Silver Stacking Rings: Making Beautiful Rings From Silver Wire | Joanne Tinley | Skillshare

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Silver Stacking Rings: Making Beautiful Rings From Silver Wire

teacher avatar Joanne Tinley, Jewellery Designer, Tutor and Writer

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Silver Stacking Rings: introduction


    • 2.



    • 3.



    • 4.

      Soldering equipment


    • 5.

      Cutting and filing the wire


    • 6.

      Shaping the wire for soldering


    • 7.

      Soldering the rings


    • 8.

      Soldering troubleshooting


    • 9.

      Shaping the rings after soldering


    • 10.

      Filing the rings again!


    • 11.

      A hammered texture


    • 12.

      Polishing the rings


    • 13.



    • 14.

      BONUS Using solder paste


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About This Class

Stacking rings are one of the biggest current fashion trends, and one of my favourite pieces of jewellery to make. Once you have mastered the basics a fantastic variety of textures and embellishments can be added to your rings, allowing you to build up a collection of beautiful rings that can be mixed and matched for a different look every day!

This class teaches you all the skills you need to make perfectly fitting basic but beautifully textured stacking rings like those shown above - for yourself or for  presents! The class is perfect for beginners to jewelry making as it teaches many of the basic techniques (soldering, filing and polishing for example) needed for more advanced projects, however those with previous experience will also find their skills tested and improved by the end of the class. Learning to solder will open up a whole new world of jewellery making for you - it certainly did for me!

The equipment needed for the project is explained in the videos and also listed on a downloadable document. I have kept the equipment needed to a minimum, and all the equipment listed can be used for a variety of other jewellery making projects. Other downloadable class documents help you to work out your ring size and the amount of wire needed to make your rings, and remind you of the troubleshooting tips covered in the class.

Who is this class for?

If you would love to make your own silver jewellery but have never soldered before then this class is perfect for you. You will learn many basic techniques that you can go on to use in other projects, and I am here if you have any questions.

If you have already learnt some of the basics of jewellery making and silversmithing then this class is also great for you! I have included the same hints and tips I give my private and evening class students to help you to improve your confidence in sizing rings and in soldering especially.

Enrol on my other jewelry design classes to learn more jewelry making skills!

Silver Stacking Rings 2: Dress Up Your Rings

Bird on a Branch - Sawing a Simple Silver Pendant

Cleaning Your Silver the Eco-Friendly Way!




Meet Your Teacher

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Joanne Tinley

Jewellery Designer, Tutor and Writer


I have been making jewellery for as long as I can remember, and have been passing these wonderful (and addctive!) skills on through my classes for nearly 20 years. I am self-taught and like many people I started with wire and beads. Learning how to solder, however, opened up a whole new world of jewellery making! There is something so magical about watching solder flow through a seam, joining two pieces of metal together smoothly.

My studio is in Southampton, on the South Coast of the UK. I design and make jewellery for galleries across the UK, teach regular and popular jewellery design workshops, and also offer private tuition. My jewellery design projects have been published in both UK and US magazines and books.

