1. Class Series Intro: welcome to our solid works class. My name is taste here and I will be leading you through this class. I myself have been an avid, solid works user for the last eight years. I have also been working in training and instructional design for the last five years. Combining those two experiences we designed and produced the best solid work course there is. This is, of course, as testified by the 4000 plus students we trained on using solid works. Today we're super excited to bring this training to you. This class is a part of our larger solid Works class series. This series consists off 12 short classes or sections to take you from knowing nothing about solid works to the 35 associate level C S W A. Siri's will then continue to take you from the certified associate level to the certain parts professional level CS WP Each of those classes has its own standalone learning objectives, which you can learn in the description. You can also download the contents outline for the whole class Siris in the download section. This is in case he would like to jump from one class to another. We will be using the learning by doing approached to conduct this class. So whenever we're learning something new will be directly using it to build something with it, be it a sketch apart. A drawing or an assembly way will walk you through a step by step to make sure you understand any new concept we introduce. We will also provide you with project work, reinforce the skills we learn together. So who should take this class series? Basically, anyone wanting to get started with solid works for wanting to advance his or her solid work skills toe an advanced level. Those could be engineers, designers, makers or hobbyist. So if you fall in those categories, this class Siri's has something for you. You don't need any prior knowledge to start the series. You just need to be ready to learn, so let's get started.
2. Intro to Drawings Basics: Welcome to the growing section. When we communicate our designs or models to reviewers or money fractures, one of the things we often present them are to the engineering. Drawing in this section way will learn how to generate those throwing. Using solid work, we will start by specifying our paper size on our system of measurement. We will learn how to generate standard or the graphic use for our models. We will cover different aspects like throwing tails, playing dimensions, communicating holes and center lines on different displaced by. We will finish by editing our growing information block on exporting the growing into a presentable image or a PdF. So let's go ahead and start generating drawing.
3. The Download Section: in this video, we're going to tell you about the download section. So with every one of our classes, we have a download section which includes files for you to download. Those files will help you follow up in our lectures and help you gain hands on experience which we designed this course about. So here we are, in our first solid works class, class, war, interface and navigation. And if I go to the about section, you'll have information about the class, the learning objectives and down below them. You will have the down low section on this download section Link will basically take you to our Dropbox, where we have prepared or the downloads that goes along this class off I click on the link , open a new top and take us to our Dropbox. And here in the drop box, we have Class one interface and navigation, and they have two folders for I switched to the list display. I'm gonna have two folders as you've seen earlier. One cos lecture Fife on the other companies lecture seven on the one at the beginning. Indicates the class numbers 1.5 indicates that this is for a class number one, which is interface and navigation on a lecture number five, which is the command bar, canvas and design tree. And the easiest way to download those folders is to go to the top right corner and you'll see a download option. So if I click on that and then click on direct download, the browser will automatically download all those folders in a say file. And here they are. If I click on this, you will have to folders for lectures number five and seven, and each of those folders would have additional materials that supplement learning for that particular lecture. So that was all about download section. Now get yourself ready for the next video lecture where we would actually start presenting instructional materials.
4. Opening a Drawing File: in this lecture, we will learn how to open a drawing file. We will cover two ways toe open it one toe, open it from nothing and to open it from an already open part or an assembly, we are going to start by opening a drawing file from nothing. So we have solid works open here, and then we can go to new just like we did to part on assembly. And then we see drawing option. You can select on drawing Lake, okay. And we are now opening a drawing file. When you do that, you will get this window in which you can specify the type off paper you are planning to use when printing. Here. We have different options off papers. So currently we are highlighting the U. S letter sized paper in this side. You can see the actual dimensions off the paper. It's 11 inches wide, an 8.5 inches height. You can scroll down to see different types of paper. For example, we can see a four paper right here. This is a four landscape, and then we also have a four portrait. For this time, I'm going to stick with the U. S letter size, which is the 1st 1 I'm going to click. OK, now we have a drawing file open on the left. You will see a window for parts slash some please to insert. You can go to prose and select the part you want. So let's say we want to insert this part drawing demo, and here you can select either a part or an assembly. So we're selecting apart here. We're going to click open. Now we can insert different drawings into the drone campus. When we are done inserting drones, we can click on the green check sign and we have drawings in a drawing file. This is how we start a drawing fire from nothing. Now let's assume that we already have a part open, which we were working on. So let me exit this and then open apart. So let's say we have been modelling this part and now we finished modelling it, and we want to create a drawing file out off this part. We can go to the drop down menu next to new and then select, make drawing from part, and that will automatically open a drawing file. We are going to get the same window for paper auctions, and then on the right, you'll automatically see different views off the part we have. So let's say we want to start with inserting the front view. I can just drag and drop, and then you can insert the rest of the fuse again. When you're done, you can collect the green check mark, and that's how you start a drawing file.
