1. Welcome & Introduction: Hey there, I'm John Morris, and welcome to the social media for freelancers. Course I'll be your instructor for this course Now you may not know me, but I'm probably, well, most well known as a freelancer for my work with New York Times best selling author Michael High, along with projects I've done. Frank Magazine, Lewis House, Tim Ferriss Ah and others have been a freelancer for almost 15 years now and recently have started teaching what I know as an instructor. Now. This course is all about my experience, starting all the way back in the early days of MySpace, using social media as a business tool specifically as a business tool. And it's really about the big thing that I see missing from so many of these kinds of courses. And it's that missing link, if you will, that causes most of the confusion that business people have when they try to use social media against specifically to promote their products and services. And so this is, in my humble opinion, the cure. Now I do want to be really clear up front with you about what this course is and what it is not so that you know what you're getting into before you decide to enroll. So this is not an instagram for freelancers or YouTube or Twitter. Of course, all use examples from individual social networks, but this course is not about any one specific network. So if that's what you're looking for, that's not what this courses. It's also not really a tactics or techniques course. So it's not gonna sort of dive into the super deep details of any one specific network right there. It's not gonna teach you that one big secret or anything gimmicky like that. So if that's the kind of thing that you're looking for, that's not what this course is. And lastly, it's also not sort of a popularity contest. Course it's It's not about getting a bunch of likes on your post or building a huge following. I'm gonna cover specifically in the next lesson why that matters. But what this course is is a strategy course to course about making sales from social media . You've probably heard the saying if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, you feed him for on Lifetime. That's sort of what this, uh, is about. And as I said, it's something I first learned way back in the early days of MySpace, and it worked there. In fact, the first few dollars I made online I made with this strategy on Mace MySpace. I've used it to build my YouTube channel I used on Instagram and other social networks. This strategy works on virtually every social network. The reason why is because they're all based around the same concepts of socialization. They're all ultimately trying to do the same things. And so once you learned this strategy, you'll be able to break down any new social network that pops up instead of having to constantly go in and be confused and try and figure out what this one's all about. Ah, when you see the strategy from a big picture, you'll actually understand kind of how they all work at a high level and then and and how to use them for your own benefit for your business. And so again, once you learn it, you'll be able to break down any new social network that pops up and understand how to use it for businesses purposes. Um, but because of that. It's necessarily abs abstracted. So like I said, if you're looking for a deep diving instagram or YouTube or Twitter, this is not the course that you want. This is about understanding them all and then specifically how to use them for business. So with that said, if that's something that you want to learn, let's go ahead and dive in.
2. Metrics That Matter: We'll make this one brief because I talked about a little bit in the introduction video. But I do want to cover this before we go much further. The thing is, is that someone using social media for your business it's important that you don't get distracted by metrics that don't matter. I sort of get this all the time from from people who aren't doing it. But this strategy is not about building a massive following on the social networks. If that happens as result for great, but it's not the primary goal. And in fact, if you're doing this right, you're following will tend to stay small compared to others in your niche who aren't doing this because the people following you will be one of two groups will either be current customers or clients, or there'll be people who are interested in you. They're thinking about hiring you, but they haven't quite decided yet. So your following is going to be a list of potential clients, not just any random somebody out there and you're going to, by the way, that you post on the way the you interact and so forth. You're sort of going to curate that following in that way. And so this strategy will help you to attract of a lot of people. You'll see a lot of people start following you, but it forces them to make a decision about hiring you. It forces them to confront that that idea and then when they decide to move on, when they decide not to hire you and we know sort of from from sales numbers like a good sales number converts a to 2% which means 98% of people don't buy right. So we know from from sales numbers that most people are going to decide not to hire you. So when they do, it's sort of natural for them. Toe unfollowed you so you'll see a lot of people come in. But you also see a lot of people go out on that. I could just tell you from doing this with my with my mailing list for 34 years. Now I get a lot of people that subscribe to my mailing list because I run basically the same strategy there. But I want to get a lot of people that unsubscribe because it forces them to make a decision, but since I've started doing this on my mailing list, my business has grown 4 500%. So again, you have to Really, you really have to sort of focus in on the metrics that matter and not get caught up on the ones that don't because we're not making friends. If that happens, Israel, that's great. But that's not the primary goal we're selling. Our products and services were using this for business. The other thing that you'll find is that a lot of the numbers on these social media platforms air sort of bunk anyway, and you'll see YouTubers. With a 1,000,000 subscribers who get three or 400 video views on a new video, so have a ton of subscribers. But not very many people are actually paying attention. Or you'll see Instagram influencers who have 20,000 followers. But they might get two or three or four genuine comments on their posts, right? So look it, they'll get a lots of thumbs up and fire and all this stuff, but actual genuine comments people listening to what they have to say in paying attention. It's it's oh, it's always way, way smaller than what their actual follower count is. And you can see a difference when you look at someone's post between someone who's just getting a lot of a lot of likes and sort of junk comments versus someone who's actually getting substantial, substantial comments and people paying attention so forth. So ultimately, the point is, don't let these numbers good or bad, because it can work both ways. Don't let them throw you off track. You can make a lot of sales from a following of less than 1000. I make almost nothing from a following of 100 K and I've just include two screenshots on the slide here. This is from someone besides me so you can see it's it's not its there's other people. It's not just me dio talking about this, but, uh, she She also teaches social media, and she teaches it very specifically for coaching. But she has students of hers to clients closed in one day and made $800 from Instagram fall of following of 1800 people. Another one booked a client for $500 how to call the next day with another one that they and I think I remember seeing this actually ended up. Did ah booking that client and they have an instagram following of 275. So when it comes to what it is that we, as freelancers do oftentimes are price points are a lot higher. 500 1000 2345 $10,000 projects. So we don't need a 1,000,000 people following us. We only need 50 or 100 or 1000 engaged people who are qualified as potential clients following us, who are just making the decision whether they want to hire us or not. So again, don't let the metrics that don't matter throw you off track. Now I'll address to objections really quickly. Here. The 1st 1 is no more numbers. That does not necessarily mean more sales. That's a big mistake that people make, they think Well, if this is working at 100 followers, it's gonna work even better at 1000 or 2000 or 10,000. And so, if I just focus on getting the more followers than this is gonna work even better, and it doesn't doesn't work that way. And I've learned this the hard way specifically on YouTube with videos that would get, you know, hundreds of thousands of views but make me almost no no sales, whereas videos that might get a few 100 views I would make a bunch of sales from. And the reason why is that, inevitably, the things that you need to do to get more numbers by which I mean likes and comments and followers those things will cost you sales and the things that you need to do to get sales will cost you those numbers. So the two are almost sort of diametrically opposed. And for what we're doing here, this strategy, I'm gonna show you the metrics that matter are the ones that drive your business. So that's the first objection. The 2nd 1 is what I call the Gary V. Objection. So a lot of people into social media assume you. If you're taking this course, probably have heard of Gary be, maybe have listened to some of his stuff, maybe really like him also in front. I really liked areas. Well, I've learned a lot from Gary along the way as well, but there's a couple of things they have to keep in mind. One he talks a lot about branding versus sales and should be focused on branding, playing the long term and so forth. But one thing I would point out to you, though, is that while he says that and I totally agree that he believes