Visit my Etsy shop, Jewellers Bench Shop, for jewellery ma... See full profile

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1. Silver Stacking Rings: introduction: Hello, My name's Durrington. Me. I'm a jewelry designer tutor from South Post UK. I've been making jewelry for as long as I remember starting off as many people did extremely beat to the child moving on to twisting my into all kinds of amazing different shapes, replies and beads. But when I first went to soldier, he opened up a whole new world joy making for me and that's you. The projects I'm going to take you through this month's is making stalking rings, which are very fashionable a moment we're going to be using different types of silver wire . I will show you how to put different types texture on there as well, using various hammers so that you can keep mixing and matching Teoh make a different look every day if you want. Second means also make a great present if you find out was the Ring signs person making. This class is for both beginners. Complete begins to jewelry making of people. You've had some experience, a soldering Julie already, no matter what level of experience, we're going to learn something from this on and improve your solving skills that you can take home to use projects as well. I try to keep the equipment that you need to make a second wings to a minimum. And if you've made a jury before, if you made any wide, your you might already have some tools you need. If you're just starting out, you just want to test the waters. You could buy cheaper versions that tools, but if you notice something that's going to get you hooked, then you can start out with the more expensive once that you will be up to use for years and years to come in many, many different types of projects. 2. Materials: These are some examples of study silver wire that we have used to make the second wings. What round? Where here in the front is 1.2 millimeter. Why? Which is just under 16 gauge and two millimeter wire, which is around about 12 Gauge. Both of those wires and anything in between will make some really nice rings at the back. I've got one millimetre square. Why? Which again makes some lovely rings. And also you can get fancy A. Why this wise being made to look like little balls of silver soldiers in a row together, and that makes some very effective rings very easily. I'm using Sterling silver to make the rings in this project, but you could if you wanted to use the the copper or gold and makes a lovely rings using exact the same techniques as I'm using these videos. However, the soldier that we use is silver colored, so the join on copper rings can be quite obvious. Gold is lovely to work with, but it's definitely pricey. In silver. Silver will give you a really lovely set of sucking rings at a surprisingly affordable price 3. Equipment: I'm not going to show you the handles that you need for making these talking rings the equipment that you need for soldering. I'll show you in Mexico. Obviously, the first thing you need to do is work out ringside because that will work. Help you to work out the amount of why we need to make the rings. This is a set of ring sizes with the UK sizes or the wheat sheaf gauge on them. Obviously, you can buy these with European. Andi US site is Almas well, and you can buy sets. Sitar of made from plastic is well made from metal awfully, the plastic ones with a bit cheaper to buy. Once you've worked out the links of why that you need to make your ring, you have seen me to ruler to measure it properly on, then to be out to cut it to the white lengths. Depending on the sickness of your wire, you can either use wire cutters or you can use that you were. So you also going to need a file. But if you haven't already got one, then ah, half round six inch fire of a medium cut is also Sometimes there's a cut to is a very good investment. It does everything that you need for this project and you're you're to use it for many, many other different joy. Making projects well for making Bangles to making pendants I'm from doing stone setting is well. We can also use a engineer set square, but I help us make certain ends. The why have been filed? License square saying Meet nice tightly What you do any filing with no need to bend the wires of the ends, meet head on on died on your applies. A brilliant for helping with that Because see, nylon college, ALS will move the while about actually marking it. Once you sold did your rings where they're going to need to shape them around a triplet using a nylon hammer. The triple it will allow the rings reshapes nice and smooth. Me to get that lasts around reshape that were after on the night on hammer won't touch it. Leave marks on the silver, then my favorite tools. My Hamas. It's just a few of my hammers that you can use to put last textures on for the rings your son is. Think about where you're going to work. I've made my own version of a jeweler's traditional set up with a semi circle. Cut out the desk, a leather underneath to catch scrap and dust on the bench pack to support my work. But you could just as easily work on a piece of wood scrap piece of wood that is clumps the edge of the table. Although it doesn't look like a lot of equipment here, you can actually keep your spending to a minimum by substituting some of the things. For example, if you don't work with sick wife your rings, you won't need to. Julian Sore. Have wire cutters. Would you jump perfectly if you don't have what I want to buy? A set of brain size is there in your high street jeweler might be out to help you out on. Did they also happen of downloadable guide to touch to this video that will give you a bit of help with working out your insides as well. You can also buy low quality tools to start off with SoCal budget this larger in triple. It's a nice, heavy steel Italian matriculate that will last me a lifetime. This one I bought off the Internet. Smaller, lighter. It won't last as long. You might want to see some of the marks as it's picked up just over the last couple of months. It I've had it, but it would do the job. Justus. Well, even if it doesn't last long, but it's much cheaper to buy. When I'm working with the triplets, I like to support them or a leather cushion, one hammering the rings into shape. But I fold. Your teacher would do just as well. Lastly, if you don't have hammers lying around the house, if you can use, have a look around flea markets or second hand snails. Sometimes old hammers just have been a bit beaten up and give beautiful textures to your silver. 