Simple Mobile Editing for iPhone Using the VSCO App | Kristle Peterkin | Skillshare

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Simple Mobile Editing for iPhone Using the VSCO App

teacher avatar Kristle Peterkin, Street Photographer. Mother of 4. Philadelphian.

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome to the Class!!


    • 2.

      Class Project: Creating your Own VSCO Journal Entry


    • 3.

      Introduction to the VSCO App


    • 4.

      Exposure Tool


    • 5.

      Contrast Tool


    • 6.

      Saturation Tool


    • 7.

      Adjust Tool


    • 8.

      Applying a Filter Using Filters HB1 and HB2


    • 9.

      Thank you!!


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About This Class

This class is an introduction to mobile photography editing using the VSCO app. After taking this class you will be able to successfully add simple edits that will bring the best out of your mobile photos. We will review how utilize five key features in the VSCO editing process. Exposure, contrast, saturation, cropping, and finally, choosing a filter. Your final project will consist of your own set of 4-8 photos that show your before and after editing process. The only tools you will need for this class are an iPhone, beginner to intermediate knowledge of the camera function, and a VSCO account. You can download the VSCO app in the App Store and follow the instructions for opening an account if you do not have one already. It’s super easy and it’s free. Welcome and let’s get to it! 

Meet Your Teacher

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Kristle Peterkin

Street Photographer. Mother of 4. Philadelphian.


Self taught photographer specializing in street, portraiture, and lifestyle photography. Philadelphian. Mother of 4. Infinitely inspired. 

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Welcome to the Class!!: hi, everyone. And welcome to simple mobile editing for iPhone using the Visco app. My name is Crystal Peterkin, and I am a soul taught street photographer. I've been taking pictures for the past six years, and I've been using the Visco app for the same amount of time. I just want to stress really quickly that I do use, Ah, the phrase iPhone Onley in the description on Lee because I have an iPhone and that's the phone that I'm most comfortable with. But I do believe that the Visco platform is very similar. Ah, for android phones as well as any other phone. So this class really is open to anyone who takes mobile photography, who takes pictures with their phone. I would like to learn how to edit them, so the class is for everyone. The iPhone on Lee is just because I have an iPhone and I don't want to teach something that may look a little different, Um, operating system wise, because I am more familiar with an iPhone. So that's the only reason for that in this class you will learn how to edit your mobile photos. Ah, using five pretty basic techniques starting with exposure, contrast, saturation, adjustment and filtering. We will go over all five of those topics, and we'll talk about how to use those tools toe edit your mobile photos and really kind of take them to the next level. Um, Visco is an app that's been around for a very long time. It's an app that I use almost every day to edit my photos on the fly. Visco RVs CEO Stands for Visual Supply Company If you have an INSTAGRAM account, you may have seen the hash tag VSE. Oh, it's a very large community of creators, um, photographers who are just using the APP to make outstanding work. And you can also use the F to make simple edits to pictures. And that's what we're gonna learn today. We're gonna learn how to edit our own photography. So by the end of the class, ah, you'll be able to present a really beautiful class project of your own set of photos that you've shot and you've edited on your own, and you'll be able to post your pre edit results in your posts. Edit results that were able to compare the two and you'll leave the class with this information and being able to apply these edits to your pictures from now on and you'll be ableto be your own photographer. In that sense, you'll learn how easy it is and how user friendly this app is. It's so fun and it's so easy, and I'm really excited to jump into it, so let's get going. 2. Class Project: Creating your Own VSCO Journal Entry: 3. Introduction to the VSCO App: 4. Exposure Tool: 5. Contrast Tool: 6. Saturation Tool: 7. Adjust Tool: 8. Applying a Filter Using Filters HB1 and HB2: as so Now we're gonna talk a bit about the two filters that we're going to utilize for a class project again. We're only using two filters because there's so many filters in the fiscal app and we really don't I don't want to overload you guys with info. Um, there are a ton of filters that come with the free version again. And, um, it would take some time to go over, um, the types of filters and why you should utilize those different filters. So we're utilizing HB one in HB two because those are two again really great lifestyle filters that work with any really setting or occasion in terms of lifestyle photography. Um, Thesis of filters are a collaboration with the publication Height Beasts, which is the lifestyle publication, and they do a lot of suffering pop culture and fashion and all kinds of fun stuff. Um, so that's all these filters were kind of brought to life, and again, they're just really great straightforward lifestyle filters that really work well with any photo. So I figured we could focus on those for the class project, but again feel free to play around with the other filters, you're gonna have the abs, so please feel free to play around with those. I am going to do another class that's going to get a bit deeper into filtering in the different kind of filters that you can utilize for different settings in different lighting . Um, so HB one, an HB two are two pretty similar filters. One is just kind of darker than the other. I'm gonna click on HB ones, you guys and see what it looks like in terms of the photo that we're looking at right now. So, as you can see now with the filter on, everyone is a little bit brighter. And there's, um, some white light in HB one. So, um, it's made. You'll see the white light lines on the ground, and it's made, uh, the neon a bit brighter. I'm gonna press the image so you guys can look at it. It's still a bright image without HB one, Um, and then when I let go, 81 adds a little bit of deeper tone around, almost like a vineyard, a around the picture and then brings a lot of white lights. That's a really, really great filter. I would just say, if you're gonna use it, be careful of your exposure. You may need to dial your exposure down, um, with this filter just so you don't end up with an overexposed photo and you'll see that when you go to, um, make your class project, you'll you'll be able to see how you'll need to dial down certain things after you add the filter, because the filters have their own kind of set in exposure and contrast already on top of, um, the tools that you've already you utilize, so you may need to tweak your tools of it. Um, once you've added the filter and now we're gonna just press HB two, which is kind of it's darker counterpart. So HB two, um, adds almost like a lot of shadowing into the picture. It gets a bit darker, and it's owns get deeper. So with this, um, with this filter, you're gonna have toe watch your contrast, and you may even need to dial up your exposure a little bit if it makes your picture darker and again. These are things that you get to play with as you make your class project. Um, you'll be able to dial up or dial down your exposure your contrast to the way that you'll like it, or the weight it makes you feel like it looks the most natural. Um, because idea again is that we want to make our photos seem very naturally want the lighting to still remain natural because these are just simple at its started. Wanna enhance our photos? So we're not going super creative or anything like that. We're really just enhancing the photo. Um, and editing very simply. Um, So again, with these photos or with these ulcers, rather, you may need to die old up or down, um, with your toolkit. And that's what's great about the tool kit in Visco is that you can do that yourself very simply with your finger. It's up. Um, so again, we're gonna utilize HB one in HB two. I'd like those to be the filters that you're going to use for your class project. Either one. Ah, works fine. Or if you'd like to utilize both, that's also fine. If you find that one picture works better with HB one another with a HB two, that's perfectly fine. But I just like those who Phil says to be the filters that you're going to use for your project. That way we can just focus on that filtering because again, there so many filters that come with the free version. So that wraps up the filtering and we're going to wrap up the class. 9. Thank you!!: