Spanish for Beginners: Spanish Crash Course (Conversational) | Mauricio Rubio | Skillshare

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Spanish for Beginners: Spanish Crash Course (Conversational)

teacher avatar Mauricio Rubio, Serial entrepreneur, techie, life hacker, PM & MBA

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Promotional Video


    • 2.



    • 3.

      Greetings in Spanish


    • 4.

      Days of the Week in Spanish


    • 5.

      Months of the Year in Spanish


    • 6.

      Basic Introductions in Spanish


    • 7.



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About This Class

If you're a beginner and you want to learn Spanish you're in the right place! Bienvenido!! (Welcome!!)

Did you know there are more native Spanish speakers in the world than there are native English speakers?? I bet you thought it was probably the other way around. But it isn't. Actually Spanish is only second to Chinese, seriously. 

I've designed this Spanish Crash Course skillshare

for beginners to ensure you can hit the ground running with Spanish. It's simple, short, practical and super easy. And best of all you will learn the best way, the natural way, the way you learnt English. I'll explain more about this in the Intro to the course, but for now, let's just say that there is only one way to naturally start speaking Spanish and that's how I will teach you.

This course is 100% conversational. I will NOT cover grammar rules, reading, etc. None of the boring stuff, only the fun stuff. Everything and anything you need to GET started. To be able to talk, speak and have conversations.

Spanish for beginners starts with this:

  • Greetings.
  • Introductions.
  • Words and phrases for Traveling.
  • Days of the Week.
  • Months of the Year.
  • And more to come...

About your Instructor: I was born in Bogota, the capital of Colombia (South America). So I'm a native Spanish speaker but you could also consider me a native English speaker. I've lived in the U.S., Mexico, Colombia and currently live in Australia. And I've always felt really passionate about languages, specially English & Spanish.

The Accent of this Course: My accent in Spanish is from Colombia (South America). In English I'd say it's a weird mix of American, Australian and Latin American. But don't worry too much about accents, they're overrated. And regardless of whether you learn Spanish from someone from Spain or someone from Latin America chances are you'll have the accent of a foreigner speaking Spanish. But that doesn't matter!! People will still understand you. As they understand me in Spanish and English when I travel the world even though I might have a "weird" accent :)

If you are concerned about the accent you should know this: of all Spanish speaking countries, the two countries which probably have the most "neutral" Spanish are Colombia and Costa Rica. Hence, many call center companies preferring candidates from these two locations. So, it's definitely an advantage to be learning from a teacher with a Colombian accent.

This course is for:

  • Beginners.
  • English speakers who want to learn Spanish. You don't need to be native English speaker, but you need to know English to take this course.
  • People who want to learn Spanish.
  • People who love Spanish.
  • People who appreciate Spanish and its importance.
  • People who realize Spanish can open the door to both professional and personal growth.
  • People traveling to a Spanish speaking country.
  • People doing business with Spanish speakers.
  • People who want to have fun in Spanish.

This course is NOT for:

  • Intermediate or advanced Spanish speakers.
  • People who want to learn from someone who speaks Spanish with a "Spanish" accent (so someone from Spain, I'm not from Spain).
  • People who are not willing to practice.
  • People who prefer quantity over quality.

Pledge to All Students (both current & future students)

  1. Students First. I will never compromise your experience to make money. Never, ever. Yes, this is also a business but to me teaching goes way beyond making money. I already have a full time job and fortunately don't rely on teaching to survive. You are always at the forefront of my courses and I want to ensure you have a unique, valuable and memorable experience. I promise. 
  2. 24x7x365 Support. You can contact me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round, even on holidays, Christmas and New Years Eve; I will get back to you quickly (in a few hours tops) and deliver outstanding quality of service in my support. I promise. 
  3. Humbleness, kindness and social responsibility. I believe in giving back to you and the world. So think of me as your own real-life human "Siri." If you need advice or support just ask. And if I can do something to help you in your journey, I will. I promise.
  4. Australian Made. Recognized in the Industry as a symbol of quality and excellence. All my courses are Made in Australia with high tech and professionally edited. They also include my secret sauce: a lot of passion & love! I also apply in my courses everything I've learnt from years of experience working with technology, projects, entrepreneurs and people all over the world. I promise.  
  5. Quality over Quantity. I will strive to make courses concise, to the point and relevant. Time is one of our most valuable assets and we need to invest it carefully. So I won't make a course long for the purpose of displaying it has more hours; only when strictly necessary. To me it's about quality and if I can deliver that in 5 minutes and save you time, I will. I promise.

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Meet Your Teacher

Teacher Profile Image

Mauricio Rubio

Serial entrepreneur, techie, life hacker, PM & MBA


In a nutshell, I'm a serial entrepreneur, techie, life hacker, expert PM and MBA (x2). But at heart, I'm also an Educator. 

Mauricio in Numbers

Founded or co-founded 7 business startups.

Invested in 6 personal startups.

Studied 2 MBAs and 1 Bachelor of Engineering.

Teaching thousands of students in more than 170 countries worldwide (that's nearly every country on the planet!).

Traveled to 10 Countries and lived in 4.

Lives in the most beautiful city in the world, frequently ranked in the Top 10 places to live & visit.