5. Adjusting measurements units system in a drawing file: In this lecture, we will learn how to change the unit off measurement in a solid work growing file similar to individual parts and assemblies. When working with solid works drawings, make sure your document is set to the measurement unit you want to communicate. You can change the documents unit of measurement the same way you do for parts on assembly . In solid works drawings. You will mostly be concerned with the length measurement that is inches millimeters, centimeters, meters and so forth. So if we go to this menu at the bottom click on it, you can select different types off measurements. One point to note here is that the unit off measurements in your drawings file does not have to be the same units you use when creating the part here. You can specify whatever measurement system you want to communicate. Also, do not assume that if you create your part in millimeters, the solid work brewing's file will be automatically certain. Two millimeters. You should always check
6. Creating Standard orthographic views: In this lecture, we will learn how to create Ortho graphic views for a given parts. To illustrate this, we are going to show it using this part here. So to start, we are going to open a drawing, find some, go to the drop down menu and select make drawing from part. And then I'm boats like the first option off paper. Now, looking at the view is in the side. I think I'm going to select the front views. I'm going to click and drag the front view and then move the mouse to the top and insert a top view. And they're more than most decide to have a side of you. If you move the mouse with an angle, you are going to get an isometric view. Usually I always like to have an isometric view in every drawing, just for show. So I'm going to insert this isometric drawing and this is basically how to create Ortho graphic views. If I moved to the bottom, I'm going to get a back of you. If I moved to the other side, I'm going to get another side of you. And so is the case where other I move the mouse for this part, I only need those views. So I'm going to go and click the green check mark lose. Viewers are linked to each other. So if I click and hold in the front view, which is the first when I inserted and I start moving it, you will notice that the top and side view is move with it. If I do that with the side of you, you will notice I can only move sideways. I cannot move up and down. This is because the first view I insert is the base view, and other viewers are linked to it. This is, of course, with exception to the isometric view, which is usually a standalone view. So if you move it, nothing else moves with it. Assuming after a while I realized that I need to insert an additional view. I can simply go to this icon on the side, click on it, and then we're going to get different views off the model. So let's say I want to insert a bottom view. I can click and hold on, then drug it, and I can leave it anywhere I want. So far, I can leave it here. Let's see. And when I do that solid work will assume that this is another based view. So if I move the mouse around, I will be getting different views again, which I can insert. If I don't want any, I can just go ahead and click on the green mark. Now we have this additional bottom view separate from the other views. If I want to delete it, I can just right click on it and select delete.
7. Changing the drawing scale: in this lecture, we will learn how to adjust the drawing scale for our drawings. So we have already created this Ortho graphic views, and I think those drawings are a bit small, so I want to make them bigger. To do that, I can click on my base drawing, which is the front view and then on the side. You're going to get a menu you can scroll down until you reach the scale option. I can go ahead and select the customs Kim, and then I can change my drawing scale. So it used to be one to to let me go ahead and have it as 3 to 2. Now they're a bit bigger, but I still want them bigger. So I go to the customs scared and I can see there's a oneto one option year are click on it again. They're bigger, but this time I think they are a bit too big, so I can adjust it again. This time I'm going to go to the top and I'm going to have it as user defined. Now I'll go ahead and try it to be 1 to 1.3 click enter and this seems to work better. No, I think this is good. So I'm just going to leave it with this. However, I want to have this isometric view a little bit bigger than the other views. I can select it on again. Go to this menu. I can change the option into custom scale. And I can have that as 1 to 1. Okay. I think this is good. Now, when you select a scale, there is no right or wrong approach to it. You just have to select different scales. See how it looks like until you get to the scale you want.
