1. Intro: I often hear that drawing is difficult and learn this online is unrealistic, but I don't believe in it. My name is Oga, I am an Illustrator and Graphic Designer. In my new Skillshare class, I will show you that drawing with markers isn't complicated and can be very interesting. Together, we will draw a delicious piece of cake from start to finish. You will learn the main stages of working on a realistic sketch, how to transfer an image from a reference to paper, what are the steps of the coloring of the drawing, how to work out textures, how to draw these into a sketch and make it more delicious. Welcome to my class, hope you will enjoy it.
2. Class Project: As a class project, we will draw a nice piece of cake. You can draw from reference I've prepared for you. You can find it the attachment section, or you can draw from any other reference image. You can easily find some nice pictures on Pinterest or Shutterstock, for example. Of course, you can use a real piece of cake as a reference. So let's start. Can't wait to see your amazing projects.
3. Main Stages of Working with Sketch: To begin with, I want to tell you what are the essential steps of working on a sketch consist of. They're as follows: you roughly outline the proportions of the object. Then you do a more detailed drawing of the elements. Next, we remove the top layer of the pencil and excessive lines. Then you make the first primary background. Then you do the main work on textures and all objects. Lastly, you do a slight polish with additional materials such as gel pens, pencils, and so on. We will learn each of these stages in more detail. Let's start with a pencil sketch.
4. Pencil Sketch: Here I have my reference image. You can have a reference image both in printed or electronic form, it's totally up to you. Let's start. First, we outline at the place on the sheet where our composition will be. We will arrange it in the center, mark this place with a rectangle, like this. Then we need to divide this rectangle proportionally. One part of the dough. Here it is. Another, the main layer. This part is approximately two times larger than the dough layer. Now we can see this proportion. Then a layer of sauce and berries, which is in the projection of a triangle and this triangle is slightly looking on us. Do you see it? Let's divide and outline this triangle. Here it is. Now we begin to draw the details. Pay attention to the reference, but not too much. A piece of cake is an irregular geometric shape plus dough and cream are never perfectly even during baking. We outline the berries in circles. This berry is the largest one. Draw the sauce. The bottom layer. In full sketching, we can revise the sizes. The main thing is to observe their proportions so that our cake looks like a cake finally. Now we add a little more details here on the berries. Again, I press hard on the pencil so that it can be seen on the camera. You better not to push so hard. Here it is. Now with a soft eraser, we remove the top layer of the pencil and the excess lines so that we do not interrupt in further working with color. The rectangle can be removed completely. Our pencil sketch is ready. Now we can start feeling in the tone.
5. Coloring: First Layer: For a more realistic picture, when working with color, you need to pay attention to the light shadow modeling. Let's be sure to keep the highlights where they are. Here, we have quite expressed highlights. Here, less expressed. As we can see, there are also matte highlights on the base. Let's start doing the first color layer. If you don't have double-sided paper, then don't forget to put underlying. Otherwise, the marker will leak through the sheet and stain your table. When working with markers, we always move from light to dark because you can make it darker anytime, but it's difficult to highlight the marker. For the dough, we need 3-4 shades of brown from light to dark. I'm using dodge brush markers, and of course, you can use any markers or other materials you like. I picked these colors. You can find my palette in the attachments. Well, with the lightest brown we begin to make the dough in [inaudible] structure. Because the dough when baked forms a brown structure with air bubbles. We can show it using this type of filling, like small dots. More information about the types of color for use, markers, there are types, how to chose markers correctly, you can find in my other class, draw a sweet cupcake with markers. The link is in the description. Again, leave some small unpainted areas to show the highlights in the dough. We see that there are small areas of dough in the cream itself. Let's add them. If you don't have a marker with a brush, you can do the same with a broad tip. Well, we've made the first colored layer for the dough, and now we'll make a layer for the cottage cheese part. I will use this light pinkish shade. You can use any similar light shade from what you have. The cottage cheese itself is also borrows and non-homogeneous, so we do the same type of fill as we did with the dough. Somewhere we can mark this texture directly with such kinds of dots. Now, the color seems very bright but when it dries and we will add other shades, it will already look different. Don't forget to leave light unpainted areas. We can also add a slightly more yellowish shaped and mix it a little with our pink. Also, I blend it with the border of the dough to get a smoother transition. Something like this. When the markers are dry the color will become lighter. In this stage we can add a little warm grade tint in the shadows. If we add gray, it is better to use warm ones for food illustration. This makes it look more appetizing because the food is almost always about warmer tones. Let's say the shadow here. A little here, here, a little beat here in these small areas. Then again, mix the colors with this light shade or you can do it with a blunder. Then we'll make feel for the sauce. I will use a fixed Rossum dried color. Don't be afraid that the color is so bright. With 1,000 mixing, this brightness will no longer be. Here, it's better to pay attention to the reference, so you can leave some unpainted areas for the highlights. Now we'll take a light purple shade and we'll make the first layer or even but a few light areas in the light zone. Please note that blueberry itself is a very texturized model and there are no bright highlights on it. Also, I slightly deepen on the shadow areas on the each berry, but not too much. These berries we will work further. Our first color red is ready, now it's time to dive into details.
