1. Introduction: Hello. We are welcome toe course people and could get drawing that's are considered the most popular animal in the Internet, cute and agile with all the quarter and energetic experience. Today we will show you how to grow simple and easy to write up our name. The material is for everyone. Whether you are a big dinner or not, it's fun, so let some work.
2. Tools : before we start, we need to prepare our tools. Basic tools that we need Our pencil and eraser. What color paper size? A. Five. A waterproof black ink press pattern. Ron breast size nine and one Water jars ever tall. What color repair tools beforehand and rent step. So it's easier for you to work with. When all the preparation is done, Let's get ready to work.
3. Inking Exercise : thinking exercises. Let's have some exercise without here. I used a tumbles off depend. It has a wide range off thickness because off it's visible. He's getting like outgrowing looks stana me, especially for growing, for if we mess it well solved, let's practice with it. First. Draw two boxes, size six by six centimeter rectangles in a piece of what? A car paper like this 44 spots Your stroll with moderate Fraser. Then, by using the pressure, make a reveal it until the box is for okay and Ford Second box stopped with a lighter. Fraser Brexit in the middle and live these will broad strokes. That and the star was thicker in the middle and hands with Mutter didn't like this is a practice routine to make a dynamic range off throats.
4. Preparing The Color: preferring the color. We'll use a lot off drawn and grace color tones for the cats. For for that, we need yellow. Arrange yellow Per Braun. Do black and white pains make great by missing small dots off black with pain? That ground is the chief by missing brown with a big off Prussian blue, instead off blank with a single block off effort. Bain. Any heads off the pallet Yellow OK range brown dark brown makes makes. Let's start adding a little bit off water here for a broad based scholar. Mitchell Oh, and Yellow Car chief Driver Base like This way can paint the pattern on top off the base color. Rule is you have to let the base completely dry before you at the pattern on top. For a house, better will bleed you stuck up from to make the marking on the top off the base color - strives . Try mixing broad with a little bit off rage. Do you way mixed brawn and Russian blue? Make that problem and make dots on the base for way way. - Leslie Self Gray makes with Waltzer and try on the paper, too. - Way , way Need the great color much tiller than the other color like this make do Greece watch. - I think the pain is trying. Let's try and make some stripes, too. Wear down, sweating and practicing for a cat school. Later, we will have another color for minor parts like simple big round.
5. Grooming Cat Inking: for the first cap will draw these proving kept the smooth girls line is the key. Let's stop this gets by drawing two circles, one for the head, one of the bigger for the bottom part of the body. - Then go to lines to connect them. Throw guide for the face. And also don't forget the dog is years. Jodi eyes. And also it's month way like to draw the cap is grooming its back. So we draw the tongue and also those till. Okay, Scott Step is done and not think the pen when thinking we will not fully eat all the lines . We left very pressure and off. Throw some profit for along the process, but it's what's this video? Carefully before and while in key in followed steps. Don't hesitate toe post the video when you fill it so fast. - Okay , and here's the thinking result
6. Grooming Cat Coloring: don't forget to arrest off the sketch before calorie arrested, clean and throw away that does now repaired water color. Very yellow ocher mix with a little bit yellow. Also wrong with Oren's in a letter. Wealth that's the color on a tasting paper. Result should be like this. Okay, let's color base using yellow mix. Try to live some part near the outline. One highlight way after we've done with base. While the pain is still Health Trying Way will draw three cute spots on the cat's back. Let's wait for a moment, so the base is health try. Okay, no, begin some things way . Smooth age using them for us. Don't forget color. It's time with thin orange color. What they look at is dry. Then we will add simple background prepare like green card consistency. Should be 10. Does it first on the tasting paper? Some say it over here. Using small for us, we will draw fist bones here and there, using the leftover brown color. I just throw them freely, but if you're not sure you can sketch them first. You Leslie Joe, Small spot using gets base color left over. - Our first cute kept growing is fierce
7. Napping Cat Inking: Wilder on being kept this time again. Let's start with two circle one smaller for the head and one big for the body. - Okay , from the end off its body on the side, Grow tail. Have the deep fear for extra acuteness and 30 years years. Here are a little bit flopping express. The cat is relaxed, you know that lines for the face and wrote to use shapes or its close eyes. And though the mouth had the base off the circle, we like at the court a load of cats, a Cabinet sketch it first and the sketch is done. Now move to the thinking step, just like before. Very strong and Rhoda for a longer thinking process. What's the video? Carefully? - Okay , in the course, - and now the thinking is done.