8. Communicate dimensions, holes, centerlines and display style : In this lecture, we will learn how to display dimensions and simple annotations in our two dimensional drawing. We will be applying this. Did I mention the following drawing To start adding dimensions, we can go to the sketch top and then select smart dimension. This is very similar to what we did when we were sketching. So with smart dimension, I can click in any two lines to display that I mentioned. So let's say I want the dimension between this line and this line. You just click on them and it was simply pop up its 3.23 inches click again, and you have the dimension displayed. When you create dimensions in a drawing, you can add as many dimensions as necessary to communicate your I D or your design intent. So how much information toe add in a drawing depends a lot in the communication you want to give in this part. We will do our best to display enough information for others to duplicate the part. So now we have one dimension. I can have another dimension for the center of the circle to the top so I can click on the parameter of the circle and then I can click on the top and then you get the distance between the center on the top, and then I can do the same thing for the bottom. So I have that as well. They're both 0.7. Another dimension I want to display is the distance between this small circle to the edge, which is 0.7. The words from year to year is 0.65 and then the with from here to here is 0.5 inches. So so far, we have used only the top U for dimension ing. We can also use other views. So I'm gonna go ahead and start using the side view to show the thickness off the three steps we have. So I'm going to click on the bigger thickness from here to here. That's 0.5 inches, and then this other step foreign three inches on, then this last step, which is 0.17 inches. I think I also need to display the length off those stages, so I'm going to start creating those dimensions. I'm going to the state of dimensions. If this line here and then this line on this line so far, we've only used the smart dimension to dimension lengths. There is a special annotation which we can use to communicate holes. So in this model we have three holes, a big one and two smaller ones. If I go to the tap annotation, you will see a command that reads whole call out. This is basically an easy way to call information for whole. So let me go ahead and click on it and then click on this small hole I have click on it. You will get two kinds of information. The 1st 1 is the diameter, which is 0.25 inches and then the depth off the extruded cut, which is 0.2 inches. I can do the same thing with the big hole. In this case, it will display one inches in diameter on the world through indicating that this whole goes through the whole model. Now I have my whole callers. I'm going to exit the whole call out now, In my view, I think this presents all the information needed for anyone to replicate this model. But we can still add some things that will make it easier to understand. For example, this whole right here, have a center mark. This vertical center mark also centers the whole model. I want to show this. I can click on this line here, and I can extend it to the bottom just to show this line also centers the model. I think the writing 0.7 here overlaps with the arrow so I can move it to the top a little bit just to make it more attractive. I can do the same thing with those cold call outs. If I make them aligned, it will be easier to read, and then I can lower to us a little bit. Now I think my dimension this place are organized enough. Let's look into something else, which is the display style. So if I click on the space view and then on the left, I scroll down, I'm going to see a top for this place style. Here you can select different viewing style. If I select this shaded with edges style, you will notice the coloring gets a bit different. This is our original style. I can do this style here. This style shows the hidden lines for the small holes and for the big holes, and then this styles again shows the hidden lines as solids. I think for my purposes, if I make the hidden lines visible, it will be easier for people to understand the drawing. So I'm going to leave it as that now notice, because we change the display style for our base drawing the front view. All the other views changed with it as well. Usually, I like to have my isometric view to have more real colors, so I'm going to click on it. And then I am going to change the display style to be shaded with edges. Now notice that only the isometric you changed. Now, after I change the display style, I think it will be worth to tell the viewer that those holes are the center off this step. To do that, I'm going to click on this command saying center line, and then I'm going to select the two edges, so this is the first edge, and this is the second edge. When you do that, solid works automatically generate a center lines between the two edges. I have added the center line because I think it will make it easier for the viewer to realize that the three holes we have our on the center off the first step off the model. Now, after looking at the model one last time, I think I am in a good shape, so I am going to leave it like this.
