1. Introduction: Hello. My name is Douglas Butner, a k a. Sir Douglas Fresh. And in this course I'm going to help you sell a ton of art on Red Book. Why? Red Bubble. Red Bubble is awesome if you haven't taken any of my courses. I specialize in helping artists make passive income selling. There are online and I can say, without a doubt, read Bubble is the best site for newcomers to sell their artwork. Read Bubble is great at promoting your art. With a little extra effort, we can make sure that search engines find and remember our products. I'm gonna show you my secrets on how to sell consistently with little effort. The same secrets that have helped me sell over 11,000 products to date on redbubble. We're going to start off in the next lesson with general strategies and then go into specific strategies for your art, followed by strategies for your shop on red Boat. Then we're gonna learn how to tailor your keywords, titles and descriptions so that search engines find them and find your other artwork as well. We'll finish up by talking about promoting our products and making sure that we get consistent views and sales for years to come. The methods that we talk about in this course are pretty much set and forget. So once you do the initial work and set him up, you're going to get traffic from multiple sources all the time for years to come. So, guys, let's get started learning how to make a ton of money selling a ton of products on Redbubble.
2. General Strategies & Success Formula: it's time to talk about the general strategy for how we're going to sell a ton of products on Red Boat. I'd like to introduce you to something I call the success formula or the money formula on how we can be successful on Red Bubble. And it's important to keep this in mind so that we know where our success is coming from and the money formula goes like this. Total views times percent chance of you converts to a sale times The average monetary amount of sale equals the total money that we will make weaken further breakdown the total views to the number of products we have times the average views per product. And this is so you kind of get inside your brain on how important it is to have a lot of products. Looking at this simple formula, you can see that there are three variables, so there's three main ways to make more money. First off, we could get more views. Secondly, we could make designs that convert better. Or finally we could make a higher margin by selling more expensive products or raising the commission on our products. So let's go into each one of these and view some general strategies to get more views. We want to upload as many images as possible. We're gonna talk about some more strategies later in artwork strategies on how to get mawr images out of the artwork that we already have. Try to plan ahead a day or a few days every single week that you can upload your artwork. Now I know that uploading is boring, so it's good to plan ahead when you upload and also plan to do it with a leisure activity, like watching courses or binge watching Netflix. But don't let upload and get in the way of your art. Creating you shouldn't ever stop creating toe upload artwork. You should be creating as much artwork as you can when you're in the mood and then upload everything at one time whenever you get the opportunity. You can also get more views by sharing existing products, and this creates more arrows pointing back to your sales pages. We're gonna talk more about securing long term views in this way. Later in the course. The next step is getting designs that convert better if we want to resonate more with our audience. We've got to be in touch with current trends and what people are buying. You may consider covering topics that may be wanted by a larger market or almost in the opposite. You could try to target a niche and become prominent in that niche. Both are very good strategies in order to stay up to par with all the designers out there today, constantly improve your skills through learning through places like skill. Share you to me. YouTube. There's a 1,000,000 resource is out there just waiting for your eyes in your ears. Learn to look at your final products through consumers eyes. You may want to change the preview type. If the item isn't selling well or looks funny, Learn to look at the final product through the consumers eyes you may not even realize, but whenever you upload a product and put it on a specific preview, that is the default item that it shows up on. It may not look good by keeping an eye on your products. You make sure that you have the best chance to convert every view into a sale, and lastly, how can we make higher margins for our sales a great way to do this is to promote Mawr expensive products. Now a lot of my sales come through stickers, and I make maybe 50 cents to a dollar per sticker sale. But if I were to sell blanket, I'd make like 14 to $20. So if I were to promote the blankets and people actually responded to it, I would make 28 times more. Then I made selling a sticker. Speaking of stickers, Stickers are a great product to make money on on Red Boat by default. The sticker margin is 20% so you make either 20 cents or 40 cents, depending on whether or not the user bought six or more stickers and got him for 50% off. If you raise this margin up to, say 50% so you make 50 cents, you will see a lot more money coming your way, and it's really not that much more to the consumer to pay an extra 30 cents. Don't be afraid to do this. I know many artists and do this and are successful, including myself, and that's it. That's the formula for selling a ton of products on redbubble your views times a percent chance somebody is going to buy it times. The average amount of money is the success you're going tohave. Let's keep it rolling with the course and learn more about these strategies.