8. Napping Cat Coloring: - 40 step. We like it to have spots here and there, but we don't have to color its base for way. We'll leave it white, so let's prepare the pain for that. Spots brown mixed with rage. - First , get spots here it's left hand and two on its back way in a new well, prepare some bright color. Here we like former blue and yellow. Thats all the color of the paper way. Draw some spots in the background and family will start from the lightest color first, which is yellow and blue and purple. Do you way way. After all, the colors are bright way use with Flynn brass toe at some unique touch to the playground and also bring contrast for the cats white paper for so lightly under previously dry spot to create this watery effect way, way bigger on dry and our second camp is
9. Stretching Cat Inking: Now we will draw a Q tip can on stretching post. We'll start the sketch a bit lower here on the lower health, off the paper by a circle and a tear drop ship like this. - Okay , then at this land approximately have the center off the ship for the High Lake. Jodi Scarf and received gets bottom. Okay, now we need to worship its pulse. And also let's throw to tell in big C ship. Now the bodies done, and we can add some details on the kids face first. Let's start crossed line under faith, and it's years. The ears should point back. Wards trophy shape for eyes, so make it more expressive and forget it. Jordan nose and mouth and the sketchy stuff. - Remember to not fully in on lines. We like to ferry pressure and also throw some fluffy for along the process. This what's this video Carefully before and while and all of the steps? Don't hesitate to post the video when you feel it too fast
10. Stretching Cat Coloring: here is the thinking result for the color. I would like a great every chip but 10 calorie orange. If you like mixed white and a little bit black in the water way , then we will color all the cats body but living. It's post nose and tip off to tell white. - Wait a little bit. Arrange for plus painted well. The base is still wet after the basis try, Let's start a cat striped used the same color as the base, but more thick in consistency. Dull tree strives on its back and treat more on its hands for the big round. Let's get some small flowers like this. Then prepare some yellow paid. You see a small cross color the flower way on, Also at some small. Or it starts here and there. - Way you pay Theo way, - way and our cat is that
11. Cat in A Tall Hat Sketching: Hello and is near. It's the time of the year to do silly costumes and go around the neighborhood doing
trick or treat. In studio. Our resident black pen is enjoying the festive
season with her doll. With this time, we'll be adding special ornaments to bring more joy to your drawing. But don't worry, the cost
is still beginner friendly, will get you through it step-by-step instruction
using a simple shape. Maximum goodness. Additional tools
for this time is an orange color marker
to draw the stars. You use Altos. We will use watercolor paper, like
waterproof marker. Color, purple,
button blue, yellow, orange, vermillion,
brown, yellow, green. Now, without further ado, let's draw Mr. paper vertically. We stopped with making
a trapezoid with GFP lines at the bottom
center of the paper. Then at the triangle as an
ear on the left upper side, the lifeline curve and draw
a line for the inner ear. After that, Let's
make them which have sought to draw
another triangle. Bigger this time. Blonde and tilted right. Draw two parallel
curves at the bottom. The brain go and S-like
curves on the right side. Connect to top up with
the triangle hat. Photo left side.
That's how awful. And again, bottleneck. The top side with the triangle. At the small triangle on the
brim as a worn out here. My x at details on the headship. A slight S curve on both sides. Then with the face shape at a big ribbon ball
under the head. Suddenly drawing a
rectangle on the center. Then add both on both sides. This is the ribbon with adding
tails on the bottom sides. To the face. Plates, the vertical guidelines on the center of the head, then the horizontal guideline under one-third bottom part. An upside down triangle on
the center of the cross. As a nurse, at the
mth element chips, ice above the horizontal line. Use the guidelines to make the eyes a symmetrical
as possible. Elements ethically
inside as deniers. I just adjust some lines before
adding the last elements. It actually whiskers on its final thoughts. Circles around the home. We will make style
elements around a little box protruding
as to convey to sculpt. The sketch is done.