it and so forth, he still does do $100 million a year in revenue with his advertising agency. And I think like 60 or so with his wine company still, so it's not like he's making no sales. He's still making plenty of sales out there, So that's the first thing. The second thing is that you know, if you if you're someone who wants to build a really big brand and and and and you know by the Jets and do all the things that he's talking about doing that, what he advises is probably the route to go, and this course probably really isn't for you. Okay, so when I'm not gonna sort of tap dance around that this is a different strategy, okay, you can use stuff that he talks about, but this is really, overall, a different strategy. So that's what you want to do than it's just the reality this is probably not the course that you want to take. But if you're more like me and you're just running your freelance business and you want to get clients and you sort of need to get going right from the beginning and you're not worried about building a huge brand and not trying to buy the Jets and all that stuff, you just want to make a good living as a freelancer and you're more focused on the freelancing part of it than you are, sort of the social media part of it, then the strategies I'm the teachers is a strategy that, like I said, has worked all the way back since the days of my space. So it's just a different strategy. So I don't want toe get into a war about with Gary these ideas or anything like that. Obviously, he's the authority, but again, it's just a different strategy. So if you want to learn this particular strategy, that's what this course will show you. So with that said, I think we can can sort of move on and actually dive into what the strategy is
3. Build Your Home Base: the first step in your strategy, then is building your home base and just real quickly story back toe, sort of the MySpace example that have pointed to when I when I did this first back with my space for remember MySpace when it first came out, it allowed you to. You could go in and actually edit the HTML in in your your profile, and you could you could almost completely remake your the way your profile looked based off going in and editing that age Simone so forth. And that was actually one of the first things that got me into learning how to code and becoming a developer was learning how to write the HTML for that. So what I did is I. I learned how to rearrange my profile in a way where there was sort of my picture and there were some of my friends and comments people had left. But the main the page, it kind of got taken over as sort of an opt in page. And so there was, Ah, there's a headline, some bullets, a little picture of an e book, and there was an actual name and email address line for someone there for someone to enter their name and email to get access to the books. So I turned my profile essentially into an opt in page. And so that was sort of the first thing that I learned in terms of this strategy was building out my home base. Now, of course, it's a lot different today with the way the social networks work. They don't like. They don't let you do that for obvious reasons because of people like me. But there still are plenty of things that you can do, and they give you some latitude. And so you just want to sort of work those things to your advantage. So the first thing that most social mostly social profiles are going to have is they're going to have some sort of bio area. So you kind of see this area here. So when you're building your home base will tackle the bio first off with your bio, there's a couple things that you want to make sure include, so you want to include what you are you notice here, she says. Your business best. He actually she's changed this quite a few times since I I've I've looked at this, but it's your business, bestie. Um, then you want to talk about what you do So says helping women have the courage and tools to start a probable online business, and then you want to have your core offer. Okay, so hers is ready to turn your passion into a business. Okay, So what you are what you do and your core offer one other thing. That if you can, if you have it and you could put it in there is you want to try to establish authority if you can. So, on these social media platforms, there's a lot of people that's a lot of things, but the more you can establish authority and credibility. So I have worked with so and so where I've done this. I worked on this project arrive accomplished this thing, things that you've done that give you credibility authority and include those in your bio. Ah, Then then that that's better. If you could do that in your bio, will work better. So that's the first thing is your bio Take a look at a couple of their examples here. So this guy named Add Ah, and Lattimore is a former heavyweight boxer s so that you can see this is an element sort of credibility because he talks sort of about men's health and and diet and exercise and so forth. Bestselling author speaker You can see the number of followers with Twitter pin tweets are really a part of your your home base because it's the first thing people are going to see. She can see here, he says. I have over 75 k followers on Twitter and do 20 million plus impressions per month. I don't follow for follow. I don't pay forever. I don't etcetera learn how I do it. That's again sort of his core offer that he has in a pin to tweet there, right? So again, that's another example of how someone is building their home based authority credibility. And then they're they're putting out there. Their core offer with a link doesn't have to be any more complicated than that. Here's another one. Ah, so sunny Leonard Uzi So you can see here establishing credibility asking entrepreneur Forbes Fast Company Inc. Right? Um, you know hers? Most of hers. I'm not gonna play the video, but what her actual pitch sort of is in this video here. So if you're on YouTube, you can put a video here for people who haven't subscribed to your channel to sort of say, This is why you should subscribe. Uh, so in her, she talks about you know who she is and what she's done in her results on all that sort of thing. You see, the link here is actually to her website, which may not seem like a particular core offer, and I think she probably could right in here her actual core offer and maybe gets more results from this. But if you click on this, what you see right at the top of her home page is a lead generation. It's a name and email address. It's opt in offer. So the nuts and bolts of what she's doing, strategy wise, is still in place, established authority, sort of making her pitch. And then she has the link for you to go and click on her website and subscribe. So again, that's that's sort of the bio part there. I kind of have mentioned this, but then you'll see the link here. The one thing I want to mention about the link is that one generally less is more. You want to try to include your core offer, um, and and sort of focus in on one thing on your social media profiles on instagram you sort of half to Twitter is similar, I think. I guess he's got two leagues here. So generally less is more, um uh and you just sort of pitch your core offer. He kind of does that down here, which is good job. Ah, here. You notice that she has her Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and Snapchat, which in this case could probably be OK, But, you know, it would probably be better just to do this checklist or just this link here and have one core offer, so generally less is more, but you can experiment with that. The other thing is as she does here, let's just go ahead and click this link so you can see it. You really want to try to do lead generation if possible. I know a lot of freelancers don't do lead generation necessarily, but if you can, it would be better, because taking someone from social media to a freely generation offer like this is a much smoother transition than going from from the from social media to a sort of hard core sales page where you're gonna pitch them on your services now if you pre if you kind of pre qualify it in your bio first. Since on make sure they know that when they click on that link, they're going to go to your services page and learn about hiring you than that helps because the only click on if they want to learn more. But still a lead generation offers a softer landing. You'll get more people to do that, and then you can now get him into your lead generation system. You get their name and email address address, and you could start following up on your ultimately convert more sales that way. So if you have Lee generation than you want to use that coming off of social media, it's just going to get you more results. Okay, so that's the link. That's what I want to say. But one other thing on that, if you don't have it, though, it's fine. Just like it straight to your profile, your sales page or whatever is normally generation. That's fine. Don't not do it because of that, all right. The next thing, then, is the feed, so you'll see the feed here. Now the think of the feet is kind of your formal content. So this is going to be and it's a little bit different on different social networks. So Twitter is gonna be a little bit different. But Instagram has where you can do regular post like this. Or you can do stories like this on a social network that has stories and YouTube now has that Facebook pages now have that on a social network that has stories. Think of your post here is more of your sort of formal content. So it's the content that's really targeted on your your particular niche on on ultimately persuading people to to hire you and buy your products and services. And I'm gonna do a whole lesson later on how to write this content. But when we talk about writing this content, we're talking about thes post. So these are the ones that are doing. You're selling on sort of a daily basis out to your followers. These