Works for a prestigious University, ranked 1st in Australia and 8th in the world among young Univ... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Promotional Video: is Banyan. Inglis. English. Spanish. Pretty good. No mon chest. No way. Give me a break. Get out of here. No, man, Chase kids. Oh, God, I don't know Spanish. No matches. Okay, It's when you run out of matches and you have nothing to light the house. You just smoked weed and you're really, really hungry. But your friend offers you something that sounds gross. And you say no mon chaise don't even. Yeah, like, don't play perfect crudo raw or uncooked? Actually. Meaning hangover crewed up hangover. That sounds like manure of some sort. Like just a bunch of poop on the ground for me when a video that's not a hangover for us through, though, is something that is wrong. Crew, though, is raw. Use it in a sentence. No, girl. Why did I just in my head, I just went somewhere. Even if it means hangover. Oh, I don't know anything about that Chamba. Popular slang, meaning, work or job. It's a Native American dance that's very similar to the samba. It's a very sexy chamber. Tshamba work. Okay, freeze our frizz or to get frizzy. It's when the letter R in the alphabet has actually been frozen in time, and it's stuck there. What kind of Spanish are you talking to? Free. Sad about the hair? Well, obviously, that is what happens when you're a woman and you go outside and it's really humid. And is it really that what it is? There you go. There you go. They are to creep on someone often used when talking about looking over someone's Facebook page. What to be creepy. It's when you have a bunch of crepes and there's enough for everyone. So it's called crepe a All. So it's for everyone. That is when you combine the French crepe with a caviar and then you put it together on a loaf of bread and you eat it with vegan Man is being creepy. I eat like, creepy that doesn't exist. You're making this up, woman. 2. Introduction: BMB, Neil's classy welcome class. My name's Mauricio and I'm your instructor, and I'm really glad you decided to take the scores and you will learn Spanish. Spanish is such a beautiful language, and it's one of the most important languages in the world. What a lot of people don't realize is that Spanish is actually the second language in the world with most native speakers after Chinese. Yes, that's right. It's not English. It's actually Spanish, which has the second most native speakers in the world. Now here's the catch. When you add up the people that actually speak Spanish or English as a second language, well, there's more people in the world that's big English when you add up the people that I talk English as a second language or speak English as a second language. But if you are looking at native speakers, there's actually more Spanish native speakers in the world than English Spanish speakers on . I talk about this just because a lot of people don't realize it, and they miss out on the importance off Spanish as a language. If you're here, you probably don't falling that group, of course, and you do realize that exports of Spanish and you want to learn Spanish. It's a beautiful language, and it will help you when you meet new people when you travel all over the world and when you go to different places, which speaks Spanish as a first language when I have traveled around, I've always found that people really, really appreciate when you make an effort, speak their native language, even if you're not perfect at it. Don't worry. People will really appreciate you making the effort, and you will feel more comfortable. US well. So there are many advantages to speaking multiple languages like Spanish, you know, not just for traveling, but actually even for professional purposes. There are many multinationals that are based in Europe or in Spain or in Latin America, and you might be doing business is with them. Or you might be selling something to them or offering them on a product or service. And what better way to start a conversation or that relationship with you showcasing that you actually know the language or a little bit about it? Or enough to get by Now, this course is not gonna be a really deep Spanish course, really complex. No, it's actually a very simple crash course in Spanish on you're gonna learn the most important basic things about the language. This is a course for beginning beginners. So if you're here, welcome. And yes, you're in the right place, you're gonna be able to learn Spanish, and I'm gonna tissue Spanish in the best way you can earn it. And that's how kids learn it, right? How you actually learned to speak English when you were a baby when you were a kid, How did you learn? Do you remember It wasn't about you reading books or going through grammar lessons and stuff like that. You picked up the words and phrases and then started talking naturally by listening on by repeating. That's how kids and babies learn to speak a language. Nobody is born with a specific language. Nobody's born speaking English or Spanish or French. They learn along the way right and how the people learn humans. US. Humans, we learned by listening and repeating is just the natural process. It's not really easy for you to start reading and writing, although some people startling learning a language by doing those those things you'll find it really hard and you'll find it more difficult. And the reason why that happens is that that's not really the natural process off how us humans learn. So in these course, we're gonna learn the natural way how you would have learned Spanish if you were a kid just learning Spanish. It doesn't matter how old you are if you're a guy here, a guy'll, if your guy or a girl. It doesn't matter where you come from in which country you're in right now, the only thing you need to learn Spanish, he's wanting to learn Spanish. That's it on, of course, taking this awesome course. I've worked really hard in the scores to make it really simple, really concise, really focused and a crash course so that you can start speaking so you can start having conversations so they know what different words mean. That's the whole purpose of the scores. Like I said before, my name's Mauricio and I'm your instructor. I'm originally from Colombia, but I've lived in two Spanish speaking countries and in to English speaking countries, both with different accents. So I lived in Mexico, and I also lived in Colombia, South America, But I also lived in the US and I currently live in Australia, and Spanish and English have always been really important to me. They've always been a really big thing in my