12. Cat in A Tall Hat Coloring: You know, if I forgot
a black marker and start to trace carefully. Salt form the opposite
of your work in hand to minimize accidentally
touching the wedding. Dress, the sketch, to stay as close as possible
with the sketch line. Again, balls and rotate the paper for more
fluid lines, strokes, eyes, and stripes under even disrupts button will
make this drawing rich. A more dynamic feel. Like the whiskers in
uneven, regularly lines. Less is in an app details on the little skulls
at hollow eyes and tiny lines for the t and
the rest of the skull, which is ready to color. These are completely dry before erasing the
pencil sketch. After erasing the sketch, the drawing is ready
for the next process. First round, we're
going to color it using purple and white
and blue to a tiff. This dark purple hue. Make it adequate
enough to fill space. The colors you
retained transparency, so don't mix too much pain. Sulphide little by little. After you find a hue light, stop filling the face. Use the brush tip to
fill the tight space like the ears tapes,
and around lines. Walk fast but still careful to maneuver around
the eyes and nose. Breaths with enough pain
and don't let it dry. Brush before the pen runs out. I was on it filling the area. So the pen ages one-half
the chance to dry out. Your them to dry or use a hairdryer or Fan
Fest and process. Next is the mix, Prussian blue and brown. Tiff, this cool gray hat. Living to highlight
spaces on the right side. Just like before. A, to fill
tight spaces and line edges. Good. I'm completely before
color the next object. Next is going to shed
the inner ear and nose. Tried to color on
a scrap of paper. But I think my finger
contaminated with another color. So I've wiped my palette clean. After making a new mixture. Again, I try it on
the scraps of paper. The color should be
transparent like this. No. Fill the inner ears. Just the nose area is so small that a lot of
brush with too much pay. 40, I should use
red, yellow, green. I carefully, before we move on to the last color, blessed would be a
bright orange mix, yellow and orange colored
headband and dirty been. I'm not sure the mixer is not too thin, but still maintaining
the transparency. Follow the highlight
on the head had been I just feel very neatly. I don't completely object is done. The last step is using
an orange marker. Adding scattered stars
between the tiny scales. There, you have a favorite
festive Halloween. You can play with the
color tensile test, color, an app for veterans, or decorate the head
more to your liking. Be free and wild
with your creation. We would like to
see your Grayson. So feel free to upload them. Looking forward to
seeing a version of this Halloween candy,
you enjoyed this video. And let's pose the
art in a gallery. Show run on the next video.
13. Pumpkin Cat Sketching: Autumn is the season
of pumpkin and ******. Together with Halloween and cat, let's combine all of my
favorites into one picture. Here, we're going to capture the cuteness of the
Spooky if Caesar. Additional tools
for this time is an orange color marker
to draw the stops. Useful tools, we
will use watercolor, paper, black waterproof
marker, watercolors. Orange, yellow ocher, brown, yellow green, green,
red, and blue. Purple. Discourse is still
beginner friendly, will get you through
step-by-step instruction using a simple
shape to achieve maximum. Let's start the fun. Let's
the paper horizontally. A rectangle, a bit of
space on the upper side, or the edit later. During the pumpkin by
drawing on its side at another curve, on the
bottom corner thing, but sees on the upper
center at a curve. And don't ask that that had two triangles on each side. Also have lines for the inner ears at another curve. And the space between the
ears as the hat brim. And another triangle
above the brain. Here, I erased the
unnecessary lines before adding or even unhappy. Now, move on to the cat face. A vertical line that defines
the face on the center. At a small triangle
as the North, near the bottom side. As the ice Atlanta
elements ship. Then add the glands
to the right side. Then with the cap. Let's add detail to the pumpkin. At thrift that the fight
the pumpkin into five. Then add some more leaves
behind the cat hat. On the top and bottom
part of its rape. Make the line slightly curved. After Bolden in some lines. I'm fixing up the right
part of the pumpkin. I fill that part
is a bit too flat. Up to circles,
STIs, light green. We'll then add some dimension to it. Just like this. Erase any unnecessary lines. Next, the foliage on both sides. The simple way to
draw the leaves is by going through
conflict species. Vary the size and position. Then at some spiraling findings. The sketch is done. Then grab your favorite waterproof
marker and start to hear, I start from the top. Like on the ice tool. Since I'm right handed, subduing the pumpkin
from the far left foot, accidentally touching
the Firstly in part. Try to stay as close as possible
to the original sketch. Take your time and
tries to sketch. It can stop our
bread lines anytime. And rotate the paper for
more fluid line strokes. Lesley, let him the eyes
and the mean green. It looks like I made
a small mistake here, but black on the wrong space. But with a little effort, the mistake is no more. To balance it, I shoot at
some strokes on the left i2, and the aging
process is finished. Let's move on to coloring.