3. Your Profile: no matter how awesome our art is, we're going to need a good looking shop if we want to be taken seriously as an artist. The first part of having a profile that is successful is simply filling in all of our needed information. And we can do that under account details. The most important two things Here are your short bio and your profile description right here where it says public profile Your short bio is just that a short bio that will show up a couple of places, including right at the top of your profile. It says that it should be 140 characters, and if it's not, it's going to get cut off like minded right there. Your public profile description is kind of similar to the product descriptions that we talked about in the previous lesson, and you kind of want to follow the same principles. But there are a few differences. When we talked about our product descriptions, we were focusing on not only catching the eyes of users but also the eyes of search engines . So we had our link resume point to a bunch of different places on the Web Our public profile description, however, is going to be seen by a lot of eyes. Instead of having to click a button to even see it, it's right there. We can take advantage of this by trying to focus on images, something that will catch the eye and bring in clicks to add a image that is also a link we have to do is put an exclamation point in front of the link to the image as well as after it. And then a colon and then the link that were actually linking to. You can find all the information on how to format your text so that you can link and make your text bold and all the fun things like that just by clicking that link down there and then you will be brought here and you'll be given the information right here. In addition, adding pictures, you can actually embed a YouTube video. So consider making a video introducing yourself or if you do traditional art, maybe painting a picture or something like that. There's no limit to how long this description can be. So take time to write a paragraph kind of giving your brand and yourself. A little bit of flavor, a little bit of hook, a personality that a viewer can vibe with. Your description is gonna show up right here in your portfolio, and you can also edit it right from here. You can see in mind I have links to my other websites, cause I'm really trying to promote those as well as an introductory paragraph, which kind of shows what I'm about in a non direct way. And then I have images linking to other websites as well as specific categories on the red bubble site, with products back under account settings. Make sure you have a avatar set up if you haven't already. You can also add a cover image, which is a really good idea, and it's 600 pixels tall by 2400 pixels wide, and this is where it sits on your proof up, and as it gets wider, it gets bigger and it also scaled down, so it's a really good opportunity to showcase specific art. Maybe if your brand is centered around yourself, you could have a picture of yourself as the artist, or you could just put a collage of different pieces that you've made down under artist tools, you'll see product pricing as the top option. We mentioned in the general strategy that one way to make more money on red bubble is to increase your percentage commission or your margin. As I said before, I highly recommend upping the stickers from 20% to something like 50% in order to maximize your revenue. And I don't think that this will really cause you to sell less. If it does, the sales that you do make will more than make up for that financially. Personally, I haven't adjusted the markup percentage of many other products besides stickers. I kind of leave it at the around 20% that red bubble sets, but that's completely up to you. One thing I would not recommend is to lower your percentage in an attempt to get more sales . The people that buy these products know that there are inexpensive. They're having an emotional attachment to the product. It's something they love. It's a piece of art that they love that they absolutely have to have, and they're probably not gonna make a decision based on if it's a dollar to cheaper than the other shirts on the site. They like your design. They're going to buy underneath pricing. You'll see Google Analytics, and this is a powerful tool, and it will help you keep track of how many of you sure getting and things like that. So if you have a Google Analytics account or if you want to get one, here's how you do it. You get your Web property, I D. And you put it right in here a little further down, you'll see a link that says Promote. Under the promote link, you're going to see that you can send a message automatically to everyone who buys a piece of your work. This is another opportunity to let your brand personality shine through and connect with the consumer. If you scroll down, you'll see that there's an opportunity to put a little widget on a website with HTML. So if you use like tumbler or something like that, you might want to use that. The last link under your account settings is probably the most important and its link to other sites. Here you can put your website, Facebook, page, instagram, Twitter, all these social sites and it will show up in your bio. Under link to other sites you can put in your website Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, tumblr, a couple other sites and it will show up in your bio. This is good for people that want to find you and follow you on social media as well. A search engines. Because there putting together the web of your work more accurately, making a good looking profile is easy but requires a little bit of fung shway. So take time to make sure that the elements are working together. When a user is looking at your profile, they're immediately going to see your collections. Your most powerful tool in terms of actually getting sales directly from your profile is these things called collections. If you're not familiar with collections, there just collections of artwork you can put up to, AH 100 of your pieces in one collection. If you don't currently have any collections, you add them to your portfolio. You'll have a list over here, and you can just click new collection and add your collection while you're still in your portfolio. You can actually drag over to here and add things to the collection. You can see that it actually did. Add that piece another option. If you