Social Media Live Streaming with Digital Marketing | Diego Davila | Skillshare

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Social Media Live Streaming with Digital Marketing

teacher avatar Diego Davila, Entrepreneur and Social Media Innovator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome to the course!


    • 2.

      What You Will Learn on this Course


    • 3.

      The Power of Live Streaming


    • 4.

      Basic Equipment


    • 5.

      Advanced Equipment


    • 6.

      Your Internet Speed


    • 7.

      Planning your Live Session


    • 8.

      How you can use Live Streaming


    • 9.

      7 Tips to optimize your Live Streaming


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About This Class

Use the Power of Live Video to Reach potential clients and sharing your brand all over the world.

We will accomplish that by teaching you the best strategies that are working right now for social media live streaming.

This course focused on the biggest four social media platforms for live video, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Periscope.

Social media live streaming with Digital Marketing.

Let's start the course!

Meet Your Teacher

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Diego Davila

Entrepreneur and Social Media Innovator


Hi, I'm Diego. welcome to my SkillShare profile! 

My Mission is to help entrepreneurs and small business owners to spread their message all over the world and make a huge impact in the life of their fans, friends, and clients.

My goal is to produce the absolute best material, best courses to help you to bring your life to the next level, next level on your health, finances, relationship, and to help you to conquer your goals so you can live a more fulfilled life.

I want to thank you for taking the time to improve your life and learn more and more, take a look at my courses. I created each one of them thinking about YOU.


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1. Welcome to the course!: Hey, guys, working to the course and excited and happy to see you here with me inside the training. We have amazing strategist to share with you here on this training. By the end off the course, you will dominate all the most popular tools that we have to create. Amazing on engaging social media life streaming on Facebook, You toe periscope on Easter Graham, All these four powerful social media marketing tours that we have right now, you will be able to use it to grow your business on to reach people all over the world. OK, in the next video, I will show you I will bring my iPad and I will show you all the things that we're learning with details what we need equipment, everything that we need in order to create these slices streaming on to use this tool. So grow your business OK on my goal is to make sure that you are getting really results with these cars. This is not a course with only where you only watch the videos and lowered the strategies. These, of course, were We take action, we learn and we apply so we can generate the results that we want for your business. Let's continue with the course right now. 2. What You Will Learn on this Course: Okay, let's talk about what are we learning? What are we learning on? How are we creating the results on your business? Using life history. Okay, on these cars will work mainly with these four platforms. YouTube life, Facebook life, Periscope on instagram. These are the most powerful social media plus part that we have right now for life. Extremely millions off people are every day and even these four platforms ready toe watch videos and consume content on it. Starting today, you on your business, you, your brand, your product, your services will be here with a very strong presses. That's my goal. To create toe help, integrate a very strong presence on all these social media platforms for your business. OK, so we'll talk about why you need to start doing this today. That's coming here on the course. The power of the all the power off, social media, life streaming. Why you need to do it? What? You need to start doing that right now. We'll talk about old it up the advantages. We'll talk about the social media, life streaming goals. What are the goals? What are if you, for example, are promoting a new product if you want to reach out in sweet questions, if you want to reply to the question of your out is if you want to review a product all the options that we have on social media. Basically, after that lecture, you will know exactly what to do on social media. Maybe now is a little bit cloudy. You are not sure if you will create videos teaching something or may be talking about your products or maybe talking about your out in Spain. Point on that lecture here in the course will help you this lecture here. We'll help you toe clear all this doubt and know exactly what's the best content for your hours. We'll talk about equipment, basic equipment on advanced equipment in the basic equipment I warranty that you already have all that you need in order to start. So if you want to start now today, after watching these, not these video, the next videos. When I teach you exactly about when we talk about the equipment on the goal, you gonna start right now because you already have all that you need in order to do these. But of course, we want to go more professional. We'll talk about a dance equipment. If you want to invest a little bit and you don't need, you will need to invest a lot of money. We'll buy. Bull will show you some microphones that will change the quality off the audio. Some very I mean what this weapon they see 9 24 logically, which, in my opinion, is one of the best cameras that we have right now on on the market, right, for Webcams, on talking about another a $60 or something like that. So we'll talk advance equipment that you can start investing slowly. So if you want. But keep in mind that in the beginning you don't need to buy any equipment. All that you have right now will be enough to create a professional life instrumentation and rich people all over the world. Okay, the most important thing here is not the equipment is actually the content, and we are working on the content heat on the course to came and thats let's talk about content right now. Planning on irresistible life session for your audience. How do you plan that we will talk about the goals will talk about all the stages that we go when when we're doing a life streaming. If you want to drive people to your website at the end called toe Actions, if you want to drive into your products your services on, opt in page maybe where you want, where you can collect their name under email, anything that you want to do now it doesn't matter. The goal that you have will plan for that, and you will have the best strategies in place before clicking the go life Bottom on. Go life to the world, right? Also, we'll talk about software. It's later in the course. Wolf is perfect After we talk about Facebook. YouTube life Periscope on instagram will talk about O B. S O. B s is a free software 100% free on O B s. Give you the chance on the power toe. Create life it streaming on a studio quality so you can share your screen. You can display you logo you can place place on music. You can do trance state transitions between your life Web cam on your computer screen, for example, lots and lots of professional quality studio quality production will be doing with obeah suffering. The good news here, guys, is that this is 100% free, so you don't need to pay anything. Okay? That's amazing, because most people don't want to invest initially on these and I totally understand. I use obvious every day for me Facebook, life, life on YouTube life. And I'm sure you will love it too. So after that, we're moving toe other free life streaming software that you can use that I ready to use. Okay, Very easy. You can download the software on just go. Life is easy. You can read the comments and we'll talk about all the options that we have here. We'll talk about free on also premium suffer. So you have both options and you can compare what's better for you on at the end? Well, the one off the most powerful things which is multi cast more tikus give you the chance. And look how powerful disease work with multi cuts. We can create a session for all these social media's at the same time off course not. Not instagram, because Instagram doesn't allow us to do that yet. I mean, the Instagram team doesn't have the option, but we will have the chance to go life at the same time. Toe YouTube, Facebook at bear on periscope. Okay, on if you want to go go like only to YouTube on Facebook, that's great. You can do that, or you can go more than 30 social media platforms life. Right now I'll show you that in the course to on and super excited about. OK, so instead of creating just one Facebook life toe, one single Bates that you have, right? Let's say you have 1000 people on your page, but you have also 5000 on YouTube. You will need to do to social media life streaming one for Facebook on another one for you to, but not with multi gas. That's the beauty with multicast you with the one social media life streaming for all the channels on that powerful. Okay, let's start with the course unexcited. I hope you are excited. You're excited. Please go to the Q and a session and share your goes with me. Send me your questions. Contact me. Let's talk about what you want accomplish on. Let's move forward with the course right now. 3. The Power of Live Streaming: Hey, guys, Welcome. Let's talk about the power off social media life streaming on. Why you need to start doing that right now for your