are gonna ones. They're gonna force people to make a decision so relevant sort of formal content on Lee post every single day, multiple times per day if you can, Um and then you want to make sure and pitch every post. So you see, like at Lattimore here, this is a This is a perfect post here. It establishes authority. It kind of deals with some objections and then says, Learn how I do it. So it's a it's a great ah, it's a great pitch. Um, on an example that you can follow for how to do ah, pitch like that now we're not gonna do just straight up sort of pitches like that in every post. And again, I'll talk about creating content later, but you want to just make sure and post every day and pitch every day. That's really the secret to this is consistency doing it on a day in and day out basis, and that's what also is gonna sort of force people to make a decision because they don't want to hire you. Eventually, they're going to just get tired of looking at your pitches over and over again, and they're gonna Owen follow you, and that's what we want. We want them to un follow us so that we know that we have a better understanding of who are actual potential client base is. And as that grows, you're gonna notice there will be a a direct link. When you do this on a daily basis and pitch every post, there's gonna be a direct link between your profile, your social media profile growing and the amount of revenue that you make. The big trick is going back to the metrics that matter. Don't get caught up in the numbers where you start doing things that are meant to just grow your profile in art, actually pitching your products and services because otherwise those numbers get get out of whack. Okay, so again, formal sort of content and then with stories your stories are your stories are more your informal content. So if you want to post pictures of your food or what you're doing for that day and sort of that thing, that's where you do this. And it's actually good to do that sort of thing because it helps create context, because all your formal posts are gonna be really niche related. Talking about the topic and so forth. You also need to create context about you as an individual. So this is where you can talk more about and post things more about your life, for what you believe or what you think. Or if you're gonna do any kind of social proof where you're going to talk about, you know how well your clients have have done. Or you're gonna show a picture of your your nice car, your house or whatever stories is where you want to do that. That helps create that context around you. Okay, so against stores, arm or your informal content, the big thing about stories is that when you post something to your stories, uh, when when you're on instagram, let's just go here. Hopefully, nothing crazy shows up from JV likes to cuss, so if there's any customers apologize. But, ah, stories show up here, and they sort of they tend to show up in kind of a chronological order. It's not 100% perfect, but if when you post your story your mole more likely to show at the top of this, which means people are more likely to see it, click on it and view it and interact with it. And so Ah, this is a way for you to keep sort of top of mind with people, and then they click their on your profile, see what you posted that day. Also, whenever you post your formal post on your profile, you should share them to your stories because that will put that to the front on people are more likely to see it and so forth. So again, your feet is your formal content, your stories, your more informal content, creating context about you as a person as an individual. Right. So that is your home base, your bio, your links, your feed. Ah, and your stories now 11 caveat with all of that is that on a site like Twitter that doesn't have stories. Ultimately, your formal content near informal content are just gonna be mixed in together. So you kind of just post them all in one feet. Maybe Twitter will come out with a story thing. At some point, I don't know, but if it doesn't have the story thing, you still want toe post some of that contents context, creating content, you just have to be a little more careful. Most people probably aren't gonna want to see pictures of your food in a more formal sort of twitter feed like this. So you have to be a little bit more careful with it. But ultimately it all goes on one spot. All right. So, again, that's your That's your ah, home base on. Hopefully that gives you an idea of how toe sort of build it out.
4. Curate Your Feed: Now that we've got our home base Bill in our home base is focused on promoting our products and service to our bio through our posts and through our stories that we have highlighted, um, on our if we have, ah, social network with stories that that are highlighted on our profile like our profile, our home base is entirely dedicated towards. Ultimately, pitching are products and services in a social media friendly way. Once we have that done now, what we need to do the second part of that is ultimately just getting traffic to it. Okay, we want to get traffic to our profile. We want to get people clicking on our profile to view it, clicking on her posts Ah, and so forth. And that could be the part that's a little bit tricky for people not understanding how to do that. And there's there's two parts to that. So this this lesson we're gonna cover the first part, which is curating your feet and curating your feet, is probably the most important thing that you can do on a social media profile, because it's the thing that takes the most disciplined. So to give you an example, just sort of scroll through my feed and you'll see here. I want to just point out some keywords. Coder Dev, Dev. This one's freelancing, coding freelancing, freelancing. There's a lot of these freelancing ones will talk about the Hashtags here in just a second . Um, this is a coder coder coder. Okay, so hopefully you get the point. What you don't see on here, You don't see post from my friend, friends and family. You don't see post from celebrities. You don't see posts from like random people. There's three outliers that I have on my feet. One is this guy, Gary V, and I have him on my feet because he knows a lot about social media, obviously, And so I just I mawr watch what he does, then listen to what he says. But so he's on there and then I have my wife, which I can't get around, and I have my little brother. So those are the three outliers on my feet and they don't take up a lot of space. To be honest, everybody else is someone relevant to my niche, either a coder or a freelancer, and specifically they are influencers. There people who have 80,000 followers. Okay, so that's the first thing when it comes to curating. Your feed is you want to follow people and Onley people on BIA's, disciplined as you can about this that are relevant to you than the Mitch that your business is involved in. Okay, so that your feet is filled with with posts from people that are relevant to what you're doing business wise on this profile. And the real trick of that is thinking it through and finding influencers who not themselves, would be ideal clients for you but whose followers would be ideal clients for you. So that's That's why I follow other developers that are really popular because the people following them are perfect candidates as students for my courses. Okay, so that's the idea. Here is to follow influencers whose followers would be your ideal clients and Onley follow those people. So now they're stuff is coming through your feet and we'll talk about the second thing that you'll do once you have that set up. So that's the first thing. Is influencers following them? One of the ways that you can do that is just come up here and type in. I'm gonna type in freelance and you're gonna start to see people. Now, These are not just random people that get put up here, right? Thes. They're gonna be people that are highly relevant to this keyword that other people, a lot of other people went searching for this keyword have followed. So you're going to just start to see a list of people right off the bat that might be good for you to follow. Okay, Now, if you have, if you are already following some people, those people are gonna be more likely to show up higher as I understand the algorithm so you'll know if you're just starting with a fresh sort of profile than this will work a little bit better for you. But still, you're going to get generally people who are relevant and are popular when it comes to this particular keyword. But if you want to go even further with it, sort of find the first hashtag here, so that will also list. Hashtags will click that and we're gonna come in here and now you will see posts from people in this sort of freelance Ah, space. And so now what you can do is you can click on this post, and you can see. Okay, now, this got a bunch of likes Let me click through to this profile and see how many followers Okay, 20 k followers. Um, I like drawing things available for commission. So this is actually someone who is a freelancer, So but they're not really talking about freelancing. You maybe click on some of these posts. Um, they're more just sharing their work, trying to get work. Okay, so that's not necessarily someone I would want to to follow because their followers are likely to be potential clients of theirs. Not freelancers looking to learn more about freelancing. Okay, so you have to do some legwork with this, but this is the most important part. Curating your free like this. So let's go to freelancing. Freelance tends tohave a little bit of stuff that's off because you get you get freelance writer, freelance model freelance, like those people sort of turned up, but freelancing tends to be a little bit more on point. So, for the most productive work day sciences, make sure to do this. So this is someone who is talking about actually how to freelancer or working from home. Right? So this