hit managed portfolio, you can do this sort of and bulk you can select and then apply them to a specific collection. When you're uploading work, all you have to do is click the check box next to the collection at the bottom of the upload page. Collections are the most valuable tool for adding sales, not just because they showcase pieces of art on your profile, but of what they do when you actually look at an individual piece that's in a collection. So here is that piece that I just added to a collection a minute ago. And if we scroll down, we'll see that we have these, um, little wheels down here would show more artwork and these air actually the collections that this belongs to and if I didn't have any collections, always show is this, which is basically just showing my recently added work and doesn't have things that the user might actually be interested in. It just happens to be that I uploaded a lot of fractal work recently, but if I upload a different work, you wouldn't see anymore fractals until you get down here and you'll see that it's part of all fractal art, fractal star escapes and future art Fashion collections use collections to keep your designs organized, as well as make sure that your old art is still getting views in your profile. You also get the opportunity to highlight a specific collection, and you do that with this little arrow right here. Highlighting a collection shows the 1st 6 pieces in that collection. It's a great place to shine and show off a few pieces of artwork at the very front and center. A well laid out profile is like the fung shui of a room. Be sure to take some time just to get an impression of the profile without looking at any individual elements. See how it strikes you and then ask others for their opinions. They might see something that you won't, and it's always the outside I that you're concerned with, not your own. As he artists, you're always going to have your own opinion of what you want shown or how you think that you're being presented when in reality, the person who's seeing it might think completely differently. Take time to focus on the vibe that you're getting from your page and also remember that you're the author, so you're going to need a fresh pair of eyes like a friend colleague spouse dog to give you their opinion and let you know what you might need to change. You also might have pieces of work that you're particularly fond of, but other people might find offensive, repulsive or just plain ugly. In any case, sure, your profile to as many people as possible and ask for their feedback. Show them some other pieces of art and say, Hey, what you think I should feature? If you don't know which art pieces the feature, you can go by your sales. And I don't mean try to promote designs that haven't been selling well, so they'll even out sales. I mean promoting your designs that are already selling. If a design is selling, it means that it's going to keep selling. Try to promote your top song designs as much as possible on your profile. This includes making top selling artwork on the cover of each collection. You can change the featured image for the collection by going to this little settings icon and then right where it says Cover image, Pick out the new image. Let's quickly review what we learned in this lesson. Under account details. There's a few things that we want toe fill out, including pricing details linking to other sites as well as Google analytics and editing our cover image. We talked about the importance of having a good profile description or bio, which shows up right here. We talked about using a lot of visual images as links to get clicks as well as eyes. We talked about collections as the most powerful thing for driving sales. Promoting products that are selling well by making them cover images is a good way to make sure they keep getting seen and keep getting sold. Finally, we talked about turning in the fung shway of our profile and having an outside pair of eyes take a look and give us advice
4. Artwork Tips: Let's look at some strategies for our art work. The first strategy is very simple. Upload a ton of art. Keep a list of ideas for future pieces of artwork. You can use Google documents. Send yourself Facebook messages. Keep an actual list or anything else to make sure that you have ideas written down as soon as they come to you. It's a great idea to keep a sketch pad handy so you can actually draw out the ideas. If you only write down the general idea, you may draw blank when it comes to make the peace in a graphic design program. A schedule bring you back to exactly what you were thinking at the time, and if you sketch out multiple different versions, you'll know that you're coming up with something awesome. You'll find plenty of time in your daily life to come up with and sketch out ideas. Once you adopt the mind state that you're an artist and that this is what you do for a living. Ideas will come from all over the place and at all times, so be ready. Another super valuable tip is to make variations of your artwork when you're creating it. Possibly the easiest way to do this is with color variations, which can be a simple as adjusting a hue, slider and photo shop or using the re color artwork tool in illustrator. For text based designs, use different colors that will look good on dark and light fabrics. You could also use Illustrator or Photoshopped to put it image inside the text. If you're taking photos of the traditional art you do, you can still take them into photo shop for alternate versions. At the very least, you should take the photo into photo shop and see if changes like curves sharpening or hue . Saturation brightness adjustment will make the piece look better when you're working with vector artwork. It's very easy to select all the elements of a particular color and change that color or to re color the whole piece with the re color artwork tool. When it comes time to upload your different versions of the same piece of art, you may want to consider using different names or keywords, and this ensures that the art will show up when people search different things, so you get different viewers, and if your art is all in the same collection. The viewer will probably get to see all the different versions, no matter what the next tip is. Bigger is better on red bubble images scaled down to fit products, not up. So you want to design as big as you can. The smallest required image for