business. OK, that's important. First, people love life performance when they see that the video is life and this is not just a recorded video that is all our Maybe it's not up today. They see that the video is life and it's happening right now. People have the tendency to join on, engage with the video, so that will work the same for your hours. That's why biggest big companies on also small entrepreneurs are doing that every day. They are joining to the life social media. Life is streaming because the power off right now, people, people want information that is up today. They want the life events that what is working right now on marketing? Also, one thing that I love about being life is that you have one chance that you have on Lee when you are life which is interacting with your audience. You are with them in real time so you can ask them question Hey guys, you guys are live. I said give me attempt up for sale Oh, you ask the question. Where are you connecting from? Or you can even ask smart and question about our your products about their pain point. If you are talking with your outings, you are teaching them something. You can ask them if they're having this problem, yes or no, or you can even open for questions. And that's powerful, because when you open for questions on your life session, you see that you're out of this. Talking to you is that way. That's why I love life sessions, because is the way in the or is the only way to tell with all your audience right now at the same time, all the valuable information, the great ideas that will come from that from opening your life session for questions East unbeliever. You will see that power here on the course. When you curate your first life session, you can also another advantage Ease that you can give them a call to action, right? So if you are talking about a new product that you are lounging, for example, you can say, Hey, guys, you teach them about the Prada. You talk about advantage and you say, OK, guys, go now to these work, bitch. Right on you. Drive them to your website to your landing page where you collect their name. And Emma, which is great, right? You you stand into your brother to your online store to your YouTube video to your Facebook page. There is no limit. You can do whatever you want you want on the Facebook Life session or YouTube, Life for Easter Romer Particle. If Paris comply basically any social media uh, platform. Right. So let's see what more we have really feel real time feedback for you hours you are teaching them sums in right. And you see, people are engaging. People are giving you likes right, because on Facebook, for example, you see when people are giving your likes on YouTube to they have the like or this like bottom. So you see people interacting with each other in the chat giving you like So this is a really time feeling. Let's say that you have off your audience off how you're out disease, liking the message that you are delivered right on. You have Onley that when you are life right, I am doing these recording right now, so I'm not sure if you are totally engaged or if you are a little bit distracted. But if I live with you, I will ask you to give me a likes to. To stoop, to shoot your answer. Your question on the Monday on the comments Aria on all that. So you have a really time interaction feedback from your out. Its let's see here. What else do I have here? Also, this is super important. All your content that you create life will be searchable later and will be discoverable for new clients. New funds, new people that are interested in your message. For example, if I am doing right now our YouTube life, right on YouTube about how to create a website, let's say he's up. Let's say we spent like half an hour life here. I did you I share my screen. You see the process wonderful. On day, I end the life session. Excellent. I have let's say, like 2030 50 people live with me. That was great. Later tomorrow, people that don't know me clients are not you people are not your clients yet will be able to discover you through the search. Calgary. They will sort of rule on YouTube. They will find your Facebook, and that's powerful because it's another way. Every time you create a life session, you are creating a new asset for your business that will work 24 7 every day off the year to find your new clients. And that's happening through Google. Search on YouTube, Sirte, which is the second largest search engine on the work, Right, so I remember that that's important. That's why we will talk about the title about how to plan your live sessions. So you are doing that you are using the right strategies toe not only believer life, but also after we finished the life session. Your video will still be with all the power that it needs to be super optimized to reach new clients for you automatically. Okay. And also, the last thing that I have here on my notes is that you will be reaching people all over the world with social media life history, right? That's powerful. You can. There are no limits off countries or territories. If people understand what you are saying, if they understand your language, you will be. You have the power off reaching all these people and change these people with your message . OK, I hope you like this. I hope you are excited. Let's move forward with the week with the course right now on, we'll talk about the the equipment. The winning will goto from the basic equipment that you already have to that dance equipment if you want. Okay, let's do that right now. 4. Basic Equipment: Hey, guys, Welcome to these video. Here we are ready to talk about equipment. What do you need to start doing right now? Life is streaming for your business. The good news is that we need just very little equipment. Probably. You already have everything that is necessary in order to do. I will show you this video, the basic equipment. In the next video, we'll talk about more about a dance equipment that you can start buying slowly. If you want to get your life is trimming more professional toe, have more, better audio and all that. So they main tool that we need is a smartphone. If you have a smartphone that said that all you need to start doing life streaming. That's why I said that you're gonna start. Actually, right now, almost everybody have a smartphone with an Internet connection. Off course on. You'll need the app for the platform that you want to do. In this case, In case you want to do Facebook life, you need the up for Facebook. If you want to do a you tube life session, you need to download the YouTube life. Same for very scope on East program. okay, But basically, if you have your cell phone, that's it. All you need to these down on there. Click on. Go Life on. Start streaming to your hours and we will do that step by step in the next videos. Okay, I'll show you why One by one. All the platforms on the cell phone and also in the computer. So you have both options one day. Maybe you can do it on the cellphone. On the go. Another day. You can do it. Life on the computer. Okay, so the equipment unit is just an iPhone. I also recommend. And I put these under basic equipment because I think it's necessary. I recommend you try pot. Here we are on the Amazon website, and this is the tribal that I have is the one that you are seeing on the screen right now, This type of these 1999. Right now the price changes and you can see other models show all the equipment that I am talking about here you will be finding on the links for these on the resources are OK off this lecture. So tribal is important. Why? Because if you are doing life s streaming like these, you will be moving the camera around that can be distracted to your feet. Toe reviewers, imagine