SOLIDWORKS Class 8 : SOLIDWORKS Advanced Features 1 | Tayseer Almattar | Skillshare

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SOLIDWORKS Class 8 : SOLIDWORKS Advanced Features 1

teacher avatar Tayseer Almattar, Design Innovation

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Class Series Intro


    • 2.

      Intro to Advanced Features 1


    • 3.

      The Download Section


    • 4.



    • 5.



    • 6.

      Hole Wizard


    • 7.

      Reference Geometries: Coordinate System


    • 8.

      Linking Dimensions


    • 9.

      Group Exercise


    • 10.

      Student Projects


    • 11.

      Section Conclusion


    • 12.

      You are killing it!


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About This Class

Welcome to our eighth SOLIDWORKS Class covering our first set of Advanced Features. This class is the first of our SOLIDWORKS Class Series which consists of 12 short classes ranging from 15 mins to 1.5 hrs. The series will take you from knowing nothing about SOLIDWORKS to the Certified Professional Level (CSWP).In this specific class, you will learn the following:

  • What is the feature Draft and how to apply it.
  • What is the feature Shell and how to apply it. 
  • What is the Hole Wizard and what is/are the wizard's advantages
  • How to set the hole specifications in the Hole Wizard. 
  • How to link more than one dimension to each other.

Access the download section for this class here:

Meet Your Teacher

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Tayseer Almattar

Design Innovation



TforDesign is a learning design organization dedicated to designing and producing exceptional learning opportunities. 

In addition to helping organizations design learning, we design and produce a bundle of online learning experiences that are open to the public. Those include subjects like SOLIDWORKS and Sustainability. 


We have also had a training book published in SOLIDWORKS.




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Design Graphic Design
Level: Beginner