red bubble is a green card, which is 1300 by 900 pixels. The largest is for a king size duvet cover, which is 13,500 by 11,000 462 pixels. So ideally, you would want to design everything at least 13,500 by 11,462 pixels. But if you can't do this, you can also use the repeat button when you're uploading to put smaller images on bigger products. If you watch my automate er seriously, you may be tempted to go in tow. Automate er and rece eyes, all of your art to the size of a king DeVette. But this isn't necessarily a good idea, because if you're stretching out your artwork going to lose some image quality, you can get away with about 20% over the original size. But anything above that. Don't do it. The next tip for making artwork that sells is to know what's popping. Keep tabs on what is popular, what's selling well, and I don't just mean on red bubble, but anywhere in the mall. On ads, you see whether people are buying art. Look at what's out there and get ideas for your own art not to copy, but to incorporate elements and to know the general style that people are buying. It's quite easy to incorporate popular themes into your style of artwork, especially if you targeted a niche. For example, when they keep calm, designs were popular. You saw artists from all over the place, throwing up a keep calm design with their particular input. You don't need to sacrifice your artistic creed to do this. There's no limit to the amount of art that you can upload on redbubble. There's plenty of space to do your specific style and to incorporate with popular styles of the day. And keep in mind that when you do incorporate with popular styles, you're going to be getting new viewers, and these new viewers are going to be seeing your artwork that you actually are proud of and actually want to sell. This next tip isn't a hard, fast rule, but if you can keep your profile toe one or a few styles of artwork, you can always open up a new profile on red Bubble if you need to. If you don't do this, which is also perfectly fine. Use collections. Two groups similar artwork together. And finally, when you're designing artwork, use folders and file naming conventions to keep yourself ST. Check out the bonus lesson included in this course about this topic. And remember, guys always keep learning and evolving yourself. As an artist, I already know that you like to learn because you're taking this course. So go out on YouTube on you. To me on skill, share anywhere and find more information and learn to create artwork with new techniques and to improve your techniques so that your artwork is up to par with what's in the marketplace today.
5. Maximizing Titles Descriptions & Tags: Let's talk about how to improve our titles, descriptions and tags to maximize the chance that our work will be found as well as bought We've got three general goals were trying to accomplish here. The first is to make the upload process simple and easy. If you don't like uploading work, chances are you're not gonna do it. And if you do do it, you're not gonna have a good time. And you're gonna be dragging your feet through the mud, which isn't efficient or fun. We're going to make it very easy for ourselves. In fact, so easy. All we have to do is copy and paste. The second goal is to maximize our S e o of our products by creating a web of links to our profiles and other products. Finally, we're going to help the users themselves find our stuff through links and images. So far, I've talked a lot about links, and links are very important booth for users to find your stuff as well as search engines. Everything you put in the description box is going to be read or followed by a search engine. At some point, we're going to get together a link resume of sorts, and this link resume is going to be everything that we want to promote. This is booth to search engines and to users. It's a good idea to compose and keep this link resume in a separate document. That way you can change it as well as copy and paste it quickly. It's a good thing to keep in mind that Google does read the text surrounding your links, so don't just throw links in there. Have a little description of what they are. If you click down here at the bottom, you'll be guided to text formatting tips. And these are sort of short codes that lets you late text see right there as well as you can link videos and images and make your text bold list items underlined italicized things like that. So what type of links do we want? In our description, we mostly want link store artwork as well as links to our profile on other sites that we sell our work. You can choose to promote a specific piece of work that is selling well where you want to sell Well, you can do something like I've done and linked to specific product types. And just like in our profile bio, it's a great idea to add pictures. You may consider doing something like creating pictures that are rectangles like this wider than they are tall and stacking these images to create a visual menu that links to different products or two different profiles that you have on the Internet, which also sell your products. You can add YouTube videos so you may want to make a video of yourself conveying information about your brand. While we're talking about talking about your brand, your description is where you can let your brand personality shine through in a short amount of time and space. Try to convey a little information about your brand or yourself. Think about this like an elevator pitch, a pitch that's delivered in the time it takes an elevator to get from one floor to a different floor. You want to impress this person to sell them an idea. You want this idea that you're selling to resonate with your brand. Whether that idea is that adventure time is the best show ever, or that the world is beautiful. Maybe you just want to convey that you're one of the best artists at your discipline. Whatever you're doing, make sure that you're hooking the user just like you would in an essay or short story. Get them interested, get them excited and remember, don't be bored. Let's look at a couple of my descriptions so I can show you some of the things that I was talking about. In this description. I say I make fractal art and universe art because I love the universe and this beautiful world. That's my sort of showing a little bit about my brand. Then I go on to explain a little bit on how the artist made and why it's beautiful, which is also