if I have this camera and I start moving in. Happened down. That would be crazy. After one minute you will be You will get a head day or something that you will say Enough . I am going out. So if you have a tripod, you put yourself on the top and you put on the table or anywhere this would have the advantage off there is very flexible. You see here that is very flexible. You can put it basically anywhere on. Yes, also comes with these things so you can put your cell phone on these. You need to buy any extra adapters. Doesn't work well for larger phones. So if your phone is larger, I'll show you an option in one minute. So this is the tripod, and it's very important to have a tripod initially off course, if today you want to do it and you don't have a try, but just go with the way with a just just hold in your hand, Ondo. The Facebook life for the YouTube life came, but try to buy. This is very it's not very expensive, and it will make a huge difference on the quality off your recording. Next. This is another. I don't have these, but it is one that is super recommended is on my lease. I will buy. Assume you see the reviews. It has 500 85 reviews, five stars, almost every reviews. Five star. That's amazing. On his $23 game is from month Rotem, a proto isa very famous tripod factory on. I think they're for Italy or something like That is great. I recommended this is an eruption. I'll put the links on the description on on the resources off this electric. The last thing I want to share with us. This guy here and why this is important because the striper already comes. I mean, if you buy the month for auto, you will probably need the adapter. You will need this guy here if you buy the gorilla part. Jobe, either ready. Come with this adapter, but doesn't feed all the phone. So this one is the best guys. So you put these here right on. You can put it in here or in here you have two options. So you can use your phone like these or like please, I'll show you how looks like. So you scrawl these on you Put the phone in here, right? You just adjust the set there. This gross here. Let's see. That's it. Now the fun is ready. I can do it like this, or I can put it on the table very, very easily. This guy here is called I trick Super Mount Mirror Metals Marfan Tripod adapter. I'll put the link off. These here on the resources are off this ledge. I love it. Work worth Parade is easy to move on. Toe, toe, touch your phone. You can basically use it for any phones, even for ipads. Any size will feed here on this adapter. If you have these three seeing, I mean these two things made three things. The tribal there, a doctor on the phone. You have everything you need to create amazing quality life. Extremely sessions. OK on. I invited to start with this in the next video, we'll talk about a little bit more advanced equipment that is not spends it also it's cheap , but it will change the quality off your life extremely. But if you are starting tripod adapter smartphone, that's all you need. And you are ready to move forward with the course. OK, I hope you like this. Let me know if you like. If you have any other suggestion. If you already have a tripod, go to a Q and A session and say, Hey, I already have these tripods. Curiously, I love it or I don't like it. Don't buy anything from you is working. Okay, let's continue with the course right now. 5. Advanced Equipment: wonderful. In the last video, we talk about the basic equipment and now we are ready to talk about more advanced equipment that will take your life streaming to the next level professional. Off course. There are no limits off the mountain week and expand on equipment. But I'll show you spending the equipment that I use in my opinion. This one off, the best spending less money. All the equipment I will show you are the cheapest one on are the better investment for the quality that they keep you. Okay, we're really have the try. But on the adopter, that's great. We're still using this right now. We're not showing you another tribal because this is good enough on what I am showing you right now. East Microphone. That's the number one. There are other things. Number one is microphone. Why? Because if you are recording just with your phone as we talk, read here. Right The micro, the microphone off the phone is good, but it's not perfect. The sound the outer, the quality won't be perfect for your life Instrument. OK, so if you want to go to the next level on audio, you can buy an external mike that you connect here on your phone. I have one here that I will recommend you. I have this one here, so I connect to my phone and I put this guy here on my shirt. Right on. With these, I will have the best Audi a quality that I can get on a fun right now. This is a great microphone and is the one that you are seeing on the screen right now. This guy here, let me show you. This is their road smart lava plus level Here is the one that is some screen. I will put the links the direct willing to the Amazon website for this brother in the resources IRA off piece off this video. Okay, so this is the lab. A Mac. I will show you in a minute. Another one that is cheaper. But this is the one that I really like. I remember. I pay $90. Now it's for $64 it's Brian, which is great. So you basically get a $26 discount here. Sounds great. I use it every single time for my Facebook life. YouTube life. When I'm using my phone. And this is a great addition you can also use on your computer on other devices, like in your cameras, you see here. Okay, let's go to the next one. This is a leveler lapel microphone by rival Mike. This is the number one best seller, right? Right now on Amazon, you see that they have 400 to reviews almost five star. This is great. $11 from 99 cents. I think my opinion that the road Laver Matt, the one smart life, This one is better in quality. But if you don't want to spend $64 off course, you can go for the 11 99 and see how it goes. These 11 90 nines guys will make a huge difference on the quality off the hour. Honestly, is a good investment. 11. 99 is not too much on. You can have other level off. Are you immediately using these on your interviews on your live streaming sessions you see here that is compatible with all these devices with iPhones, Androids, computers, even from apple or windows I But everything is compatible with this guy here, so looks great. Reviews are good. This is a must. I will leave the common the link for this product you on their resources are okay, That's for the phone. So if we are doing, the life is streaming front your phone. This is what you need to go more professional. The microphone to change the audio. The camera off the phone is good enough because the the maximum we can do right now in life . Extremities 7 20 p. This is good enough. And you have the tribal. So with these guys here, you have all you need to get a very, very professional life streaming with your phone. If we're going to the PC or the Mac, If we're doing the life streaming like these from your computer, which is possible toe one, I'll show you how to do it. Here in the cars here is the microphone I use and you see it here. I don't know if you see right now. Here it is. On this microphone is amazing. I use it not only for my life stream and I use it for or my YouTube videos for all my courses. For all my interviews. Basically, these microphone, I use it every day all the time when I am on my computer, recording something even for podcast. Great microphone is only $109. Right now. The price change all the time here. So you will see. 120. $8900. These changes the Blue Yeti USB microphone. You see their reviews here? More than 5000 reviews. Almost five starts here. Great. Great. Great