might be someone that I would follow, so I might look through this and see how maney fallers. Okay, they got 5000 followers, and I'm gonna come through and look at their posts. Okay, 743 likes How many comments are they? Are they relevant? Comments are Are these these people actually posting Substandard of comments? Are people paying attention to this person? If so, then this might be someone that have followed. Also check. How often do they post? So this one was posted four hours ago, one day ago, two days ago, three days ago. So they're posting about every day. Someone who's post posting every day has a decent number of followers, has an engaged audience and whose potential for whose followers are ideal clients for me and these air ideal clients for me, cause these would be people who are freelancers interesting learning more about freelancing . So those will be people who potentially be interested in my courses. For you, it's gonna be whatever you do. OK, so you want to come in here and and and just sort of go through this process kind of step by step. It's tedious, It really is. But when you get your feed curated and you you start to follow no 50 year, 20 or 30 or 100 people, and every single one of them has a large following that is potential clients for you. When you start interacting your interact, every interaction you make is something that's ultimately helping. Your business will talk about the the next lesson, but that's where you want to get to. Okay, so again, that's influencers that's following the right people than the other one along those same lines you've kind of already seen. But if we go back to freelancing, you see hashtags, you can actually follow hashtags as well. Now that can sometimes tend to overwhelm your feed. But if you keep in mind that look, these these are these are gonna be post that are showing up on your most important keywords , your most important hashtags. Um, you know, you just kind of want to suck it up and comment on them, especially if I have a lot of likes and so forth. Okay, so following the relevant Hashtags for for your business, so that's curating your feet. Getting rid of anybody who's not relevant to your business as best you can. I even have some, uh, I even have some ah ah, exclusions or exceptions there. But doing that following influencers whose audience who have a large audience and their audience are potential clients for you and then following the relevant hash tags or keywords in your particular niche. I've done all this on Instagram, but really it's the same over here on Twitter. So and we type in freelancing and we'll just do the top and you'll see people you'll see posts you could go the latest you go to people, photos, videos. You can just sort of troll through here on hanging. There I am. You can, ah put kind of come through here and just find people who have large followings. We're getting engagement, etcetera, YouTube, same thing You come up here and you can do freelancing. Actually don't need to do the hashtag freelancing and you're gonna see videos and you're going to see sort of the top videos in your particular niche. But then you're also gonna be some of the top influencers thes air people that you may want to come in here. Ah, and follow when it comes to this particular topic. Okay, so just sort of go through this and see who's getting views whose and you may want to click through and see, Are they talking about this topic regularly? So, for example, this travesty media, if you know anything about him, he does a lot of coding tutorials. This freelancing tutorial sort of a one off. Um, so you know, when if you were trying toe toe talk to freelancers, his might not be the best one because he doesn't talk about this very often. So that's an example of making sure to click through and see if they talk about that topic on a regular basis. Okay, so again, curating your feet and then just follow these people on Onley these people and sort of ditch all of the people I went through and do this somebody YouTube is actually kind of difficult, cause I really like YouTube, but I went through and I ditched all the people that weren't relevant to my business, and I started on Lee following People are relevant. My business, even though I had a bunch of other people that I had been following. So again I can take some discipline. But if you really want to go all in on this, do that for your business. And now every video that pops up in your subscription feed right here will be something that's relevant to your business on. We can use these for the next step, so that's curate your feet in the next step will show you kind of the second part or the next lesson, instead of the second part of this, which is ultimately where we go and get the traffic.
5. BE Social & Get Traffic: this lesson. We're gonna talk about Part two of our social media traffic strategy. So now we've curated are feed. We followed. We've sort of identified are key hash tags and keywords. We followed people and so forth. Now we want to actually go out and get the traffic. And the way you do that on social media is by being social. So there's two parts of this or two phases to this. There's what I would call a one time or a periodic, And then there's a daily sort of routine that you want to do with. This will cover the one time first or the periodic cause. You want to do this every so often because it can change, but the one time is related to OK, so let's say I'm I'm targeting the keyword freelancing, and I want to get clients for for that Well, if I come here to YouTube and I look, these videos are the top videos for that. So when people search for freelancing on YouTube, these air the videos that they're going to see. So what I want to do is I want to click into these and I'll go and pause this. I want to click into these and I want to leave comments owner leave relevant comments on these videos so that now we know this is getting 142,000 views or whatever. When people scroll down to the comments and people almost always something to keep in mind , people often look at the comments more than they do the content. If you've been on social media for any amount of time, you kind of know how that works, even works with blog's and podcasts and so forth. So if you have a common in here and you can get pinned or you could be one of the top comments on here, now you're showing up. And if you leave a valuable content, you add some sort of value. Were you? You add something relevant to it. It doesn't have to be over the top. You don't have to get crazy with it, but now you're showing up on other people's videos that are showing up in the top of the search for, say, YouTube or wherever. Okay, so you can you can come in here and you can actually sort of siphon off traffic from other people's content that they made that showing up high on here. Okay, so that's that's sort of the one time. And what you want to do is you want to just go through, and it's really what you can tolerate. Eso. If you've identified your top 10 keywords for for your niche, come through your top 10 keywords and you know, maybe you call it on the top 10 videos. Or maybe you comment on the top 20 or the top 30 year, the top 100 or the top five, sort of whatever it is that that you can kind of stomach here than come in and do that and get your name on all of these. The other thing that you can do is you know, some of these air old and they're gonna have comments that have a lot of replies and so forth. So one of things that you can do is you can look at OK, there's there's a lot of replies on this one, and this is a pin to comment. Come in here and comment on the this pin comment or this or one of these top comments here , so that again your people are more, they will. They'll look and they'll read and they'll click, and they're more likely to see what you have to post. Okay, so it's just it's really sort of being strategic about how you comment, making sure that you comment on things that are getting a lot of views and are relevant to your niche and then commenting in a way where you're gonna get seen. So you want to make sure that you get seen, That's the whole point is for you to come on here and get seen. So then people see you, I call. That's a good comment. Click on your YouTube profile like, Oh, this person has, you know, a bunch of videos. Let me watch something all these air Really good. But let me say it sounds sort of crazy, like are yeah, right. It happens. It's it's 100% works this way, and actually this strategy I need to sort of give full sort of credit. I I learned this, so I learned this back with my space, okay. And when I did this, what I did is I would go to other people's profiles and I would add them as a friend. And so when I added them as a friend, they would click over to my profile to see who I waas, and my profile was an opt in page and again, it sounds crazy, but I gotta opt ins that way. Like I said, that's how I made my first few sales online, Um, to the point I was making several 104 $500 a month, Um, from the product I was selling on the back end of that just by doing that, Okay, so again it can. It can really work, but that's where I learned it. I never really I never really put together the next part of it, which was, Ah, commenting and actually leaving substantial, substantial comments. And it was later on when I heard Gary Vaynerchuk. So I want to make sure I give him full credit, talk about leaving relevant contents and so forth that I sort of went Duh. Ah, it was like I don't know why didn't think of that, cause I was like 99% of the way there, but again to give him full credit. But that's that's sort of the idea. Here is to is, he calls it his dollar 80 strategy is to find the top nine posts in the top 10 keywords every day and sort of postal. Um, here we're just finding the top ones at any top ones at any given time or coming through, and we're commenting them. Ah, on a one time basis or a periodic basis, you can come back and check this