life. On I love both languages. They're both beautiful. They're both awesome. And it's amazing how you can interact with different people around the world when you know more than one language. I also speak Portuguese, but I'm not gonna be covering port of using these course. We're just gonna go over it Spanish, and I'm gonna help you get more comfortable with language. And I'm gonna help you start learning a couple of words here and there a couple of sentences and just being able to start having conversations. Now, you're probably seeing these on screen that I have Google translate and you're wondering why I have it there. So let me clarify about that. I have Google translate because this is what I'm going to be using to teach you in this course. And the reason I'm going to be using this is because it's a very simple, very minimalistic, very awesome tool which you can use at home. You just go on to Google translate and use it yourself. It's awesome because you start typing words here and then in real time he will translate here to the right So you can start writing in Spanish here, and it'll translate here to another language off you're choosing or vice avarice. Um, the other really cool thing about Google translate, which had like a lot is this. You see this little I can hear and this other little I can hear. This icon allows you to hear how good Google would pronounce this word or this phrase, right? So bear with me. And keep in mind that even though Google is awesome and great, it's not perfect, right? So you might see every now and then that they might make a mistake in the translation or the pronunciation, for example, sounds a little bit like a robot talking right till. Let's give it a go to so you can see exactly. You can hear exactly what I'm talking about. So let's click here bienvenidos classy that Seehofer will says that being been either classy right? It says it test is in a little bit more robotic. Slow motion way right. That's OK because you're learning so it might be easier for you to pick that up. Um, but I'm gonna teach you how you would normally speak. Okay? And let's go to the other one. Welcome class. Let's see what Google says. Welcome. All right. So, as you can see, this is what I look. This is why I love Google because of what you just saw, right? So I can start typing here. Hey, guys. And then I'm gonna set it to Spanish, Says Hola. Chico's right, Orla Chico's right. And if I put Google here, can you please pronounce this Google and help me practice? Hey, guys. Hey, guys. Right, Hola. Chico's all the tickers, galaticos, all the tickers. So, like I was saying, I really love Google because it's a really easy to use tool. It's free. And you can start typing words here and they will automatically get translated. And you can click on these icons and listen to how Google would pronounce these words or these phrases. And this is what I'm gonna be using in the course to teach you Spanish. Not just this tool, of course, but we're gonna be following the natural process like I mentioned before that you would follow when you were a kid when you were growing up, which is you're gonna listen and you're gonna repeat, Listen and repeat. But I'm also gonna be adding a few quizzes after each class so that you can practice on reinforced what you have learned, right? This is the whole purpose off you going through this process. Like I said before, I have taught both English and Spanish for many years, and I just have tried a lot of different methodologies in different countries, from different companies with different people and so forth. And I know that the best and easiest way for you to learn he's by following the simple process that I'm describing right now, which is just repeating, hearing and repeating over time you both your brain and your year. We'll start to get accustomed to Spanish, and it will become easier and easier and easier for you and more and more natural. The other thing, you're gonna finding these courses. I'm going to provide to you re sources, links, freebies. Ah, love. Really cool and awesome things. Blood, of course, because you're awesome and you're part of my group of shootings year olds were gonna get great discounting all of my other courses. If you decide to take them no pressure, of course, you're free not to take them. If you think they're worth it and you think they might be valuable to you, feel free to take them. But if you don't, that's a right no hard feelings. I'm not trying to sell you on off on all of my other courses. The point here for me is teaching you Spanish. But I will be sharing, like I said, a lot off free other tools that you can a lot of other tools that are free, that you can use to strengthen your Spanish knowledge to you so that you can keep practicing aside from what we're going to be covering in the scores. So this course is really simple, easy to use. You can connect to it in your tablet in your more while in your PC and your laptop at home , at work, wherever you are. Do you want to practice? Just have a go. Listen and repeat, go through the lessons and just follow my instructions on. The other thing is try to be disciplined, you know, try to set yourself some goals for practicing your Spanish. It doesn't have to be one hour, two hour sessions every day or every week. It could be just five minutes every day. You know, really short something that you can actually accomplish If you're really busy, don't set yourself goals that are unrealistic and that you're not gonna be doing because that's just gonna discourage Ewing in keeping practicing on dure. Just not gonna be doing them right. So try to put yourself realistic goals, but make sure you deliver on them. You make sure your practice, if you don't practice, you're not going to learn. I can tell you that as well. It took me about one month or two months off, learning when I when I started to study Portuguese, took me about one month or two months to learn Portuguese. It was a lot easier for me, of course, because Portuguese and Spanish are very similar, but at the same time they're not the same. Even though a lot of people think they're the same, they're very different. But what I wanted to share about the experience is that the reason I was able to learn so fast was because I was practicing every single day. Every single day I would practice not very long, you know, just 5 10 minutes. But I would do it and I learned the language really quickly. Off course. I'm not going to say I'm 100% you know, in Portuguese, and I'm perfect. Important is, of course not. But I can certainly get by. I can have conversations. I can understand when people are talking to