microphone. I bought this one in 2013. You see here on still working fine. A man using honestly, almost every single day and using it right now, the link for this is also on the description. Another thing that you can consider I just purchase these a few months ago. Is these pop filter? This is our farm that you put on the top off the blue Yeti, as you can see here. Right here we are. This is how it looks like on this will help you to filter the pop from your voice. It will guarantee that you have a better quality that you that the levels off your out are very stable. Okay, This is good to have 95 right now. It's a good investment if you are not happy even. I mean, if you just bought the microphone and you want to test it, you don't need to buy these right now. You're gonna by later. As an addition, you see the reviews here, 650 reviews almost five stars the next one guys. Another thing that I use every single day. Not only for my interviews on my life stream about also for my courses. These one. This image that you are watching for me It's actually common coming from this work on the C 9 20 and we'll talk about their lives. Probably you are you notice that I have the light here in the bag Will talk about that in a minute. The C 9 20 right now is the best weapon on the market. This is great. Is only $55. I purchased these. I paid around $100 when they lounge it years ago. I think it was 34 years ago and still working fine. You see the quality here? I use it every day for everything I do with my computer. Their reviews More than 8000 reviews. Almost five stars. Amazing C 9 20 dealing is in that the resources are the last thing is the lights. I purchase these on April 2015. The reviews are not so great, but I really like the lights these likes are good because we have three. You pay 100 and $9. I remember I paid 170 at the time. So for some reason, the price drop, Um, $109.3 lights and I'll show you in a minute. Each one has 3000. Watch what this is super powerful is great for Is a soft box is great for any kind of videos. If you are doing background by a drop background for your for your videos, your courses or your YouTube videos, you can use these even for life streaming session toe warranty, that the light are good. You need good lighting in order to see in order to have the best experience for your viewers to create a great e much on your videos came on This is that God, I recommend you here we have You have this filter that you can remove. I see you see here that inside we have 12345 books, right? Each ball is very powerful. They work very well on in the bag. Also, you have different, I think so. You can use 123 or you can use all the five at the same time. This is great. I use it also very frequently. Item using every day. Let that land like the microphone and the camera. But I use it very frequently when I'm recording promo videos when I have interviews on when I'm doing courses. So this is another addition that you can add to your life. Streaming equipment, the must. What are the massive You are Locadia. Well, that's good. What are the must that I need to buy right now? First, the microphone microphone is super important. You can you can choose this one. The road. Love, Emma left, smart laugh plus. Or you can use these one the leveller lapel microphone for 11 99. That's up to you. That's a must. If you want to use your phone, we'd like it streaming on and also off course, the tripod with the adapter. If you have that, you are ready for the phone. If you want to go to your computer. You have the option if you have a laptop to use the the microphone on the camera that he's already on the laptop. But it's not good is like the microphone from the phone. You know it's not the best quality, so it's good to invest on a microphone. You can use this also on your computer, or you can go to the next step, which is wonderful, is my favorite, and you can use the blue Yeti. Use me by microphone for $109 on. Also you will need This is not a mass is a good addition in the future. If you want on. This is also must, if you're on the computer, is the C 9 2055 60 a. Right now the price may change is by Amazon, but this is a very, very good camera. I recommend you either under lights off course when you are growing, when you see that you need the light you can buy is also a good addition. Okay, wonderful. I hope you are excited. All the links for this equipment will be on the researchers area of this lecture and after that we are ready to continue 6. Your Internet Speed: on the last element, which is also super important, that we need to create life. Extremely sessions with your audience. East Internet. Right, Off course. So we have some requirements depending off the platform you are most of Then recommend 3 to 5 or more megabytes per second off upload speed. If I am here on there, Speed test from impunity on, you can go to school and search for speed test to check the speed off your Internet connection. Here we see that we are And this is the download Speed 90 90 to 80. That C 92.92 on now is measuring the up close. But this is the important one for us because we're sending information from your computer to the server right in the download were downloading from the severed toe us in. When we are doing life streaming, we are uploaded, were sending information and this is the speed that is important for that. Most platform recommend more than five megabytes. If you have less than that, don't worry. You can still do it. Okay. If that's all you have is fine. You can have it on. May be depending off the speed that you have. The quality of the video will be a little bit lower that if you have higher speed but the system, all the platforms that were working here, they are smart and they are prepared to deal with also lower speed. So if he'd if that's what you have, is fine. If you have the chance to upgrade toe a faster Internet, that's even better. Okay, so that's it. If you have Internet or you have the the LTTE connection on your phone, you have everything you need. Okay, let's continue with the course in the next video. 7. Planning your Live Session: OK, In this video we will talk about three important points. Very important points to keep in mind before you start your life streaming session. Any social media doesn't matter if you are doing a you to Facebook instagram any social media, same strategy. The 1st 1 is to plan the content. You think you are planning to the lever to your audience. The most important thing here, guys, is that this contents this continent needs toe add value to your audience. Think about the pain. Points off your art is what they are looking for when they find you how you can change your life, how you can prove they're like, How can you teach them something that is valuable toe to reach? They've all that they want Okay, the penny depending on your audience depending on the needs that you have. OK, so it can change. I cannot give you exactly a recipe for how toe plan the content. But I will give you recipes here to maximize the marketing strategy to maximize the results that you are getting from this life. Extremely. But the content is up to you. You need to think about it. You need toe, get a piece of paper a pen and just write it down. The most important immunized, as I told you, is toe warranty that they get that they're getting value from information you're sharing. That's you with you. Okay, Number two. And this is important. Engage your outings during the scope. What that means. Ask questions when you are alive with your audience. Some people, just our life and they start talking, talking, talking, talking. They're artists are watching but are not interacting or not engaging. When you engage in a conversation