every so often and see if there's new videos that have popped up here that you can then comment. You can do the same thing over on instagram. So if we go to freelance, let's just do freelancing again. Every day there's gonna be a top sort of nine posts. Here you have the most recent, but here you'll have the top nine. You can look at the likes, you know, the comments and so forth jump into these conversations. These are the ones that all the activity is on. So get in here. Ah, and leave your your comment on here. So this is more of the the daily stuff. So you want to come in here on a daily basis and do this same thing with Twitter, Then come in here It's got a top as well. You can sort of let me go back to freelancing and you'll see the top in its of people. But then you'll see the top posts and you can get in here. Ah, and you can comment on these posts. Okay, on, if you want to do the latest, you can do the latest etcetera. But every social network sort of has this sort of thing. Ah, that you could get in here. And you can do this on Facebook's. A little tricky problem is really why I haven't mentioned too much about Facebook, because the way the pages work and so forth, they're really kind of a whole separate thing. And honestly, there's not a ton of activity. The place toe, the place to go on Facebook is groups. So find groups relevant to your niche and then join those groups and interacting. And you don't have to do like comments where your just posting content or just interact right and and and be there and just sort of let people know that you are if you are a freelancer in the niche, but you don't have to constantly pitch and so forth you just sort of interact. All of this is just being social. It's not going in and just constantly pitching that's actually gonna work against you. It's actually just leaving relevant comments and letting people find you on their own. It's leaving breadcrumbs. And so if you sort of put these two things together, then you do the one time thing. You're sort of all over the top videos and in your most important, 10 keywords, right? You've left comments on all of those videos, maybe, ah, 100 or 200 videos. You've left comments all over him. So you're all over those. And then on a daily basis, you're going into the top posts on on the social media sites, and you're leaving comments on there and and you're leaving 100 if you're if you're doing it full out. 100 comment today cause you're doing the top 10 posts. Um, for your top 10 keywords, so you're leaving 100 comments a day. So you are all over your most important keywords on all of these social networks. So if you do that on a daily paces, people are going to find you. It's inevitable, and now they're going to click through to profile. Now they're going to see your home base. They're going to see your bio. They're going to see your stories. They're going to see the content that you're posting there. They're gonna follow you. If you just be consistent with it, it's gonna happen. And honestly, you know the 100 comment today. It may seem daunting. Start out with 2020 is better than zero on then if you can move up to 40 and you get good at 60 year, 80 year 100. But that's why curating your feet is so important, because now, if you go to you, just go to your feed and most of that stuff is showing up here, and you don't have to go searching for it. You could just comment on what shows up in your feet in a daily basis. It makes it a lot easier for you to be able to do it and do it quickly, as opposed to having to go search for it. Now, don't be afraid to go search for it, but it makes it easier when, when you can do it this way. Okay, so that's sort of the main chunks of the strategy is to build out your home base to sell your products and services. Curate your feed to make a easy to find the top content in your most important keywords and hashtags and then comment. Comment, comment, comment. Be social. That's what's going to get you followers. That's what's going to get you traffic, that's what What's going to get people coming through your profiles and your posts on and so forth. And that's what's ultimately going to make all of this work worked all the way back with my space when I was just adding him his friends. It works today on Instagram and YouTube and Twitter and so forth, so that again, that is sort of the third part of this strategy.
6. Create Content That Sells: this lesson. We're then gonna talk about creating your content. We're gonna and we're talking specifically about your formal content in your feet. I wanted to bring you to this profile because I think it's a really good example of someone doing it. Ah, that you could emulate depending on unit. So it's gonna be a little bit different depending on the niche year in your contents gonna change a little bit. So for me, with online courses and so forth, my content is more about the written side of things. But I know a lot of people probably taking this course of freelance developers or designers . Ah, and, uh, that sort of thing. So Ah, it's a little bit different for you because instagram is such a visual platform. So if you're in a sort of a visual niche, then you're gonna use instagram and a little bit different way. And she's a really good example of this. So if we scroll down through her, feed these air, the post that I want you to pay attention to these air, basically just examples of her work, things that she's she's built than if we sort of click through these you can look at him and these look really, really good, E. I mean, they just sort of stand out. And you see that done this one for arrow? Just smart, because these are all popular right now. Was recently in the news, Um, but mainly what she's doing. You'll see that she you know, she doesn't post a ton of content with them. I mean, it's a little bit, and she tags them appropriately and so forth, but it's all really just about the actual work itself. So if you're in a visual net, your graphic design in your building websites, your photographer, that sort of thing, this is this is what matters, Okay. And so all you really need to do is post your work, post the pictures that you take in, or examples of what you're doing or working on of that given time and just describe it a little bit. And then at the end, say something like, if you want to hire me, see the Lincoln if you want to hire me to do pictures for you, if you want to hire me to build your website, if you want to hire me to do a graphic design for you. You know, check the link in my bio and over time that honey instagram, if you're in a visual your individual niche, you're going to get a following. You're going to get people hiring you like you have a new advantage because it's such a visual platform. Okay, so it's really pretty straightforward and simple for you. Post good pictures. Be of what you're doing because it's a visual medium and tell people to hire you if you take. If you take good pictures or you build good websites, it's gonna work right that it really just comes down to your your talent, which is the best position you can be in. Okay, So if that's you, you can pretty much stopped at this point. I guess the only other thing that I would say is when we talked about our hashtags. If you come up here, um I guess this one she well, let me find one that's a little easier to see here, so you'll notice when you follow a lot of these people here. You see all of these hashtags You want to make sure and include at least your top 10 But actually, when it comes to the hashtags that you post, I always post them in a comment. You composed him with the original post, but my post I tend to right more than most instagrammers because I'm not my my. My niche is not a visual niche, so I really have to doom or in the actual caption, so I tend to use up all the allotted wordage. So I put my money tags in the comments, but you can put him in with the regular post just like this. But just make sure you have your top 10 but also you want expand beyond that, I mean, there's, you know, you see, there's plenty more here than 10 and what I do generally is the influences that I follow. I look at the hashtags that they're using, and so I'll sort of sort of pull hashtags from that irrelevant for me from the influences that I'm following. That's how we'll build out my hash tag list. I take my hashtags and I put him over. I use Google, keep if you have some sort of note taking app that you use. I just put him over there and then I just copy and paste them over so I don't have to remember him. Allows you to be a lot more consistent as well. So again, if you're someone individual space, good picture, small description. If you want to hire me, check out the link in my bio. Get your hashtags right and you're pretty much good to go. It's gonna come down to how good your work, ISS. And so just constantly working, getting better. And then and you'll be fine if you're someone is not individual niche, which is more like me than And so let me give you one more example. So we actually looked at this one earlier in one of the earlier lessons. But this is another example of someone who's just posting their work. I mean, it's just, you know, 2000 likes. I'm sure she gets more work than she knows what to do with, um, by doing this, it's probably pretty straightforward and pretty simple, because this stuff is pretty cool looking. Okay, So if you're not in a visual niche then and you're more like me, then you need to do it. Ah, a little bit different, so I'll just go and actually just go to my profile and we'll scroll down here to some of the poster. You see my pictures or not my pictures. They're not some of the greatest, but that's because people who follow me have sort of started to learn that it's not about the picture with me. Okay, so the way that you you want to have a picture, what I try to do is a picture that's relevant to what I'm talking about. So this picture of my dog was was one that did pretty well, and I had