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1. Class Series Intro: welcome to our solid works class. My name is taste here and I will be leading you through this class. I myself have been an avid, solid works user for the last eight years. I have also been working in training and instructional design for the last five years. Combining those two experiences we designed and produced the best solid work course there is. This is, of course, as testified by the 4000 plus students we trained on using solid works. Today we're super excited to bring this training to you. This class is a part of our larger solid Works class series. This series consists off 12 short classes or sections to take you from knowing nothing about solid works to the 35 associate level C S W A. Siri's will then continue to take you from the certified associate level to the certain parts professional level CS WP Each of those classes has its own standalone learning objectives, which you can learn in the description. You can also download the contents outline for the whole class Siris in the download section. This is in case he would like to jump from one class to another. We will be using the learning by doing approached to conduct this class. So whenever we're learning something new will be directly using it to build something with it, be it a sketch apart. A drawing or an assembly way will walk you through a step by step to make sure you understand any new concept we introduce. We will also provide you with project work, reinforce the skills we learn together. So who should take this class series? Basically, anyone wanting to get started with solid works for wanting to advance his or her solid work skills toe an advanced level. Those could be engineers, designers, makers or hobbyist. So if you fall in those categories, this class Siri's has something for you. You don't need any prior knowledge to start the series. You just need to be ready to learn, so let's get started. 2. Intro to Advanced Features 1: welcome to the first instruction of section off this course. In this section, we will cover or first bro tiddly advanced features. We will cover the features draft show whole wizard and explore the simplest way to link dimensions. Those features will not require specific sketches to apply. Instead, they will depend on existing bodies, surfaces or internationally set standards. We will cover on practice each feature in a separate video lecture. At the end, we would do an exercise together covering those four features. We will also leave you with exercises. Three. Enforce on, polish your skills so let's get started. 3. The Download Section: in this video, we're going to tell you about the download section. So with every one of our classes, we have a download section which includes files for you to download. Those files will help you follow up in our lectures and help you gain hands on experience which we designed this course about. So here we are, in our first solid works class, class, war, interface and navigation. And if I go to the about section, you'll have information about the class, the learning objectives and down below them. You will have the down low section on this download section Link will basically take you to our Dropbox, where we have prepared or the downloads that goes along this class off I click on the link , open a new top and take us to our Dropbox. And here in the drop box, we have Class one interface and navigation, and they have two folders for I switched to the list display. I'm gonna have two folders as you've seen earlier. One cos lecture Fife on the other companies lecture seven on the one at the beginning. Indicates the class numbers 1.5 indicates that this is for a class number one, which is interface and navigation on a lecture number five, which is the command bar, canvas and design tree. And the easiest way to download those folders is to go to the top right corner and you'll see a download option. So if I click on that and then click on direct download, the browser will automatically download all those folders in a say file. And here they are. If I click on this, you will have to folders for lectures number five and seven, and each of those folders would have additional materials that supplement learning for that particular lecture. So that was all about download section. Now get yourself ready for the next video lecture where we would actually start presenting instructional materials. 4. Draft: in this lecture, we will explore the feature draft drop enables you to easily create tilted surfaces in industry. Draughts are commonly used in molded parts. To illustrate this future, we will create the following model. You can don't know this drawing from the download section linked to this lecture to create the model. We will be following this plan. So let's go ahead and get started. We'll go ahead and start a new part. First, we will make sure our measurement system is set to millimeter as per our drawing. So if we go to the lower corner, it is actually said to millimeters. So I'm going to start by creating the basic cubical shape. So I'm gonna sit like the top plane and create my first square. I'm gonna have the two sides equal each other since it's a square and then I'm gonna have the side equal to 100 millimeter as per the drawing. Gonna extraordinary. It's to 80 millimeter as per the drawing as well. So now we are done with our first stage. So I'm gonna go ahead and start creating the second part, which is the conical shape on the top. So I'm going to see, like the stop surface here. I'm going to select sketch now. Since I want the sketch to be the same square, I can just select the surface and use the convert entity and that will create us the same square we created earlier. Now I'm gonna go to feature again. I'm going to select extruded boss now the height off this 60 millimeter as in the drawing. However, as we can see from the drawing, the shape is not a straight extrude. Rather, it is drafted to 25 degrees. So if we go to this feature here, we will see a Nikon and it says draft, we click on draft. We will get degrees in there on we can increase that. So now it's one degrees. If we select or if we increase it to 30 degrees, you're going to notice the different shape we get now. In the drawing, we wanted to be 25 degrees so going to select 25 degrees