me. I know a lot of words. I know little phrases and so forth, and that's what I want you to to learn with Spanish, right? I want you to learn that Spanish. It's an awesome language. It's a lot easier than you think, and that if you practice, you'll get it and you'll be able to travel on, interact with Spanish speakers easily, easily. Like I said, I done these in many different places with many different methodologies, and what I'm showing you here and what I'm teaching you here is what I think is the best way for you to learn. It might seem very simple. Very moment, very minimalistic, very. You know, like when I was a kid, I would do these exercises and so forth. But that's exactly what you need to run out. Remember, that's how you learned. That's how you started with English. You didn't start reading, writing and learning all these grammar rules and stuff like that. It was never like that. Remember, you just started with a few words here and there. You know, you started saying, Mom, Dad, Daddy, Mummy! And he started then colors and food and you know, animals and then phrases and then days and moms and stuff like that. And then you started building phrases. And then when there was no one's stopping you from just chatting and chatting, right, because kids start to get chatter and chatter as they start to become more and more comfortable with the language. And that's what's gonna happen to you in this course, you're going to start with just a couple of words, and then we'll start to get easier and easier and easier on you'll become more and more comfortable. So I think that's pretty much what I wanted to covering this introduction again. Welcome to the course, Right. Welcome to the course in Spanish. BMB neo, of course. Oh, or, um, Ben years Al Corso and give it your best. See you in the next one 3. Greetings in Spanish: hi guys willing to class off today, we're gonna be covering very common words and expressions that they use on a daily basis. You know, like high by Hawar you Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. All of those day to day words that you use that are very minimum Very 101 That's a class today. All right, so let's start with high, right? How do we say hi in Spanish? We say Ola Ola, right? Listen, Mullah. Hola. Uh Ola, right? And so in Spanish Ola in English high. Hi, Ola. Hi, Paula. All right, guys, put pause and repeat. Ola Ola Ola Hola! Hola! Hola. Hi. Hola. Hi Ola. So that was a really easy one, right? And probably most of you already knew that one. It's very common you hear it all the time, Especially if you're around Spanish speakers. Ola Right now here's another one by Ah yes, by the US of years by Are the US by are the US at the years So this is a very common one as well on do you might hear it as well as Chow Joe. It means also by right so sometimes in Spanish you might see it is that there are two different words to say the same thing. Well, in English. We have that as well. Of course, that's called synonyms, Right? So these are two very common. It's a common ways of saying by in Spanish. Adios, Joe. How yours, Joe? By choe How us? Right. So let's do the exercise, guys. Let's repeat, repeat after me. Put pause, repeat yourself, Do it a couple of times until it started getting cold More and more comfortable with the word. So by the US by ideo US by Joe Joe Exactly the same thing. Like I said before, they're just sending him still words in Spanish to say the same thing in English. Now, if you're thinking Oh, that's already complex Don't worry about it. You don't have to learn the two words learn whichever one you prefer. I'm gonna teach you both right now. Bye. Adios. By Chow by Joe. Bye. Adios by Adios that trip, you guys Adios. Have the us at the US Chou Chou Joe. All right, so let's go back to high. How do we say hi Ola he by? Ah yes. All right. Bye. Adios or Chao or chow. Hi, Ola. He by Barrios Hi, Ola He bye. Adios. Ideas by the US by Hola. Hi. Hola. Hi. Hola. Hi. Adios. By Chow by Joe By how the US By All right, that was easy. Right, guys? So let's move to the next one. Let's talk about now. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good night. Let's talk about those three other really day to day. Very common that we use all the time expressions or sentences. Let's go over them. Let's start with Good morning. So in Spanish, we say Buenos dias. Good morning. Buenos dias. Good morning. Bueno's es right? So as per usual. And it is natural that more were comfortable with the language. The faster we speak that happens to everyone in every single language in the world. Right? So I am going to say things initially a little bit slowly for you. So you start feeling more cartel with it and you start practicing. But we'll start also to say a little bit more naturally, as he would actually say it normally. Right. So good morning. Bueno's. Yes. Good morning. Buenos dias boy knows the s Good morning. Buenos. The s would morning. Good morning. Well, yes, Boy does the s boy knows. DS. Good morning. Buenos dias. Buenos dias. Good morning. So let's hear Google one second here. Boy Owners D s. Good morning. That's it. Really easy. Really simple. Now, let's try. Good afternoon. So in Spanish. Good afternoon. He's boy in us. Thought of these when I started this, weighing us out of this Good afternoon, weighing us out of this boy in us. Thought of these, right? Let's put pause there for a second. And let's repeat, guys. Boy in us out of this boy in us out of this. Good afternoon, boy. In us out of this. How are we saying good morning before? Good morning. Buenos dias. Good morning. Buenos dias. Good afternoon, boy. And us out of this buenos thought of this Right? Easy, guys. Buenos started this. Good afternoon. Now let's switch to Good night. Good night. Right. So good night. He's buenos. Noches! Buenos Noches! Good night. Buenos Noches! Buenos Noches! All right, guys. He pause and repeat. Buenos Noches, boy. In us notches. Good night. When a notches, right. If we say it slowly, Buenos Noches. If we say it a little bit faster When The notches Buena notches. That's where Senate faster. It kind of sounds like they're actually 11 word. But they're still two words. Right? So buenas Noches. Buenas Noches. Buenas Noches is how you would say it faster. Right? So let's practice here again and I'm gonna put here on screen Good morning. Good afternoon and good night. So you can see the difference isn't so. We can practice them again. Give me one second. I'll put that up there for you. Alright, guys. So there you have it. The three things we just learned. Good morning. Good afternoon and good night. Good morning. Good afternoon and good night. Buenos dias. When I started this Buenas Noches. Buenos dias When I started this Buenas Noches. Happy Thomas. Good morning. When us Ds. Good afternoon. When I started this Good night. Buenas Noches. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good night. Buenos dias. When I started this, When has notches? Good morning. Buenos D s Good afternoon. Buena started this good night when I'm not just Good morning. When is the s Buenos dias? Buenos dias. Good afternoon, boy. When I started this Boyne us that this buenos started this good night Buenos Noches! Buenos Noches! Buenos Noches! Right Super easy, guys. Now let's out here The high and the by. Hey, Lola! Yale Chow o r us So there you have it. Everything we've learned in this class Hello by Good morning. Good afternoon and good night, Ola Joe, when is the s? When I started this, When has no choice? Hello, Ola by chow. Good morning. When is the s good afternoon? When I started this good night when it's not just let's do it from the top to the bottom again. Hola Chow Remember that you say chow or adios Chow or values? I prefer child because it's more, I guess, more common. It's more jargon is when you would normally hear Not Not a lot of people say adios. Although it's not totally uncommon. Of course is still here at the house. But is more more common to say chow right. So chow When ideas When I started this When has notches? Okay, one more time. One last time, guys. Ola Joe. But in the s when I started this when is not just alright guys, that's a class for today 4. Days of the Week in Spanish: Hey guys, in today's class, we're gonna cover the days of the week Los dias de la Semana The Days of the week Los dias de la Semana Los dias de la Semana Let's repeat guys Los dias de la Semana The days of the week, The days of the week Los dias de la Semana Los dias de la Semana All right, so we have seven days. Super easy. This is Spanish one. No. One really basic things you should know. So Monday. Blueness Monday. Luminess. How do we say Monday in Spanish? Luminous lewdness. Luminess Monday blueness? And how do we say Tuesday, Modesti's mark this mark this Tuesday. Marti's mark is Tuesday. Let's repeat Tuesday. Marked is Marti's mark this? And how about Wednesday, the third day of the week? How do we say Wednesday? A miracle is Merkel is Miracle is so in Spanish Wednesday. How do we say in Spanish Wednesday we say Miracle is mere Coley's mere coolies. Wednesday Miracle is Wednesday. Miracle is, Miracle is Merkel is Wednesday. All right, so what have you covered so far? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Luna's Marquez miracle is, let's repeat that blueness. Marty's miracle is all right. So what's the next one? Thursday? Let's repeat that Thursday on How do we say Thursday in Spanish? Who? Where is who? Where is where is where is Thursday? Where is where's Thursday? Now let's go to the next day of the week. Friday, the best day of the week, right? This is the day we all always wait for right the day where we are getting ready to head home. Spend time with our loved ones. Disconnect from work is the best day of the week. Right Friday, right in Spanish. Be enemies. Be Airness Beer Nous Beer nous Friday Beer. Miss Friday Be Aramis. And how about the next day of the week Saturday. Saburro, Sabado Sabadell Saturday. Sallow Saturday Salvo, Sallow Saturday and the last day of the week. A great day as well. Sunday, Domingo Sunday, Domingo Sunday, Domingo. The Spanish. When we say Domingo means Sunday Sunday. Domingo. All right, guys, we've covered the seven days of the week, but let's practice one more time. Let's go again. From top to bottom. The days of the week. Los Dias de la Semana, Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday on Sunday, Blueness. Marty's miracle is whoever's v. Airness, Salgado Domingo one more time. Blueness mark This miracle is whoever's beer. Miss Saburro, Domingo. Now let's practice. Let's practice a bit randomly so you can see if you're getting it and so that you start feeling more comfortable with it as well. And so you we start training your brain as well. So let's go with a random one. Friday Beer. Miss Friday Be illness Tuesday, Marrapese Tuesday. Marti's Tuesday, Marti's Sunday, Domingo Sunday, Domingo Sunday, Domingo Monday. Blueness Monday. Luminous Monday, Blueness Tuesday. Marti's Tuesday marked This Tuesday. Marked these Saturday. Salo, Saturday, Salo. Saturday. So right, So let's do it one more time. Talk to bottom. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Blueness. Marta's miracle is Where is Bareness? Salvo Domingo Luminess Marquez. Miracle ISS Whoever's beer, Miss Salgado Domingo. All right, guys, great job. Keep up the good work 5. Months of the Year in Spanish: Hey, guys, in today's class, we're gonna talk about months of the year. Laws messes, Dylan, You months of the year lows messes, Dylan, you So we're gonna go like before, one by one with each of the months of the year, and we're gonna learn how we pronounce those different months of the year again. This is really basic, but it's really important that we understand how we pronounce this in Spanish. At the same time, you're gonna start noticing on the left in Spanish. There are a lot of similarities on the right in English. Do you see the similarities? So this will help you as well Recognize when you see Spanish when we're talking about the months of the year that they're actually not that different is Spanish than they are in English. For example, March modest April. Our deal, right? There's just a B instead of a p here, right? So it's very easy or in English, we say may and in Spanish we say my oh module module, right May module very, very similar. Just hasn't know at the end, right? And if you go to, let's say, November Novi embody similar rights similar so makes it easier for you to recognize these words in Spanish and let's just go ahead and practice them. So let's start with January. How do we say generally in NATO January in NATO, A nettle January Remember guys to pause and always repeat. Put pausing the course if you need to and repeat yourself before you continue. So you start practicing these words, and so you start learning them on. It becomes more and more natural to you. So February favor Daito February. Favor Daito favor Daito Fair Daito March. Modest March. Modest March. Modest. How about April? Our really April, Our real Our deal. Our real April, Our real April. It's always a month that sounds to me like a name and in Spanish. It also sounds like a name up. April our really So the next 1 May module. May module. May module. What about June Ju June in Spanish. Whole