actually a couple people comment, Contact meal off of Instagram and tell me about how much they like this post. But the pictures actually relevant. I talk about when I took my dog to get spayed at the vet. I talk about some freelancing lessons that I learned from from doing that, so you want the picture to be somewhat relevant. This is a picture of the dog that I took to get spayed, but it's really Maura about what you're writing here now for me. I have anemia, a mailing list, I an email on a daily basis. So I just take what I put in my emails and I put them over here on social media, so I'm repurposing content, so it's pretty straightforward. But even if you're not doing that, you still want toe again be doing this on a daily basis. So the method that I use that work has worked really well for me is what I call the 99 1 strategy that this strategy is. What allows you to be on social media to sell your products and services but not be a pariah, not be someone that they're just comes across as a spammer. I get people who comment on my stuff like other influences. Like all that was, um, really good post, like people like me being on ah on the social media even though I pitch my products and services in every single thing that I post Okay. And so the 99 1 strategy is 99% content slash entertainment, 1% pitch. So the majority of this is all actually me talking about some lesson that I learned, okay, and then it's down at the bottom. I say. Anyway, if you want to learn those fundamentals you get, it's like small little pitch at the end. So 99% valuable, entertaining content. 1% pitch. So that's how you you stay a welcome guest on social media while continuing to pitch your services on a daily basis. Now, when it comes to the actual nuts and bolts, this is one part. While get get a little tactical when it comes the nuts and bolts of actually writing this. What I do is I have sort of a five part fight, part thing that I sort of stick to. So the first point, their first part is every every one of these has some sort of lesson or point that I'm trying to make. So if I'm trying to teach something, there's a lesson in that I'm teaching. Or there's if I have an opinion on something, there's a point that I'm trying to make Teoh to talk about my opinion. So I always start with that, like every day I wake up and I say, You know, on I just sort of as I go through my life, I'm always learning new things and things were coming up and I have experiences and I write him down of Well, that's a good lesson, though. That's a good point. Or I see something that somebody point and I agree with out or I disagree, etcetera, and I just write him down. So every day I wake up, I'm like, Well, what do I want to talk about today? What point do I don't make? What lesson do I want to talk about? So I start with that Once I have that, then I have, Well, what's the story to illustrate it? So this particular post, like I said, I'm talking about how I called. I called the vet to get my dog spayed, and I got a master class and selling my services. And so I talked about how they how they hooked me into two with a discount to get me to book services when I was really just calling around for prices. I talk about how they up, sold me on their cross, sold me on the phone, how they up sold me when I got into the office and all of these lessons about selling your services that you could take away from the experience Ah, that I had, and then the point that I wanted to make was was that this is ultimately just it's vet veterinary services. It's something that's been around for a long time. It's not like super exciting and, like people can get 10 tend to get all caught up these days with the technology and everything that's happening. This is a veterinary clinic in a really small town in the middle of almost nowhere Missouri , and they're doing a really great job of this, and it's working really well for them. And so it's like the things that work, work, no matter what it is that you're selling, no matter where it is that you're located. And so all you gotta do is learn those things that work. And then I transition that into I teach you a lot of those things in My Beginner's Guide to Freelance course. Okay, so the story illustrates the point that I'm trying to make. Then there's the transition, which I kind of gave you, which is where I start talking about No, I sorted towards the end. I start talking about how ah, this is This is a boring sort of service, right? Nothing super sexy, exciting to sell. This stuff works to perfection for them. And that's the point when it comes to selling your services there, very little new under the sun you could be selling intergalactic hyper transport beams are sand. What works, works. This is the transition, right? I'm transitioning. I made the point. Now I'm transitioning into how that leads into You know what it is I'm trying to sell. And then I say, You just have to know it and then apply it. And that's what I teach you in my Beginner's Guide to Freelance course. So that's the transition. And then I made the transition now to that's what I teach you I fully transitioned to. Now I'm in selling my product mode. So it's those tried and true fundamentals that aren't necessary rocket surgery or some flashy, brilliant etcetera. We talk about hooks on cross cells and up sells, and now I'm talking about the course. I'm giving my pitch how to do them right, getting referrals, etcetera. I continue to pitch on down here into the link, so lesson or point story transition pitch link. Now, let me just say this. It's gonna be awkward and seemed foreign formulaic at first. All this stuff always does OK, but as you do it, it will start to become more natural. And you'll notice that when you talk to people is actually often how you sort of talk. Ah, two people, just naturally, you, you you tend to communicate with people and you have some point that you want to make right or something you're trying to tell them. You don't just sort of, you know, you have random, small talk, but a lot of people, you know, we get beyond that pretty quick when you actually have a conversation with someone. You always have some sort of point that you're trying to make. You use stories to illustrate that point, and then you'll transition into what you've been trying to tell them all along. Like this is what I've been saying about blah, blah, blah, etcetera. This and then you'll have a call to action, which in our case, is the link, which is you should go like we're always trying to persuade people and get them to do things that we think that we think they ought to be doing or whatever, whether it's buying our products and services or it's going with us to the party tomorrow night. Whatever it is, we're always doing that, so you'll notice it becomes it's really a more natural way of communicating, which is why it works well on social. So again. 99 1% strategy lesson or point story to illustrate it. Transition Pitch link If you just sort of stick to that and try not to get too crazy until you feel comfortable with it, you can start seeing results pretty quickly and then you'll get comfortable with it. You'll start toe, feel more comfortable in tweaking it and sort of making your your own. Um, but that is, that is, when it comes to writing what I found to be the most effective ah form for for working on social media. And I get new students every single day from social media as a result of doing this. So it works really, really well. All right, so that is creating content that sells for people who are visual and people are in a visual niche, and people who are in a less original niche
7. Summary & Wrap Up: OK, so a quick summary of everything we've gone through, cause I know have sort of throwing a lot at you, but just kind of recap the strategy. So the first step is toe build out your home base and sort of get your own profile in order . Have everything there oriented towards promoting your products and services. Well, that's truly generation, or it's just directly to it. So your bio, your stories, your own content, the links, except for getting all of that in order, Then the next thing you want to do is you want to go and find the top keywords or and or hashtags for your particular niche. Follow those and you also want to find influencers, people with large followings in your niche whose followers are likely to be good prospects or ideal clients of yours and you follow all of those people and you want your feed filled with content that is ultimately going to help with your business goals. So it's your natch. It's filled with people that are likely to want to hire you. Okay, so you get curate your feed and then you go and you just start commenting every day So you comment on the top post? You comment on the influencers posts, you share their stuff, you just be social. And as a result of doing that, people are gonna come to your profile of certain percentage. People will click through on your profile to read your post the like your content, they'll share your content and it sort of just sort. It just feeds itself. And now your posts are getting more exposed. There the top posts on a particular hashtag, etcetera, etcetera, And it again, it just feeds itself. And again, everything that you're doing on your profile Ultimate leads to promoting your products and services. So when you go viral, then you get a lot more out of it than sort of the average social media citizen. So that's the basic strategy and may sound like I don't know, but I really strongly recommend that you get out there and you try it before you make any sort of assumptions about it. Because, like I said, I worked all the way back in the MySpace days. This is what I've done on YouTube star doing on Instagram a little bit more, and I've seen other people do it toe tremendous effect. So I strongly met, recommend, not prejudging get out there and do it and seeing the effects for yourself. So again, that's the summary of the overall strategy.