part of my brand personality. Then I linked to my personal website as well as Facebook Page and link to other websites that I sell shirts, some of them with images linking. So if you click this, it'll bring you right to my website, which takes a while to load. Unfortunately, further down, I have links to specific product types which may perform better further up, as well as links to websites and links to other profiles like Art of Wear Society. Six. I even have links to my courses. And finally, for the users that are actually reading, I have another paragraph that is giving Mawr brand personality, letting them connect more with me. And with this brand. I think this is a really good strategy, saving this to the end because if you have a user's attention, you should use it. But you don't want to bombard them with the big paragraph at the beginning of your description. Here's another description for my fractal work. Um, it's got a different sentence at the beginning. Factor are is beautiful to the human brain because we're fractal beings living a fact of life on a fractal plane. One love and it's got a bunch of links here. I do have my products up towards the top, as well as my other art links and information about the universe Art. At the very bottom, you can see two styles of linking here. This is what happens if you don't do the quotation marks colon and then the link. If you just put a Lincoln there, it will still link. But it's kind of ugly like this. Compare that to these links here, which are just a word, which will take you to the correct place. Once you have your description and it's looking good, be short of save it in a text document somewhere on your computer. When it comes time to upload, all you have to do is copy and paste from this document into your products. From there, you can add a little description about the actual piece itself. But you've got all this information already ready, and if you're not feeling like it, you can just use this description. Once you've got your description and you've looked at the preview and it looks good, go ahead and save it in a text document. When it comes time to upload, all you gotta do is copy and paste making uploading a breeze if you want. You can always type some stuff about the actual piece at the very beginning of the description. Now let's talk about your title. Tunnels are very powerful, not just because they're the text at the top of the page, but because of what that means to search engines. In addition to the tax at the top of the page, the title is going to be up here in the URL itself and search engines give a lot of weight to that girl you can see right here. I removed the end, and now we have what you would call a regular title, just the piece of the work. Most artists are going to just title their work what the title actually is. If you do this, you're kind of thrown away all the advantage that the title is giving you the title that I have right now. Electric Sea Turtle doesn't really tell you anything about the work because it's an abstract piece of fractal art. To make an improved title at keywords and a relevant to the work like fractal art, you may want to use a separating character like the pipe that I used right here. The finished version of this improved title is the name of the work, followed by a separation character, followed by relevant keywords or information about the art that users might be searching. Now let's talk about tags or keywords. As I like to call them. You're allowed to have up to 50 tags, and it's a good idea to try to maximize your tags and use at least maybe 30 at first, it's going to be difficult to come up with all these tags, but there's a lot of good ways to find new tags built in tow. AdSense. There's a keyword planner, which has a lot of great tools for finding tags. There's more tips in this in the bonus lesson attached to this course. Another great idea is to search red bubble in order to find new tags. Type in a tag that you're already using may be the most obvious or best tag that you have So fractal art. Once you find a piece, go to the artist notes and look at the tags that they're using. So they have mathematics, algebra, Einstein geek um, spiral, fractal, nerdy, big bang of all good tags. Don't be afraid to copy these tags and use them for your own designs that come up at the top when you search on red bubble or the top selling designs. So chances are some of the tags that they're using are getting a lot of searches. Once you've got a good amount of tags that you plan on using for maybe a subsection of your work or even all of your work, be sure to copy and paste it into a document like you did with your description. Then you can just copy and paste them back when you're uploading, adding new tags for the specific piece of work. Also, when you're uploading, don't forget to add it to your collections.
6. Promoting Your Works: Let's talk about promoting our work with the goal of number one, get on Google and other search engines and number to build up a fan base. The concept here is we're gonna build a Web, that search engines are going to crawl and this Web is going to show the search engines that were legit and declare our content is valuable and worthy to display near the top as a result of searches and image surges. It's a good thing to point out that image searches are a big source of traffic for our art . We're gonna talk very soon about how sites like Pinterest and when yellow will create another copy of our image and improve the chances that the image will show up in search results. We used our link resume to help link our products and our profiles, and this will help users as well a search engines. But we also want to link our products as much as possible on other reputable sites. So basically we're sharing images of our products on certain sites that can help them be successful. We're going to talk about good, better and best, and we're going to start out with good. And what is good to do is to share on social media like Facebook, instagram and Twitter. If you haven't already set up individual accounts for your artists profile and this is going to help because you could name the account the name of your red bubble account and you're going to get more cohesion and help users as well a search engines understand that they're the same thing. Use whatever social media accounts work well for you. And if you want to be an All Star, you can use a social media