notice. Below that, there is an option that says draft outward off. We select draft outward, we will notice the draft goes the other way. However, we don't want that in this so we're gonna un select drafts outwards. Now we're done with this part. We're gonna click. OK, so we have just used our first basic draft feature, which is embedded within the extruded boss. So let's go ahead and start the third part, which is the lower corner. Cochet. So again, we're going to select the lower surface. We're gonna go to sketch. We're going to use Converse entity again. And then we're going to go to extraordinary Boss the depths off this extraordinary bosses 60 millimeters which is already set from our previous use on. Then we're going to use draft again. So going to like, draft this time the drafts Angulo's 35. So gonna right, 35 here. Also, this other draft is outward, so I'm gonna select draft outward. We're gonna end up with this shape, we click. OK, we are done with our third part off the sketch. Now we're going to go ahead and create the fourth part, which is the draft said cut at the bottom off the shape. So we're going to select the slower surface and go to sketch. Go on, go normal to sketch. We're gonna sit sketch a rectangle the distance between the edge off or shaped to the edge of this rectangle is 20 millimeter as per the drawing. So we have This is 20 millimeter and they were going to make those two sides equal each other. Since it's ah, square. Now we're gonna do cut extrude. So we're gonna go extraordinaire. Cut on. The cut here is set at 20 millimeters and so we have our cut. Now we're gonna go ahead and explore another way off doing a draft. If we go on the features, many on the top, we will have a feature cold draft. And that is a stand alone feature, unlike the one embedded in extraordinaire, boss or extruded cut. So if we select this, we're gonna have multiple options appear to us in the side. First we have the draft angle and from the drawing we have the draft angle at 35. So we're going to go ahead and write 35. The second option is called neutral plane. Now, in draft surfaces, there are two things that happened. There is a surface that remain the same on another surface that get drafted. So for neutral clean, we're going to select this lower plane here because this lower plane is unchanged in the drawing. So if he said like that on, then faces to draft our the faces that will apply the feature to in our case will apply it to those inside faces. So we're going to select the first face. Second face, third face on four face. So those are the four faces we are drafting and this is our neutral face or a neutral plane . If we click okay, you will notice we have applied a draft. Let's go back on, experiment a little bit here. So if I change the neutral face or the neutral plane from this one in the bottom to the one on the top on, then click OK, we will notice that this surface or this plane or face on the top did not change in measurement on the draft went inward, taking away from this plane at the bottom. However, this is not what we want. So we're gonna go ahead and change that again and click. OK, now we're gonna go ahead and start or final part, which is this bit sticking out from the side. So we're going to select one of the sites. Sketch will go normal to the surface and we will again draw a square. Have the two sides equal each other on the side. Length is 30 millimeters. Now this square should be centered on the face. So we're gonna go ahead and use construction lines to help us do this and have one construction line like this, another construction line like this. And then we're going to select those construction lines one, two, and they were going to select this center off the square. And then we're gonna add the relation intersection. If we do that, we'll get a fully defined sketch on the square at the center. So now, back to features extraordinaire, boss. And this is extraordinary by 20 millimeter as per the drawing. So we're gonna go ahead and click. OK, now we're gonna go ahead and apply this cut or the stilted surface in the silent. To do this again, we will use the standalone draft feature, so if we select draft again, the angle is 20 degrees. So we're gonna go ahead and select 20 and then under the mutual plane, we were select this base playing here on the faces to draft. We are drafting this upper face only. So we're gonna go ahead and select that and click OK, and we have our drafted feature. Now, just one thing to note the draft angle that is being measured is as shown here. You should keep this in mind. Whenever you create a draft feature, let's go ahead and do another experiment here. So if we change the face from this one at the bottom to the other one at the top, we will notice that this face on the top remain unchanged on the draft went outward into this lower surface. However again, that's not what we want. So I'm gonna go ahead and change the neutral plane back to lower one and click OK, And here again, you will notice that this lower surface remained the same while the draft went inward. Taking away from this upper face on this basically sums up the multiple uses off the feature draft. So while we're at it here, go ahead and create additional drafts of this model. An experiment with the future 5. Shell: in this lecture, we will explore the feature. Shell Shell enables you to easily empty parts from the inside so we can go from the model on the left to the model on the right. And to illustrate this, we will create the following model. You can don't know this drawing from the download section linked to this lecture to create this model, we will be following this plan. So let's go ahead and get started. First, we will make sure or my German system is set two inches as further drawings. So we're going to go to the lower corner and said that too. I ps now starting our first stage off our model, we're gonna go ahead and select the top lane on Draw a Circle, gonna dimension that to 4.5. As for the drawing and then extruded to 7.5, as shown in the drawing as well that I'm going to select the stop plane and then I'm gonna start a new sketch. I'm going to use the feature convert entity to get the overall circle again. Then I'm gonna droll a line like this. Got to make sure this line is vertical on The length of this line is three