8. Get Your Social Media Profile Reviewed: one of the things I get often asked when I do courses like this is for people toe People want me to review their profile or they're sort of set up. So if you want me to go in and review your social media profile after you've kind of gone through everything and updated everything according to the course, absolutely no problem doing that. Just if you could post it into the project section here, this allow you to to either post screenshots or post a link. Whatever it is that you want to do, posted in the project section here makes it easier for me to sort of keep track of what I've reviewed and what I haven't. If you put in the comments that will just kind of get buried so again posted in the project section here, you should see something Some of this you can just hit, create project and allow you to post that. So if you want me to root again, if you want me to review your social media profile posted in the project section, I'm more than happy to do that.
9. Now What?: So now what? Obviously, social media marketing is just one small part of the overall kind of freelancing concept or the skills that you need to learn. So at this point, you might be wondering, Okay, what do I do now? So what I recommend just click on over to my profile here, and I have a number of freelancing courses that I would recommend that you go through. So the 1st 1 that I recommend, if you haven't gone through, is the Beginner's Guide to Freelance. Even if you're not really a beginner, I think this is still a sort of good overview class that's going to teach you. Ultimately, the system that I built that we talked in the social media marketing class about lead generation, and that was just sort of the tip of the iceberg. Well, how do you do that? And and then how do you actually create and write your services sales page? And how do you deliver and how do you deal with contracts and all and getting paid and all that sort of stuff? That's kind of what we cover in The Beginner's Guide to Freelance. I go through all of of those things. So that's a good class to go through if you haven't yet another one in the freelancing. One of one series that I have is what services to offer. So this is where we really dive deep into figuring out exactly what services to offer your clients, what your your niche is, what toe, how to price them, how to package them all those sorts of things. So if you if you need to learn of that, some of you want to learn, I'd recommend taking that. And then if you're the up work, is one of the platforms that you decide you might want to use at some point than this freelancing on up work courses. My most popular course, actually here on skill shares the number three ranked course and the freelancing match here on skill share. So this is a really popular one. How people really love that course is just gonna walk you through essentially sending up your profile, bidding on jobs, all that sort of thing. So I'd recommend that and then this guy to get clients. This is sort of ah, it's similar actually to the social media marketing course I would say this social media marketing courses may be a little bit of an update to this, but this talk specifically Maura about the MySpace part of things and what I learned from that and then applies that to to social media today. So if you want a little bit more on that, you can certainly take this course. But these three up here, if you haven't taken those I would it would highly recommend those. So in terms of now what? That's what I would recommend.
10. BONUS: How to Get Attention & Followers: this lesson, we're gonna cover how to command attention on social media. This is really a different kind of post that you can do that can garner you a lot of attention. And this is something I would do at least periodically. You could do it, Mawr. If you feel comfortable doing so. Um, but again, this is the kind of thing that is sort of high interest and can get you a lot of attention all at once. So you probably seen these accounts and sometimes it would be a celebrity account. Sometimes it's a nobody who becomes a celebrity. But they're these accounts of people who, despite appearing to be closed minded and stubborn and often just plain crazy, they command the attention of thousands to millions of followers. The example that just immediately comes to my head is the whole phenomenon that happened with little Tay through familiar with that. So that's one example. But they command a ton of attention. They have people who just sort of salivate and wait on their every post. And if you're like me, you think to yourself Well, this person is nuts. Why do people pay attention to them and you may have even wondered a time or two. How do I get people to pay attention to me like that? But do it anyway. That, of course, ultimately helps your business. Well, there actually is something identified at work here, and you've probably heard the term, but we're gonna get it into it a little bit more. And these accounts, they command that kind of attention because they're what's called polarizing. And so what they do is they force people to either love them or hate them. And in fact, often if you look at their posts, they're designed exactly to rile up the people who hate them. But for me, this term be polarizing is such a vague concept. How do you be polarizing? More importantly, how do you do it in a way that commands the right kind of attention? People likely to buy your stuff end without scaring all those people away or getting yourself kicked off of the platform? That's sort of the trick. So what I want to do is I want to break down the science of polarization and show you how to do it without getting yourself permanently shown by the people most likely to buy your stuff or kicked off the platform, etcetera. But I do want to caution you. This is not for the faint of heart. So if this is something that's really uncomfortable for you to do, then this may not exactly work for you. But it can again guarding you a ton of attention. All right, so the first thing when it comes to being polarizing is you need to speak in absolutes or to state what is obviously an opinion stated as if it is fact. And the very the very act of you speaking this way, almost regardless of the content, is polarizing to people. A lot of times, even people who might agree with your statement, we'll find the tone of your statement polarizing. So to give you a couple of examples for first off, I could say something like this. I could say, I recognize we're all different. We all value different things, so I don't want toe sell anybody short, but for me, I just can't understand doing the 9 to 5 thing. The freedom of control I have makes all the work worth it. Now that is nuanced. That's reasonable. That's open minded. It's also really boring. So if you compare that to something like working, working in 9 to 5 is dumb. Why would you waste your day doing something you hate for someone you can't stand with annoying co workers just to make someone else rich. If you say you prefer that that over freelancing, you're lying. Now, if you look at those two statements there really sort of communicating the same idea. But one has a lot of qualifying statements. One has a lot of nuance, and it sort of already presents all sides of the argument. So it doesn't really force people to respond. It doesn't get people riled up to say, Well, wait a second and then start to disagree with you. The big switch that you sort of have to make is you're not trying to get people to agree with you. You're actually trying to get people to disagree with you. And so in that sense, obviously one of these statements will get people mad, and it will force them to feel like they need to respond. And you know, they'll comment. They'll retweet and call you names. They might even do a You tube video responding to you. And if you're lucky, you may even get a news outlet to write about you and spread your accountant in that tweet or that post or whatever all over the place, and you'll get all sorts of free plebiscite publicity from people trying to prove you wrong or showing how dumb you are. But what will happen is all of those people's audiences. There will be a portion of those people who disagree with you. They'll be a portion. Those people who agree with you and those people who agree with you will now become are much more likely to become followers of yours and ultimately potential clients and so forth . And so you'll gain a bunch of new followers as a result. And those air, ultimately the people you care about So you're you're using the people who disagree with you who are going to respond and call you names to spread your message to spread what you're saying and help you gain publicity in order to attract the people who do agree with you. That's sort of the whole the whole strategy here, and you can only do that by being polarizing and in stating opinion as if it's fact, and