new. Who knew Who knew June. Who knew June? Who knew July Julio, July Julio, July Julio Julio, July Julio July, By the way, who is also a very common name in Spanish so you might have heard his name in a movie or someone you know Julio, he told so the name of a month in Spanish, August A ghost Oh, August A ghost. Oh, August goes toe the next 1 September said The Embody September Sipped the Embody Set. The Embody Sip the Embody September. October Authority, October Authority, October Day, October October Authority November, Noviembre, November, November, November, Noviembre and the Last 1 December, The Sea, Emery, December The Sea, Embry, December The Sea, Embry. December is such a magical month in the year I Love December Guys. This embrace my favorite time in the whole year, and that's because we have Christmas. Everybody's really happy that there's great food. You get together with family with friends. There's a lot off partying and there's a lot off, like just free time as well. You know, you get more time off from work and it's just really exciting. So I love December December in Spanish. The CME. Very the CME. Buddy, the CMB. Alright, guys. So let's now go from top to bottom months of the year. January, February, March, April May, June, July August September October November December lows. Masses day, Lanyu Months of the year lows man says Dylan, you, in NATO favor. Dado Marceau are real majo Who knew Julio ago. Stow September October 3 Noviembre The CME Bree A little bit slower now in NATO Favorite at all February T Favorite. Edell March. Modest Soul, April Averill May Module. June. Who Knew July, Julio August I Go Store, August I Go Store. September. September, T. October October Early November, Noviembre, December The Sea, Embry In NATO Favor. Dado Marceau, Our Ill, Ma Joe Horn, You. Those Are the 1st 6 Months of the Year Let's Repeat That a NATO Favorito Marceau Real Ma Jo , Who Knew? Now Let's Go to the second Semester. The last six Months of the Year From July to December Julio Ago. Store septembre, Octobre, Noviembre, The Sea Embry. Now don't worry if you can get all of these the first time the first go at this. That's all right. That's very common. That's very normal. You're not weird. You're in a freak. You're not, you know, a slow learner. That's okay. It happens to everyone. Even when we're talking about the months of the year. You might need to go over these a couple of times, and that's what I love about. You know, me you can go and you can practices as many times as you like And you won't be charged more than what you paid the first time, right? So you can go on do this many, many times. And I do recommend that you go through the course multiple times on through the different classes and lessons multiple times because we still need to keep practicing. Even if you've learned the language, it doesn't mean you don't need to practice. And even if it's just something really simple and really easy, like the months of the year, you should still practice them. Because the more you practice, the better you will become a it. And the more you will remember the different ways of saying things, what they mean and so forth in Spanish right now how would you say I love Spanish? I'm just gonna say these coming Conta can piss pot. No, I love Spanish Mean Cantel espanol. I love Spanish. May encanta el espanol. I love Spanish. May encanta el espanol. Now, if you say these centers sentence toe any Spanish speaker, the you will blow their mind. They will be like awesome, You know I love it they were really excited to hear you say this. So learn this one, because it's an easy one and people really appreciate that you're practicing and making your best effort to speak the language. So I love Spanish. May encanta el espanol. Me encanta el espanol. Former time may encanta el espanol. I love Spanish may encanta el espanol. I love Spanish. May encanta el espanol you have Like I said, guys, if you say this is any Spanish speaker, I almost guarantee you a boulder mind. They'll be really happy and they will be really excited. They will react in a very positive way if there's something you should know about Spanish speakers and I think this goes also for the Europeans and not just for Latin Americans is that we're very warm. People were very friendly people and we're you know, we're really friendly were really expressive, and we really appreciate when people make an effort and it's not just us. I know when I've traveled to different countries. When I try to speak a little bit of their language, people love it and they really appreciate it. And and if you show your love for the culture and the language. Well, that just gives you extra points, right? Who doesn't like someone else? A foreign. They're saying that they like your country or that they're like your language. We all love it well, like it. So that's always a good way to start a conversation. And that's always something you should keep in mind when you're traveling or meeting new people from different countries. Different backgrounds, different cultures always be respectful with their where they come from, Holly look and so forth and make an effort to show them your love for their culture, their language and so forth. And people really appreciate it. This is something that has helped me throughout my whole career, and I don't do it because I have a second intention, but because it's natural because something I believe in and it's just, you know, been great for me. You know, when I talked to someone from India and I said, You know, I love Indian food, it's lovely, it's it's also my It's one of my favorite foods in the world, and they're like, Oh, really? Well, some Mauricio and people appreciate that. So the same, you know, I love Spanish main Cantel Espanol Main can tell Espanol Alright, guys, that's it for today. Have a good one 6. Basic Introductions in Spanish: Hey, guys, in this class, I'm gonna be covering really basic introductions. So introductions wanna one? These are very, very common things that you hear when you meet someone and that people say or ask you when you've just met someone for the first time. And it happens in all sorts of scenarios. Whether it's professional or personal. You're meeting someone for the first time and they ask you, What's your name? What do you do? What? You know what? What do you work on and so forth? Right. This is very common. It happens all the time. And that's why I wanted to cover that in this class. So the first thing is Hi, my name's Mauricio and I'm from Colombia. So how would you say that in Spanish? Hola. Right. You guys remember that? We say we covered high before. Ola