inches, as in the drumming as well. Now we have a fully defined sketch we're gonna go ahead on cut it some good news extraordinaire. Cut and I'm going toe cut this part here. Someone said like that and then and the option. I want to throw all something select through all and then click. OK, now we have our outer shell or the general shape off our shelves. So let's go ahead and start exploring the feature shell in the features menu. You will find shell here, so we click on it will get multiple options. First options fall under parameters and the second option falls under multi thickness setting. We're gonna use both off those in a second, so let's go ahead and focus on the first part under parameters. There is a dimension space, the one this dimension lust rate the thickness off the show. So if I devote at 0.1 and I click OK, that will really applied the future show. But we can't see anything because the shell is inside. If I go to cross section, you will notice the whole object was shelled on the thickness off the wall is 0.1 inches as we have set it in the shell feature. Let's go ahead and go back to the shell feature below the one you will see a space where we can select faces. If we leave the mouse here, it says faces to remove from the name. Whatever face we select here will be removed. So in our drumming, the top phase is removed. So if we click on the top face and then click OK, you will notice that the top face is removed. If I go ahead on remove this cross section view, you will notice that our shell has no top. However, in our drawing, we noticed that there are different thicknesses for this wall here on for the wall at the bottom. To do this, we're going to utilize the other option, which is multi thickness settings. So we're done with the first option. The overall takings, this 0.1, which is the same as in the drawing on the faces to remove, is only the top face. Now the thickness here around this wall is set to one inch it. So if I go to this multi thickness setting I can select this surface on increase this dimension to one inches. Now, if I click OK, you will notice this thickness increased toe one inches. If I go again to a cross section, you will notice all thicknesses in this small on the bottom. All are still left at 0.1 inches. Another thickness we have is at the bottom. The bottom is set up to 0.5 inches and thickness again, we're gonna go back to our same shell features. We're gonna go to edit feature and under multi thickness features. We're going to select the bottom face, something like that, and I'm going to decrease this one inches two 0.5 inches. Now we have set two different thicknesses. Notice If I go back and I click on face to which is the one in the side, the dimension would change 21 inches. And if I go to phase three, which is the one of the bottom changes 2.5 inches. So this is all the same things we want. Free click. Okay, you will notice the thickness. Here is one tickets at the bottoms five. The thickness at the rest of the body is 0.1, which is exactly what is shown in the drawing, and this explains the feature show. So while we're at it, you can go ahead and experiment with the different options this feature provides. 6. Hole Wizard : in this lecture, we will explore the feature hold Wizard Whole wizard enables you to make a variety of slots or holes. Threaded or not, that's much well established industry standard. To illustrate this, we will create the following model. You can don't know this drawing from download section linked to this lecture To create this model, Our plan will be quite simple. We will first create the bigger cubical shape. Then we would use whole wizard to create all the walls shoulder as usual. We will start by adjusting our measurement system in this case two inches as per our drawing. So let's go ahead and get started by creating the bigger cubical shape with a select the top plane for this and in sketch going to start by sketching a rectangle that mentions are six inches here, Andi, four inches here, the future extraordinaire, boss, and I'm going to extraordinary is 23 inches. So I'm gonna type in three and they click. Okay, so this is our overall cubical shape. Now we can go ahead and start drilling the holes shown in the shape and for this, we're going to use the whole wizard shown here and the features menu. So let's click on it. When we click on it. We will see a lot of options shown on the left and this loose options illustrate our standards. So we're gonna go ahead and create a whole A, which is the first hole we have. So looking at the information, giving for wall a first the standard it says a N s I inches counter four. So we're gonna take the last word. First counter poor and look for that in the whole site. If I hover the mouse over the 1st 1 you'll see the words counter poor, which is what we want. So let's go ahead and click on that. So now we have selected counter poor. Our standard is A N S I inch. So we go to standards below the hole type Andi, check out the menu and look for a N S I inch, which is the 1st 1 The type is binding head screw, which is the type shown here size. If you go to size our sizes 10. So we're gonna go and select 10. The fit is loose. So in fact, we're gonna select loose on the end condition is through. Also in condition is here, we're gonna select through all. So now we have adjusted the whole standard as we want, which is shown in the drawing. This is the first step. Second step is to position the hole in the locations we want. So in whole specifications, next to type on the top, there is another top that says positions. So we're gonna go ahead and click on that now or our positions or all the holes we have for whole A therefore off them And they were all located in the top surface of first. I'm going to select the top surface. When I select the top surface, it will become just like a sketch plane. So now our sketch plane for the holes is the top plane. So let's first adjust our view to be facing that surface. And then I'm going to drop the whole in approximated position. Let's say here so now I have the first hole positioning the holes in whole wizard depend on points. So if you look at the sketch menu, you see this toggled on and this is basically points. Whichever point we have in this catch will be replaced by hole. So now that we have our first