4. Soldering equipment: This is the equipment that you're going to need for soldering the rings again. Everything here can be used to make a whole wide range of other jewelry projects. Do you think about where you're going to work? I was in ST Tiles protecting my work surface. Some people like to work on their stovetop because they know that's a fireproof surface on disused got ventilation above it. You also need at least one soldering brick or soldering block to put your work almost your soldering. You need a blowtorch. I got two different small blowtorches here, both of which are filled with butane that you can buy quite easily in gas lighter refills. You need some tweezers to pick your work up, but also you do not want to pick up hot metal with your fingers. You need something to protect your eyes. Even got one pair there were looking after. The slow cookers I've got here contains the they dilute acid that you call your safety pickle that cleans up with silver After I sold it. It works fastest when it's warm, which his wife was a slow cooker. Vinegar might be a bit smelly er, but that work Justus well, and it will still work even when it's cold. If you do use safety pickle to clean your work up after it's been sold it, then make sure that you're using the plastic all brass tweezers to get your work in and out of the pickle. If you use steel one so they cannot she contaminate the pickle. Of course, you're Sony soldier. I've got three different strips. A soldier here, his heart soda medium soldier. I'm easy, soldier. The names don't refer to how hold or have strongly joiners, but how hard or how easy they are to melt hearts. Soldiers got the highest melting temperate show, followed by medium and the easiest got the lowest melting temperature. If you've got your jewelry project that's got more than one join, then having more than one melting temperature soldier is useful. But we've only got one soldier join in these projects, so we just kind of stick with the easy soldier. We need to cut the soldier into small pieces so that we can work with it more easily. I've steamed out the end of a soldier here just by hammering it, and they knew snips to fringe it a little bit on, and I cut little pieces or pal aeons of soldier and keep them in different boxes. Do make sure that use able both the top on the bottom of the box, so get muddled up. Once a friend, she's being cut, I think cut across it to get the small case of the soldiers I need. When you melt the solder, it just blows up. You need a flux to get it to flow out, flow through your joint and make your soldier joined. Nice and strong. This bright yellow liquid is one version of flux that you can get. I use a paintbrush to paint it on. Why I needed to go. The last very technical piece of equipment that I've got here is an old, quite cream tub filled with water. It's a quench pot. You need to make sure that your work is cool or quench before you pushed in a pickle. 5. Cutting and filing the wire: first date of making your stacking rings is to cut off the wire that you need to make the size of ring you decided on. I'm going to make so 9.5 UK size rings that's a US size seven. Andi. There's a child that's a touch. This video this is going to give you A with the measurements that you're going to need the insides of conference off a size seven ring is 54.4 millimeters, and that's a starting point for working out the length of wire. The need, however, you need to add on a little bit extra because of the sickness of the while you're working with. The standard role is to I don't one the half times the diameter of the wire. One a half times 1.2 is 1.8 attacks the 54.4 and you get 56.2. Now I'm actually going to cut off 57 millimeters because if I was to cut off before I surround down to 56 because I got to do some filing afterwards, that would definitely make the ring too small. So much you're going to round round up slightly to 57 is it? Don't worry. Always a measurements that you need on the table that is available for future download. I've put on a different measurements that you need for different size rings for different sicknesses of why, and then it cuts off seven million ages. Once you cut one, you can use that first things of why so then cuts off. However many means you want. I'm going to make a set off five rings. My five rings. Well, the start of them, anyway. Actually I need to do is make sure that against the rings are completely flat. So that's where I bend them around to meet together. There wasn't going to be got between them, so he supports your work. Support the ring on If you bunch paper with a piece of words that you're working on. Thank achieves a file just to get rid of any sharp edges of the concept. Footed. The files only work in one direction going away from you. If you fall backwards and forwards, the backstroke doesn't actually do anything, so it's like what you doing it? It fell. The other ranges well with the Senate page one. As long as you can see that the each end is nice and flat across your fine. But if you're using two millimeter, why or thicker, then the engineers swear is useful as you can push your wire up against the handle on, make sure the top is no since height up against the top edge to tell me that you've got a nice square and 6. Shaping the wire for soldering: So once you got the end of your wife filed nice and flat, the next job is to bend the wire so those ends meet head on. Just sat down with this one here, the wise being bank around. So the ends meet about in the middle of that line there. This is how we do it. Bend the wire into you. Shape applies really