14. Pumpkin Cat Coloring: Before coloring, erased all the pencil sketch
after the dryer. The first object to
color is the pumpkin. They're going to use yellow and orange to make those
bright orange tones. The special color is quite big, so they load an adequate
quantity of paints. Sought to color for the other
set of your work in hand. Fast but still careful to
maneuver around tight spaces. There's abreast with enough
pain and don't let it dry. You can make an interesting
color variation, but always mixing different
ratios of yellow and orange. Rust before the paint runs out. L don't like feeling the areas, so the paint edges one-half
the chance to dry out. Good. Using the pumpkin, leave them to dry or use a hairdryer or Fan Fest and up the process before moving on into
the next object. Our next object is the which you've seen
Prussian blue to achieve the cool gray tone is pretty small. So be careful and
use the brush tip. Left a basilar of uncolored. The highlight bit. The same process for the brain. Leave them to dry
or use a hairdryer or fun though
firstname, the process. Next is that it
makes purple and a bit of Prussian blue
for this purplish gray. And just like the head, use the brush tip. Fully filled ahead. Dry before coloring
the next object. Next is those tiny parts left yellow for the Hadley been
followed the highlights on inner ears and nose use thermally
and dilute it thinly. Two distinct torts. Last part, yellow,
green color the ice. Now, let's get into deletes. Mix yellow ocher, yellow, green to this bright olive tone. Along the way. I'm mixed green colored leaves. Buddha, same for
the other leaves. And appending session is over. Or it's marker to add
some finishing touch. Here, I drove a crescent moon
on the upper right side. Then some stars
with various sizes. But you can put another
Halloween related pattern, such as bats are tiny scarf. Or you can write some readings to just be well and creative. Who would like to
see your creations. So feel free to
upload them looking for what the scene of
variation of this pumpkin. Hope you enjoyed this video. What's the app in the gallery? And see you around
on the next video.
15. Creative Inking Practice: Creative thinking, practice. Hello again. Here in this video, we will mostly focus on the eating process. We will introduce to you the different way too, your inking skill. Without those strep throat practices, it is important to make the practice session a fun activity. So we enjoy it more rather than mere practice. This time, we'll use this big pole and a bit of false calligraphy to practice mastering the brush pen. Like a box on the center of the paper. This will be the guide for the big pop. The pole is like the blood tango with a curve peaks. Go to Paul inside the box for further told beans. Draw ovals. Funded most left and right. Then go to in-between, told me in GF line diagonally from the upper left area to the bottom right area. Is land sars as a guideline for the cat footprints later. Then advent of ovals, later turn into a tiny gap hats. For the fourth skill, you're a fee. The fight, the space under pole into three parts. Right? But capitals see what some weight on the upper part. Gradually thinner curve down what? 48? Put some weight on, be done, work through it. And same. The basic SIP sketch is done. Now let us proceed the domain even. Start from the big bold print. Vary the pressure along the entire process. Lift gently, a thin fine line. Press to put some weight. Continue to vary the pressure in the big pot. For the Godhead. Since it is tightly tied to make line S, t and S possible. Use minimum ratio. At another triangle, 40 years. The rest of your four eyes and nose too. Done with the capped heads. Let's make the footprints subform the lower right area. Go and all fall. We had four dots above it. Place it on either side of the guideline, alternating right and left. Or the next footprints slightly in front of each other. Ow Leslie, Let's do deriving. Put some pressure on the thick line. Realist oppressor, the war. Then field effect and space with black. Continue to letter a. Lead pressure first, then put some pressure 40 downwards through. The same also with the letter T. And we're crossing the stem. And the inking process is done.