me normally is Mauricio. He saw the Columbia. Hola. Me normally is Mauricio. He saw the Columbia. Right? So if you're in Amy's Derek on your from the US, you would say ola minimalize Derek soy these 1000 years. Hola. Me number is Derek. Sorry. Days 1000 eels. Hi, My name is Derrick and I'm from the us. Hola. Me normal is Derek soy the styles in years? So again, you just change Mauricio for Derek and Columbia, for United States or Canada or Australia are England or whatever you're from and you just replace that here. You can do this at home with Google, translate so you can practice. And like I've said before, you can also use these little I can hear to listen the pronunciation from Google, which is, like I said, a little bit robotic and something's not perfect, but it's good enough to keep you practicing as well. But better than that, of course, you don't have to practice with Google or a robot. You could have me right here, Mauricio, your instructor and we're covering all of these and you're gonna get really good at it over time. Trust me. So Hi. My name's Mauricio and I'm from Colombia. Ola, we normally is more. The issue is so the Columbia. So you know, very commonly people will reply to that. It's pleasure or pleasure, Mauricio, or it's a pleasure. It's really nice to meet you. Um right. So in Spanish, you would say macho Gusteau, right? So pleasure or its pleasure to me. To you, Morcha! Gusteau Morcha! Gusteau Morcha! Gusteau! What's your job in Quetta? RoHaas. What's your job? And get RoHaas? I'm a project manager. I'm a project manager. Soy head and their projectors. Soy one had entire projectors. Soy inherent. A project. US soy inherent projectors. So let's go again from top to bottom. One more time. Hello? My name is Mauricio. I'm from Colombia. It's a pleasure to meet you. What's your job? I'm a project manager. Hola. Me numbers. Mauricio is so the Columbia macho. Gusteau in Kerala has soy inherent projectors. Allami number Mauricio is so the Columbia. Hi. My name's Mauricio and I'm from Colombia. Ola, Me Normal is Mauricio. He saw the Columbia. Ola me normally is. Mauricio is so the Columbia Pleasure. Macho Gusteau! Pleasure. Macho Gusteau, What's your job in? Get Allah has What's your job in que trabaja? I'm a project manager. Soy on head and projectors. Soy on hair Into the project. Does soy hadn't projectors? Alright, guys. So very easy. Like I said, this is introductions. One no one will be covering a lot more complex introductions with how many kids do you have ? Where you originally from Where are you living now and so forth and things like that? Later on, I just wanted to do a very, very basic really wanna one introduction for you guys in this stage of the course. Let's do it again one more time from top to bottom. And remember, you can come back to these lesson many times. I do recommend that because you're not going to get it just the first time. You need to practice practice this multiple time, so you become more and more comfortable. And keep in mind that the idea is that you repeat were not so focused and so worried right now about the order of the words and the sentences and stuff like that Grandma or anything like that, I put it on screen because I know a lot of people like to see things on screen. This we are practicing. But to be honest, and the truth is, my focus is not really the grammar like I've said before. I want you to learn, to talk, to speak. I want you to feel comfortable in a conversation or just saying a couple of words and sentences, and that you're able to get by. You know, if you travel to Colombia or toe, you know, or to Mexico or Spain wherever you go that you're able to get by. That's what this court is gonna help you. It will help you to get by when you travel or when you meet people Spanish speakers. And you need to start a conversation. So hello. My name is Mauricio, and I'm from Colombia. Pleasure. What's your job? I'm a project manager. Hola. Me Numbers mole ratio is so the Columbia Morcha. Gusteau in Kerala has So you haven't they project us? Hola. Me normal is Mauricio is so the Columbia. Okay, guys, put pause there and repeat that. All our me normal is more racially saw. The Columbia off course. You can change that to your name and where you're from. So again, if your name is Jim on your from Canada, you say hola. Me normally is Jim. Sorry. That kind of Hola. Mean hombres. Jim. He saw that kind of macho Gusteau pleasure and get ah ha's. What's your job? So you hadn't their project toes? I'm a project manager. Soy inherent. That projectors. I'm a project manager. So you didn't They project those. I'm a project manager. Don't worry about professions right now. I know all of us have different professions. You can use Google, translate in the meantime, but I will release later. More lessons on more classes. 40 scores. I will continue to improve. It'll over time make it always better at more and more more sentence as more and more words more, more scenarios. And I will call her professions in the future. And we will talk about all sorts of professionals. And I will teach you the words in Spanish. And we'll go over scenarios off you introducing yourself with different professions or you're just saying you are a double block, right? You're a doctor, you are an architect, Europe, financial analysts or whatever you are, we'll cover that later in the course. But for now, you can at least introduce yourself really briefly, and you can say, What's your name, where you're from and what you do. This the main. That's the main focus and the main objective of this lessening the course. And I'm sure you you're now able to do that because we just covered it and it's really easy . And I'm sure you've enjoyed this class. All right, guys. So see you in the next one 7. Traveling: Hey, guys, in these glass, we're gonna cover a couple of words and a couple of sentences that you should know when you're traveling on. I'm talking about basic things. Like if you're in an airport or you get lost and you need help or you need the toilet or you need someone that speaks English. What do you say? And how do you say it? Like, how can I get help? Right? If I go to a place where nobody speaks English on them, you know, looking for the toilet. And I can't find the toilet symbol. And I'm a little bit lost. These are the words that you're gonna need in that situation, right? And that's why I'm gonna teach you these words. So help in English and Spanish is a Judah. Hi, Judah. Judah, Help a Judah! Help! Hi, Julia. I do that. I Julia, help! I do that. Help! I Julia. Right. So now how do you say I need help in Spanish? We say necesito Judah, I need help. Necesito Judah, I need help. Necesito a Judah Necesito Judah. I need help. This is a little Julia. Necesito Judah. I need help. Necesito Judah and another really important one you should learn is 45 water, please. 