point, we're gonna go ahead and dimension it. As per the drawing on the whole is located one inch from the top edge and one inch from the side edge. Now we want to copy the same hole to the right side and also to the bottom side. So instead of creating new points going to go ahead and use mirror feature so I'm gonna first create center lines going to create one center, line this on another center line like this on I'm going to use mirror entities, something like mirror entities under entities to mirror. I'm going to select this point. This centre line was automatically selected. I'm gonna delete it, and then I'm gonna mirror it about this vertical line. I'm gonna click. OK, now, this whole was mirrored to the other side again. I'm gonna murder those two holes to the bottom side. The news mirror feature again in a mirror. This point, at this point, I'm going to mirror them about this whole result. Tal mind flake. Okay, now we have preview off four holes. So those are whole aids. If I click OK, the four holes will be generated. So I'm gonna go ahead and create whole be this time I'm going to go a bit quicker since we already know the basics in select whole wizard Whole B is counter sink. So if I hover the mouse over second option, it says counter sing so good like that. The standard is a N s metric, which is already selected. The type is Flathead Screw A N s I b 18 67 m. She's already selected as well. Size is six m on the fit is close on the end condition is blind two inches. Now we have four additional specifications in the drawing, stating through a hole, diameter counter sink the amateur counter sink angle an angle at bottom. To show those options, we can select show custom sizing. So gonna select that and those are the options. So if I over the mouse over it it tells you what it is. So the 1st 1 is through a hole diameter 6.4 Already the case counter sink diameter 12.6, which is already the case. Counter sink angle should be 100 degrees. Something that changed that too 100 notice. When you custom size a dimension, it will be highlighted in yellow. I can't get at the bottom is 118 degrees, which is the case. So this finishes Ah, water specifications for this whole. We're going to go to positioning again. The whole is on the top plane. So I'm gonna select that. Gonna go normal to it on the whole is on the center. So I'm just gonna have my whole coincide with the center on This defines the sketch of the whole star If I click. Okay, I have my whole created now notice for whole See, we have the same hole in two different faces. One on our front face here and one on the side face here. And they're both the same hole. So we're gonna go ahead and create those. So we're gonna go to whole wizard on. This is a straight top hole. So we look for that. This is just hole. This fourth option is straight top. So I'm going to select that. And whenever you customize a dimension which we did in the whole before this whole be and then you go and create another hole, it will give you this message to keep or receipt the custom sizing in our case, we just want to receipt it. So I'm gonna select second option receipt, the custom sizing values. So we already selected the straight top. Our standard is, and as I inches, the type is bottoming topped hole. The size is 7/16 haIf 14. So I'm gonna look for that 7 16 14 and condition is through all and it's up. Thread depth is three inches. So I'm gonna change this threat to blind going to change this dimension to three. What? This were done with the specification off the whole. So gonna go to positioning. Now, Since we have the two different holes in two different faces that are not in the same plane , we can utilize this option that says three D sketch something I said lucky on that. And I'm going to position two holes. One here on the other is here. Now we're gonna go and center those holes were gonna go to sketch, Gonna go for construction line. Then I'm gonna draw two lines, one like this and another line like this, and then gonna exit line sketch. I'm going to select this point control, select those two lines and select the relation intersection. So this centers are first hole. We go to our second hole on we do the same thing will due to construction lines linking each corners. Then we're going to add the relation to center the whole. And now we have fully defined our three D sketch. Just a hand on the site. Whenever you're dealing with three D sketches. For now, we're sticking with simple lines. Make sure those lines intersects set points in your overall shape. So all our lines here intersected corners from the cube and the point indicating the whole was in a specific surface. Always keep that in mind, cause otherwise three d is catching can get very, very confusing. It can easily get out of hand as well. So now we have positioned our holes. We're going to click okay, on this finishes our demo off creating holes. Now just one extra small piece of information if I go normal to those faces. So if I go normal to this stop face, you will see this dotted line. This dotted line basically indicates threats which we have just implemented threats for our side holes. So why we're here? You can go ahead and start experimenting a little bit with the whole wizard. 7. Reference Geometries: Coordinate System : In this lecture, we will explore adding a new co ordinate system toe apart and finally the center of mass According to the new chord in a system to illustrate this, we will do the following task in this task. We are giving this throwing on the part and we are asked to find the center of mass in relation to a coordinate system, one which is shown in the drawing. You can download this drawing under part from the download section linked to this lecture. So let's get started. This exercise asked for the center of mass. However, if we go to mass properties on get the center of mass, we will see that the center of mass coordinates are in relation to the origin. However, sometimes we model apart, then decide that we want the center of mass in relation to another location in the part that is different than the origin. In this example, it is this point on. To do this, we can introduce a new co ordinate system, so let's see how we can do this. We can go to features on then to the reference geometry top and select coordinate system. When we do that will