16. Creative Coloring Practice : Practice erased all the pencil marks before proceeding the coloring process. For the color, a pink shirt, tone, thumbnail Edit thermally and for the color of them thoroughly. Don't forget to dip the brush and before all the color runs out. Done with the poll, Let's color the cats. I always start from the bright colors on this side, south from the yellow ocher. Adding some dots and some of them are completely colored, them is okay too. Move into the next color, brown. So earlier, put some dots, some stripes or solid third wells. Whatever suits your fancy. I want to put stripes on the yellow ocher colored blocks earlier, make sure that the paint is dry. So it lost much. Use. A fail I pressure the mixin lines as the space, nice, tidy. As a finishing touch to grab your pen, grasp at tiny scars on the cats. Again. Good. Almost no pressure to produce the thin lines near you finish this right? The scopes of this fact, this helps you against killed who handled a brush pen. See you again in another video. Of course.
17. Friendship Cat Sketching: And Always have your back and be there through
your thick and in. It's what friends do. Im Mortalize friendship with the simple watercolor painting. For an easier skating process, use a small cup or can lit or other circle object you can find around your house to
trace perfect circles. Size is about two thirds
of the paper area. In this video, I
use F five paper and a foot container lit
about four inch diameter. Use press markers for the cats. Neeless, those
simple brass stroke exercises to achieve
those flor frames. Here is the list of colors you
will need for this lesson. Yellow cor, Orange, brown, yellow green, green, russian
blue, sin blue, purple. Let's get going into
the sketching step. For decomposition, place
the paper vertically. Press the circular
object more to the top of the paper
then trace it. Leaving some gap at the base. We only sketch the cats and we do free loose painting
for the flower. Drove two t persed side by side, one is shorter than the other. He raised unnecessary
lines to avoid confusion. From the center of its base, hear the tails like
an upside down heart. For the head, place horizontal lines as
the base of the head. The head is around one third
of the total body height. Run at both sides, then add two triangles
as the ears. You can vary size, either make it, medium, or very short and sub l. Next, add lines for the
upper body part. Add them slightly smaller inside the trapsd area at the bottom, at curves, as folded legs. Repeat the process
for the other cat. Only this time, instead of
doing it symmetrically, I make the cat turn to the other ct. Those
can be done by simply altering the shape
of the head and also shifting the body
lines more to the side. That part is the tails. Just add more lines
to the guide earlier. And you're done with a sketch. Before king, as the
unnecessary lines and clean up the sketch. Using a cross marker for a more dynamic light
weight, trace the sketch. I start from the left side
since I'm right handed. For the head, let the
lines open at the base of the ears area and also
on the base of the leg. You could also freely break
the lines in several phases. Especially on long curve
lines like the tails. The. D at whiskers on both sides for the tall cat, and just one side
for the shot cat, since it heat is
turned on one side. After you're done with
the ging process, wait a bit to make
sure that the g is fully before you erase the
remaining pencil lines. But don't erase the
big circle frame, since we still need it for
the guide for the flower. Now, the drawing is
ready to be colored.
18. Friendship Cat Coloring: Here is our cat sketch
from the previous lesson. Now it's time to apply
some cute colors. I'll start from the left cat. Using yellow ocher mixed with a little bit of
brown as the base. Make the color tune
transparent like this. Fill the cat, color it evenly. Don't forget to dip your
brush now and then. Don't wait until your brush is to dry to pick up another pain. Lift a small white area
on the tail's end. Wait until the color base is dry or use a hair dryer to
fasten up the process. For the marking, I use more
brown and bits of orange. Try to find the color tone you like by comparing
with the base color. I try to find a
moti brown color. Uh First, the head markings, add a vertical line on
the center of the head. But instead of making
straight lines, make them by swaying
your brass horizontally. The results will be
jagged lines like this. Then add three horizontal
lines in length. Next is the body stripes. The main lines run vertically across the
center of the body. Then are strikes on
its of the legs. Then on top of the vertical
lines at horizontal stripes. Elder ding long
and short stripes. Stripes on the tail too. And you're done with
the orange cat. For the short cat, we'll
use a prussian blue mixed with a bit of brown to
produce a cool gray tone. Put our bluffs on random spots. For a tail, that stripes like
we did on the orange cat. And we're done for the cats. Now, let's get going into
the loose paint things. But it's better to wait
until the cats are dry before starting
to paint the border. The idea is having
the flower curves upwards on both sides using
the circle as a guide. First, we're going to
paint the leaf blade, dilute yellow cream
with a bit of yellow ocher to achieve
this light olf cream. After you get your
perfect color tone, start to paint the leaves. Use the circle as a guide. Imagine it as the mainstem
where the leaves grow from. Light press light. You should press your brush with this order so you can achieve the pointed tips at the start
and the end of the leaves. Back up to around four to
six leaves on each side. Smaller leaves at top. Them about the same
height as the cat's body. Make some space for the flowers that are
going to be added later. D with the leaves, leave them
a bit until they are dry. For flowers, I use on blue and add a bit of purple to make
this purples blue shade. Or you can also use
another color you like. I replaced my water
char with a fres one. The new shade didn't get contaminated with
a yellow stone. Ps flowers in the space
you have prepared before. Make a small cluster of
random shapes plops that are wider on the base and
getting smaller at the tip. At a step at the base that
connects them with the leaves. I'll clear to more flower
clusters at the left. Repeat the process for
the opposite sides. Lastly, use green mix
with yellow or cur or brown and paint smaller leaves to overlap with the
previous leaves. For Real friends at painting. Hope you enjoy our
simple lesson like we do enjoying them and see you
around on the next video.
19. Flower And Splatter Cat: Hello, this time, let's draw a cute cat and make it fun with the watercolor
setter technique. It's a fun and unpredictable
method that can bring a sense of spontaneity
and movement to your work. Prepare the following tools. Pencil, reserve, bruss pen, watercolor, red, brass
and blue, and purple. Some brown brushes, just pick your brushes size
around two to four, Watercolor paper, size a
six and a tasting paper. Water for washing the prus. T catch the cat first,
start with the head, row a slightly tiling over fall, then divide it too four
sections symmetrically. Row the ears. Then continue to the cats back. For the tail, draw a
spiral first here. Then connect the
back with the tail. Draw the leg here. Let's
go back to the heat area. Draw those round
and see the eyes. Drow the pupils
slightly to the left. Let's draw the mouth. The cat sketch is done. Let's do the inking. Use span and follow the
inching process according to the sketch we have
made. Start with the ears. You can vary the pressure, so it will give uniqueness
to your drawing. Leslie, I am the cat's face. Great. Now, let's erase the remaining sketch
before we start to paint. For the next step, let's
prepare the colors we will use, prussian blue and purple. Put in a paint so we can enjoy the splatter process without
running out of pain. Before starting the
splay dozation, remember to prepare a large
unused piece of paper as a base so that your table
doesn't get dirty with pain. Then prepare a piece of
paper that we have cut out in a shape that resembles
the shape of a cat. But it doesn't need to
be the exact shape. Now, mi the pain that we
have prepared with water. Make sure there's enough
water to make the pain ny. On a piece of testing paper, tie the consistency
of its mixture. It should feel runny, but still have bold color. D D Once the pants are ready, let's start the font part. Splatter the paint. Stop
with brushing blue, the brush with enough pain. Fo your brush toward the, but be careful, don't
touch the paper surface. Use your finger to the bruh. Sp pain around the. Do it again, with the red color, you can use your under pres. Okay. Use the less color purple. This blessing
process is complete. Let's plaint some flowers
using a dm brush like this. Keep your brush in clean water, then form some flower
petals here and there. They don't have to
be in perfect shape. This enjoy the process, lets the color mix
and flow on its own. The petals can be
blue, purple, already. Sometimes, the color will mix, those creating a
unique gradation. The regular area is complete. Let's move to paint the f.
I'd like to create a spot. Use a brass and red paint. Pick a bit of the
mixture to create a pin. Is the prussian blue. Lovely. Our cat and
flower are finished. The spa technique in we color is a fantastic way to add energy and texture
to your paintings. I hope you enjoy this on. In the gallery and see
you in the next one. M
20. Final Thoughts: final thoughts. Let's run up what we've been learning so far. Main point for kids, animal growing is simplicity. Brought a cat from a simple ship like circle and shit later with plentiful of it to create the cat's body parts. Another attention to how you being various pressures, gift. Different result. So try not really all the lines, and that's some shut lines. As for a long way, the coloring process prepared beforehand all the color you need. Always test the color on separate paper. I think the paper, too, he said. Wet, or is it dry before you paint these two situations with a few different soft when you pain on it, that's the final touch. You can add a kid. Thoughts like small flowers if you want to learn more about how to draw and paint flowers in what color you can take are, of course, that's all. Still kept trail. You enjoy the class, keep practicing and stay curious. Tears