1. Introduction: hi, everyone, and welcome to shading of the stupid technique, Amanda. And in this class we will experiment with stapling to great beautiful drawings. Stippling the technique net greats, texture and mentioned by using small dots the fun and forgiven way of shading. It's easy to overcome mistakes, and it helps. It's a great confidence so that it can draw free of judgments. It also inspires happiness and commas. You make it. It's different, can feel really challenging in the beginning. But don't worry. I've made simple and needed to follow steps sharing with you what I've learned so far. By the end of the class, you have everything you need to incorporate steeply into her own art pieces. No prior knowledge of during is required on a needed some paper in pence just click and Rome Let's get started.
2. Supplies: Let's go over some of the supplies for making stippling drawings. All you really need is some paper in pence. But here, the materials I like to use for practicing I usually use spring papers and for more polished finish. I use Bristol board because it's thicker and it has his move surface. You can choose any other papers you like when stapling I like the dots to be the same size berman and ink pens. I great for making consistent nuts. All you need to do is lightly tap on the paper just so that the pin makes contact with it. You don't inter press do Heart is not known for the tip of your pen, and it makes it harder to create consistency among the dots. Here have used permanent expense, varying point sizes and colors. When using a regular ben unit to make pressure in order to create dots, they aren't very consistent, and depending on the pen, all you can see is the mark off the pressure on the paper. Not think here I've used for different pens and all of them, so neural later didn't really work for the dots. I wanted to create benzos create different dots dependent on how sharp and house move they are here have used it to age to be for being and six feet, and they will create a different marks on the paper off course that vintage off pencils is that you can. You raised doubts if you don't like them, but the pressure on the paper always leaves a mark anyway. Also, a good thing about stippling is that you create confidence to overcome mistakes without haven't you raise them. Markers can make stupid easier because they usually create bigger dots. However, the ink bleeds on the paper a little bit, depending on how long you make contact with its surface, so you can't really control the size of the duds, and it becomes harder to create consistency. Brush and ink create a nice effect, as it can see. Plus, they make it really pleasant testicle the size of the dots, very depending on the type and size of the paintbrush use. Still, it's quite hard to create consistency among the dots because they change a lot depending on the amount of inky use, Anchalee holder brush and the pressure you make on the paper. Choosing your supplies depends on how you want your stooping to look like. I encourage you together to tools you already have and tried them out so that you get to know what's still to you. Better you can make thoughts of if anything you want, and only you can discover what it's most of feeling to it. Hence in your eyes. So grab your tools and let's start typically.
3. Experimenting with Stippling: stooping is all about having fun and experimenting such get started. Let's fill in some shapes together. If you have access to a printer, you can download the practice worksheets Media file in the project section right below this video. But don't worry. If you don't have a printer, you can simply draw some shapes like this on a blank sheet of paper. We will start with these squares in our less video. I encourage you to experiment with steeping, trying out different materials. Now it's time to grab the seven materials you've like the most and feel in each square with That's I chose for permanent ink pens to markers and one paintbrush. It's a good idea to label river squares with the materials you've used so that you have a reference sheet of how steeply looks like with each of your favorite materials. Don't worry about making perfect dots. Dady is to know how steeply feels like Next used his lines as guides for you to steeple by varying the distance between the dots. It will create different textures and different values. What happens if you make the dots close to one another? What if you leave them further apart. What else can you create? Just experiment. Try simply with different bends and different gaps between the guts. Try to be consistent and then try not to be consistent. Making lines is a great way of practising steeply. Besides, dotted lines can give a nice Dedge to your artwork. Now you can use dis circles to experiment with textures. In the 1st 2 circles I made random. That's I left big gaps between them in the 1st 1 and his more gaps in the second. Can you see how the second circle looks? The record in the 1st 1? In the following circles, I tried out some patterns, steeping with circular movements, creating straight lines and trying to follow the lines of Mr Next. I created a dark texture. I left the dots very close to each other and sometimes even over one another. Finally, in my less circle, I created a shading texture. Given its, um, dimension. Remember that there are no reds and wrongs. It's all about having fun and explorer. I love to see how your experiments look like, and I would love to hear how you feel about it. Feel free to share with us. They work. You've done so far into project section. It would also be nice to hear what you figure it out as you experimented with stapling.
4. Shading with Stippling: Now that you have some experience with stippling, let's practice shading with this technique. In the bottom of the practice worksheets, there is a rectangle inside, which will create a gradual value scale from the left to the right, we'll create a Grady int effect. The left side will be the white area, followed by highlights, meet tones, shadows and finally, black on the right side of the paper. That being said, I left the white area completely blank. Then I started stapling, making the dots closer together as I reach of the black area, the dots touching each other several times in the darker areas. But that's totally fine, Making this values K. You can be really time consuming. I recommend you give yourself some breaks as they make it, so that you keep it pleasant also from time to time, squint your eyes and have a look. Attar's case. This makes it easier to save the gradual values K U is the way you wanted it to be. With soft transitions from light to dark, creating a value scale is a great way of practising shade. Plus, you can use it as a reference for white highlights. Mid tones, shadows and black areas. You will use your values K you as a reference to create some dimension for this curved line . See how we made it look darker along the line? Uh, in lighter. As I distance myself from the line, it should be a quick your exercise just for you to experiment with shading along some four . How about we used the small triangles to experiment with shading, explore this shapes and try to create different textures? Using what you've learned so far, I've made some experiments with consistent feeling shading Seeley Minimalistic feeling caller in different point sizes. Now gather what you've learned so far to create stapling failing for this big triangles, I created a darker area in the intersection of the triangles as if they were over each other and lighter areas where they were by themselves. I would love to see how your practice worksheets looks like, and they'll love to hear how you feel about it.
5. Shading an Object: Let's have a closer look at this orange. Where do you see the shadows? Light creates different kinds of shadow on the orange. Here you can see the dark areas, the shadow on the floor, this round shape close to the oranges outline. And here, on the top of it, there are also some highlights here and here. First I drew this catch, outlining the areas with shadows and highlights. I made a darker along the borders, and I let the dots further apart as I was closer to the made off the orange. Give it a final touch. I used the watercolor pencil. If you want to further explore shading and Other Inc techniques, check out the class, then an ink illustration. The basics for creating magical drawings by Yasmina creates.
6. Final Project + Thank You: Now it's time to create your own heart Beats. Your final project is to draw something you are passionate about. It could be anything that inspires. You have in mind that you can integrate steeping with other techniques in your drawing, Stickling can give a nice search to single drawings and bring life and dimension to our complex drawings. The more you explore stapling, the better. You will understand what you like about it and how you can use it in your drawings. Thank you so much for taking this less I hope you've enjoyed. And I hope if you're confident, inspired to explore shading and steeply If you have any comments or questions, please leave them at the discussion section. I can't wait to see what you've created.