good for this because they can help you bend the wire without pretty marks into it and then bend those things in a bit more and do a bit of fiddling about moving Yin's. But further in, until they meet, I said, I don't show you again. Went into a U shape. He supplies to pensions over that move for thing about trust in the back and forth, getting to meet Nate Me. 7. Soldering the rings: I bought the rings over with solving, Doc. I've put them down, just double checking before I put each down that the joint still is nice and tight zones and still mice and head on. Andi. I've put them on the fire break. So they join is at the top of each is I'm just so I know exactly where it is. I'm going to use a paintbrush to used to put a drop of flux a teach join. You don't need to put the flux everywhere around the ring. Just joined. And then I'm going to scrape most of the flux off the paintbrush, so just dump Well, im going shave. Use a paintbrush. Don't paintbrush to pick up just one piece of flux one piece of time and put it at the joint of each ring. It doesn't matter whether you put the soldier on top of joint or and sorry to the joint. There's always is touching. You can even is that soldiers a bit too fiddly. Put a piece of soldier on the break and then move the ring up to it. Search. It's underneath the join. If you find that you just do, I'm going to use a small total, which I showed you earlier to melt the solder it it to flow out across that joint. But I don't want to focus just on soldier. I need to heat up the whole piece of silver first. And then when that takes on a bit of a reddish tinge, that tells me it's got to the right temperature so I can brush across, back and forth across to join, to melt the soldier and to get it to flow out, to join you into the white. Together, the forces across the plain. She still thinks that. So that's more PC for teaching reports. That's probably a bit of its driver successful soldier together. The discoloration that you get here, it's because we've been using sterling silver. Sterling Silver has got 7.5% copper in it. On the copper reacts with the heating oxygen, the flame to for horse, the cop rock sites, which is what you can see here. It's so the copper oxides we then put in the safety pickle that's in the so cooker this I've got. Next. My self realization. I got safety people, takes off discoloration and melt the other. I'm not sold on the other joints now. Okay, Bottom tinge. Thank you. Secure. You see there, That writer patch, That's the soldier that's flow across the join. - That's sort of the rings soldier together. So now crunchy. The mainly the quench pot coming. But then you Sabraw squeezes to put him in a pickle. Now, this pick was quite warm, so you should be out to sea. Started to clean off already. Once I completely clean, I'll give him a ring to send quench Bush again, dry them on a tea towel, and then it will be trying to shape with, um 8. Soldering troubleshooting: wants to show you one of the main problems that can arise. We have started to soldier and also how to put it right. Wish is the most important thing. It's important to heat your work evenly when your soldering, which is why I saying to brush the flame back and forth across the joint soda always flows to the hottest part of your work. So if you heat one side up more than the other, the soldier is going to flow to that side. And that's what's happened here. The soldiers on this side of the joint on its own. He hasn't actually flown through the joint, pick it up and don't want this has cooled down already. So if I pick it up and show you the soldiers flow. But that joint is definitely open, so we're gonna show you how to put it right. Make sure you join his fellow stuff again. We'll be back with firebreak and put in a little bit more flux on there. That's for good measure. Don't eat any more. Soldiers went. You're so did. I already would be checked out again this time. Make sure I do a bit more on the side. So happy. Ready As a soldier melted, I moved to flame over to this side of the joint because that side became the hottest. The soldier flowed all the way across the joint. And that's now a nice touch. Join this time I'm not gonna pick it out with my fingers is definitely hot. So it's a question. Party goes. 9. Shaping the rings after soldering: This is one of my favorite bits of making the rings. I have these dirty pieces of metal her putting the pickle to clean up, not taken amounts. So I've got five clean but rather misshapen pieces of metal that you do some work with now on and go and maketh um, around on the ring triplets so they actually look will start to look more like rings. That's right. And one of your time Put him on the triplet and then going to tough them. Okay. However, the months the triplet let's get going to shake Grievance the triplet. You definitely want to a hammer head on, not down with we have it down, which then you might make them a little bit bigger. We might need to do that later, but we want to check for us. Okay? So that, uh, that, uh uh, no. - Here my five rings less around, but there are a little bit some little bit wavy, so I need to flat in the mouth of but they sit nicer flats and to do that easiest way to do it is to put them on the woods and use nine on your nine on hammer. Just hum of them until the I Nice of fat. You want to hammer on the woods and not on the metal because the metal surface will be too hard and it could actually flattened out the underside of your rink that Woods would be nice and soft, and it's not going to mark the best little. 