when the other person knows that you are there on you are watching and ask you questions, you are more engaged. You interact with them on the chances for at the M toe. Actually, follow your call to action that we're talking here in one minute are higher. Okay, so engage with your audience means ask questions at the beginning of your stream. Say, Hey, let me know. Here in the comments. Where are you connecting from? Let me know if you have any questions or asks simple questions, questions that they can ask yes or no about your your top. Okay, if you are teaching about for example, how to create a website. You can say, OK, guys, In this video you'll learn how to create a website even if you never create a website before posted on the questions. If you are excited, if you're excited, say yes so people will go. Yes, yes, yes, yes, you will have some knows that's normal. There are people that are not excited. You know that. That's how it is. Eso ask questions as easy questions. Not only the beginning off yours off your session ask questions all the time. When you see that you are talking for like 5 10 minutes straight, stop and ask questions. Okay, If you are excited you if you like what you learn here on these one meaning that I should I share with you police Let me know in the comments or something like that. You get the idea. Ask questions. Number two asked then to share your stream Well, as then two things Here we will ask them to share your stream and we'll ask them to like your string First, we'll ask them to share your screen. I test these for my company and with my clients. I test asking them first to like later. Second, to share people are usedto only take action once on my test. So the percentage off the people that are taking the first action are higher than the one that I taking twice the 1st 1 on the 2nd 1 So that's why first we're asking the most important thing for us, which is Hey shared is a string with your out. So if they are on Facebook, they were click on share and they will share with all of their friends If they have 1000 friends, 1000 people will be able to see your string OK or your post later They're recorded version . So that's amazing because you are growing exponentially. More people share your extreme. The more people, the more exponentially your audience we will grow. OK, so first we asked them Hey shared the stream. If you like after that way can ask them If you like this police click click on the like bottom here, give me a like or if you don't like, click on this like you're a mutual you have like and dislike on. I will know how to proceed from here, you know so you you need to be great for all the time you need toe at as you have a real conversation with somebody. No, only with the camera. Okay. You need to think that you are talking to a friend that you are teaching them something you are let telling them about your company. Your process about how house on there are. Okay, so as then to share as then too. Like your string on the last one that I want to share with your with you before we go to the call to action on this is actually a little bit in the in the department off call to action is to run contest during your stream on This is easy. Let me show. Let me tell you how do I do it Every time I do a life destroying Facebook life? You took life, instagram life. I ran contest. So how do I do that? I say, Hey guys, at the beginning you say guys, during this video you learn this on this I mean something that they really want to learn. And at the end of the video, I will ask one question related with the content that I share with you on this extreme. The first person that answers that I have a correct answer on that question will win a gift . For example, in my case, I give for free one of my top premium courses. Okay, so they are very excited because our courses that are valued at 200 plus dollars so they get the keeping gates, they pay attention to my message because they say, OK, this guy is sharing something very interesting with me. And if I pay attention at the end, he will ask a question on If I answer correctly and I am the first, I will win a $200 course, which is great, or you can offer anything that you want. You can offer a free call with you. You can offer free pdf for free e book. There is no limit off the things that you can offer to them. OK, so that's the contest part. Also in the context, you can add more elements. For example, you can say guys, if the first person that answers get the price if this person share the stream before so at the beginning you say, Hey, please share the stream. At the end, we will have a contest and all the people that share will win a price. I will randomly select one off the lease off all the shirts so you can do that too. So there is no limit off the combination guys that you can implement on these contests. On my experience, I really want you to try the contest s strategy because of my experience, the engagement on they. I mean, the number of people are there with you life. It's amazing. And engagement. They ask questions. They get that they shared the screen. They like the video. So it is great and all that will help you to grow your artists. And that's the end goal. Okay, On the last one is called to action. Always, always, always in all the videos that you do in all the the post that you create on your website on your block, you need to have a call to action at the end. Okay. If they are watching up to the end of the video, that means that they like you. That means if you are watching me now, thank you very much that you are watching me and you're participating on the course and excited for you. So if you are there watching to the end, you need to give them a call to action. On the call to action can be hate. Go to a landing page, and this is my most efficient, in my opinion, you know, driving people to a landing page because you can say Please, if you want to learn more about these, all these right that I share with you. Go to the or a villa dot com and you will find great courses over there. That's good. That that's a good call to action. But more sufficient call to action is if you want to learn how to take your your Easter and followers from 0 to 1000 in two months, go to this u R l and you will get a video. Siri's 100% free that you can watch it one a day for a week and you learn the complete strategy and you can implement on your Eastern right away. That's different, right? More appealing. So that's a call to action driving people to a landing picture. What's the advantage? The advantages that you are getting their name and email and they are getting on your out of seek out of responders sequence and all that good stuff that we know. Okay, Other than that, you can drive into your website to your online store if you haven't only store. If you are talking about specific product on your life session, you can drive them toe that proto link that drive into a specific product on your website page on your website where you have your brother, you can drive into your YouTube page or to your Facebook page. They will like your Facebook base. That's another thing that you can add on the contest. You can say, Hey, all the people that go that share the stream number one on Click Go to my Facebook page goto this link to visit the face of page. Like the page, I will draw like three free passes to my top premium courses for all these people that do that. So you see the engagement and you see how you can grow your outings with this Simple tools are 100% free for you. I hope you are excited. Think about these three points. Planning your your your life sessions, engaging with your audience on giving a call to action at the Okay, See you in the next video. 