that gets people really riled up. The next thing then, is no nuance. So you don't want to qualify your statements. And if you go back to the statement I read before, that's exactly what I did, I said I recognize we're all different. That's a qualifying statement and we all have different things. We value qualifying statement, so I don't want to sell anybody short. Another qualifying statements. So three qualifying statements before I actually on state what I'm I want to say. And then even when I stated, I say I just can't understand doing the 9 to 5 things So I stayed it real in a real softball sort of way. So it's no wonder that something like that wouldn't have any impact. I've specifically written it in a way not to have impact, not to rile people up, not to get people thinking so again. When it comes to being polarizing. You can't do that. You can't you can't There's no nuance. There's no qualifying your statements. So think of it this way. Ever qualifying statement you add, reduces the polarization and therefore the intent, attention, engagement and results you'll get from your post If you have really more than one qualifying statement, your post is essentially non polarizing. You've basically taking all of the juice out of it. And now the thing to keep in mind is you're probably a reasonable person. You're gonna feel the need to do this. Okay, I know I dio and you want to show people you're not actually is a narrow minded in thick headed as your post make you seem you need to resist that urge. That's what the follow up comments for our four. That's where you can put your open mindedness on display. But the original post that needs to spark controversy. It needs to get people talking in the first place, and if you add too much nuance, it won't. So the way to think of it is think of the original post as the start of the conversation, not sort of the end all be all statement on the topic topic and think of it as boldly and defiantly just taking one side in the original post, Then let other sort of extrapolating all the other side's would. You probably already know right, but you're just sort of boldly and defiantly taking one side and then letting them do all of the nuance. And that's what leads to the comments than the, you know, the sharing and commenting and all that sort of thing is all these other people extrapolating all the other sides, and you could jump in then and say, Oh, yeah, I agree with that, too, and you make a good point and you can be really open minded in the comments. But your original post needs to sort of spark that conversation. And I think when you look at it that way, then it can maybe be a little bit easier to sort of stomach the weird feeling absolutism that you'll need in the original post. All right. Final thing then, is to be negative. So you know the line. If it bleeds, it leads. And if it's still true today, if you watch any news program for more than 10 minutes, you'll see it, and the same is sort of true. On social media, people are attracted to negativity. As much as people like to say they're not, they are, and you can just again look at some of the popular counts and stuff out there and see what's going on. Now it can be the tone of your post. So, for example, I could say something like to my developer community, Node.js is absolute trash. Anybody who uses uses it is some clueless, bright, shiny object chaser who is too lazy to learn multiple languages. Java script on the back end. Who in their right mind ever thought that was a good idea? So if you look at that post its negative through and through the tone, the content, the verb, Ian's, it's all negative. So that's one way to be negative. But it doesn't have to be just that. Sometimes it could be just the words you use. So, for example, I could say just over a year ago, I find I found myself extremely burned out. Each day I was getting dumber, fatter and lazier. I was turning into someone I hated. I was finally able to break free of that and get my life back back together by learning how to do one thing say no to people, projects and ultimately money. And I've never been happier. So if you look at the tone of that, it's actually overall positive. The content is positive, but there are some negative sounding words in there, so words like fat, dumb, lazy hate. Those are all sort of negative sounding words. And when you read them, they sort of impact you, especially today, because we're just not used to hearing those words on a regular basis. So when you when you see them, they sort of just kind of hit you a little bit. Ah, and they stick out and they have that emotional impact. So that's another way that you can sort of put negativity into something while still actually overall, what you're saying is positive. So the point is, don't be afraid to be negative in your post. I know it's sort of taboo these days, and you get you kind of have this. This idea of anything like that is, is is totally, ah, off off the radar, whatever. But really, it does still command attention, and you can use it as a tool to again help you command attention and influence, and then you can positively impact people's lives. And that sort of leads me to my final word of caution. So everything that I just covered. It will help you to get more attention and influence. But it's on Lee going to work in the long term if you focus on actually adding value to people's lives, if that's the actual point and specifically helping them to solve their problems. So the point of all your posting is not to just be a troll or cause drama, right? And that's the mistake that a lot of accounts out there make is they see these these accounts and they kind of get the sense that you know, this this way of posting gets more attention and so forth. And so then they just you know, you have ah, freelancer, a Web developer, somebody who just starts becoming like a troll, and it may work for a while, but over the long term, just like people end up just not liking that person. That's because they didn't keep in mind that at the end of the day you're stating opinions and you're stating that boldly and you're stating them one sided in a lot of ways, but you're stating them towards a positive end. You're stating them you're stating things that you truly believe will actually help people lot people's lives. Either things you've learned or you've seen work for other people or whatever it is, you're still trying to help people. The point I'm making here is about how you do that. And it's just to simply ultimately state those opinions boldly in any way that gets attention. So always be sure they, Ah, you state what you actually believe will help your following. Don't just be a troll, Um, and that's what long term will allow, endear people to you and ultimately gain trust. They'll know that, Yeah, you're opinionated, but you're opinionated because you really care. You're really trying to help people on. That's what's going to ultimately help you win in the long the long run. So again, that's that's sort of a different kind of different way that you can go about posting on social media, to garner attention and so forth takes a little bit of practice. But if you just sort of you sort of think about your particular niche that you're freelancing in and you think about the problems that people are having and then you start to think about the solutions and your opinions on what works and so forth, and you sort of lied with that idea of my opinion and then just stick it really boldly. I think you'll start to develop a groove in a sense of the right kind of of of things to post so they go take that for what it's worth.
11. Next Steps: I'm honest there's no more. So, so little housekeeping to finish up this course. If you haven't yet, be sure to head on over to the class area. There is a class section for some, some steps for you to walk through for this course. So be sure to head over in that it's under the discussion in Projects tab that you'll see on the course. Also, if you head over to my profile, be sure to give me a follow on my profile here so you'll be notified when I release new courses. And I also have an ongoing sort of weekly podcast style course called Let's Talk freelance. So if you would like to have sort of access to ongoing training regarding freelancing and online business and so forth. Be sure to check out that. Let's talk freelance course as well. And finally, I do have a daily tips newsletter on my website at John Morris If you head over there, you can sign up to that mailing list. You will also be put into my own, my very own mobile app, or you'll get access to over 78 hours of free content at the time of this recording related to freelance and so forth as well. So if you're interested in that, BD sure to check that out as well. Again, that's John Morris All right. Thank you for taking the class. If you enjoyed it, I appreciate you for You. Leave me a review and we'll see you in the next course.