6. Coloring: Textures. Part 1: Now we start working on textures. First, we will work on the dough. I take the medium brown and I will do such strokes, those making the dough have a porous non-homogeneous structure. Just like the real one. Somewhere it will be dots, somewhere strokes. Again, I am not focusing on photorealism here. We are drawing a sketch, don't forget about it. Then I take the dark brown, and we'll add some more details. The dough in our sketch will be more dark. But I like it because we have more visible contrast between a dough and a cream. Yes, we don't need to have for 100 percent copy of our reference. We take our brightest brown tone, and slightly blend the colors. Then the medium brown to the areas of the dough here on the cream to deepen them slightly. Next, slightly blend the colors with light one brown. Next we work with berries, great dark hues of violet and blue, basically because blueberry is pretty dark berries, sometimes it's even black. We don't make much glares here since berry is pretty matte. First, I add dark blue to shadows, and then blue little bit with medium violet. I started to work in this shadows. Then add a little bit of dark violet and mix colors. Now blend with a lighter violet one. We can add a bit of blue, and then blend it with lighter blue. We go this way all around our berries. Then we pay attention to the lights on the reference. This one berry will be the brightest one. Let's give the berries some break. We will finish them later.
7. Coloring: Textures. Part 2: Now, let's move onto the sauce. Here, you might need more colors because the sauce is translucent and textured enough. Again, we'll move at [inaudible] from light to dark, gradually darkening of the sauce in the desert areas. We start with a bright red, and darken the sauce a little bit. Again, don't be scared that this one red is too bright, it will look different after blending. Don't worry if you accidentally painted. Always a highlight somewhere. We'll restore of them later with a white pencil and a white gel pen, but of course it's better to leave them be the way they are. Then I took a slightly more intense red, with a cult pinkish tint. I took my Dutch brush number R 11. I continue darkening a little in the highlights. Be sure to go for the small saturated red area near the barriers, the [inaudible] has a dark places. Pay attention to the reference and look where located highlights. Notice how the sauce is lighter on the edges here, so step back a little from the edges to get this beautiful color transition. It's better to work with strokes according to the shape of the object. Now, we can take the lightest tone and mix a little color with it. Then again, take a [inaudible] and take a little shade while the white marker is not completely dry. Now, I want to take a more pinkish, lighter shade and again walk through the highlights a little to make the transition smoother. Let's take another darker, red pink shade and continuing to add texture. We work with strokes in general, but in some areas we may add texture of this such kind of dots. Next, we take dark wine red, which is called soft tone. I have R3. Then work through the darkest areas with it. Of course, you can use less colors. In that case, you will be working on the same areas with dark tone a few times. Here, I start to add textures, just dark strokes and so on. Here, we can blend colors with a lighter tone. Now, again, we take a darker one, almost wine tone and start polishing darkest places like here under the berries and there on the sauce and this place on the reference. Also add the base pieces of raspberry with dots. Now with more bright red, R3, we blend colors again. Our sauce already looks more like real one. With the darkest wine red, we work on dark areas. Now, I take my second light red tone, R3. Again, I will blend colors. Now with brighter one red, R11, we fix that sauce edges, here and here. Again, blend colors. Now, I can even take the darkest warm gray or you can use very dark brown. Once again, slightly go through the darkest places. With dark red, I have R2 slightly blue our base gray color. Well, our sketch is almost ready, we just need to polish our details a bit more.
8. Coloring: Textures. Part 3: Now with the same dark gray we used before, we add a little volume to the dough from below, so our piece will sit on the surface. Let some some brown to details. Blend with the light brown. Pick out slightly or work a bit more with mid brown. So now with the darkest cold gray, I have CG9, we will work on the areas between berries and on the berries themselves. Don't be afraid to darken. Blueberries are almost black and our main task is not to loose volume, and we add our dark blue here. Now we can mix a little such bright blue and make the berries a bit bluer. Much better and maybe I add a little details again with this blue one. Now let's draw a drop shadow from that piece itself. We don't have a clear shadow from this piece here on the reference as you can see, but we will add a little, so our image won't be hanging in the air. When working with a shadow, everything is the same. We move from the lightest cold gray to the darker, and the darker the shade, the closer we have it to the object itself. We start with CG0.5, then add CG1 and put it a little closer to the cake. Right now the color is bright, but it will bleach when it dries. Then add CG2. Of course, you can use any grays you have from lightest to darkest, and don't forget at that drop shadows, all of this have cold sub-tone. Now I add CG3. Now we take CG5 and very, very carefully work on the area near the dough. Now I take the lightest gray and blend all these colors together. I'm out of marker with a fizzer tip, so I'll do it with a broad one. [inaudible] just all the shadow are too sharp, again blue everything with a blender. So our piece now is settled on the surface and isn't hanging anymore. The ink will dry, shadows will bleach and after that, we will move to the details.
9. Coloring: Details: In general, our sketch looks almost finished, but we need to polish some details. On this step, mostly work with flares. Look how bright they are here, and dull in shadowed part of the sauce. Also, some berries have matt ones. To work out the flares, we'll need a white gel pen and a white pastel pencil. We start with blueberry. Here, I draw the highlights with the white pencil, and then slightly blur them with my finger, or you can use a piece of soft paper. But it's more convenient for me to use my finger. Now the berries became more of illuminous, and I continue my work on the highlights. Here, we can add a bit of white gel pen, just slightly. Be careful not to overdo. Berries are matt after all. Now, we will work with soft flares. Start with dull ones, and here again, we'll use a white pastel pencil. More bright flares, we do with the white gel pen. Here, we should pay attention to the reference, and carefully recreate the shape, and size of glares. Also, we can add a handful of flares on the dough. But again, try not to overdo. Now, we can work a bit more on the back with the pencil again. That's pretty it. Our sketch is ready.
10. Final Thoughts: So we have just drawn a nice piece of cake together. I believe that everyone can draw with markers, just practice often. It's much better to draw a little sketch in 20 minutes every day than to spend four hours but once a week, for example. Remember that practice makes perfect. I hope you liked to draw with me. Thank you for watching and of course for your positive reviews. See you in the next class.