8. How you can use Live Streaming: So you may be asking yourself, How can you use life streaming? What do you do with it? In which situations, in which case is you can use all the power of off social media life streaming right. So let me give you a very quick a few ideas that I have here for you. One option is to promote a new product or service. If you have a company where you provide services or products for your company and you have a new product coming out, you can do. Life is streaming to your Facebook girl. Beautif subscribers to your website to your email, least anywhere in your audience. You can create these life streaming when you have a new product, so that's a good weight to promote the new product and let people know create that excitement you can even do prior to a pre lounge off your new product, telling people that the proxies on development you can showcases show how the brother works on when these the lousy when the produce is actually available for sale, when they can purchase a prelude to another live streaming, I invited them to buy your products. That one option or option is to reply questions from your hours on my case. For example, I have questions on using me here. I have questions on my website on. I received a lot, a lot of questions by email, own or also on her Facebook on the private Facebook group, the week for students, right? So if I want to reply to each question, typing it will take me forever. So what I do usually is I create a life session on Facebook, probably Facebook. Life is what? How I do it. And I replied, toe all the questions I receiving all my channels, and that's great, because by doing that, I am creating new content for my block for my channel I and engage in life with my audience . And I am replying toe all the questions, and that is good because people really like to have their questions. Answer life. If you are taking the time to go life, you read the question you read the customer's name on. They see that you are actually talking to them, replying to the question. So that's a great way to use life streaming to another way. To use it is to teach something. If you have a product, a service or if you just teach people so things about your niche you can create life is streaming, teaching them something you can say, OK, guys in beast life is dreaming. I will teach you how to create your first Facebook at, for example, right or how to grow a new website or doesn't matter. You need to think about the the pain point off your audience, and you can create a teaching session about that specifically right, So that's one way to do it. Another thing is to review products or services. If you don't have your product or service right now, maybe you are doing affiliates right. You want to earn some money for your business, referring people toe all their business to other products, right so you can review product from Utah. We have a lot of YouTube channel, very successful YouTube channels from big YouTubers that all they do is just review products. They review the new iPhone. They review the new computer that apple release or anything like that. You can do that for services to I. Personally, I recommend host Gator for all my courses so I do a review off the horse Kate or hosting on Why? I think it's great So you can do that also, with life s streaming, this is great because you can answer your customers questions right away if they have questions about the product or about their services. Another thing that you can use and this is very power for these looks simple, but it's powerful. It's just to talk with your out. Sometimes I do it, and my clients also do it. I just come live saying, Hey, guys, this is our ask me anything Life Q and A. Let's say so. I go life, and I just wait for people to join on D Day, and we have a conversation so I can sometimes, depending on the tour, will explore more tools here on the course, their tools where you can invite people from your audience to come live with you right on. The life is training so you can have a conversation. Or you can ask people to command toe leave the comments so they write something on the comments on you. Start talking with them about that. That's another way to use live streaming and that engage your audience right that's repetitive. Are your audience for the sale because you're are in value for free. For them, right? You are providing value teaching, then answering their questions and having conversations with them, creating a trustful relationship between your brand on your customer, which is what we want, right? I know they're, uh, option that we have here is to do seminars advance on Facebook life, YouTube life, Instagram periscope. We can do life event on the event. You can teach them something. You can have different structures, that there is not a rule that you can use, but basically you can create events you can scandal. Life is streaming for specific dates and times on. People will know that people will join to your event on. You'll have a life event like these 100% free. I mean, you are not paying anything because you are using free tools that we recommend here on the course on I see people also doing daily talk shows so you can a little simple looks complicated, but it simply is basically toe have a daily schedule where you go every day or every week or three times a week or two times a week. Life on your on your show. So I, for example, if I said OK, I will create a daily show about Facebook marketing. Let's say so every day, let's say 10 a.m. Eastern time. I go life for 10 15 minutes just to give one quick strategy about Facebook marketing. That's a that can be a daily show, so people will start expecting done that. A lot of people do that on podcast on. People do that off line. That means they record the video and they pose on social media later. That's good. But if you are doing in life is even better. Because people us, you know, life, love, life events and also people. It will be faster for you. You don't need to add it. You don't need to spend time everything and planning everything and publishing later you just press go life. You are life on ur life on your daily talk show, so that's another option. So I hope this is inspire you on this. Give you some ideas off how you can use social media life streaming your task right now before we go to the next video is to think about all the strategies, all the options that I gave you here on this video on select one or chew at least one that view Things will be better for you, for your audience and for your business. OK, select one off, then commit to do it. Okay. Start doing it. If not today, maybe tomorrow. You can start doing that planning that on using all the power of social media life streaming for to grow your business and reach more people. Okay, let's do that in the next video. 9. 