manager to help you post on all of the social media sites that you have. Make sure that your profiles aren't set to private. It's for this reason that Facebook isn't really a good option for getting search engines to find your work. Facebook's very good about hiding your images from search engines. Keep in mind that these aren't public platforms. You need to be friends or to be following somebody to see their content. Instagram is a little bit better than Facebook, and your images probably will show up in search results. So what sites are better than Facebook, instagram and Twitter for getting our products out there, the two that I recommend our Pinterest and when you you probably have at least heard of Pinterest. It's an image based site that allows people to pin things to a board, and you can see right here there's a rib bubble product that somebody has pinned. Pinterest is great because it's well respected by Google, and its image based Pinterest is going to create a copy of your image, which will then be indexed by search engines and show up in image search results. You may not have heard of the site. When you go, it stands for one need love, and it's a website dedicated to products. You can save as many products as you want to collections, much like you pinned to boards on pinchers. I can't stress enough the importance of sharing to these two sites. Pinterest and Manila both are well respected by Google and will get your image an image. Search results quicker than if you didn't post, and finally, the best way is toe have your own personal website and to promote your products through this. Now, when I say best, I mean this from a search engine standpoint whenever I Google and try to find my piece of artwork, I usually find Sir Douglas fresh dot com. Images do better than Pinterest when yellow or images on red bubble dot com If you have a WORDPRESS site, you'll have a ton of S E O plug ins available. These plug ins will help your pictures get great ranks and show up high in search results. It's a good idea to make your domain name your artist name. You know the same as your red bubble profile name. If it's available, you might also try your subject matter or tags in your domain name. But keep in mind the words in your domain name have the highest weight that Google will assign. A couple more tips are number one to make a page on Facebook. This will help you keep in touch with your fan base. You can share products on there even though they may not be indexed by search engines as well, but it will help you connect and stay in touch with people. You can also try joining Facebook groups and posting your art. This may not be the best as far as getting sales like other artists in the group may not by your artwork, but it will help you feel good and get feedback about your work. And it never hurts to join these groups and opposed art. Another valuable tip for using Red bubble dot com is to comment on other people's work. Now I don't mean be a spammer and say, Hey, check out my profile. Hey, check out my profile here, check out my profile. I mean, just comment like, Hey, I really like the colors that you used and of content Hey, I really like this piece. And of common people looking at the product are going to see your name as well as your icon , right beside the comment. And if they're interested, they might go to your profile and finally know whether you're targeting actual people or search engines or both. I recommend targeting search engines. Your results are going to be a lot longer term if you're consistently showing up in search results. Another thing to think about is your Snapchat story isn't going to get you any traffic a year from now. Same with your Facebook post, but you do get to connect with real people through these two mediums. Both of them are good, and both of them are valuable. When you're targeting real people keep timing in mind. You don't want to pose 10 things in a row and clog up people's feed. If you do, they're probably gonna unfollowed build relationships. Be kind and be helpful. Represent yourself in your brand well.
7. Continued Success: our guys were at the end of the court. So now it's time to review and give a few more tips for your continued success. In this course, we've learned the red bubble success formula. The amount of money you make equals the views times the percent chance that somebody is going to buy times the average amount of money that you make. We talked about setting up our profile successfully, including a bio icon and a top banner image. We learned about the importance of collections and highlighting one image so that it gets Seymour and sold more. I encourage you to upload as much as you can, including variations, and that big images are a lot better than small images for our products. We talked about making a description that counts using a link, resume images and letting our brand personality show we talked about using a title and tags that improve our CEO. We talk about how we can convince search engines that were legit and worthy of high results for years to come, using the good sites like Facebook, instagram, Twitter, the better sharing on Pinterest and one ILO and the best making our own WordPress site and installing s CEO plug ins to help a few more tips for long lasting success. Number one fans are your income now. This course is designed to get you traffic regardless of if you have a fan base or not. In fact, we targeted search engines in the majority of this course. That being said, cultivating lifelong fans is the way to lasting success for any artist number to be aware of. What is selling on Red Bow? Do a search for a keyword and see what comes up on top. Also promote the items in your store that air selling the most if they sold once they're going to sell again. Three. Keep building your Web, update your link resume, including new profiles and weed out things that you thought were good but are now distracting from your better links. And finally get involved. Learn from others. Joined Facebook groups. And don't be afraid to collaborate with other artists. I would love to have everyone that takes this course join my Facebook group. It's called Make Money as an artist on not in this group. There's lots of great artists, and we all share tips and tricks and help to keep each other up to date in the changing world of selling art online. Thank you for taking this course. My name is Sir Douglas Fresh. Stay awesome.