have few fields to fill in first field Is the origin point off that coordinate system on in this example? It is this point here. Then we have to fill in the directions off the axis so the X axis goes inward toward the part on To do this, I'm going to select this edge on the Y. Access goes to the left so I can select this edge here. Ondas That access goes to the top so I can select this edge. Then when I do this, you're noticed that access pointing downward. However, I want it upwards so I can switch the direction. And now there's it Axis pointing upwards, the X axis pointing inward. Andi the Y axis pointing sideways inward toward the part. So this looks like the coordinate system we want. I can go ahead and click. OK, now in the design tree, you will find coordinate system one. God added, you know, to find the center of mass, I can go back to evaluate mass properties and here I'll have an option next to report coordinate values relative to default. Default option is the origin. I want to change this to coordinate system once who are Look at the menu on There is this option that says ordinate system one. And if I select that you will notice the center of Mass immediately changes to new values and those values represent the location off the center of Mass in relation to the coordinate system we just created. This concludes how we create a new coordinate system on a fine center off mass in relation to it. While we're here, you can go ahead and create other co ordinate systems on find the center of mass with accordance to a different location. 8. Linking Dimensions : in this lecture, we will explore the simplest way off linking dimensions to each other by linking dimensions one dimension. Can Pete dependent on another one? To illustrate this, we will create a simple triangular prism that looks like this. So let's go ahead and get started first. I'm gonna change the measurement system for this document two inches and then I'm going to draw a right angle triangle. Someone said like the front plane. And then I'm gonna go ahead and draw the triangle. Go to Smart Dimension. I'm going. Dimension This too. Three inches as per the drawing. Now, as we can see from the drawing this bottom horizontal edge equal to the vertical one, they're both equal to three inches. So I want to link those two dimensions to each other. I can simply click on this horizontal edge just like normal dimension ing click again. Then I'm gonna get this one does. Instead of writing three, I'm going to write equal, and then I'm gonna click on this other dimension I created earlier. If I do this, you're gonna notice it says equal d one ATS catch one, which is the dimension we created earlier. If I click. OK, notice it gets to three. Then you'll get the sign before the three. Which tells you that this is actually a linked dimension. So let's go ahead on experiment here a little bit. If I double click on this three and change it to let's see six click. Okay, you will notice this other dimensions change with it as well. Now they're both six inches. I wanted back to three, so I'm gonna go ahead on return it to three. Now, we're gonna go ahead and extraordinary this figure. I'm going to go to features on select extraordinaire, boss on here and extruded boss, We can also link that dimension to the ones we created earlier. So again, I'm going to go ahead and right equal. And then I'm gonna select the original three inches again. You're going to see this Changes to equal d one at sketch one. If I click OK, the extraordinary would be at three inches. Now let's assume that I don't really want it ac three inches anymore. Instead, I wanted to be at seven inches. So instead of changing all the dimensions are created, I can simply go back to my original sketch and I can change this three into seven when I click OK and I can go ahead and rebuild this shape and you will notice all the dimensions have changed into seven inches, so the depth is seven inches. Link on the with are all seven inches as well. This is the simplest way to link dimensions each other. While we're here, you can go ahead and experiment with this feature. 9. Group Exercise: in this lecture, we will be practicing the features we learned in the section. By completing this exercise, this exercise will require the following. First, we will create the shown model. We were then assigned material and find the mass in grams. After that, we will adjust the width from 110 millimeter toe 1 30 millimeter and find the mass in grams again. You can don't know this drawing from the download section linked with this lecture. Together we have already covered all you need to create this model. So my recommendation is to stop the video here and try doing the exercise yourself. Keep in mind that there are many different ways to create any model in solid works. However, in this lecture we will only show you one off the ways to do it on. For this, we will be following this plan. So let's get started. We will first make sure our measurement system is set to metric millimeter as per the drawing which is the case already. We will start our stage one by creating the overall cube. So when I still like the top plane for this, then draw a rectangle, go to smart dimension. This dimension here is our with which equals to 110 millimeters. So I'm gonna enter that end. This other dimension here has a linked equation, as in the drawing and it equals to the with minus 30. So when I set it up, I'm going to write equal, select the with and then minus 30 click. OK, this will give us 80 which is the same as shown in the drawing. Now I'm gonna go ahead and extrude that. So I'm gonna go to Extraordinary Boss on the Dimension. Here is the width divided by two. So I'm going to write equal, select the with and divide that by two click. Ok, this is our first stage, which is the base cube. The second stage is to create that extruded cut at the bottom of the cube. So I'm going to go ahead to the bottom. Select that for a sketch plane. The rectangle at the bottom is an officer to the bigger rectangle. By 10 millimeters, I'm going to select that and select the offset entity on reverse that time. Millimeter click. Ok, now I'm going to apply the extraordinary cut and said that too. 10 millimeters Click OK, now we have our extraordinaire Cut. The third stage is supply a draft at the bottom, Some