45 Order, please. Bore five. Or please. And you hear a lot of times, Spanish speakers pronounce these not perfectly well, of course, in in Spanish. Spanish speakers still understand you. But you kind of say poor fob or poor Fob or something like that, right? That's okay. You know, I don't want to criticize that, and I don't want to make you feel bad about that. That's not exactly how you would pronounce it, But that's all right. People will understand you if you still pronounce it with an accent with an accent. That's fine. And nobody's gonna, you know, think anything wrong about that. We know it's a right. It happens to all of us. We all have accents. You're probably hearing me right now in English, and I'm thinking I have an accent. I don't know if I sound to you Latin American or American or Australian. Um is just is just really that's OK. You know, we all have different accents in my case and probably a really big makes off accents because, like I said before, lived in Colombia, lived in Mexico, live in the US and I now live in Australia and have been living in Australia for a couple of years. So some things when I'm traveling, some people say to me I sound really Australian. But other people tell me I sound really American and other people tell me I sound really South American, so that's that's for perfectly normal and perfectly common. So don't worry too much about if you have an accent when you're saying that worked in Spanish. That's okay. I'll still try to teach you. You know, the accent. I know in Spanish, which is a Colombian accent. Um but it doesn't matter. Like I said, if you if you speak with your own native speaker accenting Spanish as long as you say the word properly, people will understand you and it doesn't matter if you have an accent, people still respect you. Okay, so please poor flower, please board for water, please. Border five order. So going back to the help scenario. I need help, please. And this is he told you up for four. So like this. Necesito Julia for four. Necesito Julia for four. I need help. Please. I need help. Please necesito juniper flower. This is his support for war. Necesito Julia for five or all right. So in this scenario, let's say somebody comes and helps you out with whatever it is that you're doing or that you need help with. And after water works. What is that normal thing you would say to them? Well, thank you. Thanks so much. Thanks a lot. Right in Spanish. Thanks. Is good as yes. Thanks. A lot more chess. Gracias. Muchas gracias. Thanks a lot. Muchas gracias. Thanks it as Yes. Muchas gracias. Thanks a lot. All right. So let me put that on screen so you can follow me. Okay, so here it is. So Muchas gracias. Thank you very much. Well, thank you so much. Right. Mooch as gaseous. Thank you so much. Well, thank you very much. Muchas gracias. Muchas gracias. Thank you very much. More chess. Gaseous Poor flower, please. Thank you. Muchas gracias. Muchas gracias. Thank you very much. More chest glasses. Thanks. Gracias. Thanks. Gaseous. Right. So if I take this out, just thank you or thanks. In Spanish. Gaseous Good, Odysseus. Good. Osias. Thank you very much. More chess. Gaseous. Thank you very much More chess gaseous. So if somebody helps you out, make sure you say to them, Thank you very much. Thank you so much. Muchas gracias. Muchas gracias. And what about if somebody arrives and you're welcoming them in Spanish? You say, Bienvenido, if it's a guy or VM Vanina if it's a girl, so let's assume you're saying, uh, welcome to a guy so viene, then you the avenue. Welcome. Right? Welcome here. It says you're welcome, which is actually a wrong translation from Google. But this happens from time to time because, of course, you know, this is a machine, a computer. They're not human. So even though they are very good, they're still not 100% accurate. So let me fix that for them. And I'm going to say Bienvenido, it's just welcome. All right, I they say here Thank you for helping us out with your recommendation, and I'm sure cool we'll look into it. So vm video Welcome, V mnu welcome VM venue. Welcome. All right, so let's practice what we've learned so far. So there you have it. Guys, help! I need help, please. Thank you very much. Welcome. Hi, Julia, Help! I need help and it's a seat. Or Julia, please. Poor flower, please. 45 or thank you very much. Muchas gracias. Motel Gracias. Welcome. Bienvenue welcome. Bienvenue Welcome. Bienvenue, help a Julia. I need help necesita Julia, please for four. Thank you so much. Much as Gracias. Welcome Bienvenido. So let's repeat guys. So you practice from top to bottom. R Judah Necesito Judah four for war. Muchas gracias, Bienvenido. I do that and it's a seat. Or Julia for for war. Muchas gracias. Being many though. Julia Necesito Julia Poor farm Or be a menu Help! Julia, I need help necesita Julia. Necesito Julia, please for five. Or please pour for war. Thank you very much. Muchas gracias. Welcome being menu. And how would you say you're welcome in English When you say in English you're welcome. How do you say that in Spanish? When you say you're welcome in English and Spanish, You say the another De nada Dana, right? Do you notice? Hear that? Welcome. You're welcome. Bienvenido. Dana. So in English. Welcome on your welcome. We're using the same word. But in Spanish were not so I just wanted to cover Dana. You're welcome because it's very common that when you say thank you so much, people will say to you the neither. Dana which I was gonna ask us then I Thank you so much Morcha! Gracias. Thank you so much. You're welcome, Dana. You're welcome, Dana, right? So all of these words that we just just learned a really important really basic things you should know especially when you're traveling And another one is toilet, right? If we need to find the toilet How the U. S worse? The toilet toilet in Spanish is Banyu Toilet Banyu Where is the toilet? Donde esta el bano? Donde esta el banyan? Where is the toilet? Donde esta el bano toilet Banyu? Where is the toilet doing this album? You let me write that down for you so you can have a look at it on screen as well. All right, so you're seeing there at the bottom. Where's the toilet or where's the bathroom? Dawn? There Esta el bano. Donde esta el bano Toilet or bathroom? Banyu Toilet van You toilet Banyu! Where is the toilet? Don't their style Banyu donde esta el bano? Donde esta el bano? Alright, guys, that's it. Have everyone