8. Staying Organized (From Start an Online T-Shirt Business): before we go any further, let's make sure that we don't get lost by planning. Our journey will collect the information that we need in the future and make it easily accessible in text documents. When you're writing your brand statements coming up with slogans, tags writing, product descriptions, things like that, make sure to keep everything organized. The easiest way to do this This. Keep a Google document or were document with everything in the same place you could handwrite these, but it's much easier to keep a digital copy. This document will come in handy when it comes time to upload your designs or any other time you need to write about one of your designs or your brand itself. At the very least, you'll want a document with your product descriptions and tags as well as other meta information, one with your temple branding information and one with your ideas for future T shirts. In practice, you'll probably have a lot more documents in three, so keep them all in a folder. You can even use a program like Scrivener to keep everything in one place. I like scrivener because it keeps all my documents in one place, so I only have to save one specific thing, and it's got everything else in it. It also automatically saves, which is pretty cool. But Google documents Is Justus Good Oven option. You can put things in folders and even better than scrivener. It's available on all of your devices. Here you can see the 27 page script that I've written for this course. The great thing about Google documents is that I've got this on my phone. So with iPhones, I could just dictate this text and then go back on my computer and edit it. Make sure everything is gravy. Whatever text editor that you choose to use online or off, just make sure that you keep everything. These documents will save you so much time in the future. It's ridiculous, and it's very good to invest now in making sure you're not gonna be having headaches later in the game when you need to come up with this information
9. Comparing Tags with Adwords (From Start an Online T-Shirt Business): Now, when we're looking for key words, Um, we want to know how many people are searching these keywords as well as how popular they are, because if we're designing for something that nobody's looking for, nobody's gonna find it and we're not gonna make any sales. So the easiest way you would think to do this is just a Google search. Now I want to find out if the tag Galaxy shirts or the tag Universe shirts is going to get more attention. So first of my search galaxy shirts, and we'll see that we have 26.8 million results, and then we'll surge universe shirts and we'll see we get 16 million. So it looks like galaxy shirts. Um, at least have more presence on the Internet. This is how many pages linked to that through Google's algorithms. It doesn't necessarily mean how many people are searching for it. Now, if you want to find that out, um, of great, free way to do this is to use Google AdWords. Now I say this is free cause we don't actually have to spend any money on AdWords. You'll see. They're asking me toe re enter my billing information, but I'm not buying anything, so I don't really have a need to. So we're gonna go to tools and go to keyword planner, and that's where we can do a little bit of research for our keywords. Okay, so once we're in the keyword planner, we've got a few different things. Weaken Dio. What we're gonna want is to get search volume for a list of keywords. And finally, we're going to search for new keywords based on what we find. So, um, that's look at galaxy shirts and universe shirts, okay? And what comes up is ah, just a basic number of the average monthly searches. Now, it's pretty easy to see that Galaxy Shirts is getting a lot more monthly searches than universe shirts. And we couldn't just tell that through searching them on Google. Once we know that information, we're going to go back to keyword planner and we're going to search for new keywords and add group ideas. So now that we knew the galaxy shirts is what we want, we'll search for that. Don't worry about anything else. We're not gonna purchase any ads. We're just doing a little bit of research So, um, we see that we get ad group ideas as well as keyword ideas. So if we go to keyword ideas, you'll see the Google suggests a bunch of different keywords that are similar, and you get to see how many monthly searches they have Now. It's saying galaxy shirts gets even more monthly searches. So low discrepancy there. A lot of these. They're just basic, you know, tags that, ah, have nothing, nothing to do with what we're saying. But we do get to see Galaxy shirts for Guys is pretty often churched, comparatively to some of the others. On Also, Galaxy T shirts with the tea is also getting some surges. So let's go to ag group ideas and see if we can learn some more. And these are collections of multiple keywords that Google thinks would work well together for you. You don't have to use all of them. You can just use whatever you want. So let's go to Galaxy Shirt and we'll see that. Ah, we got a bunch of similar tags that we could use if we want to. Let's take a look at some of the average monthly search searches we can see that galaxy shirt Men is getting a decent amount of searches, and this is something that we might not think of. You know, a lot of galaxy shirts might be designed for women. So whenever a guy is searching for a Galaxy shirt, they might find a bunch of women shirts and then search for galaxy shirt men, which seems to be happening. So that's something that we can use in our tags, and maybe our competitors aren't using that, so that gives us an advantage for that keyword. So use this tool to get some ideas about tags and also to see a rough estimate of how well the tags will perform. You don't do this for every single tag, but if you're stuck between two, it's a great way to compare. And because Google is so big, it's pretty representative of the entire population. So it's a pretty good metric for how well these tax will dio
