Lee Watching replays, it's It's bang. As informed as you possibly can to write something that is going, they reflect well on what you've written. So that's probably I find none of the none of the journalists like doing those sorts of things in particulars. And but we know that for May editorial standpoint, the people consuming, and I click into it. And I everyone has every every Jibla as their opinion on help particular Playa wins, so it sometimes it just comes down to what the public wants. So your advice there would be Just make sure you're educated as possible so that you can make as informed a quick article as possible. So at least you can justify it later. If a player has a graduate, you missing super happy with it? Yeah, because you you've gotto you've got to manage these relationships and you as a young journalist starting off the now off, being covering the down for 4.5 for half five years now. So paper stature to to respect you more and more. I think the longer that you're assuming that what you're doing and producing is good but e competent relationships immediately. And sometimes, you know, you might even he a tip off where you can write something. Um, but you also might factor in the cow. Is this going to do more damage than good? Is the article strong enough? Is it is it just a minor incident which potentially could burn the player and players talk they talk to their teammates took. So would it actually damage your whole relationship with the team? Um, lots of things you got to consider, and you only really get too large and understandable that once you've been in the game for sometime, people want to make their mark. Early on that. Austin, you you want Teoh talked about your peers around you, your editors who have been around for longer than you have. Because whilst you might think it's the best idea in the world, or this is the way that I'm gonna make my Mac Sometimes it's not always the cows. So what would be your top advice for a budding sports journalist? Well, I think you've got a little bit internships number one, even doing my masters of journalists. And I looked around the class and Iraq, and that would have been the vast majority, maybe half of them there. I didn't think would become a journalist because they were not necessarily willing to pick up the phone and talk to someone. Um, and you have to do that. You have to be. You can't just pay. I cycled, came aboard Warrior or just someone who is a fan with the top Prada you've got to be making cause you've got to be open and willing to listen. Um, I said before you got a study hard and you're gonna be a studious like, if you're looking at sport, I'll often go to a game and then I'll you miss Potts, because you're writing your match report for the majority of the second half, but certainly the last half of that second half. So at times, this is really good practice to go back and watch the game again. It helps with your analysis the next week. Um, having being open, saying yes, more listening. Teoh edited. Certainly. Um, at times, just having a beer with someone as well. Like you said, it is those that have been in the game for a long time because I have an abundance of knowledge and you can't shut those people off that I will give you good advice. Um, and just being open, just being open and and And feedback is such a valuable thing, particularly in decree at times even writing analysis pieces or commentary or opinion articles. Look, that I could be really good, and you can people might click onto the same time. But just be careful in mind for that. If you're starting your career, you don't necessarily want to be making. I don't think too many massive, bold statements because realities people don't necessarily know you are yet, Um, and sometimes you get a room. You respect respect that time as well. Um, so that I would be a couple of the big things, but certainly making fine calls and and getting yourself out there doing internships and just writing. Or if you're doing podcasts, doing more podcasts does. The more you do, the better you're gonna get. Okay, that's all from my side. If you have any last comments or any final lessons that you want to share, just enjoy it because it's quite fine if you're doing sports journalism as well. Like the man of people that tell me that Jesus, your lifestyle school, their stock in offices, um, they might be doing account in your business or banking or whatever and my baby that you're ultimately reporting on something that's so much fun and it should be fun. Don't take yourself too seriously, but just know that what you rot he's gonna be published and people listen, so I just actually you get the, uh, get the story, Rod on site. Perfect. Well, thank you so much. Really appreciate your time. Is it okay if I put like your twitter handle or something for the student? Had any questions? Of course. Always sing at my amounts. Christie, don't door not news any W s dot com dot au. So I'm happy. Teoh do respond anyone's questions, that's for all right. Well, thank you. I really appreciate it on. I will let you know when when this video goes life. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Bye.