10. Filing the rings again!: joint on these rings. So pretty good. There's not much access, soldier, but if there is a little bit of a lump of sort, if you can feel it so much when you're running your finger across the join, you need to get rid of it on. And the best way to do that is with the half round file that we used at the start. He used the flat site to go sweeping across the outside of the joint to get rid of any soldier on and the half around fits nicely on the inside of the ring to get rid of any soldier there, I guess just the forward motion of the file that actually cuts. If you go back with her four words, you're actually more likely to put Ugly Mark saying that you didn't have to try and get rid off because been looked really nice on your ring. 11. A hammered texture: I just want to tell you a little bit more about these hammers and the effect that they have the silver before we actually start hammering the rings. Um, the hammer with a nice round head if he called a ball peen hammer will give nice more facets on your ring where the other side will give much wider facets, which is just a nicer look. Um, on both of those heads on the hammer again will give nice daughter facets, but these sides of the rain office see a straight head. We're going to put lines in on the rings on. You need to be quite careful when you're hammering with these if you're using the straight hammer because if you have a too hard, they're actually going to stretch out the silver and make it a little bit bigger. Silver moves at right angles to the head of the hammer. So if you're having with this side right angles, the head of the hammer is in every direction. So the force of the blow is spread out around the whole head of the hammer with on this side my tangles, the head of the hammer it just in those directions. So if you have a too hard, you could stretch out your ring because it's going to stretch outside, so it's going to move. That might anguish the head. Now that could be quite useful if you've realized that your ring is a little bit too small , because you can actually stretch it a bit bigger with this. But if you rings about the right size and just be careful and use this Hummer, I've put the first ring on the triplet. Well, I'm going to use a ball peen hammer. I prefer to keep the hammer more or less in the same position and twists the ring round. If you wanted to, you could turn the whole triplet instead. Make sure amount the wholeness of drink some nice shiny facets on there. This ring I'm going to do with the other side that's giving some white of facets. You'll be able to see the textures or not better. I show some first steps in orbit on this one. McGlinchey's this hammer. Uh huh. I didn't have a too hard, but I was using that straightedge hammer, so it hasn't made much of a difference, so that means size Are there fish hammering the ranks on? Then I will show you how to in Dar Gering slightly if you made a little bit too small by accident. Uh, like this ring I can see is definitely smaller than the other ones. I must have slips and Mr A millimeter or sue off that it doesn't actually take much. Doesn't take more than a millimeter millimeter the half to change the size of the ring. So to announce this one, pop it back on the triplet And then this time, use the nylon hammer and hit it it it down the triplet china trip It is. I do it so that I'm hitting a ring, even me. 12. Polishing the rings: the's Yes Stand. Also, the quickest way of polishing the rings is to use that you re publishing course, and most high street jewelers sell these very, very cheaply. We need to dio. It's Give your silver up. You can see already how much shining that's become one set of nicely polished stacking rings, although, as you can see, making silver nice and shiny isn't particularly clean work. 13. Conclusion: Well, thank you for watching videos. I hope you've enjoyed watching them. I would love to see the rings that you make different textures to come up with Hamas that you find. I would love to see photo to be working. Progress in your tours and your workspace is well, I love always love seeing photos of people's workspaces and how you organize everything. By working through project in this house, you have learned some very good basic services, enjoying making techniques that you can then go into use in a whole variety of different jewelry making projects. I hope you'll come back and watch the next video that I do, which will teach you so more advanced techniques. And Schaech what? How to add some more decoration to your rings. If you need a feedback on your projected to go through it, or if you cross any comments or questions, then please do type men. Andi, I will get back to you, since I possibly can maybe could be back on each other's work as well and give you some ideas. Thank you for watching 14. BONUS Using solder paste: Here's a quick bonus video for you. I've got a set of three second rings that needs soldering Andi. This time I'm going to soldier them with solder paste. So to Pace does the same job as the traditional former soldier on reduces Adjoining. It's just a strong, but some people find it will be easier to use. However, it is a more expensive way of buying soldiers, so special advantages and disadvantages. So the pace is ground up solder mixed with a flux, so you don't need to use three yellow flux that I showed you earlier in the this video class. In fact, if you use that yellow flux, it will stop the soldier pace from working properly. The pace is most easily found in a syringe with a fine nozzle, but you can also get solder paste from some supplies into a pops or tubs. All I need to do is squeeze a little bit of a soldier paste on to join. As you can see it, only too much solder on the more practice you haven't this the better you'll get estimating how much soldier you actually need for each joint, By the way, I'm using medium soldier because I'm going to add an embellishment on the top of thes rings . The embarrassment will be attached using Easy soldier on. If you want to see me during that, then make sure you go over in the role on the second study. Wings class. This is all about making your stocking leans a bit fancy. A. Now that the Pacers applied. Next job is to heat the silver up exactly same as you've done before. I'm for social natural fly. I've quench the rings, mate was safer to handle on. As you can see, they've now got nice, strong joints. Next job is to put them in the pickle to clean them up, shape around the triple it on their own fish. I think whatever decoration I want to finish when you set a slight Cumings