9. Adjusting the information block at the bottom of the drawing: in this lecture, we will learn about the information table at the bottom off the drawing. We are going to go ahead and adjust some off the information there to show you how you can do it. So I'm going to zoom in to the stable and I'm going to right click on select added sheet format. The drawing number automatically displays the name off the part we used in the drawing. I don't really want this information, so I'm going to double click, and I am going to write one instead. So this is drawing number one for the title, going to double click the title, and I'm going to have the title as drawing demo religion. We have not done any revisions, so I'm going to type in zero and for the skin. We did use 1 to 1.3 scale, so I'm going to double click on the scale and change it to 1 to 1.3. I can adjust the position off these writings simply by dragging them now, I think, for my purposes, those are all the informations I want to display. There are other informations on the table for comments, approvals by engineer quality assurance, tolerances, materials finish and then property and confidential statement for our purposes. At this point, we are not interested in any of those information, so I'm just going to define my block as it is. So I'm going to right click on the canvas and select edit sheet. And this redefines our information block with our information block set. We are finished with this drawing.
10. Exporting a drawing as a PDF or an image : In this lecture, we will learn how to export a drawing to a PdF or an image. This is so you can communicate your drawing to people who do not have solid works. Exporting as a PdF or an image enable others to view and critique your work. So to export this, you can simply go to the Save icon and click on the drop down menu and select Save As. And then for the safe house type, you can go to the menu and select PdF or other image formats like Adobe Illustrator 40 Shop J. Paige or P and G. So let me try exporting it as J. Paige I select J pic, then click Save the image will be rendered. And now you have a clear image for the drawing we just created. You can take this image and email to anybody you want. We can also export as a pdf. If I go save hours and I select pdf and then go to the file you specified, you will find the pdf ready for you. So here is a pdf off the drawing. We just created
11. Additional Drawing Competencies: in this video, we will draw your attention, toe other drawing views different than the standard Ortho graphic, and are symmetric views we explored in this class. Those drawing views are exhilarate view section few detailed view, broken out section view on Cropped. You We will not cover how we can do those drawings use as they would fall under a more specialized drawing class. However, at this point, you have to be able to identify them and know what they represent. Thus, we prepared a document for you with brief description and an example off each drawing view . You will find this document and the download section off this class. We're a command. You take some time now to study that document.
12. Group Exercise: in this lecture, we will practise the skills we learned together in this section. We will do that by creating a drawing for the following model. Our task would be to recreate the following drawing. You can don't know the model and the final drawing result from the download section linked to this lecture. We have already covered all the materials you need to make this drawing. So my recommendation is to start the video here and complete the task yourself. Otherwise, let's get started with this. I will start by opening a new drawing files. So I go to new and start a drawing file also like the first standard for my sheet areas. I landscape and then click OK to complete this exercise, I will follow the following steps. One. I will insert all my drawing views to I will adjust my drawing view scale three. I will adjust the display style for I will add my dimensions and center lines. Five. I will adjust the information block. Finally, six. I will explore the drawing as a PNG image. The first thing I'll do is to insert all my views. So I go to my views on the side. I would like my model and then insert a front view a top view side view in an isometric view. I think, like on the green check, I'll go ahead and dragged the isometric view to the side to match our final going. Second thing I will do is to adjust the scales for my Ortho graphic. Use the front, top and side. The scale is want to fight. So if I click on the front view and check out my scale, it is want to fight, so this is good. However, I do have a different scale for the isometric view, which is 1 to 4, So I'll go ahead and change that. Click on it, go to Customs Scale and then go up to user defined and change 1 to 5 to 1 to 4. Now I will start changing the display style will notice that in the right view, our display style shows the head in lines, so I'll change That's and click on the right. You and then under this place style are select. The hidden line visible option on the isometric view is colored, so I changed the view for that as well. Now I will start doing dimensions and center lines, so I will start with the top view. I'll insert my dimensions first or go to smart dimension. So I have a dimension here, which is four inches. However, it is displayed as one the