go to select draft. The angle is 20 degrees. The natural plain is the one at the bottom On the faces to draft our the faces on the sites on the selectors face on the side for a short cut I can go to face propagation and select outer faces. When I do that, I will be selecting all four faces I want when I click. Ok, and this completes the draft now going to stage number four, which is to create the hole from the top. So I'm gonna go ahead to the top plane and select whole Wizard. Now I can set my standard, so it's gonna be a counter poor hole which is the 1st 1 already selected. It is going to be an a n s I metric already selected. It's gonna be a hex screw and s I b 18 67 m which is already selected as well. The size is him six. The fit is loose on the end, condition is through. All the diameter is under custom sizing. So I'm going to click on that, going to look for counter poor the ometer, which is the 2nd 1 And I will change this to 16 millimeters. Now I'm gonna location the whole Their whole is in the middle, which is coincident to the origin. I have some just gonna have that coincident. Then click. Ok, this finishes stage for with the whole. Now we can go to stage five, which is to shell the cube we have. So I'm gonna select show the parameter here. The thickness is gonna be five millimeter on the face to remove will select this front face here from the drawing. All the thicknesses are the same, which are five millimeter. So I'm going to leave the multi thickness setting empty. No, I'm gonna click OK on this. Create our shelled object. Now I can start the last stage Stage six, which involved creating the holes at the back off our cube. So I'm going to select this back face for a sketch plane just to make things a bit clearer and remove some of the clutter. I can use cross sections off I click on cross section and then move this access to the front a bit and then click. OK, now I have a much clearer view off the model, so I'm gonna select this face and go to new sketch. Now I can draw my circles. So I have two circles like this. The bottom circle is eight millimeter in diameter on the top one is five millimeters in diameter. Now I can set the location off the holes. So the bottom hold is eight millimeter from the lower edge and also eight millimeters from the psych edge. The two centers for those circles are in one line, so I'm gonna set a vertical relation on the distance between them is also eight millimeters . Now, those two holes are repeated nine times throughout the line, going to the right. So I'm gonna select the linear pattern option on, then select my to circles. I'll go to this field here and increase that to nine and then click. OK, now we noticed this is not fully defined, so I need to fully define it to have equal distance. So the trick company was here would be using center lines, someone a set center line like this, and then I'm going to select the far left center off the first circle on, then the far right center off the last circle on. Then select the center line. I just drew. I'm gonna add a symmetric relation once we at that, we have a fully defined sketch in the collect. Okay, then go to features extraordinaire. Cut on the cut goes through all and click. OK, and this finishes the whole pattern we have at the back. Now I can exit my section of you on this model is our final model. Part of the requirement of the exercise is to change the material into steel A N s I three or four. So I'm gonna go to material at that material and under a steel in and select a I as I three or four and apply. Now I need to find the weight. So I'm gonna go to evaluate on select mass properties. This will give us the mass of the model which is 1 to 81.50 grams, which is 12 81.50 grams. So this completes our first task. The second task is to modify the model, so it's ask us to modify the with from 110 to 130. So I'm gonna go to the design tree and open the first extraordinary Select this catch on. Gonna change this 110 but that will click on on it into 130 and then click. Okay. And now I will need to rebuild the models. I'm going to click on rebuild now. All of a sudden, he notice the overall volume off the model got bigger because the with is actually linked to the height on also to the length off the Cube. Now, the last task is to find the wait for the new model. So I'm gonna go to mass properties again, and I'm gonna look for the weight, which is written here as 18. 87 0.97 grounds. And this concludes this exercise 10. Student Projects : Now we are at the end of the class. It's time for us to do some project work. Check out the project work we prepared for you in the download section. They will help you reinforce the skills we learn together in this class. Just don't forget to share your work with us under your project. Also, think about creating your own product or concept using solid works. Or try modeling an object you usually find around. You just don't forget to share your work with us. We're looking forward to seeing your work. 11. Section Conclusion: this concludes Class eight advanced features. One. Before you leave this cross and move to the next, make sure you are familiar with the following points. What is the future draft and how to apply it? What is the future show on how to apply it. What is the whole wizard on? What is are the Wizards advantages how to set the whole specifications in the whole wizard how to link more than one dimension to each other? If you do not know or unsure off any of those points, we recommend reviewing the lectures in this cross again before moving to the next. 12. You are killing it! : Hello there. Well done on completing yet another class. One of the things I would like to say is, don't be so hard on yourself. Sometimes I do this too. I miss a day of learning or make tons of mistakes and an exercise. Then I started blaming myself as then why did you miss a day or why didn't you get to try it and quickly the first time? If you get in this situation, it doesn't mean that you failed. If you keep going and keep trying, it means you are succeeding. So don't worry if it takes you so many days to complete a class, or if it takes you so many trials to get an exercise right? As long as you keep going, as long as you keep trying, you will succeed. I believe in you. Take a rest for now. Now I'll see you in the next class.