10. Types of Artwork (From Sell Art Online Masterclass): Types of artwork. There's so many ways to create in this amazing technological age, we're going to talk about some of the common ways creators make art. This may inspire you to create in different ways and to expand what you create into different mediums. Photography, photography is one of the most popular art forms being sold online today. Thus, there are plenty of sites to sell stock photography, as well as plenty of photographer's trying to get a slice of the pie, you can make good money as a photographer online. But it may take some know-how to be super successful. We're gonna teach you many tips in this course to help you sell in this crowded market. Image manipulations, things like collages or storing and repurposing public domain images in creating, remix or mash-up images all fall under image manipulation. Image manipulation is great because all you need is a little bit of Photoshop skills. You'll be amazed how many public domain images are available or other images with licensing that allows him to be remixed and sold. Any work with the Creative Commons Zero or CC license you can use in your work. Although the CC license states, including Without limitation, commercial purposes, you typically are not allowed to sell public domain images outright because of policies with stock sites and print on demand services. But once you modify a creative carbon 0 image, it's usually fine to sell it on all platforms. We have included some websites in the resources for this course that you can use to find free images, makes, and repurpose. Let's talk about some style. Have image manipulation and look at some examples. Stylized photographs. Stylized photographs are photos that are manipulated using filters to make them look hand-drawn or in a particular style of art, digital collages, collages combine multiple artworks, often contrasting into one piece of work. Collages are popular sellers on websites like societies six and red bulb, restoration and enhancements. There are plenty of good historic and modern public domain images. You can enhance in Photoshop or Lightroom or similar software. I like to use public domain nasa images in my work, which I enhance, change the colors, and then sell on many products patterns, creating vector and bitmap patterns is a really exciting creative pursuit. The market isn't as saturated as photography because it requires a specialty skill. Not that photography does. Creating patterns is great because you can sell just the pattern and also use it in your future artwork. Giving you a valuable element to work with. Patterns can do well on stock sites, but may not translate to every type of product on print on demand sites. Some products that work really well on, like all over printed clothing, but they probably don't work as well on stickers or standard printed t-shirt. Computer-generated our work. Creating our work on the computer does not always mean opening up Photoshop. There are a lot of programs that create artwork out of algorithms, data, user input and more. One example of this is fractal art, which I have been creating for a few years now. Fractal art is really beautiful, surprisingly easy to make, but difficult to master. Also, it takes a really good computer to render it out in a decent period of time. You can also create computer-generated art on a phone or tablet using a variety of applications. The most important thing with a computer-generated art piece is being able to save it out at a resolution that is large enough to be useful to sell. And this is sometimes difficult, especially with free versions of apps or apps on a tablet or phone. If you're able to create artwork that is greater than 4500 by 4500 pixels. You're good to go for most products and all stock photography sites. But bigger is always better. Digital painting, many artists create digital art that looks like it was actually painted using a graphics tablet, like there's sold by wacko. Whack on tablets are a lot of fun. And if you've never used when, I suggest you get your hands on one and just play around for a whole day. Another cool thing, if you're not quite a Michelangelo, is you can use a blurb brush to take a regular photograph and make it look like it was made of brushstrokes. Traditional 2D artwork. If you create our work on a canvas or other rectangle, all you have to do is take a good picture of it to sell online. This course will open up a Pandora's box of income streams. And you will still have your original artwork to keep, sell, or give to your mother. If you create something like pottery, you may still find some money selling pictures of your creation online with a picture like that. It's all about composition, then you can still sell the physical pottery. We don't focus on selling physical products in this course, but we will help you sell the picture. Typographic art. Well, I can't talk about every form of art. Typographic art is something that is worth your attention. You can make type art in pretty much any application. You can find free typefaces using sites like font Squirrel and font Using a vector program like Adobe Illustrator really opens up the possibilities of type. And with the right typeface, most of the work is already done. Type designs are grade for selling on T-shirts, diggers, and other print on demand products. Because you can make them quickly and with the right words. They can go viral and make you money for a long time to come. You can put an image and text to in Photoshop or Illustrator for an easy viable clothing design, it doesn't take a lot of time or skills to make a basic type design, but you can also create a masterpiece of text. Vector art. Vector art is created in Adobe Illustrator, crows draw or similar program, and allows for infinite quality of images because the information is stored in equations instead of a grid of square pixels. Working with vector art means you're able to render out any size image of your art, which you can then sell on any product. This is really awesome because sometimes even with a really good camera, you can't get the resolution to cover a product like a blanket. You can also sell the actual vector file itself. And most stock photography sites allow you to do this, although it's usually a bit more complicated than just uploading a JPEG. Adobe Stock and Shutterstock have recently made it very easy to upload your vectors while some other sites store acquired, you create a JPEG image. Sometimes package your vector and previews into a zip file. I think that in the future, other stock photography sites will follow suit and make it easy for you to just upload the vector file itself and they will handle the rest. Vector packs. It's very popular to create packs are sets of vector artwork which provide more value to the downloader as they only have to buy one thing. Creating a successful vector pack can make you a lot of money. Vector packs requires some time and skill to create, but it can be a long-term asset and make you reliable income for years to come. And finally, video. Now this course isn't about video. Video is something great to think about if you're already putting your art on stock photo sites, videos, SOS for much more narrow and photographs on stock sites. And it's a less saturated mortgage, at least for now.