one. This is because the sheet is set to be in millimeters, so I'll go ahead and change that into inches. I'll go to the right bottom corner and change the measurement system into inches, So now it's four inches and then the other dimension is two inches. I also have to center lines showing in this view. So I go to center line and I have a center line here and another center line here. I'm now done with the top U. I'll move down to the front view again. I'll go two dimensions and I have one dimension here says nine inches. Another dimension here. That's one INGE one here, which is seven inches on. This radius here is 3.5 inches, and this completes my front view, so I'll go to my right view now and here I have this dimension and the top, which is 0.8 inches, and I have this with here, which is five inches and then I have many information for the whole. So for that I will use whole call out. So I select whole call out in the top on select the whole I have, and this will give me all the information with this whole. Now let's zoom out a bit and adjust the space between my drawings just to make it a bit more attractive. So I'll exit the whole call out and then take this to the left, take the top off you a bit up and take the side view a bit to the left as well. Change this here now this orientation is acceptable for me. There are no dimensions displayed in the isometric view. However, We have a note stating the scale for that view so I can go ahead an insert that note using the notes option. So under annotation top, I have a note option. I'll click on that and then in certain what's below my are symmetric view and that will writes in scale 1 to 4 on. This finishes all the drawing on the information we have for the model. So now I will start adjusting the information block. So right click select other cheat format and start adjusting those. The title is Step one. It's all right and Step one and then the I am Dimensions and and Shifts and I will make this fund smaller, so I'll have it to 14 and that's good. Under drawing number are right and GP hyphen e x 001 And again, I'll make response smaller to 14. Another comment I have is here, which is designed by T for design. Now you notice if I double click on the column, there is no text box available for us to write in. If that is the case, I can use the note Command to insert whatever text I want. So I go to the North Command and then insert text here Now. All right, in designed by T for design dot com and I will have this text centred, and this finishes my information block. So are right Click on select at the cheat our back toe or for drawing. The last step I need to do is to export this into an image with the format P and G. So I will go to save as and under save us type I will select P and G. I will check out the options I have whenever I say the drawing as an image, I always select the print capture option. Then increase the DP I into a good number to have a clearer image. So 400 does give me a good quality. So select that and then click on OK. And then I will say that And this gives me a nice image for my drawing. And with this we complete this exercise.
13. Student Projects: the secret to becoming good in solid works is to use it to model things with it. Now we're here. It's time to do some exercises and project work so you can go back to our demo goat section and find the project work for this class. We would love to see how you do. So please don't forget to post your work on their your project for this class. And please don't settle with the exercises we provide you look around. You find random objects than sketch for model them. Just please don't forget to share what you pick with us. I'm looking forward to seeing your work.
14. Section conclusion. : this concludes Class seven drawings basics Before you leave this class and moved to the next, make sure you are familiar with the following points. How to open a drawings file from nothing or from apart. How to adjust the measurements unit system in your drawing file. How to create standard or from graphic and isometric views from apart. How to delete an add additional drumming views. How to adjust the drumming scale for your drawing views. How to communicate Design information in your drawings Using Smart Dimension Hole Call out on centre lines. How to adjust the display style for a drawing view. How to modify the information table at the bottom off, a drawing file. How to export a drawing file into a pdf or an image how to interpret exhilarate, view section view details You broken out sections, you and crop view. If you do not know or unsure off any of those points, we recommend reviewing the lectures in this cross again before moving to the next
15. You have gone far!!: Congratulations on getting to this point, because at this point of the Siri's, we have reached a major milestone. At this point, we have acquired all the skills needed for certified solid works. Associate C. S W eighth. So go ahead and top yourself in the back and take some time for a small celebration. After you celebrate, get yourself ready to get deep into more advanced solid works features. Starting next class will be getting into the roams off a certified solid works professional . See as WP So see you there before you go. If you find our classes beneficial, please don't forget to tell your friends about them and mentioned us in your social media with the hashtag for design.