7 Tips to optimize your Live Streaming: Hey, guys, Welcome to this video and excited to see you here. In this video, we will talk about the seven tips toe warranty that you have. The best life is too impossible that you reach out is that you're out in steak action. After watching your video Austin part after participating off, your life is streaming. Okay, that's the goal. Okay, The first step is to have your goal. Your objected in mind What? Before starting your life streaming, you need to set a goal. What do you want accomplish with these life history? Do you want to drive people to specific website? Do you want to promote a product? You want to teach your outings? Do you want to talk about your brand? About your services, about your company, about the website? You want to drive and drive them to your course or to your landing page or to your YouTube video? What? You're gore? Or maybe you want them to participate on your Facebook group. Okay, so you need to have in mind what you go on by having that will have also we talk in the last video about planning your life streaming, So if you did. If you completed all the steps, I suggest in the last video you already know your goal, but always is good to have that in mind because that will hold us to create the best life streaming for your out. Okay, The second tip is to check your Internet speed. We need upload speeds higher than 3 to 53 to five is the minimum recommended. But Facebook and YouTube, if you have a higher speed, is even better. But you need to have a least between three and five megabytes per second. Upload speed. Remember that we have the different between download speed and upload speed winning toe warranty on. Make sure that your upload speed east. Good. So to do that, I usually use a website called Speed test dot net or you can go to school on just type speed. A speed test on you will see all the services here. We have, for example, days, but that does not net. If I could go, it will find the best server. The server that is closest to me on this case is Miami, and it will check the download speed. You see, here we have the download speed 2021 26. I used I bay here, actually for 100 megabytes per second speed, but is now in 37. That happens sometimes that way. That's why I want you to test this is beat before going to your life streaming. You see here that I have 1.6. This is not enough. I am uploading right now. Videos toe to my you Timmy profile for these cars. So that wise I actually have 10 megabytes. But a megabytes are used right now by our loading videos on East Assistant is checking for me to 100.34. So check your speed. Make sure you're up low speed is between three and five or more. That's better. If it for some reason you have lower speed, you can still do it on sometimes a penny off on where you are. This beats can be lower. In this case, if you are doing a YouTube life or Facebook life or easterners or periscope assistance today are very smart, so they will still do the life streaming with lower quality. So if you are in a place where you don't have that speed, that is required. You can still do it. But you need to keep in mind that the speed will be low, not the speed. The quality of the video will be a little bit lower. Okay, that's Steve. Number to tip number three. Close Any gaps that maybe using your bandwidth. For example, if we look here mind you see Oh, and I am working a macro right now. You see, all the absent I and I have opened at this moment. You see, here we have the Amazon. Dr. We have the one drive dropbox be cloud ever note. Um, mega. So all these Esposito, all these abs are using bandwidths right now to send files or to check the status off the service. Right. So I will recommend you, especially if your speed is not very high to close these aps before doing the life streaming. So you make sure that all the bandwidth that you have, especially all the resources for your computer, are only dedicated to your life streaming toe warranty that you are using that you'll stream with the with the best quality possible. Okay, so let's move forward. The next EAP East tohave a killer title and the title is super important. Will talking details later on the course about the title on how you can assign the best title. Not the sign how you can choose the best title for your life streaming. Okay, so the title is important. Make sure you think about Tyler. And remember that the tip number one we talk about your goal. So if your goal is to drive people to a landing page and on that landing page, you are offering something for free. Think about your audience when you are right in the title, right? Something that is that that cold and their attention off your customers. So when they receive the notification, they will say yes. I love this. I want to learn more about these. Let me join this life session right now. Okay, That's a go. Think about your title on. If you want more tips, you will find that later on the course. The next deep is look at the camera right now I am talking to you. You need to look at the lens off the camera. Okay? If I if I keep talking like these or some people talk like these are and have the arms gross, you know, on their they're looking at other ways, and that's not good, because you need to connect with your hours on the best way to connect which somebody is by looking at them. If you are speaking with a friend on the street outside, on a restaurant or anywhere, you usually look to the people you are face to face, and you speak one toe to each other right on. That's how the friendship girls right. That's how you create trust. Your relationship with your friends and your clients on the same applies with the camera. I know that your hours and your friends, your clients, will be all over the world right now. That's the advantage that we have. So what? They will be at their homes at their offices or maybe commuting around with their cellphones, watching you life online. But you still need to look at the camera that's the same off looking at your customer face . Are your friends face? Okay, so remember toe. Always look to the camera on. That's the other tip. The next one. Let's see here. My least I have haven't optimized description is good to have an optimize description. Not on Lee to get people to join to the life event, right? Some. Sometimes people don't read the description when they are ready to join to the life events sometimes, yes, but most of the move off the use for the description will be later. Because if we do a you tube life right now, if we do a Facebook life right now, later on YouTube on Google will have their rankings, people, your videos will be still available for next clients, maybe clients that you will followers that you will get just 123 months from right people. They're not your clients yet. They will find you through YouTube, search through Google search. Okay, on the description, you helps you a lot with the rank, it's on. Also, you can use it very smart and very optimized in order to drive people to specific sites. So if you have a video and you are recommending websites, services products on your video, you can add the links on the description so people will know where to find. So you are life here right now, like me, and you said Okay, guys, check on the description. You will find all the links off all the prokes I recommend to you in this video. Okay, so that's how you use description. Use also keywords. If I am teaching you, for example, on these video how to parade a website, I will use from my description that phrase How great a website and I will use keywords. For example, create website or war press, which is one of the most popular platforms to create a website. Right. So use these things keywords that you have for your audience on your description to okay, the next one in on the last one east to use tax, especially when you are you. When you're doing a YouTube life session, YouTube allows you toe enter tax on your session. So you have the title, the description and you have the tax cape attacks are the key words for your specific life session. So the same thing that we did on the description the key words that you are using you at that on the tax to and we will talk in vetoes later in the course about that Okay, these are the seven tips. I hope you like it. I remember that all the tips are important. All the tips are super important. I remember that The first thing is to keep your goal in mind. So you, when you have your goal, you go through the whole process off creating planning on doing the life session on There were souls will be amazing. Okay, See you in the next video.